Improved xorriso-tcltk file browser
This commit is contained in:
@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ proc browse_tree_accept_sel {adr_var_name do_return tr} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select a single tree item clicking the \"Accept\" button."
return ""
browse_tree_accept "$adr_var_name" 1 "$tr" "$selected"
browse_tree_accept "$adr_var_name" "$do_return" "$tr" "$selected"
@ -2499,6 +2499,9 @@ proc browse_tree {adr_var which_fs} {
button $w.accept -text "Accept" -width "$button_width" \
-command "browse_tree_accept_sel $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
bind_help $w.accept "Accept (browse tree)"
button $w.to_field -text "To field" -width "$button_width" \
-command "browse_tree_accept_sel $adr_var 0 $w.tree"
bind_help $w.to_field "To field (browse tree)"
button $w.up -text "Up" -width "$button_width" \
-command "browse_tree_up $adr_var $w.tree $which_fs"
bind_help $w.up "Up (browse tree)"
@ -2512,7 +2515,7 @@ proc browse_tree {adr_var which_fs} {
-command "$destroy_cmd $w" \
-background "$button_color"
bind_help $w.close "Close (browse tree)"
pack $w.accept $w.up $w.down $ $w.close \
pack $w.accept $w.to_field $w.up $w.down $ $w.close \
-in $w.button_line -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack $w.tree_frame $w.button_line -side top
@ -3028,7 +3031,7 @@ proc init_cmd_errmsg {} {
frame .cmd_errmsg -borderwidth "$borderwidth"
label .cmd_errmsg_label -width 14 -text "Recent problem:"
label .cmd_errmsg_label -width 14 -text "Recent problem:" -anchor w
bind_help .cmd_errmsg_label "Recent problem:"
label .cmd_errmsg_msg -width 80 -relief ridge -bd 2 \
-anchor w \
@ -3049,7 +3052,7 @@ proc init_total_errmsg {} {
frame .total_errmsg -borderwidth "$borderwidth"
label .total_errmsg_label -text "Worst problem:" -width 14
label .total_errmsg_label -text "Worst problem:" -width 14 -anchor w
bind_help .total_errmsg_label "Worst problem:"
button .total_errmsg_clear -text "Clear" \
-width 5 \
@ -4092,7 +4095,7 @@ performing other actions."
"The \"Up\" button in the file browser brings you to the parent directory
of the currently selected file tree item.
The parent directory will be opened.
The parent directory will be opened and become the selected item.
All opened directory trees underneath the parent will be closed."
if {"$what" == "Down (browse tree)"} {
@ -4106,8 +4109,17 @@ It has the same effect as clicking the \"+\" node of the selected item."
return \
"The \"Accept\" button in the file browser brings the single selected item
from the file browser tree into effect with the associated text field.
I.e. it hits the Return key of the field.
It works as if the item had been double clicked."
if {"$what" == "To field (browse tree)"} {
return \
"The \"To field\" button in the file browser brings the single selected item
from the file browser tree into the associated text field. It does not hit
the Return key of the field.
It works as if the switch \"File browser text field\" was enabled."
if {"$what" == "Browse disk (extract)"} {
return \
@ -4412,10 +4424,24 @@ Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Double click on an item to bring it into effect with the associated
text field. I.e. double clicking also hits the Return key in that field.
The \"Accept\" button does the same with the selected item.
The \"To field\" button brings the selected item into the text field
without hitting the Return key. So you may edit the name before hitting
Return yourself.
The \"Up\" button brings you to the parent directory of the selected item.
The \"Down\" button works like clicking the \"+\" node of the selected item.
The \"Help\" button displays this help text window.
The \"Close\" button closes the browser window.
If the \"File browser text field\" switch is enabled then a single click
or a cursor movement by the arrow keys brings the selected item into
the associated text field, but does not hit the Return key. So you may
edit the name before hitting Return yourself."
the associated text field, but does not hit the Return key.
@ -1 +1 @@
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2012.12.30.195312"
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2012.12.30.203203"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user