Happy Birthday Libburnia!!!

This commit is contained in:
Mario Danic 2007-07-31 08:56:09 +00:00
parent 04815cf57a
commit ac5da4cc55
165 changed files with 50987 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Mario Danic
Thomas Schmitt
Lorenzo Taylor

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Joe Neeman
Philippe Rouquier
Gabriel Craciunescu
George Danchev
Jean-Francois Wauthy

View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Derek Foreman <derek@signalmarketing.com> and Ben Jansens <xor@orodu.net>
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens
Mario Danic <mario.danic@gmail.com>, Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
nothing here now

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@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
Installation Instructions
Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005,
2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives
unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
Basic Installation
Briefly, the shell commands `./configure; make; make install' should
configure, build, and install this package. The following
more-detailed instructions are generic; see the `README' file for
instructions specific to this package.
The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses
those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
debugging `configure').
It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring. Caching is
disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
cache files.
If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
be considered for the next release. If you are using the cache, and at
some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
may remove or edit it.
The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create
`configure' by a program called `autoconf'. You need `configure.ac' if
you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version
of `autoconf'.
The simplest way to compile this package is:
1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
`./configure' to configure the package for your system.
Running `configure' might take a while. While running, it prints
some messages telling which features it is checking for.
2. Type `make' to compile the package.
3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
the package.
4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the
files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is
also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get
all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
with the distribution.
Compilers and Options
Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that the
`configure' script does not know about. Run `./configure --help' for
details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
by setting variables in the command line or in the environment. Here
is an example:
./configure CC=c99 CFLAGS=-g LIBS=-lposix
*Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
Compiling For Multiple Architectures
You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
own directory. To do this, you can use GNU `make'. `cd' to the
directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
With a non-GNU `make', it is safer to compile the package for one
architecture at a time in the source code directory. After you have
installed the package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before
reconfiguring for another architecture.
Installation Names
By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under
`/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc. You
can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
`configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX'.
You can specify separate installation prefixes for
architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you
pass the option `--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to `configure', the package uses
PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix.
In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
options like `--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular
kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
Optional Features
Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The
`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
package recognizes.
For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
Specifying the System Type
There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out automatically,
but needs to determine by the type of machine the package will run on.
Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the _same_
architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints a
message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
`--build=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system
type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If
`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
need to know the machine type.
If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
use the option `--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will
produce code for.
If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
Sharing Defaults
If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, you
can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives default
values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then
`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the
`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
Defining Variables
Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
environment passed to `configure'. However, some packages may run
configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
variables may be lost. In order to avoid this problem, you should set
them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'. For example:
./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
overridden in the site shell script).
Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to
an Autoconf bug. Until the bug is fixed you can use this workaround:
CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash /bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
`configure' Invocation
`configure' recognizes the following options to control how it operates.
Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
script, and exit.
Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
traditionally `config.cache'. FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
disable caching.
Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To
suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
messages will still be shown).
Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
`configure' can determine that directory automatically.
`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. Run
`configure --help' for more details.

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@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libburn/libburn.la
## ========================================================================= ##
# Build libraries
libburn_libburn_la_LDFLAGS = \
-version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE)
libburn_libburn_la_LIBADD = $(LIBBURN_ARCH_LIBS) $(THREAD_LIBS)
libburn_libburn_la_SOURCES = \
libburn/async.c \
libburn/async.h \
libburn/back_hacks.h \
libburn/cleanup.c \
libburn/cleanup.h \
libburn/crc.c \
libburn/crc.h \
libburn/debug.c \
libburn/debug.h \
libburn/drive.c \
libburn/drive.h \
libburn/error.h \
libburn/file.c \
libburn/file.h \
libburn/init.c \
libburn/init.h \
libburn/lec.c \
libburn/lec.h \
libburn/libburn.h \
libburn/libdax_audioxtr.h \
libburn/libdax_audioxtr.c \
libburn/libdax_msgs.h \
libburn/libdax_msgs.c \
libburn/mmc.c \
libburn/mmc.h \
libburn/null.c \
libburn/null.h \
libburn/options.c \
libburn/options.h \
libburn/os.h \
libburn/read.c \
libburn/read.h \
libburn/sbc.c \
libburn/sbc.h \
libburn/sector.c \
libburn/sector.h \
libburn/sg.c \
libburn/sg.h \
libburn/source.h \
libburn/source.c \
libburn/spc.c \
libburn/spc.h \
libburn/structure.c \
libburn/structure.h \
libburn/toc.c \
libburn/toc.h \
libburn/transport.h \
libburn/util.c \
libburn/util.h \
libburn/write.c \
libburn/write.h \
## libburn/sg-@ARCH@.c \
libinclude_HEADERS = \
## ========================================================================= ##
## Build test applications
noinst_PROGRAMS = \
test/libburner \
test/telltoc \
test/dewav \
test/fake_au \
test/poll \
bin_PROGRAMS = \
test_libburner_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn
test_libburner_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS)
test_libburner_SOURCES = test/libburner.c
test_telltoc_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn
test_telltoc_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS)
test_telltoc_SOURCES = test/telltoc.c
test_dewav_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn
test_dewav_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS)
test_dewav_SOURCES = test/dewav.c
test_fake_au_CPPFLAGS =
test_fake_au_LDADD =
test_fake_au_SOURCES = test/fake_au.c
test_poll_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn
test_poll_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS)
test_poll_SOURCES = test/poll.c
test_structest_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn
test_structest_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS)
test_structest_SOURCES = test/structest.c
## cdrskin construction site - ts A60816 - A70720
cdrskin_cdrskin_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn
cdrskin_cdrskin_CFLAGS = -DCdrskin_libburn_0_3_8
cdrskin_cdrskin_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS)
cdrskin_cdrskin_SOURCES = cdrskin/cdrskin.c cdrskin/cdrfifo.c cdrskin/cdrfifo.h cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h
## Open questions: how to compute $timestamp and express -DX="$timestamp"
## ========================================================================= ##
## Build documentation (You need Doxygen for this to work)
webhost = http://libburn-api.pykix.org
webpath = /
docdir = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
doc: doc/html
doc/html: doc/doxygen.conf
if [ -f ./doc/doc.lock ]; then \
$(RM) -r doc/html; \
doxygen doc/doxygen.conf; \
doc-upload: doc/html
scp -r $</* $(webhost):$(webpath)
all: doc
if [ -f ./doc/doc.lock ]; then \
$(mkinstalldirs) $(docdir)/html; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) doc/html/* $(docdir)/html; \
rm -rf $(docdir)
## ========================================================================= ##
# Indent source files
indent_files = \
$(libburn_libburn_la_SOURCES) \
$(test_poll_SOURCES) \
indent: $(indent_files)
indent -bad -bap -nbbb -nbbo -nbc -bli0 -br -bls \
-cdw -ce -cli0 -ncs -nbfda -i8 -l79 -lc79 \
-lp -saf -sai -nprs -npsl -saw -sob -ss -ut \
-sbi0 -nsc -ts8 -npcs -ncdb -fca \
.PHONY: indent
## ========================================================================= ##
# Extra things
nodist_pkgconfig_DATA = \
# http://www.nada.kth.se/cgi-bin/info?(automake.info)Man%20pages
man_MANS = cdrskin/cdrskin.1
libburn-1.pc.in \
version.h.in \
doc/comments \
doc/doxygen.conf.in \
cdrskin/README \
cdrskin/cdrecord_spy.sh \
cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh \
cdrskin/convert_man_to_html.sh \
cdrskin/changelog.txt \
cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html \
cdrskin/wiki_plain.txt \
cdrskin/cleanup.h \
cdrskin/cleanup.c \
libburn/os-freebsd.h \
libburn/os-linux.h \
libburn/sg-freebsd.c \
libburn/sg-linux.c \
ChangeLog \

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
nothing here now

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@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
This all is under GPL.
(See GPL reference, our clarification and commitment at the end of this text)
By Mario Danic <mario.danic@gmail.com> and Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt
Still containing parts of
Libburn. By Derek Foreman <derek@signalmarketing.com> and
Ben Jansens <xor@orodu.net>
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens
These parts are to be replaced by own code of above libburnia.pykix.org
copyright holders and then libburnia.pykix.org is to be their sole copyright.
This is done to achieve the right to issue the clarification and the
commitment as written at the end of this text.
The rights and merits of the Libburn-copyright holders Derek Foreman and
Ben Jansens will be duely respected.
This libburnia.pykix.org toplevel README (C) 2006-2007 Thomas Schmitt
Build and Installation
Our build system is based on autotools. For preparing the build of a SVN
snapshot you will need autotools of at least version 1.7.
Check out from SVN by
svn co http://libburnia-svn.pykix.org/libburn/trunk libburn_pykix
go into directory libburn_pykix and apply autotools by
Alternatively you may unpack a release tarball for which you do not need
autotools installed.
To build a libburnia.pykix.org subproject it should be sufficient to go
into its toplevel directory (here: "libburn_pykix") and execute
To make the libraries accessible for running resp. developing applications
make install
The other half of the project, libisofs, is hosted in the libburnia SVN, too:
svn co http://libburnia-svn.pykix.org/libisofs/trunk libisofs_pykix
See README file there.
Overview of libburnia.pykix.org
libburnia.pykix.org is an open-source software project for reading, mastering
and writing optical discs.
For now this means only CD media and all single layer DVD media except DVD+R.
The project comprises of several more or less interdependent parts which
together strive to be a usable foundation for application development.
These are libraries, language bindings, and middleware binaries which emulate
classical (and valuable) Linux tools.
Our scope is currently Linux 2.4 and 2.6 only. For ports to other systems
we would need : login on a development machine resp. a live OS on CD or DVD,
advise from a system person about the equivalent of Linux sg or FreeBSD CAM,
volunteers for testing of realistic use cases.
We have a workable code base for burning CD and most single layer DVD.
The burn API is quite comprehensively documented and can be used to build a
presentable application.
We have a functional binary which emulates parts of cdrecord in order to
prove that usability, and in order to allow you to explore libburnia's scope
by help of existing cdrecord frontends.
The project components (list subject to growth, hopefully):
- libburn is the library by which preformatted data get onto optical media.
It uses either /dev/sgN (e.g. on kernel 2.4 with ide-scsi) or
/dev/hdX (e.g. on kernel 2.6).
libburn is the foundation of our cdrecord emulation. Its code is
independent of cdrecord. Its DVD capabilities are learned from
studying the code of dvd+rw-tools and MMC-5 specs. No code but only
the pure SCSI knowledge has been taken from dvd+rw-tools, though.
- libisofs is the library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a
ISO 9660 disk image. This may then be brought to media via libburn.
libisofs is to be the foundation of our upcoming mkisofs emulation.
- cdrskin is a limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn.
Cdrecord is a powerful GPL'ed burn program included in Joerg
Schilling's cdrtools. cdrskin strives to be a second source for
the services traditionally provided by cdrecord. Additionally it
provides libburn's DVD capabilities, where only -sao is compatible
with cdrecord.
cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources.
Many bytes have been copied from the message output of cdrecord
runs, though.
See cdrskin/README and man cdrskin/cdrskin.1 for more.
- test is a collection of application gestures and examples given by the
authors of the library features. The main API example for libburn
is test/libburner.c .
Explore these examples if you look for inspiration.
We plan to be a responsive upstream. Bear with us. We are still practicing.
Project history as far as known to me:
- Founded in 2002 as it seems. See mailing list archives
The site of this founder team is reachable and offers download of a
(somewhat outdated) tarball and from CVS :
Copyright holders and most probably founders:
Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens.
- I came to using libburn in 2005. Founded the cdrskin project and submitted
necessary patches which were accepted or implemented better. Except one
remaining patch which prevented cdrskin from using vanilla libburn from CVS.
The cdrskin project site is reachable and offers download of the heavily
patched (elsewise outdated) tarball under the name cdrskin-0.1.2 :
It has meanwhile moved to use vanilla libburn.pykix.org , though.
Version 0.1.4 constitutes the first release of this kind.
- In July 2006 our team mate Mario Danic announced a revival of libburn
which by about nearly everybody else was perceived as unfriendly fork.
Derek Foreman four days later posted a message which expressed his
The situation first caused me to publically regret it and then - after i
got the opportunity to move in with cdrskin - gave me true reason to
personally apologize to Derek Foreman, Ben Jansens and the contibutors at
icculus.org/burn. Posted to both projects:
- Mid August 2006 project cdrskin established a branch office in
libburn.pykix.org so that all maintainers of our tools have one single place
to get the current (at least slightely) usable coordinated versions of
Project cdrskin will live forth independendly for a while but it is committed
to stay in sync with libburn.pykix.org (or some successor, if ever).
cdrskin is also committed to support icculus.org/burn if the pending fork
is made reality by content changes in that project. It will cease to maintain
a patched version of icculus.org/burn though. Precondition for a new
release of cdrskin on base of icculus.org/burn would be the pending
"whitelist patch" therefore.
I would rather prefer if both projects find consense and merge, or at least
cooperate. I have not given up hope totally, yet.
I, personally, will honor any approach.
- 2nd September 2006 the decision is made to strive for a consolidation of
copyright and a commitment to GPL in a reasonable and open minded way.
This is to avoid long term problems with code of unknown origin and
with finding consense among the not so clearly defined group of copyright
claimers and -holders.
libisofs is already claimed sole copyright Mario Danic.
cdrskin and libburner are already claimed sole copyright Thomas Schmitt.
Rewrites of other components will follow and concluded by claiming full
copyright within the group of libburn.pykix.org-copyright holders.
- 16th September 2006 feature freeze for release of libburn-0.2.2 .
- 20th September 2006 release of libburn-0.2.2 .
- 26th October 2006 feature freeze for cdrskin-0.2.4 based on libburn-0.2.3 .
This version of cdrskin is much more cdrecord compatible in repect
to drive addressing and audio features.
- 30th October 2006 release of cdrskin-0.2.4 .
- 13th November 2006 splitting releases of libburn+cdrskin from libisofs.
- 24th November 2006 release of libburn-0.2.6 and cdrskin-0.2.6 . cdrskin has
become suitable for unaware frontends as long as they perform only the core
of cdrecord use cases (including open-ended input streams, audio, and
- 28th November 2006 the umbrella project which encloses both, libisofs and
libburn, is now called libburnia. For the origin of this name, see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liburnians .
- 16th January 2007 release of libburn-0.3.0 and cdrskin-0.3.0 . Now the scope
is widened to a first class of DVD media: overwriteable single layer types
DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, DVD-RW. This is not a cdrecord emulation but rather inspired
by dvd+rw-tools' "poor man" writing facility for this class of media.
Taking a bow towards Andy Polyakov.
- 11th February 2007 version 0.3.2 covers sequential DVD-RW and DVD-R with
multi-session and with DAO.
- 12th March 2007 version 0.3.4 supports DVD+R and thus covers all single layer
DVD media. Code for double layer DVD+/-R is implemented but awaits a tester
- 23th April 2007 version 0.3.6 follows the unanimous opinion of Linux kernel
people that one should not use /dev/sg on kernel 2.6.
- 31st July 2007 version 0.3.8 marks the first anniversary of libburn revival.
We look back on improved stability, a substantially extended list of media
and write modes, and better protection against typical user mishaps.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation. To be exact: version 2 of that License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Clarification in my name and in the name of Mario Danic, upcoming copyright
holders on toplevel of libburnia. To be fully in effect after the remaining
other copyrighted code has been replaced by ours and by copyright-free
contributions of our friends:
We, the copyright holders, agree on the interpretation that
dynamical linking of our libraries constitutes "use of" and
not "derivation from" our work in the sense of GPL, provided
those libraries are compiled from our unaltered code.
Thus you may link our libraries dynamically with applications
which are not under GPL. You may distribute our libraries and
application tools in binary form, if you fulfill the usual
condition of GPL to offer a copy of the source code -altered
or unaltered- under GPL.
We ask you politely to use our work in open source spirit
and with the due reference to the entire open source community.
If there should really arise the case where above clarification
does not suffice to fulfill a clear and neat request in open source
spirit that would otherwise be declined for mere formal reasons,
only in that case we will duely consider to issue a special license
covering only that special case.
It is the open source idea of responsible freedom which will be
decisive and you will have to prove that you exhausted all own
means to qualify for GPL.
For now we are firmly committed to maintain one single license: GPL.
signed: Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
AC_MSG_CHECKING([target operating system])
case $target in
AC_ERROR([You are attempting to compile for an unsupported platform])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#!/bin/sh -x
libtoolize --copy --force
# ts A61101 : libburn is not prepared for config.h
# autoheader
automake --foreign --add-missing --copy --include-deps

View File

@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
libburnia.pykix.org scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_eng.html
Installation instructions at about line 60. First the legal stuff:
This all is under GPL.
(See GPL reference, our clarification and commitment at the end of this text)
Based on and sub project of:
By Mario Danic <mario.danic@gmail.com> and Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt
libburnia.pykix.org is inspired by and in other components still containing
parts of
Libburn. By Derek Foreman <derek@signalmarketing.com> and
Ben Jansens <xor@orodu.net>
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens
See toplevel README for an overview of the current copyright situation in
My thanks to the above authors (except myself, of course) for making the
following possible.
cdrskin. By Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
Integrated sub project of libburnia.pykix.org but also published via:
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Thomas Schmitt
On top of libburn there is implemented cdrskin 0.3.8, a limited cdrecord
compatibility wrapper which allows to use some libburn features from
the command line.
Interested users of cdrecord are invited to participate in the development
of cdrskin. Contact: scdbackup@gmx.net or libburn-hackers@pykix.org .
We will keep copyright narrow but will of course acknowledge valuable
contributions in a due way.
Important :
This software is provided as is. There is no warranty implied and no
protection against possible damages. You use this on your own risk.
Don't blame me or other authors of libburn if anything goes wrong.
I used it on my own risk with :
SuSE 7.2, kernel 2.4.4, ide-scsi emulation, LITE-ON LTR48125S CD burner, 2002
SuSE 9.0, kernel 2.4.21, ide-scsi emulation, LG GSA-4082B CD/DVD burner, 2004
NEC ND-4570A CD/DVD burner, 2006
RIP-14.4, kernel 2.6.14, no ide-scsi, with all above burners
It fails to compile or run on SuSE 6.4 (kernel 2.2.14).
It does not find the IDE CD burner on SuSE 7.2 without ide-scsi.
Other people sucessfully tested cdrskin on several kernel 2.6 based x86 Linux
systems, including 64 bit systems. (Further reports are welcome.)
Compilation, First Glimpse, Installation
Obtain cdrskin-0.3.8.tar.gz, take it to a directory of your choice and do:
tar xzf cdrskin-0.3.8.tar.gz
cd cdrskin-0.3.8
Or obtain a libburnia.pykix.org SVN snapshot,
go into the toplevel directory of the snapshot (e.g. cd libburn_pykix ),
and execute the autotools script ./bootstrap . Use autools version >= 1.7 .
Within that toplevel directory of either cdrskin-0.3.8 or libburn then execute:
(Note: there are next-level directories "libburn" and "cdrskin". Those
would be the wrong ones. Meant is the highest directory of tarball resp.
SVN download. Among others containing files "AUTHORS", "configure",
"Makefile.am", as well as directories "libburn" and "cdrskin".)
This will already produce a cdrskin binary. But it might be necessary to
install libburn in order to use this binary. Installation of libburn is
beyond the scope of cdrskin. For this, see included libburn docs.
In order to surely get a standalone binary, execute
Version identification and help texts available afterwards:
cdrskin/cdrskin -version
cdrskin/cdrskin --help
cdrskin/cdrskin -help
man cdrskin/cdrskin.1
Install (eventually as superuser) cdrskin to a directory where it can be found:
If cdrskin was already installed by a previous version, or by "make install"
in the course of this installation, then find out where:
which cdrskin
Copy your standalone binary to exactly the address which you get as reply
cp cdrskin/cdrskin /usr/bin/cdrskin
Check the version timestamps of the globally installed binary
cdrskin -version
It is not necessary for the standalone cdrskin binary to have libburn
installed, since it incorporates the necessary libburn parts at compile time.
It will not collide with an installed version of libburn either.
But libpthread must be installed on the system and glibc has to match. (See
below for a way to create a statically linked binary.)
To install the man page, you may do: echo $MANPATH and choose one of the
listed directories to copy the man-page under its ./man1 directory. Like:
cp cdrskin/cdrskin.1 /usr/share/man/man1/cdrskin.1
The user of cdrskin needs rw-permission for the CD burner device.
A list of rw-accessible drives can be obtained by
cdrskin --devices
CD devices which offer no rw-permission are invisible to normal users.
The superuser should be able to see any usable drive and then set the
permissions as needed. If this hangs then there is a drive with
unexpected problems (locked, busy, broken, whatever). You might have to
guess the address of your (non-broken) burner by other means, then.
On Linux 2.4 this would be some /dev/sgN and on 2.6. some /dev/srM or /dev/hdX.
The output of cdrskin --devices might look like
0 dev='/dev/sr0' rwrwr- : '_NEC' 'DVD_RW ND-4570A'
1 dev='/dev/sr1' rwrw-- : 'HL-DT-ST' 'DVDRAM GSA-4082B'
So full and insecure enabling of both for everybody would look like
chmod a+rw /dev/sr0 /dev/sr1
I strongly discourage to run cdrskin with setuid root or via sudo !
It is not checked for the necessary degree of hacker safety.
Usage examples
For options and recordable media classes see
man 1 cdrskin
Get an overview of cdrecord style addresses of available devices
cdrskin -scanbus
cdrskin dev=ATA -scanbus
cdrskin --devices
Adresses reported with dev=ATA need prefix "ATA:". Address examples:
dev=0,1,0 dev=ATA:1,0,0 dev=/dev/sg1 dev=/dev/hdc dev=/dev/sr0
See also "Drive Addressing" below.
Obtain some info about the drive
cdrskin dev=0,1,0 -checkdrive
Obtain some info about the drive and the inserted media
cdrskin dev=0,1,0 -atip -v
Make used CD-RW or used unformatted DVD-RW writeable again
cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 blank=fast -eject
Format DVD-RW to avoid need for blanking before re-use
cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 blank=format_overwrite
De-format DVD-RW to make it capable of multi-session again
cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 blank=deformat_sequential
Burn image file my_image.iso to media
cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 speed=12 fs=8m driveropts=burnfree padsize=300k \
-eject my_image.iso
Write multi-session to the same CD , DVD-R[W] or DVD+R
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -multi 1.iso
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -multi -tao 2.iso
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -multi -tao 3.iso
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -tao 4.iso
Get multi-session info for option -C of program mkisofs:
c_values=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -msinfo 2>/dev/null)
mkisofs ... -C "$c_values" ...
Burn a compressed afio archive to media on-the-fly
find . | afio -oZ - | cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 fs=32m speed=8 -tao \
driveropts=burnfree padsize=300k -
Burn 6 audio tracks from files with different formats to CD (not to any DVD).
Anything except .wav or .au files has to be converted into raw format first.
See below "Audio CD" for specifications.
ogg123 -d raw -f track01.cd /path/to/track1.ogg
oggdec -R -o track02.cd /path/to/track2.ogg
lame --decode -t /path/to/track3.mp3 track03.cd
madplay -o raw:track04.cd /path/to/track4.mp3
mppdec --raw-le /path/to/track5.mpc track05.cd
cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 blank=fast -eject speed=48 -sao \
-audio -swab track0[1-5].cd /path/to/track6.wav
Usage example with http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net
Address may be a cdrecord-style "scsibus,target,lun" as listed with
cdrskin -scanbus (and hopefully as listed with cdrecord -scanbus) :
export SCDBACKUP_SCSI_ADR="0,1,0"
or a device file address as listed by --devices with an accessible drive :
export SCDBACKUP_SCSI_ADR="/dev/sr1"
Set usage of cdrskin with appropriate options rather than cdrecord :
export SCDBACKUP_CDRECORD="cdrskin -v -v"
Run a backup :
Many cdrecord options are still unsupported.
If you have use cases for them, please report your wishes and expectations.
DVD support is restricted to single layer DVD for now. Double layer media
are implemented but untested.
Inspiration and Standard
For the original meaning of cdrecord options see :
man cdrecord
Do not bother Joerg Schilling with any cdrskin problems.
(Be cursed if you install cdrskin as "cdrecord" without clearly forwarding
this "don't bother Joerg" demand.)
cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources. Many bytes
have been copied from the message output of cdrecord runs, though. I am
thankful to Joerg Schilling for every single one of them.
I have the hope that Joerg feels more flattered than annoyed by cdrskin.
Many thanks to Andy Polyakov for his dvd+rw-tools
which provide me with examples and pointers into MMC specs for DVD writing.
Drive Addressing
Drives get addressed either via their cdrecord-style addresses as listed
with option -scanbus (see below "Pseudo-SCSI Adresses") or via the paths
of device files.
Not only device files listed by --devices may be used but also device files
which via their major,minor numbers point to the same device driver as
a listed device file.
Helpful with Linux kernel 2.4 is a special SCSI feature:
It is possible to address a scsi(-emulated) drive via associated device files
which are not listed by option --devices but point to the same SCSI addresses
as listed device files. This addressing via e.g. /dev/sr0 or /dev/scd1 is
compatible with generic read programs like dd and with write program growisofs.
Pseudo-SCSI Adresses
cdrecord and cdrskin share the syntax of SCSI addresses but not necessarily
the meaning of the components. A cdrecord-style address for cdrskin
can be interpreted in two different modes.
Standard mode tries to be compatible to original cdrecord. This should be true
with (emulated) SCSI where the device file /dev/s[rg]N with is looked up with
matching scsibus,target,lun as given by the operating system.
With dev=ATA: or dev=ATAPI: the translation to /dev/hdX is purely literal
but matches the cdrecord addresses on all systems tested so far:
X = 'a' + 2 * scsibus + target
where target only may have the values 0 or 1.
In this mode, option -scanbus will list only SCSI devices unless option
dev=ATA or dev=ATAPI are given, which will suppress SCSI devices and only
show IDE drives (i.e. /dev/hdX without ide-scsi emulation).
In mode --old_pseudo_scsi_adr there is a scsibus,target,lun representation
which has nothing to do with SCSI and thus is not compatible to cdrecord.
Each number triple corresponds either to a device file address or to a
libburn drive number.
Component "scsibus" indicates the translation method. Defined busses are:
0 target is the libburn drivenumber as listed with --devices
1 associated to device file /dev/sgN , target chooses N
2 associated to device file /dev/hdX , target 0='a', 1='b' ..., 25='z'
So "1,1,0" is /dev/sg1 (resp. its /dev/sr*), "2,3,0" is /dev/hdd,
"0,2,0" is libburn drive #2 at some unspecified device file.
This scheme shall help to keep cdrecord-style addresses stable and exchangeable
between users without excluding drives with unexpected device addresses.
The numbering on bus 0 is prone to arbitrary changes caused by changes in
drive accessability.
Further busses may emerge as libburn evolves. "prefix" and "lun" may get
a meaning. To stay upward compatible, use addresses as printed by -scanbus.
User Defined Device Address Translation
Some programs or users have their own ideas about the address of their burner.
K3b 0.10 for example derives cdrecord addresses by own examination of the
devices and not by calling cdrecord -scanbus.
Standard mode will hopefully be fully compatible with their ideas.
Old frontends which do not know dev=ATA or dev=ATAPI and which do ask their
"cdrecord" via -scanbus may be well served with option --old_pseudo_scsi_adr .
To direct any remaining stubborn callers to the appropriate drives, cdrskin
allows to define device address aliases. Like
cdrskin dev_translation=+1,0,0+/dev/sr1 \
dev_translation=+ATA:1,0,0+/dev/sr1 \
dev_translation=-"cd+dvd"-0,1,0 \
Any of the addresses dev=1,0,0, dev=ATA:1,0,0, dev=cd+dvd will be mapped to
/dev/sr1 resp. to 0,1,0.
The first character after "dev_translation=" defines the character which
separates the two parts of the translation pair. (Above: "+" and "-".)
In K3b 0.10 it is possible to employ alternative writer programs by setting
their full path (e.g. /usr/bin/cdrskin) in menu
Settings:Configure K3b...:Programs:Search Path
and to make them default in menu
Settings:Configure K3b...:Programs:Programs:
A suitable setting for "cdrecord" in menu
Settings:Configure K3b...:Programs:User Parameters
would then probably be
-v dev_translation=+1,0,0+/dev/sr1
You will learn from button "Show Debugging Output" after a failed burn run
what cdrecord command was used with what address "dev=...". This address "..."
will be the right one to replace "1,0,0" in above example.
Startup Files
If not --no_rc is the first argument then cdrskin attempts on startup to read
arguments from the following three files:
The files are read in the sequence given above.
Each readable line is treated as one single argument. No extra blanks.
A first character '#' marks a comment, empty lines are ignored.
Example content of a startup file:
# This is the default device
# To accomodate to eventual remnant cdrskin-0.2.2 addresses
# Some more options
Audio CD
Lorenzo Taylor enabled option -audio in cdrskin (thanks !) and reports neat
results with audio data files which are :
headerless PCM (i.e. uncompressed)
44100 Hz sampling rate
16 bits per sample
stereo (2 channels)
little-endian byte order with option -swab, or big-endian without -swab
Files with name extension .wav get examined wether they are in Microsoft WAVE
format with above parameters and eventually get extracted by cdrskin itself.
In the same way files with name extension .au get examined wether they are
in SUN's audio format. For both formats, track format -audio and eventual
endianness option -swab are enabled automatically.
Any other formats are to be converted to format .wav with above parameters
or to be extracted as raw CD track data by commands like those given above
under "Usage examples". Those raw files need option -audio and in most cases
option -swab to mark them as little-endian/Intel/LSB-first 16-bit data.
Incorrect endianness setting results in random noise on CD.
I myself am not into audio. So libburn-hackers@pykix.org might be the
best address for suggestions, requests and bug reports.
DVD+RW and DVD-RAM media get treated as blank media regardless wether they
hold data or not. Options -audio and -multi are not allowed. Only one track
is allowed. -toc does not return information about the media content.
Speed is counted in DVD units (i.e. 1x = 1,385,000 bytes/second). Currently
there is no difference between -sao and -tao. If ever, then -tao will be the
mode which preserves the current behavior.
For these media, -msinfo alone would not be enough to perform appending of an
ISO filesystem. The filesystem driver will need a hint to find the start of the
most recent session. For example put an ISO filesystem at address 1 GB:
mkisofs -C 0,524288 ... | \
cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 -v fs=32m -eject speed=4 write_start_address=524288s -
The superuser may then do:
mount -t iso9660 -o ro,sbsector=524288 /dev/sr0 /mnt
Note: On my linux-2.4.21-215 mount works only with sbsector <= 337920 (660 MiB)
To extend a filesystem already existing at address 0
mkisofs -C 0,524288 -M /dev/sr0 ... | cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 ...
Record the number 524288 for usage as first number with -C at the next
mkisofs -C 524288,1000000 ... | cdrskin write_start_address=1000000s ...
Program growisofs can append to an ISO filesystem on DVD+RW by additionally
manipulating the first session. cdrskin does not want to get involved so deep
into the format of the burned data. Be advised to use growisofs for the
task of maintaining extendable ISO-Filesystems on DVD+RW.
DVD-RW are usable if formatted to state "Restricted Overwrite" or if in state
"Sequential Recording". DVD-R are always in sequential state.
"Sequential" is the state of unused media and of media previously blanked
or written by cdrecord. dvd+rw-format -blank can also achieve this state.
The according cdrskin option is blank=deformat_sequential .
If "Incremental Streaming" is available, then sequential media are capable
of multi-session like CD-R[W]. (But not capable of -audio recording.)
This means they need option -multi to stay appendable, need to be blanked
to be writeable from start, return useable info with -toc and -msinfo,
eventually perform appending automatically.
Without "Incremental Streaming" offered by the drive, only write mode DAO is
available with sequential DVD-R[W]. It only works with blank media, allows only
one single track, no -multi, and demands a fixely predicted track size.
(growisofs uses it with DVD-R[W] if option -dvd-compat is given.)
Overwriteable DVD-RW behave much like DVD+RW. "Restricted" refers only to the
granularity of random access and block size which have always to be aligned to
full 32 kB. Sequential DVD-RW are converted into overwriteable DVD-RW by
cdrskin dev=... -v blank=format_overwrite
(Command dvd+rw-format -force can achieve "Restricted Overwrite", too.)
Formatting or first use of freshly formatted DVD-RW can produce unusual noises
from the drive and last several minutes. Depending on mutual compatibility of
drive and media, formatting can yield unusable media. It seems that those die
too on blanking by cdrecord, dvd+rw-format or cdrskin. Perils of DVD-RW.
There are three DVD-RW formatting variants with cdrskin currently:
blank=format_overwrite uses "DVD-RW Quick" formatting (MMC-type 15h)
and writes a first session of 128 MiB. This leads to media which are expandable
and random addressable by cdrskin.
blank=format_overwrite_quickest uses "DVD-RW Quick" formatting (type 15h) too,
but leaves the media in "intermediate" state. In the first session of writing
one may only write sequentially to such a DVD. After that, it gets random
addressable by cdrskin. DVD-ROM drives might show ill behavior with them.
blank=format_overwrite_full uses preferrably "Full Format" (type 00h).
This formatting lasts as long as writing a full DVD. It includes writing of
lead-out which is said to be good for DVD ROM compatibility.
De-formatting options are available to make overwriteable DVD-RW sequential:
blank=deformat_sequential performs thorough blanking of all states of DVD-RW.
blank=all and blank=fast perform the same thorough blanking, but refuse to do
this with overwriteable DVD-RW, thus preserving their formatting. The specs
allow minimal blanking but the resulting media on my drives offer no
Incremental Streaming afterwards. So blank=fast will do full blanking.
blank=deformat_sequential_quickest is faster but might yield DAO-only media.
From the view of cdrskin they behave much like DVD-R. Each track gets wrapped
into an own session, though.
Special compilation variations
You may get a (super fat) statically linked binary by :
cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh -static
if your system supports static linking, at all. This will not help with kernels
which do not properly support the necessary low-level interfaces chosen by
your compile-time libraries.
A size reduced but fully functional binary may be produced by
cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh -do_strip
An extra lean binary with reduced capabilities is created by
cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh -do_diet -do_strip
It will not read startup files, will abort on option dev_translation= ,
will not have a fifo buffer, and will not be able to put out help texts or
debugging messages.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
cdrskin is currently copyright Thomas Schmitt only.
It adopts the following commitment by the toplevel copyright holders:
We, the copyright holders, agree on the interpretation that
dynamical linking of our libraries constitutes "use of" and
not "derivation from" our work in the sense of GPL, provided
those libraries are compiled from our unaltered code.
Thus you may link our libraries dynamically with applications
which are not under GPL. You may distribute our libraries and
application tools in binary form, if you fulfill the usual
condition of GPL to offer a copy of the source code -altered
or unaltered- under GPL.
We ask you politely to use our work in open source spirit
and with the due reference to the entire open source community.
If there should really arise the case where above clarification
does not suffice to fulfill a clear and neat request in open source
spirit that would otherwise be declined for mere formal reasons,
only in that case we will duely consider to issue a special license
covering only that special case.
It is the open source idea of responsible freedom which will be
decisive and you will have to prove that you exhausted all own
means to qualify for GPL.
For now we are firmly committed to maintain one single license: GPL.
signed for cdrskin: Thomas Schmitt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
set -x
# This script documents how this cdrskin version was derived from
# a vanilla libburn version. It is not intended nor needed for any
# use of cdrskin but included here only to show the technical
# relationship between both projects - which are close friends
# and issue roughly the same software.
# Package maintainers are advised to cover rather libburn than
# cdrskin unless they put only emphasis on the cdrecord emulation
# provided by cdrskin. libburn contains cdrskin - cdrskin is an
# oscillating, friendly and coordinated fork of libburn.
# Script results are a source tarball and two binaries
# one dynamic and one static in respect to system libs.
# Both binaries are static in respect to libburn.
# The script is to be run in the directory above the toplevel
# directory of libburn resp. cdrskin development.
# The top level directory in the SVN snapshot is named
# libburn source used: http://libburnia.pykix.org
# Downloaded by:
# $ svn co http://libburnia-svn.pykix.org/libburn/tags/... $intermediate
# packed up in a tarball just to save it from inadverted changes by
# $ tar czf libburn_svn.tgz $intermediate
# Historic moments:
# original="./libburn_svn_A60815.tgz"
# original="./libburn_cdrskin_A60819.tgz"
# My changes are in $changes , mainly in $changes/cdrskin
# The result directory and the name of the result tarballs
# (This once earned me an embarrassingly blooping source tarball)
# compile_dir="$changes"
if test -d "$changes"
echo "$0 : FATAL : no directory $changes" >&2
exit 1
for i in "$target" "$intermediate"
if test -e "$i"
echo "$0 : FATAL : already existing $i" >&2
exit 2
if test -f "$original"
echo "$0 : FATAL : no file $original" >&2
exit 3
# Unpack SVN snapshot.
tar xzf "$original"
# Rename the directory to the cdrskin name
mv "$intermediate" "$target"
# Copy the changes from the development tree
# Create version timestamp
timestamp="$(date -u '+%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S')"
echo "$timestamp"
echo '#define Cdrskin_timestamP "'"$timestamp"'"' >"$cdrskin_dir"/cdrskin_timestamp.h
# Add the cdrskin files
if test -e "$cdrskin_target"
rm -rf "$cdrskin_target"
cp -a "$cdrskin_dir" "$cdrskin_target"
# Remove copied vim.swp and binaries
rm "$cdrskin_target"/.*.swp
rm "$cdrskin_target"/*.o
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrfifo
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrskin
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cleanup
for i in std new make old
if test -e "$cdrskin_target"/cdrskin_"$i"
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrskin_"$i"
# Remove eventual SVN stuff from cdrskin directory
for i in .deps .dirstamp .libs
if test -e "$cdrskin_target"/"$i"
rm -rf "$cdrskin_target"/"$i"
# Remove GIFs of cdrskin_eng.html
rm "$cdrskin_target"/doener_*.gif "$cdrskin_target"/doener_*.png
# Remove automatically generated HTML man page
rm "$cdrskin_target"/man_1_cdrskin.html
# Remove all add_ts_changes_to_libburn besides this one
for i in "$cdrskin_target"/add_ts_changes_to_libburn*
if test $(basename "$0") = $(basename "$i")
rm $i
# Remove unwanted SVN stuff (TODO: avoid downloading it)
for i in "$target"/.svn "$target"/*/.svn
if test "$i" = "$target"'/*/.svn'
if test -e "$i"
rm -rf "$i"
# Make SVN state tarball for the libburn team
tar czf "$cdrskin_tarball_svn" "$target"
# Get over dependecy on autotools. Rely only on cc, make et. al.
# This is not the same as "make dist" but i can do it without
# having to evaluate the quality of said "make dist"
( cd "$target" ; ./bootstrap )
# Remove unwanted stuff after bootstrap
for i in "$target"/autom4te.cache
if echo "$i" | grep '\*' >/dev/null
if test -e "$i"
rm -rf "$i"
# Repair non-portable shell code output of ./bootstrap
cd "$compile_dir" || exit 1
sed -e 's/^for ac_header in$/test -z 1 \&\& for ac_header in dummy/' \
< ./configure > ./configure-repaired
if test "$?" = 0
echo "$0: Empty 'for ac_header in' found in configure." >&2
mv ./configure-repaired ./configure
chmod a+rx,go-w,u+w ./configure
# Pack it up to the new libburn+cdrskin-tarball
tar czf "$cdrskin_tarball" "$target"
# Produce a static and a dynamic binary, and a HTML man page
cd "$compile_dir" || exit 1
"$compile_cmd" -O2 -do_strip
cp "$compile_result" "../$bintarget_dynamic"
if test -n "$compile_static_opts"
"$compile_cmd" $compile_static_opts -O2 -do_strip
cp "$compile_result" "../$bintarget_static"
mv "$man_page_html" ..
# Remove the build area
# Disable this for debugging the merge process
rm -rf "$target"
# Show the result
./"$bintarget_dynamic" -version
./"$bintarget_static" -version
ls -l "$cdrskin_tarball"
ls -l "$bintarget_dynamic"
ls -l "$bintarget_static"
ls -l $(basename "$man_page_html")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
set -x
# This script documents how this cdrskin version was derived from
# a vanilla libburn version. It is not intended nor needed for any
# use of cdrskin but included here only to show the technical
# relationship between both projects - which are close friends
# and issue roughly the same software.
# Package maintainers are advised to cover rather libburn than
# cdrskin unless they put only emphasis on the cdrecord emulation
# provided by cdrskin. libburn contains cdrskin - cdrskin is an
# oscillating, friendly and coordinated fork of libburn.
# Script results are a source tarball and two binaries
# one dynamic and one static in respect to system libs.
# Both binaries are static in respect to libburn.
# The script is to be run in the directory above the toplevel
# directory of libburn resp. cdrskin development.
# The top level directory in the SVN snapshot is named
# libburn source used: http://libburnia.pykix.org
# Downloaded by:
# $ svn co http://libburnia-svn.pykix.org/libburn/tags/... $intermediate
# packed up in a tarball just to save it from inadverted changes by
# $ tar czf libburn_svn.tgz $intermediate
# Historic moments:
# original="./libburn_svn_A60815.tgz"
# original="./libburn_cdrskin_A60819.tgz"
# My changes are in $changes , mainly in $changes/cdrskin
# The result directory and the name of the result tarballs
# (This once earned me an embarrassingly blooping source tarball)
# compile_dir="$changes"
if test -d "$changes"
echo "$0 : FATAL : no directory $changes" >&2
exit 1
for i in "$target" "$intermediate"
if test -e "$i"
echo "$0 : FATAL : already existing $i" >&2
exit 2
if test -f "$original"
echo "$0 : FATAL : no file $original" >&2
exit 3
# Unpack SVN snapshot.
tar xzf "$original"
# Rename the directory to the cdrskin name
mv "$intermediate" "$target"
# Copy the changes from the development tree
# Create version timestamp
timestamp="$(date -u '+%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S')"
echo "$timestamp"
echo '#define Cdrskin_timestamP "'"$timestamp"'"' >"$cdrskin_dir"/cdrskin_timestamp.h
# Add the cdrskin files
if test -e "$cdrskin_target"
rm -rf "$cdrskin_target"
cp -a "$cdrskin_dir" "$cdrskin_target"
# Remove copied vim.swp and binaries
rm "$cdrskin_target"/.*.swp
rm "$cdrskin_target"/*.o
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrfifo
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrskin
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cleanup
for i in std new make old
if test -e "$cdrskin_target"/cdrskin_"$i"
rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrskin_"$i"
# Remove eventual SVN stuff from cdrskin directory
for i in .deps .dirstamp .libs
if test -e "$cdrskin_target"/"$i"
rm -rf "$cdrskin_target"/"$i"
# Remove GIFs of cdrskin_eng.html
rm "$cdrskin_target"/doener_*.gif "$cdrskin_target"/doener_*.png
# Remove automatically generated HTML man page
rm "$cdrskin_target"/man_1_cdrskin.html
# Remove all add_ts_changes_to_libburn besides this one
for i in "$cdrskin_target"/add_ts_changes_to_libburn*
if test $(basename "$0") = $(basename "$i")
rm $i
# Remove unwanted SVN stuff (TODO: avoid downloading it)
for i in "$target"/.svn "$target"/*/.svn
if test "$i" = "$target"'/*/.svn'
if test -e "$i"
rm -rf "$i"
# Make SVN state tarball for the libburn team
tar czf "$cdrskin_tarball_svn" "$target"
# Get over dependecy on autotools. Rely only on cc, make et. al.
# This is not the same as "make dist" but i can do it without
# having to evaluate the quality of said "make dist"
( cd "$target" ; ./bootstrap )
# Remove unwanted stuff after bootstrap
for i in "$target"/autom4te.cache
if echo "$i" | grep '\*' >/dev/null
if test -e "$i"
rm -rf "$i"
# Repair non-portable shell code output of ./bootstrap
cd "$compile_dir" || exit 1
sed -e 's/^for ac_header in$/test -z 1 \&\& for ac_header in dummy/' \
< ./configure > ./configure-repaired
if test "$?" = 0
echo "$0: Empty 'for ac_header in' found in configure." >&2
mv ./configure-repaired ./configure
chmod a+rx,go-w,u+w ./configure
# Pack it up to the new libburn+cdrskin-tarball
tar czf "$cdrskin_tarball" "$target"
# Produce a static and a dynamic binary, and a HTML man page
cd "$compile_dir" || exit 1
"$compile_cmd" -libburn_svn -O2 -do_strip
cp "$compile_result" "../$bintarget_dynamic"
if test -n "$compile_static_opts"
"$compile_cmd" $compile_static_opts -libburn_svn -O2 -do_strip
cp "$compile_result" "../$bintarget_static"
mv "$man_page_html" ..
# Remove the build area
# Disable this for debugging the merge process
rm -rf "$target"
# Show the result
./"$bintarget_dynamic" -version
./"$bintarget_static" -version
ls -l "$cdrskin_tarball"
ls -l "$bintarget_dynamic"
ls -l "$bintarget_static"
ls -l $(basename "$man_page_html")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Spying on the call to cdrecord.
# Move $(which cdrecord) to $(dirname $(which cdrecord))/real_cdrecord .
# Install this sript instead. (Do not forget to revoke this after the test.)
# The report target is set in variable rt.
# The default is this file :
# To use a bystanding xterm as target i find out the pty address by
# executing in that terminal
# sleep 12345
# and then running in another terminal
# ps -ef | grep 'sleep 12345'
# which answers something like
# thomas 21303 30518 0 14:02 pts/23 00:00:00 sleep 12345
# thomas 21421 30523 0 14:02 pts/24 00:00:00 grep sleep 12345
# from which i learn that pts/23 is sleeping 12345. Now sleep can be aborted.
# rt=/dev/pts/23
echo '------------------------------------- cdrecord_spy 0.1.0 -------' >>"$rt"
date >>"$rt"
echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' >>"$rt"
echo "$0" >>"$rt"
for i in "$@"
echo "$i" >>"$rt"
echo '------------------------------------- cdrecord_spy 0.1.0 - end -' >>"$rt"
real_cdrecord "$@"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
cdrfifo.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
A fd-to-fd or fd-to-memory fifo to be used within cdrskin or independently.
By chaining of fifo objects, several fifos can be run simultaneously
in fd-to-fd mode. Modes are controlled by parameter flag of
Provided under GPL license within cdrskin and under BSD license elsewise.
#ifndef Cdrfifo_headerfile_includeD
#define Cdrfifo_headerfile_includeD
/** The fifo buffer which will smoothen the data stream from data provider
to data consumer. Although this is not a mandatory lifesaver for modern
burners any more, a fifo can speed up burning of data which is delivered
with varying bandwidths (e.g. compressed archives created on the fly
or mkisofs running at its speed limit.).
This structure is opaque to applications and may only be used via
the Cdrfifo*() methods described in cdrfifo.h .
struct CdrfifO;
/** Create a fifo object.
@param ff Returns the address of the new object.
@param source_fd Filedescriptor opened to a readable data stream.
@param dest_fd Filedescriptor opened to a writable data stream.
To work with libburn, it needs to be attached to a
struct burn_source object.
@param chunk_size Size of buffer block for a single transaction (0=default)
@param buffer_size Size of fifo buffer
@param flag unused yet
@return 1 on success, <=0 on failure
int Cdrfifo_new(struct CdrfifO **ff, int source_fd, int dest_fd,
int chunk_size, int buffer_size, int flag);
/** Release from memory a fifo object previously created by Cdrfifo_new().
@param ff The victim (gets returned as NULL, call can stand *ff==NULL)
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes:
bit0= do not close destination fd
int Cdrfifo_destroy(struct CdrfifO **ff, int flag);
/** Close any output fds */
int Cdrfifo_close(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag);
/** Close any output fds of o and its chain peers */
int Cdrfifo_close_all(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag);
int Cdrfifo_get_sizes(struct CdrfifO *o, int *chunk_size, int *buffer_size,
int flag);
/** Set a speed limit for buffer output.
@param o The fifo object
@param bytes_per_second >0 catch up slowdowns over the whole run time
<0 catch up slowdowns only over one interval
=0 disable speed limit
int Cdrfifo_set_speed_limit(struct CdrfifO *o, double bytes_per_second,
int flag);
/** Set a fixed size for input in order to cut off any unwanted tail
@param o The fifo object
@param idx index for fds attached via Cdrfifo_attach_follow_up_fds(),
first attached is 0, <0 directs limit to active fd limit
(i.e. first track is -1, second track is 0, third is 1, ...)
int Cdrfifo_set_fd_in_limit(struct CdrfifO *o, double fd_in_limit, int idx,
int flag);
int Cdrfifo_set_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int source_fd, int dest_fd, int flag);
int Cdrfifo_get_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int *source_fd, int *dest_fd, int flag);
/** Attach a further pair of input and output fd which will use the same
fifo buffer when its predecessors are exhausted. Reading will start as
soon as reading of the predecessor encounters EOF. Writing will start
as soon as all pending predecessor data are written.
@return index number of new item + 1, <=0 indicates error
int Cdrfifo_attach_follow_up_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int source_fd, int dest_fd,
int flag);
/** Attach a further fifo which shall be processed simultaneously with this
one by Cdrfifo_try_to_work() in fd-to-fd mode.
int Cdrfifo_attach_peer(struct CdrfifO *o, struct CdrfifO *next, int flag);
/** Obtain buffer state.
@param o The buffer object
@param fill Returns the number of pending payload bytes in the buffer
@param space Returns the number of unused buffer bytes
@param flag unused yet
@return -1=error , 0=inactive , 1=reading and writing ,
2=reading ended (but still writing)
int Cdrfifo_get_buffer_state(struct CdrfifO *o,int *fill,int *space,int flag);
int Cdrfifo_get_counters(struct CdrfifO *o,
double *in_counter, double *out_counter, int flag);
/** reads min_fill and begins measurement interval for next min_fill */
int Cdrfifo_next_interval(struct CdrfifO *o, int *min_fill, int flag);
int Cdrfifo_get_min_fill(struct CdrfifO *o, int *total_min_fill,
int *interval_min_fill, int flag);
int Cdrfifo_get_cdr_counters(struct CdrfifO *o,
double *put_counter, double *get_counter,
double *empty_counter, double *full_counter,
int flag);
/** Inquire the eventually detected size of an eventual ISO-9660 file system
@return 0=no ISO resp. size detected, 1=size_in_bytes is valid
int Cdrfifo_get_iso_fs_size(struct CdrfifO *o, double *size_in_bytes,int flag);
/** Check for pending data at the fifo's source file descriptor and wether the
fifo is ready to take them. Simultaneously check the buffer for existing
data and the destination fd for readiness to accept some. If so, a small
chunk of data is transfered to and/or from the fifo.
This is done for the given fifo object and all members of its next-chain.
The check and transactions are repeated until a given timespan has elapsed.
libburn applications call this function in the burn loop instead of sleep().
It may also be used instead of read(). Then it returns as soon as an output
transaction would be performed. See flag:bit2.
@param o The fifo object
@param wait_usec The time in microseconds after which the function shall
@param reply_buffer with bit2: Returns write-ready buffer chunk and must
be able to take at least chunk_size bytes
@param reply_count with bit2: Returns number of writeable bytes in reply_pt
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes:
bit0= Enable debug pacifier (same with Cdrfifo_debuG)
bit1= Do not write, just fill buffer
bit2= fd-to-memory mode (else fd-to-fd mode):
Rather than writing a chunk return it and its size.
No simultaneous processing of chained fifos.
bit3= With bit2: do not check destination fd for readiness
@return <0 = error , 0 = idle , 1 = did some work , 2 = all work is done
int Cdrfifo_try_to_work(struct CdrfifO *o, int wait_usec,
char *reply_buffer, int *reply_count, int flag);
/** Fill the fifo as far as possible without writing to destination fd.
@param size if >=0 : end filling after the given number of bytes
@return 1 on success, <=0 on failure
int Cdrfifo_fill(struct CdrfifO *o, int size, int flag);
#endif /* Cdrfifo_headerfile_includeD */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
.TH CDRSKIN 1 "July 19, 2007"
.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
.\" .nh disable hyphenation
.\" .hy enable hyphenation
.\" .ad l left justify
.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
.\" .nf disable filling
.\" .fi enable filling
.\" .br insert line break
.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
.\" for manpage-specific macros, see man(7)
cdrskin \- burns preformatted data to CD-R[W], DVD-R[W], DVD+R[W], DVD-RAM
via libburn.
.B cdrskin
.RI [ options | track_source_addresses ]
.\" TeX users may be more comfortable with the \fB<whatever>\fP and
.\" \fI<whatever>\fP escape sequences to invode bold face and italics,
.\" respectively.
\fBcdrskin\fP is a program that provides some of cdrecord's options
in a compatible way for CD media. With DVD it has its own ways.
You do not need to be superuser for its daily usage.
.B Overview of features:
Blanking of CD-RW and DVD-RW.
Burning of data or audio tracks to CD,
either in versatile Track at Once mode (TAO)
or in Session at Once mode for seamless tracks.
Multi session on CD (follow-up sessions in TAO only)
or on DVD-R[W] (in Incremental mode) or on DVD+R.
Single session on DVD-RW or DVD-R (Disk-at-once)
or on overwriteable DVD+RW, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM.
Bus scan, burnfree, speed options, retrieving media info, padding, fifo.
See section EXAMPLES at the end of this text.
.B General information paragraphs:
Track recording model
Write mode selection
Recordable CD Media
Sequentially Recordable DVD Media
Overwriteable DVD Media
Drive preparation and addressing
.B Track recording model:
The input-output entities which get processed are called tracks.
A \fBtrack\fP stores a stream of bytes.
Each track is initiated by one track source address argument, which may either
be "-" for standard input or the address of a readable file. If no write mode
is given explicitely then one will be chosen which matches the peculiarities
of track sources and the state of the output media.
More than one track can be burned by a single run of cdrskin.
In the terms of the MMC standard all tracks written by the same run constitute
a \fBsession\fP.
Some media types can be kept appendable so that further tracks can
be written to them in subsequent runs of cdrskin (see option -multi).
Info about the addresses of burned tracks is kept in a table of
content (TOC) on media and can be retrieved via cdrskin option -toc.
These informations are also used by the operating systems' CD-ROM read drivers.
In general there are two types of tracks: data and audio. They differ in
sector size, throughput and readability via the systems' CD-ROM drivers
resp. by music CD players. With DVD there is only type data.
If not explicitely option -audio is given, then any track is burned as type
data, unless the track source is a file with suffix ".wav" or ".au" and has a
header part which identifies it as MS-WAVE resp. SUN Audio with suitable
parameters. Such files are burned as audio tracks by default.
While audio tracks just contain a given time span of acoustic vibrations,
data tracks may have an arbitray meaning. Nevertheless, ISO-9660 filesystems
are established as a format which can represent a tree of directories and
files on all major operating systems. Such filesystem images can be
produced by programs mkisofs or genisoimage. They can also be extended by
follow-up tracks if prepared properly. See the man pages of said programs.
cdrskin is able to fulfill the needs about their option -C.
Another type of data track content are archive formats which originally
have been developed for magnetic tapes. Only formats which mark a detectable
end-of-archive in their data are suitable, though. Well tested are
the archivers afio and star. Not suitable seems GNU tar.
.B Write mode selection:
If none of the options -dao, -tao or -sao is given then the program will
try to choose a write mode which matches the defined recording job,
the capabilities of the drive and the state of the present media.
So the mentioning of write modes in the following paragraphs and in the
examples is not so much a demand that the user shall choose one explicitely,
but rather an illustration of what to expect with particular media types.
.B Recordable CD Media:
CD-R can be initially written only once and eventually extended until they
get closed (or are spoiled because they are overly full). After that they are
read-only. Closing is done automatically unless option
.B -multi
is given which keeps the media appendable.
There are two write modes,
.B -tao
.B -sao .
-tao allows to use track source of unpredictable length (like stdin) and allows
to write further sessions to appendable media. -sao produces audio sessions
with seamless tracks but needs predicted track sizes and cannot append sessions
to media.
CD-RW media can be blanked to make them re-usable for another
round of overwriting. Usually
.B blank=fast
is the appropriate option.
Blanking damages the previous content but does not
make it completely unreadable. It is no effective privacy precaution.
Multiple cycles of blanking and overwriting with random numbers might be.
.B Sequentially Recordable DVD Media:
Currently DVD-RW, DVD-R and DVD+R can be used for the Sequential recording
DVD-RW must be in state "Sequential Recording".
The media must be either blank or appendable.
Newly purchased DVD-RW and DVD-R media are in this state.
Used DVD-RW get into blank sequential state by option
.B blank=deformat_sequential .
With DVD-R[W] two write modes may be available:
Mode DAO has many restrictions. It does not work with
appendable media, allows no -multi and only a single track. The size of the
track needs to be known in advance. So either its source has to be a disk file
of recognizable size or the size has to be announced explicitely by options
.B tsize=
.B tao_to_sao_tsize= .
DAO is the only mode for media which do not offer feature 21h Incremental
Streaming. DAO may also be selected explicitely by option
.B -sao .
Program growisofs uses DAO on sequential DVD-R[W] media for maximum
DVD-ROM/-Video compatibility.
The other mode, Incremental Streaming, is the default write mode if
it is available and if the restrictions of DAO would prevent the job.
Incremental Streaming may be selected explicitely by option
.B -tao
as it resembles much CD TAO by allowing track sources of
unpredicted length and to keep media appendable by option
.B -multi .
The only restriction towards CD-R[W] is the lack of support for -audio tracks.
Multiple tracks per session are permissible.
The write modes for DVD+R resemble those with DVD-R except that with DVD+R
each track gets wrapped in an own session. There is no -dummy writing with
Quite deliberately write mode -sao insists in the tradition of a predicted
track size and blank media, whereas -tao writes the tracks open ended and
allows appendable media.
.B Overwriteable DVD Media:
Currently types DVD+RW, DVD-RW and DVD-RAM can be overwritten via cdrskin.
DVD+RW and DVD-RAM media get treated as blank media regardless wether they
hold data or not. They need no special initial formatting.
Options -audio and -multi are not allowed. Only one track is allowed.
-toc does not return information about the media content.
Currently there is no difference between -sao and -tao. If ever, then -tao
will be the mode which preserves the current behavior.
DVD-RW are sold in state "Sequential Recording". To become suitable for the
Overwriteable DVD recording model they need to get formatted to state
"Restricted Overwrite". Then they behave much like DVD+RW. This formatting
can be done by option
.B blank=format_overwrite .
Several programs like dvd+rw-format, cdrecord, wodim, or cdrskin
can bring a DVD-RW out of overwriteable state so
that it has to be formatted again. If in doubt, just give it a try.
.B Drive preparation and addressing:
The drives, either CD burners or DVD burners, are accessed via addresses which
are specific to libburn and the operating system. Those addresses get listed
by a run of \fBcdrskin --devices\fP.
On Linux, they are device files which traditionally do not offer
w-permissions for normal users. Because libburn needs rw-permission,
it might be only the
.B superuser
who is able to get this list without further
It is consensus that \fBchmod a+rw /dev/sr0\fP or \fBchmod a+rw /dev/hdc\fP
is less security sensitive than chmod u+s /usr/bin/cdrskin. The risk for the
drive is somewhat higher but the overall system is much less at stake.
If you only got one CD capable drive then you may leave out cdrskin option
\fBdev=\fP. Else you should use this option to address the drive you want.
cdrskin option dev= not only accepts the listed addresses but also
traditional cdrecord SCSI addresses which on Linux consist of three
numbers: Bus,Target,Lun. There is also a related address family "ATA" which
accesses IDE drives not under control of Linux SCSI drivers:
See option -scanbus for getting a list of cdrecord style addresses.
Further are accepted on Linux: links to libburn-suitable device files,
device files which have the same major and minor device number,
and device files which have the same SCSI address parameters (e.g. /dev/sg0).
.BI \-\-help
Show non-cdrecord compatible options.
.BI \-help
Show cdrecord compatible options.
.BI \-version
Print cdrskin id line, compatibility lure line, libburn version, cdrskin
version, version timestamp, build timestamp (if available), and then exit.
Alphabetical list of options which are intended to be compatible with
original cdrecord by Joerg Schilling:
.BI \-atip
Retrieve some info about media state. With CD-RW print "Is erasable".
With DVD media print "book type:" and a media type text.
.BI \-audio
Announces that the subsequent tracks are to be burned as audio.
The source is supposed to be uncompressed headerless PCM, 44100 Hz, 16 bit,
stereo. For little-endian byte order (which is usual on PCs) use option
-swab. Unless marked explicitely by option -data, input files with suffix
".wav" are examined wether they have a header in MS-WAVE format confirming
those parameters and eventually raw audio data get extracted and burned as
audio track. Same is done for suffix ".au" and SUN Audio.
Option -audio may be used only with CD media and not with DVD.
.BI blank= type
Blank a CD-RW, a DVD-RW, or format a DVD+/-RW.
This is combinable with burning in the same run of cdrskin.
The type given with blank= selects the particular behavior:
Print this list of blanking types.
Blank an entire CD-RW or an unformatted DVD-RW.
(See also --prodvd_cli_compatible)
Minimally blank an entire CD-RW or blank an unformatted DVD-RW.
(See also --prodvd_cli_compatible)
Format a DVD-RW to "Restricted Overwrite". The user should bring some patience.
(Note: blank=format_overwrite* are not original cdrecord options.)
Like format_overwrite without creating a 128 MiB trailblazer session.
Leads to "intermediate" state which only allows sequential write
beginning from address 0.
The "intermediate" state ends after the first session of writing data.
For DVD-RW this is like format_overwrite but claims full media size
rather than just 128 MiB.
Most traditional formatting is attempted. No data get written.
Much patience is required.
This option treats already formatted media even if not option -force is given.
For DVD+RW this is the only supported explicit formatting type. It provides
complete "de-icing" so no reader slips on unwritten data areas.
Like blank=all but with the additional ability to blank overwriteable DVD-RW.
This will destroy their formatting and make them sequentially recordable.
Another peculiarity is the ability to blank media which appear already blank.
This is similar to option -force but does not try to blank media other than
recognizable CD-RW and DVD-RW.
(Note: blank=deformat_sequential* are not original cdrecord options.)
Like blank=deformat_sequential but blanking DVD-RW only minimally.
This is faster than full blanking but may yield media incapable of
Incremental Streaming (-tao).
.BI \-checkdrive
Retrieve some info about the addressed drive.
Exits with non-zero value if the drive cannot be found and opened.
.BI \-dao
Alias for option -sao. Write CD in Session at Once mode
or DVD-R[W] in Disc-at-once mode.
.BI \-data
Subsequent tracks are data tracks. This option is default and only needed
to mark the end of the range of an eventual option -audio.
.BI dev= target
Set the address of the drive to use. Valid are at least the
addresses listed with option --devices,
X,Y,Z addresses listed with option -scanbus,
ATA:X,Y,Z addresses listed with options dev=ATA -scanbus,
and volatile libburn drive numbers (numbering starts at "0").
Other device file addresses which lead to the same drive might work too.
If no dev= is given, volatile address "dev=0" is assumed. That is the first
drive found being available. Better avoid this ambiguity on systems with more
than one drive.
The special target "help" lists hints about available addressing formats.
Be aware that deprecated option --old_pseudo_scsi_adr may change the meaning
of Bus,Target,Lun addresses.
.BI driveropts= opt
Set "driveropts=noburnfree" to disable the drive's eventual protection
mechanism against temporary lack of source data (i.e. buffer underrun).
A drive that announces no such capabilities will not get them enabled anyway,
even if attempted explicitely via "driveropts=burnfree".
.BI \-dummy
Try to perform the drive operations without actually affecting the inserted
media. There is no warranty that this will work with a particular combination
of drive, media, and write mode. Blanking is prevented reliably, though.
To avoid inadverted real burning, -dummy refuses burn runs on anything but
CD-R[W] and DVD-R[W].
.BI \-eject
Eject the disc after work is done.
.BI \-force
Assume that the user knows better in situations when cdrskin or libburn are
insecure about drive or media state. This includes the attempt to blank
media which are classified as unknown or unsuitable, and the attempt to use
write modes which libburn believes they are not supported by the drive.
Another application is to enforce blanking or re-formatting of media
which appear to be in the desired blank or format state already.
This option enables a burn run with option -dummy even if libburn believes
that drive and media will not simulate the write mode but will write for real.
.B Caution:
Use this only when in urgent need.
.BI fs= size
Set the fifo size to the given value. The value may have appended letters which
multiply the preceding number:
"k" or "K" = 1024 , "m" or "M" = 1024k , "g" or "G" = 1024m , "s" or "S" = 2048
Set size to 0 in order to disable the fifo (default is "4m").
The fifo buffers an eventual temporary surplus of track source data in order to
provide the drive with a steady stream during times of temporary lack of track
source supply.
The larger the fifo, the longer periods of poor source supply can be
But a large fifo needs substantial time to fill up if not curbed via
option fifo_start_at=size.
.BI gracetime= seconds
Set the grace time before starting to write. (Default is 0)
.BI -isosize
The next track following this option will try to obtain its source size from
the header information out of the first few blocks of the source data.
If these blocks indicate an ISO-9660 filesystem then its declared size
will be used under the assumption that it is a single session filesystem.
If not, then the burn run will be aborted.
The range of -isosize is exactly one track. Further tracks may be preceeded
by further -isosize options, though. At least 15 blocks of padding will be
added to each -isosize track. But be advised to rather use padsize=300k.
This option can be performed on track sources which are regular files or block
devices. For the first track of the session it can be performed on any type
of source if there is a fifo of at least 64 kiB. See option fs= .
.BI minbuf= percentage
Equivalent to:
Percentage is permissible between 25 and 95.
.BI msifile= path
Run option -msinfo and copy the result line into the file given by path.
Unlike -msinfo this option does not redirect all normal output away from
standard output. But it may be combined with -msinfo to achieve this.
Note: msifile=path is actually an option of wodim and not of cdrecord.
.BI \-msinfo
Retrieve multi-session info for preparing a follow-up session by option -C
of programs mkisofs or genisoimage. Print result to standard output.
This option redirects to stderr all message output except the one of option
--tell_media_space and its own result string, which consists of two numbers.
The result string shall be used as argument of option -C with said programs.
It gives the start address of the most recent session and the predicted
start address of the next session to be appended. The string is empty if
the most recent session was not written with option -multi.
.BI \-multi
This option keeps the CD or unformatted DVD-R[W] appendable after the current
session has been written.
Without it the disc gets closed and may not be written any more - unless it
is a -RW and gets blanked which causes loss of its content.
The following sessions can only be written in -tao mode. -multi is prohibited
with overwriteable DVD media and with DVD-R[W] DAO write mode.
Option --prodvd_cli_compatible eventually makes -multi tolerable but cannot
make it work.
In order to have all filesystem content accessible, the eventual ISO-9660
filesystem of a follow-up
session needs to be prepared in a special way by the filesystem formatter
program. mkisofs and genisoimage expect particular info about the situation
which can be retrieved by cdrskin option -msinfo.
To retrieve an archive file which was written as follow-up session,
you may use option -toc to learn about the "lba" of the desired track number.
.BI \-nopad
Do not add trailing zeros to the data stream. Nevertheless, since there seems
to be no use for audio tracks with incomplete last sector, this option applies
only to data tracks. There it is default.
.BI \-pad
Add 30 kiB of trailing zeros to each data track. (This is not sufficient to
avoid problems with various CD-ROM read drivers.)
.BI padsize= size
Add the given amount of trailing zeros to the next data track. This option
gets reset to padsize=0 after that next track is written. It may be set
again before the next track argument. About size specifiers, see option fs=.
.BI \-raw96r
Write CD in RAW/RAW96R mode. This mode allows to put more payload bytes
into a CD sector but obviously at the cost of error correction. It can only
be used for tracks of fixely predicted size. Some drives allow this mode but
then behave strange or even go bad for the next few attempts to burn a CD.
One should use it only if inavoidable.
.BI \-sao
Write CD in Session At Once mode, a sequential DVD-R[W] in Disc-at-once
(DAO) mode, or a DVD+R.
With CD this mode is able to put several audio tracks on media without
producing audible gaps between them.
With DVD-R[W] this mode can only write a single track.
No -multi is allowed with DVD-R[W] -sao.
-sao is permissible with overwriteable DVD and with DVD+R but actually only
imposes restrictions without providing known advantages.
-sao can only be used for tracks of fixely predicted size. This implies that
track arguments which depict stdin or named pipes need to be preceeded by
option tsize= or by option tao_to_sao_tsize=.
-sao cannot be used on appendable media.
.BI \-scanbus
Scan the system for drives. On Linux the drives at /dev/s* and at /dev/hd*
are to be scanned by two separate runs. One without dev= for /dev/s* and
one with dev=ATA for /dev/hd* devices. (Option --drives lists all available
drives in a single run.)
Drives which are busy or which offer no rw-permission to the user of cdrskin
are not listed. Busy drives get reported in form of warning messages.
The useful fields in a result line are:
Bus,Target,Lun Number) 'Vendor' 'Mode' 'Revision'
.BI speed= number
Set speed of drive. With data CD, 1x speed corresponds to a throughput of
150,000 bytes/second. With DVD, 1x = 1,385,000 bytes/second.
It is not an error to set a speed higher than is suitable for drive
and media. One should stay within a realistic speed range, though.
Special speed settings are:
0 = minimal speed , -1 = maximal speed (default).
.BI \-swab
Announce that the raw audio data source of subsequent tracks is byte swapped
versus the expectations of cdrecord. This option is suitable for audio where
the least significant byte of a 16 bit word is first (little-endian, Intel).
Most raw audio data on PC systems are available in this byte order.
Less guesswork is needed if track sources are in format MS-WAVE in a file with
suffix ".wav".
.BI \-tao
Write CD in Track At Once (TAO) mode, sequential DVD-R[W] in Incremental
Streaming mode, or DVD+R without traditional -sao restrictions.
This mode also applies pro-forma to overwriteable DVD media.
Mode -tao can be used with track sources of unpredictable size, like standard
input or named pipes. It is also the only mode that can be used for writing
to appendable media which already hold data. With unformatted DVD-R[W] it is
the only mode which allows -multi.
.BI \-toc
Print the table of content (TOC) which describes the tracks recorded on disc.
The output contains all info from option -atip plus lines which begin with
"track:", the track number, the word "lba:" and a number which gives the
start address of the track. Addresses are counted in CD sectors which with
SAO or TAO data tracks hold 2048 bytes each.
Example. Retrieve an afio archive from track number 2:
lba=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/cdrom -toc 2>&1 | \\
grep '^track:[ ]*[ 0-9][0-9]' | \\
tail +"$tracknumber" | head -1 | \\
awk '{ print $4}' )
dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 skip="$lba" | \\
afio -t - | less
.BI tsize= size
Announces the exact size of the next track source. This is necessary with any
write mode other than -tao if the track source is not a regular disk file, but
e.g. "-" (standard input) or a named pipe.
About size specifiers, see option fs=.
If the track source does not deliver the predicted amount of bytes, the
remainder of the track is padded with zeros. This is not considered an error.
If on the other hand the track source delivers more than the announced bytes
then the track on media gets truncated to the predicted size and cdrskin exits
with non-zero value.
.BI \-v
Increment verbose level by one. Startlevel is 0 with only few messages.
Level 1 prints progress report with long running operations and also causes
some extra lines to be put out with info retrieval options.
Level 2 additionally reports about option settings derived from arguments or
startup files. Level 3 is for debugging and useful mainly in conjunction with
somebody who had a look into the program sourcecode.
Alphabetical list of options which are genuine to cdrskin and intended for
normal use:
.BI \--adjust_speed_to_drive
Curb explicitely given speed= values to the maximum which is announced by the
drive for the loaded media. By default, such an adjustment is only made with
pseudo-speeds 0 and -1 whereas speed settings > 0 are sent unchanged to the
drive which will then choose an appropriate speed on its own.
.BI \--allow_setuid
Disable the loud warning about insecure discrepance between login user and
effective user which indicates application of chmod u+s to the program binary.
One should not do this chmod u+s , but it is an old cdrecord tradition.
.BI \--any_track
Allow source_addresses to begin with "-" (plus further characters) or to
contain a "=" character.
By default such arguments are seen as misspelled options. It is nevertheless
not possible to use one of the options listed with --list_ignored_options.
.BI assert_write_lba= block_number | byte_address
Abort if the write address given with this option is not the same as predicted
immediately before the write session starts. This option can ensure that a
start address which was presumed by a formatter like mkisofs -C is really used
by the drive for writing.
assert_write_lba=0 effectively demands blank media and excludes appendables.
Block numbering is peculiar: If the last character of the option string is
a letter [a-zA-Z] then the usual unit scaling by "s", "k", "m", etc. applies
and the result is divided by 2048. Else the number value of the string is
taken as plain block number with block size 2048 byte.
(E.g ...=1000 or ...=1000s means block 1000, ...=1m means block
512, ...=4096b means block number 2)
.BI \--demand_a_drive
Exit with a nonzero value if no drive can be found during a bus scan.
.BI \--devices
List the device file addresses of all accessible CD drives. In order to get
listed, a drive has to offer rw-permission for the cdrskin user and it may
not be busy. The superuser should be able to see all idle drives listed and
busy drives reported as "SORRY" messages.
Each available drive gets listed by a line containing the following fields:
Number dev='Devicefile' rw-Permissions : 'Vendor' 'Model'
Number and Devicefile can both be used with option dev=, but number is
volatile (numbering changes if drives become busy).
.BI fifo_start_at= size
Do not wait for full fifo but start burning as soon as the given number
of bytes is read. This option may be helpful to bring the average throughput
near to the maximum throughput of a drive. A large fs= and a small
fifo_start_at= combine a quick burn start and a large savings buffer to
compensate for temporary lack of source data. At the beginning of burning,
the software protection against buffer underun is as weak as the size of
fifo_start_at= . So it is best if the drive offers hardware protection which
is enabled automatically if not driveropts=noburnfree is given.
.BI \--list_ignored_options
List all ignored cdrecord options. The "-" options cannot be used as addresses
of track sources. No track source address may begin with a text equal to an
option which ends by "=". The list is ended by an empty line.
.BI \--no_rc
Only if used as first command line argument this option prevents reading and
interpretation of eventual startup files. See section FILES below.
.BI \--prodvd_cli_compatible
Activates behavior modifications with some DVD situations which bring cdrskin
nearer to the behavior of cdrecord-ProDVD:
Option -multi with unsuitable media is not an error but simply has no effect.
Options blank=fast and blank=all deformat overwriteable DVD-RW media.
Option blank=fast does indeed minmal blanking with DVD-RW. This may yield media
which can only do DAO but not Incremental Streaming.
.BI \--single_track
Accept only the last argument of the command line as track source address.
.BI tao_to_sao_tsize= size
Set an exact fixed size for the next track to be in effect only if the track
source cannot deliver a size prediction and no tsize= was specified and an
exact track size prediction is demanded by the write mode.
This was the fallback from bad old times when cdrskin was unable to burn
in mode -tao . It came back with minimally blanked DVD-RW which allow no
Incremental Streaming (-tao) resp. with explicitly selected write mode -sao
for best DVD-ROM compatibility.
If the track source delivers less bytes than announced then the missing ones
will be filled with zeros.
.BI --tell_media_space
Prepare a recording session, do not perform it but rather inquire the
maximum number of 2048 byte data blocks which may be written in
the current state of media with the prepared setup. So this option disables
recording of data. It does allow blanking, though, and will measure space
It is not mandatory to give track sources but their nature may influence
the available capacity. So for most realistic results one may set up
the full burn session and add --tell_media_space. But if one has to expect
a cdrskin version prior to 0.3.3 no track source should be given in order
not to start an involuntary burn session.
In this case set at least -sao or -tao explicitely.
The result gets printed to standard output. It is 0 or empty if no writing
is possible with the given options.
This option redirects to stderr all message output except its own result
string and eventual output of -msinfo.
.BI write_start_address= byte_offset
Set the address on media where to start writing the track. With DVD+RW or
DVD-RAM byte_offset must be aligned to 2 kiB blocks, but better is 32 kiB.
With DVD-RW 32 kiB alignment is mandatory.
Other media are not suitable for this option yet.
Alphabetical list of options which are only intended for very special
situations and not for normal use:
.BI \--abort_handler
Establish default signal handling not to leave a drive in busy state
but rather to shut it down and to wait until it has ended the final operations.
This option is only needed for revoking eventual --ignore_signals or
.BI \--allow_untested_media
Enable the use of media profiles which have been implemented but not yet
tested. Currently this applies to :
Profile 0015h , DVD-R/DL Sequential (will not allow -multi).
Profile 002Bh , DVD+R/DL.
If you really test such media, then please report the outcome on
.BI dev_translation= <sep><from><sep><to>
Set drive address alias. This was necessary before cdrskin-0.2.4 to manually
translate cdrecord addresses into cdrskin addresses.
<sep> is a single character which may not occur in the address string
<from>. <from> is an address as expected to be given by the user via option
dev=. <to> is the address to be used instead whenever <from> is given.
More than one translation instruction can be given in one cdrskin run.
E.g.: dev_translation=+ATA:1,0,0+/dev/sr1 dev_translation=+ATA:1,1,0+/dev/sr2
.BI \--drive_abort_on_busy
Linux specific: Abort process if a busy drive is encountered.
.BI \--drive_blocking
Linux specific: Try to wait for a busy drive to become free.
This is not guaranteed to work with all drivers. Some need nonblocking i/o.
.BI \--drive_f_setlk
Linux specific: Try to get exclusive lock on drive device file via fcntl(2).
.BI \--drive_not_exclusive
Linux specific: Combine --drive_not_f_setlk and --drive_not_o_excl.
.BI \--drive_not_f_setlk
Linux specific: Do not try to get exclusive lock on drive device file via
.BI \--drive_not_o_excl
Linux specific: Do not ask the operating system to prevent opening busy drives.
Wether this leads to senseful behavior depends on operating system and kernel.
.BI drive_scsi_dev_family= sr | scd | sg
Linux specific: Select a SCSI device file family to be used for drive command
transactions. Normally this is /dev/sgN on kernel versions < 2.6 and /dev/srN
on kernels >= 2.6 . This option allows to explicitely override that default
in order to meet other programs at a common device file for each drive.
On kernel 2.4 families sr and scd will find no drives.
Device file family /dev/hdX on kernel >= 2.6 is not affected by this setting.
.BI \--drive_scsi_exclusive
Linux specific:
Try to exclusively reserve device files /dev/srN, /dev/scdM, /dev/sgK of drives.
This would be helpful to protect against collisions with program growisofs.
Regrettably on Linux kernel 2.4 with ide-scsi emulation this seems not to
work. Wether it becomes helpful with new Linux systems has to be evaluated.
.BI \--fifo_disable
Disable fifo despite any fs=.
.BI \--fifo_per_track
Use a separate fifo for each track.
.BI \--fill_up_media
Expand the last track of the session to occupy all remaining free space on
the media.
This option overrides option -multi. It will not fill up media if option -sao
is given with CD media.
.B Caution:
This option might increase read compatibility with DVD-ROM drives but
with some DVD recorders and media types it might also fail to produce readable
media at all. "Your mileage may vary".
.BI grab_drive_and_wait= seconds
Open the addressed drive, wait the given number of seconds, release the drive,
and do normal work as indicated by the other options used. This option helps
to explore the program behavior when faced with busy drives. Just start a
second cdrskin with option --devices while grab_drive_and_wait= is still
.BI \--ignore_signals
Try to ignore any signals rather than to abort the program. This is not a
very good idea. You might end up waiting a very long time for cdrskin
to finish.
.BI modesty_on_drive= <mode>[:min_percent=<num>][:max_percent=<num>]
Mode 1 keeps the program from trying to write to the burner drive while its
buffer is in danger to be filled by more than max_percent. If this filling is
exceeded then the program will wait until the filling is at most min_percent.
This can ease the load on operating system and drive controller and thus help
with achieving better input bandwidth if disk and burner are not on independent
controllers (like hda and hdb). Unsufficient input bandwidth is indicated by
output "(fifo xy%)" of option -v if xy is lower than 90 for some time.
modesty_on_drive= might hamper output bandwidth and cause buffer underruns.
To have max_percent larger than the burner's best actual
buffer fill has the same effect as min_percent==max_percent. Some burners
do not use their full buffer with all media types. Watch output "[buf xy%]"
of option -v to get an impression of the actual buffer usage. Some burners
are not suitable because they report buffer fill with granularity too large
in size or time.
Mode 0 disables this feature. Mode -1 keeps it unchanged. Default is:
Percentages are permissible in the range of 25 to 100.
.BI \--no_abort_handler
On signals exit even if the drive is in busy state. This is not a very good
idea. You might end up with a stuck drive that refuses to hand out the media.
.BI \--no_blank_appendable
Refuse to blank appendable CD-RW or DVD-RW. This is a feature that was once
builtin with libburn. No information available for what use case it was needed.
.BI \--no_convert_fs_adr
Do only literal translations of dev=. This prevents cdrskin from test-opening
device files in order to find one that matches the given dev= specifier.
Partly Linux specific:
Such opening is needed for Bus,Target,Lun addresses unless option
--old_pseudo_scsi_adr is given. It is also needed to resolve device file
addresses which are not listed with cdrskin --devices but nevertheless point
to a usable drive. (Like /dev/sg0 using the same SCSI address as /dev/sr0.)
.BI \--old_pseudo_scsi_adr
Linux specific:
Use and report literal Bus,Target,Lun addresses rather than real SCSI and
pseudo ATA addresses. This method is outdated and was never compatible with
original cdrecord.
.B Get an overview of drives and their addresses:
cdrskin -scanbus
cdrskin dev=ATA -scanbus
cdrskin --devices
.B Get info about a particular drive or loaded media:
cdrskin dev=0,1,0 -checkdrive
cdrskin dev=ATA:1,0,0 -v -atip
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -toc
.B Make used CD-RW or used unformatted DVD-RW writable again:
cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sg1 blank=fast -eject
cdrskin -v dev=/dev/dvd blank=all -eject
.B Format DVD-RW to avoid need for blanking before re-use:
cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 blank=format_overwrite
.B De-format DVD-RW to make it capable of multi-session again:
cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 blank=deformat_sequential
.B Write ISO-9660 filesystem image as only one to blank or formatted media:
cdrskin -v dev=/dev/hdc speed=12 fs=8m \\
-sao -eject padsize=300k my_image.iso
.B Write compressed afio archive on-the-fly (not possible with minimally blanked DVD-RW):
find . | afio -oZ - | \\
cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 fs=32m speed=8 \\
-tao padsize=300k -
.B Write multi-session to the same CD, DVD-R[W] or DVD+R:
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -multi -tao 1.iso
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -multi -tao 2.iso
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -multi -tao 3.iso
cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -tao 4.iso
.B Get multi-session info for option -C of program mkisofs:
c_values=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -msinfo 2>/dev/null)
mkisofs ... -C "$c_values" ...
.B Inquire free space on media for a -tao -multi run:
x=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 -tao -multi \\
--tell_media_space 2>/dev/null)
echo "Available: $x blocks of 2048 data bytes"
.B Write audio tracks to CD:
cdrskin -v dev=ATA:1,0,0 speed=48 -sao \\
track1.wav track2.au -audio -swab track3.raw
If not --no_rc is given as the first argument then cdrskin attempts on
startup to read the arguments from the following files:
.B /etc/default/cdrskin
.B /etc/opt/cdrskin/rc
.B /etc/cdrskin/cdrskin.conf
.B $HOME/.cdrskinrc
The files are read in the sequence given above, but none of them is
required for cdrskin to function properly. Each readable line is treated
as one single argument. No extra blanks.
A first character '#' marks a comment, empty lines are ignored.
.B Example content of a startup file:
# This is the default device
# To accomodate to remnant cdrskin-0.2.2 addresses
# Some more options
Formatting data track sources for cdrskin:
.BR mkisofs (8),
.BR genisoimage (8),
.BR afio (1),
.BR star (1)
Other CD/DVD burn programs:
.BR cdrecord (1),
.BR wodim (1)
For DVD burning (also tutor of libburn's DVD capabilities):
.BR growisofs (1)
cdrskin was written by Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>.
This manual page was written by George Danchev <danchev@spnet.net> and
Thomas Schmitt, for the Debian project and for all others.

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<META NAME="description" CONTENT="cdrskin, a limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="cdrskin, libburn, libburnia, burn, CD, DVD, linux, recording, burning, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD+R, cdrecord, compatible, scdbackup">
<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="follow">
<TITLE>cdrskin homepage english</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#F5DEB3" TEXT=#000000 LINK=#0000A0 VLINK=#800000>
<A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%B6ner_kebab">
<IMG SRC="doener_150x200_tr_octx.png" BORDER=0
ALT="cdrskin logo: Doener mit Scharf">
<P><H2> Homepage of </H2>
<H1> cdrskin </H1>
<!-- <FONT SIZE=+0><A HREF="cdrskin_ger.html">deutsch (german)</A></FONT> -->
<H2>Limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn</H2>
Burns preformatted data to CD and single layer DVD media:<BR>
<H2>Hardware requirements:</H2>
A CD/DVD recorder suitable for
<A HREF="http://libburnia.pykix.org">libburnia.pykix.org</A> <BR>
(SCSI , ATA , USB , or SATA writers compliant to standard MMC-3 for CD
and to MMC-5 for DVD).
<H2>Software requirements :</H2>
<DT>Linux kernel 2.4 or higher</DT>
<DD>With kernel 2.4 an ATA drive has to be under ide-scsi emulation.</DD>
<DD>With kernel 2.6 the drive should not be under ide-scsi.</DD>
<DD>is supposed to be a standard system component.</DD>
GPL software included:<BR>
<DD>(by Derek Foreman, Ben Jansens, and team of libburnia.pykix.org)</DD>
<DD>transfers data to CD and DVD</DD>
This program system has been tested on Intel/AMD Linux systems only.<BR>
Ports to other usable systems are appreciated. Reports are welcome.
<H2>Special features:</H2>
<LI>Source code is independent of
<A HREF="http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/cdrecord.html">cdrecord</A>
<DT>The most common options of cdrecord for data and audio on CD media
are provided in a compatible way.<BR>
On single layer DVD media cdrskin is able to perform any recording job
which is possible with cdrecord.
Other than with cdrecord, options -multi and -tao are supported with
certain DVD types.
<DT>Get an overview of drives and their addresses</DT>
<DD>#<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin -scanbus</KBD></DD>
<DD>#<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=ATA -scanbus</KBD></DD>
<DD>#<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin --devices</KBD></DD>
<DT>Being superuser avoids permission problems with /dev/srN resp. /dev/hdX .
<DT>Ordinary users should then get granted rw access to the /dev files
as listed by option --devices.</DT>
<DT>Get info about a particular drive or loaded media:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=0,1,0 -checkdrive</KBD></DD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=ATA:1,0,0 -v -atip</KBD></DD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -toc</KBD></DD>
<DT>Make used CD-RW or used unformatted DVD-RW writable again:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sg1 blank=fast -eject</KBD></DD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin -v dev=/dev/dvd blank=all -eject</KBD></DD>
<DT>Format DVD-RW to avoid need for blanking before re-use:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 blank=format_overwrite</KBD></DD>
<DT>De-format DVD-RW to make it capable of multi-session again:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 blank=deformat_sequential</KBD></DD>
<DT>Write ISO-9660 filesystem image as only one to blank or formatted media:
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin -v dev=/dev/hdc speed=12 fs=8m \</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;-sao -eject padsize=300k my_image.iso</KBD></DD>
<DT>Write compressed afio archive on-the-fly:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;find . | afio -oZ - | \</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 fs=32m speed=8 \</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;-tao padsize=300k -</KBD></DD>
<DT>Write several sessions to the same CD, DVD-R[W] or DVD+R:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -multi -tao 1.iso</KBD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -multi -tao 2.iso</KBD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -multi -tao 3.iso</KBD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -v padsize=300k -tao 4.iso</KBD></DD>
<DT>Get multi-session info for option -C of program mkisofs:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;c_values=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 -msinfo 2>/dev/null)</KBD></DD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;mkisofs ... -C "$c_values" ...</KBD></DD>
<DT>Inquire free space on media for a -tao -multi run:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;x=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 -tao -multi \</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;--tell_media_space 2>/dev/null)</KBD></DD>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;echo "Available: $x blocks of 2048 data bytes"</KBD></DD>
<DT>Write audio tracks to CD:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;cdrskin -v dev=ATA:1,0,0 speed=48 -sao \</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;track1.wav track2.au -audio -swab track3.raw</KBD></DD>
<DT>Get overview of the cdrecord compatible options:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;<A HREF="cdrskin_help">cdrskin -help</A></KBD></DD>
<DT>Get overview of the non-cdrecord options:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;<A HREF="cdrskin__help">cdrskin --help</A></KBD></DD>
<DT>Read the detailed manual page:</DT>
<DD>$<KBD>&nbsp;<A HREF="man_1_cdrskin.html">man cdrskin</A></KBD></DD>
<DT>Read about the standard for which cdrskin is striving:</DT>
<A HREF="http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/man/cdrecord-2.0.html">
man cdrecord</A></KBD></DD>
<DD><B>Do not bother Joerg Schilling with any cdrskin problems.</B>
(Be cursed if you install cdrskin as "cdrecord" without clearly forwarding
this "don't bother Joerg" demand.)
Testers wanted who are willing to risk some double layer DVD media.
<DT>Download as source code (see README):</DT>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin-0.3.8.pl00.tar.gz">cdrskin-0.3.8.pl00.tar.gz</A>
(615 KB).
The "stable" cdrskin tarballs are source code identical with "stable"
libburn releases or with "stabilized" libburn SVN snapshots. They get
produced via a different procedure, though.<BR>
cdrskin is part of libburn - full libburn is provided with cdrskin releases.
<DT>Download as single x86 binaries (untar and move to /usr/bin/cdrskin):</DT>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin_0.3.8.pl00-x86-suse9_0.tar.gz">
cdrskin_0.3.8.pl00-x86-suse9_0.tar.gz</A>, (90 KB),
<DD>runs on SuSE 9.0 (2.4.21) , RIP-14.4 (2.6.14) ,
Gentoo (2.6.15 x86_64 Athlon).</DD>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin_0.3.8.pl00-x86-suse9_0-static.tar.gz">
cdrskin_0.3.8.pl00-x86-suse9_0-static.tar.gz</A>, (290 KB), -static compiled,
<DD>runs on SuSE 7.2 (2.4.4), and on the systems above.</DD>
<DD><A HREF="README_cdrskin">README</A> an introduction</DD>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin__help">cdrskin --help</A> non-cdrecord options</DD>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin_help">cdrskin -help</A> cdrecord compatible options</DD>
<DD><A HREF="man_1_cdrskin.html">man cdrskin</A> the manual page</DD>
<DD>Thomas Schmitt, <A HREF="mailto:scdbackup@gmx.net">scdbackup@gmx.net</A></DD>
<DD>libburn development mailing list,
<A HREF="mailto:libburn-hackers@pykix.org">libburn-hackers@pykix.org</A></DD>
<DD><A HREF="COPYING_cdrskin">GPL</A>, an <A HREF="http://www.opensource.org/">Open Source</A> approved license</DD>
Enhancements towards previous stable version cdrskin-0.3.4:
<LI>Now able to cope with the peculiarities of Linux 2.4 USB</LI>
<LI>Refusal to perform -dummy runs on media which cannot simulate burning</LI>
<LI>Precautions against using the burner drive as track source</LI>
<LI>New option modesty_on_drive= may help with hda -> hdb burns</LI>
<LI>New option minbuf= , cdrecord compatible frontend of modesty_on_drive=</LI>
<LI>New option --adjust_speed_to_drive</LI>
Bug fixes towards cdrskin-0.3.8.pl00:
<LI>none yet</LI>
<DT><H3>Development snapshot, version 0.3.9 :</H3></DT>
<DD>Enhancements towards stable version 0.3.8.pl00:
<LI>none yet</LI>
<DD><A HREF="README_cdrskin_devel">README 0.3.9</A>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin__help_devel">cdrskin_0.3.9 --help</A></DD>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin_help_devel">cdrskin_0.3.9 -help</A></DD>
<DD><A HREF="man_1_cdrskin_devel.html">man cdrskin (as of 0.3.9)</A></DD>
<DT>Maintainers of cdrskin unstable packages please use SVN of
<A HREF="http://libburnia.pykix.org"> libburnia.pykix.org</A></DT>
<DD>Download: <KBD><B>svn co http://libburnia-svn.pykix.org/libburn/trunk libburn_pykix</B>
<DD>Build: <KBD><B>cd libburn_pykix ; ./bootstrap ; ./configure ; make</B>
<DD>Build of SVN versions needs <A HREF="http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/">
autotools</A> of at least version 1.7 installed.
But after the run of <KBD>./bootstrap</KBD>, only
vanilla tools like make and gcc are needed.</DD>
<DT>The following downloads are intended for adventurous end users or
admins with full system souvereignty.</DT>
<DD>Source (./bootstrap is already applied, build tested, for more see
<A HREF="README_cdrskin_devel">upcoming README</A> ):
<A HREF="cdrskin-0.3.9.tar.gz">cdrskin-0.3.9.tar.gz</A>
(615 KB).
<DD>Binary (untar and move to /usr/bin/cdrskin):</DD>
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin_0.3.9-x86-suse9_0.tar.gz">
cdrskin_0.3.9-x86-suse9_0.tar.gz</A>, (90 KB).
<DD><A HREF="cdrskin_0.3.9-x86-suse9_0-static.tar.gz">
cdrskin_0.3.9-x86-suse9_0-static.tar.gz</A>, (290 KB)
Many thanks to Joerg Schilling for cdrecord,
and to Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens for creating libburn.
Historic versions based on Derek's and Ben's
<A HREF="http://icculus.org/burn">icculus.org/burn</A> :<BR>
<A HREF="cdrskin-">cdrskin-</A><BR>
<A HREF="cdrskin-">cdrskin-</A>
Very special thanks to Andy Polyakov whose
<A HREF="http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/tools">dvd+rw-tools</A>
provide libburn with invaluable examples on how to deal with DVD media.
<A NAME="examples">
<DT>Example for a setup of device permissions. To be done by the superuser:</DT>
<DT>(CD devices which offer no rw-permission are invisible to normal users.)
<DD># <KBD><B>cdrskin --devices</B></KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>0&nbsp; dev='/dev/sr0'&nbsp; rwrwr- :&nbsp; 'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S'</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>1&nbsp; dev='/dev/hdc'&nbsp; rwrw-- :&nbsp; 'LITE-ON' 'LTR-48125S'</KBD></DD>
<DD># <KBD><B>chmod a+rw /dev/sr0 /dev/hdc</B></KBD></DD>
<A NAME="k3b">
<A HREF="k3b_on_cdrskin.html">
Example how to setup K3b to use cdrskin for burning data CD projects.
(<A HREF="http://www.k3b.org">K3b</A>
is a GUI frontend which uses cdrecord for CD burning.)
<A NAME="scdbackup">
<DT>Example for a test session with a cdrecord based scdbackup installation:</DT>
<DD>$ <KBD><B>cdrskin -scanbus</B></KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2,0,0 &nbsp;&nbsp; 0)&nbsp; 'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S' '?' Removable CD-ROM</KBD></DD>
<DD>$ <KBD><B>cdrskin -scanbus dev=ATA</B></KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1,0,0 &nbsp;&nbsp; 1)&nbsp; 'LITE-ON' 'LTR-48125S' '?' Removable CD-ROM</KBD></DD>
<DD>$ <KBD><B>export SCDBACKUP_SCSI_ADR="ATA:1,0,0"</B></KBD></DD>
<DD>$ <KBD><B>export SCDBACKUP_CDRECORD="cdrskin -v -v"</B></KBD></DD>
<DD>$ <KBD><B>scdbackup_home</B></KBD></DD>
<DT>Example for a permanent configuration of cdrskin based scdbackup</DT>
<DD>$ <KBD><B>cd scdbackup-0.8.6/inst</B></KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>cdrskin 0.3.8 : limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn</KBD></DD>
If your system is stricken with some ill CD device then this can stall
and you will have to press <KBD>Ctrl+C</KBD> to abort.
In this case, you may execute
and try again.
<DD><KBD> ------------------- SCSI devices. To be used like &nbsp;&nbsp; 0,0,0</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2,0,0 &nbsp;&nbsp; 0)&nbsp; 'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S' '?' Removable CD-ROM</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD> ------------------- end of SCSI device list</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD> ------------------- ATA devices. To be used like ATA:0,0,0
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1,0,0 &nbsp;&nbsp; 1)&nbsp; 'LITE-ON' 'LTR-48125S' '?' Removable CD-ROM</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * Your cdrecord offers -driveropts=burnfree with your recorder.</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>scdbackup for CD 0.8.6 : First stage of installation done.</KBD></DD>
<DD><KBD>Now give it a try. Run : scdbackup_home</KBD></DD>
<DT>To get back to using cdrecord :</DT>
<DD>$ <KBD><B>cd scdbackup-0.8.6/inst</B></KBD></DD>
<A NAME="cdrecord">
<CENTER><H3>About the relationship of cdrecord and cdrskin</H3></CENTER>
First of all: this relationship is single sided, as cdrskin has to be aware of
cdrecord but not vice versa.
I am a long time user of cdrecord and it works fine for me.
Especially i do appreciate its write mode -tao which allows to pipe arbitrary
data on CD and CD-RW via stdin. cdrecord is reliable, versatile and well
maintained. So for me - there would be not problem with it.
But the author of cdrecord and the Linux kernel people foster a very hostile
relationship. Ok, that's their business, not mine (or ours if you are with me).
One has to be aware, though, that this relationship might lead to a situation
where cdrecord is no longer available for certain Linux kernels.
To have my own project prepared for such a time, i began to implement its
cdrecord gestures on top of libburn.
From now on i invite other interested users of cdrecord to teach cdrskin
the gestures necessary for their cdrecord applications.
Contact me. Let's see what we can achieve.
libburn and cdrskin are now mature enough to substitute cdrecord in its
major use cases of CD and DVD burning. It is possible to foist cdrskin on
various software packages if it gets falsely named "cdrecord".
I do not encourage this approach, but of course such a replacement
opportunity is the goal of a cdrecord compatibility wrapper.
It is very important to me that this project is not perceived as hostile
towards Joerg Schilling and his ongoing work.
I owe him much. For cdrecord, for mkisofs, for star. Chapeau.
<!-- <A NAME="bottom" HREF="main_ger.html#bottom">deutsch (german)</A>
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<IMG SRC="doener_150x200_tr.png" BORDER=0
ALT="cdrskin logo: Doener mit Scharf"></A>
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<DT>Links to my other published software projects :
<DD><A HREF=http://scdbackup.webframe.org/main_eng.html>
scdbackup, multi volume CD backup</A>
<DL><DD><A HREF=http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/main_eng.html>
(a second source of above)</A></DL>
<DD><A HREF=http://stic.webframe.org>Some Tools for Image Collectors</A>
<DL><DD><A HREF=http://stic.sourceforge.net>(a second source of above)</A></DL>
<DD><A HREF=http://scdbackup.webframe.org/pppoem>
pppoem, a DSL throughput monitor (mainly for Linux kernel 2.4)</A>
Legal statement: This website does not serve any commercial purpose.<BR>

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#define Cdrskin_timestamP "2007.07.20.120001"

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cleanup.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
A signal handler which cleans up an application and exits.
Provided under GPL license within GPL projects, BSD license elsewise.
cc -g -o cleanup -DCleanup_standalonE cleanup.c
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
#include "cleanup.h"
#ifndef Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H
#include "../libburn/os.h"
/* see os.h for name of particular os-*.h where this is defined */
static int signal_list[]= { BURN_OS_SIGNAL_MACRO_LIST , -1};
static char *signal_name_list[]= { BURN_OS_SIGNAL_NAME_LIST , "@"};
static int signal_list_count= BURN_OS_SIGNAL_COUNT;
static int non_signal_list[]= { BURN_OS_NON_SIGNAL_MACRO_LIST, -1};
static int non_signal_list_count= BURN_OS_NON_SIGNAL_COUNT;
#else /* ! Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H */
/* Outdated. Linux only. For backward compatibility with pre-libburn-0.2.3 */
/* Signals to be caught */
static int signal_list[]= {
static char *signal_name_list[]= {
static int signal_list_count= 24;
/* Signals not to be caught */
static int non_signal_list[]= {
static int non_signal_list_count= 5;
#endif /* Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H */
/* run time dynamic part */
static char cleanup_msg[4096]= {""};
static int cleanup_exiting= 0;
static int cleanup_has_reported= -1234567890;
static void *cleanup_app_handle= NULL;
static Cleanup_app_handler_T cleanup_app_handler= NULL;
static int cleanup_perform_app_handler_first= 0;
static int Cleanup_handler_exit(int exit_value, int signum, int flag)
int ret;
if(cleanup_msg[0]!=0 && cleanup_has_reported!=signum) {
cleanup_has_reported= signum;
if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) {
ret= (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0);
if(ret==2 || ret==-2)
if(cleanup_exiting) {
fprintf(stderr,"cleanup: ABORT : repeat by pid=%d, signum=%d\n",
cleanup_exiting= 1;
if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) {
ret= (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0);
if(ret==2 || ret==-2)
static void Cleanup_handler_generic(int signum)
int i;
sprintf(cleanup_msg,"UNIX-SIGNAL caught: %d errno= %d",signum,errno);
for(i= 0; i<signal_list_count; i++)
if(signum==signal_list[i]) {
sprintf(cleanup_msg,"UNIX-SIGNAL: %s errno= %d",
int Cleanup_set_handlers(void *handle, Cleanup_app_handler_T handler, int flag)
bit0= set to default handlers
bit1= set to ignore
bit2= set cleanup_perform_app_handler_first
bit3= set SIGABRT to handler (makes sense with bits 0 or 1)
int i,j,max_sig= -1,min_sig= 0x7fffffff;
sighandler_t sig_handler;
cleanup_msg[0]= 0;
cleanup_app_handle= handle;
cleanup_app_handler= handler;
/* <<< make cleanup_exiting thread safe to get rid of this */
cleanup_perform_app_handler_first= 1;
sig_handler= SIG_DFL;
else if(flag&2)
sig_handler= SIG_IGN;
sig_handler= Cleanup_handler_generic;
/* set all signal numbers between the lowest and highest in the list
except those in the non-signal list */
for(i= 0; i<signal_list_count; i++) {
max_sig= signal_list[i];
min_sig= signal_list[i];
for(i= min_sig; i<=max_sig; i++) {
for(j= 0; j<non_signal_list_count; j++)
if(j>=non_signal_list_count) {
if(i==SIGABRT && (flag&8))
#ifdef Cleanup_standalonE
struct Demo_apP {
char *msg;
int Demo_app_handler(struct Demo_apP *demoapp, int signum, int flag)
printf("Handling exit of demo application on signal %d. msg=\"%s\"\n",
struct Demo_apP demoapp;
demoapp.msg= "Good Bye";
Cleanup_set_handlers(&demoapp,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Demo_app_handler,0);
if(1) { /* change to 0 in order to wait for external signals */
char *cpt= NULL,c;
printf("Intentionally provoking SIGSEGV ...\n");
c= *cpt;
} else {
printf("killme: %d\n",getpid());
#endif /* Cleanup_standalonE */

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
cleanup.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
A signal handler which cleans up an application and exits.
Provided under GPL license within GPL projects, BSD license elsewise.
#ifndef Cleanup_includeD
#define Cleanup_includeD 1
/** Layout of an application provided cleanup function using an application
provided handle as first argument and the signal number as second
argument. The third argument is a flag bit field with no defined bits yet.
If the handler returns 2 or -2 then it has delegated exit() to some other
instance and the Cleanup handler shall return rather than exit.
typedef int (*Cleanup_app_handler_T)(void *, int, int);
/** Establish exiting signal handlers on (hopefully) all signals that are
not ignored by default or non-catchable.
@param handle Opaque object which knows how to cleanup application
@param handler Function which uses handle to perform application cleanup
@param flag Control Bitfield
bit0= reset to default signal handling
int Cleanup_set_handlers(void *handle, Cleanup_app_handler_T handler,
int flag);
#endif /* ! Cleanup_includeD */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
# compile_cdrskin.sh
# Copyright 2005 - 2006 Thomas Schmitt, scdbackup@gmx.net, GPL
# to be executed within ./libburn-* resp ./cdrskin-*
for i in "$@"
if test "$i" = "-compile_cdrfifo"
elif test "$i" = "-compile_dewav"
elif test "$i" = "-cvs_A60220"
cleanup_src_or_obj="-DCleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H cdrskin/cleanup.c"
elif test "$i" = "-libburn_0_3_8"
elif test "$i" = "-libburn_svn"
elif test "$i" = "-newapi" -o "$i" = "-experimental"
def_opts="$def_opts -DCdrskin_new_api_tesT"
elif test "$i" = "-oldfashioned"
def_opts="$def_opts -DCdrskin_oldfashioned_api_usE"
cleanup_src_or_obj="-DCleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H cdrskin/cleanup.c"
elif test "$i" = "-no_largefile"
elif test "$i" = "-do_not_compile_cdrskin"
elif test "$i" = "-do_diet"
def_opts="$def_opts -DCdrskin_extra_leaN"
elif test "$i" = "-do_strip"
elif test "$i" = "-g"
debug_opts="$debug_opts -g"
elif test "$i" = "-O2"
debug_opts="$debug_opts -O2"
elif test "$i" = "-help" -o "$i" = "--help" -o "$i" = "-h"
echo "cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh : to be executed within top level directory"
echo "Options:"
echo " -compile_cdrfifo compile program cdrskin/cdrfifo."
echo " -compile_dewav compile program test/dewav without libburn."
echo " -cvs_A60220 set macro to match libburn-CVS of 20 Feb 2006."
echo " -libburn_0_3_8 set macro to match libburn-0.3.8."
echo " -libburn_svn set macro to match current libburn-SVN."
echo " -no_largefile do not use 64 bit off_t (must match libburn)."
echo " -do_not_compile_cdrskin omit compilation of cdrskin/cdrskin."
echo " -experimental use newly introduced libburn features."
echo " -oldfashioned use pre-0.2.2 libburn features only."
echo " -do_diet produce capability reduced lean version."
echo " -do_strip apply program strip to compiled programs."
echo " -g compile with cc option -g."
echo " -O2 compile with cc option -O2."
echo " -static compile with cc option -static."
exit 0
elif test "$i" = "-static"
timestamp="$(date -u '+%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S')"
echo "Version timestamp : $(sed -e 's/#define Cdrskin_timestamP "//' -e 's/"$//' cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h)"
echo "Build timestamp : $timestamp"
if test "$compile_cdrskin"
echo "compiling program cdrskin/cdrskin.c $static_opts $debug_opts $libvers $def_opts $cleanup_src_or_obj"
cc -I. \
$warn_opts \
$static_opts \
$debug_opts \
$libvers \
$largefile_opts \
$def_opts \
-DCdrskin_build_timestamP='"'"$timestamp"'"' \
-o cdrskin/cdrskin \
cdrskin/cdrskin.c \
$fifo_source \
$cleanup_src_or_obj \
libburn/async.o \
libburn/debug.o \
libburn/drive.o \
libburn/file.o \
libburn/init.o \
libburn/options.o \
libburn/source.o \
libburn/structure.o \
libburn/sg.o \
libburn/write.o \
$libdax_audioxtr_o \
$libdax_msgs_o \
libburn/mmc.o \
libburn/sbc.o \
libburn/spc.o \
libburn/util.o \
libburn/sector.o \
libburn/toc.o \
libburn/crc.o \
libburn/lec.o \
if test "$ret" = 0
echo >&2
echo "+++ FATAL : Compilation of cdrskin failed" >&2
echo >&2
exit 1
if test "$compile_cdrfifo" = 1
echo "compiling program cdrskin/cdrfifo.c $static_opts $debug_opts"
cc $static_opts $debug_opts \
-DCdrfifo_standalonE \
-o cdrskin/cdrfifo \
if test "$ret" = 0
echo >&2
echo "+++ FATAL : Compilation of cdrfifo failed" >&2
echo >&2
exit 2
if test "$compile_dewav" = 1
echo "compiling program test/dewav.c -DDewav_without_libburN $static_opts $debug_opts"
cc $static_opts $debug_opts \
-DDewav_without_libburN \
-o test/dewav \
test/dewav.c \
libburn/libdax_audioxtr.o \
libburn/libdax_msgs.o \
if test "$ret" = 0
echo >&2
echo "+++ FATAL : Compilation of test/dewav failed" >&2
echo >&2
exit 2
if test "$do_strip" = 1
echo "stripping result cdrskin/cdrskin"
strip cdrskin/cdrskin
if test "$compile_cdrfifo" = 1
echo "stripping result cdrskin/cdrfifo"
strip cdrskin/cdrfifo
echo 'done.'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# convert_man_to_html.sh - ts A61214
# Generates a HTML version of man page cdrskin.1
# To be executed within the libburn toplevel directory (like ./libburn-0.2.7)
# set -x
export MANPATH="$man_dir"
if test -r "$manpage"
echo "Cannot find readable man page source $1" >&2
exit 1
if test -e "$man_dir"/man1
ln -s . "$man_dir"/man1
if test "$1" = "-work_as_filter"
# set -x
sed \
-e 's/<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see www.gnu.org">/<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, via man -H, via cdrskin\/convert_man_to_html.sh">/' \
-e 's/<meta name="Content-Style" content="text\/css">/<meta name="Content-Style" content="text\/css"><META NAME="description" CONTENT="man page of cdrskin"><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="man cdrskin, manual, cdrskin, CD, CD-RW, CD-R, burning, cdrecord, compatible"><META NAME="robots" CONTENT="follow">/' \
-e 's/<title>CDRSKIN<\/title>/<title>man 1 cdrskin<\/title>/' \
-e 's/<h1 align=center>CDRSKIN<\/h1>/<h1 align=center>man 1 cdrskin<\/h1>/' \
-e 's/<body>/<body BGCOLOR="#F5DEB3" TEXT=#000000 LINK=#0000A0 VLINK=#800000>/' \
-e 's/<b>Overview of features:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>Overview of features:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/<b>General information paragraphs:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>General information paragraphs:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/<b>Track recording model:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>Track recording model:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/In general there are two types of tracks: data and audio./\&nbsp;<BR>In general there are two types of tracks: data and audio./' \
-e 's/While audio tracks just contain a given/\&nbsp;<BR>While audio tracks just contain a given/' \
-e 's/<b>Write mode selection:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>Write mode selection:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/<b>Recordable CD Media:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>Recordable CD Media:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/<b>Overwriteable DVD Media:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>Overwriteable DVD Media:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/<b>Sequentially Recordable DVD Media:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>Sequentially Recordable DVD Media:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/The write modes for DVD+R/\&nbsp;<BR>The write modes for DVD+R/' \
-e 's/<b>Drive preparation and addressing:<\/b>/\&nbsp;<BR><b>Drive preparation and addressing:<\/b>/' \
-e 's/If you only got one CD capable drive/\&nbsp;<BR>If you only got one CD capable drive/' \
-e 's/^Alphabetical list of options/\&nbsp;<BR>Alphabetical list of options/' \
-e 's/and for all others\.<\/td><\/table>/and for all others.<\/td><\/table> <BR><HR><FONT SIZE=-1><CENTER>(HTML generated from '"$manpage"'.1 on '"$(date)"' by '$(basename "$0")' )<\/CENTER><\/FONT>/' \
-e 's/See section EXAMPLES/See section <A HREF="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES<\/A>/' \
<"$2" >"$htmlpage"
set +x
chmod u+rw,go+r,go-w "$htmlpage"
echo "Emerged file:"
ls -lL "$htmlpage"
export BROWSER='cp "%s" '"$raw_html"
man -H "$manpage"
"$0" -work_as_filter "$raw_html"
rm "$raw_html"
rm "$man_dir"/man1

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 10 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.2 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Create version timestamp cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h
# to be executed within ./libburn-* resp ./cdrskin-*
timestamp="$(date -u '+%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S')"
echo "Version timestamp : $timestamp"
echo '#define Cdrskin_timestamP "'"$timestamp"'"' >cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h

View File

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
cdrskin Wiki - plain text copy
[[Image(source:/libburn/trunk/cdrskin/doener_150x200_tr.png)]] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%B6ner_kebab Doener]
'''cdrskin is the cdrecord compatibility middleware of libburn.'''
Its paragon, cdrecord, is a powerful GPL'ed burn program included in Joerg
Schilling's cdrtools. cdrskin strives to be a second source for the services
traditionally provided by cdrecord. Currently it does CD-R and CD-RW this way.
Overwriteable media DVD-RAM, DVD+RW and DVD-RW are handled differently than
with cdrecord-ProDVD in order to offer TAO-like single track recording.
Sequential DVD-R[W] and DVD+R are handled like CD-R[W] with TAO and
multi-session. Additionally cdrskin offers cdrecord-ProDVD-like mode DAO
with DVD-R[W].
cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources.
Many bytes have been copied from the message output of cdrecord
runs, though. The most comprehensive technical overview of cdrskin
can be found in [http://libburnia.pykix.org/browser/libburn/trunk/cdrskin/README?format=txt cdrskin/README].
About libburn API for burning CD: http://libburnia-api.pykix.org
For dual layer DVD types and for appending sessions to ISO filesystems on
DVD other than DVD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R see the advise to use dvd+rw-tools at
the end of this text.
About the command line options of cdrskin:
They are described in detail in [http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/man_1_cdrskin_devel.html#OPTIONS section OPTIONS] of
[http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/man_1_cdrskin_devel.html man cdrskin]
There are two families of options: cdrecord-compatible ones and options
which are specific to cdrskin. The latter are mostly used to configure
cdrskin for its task to emulate cdrecord. There are some, nevertheless,
which provide rather exotic unique features of cdrskin.
The cdrecord-compatible options are listed in the output of
cdrskin -help
where the option "help" has *one* dash. Online: [http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_help_devel cdrskin -help]
For these options you may expect program behavior that is roughly the
same as described in original man cdrecord .
Online: http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/man/cdrecord-2.0.html
The cdrskin-specific options are listed by
cdrskin --help
where the option "help" has *two* dashes. Online: [http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin__help_devel cdrskin --help]
Some are very experimental and should only be
used in coordination with the libburnia developer team.
Some are of general user interest, though:
--devices allows the sysadmin to scan the system for possible drives
and displays their detected properties.
The drives are listed one per line, with fields:
libburn-drive-number, sysadmin-device-file, permissions, vendor, type
0 dev='/dev/sr0' rwrw-- : 'HL-DT-ST' 'DVDRAM GSA-4082B'
This feature is valuable since cdrskin -scanbus will not give you
the device file name and its current permissions.
cdrskin will accept of course the proposed dev= option as address
for any usage of the drive.
Different from cdrecord, cdrskin is intended to be run without special
privileges, i.e. no superuser setuid. It is intended that the sysadmin
controls drive accessability by rw-permissions of the drive rather than
by x-permission of the burn binary. To be usable with cdrskin, the drive
has to offer both, r- and w-permission.
The DVD capabilities of cdrskin differ from those of cdrecord-ProDVD. cdrskin
offers TAO-like multi-session with DVD-R[W], DVD+R and TAO-like single session
with overwriteable DVD media. It also offers DAO on DVD-R[W] which is probably
the same as the traditional cdrecord-ProDVD write mode.
Non-cdrecord blank mode blank=format_overwrite brings a DVD-RW
disc from its initial profile "Sequential Recording" into profile state
"Restricted Overwrite".
cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 -v blank=format_overwrite
DVD-RAM, DVD+RW and overwriteable DVD-RW appear to cdrskin as blank media
which are capable of taking only a single track. This track may be positioned
on a 32KiB aligned address, though.
cdrskin ... write_start_address=2412m ...
Non-cdrecord blank mode blank=deformat_sequential brings an overwriteable
DVD-RW back into state "Sequential Recording" with the capability of doing
multi-session, if the drive is capable of "Incremental Streaming"
(MMC feature 21h).
Used sequential DVD-RW media may be blanked by blank=fast or blank=all which
normally both do full blanking.
blank=deformat_sequential does minimal blanking of DVD-RW which usually yields
media incapable of "Incremental Streaming".
Option --prodvd_cli_compatible activates blank=fast and blank=all for
overwriteable DVD-RW which normally ignore those two options. It also makes
option -multi tolerable with media and write modes which are not suitable for
multi-session. (The default behavior of cdrskin deems me to be preferrable.)
assert_write_lba=<lba> allows to ensure that the start block address which
was used with the formatter program (e.g. mkisofs -C) matches the start block
address which will be used by the upcoming burn.
E.g. cdrskin aborts with an error message if
is given but an appendable media is to be burned which would start at
block 68432.
An ISO-9660 file system image must be prepared according to a particular
block address on media. If the prepared address and the real address on media
do not match then the filesystem will not be mountable or may even cause system
A sequential archive format like afio or star will not necessarily need such
a coordination of addresses. It might nevertheless be confusing to a reader
if the archive does not start at block 0.
fifo_start_at=<num> is a throughput enhancer for unsteady data streams
like they are produced by a compressing archiver program when piping to
CD on-the-fly. It makes better use of the general property of a FIFO
buffer to transport surplus bandwidth into the future. Yep. A time machine.
One-way, i fear.
FIFO originally was introduced by cdrecord's author Joerg Schilling in order
to protect mediocre burner hardware from suffering buffer underruns
and thus producing misburns (at 1x speed on CD-R media at the price of a
DVD-RAM nowadays). This purpose would not justify a fifo any more -
given the limited life time of burners and the seamless underrun protection
of contemporary consumer drives.
With an unsteady data stream the task of the buffer is to soak up peak
performance and to release it steadily at the drive's maximum speed.
The larger the buffer the more reserves can be built up and the longer
input drought can be compensated.
Original cdrecord has the historical property, though, to first wait until
the buffer is completely filled. Best practice for fighting drive
underruns, of course.
With a very fat fs=# buffer (128 MB for 12x CD is not unrealistic) this
can cause a big delay until burning finally starts and takes its due time.
fifo_start_at=<num> makes cdrskin start burning after the given number of bytes
is read rather than waiting for the FIFO to be completely full resp. the data
stream to end. It risks a few drive buffer underruns at the beginning of burn
- but modern drives stand this.
Usage examples:
cdrskin ... fs=128m fifo_start_at=20m ...
cdrskin ... fifo_start_at=0 ...
Note: no FIFO can give you better average throughput than the average
throughput of the data source and the throughput of the burner.
It can be used, though, to bring the effective throughput very close
to the theoretical limit. Especially with high speed media.
--no_rc allows you to surely ban influence from systemwide or user specific
default settings of cdrskin. Possible locations for such settings:
dev_translation=<sep><from><sep><to> may be needed to foist cdrskin to
frontend programs of cdrecord which do *not* ask cdrecord -scanbus but
which make own assumptions and guesses about cdrecord's device addresses.
Normally, cdrskin understands all addresses which are suitable for cdrecord
under Linux. See cdrskin/README, "Pseudo-SCSI Adresses".
This option is mainly for (yet unknown) exotic configurations or very
stubborn frontend programs.
If a frontend refuses to work with cdrskin, look into the error protocol
of that frontend, look at the output of a run of cdrskin --devices and give
cdrskin the necessary hint.
Example: Your frontend insists in using "0,0,0" and --devices reported
dev='/dev/hdc' resp. cdrskin dev=ATA -scanbus reported "1,0,0" then this
would be the appropriate translation:
The "+" character is a separator to be choosen by you.
Currently i am not aware of the need to choose any other than "+"
unless you get playful with custom translations like
See http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/k3b_on_cdrskin.html
for an illustrated example with K3b 0.10 .
DVD advise:
For burning of DVD media other than DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD-R,
the cdrskin project currently advises to use Andy Polyakov's dvd+rw-tools
which despite their historic name are capable of all the media above
and also do dual layer and even BD discs.
They are not compatible or related to cdrecord resp. cdrecord-ProDVD
(now obsoleted by original source cdrtools cdrecord with identical
capabilities besides the license key).
A special feature of dvd+rw-tools is growing of ISO-9660 filesystems on
overwriteable media. This is not the same as multi-session writing of cdrskin
with CD media, but retrieves additional information from the existing ISO
image and finally manipulates the start sectors of this existing image.
So for growable ISO filesystems on DVD-RAM or DVD+RW growisofs is the only
choice, currently.
cdrskin can offer DVD multi-session only with sequential DVD-R[W] and with
Associated options blank=, -multi, -msinfo and -toc are available in this case.
Thus sequential DVD-RW behave much like large CD-RW with possibly more than 99

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
AC_INIT([libburn], [0.3.8], [http://libburnia.pykix.org])
dnl AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h])
dnl Making releases:
dnl if any functions have been added, set BURN_INTERFACE_AGE to 0.
dnl if backwards compatibility has been broken,
dnl if MAJOR or MINOR version changes, be sure to change AC_INIT above to match
dnl Libtool versioning
test "$prefix" = "NONE" && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
dnl Large file support
if test ! $ac_cv_func_fseeko; then
AC_ERROR([Libburn requires largefile support.])
dnl Add compiler-specific flags
dnl See if the user wants aggressive optimizations of the code
[ --enable-debug Disable aggressive optimizations [default=yes]],
, enable_debug=yes)
if test x$enable_debug != xyes; then
if test x$GCC = xyes; then
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fexpensive-optimizations"
if test x$GCC = xyes; then
CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -pedantic -Wall"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
all clean:
$(MAKE) -C .. -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@
.PHONY: all clean

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
@author Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt
@mainpage Libburnia Documentation Index
@section intro Introduction
Libburnia is an open-source project for reading, mastering and writing
optical discs.
For now this means CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD-R.
Not supported yet are dual layer media, HD-DVD, BD (blue ray). Testers for
dual layer DVD+/-R are wanted, though.
The project comprises of several more or less interdependent parts which
together strive to be a usable foundation for application development.
These are libraries, language bindings, and middleware binaries which emulate
classical (and valuable) Linux tools.
Our scope is currently Linux 2.4 and 2.6 only. For ports to other systems
we would need : login on a development machine resp. a live OS on CD or DVD,
advise from a system person about the equivalent of Linux sg or FreeBSD CAM,
volunteers for testing of realistic use cases.
We have a workable code base for burning data and audio CDs and many DVD types.
The burn API is quite comprehensively documented and can be used to build a
presentable application.
We have a functional binary which emulates the core use cases of cdrecord in
order to prove that usability, and in order to allow you to explore libburn's
scope by help of existing cdrecord frontends.
@subsection components The project components (list subject to growth, hopefully):
- libburn is the library by which preformatted data get onto optical media.
It uses either /dev/sgN (e.g. on kernel 2.4 with ide-scsi) or
/dev/srM or /dev/hdX (e.g. on kernel 2.6).
libburn is the foundation of our cdrecord emulation. Its code is
independent of cdrecord. Its DVD capabilities are learned from
studying the code of dvd+rw-tools and MMC-5 specs. No code but only
the pure SCSI knowledge has been taken from dvd+rw-tools, though.
- libisofs is the library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a
ISO 9660 disk image. This may then be brought to CD via libburn.
libisofs is to be the foundation of our upcoming mkisofs emulation.
- cdrskin is a limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn.
cdrecord is a powerful GPL'ed burn program included in Joerg
Schilling's cdrtools. cdrskin strives to be a second source for
the services traditionally provided by cdrecord. Additionally it
provides libburn's DVD capabilities, where only -sao is compatible
with cdrecord.
cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources.
Many bytes have been copied from the message output of cdrecord
runs, though.
See cdrskin/README for more.
- "test" is a collection of application gestures and examples given by the
authors of the library features. The burn API example of libburn
is named test/libburner.c . The API for media information inquiry is
demonstrated in test/telltoc.c .
Explore these examples if you look for inspiration.
We plan to be a responsive upstream. Bear with us.
@section using Using the libraries
Our build system is based on autotools.
User experience tells us that you will need at least autotools version 1.7.
To build libburn and its subprojects it should be sufficient to go into
its toplevel directory and execute
- ./bootstrap (needed if you downloaded from SVN)
- ./configure
- make
To make the libraries accessible for running resp. developing applications
- make install
Both libraries are written in C language and get built by autotools.
Thus we expect them to be useable by a wide range of Linux-implemented
languages and development tools.
@section libburner Libburner
libburner is a minimal demo application for the library libburn
(see: libburn/libburn.h) as provided on http://libburn.pykix.org .
It can list the available devices, can blank a CD-RW or DVD-RW and
can burn to recordable CD and recordable single layer DVD.
It's main purpose, nevertheless, is to show you how to use libburn and also
to serve the libburnia team as reference application. libburner does indeed
define the standard way how above three gestures can be implemented and
stay upward compatible for a good while.
@subsection libburner-help Libburner --help
Usage: test/libburner
[--drive <address>|<driveno>|"-"] [--audio]
[--multi] [<one or more imagefiles>|"-"]
A bus scan (needs rw-permissions to see a drive):
test/libburner --drive -
Burn a file to drive chosen by number, leave appendable:
test/libburner --drive 0 --multi my_image_file
Burn a file to drive chosen by persistent address, close:
test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc my_image_file
Blank a used CD-RW (is combinable with burning in one run):
test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --blank_fast
Blank a used DVD-RW (is combinable with burning in one run):
test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --blank_full
Format a DVD-RW to avoid need for blanking before re-use:
test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --format_overwrite
Burn two audio tracks (to CD only):
lame --decode -t /path/to/track1.mp3 track1.cd
test/dewav /path/to/track2.wav -o track2.cd
test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --audio track1.cd track2.cd
Burn a compressed afio archive on-the-fly:
( cd my_directory ; find . -print | afio -oZ - ) | \
test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc -
To be read from *not mounted* media via: afio -tvZ /dev/hdc
libburner has two companions, telltoc and dewav, which help to perform some
peripheral tasks of burning.
telltoc prints a table of content (sessions, tracks and leadouts), it tells
about type and state of media, and also is able to provide the necessary
multi-session information for program mkisofs option -C. Especially helpful
are its predictions with "Write multi" and "Write modes" where availability
of "TAO" indicates that tracks of unpredicted length can be written.
See: test/telltoc --help.
dewav extracts raw byte-swapped audio data from files of format .wav (MS WAVE)
or .au (SUN Audio). See example in libburner --help.
@subsection libburner-source Sourceode of libburner
Click on blue names of functions, structures, variables, etc in oder to
get to the according specs of libburn API or libburner sourcecode.
@include libburner.c

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
Users of modern desktop Linux installations report misburns with CD/DVD
recording due to concurrency problems.
This text describes two locking protocols which have been developed by our
best possible effort. But finally they rather serve as repelling example of
what would be needed in user space to achieve an insufficient partial solution.
Ted Ts'o was so friendly to help as critic with his own use cases. It turned
out that we cannot imagine a way in user space how to cover reliably the needs
of callers of libblkid and the needs of our burn programs.
The "Delicate Device Locking Protocol" shall demonstrate our sincere
consideration of the problem.
"What are the Stumble Stones ?" lists reasons why the effort finally failed.
Delicate Device Locking Protocol
(a joint sub project of cdrkit and libburnia)
(contact: scdbackup@gmx.net )
Our projects provide programs which allow recording of data on CD or DVD.
We encounter an increasing number of bug reports about spoiled burn runs and
wasted media which obviously have one common cause: interference by other
programs which access the drive's device files.
There is some riddling about which gestures exactly are dangerous for
ongoing recordings or can cause weirdly misformatted drive replies to MMC
We do know, nevertheless, that these effects do not occur if no other program
accesses a device file of the drive while our programs use it.
DDLP shall help to avoid collisions between programs in the process of
recording to a CD or DVD drive and other programs which access that drive.
The protocol intends to provide advisory locking. So any good-willing program
has to take some extra precautions to participate.
If a program does not feel vulnerable to disturbance, then the precautions
impose much less effort than if the program feels the need for protection.
Two locking strategies are specified:
DDLP-A operates on device files only. It is very Linux specific.
DDLP-B adds proxy lock files, inspired by FHS /var/lock standard.
This protocol relies on the hardly documented feature open(O_EXCL | O_RDWR)
with Linux device files and on POSIX compliant fcntl(F_SETLK).
Other than the original meaning of O_EXCL with creating regular files, the
effect on device files is mutual exclusion of access. I.e. if one
filedescriptor is open on that combination of major-minor device number, then
no other open(O_EXCL) will succeed. But open() without O_EXCL would succeed.
So this is advisory and exclusive locking.
With kernel 2.6 it seems to work on all device drivers which might get used
to access a CD/DVD drive.
The vulnerable programs shall not start their operation before they occupied a
wide collection of drive representations.
Non-vulnerable programs shall take care to detect the occupation of _one_ such
So for Friendly Programs
A program which does not feel vulnerable to disturbance is urged to access
CD/DVD drives by opening a file descriptor which will uphold the lock
as long as it does not get closed. There are two alternative ways to achieve
Very reliable is
open( some_path , O_EXCL | ...)
But O_EXCL imposes restrictions and interferences:
- O_EXCL | O_RDONLY does not succeed with /dev/sg* !
- O_EXCL cannot provide shared locks for programs which only want to lock
against burn programs but not against their own peers.
- O_EXCL keeps from obtaining information by harmless activities.
- O_EXCL already has a meaning with devices which are mounted as filesystems.
This priority meaning is more liberal than the one needed for CD/DV recording
So it may be necessary to use a cautious open() without O_EXCL and to aquire
a POSIX lock via fcntl(). "Cautious" means to add O_NDELAY to the flags of
open(), because this is declared to avoid side effects within open().
With this gesture it is important to use the paths expected by our burn
programs: /dev/sr[0..255] /dev/scd[0..255] /dev/sg[0..255] /dev/hd[a..z]
because fcntl(F_SETLK) does not lock the device but only a device-inode.
std_path = one of the standard device files:
/dev/sr[0..255] /dev/scd[0..255] /dev/sg[0..255] /dev/hd[a..z]
or a symbolic link pointing to one of them.
open( std_path , ... | O_NDELAY)
fcntl(F_SETLK) and close() on failure
... eventually disable O_NDELAY by fcntl(F_SETFL) ...
There is a pitfall mentioned in man 2 fcntl :
"locks are automatically released [...] if it closes any file descriptor
referring to a file on which locks are held. This is bad [...]"
So you may have to re-lock after some temporary fd got closed.
Vulnerable Programs
For programs which do feel vulnerable, O_EXCL would suffice for the /dev/hd*
device file family and their driver. But USB and SATA recorders appear with
at least two different major-minor combinations simultaneously.
One as /dev/sr* alias /dev/scd*, the other as /dev/sg*.
The same is true for ide-scsi or recorders attached to SCSI controllers.
So, in order to lock any access to the recorder, one has to open(O_EXCL)
not only the device file that is intended for accessing the recorder but also
a device file of any other major-minor representation of the recorder.
This is done via the SCSI address parameter vector (Host,Channel,Id,Lun)
and a search on standard device file paths /dev/sr* /dev/scd* /dev/sg*.
In this text the alternative device representations are called "siblings".
For finding them, it is necessary to apply open() to many device files which
might be occupied by delicate operations. On the other hand it is very
important to occupy all reasonable representations of the drive.
So the reading of the (Host,Channel,Id,Lun) parameters demands an
open(O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY) _without_ fcntl() in order to find the outmost
number of representations among the standard device files. Only ioctls
Hopefully this gesture is unable to cause harmful side effects on kernel 2.6.
At least one file of each class sr, scd and sg should be found to regard
the occupation as satisfying. Thus corresponding sr-scd-sg triplets should have
matching ownerships and access permissions.
One will have to help the sysadmins to find those triplets.
A spicy detail is that sr and scd may be distinct device files for the same
major-minor combination. In this case fcntl() locks on both are needed
but O_EXCL can only be applied to one of them.
An open and free implementation ddlpa.[ch] is provided as
The current version of this text is
Put ddlpa.h and ddlpa.c into the same directory and compile as test program by
cc -g -Wall -DDDLPA_C_STANDALONE -o ddlpa ddlpa.c
Use it to occupy a drive's representations for a given number of seconds
./ddlpa /dev/sr0 300
It should do no harm to any of your running activities.
If it does: Please, please alert us.
Your own programs should not be able to circumvent the occupation if they
obey above rules for Friendly Programs.
Of course ./ddlpa should be unable to circumvent itself.
A successfull occupation looks like
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_std_by_rdev("/dev/scd0") = "/dev/sr0"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_collect_siblings() found "/dev/sr0"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_collect_siblings() found "/dev/scd0"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_collect_siblings() found "/dev/sg0"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_occupy() : '/dev/scd0'
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_occupy() O_EXCL : '/dev/sg0'
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_occupy() O_EXCL : '/dev/sr0'
---------------------------------------------- Lock gained
ddlpa: opened /dev/sr0
ddlpa: opened siblings: /dev/scd0 /dev/sg0
slept 1 seconds of 300
Now an attempt via device file alias /dev/NEC must fail:
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_std_by_rdev("/dev/NEC") = "/dev/sg0"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_collect_siblings() found "/dev/sr0"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_collect_siblings() found "/dev/scd0"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_collect_siblings() found "/dev/sg0"
Cannot exclusively open '/dev/sg0'
Reason given : Failed to open O_RDWR | O_NDELAY | O_EXCL : '/dev/sr0'
Error condition : 16 'Device or resource busy'
With hdc, of course, things are trivial
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_std_by_rdev("/dev/hdc") = "/dev/hdc"
DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_occupy() O_EXCL : '/dev/hdc'
---------------------------------------------- Lock gained
ddlpa: opened /dev/hdc
slept 1 seconds of 1
Ted Ts'o provided program open-cd-excl which allows to explore open(2) on
device files with combinations of read-write, O_EXCL, and fcntl().
(This does not mean that Ted endorsed our project yet. He helps exploring.)
Friendly in the sense of DDLP-A would be any run which uses at least one of
the options -e (i.e. O_EXCL) or -f (i.e. F_SETLK, applied to a file
descriptor which was obtained from a standard device file path).
The code is available under GPL at
To be compiled by
cc -g -Wall -o open-cd-excl open-cd-excl.c
-e : open O_EXCL
-f : aquire lock by fcntl(F_SETLK) after sucessful open
-i : do not wait in case of success but exit 0 immediately
-r : open O_RDONLY , with -f use F_RDLCK
-w : open O_RDWR , with -f use F_WRLCK
plus the path of the devce file to open.
Friendly Programs would use gestures like:
./open-cd-excl -e -r /dev/sr0
./open-cd-excl -e -w /dev/sg1
./open-cd-excl -e -w /dev/black-drive
./open-cd-excl -f -r /dev/sg1
./open-cd-excl -e -f -w /dev/sr0
Ignorant programs would use and cause potential trouble by:
./open-cd-excl -r /dev/sr0
./open-cd-excl -w /dev/sg1
./open-cd-excl -f -w /dev/black-drive
where "/dev/black-drive" is _not_ a symbolic link to
any of /dev/sr* /dev/scd* /dev/sg* /dev/hd*, but has an own inode.
Prone to failure without further reason is:
./open-cd-excl -e -r /dev/sg1
This protocol relies on proxy lock files in some filesystem directory. It can
be embedded into DDLP-A or it can be used be used standalone, outside DDLP-A.
DDLP-A shall be kept by DDLP-B from trying to access any device file which
might already be in use. There is a problematic gesture in DDLP-A when SCSI
address parameters are to be retrieved. For now this gesture seems to be
harmless. But one never knows.
Vice versa DDLP-B may get from DDLP-A the service to search for SCSI device
file siblings. So they are best as a couple.
But they are not perfect. Not even as couple. fcntl() locking is flawed.
There is a proxy file locking protocol described in FHS:
But it has shortcommings (see below). Decisive obstacle for its usage are the
possibility for stale locks and the lack of shared locks.
DDLP-B rather defines a "path prefix" which is advised to be
This prefix will get appended "device specific suffixes" and then form the path
of a "lockfile".
Not the existence of a lockfile but its occupation by an fcntl(F_SETLK) will
constitute a lock. Lockfiles may get prepared by the sysadmin in directories
where normal users are not allowed to create new files. Their rw-permissions
then act as additional access restriction to the device files.
The use of fcntl(F_SETLK) will prevent any stale locks after the process ended.
It will also allow to obtain shared locks as well as exclusive locks.
There are two classes of device specific suffixes:
- Device file path suffix. Absolute paths only. "/" gets replaced by "_-".
Eventual "_-" in path gets replaced by "_-_-". The leading group of "_-"
is always interpreted as a group of "/", though. E.g.:
/dev/sr0 <-> "_-dev_-sr0"
/mydevs/burner/nec <-> "_-mydevs_-burners_-nec"
/dev/rare_-name <-> "_-dev_-rare_-_-name"
///strange/dev/x <-> "_-_-_-strange_-dev_-x"
- st_rdev suffix. A hex representation of struct stat.st_rdev. Capital letters.
The number of characters is pare with at most one leading 0. I.e. bytewise
printf("%2.2X") beginning with the highest order byte that is not zero.
E.g. : "0B01", "2200", "01000000000004001"
If a lockfile does not exist and cannot be created then this shall not keep
a program from working on a device. But if a lockfile exists and if permissions
or locking state do not allow to obtain a lock of the appropirate type, then
this shall prevent any opening of device file in question resp. shall cause
immediate close(2) of an already opened device file.
The vulnerable programs shall not start their operation before they locked a
wide collection of drive representations.
Non-vulnerable programs shall take care to lock the suffix resulting from the
path they will be using and the suffix from the st_rdev from that path.
The latter is to be obtained by call stat(2).
Locks get upheld as long as their file descriptor is not closed or no other
incident as described in man 2 fcntl releases the lock.
So with shared locks there are no imandatory further activities after they
have been obtained.
In case of exclusive locks, the file has to have been opened for writing and
must be truncated to 0 bytes length immediately after obtaining the lock.
When releasing an exclusive lock it is a nice gesture to
already do this truncation.
Then a /var/lock/ compatible first line has to be written.
E.g. by: printf("%10u\n",(unsigned) getpid()) yielding " 1230\n".
Any further lines are optional. They shall have the form Name=Value and must
be printable cleartext. If such further lines exist, then the last one must
have the name "endmark".
Defined Names are:
hostid =hostname of the machine where the process number of line 1 is valid
start =start time of lock in seconds since 1970. E.g: 1177147634.592410
program =self chosen name of the program which obtained the lock
argv0 =argv[0] of that program
mainpath =device file path which will be used for operations by that program
path =device file path which lead to the lock
st_rdev =st_rdev suffix which is associated with path
scsi_hcil=eventual SCSI parameters Host,Channel,Id,Lun
scsi_bus =eventual SCSI parameter Bus
endmark =declares the info as complete.
Any undefined name or a line without "=" shall be handled as comment.
"=" in the value is allowed. Any line beginning with an "=" character is an
extension of the previous value.
If programs encounter an exclusive lock, they are invited to read the content
of the lockfile anyway. But they should be aware that the info might be in the
progress of emerging. There is a race condition possible in the short time
between obtaining the exclusive lock and erasing the file content.
If it is not crucial to obtain most accurate info then one may take the newline
of the first line as indicator of a valid process number and the "endmark"
name as indicator that the preceding lines are valid.
Very cautious readers should obtain the info twice with a decent waiting period
inbetween. Only if both results are identical they should be considered valid.
There is no implementation of DDLP-B yet.
What are the Stumble Stones ?
Any of the considered locking mechanisms has decisive shortcommings
which keeps it from being the solution to all known legitimate use cases.
The attempt has failed to compose a waterproof locking mechanism from means of
POSIX, FHS and from hardly documented Linux open(O_EXCL) on device files.
The resulting mechanisms would need about 1000 lines of code and still do
not close all gaps resp. cover the well motivated use cases.
This attempt you see above: DDLP-A and DDLP-B.
Summary of the reasons why the established locking mechanisms do not suffice:
None of the mechanisms can take care of the double device driver identity
sr versus sg. To deduce the one device file from the other involves the need
to open many other (possibly unrelated) device files with the risk to disturb
This hard to solve problem is aggravated by the following facts.
Shortcommings of Linux specific open(O_EXCL) :
- O_EXCL | O_RDONLY does not succeed with /dev/sg*
- O_EXCL cannot provide shared locks for programs which only want to lock
against burn programs but not against their own peers.
- O_EXCL keeps from obtaining information by harmless activities.
- O_EXCL already has a meaning with devices which are mounted as filesystems.
This priority meaning is more liberal than the one needed for CD/DV recording
Shortcommings of POSIX fcntl(F_SETLK) :
- fcntl() demands an open file descriptor. open(2) might have side effects.
- fcntl() locks can be released inadvertedly by submodules which just open and
close the same file (inode ?) without refering to fcntl locks in any way.
See man 2 fcntl "This is bad:".
Stacking of software modules is a widely used design pattern. But fcntl()
cannot cope with that.
Shortcommings of FHS /var/lock/ :
- Stale locks are possible.
- It is necessary to create a file (using the _old_ meaning of O_EXCL flag ?)
but /var/lock/ might not be available early during system start and it often
has restrictive permission settings.
- There is no way to indicate a difference between exclusive and shared locks.
- The FHS prescription relies entirely on the basename of the device file path.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
# Doxyfile 1.2.18
# General configuration options
STRIP_FROM_PATH = @top_srcdir@
# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
# configuration options related to the input files
INPUT = libburn doc test
FILE_PATTERNS = libburn.h comments libburner.c
# configuration options related to source browsing
# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
# configuration options related to the HTML output
HTML_OUTPUT = doc/html
# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
PAPER_TYPE = letter
# configuration options related to the RTF output
# configuration options related to the man page output
# configuration options related to the XML output
# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
# Configuration::addtions related to external references
PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
# Configuration options related to the dot tool
# Configuration::addtions related to the search engine

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Name: libburn
Description: Disc reading/writing library
Version: @VERSION@
Libs: -L${libdir} -lburn
Cflags: -I${includedir}/libburn

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
all clean:
$(MAKE) -C .. -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@
.PHONY: all clean

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libburn.la
libburn_la_SOURCES = \
async.c \
async.h \
crc.c \
crc.h \
debug.c \
debug.h \
drive.c \
drive.h \
file.c \
file.h \
init.c \
init.h \
lec.c \
lec.h \
message.c \
message.h \
mmc.c \
mmc.h \
null.c \
null.h \
options.c \
options.h \
read.c \
read.h \
sbc.c \
sbc.h \
sector.c \
sector.h \
sg.c \
sg.h \
spc.c \
spc.h \
source.h \
source.c \
structure.c \
structure.h \
toc.c \
toc.h \
transport.h \
util.c \
util.h \
write.c \
libinclude_HEADERS = libburn.h
## ========================================================================= ##
indent_files = $(libburn_la_SOURCES)
indent: $(indent_files)
indent -bad -bap -nbbb -nbbo -nbc -bli0 -br -bls \
-cdw -ce -cli0 -ncs -nbfda -i8 -l79 -lc79 \
-lp -saf -sai -nprs -npsl -saw -sob -ss -ut \
-sbi0 -nsc -ts8 -npcs -ncdb -fca \
.PHONY: indent
## ========================================================================= ##

View File

@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
List of assert() calls in libburn. 6 Oct 2006.
Number) grep'ed line
(++ before number means: is fully done, + means is done so far )
Description of abort condition.
Possible callers and their relation to the abort condition.
: Error Evaluation
=> Consequences
Eventual implementation timestamp
++ 1) libburn/async.c: assert(a != NULL); /* wasn't found.. this should not be possible */
static remove_worker():
A thread describing structure (struct w_list) could not be found in
order to be released.
Called by API burn_drive_scan()
Called by static erase_worker_func() , thread under API burn_disc_erase()
Called by static write_disc_worker_func(), thread under API burn_disc_write()
All three want to clean up after they are done.
: Severe Libburn Error
ts A61006
++ 2) libburn/async.c: assert(!(workers && workers->drive));
API burn_drive_scan():
Before spawning a thread, the function refuses work because another
drive activity is going on.
: Severe Application Error
=> return -1; redefine @return in API , issue LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY
ts A61006
+ 3) libburn/async.c: assert(workers == NULL);
API burn_drive_scan():
After thread is done and remover_worker() succeeded, there is still a
worker registered. Shall probably detect roguely appeared burn or
erase runs. (I consider to install a mutex shielded function for that.)
: Severe Libburn Error
=> Same as 1)
ts A61006
++ 4) libburn/async.c: assert(drive);
libburn/async.c: assert(!SCAN_GOING());
libburn/async.c: assert(!find_worker(drive));
API burn_disc_erase():
Wants to see a drive (assumes NULL == 0), wants to see no scan and
wants to see no other worker on that drive. I.e. this would tolerate
a parallel activity on another drive.
: Severe Application Error
=> (no return value), issue LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY
ts A61006
++ 5) libburn/async.c: assert(!SCAN_GOING());
libburn/async.c: assert(!find_worker(opts->drive));
API burn_disc_write():
Same as 4)
: Severe Application Error
=> Same as 4)
ts A61006
++ 6) libburn/drive.c: assert(d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_IDLE);
API burn_drive_release():
A drive is not idle on release.
: Severe Application Error
=> Same as 4)
ts A61007
++ 7) libburn/drive.c: assert(d->released);
A drive is found grabbed.
Called by burn_drive_scan_sync(), thread under API burn_drive_scan()
Called by API burn_finish
: Severe Application Error
=> rename and redefine burn_wait_all() : now burn_drives_are_clear()
=> change all use of burn_wait_all()
=> Move tests up to burn_drive_scan()
=> There: return -1; issue LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY
ts A61007
++ 8) libburn/drive.c: assert(!d->released);
API burn_disc_get_status()
Attempt to read status of non-grabbed drive.
: Severe Application Error
=> extend enum burn_disc_status by BURN_DISC_UNGRABBED
ts A61007
++ 9) libburn/drive.c: assert( /* (write_type >= BURN_WRITE_PACKET) && */
Will not work on BURN_WRITE below BURN_WRITE_RAW.
Called by -nobody- ?
: Severe Application Error
=> inactivate unused function
ts A61007
++ 10) libburn/drive.c: assert(d->idata);
libburn/drive.c: assert(d->mdata);
static drive_getcaps():
sg.c:enumerate_common() did not succeed in creating a proper struct burn_drive
Called by burn_drive_scan_sync()
: Severe System Error
=> This could possibly really stay an abort() because the reason is
a plain failure of the system's memory management.
=> Detect this failure already in enumerate_common(),
ts A61007
++ 11) libburn/drive.c: assert(burn_running);
The library was not initialized.
Called as thread by API burn_drive_scan()
: Severe Application Error
=> Move this test up to burn_drive_scan()
=> There: return -1; redefine @return in API , issue LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_FATAL
ts A61007
++ 12) libburn/drive.c: assert(d->released == 1);
: (Severe Application Error)
=> throw out inactivated code
ts A61007
++ 13) libburn/drive.c: assert(strlen(d->devname) < BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN);
An enumerated device address is longer than the API's maximum length
Called by API burn_drive_get_adr()
Called by API burn_drive_obtain_scsi_adr()
: Severe Libburn Error
=> return -1; in all three functions, enhance burn_drive_get_adr @return docs
ts A61007
++ 14) libburn/drive.c: assert(drive_info->drive!=NULL);
API burn_drive_get_adr():
Drive info has no drive attached.
: Severe Libburn Error (unlikely, will eventually SIGSEGV on NULL)
=> delete assert
ts A61007
++ 15) libburn/init.c: assert(burn_running);
API burn_finish():
The library is not initialized
: Severe Application Error
=> return (assume no msg system)
ts A61007
++ 16) libburn/init.c: assert(burn_running);
API burn_preset_device_open():
The library is not initialized
: Severe Application Error
=> return (assume no msg system)
ts A61007
++ 17) libburn/mmc.c: assert(o->drive == d);
alias: struct burn_drive.close_disc()
Parameters struct burn_drive and struct burn_write_opts do not match
Called by -nobody- ?
( => Disable unused function ? )
=> removed redundant parameter struct burn_drive
ts A61009
++ 18) libburn/mmc.c: assert(o->drive == d);
Same as 17)
alias: struct burn_drive.close_session()
Called by -nobody- ?
( => Disable unused function ? )
=> removed redundant parameter struct burn_drive
ts A61009
++ 19) libburn/mmc.c: assert(buf->bytes >= buf->sectors); /* can be == at 0... */
- Unclear what .bytes and .sectors mean in struct buffer -
Called by -nobody- ?
=> problems with filling the write buffer have to be handled by callers
=> delete assert
ts A61009
++ 20) libburn/mmc.c: assert(buf->bytes >= buf->sectors); /* can be == at 0... */
- Unclear what .bytes and .sectors mean in struct buffer -
libburn/mmc.c: c.page->sectors = errorblock - start + 1;
mmc_read_sectors() by toc_find_modes() by mmc_read_toc() alias drive.read_toc()
by burn_drive_grab()
This seems to be unrelated to mmc_write().
libburn/sector.c: out->sectors++;
Seems to hand out sector start pointer in opts->drive->buffer
and to count reservation transactions as well as reserved bytes.
Ensures out->bytes >= out->sectors
libburn/mmc.c: c.page->bytes = s->count * 8;
Does not use mmc_write() but directly (sg_)issue_command()
libburn/sector.c: out->bytes += seclen;
See above
Ensures out->bytes >= out->sectors
libburn/spc.c: c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->retry_page_length;
Does not use mmc_write() but directly (sg_)issue_command()
libburn/spc.c: c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length;
Does not use mmc_write() but directly (sg_)issue_command()
libburn/spc.c: c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + 0x32;
Does not use mmc_write() but directly (sg_)issue_command()
alias struct burn_drive.write()
Called by static get_sector, by many
Called by burn_write_flush
Called by burn_write_track
=> problems with filling the write buffer have to be handled by callers
=> delete assert
ts A61009
++ 21) libburn/mmc.c: assert(((dlen - 2) % 11) == 0);
- Is defunct -
=> :)
ts A61009
++ 22) libburn/mmc.c: assert(len >= 0);
Catches a bad parameter
alias: struct burn_drive.read_sectors()
Called by API burn_disc_read() , - is defunct -, one could catch the problem
Called by toc_find_modes(), problem cannot occur: mem.sectors = 1;
: Severe Libburn Error
(=> in burn_disc_read() check page.sectors before d->read_sectors() )
=> :)
ts A61009
++ 23) libburn/mmc.c: assert(d->busy);
Catches use of a drive that is not marked as busy
alias: struct burn_drive.read_sectors()
Called by API burn_disc_read() , - is defunct -, busy = BURN_DRIVE_READING;
Called by toc_find_modes(), does the same assert. To be solved there.
: Severe Libburn Error
=> :)
ts A61009
++ 24) libburn/options.c: assert(0);
API burn_write_opts_set_write_type():
Detects unsuitable enum burn_write_types write_type and int block_type.
API promises return 0 on failure
: Severe Application Error
=> should also detect problem of 26) : wrong write_type,block_type combination
by calling sector_get_outmode() and checking for -1
=> should also detect problem of 41) : unknown block_type
by spc_block_type() and checking for -1
=> delete assert(0)
ts A61007
++ 25) libburn/read.c: assert((o->version & 0xfffff000) == (OPTIONS_VERSION & 0xfffff000));
libburn/read.c: assert(!d->busy);
libburn/read.c: assert(d->toc->valid);
libburn/read.c: assert(o->datafd != -1);
API burn_disc_read():
- ? -
burn_disc_read() is defunct
OPTIONS_VERSION does not occur outside this line
( => one would return )
( 22) => catch page.sectors<0 before d->read_sectors() )
( 37) => catch ! d->mdata->valid )
=> :)
ts A61007
++ 26) libburn/sector.c: assert(0); /* return BURN_MODE_UNIMPLEMENTED :) */
static get_outmode():
burn_write_opts is wrongly programmed with .write_type and .block_type
: Severe Application Error
=> This gets handled by burn_write_opts_set_write_type()
ts A61007 by new semi-public sector_get_outmode()
=> delete assert()
ts A61007
++ 27) libburn/sector.c: assert(outlen >= inlen);
libburn/sector.c: assert(outmode & BURN_MODE_RAW);
libburn/sector.c: assert(offset != -1);
static convert_data():
Several unacceptable settings within struct burn_write_opts
Called by sector_toc() sector_pregap() sector_postgap() sector_lout()
: Severe Application Error
=> change return type of convert_data()
=> all callers interpret return value and eventually return failure
ts A61007
++ 28) libburn/sector.c: assert(0);
static char_to_isrc():
Called by subcode_user() with data set by API burn_track_set_isrc()
Some character conversion fails on wrong input
: Severe Application Error
=> burn_track_set_isrc() has to make sure that only good data are set
=> char_to_isrc() returns 0 as default
=> delete assert()
ts A61008
++ 29) libburn/sector.c: assert(qmode == 1 || qmode == 2 || qmode == 3);
- can not happen -
: Unknown reason of assert()
=> remove assert()
ts A61010
++ 30) libburn/sector.c: assert(modebyte == 1);
Does only accept modes BURN_AUDIO, BURN_MODE1 or write_type BURN_WRITE_SAO
Called by sector_toc() sector_pregap() sector_postgap() sector_lout()
: Severe Libburn Error
=> new functions sector_headers_is_ok(), burn_disc_write_is_ok()
help to catch problem in API burn_disc_write()
ts A61009
++ 31) libburn/sector.c: assert(0);
- defunct -
=> :)
ts A61009
++ 32) libburn/sg.c: assert("drive busy" == "non fatal");
Intentional abort preset by the app
=> change to abort()
ts A61007
++ 33) libburn/sg.c: assert(fd != -1337);
The drive device file could not be opened
:Severe External Problem
=> obsolete by normal drive open failure handling
ts A61007
++ 34) libburn/sg.c: assert(!c->page);
An SCSI command of direction NO_TRANSFER may not have a .page != NULL.
Since it is about exposing a libburn detail towards the sg driver, i believe
it is sufficient to just not use it.
: Libburn Error
=> enhance internal logics of sg_issue_command()
ts A61007
++ 35) libburn/sg.c: assert(c->page->bytes > 0);
An SCSI command of direction TO_DRIVE wants to transfer 0 bytes.
: Severe Libburn Error
=> set command.error = 1 and return 0
ts A61010
++ 36) libburn/sg.c: assert(err != -1);
The transfer of the command via ioctl() failed
: Severe Transport Level Problem
=> close drive fd, set idle and released
=> set command.error = 1 and return -1
ts A61010
++ 37) libburn/spc.c: assert(d->mdata->valid);
Drive was not properly programmed
alias struct burn_drive.send_parameters()
Called by burn_disc_read, - defunct -
: Severe Application Error
=> moved up as mangled assert to burn_disc_read()
ts A61007
++ 38) libburn/spc.c: assert(d->mdata->cdr_write || d->mdata->cdrw_write ||
Drive does not offer write of any known media type
alias struct burn_drive.read_disc_info()
Called by API burn_drive_grab (assert test made there in soft)
: Severe Command Level Problem
=> remove assert()
ts A61007
++ 39) libburn/spc.c: assert(o->drive == d);
Drive does not match struct burn_write_opts
alias struct burn_drive.send_write_parameters()
Called by mmc_close_disc() (-defunct- ?), mmc_close_session() (-defunct- ?),
burn_write_track() (d = o->drive;),
burn_disc_write_sync() d = (o->drive;)
: Severe Libburn Error
=> remove assert()
ts A61007
++ 40) libburn/spc.c: assert(d->mdata->valid);
Drive was not properly programmed
Called by (see 39)
burn_write_track() by burn_write_session() by burn_disc_write_sync()
burn_disc_write_sync() indirectly by API burn_disc_write()
: Severe Libburn Error
=> caught in burn_disc_write() now
ts A61007
++ 41) libburn/spc.c: assert(0);
Unknown value with enum burn_block_types
Called by spc_select_write_params, uses burn_write_opts.block_type,
set by API burn_write_opts_set_write_type()
: Severe Application Error
=> catch in API burn_write_opts_set_write_type
by calling spc_block_type()
=> delete assert
ts A61007
++ 42) libburn/structure.c: assert(!(pos > BURN_POS_END));\
macro RESIZE
An illegal list index is given by the app.
( TO->NEW##s obviusly means to append "s" to cpp result of TO->NEW )
Used by API burn_session_add_track() and API burn_disc_add_session()
: Severe Application Error
=> replace assert by if-and-return-0
ts A61008
++ 43) libburn/structure.c: assert(s->track != NULL);
API burn_session_remove_track()
An application supplied pointer is NULL
: Severe Application Error
=> replace by if-and-return-0
ts A61008
++ 44) libburn/structure.c: assert((country[i] >= '0' || country[i] < '9') &&
libburn/structure.c: assert((owner[i] >= '0' || owner[i] < '9') &&
libburn/structure.c: assert(year <= 99);
libburn/structure.c: assert(serial <= 99999);
API burn_track_set_isrc():
Illegal texts supplied by application.
The logical expression is always true !
: Severe Application Error
=> issue LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY and return
=> delete assert
=> delete assert 28) in char_to_isrc()
ts A61008
++ 45) libburn/toc.c: assert(0); /* unhandled! find out ccd's
static write_clonecd2():
- defunct -, - unused -
=> mangle assert
ts A61008
++ 46) libburn/toc.c: assert(d->busy);
The drive to work on is not marked busy
Called by mmc_read_toc() alias read_toc() by ... burn_drive_grab()
: Severe Libburn Error
=> to be prevented on the higher levels
=> delete assert
ts A61008
++ 47) libburn/util.c: assert(s);
Abort on NULL string which would elsewise cause a SIGSEGV
Used once in enumerate_common() with a string that worked with open(2) before
: Severe Libburn Error
=> delete assert
ts A61008
++ 48) libburn/util.c: assert(s);
burn_strndup(): - unused -
Same as 47
: Severe Libburn Error
=> return NULL
=> delete assert
ts A61008
++ 49) libburn/util.c: assert(n > 0);
burn_strndup(): - unused -
Prevent problems by negative copy length
: Severe Libburn Error
=> return NULL
=> delete assert
ts A61008
++ 50) libburn/write.c: assert(0);
static type_to_ctrl():
Unsuitable mode to be converted into "ctrl"
Called by static type_to_form() finally burn_create_toc_entries()
: Severe Application Error
=> to be caught in burn_track_define_data by calling for test type_to_form()
=> return -1;
ts A61008
++ 51) libburn/write.c: assert(0);
libburn/write.c: assert(0); /* XXX someone's gonna want this sometime */
static type_to_form():
Does not like BURN_MODE0 or BURN_MODE2 but tolerates unknown modes
Called by static burn_create_toc_entries() by burn_disc_write_sync()
: Undocumented Libburn Restriction
=> set *form = -1 , *ctladr = 0xff , return
=> make function non-static
=> call for test in API burn_track_define_data()
ts A61009
++ 52) libburn/write.c: assert(ptr);
static add_cue():
realloc() failed
Called by burn_create_toc_entries() by burn_disc_write_sync()
(burn_create_toc_entries is ignorant towards own potential memory problems)
(This could possibly really stay an abort() because the reason is
a plain failure of the system's memory management.)
: Severe System Error
=> change return type of add_cue to int
=> react on return -1 in burn_create_toc_entries, return NULL on failure
=> abort burn_disc_write_sync() on NULL return
ts A61009
++ 53) libburn/write.c: assert(d->toc_entry == NULL);
Multiple usage of struct burn_drive.toc_entry
Called by burn_disc_write_sync()
This will probably trigger an abort with disc->sessions > 1
(disc->sessions is incremented in macro RESIZE() as "NEW##s")
: Design Problem
( => ? disallow multiple sessions ? )
=> replace assert by soft means and wait what happens
ts A61009
++ 54) libburn/write.c: assert(0);
Called by get_sector(), convert_data(), ...
=> call burn_sector_length() for test in API burn_track_define_data()
=> replace assert by -1
ts A61009

View File

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include "libburn.h"
#include "transport.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "write.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "async.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "back_hacks.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <a ssert.h>
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger;
#define SCAN_GOING() (workers && !workers->drive)
typedef void *(*WorkerFunc) (void *);
struct scan_opts
struct burn_drive_info **drives;
unsigned int *n_drives;
int done;
struct erase_opts
struct burn_drive *drive;
int fast;
/* ts A61230 */
struct format_opts
struct burn_drive *drive;
off_t size;
int flag;
struct write_opts
struct burn_drive *drive;
struct burn_write_opts *opts;
struct burn_disc *disc;
struct w_list
struct burn_drive *drive;
pthread_t thread;
struct w_list *next;
union w_list_data
struct scan_opts scan;
struct erase_opts erase;
struct format_opts format;
struct write_opts write;
} u;
static struct w_list *workers;
static struct w_list *find_worker(struct burn_drive *d)
struct w_list *a;
for (a = workers; a; a = a->next)
if (a->drive == d)
return a;
return NULL;
static void add_worker(struct burn_drive *d, WorkerFunc f, void *data)
struct w_list *a;
struct w_list *tmp;
a = malloc(sizeof(struct w_list));
a->drive = d;
a->u = *(union w_list_data *)data;
/* insert at front of the list */
a->next = workers;
tmp = workers;
workers = a;
if (d)
if (pthread_create(&a->thread, NULL, f, a)) {
workers = tmp;
static void remove_worker(pthread_t th)
struct w_list *a, *l = NULL;
for (a = workers; a; l = a, a = a->next)
if (a->thread == th) {
if (l)
l->next = a->next;
workers = a->next;
/* ts A61006 */
/* a ssert(a != NULL);/ * wasn't found.. this should not be possible */
if (a == NULL)
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020101,
"remove_worker() cannot find given worker item", 0, 0);
static void *scan_worker_func(struct w_list *w)
burn_drive_scan_sync(w->u.scan.drives, w->u.scan.n_drives);
w->u.scan.done = 1;
return NULL;
int burn_drive_scan(struct burn_drive_info *drives[], unsigned int *n_drives)
struct scan_opts o;
int ret = 0;
/* ts A61006 : moved up from burn_drive_scan_sync , former Assert */
if (!burn_running) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020109,
"Library not running (on attempt to scan)", 0, 0);
*drives = NULL;
*n_drives = 0;
return -1;
/* cant be anything working! */
/* ts A61006 */
/* a ssert(!(workers && workers->drive)); */
if (workers != NULL && workers->drive != NULL) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020102,
"A drive operation is still going on (want to scan)",
0, 0);
*drives = NULL;
*n_drives = 0;
return -1;
if (!workers) {
/* start it */
/* ts A61007 : test moved up from burn_drive_scan_sync()
was burn_wait_all() */
if (!burn_drives_are_clear())
goto drive_is_active;
*drives = NULL;
*n_drives = 0;
o.drives = drives;
o.n_drives = n_drives;
o.done = 0;
add_worker(NULL, (WorkerFunc) scan_worker_func, &o);
} else if (workers->u.scan.done) {
/* its done */
ret = workers->u.scan.done;
/* ts A61006 */
/* a ssert(workers == NULL); */
if (workers != NULL) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020101,
"After scan a drive operation is still going on",
0, 0);
return -1;
} else {
/* still going */
return ret;
static void *erase_worker_func(struct w_list *w)
burn_disc_erase_sync(w->u.erase.drive, w->u.erase.fast);
return NULL;
void burn_disc_erase(struct burn_drive *drive, int fast)
struct erase_opts o;
/* A70103 : will be set to 0 by burn_disc_erase_sync() */
drive->cancel = 1;
/* ts A61006 */
/* a ssert(drive); */
/* a ssert(!SCAN_GOING()); */
/* a ssert(!find_worker(drive)); */
if((drive == NULL)) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, drive->global_index,
"NULL pointer caught in burn_disc_erase", 0, 0);
if ((SCAN_GOING()) || find_worker(drive)) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, drive->global_index,
"A drive operation is still going on (want to erase)",
0, 0);
/* ts A70103 moved up from burn_disc_erase_sync() */
/* ts A60825 : allow on parole to blank appendable CDs */
/* ts A70131 : allow blanking of overwriteable DVD-RW (profile 0x13) */
/* ts A70216 : allow blanking of CD-RW or DVD-RW in any regular state
and of any kind of full media */
if ((drive->current_profile != 0x0a &&
drive->current_profile != 0x13 &&
drive->current_profile != 0x14 &&
drive->status != BURN_DISC_FULL)
(drive->status != BURN_DISC_FULL &&
drive->status != BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE &&
drive->status != BURN_DISC_BLANK)
) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, drive->global_index,
"Drive and media state unsuitable for blanking",
0, 0);
o.drive = drive;
o.fast = fast;
add_worker(drive, (WorkerFunc) erase_worker_func, &o);
/* ts A61230 */
static void *format_worker_func(struct w_list *w)
burn_disc_format_sync(w->u.format.drive, w->u.format.size,
return NULL;
/* ts A61230 */
void burn_disc_format(struct burn_drive *drive, off_t size, int flag)
struct format_opts o;
int ok = 0;
char msg[160];
if ((SCAN_GOING()) || find_worker(drive)) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, drive->global_index,
"A drive operation is still going on (want to format)",
0, 0);
if (flag & 128) /* application prescribed format type */
flag |= 16; /* enforce re-format */
if (drive->current_profile == 0x14)
ok = 1; /* DVD-RW sequential */
else if (drive->current_profile == 0x13 && (flag & 16))
ok = 1; /* DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite with force bit */
else if (drive->current_profile == 0x1a) {
ok = 1; /* DVD+RW */
size = 0;
flag &= ~(2|8); /* no insisting in size 0, no expansion */
flag |= 4; /* format up to maximum size */
if (!ok) {
sprintf(msg,"Will not format media type %4.4Xh",
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, drive->global_index,
msg, 0, 0);
drive->cancel = 1;
o.drive = drive;
o.size = size;
o.flag = flag;
add_worker(drive, (WorkerFunc) format_worker_func, &o);
static void *write_disc_worker_func(struct w_list *w)
burn_disc_write_sync(w->u.write.opts, w->u.write.disc);
/* the options are refcounted, free out ref count which we added below
return NULL;
void burn_disc_write(struct burn_write_opts *opts, struct burn_disc *disc)
struct write_opts o;
char reasons[BURN_REASONS_LEN+80];
#ifndef Libburn_precheck_write_ruleS
int i, j, mode, mixed_mode = 0;
/* For the next lines any return indicates failure */
opts->drive->cancel = 1;
/* ts A70203 : people have been warned in API specs */
if (opts->write_type == BURN_WRITE_NONE)
/* ts A61006 */
/* a ssert(!SCAN_GOING()); */
/* a ssert(!find_worker(opts->drive)); */
if ((SCAN_GOING()) || find_worker(opts->drive)) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, opts->drive->global_index,
"A drive operation is still going on (want to write)",
0, 0);
/* ts A61007 : obsolete Assert in spc_select_write_params() */
if (!opts->drive->mdata->valid) {
opts->drive->global_index, 0x00020113,
"Drive capabilities not inquired yet", 0, 0);
/* ts A70219 : intended to replace all further tests here and many
tests in burn_*_write_sync()
strcpy(reasons, "Write job parameters are unsuitable:\n");
if (burn_precheck_write(opts, disc, reasons + strlen(reasons), 1)
#ifndef Libburn_precheck_write_ruleS
opts->drive->global_index, 0x00020139,
reasons, 0, 0);
opts->drive->global_index, 0x00020139,
reasons, 0, 0);
#endif /* Libburn_precheck_write_ruleS */
#ifndef Libburn_precheck_write_ruleS
/* <<< covered burn_precheck_write() */
/* ts A61009 : obsolete Assert in sector_headers() */
if (! burn_disc_write_is_ok(opts, disc, 0)) /* issues own msgs */
/* <<< covered burn_precheck_write() */
/* ts A70122 : libburn SAO code mishandles mode changes */
for (i = 0; i < disc->sessions; i++) {
if (disc->session[i]->tracks <= 0)
mode = disc->session[i]->track[0]->mode;
for (j = 1; j < disc->session[i]->tracks; j++)
if (mode != disc->session[i]->track[j]->mode)
mixed_mode = 1;
if (mixed_mode && opts->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO) {
opts->drive->global_index, 0x00020133,
"Cannot mix data and audio in SAO mode", 0, 0);
#endif /* ! Libburn_precheck_write_ruleS */
opts->drive->cancel = 0; /* End of the return = failure area */
o.drive = opts->drive;
o.opts = opts;
o.disc = disc;
add_worker(opts->drive, (WorkerFunc) write_disc_worker_func, &o);
void burn_async_join_all(void)
void *ret;
while (workers)
pthread_join(workers->thread, &ret);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef BURN__ASYNC_H
#define BURN__ASYNC_H
void burn_async_join_all(void);
struct burn_write_opts;
#endif /* BURN__ASYNC_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
This file bundles variables which disable changes in libburn which are
not yet completely accepted.
The use of these variables is *strongly discouraged* unless you have sincere
reason and are willing to share your gained knowledge with the libburn
Do *not silently rely* on these variables with your application. Tell us
that you needed one or more of them. They are subject to removal as soon
as consense has been found about correctness of the change they revoke.
Value 0 means that the new behavior is enabled. Any other value enables
the described old time behavior.
If you doubt one of the changes here broke your application, then do
*in your application*, *not here* :
- #include "libburn/back_hacks.h" like you include "libburn/libburn.h"
- Set the libburn_back_hack_* variable of your choice to 1.
In your app. Not here.
- Then start and use libburn as usual. Watch out for results.
- If you believe to have detected a flaw in our change, come forward
and report it to the libburn developers. Thanks in advance. :)
/** Do not define this macro in your application. Only libburn/init.c is
entitled to set it.
/** Corresponds to http://libburn.pykix.org/ticket/42
Reinstates the old ban not to blank appendable CD-RW. We see no reason
for this ban yet. It appears unusual. But maybe it patches a bug.
int libburn_back_hack_42= 0;
/* Note: no application programmer info beyond this point */
extern int libburn_back_hack_42;
#endif /* ! BURN_BACK_HACKS_INIT */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
cleanup.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
A signal handler which cleans up an application and exits.
Provided under GPL license within GPL projects, BSD license elsewise.
cc -g -o cleanup -DCleanup_standalonE cleanup.c
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
#include "cleanup.h"
#ifndef Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H
#include "../libburn/os.h"
/* see os.h for name of particular os-*.h where this is defined */
static int signal_list[]= { BURN_OS_SIGNAL_MACRO_LIST , -1};
static char *signal_name_list[]= { BURN_OS_SIGNAL_NAME_LIST , "@"};
static int signal_list_count= BURN_OS_SIGNAL_COUNT;
static int non_signal_list[]= { BURN_OS_NON_SIGNAL_MACRO_LIST, -1};
static int non_signal_list_count= BURN_OS_NON_SIGNAL_COUNT;
#else /* ! Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H */
/* Outdated. Linux only. For backward compatibility with pre-libburn-0.2.3 */
/* Signals to be caught */
static int signal_list[]= {
static char *signal_name_list[]= {
static int signal_list_count= 24;
/* Signals not to be caught */
static int non_signal_list[]= {
static int non_signal_list_count= 5;
#endif /* Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H */
/* run time dynamic part */
static char cleanup_msg[4096]= {""};
static int cleanup_exiting= 0;
static int cleanup_has_reported= -1234567890;
static void *cleanup_app_handle= NULL;
static Cleanup_app_handler_T cleanup_app_handler= NULL;
static int cleanup_perform_app_handler_first= 0;
static int Cleanup_handler_exit(int exit_value, int signum, int flag)
int ret;
if(cleanup_msg[0]!=0 && cleanup_has_reported!=signum) {
cleanup_has_reported= signum;
if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) {
ret= (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0);
if(ret==2 || ret==-2)
if(cleanup_exiting) {
fprintf(stderr,"cleanup: ABORT : repeat by pid=%d, signum=%d\n",
cleanup_exiting= 1;
if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) {
ret= (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0);
if(ret==2 || ret==-2)
static void Cleanup_handler_generic(int signum)
int i;
sprintf(cleanup_msg,"UNIX-SIGNAL caught: %d errno= %d",signum,errno);
for(i= 0; i<signal_list_count; i++)
if(signum==signal_list[i]) {
sprintf(cleanup_msg,"UNIX-SIGNAL: %s errno= %d",
int Cleanup_set_handlers(void *handle, Cleanup_app_handler_T handler, int flag)
bit0= set to default handlers
bit1= set to ignore
bit2= set cleanup_perform_app_handler_first
bit3= set SIGABRT to handler (makes sense with bits 0 or 1)
int i,j,max_sig= -1,min_sig= 0x7fffffff;
sighandler_t sig_handler;
cleanup_msg[0]= 0;
cleanup_app_handle= handle;
cleanup_app_handler= handler;
/* <<< make cleanup_exiting thread safe to get rid of this */
cleanup_perform_app_handler_first= 1;
sig_handler= SIG_DFL;
else if(flag&2)
sig_handler= SIG_IGN;
sig_handler= Cleanup_handler_generic;
/* set all signal numbers between the lowest and highest in the list
except those in the non-signal list */
for(i= 0; i<signal_list_count; i++) {
max_sig= signal_list[i];
min_sig= signal_list[i];
for(i= min_sig; i<=max_sig; i++) {
for(j= 0; j<non_signal_list_count; j++)
if(j>=non_signal_list_count) {
if(i==SIGABRT && (flag&8))
#ifdef Cleanup_standalonE
struct Demo_apP {
char *msg;
int Demo_app_handler(struct Demo_apP *demoapp, int signum, int flag)
printf("Handling exit of demo application on signal %d. msg=\"%s\"\n",
struct Demo_apP demoapp;
demoapp.msg= "Good Bye";
Cleanup_set_handlers(&demoapp,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Demo_app_handler,0);
if(1) { /* change to 0 in order to wait for external signals */
char *cpt= NULL,c;
printf("Intentionally provoking SIGSEGV ...\n");
c= *cpt;
} else {
printf("killme: %d\n",getpid());
#endif /* Cleanup_standalonE */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
cleanup.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
A signal handler which cleans up an application and exits.
Provided under GPL license within GPL projects, BSD license elsewise.
#ifndef Cleanup_includeD
#define Cleanup_includeD 1
/** Layout of an application provided cleanup function using an application
provided handle as first argument and the signal number as second
argument. The third argument is a flag bit field with no defined bits yet.
If the handler returns 2 or -2 then it has delegated exit() to some other
instance and the Cleanup handler shall return rather than exit.
typedef int (*Cleanup_app_handler_T)(void *, int, int);
/** Establish exiting signal handlers on (hopefully) all signals that are
not ignored by default or non-catchable.
@param handle Opaque object which knows how to cleanup application
@param handler Function which uses handle to perform application cleanup
@param flag Control Bitfield
bit0= reset to default signal handling
int Cleanup_set_handlers(void *handle, Cleanup_app_handler_T handler,
int flag);
#endif /* ! Cleanup_includeD */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include "crc.h"
static unsigned short ccitt_table[256] = {
0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50A5, 0x60C6, 0x70E7,
0x8108, 0x9129, 0xA14A, 0xB16B, 0xC18C, 0xD1AD, 0xE1CE, 0xF1EF,
0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52B5, 0x4294, 0x72F7, 0x62D6,
0x9339, 0x8318, 0xB37B, 0xA35A, 0xD3BD, 0xC39C, 0xF3FF, 0xE3DE,
0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64E6, 0x74C7, 0x44A4, 0x5485,
0xA56A, 0xB54B, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xE5EE, 0xF5CF, 0xC5AC, 0xD58D,
0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76D7, 0x66F6, 0x5695, 0x46B4,
0xB75B, 0xA77A, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xF7DF, 0xE7FE, 0xD79D, 0xC7BC,
0x48C4, 0x58E5, 0x6886, 0x78A7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823,
0xC9CC, 0xD9ED, 0xE98E, 0xF9AF, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xA90A, 0xB92B,
0x5AF5, 0x4AD4, 0x7AB7, 0x6A96, 0x1A71, 0x0A50, 0x3A33, 0x2A12,
0xDBFD, 0xCBDC, 0xFBBF, 0xEB9E, 0x9B79, 0x8B58, 0xBB3B, 0xAB1A,
0x6CA6, 0x7C87, 0x4CE4, 0x5CC5, 0x2C22, 0x3C03, 0x0C60, 0x1C41,
0xEDAE, 0xFD8F, 0xCDEC, 0xDDCD, 0xAD2A, 0xBD0B, 0x8D68, 0x9D49,
0x7E97, 0x6EB6, 0x5ED5, 0x4EF4, 0x3E13, 0x2E32, 0x1E51, 0x0E70,
0xFF9F, 0xEFBE, 0xDFDD, 0xCFFC, 0xBF1B, 0xAF3A, 0x9F59, 0x8F78,
0x9188, 0x81A9, 0xB1CA, 0xA1EB, 0xD10C, 0xC12D, 0xF14E, 0xE16F,
0x1080, 0x00A1, 0x30C2, 0x20E3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067,
0x83B9, 0x9398, 0xA3FB, 0xB3DA, 0xC33D, 0xD31C, 0xE37F, 0xF35E,
0x02B1, 0x1290, 0x22F3, 0x32D2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256,
0xB5EA, 0xA5CB, 0x95A8, 0x8589, 0xF56E, 0xE54F, 0xD52C, 0xC50D,
0x34E2, 0x24C3, 0x14A0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405,
0xA7DB, 0xB7FA, 0x8799, 0x97B8, 0xE75F, 0xF77E, 0xC71D, 0xD73C,
0x26D3, 0x36F2, 0x0691, 0x16B0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634,
0xD94C, 0xC96D, 0xF90E, 0xE92F, 0x99C8, 0x89E9, 0xB98A, 0xA9AB,
0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18C0, 0x08E1, 0x3882, 0x28A3,
0xCB7D, 0xDB5C, 0xEB3F, 0xFB1E, 0x8BF9, 0x9BD8, 0xABBB, 0xBB9A,
0x4A75, 0x5A54, 0x6A37, 0x7A16, 0x0AF1, 0x1AD0, 0x2AB3, 0x3A92,
0xFD2E, 0xED0F, 0xDD6C, 0xCD4D, 0xBDAA, 0xAD8B, 0x9DE8, 0x8DC9,
0x7C26, 0x6C07, 0x5C64, 0x4C45, 0x3CA2, 0x2C83, 0x1CE0, 0x0CC1,
0xEF1F, 0xFF3E, 0xCF5D, 0xDF7C, 0xAF9B, 0xBFBA, 0x8FD9, 0x9FF8,
0x6E17, 0x7E36, 0x4E55, 0x5E74, 0x2E93, 0x3EB2, 0x0ED1, 0x1EF0
unsigned long crc32_table[256] = {
0x00000000L, 0x90910101L, 0x91210201L, 0x01B00300L,
0x92410401L, 0x02D00500L, 0x03600600L, 0x93F10701L,
0x94810801L, 0x04100900L, 0x05A00A00L, 0x95310B01L,
0x06C00C00L, 0x96510D01L, 0x97E10E01L, 0x07700F00L,
0x99011001L, 0x09901100L, 0x08201200L, 0x98B11301L,
0x0B401400L, 0x9BD11501L, 0x9A611601L, 0x0AF01700L,
0x0D801800L, 0x9D111901L, 0x9CA11A01L, 0x0C301B00L,
0x9FC11C01L, 0x0F501D00L, 0x0EE01E00L, 0x9E711F01L,
0x82012001L, 0x12902100L, 0x13202200L, 0x83B12301L,
0x10402400L, 0x80D12501L, 0x81612601L, 0x11F02700L,
0x16802800L, 0x86112901L, 0x87A12A01L, 0x17302B00L,
0x84C12C01L, 0x14502D00L, 0x15E02E00L, 0x85712F01L,
0x1B003000L, 0x8B913101L, 0x8A213201L, 0x1AB03300L,
0x89413401L, 0x19D03500L, 0x18603600L, 0x88F13701L,
0x8F813801L, 0x1F103900L, 0x1EA03A00L, 0x8E313B01L,
0x1DC03C00L, 0x8D513D01L, 0x8CE13E01L, 0x1C703F00L,
0xB4014001L, 0x24904100L, 0x25204200L, 0xB5B14301L,
0x26404400L, 0xB6D14501L, 0xB7614601L, 0x27F04700L,
0x20804800L, 0xB0114901L, 0xB1A14A01L, 0x21304B00L,
0xB2C14C01L, 0x22504D00L, 0x23E04E00L, 0xB3714F01L,
0x2D005000L, 0xBD915101L, 0xBC215201L, 0x2CB05300L,
0xBF415401L, 0x2FD05500L, 0x2E605600L, 0xBEF15701L,
0xB9815801L, 0x29105900L, 0x28A05A00L, 0xB8315B01L,
0x2BC05C00L, 0xBB515D01L, 0xBAE15E01L, 0x2A705F00L,
0x36006000L, 0xA6916101L, 0xA7216201L, 0x37B06300L,
0xA4416401L, 0x34D06500L, 0x35606600L, 0xA5F16701L,
0xA2816801L, 0x32106900L, 0x33A06A00L, 0xA3316B01L,
0x30C06C00L, 0xA0516D01L, 0xA1E16E01L, 0x31706F00L,
0xAF017001L, 0x3F907100L, 0x3E207200L, 0xAEB17301L,
0x3D407400L, 0xADD17501L, 0xAC617601L, 0x3CF07700L,
0x3B807800L, 0xAB117901L, 0xAAA17A01L, 0x3A307B00L,
0xA9C17C01L, 0x39507D00L, 0x38E07E00L, 0xA8717F01L,
0xD8018001L, 0x48908100L, 0x49208200L, 0xD9B18301L,
0x4A408400L, 0xDAD18501L, 0xDB618601L, 0x4BF08700L,
0x4C808800L, 0xDC118901L, 0xDDA18A01L, 0x4D308B00L,
0xDEC18C01L, 0x4E508D00L, 0x4FE08E00L, 0xDF718F01L,
0x41009000L, 0xD1919101L, 0xD0219201L, 0x40B09300L,
0xD3419401L, 0x43D09500L, 0x42609600L, 0xD2F19701L,
0xD5819801L, 0x45109900L, 0x44A09A00L, 0xD4319B01L,
0x47C09C00L, 0xD7519D01L, 0xD6E19E01L, 0x46709F00L,
0x5A00A000L, 0xCA91A101L, 0xCB21A201L, 0x5BB0A300L,
0xC841A401L, 0x58D0A500L, 0x5960A600L, 0xC9F1A701L,
0xCE81A801L, 0x5E10A900L, 0x5FA0AA00L, 0xCF31AB01L,
0x5CC0AC00L, 0xCC51AD01L, 0xCDE1AE01L, 0x5D70AF00L,
0xC301B001L, 0x5390B100L, 0x5220B200L, 0xC2B1B301L,
0x5140B400L, 0xC1D1B501L, 0xC061B601L, 0x50F0B700L,
0x5780B800L, 0xC711B901L, 0xC6A1BA01L, 0x5630BB00L,
0xC5C1BC01L, 0x5550BD00L, 0x54E0BE00L, 0xC471BF01L,
0x6C00C000L, 0xFC91C101L, 0xFD21C201L, 0x6DB0C300L,
0xFE41C401L, 0x6ED0C500L, 0x6F60C600L, 0xFFF1C701L,
0xF881C801L, 0x6810C900L, 0x69A0CA00L, 0xF931CB01L,
0x6AC0CC00L, 0xFA51CD01L, 0xFBE1CE01L, 0x6B70CF00L,
0xF501D001L, 0x6590D100L, 0x6420D200L, 0xF4B1D301L,
0x6740D400L, 0xF7D1D501L, 0xF661D601L, 0x66F0D700L,
0x6180D800L, 0xF111D901L, 0xF0A1DA01L, 0x6030DB00L,
0xF3C1DC01L, 0x6350DD00L, 0x62E0DE00L, 0xF271DF01L,
0xEE01E001L, 0x7E90E100L, 0x7F20E200L, 0xEFB1E301L,
0x7C40E400L, 0xECD1E501L, 0xED61E601L, 0x7DF0E700L,
0x7A80E800L, 0xEA11E901L, 0xEBA1EA01L, 0x7B30EB00L,
0xE8C1EC01L, 0x7850ED00L, 0x79E0EE00L, 0xE971EF01L,
0x7700F000L, 0xE791F101L, 0xE621F201L, 0x76B0F300L,
0xE541F401L, 0x75D0F500L, 0x7460F600L, 0xE4F1F701L,
0xE381F801L, 0x7310F900L, 0x72A0FA00L, 0xE231FB01L,
0x71C0FC00L, 0xE151FD01L, 0xE0E1FE01L, 0x7070FF00L
unsigned short crc_ccitt(unsigned char *q, int len)
unsigned short crc = 0;
while (len-- > 0)
crc = ccitt_table[(crc >> 8 ^ *q++) & 0xff] ^ (crc << 8);
return ~crc;
unsigned int crc_32(unsigned char *data, int len)
unsigned int crc = 0;
while (len-- > 0)
crc = crc32_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xffL] ^ (crc >> 8);
return crc;

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef BURN__CRC_H
#define BURN__CRC_H
unsigned short crc_ccitt(unsigned char *, int len);
unsigned int crc_32(unsigned char *, int len);
#endif /* BURN__CRC_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
/* ddlpa
Implementation of Delicate Device Locking Protocol level A.
Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
Provided under any of the following licenses: GPL, LGPL, BSD. Choose one.
Compile as test program:
cc -g -Wall \
-DDDLPA_C_STANDALONE -o ddlpa ddlpa.c
The system macros enable 64-bit off_t and open(2) flag O_LARGEFILE, which
are not absolutely necessary but explicitely take into respect that
our devices can offer more than 2 GB of addressable data.
Run test program:
./ddlpa /dev/sr0 15
./ddlpa 0,0,0 15
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <scsi/scsi.h>
/* All callers of ddlpa must do this */
#include "ddlpa.h"
/* 1 = Enable progress message on stderr, 0 = normal silent operation */
static int ddlpa_debug_mode = 1;
/* #define _GNU_SOURCE or _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE to get real O_LARGEFILE */
#define O_LARGEFILE 0
/* ----------------------- private -------------------- */
static int ddlpa_new(struct ddlpa_lock **lck, int o_flags, int ddlpa_flags)
int i;
struct ddlpa_lock *o;
o = *lck = (struct ddlpa_lock *) malloc(sizeof(struct ddlpa_lock));
if (o == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct ddlpa_lock); i++)
((char *) o)[i] = 0;
o->path = NULL;
o->fd = -1;
for (i = 0; i < DDLPA_MAX_SIBLINGS; i++)
o->sibling_fds[i] = -1;
o->errmsg = NULL;
o->o_flags = o_flags;
o->ddlpa_flags = ddlpa_flags;
return 0;
static int ddlpa_enumerate(struct ddlpa_lock *o, int *idx,
char path[DDLPA_MAX_STD_LEN + 1])
if (*idx < 0)
*idx = 0;
if (*idx < 26)
sprintf(path, "/dev/hd%c", 'a' + *idx);
else if (*idx < 256 + 26)
sprintf(path, "/dev/sr%d", *idx - 26);
else if (*idx < 2 * 256 + 26)
sprintf(path, "/dev/scd%d", *idx - 256 - 26);
else if (*idx < 3 * 256 + 26)
sprintf(path, "/dev/sg%d", *idx - 2 * 256 - 26);
return 1;
return 0;
static int ddlpa_std_by_rdev(struct ddlpa_lock *o)
int idx = 0;
char try_path[DDLPA_MAX_STD_LEN+1];
struct stat path_stbuf, try_stbuf;
if (!o->path_is_valid)
return EFAULT;
if (stat(o->path, &path_stbuf) == -1)
return errno;
while (ddlpa_enumerate(o, &idx, try_path) == 0) {
if (stat(try_path, &try_stbuf) == -1)
if (path_stbuf.st_rdev != try_stbuf.st_rdev)
strcpy(o->std_path, try_path);
if (ddlpa_debug_mode)
"DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_std_by_rdev(\"%s\") = \"%s\"\n",
o->path, o->std_path);
return 0;
return ENOENT;
/* Caution : these tests are valid only with standard paths */
static int ddlpa_is_scsi(struct ddlpa_lock *o, char *path)
return (strncmp(path, "/dev/s", 6) == 0);
static int ddlpa_is_sg(struct ddlpa_lock *o, char *path)
return (strncmp(path, "/dev/sg", 7) == 0);
static int ddlpa_is_sr(struct ddlpa_lock *o, char *path)
return (strncmp(path, "/dev/sr", 7) == 0);
static int ddlpa_is_scd(struct ddlpa_lock *o, char *path)
return (strncmp(path, "/dev/scd", 8) == 0);
static int ddlpa_fcntl_lock(struct ddlpa_lock *o, int fd, int l_type)
struct flock lockthing;
int ret;
memset(&lockthing, 0, sizeof(lockthing));
lockthing.l_type = l_type;
lockthing.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
lockthing.l_start = 0;
lockthing.l_len = 0;
ret = fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &lockthing);
if (ret == -1)
return EBUSY;
return 0;
static int ddlpa_occupy(struct ddlpa_lock *o, char *path, int *fd,
int no_o_excl)
int ret, o_flags, o_rw, l_type;
char *o_rwtext;
o_flags = o->o_flags | O_NDELAY;
o_flags |= O_EXCL;
o_rw = (o_flags) & (O_RDONLY | O_WRONLY | O_RDWR);
o_rwtext = (o_rw == O_RDONLY ? "O_RDONLY" :
(o_rw == O_WRONLY ? "O_WRONLY" :
(o_rw == O_RDWR ? "O_RDWR " : "O_?rw-mode?")));
*fd = open(path, o_flags);
if (*fd == -1) {
o->errmsg = malloc(strlen(path)+160);
if (o->errmsg)
"Failed to open %s | O_NDELAY %s: '%s'",
(o_flags & O_EXCL ? "| O_EXCL " : ""), path);
return (errno ? errno : EBUSY);
if (o_rw == O_RDWR || o_rw == O_WRONLY)
l_type = F_WRLCK;
l_type = F_RDLCK;
ret = ddlpa_fcntl_lock(o, *fd, l_type);
if (ret) {
o->errmsg = malloc(strlen(path)+160);
if (o->errmsg)
"Failed to lock fcntl(F_WRLCK) : '%s'",path);
*fd = -1;
return ret;
if (ddlpa_debug_mode)
fprintf(stderr, "DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_occupy() %s %s: '%s'\n",
(no_o_excl ? " " : "O_EXCL "), path);
return 0;
static int ddlpa_obtain_scsi_adr(struct ddlpa_lock *o, char *path,
int *bus, int *host, int *channel, int *id, int *lun)
int fd, ret, open_mode = O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY;
struct my_scsi_idlun {
int x;
int host_unique_id;
struct my_scsi_idlun idlun;
fd = open(path, open_mode);
if (fd == -1)
return (errno ? errno : EBUSY);
if (ioctl(fd, SCSI_IOCTL_GET_BUS_NUMBER, bus) == -1)
*bus = -1;
ret = ioctl(fd, SCSI_IOCTL_GET_IDLUN, &idlun);
if (ret == -1)
return (errno ? errno : EIO);
*host = (idlun.x >> 24) & 255;
*channel = (idlun.x >> 16) & 255;
*id = (idlun.x) & 255;
*lun = (idlun.x >> 8 ) & 255;
return 0;
static int ddlpa_collect_siblings(struct ddlpa_lock *o)
int idx = 0, ret, have_sg = 0, have_sr = 0, have_scd = 0;
dev_t path_dev;
ino_t path_inode;
struct stat stbuf;
char *path, try_path[DDLPA_MAX_STD_LEN+1];
int t_bus, t_host, t_channel, t_id, t_lun;
if (o->ddlpa_flags & DDLPA_OPEN_GIVEN_PATH)
path = o->path;
path = o->std_path;
if (path[0] == 0 || o->num_siblings != 0)
return EFAULT;
if (!ddlpa_is_scsi(o, o->std_path))
return EFAULT;
if (stat(path, &stbuf) == -1)
return errno;
path_inode = stbuf.st_ino;
path_dev = stbuf.st_dev;
o->rdev = stbuf.st_rdev;
o->dev = stbuf.st_dev;
o->ino = stbuf.st_ino;
ret = ddlpa_obtain_scsi_adr(o, path,
&(o->bus), &(o->host), &(o->channel),
&(o->id), &(o->lun));
if (ret) {
o->errmsg = strdup(
"Cannot obtain SCSI parameters host,channel,id,lun");
return ret;
o->hcilb_is_valid = 1;
while (ddlpa_enumerate(o, &idx, try_path) == 0) {
if (!ddlpa_is_scsi(o, try_path))
if (stat(try_path, &stbuf) == -1)
ret = ddlpa_obtain_scsi_adr(o, try_path,
&t_bus, &t_host, &t_channel, &t_id, &t_lun);
if (ret) {
/* >>> interpret error, memorize busy, no permission */
if (t_host != o->host || t_channel != o->channel ||
t_id != o->id || t_lun != o->lun)
if (o->num_siblings >= DDLPA_MAX_SIBLINGS) {
o->errmsg =
strdup("Too many matching device files found");
return ERANGE;
if (ddlpa_is_sg(o, try_path))
have_sg = 1;
else if (ddlpa_is_sr(o, try_path))
have_sr = 1;
else if (ddlpa_is_scd(o, try_path))
have_scd = 1;
strcpy(o->sibling_paths[o->num_siblings], try_path);
o->sibling_rdevs[o->num_siblings] = stbuf.st_rdev;
o->sibling_devs[o->num_siblings] = stbuf.st_dev;
o->sibling_inodes[o->num_siblings] = stbuf.st_ino;
if (ddlpa_debug_mode)
"DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_collect_siblings() found \"%s\"\n",
if (have_sg && have_sr && have_scd)
return 0;
if (o->ddlpa_flags & DDLPA_ALLOW_MISSING_SGRCD)
return 0;
o->errmsg = strdup("Did not find enough siblings");
/* >>> add more info about busy and forbidden paths */
return EBUSY;
static int ddlpa_std_by_btl(struct ddlpa_lock *o)
int idx = 0, ret;
char try_path[DDLPA_MAX_STD_LEN+1];
int t_bus, t_host, t_channel, t_id, t_lun;
if (!o->inbtl_is_valid)
return EFAULT;
while (ddlpa_enumerate(o, &idx, try_path) == 0) {
if (!ddlpa_is_sr(o, try_path))
ret = ddlpa_obtain_scsi_adr(o, try_path,
&t_bus, &t_host, &t_channel, &t_id, &t_lun);
if (ret) {
/* >>> interpret error, memorize busy, no permission */
if (t_bus != o->in_bus || t_id != o->in_target ||
t_lun != o->in_lun)
strcpy(o->std_path, try_path);
if (ddlpa_debug_mode)
"DDLPA_DEBUG: ddlpa_std_by_btl(%d,%d,%d) = \"%s\"\n",
t_bus, t_id, t_lun, o->std_path);
return 0;
/* >>> add more info about busy and forbidden paths */
return ENOENT;
static int ddlpa_open_all(struct ddlpa_lock *o)
int i, j, ret, no_o_excl;
if (ddlpa_is_scsi(o, o->std_path)) {
ret = ddlpa_collect_siblings(o);
if (ret)
return ret;
for (i = 0; i < o->num_siblings; i++) {
/* Watch out for the main personality of the drive. */
/* No need to occupy identical path or softlink path */
if (o->sibling_devs[i] == o->dev &&
o->sibling_inodes[i] == o->ino)
/* There may be the same rdev but different inode. */
no_o_excl = (o->sibling_rdevs[i] == o->rdev);
/* Look for multiply registered device drivers with
distinct inodes. */
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (o->sibling_devs[j] == o->sibling_devs[i] &&
o->sibling_inodes[j] == o->sibling_inodes[i])
if (o->sibling_rdevs[j] == o->sibling_rdevs[i])
no_o_excl = 1;
if (j < i)
continue; /* inode is already occupied */
ret = ddlpa_occupy(o, o->sibling_paths[i],
&(o->sibling_fds[i]), no_o_excl);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (o->ddlpa_flags & DDLPA_OPEN_GIVEN_PATH)
ret = ddlpa_occupy(o, o->path, &(o->fd), 0);
ret = ddlpa_occupy(o, o->std_path, &(o->fd), 0);
if (ret)
return ret;
/* >>> use fcntl() to adjust O_NONBLOCK */;
return 0;
/* ----------------------- public -------------------- */
int ddlpa_destroy(struct ddlpa_lock **lockbundle)
struct ddlpa_lock *o;
int i;
o= *lockbundle;
if (o == NULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < o->num_siblings; i++)
if (o->sibling_fds[i] != -1)
if(o->fd != -1)
if (o->path != NULL)
if (o->errmsg != NULL)
free((char *) o);
*lockbundle = NULL;
return 0;
int ddlpa_lock_path(char *path, int o_flags, int ddlpa_flags,
struct ddlpa_lock **lockbundle, char **errmsg)
struct ddlpa_lock *o;
int ret;
*errmsg = NULL;
if (ddlpa_new(&o, o_flags, ddlpa_flags))
return ENOMEM;
*lockbundle = o;
o->path = strdup(path);
if (o->path == NULL)
return ENOMEM;
o->path_is_valid = 1;
ret = ddlpa_std_by_rdev(o);
if (ret) {
*errmsg = strdup(
"Cannot find equivalent of given path among standard paths");
return ret;
ret = ddlpa_open_all(o);
if (ret) {
*errmsg = o->errmsg;
o->errmsg = NULL;
return ret;
int ddlpa_lock_btl(int bus, int target, int lun,
int o_flags, int ddlpa_flags,
struct ddlpa_lock **lockbundle, char **errmsg)
struct ddlpa_lock *o;
int ret;
*errmsg = NULL;
ddlpa_flags &= ~DDLPA_OPEN_GIVEN_PATH;
if (ddlpa_new(&o, o_flags, ddlpa_flags))
return ENOMEM;
*lockbundle = o;
o->in_bus = bus;
o->in_target = target;
o->in_lun = lun;
o->inbtl_is_valid = 1;
ret = ddlpa_std_by_btl(o);
if (ret) {
*errmsg = strdup(
"Cannot find /dev/sr* with given Bus,Target,Lun");
return ret;
ret = ddlpa_open_all(o);
if (ret) {
*errmsg = o->errmsg;
o->errmsg = NULL;
return ret;
return 0;
/* ----------------------------- Test / Demo -------------------------- */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct ddlpa_lock *lck = NULL;
char *errmsg = NULL, *opened_path = NULL, *my_path = NULL;
int i, ret, fd = -1, duration = -1, bus = -1, target = -1, lun = -1;
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s device_path duration\n", argv[0]);
my_path = argv[1];
sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &duration);
if (duration < 0)
goto usage;
/* For our purpose, only O_RDWR is a suitable access mode.
But in order to allow experiments, o_flags are freely adjustable.
Warning: Do _not_ set an own O_EXCL flag with the following calls !
(This freedom to fail may get removed in a final version.)
if (my_path[0] != '/' && my_path[0] != '.' &&
strchr(my_path, ',') != NULL) {
cdrecord style dev=Bus,Target,Lun
sscanf(my_path, "%d,%d,%d", &bus, &target, &lun);
ret = ddlpa_lock_btl(bus, target, lun, O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE,
0, &lck, &errmsg);
} else {
This substitutes for:
fd = open(my_path, O_RDWR | O_EXCL | O_LARGEFILE);
ret = ddlpa_lock_path(my_path, O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE,
0, &lck, &errmsg);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot exclusively open '%s'\n", my_path);
if (errmsg != NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Reason given : %s\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Error condition : %d '%s'\n",
ret, strerror(ret));
fd = lck->fd;
printf("---------------------------------------------- Lock gained\n");
/* Use fd for the usual operations on the device depicted by my_path.
/* This prints an overview of the impact of the lock */
if (lck->ddlpa_flags & DDLPA_OPEN_GIVEN_PATH)
opened_path = lck->path;
opened_path = lck->std_path;
printf("ddlpa: opened %s", opened_path);
if (strcmp(opened_path, lck->std_path) != 0)
printf(" (an alias of '%s')", lck->std_path);
if (lck->num_siblings > 0) {
printf("ddlpa: opened siblings:");
for (i = 0; i < lck->num_siblings; i++)
if (lck->sibling_fds[i] != -1)
printf(" %s", lck->sibling_paths[i]);
/* This example waits a while. So other lock candidates can collide. */
for (i = 0; i < duration; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "\rslept %d seconds of %d", i + 1, duration);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* When finally done with the drive, this substitutes for:
if (ddlpa_destroy(&lck)) {
/* Well, man 2 close says it can fail. */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
/* ddlpa
Implementation of Delicate Device Locking Protocol level A.
Copyright (C) 2007 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
Provided under any of the following licenses: GPL, LGPL, BSD. Choose one.
See ../doc/ddlp.txt for a description of the protocol.
/* An upper limit for the length of standard paths and sibling paths */
#define DDLPA_MAX_STD_LEN 15
/* An upper limit for the number of siblings */
struct ddlpa_lock {
/* Recorded input parameters of locking call */
char *path;
int path_is_valid;
int in_bus, in_target, in_lun;
int inbtl_is_valid;
int ddlpa_flags;
int o_flags;
/* Result of locking call */
char std_path[DDLPA_MAX_STD_LEN + 1];
int fd;
dev_t rdev;
dev_t dev;
ino_t ino;
int host, channel, id, lun, bus;
int hcilb_is_valid;
int num_siblings;
char sibling_paths[DDLPA_MAX_SIBLINGS][DDLPA_MAX_STD_LEN + 1];
int sibling_fds[DDLPA_MAX_SIBLINGS];
dev_t sibling_rdevs[DDLPA_MAX_SIBLINGS];
dev_t sibling_devs[DDLPA_MAX_SIBLINGS];
ino_t sibling_inodes[DDLPA_MAX_SIBLINGS];
/* Is NULL if all goes well. Else it may contain a text message. */
char *errmsg;
/** Lock a recorder by naming a device file path. Allocate a new container.
@param path Gives the file system path of the recorder
as known to the calling program.
@param o_flags flags for open(2). Do not use O_EXCL here because this
is done automatically whenever appropriate.
Advised is O_RDWR | O_LARGEFILE, eventually | O_NDELAY.
@param ddlpa_flags 0 = default behavior: the standard path will be opened
and treated by fcntl(F_SETLK)
DDLPA_OPEN_GIVEN_PATH causes the input parameter "path"
to be used with open(2) and fcntl(2).
DDLPA_ALLOW_MISSING_SGRCD allows to grant a lock
although not all three, a sg, a sr and a scd device
file have been found during sibling search. Normally
this is counted as failure due to EBUSY.
@param lockbundle gets allocated and then represents the locking state
@param errmsg if *errmsg is not NULL after the call, it contains an
error message. Then to be released by free(3).
It is NULL in case of success or lack of memory.
@return 0=success , else an errno compatible error number
int ddlpa_lock_path(char *path, int o_flags, int ddlpa_flags,
struct ddlpa_lock **lockbundle, char **errmsg);
/** Lock a recorder by naming a Bus,Target,Lun number triple.
Allocate a new container.
@param bus parameter to match ioctl(SCSI_IOCTL_GET_BUS_NUMBER)
@param target parameter to match ioctl(SCSI_IOCTL_GET_IDLUN) &0xff
@param lun parameter to match ioctl(SCSI_IOCTL_GET_IDLUN) &0xff00
@param o_flags see ddlpa_lock_path().
@param ddlpa_flags see ddlpa_lock_path(). Flag DDLPA_OPEN_GIVEN_PATH
will be ignored.
@param lockbundle see ddlpa_lock_path().
@param errmsg see ddlpa_lock_path().
@return 0=success , else an errno compatible error number
int ddlpa_lock_btl(int bus, int target, int lun,
int o_flags, int ddlpa_flags,
struct ddlpa_lock **lockbundle, char **errmsg);
/** Release the lock by closing all filedescriptors and freeing memory.
@param lockbundle the lock which is to be released.
*lockbundle will be set to NULL by this call.
@return 0=success , 1=failure
int ddlpa_destroy(struct ddlpa_lock **lockbundle);
/** Definitions of macros used in above functions */
#endif /* DDLPA_H_INCLUDED */

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "libburn.h"
#include "debug.h"
static int burn_verbosity = 0;
void burn_set_verbosity(int v)
burn_verbosity = v;
void burn_print(int level, const char *a, ...)
#ifdef WIN32
char debug_string_data[256];
va_list vl;
if (level <= burn_verbosity) {
va_start(vl, a);
#ifdef WIN32
vsprintf(debug_string_data, a, vl);
vfprintf(stderr, a, vl);

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef BURN__DEBUG_H
#define BURN__DEBUG_H
void burn_print(int level, const char *a, ...);
#endif /* BURN__DEBUG_H */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __DRIVE
#define __DRIVE
#include "libburn.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "structure.h"
struct burn_drive;
struct command;
struct mempage;
struct scsi_mode_data;
struct burn_speed_descriptor;
#define LEAD_IN 1
#define GAP 2
#define USER_DATA 3
#define LEAD_OUT 4
#define SYNC 5
#define SESSION_LEADOUT_ENTRY(d,s) (d)->toc->session[(s)].leadout_entry
burn_msf_to_lba(d->toc->session[d->currsession].start_m, \
d->toc->session[d->currsession].start_s, \
#define SESSION_END(d,s) \
TOC_ENTRY_PLBA((d)->toc, SESSION_LEADOUT_ENTRY((d), (d)->currsession-1))
#define LAST_SESSION_END(d) \
TOC_ENTRY_PLBA((d)->toc, \
SESSION_LEADOUT_ENTRY((d), (d)->toc->sessions-1))
struct burn_drive *burn_drive_register(struct burn_drive *);
int burn_drive_unregister(struct burn_drive *d);
unsigned int burn_drive_count(void);
/* ts A61007 */
/* void burn_wait_all(void); */
int burn_drives_are_clear(void);
int burn_sector_length_write(struct burn_drive *d);
int burn_track_control(struct burn_drive *d, int);
void burn_write_empty_sector(int fd);
void burn_write_empty_subcode(int fd);
void burn_drive_free(struct burn_drive *d);
void burn_drive_free_all(void);
int burn_drive_scan_sync(struct burn_drive_info *drives[],
unsigned int *n_drives);
void burn_disc_erase_sync(struct burn_drive *d, int fast);
int burn_drive_get_block_types(struct burn_drive *d,
enum burn_write_types write_type);
int burn_drive_is_open(struct burn_drive *d);
int burn_drive_is_occupied(struct burn_drive *d);
int burn_drive_forget(struct burn_drive *d, int force);
int burn_drive_convert_fs_adr_sub(char *path, char adr[], int *rec_count);
/* ts A61021 : the unspecific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
int burn_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d, char *fname);
/* ts A61021 : after-setup activities from sg.c:enumerate_common()
struct burn_drive *burn_drive_finish_enum(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61125 : media status aspects of burn_drive_grab() */
int burn_drive_inquire_media(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61125 : model aspects of burn_drive_release */
int burn_drive_mark_unready(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61226 */
int burn_speed_descriptor_new(struct burn_speed_descriptor **s,
struct burn_speed_descriptor *prev,
struct burn_speed_descriptor *next, int flag);
/* ts A61226 */
/* @param flag bit0= destroy whole next-chain of descriptors */
int burn_speed_descriptor_destroy(struct burn_speed_descriptor **s, int flag);
/* ts A61226 : free dynamically allocated sub data of struct scsi_mode_data */
int burn_mdata_free_subs(struct scsi_mode_data *m);
/* ts A61230 */
void burn_disc_format_sync(struct burn_drive *d, off_t size, int flag);
/* ts A70207 : evaluate write mode related peculiarities of a disc */
struct burn_disc_mode_demands {
int multi_session;
int multi_track;
int unknown_track_size; /* 0=known, 1=unknown, 2=unknown+defaulted */
int mixed_mode;
int audio;
int exotic_track;
int block_types;
int will_append; /* because of media state or multi session disc */
int burn_disc_get_write_mode_demands(struct burn_disc *disc,
struct burn_write_opts *opts,
struct burn_disc_mode_demands *result, int flag);
#endif /* __DRIVE */

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode; t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __ERROR_H
#define __ERROR_H
#define BE_CANCELLED 1
#endif /* __ERROR_H */

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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "source.h"
#include "libburn.h"
#include "file.h"
/* main channel data can be padded on read, but 0 padding the subs will make
an unreadable disc */
/* This is a generic OS oriented function wrapper which compensates
shortcommings of read() in respect to a guaranteed amount of return data.
See man 2 read , paragraph "RETURN VALUE".
Possibly libburn/file.c is not the right storage location for this.
To make it ready for a move, this function is not declared static.
static int read_full_buffer(int fd, unsigned char *buffer, int size)
int ret,summed_ret = 0;
/* make safe against partial buffer returns */
while (1) {
ret = read(fd, buffer + summed_ret, size - summed_ret);
if (ret <= 0)
summed_ret += ret;
if (summed_ret >= size)
if (ret < 0) /* error encountered. abort immediately */
return ret;
return summed_ret;
static int file_read(struct burn_source *source,
unsigned char *buffer,
int size)
struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data;
return read_full_buffer(fs->datafd, buffer, size);
static int file_read_sub(struct burn_source *source,
unsigned char *buffer,
int size)
struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data;
return read_full_buffer(fs->subfd, buffer, size);
static void file_free(struct burn_source *source)
struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data;
if (source->read_sub)
static off_t file_size(struct burn_source *source)
struct stat buf;
struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data;
if (fs->fixed_size > 0)
return fs->fixed_size;
if (fstat(fs->datafd, &buf) == -1)
return (off_t) 0;
return (off_t) buf.st_size;
/* ts A70125 */
static int file_set_size(struct burn_source *source, off_t size)
struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data;
fs->fixed_size = size;
return 1;
struct burn_source *burn_file_source_new(const char *path, const char *subpath)
struct burn_source_file *fs;
struct burn_source *src;
int fd1, fd2 = 0;
if (!path)
return NULL;
fd1 = open(path, O_RDONLY);
if (fd1 == -1)
return NULL;
if (subpath) {
fd2 = open(subpath, O_RDONLY);
if (fd2 == -1) {
return NULL;
fs = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_source_file));
fs->datafd = fd1;
if (subpath)
fs->subfd = fd2;
/* ts A70125 */
fs->fixed_size = 0;
src = burn_source_new();
src->read = file_read;
if (subpath)
src->read_sub = file_read_sub;
src->get_size = file_size;
src->set_size = file_set_size;
src->free_data = file_free;
src->data = fs;
return src;
/* ts A70126 : removed class burn_source_fd in favor of burn_source_file */
struct burn_source *burn_fd_source_new(int datafd, int subfd, off_t size)
struct burn_source_file *fs;
struct burn_source *src;
if (datafd == -1)
return NULL;
fs = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_source_file));
fs->datafd = datafd;
fs->subfd = subfd;
fs->fixed_size = size;
src = burn_source_new();
src->read = file_read;
if(subfd != -1)
src->read = file_read_sub;
src->get_size = file_size;
src->set_size = file_set_size;
src->free_data = file_free;
src->data = fs;
return src;

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef BURN__FILE_H
#define BURN__FILE_H
struct burn_source_file
int datafd;
int subfd;
off_t fixed_size;
/* ts A70126 : burn_source_file obsoleted burn_source_fd */
#endif /* LIBBURN__FILE_H */

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@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include <unistd.h>
/* ts A61007 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "init.h"
#include "sg.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "libburn.h"
#include "drive.h"
/* ts A60825 : The storage location for back_hacks.h variables. */
#include "back_hacks.h"
/* ts A60924 : a new message handling facility */
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger= NULL;
int burn_running = 0;
/* ts A60813 : Linux: wether to use O_EXCL on open() of device files */
int burn_sg_open_o_excl = 1;
/* ts A70403 : Linux: wether to use fcntl(,F_SETLK,)
after open() of device files */
int burn_sg_fcntl_f_setlk = 1;
/* ts A70314 : Linux: what device family to use :
0= default family
1= sr
2= scd
(3= st)
4= sg
int burn_sg_use_family = 0;
/* O_NONBLOCK was hardcoded in enumerate_ata() which i hardly use.
For enumerate_sg() it seems ok.
So it should stay default mode until enumerate_ata() without O_NONBLOCK
has been thoroughly tested. */
int burn_sg_open_o_nonblock = 1;
/* wether to take a busy drive as an error */
/* Caution: this is implemented by a rough hack and eventually leads
to unconditional abort of the process */
int burn_sg_open_abort_busy = 0;
/* ts A61002 */
#include "cleanup.h"
/* Parameters for builtin abort handler */
static char abort_message_prefix[81] = {"libburn : "};
static pid_t abort_control_pid= 0;
/* ts A70223 : wether implemented untested profiles are supported */
int burn_support_untested_profiles = 0;
/* ts A60925 : ticket 74 */
/** Create the messenger object for libburn. */
int burn_msgs_initialize(void)
int ret;
if(libdax_messenger == NULL) {
ret = libdax_msgs_new(&libdax_messenger,0);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
libdax_msgs_set_severities(libdax_messenger, LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_NEVER,
LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_FATAL, "libburn: ", 0);
return 1;
/* ts A60924 : ticket 74 : Added use of global libdax_messenger */
int burn_initialize(void)
int ret;
if (burn_running)
return 1;
burn_support_untested_profiles = 0;
ret = burn_msgs_initialize();
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
burn_running = 1;
return 1;
void burn_finish(void)
/* ts A61007 : assume no messageing system */
/* a ssert(burn_running); */
if (!burn_running)
/* ts A61007 */
/* burn_wait_all(); */
if (!burn_drives_are_clear()) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020107,
"Drive is busy on attempt to shut down library", 0, 0);
/* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom : name addon "_all" */
/* ts A60924 : ticket 74 */
burn_running = 0;
/* ts A60813 */
/** API function. See libburn.h */
void burn_preset_device_open(int exclusive, int blocking, int abort_on_busy)
/* ts A61007 */
/* a ssert(burn_running); */
if (!burn_running)
burn_sg_open_o_excl = exclusive & 3;
burn_sg_fcntl_f_setlk = !!(exclusive & 32);
burn_sg_use_family = (exclusive >> 2) & 7;
burn_sg_open_o_nonblock = !blocking;
burn_sg_open_abort_busy = !!abort_on_busy;
/* ts A60924 : ticket 74 */
/** Control queueing and stderr printing of messages from libburn.
Severity may be one of "NEVER", "FATAL", "SORRY", "WARNING", "HINT",
@param queue_severity Gives the minimum limit for messages to be queued.
Default: "NEVER". If you queue messages then you
must consume them by burn_msgs_obtain().
@param print_severity Does the same for messages to be printed directly
to stderr.
@param print_id A text prefix to be printed before the message.
@return >0 for success, <=0 for error
int burn_msgs_set_severities(char *queue_severity,
char *print_severity, char *print_id)
int ret, queue_sevno, print_sevno;
ret = libdax_msgs__text_to_sev(queue_severity, &queue_sevno, 0);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
ret = libdax_msgs__text_to_sev(print_severity, &print_sevno, 0);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
ret = libdax_msgs_set_severities(libdax_messenger, queue_sevno,
print_sevno, print_id, 0);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
return 1;
/* ts A60924 : ticket 74 */
/** Obtain the oldest pending libburn message from the queue which has at
least the given minimum_severity. This message and any older message of
lower severity will get discarded from the queue and is then lost forever.
Severity may be one of "NEVER", "FATAL", "SORRY", "WARNING", "HINT",
"NOTE", "UPDATE", "DEBUG", "ALL". To call with minimum_severity "NEVER"
will discard the whole queue.
@param error_code Will become a unique error code as liste in
@param msg_text Must provide at least BURM_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN bytes.
@param os_errno Will become the eventual errno related to the message
@param severity Will become the severity related to the message and
should provide at least 80 bytes.
@return 1 if a matching item was found, 0 if not, <0 for severe errors
int burn_msgs_obtain(char *minimum_severity,
int *error_code, char msg_text[], int *os_errno,
char severity[])
int ret, minimum_sevno, sevno, priority;
char *textpt, *sev_name;
struct libdax_msgs_item *item = NULL;
ret = libdax_msgs__text_to_sev(minimum_severity, &minimum_sevno, 0);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
ret = libdax_msgs_obtain(libdax_messenger, &item, minimum_sevno,
if (ret <= 0)
goto ex;
ret = libdax_msgs_item_get_msg(item, error_code, &textpt, os_errno, 0);
if (ret <= 0)
goto ex;
strncpy(msg_text, textpt, BURM_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN-1);
if(strlen(textpt) >= BURM_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN)
msg_text[BURM_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN-1] = 0;
severity[0]= 0;
ret = libdax_msgs_item_get_rank(item, &sevno, &priority, 0);
if(ret <= 0)
goto ex;
ret = libdax_msgs__sev_to_text(sevno, &sev_name, 0);
if(ret <= 0)
goto ex;
ret = 1;
libdax_msgs_destroy_item(libdax_messenger, &item, 0);
return ret;
int burn_builtin_abort_handler(void *handle, int signum, int flag)
if(getpid() != abort_control_pid) {
#ifdef Not_yeT
pthread_t thread_id;
/* >>> need better handling of self-induced SIGs
Like bonking the control thread if it did not show up
after a short while.
/* >>> if this is a non-fatal signal : return -2 */
thread_id = pthread_self();
/* >>> find thread_id in worker list of async.c */
/* >>> if owning a drive : mark idle and canceled
(can't do anything more) */
usleep(1000000); /* calm down */
/* forward signal to control thread */
if (abort_control_pid>1)
kill(abort_control_pid, signum);
/* >>> ??? end thread */;
usleep(1000000); /* calm down */
return -2;
#endif /* ! Not_yeT */
Cleanup_set_handlers(NULL, NULL, 2);
fprintf(stderr,"%sABORT : Trying to shut down drive and library\n",
"%sABORT : Wait the normal burning time before any kill -9\n",
close(0); /* somehow stdin as input blocks abort until EOF */
burn_abort(4440, burn_abort_pacifier, abort_message_prefix);
"\n%sABORT : Program done. Even if you do not see a shell prompt.\n\n",
void burn_set_signal_handling(void *handle, burn_abort_handler_t handler,
int mode)
if(handler == NULL && mode == 0) {
handler = burn_builtin_abort_handler;
fprintf(stderr, "libburn_experimental: activated burn_builtin_abort_handler() with handle '%s'\n",(handle==NULL ? "libburn : " : (char *) handle));
strcpy(abort_message_prefix, "libburn : ");
if(handle != NULL)
strncpy(abort_message_prefix, (char *) handle,
abort_message_prefix[sizeof(abort_message_prefix)-1] = 0;
abort_control_pid= getpid();
Cleanup_set_handlers(handle, (Cleanup_app_handler_T) handler, mode|4);
/* ts A70223 : API */
void burn_allow_untested_profiles(int yes)
burn_support_untested_profiles = !!yes;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef BURN__INIT_H
#define BURN__INIT_H
extern int burn_running;
#endif /* BURN__INIT_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
/* borrowed HEAVILY from cdrdao */
#include <string.h>
#include "lec.h"
static unsigned char gf8_ilog[255] = {
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 29, 58, 116, 232, 205, 135, 19, 38, 76,
152, 45, 90, 180, 117, 234, 201, 143, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96,
192, 157, 39, 78, 156, 37, 74, 148, 53, 106, 212, 181, 119,
238, 193, 159, 35, 70, 140, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 93, 186,
105, 210, 185, 111, 222, 161, 95, 190, 97, 194, 153, 47, 94,
188, 101, 202, 137, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 253, 231, 211, 187,
107, 214, 177, 127, 254, 225, 223, 163, 91, 182, 113, 226, 217,
175, 67, 134, 17, 34, 68, 136, 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 189, 103,
206, 129, 31, 62, 124, 248, 237, 199, 147, 59, 118, 236, 197,
151, 51, 102, 204, 133, 23, 46, 92, 184, 109, 218, 169, 79,
158, 33, 66, 132, 21, 42, 84, 168, 77, 154, 41, 82, 164, 85,
170, 73, 146, 57, 114, 228, 213, 183, 115, 230, 209, 191, 99,
198, 145, 63, 126, 252, 229, 215, 179, 123, 246, 241, 255, 227,
219, 171, 75, 150, 49, 98, 196, 149, 55, 110, 220, 165, 87,
174, 65, 130, 25, 50, 100, 200, 141, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224,
221, 167, 83, 166, 81, 162, 89, 178, 121, 242, 249, 239, 195,
155, 43, 86, 172, 69, 138, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 61, 122, 244,
245, 247, 243, 251, 235, 203, 139, 11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 125,
250, 233, 207, 131, 27, 54, 108, 216, 173, 71, 142,
static unsigned char gf8_log[256] = {
0, 0, 1, 25, 2, 50, 26, 198, 3, 223, 51, 238, 27, 104, 199, 75, 4, 100,
224, 14, 52, 141, 239, 129, 28, 193, 105, 248, 200, 8, 76, 113,
5, 138, 101, 47, 225, 36, 15, 33, 53, 147, 142, 218, 240, 18,
130, 69, 29, 181, 194, 125, 106, 39, 249, 185, 201, 154, 9,
120, 77, 228, 114, 166, 6, 191, 139, 98, 102, 221, 48, 253,
226, 152, 37, 179, 16, 145, 34, 136, 54, 208, 148, 206, 143,
150, 219, 189, 241, 210, 19, 92, 131, 56, 70, 64, 30, 66, 182,
163, 195, 72, 126, 110, 107, 58, 40, 84, 250, 133, 186, 61,
202, 94, 155, 159, 10, 21, 121, 43, 78, 212, 229, 172, 115,
243, 167, 87, 7, 112, 192, 247, 140, 128, 99, 13, 103, 74, 222,
237, 49, 197, 254, 24, 227, 165, 153, 119, 38, 184, 180, 124,
17, 68, 146, 217, 35, 32, 137, 46, 55, 63, 209, 91, 149, 188,
207, 205, 144, 135, 151, 178, 220, 252, 190, 97, 242, 86, 211,
171, 20, 42, 93, 158, 132, 60, 57, 83, 71, 109, 65, 162, 31,
45, 67, 216, 183, 123, 164, 118, 196, 23, 73, 236, 127, 12,
111, 246, 108, 161, 59, 82, 41, 157, 85, 170, 251, 96, 134,
177, 187, 204, 62, 90, 203, 89, 95, 176, 156, 169, 160, 81, 11,
245, 22, 235, 122, 117, 44, 215, 79, 174, 213, 233, 230, 231,
173, 232, 116, 214, 244, 234, 168, 80, 88, 175,
static unsigned char gf8_q_coeffs[2][45] = {
{97, 251, 133, 60, 82, 160, 155, 201, 8, 112, 246, 11, 21, 42, 157,
169, 80, 174, 232, 230, 172, 211, 241, 18, 68, 216, 44, 121, 9, 200,
75, 103, 221, 252, 96, 176, 88, 167, 114, 76, 199, 26, 1, 0, 0},
{190, 96, 250, 132, 59, 81, 159, 154, 200, 7, 111, 245, 10, 20, 41,
156, 168, 79, 173, 231, 229, 171, 210, 240, 17, 67, 215, 43, 120, 8,
199, 74, 102, 220, 251, 95, 175, 87, 166, 113, 75, 198, 25, 0, 0}
static unsigned char gf8_p_coeffs[2][26] = {
{230, 172, 211, 241, 18, 68, 216, 44, 121, 9, 200, 75, 103, 221, 252,
96, 176, 88, 167, 114, 76, 199, 26, 1, 0, 0},
{231, 229, 171, 210, 240, 17, 67, 215, 43, 120, 8, 199, 74, 102, 220,
251, 95, 175, 87, 166, 113, 75, 198, 25, 0, 0}
static unsigned char yellowbook_scrambler[2340] = {
1, 128, 0, 96, 0, 40, 0, 30, 128, 8, 96, 6, 168, 2, 254, 129, 128, 96,
96, 40, 40, 30, 158,
136, 104, 102, 174, 170, 252, 127, 1, 224, 0, 72, 0, 54, 128, 22, 224,
14, 200, 4, 86, 131, 126, 225,
224, 72, 72, 54, 182, 150, 246, 238, 198, 204, 82, 213, 253, 159, 1,
168, 0, 126, 128, 32, 96, 24, 40,
10, 158, 135, 40, 98, 158, 169, 168, 126, 254, 160, 64, 120, 48, 34,
148, 25, 175, 74, 252, 55, 1, 214,
128, 94, 224, 56, 72, 18, 182, 141, 182, 229, 182, 203, 54, 215, 86,
222, 190, 216, 112, 90, 164, 59, 59,
83, 83, 125, 253, 225, 129, 136, 96, 102, 168, 42, 254, 159, 0, 104, 0,
46, 128, 28, 96, 9, 232, 6,
206, 130, 212, 97, 159, 104, 104, 46, 174, 156, 124, 105, 225, 238,
200, 76, 86, 181, 254, 247, 0, 70, 128,
50, 224, 21, 136, 15, 38, 132, 26, 227, 75, 9, 247, 70, 198, 178, 210,
245, 157, 135, 41, 162, 158, 249,
168, 66, 254, 177, 128, 116, 96, 39, 104, 26, 174, 139, 60, 103, 81,
234, 188, 79, 49, 244, 20, 71, 79,
114, 180, 37, 183, 91, 54, 187, 86, 243, 126, 197, 224, 83, 8, 61, 198,
145, 146, 236, 109, 141, 237, 165,
141, 187, 37, 179, 91, 53, 251, 87, 3, 126, 129, 224, 96, 72, 40, 54,
158, 150, 232, 110, 206, 172, 84,
125, 255, 97, 128, 40, 96, 30, 168, 8, 126, 134, 160, 98, 248, 41, 130,
158, 225, 168, 72, 126, 182, 160,
118, 248, 38, 194, 154, 209, 171, 28, 127, 73, 224, 54, 200, 22, 214,
142, 222, 228, 88, 75, 122, 183, 99,
54, 169, 214, 254, 222, 192, 88, 80, 58, 188, 19, 49, 205, 212, 85,
159, 127, 40, 32, 30, 152, 8, 106,
134, 175, 34, 252, 25, 129, 202, 224, 87, 8, 62, 134, 144, 98, 236, 41,
141, 222, 229, 152, 75, 42, 183,
95, 54, 184, 22, 242, 142, 197, 164, 83, 59, 125, 211, 97, 157, 232,
105, 142, 174, 228, 124, 75, 97, 247,
104, 70, 174, 178, 252, 117, 129, 231, 32, 74, 152, 55, 42, 150, 159,
46, 232, 28, 78, 137, 244, 102, 199,
106, 210, 175, 29, 188, 9, 177, 198, 244, 82, 199, 125, 146, 161, 173,
184, 125, 178, 161, 181, 184, 119, 50,
166, 149, 186, 239, 51, 12, 21, 197, 207, 19, 20, 13, 207, 69, 148, 51,
47, 85, 220, 63, 25, 208, 10,
220, 7, 25, 194, 138, 209, 167, 28, 122, 137, 227, 38, 201, 218, 214,
219, 30, 219, 72, 91, 118, 187, 102,
243, 106, 197, 239, 19, 12, 13, 197, 197, 147, 19, 45, 205, 221, 149,
153, 175, 42, 252, 31, 1, 200, 0,
86, 128, 62, 224, 16, 72, 12, 54, 133, 214, 227, 30, 201, 200, 86, 214,
190, 222, 240, 88, 68, 58, 179,
83, 53, 253, 215, 1, 158, 128, 104, 96, 46, 168, 28, 126, 137, 224,
102, 200, 42, 214, 159, 30, 232, 8,
78, 134, 180, 98, 247, 105, 134, 174, 226, 252, 73, 129, 246, 224, 70,
200, 50, 214, 149, 158, 239, 40, 76,
30, 181, 200, 119, 22, 166, 142, 250, 228, 67, 11, 113, 199, 100, 82,
171, 125, 191, 97, 176, 40, 116, 30,
167, 72, 122, 182, 163, 54, 249, 214, 194, 222, 209, 152, 92, 106, 185,
239, 50, 204, 21, 149, 207, 47, 20,
28, 15, 73, 196, 54, 211, 86, 221, 254, 217, 128, 90, 224, 59, 8, 19,
70, 141, 242, 229, 133, 139, 35,
39, 89, 218, 186, 219, 51, 27, 85, 203, 127, 23, 96, 14, 168, 4, 126,
131, 96, 97, 232, 40, 78, 158,
180, 104, 119, 110, 166, 172, 122, 253, 227, 1, 137, 192, 102, 208, 42,
220, 31, 25, 200, 10, 214, 135, 30,
226, 136, 73, 166, 182, 250, 246, 195, 6, 209, 194, 220, 81, 153, 252,
106, 193, 239, 16, 76, 12, 53, 197,
215, 19, 30, 141, 200, 101, 150, 171, 46, 255, 92, 64, 57, 240, 18,
196, 13, 147, 69, 173, 243, 61, 133,
209, 163, 28, 121, 201, 226, 214, 201, 158, 214, 232, 94, 206, 184, 84,
114, 191, 101, 176, 43, 52, 31, 87,
72, 62, 182, 144, 118, 236, 38, 205, 218, 213, 155, 31, 43, 72, 31,
118, 136, 38, 230, 154, 202, 235, 23,
15, 78, 132, 52, 99, 87, 105, 254, 174, 192, 124, 80, 33, 252, 24, 65,
202, 176, 87, 52, 62, 151, 80,
110, 188, 44, 113, 221, 228, 89, 139, 122, 231, 99, 10, 169, 199, 62,
210, 144, 93, 172, 57, 189, 210, 241,
157, 132, 105, 163, 110, 249, 236, 66, 205, 241, 149, 132, 111, 35,
108, 25, 237, 202, 205, 151, 21, 174, 143,
60, 100, 17, 235, 76, 79, 117, 244, 39, 7, 90, 130, 187, 33, 179, 88,
117, 250, 167, 3, 58, 129, 211,
32, 93, 216, 57, 154, 146, 235, 45, 143, 93, 164, 57, 187, 82, 243,
125, 133, 225, 163, 8, 121, 198, 162,
210, 249, 157, 130, 233, 161, 142, 248, 100, 66, 171, 113, 191, 100,
112, 43, 100, 31, 107, 72, 47, 118, 156,
38, 233, 218, 206, 219, 20, 91, 79, 123, 116, 35, 103, 89, 234, 186,
207, 51, 20, 21, 207, 79, 20, 52,
15, 87, 68, 62, 179, 80, 117, 252, 39, 1, 218, 128, 91, 32, 59, 88, 19,
122, 141, 227, 37, 137, 219,
38, 219, 90, 219, 123, 27, 99, 75, 105, 247, 110, 198, 172, 82, 253,
253, 129, 129, 160, 96, 120, 40, 34,
158, 153, 168, 106, 254, 175, 0, 124, 0, 33, 192, 24, 80, 10, 188, 7,
49, 194, 148, 81, 175, 124, 124,
33, 225, 216, 72, 90, 182, 187, 54, 243, 86, 197, 254, 211, 0, 93, 192,
57, 144, 18, 236, 13, 141, 197,
165, 147, 59, 45, 211, 93, 157, 249, 169, 130, 254, 225, 128, 72, 96,
54, 168, 22, 254, 142, 192, 100, 80,
43, 124, 31, 97, 200, 40, 86, 158, 190, 232, 112, 78, 164, 52, 123, 87,
99, 126, 169, 224, 126, 200, 32,
86, 152, 62, 234, 144, 79, 44, 52, 29, 215, 73, 158, 182, 232, 118,
206, 166, 212, 122, 223, 99, 24, 41,
202, 158, 215, 40, 94, 158, 184, 104, 114, 174, 165, 188, 123, 49, 227,
84, 73, 255, 118, 192, 38, 208, 26,
220, 11, 25, 199, 74, 210, 183, 29, 182, 137, 182, 230, 246, 202, 198,
215, 18, 222, 141, 152, 101, 170, 171,
63, 63, 80, 16, 60, 12, 17, 197, 204, 83, 21, 253, 207, 1, 148, 0, 111,
64, 44, 48, 29, 212, 9,
159, 70, 232, 50, 206, 149, 148, 111, 47, 108, 28, 45, 201, 221, 150,
217, 174, 218, 252, 91, 1, 251, 64,
67, 112, 49, 228, 20, 75, 79, 119, 116, 38, 167, 90, 250, 187, 3, 51,
65, 213, 240, 95, 4, 56, 3,
82, 129, 253, 160, 65, 184, 48, 114, 148, 37, 175, 91, 60, 59, 81, 211,
124, 93, 225, 249, 136, 66, 230,
177, 138, 244, 103, 7, 106, 130, 175, 33, 188, 24, 113, 202, 164, 87,
59, 126, 147, 96, 109, 232, 45, 142,
157, 164, 105, 187, 110, 243, 108, 69, 237, 243, 13, 133, 197, 163, 19,
57, 205, 210, 213, 157, 159, 41, 168,
30, 254, 136, 64, 102, 176, 42, 244, 31, 7, 72, 2, 182, 129, 182, 224,
118, 200, 38, 214, 154, 222, 235,
24, 79, 74, 180, 55, 55, 86, 150, 190, 238, 240, 76, 68, 53, 243, 87,
5, 254, 131, 0, 97, 192, 40,
80, 30, 188, 8, 113, 198, 164, 82, 251, 125, 131, 97, 161, 232, 120,
78, 162, 180, 121, 183, 98, 246, 169,
134, 254, 226, 192, 73, 144, 54, 236, 22, 205, 206, 213, 148, 95, 47,
120, 28, 34, 137, 217, 166, 218, 250,
219, 3, 27, 65, 203, 112, 87, 100, 62, 171, 80, 127, 124, 32, 33, 216,
24, 90, 138, 187, 39, 51, 90,
149, 251, 47, 3, 92, 1, 249, 192, 66, 208, 49, 156, 20, 105, 207, 110,
212, 44, 95, 93, 248, 57, 130,
146, 225, 173, 136, 125, 166, 161, 186, 248, 115, 2, 165, 193, 187, 16,
115, 76, 37, 245, 219, 7, 27, 66,
139, 113, 167, 100, 122, 171, 99, 63, 105, 208, 46, 220, 28, 89, 201,
250, 214, 195, 30, 209, 200, 92, 86,
185, 254, 242, 192, 69, 144, 51, 44, 21, 221, 207, 25, 148, 10, 239,
71, 12, 50, 133, 213, 163, 31, 57,
200, 18, 214, 141, 158, 229, 168, 75, 62, 183, 80, 118, 188, 38, 241,
218, 196, 91, 19, 123, 77, 227, 117,
137, 231, 38, 202, 154, 215, 43, 30, 159, 72, 104, 54, 174, 150, 252,
110, 193, 236, 80, 77, 252, 53, 129,
215, 32, 94, 152, 56, 106, 146, 175, 45, 188, 29, 177, 201, 180, 86,
247, 126, 198, 160, 82, 248, 61, 130,
145, 161, 172, 120, 125, 226, 161, 137, 184, 102, 242, 170, 197, 191,
19, 48, 13, 212, 5, 159, 67, 40, 49,
222, 148, 88, 111, 122, 172, 35, 61, 217, 209, 154, 220, 107, 25, 239,
74, 204, 55, 21, 214, 143, 30, 228,
8, 75, 70, 183, 114, 246, 165, 134, 251, 34, 195, 89, 145, 250, 236,
67, 13, 241, 197, 132, 83, 35, 125,
217, 225, 154, 200, 107, 22, 175, 78, 252, 52, 65, 215, 112, 94, 164,
56, 123, 82, 163, 125, 185, 225, 178,
200, 117, 150, 167, 46, 250, 156, 67, 41, 241, 222, 196, 88, 83, 122,
189, 227, 49, 137, 212, 102, 223, 106,
216, 47, 26, 156, 11, 41, 199, 94, 210, 184, 93, 178, 185, 181, 178,
247, 53, 134, 151, 34, 238, 153, 140,
106, 229, 239, 11, 12, 7, 69, 194, 179, 17, 181, 204, 119, 21, 230,
143, 10, 228, 7, 11, 66, 135, 113,
162, 164, 121, 187, 98, 243, 105, 133, 238, 227, 12, 73, 197, 246, 211,
6, 221, 194, 217, 145, 154, 236, 107,
13, 239, 69, 140, 51, 37, 213, 219, 31, 27, 72, 11, 118, 135, 102, 226,
170, 201, 191, 22, 240, 14, 196,
4, 83, 67, 125, 241, 225, 132, 72, 99, 118, 169, 230, 254, 202, 192,
87, 16, 62, 140, 16, 101, 204, 43,
21, 223, 79, 24, 52, 10, 151, 71, 46, 178, 156, 117, 169, 231, 62, 202,
144, 87, 44, 62, 157, 208, 105,
156, 46, 233, 220, 78, 217, 244, 90, 199, 123, 18, 163, 77, 185, 245,
178, 199, 53, 146, 151, 45, 174, 157,
188, 105, 177, 238, 244, 76, 71, 117, 242, 167, 5, 186, 131, 51, 33,
213, 216, 95, 26, 184, 11, 50, 135,
85, 162, 191, 57, 176, 18, 244, 13, 135, 69, 162, 179, 57, 181, 210,
247, 29, 134, 137, 162, 230, 249, 138,
194, 231, 17, 138, 140, 103, 37, 234, 155, 15, 43, 68, 31, 115, 72, 37,
246, 155, 6, 235, 66, 207, 113,
148, 36, 111, 91, 108, 59, 109, 211, 109, 157, 237, 169, 141, 190, 229,
176, 75, 52, 55, 87, 86, 190, 190,
240, 112, 68, 36, 51, 91, 85, 251, 127, 3, 96, 1, 232, 0, 78, 128, 52,
96, 23, 104, 14, 174, 132,
124, 99, 97, 233, 232, 78, 206, 180, 84, 119, 127, 102, 160, 42, 248,
31, 2, 136, 1, 166, 128, 122, 224,
35, 8, 25, 198, 138, 210, 231, 29, 138, 137, 167, 38, 250, 154, 195,
43, 17, 223, 76, 88, 53, 250, 151,
3, 46, 129, 220, 96, 89, 232, 58, 206, 147, 20, 109, 207, 109, 148, 45,
175, 93, 188, 57, 177, 210, 244,
93, 135, 121, 162, 162, 249, 185, 130, 242, 225, 133, 136, 99, 38, 169,
218, 254, 219, 0, 91, 64, 59, 112,
19, 100, 13, 235, 69, 143, 115, 36, 37, 219, 91, 27, 123, 75, 99, 119,
105, 230, 174, 202, 252, 87, 1,
254, 128, 64, 96, 48, 40, 20, 30, 143, 72, 100, 54, 171, 86, 255, 126,
192, 32, 80, 24, 60, 10, 145,
199, 44, 82, 157, 253, 169, 129, 190, 224, 112, 72, 36, 54, 155, 86,
235, 126, 207, 96, 84, 40, 63, 94,
144, 56, 108, 18, 173, 205, 189, 149, 177, 175, 52, 124, 23, 97, 206,
168, 84, 126, 191, 96, 112, 40, 36,
30, 155, 72, 107, 118, 175, 102, 252, 42, 193, 223, 16, 88, 12, 58,
133, 211, 35, 29, 217, 201, 154, 214,
235, 30, 207, 72, 84, 54, 191, 86, 240, 62, 196, 16, 83, 76, 61, 245,
209, 135, 28, 98, 137, 233, 166,
206, 250, 212, 67, 31, 113, 200, 36, 86, 155, 126, 235, 96, 79, 104,
52, 46, 151, 92, 110, 185, 236, 114,
205, 229, 149, 139, 47, 39, 92, 26, 185, 203, 50, 215, 85, 158, 191,
40, 112, 30, 164, 8, 123, 70, 163,
114, 249, 229, 130, 203, 33, 151, 88, 110, 186, 172, 115, 61, 229, 209,
139, 28, 103, 73, 234, 182, 207, 54,
212, 22, 223, 78, 216, 52, 90, 151, 123, 46, 163, 92, 121, 249, 226,
194, 201, 145, 150, 236, 110, 205, 236,
85, 141, 255, 37, 128, 27, 32, 11, 88, 7, 122, 130, 163, 33, 185, 216,
114, 218, 165, 155, 59, 43, 83,
95, 125, 248, 33, 130, 152, 97, 170, 168, 127, 62, 160, 16, 120, 12,
34, 133, 217, 163, 26, 249, 203, 2,
215, 65, 158, 176, 104, 116, 46, 167, 92, 122, 185, 227, 50, 201, 213,
150, 223, 46, 216, 28, 90, 137, 251,
38, 195, 90, 209, 251, 28, 67, 73, 241, 246, 196, 70, 211, 114, 221,
229, 153,
void scramble(unsigned char *inout)
unsigned char *r = inout + 12;
unsigned char *s = yellowbook_scrambler;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 2340; i; i--) {
*r++ ^= *s++;
/* Calculate the P parities for the sector.
* The 43 P vectors of length 24 are combined with the GF8_P_COEFFS.
void parity_p(unsigned char *sector)
int i, j;
unsigned char p0_msb, p1_msb;
unsigned char p0_lsb, p1_lsb;
unsigned char *p_msb_start, *p_lsb_start;
unsigned char *p_msb, *p_lsb;
unsigned char *coeffs0, *coeffs1;
unsigned char *p0, *p1;
unsigned char d;
unsigned short c;
p_lsb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET;
p_msb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET + 1;
p1 = sector + LEC_MODE1_P_PARITY_OFFSET;
p0 = sector + LEC_MODE1_P_PARITY_OFFSET + 2 * 43;
for (i = 0; i <= 42; i++) {
p_lsb = p_lsb_start;
p_msb = p_msb_start;
coeffs0 = gf8_p_coeffs[0];
coeffs1 = gf8_p_coeffs[1];
p0_lsb = p1_lsb = p0_msb = p1_msb = 0;
for (j = 0; j <= 23; j++) {
d = *p_lsb;
if (d != 0) {
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
p0_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
p1_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
d = *p_msb;
if (d != 0) {
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
p0_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
p1_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
p_lsb += 2 * 43;
p_msb += 2 * 43;
*p0 = p0_lsb;
*(p0 + 1) = p0_msb;
*p1 = p1_lsb;
*(p1 + 1) = p1_msb;
p0 += 2;
p1 += 2;
p_lsb_start += 2;
p_msb_start += 2;
/* Calculate the Q parities for the sector.
* The 26 Q vectors of length 43 are combined with the GF8_Q_COEFFS.
void parity_q(unsigned char *sector)
int i, j;
unsigned char q0_msb, q1_msb;
unsigned char q0_lsb, q1_lsb;
unsigned char *q_msb_start, *q_lsb_start;
unsigned char *q_msb, *q_lsb;
unsigned char *coeffs0, *coeffs1;
unsigned char *q0, *q1, *q_start;
unsigned char d;
unsigned short c;
q_lsb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET;
q_msb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET + 1;
q_start = sector + LEC_MODE1_Q_PARITY_OFFSET;
q1 = sector + LEC_MODE1_Q_PARITY_OFFSET;
q0 = sector + LEC_MODE1_Q_PARITY_OFFSET + 2 * 26;
for (i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
q_lsb = q_lsb_start;
q_msb = q_msb_start;
coeffs0 = gf8_q_coeffs[0];
coeffs1 = gf8_q_coeffs[1];
q0_lsb = q1_lsb = q0_msb = q1_msb = 0;
for (j = 0; j <= 42; j++) {
d = *q_lsb;
if (d != 0) {
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
q0_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
q1_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
d = *q_msb;
if (d != 0) {
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
q0_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1;
if (c >= 255)
c -= 255;
q1_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c];
q_lsb += 2 * 44;
q_msb += 2 * 44;
if (q_lsb >= q_start) {
q_msb -= 2 * 1118;
q_lsb -= 2 * 1118;
*q0 = q0_lsb;
*(q0 + 1) = q0_msb;
*q1 = q1_lsb;
*(q1 + 1) = q1_msb;
q0 += 2;
q1 += 2;
q_lsb_start += 2 * 43;
q_msb_start += 2 * 43;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __LEC
#define __LEC
#define RS_L12_BITS 8
void scramble(unsigned char *);
void parity_p(unsigned char *in);
void parity_q(unsigned char *in);
#endif /* __LEC */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
/* libdax_audioxtr
Audio track data extraction facility of libdax and libburn.
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger;
/* Only this single source module is entitled to do this */
/* All clients of the extraction facility must do this */
#include "libdax_audioxtr.h"
int libdax_audioxtr_new(struct libdax_audioxtr **xtr, char *path, int flag)
int ret= -1;
struct libdax_audioxtr *o;
o= *xtr= (struct libdax_audioxtr *) malloc(sizeof(struct libdax_audioxtr));
o->fd= -1;
o->fmt_info[0]= 0;
o->data_size= 0;
o->extract_count= 0;
o->num_channels= 0;
o->sample_rate= 0;
o->bits_per_sample= 0;
o->msb_first= 0;
o->wav_subchunk2_size= 0;
o->au_data_location= 0;
o->au_data_size= 0xffffffff;
ret= libdax_audioxtr_open(o,0);
{ret= -2*(ret<0); goto failure;}
int libdax_audioxtr_destroy(struct libdax_audioxtr **xtr, int flag)
struct libdax_audioxtr *o;
o= *xtr;
if(o->fd>=0 && strcmp(o->path,"-")!=0)
free((char *) o);
*xtr= NULL;
static int libdax_audioxtr_open(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag)
int ret;
o->fd= 0;
o->fd= open(o->path, O_RDONLY);
if(o->fd<0) {
sprintf(msg,"Cannot open audio source file : %s",o->path);
msg, errno, 0);
ret= libdax_audioxtr_identify(o,0);
if(ret<=0) {
sprintf(msg,"Audio source file has unsuitable format : %s",o->path);
msg, 0, 0);
ret= libdax_audioxtr_init_reading(o,0);
if(ret<=0) {
sprintf(msg,"Failed to prepare reading of audio data : %s",o->path);
msg, 0, 0);
static int libdax_audioxtr_identify_wav(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag)
int ret;
char buf[45];
/* check wether this is a MS WAVE file .wav */
/* info used: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ */
if(o->fd!=0) {
ret= lseek(o->fd,0,SEEK_SET);
ret= read(o->fd, buf, 44);
buf[44]= 0; /* as stopper for any string operations */
if(strncmp(buf,"RIFF",4)!=0) /* ChunkID */
if(strncmp(buf+8,"WAVE",4)!=0) /* Format */
if(strncmp(buf+12,"fmt ",4)!=0) /* Subchunk1ID */
if(buf[16]!=16 || buf[17]!=0 || buf[18]!=0 || buf[19]!=0) /* Subchunk1Size */
if(buf[20]!=1 || buf[21]!=0) /* AudioFormat must be 1 (Linear quantization) */
o->msb_first= 0;
o->num_channels= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *) buf+22,2,0);
o->sample_rate= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *) buf+24,4,0);
o->bits_per_sample= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+34,2,0);
".wav , num_channels=%d , sample_rate=%d , bits_per_sample=%d",
o->wav_subchunk2_size= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+40,4,0);
o->data_size= o->wav_subchunk2_size;
static int libdax_audioxtr_identify_au(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag)
int ret,encoding;
char buf[24];
/* Check wether this is a Sun Audio, .au file */
/* info used: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ */
if(o->fd!=0) {
ret= lseek(o->fd,0,SEEK_SET);
ret= read(o->fd, buf, 24);
o->msb_first= 1;
o->au_data_location= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+4,4,1);
o->au_data_size= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+8,4,1);
encoding= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+12,4,1);
o->bits_per_sample= 8;
else if(encoding==3)
o->bits_per_sample= 16;
else if(encoding==4)
o->bits_per_sample= 24;
else if(encoding==5)
o->bits_per_sample= 32;
o->bits_per_sample= -encoding;
o->sample_rate= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+16,4,1);
o->num_channels= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+20,4,1);
o->data_size= o->au_data_size;
o->data_size= 0;
".au , num_channels=%d , sample_rate=%d , bits_per_sample=%d",
/* <<< for testing only */;
return(o->bits_per_sample>0); /* Audio format must be linear PCM */
static int libdax_audioxtr_identify(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag)
int ret;
ret= libdax_audioxtr_identify_wav(o, 0);
if(o->fd==0) /* cannot rewind stdin */
ret= libdax_audioxtr_identify_au(o, 0);
/* @param flag bit0=msb_first */
static unsigned libdax_audioxtr_to_int(struct libdax_audioxtr *o,
unsigned char *bytes, int len, int flag)
unsigned int ret= 0;
int i;
for(i= 0; i<len; i++)
ret= ret*256+bytes[i];
for(i= len-1; i>=0; i--)
ret= ret*256+bytes[i];
static int libdax_audioxtr_init_reading(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag)
int ret;
/* currently this only works for MS WAVE files .wav and Sun .au*/;
if(o->fd==0) /* stdin: hope no read came after libdax_audioxtr_identify() */
o->extract_count= 0;
ret= lseek(o->fd,44,SEEK_SET);
else if(strcmp(o->fmt,".au")==0)
ret= lseek(o->fd,o->au_data_location,SEEK_SET);
ret= -1;
int libdax_audioxtr_get_id(struct libdax_audioxtr *o,
char **fmt, char **fmt_info,
int *num_channels, int *sample_rate, int *bits_per_sample,
int *msb_first, int flag)
*fmt= o->fmt;
*fmt_info= o->fmt_info;
*num_channels= o->num_channels;
*sample_rate= o->sample_rate;
*bits_per_sample= o->bits_per_sample;
*msb_first= o->msb_first;
int libdax_audioxtr_get_size(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, off_t *size, int flag)
*size= o->data_size;
int libdax_audioxtr_read(struct libdax_audioxtr *o,
char buffer[], int buffer_size, int flag)
int ret;
if(buffer_size<=0 || o->fd<0)
if(o->data_size>0 && !(flag&1))
if(buffer_size > o->data_size - o->extract_count)
buffer_size= o->data_size - o->extract_count;
ret= read(o->fd,buffer,buffer_size);
o->extract_count+= ret;
int libdax_audioxtr_detach_fd(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int *fd, int flag)
if(strcmp(o->fmt,".wav")!=0 && strcmp(o->fmt,".au")!=0)
if(flag&1) {
*fd= o->fd;
} else {
*fd= dup(o->fd);
if(*fd>=0 && strcmp(o->path,"-")!=0)
if(*fd>=0) {
o->fd= -1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
/* libdax_audioxtr
Audio track data extraction facility of libdax and libburn.
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
/* Public Macros */
/* Maximum size for address paths and fmt_info strings */
/* Public Opaque Handles */
/** Extractor object encapsulating intermediate states of extraction.
The clients of libdax_audioxtr shall only allocate pointers to this
struct and get a storage object via libdax_audioxtr_new().
Appropriate initial value for the pointer is NULL.
struct libdax_audioxtr;
/* Public Functions */
/* Calls initiated from inside libdax/libburn */
/* Calls from applications (to be forwarded by libdax/libburn) */
/** Open an audio file, check wether suitable, create extractor object.
@param xtr Opaque handle to extractor. Gets attached extractor object.
@param path Address of the audio file to extract. "-" is stdin (but might
be not suitable for all futurely supported formats).
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return >0 success
0 unsuitable format
-1 severe error
-2 path not found
int libdax_audioxtr_new(struct libdax_audioxtr **xtr, char *path, int flag);
/** Obtain identification parameters of opened audio source.
@param xtr Opaque handle to extractor
@param fmt Gets pointed to the audio file format id text: ".wav" , ".au"
@param fmt_info Gets pointed to a format info text telling parameters
@param num_channels e.g. 1=mono, 2=stereo, etc
@param sample_rate e.g. 11025, 44100
@param bits_per_sample e.g. 8= 8 bits per sample, 16= 16 bits ...
@param msb_first Byte order of samples: 0=Intel 1=Motorola
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return >0 success, <=0 failure
int libdax_audioxtr_get_id(struct libdax_audioxtr *xtr,
char **fmt, char **fmt_info,
int *num_channels, int *sample_rate,
int *bits_per_sample, int *msb_first, int flag);
/** Obtain a prediction about the extracted size based on internal information
of the formatted file.
@param xtr Opaque handle to extractor
@param size Gets filled with the predicted size
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 prediction was possible , 0 no prediction could be made
int libdax_audioxtr_get_size(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, off_t *size, int flag);
/** Obtain next buffer full of extracted data in desired format (only raw audio
for now).
@param xtr Opaque handle to extractor
@param buffer Gets filled with extracted data
@param buffer_size Maximum number of bytes to be filled into buffer
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= do not stop at predicted end of data
@return >0 number of valid buffer bytes,
0 End of file
-1 operating system reports error
-2 usage error by application
int libdax_audioxtr_read(struct libdax_audioxtr *xtr,
char buffer[], int buffer_size, int flag);
/** Try to obtain a file descriptor which will deliver extracted data
to normal calls of read(2). This may fail because the format is
unsuitable for that, but ".wav" is ok. If this call succeeds the xtr
object will have forgotten its file descriptor and libdax_audioxtr_read()
will return a usage error. One may use *fd after libdax_audioxtr_destroy()
and will have to close it via close(2) when done with it.
@param xtr Opaque handle to extractor
@param fd Eventually returns the file descriptor number
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= do not dup(2) and close(2) but hand out original fd
@return 1 success, 0 cannot hand out fd , -1 severe error
int libdax_audioxtr_detach_fd(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int *fd, int flag);
/** Clean up after extraction and destroy extractor object.
@param xtr Opaque handle to extractor, *xtr is allowed to be NULL,
*xtr is set to NULL by this function
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 = destroyed object, 0 = was already destroyed
int libdax_audioxtr_destroy(struct libdax_audioxtr **xtr, int flag);
#ifdef LIDBAX_AUDIOXTR________________
-- place documentation text here ---
#endif /* LIDBAX_AUDIOXTR_________________ */
*Never* set this macro outside libdax_audioxtr.c !
The entrails of this facility are not to be seen by
the other library components or the applications.
/* Internal Structures */
/** Extractor object encapsulating intermediate states of extraction */
struct libdax_audioxtr {
/* Source of the encoded audio data */
/* File descriptor to path. Anything else than 0 must be lseek-able */
int fd;
/* Format identifier. E.g. ".wav" */
char fmt[80];
/* Format parameter info text */
/* 1= mono, 2= stereo, etc. */
int num_channels;
/* 8000, 44100, etc. */
int sample_rate;
/* 8 bits = 8, 16 bits = 16, etc. */
int bits_per_sample;
/* Byte order of samples: 0=Intel 1=Motorola */
int msb_first;
/* Number of bytes to extract (0= unknown/unlimited) */
off_t data_size;
/* Number of extracted data bytes */
off_t extract_count;
/* Format dependent parameters */
/* MS WAVE Format */
/* info used: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ */
/* == NumSamples * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8
This is the number of bytes in the data. */
unsigned wav_subchunk2_size;
/* Sun Audio, .au */
/* info used: http://www.opengroup.org/public/pubs/external/auformat.html */
/* Number of bytes in non-payload header part */
unsigned au_data_location;
/* Number of payload bytes or 0xffffffff */
unsigned au_data_size;
/* Internal Functions */
/** Open the audio source pointed to by .path and evaluate suitability.
@return -1 failure to open, 0 unsuitable format, 1 success
static int libdax_audioxtr_open(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag);
/** Identify format and evaluate suitability.
@return 0 unsuitable format, 1 format is suitable
static int libdax_audioxtr_identify(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag);
/** Specialized identifier for .wav */
static int libdax_audioxtr_identify_wav(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag);
/** Specialized identifier for .au */
static int libdax_audioxtr_identify_au(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag);
/** Convert a byte string into a number (currently only little endian)
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
@return The resulting number
static unsigned libdax_audioxtr_to_int(struct libdax_audioxtr *o,
unsigned char *bytes, int len, int flag);
/** Prepare for reading of first buffer.
@return 0 error, 1 success
static int libdax_audioxtr_init_reading(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
/* libdax_msgs
Message handling facility of libdax.
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
/* Only this single source module is entitled to do this */
/* All participants in the messaging system must do this */
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
/* ----------------------------- libdax_msgs_item ------------------------- */
static int libdax_msgs_item_new(struct libdax_msgs_item **item,
struct libdax_msgs_item *link, int flag)
int ret;
struct libdax_msgs_item *o;
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
(*item)= o=
(struct libdax_msgs_item *) malloc(sizeof(struct libdax_msgs_item));
o->timestamp= 0.0;
ret= gettimeofday(&tv,&tz);
o->timestamp= tv.tv_sec+0.000001*tv.tv_usec;
o->process_id= getpid();
o->driveno= -1;
o->severity= LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_ALL;
o->error_code= 0;
o->msg_text= NULL;
o->os_errno= 0;
o->prev= link;
o->next= NULL;
if(link!=NULL) {
if(link->next!=NULL) {
link->next->prev= o;
o->next= link->next;
link->next= o;
/** Detaches item from its queue and eventually readjusts start, end pointers
of the queue */
int libdax_msgs_item_unlink(struct libdax_msgs_item *o,
struct libdax_msgs_item **chain_start,
struct libdax_msgs_item **chain_end, int flag)
o->prev->next= o->next;
o->next->prev= o->prev;
if(*chain_start == o)
*chain_start= o->next;
if(*chain_end == o)
*chain_end= o->prev;
o->next= o->prev= NULL;
int libdax_msgs_item_destroy(struct libdax_msgs_item **item,
int flag)
struct libdax_msgs_item *o;
o= *item;
free((char *) o->msg_text);
free((char *) o);
*item= NULL;
int libdax_msgs_item_get_msg(struct libdax_msgs_item *item,
int *error_code, char **msg_text, int *os_errno,
int flag)
*error_code= item->error_code;
*msg_text= item->msg_text;
*os_errno= item->os_errno;
int libdax_msgs_item_get_origin(struct libdax_msgs_item *item,
double *timestamp, pid_t *process_id, int *driveno,
int flag)
*timestamp= item->timestamp;
*process_id= item->process_id;
*driveno= item->driveno;
int libdax_msgs_item_get_rank(struct libdax_msgs_item *item,
int *severity, int *priority, int flag)
*severity= item->severity;
*priority= item->priority;
/* ------------------------------- libdax_msgs ---------------------------- */
int libdax_msgs_new(struct libdax_msgs **m, int flag)
struct libdax_msgs *o;
(*m)= o= (struct libdax_msgs *) malloc(sizeof(struct libdax_msgs));
o->oldest= NULL;
o->youngest= NULL;
o->count= 0;
o->queue_severity= LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_ALL;
o->print_severity= LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_NEVER;
strcpy(o->print_id,"libdax: ");
int libdax_msgs_destroy(struct libdax_msgs **m, int flag)
struct libdax_msgs *o;
struct libdax_msgs_item *item, *next_item;
o= *m;
if(pthread_mutex_destroy(&(o->lock_mutex))!=0) {
for(item= o->oldest; item!=NULL; item= next_item) {
next_item= item->next;
free((char *) o);
*m= NULL;
int libdax_msgs_set_severities(struct libdax_msgs *m, int queue_severity,
int print_severity, char *print_id, int flag)
m->queue_severity= queue_severity;
m->print_severity= print_severity;
m->print_id[80]= 0;
static int libdax_msgs_lock(struct libdax_msgs *m, int flag)
int ret;
ret= pthread_mutex_lock(&(m->lock_mutex));
static int libdax_msgs_unlock(struct libdax_msgs *m, int flag)
int ret;
ret= pthread_mutex_unlock(&(m->lock_mutex));
int libdax_msgs__text_to_sev(char *severity_name, int *severity,
int flag)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"ABORT",5)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"FATAL",5)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"SORRY",5)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"WARNING",7)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"HINT",4)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"NOTE",4)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"UPDATE",6)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"DEBUG",5)==0)
else if(strncmp(severity_name,"ALL",3)==0)
else {
int libdax_msgs__sev_to_text(int severity, char **severity_name,
int flag)
if(flag&1) {
*severity_name= "";
*severity_name= "NEVER";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_ABORT)
*severity_name= "ABORT";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_FATAL)
*severity_name= "FATAL";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY)
*severity_name= "SORRY";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_WARNING)
*severity_name= "WARNING";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_HINT)
*severity_name= "HINT";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_NOTE)
*severity_name= "NOTE";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_UPDATE)
*severity_name= "UPDATE";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_DEBUG)
*severity_name= "DEBUG";
else if(severity>=LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_ALL)
*severity_name= "ALL";
else {
*severity_name= "";
int libdax_msgs_submit(struct libdax_msgs *m, int driveno, int error_code,
int severity, int priority, char *msg_text,
int os_errno, int flag)
int ret;
char *textpt,*sev_name,sev_text[81];
struct libdax_msgs_item *item= NULL;
if(severity >= m->print_severity) {
textpt= "";
textpt= msg_text;
sev_text[0]= 0;
ret= libdax_msgs__sev_to_text(severity,&sev_name,0);
sprintf(sev_text,"%s : ",sev_name);
if(os_errno!=0) {
ret= libdax_msgs_lock(m,0);
fprintf(stderr,"%s( Most recent system error: %d '%s' )\n",
if(severity < m->queue_severity)
ret= libdax_msgs_lock(m,0);
ret= libdax_msgs_item_new(&item,m->youngest,0);
goto failed;
item->driveno= driveno;
item->error_code= error_code;
item->severity= severity;
item->priority= priority;
if(msg_text!=NULL) {
item->msg_text= malloc(strlen(msg_text)+1);
goto failed;
item->os_errno= os_errno;
m->oldest= item;
m->youngest= item;
fprintf(stderr,"libdax_experimental: message submitted to queue (now %d)\n",
int libdax_msgs_obtain(struct libdax_msgs *m, struct libdax_msgs_item **item,
int severity, int priority, int flag)
int ret;
struct libdax_msgs_item *im, *next_im= NULL;
*item= NULL;
ret= libdax_msgs_lock(m,0);
for(im= m->oldest; im!=NULL; im= next_im) {
for(; im!=NULL; im= next_im) {
next_im= im->next;
libdax_msgs_item_destroy(&im,0); /* severity too low: delete */
{ret= 0; goto ex;}
*item= im;
ret= 1;
int libdax_msgs_destroy_item(struct libdax_msgs *m,
struct libdax_msgs_item **item, int flag)
int ret;
ret= libdax_msgs_lock(m,0);
ret= libdax_msgs_item_destroy(item,0);

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@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
/* libdax_msgs
Message handling facility of libdax.
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>,
provided under GPL
*Never* set this macro outside libdax_msgs.c !
The entrails of the message handling facility are not to be seen by
the other library components or the applications.
#include <pthread.h>
struct libdax_msgs_item {
double timestamp;
pid_t process_id;
int driveno;
int severity;
int priority;
/* Apply for your developer's error code range at
Report introduced codes in the list below. */
int error_code;
char *msg_text;
int os_errno;
struct libdax_msgs_item *prev,*next;
struct libdax_msgs {
struct libdax_msgs_item *oldest;
struct libdax_msgs_item *youngest;
int count;
int queue_severity;
int print_severity;
char print_id[81];
pthread_mutex_t lock_mutex;
/* Public Opaque Handles */
/** A pointer to this is a opaque handle to a message handling facility */
struct libdax_msgs;
/** A pointer to this is a opaque handle to a single message item */
struct libdax_msgs_item;
/* Public Macros */
/* Registered Severities */
/* It is well advisable to let applications select severities via strings and
forwarded functions libdax_msgs__text_to_sev(), libdax_msgs__sev_to_text().
These macros are for use by libdax/libburn only.
/** Use this to get messages of any severity. Do not use for submitting.
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_ALL 0x00000000
/** Debugging messages not to be visible to normal users by default
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_DEBUG 0x10000000
/** Update of a progress report about long running actions
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_UPDATE 0x20000000
/** Not so usual events which were gracefully handled
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_NOTE 0x30000000
/** Possibilities to achieve a better result
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_HINT 0x40000000
/** Warnings about problems which could not be handled optimally
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_WARNING 0x50000000
/** Non-fatal error messages indicating that parts of the action failed
but processing will/should go on
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY 0x60000000
/** An error message which puts the whole operation of libdax in question
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_FATAL 0x70000000
/** A message from an abort handler which will finally finish libburn
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_ABORT 0x71000000
/** A severity to exclude resp. discard any possible message.
Do not use this severity for submitting.
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_NEVER 0x7fffffff
/* Registered Priorities */
/* Priorities are to be used by libburn/libdax only. */
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_ZERO 0x00000000
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_LOW 0x10000000
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_MEDIUM 0x20000000
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_HIGH 0x30000000
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_TOP 0x7ffffffe
/* Do not use this priority for submitting */
#define LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_NEVER 0x7fffffff
/* Public Functions */
/* Calls initiated from inside libdax/libburn */
/** Create new empty message handling facility with queue.
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return >0 success, <=0 failure
int libdax_msgs_new(struct libdax_msgs **m, int flag);
/** Destroy a message handling facility and all its eventual messages.
The submitted pointer gets set to NULL.
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 for success, 0 for pointer to NULL
int libdax_msgs_destroy(struct libdax_msgs **m, int flag);
/** Submit a message to a message handling facility.
@param driveno libdax drive number. Use -1 if no number is known.
@param error_code Unique error code. Use only registered codes. See below.
The same unique error_code may be issued at different
occasions but those should be equivalent out of the view
of a libdax application. (E.g. "cannot open ATA drive"
versus "cannot open SCSI drive" would be equivalent.)
@param severity The LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_* of the event.
@param priority The LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_* number of the event.
@param msg_text Printable and human readable message text.
@param os_errno Eventual error code from operating system (0 if none)
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 on success, 0 on rejection, <0 for severe errors
int libdax_msgs_submit(struct libdax_msgs *m, int driveno, int error_code,
int severity, int priority, char *msg_text,
int os_errno, int flag);
/* Calls from applications (to be forwarded by libdax/libburn) */
/** Convert a registered severity number into a severity name
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes:
bit0= list all severity names in a newline separated string
@return >0 success, <=0 failure
int libdax_msgs__sev_to_text(int severity, char **severity_name,
int flag);
/** Convert a severity name into a severity number,
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return >0 success, <=0 failure
int libdax_msgs__text_to_sev(char *severity_name, int *severity,
int flag);
/** Set minimum severity for messages to be queued (default
LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_ALL) and for messages to be printed directly to stderr
@param print_id A text of at most 80 characters to be printed before
any eventually printed message (default is "libdax: ").
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return always 1 for now
int libdax_msgs_set_severities(struct libdax_msgs *m, int queue_severity,
int print_severity, char *print_id, int flag);
/** Obtain a message item that has at least the given severity and priority.
Usually all older messages of lower severity are discarded then. If no
item of sufficient severity was found, all others are discarded from the
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 if a matching item was found, 0 if not, <0 for severe errors
int libdax_msgs_obtain(struct libdax_msgs *m, struct libdax_msgs_item **item,
int severity, int priority, int flag);
/** Destroy a message item obtained by libdax_msgs_obtain(). The submitted
pointer gets set to NULL.
Caution: Copy eventually obtained msg_text before destroying the item,
if you want to use it further.
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 for success, 0 for pointer to NULL, <0 for severe errors
int libdax_msgs_destroy_item(struct libdax_msgs *m,
struct libdax_msgs_item **item, int flag);
/** Obtain from a message item the three application oriented components as
submitted with the originating call of libdax_msgs_submit().
Caution: msg_text becomes a pointer into item, not a copy.
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 on success, 0 on invalid item, <0 for servere errors
int libdax_msgs_item_get_msg(struct libdax_msgs_item *item,
int *error_code, char **msg_text, int *os_errno,
int flag);
/** Obtain from a message item the submitter identification submitted
with the originating call of libdax_msgs_submit().
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 on success, 0 on invalid item, <0 for servere errors
int libdax_msgs_item_get_origin(struct libdax_msgs_item *item,
double *timestamp, pid_t *process_id, int *driveno,
int flag);
/** Obtain from a message item severity and priority as submitted
with the originating call of libdax_msgs_submit().
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 on success, 0 on invalid item, <0 for servere errors
int libdax_msgs_item_get_rank(struct libdax_msgs_item *item,
int *severity, int *priority, int flag);
#ifdef LIDBAX_MSGS_________________
/* Registered Error Codes */
Format: error_code (LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_*,LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_*) = explanation
If no severity or priority are fixely associates, use "(,)".
Range "libdax_msgs" : 0x00000000 to 0x0000ffff
0x00000000 (ALL,ZERO) = Initial setting in new libdax_msgs_item
0x00000001 (DEBUG,ZERO) = Test error message
0x00000002 (DEBUG,ZERO) = Debugging message
Range "elmom" : 0x00010000 to 0x0001ffff
Range "scdbackup" : 0x00020000 to 0x0002ffff
Acessing and defending drives:
0x00020001 (SORRY,LOW) = Cannot open busy device
0x00020002 (SORRY,HIGH) = Encountered error when closing drive
0x00020003 (SORRY,HIGH) = Could not grab drive
0x00020004 (NOTE,HIGH) = Opened O_EXCL scsi sibling
0x00020005 (SORRY,HIGH) = Failed to open device
0x00020006 (FATAL,HIGH) = Too many scsi siblings
0x00020007 (NOTE,HIGH) = Closed O_EXCL scsi siblings
0x00020008 (SORRY,HIGH) = Device busy. Failed to fcntl-lock
General library operations:
0x00020101 (WARNING,HIGH) = Cannot find given worker item
0x00020102 (SORRY,HIGH) = A drive operation is still going on
0x00020103 (WARNING,HIGH) = After scan a drive operation is still going on
0x00020104 (SORRY,HIGH) = NULL pointer caught
0x00020105 (SORRY,HIGH) = Drive is already released
0x00020106 (SORRY,HIGH) = Drive is busy on attempt to close
0x00020107 (SORRY,HIGH) = Drive is busy on attempt to shut down library
0x00020108 (SORRY,HIGH) = Drive is not grabbed on disc status inquiry
0x00020108 (FATAL,HIGH) = Could not allocate new drive object
0x00020109 (FATAL,HIGH) = Library not running
0x0002010a (FATAL,HIGH) = Unsuitable track mode
0x0002010b (FATAL,HIGH) = Burn run failed
0x0002010c (FATAL,HIGH) = Failed to transfer command to drive
0x0002010d (DEBUG,HIGH) = Could not inquire TOC
0x0002010e (FATAL,HIGH) = Attempt to read ATIP from ungrabbed drive
0x0002010f (DEBUG,HIGH) = SCSI error condition on command
0x00020110 (FATAL,HIGH) = Persistent drive address too long
0x00020111 (FATAL,HIGH) = Could not allocate new auxiliary object
0x00020112 (SORRY,HIGH) = Bad combination of write_type and block_type
0x00020113 (FATAL,HIGH) = Drive capabilities not inquired yet
0x00020114 (SORRY,HIGH) = Attempt to set ISRC with bad data
0x00020115 (SORRY,HIGH) = Attempt to set track mode to unusable value
0x00020116 (FATAL,HIGH) = Track mode has unusable value
0x00020117 (FATAL,HIGH) = toc_entry of drive is already in use
0x00020118 (DEBUG,HIGH) = Closing track
0x00020119 (DEBUG,HIGH) = Closing session
0x0002011a (NOTE,HIGH) = Padding up track to minimum size
0x0002011b (FATAL,HIGH) = Attempt to read track info from ungrabbed drive
0x0002011c (FATAL,HIGH) = Attempt to read track info from busy drive
0x0002011d (FATAL,HIGH) = SCSI error on write
0x0002011e (SORRY,HIGH) = Unsuitable media detected
0x0002011f (SORRY,HIGH) = Burning is restricted to a single track
0x00020120 (NOTE,HIGH) = FORMAT UNIT ignored
0x00020121 (FATAL,HIGH) = Write preparation setup failed
0x00020122 (FATAL,HIGH) = SCSI error on format_unit
0x00020123 (SORRY,HIGH) = DVD Media are unsuitable for desired track type
0x00020124 (SORRY,HIGH) = SCSI error on set_streaming
0x00020125 (SORRY,HIGH) = Write start address not supported
0x00020126 (SORRY,HIGH) = Write start address not properly aligned
0x00020127 (NOTE,HIGH) = Write start address is ...
0x00020128 (FATAL,HIGH) = Unsupported inquiry_type with mmc_get_performance
0x00020129 (SORRY,HIGH) = Will not format media type
0x0002012a (FATAL,HIGH) = Cannot inquire write mode capabilities
0x0002012b (FATAL,HIGH) = Drive offers no suitable write mode with this job
0x0002012c (SORRY,HIGH) = Too many logical tracks recorded
0x0002012d (FATAL,HIGH) = Exceeding range of permissible write addresses
0x0002012e (NOTE,HIGH) = Activated track default size
0x0002012f (SORRY,HIGH) = SAO is restricted to single fixed size session
0x00020130 (SORRY,HIGH) = Drive and media state unsuitable for blanking
0x00020131 (SORRY,HIGH) = No suitable formatting type offered by drive
0x00020132 (SORRY,HIGH) = Selected format is not suitable for libburn
0x00020133 (SORRY,HIGH) = Cannot mix data and audio in SAO mode
0x00020134 (NOTE,HIGH) = Defaulted TAO to DAO
0x00020135 (SORRY,HIGH) = Cannot perform TAO, job unsuitable for DAO
0x00020136 (SORRY,HIGH) = DAO burning restricted to single fixed size track
0x00020137 (HINT,HIGH) = TAO would be possible
0x00020138 (FATAL,HIGH) = Cannot reserve track
0x00020139 (SORRY,HIGH) = Write job parameters are unsuitable
0x0002013a (FATAL,HIGH) = No suitable media detected
0x0002013b (DEBUG,HIGH) = SCSI command indicates host or driver error
0x0002013c (SORRY,HIGH) = Malformed capabilities page 2Ah received
0x0002013d (DEBUG,LOW) = Waiting for free buffer space takes long time
0x0002013e (SORRY,HIGH) = Timeout with waiting for free buffer. Now disabled
0x0002013f (DEBUG,LOW) = Reporting total time spent with waiting for buffer
0x00020200 (SORRY,HIGH) = Cannot open audio source file
0x00020201 (SORRY,HIGH) = Audio source file has unsuitable format
0x00020202 (SORRY,HIGH) = Failed to prepare reading of audio data
#endif /* LIDBAX_MSGS_________________ */
/* Internal Functions */
/** Lock before doing side effect operations on m */
static int libdax_msgs_lock(struct libdax_msgs *m, int flag);
/** Unlock after effect operations on m are done */
static int libdax_msgs_unlock(struct libdax_msgs *m, int flag);
/** Create new empty message item.
@param link Previous item in queue
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return >0 success, <=0 failure
static int libdax_msgs_item_new(struct libdax_msgs_item **item,
struct libdax_msgs_item *link, int flag);
/** Destroy a message item obtained by libdax_msgs_obtain(). The submitted
pointer gets set to NULL.
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes (unused yet, submit 0)
@return 1 for success, 0 for pointer to NULL
static int libdax_msgs_item_destroy(struct libdax_msgs_item **item, int flag);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __MMC
#define __MMC
struct burn_drive;
struct burn_write_opts;
struct command;
struct buffer;
struct cue_sheet;
/* MMC commands */
void mmc_read(struct burn_drive *);
/* ts A61009 : removed redundant parameter d in favor of o->drive */
/* void mmc_close_session(struct burn_drive *, struct burn_write_opts *); */
/* void mmc_close_disc(struct burn_drive *, struct burn_write_opts *); */
void mmc_close_session(struct burn_write_opts *o);
void mmc_close_disc(struct burn_write_opts *o);
void mmc_close(struct burn_drive *, int session, int track);
void mmc_get_event(struct burn_drive *);
int mmc_write(struct burn_drive *, int start, struct buffer *buf);
void mmc_write_12(struct burn_drive *d, int start, struct buffer *buf);
void mmc_sync_cache(struct burn_drive *);
void mmc_load(struct burn_drive *);
void mmc_eject(struct burn_drive *);
void mmc_erase(struct burn_drive *, int);
void mmc_read_toc(struct burn_drive *);
void mmc_read_disc_info(struct burn_drive *);
void mmc_read_atip(struct burn_drive *);
void mmc_read_sectors(struct burn_drive *,
int, const struct burn_read_opts *, struct buffer *);
void mmc_set_speed(struct burn_drive *, int, int);
void mmc_read_lead_in(struct burn_drive *, struct buffer *);
void mmc_perform_opc(struct burn_drive *);
void mmc_get_configuration(struct burn_drive *);
/* ts A61110 : added parameters trackno, lba, nwa. Redefined return value.
@return 1=nwa is valid , 0=nwa is not valid , -1=error */
int mmc_get_nwa(struct burn_drive *d, int trackno, int *lba, int *nwa);
void mmc_send_cue_sheet(struct burn_drive *, struct cue_sheet *);
/* ts A61023 : get size and free space of drive buffer */
int mmc_read_buffer_capacity(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61021 : the mmc specific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
int mmc_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61219 : learned much from dvd+rw-tools-7.0: plus_rw_format()
and mmc5r03c.pdf, 6.5 FORMAT UNIT */
int mmc_format_unit(struct burn_drive *d, off_t size, int flag);
/* ts A61225 : obtain write speed descriptors via ACh GET PERFORMANCE */
int mmc_get_write_performance(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61229 : outsourced from spc_select_write_params() */
/* Note: Page data is not zeroed here to allow preset defaults. Thus
memset(pd, 0, 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length);
is the eventual duty of the caller.
int mmc_compose_mode_page_5(struct burn_drive *d,
const struct burn_write_opts *o,
unsigned char *pd);
/* mmc5r03c.pdf d) "The maximum number of RZones is 2 302." */
#endif /*__MMC*/

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include "null.h"
#include "libburn.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int null_read(struct burn_source *source, unsigned char *buffer, int size)
memset(buffer, 0, size);
return size;
struct burn_source *burn_null_source_new(void)
struct burn_source *src;
src = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_source));
src->refcount = 1;
src->read = null_read;
src->read_sub = NULL;
src->get_size = 0;
/* ts A70126 */
src->set_size = NULL;
src->free_data = NULL;
src->data = NULL;
return src;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef BURN__NULL_H
#define BURN__NULL_H
struct burn_source;
int null_read(struct burn_source *source, unsigned char *buffer, int size);
struct burn_source *burn_null_source_new(void);
#endif /* LIBBURN__NULL_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
#include "libburn.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "transport.h"
/* ts A61007 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger;
struct burn_write_opts *burn_write_opts_new(struct burn_drive *drive)
struct burn_write_opts *opts;
opts = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_write_opts));
if (opts == NULL) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020111,
"Could not allocate new auxiliary object", 0, 0);
return NULL;
opts->drive = drive;
opts->refcount = 1;
opts->write_type = BURN_WRITE_TAO;
opts->block_type = BURN_BLOCK_MODE1;
opts->toc_entry = NULL;
opts->toc_entries = 0;
opts->simulate = 0;
opts->underrun_proof = drive->mdata->underrun_proof;
opts->perform_opc = 1;
opts->obs = -1;
opts->obs_pad = 0;
opts->start_byte = -1;
opts->fill_up_media = 0;
opts->force_is_set = 0;
opts->has_mediacatalog = 0;
opts->format = BURN_CDROM;
opts->multi = 0;
opts->control = 0;
return opts;
void burn_write_opts_free(struct burn_write_opts *opts)
if (--opts->refcount <= 0)
struct burn_read_opts *burn_read_opts_new(struct burn_drive *drive)
struct burn_read_opts *opts;
opts = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_read_opts));
opts->drive = drive;
opts->refcount = 1;
opts->raw = 0;
opts->c2errors = 0;
opts->subcodes_audio = 0;
opts->subcodes_data = 0;
opts->hardware_error_recovery = 0;
opts->report_recovered_errors = 0;
opts->transfer_damaged_blocks = 0;
opts->hardware_error_retries = 3;
return opts;
void burn_read_opts_free(struct burn_read_opts *opts)
if (--opts->refcount <= 0)
int burn_write_opts_set_write_type(struct burn_write_opts *opts,
enum burn_write_types write_type,
int block_type)
int sector_get_outmode(enum burn_write_types write_type,
enum burn_block_types block_type);
int spc_block_type(enum burn_block_types b);
/* ts A61007 */
if (! ( (write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO && block_type == BURN_BLOCK_SAO)
|| (opts->drive->block_types[write_type] & block_type) ) ) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020112,
"Bad combination of write_type and block_type", 0, 0);
return 0;
/* ts A61007 : obsoleting Assert in sector.c:get_outmode() */
if (sector_get_outmode(write_type, (enum burn_block_types) block_type)
== -1)
goto bad_combination;
/* ts A61007 : obsoleting Assert in spc.c:spc_block_type() */
if (spc_block_type((enum burn_block_types) block_type) == -1)
goto bad_combination;
opts->write_type = write_type;
opts->block_type = block_type;
return 1;
/* a ssert(0); */
void burn_write_opts_set_toc_entries(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int count,
struct burn_toc_entry *toc_entries)
opts->toc_entries = count;
opts->toc_entry = malloc(count * sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry));
memcpy(opts->toc_entry, &toc_entries,
sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry) * count);
void burn_write_opts_set_format(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int format)
opts->format = format;
int burn_write_opts_set_simulate(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int sim)
/* <<< ts A70529 :
One cannot predict the ability to simulate from page 05h
information alone. This check is now done later in
function burn_write_opts_auto_write_type().
if (opts->drive->mdata->simulate) {
opts->simulate = sim;
return 1;
return 0;
opts->simulate = !!sim;
return 1;
int burn_write_opts_set_underrun_proof(struct burn_write_opts *opts,
int underrun_proof)
if (opts->drive->mdata->underrun_proof) {
opts->underrun_proof = underrun_proof;
return 1;
return 0;
void burn_write_opts_set_perform_opc(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int opc)
opts->perform_opc = opc;
void burn_write_opts_set_has_mediacatalog(struct burn_write_opts *opts,
int has_mediacatalog)
opts->has_mediacatalog = has_mediacatalog;
void burn_write_opts_set_mediacatalog(struct burn_write_opts *opts,
unsigned char mediacatalog[13])
memcpy(opts->mediacatalog, &mediacatalog, 13);
/* ts A61106 */
void burn_write_opts_set_multi(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int multi)
opts->multi = !!multi;
/* ts A61222 */
void burn_write_opts_set_start_byte(struct burn_write_opts *opts, off_t value)
opts->start_byte = value;
/* ts A70207 API */
/** @param flag Bitfield for control purposes:
bit0= do not choose type but check the one that is already set
bit1= do not issue error messages via burn_msgs queue
enum burn_write_types burn_write_opts_auto_write_type(
struct burn_write_opts *opts, struct burn_disc *disc,
char reasons[BURN_REASONS_LEN], int flag)
struct burn_multi_caps *caps = NULL;
struct burn_drive *d = opts->drive;
struct burn_disc_mode_demands demands;
enum burn_write_types wt;
int ret, would_do_sao = 0;
char *reason_pt;
reasons[0] = 0;
if (d->status != BURN_DISC_BLANK &&
if (d->status == BURN_DISC_FULL)
strcat(reasons, "MEDIA: closed or not recordable, ");
strcat(reasons,"MEDIA: no writeable media detected, ");
if (!(flag & 3))
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, d->global_index,
"No suitable media detected", 0, 0);
ret = burn_disc_get_write_mode_demands(disc, opts, &demands,
if (ret <= 0) {
strcat(reasons, "cannot recognize job demands, ");
{wt = BURN_WRITE_NONE; goto ex;}
if (demands.exotic_track && !d->current_is_cd_profile) {
if (demands.audio)
strcat(reasons, "audio track prohibited by non-CD, ");
strcat(reasons, "exotic track prohibited by non-CD, ");
{wt = BURN_WRITE_NONE; goto ex;}
if ((flag & 1) && opts->write_type != BURN_WRITE_SAO)
goto try_tao;
reason_pt = reasons + strlen(reasons);
strcat(reasons, "SAO: ");
if (d->status != BURN_DISC_BLANK) {
strcat(reasons, "write type SAO works only on blank media, ");
goto try_tao;
ret = burn_disc_get_multi_caps(d, BURN_WRITE_SAO, &caps, 0);
if (ret < 0) {
strcat(reasons, "cannot inquire write mode capabilities, ");
{wt = BURN_WRITE_NONE; goto ex;}
} else if (ret == 0) {
strcat(reasons, "no SAO offered by drive and media, ");
goto no_sao;
if ((opts->multi || demands.multi_session) &&
strcat(reasons, "multi session capability lacking, ");
if (demands.will_append)
strcat(reasons, "appended session capability lacking, ");
if (demands.multi_track && !caps->multi_track)
strcat(reasons, "multi track capability lacking, ");
if (demands.unknown_track_size == 1 &&
(caps->might_do_sao == 1 || caps->might_do_sao == 3))
strcat(reasons, "track size unpredictable, ");
if (demands.mixed_mode)
strcat(reasons, "tracks of different modes mixed, ");
if (demands.exotic_track && !d->current_is_cd_profile)
strcat(reasons, "non-data track on non-cd, ");
else if (d->current_is_cd_profile)
if ((d->block_types[BURN_WRITE_TAO] & demands.block_types) !=
strcat(reasons, "drive dislikes block type, ");
if (d->current_is_cd_profile && opts->fill_up_media)
strcat(reasons, "cd sao cannot do media fill up yet, ");
if (strcmp(reason_pt, "SAO: ") != 0)
goto no_sao;
would_do_sao = 1;
if (demands.unknown_track_size == 2 && (!(flag & 1)) &&
(caps->might_do_sao == 1 || caps->might_do_sao == 3)) {
strcat(reasons, "would have to use default track sizes, ");
goto no_sao;
} else if (caps->might_do_sao >= 3 && !(flag & 1))
goto try_tao;
if (caps->might_simulate == 0 && opts->simulate && !opts->force_is_set)
goto no_simulate;
if (!(flag & 1))
{wt = BURN_WRITE_SAO; goto ex;}
if ((flag & 1) && opts->write_type != BURN_WRITE_TAO)
goto try_raw;
reason_pt = reasons + strlen(reasons);
strcat(reasons, "TAO: ");
ret = burn_disc_get_multi_caps(d, BURN_WRITE_TAO, &caps, 0);
if (ret < 0)
goto no_caps;
if (ret == 0) {
strcat(reasons, "no TAO offered by drive and media, ");
goto no_tao;
if ((opts->multi || demands.multi_session) && !caps->multi_session)
strcat(reasons, "multi session capability lacking, ");
if (demands.multi_track && !caps->multi_track)
strcat(reasons, "multi track capability lacking, ");
if (demands.exotic_track && !d->current_is_cd_profile)
strcat(reasons, "non-data track on non-cd, ");
if (d->current_is_cd_profile && !opts->force_is_set)
if ((d->block_types[BURN_WRITE_TAO] & demands.block_types) !=
strcat(reasons, "drive dislikes block type, ");
if (strcmp(reason_pt, "TAO: ") != 0)
goto no_tao;
/* ( TAO data/audio block size will be handled automatically ) */
if (caps->might_simulate == 0 && opts->simulate && !opts->force_is_set)
goto no_simulate;
if (!(flag & 1))
{wt = BURN_WRITE_TAO; goto ex;}
if (would_do_sao && !(flag & 1))
goto do_sao;
if (!d->current_is_cd_profile)
goto no_write_mode;
if ((flag & 1) && opts->write_type != BURN_WRITE_RAW)
goto no_write_mode;
if (!(flag & 1)) /* For now: no automatic raw write modes */
goto no_write_mode;
reason_pt = reasons + strlen(reasons);
strcat(reasons, "RAW: ");
if (!d->current_is_cd_profile)
strcat(reasons, "write type RAW prohibited by non-cd, ");
else if (d->status != BURN_DISC_BLANK)
strcat(reasons, "write type RAW works only on blank media, ");
else if ((d->block_types[BURN_WRITE_TAO] & demands.block_types) !=
strcat(reasons, "drive dislikes block type, ");
if (strcmp(reason_pt, "RAW: ") != 0)
goto no_write_mode;
if (!opts->force_is_set)
goto no_simulate;
/* For now: no setting of raw write modes */
{wt = BURN_WRITE_RAW; goto ex;}
{wt = BURN_WRITE_NONE; goto ex;}
"simulation of write job not supported by drive and media, ");
{wt = BURN_WRITE_NONE; goto ex;}
if (wt == BURN_WRITE_NONE && !(flag & 3)) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, d->global_index,
"Drive offers no suitable write mode with this job",
0, 0);
return wt;
/* ts A70213 : new API function */
void burn_write_opts_set_fillup(struct burn_write_opts *opts,int fill_up_media)
opts->fill_up_media = !!fill_up_media;
/* ts A70303: API */
void burn_write_opts_set_force(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int use_force)
opts->force_is_set = !!use_force;
void burn_read_opts_set_raw(struct burn_read_opts *opts, int raw)
opts->raw = raw;
void burn_read_opts_set_c2errors(struct burn_read_opts *opts, int c2errors)
opts->c2errors = c2errors;
void burn_read_opts_read_subcodes_audio(struct burn_read_opts *opts,
int subcodes_audio)
opts->subcodes_audio = subcodes_audio;
void burn_read_opts_read_subcodes_data(struct burn_read_opts *opts,
int subcodes_data)
opts->subcodes_data = subcodes_data;
void burn_read_opts_set_hardware_error_recovery(struct burn_read_opts *opts,
int hardware_error_recovery)
opts->hardware_error_recovery = hardware_error_recovery;
void burn_read_opts_report_recovered_errors(struct burn_read_opts *opts,
int report_recovered_errors)
opts->report_recovered_errors = report_recovered_errors;
void burn_read_opts_transfer_damaged_blocks(struct burn_read_opts *opts,
int transfer_damaged_blocks)
opts->transfer_damaged_blocks = transfer_damaged_blocks;
void burn_read_opts_set_hardware_error_retries(struct burn_read_opts *opts,
unsigned char
opts->hardware_error_retries = hardware_error_retries;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#include "libburn.h"
/** Options for disc writing operations. This should be created with
burn_write_opts_new() and freed with burn_write_opts_free(). */
struct burn_write_opts
/** Drive the write opts are good for */
struct burn_drive *drive;
/** For internal use. */
int refcount;
/** The method/style of writing to use. */
enum burn_write_types write_type;
/** format of the data to send to the drive */
enum burn_block_types block_type;
/** Number of toc entries. if this is 0, they will be auto generated*/
int toc_entries;
/** Toc entries for the disc */
struct burn_toc_entry *toc_entry;
/** Simulate the write so that the disc is not actually written */
unsigned int simulate:1;
/** If available, enable a drive feature which prevents buffer
underruns if not enough data is available to keep up with the
drive. */
unsigned int underrun_proof:1;
/** Perform calibration of the drive's laser before beginning the
write. */
unsigned int perform_opc:1;
/* ts A61219 : Output block size to trigger buffer flush if hit.
-1 with CD, 32 kB with DVD */
int obs;
int obs_pad; /* 1=pad up last block to obs */
/* ts A61222 : Start address for media which allow a choice */
off_t start_byte;
/* ts A70213 : Wether to fill up the available space on media */
int fill_up_media;
/* ts A70303 : Wether to override conformance checks:
- the check wether CD write+block type is supported by the drive
int force_is_set;
/** A disc can have a media catalog number */
int has_mediacatalog;
unsigned char mediacatalog[13];
/** Session format */
int format;
/* internal use only */
unsigned char control;
unsigned char multi;
/** Options for disc reading operations. This should be created with
burn_read_opts_new() and freed with burn_read_opts_free(). */
struct burn_read_opts
/** Drive the read opts are good for */
struct burn_drive *drive;
/** For internal use. */
int refcount;
/** Read in raw mode, so that everything in the data tracks on the
disc is read, including headers. Not needed if just reading a
filesystem off a disc, but it should usually be used when making a
disc image or copying a disc. */
unsigned int raw:1;
/** Report c2 errors. Useful for statistics reporting */
unsigned int c2errors:1;
/** Read subcodes from audio tracks on the disc */
unsigned int subcodes_audio:1;
/** Read subcodes from data tracks on the disc */
unsigned int subcodes_data:1;
/** Have the drive recover errors if possible */
unsigned int hardware_error_recovery:1;
/** Report errors even when they were recovered from */
unsigned int report_recovered_errors:1;
/** Read blocks even when there are unrecoverable errors in them */
unsigned int transfer_damaged_blocks:1;
/** The number of retries the hardware should make to correct
errors. */
unsigned char hardware_error_retries;
#endif /* BURN__OPTIONS_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
/* os-freebsd.h
Operating system specific libburn definitions and declarations. Included
by os.h in case of compilation for
FreeBSD with CAM
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
/** List of all signals which shall be caught by signal handlers and trigger
a graceful abort of libburn. (See man 7 signal.)
/* Once as system defined macros */
/* Once as text 1:1 list of strings for messages and interpreters */
/* The number of above list items */
/** To list all signals which shall surely not be caught */
/* The number of above list items */
/* The maximum size for a (SCSI) i/o transaction */
/* Important : MUST be at least 32768 ! */
/** To hold all state information of BSD device enumeration
which are now local in sg_enumerate() . So that sg_give_next_adr()
can work in BSD and sg_enumerate() can use it.
struct burn_drive_enumeration_state; \
typedef struct burn_drive_enumeration_state *burn_drive_enumerator_t;
/* The list of operating system dependent elements in struct burn_drive.
To be initialized and used within sg-*.c .
struct cam_device* cam;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
/* os-linux.h
Operating system specific libburn definitions and declarations. Included
by os.h in case of compilation for
Linux kernels 2.4 and 2.6 with Linux SCSI Generic (sg)
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
/** List of all signals which shall be caught by signal handlers and trigger
a graceful abort of libburn. (See man 7 signal.)
/* Once as system defined macros */
/* Once as text 1:1 list of strings for messages and interpreters */
/* The number of above list items */
/** To list all signals which shall surely not be caught */
/* The number of above list items */
/* The maximum size for a (SCSI) i/o transaction */
/* Important : MUST be at least 32768 ! */
/* ts A70523 : >32k seems not good with kernel 2.4 USB drivers and audio
/* To hold the index number of the most recently delivered address from
device enumeration.
typedef int burn_drive_enumerator_t;
/* Parameters for sibling list. See sibling_fds, sibling_fnames */
/* The list of operating system dependent elements in struct burn_drive.
Usually they are initialized in sg-*.c:enumerate_common().
int fd; \
/* ts A60926 : trying to lock against growisofs /dev/srN, /dev/scdN */ \
int sibling_count; \
int sibling_fds[BURN_OS_SG_MAX_SIBLINGS]; \
/* ts A70409 : DDLP */ \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/* os.h
Operating system specific libburn definitions and declarations.
The macros defined here are used by libburn modules in order to
avoid own system dependent case distinctions.
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
Operating system case distinction
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
/* ----------------------------- FreeBSD with CAM -------------------------- */
#include "os-freebsd.h"
#else /* operating system case distinction */
/* --------- Linux kernels 2.4 and 2.6 with Linux SCSI Generic (sg) -------- */
#include "os-linux.h"
#endif /* End of operating system case distinction */
#endif /* ! BURN_OS_H_INCLUDED */

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@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
/* #include <m alloc.h> ts A61013 : not in Linux man 3 malloc */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
/* ts A61007 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "sector.h"
#include "libburn.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "transport.h"
/* ts A60925 : obsoleted by libdax_msgs.h
#include "message.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "lec.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "sg.h"
#include "read.h"
#include "options.h"
void burn_disc_read(struct burn_drive *d, const struct burn_read_opts *o)
#if 0
int i, end, maxsects, finish;
int seclen;
int drive_lba;
unsigned short crc;
unsigned char fakesub[96];
struct buffer page;
int speed;
/* ts A61007 : if this function gets revived, then these
tests have to be done more graceful */
a ssert((o->version & 0xfffff000) == (OPTIONS_VERSION & 0xfffff000));
a ssert(!d->busy);
a ssert(d->toc->valid);
a ssert(o->datafd != -1);
/* moved up from spc_select_error_params alias d->send_parameters() */
a ssert(d->mdata->valid);
/* XXX not sure this is a good idea. copy it? */
/* XXX also, we have duplicated data now, do we remove the fds from struct
drive, or only store a subset of the _opts structs in drives */
/* set the speed on the drive */
speed = o->speed > 0 ? o->speed : d->mdata->max_read_speed;
d->set_speed(d, speed, 0);
d->params.retries = o->hardware_error_retries;
d->send_parameters(d, o);
d->cancel = 0;
d->currsession = 0;
/* drive_lba = 232000;
d->currtrack = 18;
d->currtrack = 0;
drive_lba = 0;
/* XXX removal of this line obviously breaks *
d->track_end = burn_track_end(d, d->currsession, d->currtrack);*/
printf("track ends at %d\n", d->track_end);
page.sectors = 0;
page.bytes = 0;
if (o->subfd != -1) {
memset(fakesub, 0xFF, 12);
memset(fakesub + 12, 0, 84);
fakesub[13] = 1;
fakesub[14] = 1;
fakesub[20] = 2;
fakesub[12] = (d->toc->toc_entry[0].control << 4) +
crc = crc_ccitt(fakesub + 12, 10);
fakesub[22] = crc >> 8;
fakesub[23] = crc & 0xFF;
write(o->subfd, fakesub, 96);
while (1) {
seclen = burn_sector_length_read(d, o);
burn_print(12, "received %d blocks\n", page.sectors);
for (i = 0; i < page.sectors; i++) {
burn_packet_process(d, page.data + seclen * i, o);
if ((d->cancel) || (drive_lba == LAST_SESSION_END(d))) {
burn_print(1, "finished or cancelled\n");
d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE;
if (!d->cancel)
d->toc->complete = 1;
/* XXX: removal of this line obviously breaks *
end = burn_track_end(d, d->currsession, d->currtrack); */
if (drive_lba == end) {
if (d->currtrack >
d->toc->session[d->currsession].lasttrack) {
burn_print(12, "session switch to %d\n",
burn_print(12, "skipping a lead out\n");
burn_print(12, "new lba %d\n", drive_lba);
/* XXX more of the same
end = burn_track_end(d, d->currsession,
*/ }
burn_print(12, "track switch to %d\n", d->currtrack);
page.sectors = 0;
page.bytes = 0;
maxsects = BUFFER_SIZE / seclen;
finish = end - drive_lba;
d->track_end = finish;
page.sectors = (finish < maxsects) ? finish : maxsects;
printf("reading %d sectors from %d\n", page.sectors,
/* >>> ts A61009 : ensure page.sectors >= 0 before calling */
d->r ead_sectors(d, drive_lba, page.sectors, o, &page);
printf("Read %d\n", page.sectors);
int burn_sector_length_read(struct burn_drive *d,
const struct burn_read_opts *o)
int dlen = 2352;
int data;
/*XXX how do we handle this crap now?*/
/* data = d->toc->track[d->currtrack].toc_entry->control & 4;*/
data = 1;
if (o->report_recovered_errors)
dlen += 294;
if ((o->subcodes_data) && data)
dlen += 96;
if ((o->subcodes_audio) && !data)
dlen += 96;
return dlen;
static int bitcount(unsigned char *data, int n)
int i, j, count = 0;
unsigned char tem;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
tem = data[i];
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
count += tem & 1;
tem >>= 1;
return count;
void burn_packet_process(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *data,
const struct burn_read_opts *o)
unsigned char sub[96];
unsigned short crc;
int ptr = 2352, i, j, code, fb;
int audio = 1;
if (o->c2errors) {
fb = bitcount(data + ptr, 294);
if (fb) {
burn_print(1, "%d damaged bits\n",
bitcount(data + ptr, 294));
burn_print(1, "sending error on %s %s\n",
d->idata->vendor, d->idata->product);
/* XXX send a burn_message! burn_message_error(d,
something); */
ptr += 294;
if (d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode == BURN_MODE_UNINITIALIZED) {
if ((d->toc->track[d->currtrack].toc_entry->control & 4) == 0)
d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode = BURN_MODE_AUDIO;
switch (data[15]) {
case 0:
d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode = BURN_MODE0;
case 1:
d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode = BURN_MODE1;
case 2:
d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode =
if ((audio && o->subcodes_audio)
|| (!audio && o->subcodes_data)) {
memset(sub, 0, sizeof(sub));
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
for (code = 0; code < 8; code++) {
sub[code * 12 + i] <<= 1;
if (data[ptr + j + i * 8] &
(1 << (7 - code)))
sub[code * 12 + i]++;
crc = (*(sub + 22) << 8) + *(sub + 23);
if (crc != crc_ccitt(sub + 12, 10)) {
burn_print(1, "sending error on %s %s\n",
d->idata->vendor, d->idata->product);
/* e = burn_error();
e->drive = d;
burn_print(1, "crc mismatch in Q\n");
/* else process_q(d, sub + 12); */
if (o->subfd != -1) write(o->subfd, sub, 96); */
if ((d->track_end <= 150)
&& (drive_lba + 150 < CURRENT_SESSION_END(d))
&& (TOC_ENTRY(d->toc, d->currtrack).control == 4)
&& (TOC_ENTRY(d->toc, d->currtrack + 1).control == 0)) {
burn_print(12, "pregap : %d\n", d->track_end);
write(o->binfd, zeros, 2352);
} else
*//* write(o->datafd, data, 2352); */
/* so yeah, when you uncomment these, make them write zeros insted of crap
static void write_empty_sector(int fd)
char sec[2352];
burn_print(1, "writing an 'empty' sector\n");
write(fd, sec, 2352);
static void write_empty_subcode(int fd)
char sub[96];
write(fd, sub, 96);
static void flipq(unsigned char *sub)
*(sub + 12 + 10) = ~*(sub + 12 + 10);
*(sub + 12 + 11) = ~*(sub + 12 + 11);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __LIBBURN_READ
#define __LIBBURN_READ
struct burn_drive;
struct burn_read_opts;
int burn_sector_length_read(struct burn_drive *d,
const struct burn_read_opts *o);
void burn_packet_process(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *data,
const struct burn_read_opts *o);
#endif /* __LIBBURN_READ */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
/* scsi block commands */
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "transport.h"
#include "sbc.h"
#include "spc.h"
#include "options.h"
/* spc command set */
static unsigned char SBC_LOAD[] = { 0x1b, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0 };
static unsigned char SBC_UNLOAD[] = { 0x1b, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0 };
static unsigned char SBC_START_UNIT[] = { 0x1b, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
void sbc_load(struct burn_drive *d)
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SBC_LOAD, sizeof(SBC_LOAD));
memcpy(c.opcode, SBC_LOAD, sizeof(SBC_LOAD));
c.oplen = sizeof(SBC_LOAD);
c.page = NULL;
c.retry = 1;
c.dir = NO_TRANSFER;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
spc_wait_unit_attention(d, 60);
void sbc_eject(struct burn_drive *d)
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SBC_UNLOAD, sizeof(SBC_UNLOAD));
memcpy(c.opcode, SBC_UNLOAD, sizeof(SBC_UNLOAD));
c.oplen = sizeof(SBC_UNLOAD);
c.page = NULL;
c.page = NULL;
c.dir = NO_TRANSFER;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
/* ts A61118 : is it necessary to tell the drive to get ready for use ? */
int sbc_start_unit(struct burn_drive *d)
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SBC_START_UNIT, sizeof(SBC_START_UNIT));
memcpy(c.opcode, SBC_START_UNIT, sizeof(SBC_START_UNIT));
c.oplen = sizeof(SBC_START_UNIT);
c.page = NULL;
c.retry = 1;
c.dir = NO_TRANSFER;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
return (c.error==0);
/* ts A61021 : the sbc specific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
int sbc_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d)
d->eject = sbc_eject;
d->load = sbc_load;
d->start_unit = sbc_start_unit;
return 1;

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __SBC
#define __SBC
struct burn_drive;
void sbc_load(struct burn_drive *);
void sbc_eject(struct burn_drive *);
/* ts A61118 */
int sbc_start_unit(struct burn_drive *);
/* ts A61021 : the sbc specific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
int sbc_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d);
#endif /* __SBC */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include <stdio.h>
/* ts A61010 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "error.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "transport.h"
#include "libburn.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "sector.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "lec.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "write.h"
#ifdef Libburn_log_in_and_out_streaM
/* <<< ts A61031 */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#endif /* Libburn_log_in_and_out_streaM */
/*static unsigned char isrc[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";*/
#define sector_common(X) d->alba++; d->rlba X;
static void uncook_subs(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *source)
int i, j, code;
memset(dest, 0, 96);
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
for (code = 0; code < 8; code++) {
if (source[code * 12 + i] & 0x80)
dest[j + i * 8] |= (1 << (7 - code));
source[code * 12 + i] <<= 1;
/* @return >=0 : valid , <0 invalid */
int sector_get_outmode(enum burn_write_types write_type,
enum burn_block_types block_type)
/* ts A61103 : extended SAO condition to TAO */
if (write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO || write_type == BURN_WRITE_TAO)
return 0;
switch (block_type) {
return BURN_MODE1;
return -1;
/* ts A61007 : now handled in burn_write_opts_set_write_type() */
/* a ssert(0); */ /* return BURN_MODE_UNIMPLEMENTED :) */
/* 0 means "same as inmode" */
static int get_outmode(struct burn_write_opts *o)
/* ts A61007 */
return sector_get_outmode(o->write_type, o->block_type);
/* -1 is prevented by check in burn_write_opts_set_write_type() */
/* a ssert(0); */ /* return BURN_MODE_UNIMPLEMENTED :) */
static void get_bytes(struct burn_track *track, int count, unsigned char *data)
int valid, shortage, curr, i, tr;
#ifdef Libburn_log_in_and_out_streaM
/* <<< ts A61031 */
static int tee_fd= -1;
tee_fd= open("/tmp/libburn_sg_readin",
#endif /* Libburn_log_in_and_out_streaM */
/* no track pointer means we're just generating 0s */
if (!track) {
memset(data, 0, count);
/* first we use up any offset */
valid = track->offset - track->offsetcount;
if (valid > count)
valid = count;
if (valid) {
track->offsetcount += valid;
memset(data, 0, valid);
shortage = count - valid;
if (!shortage)
goto ex;
/* Next we use source data */
curr = valid;
if (!track->eos) {
valid = track->source->read(track->source, data + curr, count - curr);
} else valid = 0;
if (valid <= 0) { /* ts A61031 : extended from (valid == -1) */
track->eos = 1;
valid = 0;
track->sourcecount += valid;
#ifdef Libburn_log_in_and_out_streaM
/* <<< ts A61031 */
if(tee_fd!=-1 && valid>0) {
write(tee_fd, data + curr, valid);
#endif /* Libburn_log_in_and_out_streaM */
curr += valid;
shortage = count - curr;
if (!shortage)
goto ex;
/* Before going to the next track, we run through any tail */
valid = track->tail - track->tailcount;
if (valid > count - curr)
valid = count - curr;
if (valid) {
track->tailcount += valid;
memset(data + curr, 0, valid);
curr += valid;
shortage -= valid;
if (!shortage)
goto ex;
/* ts A61031 */
if (shortage >= count)
track->track_data_done = 1;
if (track->open_ended)
goto ex;
/* If we're still short, and there's a "next" pointer, we pull from that.
if that depletes, we'll just fill with 0s.
if (track->source->next) {
struct burn_source *src;
printf("pulling from next track\n");
src = track->source->next;
valid = src->read(src, data + curr, shortage);
if (valid > 0) {
shortage -= valid;
curr += valid;
/* ts A61024 : general finalizing processing */
memset(data + curr, 0, shortage); /* this is old icculus.org */
if (track->swap_source_bytes == 1) {
for (i = 1; i < count; i += 2) {
tr = data[i];
data[i] = data[i-1];
data[i-1] = tr;
/* ts A61009 : seems to hand out sector start pointer in opts->drive->buffer
and to count hand outs as well as reserved bytes */
/* ts A61101 : added parameter track for counting written bytes */
static unsigned char *get_sector(struct burn_write_opts *opts,
struct burn_track *track, int inmode)
struct burn_drive *d = opts->drive;
struct buffer *out = d->buffer;
int outmode;
int seclen;
unsigned char *ret;
outmode = get_outmode(opts);
if (outmode == 0)
outmode = inmode;
/* ts A61009 : react on eventual failure of burn_sector_length()
(should not happen if API tested properly).
Ensures out->bytes >= out->sectors */
seclen = burn_sector_length(outmode);
if (seclen <= 0)
return NULL;
seclen += burn_subcode_length(outmode);
/* ts A61219 : opts->obs is eventually a 32k trigger for DVD */
if (out->bytes + seclen > BUFFER_SIZE ||
(opts->obs > 0 && out->bytes + seclen > opts->obs)) {
int err;
err = d->write(d, d->nwa, out);
if (err == BE_CANCELLED)
return NULL;
/* ts A61101 */
if(track != NULL) {
track->writecount += out->bytes;
track->written_sectors += out->sectors;
/* ts A61119 */
d->progress.buffered_bytes += out->bytes;
d->nwa += out->sectors;
out->bytes = 0;
out->sectors = 0;
ret = out->data + out->bytes;
out->bytes += seclen;
return ret;
/* ts A61031 */
/* Revoke the counting of the most recent sector handed out by get_sector() */
static void unget_sector(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int inmode)
struct burn_drive *d = opts->drive;
struct buffer *out = d->buffer;
int outmode;
int seclen;
outmode = get_outmode(opts);
if (outmode == 0)
outmode = inmode;
/* ts A61009 : react on eventual failure of burn_sector_length()
(should not happen if API tested properly).
Ensures out->bytes >= out->sectors */
seclen = burn_sector_length(outmode);
if (seclen <= 0)
seclen += burn_subcode_length(outmode);
out->bytes -= seclen;
/* either inmode == outmode, or outmode == raw. anything else is bad news */
/* ts A61010 : changed type to int in order to propagate said bad news */
/** @return 1 is ok, <= 0 is failure */
static int convert_data(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_track *track,
int inmode, unsigned char *data)
int outlen, inlen;
int offset = -1;
int outmode;
outmode = get_outmode(o);
if (outmode == 0)
outmode = inmode;
outlen = burn_sector_length(outmode);
inlen = burn_sector_length(inmode);
/* ts A61010 */
/* a ssert(outlen >= inlen); */
if (outlen < inlen)
return 0;
if ((outmode & BURN_MODE_BITS) == (inmode & BURN_MODE_BITS)) {
get_bytes(track, inlen, data);
return 1;
/* ts A61010 */
/* a ssert(outmode & BURN_MODE_RAW); */
if (!(outmode & BURN_MODE_RAW))
return 0;
if (inmode & BURN_MODE1)
offset = 16;
if (inmode & BURN_MODE_RAW)
offset = 0;
if (inmode & BURN_AUDIO)
offset = 0;
/* ts A61010 */
/* a ssert(offset != -1); */
if (offset == -1)
return 0;
get_bytes(track, inlen, data + offset);
return 1;
static void convert_subs(struct burn_write_opts *o, int inmode,
unsigned char *subs, unsigned char *sector)
unsigned char *out;
int outmode;
outmode = get_outmode(o);
if (outmode == 0)
outmode = inmode;
sector += burn_sector_length(outmode);
/* XXX for sao with subs, we'd need something else... */
switch (o->block_type) {
uncook_subs(sector, subs);
memcpy(sector, subs + 12, 12);
out = sector + 12;
out[0] = 0;
out[1] = 0;
out[2] = 0;
/*XXX find a better way to deal with partially damaged P channels*/
if (subs[2] != 0)
out[3] = 0x80;
out[3] = 0;
out = sector + 10;
out[0] = ~out[0];
out[1] = ~out[1];
/* ts A61119 : to silence compiler warnings */
static void subcode_toc(struct burn_drive *d, int mode, unsigned char *data)
unsigned char *q;
int track;
int crc;
int min, sec, frame;
track = d->toc_temp / 3;
memset(data, 0, 96);
q = data + 12;
burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &min, &sec, &frame);
/*XXX track numbers are BCD
a0 - 1st track ctrl
a1 - last track ctrl
a2 - lout ctrl
q[0] = (d->toc_entry[track].control << 4) + 1;
q[1] = 0;
if (d->toc_entry[track].point < 100)
q[2] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].point);
q[2] = d->toc_entry[track].point;
q[3] = dec_to_bcd(min);
q[4] = dec_to_bcd(sec);
q[5] = dec_to_bcd(frame);
q[6] = 0;
q[7] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].pmin);
q[8] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].psec);
q[9] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].pframe);
crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10);
q[10] = crc >> 8;
q[11] = crc & 0xFF;
d->toc_temp %= (d->toc_entries * 3);
int sector_toc(struct burn_write_opts *o, int mode)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned char *data;
unsigned char subs[96];
data = get_sector(o, NULL, mode);
if (data == NULL)
return 0;
/* ts A61010 */
if (convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data) <= 0)
return 0;
subcode_toc(d, mode, subs);
convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data);
sector_headers(o, data, mode, 1);
return 1;
int sector_pregap(struct burn_write_opts *o,
unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, int mode)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned char *data;
unsigned char subs[96];
data = get_sector(o, NULL, mode);
if (data == NULL)
return 0;
/* ts A61010 */
if (convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data) <= 0)
return 0;
subcode_user(o, subs, tno, control, 0, NULL, 1);
convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data);
sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0);
return 1;
int sector_postgap(struct burn_write_opts *o,
unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, int mode)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned char subs[96];
unsigned char *data;
data = get_sector(o, NULL, mode);
if (data == NULL)
return 0;
/* ts A61010 */
if (convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data) <= 0)
return 0;;
/* use last index in track */
subcode_user(o, subs, tno, control, 1, NULL, 1);
convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data);
sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0);
return 1;
static void subcode_lout(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char control,
unsigned char *data)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned char *q;
int crc;
int rmin, min, rsec, sec, rframe, frame;
memset(data, 0, 96);
q = data + 12;
burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &min, &sec, &frame);
burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &rmin, &rsec, &rframe);
if (((rmin == 0) && (rsec == 0) && (rframe == 0)) ||
((rsec >= 2) && !((rframe / 19) % 2)))
memset(data, 0xFF, 12);
q[0] = (control << 4) + 1;
q[1] = 0xAA;
q[2] = 0x01;
q[3] = dec_to_bcd(rmin);
q[4] = dec_to_bcd(rsec);
q[5] = dec_to_bcd(rframe);
q[6] = 0;
q[7] = dec_to_bcd(min);
q[8] = dec_to_bcd(sec);
q[9] = dec_to_bcd(frame);
crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10);
q[10] = crc >> 8;
q[11] = crc & 0xFF;
static char char_to_isrc(char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return c - '0';
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
return 0x11 + (c - 'A');
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
return 0x11 + (c - 'a');
/* ts A61008 : obsoleted by test in burn_track_set_isrc() */
/* a ssert(0); */
return 0;
void subcode_user(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char *subcodes,
unsigned char tno, unsigned char control,
unsigned char indx, struct isrc *isrc, int psub)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned char *p, *q;
int crc;
int m, s, f, c, qmode; /* 1, 2 or 3 */
memset(subcodes, 0, 96);
p = subcodes;
if ((tno == 1) && (d->rlba == -150))
memset(p, 0xFF, 12);
if (psub)
memset(p, 0xFF, 12);
q = subcodes + 12;
qmode = 1;
/* every 1 in 10 we can do something different */
if (d->rlba % 10 == 0) {
/* each of these can occur 1 in 100 */
if ((d->rlba / 10) % 10 == 0) {
if (o->has_mediacatalog)
qmode = 2;
} else if ((d->rlba / 10) % 10 == 1) {
if (isrc && isrc->has_isrc)
qmode = 3;
/* ts A61010 : this cannot happen. Assert for fun ? */
/* a ssert(qmode == 1 || qmode == 2 || qmode == 3); */
switch (qmode) {
case 1:
q[1] = dec_to_bcd(tno); /* track number */
q[2] = dec_to_bcd(indx); /* index XXX read this shit
from the track array */
burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &m, &s, &f);
q[3] = dec_to_bcd(m); /* rel min */
q[4] = dec_to_bcd(s); /* rel sec */
q[5] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* rel frame */
q[6] = 0; /* zero */
burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f);
q[7] = dec_to_bcd(m); /* abs min */
q[8] = dec_to_bcd(s); /* abs sec */
q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */
case 2:
/* media catalog number */
q[1] = (o->mediacatalog[0] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[1];
q[2] = (o->mediacatalog[2] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[3];
q[3] = (o->mediacatalog[4] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[5];
q[4] = (o->mediacatalog[6] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[7];
q[5] = (o->mediacatalog[8] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[9];
q[6] = (o->mediacatalog[10] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[11];
q[7] = o->mediacatalog[12] << 4;
q[8] = 0;
burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f);
q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */
case 3:
c = char_to_isrc(isrc->country[0]);
/* top 6 bits of [1] is the first country code */
q[1] = c << 2;
c = char_to_isrc(isrc->country[1]);
/* bottom 2 bits of [1] is part of the second country code */
q[1] += (c >> 4);
/* top 4 bits if [2] is the rest of the second country code */
q[2] = c << 4;
c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[0]);
/* bottom 4 bits of [2] is part of the first owner code */
q[2] += (c >> 2);
/* top 2 bits of [3] is the rest of the first owner code */
q[3] = c << 6;
c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[1]);
/* bottom 6 bits of [3] is the entire second owner code */
q[3] += c;
c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[2]);
/* top 6 bits of [4] are the third owner code */
q[4] = c << 2;
/* [5] is the year in 2 BCD numbers */
q[5] = dec_to_bcd(isrc->year % 100);
/* [6] is the first 2 digits in the serial */
q[6] = dec_to_bcd(isrc->serial % 100);
/* [7] is the next 2 digits in the serial */
q[7] = dec_to_bcd((isrc->serial / 100) % 100);
/* the top 4 bits of [8] is the last serial digit, the rest is
zeros */
q[8] = dec_to_bcd((isrc->serial / 10000) % 10) << 4;
burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f);
q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */
q[0] = (control << 4) + qmode;
crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10);
q[10] = crc >> 8;
q[11] = crc & 0xff;
int sector_lout(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char control, int mode)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned char subs[96];
unsigned char *data;
data = get_sector(o, NULL, mode);
if (!data)
return 0;
/* ts A61010 */
if (convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data) <= 0)
return 0;
subcode_lout(o, control, subs);
convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data);
sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0);
return 1;
int sector_data(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_track *t, int psub)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned char subs[96];
unsigned char *data;
data = get_sector(o, t, t->mode);
if (!data)
return 0;
/* ts A61010 */
if (convert_data(o, t, t->mode, data) <= 0)
return 0;
/* ts A61031 */
if (t->open_ended && t->track_data_done) {
unget_sector(o, t->mode);
return 2;
/* ts A61219 : allow track without .entry */
if (t->entry == NULL)
else if (!t->source->read_sub)
subcode_user(o, subs, t->entry->point,
t->entry->control, 1, &t->isrc, psub);
else if (!t->source->read_sub(t->source, subs, 96))
subcode_user(o, subs, t->entry->point,
t->entry->control, 1, &t->isrc, psub);
convert_subs(o, t->mode, subs, data);
sector_headers(o, data, t->mode, 0);
return 1;
int burn_msf_to_lba(int m, int s, int f)
if (m < 90)
return (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f - 150;
return (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f - 450150;
void burn_lba_to_msf(int lba, int *m, int *s, int *f)
if (lba >= -150) {
*m = (lba + 150) / (60 * 75);
*s = (lba + 150 - *m * 60 * 75) / 75;
*f = lba + 150 - *m * 60 * 75 - *s * 75;
} else {
*m = (lba + 450150) / (60 * 75);
*s = (lba + 450150 - *m * 60 * 75) / 75;
*f = lba + 450150 - *m * 60 * 75 - *s * 75;
int dec_to_bcd(int d)
int top, bottom;
top = d / 10;
bottom = d - (top * 10);
return (top << 4) + bottom;
int sector_headers_is_ok(struct burn_write_opts *o, int mode)
if (mode & BURN_AUDIO) /* no headers for "audio" */
return 1;
if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO)
return 1;
/* ts A61031 */
if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_TAO)
return 1;
if (mode & BURN_MODE1)
return 2;
return 0;
void sector_headers(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char *out,
int mode, int leadin)
struct burn_drive *d = o->drive;
unsigned int crc;
int min, sec, frame;
int modebyte = -1;
/* ts A61009 */
#if 1
int ret;
ret = sector_headers_is_ok(o, mode);
if (ret != 2)
modebyte = 1;
if (mode & BURN_AUDIO) /* no headers for "audio" */
if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO)
/* ts A61031 */
if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_TAO)
if (mode & BURN_MODE1)
modebyte = 1;
/* ts A61009 : now ensured by burn_disc_write_is_ok() */
/* a ssert(modebyte == 1); */
out[0] = 0;
memset(out + 1, 0xFF, 10); /* sync */
out[11] = 0;
if (leadin) {
burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &min, &sec, &frame);
out[12] = dec_to_bcd(min) + 0xA0;
out[13] = dec_to_bcd(sec);
out[14] = dec_to_bcd(frame);
out[15] = modebyte;
} else {
burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &min, &sec, &frame);
out[12] = dec_to_bcd(min);
out[13] = dec_to_bcd(sec);
out[14] = dec_to_bcd(frame);
out[15] = modebyte;
if (mode & BURN_MODE1) {
crc = crc_32(out, 2064);
out[2064] = crc & 0xFF;
crc >>= 8;
out[2065] = crc & 0xFF;
crc >>= 8;
out[2066] = crc & 0xFF;
crc >>= 8;
out[2067] = crc & 0xFF;
if (mode & BURN_MODE1) {
memset(out + 2068, 0, 8);
#if 0
void process_q(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *q)
unsigned char i[5];
int mode;
mode = q[0] & 0xF;
/* burn_print(12, "mode: %d : ", mode);*/
switch (mode) {
case 1:
/* burn_print(12, "tno = %d : ", q[1]);
burn_print(12, "index = %d\n", q[2]);
/* q[1] is the track number (starting at 1) q[2] is the index
number (starting at 0) */
#warning this is totally bogus
if (q[1] - 1 > 99)
if (q[2] > d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].indices) {
burn_print(12, "new index at %d\n", d->alba);
d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].index[q[2]] = d->alba;
d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].indices++;
case 2:
/* XXX dont ignore these */
case 3:
/* burn_print(12, "ISRC data in mode 3 q\n");*/
i[0] = isrc[(q[1] << 2) >> 2];
/* burn_print(12, "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", q[1], q[2], q[3], q[4], q[5]);
burn_print(12, "ISRC - %c%c%c%c%c\n", i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]);
/* ts A61009 : if reactivated then witout Assert */
a ssert(0);
/* this needs more info. subs in the data? control/adr? */
/* ts A61119 : One should not use inofficial compiler extensions.
>>> Some day this function needs to be implemented. At least for now
the result does not match the "mode" of cdrecord -toc.
#warning sector_identify needs to be written
int sector_identify(unsigned char *data)
check mode byte for 1 or 2
test parity to see if it's a valid sector
if invalid, return BURN_MODE_AUDIO;
else return mode byte (what about mode 2 formless? heh)
return BURN_MODE1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __SECTOR
#define __SECTOR
#include "libburn.h"
#include "transport.h"
struct burn_drive;
struct isrc;
int dec_to_bcd(int);
int sector_toc(struct burn_write_opts *, int mode);
int sector_pregap(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char tno,
unsigned char control, int mode);
int sector_postgap(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char tno,
unsigned char control, int mode);
int sector_lout(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char control, int mode);
int sector_data(struct burn_write_opts *, struct burn_track *t, int psub);
/* ts A61009 */
int sector_headers_is_ok(struct burn_write_opts *o, int mode);
void sector_headers(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char *,
int mode, int leadin);
void subcode_user(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char *s,
unsigned char tno, unsigned char control,
unsigned char index, struct isrc *isrc, int psub);
int sector_identify(unsigned char *);
void process_q(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *q);
#endif /* __SECTOR */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
This is the main operating system dependent SCSI part of libburn. It implements
the transport level aspects of SCSI control and command i/o.
Present implementation: FreeBSD CAM (untested)
Porting libburn typically will consist of adding a new operating system case
to the following switcher files:
os.h Operating system specific libburn definitions and declarations.
sg.c Operating system dependent transport level modules.
and of deriving the following system specific files from existing examples:
os-*.h Included by os.h. You will need some general system knowledge
about signals and knowledge about the storage object needs of your
transport level module sg-*.c.
sg-*.c This source module. You will need special system knowledge about
how to detect all potentially available drives, how to open them,
eventually how to exclusively reserve them, how to perform
SCSI transactions, how to inquire the (pseudo-)SCSI driver.
You will not need to care about CD burning, MMC or other high-level
SCSI aspects.
Said sg-*.c operations are defined by a public function interface, which has
to be implemented in a way that provides libburn with the desired services:
sg_give_next_adr() iterates over the set of potentially useful drive
address strings.
scsi_enumerate_drives() brings all available, not-whitelist-banned, and
accessible drives into libburn's list of drives.
sg_drive_is_open() tells wether libburn has the given drive in use.
sg_grab() opens the drive for SCSI commands and ensures
undisturbed access.
sg_release() closes a drive opened by sg_grab()
sg_issue_command() sends a SCSI command to the drive, receives reply,
and evaluates wether the command succeeded or shall
be retried or finally failed.
sg_obtain_scsi_adr() tries to obtain SCSI address parameters.
Porting hints are marked by the text "PORTING:".
Send feedback to libburn-hackers@pykix.org .
/** PORTING : ------- OS dependent headers and definitions ------ */
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <camlib.h>
#include <cam/scsi/scsi_message.h>
#include <cam/scsi/scsi_pass.h>
#include <err.h> /* XXX */
/** PORTING : ------ libburn portable headers and definitions ----- */
#include "transport.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "sg.h"
#include "spc.h"
#include "mmc.h"
#include "sbc.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger;
/* is in portable part of libburn */
int burn_drive_is_banned(char *device_address);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ts A61115: Private functions. Port only if needed by public functions */
/* (Public functions are listed below) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Helper function for scsi_give_next_adr() */
static int sg_init_enumerator(burn_drive_enumerator_t *idx)
idx->skip_device = 0;
if ((idx->fd = open(XPT_DEVICE, O_RDWR)) == -1) {
warn("couldn't open %s", XPT_DEVICE);
return -1;
bzero(&(idx->ccb), sizeof(union ccb));
idx->ccb.ccb_h.path_id = CAM_XPT_PATH_ID;
idx->ccb.ccb_h.target_id = CAM_TARGET_WILDCARD;
idx->ccb.ccb_h.target_lun = CAM_LUN_WILDCARD;
idx->ccb.ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_MATCH;
idx->bufsize = sizeof(struct dev_match_result) * 100;
idx->ccb.cdm.match_buf_len = idx->bufsize;
idx->ccb.cdm.matches = (struct dev_match_result *)malloc(idx->bufsize);
if (idx->ccb.cdm.matches == NULL) {
warnx("can't malloc memory for matches");
return -1;
idx->ccb.cdm.num_matches = 0;
idx->i = idx->ccb.cdm.num_matches; /* to trigger buffer load */
* We fetch all nodes, since we display most of them in the default
* case, and all in the verbose case.
idx->ccb.cdm.num_patterns = 0;
idx->ccb.cdm.pattern_buf_len = 0;
return 1;
/* Helper function for scsi_give_next_adr() */
static int sg_next_enumeration_buffer(burn_drive_enumerator_t *idx)
* We do the ioctl multiple times if necessary, in case there are
* more than 100 nodes in the EDT.
if (ioctl(idx->fd, CAMIOCOMMAND, &(idx->ccb)) == -1) {
warn("error sending CAMIOCOMMAND ioctl");
return -1;
if ((idx->ccb.ccb_h.status != CAM_REQ_CMP)
|| ((idx->ccb.cdm.status != CAM_DEV_MATCH_LAST)
&& (idx->ccb.cdm.status != CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE))) {
warnx("got CAM error %#x, CDM error %d\n",
idx->ccb.ccb_h.status, idx->ccb.cdm.status);
return -1;
return 1;
static int sg_close_drive(struct burn_drive * d)
if (d->cam != NULL) {
d->cam = NULL;
return 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* PORTING: Private functions which contain publicly needed functionality. */
/* Their portable part must be performed. So it is probably best */
/* to replace the non-portable part and to call these functions */
/* in your port, too. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Wraps a detected drive into libburn structures and hands it over to
libburn drive list.
static void enumerate_common(char *fname, int bus_no, int host_no,
int channel_no, int target_no, int lun_no)
int ret;
struct burn_drive out;
/* General libburn drive setup */
burn_setup_drive(&out, fname);
/* This transport adapter uses SCSI-family commands and models
(seems the adapter would know better than its boss, if ever) */
ret = burn_scsi_setup_drive(&out, bus_no, host_no, channel_no,
target_no, lun_no, 0);
if (ret<=0)
/* PORTING: ------------------- non portable part --------------- */
/* Operating system adapter is CAM */
/* Adapter specific handles and data */
out.cam = NULL;
/* PORTING: ---------------- end of non portable part ------------ */
/* Adapter specific functions with standardized names */
out.grab = sg_grab;
out.release = sg_release;
out.drive_is_open = sg_drive_is_open;
out.issue_command = sg_issue_command;
/* Finally register drive and inquire drive information */
/* ts A61115 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* PORTING: Public functions. These MUST be ported. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Returns the next index number and the next enumerated drive address.
The enumeration has to cover all available and accessible drives. It is
allowed to return addresses of drives which are not available but under
some (even exotic) circumstances could be available. It is on the other
hand allowed, only to hand out addresses which can really be used right
in the moment of this call. (This implementation chooses the latter.)
@param idx An opaque handle. Make no own theories about it.
@param adr Takes the reply
@param adr_size Gives maximum size of reply including final 0
@param initialize 1 = start new,
0 = continue, use no other values for now
-1 = finish
@return 1 = reply is a valid address , 0 = no further address available
-1 = severe error (e.g. adr_size too small)
int sg_give_next_adr(burn_drive_enumerator_t *idx,
char adr[], int adr_size, int initialize)
int ret;
if (initialize == 1) {
ret = sg_init_enumerator(idx);
if (ret<=0)
return ret;
} else if (initialize == -1) {
if(idx->fd != -1)
idx->fd = -1;
return 0;
try_item:; /* This spaghetti loop keeps the number of tabs small */
/* Loop content from old scsi_enumerate_drives() */
while (idx->i >= idx->ccb.cdm.num_matches) {
ret = sg_next_enumeration_buffer(idx);
if (ret<=0)
return -1;
if (!((idx->ccb.ccb_h.status == CAM_REQ_CMP)
&& (idx->ccb.cdm.status == CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE)) )
return 0;
idx->i = 0;
switch (idx->ccb.cdm.matches[idx->i].type) {
struct device_match_result* result;
result = &(idx->ccb.cdm.matches[i].result.device_result);
if (result->flags & DEV_RESULT_UNCONFIGURED)
idx->skip_device = 1;
idx->skip_device = 0;
struct periph_match_result* result;
char buf[64];
result = &(idx->ccb.cdm.matches[i].result.periph_result);
if (idx->skip_device ||
strcmp(result->periph_name, "pass") == 0)
snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "/dev/%s%d",
result->periph_name, result->unit_number);
if(adr_size <= strlen(buf)
return -1;
strcpy(adr, buf);
/* Found next enumerable address */
return 1;
/* printf(stderr, "unknown match type\n"); */
goto try_item; /* Regular function exit is return 1 above */
/** Brings all available, not-whitelist-banned, and accessible drives into
libburn's list of drives.
int scsi_enumerate_drives(void)
burn_drive_enumerator_t idx;
int initialize = 1;
char buf[64];
while(1) {
ret = sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), initialize);
initialize = 0;
if (ret <= 0)
if (burn_drive_is_banned(buf))
enumerate_common(buf, idx.result->path_id, idx.result->path_id,
0, idx.result->target_id,
sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
/** Tells wether libburn has the given drive in use or exclusively reserved.
If it is "open" then libburn will eventually call sg_release() on it when
it is time to give up usage resp. reservation.
/** Published as burn_drive.drive_is_open() */
int sg_drive_is_open(struct burn_drive * d)
return (d->cam != NULL);
/** Opens the drive for SCSI commands and - if burn activities are prone
to external interference on your system - obtains an exclusive access lock
on the drive. (Note: this is not physical tray locking.)
A drive that has been opened with sg_grab() will eventually be handed
over to sg_release() for closing and unreserving.
int sg_grab(struct burn_drive *d)
int count;
struct cam_device *cam;
if(d->cam != NULL)
return 0;
cam = cam_open_device(d->devname, O_RDWR);
if (cam == NULL) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, d->global_index,
"Could not grab drive", 0/*os_errno*/, 0);
return 0;
d->cam = cam;
fcntl(cam->fd, F_SETOWN, getpid());
d->released = 0;
return 1;
/** PORTING: Is mainly about the call to sg_close_drive() and wether it
implements the demanded functionality.
/** Gives up the drive for SCSI commands and releases eventual access locks.
(Note: this is not physical tray locking.)
int sg_release(struct burn_drive *d)
if (d->cam == NULL) {
burn_print(1, "release an ungrabbed drive. die\n");
return 0;
return 0;
/** Sends a SCSI command to the drive, receives reply and evaluates wether
the command succeeded or shall be retried or finally failed.
Returned SCSI errors shall not lead to a return value indicating failure.
The callers get notified by c->error. An SCSI failure which leads not to
a retry shall be notified via scsi_notify_error().
The Libburn_log_sg_commandS facility might be of help when problems with
a drive have to be examined. It shall stay disabled for normal use.
@return: 1 success , <=0 failure
int sg_issue_command(struct burn_drive *d, struct command *c)
int done = 0;
int err;
union ccb *ccb;
if (d->cam == NULL) {
c->error = 0;
return 0;
c->error = 0;
ccb = cam_getccb(d->cam);
1, /* retries */
NULL, /* cbfncp */
CAM_DEV_QFRZDIS, /* flags */
MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG, /* tag_action */
NULL, /* data_ptr */
0, /* dxfer_len */
sizeof (ccb->csio.sense_data), /* sense_len */
0, /* cdb_len */
30*1000); /* timeout */
switch (c->dir) {
case TO_DRIVE:
ccb->csio.ccb_h.flags |= CAM_DIR_OUT;
ccb->csio.ccb_h.flags |= CAM_DIR_IN;
ccb->csio.ccb_h.flags |= CAM_DIR_NONE;
ccb->csio.cdb_len = c->oplen;
memcpy(&ccb->csio.cdb_io.cdb_bytes, &c->opcode, c->oplen);
memset(&ccb->csio.sense_data, 0, sizeof (ccb->csio.sense_data));
if (c->page) {
ccb->csio.data_ptr = c->page->data;
if (c->dir == FROM_DRIVE) {
ccb->csio.dxfer_len = BUFFER_SIZE;
/* touch page so we can use valgrind */
memset(c->page->data, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
} else {
/* ts A61115: removed a ssert() */
if(c->page->bytes <= 0)
return 0;
ccb->csio.dxfer_len = c->page->bytes;
} else {
ccb->csio.data_ptr = NULL;
ccb->csio.dxfer_len = 0;
do {
err = cam_send_ccb(d->cam, ccb);
if (err == -1) {
d->global_index, 0x0002010c,
"Failed to transfer command to drive",
errno, 0);
d->released = 1;
d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE;
c->error = 1;
return -1;
/* XXX */
memcpy(c->sense, &ccb->csio.sense_data, ccb->csio.sense_len);
if ((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_REQ_CMP) {
if (!c->retry) {
c->error = 1;
return 1;
switch (scsi_error(d, c->sense, 0)) {
case RETRY:
done = 0;
case FAIL:
done = 1;
c->error = 1;
} else {
done = 1;
} while (!done);
return 1;
/** Tries to obtain SCSI address parameters.
@return 1 is success , 0 is failure
int sg_obtain_scsi_adr(char *path, int *bus_no, int *host_no, int *channel_no,
int *target_no, int *lun_no)
burn_drive_enumerator_t idx;
int initialize = 1;
char buf[64];
struct periph_match_result* result;
while(1) {
ret = sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), initialize);
initialize = 0;
if (ret <= 0)
if (strcmp(adr, buf) != 0)
result = &(idx->ccb.cdm.matches[i].result.periph_result);
*bus_no = result->path_id;
*host_no = result->path_id;
*channel_no = 0;
*target_no = result->target_id
*lun_no = result->target_lun;
sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
return 1;
sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
return (0);
/** Tells wether a text is a persistent address as listed by the enumeration
int sg_is_enumerable_adr(char* adr)
burn_drive_enumerator_t idx;
int initialize = 1;
char buf[64];
while(1) {
ret = sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), initialize);
initialize = 0;
if (ret <= 0)
if (strcmp(adr, buf) == 0) {
sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
return 1;
sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), -1);
return (0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <camlib.h>
#include <cam/scsi/scsi_message.h>
#include <cam/scsi/scsi_pass.h>
#include <err.h> /* XXX */
#include "transport.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "sg.h"
#include "spc.h"
#include "mmc.h"
#include "sbc.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "toc.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger;
struct burn_drive_enumeration_state {
int fd;
union ccb ccb;
unsigned int i;
int skip_device;
static void enumerate_common(char *fname, int bus_no, int host_no,
int channel_no, int target_no, int lun_no);
/* ts A51221 */
int burn_drive_is_banned(char *device_address);
/* ts A60821
<<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */
int mmc_function_spy(char * text);
/* ts A61021 : Moved most code from scsi_enumerate_drives under
sg_give_next_adr() */
/* Some helper functions for scsi_give_next_adr() */
static int sg_init_enumerator(burn_drive_enumerator_t *idx_)
struct burn_drive_enumeration_state *idx;
int bufsize;
idx = malloc(sizeof(*idx));
if (idx == NULL) {
warnx("can't malloc memory for enumerator");
return -1;
idx->skip_device = 0;
if ((idx->fd = open(XPT_DEVICE, O_RDWR)) == -1) {
warn("couldn't open %s", XPT_DEVICE);
return -1;
bzero(&(idx->ccb), sizeof(union ccb));
idx->ccb.ccb_h.path_id = CAM_XPT_PATH_ID;
idx->ccb.ccb_h.target_id = CAM_TARGET_WILDCARD;
idx->ccb.ccb_h.target_lun = CAM_LUN_WILDCARD;
idx->ccb.ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_MATCH;
bufsize = sizeof(struct dev_match_result) * 100;
idx->ccb.cdm.match_buf_len = bufsize;
idx->ccb.cdm.matches = (struct dev_match_result *)malloc(bufsize);
if (idx->ccb.cdm.matches == NULL) {
warnx("can't malloc memory for matches");
return -1;
idx->ccb.cdm.num_matches = 0;
idx->i = idx->ccb.cdm.num_matches; /* to trigger buffer load */
* We fetch all nodes, since we display most of them in the default
* case, and all in the verbose case.
idx->ccb.cdm.num_patterns = 0;
idx->ccb.cdm.pattern_buf_len = 0;
*idx_ = idx;
return 1;
static void sg_destroy_enumerator(burn_drive_enumerator_t *idx_)
struct burn_drive_enumeration_state *idx = *idx_;
if(idx->fd != -1)
*idx_ = NULL;
static int sg_next_enumeration_buffer(burn_drive_enumerator_t *idx_)
struct burn_drive_enumeration_state *idx = *idx_;
* We do the ioctl multiple times if necessary, in case there are
* more than 100 nodes in the EDT.
if (ioctl(idx->fd, CAMIOCOMMAND, &(idx->ccb)) == -1) {
warn("error sending CAMIOCOMMAND ioctl");
return -1;
if ((idx->ccb.ccb_h.status != CAM_REQ_CMP)
|| ((idx->ccb.cdm.status != CAM_DEV_MATCH_LAST)
&& (idx->ccb.cdm.status != CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE))) {
warnx("got CAM error %#x, CDM error %d\n",
idx->ccb.ccb_h.status, idx->ccb.cdm.status);
return -1;
return 1;
/** Returns the next index number and the next enumerated drive address.
@param idx An opaque handle. Make no own theories about it.
@param adr Takes the reply
@param adr_size Gives maximum size of reply including final 0
@param initialize 1 = start new,
0 = continue, use no other values for now
-1 = finish
@return 1 = reply is a valid address , 0 = no further address available
-1 = severe error (e.g. adr_size too small)
int sg_give_next_adr(burn_drive_enumerator_t *idx_,
char adr[], int adr_size, int initialize)
struct burn_drive_enumeration_state *idx;
int ret;
if (initialize == 1) {
ret = sg_init_enumerator(idx_);
if (ret<=0)
return ret;
} else if (initialize == -1) {
return 0;
idx = *idx_;
do {
if (idx->i >= idx->ccb.cdm.num_matches) {
ret = sg_next_enumeration_buffer(idx_);
if (ret<=0)
return -1;
idx->i = 0;
} else
while (idx->i < idx->ccb.cdm.num_matches) {
switch (idx->ccb.cdm.matches[idx->i].type) {
struct device_match_result* result;
result = &(idx->ccb.cdm.matches[idx->i].result.device_result);
if (result->flags & DEV_RESULT_UNCONFIGURED)
idx->skip_device = 1;
idx->skip_device = 0;
struct periph_match_result* result;
result = &(idx->ccb.cdm.matches[idx->i].result.periph_result);
if (idx->skip_device ||
strcmp(result->periph_name, "pass") == 0)
ret = snprintf(adr, adr_size, "/dev/%s%d",
result->periph_name, result->unit_number);
if(ret >= adr_size)
return -1;
/* Found next enumerable address */
return 1;
/* printf(stderr, "unknown match type\n"); */
} while ((idx->ccb.ccb_h.status == CAM_REQ_CMP)
&& (idx->ccb.cdm.status == CAM_DEV_MATCH_MORE));
return 0;
int sg_is_enumerable_adr(char* adr)
burn_drive_enumerator_t idx;
int ret;
char buf[64];
ret = sg_init_enumerator(&idx);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
while(1) {
ret = sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
if (ret <= 0)
if (strcmp(adr, buf) == 0) {
return 1;
return (0);
/** Try to obtain SCSI address parameters.
@return 1 is success , 0 is failure
int sg_obtain_scsi_adr(char *path, int *bus_no, int *host_no, int *channel_no,
int *target_no, int *lun_no)
burn_drive_enumerator_t idx;
int ret;
char buf[64];
struct periph_match_result* result;
ret = sg_init_enumerator(&idx);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
while(1) {
ret = sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
if (ret <= 0)
if (strcmp(path, buf) == 0) {
result = &(idx->ccb.cdm.matches[idx->i].result.periph_result);
*bus_no = result->path_id;
*host_no = result->path_id;
*channel_no = 0;
*target_no = result->target_id;
*lun_no = result->target_lun;
return 1;
return (0);
int sg_close_drive(struct burn_drive * d)
if (d->cam != NULL) {
d->cam = NULL;
return 0;
int sg_drive_is_open(struct burn_drive * d)
return (d->cam != NULL);
int scsi_enumerate_drives(void)
burn_drive_enumerator_t idx;
int ret;
char buf[64];
struct periph_match_result* result;
ret = sg_init_enumerator(&idx);
if (ret <= 0)
return 0;
while(1) {
ret = sg_give_next_adr(&idx, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
if (ret <= 0)
if (burn_drive_is_banned(buf))
result = &idx->ccb.cdm.matches[idx->i].result.periph_result;
enumerate_common(buf, result->path_id, result->path_id,
0, result->target_id,
return 1;
#ifdef Scsi_freebsd_make_own_enumeratE
/* ts A61021: The old version which mixes SCSI and operating system adapter
static void enumerate_common(char *fname, int bus_no, int host_no,
int channel_no, int target_no, int lun_no)
struct burn_drive *t;
struct burn_drive out;
/* ts A60923 */
out.bus_no = bus_no;
out.host = host_no;
out.id = target_no;
out.channel = channel_no;
out.lun = lun_no;
out.devname = burn_strdup(fname);
out.cam = NULL;
out.start_lba= -2000000000;
out.end_lba= -2000000000;
out.read_atip = mmc_read_atip;
out.grab = sg_grab;
out.release = sg_release;
out.drive_is_open= sg_drive_is_open;
out.issue_command = sg_issue_command;
out.getcaps = spc_getcaps;
out.released = 1;
out.status = BURN_DISC_UNREADY;
out.eject = sbc_eject;
out.load = sbc_load;
out.lock = spc_prevent;
out.unlock = spc_allow;
out.read_disc_info = spc_sense_write_params;
out.get_erase_progress = spc_get_erase_progress;
out.test_unit_ready = spc_test_unit_ready;
out.probe_write_modes = spc_probe_write_modes;
out.read_toc = mmc_read_toc;
out.write = mmc_write;
out.erase = mmc_erase;
out.read_sectors = mmc_read_sectors;
out.perform_opc = mmc_perform_opc;
out.set_speed = mmc_set_speed;
out.send_parameters = spc_select_error_params;
out.send_write_parameters = spc_select_write_params;
out.send_cue_sheet = mmc_send_cue_sheet;
out.sync_cache = mmc_sync_cache;
out.get_nwa = mmc_get_nwa;
out.close_disc = mmc_close_disc;
out.close_session = mmc_close_session;
out.close_track_session = mmc_close;
out.read_buffer_capacity = mmc_read_buffer_capacity;
out.idata = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_scsi_inquiry_data));
out.idata->valid = 0;
out.mdata = malloc(sizeof(struct scsi_mode_data));
out.mdata->valid = 0;
if (out.idata == NULL || out.mdata == NULL) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020108,
"Could not allocate new drive object", 0, 0);
memset(&out.params, 0, sizeof(struct params));
t = burn_drive_register(&out);
/* ts A60821
<<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */
mmc_function_spy("enumerate_common : -------- doing grab");
/* try to get the drive info */
if (t->grab(t)) {
burn_print(2, "getting drive info\n");
t->released = 1;
} else {
burn_print(2, "unable to grab new located drive\n");
/* ts A60821
<<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */
mmc_function_spy("enumerate_common : ----- would release ");
#else /* Scsi_freebsd_make_own_enumeratE */
/* The new, more concise version of enumerate_common */
static void enumerate_common(char *fname, int bus_no, int host_no,
int channel_no, int target_no, int lun_no)
int ret;
struct burn_drive out;
/* General libburn drive setup */
burn_setup_drive(&out, fname);
/* This transport adapter uses SCSI-family commands and models
(seems the adapter would know better than its boss, if ever) */
ret = burn_scsi_setup_drive(&out, bus_no, host_no, channel_no,
target_no, lun_no, 0);
if (ret<=0)
/* Operating system adapter is CAM */
/* Adapter specific handles and data */
out.cam = NULL;
/* Adapter specific functions */
out.grab = sg_grab;
out.release = sg_release;
out.drive_is_open = sg_drive_is_open;
out.issue_command = sg_issue_command;
/* Finally register drive and inquire drive information */
#endif /* ! Scsi_freebsd_make_own_enumeratE */
/* ts A61021: do not believe this:
we use the sg reference count to decide whether we can use the
drive or not.
if refcount is not one, drive is open somewhere else.
int sg_grab(struct burn_drive *d)
int count;
struct cam_device *cam;
if (burn_drive_is_open(d)) {
d->released = 0;
return 1;
cam = cam_open_device(d->devname, O_RDWR);
if (cam == NULL) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, d->global_index, 0x00020003,
"Could not grab drive", 0/*os_errno*/, 0);
return 0;
/* er = ioctl(fd, SG_GET_ACCESS_COUNT, &count);*/
count = 1;
if (1 == count) {
d->cam = cam;
fcntl(cam->fd, F_SETOWN, getpid());
d->released = 0;
return 1;
burn_print(1, "could not acquire drive - already open\n");
return 0;
non zero return means you still have the drive and it's not
in a state to be released? (is that even possible?)
int sg_release(struct burn_drive *d)
if (d->cam == NULL) {
burn_print(1, "release an ungrabbed drive. die\n");
return 0;
mmc_function_spy("sg_release ----------- closing.");
d->released = 1;
return 0;
int sg_issue_command(struct burn_drive *d, struct command *c)
int done = 0;
int err;
union ccb *ccb;
char buf[161];
snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "sg_issue_command d->cam=%p d->released=%d",
(void*)d->cam, d->released);
if (d->cam == NULL) {
c->error = 0;
return 0;
c->error = 0;
ccb = cam_getccb(d->cam);
1, /* retries */
NULL, /* cbfncp */
CAM_DEV_QFRZDIS, /* flags */
MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG, /* tag_action */
NULL, /* data_ptr */
0, /* dxfer_len */
sizeof (ccb->csio.sense_data), /* sense_len */
0, /* cdb_len */
30*1000); /* timeout */
switch (c->dir) {
case TO_DRIVE:
ccb->csio.ccb_h.flags |= CAM_DIR_OUT;
ccb->csio.ccb_h.flags |= CAM_DIR_IN;
ccb->csio.ccb_h.flags |= CAM_DIR_NONE;
ccb->csio.cdb_len = c->oplen;
memcpy(&ccb->csio.cdb_io.cdb_bytes, &c->opcode, c->oplen);
memset(&ccb->csio.sense_data, 0, sizeof (ccb->csio.sense_data));
if (c->page) {
ccb->csio.data_ptr = c->page->data;
if (c->dir == FROM_DRIVE) {
ccb->csio.dxfer_len = BUFFER_SIZE;
/* touch page so we can use valgrind */
memset(c->page->data, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
} else {
assert(c->page->bytes > 0);
ccb->csio.dxfer_len = c->page->bytes;
} else {
ccb->csio.data_ptr = NULL;
ccb->csio.dxfer_len = 0;
do {
err = cam_send_ccb(d->cam, ccb);
if (err == -1) {
d->global_index, 0x0002010c,
"Failed to transfer command to drive",
errno, 0);
d->released = 1;
d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE;
c->error = 1;
return -1;
/* XXX */
memcpy(c->sense, &ccb->csio.sense_data, ccb->csio.sense_len);
if ((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_REQ_CMP) {
if (!c->retry) {
c->error = 1;
return 1;
switch (scsi_error(d, c->sense, 0)) {
case RETRY:
done = 0;
case FAIL:
done = 1;
c->error = 1;
} else {
done = 1;
} while (!done);
return 1;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/* sg.c
Switcher for operating system dependent transport level modules of libburn.
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include "sg-freebsd.c"
#include "sg-linux.c"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __SG
#define __SG
#include "os.h"
/* see os.h for name of particular os-*.h where this is defined */
struct burn_drive;
struct command;
/* ts A60922 ticket 33 */
int sg_give_next_adr(burn_drive_enumerator_t *enm_context,
char adr[], int adr_size, int initialize);
int sg_is_enumerable_adr(char *adr);
int sg_obtain_scsi_adr(char *path, int *bus_no, int *host_no, int *channel_no,
int *target_no, int *lun_no);
int sg_grab(struct burn_drive *);
int sg_release(struct burn_drive *);
int sg_issue_command(struct burn_drive *, struct command *);
/* ts A61115 : formerly sg_enumerate();ata_enumerate() */
int scsi_enumerate_drives(void);
int sg_drive_is_open(struct burn_drive * d);
#endif /* __SG */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libburn.h"
#include "source.h"
#include "structure.h"
void burn_source_free(struct burn_source *src)
if (--src->refcount < 1) {
if (src->free_data)
enum burn_source_status burn_track_set_source(struct burn_track *t,
struct burn_source *s)
if (!s->read)
t->source = s;
/* ts A61031 */
t->open_ended = (s->get_size(s) <= 0);
struct burn_source *burn_source_new(void)
struct burn_source *out;
out = calloc(1, sizeof(struct burn_source));
out->refcount = 1;
return out;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __SOURCE
#define __SOURCE
struct burn_source *burn_source_new(void);
#endif /*__SOURCE*/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
/* scsi primary commands */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <string.h>
/* ts A61008 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libburn.h"
#include "transport.h"
#include "spc.h"
#include "mmc.h"
#include "sbc.h"
#include "drive.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger;
/* spc command set */
/* ts A70519 : allocation length byte 3+4 was 0,255 */
static unsigned char SPC_INQUIRY[] = { 0x12, 0, 0, 0, 36, 0 };
/*static char SPC_TEST[]={0,0,0,0,0,0};*/
static unsigned char SPC_PREVENT[] = { 0x1e, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 };
static unsigned char SPC_ALLOW[] = { 0x1e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static unsigned char SPC_MODE_SENSE[] = { 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 };
static unsigned char SPC_MODE_SELECT[] =
{ 0x55, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static unsigned char SPC_REQUEST_SENSE[] = { 0x03, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0 };
static unsigned char SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY[] = { 0x00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* ts A70519 : An initializer for the abstract SCSI command structure */
int scsi_init_command(struct command *c, unsigned char *opcode, int oplen)
if (oplen > 16)
return 0;
memcpy(c->opcode, opcode, oplen);
c->oplen = oplen;
c->dir = NO_TRANSFER;
c->dxfer_len = -1;
memset(c->sense, 0, sizeof(c->sense));
c->error = 0;
c->retry = 0;
c->page = NULL;
return 1;
int spc_test_unit_ready_r(struct burn_drive *d, int *key, int *asc, int *ascq)
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY,sizeof(SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY);
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY, sizeof(SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY));
c.page = NULL;
c.retry = 0;
c.dir = NO_TRANSFER;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
if (c.error) {
*key= c.sense[2];
*asc= c.sense[12];
*ascq= c.sense[13];
return (c.sense[2] & 0xF) == 0;
return 1;
int spc_test_unit_ready(struct burn_drive *d)
int key,asc,ascq;
return spc_test_unit_ready_r(d, &key, &asc, &ascq);
/* ts A70315 */
/** Wait until the drive state becomes clear or until max_usec elapsed */
int spc_wait_unit_attention(struct burn_drive *d, int max_sec)
int i, ret, key, asc, ascq;
for(i=0; i < max_sec; i++) {
ret = spc_test_unit_ready_r(d, &key, &asc, &ascq);
if(ret > 0 || key!=0x2 || asc!=0x4) /* ready or error */
if (i < max_sec)
return (ret > 0);
return 0;
void spc_request_sense(struct burn_drive *d, struct buffer *buf)
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_REQUEST_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_REQUEST_SENSE));
c.retry = 0;
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_REQUEST_SENSE);
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_REQUEST_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_REQUEST_SENSE));
c.dxfer_len= c.opcode[4];
c.retry = 0;
c.page = buf;
c.page->sectors = 0;
c.page->bytes = 0;
c.dir = FROM_DRIVE;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
int spc_get_erase_progress(struct burn_drive *d)
struct buffer b;
spc_request_sense(d, &b);
return (b.data[16] << 8) | b.data[17];
void spc_inquiry(struct burn_drive *d)
struct buffer buf;
struct burn_scsi_inquiry_data *id;
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_INQUIRY, sizeof(SPC_INQUIRY));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_INQUIRY, sizeof(SPC_INQUIRY));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_INQUIRY);
c.dxfer_len= (c.opcode[3] << 8) | c.opcode[4];
c.retry = 1;
c.page = &buf;
c.page->bytes = 0;
c.page->sectors = 0;
c.dir = FROM_DRIVE;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
id = (struct burn_scsi_inquiry_data *)d->idata;
memset(id->vendor, 0, 9);
memset(id->product, 0, 17);
memset(id->revision, 0, 5);
if (c.error) {
id->valid = -1;
memcpy(id->vendor, c.page->data + 8, 8);
memcpy(id->product, c.page->data + 16, 16);
memcpy(id->revision, c.page->data + 32, 4);
id->valid = 1;
void spc_prevent(struct burn_drive *d)
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_PREVENT, sizeof(SPC_PREVENT));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_PREVENT, sizeof(SPC_PREVENT));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_PREVENT);
c.page = NULL;
c.retry = 1;
c.dir = NO_TRANSFER;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
void spc_allow(struct burn_drive *d)
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_ALLOW, sizeof(SPC_ALLOW));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_ALLOW, sizeof(SPC_ALLOW));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_ALLOW);
c.page = NULL;
c.retry = 1;
c.dir = NO_TRANSFER;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
ts A70518 : Do not call with *alloc_len < 8
/** flag&1= do only inquire alloc_len */
static int spc_sense_caps_al(struct burn_drive *d, int *alloc_len, int flag)
struct buffer buf;
struct scsi_mode_data *m;
int size, page_length, num_write_speeds = 0, i, speed, ret;
int old_alloc_len, was_error = 0;
unsigned char *page;
struct command c;
struct burn_speed_descriptor *sd;
/* ts A61225 : 1 = report about post-MMC-1 speed descriptors */
static int speed_debug = 0;
if (*alloc_len < 8)
return 0;
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE);
c.dxfer_len = *alloc_len;
c.opcode[7] = (c.dxfer_len >> 8) & 0xff;
c.opcode[8] = c.dxfer_len & 0xff;
c.retry = 1;
c.opcode[2] = 0x2A;
c.page = &buf;
c.page->bytes = 0;
c.page->sectors = 0;
c.dir = FROM_DRIVE;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
if (c.error) {
memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
d->mdata->valid = -1;
was_error = 1;
size = c.page->data[0] * 256 + c.page->data[1];
m = d->mdata;
page = c.page->data + 8;
/* ts A61225 :
Although MODE SENSE indeed belongs to SPC, the returned code page
2Ah is part of MMC-1 to MMC-3. In MMC-1 it has 22 bytes,
in MMC-3 6.3.11 there are at least 28 bytes plus a variable length
set of speed descriptors. In MMC-5 E.11 it is declared "legacy".
page_length = page[1];
old_alloc_len = *alloc_len;
*alloc_len = page_length + 8;
if (flag & 1)
return !was_error;
if (page_length + 8 > old_alloc_len)
page_length = old_alloc_len - 8;
if (page_length < 22)
return 0;
m->valid = 0;
m->buffer_size = page[12] * 256 + page[13];
m->dvdram_read = page[2] & 32;
m->dvdram_write = page[3] & 32;
m->dvdr_read = page[2] & 16;
m->dvdr_write = page[3] & 16;
m->dvdrom_read = page[2] & 8;
m->simulate = page[3] & 4;
m->cdrw_read = page[2] & 2;
m->cdrw_write = page[3] & 2;
m->cdr_read = page[2] & 1;
m->cdr_write = page[3] & 1;
m->c2_pointers = page[5] & 16;
m->underrun_proof = page[4] & 128;
/* ts A61021 : these fields are marked obsolete in MMC 3 */
m->max_read_speed = page[8] * 256 + page[9];
m->cur_read_speed = page[14] * 256 + page[15];
m->max_write_speed = page[18] * 256 + page[19];
m->cur_write_speed = page[20] * 256 + page[21];
/* ts A61021 : New field to be set by atip (or following MMC-3 info) */
m->min_write_speed = m->max_write_speed;
/* ts A61225 : for ACh GET PERFORMANCE, Type 03h */
m->min_end_lba = 0x7fffffff;
m->max_end_lba = 0;
m->valid = 1;
/* ts A61225 : end of MMC-1 , begin of MMC-3 */
if (page_length < 32) /* no write speed descriptors ? */
goto try_mmc_get_performance;
m->cur_write_speed = page[28] * 256 + page[29];
if (speed_debug)
fprintf(stderr, "LIBBURN_DEBUG: cur_write_speed = %d\n",
num_write_speeds = page[30] * 256 + page[31];
m->max_write_speed = m->min_write_speed = m->cur_write_speed;
if (32 + 4 * num_write_speeds > page_length + 2) {
char msg[161];
sprintf(msg, "Malformed capabilities page 2Ah received (len=%d, #speeds=%d)", page_length, num_write_speeds);
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, d->global_index,
msg, 0, 0);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_write_speeds; i++) {
speed = page[32 + 4*i + 2] * 256 + page[32 + 4*i + 3];
if (speed_debug)
"LIBBURN_DEBUG: write speed #%d = %d kB/s (rc %d)\n",
i, speed, page[32 + 4*i +1] & 7);
/* ts A61226 */
ret = burn_speed_descriptor_new(&(d->mdata->speed_descriptors),
NULL, d->mdata->speed_descriptors, 0);
if (ret > 0) {
sd = d->mdata->speed_descriptors;
sd->source = 1;
if (d->current_profile > 0) {
sd->profile_loaded = d->current_profile;
sd->wrc = (( page[32 + 4*i +1] & 7 ) == 1 );
sd->write_speed = speed;
if (speed > m->max_write_speed)
m->max_write_speed = speed;
if (speed < m->min_write_speed)
m->min_write_speed = speed;
if (speed_debug)
"LIBBURN_DEBUG: 5Ah,2Ah min_write_speed = %d , max_write_speed = %d\n",
m->min_write_speed, m->max_write_speed);
ret = mmc_get_write_performance(d);
if (ret > 0 && speed_debug)
"LIBBURN_DEBUG: ACh min_write_speed = %d , max_write_speed = %d\n",
m->min_write_speed, m->max_write_speed);
return !was_error;
void spc_sense_caps(struct burn_drive *d)
int alloc_len, start_len = 22, ret;
/* first command execution to learn Allocation Length */
alloc_len = start_len;
ret = spc_sense_caps_al(d, &alloc_len, 1);
fprintf(stderr,"LIBBURN_DEBUG: 5Ah alloc_len = %d , ret = %d\n",
alloc_len, ret);
if (alloc_len >= start_len && ret > 0)
/* second execution with announced length */
spc_sense_caps_al(d, &alloc_len, 0);
void spc_sense_error_params(struct burn_drive *d)
struct buffer buf;
struct scsi_mode_data *m;
int size, alloc_len = 12 ;
unsigned char *page;
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE);
c.dxfer_len = alloc_len;
c.opcode[7] = (c.dxfer_len >> 8) & 0xff;
c.opcode[8] = c.dxfer_len & 0xff;
c.retry = 1;
c.opcode[2] = 0x01;
c.page = &buf;
c.page->bytes = 0;
c.page->sectors = 0;
c.dir = FROM_DRIVE;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
size = c.page->data[0] * 256 + c.page->data[1];
m = d->mdata;
page = c.page->data + 8;
d->params.retries = page[3];
m->retry_page_length = page[1];
m->retry_page_valid = 1;
void spc_select_error_params(struct burn_drive *d,
const struct burn_read_opts *o)
struct buffer buf;
struct command c;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT);
c.retry = 1;
c.opcode[8] = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->retry_page_length;
c.page = &buf;
c.page->bytes = 0;
c.page->sectors = 0;
/* ts A61007 : moved up to only caller burn_disc_read() */
/* a ssert(d->mdata->valid); */
memset(c.page->data, 0, 8 + 2 + d->mdata->retry_page_length);
c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->retry_page_length;
c.page->data[8] = 1;
c.page->data[9] = d->mdata->retry_page_length;
if (o->transfer_damaged_blocks)
c.page->data[10] |= 32;
if (o->report_recovered_errors)
c.page->data[10] |= 4;
if (!o->hardware_error_recovery)
c.page->data[10] |= 1;
/*burn_print(1, "error parameter 0x%x\n", c->page->data[10]);*/
c.page->data[11] = d->params.retries;
c.dir = TO_DRIVE;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
void spc_sense_write_params(struct burn_drive *d)
struct buffer buf;
struct scsi_mode_data *m;
int size, dummy, alloc_len = 10;
unsigned char *page;
struct command c;
/* ts A61007 : Done in soft at only caller burn_drive_grab() */
/* a ssert(d->mdata->cdr_write || d->mdata->cdrw_write ||
d->mdata->dvdr_write || d->mdata->dvdram_write); */
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE);
c.dxfer_len = alloc_len;
c.opcode[7] = (c.dxfer_len >> 8) & 0xff;
c.opcode[8] = c.dxfer_len & 0xff;
c.retry = 1;
c.opcode[2] = 0x05;
c.page = &buf;
c.page->bytes = 0;
c.page->sectors = 0;
c.dir = FROM_DRIVE;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
size = c.page->data[0] * 256 + c.page->data[1];
m = d->mdata;
page = c.page->data + 8;
burn_print(1, "write page length 0x%x\n", page[1]);
m->write_page_length = page[1];
m->write_page_valid = 1;
/* ts A70212 : try to setup d->media_capacity_remaining */
if (d->current_profile == 0x1a || d->current_profile == 0x13 ||
d->current_profile == 0x12)
d->read_format_capacities(d, -1);
else if (d->status == BURN_DISC_BLANK ||
(d->current_is_cd_profile && d->status == BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE)) {
d->get_nwa(d, -1, &dummy, &dummy);
/* others are hopefully up to date from mmc_read_disc_info() */
fprintf(stderr, "LIBBURN_DEBUG: media_capacity_remaining = %.f\n",
(double) d->media_capacity_remaining);
/* remark ts A61104 :
Although command MODE SELECT is SPC, the content of the
Write Parameters Mode Page (05h) is MMC (Table 108 in MMC-1).
Thus the filling of the mode page is done by mmc_compose_mode_page_5().
void spc_select_write_params(struct burn_drive *d,
const struct burn_write_opts *o)
struct buffer buf;
struct command c;
/* ts A61007 : All current callers are safe. */
/* a ssert(o->drive == d); */
/* <<< A61030
fprintf(stderr,"libburn_debug: write_type=%d multi=%d control=%d\n",
fprintf(stderr,"libburn_debug: block_type=%d spc_block_type=%d\n",
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT);
c.retry = 1;
c.opcode[8] = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length;
c.page = &buf;
c.page->bytes = 0;
c.page->sectors = 0;
/* ts A61007 : moved up to burn_disc_write() */
/* a ssert(d->mdata->valid); */
memset(c.page->data, 0, 8 + 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length);
c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length;
burn_print(12, "using write page length %d (valid %d)\n",
d->mdata->write_page_length, d->mdata->write_page_valid);
/* ts A61229 */
if (mmc_compose_mode_page_5(d, o, c.page->data + 8) <= 0)
c.dir = TO_DRIVE;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
void spc_getcaps(struct burn_drive *d)
don't check totally stupid modes (raw/raw0)
some drives say they're ok, and they're not.
void spc_probe_write_modes(struct burn_drive *d)
struct buffer buf;
int try_write_type = 1;
int try_block_type = 0;
int key, asc, ascq, useable_write_type = -1, useable_block_type = -1;
int last_try = 0;
struct command c;
/* ts A70213 : added pseudo try_write_type 4 to set a suitable mode */
while (try_write_type != 5) {
burn_print(9, "trying %d, %d\n", try_write_type,
/* ts A70213 */
if (try_write_type == 4) {
/* Pseudo write type NONE . Set a useable write mode */
if (useable_write_type == -1)
try_write_type = useable_write_type;
try_block_type = useable_block_type;
last_try= 1;
scsi_init_command(&c, SPC_MODE_SELECT,sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT));
memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT));
c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT);
c.retry = 1;
c.opcode[8] = 8 + 2 + 0x32;
c.page = &buf;
memset(c.page->data, 0, 8 + 2 + 0x32);
c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + 0x32;
c.page->data[8] = 5;
c.page->data[9] = 0x32;
c.page->data[10] = try_write_type;
if (try_block_type > 4)
c.page->data[11] = 4;
c.page->data[11] = 0;
c.page->data[12] = try_block_type;
c.page->data[23] = 150;
c.dir = TO_DRIVE;
d->silent_on_scsi_error = 1;
d->issue_command(d, &c);
d->silent_on_scsi_error = 0;
if (last_try)
key = c.sense[2];
asc = c.sense[12];
ascq = c.sense[13];
if (key)
burn_print(7, "%d not supported\n", try_block_type);
else {
burn_print(7, "%d:%d SUPPORTED MODE!\n",
try_write_type, try_block_type);
if (try_write_type == 2) /* sao */
d->block_types[try_write_type] =
d->block_types[try_write_type] |=
1 << try_block_type;
/* ts A70213 */
if ((useable_write_type < 0 && try_write_type > 0) ||
(try_write_type == 1 && try_block_type == 8)) {
/* Packet is not supported yet.
Prefer TAO MODE_1. */
useable_write_type = try_write_type;
useable_block_type = try_block_type;
switch (try_block_type) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
try_block_type = 8;
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
try_block_type = 0;
/* ( ts A61229 : shouldn't this go to mmc.c too ?) */
/** @return -1 = error */
int spc_block_type(enum burn_block_types b)
switch (b) {
return 0; /* ignored bitz */
return 0;
return 1;
return 2;
return 3;
return 8;
return 9;
return 10;
return 11;
return 12;
return 13;
return -1;
/* ts A61007 : already prevented in burn_write_opts_set_write_type() */
/* a ssert(0); */;
/* ts A61021 : the spc specific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
int spc_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d)
d->getcaps = spc_getcaps;
d->lock = spc_prevent;
d->unlock = spc_allow;
d->read_disc_info = spc_sense_write_params;
d->get_erase_progress = spc_get_erase_progress;
d->test_unit_ready = spc_test_unit_ready;
d->probe_write_modes = spc_probe_write_modes;
d->send_parameters = spc_select_error_params;
d->send_write_parameters = spc_select_write_params;
return 1;
/* ts A61021 : the general SCSI specific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
@param flag Bitfiled for control purposes
bit0= do not setup spc/sbc/mmc
int burn_scsi_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d, int bus_no, int host_no,
int channel_no, int target_no, int lun_no, int flag)
int ret;
/* ts A60923 */
d->bus_no = bus_no;
d->host = host_no;
d->id = target_no;
d->channel = channel_no;
d->lun = lun_no;
/* ts A61106 */
d->silent_on_scsi_error = 0;
d->idata = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_scsi_inquiry_data));
d->idata->valid = 0;
d->mdata = malloc(sizeof(struct scsi_mode_data));
d->mdata->valid = 0;
d->mdata->speed_descriptors = NULL;
/* ts A61007 : obsolete Assert in drive_getcaps() */
if(d->idata == NULL || d->mdata == NULL) {
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020108,
"Could not allocate new drive object", 0, 0);
return -1;
if(!(flag & 1)) {
ret = spc_setup_drive(d);
if (ret<=0)
return ret;
ret = sbc_setup_drive(d);
if (ret<=0)
return ret;
ret = mmc_setup_drive(d);
if (ret<=0)
return ret;
return 1;
/* ts A61122 */
enum response scsi_error_msg(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *sense,
int senselen, char msg[161],
int *key, int *asc, int *ascq)
*key= *asc= *ascq= -1;
if (senselen<=0 || senselen>2)
*key = sense[2];
if (senselen<=0 || senselen>12)
*asc = sense[12];
if (senselen<=0 || senselen>13)
*ascq = sense[13];
burn_print(12, "CONDITION: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x on %s %s\n",
*key, *asc, *ascq, d->idata->vendor, d->idata->product);
switch (*asc) {
case 0:
sprintf(msg, "(no error reported by SCSI transaction)");
return RETRY;
case 2:
sprintf(msg, "not ready");
return RETRY;
case 4:
"logical unit is in the process of becoming ready");
return RETRY;
case 0x20:
if (*key == 5)
sprintf(msg, "bad opcode");
return FAIL;
case 0x21:
sprintf(msg, "invalid address");
return FAIL;
case 0x24:
if (*key == 5)
sprintf(msg, "invalid field in cdb");
return FAIL;
case 0x26:
if (*key == 5 )
sprintf(msg, "invalid field in parameter list" );
return FAIL;
case 0x28:
if (*key == 6)
sprintf(msg, "Medium may have changed");
return RETRY;
case 0x3A:
sprintf(msg, "Medium not present");
d->status = BURN_DISC_EMPTY;
return FAIL;
"Failure. See mmc3r10g.pdf: Sense Key %X ASC %2.2X ASCQ %2.2X",
*key, *asc, *ascq);
return FAIL;
/* ts A61115 moved from sg-*.c */
/* ts A61122 made it frontend to scsi_error_msg() */
enum response scsi_error(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *sense,
int senselen)
int key, asc, ascq;
char msg[160];
enum response resp;
resp = scsi_error_msg(d, sense, senselen, msg, &key, &asc, &ascq);
if (asc == 0 || asc == 0x3A)
burn_print(12, "%s\n", msg);
burn_print(1, "%s\n", msg);
return resp;
/* ts A61030 - A61115 */
/* @param flag bit0=do report conditions which are considered not an error */
int scsi_notify_error(struct burn_drive *d, struct command *c,
unsigned char *sense, int senselen, int flag)
int key= -1, asc= -1, ascq= -1, ret;
char msg[320],scsi_msg[160];
if (d->silent_on_scsi_error)
return 1;
strcpy(scsi_msg, " \"");
scsi_error_msg(d, sense, senselen, scsi_msg + strlen(scsi_msg),
&key, &asc, &ascq);
strcat(scsi_msg, "\"");
if(!(flag & 1)) {
/* SPC : TEST UNIT READY command */
if (c->opcode[0] == 0)
return 1;
if (c->opcode[0] == 0x51)
if (key == 0x2 && asc == 0x3A &&
ascq>=0 && ascq <= 0x02) /* MEDIUM NOT PRESENT */
return 1;
sprintf(msg,"SCSI error condition on command %2.2Xh :", c->opcode[0]);
if (key>=0)
sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " key=%Xh", key);
if (asc>=0)
sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " asc=%2.2Xh", asc);
if (ascq>=0)
sprintf(msg+strlen(msg), " ascq=%2.2Xh", ascq);
ret = libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, d->global_index, 0x0002010f,
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, d->global_index, 0x0002010f,
return ret;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __SPC
#define __SPC
#include "libburn.h"
void spc_inquiry(struct burn_drive *);
void spc_prevent(struct burn_drive *);
void spc_allow(struct burn_drive *);
void spc_sense_caps(struct burn_drive *);
void spc_sense_error_params(struct burn_drive *);
void spc_select_error_params(struct burn_drive *,
const struct burn_read_opts *);
void spc_getcaps(struct burn_drive *d);
void spc_sense_write_params(struct burn_drive *);
void spc_select_write_params(struct burn_drive *,
const struct burn_write_opts *);
void spc_probe_write_modes(struct burn_drive *);
void spc_request_sense(struct burn_drive *d, struct buffer *buf);
int spc_block_type(enum burn_block_types b);
int spc_get_erase_progress(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A70315 : test_unit_ready with result parameters */
int spc_test_unit_ready_r(struct burn_drive *d, int *key, int *asc, int *ascq);
int spc_test_unit_ready(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A70315 */
/** Wait until the drive state becomes clear in or until max_sec elapsed */
int spc_wait_unit_attention(struct burn_drive *d, int max_sec);
/* ts A61021 : the spc specific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
int spc_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61021 : the general SCSI specific part of sg.c:enumerate_common()
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes
bit0= do not setup spc/sbc/mmc
int burn_scsi_setup_drive(struct burn_drive *d, int bus_no, int host_no,
int channel_no, int target_no, int lun_no, int flag);
/* ts A61115 moved from sg-*.h */
enum response { RETRY, FAIL };
enum response scsi_error(struct burn_drive *, unsigned char *, int);
/* ts A61122 */
enum response scsi_error_msg(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *sense,
int senselen, char msg[161],
int *key, int *asc, int *ascq);
/* ts A61030 */
/* @param flag bit0=do report conditions which are considered not an error */
int scsi_notify_error(struct burn_drive *, struct command *c,
unsigned char *sense, int senselen, int flag);
/* ts A70519 */
int scsi_init_command(struct command *c, unsigned char *opcode, int oplen);
#endif /*__SPC*/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
/* ts A61008 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libburn.h"
#include "structure.h"
#include "write.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "libdax_msgs.h"
extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger;
/* ts A61008 : replaced Assert by if and return 0 */
/* a ssert(!(pos > BURN_POS_END)); */
#define RESIZE(TO, NEW, pos) {\
void *tmp;\
if (pos > BURN_POS_END)\
return 0;\
if (pos == BURN_POS_END)\
pos = TO->NEW##s;\
if (pos > TO->NEW##s)\
return 0;\
tmp = realloc(TO->NEW, sizeof(struct NEW *) * (TO->NEW##s + 1));\
if (!tmp)\
return 0;\
TO->NEW = tmp;\
memmove(TO->NEW + pos + 1, TO->NEW + pos,\
sizeof(struct NEW *) * (TO->NEW##s - pos));\
struct burn_disc *burn_disc_create(void)
struct burn_disc *d;
d = calloc(1, sizeof(struct burn_disc));
d->refcnt = 1;
d->sessions = 0;
d->session = NULL;
return d;
void burn_disc_free(struct burn_disc *d)
if (d->refcnt == 0) {
/* dec refs on all elements */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < d->sessions; i++)
struct burn_session *burn_session_create(void)
struct burn_session *s;
s = calloc(1, sizeof(struct burn_session));
s->refcnt = 1;
s->tracks = 0;
s->track = NULL;
s->hidefirst = 0;
return s;
void burn_session_hide_first_track(struct burn_session *s, int onoff)
s->hidefirst = onoff;
void burn_session_free(struct burn_session *s)
if (s->refcnt == 0) {
/* dec refs on all elements */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++)
int burn_disc_add_session(struct burn_disc *d, struct burn_session *s,
unsigned int pos)
RESIZE(d, session, pos);
d->session[pos] = s;
return 1;
struct burn_track *burn_track_create(void)
struct burn_track *t;
t = calloc(1, sizeof(struct burn_track));
t->refcnt = 1;
t->indices = 0;
t->offset = 0;
t->offsetcount = 0;
t->tail = 0;
t->tailcount = 0;
t->mode = BURN_MODE1;
t->isrc.has_isrc = 0;
t->pad = 1;
/* ts A70213 */
t->fill_up_media = 0;
/* ts A70218 */
t->default_size = 0;
t->entry = NULL;
t->source = NULL;
t->eos = 0;
/* ts A61101 */
t->sourcecount = 0;
t->writecount = 0;
t->written_sectors = 0;
/* ts A61031 */
t->open_ended = 0;
t->track_data_done = 0;
t->postgap = 0;
t->pregap1 = 0;
t->pregap2 = 0;
/* ts A61024 */
t->swap_source_bytes = 0;
return t;
void burn_track_free(struct burn_track *t)
if (t->refcnt == 0) {
/* dec refs on all elements */
if (t->source)
int burn_session_add_track(struct burn_session *s, struct burn_track *t,
unsigned int pos)
RESIZE(s, track, pos);
s->track[pos] = t;
return 1;
int burn_session_remove_track(struct burn_session *s, struct burn_track *t)
struct burn_track **tmp;
int i, pos = -1;
/* ts A61008 */
/* a ssert(s->track != NULL); */
if (s->track == NULL)
return 0;
/* Find the position */
for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++) {
if (t == s->track[i]) {
pos = i;
if (pos == -1)
return 0;
/* Is it the last track? */
if (pos != s->tracks - 1) {
memmove(&s->track[pos], &s->track[pos + 1],
sizeof(struct burn_track *) * (s->tracks - (pos + 1)));
tmp = realloc(s->track, sizeof(struct burn_track *) * s->tracks);
if (tmp)
s->track = tmp;
return 1;
void burn_structure_print_disc(struct burn_disc *d)
int i;
burn_print(12, "This disc has %d sessions\n", d->sessions);
for (i = 0; i < d->sessions; i++) {
void burn_structure_print_session(struct burn_session *s)
int i;
burn_print(12, " Session has %d tracks\n", s->tracks);
for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++) {
void burn_structure_print_track(struct burn_track *t)
burn_print(12, "(%p) track size %d sectors\n", t,
void burn_track_define_data(struct burn_track *t, int offset, int tail,
int pad, int mode)
int type_to_form(int mode, unsigned char *ctladr, int *form);
int burn_sector_length(int tracktype);
unsigned char ctladr;
int form = -1; /* unchanged form will be considered an error too */
type_to_form(mode, &ctladr, &form);
if (form == -1 || burn_sector_length(mode) <= 0) {
char msg[160];
sprintf(msg, "Attempt to set track mode to unusable value %d",
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020115,
msg, 0, 0);
t->offset = offset;
t->pad = pad;
t->mode = mode;
t->tail = tail;
/* ts A61024 */
int burn_track_set_byte_swap(struct burn_track *t, int swap_source_bytes)
if(swap_source_bytes!=0 && swap_source_bytes!=1)
return 0;
t->swap_source_bytes = swap_source_bytes;
return 1;
void burn_track_set_isrc(struct burn_track *t, char *country, char *owner,
unsigned char year, unsigned int serial)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
/* ts A61008 : This is always true */
/* a ssert((country[i] >= '0' || country[i] < '9') &&
(country[i] >= 'a' || country[i] < 'z') &&
(country[i] >= 'A' || country[i] < 'Z')); */
/* ts A61008 : now coordinated with sector.c: char_to_isrc() */
if (! ((country[i] >= '0' && country[i] <= '9') ||
(country[i] >= 'a' && country[i] <= 'z') ||
(country[i] >= 'A' && country[i] <= 'Z') ) )
goto is_not_allowed;
t->isrc.country[i] = country[i];
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
/* ts A61008 : This is always true */
/* a ssert((owner[i] >= '0' || owner[i] < '9') &&
(owner[i] >= 'a' || owner[i] < 'z') &&
(owner[i] >= 'A' || owner[i] < 'Z')); */
/* ts A61008 : now coordinated with sector.c: char_to_isrc() */
if (! ((owner[i] >= '0' && owner[i] <= '9') ||
(owner[i] >= 'a' && owner[i] <= 'z') ||
(owner[i] >= 'A' && owner[i] <= 'Z') ) )
goto is_not_allowed;
t->isrc.owner[i] = owner[i];
/* ts A61008 */
/* a ssert(year <= 99); */
if (year > 99)
goto is_not_allowed;
t->isrc.year = year;
/* ts A61008 */
/* a ssert(serial <= 99999); */
if (serial > 99999)
goto is_not_allowed;
t->isrc.serial = serial;
/* ts A61008 */
t->isrc.has_isrc = 1;
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00020114,
"Attempt to set ISRC with bad data", 0, 0);
void burn_track_clear_isrc(struct burn_track *t)
t->isrc.has_isrc = 0;
int burn_track_get_sectors(struct burn_track *t)
/* ts A70125 : was int */
off_t size;
int sectors, seclen;
seclen = burn_sector_length(t->mode);
size = t->offset + t->source->get_size(t->source) + t->tail;
sectors = size / seclen;
if (size % seclen)
burn_print(1, "%d sectors of %d length\n", sectors, seclen);
return sectors;
/* ts A70125 */
int burn_track_set_sectors(struct burn_track *t, int sectors)
off_t size, seclen;
int ret;
seclen = burn_sector_length(t->mode);
size = seclen * (off_t) sectors - (off_t) t->offset - (off_t) t->tail;
if (size < 0)
return 0;
ret = t->source->set_size(t->source, size);
t->open_ended = (t->source->get_size(t->source) <= 0);
return ret;
/* ts A70218 , API since A70328 */
int burn_track_set_size(struct burn_track *t, off_t size)
if (t->source == NULL)
return 0;
if (t->source->set_size == NULL)
return 0;
t->open_ended = (size <= 0);
return t->source->set_size(t->source, size);
/* ts A70213 */
int burn_track_set_fillup(struct burn_track *t, int fill_up_media)
t->fill_up_media = fill_up_media;
if (fill_up_media)
t->open_ended = 0;
return 1;
/* ts A70213 */
@param flag bit0= force new size even if existing track size is larger
int burn_track_apply_fillup(struct burn_track *t, off_t max_size, int flag)
int max_sectors, ret = 2;
char msg[160];
if (t->fill_up_media <= 0)
return 2;
max_sectors = max_size / 2048;
if (burn_track_get_sectors(t) < max_sectors || (flag & 1)) {
sprintf(msg, "Setting total track size to %ds (payload %ds)\n",
max_sectors, (int) (t->source->get_size(t->source)/2048));
libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger, -1, 0x00000002,
msg, 0, 0);
ret = burn_track_set_sectors(t, max_sectors);
t->open_ended = 0;
return ret;
/* ts A61031 */
int burn_track_is_open_ended(struct burn_track *t)
return !!t->open_ended;
/* ts A70218 : API */
int burn_track_set_default_size(struct burn_track *t, off_t size)
t->default_size = size;
return 1;
/* ts A70218 */
off_t burn_track_get_default_size(struct burn_track *t)
return t->default_size;
/* ts A61101 : API function */
int burn_track_get_counters(struct burn_track *t,
off_t *read_bytes, off_t *written_bytes)
fprintf(stderr, "libburn_experimental: sizeof(off_t)=%d\n",
*read_bytes = t->sourcecount;
*written_bytes = t->writecount;
return 1;
/* ts A61031 */
int burn_track_is_data_done(struct burn_track *t)
return !!t->track_data_done;
int burn_track_get_shortage(struct burn_track *t)
int size;
int seclen;
seclen = burn_sector_length(t->mode);
size = t->offset + t->source->get_size(t->source) + t->tail;
if (size % seclen)
return seclen - size % seclen;
return 0;
int burn_session_get_sectors(struct burn_session *s)
int sectors = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++)
sectors += burn_track_get_sectors(s->track[i]);
return sectors;
int burn_disc_get_sectors(struct burn_disc *d)
int sectors = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < d->sessions; i++)
sectors += burn_session_get_sectors(d->session[i]);
return sectors;
void burn_track_get_entry(struct burn_track *t, struct burn_toc_entry *entry)
if (t->entry == NULL)
memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry));
memcpy(entry, t->entry, sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry));
void burn_session_get_leadout_entry(struct burn_session *s,
struct burn_toc_entry *entry)
if (s->leadout_entry == NULL)
memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry));
memcpy(entry, s->leadout_entry, sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry));
struct burn_session **burn_disc_get_sessions(struct burn_disc *d, int *num)
*num = d->sessions;
return d->session;
struct burn_track **burn_session_get_tracks(struct burn_session *s, int *num)
*num = s->tracks;
return s->track;
int burn_track_get_mode(struct burn_track *track)
return track->mode;
int burn_session_get_hidefirst(struct burn_session *session)
return session->hidefirst;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
struct isrc
int has_isrc;
char country[2]; /* each must be 0-9, A-Z */
char owner[3]; /* each must be 0-9, A-Z */
unsigned char year; /* must be 0-99 */
unsigned int serial; /* must be 0-99999 */
struct burn_track
int refcnt;
struct burn_toc_entry *entry;
unsigned char indices;
/* lba address of the index */
unsigned int index[99];
/** number of 0 bytes to write before data */
int offset;
/** how much offset has been used */
int offsetcount;
/** Number of zeros to write after data */
int tail;
/** how much tail has been used */
int tailcount;
/** 1 means Pad with zeros, 0 means start reading the next track */
int pad;
/* ts A70213 : wether to expand this track to full available media */
int fill_up_media;
/* ts A70218 : a track size to use if it is mandarory to have some */
off_t default_size;
/** Data source */
struct burn_source *source;
/** End of Source flag */
int eos;
/* ts A61101 */
off_t sourcecount;
off_t writecount;
off_t written_sectors;
/* ts A61031 */
/** Source is of undefined length */
int open_ended;
/** End of open ended track flag : offset+payload+tail are delivered */
int track_data_done;
/** The audio/data mode for the entry. Derived from control and
possibly from reading the track's first sector. */
int mode;
/** The track contains interval one of a pregap */
int pregap1;
/** The track contains interval two of a pregap */
int pregap2;
/** The track contains a postgap */
int postgap;
struct isrc isrc;
/* ts A61024 */
/** Byte swapping on source data stream : 0=none , 1=pairwise */
int swap_source_bytes;
struct burn_session
unsigned char firsttrack;
unsigned char lasttrack;
int hidefirst;
unsigned char start_m;
unsigned char start_s;
unsigned char start_f;
struct burn_toc_entry *leadout_entry;
int tracks;
struct burn_track **track;
int refcnt;
struct burn_disc
int sessions;
struct burn_session **session;
int refcnt;
int burn_track_get_shortage(struct burn_track *t);
/* ts A61031 : might go to libburn.h */
int burn_track_is_open_ended(struct burn_track *t);
int burn_track_is_data_done(struct burn_track *t);
/* ts A70125 : sets overall sectors of a track: offset+payload+padding */
int burn_track_set_sectors(struct burn_track *t, int sectors);
/* ts A70218 : sets the payload size alone */
int burn_track_set_size(struct burn_track *t, off_t size);
/* ts A70213 */
int burn_track_set_fillup(struct burn_track *t, int fill_up_media);
int burn_track_apply_fillup(struct burn_track *t, off_t max_size, int flag);
/* ts A70218 */
off_t burn_track_get_default_size(struct burn_track *t);
#endif /* BURN__STRUCTURE_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
/* ts A61008 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "toc.h"
#include "transport.h"
#include "libburn.h"
#include "sector.h"
#include "options.h"
#if 0
static void write_clonecd2(volatile struct toc *toc, int f);
static void write_clonecd2(volatile struct toc *toc, int f)
int i;
/* header */
dprintf(f, "[CloneCD]\r\n");
dprintf(f, "Version=2\r\n");
dprintf(f, "\r\n");
/* disc data */
dprintf(f, "[Disc]\r\n");
dprintf(f, "TocEntries=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entries);
dprintf(f, "Sessions=%d\r\n", toc->sessions);
dprintf(f, "DataTracksScrambled=%d\r\n", toc->datatracksscrambled);
dprintf(f, "CDTextLength=%d\r\n", toc->cdtextlength);
dprintf(f, "\r\n");
/* session data */
for (i = 0; i < toc->sessions; ++i) {
dprintf(f, "[Session %d]\r\n", i + 1);
int m;
switch (toc->session[i].track[0]->mode) {
m = 0;
case BURN_MODE0:
m = 1;
case BURN_MODE1:
/* ts A61008 : do this softly without Assert */
a ssert(0); /* unhandled! find out ccd's
value for these modes! */
dprintf(f, "PreGapMode=%d\r\n", m);
dprintf(f, "\r\n");
for (i = 0; i < toc->toc_entries; ++i) {
dprintf(f, "[Entry %d]\r\n", i);
dprintf(f, "Session=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].session);
dprintf(f, "Point=0x%02x\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].point);
dprintf(f, "ADR=0x%02x\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].adr);
dprintf(f, "Control=0x%02x\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].control);
dprintf(f, "TrackNo=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].tno);
dprintf(f, "AMin=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].min);
dprintf(f, "ASec=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].sec);
dprintf(f, "AFrame=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].frame);
dprintf(f, "ALBA=%d\r\n",
dprintf(f, "Zero=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].zero);
dprintf(f, "PMin=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].pmin);
dprintf(f, "PSec=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].psec);
dprintf(f, "PFrame=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].pframe);
dprintf(f, "PLBA=%d\r\n",
dprintf(f, "\r\n");
void toc_find_modes(struct burn_drive *d)
struct burn_read_opts o;
int lba;
int i, j;
struct buffer mem;
struct burn_toc_entry *e;
/* ts A61008 : to be prevented on the higher levels */
/* a ssert(d->busy); */
mem.bytes = 0;
mem.sectors = 1;
o.raw = 1;
o.c2errors = 0;
o.subcodes_audio = 1;
o.subcodes_data = 1;
o.hardware_error_recovery = 1;
o.report_recovered_errors = 0;
o.transfer_damaged_blocks = 1;
o.hardware_error_retries = 1;
for (i = 0; i < d->disc->sessions; i++)
for (j = 0; j < d->disc->session[i]->tracks; j++) {
struct burn_track *t = d->disc->session[i]->track[j];
e = t->entry;
if (!e)
lba = 0;
lba = burn_msf_to_lba(e->pmin, e->psec,
/* XXX | in the subcodes if appropriate! */
if (e && !(e->control & 4)) {
t->mode = BURN_AUDIO;
} else {
t->mode = BURN_MODE1;
/* ts A70519 : this does not work with Linux 2.4 USB because one cannot
predict the exact dxfer_size without knowing the sector type.
mem.sectors = 1;
d->read_sectors(d, lba, mem.sectors, &o, &mem);
t->mode = sector_identify(mem.data);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __TOC_H
#define __TOC_H
struct command;
#include "libburn.h"
#include "structure.h"
/* return if a given entry refers to a track position */
#define TOC_ENTRY_IS_TRACK(drive, entrynum) \
((drive)->toc_entry[entrynum].point < 100)
/* return if a given entry is in audio or data format */
#define TOC_ENTRY_IS_AUDIO(drive, entrynum) \
(~(drive)->toc_entry[entrynum].control & 4)
/* return the point value for a given entry number */
#define TOC_POINT(drive, entrynum) ((drive)->toc_entry[entrynum].point)
/* return the track struct for a given entry number */
#define TOC_TRACK(drive, entrynum) \
((drive)->track[TOC_POINT(drive, entrynum) - 1])
/* return the lba of a toc entry */
#define TOC_ENTRY_PLBA(drive, entrynum) \
burn_msf_to_lba((drive)->toc_entry[(entrynum)].pmin, \
(drive)->toc_entry[(entrynum)].psec, \
/* flags for the q subchannel control field */
#define TOC_CONTROL_DATA (1 << 2)
/** read a sector from each track on disc to determine modes
@param d The drive.
void toc_find_modes(struct burn_drive *d);
#endif /*__TOC_H*/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef __TRANSPORT
#define __TRANSPORT
#include "libburn.h"
#include "os.h"
#include <pthread.h>
/* sg data structures */
#include <sys/types.h>
/* see os.h for name of particular os-*.h where this is defined */
enum transfer_direction
/* end of sg data structures */
/* generic 'drive' data structures */
struct cue_sheet
int count;
unsigned char *data;
struct params
int speed;
int retries;
struct buffer
/* ts A61219:
Added 4096 bytes reserve against possible buffer overflows.
(Changed in sector.c buffer flush test from >= to > BUFFER_SIZE .
This can at most cause a 1 sector overlap. Sometimes an offset
of 16 byte is applied to the output data (in some RAW mode). ) */
unsigned char data[BUFFER_SIZE + 4096];
int sectors;
int bytes;
struct command
unsigned char opcode[16];
int oplen;
int dir;
int dxfer_len;
unsigned char sense[128];
int error;
int retry;
struct buffer *page;
struct burn_scsi_inquiry_data
char vendor[9];
char product[17];
char revision[5];
int valid;
struct scsi_mode_data
int buffer_size;
int dvdram_read;
int dvdram_write;
int dvdr_read;
int dvdr_write;
int dvdrom_read;
int cdrw_read;
int cdrw_write;
int cdr_read;
int cdr_write;
int simulate;
int max_read_speed;
int max_write_speed;
/* ts A61021 */
int min_write_speed;
/* ts A61225 : Results from ACh GET PERFORMANCE, Type 03h
Speed values go into *_*_speed */
int min_end_lba;
int max_end_lba;
struct burn_speed_descriptor *speed_descriptors;
int cur_read_speed;
int cur_write_speed;
int retry_page_length;
int retry_page_valid;
int write_page_length;
int write_page_valid;
int c2_pointers;
int valid;
int underrun_proof;
/* ts A70112 : represents a single Formattable Capacity Descriptor as of
mmc5r03c.pdf . There can at most be 32 of them. */
struct burn_format_descr {
/* format type: e.g 0x00 is "Full", 0x15 is "Quick" */
int type;
/* the size in bytes derived from Number of Blocks */
off_t size;
/* the Type Dependent Parameter (usually the write alignment size) */
unsigned tdp;
/** Gets initialized in enumerate_common() and burn_drive_register() */
struct burn_drive
int bus_no;
int host;
int id;
int channel;
int lun;
char *devname;
/* ts A70302: mmc5r03c.pdf 5.3.2 Physical Interface Standard */
int phys_if_std; /* 1=SCSI, 2=ATAPI, 3,4,6=FireWire, 7=SATA, 8=USB */
char phys_if_name[80]; /* MMC-5 5.3.2 table 91 , e.g. "SCSI Family" */
/* see os.h for name of particular os-*.h where this is defined */
/* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */
Tells the index in scanned burn_drive_info array.
-1 if fallen victim to burn_drive_info_forget()
int global_index;
pthread_mutex_t access_lock;
enum burn_disc_status status;
int erasable;
/* ts A61201 from 46h GET CONFIGURATION */
int current_profile;
char current_profile_text[80];
int current_is_cd_profile;
int current_is_supported_profile;
/* ts A70128 : MMC-to-MMC feature info from 46h for DVD-RW.
Quite internal. Regard as opaque :)
/* 1 = incremental recording available, 0 = not available */
int current_has_feat21h;
/* Link Size item number 0 from feature 0021h descriptor */
int current_feat21h_link_size;
/* Flags from feature 002Fh feature descriptor mmc5r03c.pdf 5.3.25 :
bit1= DVD-RW supported
bit2= Test Write available
bit3= DVD-R DL supported
bit6= Buffer Under-run Free recording available (page 05h BUFE)
Value -1 indicates that no 002Fh was current in the features list.
int current_feat2fh_byte4;
/* ts A70114 : wether a DVD-RW media holds an incomplete session
(which could need closing after write) */
int needs_close_session;
/* ts A61218 from 51h READ DISC INFORMATION */
int bg_format_status; /* 0=needs format start, 1=needs format restart*/
/* ts A70108 from 23h READ FORMAT CAPACITY mmc5r03c.pdf 6.24 */
int format_descr_type; /* 1=unformatted, 2=formatted, 3=unclear */
off_t format_curr_max_size; /* meaning depends on format_descr_type */
unsigned format_curr_blsas; /* meaning depends on format_descr_type */
int best_format_type;
off_t best_format_size;
/* The complete list of format descriptors as read with 23h */
int num_format_descr;
struct burn_format_descr format_descriptors[32];
volatile int released;
/* ts A61106 */
int silent_on_scsi_error;
int nwa; /* next writeable address */
int alba; /* absolute lba */
int rlba; /* relative lba in section */
int start_lba;
int end_lba;
/* ts A70131 : from 51h READ DISC INFORMATION Number of Sessions (-1)*/
int complete_sessions;
/* ts A70129 :
from 51h READ DISC INFORMATION Last Track Number in Last Session */
int last_track_no;
/* ts A70212 : from various sources : free space on media (in bytes)
With CD this might change after particular write
parameters have been set and nwa has been inquired.
(e.g. by d->send_write_parameters() ; d->get_nwa()).
off_t media_capacity_remaining;
/* ts A70215 : if > 0 : first lba on media that is too high for write*/
int media_lba_limit;
int toc_temp;
struct burn_disc *disc; /* disc structure */
int block_types[4];
struct buffer *buffer;
struct burn_progress progress;
/* ts A70711 : keeping an eye on the drive buffer */
off_t pessimistic_buffer_free;
int pbf_altered;
int wait_for_buffer_free;
int nominal_write_speed;
unsigned wfb_min_usec;
unsigned wfb_max_usec;
unsigned wfb_timeout_sec;
unsigned wfb_min_percent;
unsigned wfb_max_percent;
unsigned pessimistic_writes;
unsigned waited_writes;
unsigned waited_tries;
unsigned waited_usec;
volatile int cancel;
volatile enum burn_drive_status busy;
/* transport functions */
int (*grab) (struct burn_drive *);
int (*release) (struct burn_drive *);
/* ts A61021 */
int (*drive_is_open) (struct burn_drive *);
int (*issue_command) (struct burn_drive *, struct command *);
/* lower level functions */
void (*erase) (struct burn_drive *, int);
void (*getcaps) (struct burn_drive *);
/* ts A61021 */
void (*read_atip) (struct burn_drive *);
int (*write) (struct burn_drive *, int, struct buffer *);
void (*read_toc) (struct burn_drive *);
void (*lock) (struct burn_drive *);
void (*unlock) (struct burn_drive *);
void (*eject) (struct burn_drive *);
void (*load) (struct burn_drive *);
int (*start_unit) (struct burn_drive *);
void (*read_disc_info) (struct burn_drive *);
void (*read_sectors) (struct burn_drive *,
int start,
int len,
const struct burn_read_opts *, struct buffer *);
void (*perform_opc) (struct burn_drive *);
void (*set_speed) (struct burn_drive *, int, int);
void (*send_parameters) (struct burn_drive *,
const struct burn_read_opts *);
void (*send_write_parameters) (struct burn_drive *,
const struct burn_write_opts *);
void (*send_cue_sheet) (struct burn_drive *, struct cue_sheet *);
/* ts A70205 : Announce size of a DVD-R[W] DAO session. */
int (*reserve_track) (struct burn_drive *d, off_t size);
void (*sync_cache) (struct burn_drive *);
int (*get_erase_progress) (struct burn_drive *);
int (*get_nwa) (struct burn_drive *, int trackno, int *lba, int *nwa);
/* ts A70131 : obtain (possibly fake) TOC number and start lba of
first track in last complete session */
int (*read_multi_session_c1)(struct burn_drive *d,
int *trackno, int *start);
/* ts A61009 : removed d in favor of o->drive */
/* void (*close_disc) (struct burn_drive * d,
struct burn_write_opts * o);
void (*close_session) (struct burn_drive * d,
struct burn_write_opts * o);
void (*close_disc) (struct burn_write_opts * o);
void (*close_session) ( struct burn_write_opts * o);
/* ts A61029 */
void (*close_track_session) ( struct burn_drive *d,
int session, int track);
int (*test_unit_ready) (struct burn_drive * d);
void (*probe_write_modes) (struct burn_drive * d);
struct params params;
struct burn_scsi_inquiry_data *idata;
struct scsi_mode_data *mdata;
int toc_entries;
struct burn_toc_entry *toc_entry;
/* ts A61023 : get size and free space of drive buffer */
int (*read_buffer_capacity) (struct burn_drive *d);
/* ts A61220 : format media (e.g. DVD+RW) */
int (*format_unit) (struct burn_drive *d, off_t size, int flag);
/* ts A70108 */
/* mmc5r03c.pdf 6.24 : get list of available formats */
int (*read_format_capacities) (struct burn_drive *d, int top_wanted);
/* end of generic 'drive' data structures */
#endif /* __TRANSPORT */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include <string.h>
/* ts A61008 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../version.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "libburn.h"
char *burn_strdup(char *s)
char *ret;
int l;
/* ts A61008 */
/* a ssert(s); */
if (s == NULL)
return NULL;
l = strlen(s) + 1;
ret = malloc(l);
memcpy(ret, s, l);
return ret;
char *burn_strndup(char *s, int n)
char *ret;
int l;
/* ts A61008 */
/* a ssert(s); */
/* a ssert(n > 0); */
if (s == NULL || n <= 0)
return NULL;
l = strlen(s);
ret = malloc(l < n ? l : n);
memcpy(ret, s, l < n - 1 ? l : n - 1);
ret[n - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
void burn_version(int *major, int *minor, int *micro)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#ifndef __UTIL
#define __UTIL
char *burn_strdup(char *s);
char *burn_strndup(char *s, int n);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */
#ifndef BURN__WRITE_H
#define BURN__WRITE_H
struct cue_sheet;
struct burn_session;
struct burn_write_opts;
struct burn_disc;
struct cue_sheet *burn_create_toc_entries(struct burn_write_opts *o,
struct burn_session *session,
int nwa);
int burn_sector_length(int trackmode);
int burn_subcode_length(int trackmode);
/* ts A61009 */
int burn_disc_write_is_ok(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_disc *disc,
int flag);
void burn_disc_write_sync(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_disc *disc);
int burn_write_leadin(struct burn_write_opts *o,
struct burn_session *s, int first);
int burn_write_leadout(struct burn_write_opts *o,
int first, unsigned char control, int mode);
int burn_write_session(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_session *s);
int burn_write_track(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_session *s,
int tnum);
int burn_write_flush(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_track *track);
/* ts A61030 : necessary for TAO */
int burn_write_close_track(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_session *s,
int tnum);
int burn_write_close_session(struct burn_write_opts *o,struct burn_session *s);
/* mmc5r03c.pdf DVD-R DL: Close Function 010b: Close Session
"When the recording mode is Incremental Recording,
the disc is single session."
Enable this macro to get away from growisofs which uses Close Session
but also states "// DVD-R DL Seq has no notion of multi-session".
#define Libburn_dvd_r_dl_multi_no_close_sessioN 1
#endif /* BURN__WRITE_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
all clean:
$(MAKE) -C .. -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@
.PHONY: all clean

View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
/* dewav
Demo of libburn extension libdax_audioxtr
Audio track data extraction facility of libdax and libburn.
Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, provided under GPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* libdax_audioxtr is quite independent of libburn. It only needs
the messaging facility libdax_msgs. So we got two build variations:
#ifdef Dewav_without_libburN
/* This build environment is standalone relying only on libdax components */
#include "../libburn/libdax_msgs.h"
struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger= NULL;
#else /* Dewav_without_libburN */
/* This build environment uses libdax_msgs via libburn */
/* Thus the API header of libburn */
#include "../libburn/libburn.h"
#endif /* ! Dewav_without_libburN */
/* The API for .wav extraction */
#include "../libburn/libdax_audioxtr.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* This program acts as filter from in_path to out_path */
char *in_path= "", *out_path= "-";
/* The read-and-extract object for use with in_path */
struct libdax_audioxtr *xtr= NULL;
/* The file descriptor eventually detached from xtr */
int xtr_fd= -2;
/* Default output is stdout */
int out_fd= 1;
/* Inquired source parameters */
char *fmt, *fmt_info;
int num_channels, sample_rate, bits_per_sample, msb_first;
off_t data_size;
/* Auxiliary variables */
int ret, i, be_strict= 1, buf_count, detach_fd= 0, extract_all= 0;
char buf[2048];
if(argc < 2)
goto help;
for(i= 1; i<argc; i++) {
if(strcmp(argv[i],"-o")==0) {
if(i>=argc-1) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: option -o needs a file address as argument.\n",
out_path= argv[i];
} else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--lax")==0) {
be_strict= 0;
} else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--strict")==0) {
be_strict= 1;
} else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--detach_fd")==0) {
/* Test the dirty detach method. Always --extract_all */
detach_fd= 1;
} else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--extract_all")==0) {
/* Dirty : read all available bytes regardless of data_size */
extract_all= 1;
} else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) {
"usage: %s [-o output_path|\"-\"] [--lax|--strict] [source_path|\"-\"]\n",
} else {
if(in_path[0]!=0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: only one input file is allowed.\n", argv[0]);
in_path= argv[i];
if(in_path[0] == 0)
in_path= "-";
/* Depending on wether this was built standalone or with full libburn :
#ifdef Dewav_without_libburN
/* Initialize and set up libdax messaging system */
ret= libdax_msgs_new(&libdax_messenger,0);
if(ret<=0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create libdax_messenger object.\n");
libdax_msgs_set_severities(libdax_messenger, LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_NEVER,
fprintf(stderr, "dewav on libdax\n");
#else /* Dewav_without_libburN */
/* Initialize libburn and set up its messaging system */
if(burn_initialize() == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to initialize libburn.\n");
/* Print messages of severity NOTE or more directly to stderr */
burn_msgs_set_severities("NEVER", "NOTE", "");
fprintf(stderr, "dewav on libburn\n");
#endif /* ! Dewav_without_libburN */
/* Open audio source and create extractor object */
ret= libdax_audioxtr_new(&xtr, in_path, 0);
if(strcmp(out_path,"-")!=0) {
out_fd= open(out_path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
if(out_fd == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file: %s\n", out_path);
fprintf(stderr, "Error reported: '%s' (%d)\n",strerror(errno), errno);
/* Obtain and print parameters of audio source */
libdax_audioxtr_get_id(xtr, &fmt, &fmt_info,
&num_channels, &sample_rate, &bits_per_sample, &msb_first, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "Detected format: %s\n", fmt_info);
libdax_audioxtr_get_size(xtr, &data_size, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "Data size : %.f bytes\n", (double) data_size);
if((strcmp(fmt,".wav")!=0 && strcmp(fmt,".au")!=0) ||
num_channels!=2 || sample_rate!=44100 || bits_per_sample!=16) {
"%sAudio source parameters do not comply to cdrskin/README specs\n",
(be_strict ? "" : "WARNING: "));
"NOTE: Extracted data to be written with cdrskin option -swab\n");
if(detach_fd) {
/* Take over fd from xtr */;
ret= libdax_audioxtr_detach_fd(xtr, &xtr_fd, 0);
if(ret<=0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot detach file descriptor from extractor\n");
/* not needed any more */
libdax_audioxtr_destroy(&xtr, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "Note: detached fd and freed extractor object.\n");
/* Extract and put out raw audio data */;
while(1) {
if(detach_fd) {
buf_count= read(xtr_fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
fprintf(stderr,"Error while reading from detached fd\n(%d) '%s'\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
} else {
buf_count= libdax_audioxtr_read(xtr, buf, sizeof(buf), !!extract_all);
if(buf_count < 0)
if(buf_count == 0)
ret= write(out_fd, buf, buf_count);
if(ret == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write buffer of %d bytes to: %s\n",
buf_count, out_path);
fprintf(stderr, "Error reported: '%s' (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
/* Shutdown */
/* ( It is permissible to do this with xtr==NULL ) */
libdax_audioxtr_destroy(&xtr, 0);
#ifdef Dewav_without_libburN
#else /* Dewav_without_libburN */
#endif /* ! Dewav_without_libburN */

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More