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Arbitrary Attribute Interchange Protocol , AAIP version 0.2
Demonstration program for encoding and decoding EA and ACL.
See http://libburnia-project.org/wiki/AAIP
test/aaip_0.2.h - Public declarations
#ifndef Aaip_h_is_includeD
#define Aaip_h_is_includeD yes
/* --------------------------------- Encoder ---------------------------- */
/* Convert an array of Arbitrary Attributes into a series of AAIP fields.
@param aa_name The 2 byte SUSP Signature Word of the fields
@param num_attrs Number of attributes
@param names Array of pointers to 0 terminated name strings
@param attr_lengths Array of byte lengths for each attribute payload
@param attrs Array of pointers to the attribute payload bytes
@param result_len Number of bytes in the resulting SUSP field string
@param result *result will point to the start of the result string.
This is malloc() memory which needs to be freed when
no longer needed
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= set CONTINUE bit of last AA field to 1
@return >0 is the number of SUSP fields generated,
0 means error
unsigned int aaip_encode(char aa_name[2],
unsigned int num_attrs, char **names,
size_t *attr_lengths, char **attrs,
size_t *result_len, unsigned char **result, int flag);
2008-12-26 12:40:04 +00:00
/* Convert an ACL from long text form into the value of an Arbitrary
2008-12-25 14:01:36 +00:00
Attribute. According to AAIP 0.2 this value is to be stored together with
an empty name.
@param acl_text The ACL in long text form
@param result_len Number of bytes in the resulting value
@param result *result will point to the start of the result string.
This is malloc() memory which needs to be freed when
no longer needed
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= count only
bit1= use numeric qualifiers rather than names
@return >0 means ok
0 means error
int aaip_encode_acl(char *acl_text,
size_t *result_len, unsigned char **result, int flag);
/* --------------------------------- Decoder ---------------------------- */
The AAIP decoder avoids the use of dynamic memory. It rather provides a
stateful decoding context with a small buffer which delivers results to
caller provided memory locations.
This may be done stream-like via the Component Level Interface or to
fixly sized storage for name and value via the Pair Level Interface.
/* The AAIP decoder context.
struct aaip_state;
/* Obtain the size in bytes of an aaip_state object.
size_t aaip_sizeof_aaip_state(void);
/* Initialize a AAIP decoder context.
This has to be done before the first AA field of a node is processed.
The caller has to provide the storage of the struct aaip_state.
int aaip_init(struct aaip_state *aaip, char aa_name[2], int flag);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Component Level Interface
Provides support for unlimited component size but demands the caller
to have a growing storage facility resp. to do own oversize handling.
This interface expects moderatly sized input pieces and will hand out
moderately sized result pieces. The number of ransactions is virtually
/* Submit small data chunk for decoding.
The return value will tell whether data are pending for being fetched.
@param aaip The AAIP decoder context
@param data Not more than 2048 bytes input for the decoder
@param num_data Number of bytes in data
0 inquires the buffer status avoiding replies <= 0
@param ready_bytes Number of decoded bytes ready for delivery
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
@return -1= non-AA field detected
*ready_bytes gives number of consumed bytes in data
0= cannot accept data because buffer full
1= no component record complete, submit more data
2= component record complete, may be delivered
3= component complete, may be delivered
4= no component available, no more data expected, done
int aaip_submit_data(struct aaip_state *aaip,
unsigned char *data, size_t num_data,
size_t *ready_bytes, int flag);
/* Fetch the available part of current component.
The return value will tell whether it belongs to name or to value and
whether that name or value is completed now.
@param aaip The AAIP decoder context
@param result Has to point to storage for the component data
@param result_size Gives the amount of provided result storage
@param num_result Will tell the number of fetched result bytes
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= discard data rather than copying to result
@return -2 = insufficient result_size
-1 = no data ready for delivery
0 = result holds the final part of a name
1 = result holds an intermediate part of a name
2 = result holds the final part of a value
3 = result holds an intermediate part of a value
int aaip_fetch_data(struct aaip_state *aaip,
char *result, size_t result_size, size_t *num_result,
int flag);
/* Skip the current component and eventually the following value component.
This has to be called if fetching of a component shall be aborted
but the next component resp. pair shall be fetchable again.
aaip_submit_data() will not indicate readiness for fetching until all
bytes of the skipped components are submitted. Those bytes get discarded.
@param aaip The AAIP decoder context
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= do not skip value if current component is name
@return <=0 error , 1= now in skip state, 2= not in skip state
int aaip_skip_component(struct aaip_state *aaip, int flag);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Pair Level Interface
Provides support for names and values of limited size. The limits are
given by the caller who has to provide the storage for name and value.
This interface expects moderatly sized input pieces.
The number of input transcations is virtually unlimited.
The number of pair transactions after aaip_init() should be limited
to 4 billion.
/* Accept raw input data and collect a pair of name and value.
The return value iwill indicate whether the pair is complete, whether more
pairs are complete or whether more data are desired. No input data will be
accepted as long as complete pairs are pending. The end of the attribute
list will be indicated.
@param aaip The AAIP decoder context
@param data The raw data to decode
@param num_data Number of data bytes provided
@param consumed Returns the number of consumed data bytes
@param name Buffer to build the name string
@param name_size Maximum number of bytes in name
@param name_fill Holds the current buffer fill of name
@param value Buffer to build the value string
@param value_size Maximum number of bytes in value
@param value_fill Holds the current buffer fill of value
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes - submit 0 for now
@return <0 error
0 data not accepted, first fetch pending pairs with num_data == 0
1 name and value are not valid yet, submit more data
2 name and value are valid, submit more data
3 name and value are valid, pairs pending, fetch with num_data == 0
4 name and value are valid, no more data expected
5 name and value are not valid, no more data expected
int aaip_decode_pair(struct aaip_state *aaip,
unsigned char *data, size_t num_data, size_t *consumed,
char *name, size_t name_size, size_t *name_fill,
char *value, size_t value_size, size_t *value_fill,
int flag);
/* Inquire the number of pairs which were skipped because being oversized.
@param aaip The AAIP decoder context
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes - submit 0 for now
@return The number of pairs skipped since aaip_init()
unsigned int aaip_get_pairs_skipped(struct aaip_state *aaip, int flag);
2008-12-26 12:40:04 +00:00
/* Convert an AAIP 0.2 ACL attribute value into the long text form of ACL.
@param data The raw data to decode
@param num_data Number of data bytes provided
@param consumed Returns the number of consumed data bytes
@param acl_text Will be filled with ACL long text form
@param acl_text_size Maximum number of bytes to be written to acl_text
@param acl_text_fill Will return the number of bytes in acl_text
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= count only, do not really produce bytes:
acl_text will not be touched,
acl_text_size will be ignored,
*acl_text_fill will return the counted number
bit1= expected is a default ACL (see return value 2)
@return 1 success
2 success, begin of default/access ACL encountered,
submit data + *consumed for access/default ACL
-1 error with reading of qualifier
-2 error with writing of ACL text line
-3 version mismatch
-4 unknown tag type encountered
int aaip_decode_acl(unsigned char *data, size_t num_data, size_t *consumed,
char *acl_text, size_t acl_text_size,
size_t *acl_text_fill, int flag);
#endif /* ! Aaip_h_is_includeD */