diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/000_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE b/branches/0.2.2/000_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8756c93d --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/000_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Note: this is a libburn-0.2.2 release candidate + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/AUTHORS b/branches/0.2.2/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f76e72c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +Developers: + +Mario Danic +Thomas Schmitt diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/COPYING b/branches/0.2.2/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a965fbc --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,280 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/COPYRIGHT b/branches/0.2.2/COPYRIGHT new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6b57b3c --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/COPYRIGHT @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens +Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens +Mario Danic , Thomas Schmitt +Copyright (C) 2006 Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt + + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/Makefile.am b/branches/0.2.2/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b815275 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig +libincludedir=$(includedir)/libburn + +lib_LTLIBRARIES = libburn/libburn.la libisofs/libisofs.la + +## ========================================================================= ## + +# Build libraries +libburn_libburn_la_LDFLAGS = \ + -version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE) +libburn_libburn_la_SOURCES = \ + libburn/async.c \ + libburn/async.h \ + libburn/back_hacks.h \ + libburn/crc.c \ + libburn/crc.h \ + libburn/debug.c \ + libburn/debug.h \ + libburn/drive.c \ + libburn/drive.h \ + libburn/error.h \ + libburn/file.c \ + libburn/file.h \ + libburn/init.c \ + libburn/init.h \ + libburn/lec.c \ + libburn/lec.h \ + libburn/libburn.h \ + libburn/message.c \ + libburn/message.h \ + libburn/mmc.c \ + libburn/mmc.h \ + libburn/null.c \ + libburn/null.h \ + libburn/options.c \ + libburn/options.h \ + libburn/read.c \ + libburn/read.h \ + libburn/sbc.c \ + libburn/sbc.h \ + libburn/sector.c \ + libburn/sector.h \ + libburn/sg.c \ + libburn/sg.h \ + libburn/source.h \ + libburn/source.c \ + libburn/spc.c \ + libburn/spc.h \ + libburn/structure.c \ + libburn/structure.h \ + libburn/toc.c \ + libburn/toc.h \ + libburn/transport.h \ + libburn/util.c \ + libburn/util.h \ + libburn/write.c \ + libburn/write.h \ + version.h + +libisofs_libisofs_la_LDFLAGS = \ + -version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE) +libisofs_libisofs_la_SOURCES = \ + libisofs/tree.h \ + libisofs/tree.c \ + libisofs/volume.h \ + libisofs/volume.c \ + libisofs/util.h \ + libisofs/util.c \ + libisofs/ecma119.c \ + libisofs/ecma119.h \ + libisofs/ecma119_tree.c \ + libisofs/ecma119_tree.h \ + libisofs/susp.h \ + libisofs/susp.c \ + libisofs/rockridge.h \ + libisofs/rockridge.c \ + libisofs/joliet.c \ + libisofs/joliet.h \ + libisofs/exclude.c \ + libisofs/exclude.h \ + libisofs/hash.h \ + libisofs/hash.c + +libinclude_HEADERS = \ + libburn/libburn.h \ + libisofs/libisofs.h + +## ========================================================================= ## + +## Build test applications +noinst_PROGRAMS = \ + test/libburner \ + test/burn \ + test/iso \ + test/master \ + test/poll \ + test/rip \ + test/toc \ + test/structest + +bin_PROGRAMS = \ + cdrskin/cdrskin + +test_libburner_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +test_libburner_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_libburner_SOURCES = test/libburner.c +test_poll_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +test_poll_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_poll_SOURCES = test/poll.c +test_toc_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +test_toc_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_toc_SOURCES = test/toc.c +test_rip_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +test_rip_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_rip_SOURCES = test/rip.c +test_burn_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +test_burn_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_burn_SOURCES = test/burn.c +test_master_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +test_master_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_master_SOURCES = test/master.c +test_structest_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +test_structest_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_structest_SOURCES = test/structest.c +test_iso_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibisofs +test_iso_LDADD = $(libisofs_libisofs_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +test_iso_SOURCES = test/iso.c + +## cdrskin construction site - ts A60816 +cdrskin_cdrskin_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibburn +cdrskin_cdrskin_CFLAGS = -DCdrskin_libburn_0_2_2 +cdrskin_cdrskin_LDADD = $(libburn_libburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) +cdrskin_cdrskin_SOURCES = cdrskin/cdrskin.c cdrskin/cdrfifo.c cdrskin/cdrfifo.h cdrskin/cleanup.c cdrskin/cleanup.h cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h +## +## Open questions: how to compute $timestamp and express -DX="$timestamp" +## + + + +## ========================================================================= ## + +## Build documentation (You need Doxygen for this to work) +webhost = http://libburn-api.pykix.org +webpath = / +docdir = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) + +doc: doc/html + +doc/html: doc/doxygen.conf + if [ -f ./doc/doc.lock ]; then \ + $(RM) -r doc/html; \ + doxygen doc/doxygen.conf; \ + fi + +doc-upload: doc/html + scp -r $ and Thomas Schmitt +Copyright (C) 2006 Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt + +Still containing parts of +Libburn. By Derek Foreman and + Ben Jansens +Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens +These parts are to be replaced by own code of above libburn.pykix.org-copyright +holders and then libburn.pykix.org is to be their sole copyright. +This is done to achieve the right to issue the clarification and the +commitment as written at the end of this text. +The rights and merits of the Libburn-copyright holders Derek Foreman and +Ben Jansens will be duely respected. + +This libburn.pykix.org toplevel README (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + Build and Installation + +Our build system is based on autotools. +User experience tells us that you will need at least autotools version 1.7. + +To build libburn.pykix.org and its subprojects it should be sufficient to go +into its toplevel directory and execute + ./bootstrap (needed if you downloaded from SVN and not a release tarball) + ./configure + make + +To make the libraries accessible for running resp. developing applications + make install + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + Overview of libburn.pykix.org + +libburn.pykix.org is an open-source library for reading, mastering and writing +optical discs. For now this means only CD-R and CD-RW. + +The project comprises of several more or less interdependent parts which +together strive to be a usable foundation for application development. +These are libraries, language bindings, and middleware binaries which emulate +classical (and valuable) Linux tools. + +Our scope is currently Linux 2.4 and 2.6 and we will have a hard time to widen +this for now, because of our history. The project could need advise from or +membership of skilled kernel people and people who know how to talk CD/DVD +drives into doing things. + +We do have a workable code base for burning data CDs, though. The burn API is +quite comprehensively documented and can be used to build a presentable +application. +We do have a functional binary which emulates parts of cdrecord in order to +prove that usability, and in order to allow you to explore libburn's scope +by help of existing cdrecord frontends. + +The project components (list subject to growth, hopefully): + +- libburn is the library by which preformatted data get onto optical media. + It uses either /dev/sgN (e.g. on kernel 2.4 with ide-scsi) or + /dev/hdX (e.g. on kernel 2.6). + libburn is the foundation of our cdrecord emulation. + +- libisofs is the library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a + ISO 9660 disk image. This may then be brought to CD via libburn. + libisofs is to be the foundation of our upcoming mkisofs emulation. + +- cdrskin is a limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn. + Cdrecord is a powerful GPL'ed burn program included in Joerg + Schilling's cdrtools. cdrskin strives to be a second source for + the services traditionally provided by cdrecord. + cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources. + Many bytes have been copied from the message output of cdrecord + runs, though. + See cdrskin/README for more. + +- test is a collection of application gestures and examples given by the + authors of the library features. The main API example for libburn + is test/libburner.c . + Explore these examples if you look for inspiration. + +We plan to be a responsive upstream. Bear with us. We are still practicing. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Project history as far as known to me: + +- Founded in 2002 as it seems. See mailing list archives + http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libburn/ + The site of this founder team is reachable and offers download of a + (somewhat outdated) tarball and from CVS : + http://icculus.org/burn/ + Copyright holders and most probably founders: + Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens. + +- I came to using libburn in 2005. Founded the cdrskin project and submitted + necessary patches which were accepted or implemented better. Except one + remaining patch which prevented cdrskin from using vanilla libburn from CVS. + The cdrskin project site is reachable and offers download of the heavily + patched (elsewise outdated) tarball under the name cdrskin-0.1.2 : + http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_eng.html + It has meanwhile moved to use vanilla libburn.pykix.org , though. + Version 0.1.4 constitutes the first release of this kind. + +- In Juli 2006 our team mate Mario Danic announced a revival of libburn + which by about nearly everybody else was perceived as unfriendly fork. + Derek Foreman four days later posted a message which expressed his + discontent. + The situation first caused me to publically regret it and then - after i + got the opportunity to move in with cdrskin - gave me true reason to + personally apologize to Derek Foreman, Ben Jansens and the contibutors at + icculus.org/burn. Posted to both projects: + http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libburn/2006-August/000446.html + http://mailman-mail1.webfaction.com/pipermail/libburn-hackers/2006-August/000024.html + +- Mid August 2006 project cdrskin established a branch office in + libburn.pykix.org so that all maintainers of our tools have one single place + to get the current (at least slightely) usable coordinated versions of + everything. + Project cdrskin will live forth independendly for a while but it is committed + to stay in sync with libburn.pykix.org (or some successor, if ever). + cdrskin is also committed to support icculus.org/burn if the pending fork + is made reality by content changes in that project. It will cease to maintain + a patched version of icculus.org/burn though. Precondition for a new + release of cdrskin on base of icculus.org/burn would be the pending + "whitelist patch" therefore. + I would rather prefer if both projects find consense and merge, or at least + cooperate. I have not given up hope totally, yet. + I, personally, will honor any approach. + +- 2nd September 2006 the decision is made to strive for a consolidation of + copyright and a commitment to GPL in a reasonable and open minded way. + This is to avoid long term problems with code of unknown origin and + with finding consense among the not so clearly defined group of copyright + claimers and -holders. + libisofs is already claimed sole copyright Mario Danic. + cdrskin and libburner are already claimed sole copyright Thomas Schmitt. + Rewrites of other components will follow and concluded by claiming full + copyright within the group of libburn.pykix.org-copyright holders. + +- 16th September 2006 feature freeze for release of libburn-0.2.2 . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Clarification in my name and in the name of Mario Danic, upcoming copyright +holders on toplevel of libburn. To be fully in effect after the remaining other +copyrighted code has been replaced by ours and by copyright-free contributions +of our friends: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +We, the copyright holders, agree on the interpretation that +dynamical linking of our libraries constitutes "use of" and +not "derivation from" our work in the sense of GPL, provided +those libraries are compiled from our unaltered code. + +Thus you may link our libraries dynamically with applications +which are not under GPL. You may distribute our libraries and +application tools in binary form, if you fulfill the usual +condition of GPL to offer a copy of the source code -altered +or unaltered- under GPL. + +We ask you politely to use our work in open source spirit +and with the due reference to the entire open source community. + +If there should really arise the case where above clarification +does not suffice to fulfill a clear and neat request in open source +spirit that would otherwise be declined for mere formal reasons, +only in that case we will duely consider to issue a special license +covering only that special case. +It is the open source idea of responsible freedom which will be +decisive and you will have to prove that you exhausted all own +means to qualify for GPL. + +For now we are firmly committed to maintain one single license: GPL. + +signed: Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/acinclude.m4 b/branches/0.2.2/acinclude.m4 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..985cf386 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/acinclude.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +dnl Function to link an architecture specific file +dnl LINK_ARCH_SRC(source_dir, arch, source_file) +AC_DEFUN([COPY_ARCH_SRC], +[ + echo "copying $1/$2/$3 -> $1/$3" + old="$srcdir/$1/$2/$3" + new="$srcdir/$1/$3" + cat >$new <<__EOF__ +/* WARNING: This file was automatically generated! + * Original: $old + */ +__EOF__ + cat >>$new <$old +]) + +AC_DEFUN([TARGET_SHIZZLE], +[ + ARCH="" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([target operating system]) + + case $target in + *-*-linux*) + ARCH=linux + ;; + *) + AC_ERROR([You are attempting to compile for an unsupported platform]) + ;; + esac + + AC_MSG_RESULT([$ARCH]) + + # this doesn't actually do anything yet.. but it will someday when we port + # libburn + + #COPY_ARCH_SRC(libburn, $ARCH, transport.c) +]) diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/bootstrap b/branches/0.2.2/bootstrap new file mode 100755 index 00000000..ad2bf022 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/bootstrap @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/bin/sh -x + +aclocal +libtoolize --copy --force +autoconf +automake --foreign --add-missing --copy --include-deps diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/README b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbe952c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/README @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + libburn.pykix.org scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_eng.html +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Installation instructions at about line 60. First the legal stuff: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +This all is under GPL. +(See GPL reference, our clarification and commitment at the end of this text) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Based on and sub project of: +libburn.pykix.org +By Mario Danic and Thomas Schmitt +Copyright (C) 2006 Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt + +libburn.pykix.org is inspired by and in other components still containing +parts of +Libburn. By Derek Foreman and + Ben Jansens +Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens +See toplevel README for an overview of the current copyright situation in +libburn.pykix.org. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +My thanks to the above authors (except myself, of course) for making the +following possible. + +cdrskin. By Thomas Schmitt +Integrated sub project of libburn.pykix.org but also published via: +http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_eng.html +http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin-0.2.2.tar.gz +Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +On top of libburn there is implemented cdrskin 0.2.2, a limited cdrecord +compatibility wrapper which allows to use some libburn features from +the command line. +Interested users of cdrecord are invited to participate in the development +of cdrskin. Contact: scdbackup@gmx.net or libburn-hackers@pykix.org . +We will keep copyright narrow but will of course acknowledge valuable +contributions in a due way. + + +Important : +This software is provided as is. There is no warranty implied and no +protection against possible damages. You use this on your own risk. +Don't blame me or other authors of libburn if anything goes wrong. + +I used it on my own risk with : +SuSE 7.2, kernel 2.4.4, ide-scsi emulation, LITE-ON LTR48125S CD burner +SuSE 9.0, kernel 2.4.21, ide-scsi emulation, LG GSA-4082B CD/DVD burner +RIP-14.4, kernel 2.6.14, no ide-scsi, with both above burners + +It fails to compile or run on SuSE 6.4 (kernel 2.2.14). +It does not find the IDE CD burner on SuSE 7.2 without ide-scsi. +Other people sucessfully tested cdrskin on several kernel 2.6 based x86 Linux +systems, including 64 bit systems. (Further reports are welcome.) + + + Compilation, First Glimpse, Installation + +Obtain cdrskin-0.2.2.tar.gz , take it to a directory of your choice and do: + + tar xzf cdrskin-0.2.2.tar.gz + cd cdrskin-0.2.2 + +Or obtain a libburn.pykix.org SVN snapshot, +go into the toplevel directory of the snapshot (e.g. cd libburn_pykix ), +and execute the autotools script ./bootstrap . Use autools version >= 1.7 . + +Within that toplevel directory of either cdrskin-0.2.2 or libburn then execute: + + ./configure + make + +(Note: there are next-level directories "libburn" and "cdrskin". Those +would be the wrong ones. Meant is the highest directory of tarball resp. +SVN download. Among others containing files "AUTHORS", "configure", +"Makefile.am", as well as directories "libburn" and "cdrskin".) + +This will already produce a cdrskin binary. But it might be necessary to +install libburn in order to use this binary. Installation of libburn is +beyond the scope of cdrskin. For this, see included libburn docs. + +In order to surely get a standalone binary, execute + + cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh + +Version identification an help texts available afterwards: + cdrskin/cdrskin -version + cdrskin/cdrskin --help + cdrskin/cdrskin -help + +Install (eventually as superuser) cdrskin to a directory where it can be found: +If cdrskin was already installed by a previous version, or by "make install" +in the course of this installation, then find out where: + which cdrskin +Copy your standalone binary to exactly the address which you get as reply + + cp cdrskin/cdrskin /usr/bin/cdrskin + +Check the version timestamps of the globally installed binary + cdrskin -version + +It is not necessary for the standalone cdrskin binary to have libburn +installed, since it incorporates the necessary libburn parts at compile time. +It will not collide with an installed version of libburn either. +But libpthread must be installed on the system and glibc has to match. (See +below for a way to create a statically linked binary.) + + + Usage + +The user of cdrskin needs rw-permission for the CD burner device. +A list of rw-accessible drives can be obtained by + + cdrskin --devices + +CD devices which offer no rw-permission are invisible to normal users. +The superuser should be able to see any usable drive and then set the +permissions as needed. If this hangs then there is a drive with +unexpected problems (locked, busy, broken, whatever). You might have to +guess the address of your (non-broken) burner by other means, then. +On Linux 2.4 this would be some /dev/sgN and on 2.6. some /dev/hdX. + +The output of cdrskin --devices might look like + + 0 dev='/dev/sg0' rwrwr- : 'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S' + 1 dev='/dev/sg1' rwrw-- : 'LITE-ON' 'LTR-48125S' + +So full and insecure enabling of both for everybody would look like + + chmod a+rw /dev/sg0 /dev/sg1 + +(The CD-ROM is in these examples only for demonstrating the presence of another + SCSI device. This /dev/sg0 may be left as it is and stay invisible for normal + users.) + +I strongly discourage to run cdrskin with setuid root or via sudo ! +It is not checked for the necessary degree of hacker safety. + + + Usage examples + +Get an overview of cdrecord style addresses of available devices + cdrskin -scanbus + +Obtain some info about the drive + cdrskin dev=1,1,0 -checkdrive + +Obtain some info about the drive and the inserted media + cdrskin dev=1,1,0 -atip + +Thoroughly blank a CD-RW + cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 blank=all -eject + +Blank CD-RW sufficiently for making it ready for overwrite + cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 blank=fast -eject + +Burn image file my_image.iso to CD + cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 speed=12 fs=8m -sao driveropts=burnfree padsize=300k \ + -eject my_image.iso + +Burn a compressed afio archive to CD on-the-fly + find . | afio -oZ - | cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 fs=32m speed=8 -sao \ + driveropts=burnfree padsize=300k tsize=650m - + +Burn 5 audio tracks to CD + ogg123 -d raw -f track01.cd /path/to/track1.ogg + oggdec -R -o track02.cd /path/to/track2.ogg + lame --decode -t /path/to/track3.mp3 track03.cd + madplay -o raw:track04.cd /path/to/track4.mp3 + mppdec --raw-le /path/to/track5.mpc track05.cd + cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc blank=fast fs=0 -eject -audio track0[1-5].cd + + + + Usage example with http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net + +Address may be a cdrecord-style "scsibus,target,lun" as listed with +cdrskin -scanbus (but not as listed with cdrecord -scanbus) : + + export SCDBACKUP_SCSI_ADR="1,1,0" + +or a device file address as listed by --devices with an accessible drive : + + export SCDBACKUP_SCSI_ADR="/dev/sg1" + +Set usage of cdrskin with appropriate options rather than cdrecord : + + export SCDBACKUP_CDRECORD="cdrskin -v -v tao_to_sao_tsize=650m" + +Run a backup : + + scdbackup_home + + + Restrictions + +The convenient burn mode TAO is not available with libburn yet. +Therefore it has to be defaulted to mode SAO which needs to know the track +size in advance. non-cdrecord option tao_to_sao_tsize=650m causes each CD +to get burned up to 650 MB regardless of the payload size. + +Audio features are incomplete in respect to cdrecord. Well prepaired track +files should get burned flawlessly, thanks to Lorenzo Taylor. +Builtin extraction of raw audio data from filetypes .au and .wav is not +implemented yet. See chapter "Audio CD" for details. + +No multi session yet ... Please report your wishes. + + + Inspiration and Standard + +For the original meaning of cdrecord options see : + man cdrecord + (http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/man/cdrecord-2.0.html) +Do not bother Joerg Schilling with any cdrskin problems. +(Be cursed if you install cdrskin as "cdrecord" without clearly forwarding + this "don't bother Joerg" demand.) +cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources. Many bytes +have been copied from the message output of cdrecord runs, though. I am +thankful to Joerg Schilling for every single one of them. + +Actually i, Thomas Schmitt, am a devoted user of cdrecord via my project +scdbackup which still runs a bit better with cdrecord than with cdrskin. TAO. +I have the hope that Joerg feels more flattered than annoyed by cdrskin. + + + Pseudo-SCSI Adresses + +cdrecord and cdrskin share only some syntax of addresses but not the meaning +of the components. A cdrecord-style address for cdrskin + [[prefix:]scsibus,]target,lun +corresponds either to a device file address or to a libburn drive number. +Component "scsibus" indicates the translation method. Defined busses are: + 0 target is the libburn drivenumber as listed with --devices + 1 associated to device file /dev/sgN , target chooses N + 2 associated to device file /dev/hdX , target 0='a', 1='b' ..., 25='z' + +So "1,1,0" is /dev/sg1, "2,3,0" is /dev/hdd, "0,2,0" is libburn drive #2 at +some unspecified device file. +This scheme shall help to keep cdrecord-style addresses stable and exchangeable +between users without excluding drives with unexpected device addresses. +The numbering on bus 0 is prone to arbitrary changes caused by changes in +drive accessability. +Further busses may emerge as libburn evolves. "prefix" and "lun" may get +a meaning. To stay upward compatible, use addresses as printed by -scanbus. + +Some programs or users have their own ideas about the address of their burner. +K3b 0.10 for example derives cdrecord addresses by own examination of the +devices and not by calling cdrecord -scanbus. +To direct such callers to the appropriate drives, cdrskin allows to define +device address aliases. Like + cdrskin dev_translation=+1,0,0+/dev/sg1 \ + dev_translation=+ATA:1,0,0+/dev/sg1 \ + dev_translation=-"cd+dvd"-1,1,0 \ + ... +Any of the addresses dev=1,0,0, dev=ATA:1,0,0, dev=cd+dvd will be mapped to +/dev/sg1 resp. to its standard alias 1,1,0. +The first character after "dev_translation=" defines the character which +separates the two parts of the translation pair. (Above: "+" and "-".) + +In K3b 0.10 it is possible to employ alternative writer programs by setting +their full path (e.g. /usr/bin/cdrskin) in menu + Settings:Configure K3b...:Programs:Search Path +and to make them default in menu + Settings:Configure K3b...:Programs:Programs: +A suitable setting for "cdrecord" in menu + Settings:Configure K3b...:Programs:User Parameters +would then probably be + -v dev_translation=+1,0,0+/dev/sg1 +You will learn from button "Show Debugging Output" after a failed burn run +what cdrecord command was used with what address "dev=...". This address "..." +will be the right one to replace "1,0,0" in above example. + + + Startup Files + +If not --no_rc is the first argument then cdrskin attempts on startup to read +arguments from the following three files: + /etc/defaults/cdrskin + /etc/opt/cdrskin/rc + $HOME/.cdrskinrc +The files are read in the sequence given above. +Each readable line is treated as one single argument. No extra blanks, +no comments, no empty lines are permitted. + +Example content of a startup file: +dev=1,1,0 +dev_translation=+1,0,0+1,1,0 +--fifo_start_empty +fs=16m + + + Audio CD + +Builtin extraction of raw audio data from filetypes .au and .wav is not +implemented yet. Lorenzo Taylor enabled option -audio in cdrskin (thanks !) +and reports neat results with audio data files which are : + headerless + 44100Hz + 16bit, stereo (or 4-channel if the 4-channel bit is set), + little-endian byte order +He proposes to extract them from usual audio formats by commands like +given above under "Usage examples". + +The existence of cdrecord-builtin .wav extraction seems to have +hampered the development of a standalone stripping tool. If you know +a command line that would do the trick, contact me or libburn.pykix.org . +I myself am not into audio. So libburn-hackers@pykix.org might be the +best address for suggestions, requests and bug reports. + + + Special compilation variations + +You may get a (super fat) statically linked binary by : + cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh -static +if your system supports static linking, at all. This will not help with kernels +which do not properly support the necessary low-level interfaces chosen by +your compile-time libraries. + +A size reduced but fully functional binary may be produced by + cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh -do_strip + +An extra lean binary with reduced capabilities is created by + cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh -do_diet -do_strip +It will not read startup files, will abort on option dev_translation= , +will not have a fifo buffer, and will not be able to put out help texts or +debugging messages. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +cdrskin is currently copyright Thomas Schmitt only. +It adopts the following commitment by the toplevel copyright holders: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +We, the copyright holders, agree on the interpretation that +dynamical linking of our libraries constitutes "use of" and +not "derivation from" our work in the sense of GPL, provided +those libraries are compiled from our unaltered code. + +Thus you may link our libraries dynamically with applications +which are not under GPL. You may distribute our libraries and +application tools in binary form, if you fulfill the usual +condition of GPL to offer a copy of the source code -altered +or unaltered- under GPL. + +We ask you politely to use our work in open source spirit +and with the due reference to the entire open source community. + +If there should really arise the case where above clarification +does not suffice to fulfill a clear and neat request in open source +spirit that would otherwise be declined for mere formal reasons, +only in that case we will duely consider to issue a special license +covering only that special case. +It is the open source idea of responsible freedom which will be +decisive and you will have to prove that you exhausted all own +means to qualify for GPL. + +For now we are firmly committed to maintain one single license: GPL. + +signed for cdrskin: Thomas Schmitt diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_2_1 b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_2_1 new file mode 100755 index 00000000..7d525774 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_2_1 @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -x + +# This script documents how this cdrskin version was derived from +# a vanilla libburn version. It is not intended nor needed for any +# use of cdrskin but included here only to show the technical +# relationship between both projects - which are close friends +# and issue roughly the same software. +# +# Package maintainers are advised to cover rather libburn than +# cdrskin unless they put only emphasis on the cdrecord emulation +# provided by cdrskin. libburn contains cdrskin - cdrskin is an +# oscillating, friendly and coordinated fork of libburn. +# +# Script results are a source tarball and two binaries +# one dynamic and one static in respect to system libs. +# Both binaries are static in respect to libburn. +# +# The script is to be run in the directory above the toplevel +# directory of libburn resp. cdrskin development. +# +# libburn version used: http://libburn.pykix.org SVN of Aug 15 2006 +# packed up in a tarball just to save it from inadverted changes. +# original="./libburn_svn_A60815.tgz" +original="./libburn_cdrskin_A60819.tgz" + +# The top level directory in that snapshot is named +intermediate="./libburn_pykix" + +# My changes are in libburn-0.2.1.ts.develop , mainly in ./cdrskin + +changes="./libburn-0.2.1.ts.develop" +skin_rev="0.1.5" + +# The result directory and the name of the result tarballs +target="./cdrskin-${skin_rev}" +cdrskin_tarball="./cdrskin-${skin_rev}.tar.gz" +cdrskin_tarball_svn="./cdrskin-${skin_rev}.svn.tar.gz" + +# (This once earned me an embarrassingly blooping source tarball) +# compile_dir="$changes" + +compile_dir="$target" +compile_cmd="./cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh" +compile_static_opts="-static" +compile_result="cdrskin/cdrskin" + + +# addresses relative to compile_dir : +bintarget_dynamic="../cdrskin_${skin_rev}-x86-suse9_0" +bintarget_static="$bintarget_dynamic"-static + +if test -d "$changes" +then + dummy=dummy +else + echo "$0 : FATAL : no directory $changes" >&2 + exit 1 +fi + +for i in "$target" "$intermediate" +do + if test -e "$i" + then + echo "$0 : FATAL : already existing $i" >&2 + exit 2 + fi +done + +if test -f "$original" +then + dummy=dummy +else + echo "$0 : FATAL : no file $original" >&2 + exit 3 +fi + + +# Unpack SVN snapshot. +tar xzf "$original" + + +# Rename the directory to the cdrskin name +mv "$intermediate" "$target" + + +# Copy the changes from the development tree +# +cdrskin_dir="$changes"/cdrskin +libburn_dir="$changes"/libburn +cdrskin_target="$target"/cdrskin +libburn_target="$target"/libburn + +# Create version timestamp +timestamp="$(date -u '+%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S')" +echo "$timestamp" +echo '#define Cdrskin_timestamP "'"$timestamp"'"' >"$cdrskin_dir"/cdrskin_timestamp.h + +# Add the cdrskin files +if test -e "$cdrskin_target" +then + rm -rf "$cdrskin_target" +fi +cp -a "$cdrskin_dir" "$cdrskin_target" + +# Remove copied binaries +rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrfifo +rm "$cdrskin_target"/cdrskin +rm "$cdrskin_target"/cleanup + +# Remove unwanted SVN stuff (TODO: avoid downloading it) +for i in "$target"/.svn "$target"/*/.svn +do + if test "$i" = "$target"'/*/.svn' + then + dummy=dummy + else + if test -e "$i" + then + rm -rf "$i" + fi + fi +done + +# For now: Add own libburn-README in toplevel +cp -a "$changes"/README "$target" + +# Add modified Makefile.am +cp -a "$changes"/Makefile.am "$target" + + +# Make SVN state tarball for the libburn team +# TODO: will probably be obsoleted after sucessful merge +tar czf "$cdrskin_tarball_svn" "$target" + + +# Get over dependecy on autotools. Rely only on cc, make et. al. +# This is not the same as "make dist" but i can do it without +# having to evaluate the quality of said "make dist" +# +( cd "$target" ; ./bootstrap ) + + +# Pack it up to the new libburn+cdrskin-tarball +tar czf "$cdrskin_tarball" "$target" + +# Produce a static and a dynamic binary +( + cd "$compile_dir" || exit 1 + ./configure + make + $compile_cmd -do_strip + cp "$compile_result" "$bintarget_dynamic" + if test -n "$compile_static_opts" + then + $compile_cmd $compile_static_opts -do_strip + cp "$compile_result" "$bintarget_static" + fi +) + +# Disable this for debugging the merge process +rm -rf "$target" + + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrecord_spy.sh b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrecord_spy.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..54d7c344 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrecord_spy.sh @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# Spying on the call to cdrecord. +# +# Move $(which cdrecord) to $(dirname $(which cdrecord))/real_cdrecord . +# Install this sript instead. (Do not forget to revoke this after the test.) +# + +# The report target is set in variable rt. +# The default is this file : +rt=/tmp/cdrecord_spy_log + +# To use a bystanding xterm as target i find out the pty address by +# executing in that terminal +# sleep 12345 +# and then running in another terminal +# ps -ef | grep 'sleep 12345' +# which answers something like +# thomas 21303 30518 0 14:02 pts/23 00:00:00 sleep 12345 +# thomas 21421 30523 0 14:02 pts/24 00:00:00 grep sleep 12345 +# from which i learn that pts/23 is sleeping 12345. Now sleep can be aborted. +# +# rt=/dev/pts/23 + +echo '------------------------------------- cdrecord_spy 0.1.0 -------' >>"$rt" +date >>"$rt" +echo '----------------------------------------------------------------' >>"$rt" +echo "$0" >>"$rt" +for i in "$@" +do + echo "$i" >>"$rt" +done +echo '------------------------------------- cdrecord_spy 0.1.0 - end -' >>"$rt" + +real_cdrecord "$@" + + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrfifo.c b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrfifo.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da6dc598 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrfifo.c @@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@ +/* + cdrfifo.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt + + A fd-to-fd or fd-to-memory fifo to be used within cdrskin or independently. + By chaining of fifo objects, several fifos can be run simultaneously + in fd-to-fd mode. Modes are controlled by parameter flag of + Cdrfifo_try_to_work(). + + Provided under GPL license within cdrskin and under BSD license elsewise. +*/ + +/* + Compile as standalone tool : + cc -g -o cdrfifo -DCdrfifo_standalonE cdrfifo.c +*/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "cdrfifo.h" + + +/* Macro for creation of arrays of objects (or single objects) */ +#define TSOB_FELD(typ,anz) (typ *) malloc((anz)*sizeof(typ)); + + +#define Cdrfifo_buffer_chunK 2048 + +/** Number of follow-up fd pairs */ +#define Cdrfifo_ffd_maX 100 + + +/* 1= enable , 0= disable status messages to stderr */ +static int Cdrfifo_debuG= 0; + + +struct CdrfifO { + int chunk_size; + + int source_fd; + double in_counter; + + char *buffer; + int buffer_size; + int buffer_is_full; + int write_idx; + int read_idx; + + int dest_fd; + double out_counter; + + struct timeval start_time; + double speed_limit; + + /* statistics */ + double interval_counter; + struct timeval interval_start_time; + double interval_start_counter; + int total_min_fill; + int interval_min_fill; + + double put_counter; + double get_counter; + double empty_counter; + double full_counter; + + /* (sequential) fd chaining */ + int follow_up_fds[Cdrfifo_ffd_maX][2]; + /* index of first byte in buffer which does not belong to predecessor fd */ + int follow_up_eop[Cdrfifo_ffd_maX]; + /* index of first byte in buffer which belongs to [this] fd pair */ + int follow_up_sod[Cdrfifo_ffd_maX]; + /* number of defined follow-ups */ + int follow_up_fd_counter; + /* index of currently active (i.e. reading) follow-up */ + int follow_up_fd_idx; + + /* (simultaneous) peer chaining */ + struct CdrfifO *next; + struct CdrfifO *prev; +}; + + +/** Create a fifo object. + @param ff Returns the address of the new object. + @param source_fd Filedescriptor opened to a readable data stream. + @param dest_fd Filedescriptor opened to a writable data stream. + To work with libburn, it needs to be attached to a + struct burn_source object. + @param chunk_size Size of buffer block for a single transaction (0=default) + @param buffer_size Size of fifo buffer + @param flag Unused yet + @return 1 on success, <=0 on failure +*/ +int Cdrfifo_new(struct CdrfifO **ff, int source_fd, int dest_fd, + int chunk_size, int buffer_size, int flag) +{ + struct CdrfifO *o; + struct timezone tz; + int i; + + (*ff)= o= TSOB_FELD(struct CdrfifO,1); + if(o==NULL) + return(-1); + if(chunk_size<=0) + chunk_size= Cdrfifo_buffer_chunK; + o->chunk_size= chunk_size; + if(buffer_size%chunk_size) + buffer_size+= chunk_size-(buffer_size%chunk_size); + o->source_fd= source_fd; + o->in_counter= 0.0; + o->buffer= NULL; + o->buffer_is_full= 0; + o->buffer_size= buffer_size; + o->write_idx= 0; + o->read_idx= 0; + o->dest_fd= dest_fd; + o->out_counter= 0.0; + memset(&(o->start_time),0,sizeof(o->start_time)); + gettimeofday(&(o->start_time),&tz); + o->speed_limit= 0.0; + o->interval_counter= 0.0; + memset(&(o->interval_start_time),0,sizeof(o->interval_start_time)); + gettimeofday(&(o->interval_start_time),&tz); + o->interval_start_counter= 0.0; + o->total_min_fill= buffer_size; + o->interval_min_fill= buffer_size; + o->put_counter= 0.0; + o->get_counter= 0.0; + o->empty_counter= 0.0; + o->full_counter= 0.0; + for(i= 0; ifollow_up_fds[i][0]= o->follow_up_fds[i][1]= -1; + o->follow_up_eop[i]= o->follow_up_sod[i]= -1; + } + o->follow_up_fd_counter= 0; + o->follow_up_fd_idx= -1; + o->next= o->prev= NULL; + o->buffer= TSOB_FELD(char,buffer_size); + if(o->buffer==NULL) + goto failed; + return(1); +failed:; + Cdrfifo_destroy(ff,0); + return(-1); +} + + +/** Close any output fds */ +int Cdrfifo_close(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag) +{ + int i; + + if(o->dest_fd!=-1) + close(o->dest_fd); + o->dest_fd= -1; + for(i=0; ifollow_up_fd_counter; i++) + if(o->follow_up_fds[i][1]!=-1) + close(o->follow_up_fds[i][1]); + o->follow_up_fds[i][1]= -1; + return(1); +} + + +/** Release from memory a fifo object previously created by Cdrfifo_new(). + @param ff The victim (gets returned as NULL, call can stand *ff==NULL)) + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= do not close destination fd +*/ +int Cdrfifo_destroy(struct CdrfifO **ff, int flag) +/* flag + bit0= do not close destination fd +*/ +{ + struct CdrfifO *o; + + o= *ff; + if(o==NULL) + return(0); + if(o->next!=NULL) + o->next->prev= o->prev; + if(o->prev!=NULL) + o->prev->next= o->next; + if(!(flag&1)) + Cdrfifo_close(o,0); + + /* eventual closing of source fds is the job of the calling application */ + + if(o->buffer!=NULL) + free((char *) o->buffer); + free((char *) o); + (*ff)= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrfifo_get_sizes(struct CdrfifO *o, int *chunk_size, int *buffer_size, + int flag) +{ + *chunk_size= o->chunk_size; + *buffer_size= o->buffer_size; + return(1); +} + +/** Set a speed limit for buffer output. + @param o The fifo object + @param bytes_per_second >0 catch up slowdowns over the whole run time + <0 catch up slowdowns only over one interval + =0 disable speed limit +*/ +int Cdrfifo_set_speed_limit(struct CdrfifO *o, double bytes_per_second, + int flag) +{ + o->speed_limit= bytes_per_second; + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrfifo_set_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int source_fd, int dest_fd, int flag) +{ + o->source_fd= source_fd; + o->dest_fd= dest_fd; + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrfifo_get_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int *source_fd, int *dest_fd, int flag) +{ + *source_fd= o->source_fd; + *dest_fd= o->dest_fd; + return(1); +} + + +/** Attach a further pair of input and output fd which will use the same + fifo buffer when its predecessors are exhausted. Reading will start as + soon as reading of the predecessor encounters EOF. Writing will start + as soon as all pending predecessor data are written. +*/ +int Cdrfifo_attach_follow_up_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int source_fd, int dest_fd, + int flag) +{ + if(o->follow_up_fd_counter>=Cdrfifo_ffd_maX) + return(0); + o->follow_up_fds[o->follow_up_fd_counter][0]= source_fd; + o->follow_up_fds[o->follow_up_fd_counter][1]= dest_fd; + o->follow_up_fd_counter++; + return(1); +} + + +/** Attach a further fifo which shall be processed simultaneously with this + one by Cdrfifo_try_to_work() in fd-to-fd mode. +*/ +int Cdrfifo_attach_peer(struct CdrfifO *o, struct CdrfifO *next, int flag) +{ + for(;o->next!=NULL;o= o->next); /* determine end of o-chain */ + for(;next->prev!=NULL;next= next->prev); /* determine start of next-chain */ + next->prev= o; + o->next= next; + return(1); +} + + +static int Cdrfifo_tell_buffer_space(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag) +{ + if(o->buffer_is_full) + return(0); + if(o->write_idx>=o->read_idx) + return((o->buffer_size - o->write_idx) + o->read_idx); + return(o->read_idx - o->write_idx); +} + + +/** Obtain buffer state. + @param o The buffer object + @param fill Returns the number of pending payload bytes in the buffer + @param space Returns the number of unused buffer bytes + @param flag Unused yet + @return -1=error , 0=inactive , 1=reading and writing , + 2=reading ended (but still writing) +*/ +int Cdrfifo_get_buffer_state(struct CdrfifO *o,int *fill,int *space,int flag) +/* return : + -1=error + 0=inactive + 1=reading and writing + 2=reading ended, still writing +*/ +{ + *space= Cdrfifo_tell_buffer_space(o,0); + *fill= o->buffer_size-(*space); + if(o->dest_fd==-1) + return(0); + if(o->source_fd<0) + return(2); + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrfifo_get_counters(struct CdrfifO *o, + double *in_counter, double *out_counter, int flag) +{ + *in_counter= o->in_counter; + *out_counter= o->out_counter; + return(1); +} + + +/** reads min_fill and begins measurement interval for next min_fill */ +int Cdrfifo_next_interval(struct CdrfifO *o, int *min_fill, int flag) +{ + struct timezone tz; + + o->interval_counter++; + gettimeofday(&(o->interval_start_time),&tz); + o->interval_start_counter= o->out_counter; + *min_fill= o->interval_min_fill; + o->interval_min_fill= o->buffer_size - Cdrfifo_tell_buffer_space(o,0); + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrfifo_get_min_fill(struct CdrfifO *o, int *total_min_fill, + int *interval_min_fill, int flag) +{ + *total_min_fill= o->total_min_fill; + *interval_min_fill= o->interval_min_fill; + return(1); +} + + +/** Get counters which are mentioned by cdrecord at the end of burning. + It still has to be examined wether they mean what i believe they do. +*/ +int Cdrfifo_get_cdr_counters(struct CdrfifO *o, + double *put_counter, double *get_counter, + double *empty_counter, double *full_counter, + int flag) +{ + *put_counter= o->put_counter;; + *get_counter= o->get_counter; + *empty_counter= o->empty_counter; + *full_counter= o->full_counter; + return(1); +} + + +/** Adjust a given buffer fill value so it will not cross an eop boundary. + @param o The fifo to exploit. + @param buffer_fill The byte count to adjust. + @param eop_idx If eop boundary exactly hit: index of follow-up fd pair + @param flag Unused yet. + @return 0= nothing changed , 1= buffer_fill adjusted +*/ +int Cdrfifo_eop_adjust(struct CdrfifO *o,int *buffer_fill, int *eop_idx, + int flag) +{ + int i,eop_is_near= 0,valid_fill; + + *eop_idx= -1; + valid_fill= *buffer_fill; + for(i=0; i<=o->follow_up_fd_idx; i++) { + if(o->follow_up_eop[i]>=0 && o->follow_up_eop[i]>=o->read_idx) { + eop_is_near= 1; + valid_fill= o->follow_up_eop[i]-o->read_idx; + if(valid_fill==0) + *eop_idx= i; + else if(valid_fill<=o->chunk_size) + eop_is_near= 2; /* for debugging. to carry a break point */ + break; + } + } + if(*buffer_fill>valid_fill) + *buffer_fill= valid_fill; + return(!!eop_is_near); +} + + +/* Perform pre-select activities of Cdrfifo_try_to_work() */ +static int Cdrfifo_setup_try(struct CdrfifO *o, struct timeval start_tv, + double start_out_counter, int *still_to_wait, + int *speed_limiter, int *ready_to_write, + fd_set *rds, fd_set *wts, int *max_fd, int flag) +/* flag: + bit0= enable debug pacifier (same with Cdrfifo_debuG) + bit1= do not write, just fill buffer + bit2= fd-to-memory mode (else fd-to-fd mode): + rather than writing a chunk return it and its size in reply_* + bit3= with bit2: do not check destination fd for readiness +*/ +{ + int buffer_space,buffer_fill,eop_reached= -1,eop_is_near= 0,was_closed; + int fd_buffer_fill; + struct timeval current_tv; + struct timezone tz; + double diff_time,diff_counter,limit,min_wait_time; + +setup_try:; + buffer_space= Cdrfifo_tell_buffer_space(o,0); + fd_buffer_fill= buffer_fill= o->buffer_size - buffer_space; + +#ifdef NIX + fprintf(stderr,"cdrfifo_debug: o->write_idx=%d o->read_idx=%d o->source_fd=%d\n",o->write_idx,o->read_idx,o->source_fd); + if(buffer_fill>10) + sleep(1); +#endif + + if(o->follow_up_fd_idx>=0) + eop_is_near= Cdrfifo_eop_adjust(o,&fd_buffer_fill,&eop_reached,0); + + if(fd_buffer_fill<=0 && (o->source_fd==-1 || eop_reached>=0) ) { + was_closed= 0; + if(o->dest_fd!=-1 && !(flag&4)) + close(o->dest_fd); + if(o->dest_fd<0) + was_closed= 1; + else + o->dest_fd= -1; + + if(eop_reached>=0) { /* switch to next output fd */ + o->dest_fd= o->follow_up_fds[eop_reached][1]; + o->read_idx= o->follow_up_sod[eop_reached]; + o->follow_up_eop[eop_reached]= -1; + eop_is_near= 0; + eop_reached= -1; + goto setup_try; + } else { + /* work is really done */ + if((!was_closed) && ((flag&1)||Cdrfifo_debuG)) + fprintf(stderr, + "\ncdrfifo_debug: w=%d r=%d | b=%d s=%d | i=%.f o=%.f (done)\n", + o->write_idx,o->read_idx,buffer_fill,buffer_space, + o->in_counter,o->out_counter); + return(2); + } + } + if(o->interval_counter>0) { + if(o->total_min_fill>buffer_fill && o->source_fd>=0) + o->total_min_fill= buffer_fill; + if(o->interval_min_fill>buffer_fill) + o->interval_min_fill= buffer_fill; + } + *speed_limiter= 0; + if(o->speed_limit!=0) { + gettimeofday(¤t_tv,&tz); + if(o->speed_limit>0) { + diff_time= ((double) current_tv.tv_sec)-((double) o->start_time.tv_sec)+ + (((double) current_tv.tv_usec)-((double) o->start_time.tv_usec))*1e-6; + diff_counter= o->out_counter; + limit= o->speed_limit; + } else if(flag&4) { + if(o->interval_start_time.tv_sec==0) + o->interval_start_time= start_tv; + diff_time= ((double) current_tv.tv_sec) + - ((double) o->interval_start_time.tv_sec) + + (((double) current_tv.tv_usec) + -((double) o->interval_start_time.tv_usec))*1e-6; + diff_counter= o->out_counter - o->interval_start_counter; + limit= -o->speed_limit; + } else { + diff_time= ((double) current_tv.tv_sec) - ((double) start_tv.tv_sec) + + (((double) current_tv.tv_usec) + -((double)start_tv.tv_usec))*1e-6; + diff_counter= o->out_counter - start_out_counter; + limit= -o->speed_limit; + } + if(diff_time>0.0) + if(diff_counter/diff_time>limit) { + min_wait_time= (diff_counter/limit - diff_time)*1.0e6; + if(min_wait_time<*still_to_wait) + *still_to_wait= min_wait_time; + if(*still_to_wait>0) + *speed_limiter= 1; + } + } + if(o->source_fd>=0) { + if(buffer_space>0) { + FD_SET((o->source_fd),rds); + if(*max_fdsource_fd) + *max_fd= o->source_fd; + } else if(o->interval_counter>0) + o->full_counter++; + } + *ready_to_write= 0; + if(o->dest_fd>=0 && (!(flag&2)) && !*speed_limiter) { + if(fd_buffer_fill>=o->chunk_size || o->source_fd<0 || eop_is_near) { + if((flag&(4|8))==(4|8)) { + *still_to_wait= 0; + *ready_to_write= 1; + } else { + FD_SET((o->dest_fd),wts); + if(*max_fddest_fd) + *max_fd= o->dest_fd; + } + } else if(o->interval_counter>0) + o->empty_counter++; + } + return(1); +} + + +/* Perform post-select activities of Cdrfifo_try_to_work() */ +static int Cdrfifo_transact(struct CdrfifO *o, fd_set *rds, fd_set *wts, + char *reply_buffer, int *reply_count, int flag) +/* flag: + bit0= enable debug pacifier (same with Cdrfifo_debuG) + bit1= do not write, just fill buffer + bit2= fd-to-memory mode (else fd-to-fd mode): + rather than writing a chunk return it and its size in reply_* + bit3= with bit2: do not check destination fd for readiness +return: <0 = error , 0 = idle , 1 = did some work +*/ +{ + double buffer_space; + int can_read,can_write,ret,did_work= 0,idx,sod,eop_is_near,eop_idx; + + buffer_space= Cdrfifo_tell_buffer_space(o,0); + if(o->dest_fd>=0) if(FD_ISSET((o->dest_fd),wts)) { + can_write= o->buffer_size - buffer_space; + if(can_write>o->chunk_size) + can_write= o->chunk_size; + if(o->read_idx+can_write > o->buffer_size) + can_write= o->buffer_size - o->read_idx; + if(o->follow_up_fd_idx>=0) { + eop_is_near= Cdrfifo_eop_adjust(o,&can_write,&eop_idx,0); + if(can_write<=0) + goto after_write; + } + if(flag&4) { + memcpy(reply_buffer,o->buffer+o->read_idx,can_write); + *reply_count= ret= can_write; + } else { + ret= write(o->dest_fd,o->buffer+o->read_idx,can_write); + } + if(ret==-1) { + + /* >>> handle broken pipe */; + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfifo: on write: errno=%d , \"%s\"\n",errno, + errno==0?"-no error code available-":strerror(errno)); + + if(!(flag&4)) + close(o->dest_fd); + o->dest_fd= -1; + {ret= -1; goto ex;} + } + did_work= 1; + o->get_counter++; + o->out_counter+= can_write; + o->read_idx+= can_write; + if(o->read_idx>=o->buffer_size) + o->read_idx= 0; + o->buffer_is_full= 0; + } +after_write:; + if(o->source_fd>=0) if(FD_ISSET((o->source_fd),rds)) { + can_read= o->buffer_size - o->write_idx; + if(can_read>o->chunk_size) + can_read= o->chunk_size; + if(o->write_idxread_idx && o->write_idx+can_read > o->read_idx) + can_read= o->read_idx - o->write_idx; + ret= read(o->source_fd,o->buffer+o->write_idx,can_read); + if(ret==-1) { + + /* >>> handle input error */; + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfifo: on read: errno=%d , \"%s\"\n",errno, + errno==0?"-no error code available-":strerror(errno)); + + o->source_fd= -1; + } else if(ret==0) { /* eof */ + /* activate eventual follow-up source fd */ + if(Cdrfifo_debuG || (flag&1)) + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfifo: on read(%d,buffer,%d): eof\n", + o->source_fd,can_read); + if(o->follow_up_fd_idx+1 < o->follow_up_fd_counter) { + idx= ++(o->follow_up_fd_idx); + o->source_fd= o->follow_up_fds[idx][0]; + /* End-Of-Previous */ + if(o->write_idx==0) + o->follow_up_eop[idx]= o->buffer_size; + else + o->follow_up_eop[idx]= o->write_idx; + /* Start-Of-Data . Try to start at next full chunk */ + sod= o->write_idx; + if(o->write_idx%o->chunk_size) + sod+= o->chunk_size - (o->write_idx%o->chunk_size); + /* but do not catch up to the read pointer */ + if((o->write_idx<=o->read_idx && o->read_idx<=sod) || sod==o->read_idx) + sod= o->write_idx; + if(sod>=o->buffer_size) + sod= 0; + o->follow_up_sod[idx]= sod; + o->write_idx= sod; + if(Cdrfifo_debuG || (flag&1)) + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfio: new fifo source fd : %d\n",o->source_fd); + } else { + o->source_fd= -1; + } + } else { + did_work= 1; + o->put_counter++; + o->in_counter+= ret; + o->write_idx+= ret; + if(o->write_idx>=o->buffer_size) + o->write_idx= 0; + if(o->write_idx==o->read_idx) + o->buffer_is_full= 1; + } + } + ret= !!did_work; +ex:; + return(ret); +} + + +/** Check for pending data at the fifo's source file descriptor and wether the + fifo is ready to take them. Simultaneously check the buffer for existing + data and the destination fd for readiness to accept some. If so, a small + chunk of data is transfered to and/or from the fifo. + This is done for the given fifo object and all members of its next-chain. + The check and transactions are repeated until a given timespan has elapsed. + libburn applications call this function in the burn loop instead of sleep(). + It may also be used instead of read(). Then it returns as soon as an output + transaction would be performed. See flag:bit2. + @param o The fifo object + @param wait_usec The time in microseconds after which the function shall + return. + @param reply_buffer with bit2: Returns write-ready buffer chunk and must + be able to take at least chunk_size bytes + @param reply_count with bit2: Returns number of writeable bytes in reply + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= Enable debug pacifier (same with Cdrfifo_debuG) + bit1= Do not write, just fill buffer + bit2= fd-to-memory mode (else fd-to-fd mode): + Rather than writing a chunk return it and its size. + No simultaneous processing of chained fifos. + bit3= With bit2: do not check destination fd for readiness + @return <0 = error , 0 = idle , 1 = did some work , 2 = all work is done +*/ +int Cdrfifo_try_to_work(struct CdrfifO *o, int wait_usec, + char *reply_buffer, int *reply_count, int flag) +{ + struct timeval wt,start_tv,current_tv; + struct timezone tz; + fd_set rds,wts,exs; + int ready,ret,max_fd= -1,buffer_space,dummy,still_active= 0; + int did_work= 0,elapsed,still_to_wait,speed_limiter= 0,ready_to_write= 0; + double start_out_counter; + struct CdrfifO *ff; + + start_out_counter= o->out_counter; + gettimeofday(&start_tv,&tz); + still_to_wait= wait_usec; + if(flag&4) + *reply_count= 0; + +try_again:; + /* is there still a destination open ? */ + for(ff= o; ff!=NULL; ff= ff->next) + if(ff->dest_fd!=-1) + break; + if(ff==NULL) + return(2); + FD_ZERO(&rds); + FD_ZERO(&wts); + FD_ZERO(&exs); + + for(ff= o; ff!=NULL; ff= ff->next) { + ret= Cdrfifo_setup_try(ff,start_tv,start_out_counter, + &still_to_wait,&speed_limiter,&ready_to_write, + &rds,&wts,&max_fd,flag&15); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + else if(ret==2) { + /* This fifo is done */; + } else + still_active= 1; + if(flag&2) + break; + } + if(!still_active) + return(2); + + if(still_to_wait>0 || max_fd>=0) { + wt.tv_sec= still_to_wait/1000000; + wt.tv_usec= still_to_wait%1000000; + ready= select(max_fd+1,&rds,&wts,&exs,&wt); + } else + ready= 0; + if(ready<=0) { + if(!ready_to_write) + goto check_wether_done; + FD_ZERO(&rds); + } + if(ready_to_write) + FD_SET((o->dest_fd),&wts); + + for(ff= o; ff!=NULL; ff= ff->next) { + ret= Cdrfifo_transact(ff,&rds,&wts,reply_buffer,reply_count,flag&15); + if(ret<0) + goto ex; + if(ret>0) + did_work= 1; + if(flag&2) + break; + } + +check_wether_done:; + if((flag&4) && *reply_count>0) + {ret= 1; goto ex;} + gettimeofday(¤t_tv,&tz); + elapsed= (current_tv.tv_sec-start_tv.tv_sec)*1000000 + + (((int) current_tv.tv_usec) - ((int) start_tv.tv_usec)); + still_to_wait= wait_usec-elapsed; + if(still_to_wait>0) + goto try_again; + ret= !!did_work; +ex:; + if(flag&4) { + gettimeofday(¤t_tv,&tz); + elapsed= (current_tv.tv_sec - o->interval_start_time.tv_sec)*1000000 + + (((int) current_tv.tv_usec) + - ((int) o->interval_start_time.tv_usec)); + } else + elapsed= wait_usec; + if(elapsed>=wait_usec) { + if((flag&1)||Cdrfifo_debuG) { + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + for(ff= o; ff!=NULL; ff= ff->next) { + buffer_space= Cdrfifo_tell_buffer_space(ff,0); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrfifo_debug: w=%d r=%d | b=%d s=%d | i=%.f o=%.f\n", + ff->write_idx,ff->read_idx, + ff->buffer_size-buffer_space,buffer_space, + ff->in_counter,ff->out_counter); + } + } + if(flag&4) + Cdrfifo_next_interval(o,&dummy,0); + } + return(ret); +} + + +/** Fill the fifo as far as possible without writing to destination fd */ +int Cdrfifo_fill(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag) +{ + int ret,fill= 0,space,state; + + while(1) { + state= Cdrfifo_get_buffer_state(o,&fill,&space,0); + if(state==-1) { + + /* >>> handle error */; + + return(0); + } else if(state!=1) + break; + if(space<=0) + break; + ret= Cdrfifo_try_to_work(o,100000,NULL,NULL,2); + if(ret<0) { + + /* >>> handle error */; + + return(0); + } + if(ret==2) + break; + } + o->total_min_fill= fill; + o->interval_min_fill= fill; + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrfifo_close_all(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag) +{ + struct CdrfifO *ff; + + if(o==NULL) + return(0); + for(ff= o; ff->prev!=NULL; ff= ff->prev); + for(; ff!=NULL; ff= ff->next) + Cdrfifo_close(ff,0); + return(1); +} + + + +#ifdef Cdrfifo_standalonE + +/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +/** Application example. See also cdrskin.c */ + + +double Scanf_io_size(char *text, int flag) +/* + bit0= default value -1 rather than 0 +*/ +{ + int c; + double ret= 0.0; + + if(flag&1) + ret= -1.0; + if(text[0]==0) + return(ret); + sscanf(text,"%lf",&ret); + c= text[strlen(text)-1]; + if(c=='k' || c=='K') ret*= 1024.0; + if(c=='m' || c=='M') ret*= 1024.0*1024.0; + if(c=='g' || c=='G') ret*= 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0; + if(c=='t' || c=='T') ret*= 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0; + if(c=='p' || c=='P') ret*= 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0; + if(c=='e' || c=='E') ret*= 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0; + if(c=='s' || c=='S') ret*= 2048.0; + return(ret); +} + + +/* This is a hardcoded test mock-up for two simultaneous fifos of which the + first one simulates the cdrskin fifo feeding libburn and the second one + simulates libburn and the burner at given speed. Both have two fd pairs + (i.e. tracks). The tracks are read from /u/test/cdrskin/in_[12] and + written to /u/test/cdrskin/out_[12]. +*/ +int Test_multi(int fs_size, double speed_limit, double interval, int flag) +/* + bit0= debugging verbousity +*/ +{ + int fd_in[4],fd_out[4],ret,pipe_fds[4][2],real_out[4],pipe_idx; + int i,iv; + char buf[10240]; + struct CdrfifO *ff1= NULL,*ff2= NULL; + + /* open four pairs of fds */ + fd_in[0]= open("/u/test/cdrskin/in_1",O_RDONLY); + fd_in[1]= open("/u/test/cdrskin/in_2",O_RDONLY); + fd_out[2]= open("/u/test/cdrskin/out_1", + O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); + fd_out[3]= open("/u/test/cdrskin/out_2", + O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); + if(pipe(pipe_fds[0])==-1) + return(-3); + if(pipe(pipe_fds[1])==-1) + return(-3); + fd_out[0]= pipe_fds[0][1]; + fd_out[1]= pipe_fds[1][1]; + fd_in[2]= pipe_fds[0][0]; + fd_in[3]= pipe_fds[1][0]; + for(i=0;i<4;i++) { + if(fd_in[i]==-1) + return(-1); + if(fd_out[i]==-1) + return(-2); + } + + /* Create two fifos with two sequential fd pairs each and chain them for + simultaneous usage. */ + Cdrfifo_new(&ff1,fd_in[0],fd_out[0],2048,fs_size,0); + Cdrfifo_new(&ff2,fd_in[2],fd_out[2],2048,2*1024*1024,0); /*burner cache 2 MB*/ + if(ff1==NULL || ff2==NULL) + return(-3); + Cdrfifo_set_speed_limit(ff2,speed_limit,0); + ret= Cdrfifo_attach_follow_up_fds(ff1,fd_in[1],fd_out[1],0); + if(ret<=0) + return(-4); + ret= Cdrfifo_attach_follow_up_fds(ff2,fd_in[3],fd_out[3],0); + if(ret<=0) + return(-4); + Cdrfifo_attach_peer(ff1,ff2,0); + + /* Let the fifos work */ + iv= interval*1e6; + while(1) { + ret= Cdrfifo_try_to_work(ff1,iv,NULL,NULL,flag&1); + if(ret<0 || ret==2) { /* <0 = error , 2 = work is done */ + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfifo: fifo ended work with ret=%d\n",ret); + if(ret<0) + return(-7); + break; + } + } + return(1); +} + + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int i,ret,exit_value= 0,verbous= 1,fill_buffer= 0,min_fill,fifo_percent,fd; + double fs_value= 4.0*1024.0*1024.0,bs_value= 2048,in_counter,out_counter; + double interval= 1.0,speed_limit= 0.0; + char output_file[4096]; + struct CdrfifO *ff= NULL; + + strcpy(output_file,"-"); + fd= 1; + + for(i= 1; i1000.0) + interval= 1; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"of=",3)==0) { + if(strcmp(argv[i]+3,"-")==0 || argv[i][3]==0) + continue; + fd= open(argv[i]+3,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT); + if(fd<0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrfifo: FATAL : cannot open output file '%s'\n", + argv[i]+3); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrfifo: errno=%d , \"%s\"\n", + errno,errno==0?"-no error code available-":strerror(errno)); + {exit_value= 4; goto ex;} + } + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"sl=",3)==0) { + speed_limit= Scanf_io_size(argv[i]+3,0); + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"vb=",3)==0) { + sscanf(argv[i]+3,"%d",&verbous); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-multi_test")==0) { + + if(speed_limit==0.0) + speed_limit= 10*150*1024; + ret= Test_multi((int) fs_value,speed_limit,interval,(verbous>=2)); + fprintf(stderr,"Test_multi(): ret= %d\n",ret); + exit(ret<0); + + } else { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrfifo 0.3 : stdin-to-stdout fifo buffer.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"usage : %s [bs=block_size] [fl=fillfirst]\n",argv[0]); + fprintf(stderr," [fs=fifo_size] [iv=interval] [of=output_file]\n"); + fprintf(stderr," [sl=bytes_per_second_limit] [vb=verbosity]\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"fl=1 reads full buffer before writing starts.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"sl>0 allows catch up for whole run time.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"sl<0 allows catch up for single interval.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"vb=0 is silent, vb=2 is debug.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"example: cdrfifo bs=8k fl=1 fs=32m iv=0.1 sl=-5400k\n"); + if(strcmp(argv[i],"-help")!=0 && strcmp(argv[i],"--help")!=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfifo: FATAL : option not recognized: '%s'\n", + argv[i]); + exit_value= 1; + } + goto ex; + } + } + if(verbous>=1) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrfifo: bs=%.lf fl=%d fs=%.lf iv=%lf of='%s' sl=%.lf vb=%d\n", + bs_value,fill_buffer,fs_value,interval,output_file,speed_limit, + verbous); + } + + ret= Cdrfifo_new(&ff,0,fd,(int) bs_value,(int) fs_value,0); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrfifo: FATAL : creation of fifo object with %.lf bytes failed\n", + fs_value); + {exit_value= 3; goto ex;} + } + if(speed_limit!=0.0) + Cdrfifo_set_speed_limit(ff,speed_limit,0); + if(fill_buffer) { + ret= Cdrfifo_fill(ff,0); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrfifo: FATAL : initial filling of fifo buffer failed\n"); + {exit_value= 4; goto ex;} + } + } + while(1) { + ret= Cdrfifo_try_to_work(ff,(int) (interval*1000000.0), + NULL,NULL,(verbous>=2)); + if(ret<0) { + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfifo: FATAL : fifo aborted. errno=%d , \"%s\"\n", + errno,errno==0?"-no error code available-":strerror(errno)); + {exit_value= 4; goto ex;} + } else if(ret==2) { + if(verbous>=1) { + double put_counter,get_counter,empty_counter,full_counter; + int total_min_fill; + Cdrfifo_get_counters(ff,&in_counter,&out_counter,0); + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrfifo: done : %.lf bytes in , %.lf bytes out\n", + in_counter,out_counter); + Cdrfifo_get_min_fill(ff,&total_min_fill,&min_fill,0); + fifo_percent= 100.0*((double) total_min_fill)/fs_value; + if(fifo_percent==0 && total_min_fill>0) + fifo_percent= 1; + Cdrfifo_get_cdr_counters(ff,&put_counter,&get_counter, + &empty_counter,&full_counter,0); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrfifo: fifo had %.lf puts and %.lf gets.\n", + put_counter,get_counter); + fprintf(stderr, +"cdrfifo: fifo was %.lf times empty and %.lf times full, min fill was %d%%.\n", + empty_counter,full_counter,fifo_percent); + } + break; + } + Cdrfifo_next_interval(ff,&min_fill,0); + } + +ex:; + Cdrfifo_destroy(&ff,0); + exit(exit_value); +} + + +#endif /* Cdrfifo_standalonE */ + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrfifo.h b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrfifo.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..42461d2d --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrfifo.h @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ + +/* + cdrfifo.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt + + A fd-to-fd or fd-to-memory fifo to be used within cdrskin or independently. + By chaining of fifo objects, several fifos can be run simultaneously + in fd-to-fd mode. Modes are controlled by parameter flag of + Cdrfifo_try_to_work(). + + Provided under GPL license within cdrskin and under BSD license elsewise. +*/ + +#ifndef Cdrfifo_headerfile_includeD +#define Cdrfifo_headerfile_includeD + + +/** The fifo buffer which will smoothen the data stream from data provider + to data consumer. Although this is not a mandatory lifesavier for modern + burners any more, a fifo can speed up burning of data which is delivered + with varying bandwidths (e.g. compressed archives created on the fly + or mkisofs running at its speed limit.). + This structure is opaque to applications and may only be used via + the Cdrfifo*() methods described in cdrfifo.h . +*/ +struct CdrfifO; + + +/** Create a fifo object. + @param ff Returns the address of the new object. + @param source_fd Filedescriptor opened to a readable data stream. + @param dest_fd Filedescriptor opened to a writable data stream. + To work with libburn, it needs to be attached to a + struct burn_source object. + @param chunk_size Size of buffer block for a single transaction (0=default) + @param buffer_size Size of fifo buffer + @param flag unused yet + @return 1 on success, <=0 on failure +*/ +int Cdrfifo_new(struct CdrfifO **ff, int source_fd, int dest_fd, + int chunk_size, int buffer_size, int flag); + +/** Release from memory a fifo object previously created by Cdrfifo_new(). + @param ff The victim (gets returned as NULL, call can stand *ff==NULL) + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= do not close destination fd +*/ +int Cdrfifo_destroy(struct CdrfifO **ff, int flag); + +/** Close any output fds */ +int Cdrfifo_close(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag); + +/** Close any output fds of o and its chain peers */ +int Cdrfifo_close_all(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag); + +int Cdrfifo_get_sizes(struct CdrfifO *o, int *chunk_size, int *buffer_size, + int flag); + +/** Set a speed limit for buffer output. + @param o The fifo object + @param bytes_per_second >0 catch up slowdowns over the whole run time + <0 catch up slowdowns only over one interval + =0 disable speed limit +*/ +int Cdrfifo_set_speed_limit(struct CdrfifO *o, double bytes_per_second, + int flag); + +int Cdrfifo_set_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int source_fd, int dest_fd, int flag); +int Cdrfifo_get_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int *source_fd, int *dest_fd, int flag); + + +/** Attach a further pair of input and output fd which will use the same + fifo buffer when its predecessors are exhausted. Reading will start as + soon as reading of the predecessor encounters EOF. Writing will start + as soon as all pending predecessor data are written. +*/ +int Cdrfifo_attach_follow_up_fds(struct CdrfifO *o, int source_fd, int dest_fd, + int flag); + +/** Attach a further fifo which shall be processed simultaneously with this + one by Cdrfifo_try_to_work() in fd-to-fd mode. +*/ +int Cdrfifo_attach_peer(struct CdrfifO *o, struct CdrfifO *next, int flag); + + +/** Obtain buffer state. + @param o The buffer object + @param fill Returns the number of pending payload bytes in the buffer + @param space Returns the number of unused buffer bytes + @param flag unused yet + @return -1=error , 0=inactive , 1=reading and writing , + 2=reading ended (but still writing) +*/ +int Cdrfifo_get_buffer_state(struct CdrfifO *o,int *fill,int *space,int flag); + +int Cdrfifo_get_counters(struct CdrfifO *o, + double *in_counter, double *out_counter, int flag); + +/** reads min_fill and begins measurement interval for next min_fill */ +int Cdrfifo_next_interval(struct CdrfifO *o, int *min_fill, int flag); + +int Cdrfifo_get_min_fill(struct CdrfifO *o, int *total_min_fill, + int *interval_min_fill, int flag); + +int Cdrfifo_get_cdr_counters(struct CdrfifO *o, + double *put_counter, double *get_counter, + double *empty_counter, double *full_counter, + int flag); + + +/** Check for pending data at the fifo's source file descriptor and wether the + fifo is ready to take them. Simultaneously check the buffer for existing + data and the destination fd for readiness to accept some. If so, a small + chunk of data is transfered to and/or from the fifo. + This is done for the given fifo object and all members of its next-chain. + The check and transactions are repeated until a given timespan has elapsed. + libburn applications call this function in the burn loop instead of sleep(). + It may also be used instead of read(). Then it returns as soon as an output + transaction would be performed. See flag:bit2. + @param o The fifo object + @param wait_usec The time in microseconds after which the function shall + return. + @param reply_buffer with bit2: Returns write-ready buffer chunk and must + be able to take at least chunk_size bytes + @param reply_count with bit2: Returns number of writeable bytes in reply_pt + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= Enable debug pacifier (same with Cdrfifo_debuG) + bit1= Do not write, just fill buffer + bit2= fd-to-memory mode (else fd-to-fd mode): + Rather than writing a chunk return it and its size. + No simultaneous processing of chained fifos. + bit3= With bit2: do not check destination fd for readiness + @return <0 = error , 0 = idle , 1 = did some work , 2 = all work is done +*/ +int Cdrfifo_try_to_work(struct CdrfifO *o, int wait_usec, + char *reply_buffer, int *reply_count, int flag); + +/** Fill the fifo as far as possible without writing to destination fd + @return 1 on success, <=0 on failure +*/ +int Cdrfifo_fill(struct CdrfifO *o, int flag); + + +#endif /* Cdrfifo_headerfile_includeD */ + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin.c b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31f1c150 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin.c @@ -0,0 +1,4483 @@ + +/* + cdrskin.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt +Provided under GPL. See future commitment below. + +A cdrecord compatible command line interface for libburn. + +This project is neither directed against original cdrecord nor does it exploit +any source code of said program. It rather tries to be an alternative method +to burn CD which is not based on the same code as cdrecord. +See also : http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_eng.html + +Interested users of cdrecord are encouraged to contribute further option +implementations as they need them. Contributions will get published under GPL +but it is essential that the authors allow a future release under LGPL and/or +BSD license. + +There is a script test/cdrecord_spy.sh which may be installed between +the cdrecord command and real cdrecord in order to learn about the options +used by your favorite cdrecord frontend. Edit said script and install it +according to the instructions given inside. + +The implementation of an option would probably consist of +- necessary structure members for structs CdrpreskiN and/or CdrskiN +- code in Cdrpreskin_setup() and Cdrskin_setup() which converts + argv[i] into CdrpreskiN/CdrskiN members (or into direct actions) +- removal of option from ignore list "ignored_partial_options" resp. + "ignored_full_options" in Cdrskin_setup() +- functions which implement the option's run time functionality +- eventually calls of those functions in Cdrskin_run() +- changes to be made within Cdrskin_burn() or Cdrskin_blank() or other + existing methods +See option blank= for an example. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +About compliance with *strong urge* of API towards burn_drive_scan_and_grab() + +For a more comprehensive example of the advised way to behave with libburn +see test/libburner.c . + +cdrskin was the initiator of the whitelist functionality within libburn. +Now it has problems to obviously comply with the new API best practice +presciptions literally. Therefore this explanation: + +On start it restricts the library to a single drive if it already knows the +persistent address by option dev= . This is done with a combination of +burn_drive_add_whitelist() and burn_drive_scan(). Not compliant to the +literal strong urge but in fact exactly fulfilling the reason for that +urge in the API: any scanned drive might be opened exclusively after +burn_drive_scan(). It is kernel dependent wether this behavior is on, off +or switchable. The sysdamin will want it on - but only for one drive. + +So with dev=... cdrskin complies to the spirit of the strong urge. +Without dev=... it has to leave out the whitelist in order to enable bus +scanning and implicit drive address 0. A tradition of 9 months shall not +be broken. So burns without dev= will stay possible - but harmless only +on single drive systems. + +* +Only if the new API compliance is enabled by macro Cdrskin_new_api_tesT . +Not yet by default. In many aspects this is already superior, note well : + +Burns without dev= resp. with dev=number are harmless on multi-drive systems. + +This is because Cdrskin_grab_drive() either drops the unwanted drives or +it enforces a restart of the library with the desired drive's persistent +address. This restart then really uses the strongly urged function +burn_drive_scan_and_grab(). +Thus, cdrskin complies with the new spirit of API by closing down libburn +or by dropping unused drives as soon as the persistent drive address is +known and the drive is to be used with a long running operation. To my +knowlege all long running operations in cdrskin need a grabbed drive. + +This spaghetti approach seems necessary to keep small the impact of new API +urge on cdrskin's stability. cdrskin suffers from having donated the body +parts which have been transplanted to libburn in order to create + burn_drive_scan_and_grab() . The desired sysadmin friendlyness was already +achieved by most cdrskin runs. The remaining problem situations should now +be defused by releasing any short time grabbed flocks of drives during the +restart of libburn. +* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +This program is currently copyright Thomas Schmitt only. +The copyrights of several components of libburn.pykix.org are willfully tangled +at toplevel to form an irrevocable commitment to true open source spirit. +We have chosen the GPL for legal compatibility and clearly express that it +shall not hamper the use of our software by non-GPL applications which show +otherwise the due respect to the open source community. +See toplevel README and cdrskin/README for that commitment. + +For a short time, this place showed a promise to release a BSD license on +mere request. I have to retract that promise now, and replace it by the +promise to make above commitment reality in a way that any BSD conformant +usage in due open source spirit will be made possible somehow and in the +particular special case. I will not raise public protest if you spawn yourself +a BSD license from an (outdated) cdrskin.c which still bears that old promise. +Note that this extended commitment is valid only for cdrskin.[ch], +cdrfifo.[ch] and cleanup.[ch], but not for libburn.pykix.org as a whole. + +cdrskin is originally inspired by libburn-0.2/test/burniso.c : +(c) Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Compilation within cdrskin-* : + + cd cdrskin + cc -g -I.. -DCdrskin_build_timestamP='...' \ + -o cdrskin cdrskin.c cdrfifo.c cleanup.c \ + -L../libburn/.libs -lburn -lpthread + +or + + cd .. + cc -g -I. -DCdrskin_build_timestamP='...' \ + -o cdrskin/cdrskin cdrskin/cdrskin.c cdrskin/cdrfifo.c cdrskin/cleanup.c \ + libburn/async.o libburn/crc.o libburn/debug.o libburn/drive.o \ + libburn/file.o libburn/init.o libburn/lec.o libburn/message.o \ + libburn/mmc.o libburn/options.o libburn/sbc.o libburn/sector.o \ + libburn/sg.o libburn/spc.o libburn/source.o libburn/structure.o \ + libburn/toc.o libburn/util.o libburn/write.o \ + -lpthread + +*/ + + +/** The official program version */ +#ifndef Cdrskin_prog_versioN +#define Cdrskin_prog_versioN "0.2.2" +#endif + +/** The source code release timestamp */ +#include "cdrskin_timestamp.h" +#ifndef Cdrskin_timestamP +#define Cdrskin_timestamP "-none-given-" +#endif + +/** The binary build timestamp is to be set externally by the compiler */ +#ifndef Cdrskin_build_timestamP +#define Cdrskin_build_timestamP "-none-given-" +#endif + +/** use this to accomodate to the CVS version as of Dec 8, 2005 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_cvs_A51208_tS 1 +*/ +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_cvs_A51208_tS +#define Cdrskin_libburn_versioN "0.2.tsA51208" +#define Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR 1 +/* forever: */ +#define Cdrskin_libburn_no_burn_preset_device_opeN 1 +#endif + +/** use this to accomodate to the CVS version as of Feb 20, 2006 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_cvs_A60220_tS 1 +*/ +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_cvs_A60220_tS + +#define Cdrskin_libburn_versioN "0.2.tsA60220" +#define Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_largefilE 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_padding_does_worK 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_no_burn_preset_device_opeN 1 + +#endif /* Cdrskin_libburn_cvs_A60220_tS */ + + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_0_2_1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_versioN "0.2.1" +#define Cdrskin_libburn_from_pykix_svN 1 +#endif + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_0_2_2 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_versioN "0.2.2" +#define Cdrskin_libburn_from_pykix_svN 1 +#endif + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_from_pykix_svN +#define Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_largefilE 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_padding_does_worK 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_does_ejecT 1 +#define Cdrskin_libburn_has_drive_get_adR 1 +#define Cdrskin_progress_track_does_worK 1 +#define Cdrskin_is_erasable_on_load_does_worK 1 +#define Cdrskin_grab_abort_does_worK 1 + +#ifdef Cdrskin_new_api_tesT + +/* switches from old behavior with aquiring drives to new behavior */ + +/* (put parasite macros under test caveat here) */ + +#endif + +#endif /* Cdrskin_libburn_from_pykix_svN */ + +#ifndef Cdrskin_libburn_versioN +#define Cdrskin_libburn_versioN "0.2.2" +#endif + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_largefilE +#ifndef _LARGEFILE_SOURCE +#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +#endif +#ifndef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS +#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 +#endif +#endif /* Cdrskin_libburn_largefilE */ + + +/* These macros activate cdrskin workarounds for deficiencies resp. + problematic features of libburn which hopefully will change in + future. */ + +/** Work around the fact that padding is not performed by libburn */ +#ifndef Cdrskin_libburn_padding_does_worK +#define Cdrskin_burn_track_padding_brokeN 1 +#endif + +/** Work around the fact that neither /dev/sg0 (kernel 2.4 + ide-scsi) nor + /dev/hdc (kernel 2.6) get ejected by libburn */ +#ifndef Cdrskin_libburn_does_ejecT +#define Cdrskin_burn_drive_eject_brokeN 1 +#endif + +/** Work around the fact that after loading media speed report is wrong */ +#define Cdrskin_atip_speed_brokeN 1 + +/** Work around the fact that burn_drive_get_status() always reports to do + track 0 */ +#ifndef Cdrskin_progress_track_does_worK +#define Cdrskin_progress_track_brokeN 1 +#endif + +/** Work around the fact that a drive interrupted at burn_drive_grab() never + leaves status BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING */ +#ifndef Cdrskin_grab_abort_does_worK +#define Cdrskin_grab_abort_brokeN 1 +#endif + +#ifndef Cdrskin_is_erasable_on_load_does_worK +#define Cdrskin_is_erasable_on_load_is_brokeN 1 +#endif + +/** http://libburn.pykix.org/ticket/41 reports of big trouble without that */ +#define Cdrskin_all_tracks_with_sector_paD 1 + + +/** A macro which is able to eat up a function call like printf() */ +#ifdef Cdrskin_extra_leaN +#define ClN(x) +#else +#define ClN(x) x +#endif + + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "cleanup.h" + + +/** The size of a string buffer for pathnames and similar texts */ +#define Cdrskin_strleN 4096 + +/** The maximum length +1 of a drive address */ +#ifdef Cdrskin_new_api_tesT +#define Cdrskin_adrleN BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN +#else +#define Cdrskin_adrleN 80 +#endif + + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +/* Imported from scdbackup-0.8.5/src/cd_backup_planer.c */ + +/** Macro for creation of arrays of objects (or single objects) */ +#define TSOB_FELD(typ,anz) (typ *) malloc((anz)*sizeof(typ)); + + +/** Convert a text so that eventual characters special to the shell are + made literal. Note: this does not make a text terminal-safe ! + @param in_text The text to be converted + @param out_text The buffer for the result. + It should have size >= strlen(in_text)*5+2 + @param flag Unused yet + @return For convenience out_text is returned +*/ +char *Text_shellsafe(char *in_text, char *out_text, int flag) +{ + int l,i,w=0; + + /* enclose everything by hard quotes */ + l= strlen(in_text); + out_text[w++]= '\''; + for(i=0;i0) if(line[l-1]=='\r') line[--l]= 0; + if(l>0) if(line[l-1]=='\n') line[--l]= 0; + if(l>0) if(line[l-1]=='\r') line[--l]= 0; + return(ret); +} + + +/** Destroy a synthetic argument array */ +int Sfile_destroy_argv(int *argc, char ***argv, int flag) +{ + int i; + + if(*argc>0 && *argv!=NULL){ + for(i=0;i<*argc;i++){ + if((*argv)[i]!=NULL) + free((*argv)[i]); + } + free((char *) *argv); + } + *argc= 0; + *argv= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +/** Read a synthetic argument array from a list of files. + @param progname The content for argv[0] + @param filenames The paths of the filex from where to read + @param filenamecount The number of paths in filenames + @param argc Returns the number of read arguments (+1 for progname) + @param argv Returns the array of synthetic arguments + @param argidx Returns source file indice of argv[] items + @param arglno Returns source file line numbers of argv[] items + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= read progname as first argument from line + bit1= just release argument array argv and return + bit2= tolerate failure to open file + @return 1=ok , 0=cannot open file , -1=cannot create memory objects +*/ +int Sfile_multi_read_argv(char *progname, char **filenames, int filename_count, + int *argc, char ***argv, int **argidx, int **arglno, + int flag) +{ + int ret,i,pass,maxl=0,l,argcount=0,line_no; + char buf[Cdrskin_strleN]; + FILE *fp= NULL; + + Sfile_destroy_argv(argc,argv,0); + if(flag&2) + return(1); + if((*argidx)!=NULL) + free((char *) *argidx); + if((*arglno)!=NULL) + free((char *) *arglno); + *argidx= *arglno= NULL; + + for(pass=0;pass<2;pass++) { + if(!(flag&1)){ + argcount= 1; + if(pass==0) + maxl= strlen(progname)+1; + else { + (*argv)[0]= (char *) malloc(strlen(progname)+1); + if((*argv)[0]==NULL) + {ret= -1; goto ex;} + strcpy((*argv)[0],progname); + } + } else { + argcount= 0; + if(pass==0) + maxl= 1; + } + for(i=0; imaxl) + maxl= l; + } else { + if(argcount >= *argc) + break; + (*argv)[argcount]= (char *) malloc(l+1); + if((*argv)[argcount]==NULL) + {ret= -1; goto ex;} + strcpy((*argv)[argcount],buf); + (*argidx)[argcount]= i; + (*arglno)[argcount]= line_no; + } + argcount++; + } + fclose(fp); fp= NULL; + } + if(pass==0){ + *argc= argcount; + if(argcount>0) { + *argv= (char **) malloc(argcount*sizeof(char *)); + *argidx= (int *) malloc(argcount*sizeof(int)); + *arglno= (int *) malloc(argcount*sizeof(int)); + if(*argv==NULL || *argidx==NULL || *arglno==NULL) + {ret= -1; goto ex;} + } + for(i=0;i<*argc;i++) { + (*argv)[i]= NULL; + (*argidx)[i]= -1; + (*arglno)[i]= -1; + } + } + } + + ret= 1; +ex:; + if(fp!=NULL) + fclose(fp); + return(ret); +} + + +/** Combine environment variable HOME with given filename + @param filename Address relative to $HOME + @param fileadr Resulting combined address + @param fa_size Size of array fileadr + @param flag Unused yet + @return 1=ok , 0=no HOME variable , -1=result address too long +*/ +int Sfile_home_adr_s(char *filename, char *fileadr, int fa_size, int flag) +{ + char *home; + + strcpy(fileadr,filename); + home= getenv("HOME"); + if(home==NULL) + return(0); + if(strlen(home)+strlen(filename)+1>=fa_size) + return(-1); + strcpy(fileadr,home); + if(filename[0]!=0){ + strcat(fileadr,"/"); + strcat(fileadr,filename); + } + return(1); +} + + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +/** Address translation table for users/applications which do not look + for the output of -scanbus but guess a Bus,Target,Lun on their own. +*/ + +/** The maximum number of entries in the address translation table */ +#define Cdradrtrn_leN 256 + +/** The address prefix which will prevent translation */ +#define Cdrskin_no_transl_prefiX "LITERAL_ADR:" + + +struct CdradrtrN { + char *from_address[Cdradrtrn_leN]; + char *to_address[Cdradrtrn_leN]; + int fill_counter; +}; + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + +/** Create a device address translator object */ +int Cdradrtrn_new(struct CdradrtrN **trn, int flag) +{ + struct CdradrtrN *o; + int i; + + (*trn)= o= TSOB_FELD(struct CdradrtrN,1); + if(o==NULL) + return(-1); + for(i= 0;ifrom_address[i]= NULL; + o->to_address[i]= NULL; + } + o->fill_counter= 0; + return(1); +} + + +/** Release from memory a device address translator object */ +int Cdradrtrn_destroy(struct CdradrtrN **o, int flag) +{ + int i; + struct CdradrtrN *trn; + + trn= *o; + if(trn==NULL) + return(0); + for(i= 0;ifill_counter;i++) { + if(trn->from_address[i]!=NULL) + free(trn->from_address[i]); + if(trn->to_address[i]!=NULL) + free(trn->to_address[i]); + } + free((char *) trn); + *o= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +/** Add a translation pair to the table + @param trn The translator which shall learn + @param from The user side address + @param to The cdrskin side address + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= "from" contains from+to address, to[0] contains delimiter +*/ +int Cdradrtrn_add(struct CdradrtrN *trn, char *from, char *to, int flag) +{ + char buf[2*Cdrskin_adrleN+1],*from_pt,*to_pt; + int cnt; + + cnt= trn->fill_counter; + if(cnt>=Cdradrtrn_leN) + return(-1); + if(flag&1) { + if(strlen(from)>=sizeof(buf)) + return(0); + strcpy(buf,from); + to_pt= strchr(buf,to[0]); + if(to_pt==NULL) + return(0); + *(to_pt)= 0; + from_pt= buf; + to_pt++; + } else { + from_pt= from; + to_pt= to; + } + if(strlen(from)>=Cdrskin_adrleN || strlen(to)>=Cdrskin_adrleN) + return(0); + trn->from_address[cnt]= malloc(strlen(from_pt)+1); + trn->to_address[cnt]= malloc(strlen(to_pt)+1); + if(trn->from_address[cnt]==NULL || + trn->to_address[cnt]==NULL) + return(-2); + strcpy(trn->from_address[cnt],from_pt); + strcpy(trn->to_address[cnt],to_pt); + trn->fill_counter++; + return(1); +} + + +/** Apply eventual device address translation + @param trn The translator + @param from The address from which to translate + @param driveno With backward translation only: The libburn drive number + @param to The result of the translation + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= translate backward + @return <=0 error, 1=no translation found, 2=translation found, + 3=collision avoided +*/ +int Cdradrtrn_translate(struct CdradrtrN *trn, char *from, int driveno, + char to[Cdrskin_adrleN], int flag) +{ + int i,ret= 1; + char *adr; + + to[0]= 0; + adr= from; + if(flag&1) + goto backward; + + if(strncmp(adr,Cdrskin_no_transl_prefiX, + strlen(Cdrskin_no_transl_prefiX))==0) { + adr= adr+strlen(Cdrskin_no_transl_prefiX); + ret= 2; + } else { + for(i=0;ifill_counter;i++) + if(strcmp(adr,trn->from_address[i])==0) + break; + if(ifill_counter) { + adr= trn->to_address[i]; + ret= 2; + } + } + if(strlen(adr)>=Cdrskin_adrleN) + return(-1); + strcpy(to,adr); + return(ret); + +backward:; + if(strlen(from)>=Cdrskin_adrleN) + sprintf(to,"%s%d",Cdrskin_no_transl_prefiX,driveno); + else + strcpy(to,from); + for(i=0;ifill_counter;i++) + if(strcmp(from,trn->to_address[i])==0 && + strlen(trn->from_address[i])fill_counter) { + ret= 2; + strcpy(to,trn->from_address[i]); + } else { + for(i=0;ifill_counter;i++) + if(strcmp(from,trn->from_address[i])==0) + break; + if(ifill_counter) + if(strlen(from)+strlen(Cdrskin_no_transl_prefiX)boss= boss; + o->trackno= trackno; + o->source_path[0]= 0; + o->source_fd= -1; + o->is_from_stdin= !!(flag&2); + o->fixed_size= 0.0; + o->padding= 0.0; + o->set_by_padsize= 0; + o->sector_pad_up= Cdrskin_all_tracks_with_sector_paD; + o->track_type= BURN_MODE1; + o->fifo_enabled= 0; + o->fifo= NULL; + o->fifo_outlet_fd= -1; + o->fifo_size= 0; + o->fifo_start_empty= 0; + o->libburn_track= NULL; + ret= Cdrskin_get_source(boss,o->source_path,&(o->fixed_size),&(o->padding), + &(o->set_by_padsize),&(o->track_type),0); + if(ret<=0) + goto failed; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + ret= Cdrskin_get_fifo_par(boss, &(o->fifo_enabled),&(o->fifo_size), + &(o->fifo_start_empty),0); + if(ret<=0) + goto failed; +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + if(flag&1) + o->fifo_start_empty= 1; + return(1); +failed:; + Cdrtrack_destroy(track,0); + return(-1); +} + + +/** Release from memory a track object previously created by Cdrtrack_new() */ +int Cdrtrack_destroy(struct CdrtracK **o, int flag) +{ + struct CdrtracK *track; + + track= *o; + if(track==NULL) + return(0); + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + Cdrfifo_destroy(&(track->fifo),0); +#endif + + if(track->libburn_track!=NULL) + burn_track_free(track->libburn_track); + free((char *) track); + *o= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrtrack_get_size(struct CdrtracK *track, double *size, double *padding, + int flag) +{ + *size= track->fixed_size; + *padding= track->padding; + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrtrack_get_fifo(struct CdrtracK *track, struct CdrfifO **fifo, int flag) +{ + *fifo= track->fifo; + return(1); +} + + +/** Deliver an open file descriptor corresponding to the source path of track. + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrtrack_open_source_path(struct CdrtracK *track, int *fd, int flag) +{ + if(track->source_path[0]=='-' && track->source_path[1]==0) + *fd= 0; + else if(track->source_path[0]=='#' && + (track->source_path[1]>='0' && track->source_path[1]<='9')) + *fd= atoi(track->source_path+1); + else { + *fd= open(track->source_path,O_RDONLY); + if(*fd==-1) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: failed to open source address '%s'\n", + track->source_path); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: errno=%d , \"%s\"\n",errno, + errno==0?"-no error code available-":strerror(errno)); + } else { + if(track->fixed_size<=0) { + struct stat stbuf; + if(fstat(*fd,&stbuf)!=-1) + track->fixed_size= stbuf.st_size; + } + } + } + if(track->fixed_size=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : Enforcing minimum track size of %.f bytes\n", + Cdrtrack_minimum_sizE); + track->fixed_size= Cdrtrack_minimum_sizE; + } + track->source_fd= *fd; + return(*fd>=0); +} + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + +/** Install a fifo object between data source and libburn. + Its parameters are known to track. + @param outlet_fd Returns the filedescriptor of the fifo outlet. + @param previous_fifo Object address for chaining or follow-up attachment. + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= Debugging verbosity + bit1= Do not create and attach a new fifo + but attach new follow-up fd pair to previous_fifo + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrtrack_attach_fifo(struct CdrtracK *track, int *outlet_fd, + struct CdrfifO *previous_fifo, int flag) +{ + struct CdrfifO *ff; + int source_fd,pipe_fds[2],ret; + + *outlet_fd= -1; + if(track->fifo_size<=0) + return(2); + ret= Cdrtrack_open_source_path(track,&source_fd,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + if(pipe(pipe_fds)==-1) + return(0); + + Cdrfifo_destroy(&(track->fifo),0); + if(flag&2) { + ret= Cdrfifo_attach_follow_up_fds(previous_fifo,source_fd,pipe_fds[1],0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + } else { + ret= Cdrfifo_new(&ff,source_fd,pipe_fds[1],2048,track->fifo_size,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + if(previous_fifo!=NULL) + Cdrfifo_attach_peer(previous_fifo,ff,0); + track->fifo= ff; + } + track->fifo_outlet_fd= pipe_fds[0]; + if(flag&1) + printf( + "cdrskin_debug: track %d fifo replaced source_address '%s' by '#%d'\n", + track->trackno+1,track->source_path,track->fifo_outlet_fd); + sprintf(track->source_path,"#%d",track->fifo_outlet_fd); + track->source_fd= track->fifo_outlet_fd; + *outlet_fd= track->fifo_outlet_fd; + return(1); +} + + +/** Read data into the fifo until either it is full or the data source is + exhausted. + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrtrack_fill_fifo(struct CdrtracK *track, int flag) +{ + int ret,buffer_fill,buffer_space; + + if(track->fifo==NULL || track->fifo_start_empty) + return(2); + printf("Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... "); + fflush(stdout); + ret= Cdrfifo_fill(track->fifo,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + +/** Ticket 55: check fifos for input, throw error on 0-bytes from stdin + @return <=0 abort run, 1 go on with burning +*/ + if(track->is_from_stdin) { + ret= Cdrfifo_get_buffer_state(track->fifo,&buffer_fill,&buffer_space,0); + if(ret<0 || buffer_fill<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrskin: FATAL : (First track) fifo did not read a single byte from stdin\n"); + return(0); + } + } + return(1); +} + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + +/** Create a corresponding libburn track object and add it to the libburn + session. This may change the trackno index set by Cdrtrack_new(). +*/ +int Cdrtrack_add_to_session(struct CdrtracK *track, int trackno, + struct burn_session *session, int flag) +/* + bit0= debugging verbosity + bit1= apply padding hack +*/ +{ + struct burn_track *tr; + struct burn_source *src= NULL; + double padding,lib_padding; + int ret,sector_pad_up; +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE + double fixed_size; + int source_fd; +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE */ + + track->trackno= trackno; + tr= burn_track_create(); + track->libburn_track= tr; + padding= 0.0; + sector_pad_up= track->sector_pad_up; + if(track->padding>0) { + if(track->set_by_padsize || track->track_type!=BURN_AUDIO) + padding= track->padding; + else + sector_pad_up= 1; + } + if(flag&2) + lib_padding= 0.0; + else + lib_padding= padding; + if(flag&1) { + if(sector_pad_up) { + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: track %d telling burn_track_define_data() to pad up last sector\n",trackno+1)); + } + if(lib_padding>0 || !sector_pad_up) { + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: track %d telling burn_track_define_data() to pad %.f bytes\n", + trackno+1,lib_padding)); + } + } + burn_track_define_data(tr,0,(int) lib_padding,sector_pad_up, + track->track_type); + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE + if(track->source_fd==-1) { + ret= Cdrtrack_open_source_path(track,&source_fd,0); + if(ret<=0) + goto ex; + } + fixed_size= track->fixed_size; + if((flag&2) && track->padding>0) { + if(flag&1) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: padding hack : %.f + %.f = %.f\n", + track->fixed_size,track->padding, + track->fixed_size+track->padding)); + fixed_size+= track->padding; + } + src= burn_fd_source_new(track->source_fd,-1,(off_t) fixed_size); +#else + src = burn_file_source_new3(track->source_path,NULL,(int) track->fixed_size); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE */ + + assert(src); + +#ifndef Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE + track->fixed_size= burn_source_get_size(src); + if((flag&2) && track->padding>0) { + if(flag&1) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: padding : %.f + %.f = %.f\n", + (double) burn_source_get_size(src),track->padding, + ((double) burn_source_get_size(src))+track->padding)); + + src->fixed_size = burn_source_get_size(src) + track->padding; + + if(flag&1) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: source size now : %.f\n", + (double) burn_source_get_size(src))); + } +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_libburn_with_fd_sourcE */ + + + if(burn_track_set_source(tr,src) != BURN_SOURCE_OK) + {ret= 0; goto ex;} + burn_session_add_track(session,tr,BURN_POS_END); + ret= 1; +ex: + if(src!=NULL) + burn_source_free(src); + return(ret); +} + + +/** Release libburn track information after a session is done */ +int Cdrtrack_cleanup(struct CdrtracK *track, int flag) +{ + if(track->libburn_track==NULL) + return(0); + burn_track_free(track->libburn_track); + track->libburn_track= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrtrack_ensure_padding(struct CdrtracK *track, int flag) +/* +flag: + bit0= debugging verbosity +*/ +{ + if(track->track_type!=BURN_AUDIO) + return(2); + if(flag&1) + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: enforcing -pad on last -audio track\n"); + track->sector_pad_up= 1; + return(1); +} + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + +/** Try to read bytes from the track's fifo outlet and eventually discard + them. Not to be called unless the track is completely written. +*/ +int Cdrtrack_has_input_left(struct CdrtracK *track, int flag) +{ + struct timeval wt; + fd_set rds,wts,exs; + int ready,ret; + char buf[2]; + + if(track->fifo_outlet_fd<=0) + return(0); + FD_ZERO(&rds); + FD_ZERO(&wts); + FD_ZERO(&exs); + FD_SET(track->fifo_outlet_fd,&rds); + wt.tv_sec= 0; + wt.tv_usec= 0; + ready= select(track->fifo_outlet_fd+1,&rds,&wts,&exs,&wt); + if(ready<=0) + return(0); + ret= read(track->fifo_outlet_fd,buf,1); + if(ret>0) + return(1); + return(0); +} + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +/** The list of startup file names */ +#define Cdrpreskin_rc_nuM 3 + +static char Cdrpreskin_sys_rc_nameS[Cdrpreskin_rc_nuM][80]= { + "/etc/default/cdrskin", + "/etc/opt/cdrskin/rc", + "placeholder for $HOME/.cdrskinrc" +}; + + +/** A structure which bundles several parameters for initialization of + libburn and creation of the CdrskiN object. It finally becomes a managed + subordinate of the CdrskiN object. +*/ +struct CdrpreskiN { + + /** Stores eventually given absolute device address before translation */ + char raw_device_adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + /** Stores an eventually given translated absolute device address between + Cdrpreskin_setup() and Cdrskin_create() . + */ + char device_adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + /** The eventual address translation table */ + struct CdradrtrN *adr_trn; + + /** Memorizes the abort handling mode from presetup to creation of + control object. Defined handling modes are: + 0= no abort handling + 1= try to cancel, release, exit (leave signal mode as set by caller) + 2= try to ignore all signals + 3= mode 1 in normal operation, mode 2 during abort handling + 4= mode 1 in normal operation, mode 0 during abort handling + -1= install abort handling 1 only in Cdrskin_burn() after burning started + */ + int abort_handler; + + /** Wether to allow getuid()!=geteuid() */ + int allow_setuid; + + /** Wether to allow user provided addresses like #4 */ + int allow_fd_source; + + /** Wether an option is given which needs a full bus scan */ + int no_whitelist; + + /** Wether bus scans shall exit!=0 if no drive was found */ + int scan_demands_drive; + + /** Wether to abort when a busy drive is encountered during bus scan */ + int abort_on_busy_drive; + + /** Wether to try to avoid collisions when opening drives */ + int drive_exclusive; + + /** Wether to try to wait for unwilling drives to become willing to open */ + int drive_blocking; + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + /** List of startupfiles */ + char rc_filenames[Cdrpreskin_rc_nuM][Cdrskin_strleN]; + int rc_filename_count; + + /** Non-argument options from startupfiles */ + int pre_argc; + char **pre_argv; + int *pre_argidx; + int *pre_arglno; + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + +}; + + + +/** Create a preliminary cdrskin program run control object. It will become + part of the final control object. + @param preskin Returns pointer to resulting + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: unused yet + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrpreskin_new(struct CdrpreskiN **preskin, int flag) +{ + struct CdrpreskiN *o; + int i; + + (*preskin)= o= TSOB_FELD(struct CdrpreskiN,1); + if(o==NULL) + return(-1); + + o->raw_device_adr[0]= 0; + o->device_adr[0]= 0; + o->adr_trn= NULL; + o->abort_handler= 3; + o->allow_setuid= 0; + o->allow_fd_source= 0; + o->no_whitelist= 0; + o->scan_demands_drive= 0; + o->abort_on_busy_drive= 0; + o->drive_exclusive= 1; + o->drive_blocking= 0; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + o->rc_filename_count= Cdrpreskin_rc_nuM; + for(i=0;irc_filename_count-1;i++) + strcpy(o->rc_filenames[i],Cdrpreskin_sys_rc_nameS[i]); + o->rc_filenames[o->rc_filename_count-1][0]= 0; + o->pre_argc= 0; + o->pre_argv= NULL; + o->pre_argidx= NULL; + o->pre_arglno= NULL; +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + return(1); +} + + +int Cdrpreskin_destroy(struct CdrpreskiN **preskin, int flag) +{ + struct CdrpreskiN *o; + + o= *preskin; + if(o==NULL) + return(0); + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + if((o->pre_arglno)!=NULL) + free((char *) o->pre_arglno); + if((o->pre_argidx)!=NULL) + free((char *) o->pre_argidx); + if(o->pre_argc>0 && o->pre_argv!=NULL) + Sfile_destroy_argv(&(o->pre_argc),&(o->pre_argv),0); + Cdradrtrn_destroy(&(o->adr_trn),0); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + free((char *) o); + *preskin= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +/** Convert a cdrecord-style device address into a libburn device address or + into a libburn drive number. It depends on the "scsibus" number of the + cdrecord-style address which kind of libburn address emerges: + bus=0 : drive number , bus=1 : /dev/sgN , bus=2 : /dev/hdX + (This call intentionally has no CdrpreskiN argument) + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrpreskin__cdrecord_to_dev(char *adr, char device_adr[Cdrskin_adrleN], + int *driveno, int flag) +{ + int comma_seen= 0,digit_seen= 0,busno= 0,k; + + *driveno= -1; + device_adr[0]= 0; + if(strlen(adr)==0) + return(0); + + /* read the trailing numeric string as device address code */ + /* accepts "1" , "0,1,0" , "ATA:0,1,0" , ... */ + for(k= strlen(adr)-1;k>=0;k--) { + if(adr[k]==',' && !comma_seen) { + comma_seen= 1; + digit_seen= 0; + continue; + } + if(adr[k]<'0' || adr[k]>'9') + break; + digit_seen= 1; + } + if(!digit_seen) { + k= strlen(adr)-1; + if(adr[k]==':' || (adr[k]>='A' && adr[k]<='Z')) { /* empty prefix ? */ + *driveno= 0; + return(1); + } + return(0); + } + sscanf(adr+k+1,"%d",driveno); + /* look for symbolic bus : 1=/dev/sgN 2=/dev/hdX */ + digit_seen= 0; + if(k>0) if(adr[k]==',') { + for(k--;k>=0;k--) { + if(adr[k]<'0' || adr[k]>'9') + break; + digit_seen= 1; + } + if(digit_seen) { + sscanf(adr+k+1,"%d",&busno); + if(busno==1) { + sprintf(device_adr,"/dev/sg%d",*driveno); + } else if(busno==2) { + sprintf(device_adr,"/dev/hd%c",'a'+(*driveno)); + } else if(busno!=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : dev=[Prefix:]Bus,Target,Lun expects Bus out of {0,1,2}\n"); + return(0); + } + } + } + return(1); +} + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + +/** Load content startup files into preskin cache */ +int Cdrpreskin_read_rc(struct CdrpreskiN *o, char *progname,int flag) +{ + int ret,i; + char *filenames_v[3]; + + for(i=0;irc_filename_count;i++) + filenames_v[i]= o->rc_filenames[i]; + Sfile_home_adr_s(".cdrskinrc",o->rc_filenames[o->rc_filename_count-1], + Cdrskin_strleN,0); + ret= Sfile_multi_read_argv(progname,filenames_v,o->rc_filename_count, + &(o->pre_argc),&(o->pre_argv), + &(o->pre_argidx),&(o->pre_arglno),4); + return(ret); +} + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + +/** Interpret those arguments which do not need libburn or which influence the + startup of libburn and/or the creation of the CdrskiN object. This is run + before libburn gets initialized and before Cdrskin_new() is called. + Options which need libburn or a CdrskiN object are processed in a different + function named Cdrskin_setup(). + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= do not finalize setup + bit1= do not read and interpret rc files + @return <=0 error, 1 success , 2 end program run with exit value 0 +*/ +int Cdrpreskin_setup(struct CdrpreskiN *o, int argc, char **argv, int flag) +/* +return: + <=0 error + 1 ok + 2 end program run (--help) +*/ +{ + int i,ret,bragg_with_audio= 0; + char *value_pt; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + if(argc>1) + if(strcmp(argv[1],"--no_rc")==0) + flag|= 2; + if(!(flag&2)) { + ret= Cdrpreskin_read_rc(o,argv[0],0); + if(ret<0) + return(-1); + if(o->pre_argc>1) { + ret= Cdrpreskin_setup(o,o->pre_argc,o->pre_argv,flag|1|2); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + /* ??? abort on ret==2 ? */ + } + } +#endif + + if(argc==1) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: SORRY : no options given. Try option --help\n"); + return(0); + } + for (i= 1;iabort_handler= 3; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--allow_setuid")==0) { + o->allow_setuid= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"blank=help")==0 || + strcmp(argv[i],"-blank=help")==0) { + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + fprintf(stderr,"Blanking options:\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\tall\t\tblank the entire disk\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\tdisc\t\tblank the entire disk\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\tdisk\t\tblank the entire disk\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\tfast\t\tminimally blank the entire disk\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\tminimal\t\tminimally blank the entire disk\n"); + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + goto see_cdrskin_eng_html; + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + if(argc==2) + {ret= 2; goto final_checks;} + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--bragg_with_audio")==0) { + bragg_with_audio= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--demand_a_drive")==0) { + o->scan_demands_drive= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--devices")==0) { + printf("Note: If this hangs for a while then there is a drive with\n"); + printf(" unexpected problems (e.g. ill DMA).\n"); + printf(" One may exclude such a device file by removing r- and w-\n"); + printf(" permissions for all cdrskin users.\n"); + o->no_whitelist= 1; + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"dev_translation=",16)==0) { + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + if(o->adr_trn==NULL) { + ret= Cdradrtrn_new(&(o->adr_trn),0); + if(ret<=0) + goto no_adr_trn_mem; + } + if(argv[i][16]==0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : dev_translation= : missing separator character\n"); + return(0); + } + ret= Cdradrtrn_add(o->adr_trn,argv[i]+17,argv[i]+16,1); + if(ret==-2) { +no_adr_trn_mem:; + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address_translation= : cannot allocate memory\n"); + } else if(ret==-1) + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address_translation= : table full (%d items)\n", + Cdradrtrn_leN); + else if(ret==0) + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address_translation= : no address separator '%c' found\n", + argv[i][17]); + if(ret<=0) + return(0); + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : dev_translation= is not available in lean version\n"); + return(0); + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-dev=",5)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+5; + goto set_dev; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"dev=",4)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+4; +set_dev:; + if(strcmp(value_pt,"help")==0) { + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + printf("Supported SCSI transports for this platform:\n"); + fflush(stdout); + fprintf(stderr,"\nTransport name:\t\tlibburn\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "Transport descr.:\tOpen-source library for writing optical discs\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"Transp. layer ind.:\t\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"Target specifier:\tbus,target,lun\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"Target example:\t\t1,2,0\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"SCSI Bus scanning:\tsupported\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "Open via UNIX device:\tsupported (see option --devices)\n"); + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + goto see_cdrskin_eng_html; + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + {ret= 2; goto final_checks;} + } + if(strlen(value_pt)>=sizeof(o->raw_device_adr)) + goto dev_too_long; + strcpy(o->raw_device_adr,value_pt); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--drive_abort_on_busy")==0) { + o->abort_on_busy_drive= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--drive_blocking")==0) { + o->drive_blocking= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--drive_not_exclusive")==0) { + o->drive_exclusive= 0; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"driveropts=help")==0 || + strcmp(argv[i],"-driveropts=help")==0) { + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + fprintf(stderr,"Driver options:\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"burnfree\tPrepare writer to use BURN-Free technology\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"noburnfree\tDisable using BURN-Free technology\n"); + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + goto see_cdrskin_eng_html; + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + if(argc==2 || (i==2 && argc==3 && strncmp(argv[1],"dev=",4)==0)) + {ret= 2; goto final_checks;} + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) { + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + printf("\n"); + printf("Usage: %s [options|source_addresses]\n", argv[0]); + printf("Burns preformatted data to CD-R or CD-RW via libburn.\n"); + printf("For the cdrecord compatible options which control the work of\n"); + printf( + "blanking and burning see output of option -help rather than --help.\n"); + printf("Non-cdrecord options:\n"); + printf(" --abort_handler do not leave the drive in busy state\n"); + printf(" --allow_setuid disable setuid blocker (very insecure !)\n"); + printf( + " --any_track allow source_addresses to match '^-.' or '='\n"); + printf( + " --bragg_with_audio list -audio as supported option with -help\n"); + printf(" --demand_a_drive exit !=0 on bus scans with empty result\n"); + printf(" --devices list accessible devices (tells /dev/...)\n"); + printf( + " dev_translation= set input address alias\n"); + printf(" e.g.: dev_translation=+ATA:1,0,0+/dev/sg1\n"); + printf(" --drive_abort_on_busy abort process if busy drive is found\n"); + printf(" (might be triggered by a busy hard disk)\n"); + printf(" --drive_blocking try to wait for busy drive to become free\n"); + printf(" (might be stalled by a busy hard disk)\n"); + printf(" --drive_not_exclusive do not ask kernel to prevent opening\n"); + printf(" busy drives. Effect is kernel dependend.\n"); +#ifdef Cdrskin_burn_drive_eject_brokeN + printf( + " eject_device= set the device address for command eject\n"); +#endif + printf(" --fifo_disable disable fifo despite any fs=...\n"); + printf(" --fifo_per_track use a separate fifo for each track\n"); + printf( + " --fifo_start_empty do not wait for full fifo before burn start\n"); + printf( + " grab_drive_and_wait= grab drive, wait given number of\n"); + printf( + " seconds, release drive, and do normal work\n"); + printf( + " --ignore_signals try to ignore any signals rather than to abort\n"); + printf(" --no_abort_handler exit even if the drive is in busy state\n"); + printf(" --no_blank_appendable refuse to blank appendable CD-RW\n"); + printf( + " --no_rc as first argument: do not read startup files\n"); + printf( + " --single_track accept only last argument as source_address\n"); + printf( + " tao_to_sao_tsize= substitute -tao by -sao and eventually\n"); + printf(" augment input from \"-\" by tsize=\n"); + printf(" (set tao_to_sao_tsize=0 to disable it)\n"); + printf( + "Preconfigured arguments are read from the following startup files\n"); + printf( + "if they exist and are readable. The sequence is as listed here:\n"); + printf(" /etc/default/cdrskin /etc/opt/cdrskin/rc $HOME/.cdrskinrc\n"); + printf( + "Each file line is a single argument. No remarks, no whitespace.\n"); + printf( + "By default any argument that does not match grep '^-.' or '=' is\n"); + printf( + "used as track source. If it is \"-\" then stdin is used. In this\n"); + printf("case the total byte count of the source must be announced via\n"); + printf("tsize= previous to the source address.\n"); + printf("cdrskin : http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_eng.html\n"); + printf(" mailto:scdbackup@gmx.net (Thomas Schmitt)\n"); + printf("libburn : http://libburn.pykix.org\n"); + printf("cdrecord : ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/\n"); + printf("My respect to the authors of cdrecord and libburn.\n"); + printf("scdbackup: http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/main_eng.html\n"); + printf("\n"); + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + +see_cdrskin_eng_html:; + printf("This is a capability reduced lean version without help texts.\n"); + printf("See http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin_eng.html\n"); + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + + {ret= 2; goto final_checks;} + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-help")==0) { + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [options|source_addresses]\n",argv[0]); + fprintf(stderr,"Note: This is not cdrecord. See cdrskin start message on stdout. See --help.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"Options:\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-version\tprint version information and exit\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\tdev=target\tpseudo-SCSI target to use as CD-Recorder\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\tgracetime=#\tset the grace time before starting to write to #.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-v\t\tincrement verbose level by one\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\tdriveropts=opt\topt= one of {burnfree,noburnfree,help}\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\t-checkdrive\tcheck if a driver for the drive is present\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-scanbus\tscan the SCSI bus and exit\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\tspeed=#\t\tset speed of drive\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\tblank=type\tblank a CD-RW disc (see blank=help)\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\tfs=#\t\tSet fifo size to # (0 to disable, default is 4 MB)\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\t-eject\t\teject the disk after doing the work (might be ignored)\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-dummy\t\tdo everything with laser turned off\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\t-atip\t\tretrieve media state, print \"Is *erasable\"\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-raw96r\t\tWrite disk in RAW/RAW96R mode\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-dao\t\tWrite disk in SAO mode.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-sao\t\tWrite disk in SAO mode.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\ttsize=#\t\tannounces exact size of source data\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\tpadsize=#\tAmount of padding\n"); + if(bragg_with_audio) + fprintf(stderr,"\t-audio\t\tSubsequent tracks are CD-DA audio tracks\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\t-data\t\tSubsequent tracks are CD-ROM data mode 1 (default)\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-pad\t\tpadsize=30k\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-nopad\t\tDo not pad (default)\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\t-help\t\tprint this text to stderr and exit\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "Option -audio is enabled but does no special .au or .wav processing.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "By default any argument that does not match grep '^-.' or '=' is used\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "as track source address. Address \"-\" means stdin. In this case\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "the total byte count of the source must be announced via tsize=#.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin will ensure that the announced tsize= is written even if\n"); + +#ifdef Cdrskin_burn_track_padding_brokeN + fprintf(stderr, + "the source delivers fewer bytes. If the source delivers surplus\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "bytes, they will replace the eventual padding.\n"); +#else /* Cdrskin_burn_track_padding_brokeN */ + fprintf(stderr,"the source delivers fewer bytes.\n"); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_burn_track_padding_brokeN */ + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + fprintf(stderr,"Note: This is not cdrecord. See cdrskin start message on stdout.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "(writer profile: -atip retrieve, blank=type, -eject after work)\n"); + goto see_cdrskin_eng_html; + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + {ret= 2; goto final_checks;} + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--ignore_signals")==0) { + o->abort_handler= 2; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--no_abort_handler")==0) { + o->abort_handler= 0; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--no_rc")==0) { + if(i!=1) + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : option --no_rc would only work as first argument.\n"); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-scanbus")==0) { + o->no_whitelist= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-version")==0) { + printf( + "Cdrecord 2.01-Emulation Copyright (C) 2006, see libburn.pykix.org\n"); + printf("libburn version : %s\n",Cdrskin_libburn_versioN); + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + printf("cdrskin version : %s\n",Cdrskin_prog_versioN); +#else + printf("cdrskin version : %s.lean (capability reduced lean version)\n", + Cdrskin_prog_versioN); +#endif + + printf("Version timestamp : %s\n",Cdrskin_timestamP); + printf("Build timestamp : %s\n",Cdrskin_build_timestamP); + {ret= 2; goto final_checks;} + } + + } + ret= 1; +final_checks:; + if(flag&1) + goto ex; + + if(o->allow_setuid==0 && getuid()!=geteuid()) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: SORRY : uid and euid differ. Will abort for safety concerns.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : Consider to allow rw-access to the writer device and\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : to run cdrskin under your normal user identity.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : Option --allow_setuid disables this safety check.\n"); + ret= 0; + } + + if(strlen(o->raw_device_adr)>0 && !o->no_whitelist) { + int driveno,hret; + char *adr,buf[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + adr= o->raw_device_adr; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + if(o->adr_trn!=NULL) { + hret= Cdradrtrn_translate(o->adr_trn,adr,-1,buf,0); + if(hret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address translation failed (address too long ?) \n"); + {ret= 0; goto ex;} + } + adr= buf; + } +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + if(adr[0]=='/') { + if(strlen(adr)>=sizeof(o->device_adr)) { +dev_too_long:; + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : dev=... too long (max. %d characters)\n", + sizeof(o->device_adr)-1); + {ret= 0; goto ex;} + } + strcpy(o->device_adr,adr); + } else { + ret= Cdrpreskin__cdrecord_to_dev(adr,o->device_adr,&driveno,0); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : dev= expects /dev/xyz, Bus,Target,0 or a number\n"); + {ret= 0; goto ex;} + } + } + } +ex:; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + if(ret<=0 || !(flag&1)) + Cdradrtrn_destroy(&(o->adr_trn),0); +#endif + + return(ret); +} + + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + + + +/** Verbosity level for pacifying progress messages */ +#define Cdrskin_verbose_progresS 1 + +/** Verbosity level for command recognition and execution logging */ +#define Cdrskin_verbose_cmD 2 + +/** Verbosity level for reporting of debugging messages */ +#define Cdrskin_verbose_debuG 3 + + +/** The maximum number of tracks */ +#define Cdrskin_track_maX 99 + + +/** Work around the fact that libburn leaves the track input fds open + after the track is done. This can hide a few overflow bytes buffered + by the fifo-to-libburn pipe which would cause a broken-pipe error + if libburn would close that outlet. + This macro enables a coarse workaround which tries to read bytes from + the track inlets after burning has ended. Probably not a good idea if + libburn would close the inlet fds. +*/ +#define Cdrskin_libburn_leaves_inlet_opeN 1 + + +/** List of furter wishes towards libburn: + - write mode which does not demand a track size in advance + - obtain minimum drive speed (for cdrskin -atip) + - obtain MMC profile of inserted media (for cdrskin -v -atip) + - a possibility to implement cdrskin -multi + - a possibilty to implement cdrskin -reset +*/ + + +/** Limit to prevent int rollovers within libburn as long as not everything is + changed to 64 bit off_t : 2 GB minus 800 MB for eventual computations. */ +#define Cdrskin_tracksize_maX 1308622848 + + +/* Some constants obtained by hearsay and experiments */ + +/** The payload speed factor for reporting progress: 1x = 150 kB/s */ +static double Cdrskin_cd_speed_factoR= 150.0*1024.0; + +/** The speed conversion factor consumer x-speed to libburn speed as used with + burn_drive_set_speed() burn_drive_get_write_speed() +*/ +static double Cdrskin_libburn_cd_speed_factoR= 176.0; + +/** Add-on for burn_drive_set_speed() to accomodate to the slightley oversized + speed ideas of my LG DVDRAM GSA-4082B. LITE-ON LTR-48125S tolerates it. +*/ +static double Cdrskin_libburn_cd_speed_addoN= 50.0; + + +/** The program run control object. Defaults: see Cdrskin_new(). */ +struct CdrskiN { + + /** Settings already interpreted by Cdrpreskin_setup */ + struct CdrpreskiN *preskin; + + /** Job: what to do, plus some parameters. */ + int verbosity; + double x_speed; + int gracetime; + int dummy_mode; + int single_track; + + int do_devices; + + int do_scanbus; + + int do_checkdrive; + + int do_atip; + + int do_blank; + int blank_fast; + int no_blank_appendable; + + int do_burn; + int burnfree; + char write_mode_name[40]; + /** The write mode (like SAO or RAW96/R). See libburn. */ + enum burn_write_types write_type; + int block_type; + + int do_eject; + char eject_device[Cdrskin_strleN]; + + + /** The current data source and its eventual parameters. + source_path may be either "-" for stdin, "#N" for open filedescriptor N + or the address of a readable file. + */ + char source_path[Cdrskin_strleN]; + double fixed_size; + double padding; + int set_by_padsize; + + /** track_type may be set to BURN_MODE1, BURN_AUDIO, etc. */ + int track_type; + + /** The list of tracks with their data sources and parameters */ + struct CdrtracK *tracklist[Cdrskin_track_maX]; + int track_counter; + /** a guess about what track might be processing right now */ + int supposed_track_idx; + + int fifo_enabled; + /** Optional fifo between input fd and libburn. It uses a pipe(2) to transfer + data to libburn. This fifo may be actually the start of a chain of fifos + which are to be processed simultaneously. + The fifo object knows the real input fd and the fd[1] of the pipe. + This is just a reference pointer. The fifos are managed by the tracks + which either line up their fifos or share the fifo of the first track. + */ + struct CdrfifO *fifo; + /** fd[0] of the fifo pipe. This is from where libburn reads its data. */ + int fifo_outlet_fd; + int fifo_size; + int fifo_start_empty; + int fifo_per_track; + + + /** User defined address translation */ + struct CdradrtrN *adr_trn; + + + /** The drives known to libburn after scan */ + struct burn_drive_info *drives; + unsigned int n_drives; + /** The drive selected for operation by CdrskiN */ + int driveno; + + + /** Progress state info: wether libburn is actually processing payload data */ + int is_writing; + + + /** abort parameters */ + int abort_max_wait; + + /** Engagement info for eventual abort */ + int lib_is_initialized; + pid_t control_pid; /* pid of the thread that calls libburn */ + int drive_is_grabbed; + int drive_is_busy; /* Wether drive was told to do something cancel-worthy */ + struct burn_drive *grabbed_drive; + + /** Abort test facility */ + double abort_after_bytecount; + + + /** Some intermediate option info which is stored until setup finalization */ + double tao_to_sao_tsize; + int stdin_source_used; + +}; + +int Cdrskin_destroy(struct CdrskiN **o, int flag); +int Cdrskin_grab_drive(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag); +int Cdrskin_release_drive(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag); + + +/** Create a cdrskin program run control object. + @param skin Returns pointer to resulting + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= library is already initialized + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_new(struct CdrskiN **skin, struct CdrpreskiN *preskin, int flag) +{ + struct CdrskiN *o; + int ret,i; + + (*skin)= o= TSOB_FELD(struct CdrskiN,1); + if(o==NULL) + return(-1); + o->preskin= preskin; + o->verbosity= 0; + o->x_speed= -1.0; + o->gracetime= 0; + o->dummy_mode= 0; + o->single_track= 0; + o->do_devices= 0; + o->do_scanbus= 0; + o->do_checkdrive= 0; + o->do_atip= 0; + o->do_blank= 0; + o->blank_fast= 0; + o->no_blank_appendable= 0; + o->do_burn= 0; + strcpy(o->write_mode_name,"SAO"); + o->write_type= BURN_WRITE_SAO; + o->block_type= BURN_BLOCK_SAO; + o->burnfree= 0; + o->do_eject= 0; + o->eject_device[0]= 0; + o->source_path[0]= 0; + o->fixed_size= 0.0; + o->padding= 0.0; + o->set_by_padsize= 0; + o->track_type= BURN_MODE1; + for(i=0;itracklist[i]= NULL; + o->track_counter= 0; + o->supposed_track_idx= -1; + o->fifo_enabled= 1; + o->fifo= NULL; + o->fifo_outlet_fd= -1; + o->fifo_size= 4*1024*1024; + o->fifo_start_empty= 0; + o->fifo_per_track= 0; + o->adr_trn= NULL; + o->drives= NULL; + o->n_drives= 0; + o->driveno= 0; + o->is_writing= 0; + o->abort_max_wait= 74*60; + o->lib_is_initialized= (flag&1); + o->control_pid= getpid(); + o->drive_is_grabbed= 0; + o->drive_is_busy= 0; + o->grabbed_drive= NULL; + o->abort_after_bytecount= -1.0; + o->tao_to_sao_tsize= 0.0; + o->stdin_source_used= 0; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + ret= Cdradrtrn_new(&(o->adr_trn),0); + if(ret<=0) + goto failed; +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + return(1); +failed:; + Cdrskin_destroy(skin,0); + return(-1); +} + + +/** Release from memory a cdrskin object */ +int Cdrskin_destroy(struct CdrskiN **o, int flag) +{ + struct CdrskiN *skin; + int i; + + skin= *o; + if(skin==NULL) + return(0); + if(skin->drive_is_grabbed) + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + for(i=0;itrack_counter;i++) + Cdrtrack_destroy(&(skin->tracklist[i]),0); + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + Cdradrtrn_destroy(&(skin->adr_trn),0); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + Cdrpreskin_destroy(&(skin->preskin),0); + if(skin->drives!=NULL) + burn_drive_info_free(skin->drives); + free((char *) skin); + *o= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +/** Return information about current track source */ +int Cdrskin_get_source(struct CdrskiN *skin, char *source_path, + double *fixed_size, double *padding, + int *set_by_padsize, int *track_type, int flag) +{ + strcpy(source_path,skin->source_path); + *fixed_size= skin->fixed_size; + *padding= skin->padding; + *track_type= skin->track_type; + *set_by_padsize= skin->set_by_padsize; + return(1); +} + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + +/** Return information about current fifo setting */ +int Cdrskin_get_fifo_par(struct CdrskiN *skin, int *fifo_enabled, + int *fifo_size, int *fifo_start_empty, int flag) +{ + *fifo_enabled= skin->fifo_enabled; + *fifo_size= skin->fifo_size; + *fifo_start_empty= skin->fifo_start_empty; + return(1); +} + + +/** Create and install fifo objects between track data sources and libburn. + The sources and parameters are known to skin. + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_attach_fifo(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + struct CdrfifO *ff= NULL; + int ret,i,hflag; + + skin->fifo= NULL; + for(i=0;itrack_counter;i++) { + hflag= (skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) { + if(skin->fifo_per_track) + printf("cdrskin: track %d establishing fifo of %d bytes\n", + i+1,skin->fifo_size); + else if(i==0) + printf("cdrskin: establishing fifo of %d bytes\n",skin->fifo_size); + else { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: attaching track %d to fifo\n",i+1)); + hflag|= 2; + } + } + ret= Cdrtrack_attach_fifo(skin->tracklist[i],&(skin->fifo_outlet_fd),ff, + hflag); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : failed to attach fifo.\n"); + return(0); + } + if(i==0 || skin->fifo_per_track) + Cdrtrack_get_fifo(skin->tracklist[i],&ff,0); + if(i==0) + skin->fifo= ff; + } + return(1); +} + + +/** Read data into the track fifos until either #1 is full or its data source + is exhausted. + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_fill_fifo(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + int ret; + + ret= Cdrtrack_fill_fifo(skin->tracklist[0],0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + printf("input buffer ready.\n"); + fflush(stdout); + return(1); +} + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + +/** Inform libburn about the consumer x-speed factor of skin */ +int Cdrskin_adjust_speed(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + int k_speed; + + if(skin->x_speed<0) + k_speed= 0; /* libburn.h promises 0 to be max speed. */ + else if(skin->x_speed==0) /* cdrecord specifies 0 as minimum speed. */ + k_speed= Cdrskin_libburn_cd_speed_factoR+Cdrskin_libburn_cd_speed_addoN; + else + k_speed= skin->x_speed*Cdrskin_libburn_cd_speed_factoR + + Cdrskin_libburn_cd_speed_addoN; + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: k_speed= %d\n",k_speed)); + + burn_drive_set_speed(skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive,k_speed,k_speed); + return(1); +} + + +/** Shutdown library and restart again on single drive which gets grabbed. + Does only work with a valid skin->driveno or with an already set + skin->preskin->device_adr . + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= skin->driveno points to a valid drive. The library + will get reopened with that drive listed as only one + and already grabbed. + bit1= do not load drive tray + @return 1 = success , + 0 = failure, drive is released, library initialized + -1 = failure, library is finished (and could not get initialized) +*/ +int Cdrskin_reinit_lib_with_adr(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + int ret; + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Restarting libburn. flag= %d driveno= %d grabbed= %d \n", + flag,skin->driveno,skin->drive_is_grabbed)); + + if(skin->drive_is_grabbed) + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + if(flag&1) + burn_drive_get_adr(&(skin->drives[skin->driveno]), + skin->preskin->device_adr); + if(strlen(skin->preskin->device_adr)<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : unable to determine persistent drive address\n"); + ret= 0; goto ex; + } + +/* >>> A60827: this causes a SIGSEGV when releasing the re-initialized drive + skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive after burn (then as + skin->grabbed_drive, but already being 0xb0 in Cdrskin_grab) ) + +*/ + burn_drive_info_free(skin->drives); + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: Finishing libburn.\n")); + + burn_finish(); + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: Initializing libburn.\n")); + + if(!burn_initialize()) { + fflush(stdout); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin : FATAL : Re-initialization of libburn failed\n"); + {ret= -1; goto ex;} + } + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: Grabbing drive.\n")); + + ret= Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,1|(flag&2));/* uses burn_drive_scan_and_grab() */ + if(ret<=0) + {ret=0; goto ex;} + + ret= 1; +ex: + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: Restarting of libburn done. ret= %d\n", + ret)); + + return(ret); +} + + +/** Obtain access to a libburn drive for writing or information retrieval. + Extended behavior with Cdrskin_new_api_tesT: + If libburn is not restricted to a single persistent address then it + gets shutdown and restarted with the wanted drive only. Thus, after + this call, libburn is supposed to have open only the grabbed drive. + All other drives should be free for other use. + Warning: Do not store struct burn_drive pointer over this call. + Any such pointer might be invalid afterwards. + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= bus is unscanned, device is known, + use burn_drive_scan_and_grab() + bit1= do not load drive tray + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_grab_drive(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + int ret,i; + struct burn_drive *drive; +#ifdef Cdrskin_grab_abort_brokeN + int restore_handler= 0; +#endif + + i= 0;/* as long as its use is conditional, so gcc -Wall does not complain */ + + if(skin->drive_is_grabbed) + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + + if(flag&1) { + skin->driveno= 0; + drive= NULL; + skin->grabbed_drive= drive; + } else { + drive= skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive; + skin->grabbed_drive= drive; + } + +#ifdef Cdrskin_grab_abort_brokeN + + /* There seems to be no way to get a drive out of status BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING + So try to block out signals if there is a signal handler installed */ + if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==1 || + skin->preskin->abort_handler==3 || + skin->preskin->abort_handler==4) { + Cleanup_set_handlers(NULL,NULL,2); + restore_handler= 1; + } + +#else + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Trusting in abortability of grabbing process\n")); + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_grab_abort_brokeN */ + +#ifdef Cdrskin_new_api_tesT + + + if(flag&1) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Cdrskin_grab_drive() from shutdown libburn\n")); + + ret= burn_drive_scan_and_grab(&(skin->drives),skin->preskin->device_adr, + !(flag&2)); + if(ret<=0) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: burn_drive_scan_and_grab ret=%d\n",ret)); + + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : unable to open drive '%s'\n", + skin->preskin->device_adr); + goto ex; + } + skin->driveno= 0; + drive= skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive; + skin->grabbed_drive= drive; + } else { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Cdrskin_grab_drive() on active libburn\n")); + if(strlen(skin->preskin->device_adr)<=0) { + +#define Cdrskin_drop_drives_by_forgeT 1 +#ifdef Cdrskin_drop_drives_by_forgeT + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Cdrskin_grab_drive() dropping unwanted drives (%d)\n", + skin->n_drives-1)); + for(i=0;in_drives;i++) { + if(i==skin->driveno) + continue; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Cdrskin_grab_drive() dropped drive number %d\n",i)); + ret= burn_drive_info_forget(&(skin->drives[i]), 0); + if(ret==1 || ret==2) + continue; + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : Please inform libburn-hackers@pykix.org about:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: burn_drive_info_forget() returns %d\n",ret); + } + +#else + + ret= Cdrskin_reinit_lib_with_adr(skin,1|(flag&2)); + goto ex; /* this calls Cdrskin_grab() with persistent address or fails */ + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_drop_drives_by_forgeT */ + + } + +#else + + { + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_new_api_tesT */ + + ret= burn_drive_grab(drive,!(flag&2)); + if(ret==0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : unable to open drive %d\n", + skin->driveno); + goto ex; + } + +#ifdef Cdrskin_is_erasable_on_load_is_brokeN + /* RIP-14.5 + LITE-ON 48125S produce a false status if tray was unloaded */ + /* Therefore the first grab was just for loading */ + skin->drive_is_grabbed= 1; /* message to eventual abort handler */ + burn_drive_release(drive,0); + skin->drive_is_grabbed= 0; + + /* now grab the drive for real */ + ret= burn_drive_grab(drive,!(flag&2)); + if(ret==0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : unable to open drive %d\n", + skin->driveno); + goto ex; + } +#else + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Trusting in burn_disc_erasable() after first grab\n")); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_is_erasable_on_load_is_brokeN */ + + } + skin->drive_is_grabbed= 1; + ret= 1; +ex:; + +#ifdef Cdrskin_grab_abort_brokeN + if(restore_handler) { + int Cdrskin_abort_handler(struct CdrskiN *, int, int); + Cleanup_set_handlers(skin,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Cdrskin_abort_handler,4); + } +#endif /* Cdrskin_grab_abort_brokeN */ + + if(ret<=0) { + skin->drive_is_grabbed= 0; + skin->grabbed_drive= NULL; + } + return(ret); +} + + +/** Release grabbed libburn drive + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= eject +*/ +int Cdrskin_release_drive(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + if((!skin->drive_is_grabbed) || skin->grabbed_drive==NULL) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: CAUGHT : release of non-grabbed drive.\n"); + return(0); + } + burn_drive_release(skin->grabbed_drive,(flag&1)); + skin->drive_is_grabbed= 0; + skin->grabbed_drive= NULL; + return(1); +} + + +/** Clean up resources in abort situations. To be called by Cleanup subsystem + but hardly ever by the application. The program must exit afterwards. +*/ +int Cdrskin_abort_handler(struct CdrskiN *skin, int signum, int flag) +{ + int wait_grain= 100000,first_status= 1; + struct burn_progress p; + enum burn_drive_status drive_status= BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING; + double start_time,last_time,current_time; + + if(getpid()!=skin->control_pid) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: ABORT : Thread rejected: pid=%d, signum=%d\n", + getpid(),signum)); + return(2); /* do only process the control thread */ + } + + if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==3) + Cleanup_set_handlers(NULL,NULL,2); /* ignore all signals */ + else if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==4) + Cleanup_set_handlers(NULL,NULL,1); /* allow abort */ + fprintf(stderr, + "\ncdrskin: ABORT : Handling started. Please do not press CTRL+C now.\n"); + if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==3) + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: ABORT : Trying to ignore any further signals\n"); + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + if(skin->fifo!=NULL) + Cdrfifo_close_all(skin->fifo,0); +#endif + + if(skin->grabbed_drive!=NULL) { + drive_status= burn_drive_get_status(skin->grabbed_drive,&p); + if(drive_status!=BURN_DRIVE_IDLE && !skin->drive_is_grabbed) + skin->drive_is_grabbed= 2; + if(drive_status!=BURN_DRIVE_IDLE && !skin->drive_is_busy) + skin->drive_is_busy= 2; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: ABORT : Drive status: %d\n", + (int) drive_status)); + } + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: ABORT : drive_is_grabbed=%d , drive_is_busy=%d (%X)\n", + skin->drive_is_grabbed,skin->drive_is_busy, + (unsigned int) skin->grabbed_drive)); + + if(skin->drive_is_grabbed) { + if(skin->drive_is_busy && skin->grabbed_drive!=NULL) { + if(drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_WRITING || drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_READING) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: ABORT : Trying to cancel drive operation.\n"); + burn_drive_cancel(skin->grabbed_drive); + } else if(drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING) { + +#ifdef Cdrskin_new_api_tesT + int ret; + + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: ABORT : Trying to close drive in process of grabbing\n"); + + /* >>> ??? rather inquire driveno from + skin->grabbed_drive->global_index ? */; + + ret= burn_drive_info_forget(&(skin->drives[skin->driveno]),1); + if(ret<=0) + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: ABORT : Attempt to close drive failed (ret= %d)\n",ret); + else { + skin->drive_is_grabbed= 0; + skin->grabbed_drive= NULL; + goto try_to_finish_lib; + } + +#else + /* >>> what to do in this state ? */; +#endif /* Cdrskin_new_api_tesT */ + + } else if(drive_status!=BURN_DRIVE_IDLE) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: ABORT : Will wait for current operation to end\n"); + } + if(drive_status!=BURN_DRIVE_IDLE) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: ABORT : Abort processing depends on CD speed and buffer size\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: ABORT : Usually it is done with 4x speed after about a MINUTE\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: URGE : But wait at least the normal burning time before any kill -9\n"); + } + last_time= start_time= Sfile_microtime(0); + while(1) { + drive_status= burn_drive_get_status(skin->grabbed_drive,&p); + if(drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_IDLE) + break; + usleep(wait_grain); + current_time= Sfile_microtime(0); + if(current_time-last_time>=1.0) { + if(first_status) + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + first_status= 0; + fprintf(stderr,"\rcdrskin: ABORT : Status %d. Waiting for status %d since %d seconds (%d max)", + (int) drive_status, (int) BURN_DRIVE_IDLE, + (int) (current_time-start_time),skin->abort_max_wait); + last_time= current_time; + } + if(current_time-start_time>=skin->abort_max_wait) { + fprintf(stderr, + "\ncdrskin: ABORT : Cannot cancel burn session and release drive.\n"); + return(0); + } + } + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrskin: ABORT : Status %d.\n",(int) drive_status); + } + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: ABORT : Trying to release drive.\n"); + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + } + +#ifdef Cdrskin_new_api_tesT +try_to_finish_lib:; +#endif + + if(skin->lib_is_initialized) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: ABORT : Trying to finish libburn.\n"); + burn_finish(); + } + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: ABORT : Drive is released and library is shut down now.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: ABORT : Program done. Even if you do not see a shell prompt.\n"); + return(1); +} + + +/** Convert a libburn device address into a libburn drive number + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_driveno_of_location(struct CdrskiN *skin, char *devicename, + int *driveno, int flag) +{ + int i,ret; + char adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + for(i=0;in_drives;i++) { + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_has_drive_get_adR + ret= burn_drive_get_adr(&(skin->drives[skin->driveno]), adr); + if(ret<=0) + continue; +#else + ret= 1; /* to please gcc -Wall */ + strcpy(adr,skin->drives[i].location); +#endif + + if(strcmp(adr,devicename)==0) { + *driveno= i; + return(1); + } + } + return(0); +} + + +/** Convert a cdrskin address into a libburn drive number + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_dev_to_driveno(struct CdrskiN *skin, char *in_adr, int *driveno, + int flag) +{ + int ret; + char *adr,translated_adr[Cdrskin_adrleN],synthetic_adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + adr= in_adr; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + /* user defined address translation */ + ret= Cdradrtrn_translate(skin->adr_trn,adr,-1,translated_adr,0); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address translation failed (address too long ?) \n"); + return(0); + } + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD && strcmp(adr,translated_adr)!=0) + printf("cdrskin: dev_translation=... : dev='%s' to dev='%s'\n", + adr,translated_adr); + adr= translated_adr; +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + if(adr[0]=='/') { + ret= Cdrskin_driveno_of_location(skin,adr,driveno,0); + if(ret<=0) { +location_not_found:; + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : cannot find '%s' among accessible drive devices.\n", + adr); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : use option --devices for a list of drive devices.\n"); + return(0); + } + return(1); + } + ret= Cdrpreskin__cdrecord_to_dev(adr,synthetic_adr,driveno,0); + if(ret<=0) { +wrong_devno:; + if(skin->n_drives<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : No accessible drives.\n"); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : Address does not lead to an accessible drive: %s\n", + in_adr); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : dev= expects /dev/xyz, Bus,Target,0 or a number [0,%d]\n", + skin->n_drives-1); + } + return(0); + } + if(strlen(synthetic_adr)>0) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: converted address '%s' to '%s'\n",adr,synthetic_adr); + ret= Cdrskin_driveno_of_location(skin,synthetic_adr,driveno,0); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: failure while using address converted from '%s'\n",adr); + adr= synthetic_adr; + goto location_not_found; + } + } + if((*driveno)>=skin->n_drives || (*driveno)<0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: obtained drive number %d from '%s'\n", + *driveno,adr); + goto wrong_devno; + } + return(1); +} + + +/** Convert a libburn drive number into a cdrecord-style address which + represents a device address if possible and the drive number else. + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= do not apply user defined address translation + @return <0 error, 0 drive number, 1 /dev/sgN, 2 /dev/hdX +*/ +int Cdrskin_driveno_to_btldev(struct CdrskiN *skin, int driveno, + char btldev[Cdrskin_adrleN], int flag) +{ + int k,ret,still_untranslated= 1,hret; + char *loc= NULL,buf[Cdrskin_adrleN],adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + if(driveno<0 || driveno>skin->n_drives) + goto fallback; + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_has_drive_get_adR + ret= burn_drive_get_adr(&(skin->drives[driveno]), adr); + if(ret<=0) + goto fallback; + loc= adr; +#else + adr[0]= 0; /* to please gcc -Wall */ + loc= skin->drives[driveno].location; +#endif + + if(loc==NULL) + goto fallback; + if(strncmp(loc,"/dev/sg",7)==0) { + for(k= 7;loc[k]!=0;k++) + if(loc[k]<'0' || loc[k]>'9') + break; + if(loc[k]==0 && k>7) { + sprintf(btldev,"1,%s,0",loc+7); + {ret= 1; goto ex;} + } + } + if(strncmp(loc,"/dev/hd",7)==0) + if(loc[7]>='a' && loc[7]<='z') + if(loc[8]==0) { + sprintf(btldev,"2,%d,0",loc[7]-'a'); + {ret= 2; goto ex;} + } +fallback:; + sprintf(btldev,"0,%d,0",driveno); + ret= 0; +ex:; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + /* user defined address translation */ + if(!(flag&1)) { + if((ret==1 || ret==2)) { + /* try wether a translation points to loc */ + hret= Cdradrtrn_translate(skin->adr_trn,loc,driveno,buf,1); + if(hret==2) { + still_untranslated= 0; + strcpy(btldev,buf); + } + } + if(still_untranslated) + Cdradrtrn_translate(skin->adr_trn,btldev,driveno,buf,1); + strcpy(btldev,buf); + } +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + return(ret); +} + + +/** Report media status s to the user */ +int Cdrskin_report_disc_status(struct CdrskiN *skin, enum burn_disc_status s, + int flag) +{ + printf("cdrskin: status %d ",s); + if (s==BURN_DISC_FULL) { + printf("burn_disc_full \"There is a disc with data on it in the drive\"\n"); + } else if(s==BURN_DISC_BLANK) { + printf("burn_disc_blank \"The drive holds a blank disc\"\n"); + } else if(s==BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE) { + printf( + "BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE \"There is an incomplete disc in the drive\"\n"); + } else if(s==BURN_DISC_EMPTY) { + printf("BURN_DISC_EMPTY \"There is no disc at all in the drive\"\n"); + } else + printf("-unknown status code-\n"); + return(1); +} + + +/** Perform operations -scanbus or --devices + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= perform --devices rather than -scanbus + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_scanbus(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + int ret,i,busno,first_on_bus; + char shellsafe[5*Cdrskin_strleN+2],perms[40],btldev[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + char adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + struct stat stbuf; + + if(flag&1) { + printf("cdrskin: Overview of accessible drives (%d found) :\n", + skin->n_drives); + printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); + for(i=0;in_drives;i++) { + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_has_drive_get_adR + ret= burn_drive_get_adr(&(skin->drives[i]), adr); + if(ret<=0) { + /* >>> one should massively complain */; + continue; + } +#else + strcpy(adr,skin->drives[i].location); +#endif + + if(stat(adr,&stbuf)==-1) { + sprintf(perms,"errno=%d",errno); + } else { + strcpy(perms,"------"); + if(stbuf.st_mode&S_IRUSR) perms[0]= 'r'; + if(stbuf.st_mode&S_IWUSR) perms[1]= 'w'; + if(stbuf.st_mode&S_IRGRP) perms[2]= 'r'; + if(stbuf.st_mode&S_IWGRP) perms[3]= 'w'; + if(stbuf.st_mode&S_IROTH) perms[4]= 'r'; + if(stbuf.st_mode&S_IWOTH) perms[5]= 'w'; + } + if(strlen(adr)>=Cdrskin_strleN) + Text_shellsafe("failure:oversized string",shellsafe,0); + else + Text_shellsafe(adr,shellsafe,0); + printf("%d dev=%s %s : '%s' '%s'\n", + i,shellsafe,perms,skin->drives[i].vendor,skin->drives[i].product); + } + printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); + } else { + printf("Using libburn version '%s'.\n",Cdrskin_libburn_versioN); + for(busno= 0;busno<16;busno++) { + first_on_bus= 1; + for(i=0;in_drives;i++) { + ret= Cdrskin_driveno_to_btldev(skin,i,btldev,1); + if(ret!=busno) + continue; + if(first_on_bus) + printf("scsibus%d:\n",busno); + first_on_bus= 0; + printf("\t%s\t %d) '%s' '%s' '%s' Removable CD-ROM\n", + btldev,i,skin->drives[i].vendor,skin->drives[i].product,"?"); + } + } + } + return(1); +} + + +/** Perform -checkdrive . + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= do not print message about pseudo-checkdrive + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_checkdrive(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + struct burn_drive_info *drive_info; + int ret; + char btldev[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + if(!(flag&1)) + printf("cdrskin: pseudo-checkdrive on drive %d\n",skin->driveno); + if(skin->driveno>=skin->n_drives || skin->driveno<0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : there is no drive #%d\n",skin->driveno); + {ret= 0; goto ex;} + } + drive_info= &(skin->drives[skin->driveno]); + ret= Cdrskin_driveno_to_btldev(skin,skin->driveno,btldev,0); + if(ret>=0) + fprintf(stderr,"scsidev: '%s'\n",btldev); + printf("Device type : %s\n","Removable CD-ROM"); + printf("Vendor_info : '%s'\n",drive_info->vendor); + printf("Identifikation : '%s'\n",drive_info->product); + printf("Driver flags : %s\n","BURNFREE"); + printf("Supported modes: %s\n","SAO RAW/R96R"); + ret= 1; +ex:; + return(ret); +} + + +/** Perform -atip . + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_atip(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + int ret,is_not_really_erasable= 0; + double x_speed; + enum burn_disc_status s; + struct burn_drive *drive; + + printf("cdrskin: pseudo-atip on drive %d\n",skin->driveno); + ret= Cdrskin_checkdrive(skin,1); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + ret= Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + drive= skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive; + while(burn_drive_get_status(drive,NULL)) + usleep(100002); + while ((s = burn_disc_get_status(drive)) == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(100002); + Cdrskin_report_disc_status(skin,s,0); + if(s==BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE && skin->no_blank_appendable) { + is_not_really_erasable= 1; + } else if(s==BURN_DISC_EMPTY) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf("Current: none\n"); + ret= 0; goto ex; + } + + +#ifdef Cdrskin_atip_speed_brokeN + + /* <<< terrible stunt to get correct media speed info */ + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: redoing startup for speed inquiry stabilization\n")); + + +#ifdef Cdrskin_new_api_tesT + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin_debug: Cdrskin_atip() on Cdrskin_new_api_tesT\n")); + + if(strlen(skin->preskin->device_adr)<=0) + burn_drive_get_adr(&(skin->drives[skin->driveno]), + skin->preskin->device_adr); + + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + burn_finish(); + if(!burn_initialize()) { + fflush(stdout); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin : FATAL : Re-initialization of libburn failed\n"); + {ret= 0; goto ex;} + } + ret= Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,1); /* uses burn_drive_scan_and_grab() */ + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + drive= skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive; + +#else /* Cdrskin_new_api_tesT */ + + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + burn_finish(); + if(!burn_initialize()) { + fflush(stdout); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin : FATAL : Re-initialization of libburn failed\n"); + {ret= 0; goto ex;} + } + if(strlen(skin->preskin->device_adr)>0) + burn_drive_add_whitelist(skin->preskin->device_adr); + while(!burn_drive_scan(&(skin->drives),&(skin->n_drives))) + usleep(1002); + ret= Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + drive= skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive; + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_new_api_tesT */ + +#endif /* Cdrskin_atip_speed_brokeN */ + + + ret= burn_drive_get_write_speed(drive); + x_speed= ((double) ret)/Cdrskin_libburn_cd_speed_factoR; + printf("cdrskin: burn_drive_get_write_speed = %d (%.1fx)\n",ret,x_speed); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + if(burn_disc_erasable(drive)) + printf("Current: CD-RW\n"); + else + printf("Current: CD-R\n"); + } + printf("ATIP info from disk:\n"); + if(burn_disc_erasable(drive)) { + if(is_not_really_erasable) + printf(" Is erasable (but not while in this incomplete state)\n"); + else + printf(" Is erasable\n"); + } else { + printf(" Is not erasable\n"); + } + printf(" 1T speed low: %.f 1T speed high: %.f\n",x_speed,x_speed); + ret= 1; +ex:; + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + return(ret); +} + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + +/** Emulate the gracetime= behavior of cdrecord + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= do not print message about pseudo-checkdrive +*/ +int Cdrskin_wait_before_action(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +/* flag: bit0= BLANK rather than write mode */ +{ + int i; + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + char speed_text[80]; + if(skin->x_speed<0) + strcpy(speed_text,"MAX"); + else if(skin->x_speed==0) + strcpy(speed_text,"MIN"); + else + sprintf(speed_text,"%.f",skin->x_speed); + printf( + "Starting to write CD/DVD at speed %s in real %s mode for single session.\n", + speed_text,(flag&1?"BLANK":skin->write_mode_name)); + printf("Last chance to quit, starting real write in %3d seconds.", + skin->gracetime); + fflush(stdout); + } + for(i= skin->gracetime-1;i>=0;i--) { + usleep(1000000); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b %3d seconds.",i); + fflush(stdout); + } + } + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf(" Operation starts.\n"); + return(1); +} + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + +/** Perform blank=[all|fast] + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_blank(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + enum burn_disc_status s; + struct burn_progress p; + struct burn_drive *drive; + int ret,loop_counter= 0; + double start_time; + + start_time= Sfile_microtime(0); /* will be refreshed later */ + ret= Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + drive= skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive; + + while(burn_drive_get_status(drive,NULL)) + usleep(100002); + while ((s = burn_disc_get_status(drive)) == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(100002); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + Cdrskin_report_disc_status(skin,s,0); + if(s!=BURN_DISC_FULL && + (s!=BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE || skin->no_blank_appendable)) { + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + if(s==BURN_DISC_BLANK) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : blank=... : media was already blank (and still is)\n"); + return(2); + } else if(s==BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : blank=... : media is still appendable\n"); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : blank=... : no blankworthy disc found\n"); + } + return(0); + } + if(!burn_disc_erasable(drive)) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : blank=... : media is not erasable\n"); + return(0); + } + if(skin->dummy_mode) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: would have begun to blank disc if not in -dummy mode\n"); + goto blanking_done; + } + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: beginning to blank disc\n"); + Cdrskin_adjust_speed(skin,0); + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + Cdrskin_wait_before_action(skin,1); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + skin->drive_is_busy= 1; + burn_disc_erase(drive,skin->blank_fast); + + loop_counter= 0; + start_time= Sfile_microtime(0); + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, &p)!=BURN_DRIVE_IDLE) { + if(loop_counter>0) + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR + fprintf(stderr, + "\rcdrskin: blanking sector %d (%lu seconds elapsed) ", + p.sector,(unsigned long) (Sfile_microtime(0)-start_time)); +#else /* Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR */ + fprintf(stderr, + "\rcdrskin: blanking sector %d (%lu seconds elapsed) ", + p.current_sector,(unsigned long) (Sfile_microtime(0)-start_time)); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR */ + + sleep(2); + loop_counter++; + } +blanking_done:; + skin->drive_is_busy= 0; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + printf("Blanking time: %.3fs\n",Sfile_microtime(0)-start_time); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: blanking done\n"); + } + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + return(1); +} + + +/** Report burn progress. This is done partially in cdrecord style. + Actual reporting happens only if write progress hit the next MB or if in + non-write-progress states a second has elapsed since the last report. + After an actual report a new statistics interval begins. + @param drive_status As obtained from burn_drive_get_status() + @param p Progress information from burn_drive_get_status() + @param start_time Timestamp of burn start in seconds + @param last_time Timestamp of report interval start in seconds + @param total_count Returns the total number of bytes written so far + @param total_count Returns the number of bytes written during interval + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= report in growisofs style rather than cdrecord style + @return <=0 error, 1 seems to be writing payload, 2 doing something else +*/ +int Cdrskin_burn_pacifier(struct CdrskiN *skin, + enum burn_drive_status drive_status, + struct burn_progress *p, + double start_time, double *last_time, + double *total_count, double *last_count, int flag) +/* + bit0= growisofs style +*/ +{ + double bytes_to_write,written_bytes= 0.0,written_total_bytes= 0.0,buffer_size; + double fixed_size,padding; + double measured_total_speed,measured_speed; + double elapsed_time,elapsed_total_time,current_time; + double estim_time,estim_minutes,estim_seconds,percent; + int ret,fifo_percent,fill,space,advance_interval=0,new_mb,old_mb,time_to_tell; + int fs,bs,old_track_idx; + char fifo_text[80],mb_text[40]; + char *debug_mark= ""; /* use this to prepend a marker text for experiments */ + + /* for debugging */ + static double last_fifo_in= 0.0,last_fifo_out= 0.0,curr_fifo_in,curr_fifo_out; + + current_time= Sfile_microtime(0); + elapsed_total_time= current_time-start_time; + elapsed_time= current_time-*last_time; + time_to_tell= (elapsed_time>=1.0); + + if(drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_WRITING) { + ; + } else if(drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_WRITING_LEADIN) { + if(time_to_tell || skin->is_writing) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + if(skin->is_writing) + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\rcdrskin: writing lead-in since %.f seconds ", + elapsed_total_time); + } + skin->is_writing= 0; + advance_interval= 1; + } + {ret= 2; goto ex;} + } else if(drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_WRITING_LEADOUT) { + if(time_to_tell || skin->is_writing) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + if(skin->is_writing) + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\rcdrskin: writing lead-out after %.f seconds ", + elapsed_total_time); + } + skin->is_writing= 0; + advance_interval= 1; + } + {ret= 2; goto ex;} + } else + goto thank_you_for_patience; + + bytes_to_write= ((double) p->sectors)*2048.0; + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR + written_total_bytes= ((double) p->sector)*2048.0; +#else /* Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR */ + written_total_bytes= ((double) p->current_sector)*2048.0; +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_libburn_p_sectoR */ + + written_bytes= written_total_bytes-*last_count; + + old_track_idx= skin->supposed_track_idx; +#ifdef Cdrskin_progress_track_brokeN + /* with libburn.0.2 there is always reported 0 as p->track */ + if(written_bytes<0) { /* track hop ? */ + if(skin->supposed_track_idx+1track_counter) + skin->supposed_track_idx++; + } + /* >>> ask eventual fifo about writing fd */; + if(p->track>0) + skin->supposed_track_idx= p->track; +#else /* Cdrskin_progress_track_brokeN */ + skin->supposed_track_idx= p->track; +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_progress_track_brokeN */ + + if(old_track_idx>=0 && old_track_idxsupposed_track_idx) { + Cdrtrack_get_size(skin->tracklist[old_track_idx],&fixed_size,&padding,0); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf("\n"); + printf("%sTrack %-2.2d: Total bytes read/written: %.f/%.f (%.f sectors).\n", + debug_mark,old_track_idx+1,fixed_size,fixed_size,fixed_size/2048.0); + } + + if(written_total_bytes<1024*1024) { +thank_you_for_patience:; + if(time_to_tell || skin->is_writing) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + if(skin->is_writing) + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "\rcdrskin: thank you for being patient since %.f seconds ", + elapsed_total_time); + } + skin->is_writing= 0; + advance_interval= 1; + } + {ret= 2; goto ex;} + } + new_mb= written_total_bytes/(1024*1024); + old_mb= (*last_count)/(1024*1024); + if(new_mb==old_mb && !(written_total_bytes>=skin->fixed_size && + skin->fixed_size>0 && time_to_tell)) + {ret= 1; goto ex;} + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + percent= 0.0; + if(bytes_to_write>0) + percent= written_total_bytes/bytes_to_write*100.0; + measured_total_speed= 0.0; + measured_speed= 0.0; + estim_time= -1.0; + estim_minutes= -1.0; + estim_seconds= -1.0; + if(elapsed_total_time>0.0) { + measured_total_speed= written_total_bytes/elapsed_total_time; + estim_time= (bytes_to_write-written_bytes)/measured_total_speed; + if(estim_time>0.0 && estim_time<86400.0) { + estim_minutes= ((int) estim_time)/60; + estim_seconds= estim_time-estim_minutes*60.0; + if(estim_seconds<0.0) + estim_seconds= 0.0; + } + } + if(elapsed_time>0.0) + measured_speed= written_bytes/elapsed_time; + if(measured_speed<=0.0 && written_total_bytes>=skin->fixed_size && + skin->fixed_size>0) { + if(!skin->is_writing) + goto thank_you_for_patience; + skin->is_writing= 0; + measured_speed= measured_total_speed; + } else + skin->is_writing= 1; + if(skin->supposed_track_idx<0) + skin->supposed_track_idx= 0; + if(*last_count<=0.0) + printf("%-78.78s\r",""); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + if(flag&1) { + printf("%.f/%.f (%2.1f%%) @%1.1f, remaining %.f:%2.2d\n", + written_total_bytes,bytes_to_write,percent, + measured_speed/Cdrskin_cd_speed_factoR, + estim_minutes,(int) estim_seconds); + } else { + fill= 0; + fifo_percent= 50; + fifo_text[0]= 0; + curr_fifo_in= last_fifo_in; + curr_fifo_out= last_fifo_out; + if(skin->fifo!=NULL) { + ret= Cdrfifo_get_buffer_state(skin->fifo,&fill,&space,0); + buffer_size= fill+space; + if(ret==2 || ret==0) { + fifo_percent= 100; + } else if(ret>0 && buffer_size>0.0) { + /* obtain minimum fill of pacifier interval */ + Cdrfifo_next_interval(skin->fifo,&fill,0); + fifo_percent= 100.0*((double) fill)/buffer_size; + if(fifo_percent<100 && fill>0) + fifo_percent++; + } + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) { + Cdrfifo_get_counters(skin->fifo,&curr_fifo_in,&curr_fifo_out,0); + Cdrfifo_get_sizes(skin->fifo,&bs,&fs,0); + } + } + if(skin->fifo_size>0) { + sprintf(fifo_text,"(fifo %3d%%) ",fifo_percent); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) { + fprintf(stderr, + "\ncdrskin_debug: fifo >= %9d / %d : %8.f in, %8.f out\n", + fill,space+fill, + curr_fifo_in-last_fifo_in,curr_fifo_out-last_fifo_out); + last_fifo_in= curr_fifo_in; + last_fifo_out= curr_fifo_out; + } + } + if(skin->supposed_track_idx >= 0 && + skin->supposed_track_idx < skin->track_counter) { + Cdrtrack_get_size(skin->tracklist[skin->supposed_track_idx], + &fixed_size,&padding,0); + } else if(skin->fixed_size!=0) { + fixed_size= skin->fixed_size; + padding= skin->padding; + } + if(fixed_size) { + sprintf(mb_text,"%4d of %4d", + (int) (written_total_bytes/1024.0/1024.0), + (int) ((fixed_size+padding)/1024.0/1024.0)); + } else + sprintf(mb_text,"%4d",(int) (written_total_bytes/1024.0/1024.0)); + printf("\r%sTrack %-2.2d: %s MB written %s[buf 50%%] %4.1fx.", + debug_mark,skin->supposed_track_idx+1,mb_text,fifo_text, + measured_speed/Cdrskin_cd_speed_factoR); + fflush(stdout); + } + if(skin->is_writing==0) { + printf("\n"); + goto thank_you_for_patience; + } + } + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + if(skin->supposed_track_idx<0) + skin->supposed_track_idx= 0; + if(written_bytes<=0.0 && written_total_bytes>=skin->fixed_size && + skin->fixed_size>0) { + if(!skin->is_writing) + goto thank_you_for_patience; + skin->is_writing= 0; + } else { + if(!skin->is_writing) + printf("\n"); + skin->is_writing= 1; + } + printf("\rTrack %-2.2d: %3d MB written ", + skin->supposed_track_idx+1,(int) (written_total_bytes/1024.0/1024.0)); + fflush(stdout); + if(skin->is_writing==0) + printf("\n"); + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + + advance_interval= 1; + ret= 1; +ex:; + if(advance_interval) { + if(written_total_bytes>0) + *last_count= written_total_bytes; + else + *last_count= 0.0; + if(*last_count>*total_count) + *total_count= *last_count; + *last_time= current_time; + } + return(ret); +} + + +/** Burn data via libburn according to the parameters set in skin. + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_burn(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + struct burn_disc *disc; + struct burn_session *session; + struct burn_write_opts *o; + enum burn_disc_status s; + enum burn_drive_status drive_status; + struct burn_progress p; + struct burn_drive *drive; + int ret,loop_counter= 0,max_track= -1,i,hflag; + int fifo_disabled= 0,fifo_percent,total_min_fill,mb; + double put_counter,get_counter,empty_counter,full_counter; + double start_time,last_time; + double total_count= 0.0,last_count= 0.0,size,padding; + + printf("cdrskin: beginning to burn disk\n"); + + disc= burn_disc_create(); + session= burn_session_create(); + burn_disc_add_session(disc,session,BURN_POS_END); + + skin->fixed_size= 0.0; + for(i=0;itrack_counter;i++) { + hflag= (skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG); +#ifdef Cdrskin_burn_track_padding_brokeN + hflag|= 2; +#endif + if(i==skin->track_counter-1) + Cdrtrack_ensure_padding(skin->tracklist[i],hflag&1); + ret= Cdrtrack_add_to_session(skin->tracklist[i],i,session,hflag); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : cannot add track %d to session.\n",i+1); + return(0); + } + Cdrtrack_get_size(skin->tracklist[i],&size,&padding,0); + skin->fixed_size+= size+padding; + } + + ret= Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + drive= skin->drives[skin->driveno].drive; + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL)) + usleep(100002); /* >>> ??? add a timeout ? */ + + while ((s = burn_disc_get_status(drive)) == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(100002); /* >>> ??? add a timeout ? */ + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + Cdrskin_report_disc_status(skin,s,0); + + if (s != BURN_DISC_BLANK) { + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : no blank media detected.\n"); + return(0); + } + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + for(i=0;itrack_counter;i++) { + Cdrtrack_get_size(skin->tracklist[i],&size,&padding,0); + if(size<=0) { + printf("Track %-2.2d: data unknown length",i+1); + } else { + mb= size/1024.0/1024.0; + printf("Track %-2.2d: data %5d MB ",i+1,mb); + } + if(padding>0) + printf(" padsize: %.f KB\n",padding/1024.0); + else + printf("\n"); + } + if(skin->fixed_size<=0) { + printf("Total size: 0 MB (00:00.00) = 0 sectors\n"); + printf("Lout start: 0 MB (00:02/00) = 0 sectors\n"); + } else { + /* >>> This is quite a fake. Need to learn about 12:35.25 and "Lout" + ??? Is there a way to obtain the toc in advance (print_cue()) ? */ + double seconds; + int min,sec,frac; + + mb= skin->fixed_size/1024.0/1024.0; + seconds= skin->fixed_size/150.0/1024.0+2.0; + min= seconds/60.0; + sec= seconds-min*60; + frac= (seconds-min*60-sec)*100; + if(frac>99) + frac= 99; + printf("Total size: %5d MB (%-2.2d:%-2.2d.%-2.2d) = %d sectors\n", + mb,min,sec,frac,(int) (skin->fixed_size/2048)); + seconds+= 2; + min= seconds/60.0; + sec= seconds-min*60; + frac= (seconds-min*60-sec)*100; + if(frac>99) + frac= 99; + printf("Lout start: %5d MB (%-2.2d:%-2.2d/%-2.2d) = %d sectors\n", + mb,min,sec,frac,(int) (skin->fixed_size/2048)); + } + } + + Cdrskin_wait_before_action(skin,0); + ret= Cdrskin_fill_fifo(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : filling of fifo failed\n"); + goto ex; + } + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + + o= burn_write_opts_new(drive); + burn_write_opts_set_perform_opc(o, 0); + + burn_write_opts_set_write_type(o,skin->write_type,skin->block_type); + if(skin->dummy_mode) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : -dummy mode will prevent actual writing\n"); + burn_write_opts_set_simulate(o, 1); + } + burn_write_opts_set_underrun_proof(o,skin->burnfree); + + Cdrskin_adjust_speed(skin,0); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf("Starting new track at sector: 0\n"); + skin->drive_is_busy= 1; + burn_disc_write(o, disc); + if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==-1) + Cleanup_set_handlers(skin,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Cdrskin_abort_handler,4); + start_time= Sfile_microtime(0); + + burn_write_opts_free(o); + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL) == BURN_DRIVE_SPAWNING) { + + /* >>> how do i learn about success or failure ? */ + + ; + } + loop_counter= 0; + while (1) { + drive_status= burn_drive_get_status(drive, &p); + if(drive_status==BURN_DRIVE_IDLE) + break; + + /* >>> how do i learn about success or failure ? */ + + if(loop_counter>0) + Cdrskin_burn_pacifier(skin,drive_status,&p,start_time,&last_time, + &total_count,&last_count,0); + + + /* <<< debugging : artificial abort without a previous signal */; + if(skin->abort_after_bytecount>=0.0 && + total_count>=skin->abort_after_bytecount) { + /* whatever signal handling is installed: this thread is the boss now */ + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: DEVELOPMENT : synthetic abort by abort_after_bytecount=%.f\n", + skin->abort_after_bytecount); + skin->control_pid= getpid(); + ret= Cdrskin_abort_handler(skin,0,0); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: done (aborted)\n"); + exit(1); + } + + + if(max_tracksupposed_track_idx) + max_track= skin->supposed_track_idx; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + if(skin->fifo==NULL || fifo_disabled) { + usleep(20000); + } else { + ret= Cdrfifo_try_to_work(skin->fifo,20000,NULL,NULL,0); + if(ret<0) { + int abh; + + abh= skin->preskin->abort_handler; + if(abh!=2) + fprintf(stderr, + "\ncdrskin: FATAL : fifo encountered error during burn loop.\n"); + if(abh==0) { + ret= -1; goto ex; + } else if(abh==1 || abh==3 || abh==4 || abh==-1) { + Cdrskin_abort_handler(skin,0,0); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: done (aborted)\n"); + exit(10); + } else { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + fprintf(stderr, + "\ncdrskin_debug: Cdrfifo_try_to_work() returns %d\n",ret); + } + } + if(ret==2) { /* <0 = error , 2 = work is done */ + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrskin_debug: fifo ended work with ret=%d\n",ret); + fifo_disabled= 1; + } + } +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + usleep(20000); +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + loop_counter++; + } + skin->drive_is_busy= 0; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf("\n"); + if(max_track<=0) { + printf("Track 01: Total bytes read/written: %.f/%.f (%.f sectors).\n", + total_count,total_count,total_count/2048.0); + } else { + Cdrtrack_get_size(skin->tracklist[max_track],&size,&padding,0); + printf( + "Track %-2.2d: Total bytes read/written: %.f/%.f (%.f sectors).\n", + max_track+1,size,size,size/2048.0); + } + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf("Writing time: %.3fs\n",Sfile_microtime(0)-start_time); + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + if(skin->fifo!=NULL && skin->fifo_size>0) { + int dummy,final_fill; + Cdrfifo_get_buffer_state(skin->fifo,&final_fill,&dummy,0); + if(final_fill>0) { +fifo_full_at_end:; + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : Fifo still contains data after burning has ended.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : %.d bytes left.\n",final_fill); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : This indicates an overflow of the last track.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : The media might appear ok but is probably truncated.\n"); + ret= -1; goto ex; + } + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_leaves_inlet_opeN + for(i= 0;itrack_counter;i++) { + ret= Cdrtrack_has_input_left(skin->tracklist[i],0); + if(ret>0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : fifo outlet of track #%d is still buffering some bytes.\n", + i+1); + goto fifo_full_at_end; + } + } +#endif /* Cdrskin_libburn_leaves_inlet_opeN */ + + } + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) { + if(skin->fifo!=NULL && skin->fifo_size>0) { + int dummy; + + Cdrfifo_get_min_fill(skin->fifo,&total_min_fill,&dummy,0); + fifo_percent= 100.0*((double) total_min_fill)/(double) skin->fifo_size; + if(fifo_percent==0 && total_min_fill>0) + fifo_percent= 1; + Cdrfifo_get_cdr_counters(skin->fifo,&put_counter,&get_counter, + &empty_counter,&full_counter,0); + fflush(stdout); + fprintf(stderr,"Cdrskin: fifo had %.f puts and %.f gets.\n", + put_counter,get_counter); + fprintf(stderr, + "Cdrskin: fifo was %.f times empty and %.f times full, min fill was %d%%.\n", + empty_counter,full_counter,fifo_percent); + } + printf("Min drive buffer fill was 50%%\n"); + } + +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf("cdrskin: burning done\n"); + ret= 1; +ex:; + skin->drive_is_busy= 0; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(printf("cdrskin_debug: do_eject= %d\n",skin->do_eject)); + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,0); + for(i= 0;itrack_counter;i++) + Cdrtrack_cleanup(skin->tracklist[i],0); + burn_session_free(session); + burn_disc_free(disc); + return(ret); +} + + +/** Work around the failure of libburn to eject the tray. + This employs a system(2) call and is therefore an absolute no-no for any + pseudo user identities. + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_eject(struct CdrskiN *skin, int flag) +{ + +#ifndef Cdrskin_burn_drive_eject_brokeN + + if(!skin->do_eject) + return(1); + if(Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,2)>0) + Cdrskin_release_drive(skin,1); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin_debug: supposing drive eject to have worked\n")); + return(1); + +#else /* Cdrskin_burn_drive_eject_brokeN */ + + int ret; + char adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + char cmd[5*Cdrskin_strleN+16],shellsafe[5*Cdrskin_strleN+2]; + + if(!skin->do_eject) + return(1); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_progresS) + printf("cdrskin: trying to eject media\n"); + if(getuid()!=geteuid()) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: SORRY : uid and euid differ. Will not start external eject.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : Consider to allow rw-access to the writer device and\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : to run cdrskin under your normal user identity.\n"); + return(0); + } + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_has_drive_get_adR + ret= burn_drive_get_adr(&(skin->drives[skin->driveno]), adr); + if(ret<=0) + adr[0]= 0; +#else + strcpy(adr,skin->drives[skin->driveno].location); +#endif + + if(strlen(skin->eject_device)>0) + sprintf(cmd,"eject %s",Text_shellsafe(skin->eject_device,shellsafe,0)); + else if(strcmp(adr,"/dev/sg0")==0) + sprintf(cmd,"eject /dev/sr0"); + else + sprintf(cmd,"eject %s",Text_shellsafe(adr,shellsafe,0)); + ret= system(cmd); + if(ret==0) + return(1); + return(0); + +#endif /* Cdrskin_burn_drive_eject_brokeN */ + +} + + +/** Interpret all arguments of the program after libburn has been initialized + and drives have been scanned. This call reports to stderr any valid + cdrecord options which are not implemented yet. + @param flag Bitfield for control purposes: + bit0= do not finalize setup + bit1= do not interpret (again) skin->preskin->pre_argv + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_setup(struct CdrskiN *skin, int argc, char **argv, int flag) +{ + int i,k,ret; + double value,grab_and_wait_value= -1.0; + char *cpt,*value_pt,adr[Cdrskin_adrleN]; + + /* cdrecord 2.01 options which are not scheduled for implementation, yet */ + static char ignored_partial_options[][41]= { + "timeout=", "debug=", "kdebug=", "kd=", "driver=", "ts=", + "pregap=", "defpregap=", "mcn=", "isrc=", "index=", "textfile=", + "pktsize=", "cuefile=", + "" + }; + static char ignored_full_options[][41]= { + "-d", "-Verbose", "-V", "-silent", "-s", "-setdropts", "-prcap", "-inq", + "-reset", "-abort", "-overburn", "-ignsize", "-useinfo", "-format", "-load", + "-lock", "-msinfo", "-toc", "-multi", "-fix", "-nofix", "-waiti", + "-immed", "-force", "-raw", "-raw96p", "-raw16", + "-clone", "-text", "-mode2", "-xa", "-xa1", "-xa2", "-xamix", + "-cdi", "-isosize", "-preemp", "-nopreemp", "-copy", "-nocopy", + "-scms", "-shorttrack", "-noshorttrack", "-swab", "-packet", "-noclose", + "" + }; + + /* are we pretending to be cdrecord ? */ + cpt= strrchr(argv[0],'/'); + if(cpt==NULL) + cpt= argv[0]; + else + cpt++; + if(strcmp(cpt,"cdrecord")==0 && !(flag&1)) { + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "Note: This is not cdrecord by Joerg Schilling. Do not bother him.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + " See cdrskin start message on stdout. See --help. See -version.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\n"); + /* allow automatic -tao to -sao redirection */ + skin->tao_to_sao_tsize=650*1024*1024; + } + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + if(!(flag&2)) { + if(skin->preskin->pre_argc>1) { + ret= Cdrskin_setup(skin,skin->preskin->pre_argc,skin->preskin->pre_argv, + flag|1|2); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + } + } +#endif + + for (i= 1;iabort_after_bytecount); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--abort_handler")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-abort_max_wait=",16)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+16; + goto set_abort_max_wait; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"abort_max_wait=",15)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+15; +set_abort_max_wait:; + value= Scanf_io_size(value_pt,0); + if(value<0 || value>86400) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : ignored out-of-range value: abort_max_wait=%s\n", + value_pt); + } else { + skin->abort_max_wait= value; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf( + "cdrskin: maximum waiting time with abort handling : %d seconds\n", + skin->abort_max_wait); + } + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--allow_setuid")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--any_track")==0) { + skin->single_track= -1; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf( + "cdrskin: --any_track : will accept any unknown option as track source\n"); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-atip")==0) { + skin->do_atip= 1; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: will put out some -atip style line\n"); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-audio")==0) { + skin->track_type= BURN_AUDIO; + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-blank=",7)==0) { + cpt= argv[i]+7; + goto set_blank; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"blank=",6)==0) { + cpt= argv[i]+6; +set_blank:; + if(strcmp(cpt,"all")==0 || strcmp(cpt,"disc")==0 + || strcmp(cpt,"disk")==0) { + skin->do_blank= 1; + skin->blank_fast= 0; + } else if(strcmp(cpt,"fast")==0 || strcmp(cpt,"minimal")==0) { + skin->do_blank= 1; + skin->blank_fast= 1; + } else if(strcmp(cpt,"help")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + } else { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : blank option '%s' not supported yet\n", + cpt); + return(0); + } + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: blank mode : blank=%s\n", + (skin->blank_fast?"fast":"all")); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--bragg_with_audio")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-checkdrive")==0) { + skin->do_checkdrive= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-data")==0) { + + /* >>> !!! All Subsequent Tracks Option */ + + skin->track_type= BURN_MODE1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--demand_a_drive")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--devices")==0) { + skin->do_devices= 1; + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"dev_translation=",16)==0) { + + if(argv[i][16]==0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : dev_translation= : missing separator character\n"); + return(0); + } + ret= Cdradrtrn_add(skin->adr_trn,argv[i]+17,argv[i]+16,1); + if(ret==-2) + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address_translation= : cannot allocate memory\n"); + else if(ret==-1) + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address_translation= : table full (%d items)\n", + Cdradrtrn_leN); + else if(ret==0) + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : address_translation= : no address separator '%c' found\n", + argv[i][17]); + if(ret<=0) + return(0); + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-dev=",5)==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"dev=",4)==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--drive_abort_on_busy")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--drive_blocking")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--drive_not_exclusive")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-driveropts=",12)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+12; + goto set_driveropts; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"driveropts=",11)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+11; +set_driveropts:; + if(strcmp(value_pt,"burnfree")==0) { + skin->burnfree= 1; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: burnfree : on\n"); + } else if(strcmp(argv[i]+11,"noburnfree")==0) { + skin->burnfree= 0; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: burnfree : off\n"); + } else if(strcmp(argv[i]+11,"help")==0) { + /* handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + } else + goto ignore_unknown; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-dummy")==0) { + skin->dummy_mode= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-eject")==0) { + skin->do_eject= 1; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: eject after work : on\n"); + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"eject_device=",13)==0) { + if(strlen(argv[i]+13)>=sizeof(skin->eject_device)) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : eject_device=... too long. (max: %d, given: %d)\n", + sizeof(skin->eject_device)-1,strlen(argv[i]+13)); + return(0); + } + strcpy(skin->eject_device,argv[i]+13); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: eject_device : %s\n",skin->eject_device); + + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--fifo_disable")==0) { + skin->fifo_enabled= 0; + skin->fifo_size= 0; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: option fs=... disabled\n"); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--fifo_start_empty")==0) { + skin->fifo_start_empty= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--fifo_per_track")==0) { + skin->fifo_per_track= 1; + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-fs=",4)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+4; + goto fs_equals; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"fs=",3)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+3; +fs_equals:; + if(skin->fifo_enabled) { + value= Scanf_io_size(value_pt,0); + if(value<0.0 || value>1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : fs=N expects a size between 0 and 1g\n"); + return(0); + } + skin->fifo_size= value; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: fifo size : %d\n",skin->fifo_size); + } + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"grab_drive_and_wait=",20)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+20; + grab_and_wait_value= Scanf_io_size(value_pt,0); + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-gracetime=",11)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+11; + goto gracetime_equals; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"gracetime=",10)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+10; +gracetime_equals:; + sscanf(value_pt,"%d",&(skin->gracetime)); + +#else /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + } else if( + strcmp(argv[i],"--fifo_disable")==0 || + strcmp(argv[i],"--fifo_start_empty")==0 || + strcmp(argv[i],"--fifo_per_track")==0 || + strncmp(argv[i],"-fs=",4)==0 || + strncmp(argv[i],"fs=",3)==0 || + strncmp(argv[i],"-gracetime=",11)==0 || + strncmp(argv[i],"gracetime=",10)==0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: NOTE : lean version ignores option: '%s'\n", + argv[i]); + +#endif /* Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-help")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--ignore_signals")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--no_abort_handler")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--no_blank_appendable")==0) { + skin->no_blank_appendable= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--no_rc")==0) { + /* is handled in Cdrpreskin_setup() */; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-nopad")==0) { + skin->padding= 0.0; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: padding : off\n"); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-pad")==0) { + skin->padding= 15*2048; + skin->set_by_padsize= 0; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: padding : %.f\n",skin->padding); + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-padsize=",9)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+9; + goto set_padsize; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"padsize=",8)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+8; +set_padsize:; + skin->padding= Scanf_io_size(argv[i]+8,0); + skin->set_by_padsize= 1; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: padding : %.f\n",skin->padding); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-raw96r")==0) { + strcpy(skin->write_mode_name,"RAW/RAW96R"); + skin->write_type= BURN_WRITE_RAW; + skin->block_type= BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: write type : RAW/RAW96R\n"); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-sao")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-dao")==0) { +set_sao:; + strcpy(skin->write_mode_name,"SAO"); + skin->write_type= BURN_WRITE_SAO; + skin->block_type= BURN_BLOCK_SAO; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: write type : SAO\n"); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-scanbus")==0) { + skin->do_scanbus= 1; + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--single_track")==0) { + skin->single_track= 1; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf( + "cdrskin: --single_track : will only accept last argument as track source\n"); + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-speed=",7)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+7; + goto set_speed; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"speed=",6)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+6; +set_speed:; + sscanf(value_pt,"%lf",&(skin->x_speed)); + if(skin->x_speed<1.0 && skin->x_speed!=0.0 && skin->x_speed!=-1) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : speed= must be -1, 0 or at least 1\n"); + return(0); + } + + /* >>> cdrecord speed=0 -> minimum speed , libburn -> maximum speed */; + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: speed : %f\n",skin->x_speed); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-tao")==0) { + if(skin->tao_to_sao_tsize<=0.0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : libburn does not support -tao yet.\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: HINT : Try option tao_to_sao_tsize=650m\n"); + return(0); + } + printf("cdrskin: NOTE : substituting mode -tao by mode -sao\n"); + goto set_sao; + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"tao_to_sao_tsize=",17)==0) { + skin->tao_to_sao_tsize= Scanf_io_size(argv[i]+17,0); + if(skin->tao_to_sao_tsize>Cdrskin_tracksize_maX) + goto track_too_large; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: replace -tao by -sao with fixed size : %.f\n", + skin->tao_to_sao_tsize); + + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"-tsize=",7)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+7; + goto set_tsize; + } else if(strncmp(argv[i],"tsize=",6)==0) { + value_pt= argv[i]+6; +set_tsize:; + skin->fixed_size= Scanf_io_size(value_pt,0); + if(skin->fixed_size>Cdrskin_tracksize_maX) { +track_too_large:; + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : track size too large\n"); + return(0); + } + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: fixed track size : %.f\n",skin->fixed_size); + + } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-v")==0 || strcmp(argv[i],"-verbose")==0) { + (skin->verbosity)++; + /* <<< is much too verbous: burn_set_verbosity(skin->verbosity); */ + printf("cdrskin: verbosity level : %d\n",skin->verbosity); + + } else if( i==argc-1 || + (skin->single_track==0 && strchr(argv[i],'=')==NULL + && !(argv[i][0]=='-' && argv[i][1]!=0) ) || + (skin->single_track==-1)) { + if(strlen(argv[i])>=sizeof(skin->source_path)) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : source_address too long. (max: %d, given: %d)\n", + sizeof(skin->source_path)-1,strlen(argv[i])); + return(0); + } + strcpy(skin->source_path,argv[i]); + if(strcmp(skin->source_path,"-")==0) { + if(skin->stdin_source_used) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : \"-\" (stdin) can be used as track source only once.\n"); + return(0); + } + skin->stdin_source_used= 1; + if(skin->write_type!=BURN_WRITE_TAO && + skin->fixed_size<=0.0 && skin->tao_to_sao_tsize>0.0) { + skin->fixed_size= skin->tao_to_sao_tsize; + printf( + "cdrskin: NOTE : augmenting non-tao write mode by tao_to_sao_tsize\n"); + printf("cdrskin: NOTE : fixed size : %.f\n",skin->fixed_size); + } else if(skin->fixed_size<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : \"-\" (stdin) needs a fixed tsize= or tao_to_sao_tsize=\n"); + return(0); + } + } else if(skin->preskin->allow_fd_source==0 && + argv[i][0]=='#' && (argv[i][1]>='0' && argv[i][1]<='9')) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: SORRY : '%s' is a reserved source path with cdrskin\n", + argv[i]); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: SORRY : which would use an open file descriptor as source.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: SORRY : Its usage is dangerous and disabled for now.\n"); + return(0); + } + + if(skin->track_counter>=Cdrskin_track_maX) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : too many tracks given. (max %d)\n", + Cdrskin_track_maX); + return(0); + } + ret= Cdrtrack_new(&(skin->tracklist[skin->track_counter]),skin, + skin->track_counter, + (strcmp(skin->source_path,"-")==0)<<1); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: FATAL : creation of track control object failed.\n"); + return(ret); + } + skin->track_counter++; + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) { + if(strcmp(skin->source_path,"-")==0) + printf("cdrskin: track %d data source : '-' (i.e. standard input)\n", + skin->track_counter); + else + printf("cdrskin: track %d data source : '%s'\n", + skin->track_counter,skin->source_path); + } + /* reset track options */ + if(skin->set_by_padsize) + skin->padding= 0; /* cdrecord-ProDVD-2.01b31 resets to 30k + the man page says padsize= is reset to 0 + Joerg Schilling will change in 2.01.01 to 0 */ + skin->fixed_size= 0; + } else { +ignore_unknown:; + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: NOTE : ignoring unknown option : '%s'\n", + argv[i]); + } + } + + if(flag&1) /* no finalizing yet */ + return(1); + + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) { + if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==1) + printf("cdrskin: installed abort handler.\n"); + else if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==2) + printf("cdrskin: will try to ignore any signals.\n"); + else if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==3) + printf("cdrskin: installed hard abort handler.\n"); + else if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==4) + printf("cdrskin: installed soft abort handler.\n"); + else if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==-1) + printf("cdrskin: will install abort handler in eventual burn loop.\n"); + } + + if(strlen(skin->preskin->raw_device_adr)>0) { + ret= Cdrskin_dev_to_driveno(skin,skin->preskin->raw_device_adr, + &(skin->driveno),0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) { + +#ifdef Cdrskin_libburn_has_drive_get_adR + ret= burn_drive_get_adr(&(skin->drives[skin->driveno]), adr); + if(ret<=0) + adr[0]= 0; +#else + strcpy(adr,skin->drives[skin->driveno].location); +#endif + + printf("cdrskin: active drive number : %d '%s'\n", + skin->driveno,adr); + } + } + if(grab_and_wait_value>0) { + Cdrskin_grab_drive(skin,0); + for(k= 0; ktrack_counter>0) { + skin->do_burn= 1; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + ret= Cdrskin_attach_fifo(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + return(ret); +#endif /* ! Cdrskin_extra_leaN */ + + } + return(1); +} + + +/** Initialize libburn, create a CdrskiN program run control object, + set eventual device whitelist, and obtain the list of available drives. + @param o Returns the CdrskiN object created + @param lib_initialized Returns wether libburn was initialized here + @param exit_value Returns after error the proposal for an exit value + @param flag Unused yet + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_create(struct CdrskiN **o, struct CdrpreskiN **preskin, + int *lib_initialized, int *exit_value, int flag) +{ + int ret; + struct CdrskiN *skin; + + *o= NULL; + *exit_value= 0; + *lib_initialized= 0; + + printf("cdrskin: initializing libburn ..."); + fflush(stdout); + if(burn_initialize()) { + printf(" ok\n"); + fflush(stdout); + } else { + printf(" failed\n"); + fflush(stdout); + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin : FATAL : initialization of libburn failed\n"); + {*exit_value= 11; goto ex;} + } + *lib_initialized= 1; + +#ifndef Cdrskin_libburn_no_burn_preset_device_opeN + burn_preset_device_open((*preskin)->drive_exclusive, + (*preskin)->drive_blocking, + (*preskin)->abort_on_busy_drive); +#endif + + if(strlen((*preskin)->device_adr)>0) { /* disable scan for all others */ + printf("cdrskin: NOTE : greying out all drives besides given dev='%s'\n", + (*preskin)->device_adr); + burn_drive_add_whitelist((*preskin)->device_adr); + } + + ret= Cdrskin_new(&skin,*preskin,1); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : creation of control object failed\n"); + {*exit_value= 2; goto ex;} + } + *preskin= NULL; /* the preskin object now is under management of skin */ + *o= skin; + if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==1 || skin->preskin->abort_handler==3 || + skin->preskin->abort_handler==4) + Cleanup_set_handlers(skin,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Cdrskin_abort_handler,4); + else if(skin->preskin->abort_handler==2) + Cleanup_set_handlers(skin,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Cdrskin_abort_handler,2|8); + + printf("cdrskin: scanning for devices ..."); + fflush(stdout); + while (!burn_drive_scan(&(skin->drives), &(skin->n_drives))) { + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_debuG) + ClN(fprintf(stderr,"\ncdrskin_debug: ... still scanning ...")); + /* >>> ??? wait a while ? */ + /* >>> ??? set a timeout ? */ + } + printf(" done\n"); + fflush(stdout); +ex:; + return((*exit_value)==0); +} + + +/** Perform the activities which were ordered by setup + @param skin Knows what to do + @param exit_value Returns the proposal for an exit value + @param flag Unused yet + @return <=0 error, 1 success +*/ +int Cdrskin_run(struct CdrskiN *skin, int *exit_value, int flag) +{ + int ret; + + *exit_value= 0; + if(skin->do_devices) { + if(skin->n_drives<=0 && skin->preskin->scan_demands_drive) + {*exit_value= 4; goto no_drive;} + ret= Cdrskin_scanbus(skin,1); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : --devices failed.\n"); + {*exit_value= 4; goto ex;} + } + } + if(skin->do_scanbus) { + if(skin->n_drives<=0 && skin->preskin->scan_demands_drive) + {*exit_value= 5; goto no_drive;} + ret= Cdrskin_scanbus(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : -scanbus failed.\n"); + {*exit_value= 5*(ret<=0); goto ex;} + } + if(skin->do_checkdrive) { + ret= Cdrskin_checkdrive(skin,0); + {*exit_value= 6*(ret<=0); goto ex;} + } + if(skin->do_atip) { + if(skin->n_drives<=0) + {*exit_value= 7; goto no_drive;} + ret= Cdrskin_atip(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + {*exit_value= 7; goto ex;} + } + if(skin->do_blank) { + if(skin->n_drives<=0) + {*exit_value= 8; goto no_drive;} + ret= Cdrskin_blank(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + {*exit_value= 8; goto ex;} + } + if(skin->do_burn) { + if(skin->n_drives<=0) + {*exit_value= 10; goto no_drive;} + ret= Cdrskin_burn(skin,0); + if(ret<=0) + {*exit_value= 10; goto ex;} + } +ex:; + return((*exit_value)==0); +no_drive:; + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : This run would need an accessible drive\n"); + goto ex; +} + + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int ret,exit_value= 0,lib_initialized= 0; + struct CdrpreskiN *preskin= NULL; + struct CdrskiN *skin= NULL; + char *lean_id= ""; +#ifdef Cdrskin_extra_leaN + lean_id= ".lean"; +#endif + + printf("cdrskin %s%s : limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn\n", + Cdrskin_prog_versioN,lean_id); + fflush(stdout); + + ret= Cdrpreskin_new(&preskin,0); + if(ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: FATAL : creation of control object failed\n"); + {exit_value= 2; goto ex;} + } + ret= Cdrpreskin_setup(preskin,argc,argv,0); + if(ret<=0) + {exit_value= 11; goto ex;} + if(ret==2) + {exit_value= 0; goto ex;} + + ret= Cdrskin_create(&skin,&preskin,&lib_initialized,&exit_value,0); + if(ret<=0) + {exit_value= 2; goto ex;} + if(skin->n_drives<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"cdrskin: NOTE : No usable drive detected.\n"); + if(getuid()!=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : Run this program as superuser with option --devices\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : Allow rw-access to the dev='...' file of the burner.\n"); + fprintf(stderr, + "cdrskin: HINT : Busy drives are invisible. (Busy = open O_EXCL)\n"); + } + } + + ret= Cdrskin_setup(skin,argc,argv,0); + if(ret<=0) + {exit_value= 3; goto ex;} + if(skin->verbosity>=Cdrskin_verbose_cmD) + printf("cdrskin: called as : %s\n",argv[0]); + + Cdrskin_run(skin,&exit_value,0); + +ex:; + if(skin!=NULL) { + Cleanup_set_handlers(NULL,NULL,1); + Cdrskin_eject(skin,0); + Cdrskin_destroy(&skin,0); + } + Cdrpreskin_destroy(&preskin,0); + if(lib_initialized) + burn_finish(); + exit(exit_value); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59848e66 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ + + + + + + +cdrskin homepage english + + + + + +

Homepage of


+ + +

Limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn

+ +



  • Burns preformatted data to CD-R or CD-RW
  • +


+ +

+ +


Hardware requirements:

+A CD recorder suitable for +libburn.pykix.org +(SCSI or IDE/ATAPI writers compliant to mmc standard). +

+ +


Software requirements :

Linux kernel 2.4 or higher
With kernel 2.4 the drive has to be under ide-scsi emulation.
With kernel 2.6 the drive should not be under ide-scsi.
is supposed to be a standard system component.

+ +


+GPL software included:

libburn-0.2.1 (inofficially stable SVN snapshot)
(by Derek Foreman, Ben Jansens, and team of libburn.pykix.org)
transfers data to CD

+ +

+This program system has been tested on Intel/AMD Linux systems only.
+Ports to other usable systems are appreciated. Reports are welcome. +

+ +
+ +


Special features:

  • Source code is independent of +cdrecord +
  • +

+ +



The goal is to provide some of cdrecord's options in a compatible way. +This has been achieved quite sufficiently for the needs of backup tool +scdbackup +and for data CD projects of K3b +(see examples).
+Further enhancements depend on people who can describe and discuss their +wishes as well as on the development of libburn.

cdrskin -help
reports the cdrecord compatible options
cdrskin --help
reports the non-cdrecord options
man cdrecord
documents the standard for which cdrskin is striving. +Do not bother Joerg Schilling with any cdrskin problems. +(Be cursed if you install cdrskin as "cdrecord" without clearly forwarding + this "don't bother Joerg" demand.) +
Currently (and sparsely) supported gestures :
$ cdrskin -scanbus
$ cdrskin dev=1,1,0 -checkdrive
$ cdrskin dev=1,1,0 -atip
$ cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 blank=all eject_device=/dev/cdrom -eject
$ cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 blank=fast eject_device=/dev/cdrom -eject
$ cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 speed=12 fs=8m -sao driveropts=burnfree eject_device=/dev/cdrom -eject padsize=300k my_image.iso
$ cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 ... ... track_1.iso padsize=300k track_2.afio
$ find . | afio -oZ - | cdrskin -v dev=1,1,0 fs=32m speed=8 -sao driveropts=burnfree padsize=300k tsize=650m -

+ +


Known deficiencies:

  • +No audio features yet. (Note: Option -audio is enabled in cdrskin-0.1.5 as +offered below, but no beheading of .au or .wav files takes place yet.) +
  • +
  • +Burns only a single closed session. No -multi option yet. +
  • +
  • +No TAO mode and therefore no writing on-the-fly without a predefined +source size. +
  • +
  • +cdrskin -scanbus or --devices hangs for quite a while if there is +a CD drive which does not work properly (e.g. because it has individual +problems with DMA). +So if the superuser gets no result with cdrskin --devices then one should +disable DMA with the problematic CD drives +(like: hdparm -d0 /dev/hdd ) +and try again.
    +In severe cases it might be necessary to guess the device name /dev/sgN resp. +/dev/hdX of the non-ill burner if it cannot be found otherwise among its +ill peers. Alternatively one can guess the address of the ill device, remove +rw-permissions and retry the bus scan as non-superuser. +
  • +Burners other than /dev/sg0 and /dev/hdX (i.e. without ide-scsi) need a user +supplied device address for program eject. +(Note: -eject is now working in libburn-0.2.1 SVN and the workaround described +here is obsolete with cdrskin-0.1.5 as offered below.) +
  • +

+ +
+ +


Download as source code (see README):
cdrskin-0.1.4.tar.gz +(580 KB). +
+The "stable" cdrskin tarballs are tested and eventually slightly modified +SVN snapshots from libburn.pykix.org . All modifications are to be re-merged +into that SVN repository.
+cdrskin is part of libburn - full libburn is provided with cdrskin releases. +
Download as single x86 binaries (untar and move to /usr/bin/cdrskin):
+cdrskin_0.1.4-x86-suse9_0.tar.gz, (50 KB), +
runs on SuSE 9.0 (2.4.21) , RIP-14.4 (2.6.14) , + Gentoo (2.6.15 x86_64 Athlon).
+cdrskin_0.1.4-x86-suse9_0-static.tar.gz, (250 KB), -static compiled, +
runs on SuSE 7.2 (2.4.4), and on the systems above.
README a short introduction
cdrskin --help non-cdrecord options
cdrskin -help cdrecord compatible options
Thomas Schmitt, scdbackup@gmx.net
GPL, an Open Source approved license

+ +
+ +


Development snapshot:
README 0.1.5 +
cdrskin_0.1.5 --help
cdrskin_0.1.5 -help
Maintainers of cdrskin unstable packages please use SVN of + libburn.pykix.org
Download: svn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org/trunk libburn_pykix +
Build: cd libburn_pykix ; ./bootstrap ; ./configure ; make +
Build of SVN versions needs +autotools of at least version 1.7 installed. +But after the run of ./bootstrap, only +vanilla tools like make and gcc are needed.
+ +
The following downloads are intended for adventurous end users or +admins with full system souvereignty.
Source (./bootstrap is already applied, build tested, for more see above +upcoming README ): +
+cdrskin-0.1.5.tar.gz +(580 KB). +
Binary (untar and move to /usr/bin/cdrskin):
+cdrskin_0.1.5-x86-suse9_0.tar.gz, (50 KB). +
+cdrskin_0.1.5-x86-suse9_0-static.tar.gz, (250 KB) +

+ +
+ +

+Many thanks to Joerg Schilling for cdrecord, +
+and to Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens for creating libburn. +
+Historic versions based on Derek's and Ben's +icculus.org/burn :
+cdrskin- +

+ +
+ + +


Example for a setup of device permissions. To be done by the superuser:
(CD devices which offer no r-permission are invisible to normal users.)
(CD devices which offer no w-permission are not useable.)
# cdrskin --devices
0  dev='/dev/sg0'  rwrwr- :  'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S'
1  dev='/dev/hdc'  rwrw-- :  'LITE-ON' 'LTR-48125S'
# chmod a+rw /dev/sg0 /dev/hdc

+ +
+ +

+ +Example how to setup K3b to use cdrskin for burning data CD projects. +
K3b +is a GUI frontend which uses cdrecord for CD burning.) +

+ +
+ + +


Example for a test session with a cdrecord based scdbackup installation:
$ cdrskin -scanbus
    1,0,0    0)  'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S' '?' Removable CD-ROM
    2,2,0    1)  'LITE-ON' 'LTR-48125S' '?' Removable CD-ROM
$ export SCDBACKUP_SCSI_ADR="2,2,0"
$ export SCDBACKUP_CDRECORD="cdrskin -v -v tao_to_sao_tsize=650m eject_device=/dev/cdrecorder"
(eject_device= has to be the appropriate address for program eject)
$ scdbackup_home
Example for a permanent configuration of cdrskin based scdbackup
$ cd scdbackup-0.8.6/inst
$ export SCDBACKUP_EJECT_ADR=/dev/cdrecorder
cdrskin 0.1.2 : limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn
------------------- SCSI devices. To be used like    0,0,0
+If your system is stricken with some ill CD device then this can stall +and you will have to press Ctrl+C to abort. +In this case, you may execute +export SCDBACKUP_NO_SCANBUS=1 +and try again. +
    1,0,0    0)  'TEAC' 'CD-ROM CD-532S' '?' Removable CD-ROM
    2,2,0    1)  'LITE-ON' 'LTR-48125S' '?' Removable CD-ROM
------------------- end of SCSI device list
    * Your cdrecord offers -driveropts=burnfree with your recorder.
scdbackup for CD 0.8.6 : First stage of installation done.
Now give it a try. Run : scdbackup_home
To get back to using cdrecord :
$ cd scdbackup-0.8.6/inst

+ +
+ +


About the relationship of cdrecord and cdrskin

+First of all: this relationship is single sided, as cdrskin has to be aware of +cdrecord but not vice versa. +
+I am a long time user of cdrecord and it works fine for me. +Especially i do appreciate its write mode -tao which allows to pipe arbitrary +data on CD and CD-RW via stdin. cdrecord is reliable, versatile and well +maintained. So for me - there would be not problem with it. +
+But the author of cdrecord and the Linux kernel people foster a very hostile +relationship. Ok, that's their business, not mine (or ours if you are with me). +One has to be aware, though, that this relationship might lead to a situation +where cdrecord is no longer available for certain Linux kernels. +
+To have my own project prepared for such a time, i began to implement its +cdrecord gestures on top of libburn. +From now on i invite other interested users of cdrecord to teach cdrskin +the gestures necessary for their cdrecord applications. +Contact me. Let's see what we can achieve. +
+I am aware that libburn and cdrskin still have way to go until you can simply +install cdrskin as cdrecord and may expect any application to run with it. +Currently i do not encourage this approach, but of course such a replacement +opportunity is the long term goal of a cdrecord compatibility wrapper. +
+It is very important to me that this project is not perceived as hostile +towards Joerg Schilling and his ongoing work. +I owe him much. For cdrecord, for mkisofs, for star. Chapeau. +

+ +
+ +Enjoying free Open Source hosting by www.webframe.org
+ +100 % Microsoft free
+and by sourceforge.net
+ +SourceForge Logo + +
Links to my other published software projects : +
+scdbackup, multi volume CD backup +
+(a second source of above)
Some Tools for Image Collectors +
(a second source of above)
+pppoem, a DSL throughput monitor (mainly for Linux kernel 2.4) +

+Legal statement: This website does not serve any commercial purpose.
+ + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a842b08 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#define Cdrskin_timestamP "2006.09.16.194730" diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/changelog.txt b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/changelog.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc4a5e6b --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/changelog.txt @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + libburn.pykix.org scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Changelog +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +19 Aug 2006 [committed] +README +cdrskin/README cdrskin/cdrskin.c cdrskin/add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_2_1 \ +cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +cdrskin-0.1.4 "stable" released on base of August 15 2006 version of +libburn-svn.pykix.org/trunk after initial merge of libburn and cdrskin-0.1.3 . + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +19 Aug 2006 [committed 16] +cdrskin/changelog.txt +cdrskin-0.1.5 development started. +Introduced this changelog. +---------------------------------- Format (still emerging): + +Day Month Year [eventual commit mark with revision number] +affected files , naked, one by line, +[eventually = internal snapshot tarball] +More ore less concise description. + +---------------------------------- End of Format + +20 Aug 2006 [committed together with next change, i fear] +libburn/sg.c +Hopefully fixed a file descriptor resource leak in sg_grab(). +All scanned drives (seem to) stay open once, the grabbed one got re-opened +and its stored first file descriptor got forgotten. Now we try to detect +and re-use the still open fd. + +21 Aug 2006 [committed] +libburn/libburn.h +libburn/sg.c +libburn/init.c += libburn_cdrskin_A60819.tgz +cdrskin/cdrskin.c [committed later as revision 11] +O_EXCL experiments imported from cdrskin-0.1.3 +In default configuration and on compliant kernels expect that a busy drive is +invisible to further cdrskin instances. The user gets hints in case of empty +bus scan result resp. busy drive given with dev=... +Wether cdrecord and cdrskin respect each other would have to be evaluated. +Options to play with: + --demand_a_drive exit !=0 on bus scans with empty result + --drive_abort_on_busy abort process if busy drive is found + (might be triggered by a busy hard disk) + --drive_blocking try to wait for busy drive to become free + (might be stalled by a busy hard disk) + --drive_not_exclusive do not ask kernel to prevent opening + busy drives. Effect is kernel dependend. + grab_drive_and_wait= grab drive, wait given number of + seconds, release drive, and do normal work + +21 Aug 2006 [committed] +libburn/write.c +Rectified non-ANSI-C comment, complained by gcc. + +21 Aug 2006 [committed 13] +cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html +The homepage moved in from scdbackup's internal doc collection. + +21 Aug 2006 [committed with revision 11, i fear] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Removed flaw: +Help text of tao_to_sao_tsize= clarified. + +21 Aug 2006 [committed 12] +cdrskin/wiki_plain.txt +The initial filling of the cdrskin wiki on libburn.pykix.org . +I am not sure about the future fate of this text. I plan to keep it up to +date with the online wiki for now. The online version will be considered +the original. + +21 Aug 2006 [committed 15] +cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h +Timestamping the new version. + +21 Aug 2006 [committed 14] +cdrskin/add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_2_1 +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +Readjusted relationship glue of libburn and cdrskin. + +--------------------------------------------------------------------- cycled - + +27 Aug 2006 [40] +libburn/mmc.c +libburn/sg.c +Inserted prints to see how sg_issue_command() is called (printing is disabled now) + +21 Aug 2006 [17] +README +Reported obvious need for automake >=1.7 + +21 Aug 2006 [18] +cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html +cdrskin/README +Reported obvious need for automake >=1.7 + +22 Aug 2006 [19] +libburn/drive.c +libburn/drive.h +New internal function burn_drive_is_open() + +23 Aug 2006 [20] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Implemented Lorenzo Taylor's audio patch manually by copy+paste +as i wanted to fully understand it. +Hopefully did not break it that way. + +24 Aug 2006 [21] +libburn/libburn.h +libburn/drive.c +Introduced API functions burn_drive_scan_and_grab() burn_drive_get_adr() + +24 Aug 2006 [22] +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +Experimental option cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh -newapi + +24 Aug 2006 [23] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +First test of possibility to obey the self imposed rules of Revison 21 + +24 Aug 2006 [25] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Fixed undefined track_type introduced by revision 20. +(We broke cdrskin, but i did not break the patch. Success.) + +24 Aug 2006 [30] +libburn/libburn.h +Hopefully fixed an unintended line break in API doxygen + +25 Aug 2006 [32] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Installed protection against resource leak in Cdrskin_grab_drive() +Just to be sure. + +25 Aug 2006 [33] +libburn/drive.c +burn_drive_free() now closes all open drive file descriptors + +25 Aug 2006 [34] +libburn/libburn.h +Adjusted statement at API documention of burn_initialize() + +25 Aug 2006 [35] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Worked forth in order to make cdrskin fully newapi compliant + +26 Aug 2006 [37] +Makefile.am +libburn/back_hacks.h +libburn/drive.c +libburn/init.c +Allowed to blank appendable files and installed first back_hacks.h variable ever + +26 Aug 2006 [38] +test/burniso.c +Rewrote it to new API practice, inflated explanation comments, SAO mode + +27 Aug 2006 [39] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Implemented Lorenzos blank-appendable patch plus option --no_blank_appendable + +27 Aug 2006 [44] +test/blank.c +Rewrote test/blank.c to new API practice, inflated explanation comments + +27 Aug 2006 [41] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Fixed obscure sigsegv introduced with 35 or 39 by obeying libburn.h text +(could be a fandango starting in burn_drive_info_free) + +27 Aug 2006 [45] +test/burniso.c +Disabled inner burn_drive_info_free like in cdrskin, polished a bit + +27 Aug 2006 [43] +libburn/libburn.h +Changed some 'release' to 'close' with specs of burn_drive_scan_and_grab + +28 Aug 2006 [46] +test/burniso.c +Polished a bit more for doxygen + +28 Aug 2006 [50] +libburn/libburn.h +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Wrote into API the imperative not to use drive.location but burn_drive_get_adr + +28 Aug 2006 [47] +test/burniso.c +Integrated functionality of test/devices.c into test/burniso.c +Proposed to rename it to test/libburner.c + +28 Aug 2006 [51] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Closed a pitfall with reading from '-' and no tsize= or tao_to_sao_tsize= +Ticket 55 + +28 Aug 2006 [52] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Added personal commitment to grant BSD license on request. Insisted in GPL for now. + +28 Aug 2006 [53] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Forced each track to have a minimum size of 600 kB +Ticket 55 + +29 Aug 2006 [58] +test/burniso.c +Integrated functionality of test/blank.c into test/burniso.c + +29 Aug 2006 [55] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Made cdrskin ready to make good use of now working libburn-eject + +29 Aug 2006 [56] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Avoided unwanted tray loading on eject of never grabbed drive + +29 Aug 2006 [57] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Disabled unconditionality of eject introduced by 55 or 56 + +30 Aug 2006 [59] +test/burniso.c +Repaired SIGSEGV caused by releasing ungrabbed drive after mere bus scan + +30 Aug 2006 [60] +test/libburner.c +Makefile.am +My proposal for new souvereign app as API doc and reference for API decisions + +31 Aug 2006 [61] +libburn/sg.c +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Outcommented "experimental:" messages of O_EXCL development + +31 Aug 2006 [62] +test/libburner.c +Added 300 kB of padding to get rid of warning in doc, plus end sector padding + +31 Aug 2006 [63] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Promoted "newapi" functionality and libburn-eject from test to standard + +31 Aug 2006 [64] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Made cdrskin abort if fifo filling before burn yields 0 bytes (ticket 55) + +1 Sep 2006 [65] +cdrskin/README +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html +Updated cdrskin help tests and docs: -audio, obsolete eject_device= + +1 Sep 2006 [66] +libburn/write.c +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Implemented track number patch by bonfire-app@wanadoo.fr, tickets 58 and 9 + +1 Sep 2006 [67] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Added clarifying URGE to ABORT texts + +1 Sep 2006 [71] +test/libburner.c +Made "read-ahead" comment sufficiently ambigous: "buffer"|"filesystem" == "" + +1 Sep 2006 [72] [73] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +Rowed back from revision 64. Now #ifdef Cdrskin_fifo_abort_on_emptY + +1 Sep 2006 [74] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +Rowed forth from revision 73. Now hopefully compliant to man cdrecord. + +1 Sep 2006 [78] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Made -pad behave cdrecord-ly on audio tracks (not tested acousticly) + +2 Sep 2006 [85] +test/libburner.c +Added upcoming clarification of copyright and license aspiration + +3 Sep 2006 [86] +README +Added upcoming clarification of copyright and license aspiration + +3 Sep 2006 [87] [88] +cdrskin/README +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Added upcoming clarification of copyright and license aspiration + +3 Sep 2006 [91] +cdrskin/changelog.txt +cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h +Opened new cdrskin-0.1.5 upload cycle. This marks a should-be-stable phase. + +---------------------------------------------------- cycled - 2006.09.03.132934 + + +3 Sep 2006 [89] +doc/comments_test_ts +Made a try to get doxygen portal page readable by html dl lists + +4 Sep 2006 [92] +cdrskin/README +Made changes as reported by Lorenzo on libburn-hackers today + +4 Sep 2006 [93] +libburn/transport.h +libburn/drive.h +libburn/drive.c +libburn/init.c +libburn/libburn.h +Integrated elmom patch proposal #3 from ticket #62 +/* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ + +4 Sep 2006 [94] +cdrskin/README +Removed reference to frontend "burn" (needs a patch to work for .mp3) + +5 Sep 2006 [95] +doc/comments_test_ts +Made a try to get doxygen portal page readable by pre tags and truncation + +5 Sep 2006 [96] +test/libburner.c +Rearranged definitions and header inclusions. Is safer so. + +5 Sep 2006 [97] +test/libburner.c +Re-inserted lost tab. + +6 Sep 2006 [trac] +closed ticket 55: burn of empty tracks from stdin is now forbidden + +6 Sep 2006 [98] +libburn/libburn.h +libburn/drive.c +Added new parameter "force" to API-experimental burn_drive_info_forget() + +6 Sep 2006 [99] +doc/comments +Made doc test portal the official doc portal + +6 Sep 2006 [100] +cdrskin/cdrfifo.c +Added an initial value on proposal by Bart Vanherck + +7 Sep 2006 [101] +test/libburner.c +Changed a macro name from Burniso_ to Libburner_ + +7 Sep 2006 [102] [103] +libburn/libburn.h +libburn/drive.c +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Implemented first use of API-experimental burn_drive_info_forget() in cdrskin signal handler + +7 Sep 2006 [104] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Tried to make abort messages clearer + +7 Sep 2006 [105] +Makefile.am +test/testburner.c +Prepared test bed for burn_drive_info_forget() as regular API call + +7 Sep 2006 [106] +test/testburner.c +Removed a remnant piece of rather unhealthy test code + +7 Sep 2006 [106] +test/testburner.c +Corrected test reciepe + +7 Sep 2006 [107] +test/libburner.c +Added constraint --stdin_size >= 600k, better bus scan behavior + +8 Sep 2006 2006 [109] +libburn/drive.c +test/testburner.c +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Hopefully ensured correct burn_disc_erasable() already after first grab + +9 Sep 2006 2006 [112] +libburn/drive.c +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Hunted down the bug which let newapi-cdrskin fail with drive 1 + +10 Sep 2006 [113] +libburn/drive.c +test/libburner.c +test/testburner.c +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Slowed down highspeed loops waiting for drive status changes + +10 Sep 2006 [114] +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +Aliased switch name -newapi by -experimental + +10 Sep 2006 [115] +test/libburner.c +test/testburner.c +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Re-enabled call to burn_drive_info_free() after repair by revision 93 + +11 Sep 2006 [116] +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +Changed -newapi to -experimental in help text + +11 Sep 2006 [117] +libburn/drive.c +Removed a bug introduced with revison 93 + +11 Sep 2006 [118] +libburn/libburn.h +test/libburner.c +Officialized burn_drive_info_forget() + +11 Sep 2006 [119] [120] +Makefile.am +test/testburner.c +Deleted until next occasion: testburner + +12 Sep Sep 2006 [124] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Repaired regression of -eject which loaded tray again + +12 Sep 2006 [126] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Replaced -experimental method of closing libburn by burn_drive_info_forget() + +12 Sep 2006 [129] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +Added automated padding to last audio track (ticket 41) + +2006.09.13.093350 [130] +cdrskin/make_timestamp.sh +Prepared for new revision timestamps to mark cdrskin test versions +From now on cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h is to be part of any commit. + +15 Sep 2006 [135] +Makefile.am +Replaced a few 8-blanks by tab + +15 Sep 2006 [136] +README +Moved installation instructions in front of overview paragraph + +15 Sep 2006 [137] +Makefile.am +cdrskin/README +Made cdrskin an installable program + +2006.09.15.092509 [138] +cdrskin/cdrskin.c +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +Prepared cdrskin-build for version leap + + +----------------------------- cycled (last cdrskin-0.1.5 ?) - 2006.09.15.101326 + +2006.09.15.101326 [] +cdrskin/README +cdrskin/changelog.txt +New upload of scdbackup.sourceforge.net/cdrskin-0.1.5.tar.gz + + + +Sep 2006 [] +000_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE +zzz_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE +README +Makefile.am +cdrskin/README +cdrskin/cdrskin_eng.html +cdrskin/add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_2_1 +cdrskin/add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_2_2 +cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh +( cd_backup_planer_dir/aux/upload ) +Perfom version leap + +------------------------------ cycle + +2006 [] +test/libburner.c +--audio and multi-track + +2006 [] +Resolve softlinks (ticket 33) + +2006 [] +Find matching /dev/sgN from srM or scdM + +2006 [] +Implement a .wav decapitator (ticket 38) + +2006 [] +Clear outdated persistent read buffer after small CD image was read (ticket 57) + + +2006 [] +>>> libburn/libburn.h +>>> libburn/drive.c +>>> libburn/sg.c +>>> Promoted burn_drive_is_open() to official API + + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cleanup.c b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cleanup.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e5618937 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cleanup.c @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +/* + cleanup.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt + + A signal handler which cleans up an application and exits. + + Provided under GPL license within cdrskin and under BSD license elsewise. +*/ + +/* + cc -g -o cleanup -DCleanup_standalonE cleanup.c +*/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int); + + +#include "cleanup.h" + +/* Signals to be caught */ +static int signal_list[]= { + SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGILL, SIGABRT, + SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGPIPE, SIGALRM, SIGTERM, + SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGXCPU, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, + SIGTTOU, + SIGBUS, SIGPOLL, SIGPROF, SIGSYS, SIGTRAP, + SIGVTALRM, SIGXCPU, SIGXFSZ, -1 +}; +static char *signal_name_list[]= { + "SIGHUP", "SIGINT", "SIGQUIT", "SIGILL", "SIGABRT", + "SIGFPE", "SIGSEGV", "SIGPIPE", "SIGALRM", "SIGTERM", + "SIGUSR1", "SIGUSR2", "SIGXCPU", "SIGTSTP", "SIGTTIN", + "SIGTTOU", + "SIGBUS", "SIGPOLL", "SIGPROF", "SIGSYS", "SIGTRAP", + "SIGVTALRM", "SIGXCPU", "SIGXFSZ", "@" +}; +static int signal_list_count= 24; + +/* Signals not to be caught */ +static int non_signal_list[]= { + SIGKILL, SIGCHLD, SIGSTOP, SIGURG, -1 +}; +static int non_signal_list_count= 4; + + +/* run time dynamic part */ +static char cleanup_msg[4096]= {""}; +static int cleanup_exiting= 0; + +static void *cleanup_app_handle= NULL; +static Cleanup_app_handler_T cleanup_app_handler= NULL; +static int cleanup_perform_app_handler_first= 0; + + +static int Cleanup_handler_exit(int exit_value, int signum, int flag) +{ + int ret; + + if(cleanup_perform_app_handler_first) + if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) { + ret= (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0); + if(ret==2) + return(2); + } + if(cleanup_exiting) { + if(cleanup_msg[0]!=0) + fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",cleanup_msg); + fprintf(stderr,"cleanup: ABORT : repeat by pid=%d, signum=%d\n", + getpid(),signum); + return(0); + } + cleanup_exiting= 1; + if(cleanup_msg[0]!=0) + fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",cleanup_msg); + alarm(0); + if(!cleanup_perform_app_handler_first) + if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) + (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0); + exit(exit_value); +} + + +static void Cleanup_handler_generic(int signum) +{ + int i; + + sprintf(cleanup_msg,"UNIX-SIGNAL caught: %d errno= %d",signum,errno); + for(i= 0; imax_sig) + max_sig= signal_list[i]; + if(signal_list[i]=non_signal_list_count) { + if(i==SIGABRT && (flag&8)) + signal(i,Cleanup_handler_generic); + else + signal(i,sig_handler); + } + } + return(1); +} + + +#ifdef Cleanup_standalonE + +struct Demo_apP { + char *msg; +}; + + +int Demo_app_handler(struct Demo_apP *demoapp, int signum, int flag) +{ + printf("Handling exit of demo application on signal %d. msg=\"%s\"\n", + signum,demoapp->msg); + return(1); +} + + +main() +{ + struct Demo_apP demoapp; + + demoapp.msg= "Good Bye"; + Cleanup_set_handlers(&demoapp,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Demo_app_handler,0); + + if(1) { /* change to 0 in order to wait for external signals */ + char *cpt= NULL,c; + printf("Intentionally provoking SIGSEGV ...\n"); + c= *cpt; + } else { + printf("killme: %d\n",getpid()); + sleep(3600); + } + + Cleanup_set_handlers(NULL,NULL,1); + exit(0); +} + +#endif /* Cleanup_standalonE */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cleanup.h b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cleanup.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a155e052 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/cleanup.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + cleanup.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt + + A signal handler which cleans up an application and exits. + + Provided under GPL license within cdrskin and under BSD license elsewise. +*/ + +#ifndef Cleanup_includeD +#define Cleanup_includeD 1 + + +/** Layout of an application provided cleanup function using an application + provided handle as first argument and the signal number as second + argument. The third argument is a flag bit field with no defined bits yet. + If the handler returns 2 then it has delegated exit() to some other + instance and the Cleanup handler shall return rather than exit. +*/ +typedef int (*Cleanup_app_handler_T)(void *, int, int); + + +/** Establish exiting signal handlers on (hopefully) all signals that are + not ignored by default or non-catchable. + @param handle Opaque object which knows how to cleanup application + @param handler Function which uses handle to perform application cleanup + @param flag Control Bitfield + bit0= reset to default signal handling +*/ +int Cleanup_set_handlers(void *handle, Cleanup_app_handler_T handler, + int flag); + + +#endif /* ! Cleanup_includeD */ + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..c46091ff --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# compile_cdrskin.sh +# Copyright 2005 - 2006 Thomas Schmitt, scdbackup@gmx.net, GPL +# to be executed within ./libburn-* resp ./cdrskin-* + +debug_opts= +def_opts= +libvers="-DCdrskin_libburn_0_2_2" +do_strip=0 +static_opts= +warn_opts="-Wall" +fifo_source="cdrskin/cdrfifo.c" +compile_cdrskin=1 +compile_cdrfifo=0 + +for i in "$@" +do + if test "$i" = "-compile_cdrfifo" + then + compile_cdrfifo=1 + elif test "$i" = "-tarball_0_2" + then + libvers= + elif test "$i" = "-cvs_A51208" + then + libvers="-DCdrskin_libburn_cvs_A51208_tS" + elif test "$i" = "-cvs_A60220" + then + libvers="-DCdrskin_libburn_cvs_A60220_tS" + elif test "$i" = "-libburn_0_2_1" + then + libvers="-DCdrskin_libburn_0_2_1" + elif test "$i" = "-libburn_0_2_2" + then + libvers="-DCdrskin_libburn_0_2_2" + elif test "$i" = "-newapi" -o "$i" = "-experimental" + then + def_opts="$def_opts -DCdrskin_new_api_tesT" + elif test "$i" = "-do_not_compile_cdrskin" + then + compile_cdrskin=0 + elif test "$i" = "-do_diet" + then + fifo_source= + def_opts="$def_opts -DCdrskin_extra_leaN" + warn_opts= + elif test "$i" = "-do_strip" + then + do_strip=1 + elif test "$i" = "-g" + then + debug_opts="$debug_opts -g" + elif test "$i" = "-O2" + then + debug_opts="$debug_opts -O2" + elif test "$i" = "-help" -o "$i" = "--help" -o "$i" = "-h" + then + echo "cdrskin/compile_cdrskin.sh : to be executed within ./cdrskin-" + echo "Options:" + echo " -compile_cdrfifo compile program cdrskin/cdrfifo." + echo " -tarball_0_2 set macro to match libburn-0.2.ts.tar.gz" + echo " -cvs_A51208 set macro to match libburn-CVS of 8 Dec 2005." + echo " -cvs_A60220 set macro to match libburn-CVS of 20 Feb 2006." + echo " -libburn_0_2_1 set macro to match libburn-SVN of 15 Sep 2006." + echo " -libburn_0_2_2 set macro to match libburn-0.2.2" + echo " -do_not_compile_cdrskin omit compilation of cdrskin/cdrskin." + echo " -experimental use newly introduced libburn features." + echo " -do_diet produce capability reduced lean version." + echo " -do_strip apply program strip to compiled programs." + echo " -g compile with cc option -g." + echo " -O2 compile with cc option -O2." + echo " -static compile with cc option -static." + exit 0 + elif test "$i" = "-static" + then + static_opts="-static" + fi +done + + +timestamp="$(date -u '+%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S')" +echo "Version timestamp : $(sed -e 's/#define Cdrskin_timestamP "//' -e 's/"$//' cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h)" +echo "Build timestamp : $timestamp" + +if test "$compile_cdrskin" +then + echo "compiling program cdrskin/cdrskin.c $static_opts $debug_opts $libvers $def_opts" + cc $warn_opts -I. $static_opts $debug_opts $libvers $def_opts \ + -DCdrskin_build_timestamP='"'"$timestamp"'"' \ + \ + -o cdrskin/cdrskin \ + \ + cdrskin/cdrskin.c \ + $fifo_source \ + cdrskin/cleanup.c \ + \ + libburn/async.o \ + libburn/debug.o \ + libburn/drive.o \ + libburn/file.o \ + libburn/init.o \ + libburn/options.o \ + libburn/source.o \ + libburn/structure.o \ + \ + libburn/message.o \ + libburn/sg.o \ + libburn/write.o \ + \ + libburn/mmc.o \ + libburn/sbc.o \ + libburn/spc.o \ + libburn/util.o \ + \ + libburn/sector.o \ + libburn/toc.o \ + \ + libburn/crc.o \ + libburn/lec.o \ + \ + -lpthread +fi + +if test "$compile_cdrfifo" = 1 +then + echo "compiling program cdrskin/cdrfifo.c $static_opts $debug_opts" + cc $static_opts $debug_opts \ + -DCdrfifo_standalonE \ + -o cdrskin/cdrfifo \ + cdrskin/cdrfifo.c +fi + +if test "$do_strip" = 1 +then + echo "stripping result cdrskin/cdrskin" + strip cdrskin/cdrskin + if test "$compile_cdrfifo" = 1 + then + echo "stripping result cdrskin/cdrfifo" + strip cdrskin/cdrfifo + fi +fi + +echo 'done.' diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/make_timestamp.sh b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/make_timestamp.sh new file mode 100755 index 00000000..957a2c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/make_timestamp.sh @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# Create version timestamp cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h +# to be executed within ./libburn-* resp ./cdrskin-* + +timestamp="$(date -u '+%Y.%m.%d.%H%M%S')" +echo "Version timestamp : $timestamp" +echo '#define Cdrskin_timestamP "'"$timestamp"'"' >cdrskin/cdrskin_timestamp.h + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/wiki_plain.txt b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/wiki_plain.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..351395c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/cdrskin/wiki_plain.txt @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + cdrskin Wiki - plain text copy +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +cdrskin is the cdrecord compatibility middleware of libburn. + +Its paragon, cdrecord, is a powerful GPL'ed burn program included in Joerg +Schilling's cdrtools. cdrskin strives to be a second source for the services +traditionally provided by cdrecord. Currently it does CD-R and CD-RW. +Its future ability to burn DVD media depends on the development of libburn. + +cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources. +Many bytes have been copied from the message output of cdrecord +runs, though. The most comprehensive technical overview of cdrskin +can be found in cdrskin/README . + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +cdrskin with CD media fails to match its paragon cdrecord on three major +fields: convenient TAO burn mode, multi session, audio features. + +Audio features are the only topic where cdrskin did not yet exploit current +libburn to the maximum. This is due to my own lack of audiophile motivation +and due to the lack of sincere users who provide me with cdrecord use cases, +help me to explore the original cdrecord behavior and serve as dedicated +testers for eventual newly introduced cdrskin audio features. + +cdrskin does not provide DVD burning yet. See advise to use dvd+rw-tools +at the end of this text. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +About the command line options of cdrskin: + +There are two families of options: cdrecord-compatible ones and options +which are specific to cdrskin. The latter are mostly used to configure +cdrskin for its task to emulate cdrecord. There are some, nevertheless, +which provide rather exotic unique features of cdrskin. + +The cdrecord-compatible options are listed in the output of + +cdrskin -help + +where the option "help" has *one* dash. +For these options you may expect program behavior that is roughly the +same as described in original man 1 cdrecord . + +Online: http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/man/cdrecord-2.0.html + +The cdrskin-specific options are listed by + +cdrskin --help + +where the option "help" has *two* dashes. + +Those have no man page yet. Some are very experimental and should only be +used in coordination with the libburn developer team. +Some are of general user interest, though: + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +--devices allows the sysadmin to scan the system for possible drives +and displays their detected properties. +The drives are listed one per line, with fields: + +libburn-drive-number sysadmin-device-file permissions : vendor type + +0 dev='/dev/sg0' rwrw-- : 'HL-DT-ST' 'DVDRAM GSA-4082B' + +This feature is valuable since cdrskin -scanbus will not give you +the device file name and its current permissions. +cdrskin will accept of course the proposed dev= option as address +for any usage of the drive. + +Different from cdrecord, cdrskin is intended to be run without special +privileges, i.e. no superuser setuid. It is intended that the sysadmin +controls drive accessability by rw-permissions of the drive rather than +by x-permission of the burn binary. To be usable with cdrskin, the drive +has to offer both, r- and w-permission. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +eject_device= is needed to work around yet broken tray ejection of +drives. cdrskin makes a bold shell call to program "eject" and regrettably +this program does not like our addresses for SCSI devices. +/dev/hdX work fine and /dev/sg0 is quite safely guess-translated to +/dev/sr0 . /dev/sg1 et.al. need the user's help. must work with eject. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +dev_translation= is needed to foist cdrskin to frontend +programs of cdrecord which do *not* ask cdrecord -scanbus but which make +own assumptions and guesses about cdrecord's device addresses. +cdrskin project - at least for now - refuses to try to provide a similar +guesswork but uses own cdrecord style addresses which have a mere +semi-automatic text mapping to real libburn addresses. See cdrskin/README, +"Pseudo-SCSI Adresses". + +If you need to foist cdrskin under a frontend then you may be lucky and +both ideas of an address coincide. Especially if the frontend has the +decency to ask its "cdrecord" via option -scanbus for a list of drives. +If not, look into the error protocol of the frontend, look at the output +of a run of cdrskin --devices and give cdrskin the necessary hint. + +If your frontend insists in using "0,0,0" and --devices reported +dev='/dev/sg0' resp. cdrskin -scanbus reported "1,0,0" then this +would be the appropriate translation + +dev_translation=+0,0,0+/dev/sg0 + +The "+" character is a separator to be choosen by you. +Currently i am not aware of the need to choose any other than "+" +unless you get playful with custom translations like + +dev_translation=-"cd+dvd"-1,0,0 + +See http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/k3b_on_cdrskin.html +for an illustrated example with K3b 0.10 . + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +--fifo_start_empty is a throughput enhancer for unsteady data streams +like they are produced by a compressing archiver program when piping to +CD on-the-fly. It makes better use of the general property of a FIFO +buffer to transport surplus bandwidth into the future. Yep. A time machine. +One-way, i fear. + +FIFO originally was introduced by cdrecord's author Joerg Schilling in order +to protect mediocre burner hardware from suffering buffer underruns +and thus producing misburns (at 1x speed on CD-R media at the price of a +DVD-RAM nowadays). This purpose would not justify a fifo any more - +given the limited life time of burners and the seamless underrun protection +of contemporary consumer drives. + +With an unsteady data stream the task of the buffer is to soak up peak +performance and to release it steadily at the drive's maximum speed. +The larger the buffer the more reserves can be built up and the longer +input drought can be compensated. + +Original cdrecord has the historical property, though, to first wait until +the buffer is completely filled. Best practice for fighting drive +underruns, of course. +With a very fat fs=# buffer (128 MB for 12x CD is not unrealistic) this +can cause a big delay until burning finally starts and takes its due time. + +--fifo_start_empty makes cdrskin start burning without waiting for the +FIFO to be full resp. the data stream to end. It can make use of the +seconds spend with drive preparation and lead-in, it risks a few drive +buffer underruns at the beginning of burn - but modern drives stand this. + +Note: no FIFO can give you better average throughput than the average +throughput of the data source and the throughput of the burner. +It can be used, though, to bring the effective throughput very close +to the theoretical limit. Especially with high speed media. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +--no_rc allows you to surely ban influence from systemwide or user specific +default settings of cdrskin. Possible locations for such settings: + +/etc/default/cdrskin + +/etc/opt/cdrskin/rc + +$HOME/.cdrskinrc + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +tao_to_sao_tsize= allows the - actually unsupported - cdrecord option +-tao and defines a default track size to be used if - as custom with -tao - +no option tsize=# is given. + +As in general with cdrskin tsize=# the data source does not have to provide +the full annouced amount of data. Missing data will be padded up by 0-bytes. +Surplus data is supposed to cause an error, though. The burn will then +be a failure in any way. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +DVD advise: + +For burning of DVD media the cdrskin project currently advises to use +Andy Polyakov's dvd+rw-tools which despite their historic name burn +for me on above burner: DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD-R . + +http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/tools + +They are not compatible or related to cdrecord resp. cdrecord-ProDVD +(now obsoleted by original source cdrtools cdrecord with identical +capabilities besides the license key). + +If there is sincere and well motivated interest, the cdrskin project could try +to employ growisofs as DVD burning engine. The cdrskin project would prefer to +wait for DVD support being included in libburn, though. +A very limited and specialized cdrecord-compatibility wrapper for growisofs +serves in my project scdbackup. It is not overly hard to make one that serves +some very few fixed use cases. + +To my knowledge, Linux kernels 2.6 do write to DVD+RW via block devices as +they would write to a traditional tape device. Try old tape archiver +commands with addresses like /dev/sr0 or /dev/hdc rather than /dev/mt0 . +I have heard rumors that DVD-RW in mode "restricted overwrite" would be +block device ready, too. My burner is not a real friend of DVD-RW and +in an experiment the burn worked fine - but the result was not identical +to the stream sent to the device. I had similar failure with DVD-RAM, too. + +Beware of the impact of a slow block device on overall system i/o buffering. +It is wise to curb its input to a speed which it is able to deliver to media. +Else your i/o dedicated RAM might buffer a big amount of stream data. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/configure.ac b/branches/0.2.2/configure.ac new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7cfdcf47 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/configure.ac @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +AC_INIT([libburn], [0.2.2], [http://libburn.pykix.org]) +AC_PREREQ([2.50]) +dnl AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) + +AC_CANONICAL_HOST +AC_CANONICAL_TARGET + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([subdir-objects]) + +dnl Making releases: +dnl BURN_MICRO_VERSION += 1; +dnl BURN_INTERFACE_AGE += 1; +dnl BURN_BINARY_AGE += 1; +dnl if any functions have been added, set BURN_INTERFACE_AGE to 0. +dnl if backwards compatibility has been broken, +dnl set BURN_BINARY_AGE and BURN_INTERFACE_AGE to 0. +dnl +dnl if MAJOR or MINOR version changes, be sure to change AC_INIT above to match +dnl +BURN_MAJOR_VERSION=0 +BURN_MINOR_VERSION=2 +BURN_MICRO_VERSION=1 +BURN_INTERFACE_AGE=0 +BURN_BINARY_AGE=0 +BURN_VERSION=$BURN_MAJOR_VERSION.$BURN_MINOR_VERSION.$BURN_MICRO_VERSION + +AC_SUBST(BURN_MAJOR_VERSION) +AC_SUBST(BURN_MINOR_VERSION) +AC_SUBST(BURN_MICRO_VERSION) +AC_SUBST(BURN_INTERFACE_AGE) +AC_SUBST(BURN_BINARY_AGE) +AC_SUBST(BURN_VERSION) + +dnl Libtool versioning +LT_RELEASE=$BURN_MAJOR_VERSION.$BURN_MINOR_VERSION +LT_CURRENT=`expr $BURN_MICRO_VERSION - $BURN_INTERFACE_AGE` +LT_REVISION=$BURN_INTERFACE_AGE +LT_AGE=`expr $BURN_BINARY_AGE - $BURN_INTERFACE_AGE` +LT_CURRENT_MINUS_AGE=`expr $LT_CURRENT - $LT_AGE` + +AC_SUBST(LT_RELEASE) +AC_SUBST(LT_CURRENT) +AC_SUBST(LT_REVISION) +AC_SUBST(LT_AGE) +AC_SUBST(LT_CURRENT_MINUS_AGE) + +AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT([/usr/local]) +test "$prefix" = "NONE" && prefix=$ac_default_prefix + +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE + +AM_PROG_CC_C_O +AC_C_CONST +AC_C_INLINE +AC_C_BIGENDIAN + +dnl Large file support +AC_SYS_LARGEFILE +AC_FUNC_FSEEKO +if test ! $ac_cv_func_fseeko; then + AC_ERROR([Libburn requires largefile support.]) +fi + +AC_PROG_LIBTOOL +AC_SUBST(LIBTOOL_DEPS) +LIBTOOL="$LIBTOOL --silent" + +AC_PROG_INSTALL + +AC_CHECK_HEADERS() + +THREAD_LIBS=-lpthread +AC_SUBST(THREAD_LIBS) + +TARGET_SHIZZLE + +dnl Add compiler-specific flags + +dnl See if the user wants aggressive optimizations of the code +AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, +[ --enable-debug Disable aggressive optimizations [default=yes]], + , enable_debug=yes) +if test x$enable_debug != xyes; then + if test x$GCC = xyes; then + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fexpensive-optimizations" + fi + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNDEBUG" +else + if test x$GCC = xyes; then + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -pedantic -Wall" + fi + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DDEBUG" +fi + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([if we build the HTML documentation]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(docs, +[ --enable-docs Use doxygen to build HTML documentation], +[case "${enableval}" in + yes) build_docs=true ;; + no) build_docs=false ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-docs) ;; +esac],[build_docs=false]) + +if test "x$build_docs" = "xtrue"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + touch doc/doc.lock +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no (use --enable-docs to enable)]) + rm -f doc/doc.lock +fi + +AC_CONFIG_FILES([ + Makefile + doc/doxygen.conf + version.h + libburn-1.pc + libisofs-1.pc + ]) +AC_OUTPUT diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/doc/Makefile b/branches/0.2.2/doc/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..062350dd --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/doc/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +all clean: + $(MAKE) -C .. -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@ + +.PHONY: all clean diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/doc/comments b/branches/0.2.2/doc/comments new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4e23c55 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/doc/comments @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/** + @author Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt + + @mainpage Libburn Documentation Index + + @section intro Introduction + +Libburn is an open-source library for reading, mastering and writing +optical discs. For now this means only CD-R and CD-RW. + +The project comprises of several more or less interdependent parts which +together strive to be a usable foundation for application development. +These are libraries, language bindings, and middleware binaries which emulate +classical (and valuable) Linux tools. + +Our scope is currently Linux 2.4 and 2.6 and we will have a hard time to widen +this for now, because of our history. The project could need advise from or +membership of skilled kernel people and people who know how to talk CD/DVD +drives into doing things. + +We do have a workable code base for burning data CDs, though. The burn API is +quite comprehensively documented and can be used to build a presentable +application. +We do have a functional binary which emulates parts of cdrecord in order to +prove that usability, and in order to allow you to explore libburn's scope +by help of existing cdrecord frontends. + +@subsection components The project components (list subject to growth, hopefully): + +- libburn is the library by which preformatted data get onto optical media. + It uses either /dev/sgN (e.g. on kernel 2.4 with ide-scsi) or + /dev/hdX (e.g. on kernel 2.6). + libburn is the foundation of our cdrecord emulation. + +- libisofs is the library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a + ISO 9660 disk image. This may then be brought to CD via libburn. + libisofs is to be the foundation of our upcoming mkisofs emulation. + +- cdrskin is a limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn. + cdrecord is a powerful GPL'ed burn program included in Joerg + Schilling's cdrtools. cdrskin strives to be a second source for + the services traditionally provided by cdrecord. + cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources. + Many bytes have been copied from the message output of cdrecord + runs, though. + See cdrskin/README for more. + +- "test" is a collection of application gestures and examples given by the + authors of the library features. The main API example of libburn + is named test/libburner.c . + Explore these examples if you look for inspiration. + +We plan to be a responsive upstream. Bear with us. + + + @section using Using the libraries + +Our build system is based on autotools. +User experience tells us that you will need at least autotools version 1.7. + +To build libburn and its subprojects it should be sufficient to go into +its toplevel directory and execute + +- ./bootstrap (needed if you downloaded from SVN) + +- ./configure + +- make + +To make the libraries accessible for running resp. developing applications + +- make install + +Both libraries are written in C language and get built by autotools. +Thus we expect them to be useable by a wide range of Linux-implemented +languages and development tools. + + +@section libburner Libburner + +libburner is a minimal demo application for the library libburn +(see: libburn/libburn.h) as provided on http://libburn.pykix.org . +It can list the available devices, can blank a CD-RW and +can burn to CD-R or CD-RW. + +It's main purpose, nevertheless, is to show you how to use libburn and also +to serve the libburn team as reference application. libburner does indeed +define the standard way how above three gestures can be implemented and +stay upward compatible for a good while. + + @subsection libburner-help Libburner --help +
+Usage: test/libburner
+       [--drive 
||"-"] + [--verbose ] [--blank_fast|--blank_full] + [--burn_for_real|--try_to_simulate] [--stdin_size ] + [|"-"] +Examples +A bus scan (needs rw-permissions to see a drive): + test/libburner --drive - +Burn a file to drive chosen by number: + test/libburner --drive 0 --burn_for_real my_image_file +Burn a file to drive chosen by persistent address: + test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --burn_for_real my_image_file +Blank a used CD-RW (is combinable with burning in one run): + test/libburner --drive 0 --blank_fast +Burn a compressed afio archive on-the-fly, pad up to 700 MB: + ( cd my_directory ; find . -print | afio -oZ - ) | \ + test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --burn_for_real --stdin_size 734003200 - +To be read from *not mounted* CD via: + afio -tvZ /dev/hdc +Program tar would need a clean EOF which our padded CD cannot deliver. +
+ + @subsection libburner-source Sourceode of libburner + +Click on blue names of functions, structures, variables, etc in oder to +get to the according specs of libburn API or libburner sourcecode. + +@include libburner.c +*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/doc/comments_test_ts b/branches/0.2.2/doc/comments_test_ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4e23c55 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/doc/comments_test_ts @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/** + @author Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt + + @mainpage Libburn Documentation Index + + @section intro Introduction + +Libburn is an open-source library for reading, mastering and writing +optical discs. For now this means only CD-R and CD-RW. + +The project comprises of several more or less interdependent parts which +together strive to be a usable foundation for application development. +These are libraries, language bindings, and middleware binaries which emulate +classical (and valuable) Linux tools. + +Our scope is currently Linux 2.4 and 2.6 and we will have a hard time to widen +this for now, because of our history. The project could need advise from or +membership of skilled kernel people and people who know how to talk CD/DVD +drives into doing things. + +We do have a workable code base for burning data CDs, though. The burn API is +quite comprehensively documented and can be used to build a presentable +application. +We do have a functional binary which emulates parts of cdrecord in order to +prove that usability, and in order to allow you to explore libburn's scope +by help of existing cdrecord frontends. + +@subsection components The project components (list subject to growth, hopefully): + +- libburn is the library by which preformatted data get onto optical media. + It uses either /dev/sgN (e.g. on kernel 2.4 with ide-scsi) or + /dev/hdX (e.g. on kernel 2.6). + libburn is the foundation of our cdrecord emulation. + +- libisofs is the library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a + ISO 9660 disk image. This may then be brought to CD via libburn. + libisofs is to be the foundation of our upcoming mkisofs emulation. + +- cdrskin is a limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn. + cdrecord is a powerful GPL'ed burn program included in Joerg + Schilling's cdrtools. cdrskin strives to be a second source for + the services traditionally provided by cdrecord. + cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources. + Many bytes have been copied from the message output of cdrecord + runs, though. + See cdrskin/README for more. + +- "test" is a collection of application gestures and examples given by the + authors of the library features. The main API example of libburn + is named test/libburner.c . + Explore these examples if you look for inspiration. + +We plan to be a responsive upstream. Bear with us. + + + @section using Using the libraries + +Our build system is based on autotools. +User experience tells us that you will need at least autotools version 1.7. + +To build libburn and its subprojects it should be sufficient to go into +its toplevel directory and execute + +- ./bootstrap (needed if you downloaded from SVN) + +- ./configure + +- make + +To make the libraries accessible for running resp. developing applications + +- make install + +Both libraries are written in C language and get built by autotools. +Thus we expect them to be useable by a wide range of Linux-implemented +languages and development tools. + + +@section libburner Libburner + +libburner is a minimal demo application for the library libburn +(see: libburn/libburn.h) as provided on http://libburn.pykix.org . +It can list the available devices, can blank a CD-RW and +can burn to CD-R or CD-RW. + +It's main purpose, nevertheless, is to show you how to use libburn and also +to serve the libburn team as reference application. libburner does indeed +define the standard way how above three gestures can be implemented and +stay upward compatible for a good while. + + @subsection libburner-help Libburner --help +
+Usage: test/libburner
+       [--drive 
||"-"] + [--verbose ] [--blank_fast|--blank_full] + [--burn_for_real|--try_to_simulate] [--stdin_size ] + [|"-"] +Examples +A bus scan (needs rw-permissions to see a drive): + test/libburner --drive - +Burn a file to drive chosen by number: + test/libburner --drive 0 --burn_for_real my_image_file +Burn a file to drive chosen by persistent address: + test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --burn_for_real my_image_file +Blank a used CD-RW (is combinable with burning in one run): + test/libburner --drive 0 --blank_fast +Burn a compressed afio archive on-the-fly, pad up to 700 MB: + ( cd my_directory ; find . -print | afio -oZ - ) | \ + test/libburner --drive /dev/hdc --burn_for_real --stdin_size 734003200 - +To be read from *not mounted* CD via: + afio -tvZ /dev/hdc +Program tar would need a clean EOF which our padded CD cannot deliver. +
+ + @subsection libburner-source Sourceode of libburner + +Click on blue names of functions, structures, variables, etc in oder to +get to the according specs of libburn API or libburner sourcecode. + +@include libburner.c +*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/doc/doxygen.conf.in b/branches/0.2.2/doc/doxygen.conf.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..829b4970 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/doc/doxygen.conf.in @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +# Doxyfile 1.2.18 + +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# General configuration options +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +PROJECT_NAME = @PACKAGE_NAME@ +PROJECT_NUMBER = @PACKAGE_VERSION@ +OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = +OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English +EXTRACT_ALL = YES +EXTRACT_PRIVATE = YES +EXTRACT_STATIC = YES +EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES +HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO +HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES = NO +HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS = NO +BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC = YES +REPEAT_BRIEF = YES +ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = NO 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+PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Configuration options related to the dot tool +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +CLASS_DIAGRAMS = YES +HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS = YES +HAVE_DOT = YES +CLASS_GRAPH = YES +COLLABORATION_GRAPH = YES +TEMPLATE_RELATIONS = YES +INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES +INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH = YES +GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY = NO +DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = png +DOT_PATH = +DOTFILE_DIRS = +MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH = 1024 +MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT = 1024 +GENERATE_LEGEND = YES +DOT_CLEANUP = YES +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Configuration::addtions related to the search engine +#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- +SEARCHENGINE = NO diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn-1.pc.in b/branches/0.2.2/libburn-1.pc.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c72f9e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn-1.pc.in @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +prefix=@prefix@ +exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@ +libdir=@libdir@ +includedir=@includedir@ + +Name: libburn +Description: Disc reading/writing library +Version: @VERSION@ +Requires: +Libs: -L${libdir} -lburn @THREAD_LIBS@ +Cflags: -I${includedir}/libburn diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/Makefile b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..062350dd --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +all clean: + $(MAKE) -C .. -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@ + +.PHONY: all clean diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/Makefile.am b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..144ece71 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig +libincludedir=$(includedir)/libburn + +lib_LTLIBRARIES = libburn.la + +libburn_la_SOURCES = \ + async.c \ + async.h \ + crc.c \ + crc.h \ + debug.c \ + debug.h \ + drive.c \ + drive.h \ + file.c \ + file.h \ + init.c \ + init.h \ + lec.c \ + lec.h \ + message.c \ + message.h \ + mmc.c \ + mmc.h \ + null.c \ + null.h \ + options.c \ + options.h \ + read.c \ + read.h \ + sbc.c \ + sbc.h \ + sector.c \ + sector.h \ + sg.c \ + sg.h \ + spc.c \ + spc.h \ + source.h \ + source.c \ + structure.c \ + structure.h \ + toc.c \ + toc.h \ + transport.h \ + util.c \ + util.h \ + write.c \ + write.h + +libinclude_HEADERS = libburn.h + +## ========================================================================= ## +indent_files = $(libburn_la_SOURCES) + +indent: $(indent_files) + indent -bad -bap -nbbb -nbbo -nbc -bli0 -br -bls \ + -cdw -ce -cli0 -ncs -nbfda -i8 -l79 -lc79 \ + -lp -saf -sai -nprs -npsl -saw -sob -ss -ut \ + -sbi0 -nsc -ts8 -npcs -ncdb -fca \ + $^ + +.PHONY: indent + +## ========================================================================= ## diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/async.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/async.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e01f543 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/async.c @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include "libburn.h" +#include "transport.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "write.h" +#include "options.h" +#include "async.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#define SCAN_GOING() (workers && !workers->drive) + +typedef void *(*WorkerFunc) (void *); + +struct scan_opts +{ + struct burn_drive_info **drives; + unsigned int *n_drives; + + int done; +}; + +struct erase_opts +{ + struct burn_drive *drive; + int fast; +}; + +struct write_opts +{ + struct burn_drive *drive; + struct burn_write_opts *opts; + struct burn_disc *disc; +}; + +struct w_list +{ + struct burn_drive *drive; + pthread_t thread; + + struct w_list *next; + + union w_list_data + { + struct scan_opts scan; + struct erase_opts erase; + struct write_opts write; + } u; +}; + +static struct w_list *workers; + +static struct w_list *find_worker(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct w_list *a; + + for (a = workers; a; a = a->next) + if (a->drive == d) + return a; + return NULL; +} + +static void add_worker(struct burn_drive *d, WorkerFunc f, void *data) +{ + struct w_list *a; + struct w_list *tmp; + + a = malloc(sizeof(struct w_list)); + a->drive = d; + a->u = *(union w_list_data *)data; + + /* insert at front of the list */ + a->next = workers; + tmp = workers; + workers = a; + + if (d) + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_SPAWNING; + + if (pthread_create(&a->thread, NULL, f, a)) { + free(a); + workers = tmp; + return; + } +} + +static void remove_worker(pthread_t th) +{ + struct w_list *a, *l = NULL; + + for (a = workers; a; l = a, a = a->next) + if (a->thread == th) { + if (l) + l->next = a->next; + else + workers = a->next; + free(a); + break; + } + assert(a != NULL); /* wasn't found.. this should not be possible */ +} + +static void *scan_worker_func(struct w_list *w) +{ + burn_drive_scan_sync(w->u.scan.drives, w->u.scan.n_drives); + w->u.scan.done = 1; + return NULL; +} + +int burn_drive_scan(struct burn_drive_info *drives[], unsigned int *n_drives) +{ + struct scan_opts o; + int ret = 0; + + /* cant be anything working! */ + assert(!(workers && workers->drive)); + + if (!workers) { + /* start it */ + o.drives = drives; + o.n_drives = n_drives; + o.done = 0; + add_worker(NULL, (WorkerFunc) scan_worker_func, &o); + } else if (workers->u.scan.done) { + /* its done */ + ret = workers->u.scan.done; + remove_worker(workers->thread); + assert(workers == NULL); + } else { + /* still going */ + } + return ret; +} + +static void *erase_worker_func(struct w_list *w) +{ + burn_disc_erase_sync(w->u.erase.drive, w->u.erase.fast); + remove_worker(pthread_self()); + return NULL; +} + +void burn_disc_erase(struct burn_drive *drive, int fast) +{ + struct erase_opts o; + + assert(drive); + assert(!SCAN_GOING()); + assert(!find_worker(drive)); + + o.drive = drive; + o.fast = fast; + add_worker(drive, (WorkerFunc) erase_worker_func, &o); +} + +static void *write_disc_worker_func(struct w_list *w) +{ + burn_disc_write_sync(w->u.write.opts, w->u.write.disc); + + /* the options are refcounted, free out ref count which we added below + */ + burn_write_opts_free(w->u.write.opts); + + remove_worker(pthread_self()); + return NULL; +} + +void burn_disc_write(struct burn_write_opts *opts, struct burn_disc *disc) +{ + struct write_opts o; + + assert(!SCAN_GOING()); + assert(!find_worker(opts->drive)); + o.drive = opts->drive; + o.opts = opts; + o.disc = disc; + + opts->refcount++; + + add_worker(opts->drive, (WorkerFunc) write_disc_worker_func, &o); +} + +void burn_async_join_all(void) +{ + void *ret; + + while (workers) + pthread_join(workers->thread, &ret); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/async.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/async.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e1d6677 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/async.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef BURN__ASYNC_H +#define BURN__ASYNC_H + +void burn_async_join_all(void); +struct burn_write_opts; +#endif /* BURN__ASYNC_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/back_hacks.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/back_hacks.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b086620a --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/back_hacks.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/** + + This file bundles variables which disable changes in libburn which are + not yet completely accepted. + + The use of these variables is *strongly discouraged* unless you have sincere + reason and are willing to share your gained knowledge with the libburn + developers. + + Do *not silently rely* on these variables with your application. Tell us + that you needed one or more of them. They are subject to removal as soon + as consense has been found about correctness of the change they revoke. + + Value 0 means that the new behavior is enabled. Any other value enables + the described old time behavior. + + If you doubt one of the changes here broke your application, then do + *in your application*, *not here* : + + - #include "libburn/back_hacks.h" like you include "libburn/libburn.h" + + - Set the libburn_back_hack_* variable of your choice to 1. + In your app. Not here. + + - Then start and use libburn as usual. Watch out for results. + + - If you believe to have detected a flaw in our change, come forward + and report it to the libburn developers. Thanks in advance. :) + +*/ + +/** Do not define this macro in your application. Only libburn/init.c is + entitled to set it. +*/ +#ifdef BURN_BACK_HACKS_INIT + + +/** Corresponds to http://libburn.pykix.org/ticket/42 + Reinstates the old ban not to blank appendable CD-RW. We see no reason + for this ban yet. It appears unusual. But maybe it patches a bug. +*/ +int libburn_back_hack_42= 0; + + +#else /* BURN_BACK_HACKS_INIT */ + +/* Note: no application programmer info beyond this point */ + + +extern int libburn_back_hack_42; + +#endif /* ! BURN_BACK_HACKS_INIT */ + + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/crc.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/crc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fddc5b4f --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/crc.c @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include "crc.h" + +static unsigned short ccitt_table[256] = { + 0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50A5, 0x60C6, 0x70E7, + 0x8108, 0x9129, 0xA14A, 0xB16B, 0xC18C, 0xD1AD, 0xE1CE, 0xF1EF, + 0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52B5, 0x4294, 0x72F7, 0x62D6, + 0x9339, 0x8318, 0xB37B, 0xA35A, 0xD3BD, 0xC39C, 0xF3FF, 0xE3DE, + 0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64E6, 0x74C7, 0x44A4, 0x5485, + 0xA56A, 0xB54B, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xE5EE, 0xF5CF, 0xC5AC, 0xD58D, + 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76D7, 0x66F6, 0x5695, 0x46B4, + 0xB75B, 0xA77A, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xF7DF, 0xE7FE, 0xD79D, 0xC7BC, + 0x48C4, 0x58E5, 0x6886, 0x78A7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823, + 0xC9CC, 0xD9ED, 0xE98E, 0xF9AF, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xA90A, 0xB92B, + 0x5AF5, 0x4AD4, 0x7AB7, 0x6A96, 0x1A71, 0x0A50, 0x3A33, 0x2A12, + 0xDBFD, 0xCBDC, 0xFBBF, 0xEB9E, 0x9B79, 0x8B58, 0xBB3B, 0xAB1A, + 0x6CA6, 0x7C87, 0x4CE4, 0x5CC5, 0x2C22, 0x3C03, 0x0C60, 0x1C41, + 0xEDAE, 0xFD8F, 0xCDEC, 0xDDCD, 0xAD2A, 0xBD0B, 0x8D68, 0x9D49, + 0x7E97, 0x6EB6, 0x5ED5, 0x4EF4, 0x3E13, 0x2E32, 0x1E51, 0x0E70, + 0xFF9F, 0xEFBE, 0xDFDD, 0xCFFC, 0xBF1B, 0xAF3A, 0x9F59, 0x8F78, + 0x9188, 0x81A9, 0xB1CA, 0xA1EB, 0xD10C, 0xC12D, 0xF14E, 0xE16F, + 0x1080, 0x00A1, 0x30C2, 0x20E3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067, + 0x83B9, 0x9398, 0xA3FB, 0xB3DA, 0xC33D, 0xD31C, 0xE37F, 0xF35E, + 0x02B1, 0x1290, 0x22F3, 0x32D2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256, + 0xB5EA, 0xA5CB, 0x95A8, 0x8589, 0xF56E, 0xE54F, 0xD52C, 0xC50D, + 0x34E2, 0x24C3, 0x14A0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405, + 0xA7DB, 0xB7FA, 0x8799, 0x97B8, 0xE75F, 0xF77E, 0xC71D, 0xD73C, + 0x26D3, 0x36F2, 0x0691, 0x16B0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634, + 0xD94C, 0xC96D, 0xF90E, 0xE92F, 0x99C8, 0x89E9, 0xB98A, 0xA9AB, + 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18C0, 0x08E1, 0x3882, 0x28A3, + 0xCB7D, 0xDB5C, 0xEB3F, 0xFB1E, 0x8BF9, 0x9BD8, 0xABBB, 0xBB9A, + 0x4A75, 0x5A54, 0x6A37, 0x7A16, 0x0AF1, 0x1AD0, 0x2AB3, 0x3A92, + 0xFD2E, 0xED0F, 0xDD6C, 0xCD4D, 0xBDAA, 0xAD8B, 0x9DE8, 0x8DC9, + 0x7C26, 0x6C07, 0x5C64, 0x4C45, 0x3CA2, 0x2C83, 0x1CE0, 0x0CC1, + 0xEF1F, 0xFF3E, 0xCF5D, 0xDF7C, 0xAF9B, 0xBFBA, 0x8FD9, 0x9FF8, + 0x6E17, 0x7E36, 0x4E55, 0x5E74, 0x2E93, 0x3EB2, 0x0ED1, 0x1EF0 +}; + +unsigned long crc32_table[256] = { + 0x00000000L, 0x90910101L, 0x91210201L, 0x01B00300L, + 0x92410401L, 0x02D00500L, 0x03600600L, 0x93F10701L, + 0x94810801L, 0x04100900L, 0x05A00A00L, 0x95310B01L, + 0x06C00C00L, 0x96510D01L, 0x97E10E01L, 0x07700F00L, + 0x99011001L, 0x09901100L, 0x08201200L, 0x98B11301L, + 0x0B401400L, 0x9BD11501L, 0x9A611601L, 0x0AF01700L, + 0x0D801800L, 0x9D111901L, 0x9CA11A01L, 0x0C301B00L, + 0x9FC11C01L, 0x0F501D00L, 0x0EE01E00L, 0x9E711F01L, + 0x82012001L, 0x12902100L, 0x13202200L, 0x83B12301L, + 0x10402400L, 0x80D12501L, 0x81612601L, 0x11F02700L, + 0x16802800L, 0x86112901L, 0x87A12A01L, 0x17302B00L, + 0x84C12C01L, 0x14502D00L, 0x15E02E00L, 0x85712F01L, + 0x1B003000L, 0x8B913101L, 0x8A213201L, 0x1AB03300L, + 0x89413401L, 0x19D03500L, 0x18603600L, 0x88F13701L, + 0x8F813801L, 0x1F103900L, 0x1EA03A00L, 0x8E313B01L, + 0x1DC03C00L, 0x8D513D01L, 0x8CE13E01L, 0x1C703F00L, + 0xB4014001L, 0x24904100L, 0x25204200L, 0xB5B14301L, + 0x26404400L, 0xB6D14501L, 0xB7614601L, 0x27F04700L, + 0x20804800L, 0xB0114901L, 0xB1A14A01L, 0x21304B00L, + 0xB2C14C01L, 0x22504D00L, 0x23E04E00L, 0xB3714F01L, + 0x2D005000L, 0xBD915101L, 0xBC215201L, 0x2CB05300L, + 0xBF415401L, 0x2FD05500L, 0x2E605600L, 0xBEF15701L, + 0xB9815801L, 0x29105900L, 0x28A05A00L, 0xB8315B01L, + 0x2BC05C00L, 0xBB515D01L, 0xBAE15E01L, 0x2A705F00L, + 0x36006000L, 0xA6916101L, 0xA7216201L, 0x37B06300L, + 0xA4416401L, 0x34D06500L, 0x35606600L, 0xA5F16701L, + 0xA2816801L, 0x32106900L, 0x33A06A00L, 0xA3316B01L, + 0x30C06C00L, 0xA0516D01L, 0xA1E16E01L, 0x31706F00L, + 0xAF017001L, 0x3F907100L, 0x3E207200L, 0xAEB17301L, + 0x3D407400L, 0xADD17501L, 0xAC617601L, 0x3CF07700L, + 0x3B807800L, 0xAB117901L, 0xAAA17A01L, 0x3A307B00L, + 0xA9C17C01L, 0x39507D00L, 0x38E07E00L, 0xA8717F01L, + 0xD8018001L, 0x48908100L, 0x49208200L, 0xD9B18301L, + 0x4A408400L, 0xDAD18501L, 0xDB618601L, 0x4BF08700L, + 0x4C808800L, 0xDC118901L, 0xDDA18A01L, 0x4D308B00L, + 0xDEC18C01L, 0x4E508D00L, 0x4FE08E00L, 0xDF718F01L, + 0x41009000L, 0xD1919101L, 0xD0219201L, 0x40B09300L, + 0xD3419401L, 0x43D09500L, 0x42609600L, 0xD2F19701L, + 0xD5819801L, 0x45109900L, 0x44A09A00L, 0xD4319B01L, + 0x47C09C00L, 0xD7519D01L, 0xD6E19E01L, 0x46709F00L, + 0x5A00A000L, 0xCA91A101L, 0xCB21A201L, 0x5BB0A300L, + 0xC841A401L, 0x58D0A500L, 0x5960A600L, 0xC9F1A701L, + 0xCE81A801L, 0x5E10A900L, 0x5FA0AA00L, 0xCF31AB01L, + 0x5CC0AC00L, 0xCC51AD01L, 0xCDE1AE01L, 0x5D70AF00L, + 0xC301B001L, 0x5390B100L, 0x5220B200L, 0xC2B1B301L, + 0x5140B400L, 0xC1D1B501L, 0xC061B601L, 0x50F0B700L, + 0x5780B800L, 0xC711B901L, 0xC6A1BA01L, 0x5630BB00L, + 0xC5C1BC01L, 0x5550BD00L, 0x54E0BE00L, 0xC471BF01L, + 0x6C00C000L, 0xFC91C101L, 0xFD21C201L, 0x6DB0C300L, + 0xFE41C401L, 0x6ED0C500L, 0x6F60C600L, 0xFFF1C701L, + 0xF881C801L, 0x6810C900L, 0x69A0CA00L, 0xF931CB01L, + 0x6AC0CC00L, 0xFA51CD01L, 0xFBE1CE01L, 0x6B70CF00L, + 0xF501D001L, 0x6590D100L, 0x6420D200L, 0xF4B1D301L, + 0x6740D400L, 0xF7D1D501L, 0xF661D601L, 0x66F0D700L, + 0x6180D800L, 0xF111D901L, 0xF0A1DA01L, 0x6030DB00L, + 0xF3C1DC01L, 0x6350DD00L, 0x62E0DE00L, 0xF271DF01L, + 0xEE01E001L, 0x7E90E100L, 0x7F20E200L, 0xEFB1E301L, + 0x7C40E400L, 0xECD1E501L, 0xED61E601L, 0x7DF0E700L, + 0x7A80E800L, 0xEA11E901L, 0xEBA1EA01L, 0x7B30EB00L, + 0xE8C1EC01L, 0x7850ED00L, 0x79E0EE00L, 0xE971EF01L, + 0x7700F000L, 0xE791F101L, 0xE621F201L, 0x76B0F300L, + 0xE541F401L, 0x75D0F500L, 0x7460F600L, 0xE4F1F701L, + 0xE381F801L, 0x7310F900L, 0x72A0FA00L, 0xE231FB01L, + 0x71C0FC00L, 0xE151FD01L, 0xE0E1FE01L, 0x7070FF00L +}; + +unsigned short crc_ccitt(unsigned char *q, int len) +{ + unsigned short crc = 0; + + while (len-- > 0) + crc = ccitt_table[(crc >> 8 ^ *q++) & 0xff] ^ (crc << 8); + return ~crc; +} +unsigned int crc_32(unsigned char *data, int len) +{ + unsigned int crc = 0; + + while (len-- > 0) + crc = crc32_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xffL] ^ (crc >> 8); + return crc; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/crc.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/crc.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4846a33 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/crc.h @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef BURN__CRC_H +#define BURN__CRC_H + +unsigned short crc_ccitt(unsigned char *, int len); +unsigned int crc_32(unsigned char *, int len); + +#endif /* BURN__CRC_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/debug.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/debug.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b4abab77 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/debug.c @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifdef WIN32 +#include +#endif + +#include +#include +#include "libburn.h" +#include "debug.h" + +static int burn_verbosity = 0; + +void burn_set_verbosity(int v) +{ + burn_verbosity = v; +} + +void burn_print(int level, const char *a, ...) +{ +#ifdef WIN32 + char debug_string_data[256]; +#endif + va_list vl; + + if (level <= burn_verbosity) { + va_start(vl, a); +#ifdef WIN32 + vsprintf(debug_string_data, a, vl); + OutputDebugString(debug_string_data); +#else + vfprintf(stderr, a, vl); +#endif + } +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/debug.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/debug.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b566de0e --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/debug.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef BURN__DEBUG_H +#define BURN__DEBUG_H + +void burn_print(int level, const char *a, ...); + +#endif /* BURN__DEBUG_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/drive.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/drive.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e14ee8bc --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/drive.c @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "libburn.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "transport.h" +#include "message.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "init.h" +#include "toc.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "sg.h" +#include "structure.h" +#include "back_hacks.h" + +static struct burn_drive drive_array[255]; +static int drivetop = -1; + +int burn_drive_is_open(struct burn_drive *d); + +/* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ +/* splitting former burn_drive_free() (which freed all, into two calls) */ +void burn_drive_free(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + if (d->global_index == -1) + return; + /* ts A60822 : close open fds before forgetting them */ + if (burn_drive_is_open(d)) + close(d->fd); + free((void *) d->idata); + free((void *) d->mdata); + free((void *) d->toc_entry); + free(d->devname); + d->global_index = -1; +} + +void burn_drive_free_all(void) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < drivetop + 1; i++) + burn_drive_free(&(drive_array[i])); + drivetop = -1; + memset(drive_array, 0, sizeof(drive_array)); +} + + +/* ts A60822 */ +int burn_drive_is_open(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + /* a bit more detailed case distinction than needed */ + if (d->fd == -1337) + return 0; + if (d->fd < 0) + return 0; + return 1; +} + + +/* ts A60906 */ +int burn_drive_force_idle(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; + return 1; +} + + +/* ts A60906 */ +int burn_drive_is_released(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + return !!d->released; +} + + +/* ts A60906 */ +/** Inquires drive status in respect to degree of app usage. + @param return -2 = drive is forgotten + -1 = drive is closed (i.e. released explicitely) + 0 = drive is open, not grabbed (after scan, before 1st grab) + 1 = drive is grabbed but BURN_DRIVE_IDLE + 10 = drive is grabbing (BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING) + 100 = drive is busy in cancelable state + 1000 = drive is in non-cancelable state + Expect a monotonous sequence of usage severity to emerge in future. +*/ +int burn_drive_is_occupied(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + if(d->global_index < 0) + return -2; + if(!burn_drive_is_open(d)) + return -1; + if(d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING) + return 10; + if(d->released) + return 0; + if(d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_IDLE) + return 1; + if(d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_READING || d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_WRITING) + return 50; + return 1000; +} + + +/* +void drive_read_lead_in(int dnum) +{ + mmc_read_lead_in(&drive_array[dnum], get_4k()); +} +*/ +unsigned int burn_drive_count(void) +{ + return drivetop + 1; +} + +int burn_drive_grab(struct burn_drive *d, int le) +{ + int errcode; + int was_equal = 0, must_equal = 3, max_loop = 20; + + /* ts A60907 */ + int loop_count, old_speed = -1234567890, new_speed = -987654321; + int old_erasable = -1234567890, new_erasable = -987654321; + + if (!d->released) { + burn_print(1, "can't grab - already grabbed\n"); + return 0; + } + errcode = d->grab(d); + + if (errcode == 0) { + burn_print(1, "low level drive grab failed\n"); + return 0; + } + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING; + + if (le) + d->load(d); + + d->lock(d); + d->status = BURN_DISC_BLANK; + if (d->mdata->cdr_write || d->mdata->cdrw_write || + d->mdata->dvdr_write || d->mdata->dvdram_write) { + +#ifdef Libburn_grab_release_and_grab_agaiN + + d->read_disc_info(d); + +#else + /* ts A60908 */ + /* Trying to stabilize the disc status after eventual load + without closing and re-opening the drive */ + /* This seems to work for burn_disc_erasable() . + Speed values on RIP-14 and LITE-ON 48125S are stable + and false, nevertheless. So cdrskin -atip is still + forced to finish-initialize. */ + /* + fprintf(stderr,"libburn: experimental: read_disc_info()\n"); + */ + for (loop_count = 0; loop_count < max_loop; loop_count++){ + old_speed = new_speed; + old_erasable = new_erasable; + + d->read_disc_info(d); + + new_speed = burn_drive_get_write_speed(d); + new_erasable = burn_disc_erasable(d); + if (new_speed == old_speed && + new_erasable == old_erasable) { + was_equal++; + if (was_equal >= must_equal) + break; + } else + was_equal = 0; + /* + if (loop_count >= 1 && was_equal == 0) + fprintf(stderr,"libburn: experimental: %d : speed %d:%d erasable %d:%d\n", + loop_count,old_speed,new_speed,old_erasable,new_erasable); + */ + usleep(100000); + } +#endif /* ! Libburn_grab_release_and_grab_agaiN */ + + } else { + d->read_toc(d); + } + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; + return 1; +} + +struct burn_drive *burn_drive_register(struct burn_drive *d) +{ +#ifdef Libburn_ticket_62_re_register_is_possiblE + int i; +#endif + + d->block_types[0] = 0; + d->block_types[1] = 0; + d->block_types[2] = 0; + d->block_types[3] = 0; + d->toc_temp = 0; + d->nwa = 0; + d->alba = 0; + d->rlba = 0; + d->cancel = 0; + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; + d->toc_entries = 0; + d->toc_entry = NULL; + d->disc = NULL; + d->erasable = 0; + +#ifdef Libburn_ticket_62_re_register_is_possiblE + /* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ + /* Not yet accepted because no use case seen yet */ + + /* This is supposed to find an already freed drive struct among + all the the ones that have been used before */ + for (i = 0; i < drivetop + 1; i++) + if (drive_array[i].global_index == -1) + break; + d->global_index = i; + memcpy(&drive_array[i], d, sizeof(struct burn_drive)); + pthread_mutex_init(&drive_array[i].access_lock, NULL); + if (drivetop < i) + drivetop = i; + return &(drive_array[i]); + +#else /* Libburn_ticket_62_re_register_is_possiblE */ + /* old A60904 : */ + /* Still active by default */ + + d->global_index = drivetop + 1; + memcpy(&drive_array[drivetop + 1], d, sizeof(struct burn_drive)); + pthread_mutex_init(&drive_array[drivetop + 1].access_lock, NULL); + return &drive_array[++drivetop]; + +#endif /* ! Libburn_ticket_62_re_register_is_possiblE */ + +} + +void burn_drive_release(struct burn_drive *d, int le) +{ + if (d->released) + burn_print(1, "second release on drive!\n"); + + /* ts A60906: one should not assume BURN_DRIVE_IDLE == 0 */ + assert(d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_IDLE); + + d->unlock(d); + if (le) + d->eject(d); + + d->release(d); + + d->status = BURN_DISC_UNREADY; + d->released = 1; + if (d->toc_entry) + free(d->toc_entry); + d->toc_entry = NULL; + d->toc_entries = 0; + if (d->disc != NULL) { + burn_disc_free(d->disc); + d->disc = NULL; + } +} + +void burn_wait_all(void) +{ + unsigned int i; + int finished = 0; + struct burn_drive *d; + + while (!finished) { + finished = 1; + d = drive_array; + for (i = burn_drive_count(); i > 0; --i, ++d) { + + /* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ + if (d->global_index==-1) + continue; + + assert(d->released); + } + if (!finished) + sleep(1); + } +} + +void burn_disc_erase_sync(struct burn_drive *d, int fast) +{ + burn_message_clear_queue(); + + burn_print(1, "erasing drive %s %s\n", d->idata->vendor, + d->idata->product); + + /* ts A60825 : allow on parole to blank appendable CDs */ + if ( ! (d->status == BURN_DISC_FULL || + (d->status == BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE && + ! libburn_back_hack_42) ) ) + return; + d->cancel = 0; + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_ERASING; + d->erase(d, fast); + /* reset the progress */ + d->progress.session = 0; + d->progress.sessions = 1; + d->progress.track = 0; + d->progress.tracks = 1; + d->progress.index = 0; + d->progress.indices = 1; + d->progress.start_sector = 0; + d->progress.sectors = 0x10000; + d->progress.sector = 0; + /* read the initial 0 stage */ + while (!d->test_unit_ready(d) && d->get_erase_progress(d) == 0) + sleep(1); + while (!d->test_unit_ready(d) && + (d->progress.sector = d->get_erase_progress(d)) > 0) + sleep(1); + d->progress.sector = 0x10000; + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; +} + +enum burn_disc_status burn_disc_get_status(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + assert(!d->released); + return d->status; +} + +int burn_disc_erasable(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + return d->erasable; +} +enum burn_drive_status burn_drive_get_status(struct burn_drive *d, + struct burn_progress *p) +{ + if (p) { + memcpy(p, &(d->progress), sizeof(struct burn_progress)); + /* TODO: add mutex */ + } + return d->busy; +} + +void burn_drive_cancel(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + pthread_mutex_lock(&d->access_lock); + d->cancel = 1; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&d->access_lock); +} + +int burn_drive_get_block_types(struct burn_drive *d, + enum burn_write_types write_type) +{ + burn_print(12, "write type: %d\n", write_type); + assert( /* (write_type >= BURN_WRITE_PACKET) && */ + (write_type <= BURN_WRITE_RAW)); + return d->block_types[write_type]; +} + +static void strip_spaces(char *str) +{ + char *tmp; + + tmp = str + strlen(str) - 1; + while (isspace(*tmp)) + *(tmp--) = '\0'; + + tmp = str; + while (*tmp) { + if (isspace(*tmp) && isspace(*(tmp + 1))) { + char *tmp2; + + for (tmp2 = tmp + 1; *tmp2; ++tmp2) + *(tmp2 - 1) = *tmp2; + *(tmp2 - 1) = '\0'; + } else + ++tmp; + } +} + +static int drive_getcaps(struct burn_drive *d, struct burn_drive_info *out) +{ + struct scsi_inquiry_data *id; + + assert(d->idata); + assert(d->mdata); + if (!d->idata->valid || !d->mdata->valid) + return 0; + + id = (struct scsi_inquiry_data *)d->idata; + + memcpy(out->vendor, id->vendor, sizeof(id->vendor)); + strip_spaces(out->vendor); + memcpy(out->product, id->product, sizeof(id->product)); + strip_spaces(out->product); + memcpy(out->revision, id->revision, sizeof(id->revision)); + strip_spaces(out->revision); + strncpy(out->location, d->devname, 16); + out->location[16] = '\0'; + out->buffer_size = d->mdata->buffer_size; + out->read_dvdram = !!d->mdata->dvdram_read; + out->read_dvdr = !!d->mdata->dvdr_read; + out->read_dvdrom = !!d->mdata->dvdrom_read; + out->read_cdr = !!d->mdata->cdr_read; + out->read_cdrw = !!d->mdata->cdrw_read; + out->write_dvdram = !!d->mdata->dvdram_write; + out->write_dvdr = !!d->mdata->dvdr_write; + out->write_cdr = !!d->mdata->cdr_write; + out->write_cdrw = !!d->mdata->cdrw_write; + out->write_simulate = !!d->mdata->simulate; + out->c2_errors = !!d->mdata->c2_pointers; + out->drive = d; + /* update available block types for burners */ + if (out->write_dvdram || out->write_dvdr || + out->write_cdrw || out->write_cdr) + d->probe_write_modes(d); + out->tao_block_types = d->block_types[BURN_WRITE_TAO]; + out->sao_block_types = d->block_types[BURN_WRITE_SAO]; + out->raw_block_types = d->block_types[BURN_WRITE_RAW]; + out->packet_block_types = d->block_types[BURN_WRITE_PACKET]; + return 1; +} + +int burn_drive_scan_sync(struct burn_drive_info *drives[], + unsigned int *n_drives) +{ + /* state vars for the scan process */ + /* ts A60904 : did set some default values to feel comfortable */ + static int scanning = 0, scanned = 0, found = 0; + static unsigned num_scanned = 0, count = 0; + unsigned int i; +#ifdef Libburn_ticket_62_enable_redundant_asserT + struct burn_drive *d; +#endif + + assert(burn_running); + + if (!scanning) { + scanning = 1; + /* make sure the drives aren't in use */ + burn_wait_all(); /* make sure the queue cleans up + before checking for the released + state */ + + /* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ + /* this is redundant with what is done in burn_wait_all() */ +#ifdef Libburn_ticket_62_enable_redundant_asserT + d = drive_array; + count = burn_drive_count(); + for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++d) + assert(d->released == 1); +#endif /* Libburn_ticket_62_enable_redundant_asserT */ + + /* refresh the lib's drives */ + sg_enumerate(); + ata_enumerate(); + count = burn_drive_count(); + if (count) + *drives = + malloc(sizeof(struct burn_drive_info) * count); + else + *drives = NULL; + *n_drives = scanned = found = num_scanned = 0; + } + + for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + if (scanned & (1 << i)) + continue; /* already scanned the device */ + + while (!drive_getcaps(&drive_array[i], + &(*drives)[num_scanned])) { + sleep(1); + } + scanned |= 1 << i; + found |= 1 << i; + num_scanned++; + (*n_drives)++; + } + + if (num_scanned == count) { + /* done scanning */ + scanning = 0; + return 1; + } + return 0; +} + + +void burn_drive_info_free(struct burn_drive_info drive_infos[]) +{ +/* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ +/* clarifying the meaning and the identity of the victim */ + + /* ts A60904 : This looks a bit weird. + burn_drive_info is not the manager of burn_drive but only its + spokesperson. To my knowlege drive_infos from burn_drive_scan() + are not memorized globally. */ + if(drive_infos != NULL) /* and this NULL test is deadly necessary */ + free((void *) drive_infos); + + burn_drive_free_all(); +} + +/* Experimental API call */ +int burn_drive_info_forget(struct burn_drive_info *info, int force) +{ + int occup; + struct burn_drive *d; + + d = info->drive; + occup = burn_drive_is_occupied(d); +/* + fprintf(stderr, "libburn: experimental: occup == %d\n",occup); +*/ + if(occup <= -2) + return 2; + if(occup > 0) + if(force < 1) + return 0; + if(occup > 10) + return 0; + + /* >>> do any drive calming here */; + + + burn_drive_force_idle(d); + if(occup > 0 && !burn_drive_is_released(d)) + burn_drive_release(d,0); + burn_drive_free(d); + return 1; +} + +struct burn_disc *burn_drive_get_disc(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + d->disc->refcnt++; + return d->disc; +} + +void burn_drive_set_speed(struct burn_drive *d, int r, int w) +{ + d->set_speed(d, r, w); +} + +int burn_msf_to_sectors(int m, int s, int f) +{ + return (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f; +} + +void burn_sectors_to_msf(int sectors, int *m, int *s, int *f) +{ + *m = sectors / (60 * 75); + *s = (sectors - *m * 60 * 75) / 75; + *f = sectors - *m * 60 * 75 - *s * 75; +} + +int burn_drive_get_read_speed(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + return d->mdata->max_read_speed; +} + +int burn_drive_get_write_speed(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + return d->mdata->max_write_speed; +} + + +/* ts A51221 */ +static char *enumeration_whitelist[BURN_DRIVE_WHITELIST_LEN]; +static int enumeration_whitelist_top = -1; + +/** Add a device to the list of permissible drives. As soon as some entry is in + the whitelist all non-listed drives are banned from enumeration. + @return 1 success, <=0 failure +*/ +int burn_drive_add_whitelist(char *device_address) +{ + char *new_item; + if(enumeration_whitelist_top+1 >= BURN_DRIVE_WHITELIST_LEN) + return 0; + enumeration_whitelist_top++; + new_item = malloc(strlen(device_address) + 1); + if (new_item == NULL) + return -1; + strcpy(new_item, device_address); + enumeration_whitelist[enumeration_whitelist_top] = new_item; + return 1; +} + +/** Remove all drives from whitelist. This enables all possible drives. */ +void burn_drive_clear_whitelist(void) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i <= enumeration_whitelist_top; i++) + free(enumeration_whitelist[i]); + enumeration_whitelist_top = -1; +} + +int burn_drive_is_banned(char *device_address) +{ + int i; + if(enumeration_whitelist_top<0) + return 0; + for (i = 0; i <= enumeration_whitelist_top; i++) + if (strcmp(enumeration_whitelist[i], device_address) == 0) + return 0; + return 1; +} + +/* ts A60823 */ +/** Aquire a drive with known persistent address. +*/ +int burn_drive_scan_and_grab(struct burn_drive_info *drive_infos[], char* adr, + int load) +{ + unsigned int n_drives; + int ret; + + burn_drive_clear_whitelist(); + burn_drive_add_whitelist(adr); +/* + fprintf(stderr,"libburn: experimental: burn_drive_scan_and_grab(%s)\n", + adr); +*/ + while (!burn_drive_scan(drive_infos, &n_drives)) + usleep(1002); + if (n_drives <= 0) + return 0; +/* + fprintf(stderr, "libburn: experimental: n_drives == %d\n",n_drives); +*/ + +/* ts A60908 : seems we get rid of this :) */ +#ifdef Libburn_grab_release_and_grab_agaiN + if (load) { + /* RIP-14.5 + LITE-ON 48125S produce a false status + if tray was unloaded */ + /* Therefore the first grab is just for loading */ + ret= burn_drive_grab(drive_infos[0]->drive, 1); + if (ret != 1) + return -1; + burn_drive_release(drive_infos[0]->drive,0); + } +#endif /* Libburn_grab_release_and_grab_agaiN */ + + ret = burn_drive_grab(drive_infos[0]->drive, load); + if (ret != 1) + return -1; + return 1; +} + +/* ts A60823 */ +/** Inquire the persistent address of the given drive. */ +int burn_drive_get_adr(struct burn_drive_info *drive_info, char adr[]) +{ + assert(strlen(drive_info->location) < BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN); + strcpy(adr,drive_info->location); + return 1; +} + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/drive.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/drive.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2714658a --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/drive.h @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __DRIVE +#define __DRIVE + +#include "libburn.h" +#include "toc.h" +#include "structure.h" + +struct burn_drive; +struct command; +struct mempage; + +#define LEAD_IN 1 +#define GAP 2 +#define USER_DATA 3 +#define LEAD_OUT 4 +#define SYNC 5 + +#define SESSION_LEADOUT_ENTRY(d,s) (d)->toc->session[(s)].leadout_entry + +#define CURRENT_SESSION_START(d) \ + burn_msf_to_lba(d->toc->session[d->currsession].start_m, \ + d->toc->session[d->currsession].start_s, \ + d->toc->session[d->currsession].start_f) + +#define SESSION_END(d,s) \ + TOC_ENTRY_PLBA((d)->toc, SESSION_LEADOUT_ENTRY((d), (s))) + +#define PREVIOUS_SESSION_END(d) \ + TOC_ENTRY_PLBA((d)->toc, SESSION_LEADOUT_ENTRY((d), (d)->currsession-1)) + +#define LAST_SESSION_END(d) \ + TOC_ENTRY_PLBA((d)->toc, \ + SESSION_LEADOUT_ENTRY((d), (d)->toc->sessions-1)) + +struct burn_drive *burn_drive_register(struct burn_drive *); + +unsigned int burn_drive_count(void); +void burn_wait_all(void); +int burn_sector_length_write(struct burn_drive *d); +int burn_track_control(struct burn_drive *d, int); +void burn_write_empty_sector(int fd); +void burn_write_empty_subcode(int fd); +void burn_drive_free(struct burn_drive *d); +void burn_drive_free_all(void); + +int burn_drive_scan_sync(struct burn_drive_info *drives[], + unsigned int *n_drives); +void burn_disc_erase_sync(struct burn_drive *d, int fast); +int burn_drive_get_block_types(struct burn_drive *d, + enum burn_write_types write_type); + +/* ts A60822 */ +int burn_drive_is_open(struct burn_drive *d); + +#endif /* __DRIVE */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/error.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/error.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74d4f68d --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/error.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode; t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __ERROR_H +#define __ERROR_H + +#define BE_CANCELLED 1 + +#endif /* __ERROR_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/file.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/file.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..809b8428 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/file.c @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "source.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "file.h" + +/* main channel data can be padded on read, but 0 padding the subs will make +an unreadable disc */ + + +/* This is a generic OS oriented function wrapper which compensates + shortcommings of read() in respect to a guaranteed amount of return data. + See man 2 read , paragraph "RETURN VALUE". + Possibly libburn/file.c is not the right storage location for this. + To make it ready for a move, this function is not declared static. +*/ +static int read_full_buffer(int fd, unsigned char *buffer, int size) +{ + int ret,summed_ret = 0; + + /* make safe against partial buffer returns */ + while (1) { + ret = read(fd, buffer + summed_ret, size - summed_ret); + if (ret <= 0) + break; + summed_ret += ret; + if (summed_ret >= size) + break; + } + if (ret < 0) /* error encountered. abort immediately */ + return ret; + return summed_ret; +} + + +static int file_read(struct burn_source *source, + unsigned char *buffer, + int size) +{ + struct burn_source_fd *fs = source->data; + + return read_full_buffer(fs->datafd, buffer, size); +} + +static int file_read_sub(struct burn_source *source, + unsigned char *buffer, + int size) +{ + struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data; + + return read_full_buffer(fs->subfd, buffer, size); +} + +static void file_free(struct burn_source *source) +{ + struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data; + + close(fs->datafd); + if (source->read_sub) + close(fs->subfd); + free(fs); +} + +static off_t file_size(struct burn_source *source) +{ + struct stat buf; + struct burn_source_file *fs = source->data; + + if (fstat(fs->datafd, &buf) == -1) + return (off_t) 0; + /* for now we keep it compatible to the old (int) return value */ + if(buf.st_size >= 1308622848) /* 2 GB - 800 MB to prevent rollover */ + return (off_t) 1308622848; + return (off_t) buf.st_size; +} + +struct burn_source *burn_file_source_new(const char *path, const char *subpath) +{ + struct burn_source_file *fs; + struct burn_source *src; + int fd1, fd2 = 0; + + if (!path) + return NULL; + fd1 = open(path, O_RDONLY); + if (fd1 == -1) + return NULL; + if (subpath) { + fd2 = open(subpath, O_RDONLY); + if (fd2 == -1) { + close(fd1); + return NULL; + } + } + fs = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_source_file)); + fs->datafd = fd1; + + if (subpath) + fs->subfd = fd2; + + src = burn_source_new(); + src->read = file_read; + if (subpath) + src->read_sub = file_read_sub; + + src->get_size = file_size; + src->free_data = file_free; + src->data = fs; + return src; +} + + +/* ------ provisory location for the new source subclass fd --------- */ + +static off_t fd_get_size(struct burn_source *source) +{ + struct stat buf; + struct burn_source_fd *fs = source->data; + + if (fs->fixed_size > 0) + return fs->fixed_size; + if (fstat(fs->datafd, &buf) == -1) + return (off_t) 0; + /* for now we keep it compatible to the old (int) return value */ + if (buf.st_size >= 1308622848) /* 2 GB - 800 MB to prevent rollover */ + return (off_t) 1308622848; + return buf.st_size; +} + +static int fd_read(struct burn_source *source, + unsigned char *buffer, + int size) +{ + struct burn_source_fd *fs = source->data; + + return read_full_buffer(fs->datafd, buffer, size); +} + + +static int fd_read_sub(struct burn_source *source, + unsigned char *buffer, + int size) +{ + struct burn_source_fd *fs = source->data; + + return read_full_buffer(fs->subfd, buffer, size); +} + + +static void fd_free_data(struct burn_source *source) +{ + struct burn_source_fd *fs = source->data; + + close(fs->datafd); + if (source->read_sub) + close(fs->subfd); + free(fs); +} + + +struct burn_source *burn_fd_source_new(int datafd, int subfd, off_t size) +{ + struct burn_source_fd *fs; + struct burn_source *src; + + if (datafd == -1) + return NULL; + fs = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_source_fd)); + fs->datafd = datafd; + fs->subfd = subfd; + fs->fixed_size = size; + + src = burn_source_new(); + src->read = fd_read; + if(subfd != -1) + src->read = fd_read_sub; + src->get_size = fd_get_size; + src->free_data = fd_free_data; + src->data = fs; + return src; +} + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/file.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/file.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96c1a692 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/file.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef BURN__FILE_H +#define BURN__FILE_H + +struct burn_source_file +{ + int datafd; + int subfd; +}; + + +/* ------ provisory location for the new source subclass fd --------- */ + +struct burn_source_fd +{ + int datafd; + int subfd; + off_t fixed_size; +}; + +#endif /* LIBBURN__FILE_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/init.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/init.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..552229dc --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/init.c @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "init.h" +#include "sg.h" +#include "error.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "drive.h" + +/* ts A60825 : The storage location for back_hacks.h variables. */ +#define BURN_BACK_HACKS_INIT 1 +#include "back_hacks.h" + +int burn_running = 0; + +/* ts A60813 : wether to use O_EXCL and/or O_NONBLOCK in libburn/sg.c */ +int burn_sg_open_o_excl = 1; + +/* O_NONBLOCK was hardcoded in enumerate_ata() which i hardly use. + For enumerate_sg() it seems ok. + So it should stay default mode until enumerate_ata() without O_NONBLOCK + has been thoroughly tested. */ +int burn_sg_open_o_nonblock = 1; + +/* wether to take a busy drive as an error */ +/* Caution: this is implemented by a rough hack and eventually leads + to unconditional abort of the process */ +int burn_sg_open_abort_busy = 0; + + +int burn_initialize(void) +{ + if (burn_running) + return 1; + + burn_running = 1; + return 1; +} + +void burn_finish(void) +{ + assert(burn_running); + + burn_wait_all(); + + /* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom : name addon "_all" */ + burn_drive_free_all(); + + burn_running = 0; +} + + +/* ts A60813 */ +/** Set parameters for behavior on opening device files. To be called early + after burn_initialize() and before any bus scan. But not mandatory at all. + @param exclusive Try to open only devices which are not marked as busy + and try to mark them busy if opened sucessfully. (O_EXCL) + There are kernels which simply don't care about O_EXCL. + Some have it off, some have it on, some are switchable. + @param blocking Try to wait for drives which do not open immediately but + also do not return an error as well. (O_NONBLOCK) + This might stall indefinitely with /dev/hdX hard disks. + @param abort_on_busy Unconditionally abort process when a non blocking + exclusive opening attempt indicates a busy drive. + Use this only after thorough tests with your app. + Parameter value 1 enables a feature, 0 disables. + Default is (1,0,0). Have a good reason before you change it. +*/ +void burn_preset_device_open(int exclusive, int blocking, int abort_on_busy) +{ + assert(burn_running); + + burn_sg_open_o_excl= !!exclusive; + burn_sg_open_o_nonblock= !blocking; + burn_sg_open_abort_busy= !!abort_on_busy; +} + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/init.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/init.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3e9b9a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/init.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef BURN__INIT_H +#define BURN__INIT_H + +extern int burn_running; + +#endif /* BURN__INIT_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/lec.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/lec.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9141593a --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/lec.c @@ -0,0 +1,451 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +/* borrowed HEAVILY from cdrdao */ + +#include +#include "lec.h" + +#define LEC_HEADER_OFFSET 12 +#define LEC_MODE1_P_PARITY_OFFSET 2076 +#define LEC_MODE1_Q_PARITY_OFFSET 2248 + +static unsigned char gf8_ilog[255] = { + 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 29, 58, 116, 232, 205, 135, 19, 38, 76, + 152, 45, 90, 180, 117, 234, 201, 143, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, + 192, 157, 39, 78, 156, 37, 74, 148, 53, 106, 212, 181, 119, + 238, 193, 159, 35, 70, 140, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 93, 186, + 105, 210, 185, 111, 222, 161, 95, 190, 97, 194, 153, 47, 94, + 188, 101, 202, 137, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 253, 231, 211, 187, + 107, 214, 177, 127, 254, 225, 223, 163, 91, 182, 113, 226, 217, + 175, 67, 134, 17, 34, 68, 136, 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 189, 103, + 206, 129, 31, 62, 124, 248, 237, 199, 147, 59, 118, 236, 197, + 151, 51, 102, 204, 133, 23, 46, 92, 184, 109, 218, 169, 79, + 158, 33, 66, 132, 21, 42, 84, 168, 77, 154, 41, 82, 164, 85, + 170, 73, 146, 57, 114, 228, 213, 183, 115, 230, 209, 191, 99, + 198, 145, 63, 126, 252, 229, 215, 179, 123, 246, 241, 255, 227, + 219, 171, 75, 150, 49, 98, 196, 149, 55, 110, 220, 165, 87, + 174, 65, 130, 25, 50, 100, 200, 141, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224, + 221, 167, 83, 166, 81, 162, 89, 178, 121, 242, 249, 239, 195, + 155, 43, 86, 172, 69, 138, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 61, 122, 244, + 245, 247, 243, 251, 235, 203, 139, 11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 125, + 250, 233, 207, 131, 27, 54, 108, 216, 173, 71, 142, +}; +static unsigned char gf8_log[256] = { + 0, 0, 1, 25, 2, 50, 26, 198, 3, 223, 51, 238, 27, 104, 199, 75, 4, 100, + 224, 14, 52, 141, 239, 129, 28, 193, 105, 248, 200, 8, 76, 113, + 5, 138, 101, 47, 225, 36, 15, 33, 53, 147, 142, 218, 240, 18, + 130, 69, 29, 181, 194, 125, 106, 39, 249, 185, 201, 154, 9, + 120, 77, 228, 114, 166, 6, 191, 139, 98, 102, 221, 48, 253, + 226, 152, 37, 179, 16, 145, 34, 136, 54, 208, 148, 206, 143, + 150, 219, 189, 241, 210, 19, 92, 131, 56, 70, 64, 30, 66, 182, + 163, 195, 72, 126, 110, 107, 58, 40, 84, 250, 133, 186, 61, + 202, 94, 155, 159, 10, 21, 121, 43, 78, 212, 229, 172, 115, + 243, 167, 87, 7, 112, 192, 247, 140, 128, 99, 13, 103, 74, 222, + 237, 49, 197, 254, 24, 227, 165, 153, 119, 38, 184, 180, 124, + 17, 68, 146, 217, 35, 32, 137, 46, 55, 63, 209, 91, 149, 188, + 207, 205, 144, 135, 151, 178, 220, 252, 190, 97, 242, 86, 211, + 171, 20, 42, 93, 158, 132, 60, 57, 83, 71, 109, 65, 162, 31, + 45, 67, 216, 183, 123, 164, 118, 196, 23, 73, 236, 127, 12, + 111, 246, 108, 161, 59, 82, 41, 157, 85, 170, 251, 96, 134, + 177, 187, 204, 62, 90, 203, 89, 95, 176, 156, 169, 160, 81, 11, + 245, 22, 235, 122, 117, 44, 215, 79, 174, 213, 233, 230, 231, + 173, 232, 116, 214, 244, 234, 168, 80, 88, 175, +}; +static unsigned char gf8_q_coeffs[2][45] = { + {97, 251, 133, 60, 82, 160, 155, 201, 8, 112, 246, 11, 21, 42, 157, + 169, 80, 174, 232, 230, 172, 211, 241, 18, 68, 216, 44, 121, 9, 200, + 75, 103, 221, 252, 96, 176, 88, 167, 114, 76, 199, 26, 1, 0, 0}, + {190, 96, 250, 132, 59, 81, 159, 154, 200, 7, 111, 245, 10, 20, 41, + 156, 168, 79, 173, 231, 229, 171, 210, 240, 17, 67, 215, 43, 120, 8, + 199, 74, 102, 220, 251, 95, 175, 87, 166, 113, 75, 198, 25, 0, 0} +}; +static unsigned char gf8_p_coeffs[2][26] = { + {230, 172, 211, 241, 18, 68, 216, 44, 121, 9, 200, 75, 103, 221, 252, + 96, 176, 88, 167, 114, 76, 199, 26, 1, 0, 0}, + {231, 229, 171, 210, 240, 17, 67, 215, 43, 120, 8, 199, 74, 102, 220, + 251, 95, 175, 87, 166, 113, 75, 198, 25, 0, 0} +}; + +static unsigned char yellowbook_scrambler[2340] = { + 1, 128, 0, 96, 0, 40, 0, 30, 128, 8, 96, 6, 168, 2, 254, 129, 128, 96, + 96, 40, 40, 30, 158, + 136, 104, 102, 174, 170, 252, 127, 1, 224, 0, 72, 0, 54, 128, 22, 224, + 14, 200, 4, 86, 131, 126, 225, + 224, 72, 72, 54, 182, 150, 246, 238, 198, 204, 82, 213, 253, 159, 1, + 168, 0, 126, 128, 32, 96, 24, 40, + 10, 158, 135, 40, 98, 158, 169, 168, 126, 254, 160, 64, 120, 48, 34, + 148, 25, 175, 74, 252, 55, 1, 214, + 128, 94, 224, 56, 72, 18, 182, 141, 182, 229, 182, 203, 54, 215, 86, + 222, 190, 216, 112, 90, 164, 59, 59, + 83, 83, 125, 253, 225, 129, 136, 96, 102, 168, 42, 254, 159, 0, 104, 0, + 46, 128, 28, 96, 9, 232, 6, + 206, 130, 212, 97, 159, 104, 104, 46, 174, 156, 124, 105, 225, 238, + 200, 76, 86, 181, 254, 247, 0, 70, 128, + 50, 224, 21, 136, 15, 38, 132, 26, 227, 75, 9, 247, 70, 198, 178, 210, + 245, 157, 135, 41, 162, 158, 249, + 168, 66, 254, 177, 128, 116, 96, 39, 104, 26, 174, 139, 60, 103, 81, + 234, 188, 79, 49, 244, 20, 71, 79, + 114, 180, 37, 183, 91, 54, 187, 86, 243, 126, 197, 224, 83, 8, 61, 198, + 145, 146, 236, 109, 141, 237, 165, + 141, 187, 37, 179, 91, 53, 251, 87, 3, 126, 129, 224, 96, 72, 40, 54, + 158, 150, 232, 110, 206, 172, 84, + 125, 255, 97, 128, 40, 96, 30, 168, 8, 126, 134, 160, 98, 248, 41, 130, + 158, 225, 168, 72, 126, 182, 160, + 118, 248, 38, 194, 154, 209, 171, 28, 127, 73, 224, 54, 200, 22, 214, + 142, 222, 228, 88, 75, 122, 183, 99, + 54, 169, 214, 254, 222, 192, 88, 80, 58, 188, 19, 49, 205, 212, 85, + 159, 127, 40, 32, 30, 152, 8, 106, + 134, 175, 34, 252, 25, 129, 202, 224, 87, 8, 62, 134, 144, 98, 236, 41, + 141, 222, 229, 152, 75, 42, 183, + 95, 54, 184, 22, 242, 142, 197, 164, 83, 59, 125, 211, 97, 157, 232, + 105, 142, 174, 228, 124, 75, 97, 247, + 104, 70, 174, 178, 252, 117, 129, 231, 32, 74, 152, 55, 42, 150, 159, + 46, 232, 28, 78, 137, 244, 102, 199, + 106, 210, 175, 29, 188, 9, 177, 198, 244, 82, 199, 125, 146, 161, 173, + 184, 125, 178, 161, 181, 184, 119, 50, + 166, 149, 186, 239, 51, 12, 21, 197, 207, 19, 20, 13, 207, 69, 148, 51, + 47, 85, 220, 63, 25, 208, 10, + 220, 7, 25, 194, 138, 209, 167, 28, 122, 137, 227, 38, 201, 218, 214, + 219, 30, 219, 72, 91, 118, 187, 102, + 243, 106, 197, 239, 19, 12, 13, 197, 197, 147, 19, 45, 205, 221, 149, + 153, 175, 42, 252, 31, 1, 200, 0, + 86, 128, 62, 224, 16, 72, 12, 54, 133, 214, 227, 30, 201, 200, 86, 214, + 190, 222, 240, 88, 68, 58, 179, + 83, 53, 253, 215, 1, 158, 128, 104, 96, 46, 168, 28, 126, 137, 224, + 102, 200, 42, 214, 159, 30, 232, 8, + 78, 134, 180, 98, 247, 105, 134, 174, 226, 252, 73, 129, 246, 224, 70, + 200, 50, 214, 149, 158, 239, 40, 76, + 30, 181, 200, 119, 22, 166, 142, 250, 228, 67, 11, 113, 199, 100, 82, + 171, 125, 191, 97, 176, 40, 116, 30, + 167, 72, 122, 182, 163, 54, 249, 214, 194, 222, 209, 152, 92, 106, 185, + 239, 50, 204, 21, 149, 207, 47, 20, + 28, 15, 73, 196, 54, 211, 86, 221, 254, 217, 128, 90, 224, 59, 8, 19, + 70, 141, 242, 229, 133, 139, 35, + 39, 89, 218, 186, 219, 51, 27, 85, 203, 127, 23, 96, 14, 168, 4, 126, + 131, 96, 97, 232, 40, 78, 158, + 180, 104, 119, 110, 166, 172, 122, 253, 227, 1, 137, 192, 102, 208, 42, + 220, 31, 25, 200, 10, 214, 135, 30, + 226, 136, 73, 166, 182, 250, 246, 195, 6, 209, 194, 220, 81, 153, 252, + 106, 193, 239, 16, 76, 12, 53, 197, + 215, 19, 30, 141, 200, 101, 150, 171, 46, 255, 92, 64, 57, 240, 18, + 196, 13, 147, 69, 173, 243, 61, 133, + 209, 163, 28, 121, 201, 226, 214, 201, 158, 214, 232, 94, 206, 184, 84, + 114, 191, 101, 176, 43, 52, 31, 87, + 72, 62, 182, 144, 118, 236, 38, 205, 218, 213, 155, 31, 43, 72, 31, + 118, 136, 38, 230, 154, 202, 235, 23, + 15, 78, 132, 52, 99, 87, 105, 254, 174, 192, 124, 80, 33, 252, 24, 65, + 202, 176, 87, 52, 62, 151, 80, + 110, 188, 44, 113, 221, 228, 89, 139, 122, 231, 99, 10, 169, 199, 62, + 210, 144, 93, 172, 57, 189, 210, 241, + 157, 132, 105, 163, 110, 249, 236, 66, 205, 241, 149, 132, 111, 35, + 108, 25, 237, 202, 205, 151, 21, 174, 143, + 60, 100, 17, 235, 76, 79, 117, 244, 39, 7, 90, 130, 187, 33, 179, 88, + 117, 250, 167, 3, 58, 129, 211, + 32, 93, 216, 57, 154, 146, 235, 45, 143, 93, 164, 57, 187, 82, 243, + 125, 133, 225, 163, 8, 121, 198, 162, + 210, 249, 157, 130, 233, 161, 142, 248, 100, 66, 171, 113, 191, 100, + 112, 43, 100, 31, 107, 72, 47, 118, 156, + 38, 233, 218, 206, 219, 20, 91, 79, 123, 116, 35, 103, 89, 234, 186, + 207, 51, 20, 21, 207, 79, 20, 52, + 15, 87, 68, 62, 179, 80, 117, 252, 39, 1, 218, 128, 91, 32, 59, 88, 19, + 122, 141, 227, 37, 137, 219, + 38, 219, 90, 219, 123, 27, 99, 75, 105, 247, 110, 198, 172, 82, 253, + 253, 129, 129, 160, 96, 120, 40, 34, + 158, 153, 168, 106, 254, 175, 0, 124, 0, 33, 192, 24, 80, 10, 188, 7, + 49, 194, 148, 81, 175, 124, 124, + 33, 225, 216, 72, 90, 182, 187, 54, 243, 86, 197, 254, 211, 0, 93, 192, + 57, 144, 18, 236, 13, 141, 197, + 165, 147, 59, 45, 211, 93, 157, 249, 169, 130, 254, 225, 128, 72, 96, + 54, 168, 22, 254, 142, 192, 100, 80, + 43, 124, 31, 97, 200, 40, 86, 158, 190, 232, 112, 78, 164, 52, 123, 87, + 99, 126, 169, 224, 126, 200, 32, + 86, 152, 62, 234, 144, 79, 44, 52, 29, 215, 73, 158, 182, 232, 118, + 206, 166, 212, 122, 223, 99, 24, 41, + 202, 158, 215, 40, 94, 158, 184, 104, 114, 174, 165, 188, 123, 49, 227, + 84, 73, 255, 118, 192, 38, 208, 26, + 220, 11, 25, 199, 74, 210, 183, 29, 182, 137, 182, 230, 246, 202, 198, + 215, 18, 222, 141, 152, 101, 170, 171, + 63, 63, 80, 16, 60, 12, 17, 197, 204, 83, 21, 253, 207, 1, 148, 0, 111, + 64, 44, 48, 29, 212, 9, + 159, 70, 232, 50, 206, 149, 148, 111, 47, 108, 28, 45, 201, 221, 150, + 217, 174, 218, 252, 91, 1, 251, 64, + 67, 112, 49, 228, 20, 75, 79, 119, 116, 38, 167, 90, 250, 187, 3, 51, + 65, 213, 240, 95, 4, 56, 3, + 82, 129, 253, 160, 65, 184, 48, 114, 148, 37, 175, 91, 60, 59, 81, 211, + 124, 93, 225, 249, 136, 66, 230, + 177, 138, 244, 103, 7, 106, 130, 175, 33, 188, 24, 113, 202, 164, 87, + 59, 126, 147, 96, 109, 232, 45, 142, + 157, 164, 105, 187, 110, 243, 108, 69, 237, 243, 13, 133, 197, 163, 19, + 57, 205, 210, 213, 157, 159, 41, 168, + 30, 254, 136, 64, 102, 176, 42, 244, 31, 7, 72, 2, 182, 129, 182, 224, + 118, 200, 38, 214, 154, 222, 235, + 24, 79, 74, 180, 55, 55, 86, 150, 190, 238, 240, 76, 68, 53, 243, 87, + 5, 254, 131, 0, 97, 192, 40, + 80, 30, 188, 8, 113, 198, 164, 82, 251, 125, 131, 97, 161, 232, 120, + 78, 162, 180, 121, 183, 98, 246, 169, + 134, 254, 226, 192, 73, 144, 54, 236, 22, 205, 206, 213, 148, 95, 47, + 120, 28, 34, 137, 217, 166, 218, 250, + 219, 3, 27, 65, 203, 112, 87, 100, 62, 171, 80, 127, 124, 32, 33, 216, + 24, 90, 138, 187, 39, 51, 90, + 149, 251, 47, 3, 92, 1, 249, 192, 66, 208, 49, 156, 20, 105, 207, 110, + 212, 44, 95, 93, 248, 57, 130, + 146, 225, 173, 136, 125, 166, 161, 186, 248, 115, 2, 165, 193, 187, 16, + 115, 76, 37, 245, 219, 7, 27, 66, + 139, 113, 167, 100, 122, 171, 99, 63, 105, 208, 46, 220, 28, 89, 201, + 250, 214, 195, 30, 209, 200, 92, 86, + 185, 254, 242, 192, 69, 144, 51, 44, 21, 221, 207, 25, 148, 10, 239, + 71, 12, 50, 133, 213, 163, 31, 57, + 200, 18, 214, 141, 158, 229, 168, 75, 62, 183, 80, 118, 188, 38, 241, + 218, 196, 91, 19, 123, 77, 227, 117, + 137, 231, 38, 202, 154, 215, 43, 30, 159, 72, 104, 54, 174, 150, 252, + 110, 193, 236, 80, 77, 252, 53, 129, + 215, 32, 94, 152, 56, 106, 146, 175, 45, 188, 29, 177, 201, 180, 86, + 247, 126, 198, 160, 82, 248, 61, 130, + 145, 161, 172, 120, 125, 226, 161, 137, 184, 102, 242, 170, 197, 191, + 19, 48, 13, 212, 5, 159, 67, 40, 49, + 222, 148, 88, 111, 122, 172, 35, 61, 217, 209, 154, 220, 107, 25, 239, + 74, 204, 55, 21, 214, 143, 30, 228, + 8, 75, 70, 183, 114, 246, 165, 134, 251, 34, 195, 89, 145, 250, 236, + 67, 13, 241, 197, 132, 83, 35, 125, + 217, 225, 154, 200, 107, 22, 175, 78, 252, 52, 65, 215, 112, 94, 164, + 56, 123, 82, 163, 125, 185, 225, 178, + 200, 117, 150, 167, 46, 250, 156, 67, 41, 241, 222, 196, 88, 83, 122, + 189, 227, 49, 137, 212, 102, 223, 106, + 216, 47, 26, 156, 11, 41, 199, 94, 210, 184, 93, 178, 185, 181, 178, + 247, 53, 134, 151, 34, 238, 153, 140, + 106, 229, 239, 11, 12, 7, 69, 194, 179, 17, 181, 204, 119, 21, 230, + 143, 10, 228, 7, 11, 66, 135, 113, + 162, 164, 121, 187, 98, 243, 105, 133, 238, 227, 12, 73, 197, 246, 211, + 6, 221, 194, 217, 145, 154, 236, 107, + 13, 239, 69, 140, 51, 37, 213, 219, 31, 27, 72, 11, 118, 135, 102, 226, + 170, 201, 191, 22, 240, 14, 196, + 4, 83, 67, 125, 241, 225, 132, 72, 99, 118, 169, 230, 254, 202, 192, + 87, 16, 62, 140, 16, 101, 204, 43, + 21, 223, 79, 24, 52, 10, 151, 71, 46, 178, 156, 117, 169, 231, 62, 202, + 144, 87, 44, 62, 157, 208, 105, + 156, 46, 233, 220, 78, 217, 244, 90, 199, 123, 18, 163, 77, 185, 245, + 178, 199, 53, 146, 151, 45, 174, 157, + 188, 105, 177, 238, 244, 76, 71, 117, 242, 167, 5, 186, 131, 51, 33, + 213, 216, 95, 26, 184, 11, 50, 135, + 85, 162, 191, 57, 176, 18, 244, 13, 135, 69, 162, 179, 57, 181, 210, + 247, 29, 134, 137, 162, 230, 249, 138, + 194, 231, 17, 138, 140, 103, 37, 234, 155, 15, 43, 68, 31, 115, 72, 37, + 246, 155, 6, 235, 66, 207, 113, + 148, 36, 111, 91, 108, 59, 109, 211, 109, 157, 237, 169, 141, 190, 229, + 176, 75, 52, 55, 87, 86, 190, 190, + 240, 112, 68, 36, 51, 91, 85, 251, 127, 3, 96, 1, 232, 0, 78, 128, 52, + 96, 23, 104, 14, 174, 132, + 124, 99, 97, 233, 232, 78, 206, 180, 84, 119, 127, 102, 160, 42, 248, + 31, 2, 136, 1, 166, 128, 122, 224, + 35, 8, 25, 198, 138, 210, 231, 29, 138, 137, 167, 38, 250, 154, 195, + 43, 17, 223, 76, 88, 53, 250, 151, + 3, 46, 129, 220, 96, 89, 232, 58, 206, 147, 20, 109, 207, 109, 148, 45, + 175, 93, 188, 57, 177, 210, 244, + 93, 135, 121, 162, 162, 249, 185, 130, 242, 225, 133, 136, 99, 38, 169, + 218, 254, 219, 0, 91, 64, 59, 112, + 19, 100, 13, 235, 69, 143, 115, 36, 37, 219, 91, 27, 123, 75, 99, 119, + 105, 230, 174, 202, 252, 87, 1, + 254, 128, 64, 96, 48, 40, 20, 30, 143, 72, 100, 54, 171, 86, 255, 126, + 192, 32, 80, 24, 60, 10, 145, + 199, 44, 82, 157, 253, 169, 129, 190, 224, 112, 72, 36, 54, 155, 86, + 235, 126, 207, 96, 84, 40, 63, 94, + 144, 56, 108, 18, 173, 205, 189, 149, 177, 175, 52, 124, 23, 97, 206, + 168, 84, 126, 191, 96, 112, 40, 36, + 30, 155, 72, 107, 118, 175, 102, 252, 42, 193, 223, 16, 88, 12, 58, + 133, 211, 35, 29, 217, 201, 154, 214, + 235, 30, 207, 72, 84, 54, 191, 86, 240, 62, 196, 16, 83, 76, 61, 245, + 209, 135, 28, 98, 137, 233, 166, + 206, 250, 212, 67, 31, 113, 200, 36, 86, 155, 126, 235, 96, 79, 104, + 52, 46, 151, 92, 110, 185, 236, 114, + 205, 229, 149, 139, 47, 39, 92, 26, 185, 203, 50, 215, 85, 158, 191, + 40, 112, 30, 164, 8, 123, 70, 163, + 114, 249, 229, 130, 203, 33, 151, 88, 110, 186, 172, 115, 61, 229, 209, + 139, 28, 103, 73, 234, 182, 207, 54, + 212, 22, 223, 78, 216, 52, 90, 151, 123, 46, 163, 92, 121, 249, 226, + 194, 201, 145, 150, 236, 110, 205, 236, + 85, 141, 255, 37, 128, 27, 32, 11, 88, 7, 122, 130, 163, 33, 185, 216, + 114, 218, 165, 155, 59, 43, 83, + 95, 125, 248, 33, 130, 152, 97, 170, 168, 127, 62, 160, 16, 120, 12, + 34, 133, 217, 163, 26, 249, 203, 2, + 215, 65, 158, 176, 104, 116, 46, 167, 92, 122, 185, 227, 50, 201, 213, + 150, 223, 46, 216, 28, 90, 137, 251, + 38, 195, 90, 209, 251, 28, 67, 73, 241, 246, 196, 70, 211, 114, 221, + 229, 153, +}; + +void scramble(unsigned char *inout) +{ + unsigned char *r = inout + 12; + unsigned char *s = yellowbook_scrambler; + unsigned int i; + + for (i = 2340; i; i--) { + *r++ ^= *s++; + } +} + +/* Calculate the P parities for the sector. + * The 43 P vectors of length 24 are combined with the GF8_P_COEFFS. + */ +void parity_p(unsigned char *sector) +{ + int i, j; + unsigned char p0_msb, p1_msb; + unsigned char p0_lsb, p1_lsb; + unsigned char *p_msb_start, *p_lsb_start; + unsigned char *p_msb, *p_lsb; + unsigned char *coeffs0, *coeffs1; + unsigned char *p0, *p1; + unsigned char d; + unsigned short c; + + p_lsb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET; + p_msb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET + 1; + + p1 = sector + LEC_MODE1_P_PARITY_OFFSET; + p0 = sector + LEC_MODE1_P_PARITY_OFFSET + 2 * 43; + + for (i = 0; i <= 42; i++) { + p_lsb = p_lsb_start; + p_msb = p_msb_start; + + coeffs0 = gf8_p_coeffs[0]; + coeffs1 = gf8_p_coeffs[1]; + + p0_lsb = p1_lsb = p0_msb = p1_msb = 0; + + for (j = 0; j <= 23; j++) { + d = *p_lsb; + + if (d != 0) { + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + p0_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + p1_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + } + + d = *p_msb; + + if (d != 0) { + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + p0_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + p1_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + } + + coeffs0++; + coeffs1++; + + p_lsb += 2 * 43; + p_msb += 2 * 43; + } + + *p0 = p0_lsb; + *(p0 + 1) = p0_msb; + + *p1 = p1_lsb; + *(p1 + 1) = p1_msb; + + p0 += 2; + p1 += 2; + + p_lsb_start += 2; + p_msb_start += 2; + } +} + +/* Calculate the Q parities for the sector. + * The 26 Q vectors of length 43 are combined with the GF8_Q_COEFFS. + */ +void parity_q(unsigned char *sector) +{ + int i, j; + unsigned char q0_msb, q1_msb; + unsigned char q0_lsb, q1_lsb; + unsigned char *q_msb_start, *q_lsb_start; + unsigned char *q_msb, *q_lsb; + unsigned char *coeffs0, *coeffs1; + unsigned char *q0, *q1, *q_start; + unsigned char d; + unsigned short c; + + q_lsb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET; + q_msb_start = sector + LEC_HEADER_OFFSET + 1; + + q_start = sector + LEC_MODE1_Q_PARITY_OFFSET; + q1 = sector + LEC_MODE1_Q_PARITY_OFFSET; + q0 = sector + LEC_MODE1_Q_PARITY_OFFSET + 2 * 26; + + for (i = 0; i <= 25; i++) { + q_lsb = q_lsb_start; + q_msb = q_msb_start; + + coeffs0 = gf8_q_coeffs[0]; + coeffs1 = gf8_q_coeffs[1]; + + q0_lsb = q1_lsb = q0_msb = q1_msb = 0; + + for (j = 0; j <= 42; j++) { + d = *q_lsb; + + if (d != 0) { + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + q0_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + q1_lsb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + } + + d = *q_msb; + + if (d != 0) { + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs0; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + q0_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + + c = gf8_log[d] + *coeffs1; + if (c >= 255) + c -= 255; + q1_msb ^= gf8_ilog[c]; + } + + coeffs0++; + coeffs1++; + + q_lsb += 2 * 44; + q_msb += 2 * 44; + + if (q_lsb >= q_start) { + q_msb -= 2 * 1118; + q_lsb -= 2 * 1118; + } + } + + *q0 = q0_lsb; + *(q0 + 1) = q0_msb; + + *q1 = q1_lsb; + *(q1 + 1) = q1_msb; + + q0 += 2; + q1 += 2; + + q_lsb_start += 2 * 43; + q_msb_start += 2 * 43; + } +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/lec.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/lec.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6980301 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/lec.h @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __LEC +#define __LEC + +#define RS_L12_BITS 8 + +void scramble(unsigned char *); +void parity_p(unsigned char *in); +void parity_q(unsigned char *in); + +#endif /* __LEC */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/libburn.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/libburn.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa64455f --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/libburn.h @@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef LIBBURN_H +#define LIBBURN_H + +/* Needed for off_t which is the (POSIX-ly) appropriate type for + expressing a file or stream size. + + XXX we should enforce 64-bitness for off_t +*/ +#include + +#ifndef DOXYGEN + +#if defined(__cplusplus) +#define BURN_BEGIN_DECLS \ + namespace burn { \ + extern "C" { +#define BURN_END_DECLS \ + } \ + } +#else +#define BURN_BEGIN_DECLS +#define BURN_END_DECLS +#endif + +BURN_BEGIN_DECLS + +#endif + +/** References a physical drive in the system */ +struct burn_drive; + +/** References a whole disc */ +struct burn_disc; + +/** References a single session on a disc */ +struct burn_session; + +/** References a single track on a disc */ +struct burn_track; + +/** Session format for normal audio or data discs */ +#define BURN_CDROM 0 +/** Session format for obsolete CD-I discs */ +#define BURN_CDI 0x10 +/** Session format for CDROM-XA discs */ +#define BURN_CDXA 0x20 + +#define BURN_POS_END 100 + +/** Mask for mode bits */ +#define BURN_MODE_BITS 127 + +/** Track mode - mode 0 data + 0 bytes of user data. it's all 0s. mode 0. get it? HAH +*/ +#define BURN_MODE0 (1 << 0) +/** Track mode - mode "raw" - all 2352 bytes supplied by app + FOR DATA TRACKS ONLY! +*/ +#define BURN_MODE_RAW (1 << 1) +/** Track mode - mode 1 data + 2048 bytes user data, and all the LEC money can buy +*/ +#define BURN_MODE1 (1 << 2) +/** Track mode - mode 2 data + defaults to formless, 2336 bytes of user data, unprotected + | with a data form if required. +*/ +#define BURN_MODE2 (1 << 3) +/** Track mode modifier - Form 1, | with MODE2 for reasonable results + 2048 bytes of user data, 4 bytes of subheader +*/ +#define BURN_FORM1 (1 << 4) +/** Track mode modifier - Form 2, | with MODE2 for reasonable results + lots of user data. not much LEC. +*/ +#define BURN_FORM2 (1 << 5) +/** Track mode - audio + 2352 bytes per sector. may be | with 4ch or preemphasis. + NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH BURN_MODE_RAW + Audio data must be 44100Hz 16bit stereo with no riff or other header at + beginning. Extra header data will cause pops or clicks. Audio data should + also be in little-endian byte order. Big-endian audio data causes static. +*/ +#define BURN_AUDIO (1 << 6) +/** Track mode modifier - 4 channel audio. */ +#define BURN_4CH (1 << 7) +/** Track mode modifier - Digital copy permitted, can be set on any track.*/ +#define BURN_COPY (1 << 8) +/** Track mode modifier - 50/15uS pre-emphasis */ +#define BURN_PREEMPHASIS (1 << 9) +/** Input mode modifier - subcodes present packed 16 */ +#define BURN_SUBCODE_P16 (1 << 10) +/** Input mode modifier - subcodes present packed 96 */ +#define BURN_SUBCODE_P96 (1 << 11) +/** Input mode modifier - subcodes present raw 96 */ +#define BURN_SUBCODE_R96 (1 << 12) + +/** Possible disc writing style/modes */ +enum burn_write_types +{ + /** Packet writing. + currently unsupported + */ + BURN_WRITE_PACKET, + /** Track At Once recording. + 2s gaps between tracks, no fonky lead-ins + */ + BURN_WRITE_TAO, + /** Session At Once. + block type MUST be BURN_BLOCK_SAO + */ + BURN_WRITE_SAO, + /** Raw disc at once recording. + all subcodes must be provided by lib or user + only raw block types are supported + */ + BURN_WRITE_RAW +}; + +/** Data format to send to the drive */ +enum burn_block_types +{ + /** sync, headers, edc/ecc provided by lib/user */ + BURN_BLOCK_RAW0 = 1, + /** sync, headers, edc/ecc and p/q subs provided by lib/user */ + BURN_BLOCK_RAW16 = 2, + /** sync, headers, edc/ecc and packed p-w subs provided by lib/user */ + BURN_BLOCK_RAW96P = 4, + /** sync, headers, edc/ecc and raw p-w subs provided by lib/user */ + BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R = 8, + /** only 2048 bytes of user data provided by lib/user */ + BURN_BLOCK_MODE1 = 256, + /** 2336 bytes of user data provided by lib/user */ + BURN_BLOCK_MODE2R = 512, + /** 2048 bytes of user data provided by lib/user + subheader provided in write parameters + are we ever going to support this shit? I vote no. + (supposed to be supported on all drives...) + */ + BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_PATHETIC = 1024, + /** 2048 bytes of data + 8 byte subheader provided by lib/user + hey, this is also dumb + */ + BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_LAME = 2048, + /** 2324 bytes of data provided by lib/user + subheader provided in write parameters + no sir, I don't like it. + */ + BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_OBSCURE = 4096, + /** 2332 bytes of data supplied by lib/user + 8 bytes sub header provided in write parameters + this is the second least suck mode2, and is mandatory for + all drives to support. + */ + BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_OK = 8192, + /** SAO block sizes are based on cue sheet, so use this. */ + BURN_BLOCK_SAO = 16384 +}; + +/** Possible status' of the drive in regard to the disc in it. */ +enum burn_disc_status +{ + /** The current status is not yet known */ + BURN_DISC_UNREADY, + /** The drive holds a blank disc */ + BURN_DISC_BLANK, + /** There is no disc at all in the drive */ + BURN_DISC_EMPTY, + /** There is an incomplete disc in the drive */ + BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE, + /** There is a disc with data on it in the drive */ + BURN_DISC_FULL +}; + +/** Possible types of messages form the library. */ +enum burn_message_type +{ + /** Diagnostic/Process information. For the curious user. */ + BURN_MESSAGE_INFO, + /** A warning regarding a possible problem. The user should probably + be notified, but its not fatal. */ + BURN_MESSAGE_WARNING, + /** An error message. This usually means the current process will be + aborted, and the user should definately see these. */ + BURN_MESSAGE_ERROR +}; + +/** Possible information messages */ +enum burn_message_info +{ + BURN_INFO_FOO +}; + +/** Possible warning messages */ +enum burn_message_warning +{ + BURN_WARNING_FOO +}; + +/** Possible error messages */ +enum burn_message_error +{ + BURN_ERROR_CANCELLED +}; + +/** Possible data source return values */ +enum burn_source_status +{ + /** The source is ok */ + BURN_SOURCE_OK, + /** The source is at end of file */ + BURN_SOURCE_EOF, + /** The source is unusable */ + BURN_SOURCE_FAILED +}; + + +/** Possible busy states for a drive */ +enum burn_drive_status +{ + /** The drive is not in an operation */ + BURN_DRIVE_IDLE, + /** The library is spawning the processes to handle a pending + operation (A read/write/etc is about to start but hasn't quite + yet) */ + BURN_DRIVE_SPAWNING, + /** The drive is reading data from a disc */ + BURN_DRIVE_READING, + /** The drive is writing data to a disc */ + BURN_DRIVE_WRITING, + /** The drive is writing Lead-In */ + BURN_DRIVE_WRITING_LEADIN, + /** The drive is writing Lead-Out */ + BURN_DRIVE_WRITING_LEADOUT, + /** The drive is erasing a disc */ + BURN_DRIVE_ERASING, + /** The drive is being grabbed */ + BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING +}; + +/** Information about a track on a disc - this is from the q sub channel of the + lead-in area of a disc. The documentation here is very terse. + See a document such as mmc3 for proper information. +*/ +struct burn_toc_entry +{ + /** Session the track is in */ + unsigned char session; + /** Type of data. for this struct to be valid, it must be 1 */ + unsigned char adr; + /** Type of data in the track */ + unsigned char control; + /** Zero. Always. Really. */ + unsigned char tno; + /** Track number or special information */ + unsigned char point; + unsigned char min; + unsigned char sec; + unsigned char frame; + unsigned char zero; + /** Track start time minutes for normal tracks */ + unsigned char pmin; + /** Track start time seconds for normal tracks */ + unsigned char psec; + /** Track start time frames for normal tracks */ + unsigned char pframe; +}; + + +/** Data source for tracks */ +struct burn_source { + /** Reference count for the data source. Should be 1 when a new source + is created. Increment it to take a reference for yourself. Use + burn_source_free to destroy your reference to it. */ + int refcount; + + /** Read data from the source */ + int (*read)(struct burn_source *, + unsigned char *buffer, + int size); + + /** Read subchannel data from the source (NULL if lib generated) */ + int (*read_sub)(struct burn_source *, + unsigned char *buffer, + int size); + + /** Get the size of the source's data */ + off_t (*get_size)(struct burn_source *); + + /** Clean up the source specific data */ + void (*free_data)(struct burn_source *); + + /** Next source, for when a source runs dry and padding is disabled + THIS IS AUTOMATICALLY HANDLED, DO NOT TOUCH + */ + struct burn_source *next; + + /** Source specific data */ + void *data; +}; + + +/** Information on a drive in the system */ +struct burn_drive_info +{ + /** Name of the vendor of the drive */ + char vendor[9]; + /** Name of the drive */ + char product[17]; + /** Revision of the drive */ + char revision[5]; + /** Location of the drive in the filesystem. */ + char location[17]; + /** This is currently the string which is used as persistent + drive address. But be warned: there is NO GUARANTEE that this + will stay so. Always use function burn_drive_get_adr() to + inquire a persisten address. ^^^^^^ ALWAYS ^^^^^^ */ + + /** Can the drive read DVD-RAM discs */ + unsigned int read_dvdram:1; + /** Can the drive read DVD-R discs */ + unsigned int read_dvdr:1; + /** Can the drive read DVD-ROM discs */ + unsigned int read_dvdrom:1; + /** Can the drive read CD-R discs */ + unsigned int read_cdr:1; + /** Can the drive read CD-RW discs */ + unsigned int read_cdrw:1; + + /** Can the drive write DVD-RAM discs */ + unsigned int write_dvdram:1; + /** Can the drive write DVD-R discs */ + unsigned int write_dvdr:1; + /** Can the drive write CD-R discs */ + unsigned int write_cdr:1; + /** Can the drive write CD-RW discs */ + unsigned int write_cdrw:1; + + /** Can the drive simulate a write */ + unsigned int write_simulate:1; + + /** Can the drive report C2 errors */ + unsigned int c2_errors:1; + + /** The size of the drive's buffer (in kilobytes) */ + int buffer_size; + /** + * The supported block types in tao mode. + * They should be tested with the desired block type. + * See also burn_block_types. + */ + int tao_block_types; + /** + * The supported block types in sao mode. + * They should be tested with the desired block type. + * See also burn_block_types. + */ + int sao_block_types; + /** + * The supported block types in raw mode. + * They should be tested with the desired block type. + * See also burn_block_types. + */ + int raw_block_types; + /** + * The supported block types in packet mode. + * They should be tested with the desired block type. + * See also burn_block_types. + */ + int packet_block_types; + + /** The value by which this drive can be indexed when using functions + in the library. This is the value to pass to all libbburn functions + that operate on a drive. */ + struct burn_drive *drive; +}; + +/** Messages from the library */ +struct burn_message +{ + /** The drive associated with the message. NULL if the error is not + related to a specific drive. */ + struct burn_drive *drive; + + /** The type of message this is. See message_type for details. */ + enum burn_message_type type; + + /** The actual message */ + union detail { + struct { + enum burn_message_info message; + } info; + struct { + enum burn_message_warning message; + } warning; + struct { + enum burn_message_error message; + } error; + } detail; +}; + +/** Operation progress report. All values are 0 based indices. + * */ +struct burn_progress { + /** The total number of sessions */ + int sessions; + /** Current session.*/ + int session; + /** The total number of tracks */ + int tracks; + /** Current track. */ + int track; + /** The total number of indices */ + int indices; + /** Curent index. */ + int index; + /** The starting logical block address */ + int start_sector; + /** The number of sector */ + int sectors; + /** The current sector being processed */ + int sector; +}; + +/** Initialize the library. + This must be called before using any other functions in the library. It + may be called more than once with no effect. + It is possible to 'restart' the library by shutting it down and + re-initializing it. This is necessary if you follow the older and + more general way of accessing a drive via burn_drive_scan() and + burn_drive_grab(). See burn_drive_scan_and_grab() with its strong + urges and its explanations. + @return Nonzero if the library was able to initialize; zero if + initialization failed. +*/ +int burn_initialize(void); + +/** Shutdown the library. + This should be called before exiting your application. Make sure that all + drives you have grabbed are released before calling this. +*/ +void burn_finish(void); + +/** Set the verbosity level of the library. The default value is 0, which means + that nothing is output on stderr. The more you increase this, the more + debug output should be displayed on stderr for you. + @param level The verbosity level desired. 0 for nothing, higher positive + values for more information output. +*/ +void burn_set_verbosity(int level); + +/* ts A60813 */ +/** Set parameters for behavior on opening device files. To be called early + after burn_initialize() and before any bus scan. But not mandatory at all. + Parameter value 1 enables a feature, 0 disables. + Default is (1,0,0). Have a good reason before you change it. + @param exclusive Try to open only devices which are not marked as busy + and try to mark them busy if opened sucessfully. (O_EXCL) + There are kernels which simply don't care about O_EXCL. + Some have it off, some have it on, some are switchable. + @param blocking Try to wait for drives which do not open immediately but + also do not return an error as well. (O_NONBLOCK) + This might stall indefinitely with /dev/hdX hard disks. + @param abort_on_busy Unconditionally abort process when a non blocking + exclusive opening attempt indicates a busy drive. + Use this only after thorough tests with your app. +*/ +void burn_preset_device_open(int exclusive, int blocking, int abort_on_busy); + +/** Returns a newly allocated burn_message structure. This message should be + freed with burn_message_free() when you are finished with it. + @return A message or NULL when there are no more messages to retrieve. +*/ +struct burn_message* burn_get_message(void); + +/** Frees a burn_message structure */ +void burn_message_free(struct burn_message *msg); + + +/* ts A60823 */ +/** Aquire a drive with known persistent address.This is the sysadmin friendly + way to open one drive and to leave all others untouched. It bundles + the following API calls to form a non-obtrusive way to use libburn: + burn_drive_add_whitelist() , burn_drive_scan() , burn_drive_grab() + You are *strongly urged* to use this call whenever you know the drive + address in advance. + If not, then you have to use directly above calls. In that case, you are + *strongly urged* to drop any unintended drive which will be exclusively + occupied and not closed by burn_drive_scan(). + This can be done by shutting down the library including a call to + burn_finish(). You may later start a new libburn session and should then + use the function described here with an address obtained after + burn_drive_scan() via burn_drive_get_adr(&(drive_infos[driveno]), adr) . + Another way is to drop the unwanted drives by burn_drive_info_forget(). + @param drive_infos On success returns a one element array with the drive + (cdrom/burner). Thus use with driveno 0 only. On failure + the array has no valid elements at all. + The returned array should be freed via burn_drive_info_free() + when it is no longer needed, and before calling a scan + function again. + This is a result from call burn_drive_scan(). See there. + Use with driveno 0 only. + @param adr The persistent address of the desired drive. Either obtained + by burn_drive_get_adr() or guessed skillfully by application + resp. its user. + @param load Nonzero to make the drive attempt to load a disc (close its + tray door, etc). + @return 1 = success , 0 = drive not found , -1 = other error +*/ +int burn_drive_scan_and_grab(struct burn_drive_info *drive_infos[], + char* adr, int load); + + +/* ts A51221 */ +/** Maximum number of particularly permissible drive addresses */ +#define BURN_DRIVE_WHITELIST_LEN 255 +/** Add a device to the list of permissible drives. As soon as some entry is in + the whitelist all non-listed drives are banned from scanning. + @return 1 success, <=0 failure +*/ +int burn_drive_add_whitelist(char *device_address); + +/** Remove all drives from whitelist. This enables all possible drives. */ +void burn_drive_clear_whitelist(void); + + +/** Scan for drives. This function MUST be called until it returns nonzero. + No drives can be in use when this is called or it will assert. + All drive pointers are invalidated by using this function. Do NOT store + drive pointers across calls to this function or death AND pain will ensue. + After this call all drives depicted by the returned array are subject + to eventual (O_EXCL) locking. See burn_preset_device_open(). This state + ends either with burn_drive_info_forget() or with burn_drive_release(). + It is unfriendly to other processes on the system to hold drives locked + which one does not definitely plan to use soon. + @param drive_infos Returns an array of drive info items (cdroms/burners). + The returned array must be freed by burn_drive_info_free() + before burn_finish(), and also before calling this function + burn_drive_scan() again. + @param n_drives Returns the number of drive items in drive_infos. + @return Zero while scanning is not complete; non-zero when it is finished. +*/ +int burn_drive_scan(struct burn_drive_info *drive_infos[], + unsigned int *n_drives); + +/* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ +/** Release memory about a single drive and any exclusive lock on it. + Become unable to inquire or grab it. Expect FATAL consequences if you try. + @param drive_info pointer to a single element out of the array + obtained from burn_drive_scan() : &(drive_infos[driveno]) + @param force controls degree of permissible drive usage at the moment this + function is called, and the amount of automatically provided + drive shutdown : + 0= drive must be ungrabbed and BURN_DRIVE_IDLE + 1= try to release drive resp. accept BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING + Use these two only. Further values are to be defined. + @return 1 on success, 2 if drive was already forgotten, + 0 if not permissible, <0 on other failures, +*/ +int burn_drive_info_forget(struct burn_drive_info *drive_info, int force); + + +/** Free a burn_drive_info array returned by burn_drive_scan +*/ +void burn_drive_info_free(struct burn_drive_info drive_infos[]); + + +/* ts A60823 */ +/** Maximum length+1 to expect with a persistent drive address string */ +#define BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN 1024 + +/** Inquire the persistent address of the given drive. + @param drive_info The drive to inquire. Usually some &(drive_infos[driveno]) + @param adr An application provided array of at least BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN + characters size. The persistent address gets copied to it. +*/ +int burn_drive_get_adr(struct burn_drive_info *drive_info, char adr[]); + + +/** Grab a drive. This must be done before the drive can be used (for reading, + writing, etc). + @param drive The drive to grab. This is found in a returned + burn_drive_info struct. + @param load Nonzero to make the drive attempt to load a disc (close its + tray door, etc). + @return 1 if it was possible to grab the drive, else 0 +*/ +int burn_drive_grab(struct burn_drive *drive, int load); + + +/** Release a drive. This should not be done until the drive is no longer + busy (see burn_drive_get_status). The drive is (O_EXCL) unlocked + afterwards. + @param drive The drive to release. + @param eject Nonzero to make the drive eject the disc in it. +*/ +void burn_drive_release(struct burn_drive *drive, int eject); + + +/** Returns what kind of disc a drive is holding. This function may need to be + called more than once to get a proper status from it. See burn_status + for details. + @param drive The drive to query for a disc. + @return The status of the drive, or what kind of disc is in it. +*/ +enum burn_disc_status burn_disc_get_status(struct burn_drive *drive); + +/** Tells whether a disc can be erased or not + @return Non-zero means erasable +*/ +int burn_disc_erasable(struct burn_drive *d); + +/** Returns the progress and status of a drive. + @param drive The drive to query busy state for. + @param p Returns the progress of the operation, NULL if you don't care + @return the current status of the drive. See also burn_drive_status. +*/ +enum burn_drive_status burn_drive_get_status(struct burn_drive *drive, + struct burn_progress *p); + +/** Creates a write_opts struct for burning to the specified drive + must be freed with burn_write_opts_free + @param drive The drive to write with + @return The write_opts +*/ +struct burn_write_opts *burn_write_opts_new(struct burn_drive *drive); + +/** Frees a write_opts struct created with burn_write_opts_new + @param opts write_opts to free +*/ +void burn_write_opts_free(struct burn_write_opts *opts); + +/** Creates a write_opts struct for reading from the specified drive + must be freed with burn_write_opts_free + @param drive The drive to read from + @return The read_opts +*/ +struct burn_read_opts *burn_read_opts_new(struct burn_drive *drive); + +/** Frees a read_opts struct created with burn_read_opts_new + @param opts write_opts to free +*/ +void burn_read_opts_free(struct burn_read_opts *opts); + +/** Erase a disc in the drive. The drive must be grabbed successfully BEFORE + calling this functions. Always ensure that the drive reports a status of + BURN_DISC_FULL before calling this function. An erase operation is not + cancellable, as control of the operation is passed wholly to the drive and + there is no way to interrupt it safely. + @param drive The drive with which to erase a disc. + @param fast Nonzero to do a fast erase, where only the disc's headers are + erased; zero to erase the entire disc. +*/ +void burn_disc_erase(struct burn_drive *drive, int fast); + +/** Read a disc from the drive and write it to an fd pair. The drive must be + grabbed successfully BEFORE calling this function. Always ensure that the + drive reports a status of BURN_DISC_FULL before calling this function. + @param drive The drive from which to read a disc. + @param o The options for the read operation. +*/ +void burn_disc_read(struct burn_drive *drive, const struct burn_read_opts *o); + +/** Write a disc in the drive. The drive must be grabbed successfully BEFORE + calling this function. Always ensure that the drive reports a status of + BURN_DISC_BLANK or BURN_STATUS_FULL (to append a new session to the + disc) before calling this function. + @param o The options for the writing operation. + @param disc The struct burn_disc * that described the disc to be created +*/ +void burn_disc_write(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_disc *disc); + +/** Cancel an operation on a drive. + This will only work when the drive's busy state is BURN_DRIVE_READING or + BURN_DRIVE_WRITING. + @param drive The drive on which to cancel the current operation. +*/ +void burn_drive_cancel(struct burn_drive *drive); + +/** Convert a minute-second-frame (MSF) value to sector count + @param m Minute component + @param s Second component + @param f Frame component + @return The sector count +*/ +int burn_msf_to_sectors(int m, int s, int f); + +/** Convert a sector count to minute-second-frame (MSF) + @param sectors The sector count + @param m Returns the minute component + @param s Returns the second component + @param f Returns the frame component +*/ +void burn_sectors_to_msf(int sectors, int *m, int *s, int *f); + +/** Convert a minute-second-frame (MSF) value to an lba + @param m Minute component + @param s Second component + @param f Frame component + @return The lba +*/ +int burn_msf_to_lba(int m, int s, int f); + +/** Convert an lba to minute-second-frame (MSF) + @param lba The lba + @param m Returns the minute component + @param s Returns the second component + @param f Returns the frame component +*/ +void burn_lba_to_msf(int lba, int *m, int *s, int *f); + +/** Create a new disc (for DAO recording)*/ +struct burn_disc *burn_disc_create(void); + +/** Delete disc and decrease the reference count on all its sessions + @param d The disc to be freed +*/ +void burn_disc_free(struct burn_disc *d); + +/** Create a new session (For SAO at once recording, or to be added to a + disc for DAO) +*/ +struct burn_session *burn_session_create(void); + +/** Free a session (and decrease reference count on all tracks inside) + @param s Session to be freed +*/ +void burn_session_free(struct burn_session *s); + +/** Add a session to a disc at a specific position, increasing the + sessions's reference count. + @param d Disc to add the session to + @param s Session to add to the disc + @param pos position to add at (BURN_POS_END is "at the end") + @return 0 for failure, 1 for success +*/ +int burn_disc_add_session(struct burn_disc *d, struct burn_session *s, + unsigned int pos); + +/** Remove a session from a disc + @param d Disc to remove session from + @param s Session pointer to find and remove +*/ +int burn_disc_remove_session(struct burn_disc *d, struct burn_session *s); + + +/** Create a track (for TAO recording, or to put in a session) */ +struct burn_track *burn_track_create(void); + +/** Free a track + @param t Track to free +*/ +void burn_track_free(struct burn_track *t); + +/** Add a track to a session at specified position + @param s Session to add to + @param t Track to insert in session + @param pos position to add at (BURN_POS_END is "at the end") + @return 0 for failure, 1 for success +*/ +int burn_session_add_track(struct burn_session *s, struct burn_track *t, + unsigned int pos); + +/** Remove a track from a session + @param s Session to remove track from + @param t Track pointer to find and remove + @return 0 for failure, 1 for success +*/ +int burn_session_remove_track(struct burn_session *s, struct burn_track *t); + + +/** Define the data in a track + @param t the track to define + @param offset The lib will write this many 0s before start of data + @param tail The number of extra 0s to write after data + @param pad 1 means the lib should pad the last sector with 0s if the + track isn't exactly sector sized. (otherwise the lib will + begin reading from the next track) + @param mode data format (bitfield) +*/ +void burn_track_define_data(struct burn_track *t, int offset, int tail, + int pad, int mode); + +/** Set the ISRC details for a track + @param t The track to change + @param country the 2 char country code. Each character must be + only numbers or letters. + @param owner 3 char owner code. Each character must be only numbers + or letters. + @param year 2 digit year. A number in 0-99 (Yep, not Y2K friendly). + @param serial 5 digit serial number. A number in 0-99999. +*/ +void burn_track_set_isrc(struct burn_track *t, char *country, char *owner, + unsigned char year, unsigned int serial); + +/** Disable ISRC parameters for a track + @param t The track to change +*/ +void burn_track_clear_isrc(struct burn_track *t); + +/** Hide the first track in the "pre gap" of the disc + @param s session to change + @param onoff 1 to enable hiding, 0 to disable +*/ +void burn_session_hide_first_track(struct burn_session *s, int onoff); + +/** Get the drive's disc struct - free when done + @param d drive to query + @return the disc struct +*/ +struct burn_disc *burn_drive_get_disc(struct burn_drive *d); + +/** Set the track's data source + @param t The track to set the data source for + @param s The data source to use for the contents of the track + @return An error code stating if the source is ready for use for + writing the track, or if an error occured + +*/ +enum burn_source_status burn_track_set_source(struct burn_track *t, + struct burn_source *s); + +/** Free a burn_source (decrease its refcount and maybe free it) + @param s Source to free +*/ +void burn_source_free(struct burn_source *s); + +/** Creates a data source for an image file (and maybe subcode file) */ +struct burn_source *burn_file_source_new(const char *path, + const char *subpath); + +/** Creates a data source for an image file (a track) from an open + readable filedescriptor, an eventually open readable subcodes file + descriptor and eventually a fixed size in bytes. + @param datafd The source of data. + @param subfd The eventual source for subcodes. Not used if -1. + @param size The eventual fixed size of eventually both fds. + If this value is 0, the size will be determined from datafd. +*/ +struct burn_source *burn_fd_source_new(int datafd, int subfd, off_t size); + +/** Tells how long a track will be on disc */ +int burn_track_get_sectors(struct burn_track *); + + +/** Sets drive read and write speed + @param d The drive to set speed for + @param read Read speed in k/s (0 is max) + @param write Write speed in k/s (0 is max) +*/ +void burn_drive_set_speed(struct burn_drive *d, int read, int write); + +/* these are for my debugging, they will disappear */ +void burn_structure_print_disc(struct burn_disc *d); +void burn_structure_print_session(struct burn_session *s); +void burn_structure_print_track(struct burn_track *t); + +/** Sets the write type for the write_opts struct + @param opts The write opts to change + @param write_type The write type to use + @param block_type The block type to use + @return Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. +*/ +int burn_write_opts_set_write_type(struct burn_write_opts *opts, + enum burn_write_types write_type, + int block_type); + +/** Supplies toc entries for writing - not normally required for cd mastering + @param opts The write opts to change + @param count The number of entries + @param toc_entries +*/ +void burn_write_opts_set_toc_entries(struct burn_write_opts *opts, + int count, + struct burn_toc_entry *toc_entries); + +/** Sets the session format for a disc + @param opts The write opts to change + @param format The session format to set +*/ +void burn_write_opts_set_format(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int format); + +/** Sets the simulate value for the write_opts struct + @param opts The write opts to change + @param sim If non-zero, the drive will perform a simulation instead of a burn + @return Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. +*/ +int burn_write_opts_set_simulate(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int sim); + +/** Controls buffer underrun prevention + @param opts The write opts to change + @param underrun_proof if non-zero, buffer underrun protection is enabled + @return Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. +*/ +int burn_write_opts_set_underrun_proof(struct burn_write_opts *opts, + int underrun_proof); + +/** Sets whether to use opc or not with the write_opts struct + @param opts The write opts to change + @param opc If non-zero, optical power calibration will be performed at + start of burn + +*/ +void burn_write_opts_set_perform_opc(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int opc); + +void burn_write_opts_set_has_mediacatalog(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int has_mediacatalog); + +void burn_write_opts_set_mediacatalog(struct burn_write_opts *opts, unsigned char mediacatalog[13]); + +/** Sets whether to read in raw mode or not + @param opts The read opts to change + @param raw_mode If non-zero, reading will be done in raw mode, so that everything in the data tracks on the + disc is read, including headers. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_set_raw(struct burn_read_opts *opts, int raw_mode); + +/** Sets whether to report c2 errors or not + @param opts The read opts to change + @param c2errors If non-zero, report c2 errors. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_set_c2errors(struct burn_read_opts *opts, int c2errors); + +/** Sets whether to read subcodes from audio tracks or not + @param opts The read opts to change + @param subcodes_audio If non-zero, read subcodes from audio tracks on the disc. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_read_subcodes_audio(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int subcodes_audio); + +/** Sets whether to read subcodes from data tracks or not + @param opts The read opts to change + @param subcodes_data If non-zero, read subcodes from data tracks on the disc. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_read_subcodes_data(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int subcodes_data); + +/** Sets whether to recover errors if possible + @param opts The read opts to change + @param hardware_error_recovery If non-zero, attempt to recover errors if possible. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_set_hardware_error_recovery(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int hardware_error_recovery); + +/** Sets whether to report recovered errors or not + @param opts The read opts to change + @param report_recovered_errors If non-zero, recovered errors will be reported. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_report_recovered_errors(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int report_recovered_errors); + +/** Sets whether blocks with unrecoverable errors should be read or not + @param opts The read opts to change + @param transfer_damaged_blocks If non-zero, blocks with unrecoverable errors will still be read. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_transfer_damaged_blocks(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int transfer_damaged_blocks); + +/** Sets the number of retries to attempt when trying to correct an error + @param opts The read opts to change + @param hardware_error_retries The number of retries to attempt when correcting an error. +*/ +void burn_read_opts_set_hardware_error_retries(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + unsigned char hardware_error_retries); + +/** Gets the maximum write speed for a drive + @param d Drive to query + @return Maximum write speed in K/s +*/ +int burn_drive_get_write_speed(struct burn_drive *d); + +/** Gets the maximum read speed for a drive + @param d Drive to query + @return Maximum read speed in K/s +*/ +int burn_drive_get_read_speed(struct burn_drive *d); + +/** Gets a copy of the toc_entry structure associated with a track + @param t Track to get the entry from + @param entry Struct for the library to fill out +*/ +void burn_track_get_entry(struct burn_track *t, struct burn_toc_entry *entry); + +/** Gets a copy of the toc_entry structure associated with a session's lead out + @param s Session to get the entry from + @param entry Struct for the library to fill out +*/ +void burn_session_get_leadout_entry(struct burn_session *s, + struct burn_toc_entry *entry); + +/** Gets an array of all the sessions for the disc + THIS IS NO LONGER VALID AFTER YOU ADD OR REMOVE A SESSION + @param d Disc to get session array for + @param num Returns the number of sessions in the array + @return array of sessions +*/ +struct burn_session **burn_disc_get_sessions(struct burn_disc *d, + int *num); + +int burn_disc_get_sectors(struct burn_disc *d); + +/** Gets an array of all the tracks for a session + THIS IS NO LONGER VALID AFTER YOU ADD OR REMOVE A TRACK + @param s session to get track array for + @param num Returns the number of tracks in the array + @return array of tracks +*/ +struct burn_track **burn_session_get_tracks(struct burn_session *s, + int *num); + +int burn_session_get_sectors(struct burn_session *s); + +/** Gets the mode of a track + @param track the track to query + @return the track's mode +*/ +int burn_track_get_mode(struct burn_track *track); + +/** Returns whether the first track of a session is hidden in the pregap + @param session the session to query + @return non-zero means the first track is hidden +*/ +int burn_session_get_hidefirst(struct burn_session *session); + +/** Returns the library's version in its parts + @param major The major version number + @param minor The minor version number + @param micro The micro version number +*/ +void burn_version(int *major, int *minor, int *micro); + +#ifndef DOXYGEN + +BURN_END_DECLS + +#endif + +#endif /*LIBBURN_H*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/message.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/message.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71f35bc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/message.c @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include "message.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "debug.h" + +#include + +struct message_list +{ + struct message_list *next; + + struct burn_message *msg; +}; + +static struct message_list *queue; + +void burn_message_free(struct burn_message *msg) +{ + free(msg); +} + +void burn_message_clear_queue(void) +{ + struct burn_message *msg; + + if ((msg = burn_get_message())) { + burn_print(0, + "YOU HAVE MESSAGES QUEUED FROM THE LAST OPERATION. " + "YOU SHOULD BE GRABBING THEM ALL!\n"); + do { + burn_message_free(msg); + } while ((msg = burn_get_message())); + } +} + +struct burn_message *burn_get_message() +{ + struct burn_message *msg = NULL; + + if (queue) { + struct message_list *next; + + next = queue->next; + msg = queue->msg; + free(queue); + queue = next; + } + + return msg; +} + +static void queue_push_tail(struct burn_message *msg) +{ + struct message_list *node; + + node = malloc(sizeof(struct message_list)); + node->next = NULL; + node->msg = msg; + + if (!queue) + queue = node; + else { + struct message_list *it; + + for (it = queue; it->next; it = it->next) ; + it->next = node; + } +} + +void burn_message_info_new(struct burn_drive *drive, + enum burn_message_info message) +{ + struct burn_message *msg; + + msg = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_message)); + msg->drive = drive; + msg->type = BURN_MESSAGE_INFO; + msg->detail.info.message = message; + + queue_push_tail(msg); +} + +void burn_message_warning_new(struct burn_drive *drive, + enum burn_message_info message) +{ + struct burn_message *msg; + + msg = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_message)); + msg->drive = drive; + msg->type = BURN_MESSAGE_WARNING; + msg->detail.warning.message = message; + + queue_push_tail(msg); +} + +void burn_message_error_new(struct burn_drive *drive, + enum burn_message_info message) +{ + struct burn_message *msg; + + msg = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_message)); + msg->drive = drive; + msg->type = BURN_MESSAGE_ERROR; + msg->detail.error.message = message; + + queue_push_tail(msg); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/message.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/message.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32613cde --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/message.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __MESSAGE +#define __MESSAGE + +#include "libburn.h" + +void burn_message_clear_queue(void); + +void burn_message_info_new(struct burn_drive *drive, + enum burn_message_info message); + +void burn_message_warning_new(struct burn_drive *drive, + enum burn_message_info message); + +void burn_message_error_new(struct burn_drive *drive, + enum burn_message_info message); + +#endif diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/mmc.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/mmc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17705e2c --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/mmc.c @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "error.h" +#include "sector.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "transport.h" +#include "mmc.h" +#include "spc.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "toc.h" +#include "structure.h" +#include "options.h" + +static unsigned char MMC_GET_TOC[] = { 0x43, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_GET_ATIP[] = { 0x43, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_GET_DISC_INFO[] = + { 0x51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_READ_CD[] = { 0xBE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_ERASE[] = { 0xA1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_SEND_OPC[] = { 0x54, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_SET_SPEED[] = + { 0xBB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_WRITE_12[] = + { 0xAA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_WRITE_10[] = { 0x2A, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_GET_CONFIGURATION[] = + { 0x46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_SYNC_CACHE[] = { 0x35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_GET_EVENT[] = { 0x4A, 1, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_CLOSE[] = { 0x5B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_TRACK_INFO[] = { 0x52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char MMC_SEND_CUE_SHEET[] = + { 0x5D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; + + +static int mmc_function_spy_do_tell = 0; + +int mmc_function_spy(char * text) +{ + + if (mmc_function_spy_do_tell) + fprintf(stderr,"libburn: experimental: mmc_function_spy: %s\n", + text); + return 1; +} + +int mmc_function_spy_ctrl(int do_tell) +{ + mmc_function_spy_do_tell= !!do_tell; + return 1; +} + + +void mmc_send_cue_sheet(struct burn_drive *d, struct cue_sheet *s) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct command c; + + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_send_cue_sheet"); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_SEND_CUE_SHEET); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_SEND_CUE_SHEET, sizeof(MMC_SEND_CUE_SHEET)); + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = s->count * 8; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.opcode[6] = (c.page->bytes >> 16) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[7] = (c.page->bytes >> 8) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[8] = c.page->bytes & 0xFF; + c.dir = TO_DRIVE; + memcpy(c.page->data, s->data, c.page->bytes); + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +int mmc_get_nwa(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct command c; + unsigned char *data; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_get_nwa"); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_TRACK_INFO); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_TRACK_INFO, sizeof(MMC_TRACK_INFO)); + c.opcode[1] = 1; + c.opcode[5] = 0xFF; + c.page = &buf; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + data = c.page->data; + return (data[12] << 24) + (data[13] << 16) + + (data[14] << 8) + data[15]; +} + +void mmc_close_disc(struct burn_drive *d, struct burn_write_opts *o) +{ + mmc_function_spy("mmc_close_disc"); + assert(o->drive == d); + o->multi = 0; + spc_select_write_params(d, o); + mmc_close(d, 1, 0); +} + +void mmc_close_session(struct burn_drive *d, struct burn_write_opts *o) +{ + mmc_function_spy("mmc_close_session"); + assert(o->drive == d); + o->multi = 3; + spc_select_write_params(d, o); + mmc_close(d, 1, 0); +} + +void mmc_close(struct burn_drive *d, int session, int track) +{ + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_close_session"); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_CLOSE); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_CLOSE, sizeof(MMC_CLOSE)); + c.opcode[2] = session | !!track; + c.opcode[4] = track >> 8; + c.opcode[5] = track & 0xFF; + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void mmc_get_event(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_get_event"); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_GET_EVENT); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_GET_EVENT, sizeof(MMC_GET_EVENT)); + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + burn_print(12, "0x%x:0x%x:0x%x:0x%x\n", + c.page->data[0], c.page->data[1], c.page->data[2], + c.page->data[3]); + burn_print(12, "event: %d:%d:%d:%d\n", c.page->data[4], + c.page->data[5], c.page->data[6], c.page->data[7]); +} + +void mmc_write_12(struct burn_drive *d, int start, struct buffer *buf) +{ + struct command c; + int len; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_write_12"); + len = buf->sectors; + assert(buf->bytes >= buf->sectors); /* can be == at 0... */ + burn_print(100, "trying to write %d at %d\n", len, start); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_WRITE_12, sizeof(MMC_WRITE_12)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_WRITE_12); + c.opcode[2] = start >> 24; + c.opcode[3] = (start >> 16) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[4] = (start >> 8) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[5] = start & 0xFF; + c.opcode[6] = len >> 24; + c.opcode[7] = (len >> 16) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[8] = (len >> 8) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[9] = len & 0xFF; + c.page = buf; + c.dir = TO_DRIVE; + + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +int mmc_write(struct burn_drive *d, int start, struct buffer *buf) +{ + int cancelled; + struct command c; + int len; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_write"); + pthread_mutex_lock(&d->access_lock); + cancelled = d->cancel; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&d->access_lock); + + if (cancelled) + return BE_CANCELLED; + + len = buf->sectors; + assert(buf->bytes >= buf->sectors); /* can be == at 0... */ + burn_print(100, "trying to write %d at %d\n", len, start); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_WRITE_10, sizeof(MMC_WRITE_10)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_WRITE_10); + c.opcode[2] = start >> 24; + c.opcode[3] = (start >> 16) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[4] = (start >> 8) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[5] = start & 0xFF; + c.opcode[6] = 0; + c.opcode[7] = (len >> 8) & 0xFF; + c.opcode[8] = len & 0xFF; + c.page = buf; + c.dir = TO_DRIVE; +/* + burn_print(12, "%d, %d, %d, %d - ", c->opcode[2], c->opcode[3], c->opcode[4], c->opcode[5]); + burn_print(12, "%d, %d, %d, %d\n", c->opcode[6], c->opcode[7], c->opcode[8], c->opcode[9]); +*/ + +/* write(fileno(stderr), c.page->data, c.page->bytes);*/ + + d->issue_command(d, &c); + return 0; +} + +void mmc_read_toc(struct burn_drive *d) +{ +/* read full toc, all sessions, in m/s/f form, 4k buffer */ + struct burn_track *track; + struct burn_session *session; + struct buffer buf; + struct command c; + int dlen; + int i; + unsigned char *tdata; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_read_toc"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_GET_TOC, sizeof(MMC_GET_TOC)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_GET_TOC); + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + if (c.error) { + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; + return; + } + + dlen = c.page->data[0] * 256 + c.page->data[1]; + d->toc_entries = (dlen - 2) / 11; +/* + some drives fail this check. + + assert(((dlen - 2) % 11) == 0); +*/ + d->toc_entry = malloc(d->toc_entries * sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry)); + tdata = c.page->data + 4; + + burn_print(12, "TOC:\n"); + + d->disc = burn_disc_create(); + + for (i = 0; i < c.page->data[3]; i++) { + session = burn_session_create(); + burn_disc_add_session(d->disc, session, BURN_POS_END); + burn_session_free(session); + } + for (i = 0; i < d->toc_entries; i++, tdata += 11) { + burn_print(12, "S %d, PT %d, TNO %d : ", tdata[0], tdata[3], + tdata[2]); + burn_print(12, "(%d:%d:%d)", tdata[8], tdata[9], tdata[10]); + burn_print(12, "A(%d:%d:%d)", tdata[4], tdata[5], tdata[6]); + burn_print(12, " - control %d, adr %d\n", tdata[1] & 0xF, + tdata[1] >> 4); + + if (tdata[3] == 1) { + if (burn_msf_to_lba(tdata[8], tdata[9], tdata[10])) { + d->disc->session[0]->hidefirst = 1; + track = burn_track_create(); + burn_session_add_track(d->disc-> + session[tdata[0] - 1], + track, BURN_POS_END); + burn_track_free(track); + + } + } + if (tdata[3] < 100) { + track = burn_track_create(); + burn_session_add_track(d->disc->session[tdata[0] - 1], + track, BURN_POS_END); + track->entry = &d->toc_entry[i]; + burn_track_free(track); + } + d->toc_entry[i].session = tdata[0]; + d->toc_entry[i].adr = tdata[1] >> 4; + d->toc_entry[i].control = tdata[1] & 0xF; + d->toc_entry[i].tno = tdata[2]; + d->toc_entry[i].point = tdata[3]; + d->toc_entry[i].min = tdata[4]; + d->toc_entry[i].sec = tdata[5]; + d->toc_entry[i].frame = tdata[6]; + d->toc_entry[i].zero = tdata[7]; + d->toc_entry[i].pmin = tdata[8]; + d->toc_entry[i].psec = tdata[9]; + d->toc_entry[i].pframe = tdata[10]; + if (tdata[3] == 0xA0) + d->disc->session[tdata[0] - 1]->firsttrack = tdata[8]; + if (tdata[3] == 0xA1) + d->disc->session[tdata[0] - 1]->lasttrack = tdata[8]; + if (tdata[3] == 0xA2) + d->disc->session[tdata[0] - 1]->leadout_entry = + &d->toc_entry[i]; + } + if (d->status != BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE) + d->status = BURN_DISC_FULL; + toc_find_modes(d); +} + +void mmc_read_disc_info(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + unsigned char *data; + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_read_disc_info"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_GET_DISC_INFO, sizeof(MMC_GET_DISC_INFO)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_GET_DISC_INFO); + c.page = &buf; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + if (c.error) { + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; + return; + } + + data = c.page->data; + d->erasable = !!(data[2] & 16); + switch (data[2] & 3) { + case 0: + d->toc_entries = 0; + d->start_lba = burn_msf_to_lba(data[17], data[18], data[19]); + d->end_lba = burn_msf_to_lba(data[21], data[22], data[23]); + d->status = BURN_DISC_BLANK; + break; + case 1: + d->status = BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE; + case 2: + mmc_read_toc(d); + break; + } +} + +void mmc_read_atip(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_read_atip"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_GET_ATIP, sizeof(MMC_GET_ATIP)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_GET_ATIP); + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + burn_print(1, "atip shit for you\n"); +} + +void mmc_read_sectors(struct burn_drive *d, + int start, + int len, + const struct burn_read_opts *o, struct buffer *buf) +{ + int temp; + int errorblock, req; + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_read_sectors"); + assert(len >= 0); +/* if the drive isn't busy, why the hell are we here? */ + assert(d->busy); + burn_print(12, "reading %d from %d\n", len, start); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_READ_CD, sizeof(MMC_READ_CD)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_READ_CD); + temp = start; + c.opcode[5] = temp & 0xFF; + temp >>= 8; + c.opcode[4] = temp & 0xFF; + temp >>= 8; + c.opcode[3] = temp & 0xFF; + temp >>= 8; + c.opcode[2] = temp & 0xFF; + c.opcode[8] = len & 0xFF; + len >>= 8; + c.opcode[7] = len & 0xFF; + len >>= 8; + c.opcode[6] = len & 0xFF; + req = 0xF8; + if (d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING || o->report_recovered_errors) + req |= 2; + + c.opcode[10] = 0; +/* always read the subcode, throw it away later, since we don't know + what we're really reading +*/ + if (d->busy == BURN_DRIVE_GRABBING || (o->subcodes_audio) + || (o->subcodes_data)) + c.opcode[10] = 1; + + c.opcode[9] = req; + c.page = buf; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + if (c.error) { + burn_print(12, "got an error over here\n"); + burn_print(12, "%d, %d, %d, %d\n", c.sense[3], c.sense[4], + c.sense[5], c.sense[6]); + errorblock = + (c.sense[3] << 24) + (c.sense[4] << 16) + + (c.sense[5] << 8) + c.sense[6]; + c.page->sectors = errorblock - start + 1; + burn_print(1, "error on block %d\n", errorblock); + burn_print(12, "error on block %d\n", errorblock); + burn_print(12, "returning %d sectors\n", c.page->sectors); + } +} + +void mmc_erase(struct burn_drive *d, int fast) +{ + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_erase"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_ERASE, sizeof(MMC_ERASE)); + c.opcode[1] = 16; /* IMMED set to 1 */ + c.opcode[1] |= !!fast; + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_ERASE); + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void mmc_read_lead_in(struct burn_drive *d, struct buffer *buf) +{ + int len; + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_read_lead_in"); + len = buf->sectors; + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_READ_CD, sizeof(MMC_READ_CD)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_READ_CD); + c.opcode[5] = 0; + c.opcode[4] = 0; + c.opcode[3] = 0; + c.opcode[2] = 0xF0; + c.opcode[8] = 1; + c.opcode[7] = 0; + c.opcode[6] = 0; + c.opcode[9] = 0; + c.opcode[10] = 2; + c.page = buf; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void mmc_perform_opc(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_perform_opc"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_SEND_OPC, sizeof(MMC_SEND_OPC)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_SEND_OPC); + c.opcode[1] = 1; + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void mmc_set_speed(struct burn_drive *d, int r, int w) +{ + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_set_speed"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_SET_SPEED, sizeof(MMC_SET_SPEED)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_SET_SPEED); + c.opcode[2] = r >> 8; + c.opcode[3] = r & 0xFF; + c.opcode[4] = w >> 8; + c.opcode[5] = w & 0xFF; + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void mmc_get_configuration(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + int len; + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_get_configuration"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_GET_CONFIGURATION, sizeof(MMC_GET_CONFIGURATION)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_GET_CONFIGURATION); + c.page = &buf; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + burn_print(1, "got it back\n"); + len = (c.page->data[0] << 24) + + (c.page->data[1] << 16) + + (c.page->data[2] << 8) + + c.page->data[3]; + burn_print(1, "all %d bytes of it\n", len); + burn_print(1, "%d, %d, %d, %d\n", + c.page->data[0], + c.page->data[1], c.page->data[2], c.page->data[3]); +} + +void mmc_sync_cache(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct command c; + + mmc_function_spy("mmc_sync_cache"); + memcpy(c.opcode, MMC_SYNC_CACHE, sizeof(MMC_SYNC_CACHE)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(MMC_SYNC_CACHE); + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/mmc.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/mmc.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95275b7c --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/mmc.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __MMC +#define __MMC + +struct burn_drive; +struct burn_write_opts; +struct command; +struct buffer; +struct cue_sheet; + +/* MMC commands */ + +void mmc_read(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_close_session(struct burn_drive *, struct burn_write_opts *); +void mmc_close_disc(struct burn_drive *, struct burn_write_opts *); +void mmc_close(struct burn_drive *, int session, int track); +void mmc_get_event(struct burn_drive *); +int mmc_write(struct burn_drive *, int start, struct buffer *buf); +void mmc_write_12(struct burn_drive *d, int start, struct buffer *buf); +void mmc_sync_cache(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_load(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_eject(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_erase(struct burn_drive *, int); +void mmc_read_toc(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_read_disc_info(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_read_atip(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_read_sectors(struct burn_drive *, + int, + int, const struct burn_read_opts *, struct buffer *); +void mmc_set_speed(struct burn_drive *, int, int); +void mmc_read_lead_in(struct burn_drive *, struct buffer *); +void mmc_perform_opc(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_get_configuration(struct burn_drive *); +int mmc_get_nwa(struct burn_drive *); +void mmc_send_cue_sheet(struct burn_drive *, struct cue_sheet *); +#endif /*__MMC*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/null.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/null.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..415e0a49 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/null.c @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include "null.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include + +#include +int null_read(struct burn_source *source, unsigned char *buffer, int size) +{ + memset(buffer, 0, size); + return size; +} + +struct burn_source *burn_null_source_new(void) +{ + struct burn_source *src; + + src = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_source)); + src->refcount = 1; + src->read = null_read; + src->read_sub = NULL; + + src->get_size = 0; + src->free_data = NULL; + src->data = NULL; + return src; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/null.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/null.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a7aae33 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/null.h @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef BURN__NULL_H +#define BURN__NULL_H + +struct burn_source; +int null_read(struct burn_source *source, unsigned char *buffer, int size); +struct burn_source *burn_null_source_new(void); + +#endif /* LIBBURN__NULL_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/options.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/options.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..938a23c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/options.c @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +#include "libburn.h" +#include "options.h" +#include "transport.h" + +#include +#include +#include +struct burn_write_opts *burn_write_opts_new(struct burn_drive *drive) +{ + struct burn_write_opts *opts; + + opts = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_write_opts)); + opts->drive = drive; + opts->refcount = 1; + opts->write_type = BURN_WRITE_TAO; + opts->block_type = BURN_BLOCK_MODE1; + opts->toc_entry = NULL; + opts->toc_entries = 0; + opts->simulate = 0; + opts->underrun_proof = drive->mdata->underrun_proof; + opts->perform_opc = 1; + opts->has_mediacatalog = 0; + opts->format = BURN_CDROM; + opts->multi = 0; + opts->control = 0; + return opts; +} + +void burn_write_opts_free(struct burn_write_opts *opts) +{ + if (--opts->refcount <= 0) + free(opts); +} + +struct burn_read_opts *burn_read_opts_new(struct burn_drive *drive) +{ + struct burn_read_opts *opts; + + opts = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_read_opts)); + opts->drive = drive; + opts->refcount = 1; + opts->raw = 0; + opts->c2errors = 0; + opts->subcodes_audio = 0; + opts->subcodes_data = 0; + opts->hardware_error_recovery = 0; + opts->report_recovered_errors = 0; + opts->transfer_damaged_blocks = 0; + opts->hardware_error_retries = 3; + + return opts; +} + +void burn_read_opts_free(struct burn_read_opts *opts) +{ + if (--opts->refcount <= 0) + free(opts); +} + +int burn_write_opts_set_write_type(struct burn_write_opts *opts, + enum burn_write_types write_type, + int block_type) +{ + if ((write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO && block_type == BURN_BLOCK_SAO) || + (opts->drive->block_types[write_type] & block_type)) { + opts->write_type = write_type; + opts->block_type = block_type; + return 1; + } + assert(0); + return 0; +} + +void burn_write_opts_set_toc_entries(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int count, + struct burn_toc_entry *toc_entries) +{ + opts->toc_entries = count; + opts->toc_entry = malloc(count * sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry)); + memcpy(opts->toc_entry, &toc_entries, + sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry) * count); +} + +void burn_write_opts_set_format(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int format) +{ + opts->format = format; +} + +int burn_write_opts_set_simulate(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int sim) +{ + if (opts->drive->mdata->simulate) { + opts->simulate = sim; + return 1; + } + return 0; +} + +int burn_write_opts_set_underrun_proof(struct burn_write_opts *opts, + int underrun_proof) +{ + if (opts->drive->mdata->underrun_proof) { + opts->underrun_proof = underrun_proof; + return 1; + } + return 0; +} + +void burn_write_opts_set_perform_opc(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int opc) +{ + opts->perform_opc = opc; +} + +void burn_write_opts_set_has_mediacatalog(struct burn_write_opts *opts, + int has_mediacatalog) +{ + opts->has_mediacatalog = has_mediacatalog; +} + +void burn_write_opts_set_mediacatalog(struct burn_write_opts *opts, + unsigned char mediacatalog[13]) +{ + memcpy(opts->mediacatalog, &mediacatalog, 13); +} + +void burn_read_opts_set_raw(struct burn_read_opts *opts, int raw) +{ + opts->raw = raw; +} + +void burn_read_opts_set_c2errors(struct burn_read_opts *opts, int c2errors) +{ + opts->c2errors = c2errors; +} + +void burn_read_opts_read_subcodes_audio(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int subcodes_audio) +{ + opts->subcodes_audio = subcodes_audio; +} + +void burn_read_opts_read_subcodes_data(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int subcodes_data) +{ + opts->subcodes_data = subcodes_data; +} + +void burn_read_opts_set_hardware_error_recovery(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int hardware_error_recovery) +{ + opts->hardware_error_recovery = hardware_error_recovery; +} + +void burn_read_opts_report_recovered_errors(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int report_recovered_errors) +{ + opts->report_recovered_errors = report_recovered_errors; +} + +void burn_read_opts_transfer_damaged_blocks(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + int transfer_damaged_blocks) +{ + opts->transfer_damaged_blocks = transfer_damaged_blocks; +} + +void burn_read_opts_set_hardware_error_retries(struct burn_read_opts *opts, + unsigned char + hardware_error_retries) +{ + opts->hardware_error_retries = hardware_error_retries; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/options.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/options.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aebfdb5d --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/options.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +#ifndef BURN__OPTIONS_H +#define BURN__OPTIONS_H + +#include "libburn.h" + +/** Options for disc writing operations. This should be created with + burn_write_opts_new() and freed with burn_write_opts_free(). */ +struct burn_write_opts +{ + /** Drive the write opts are good for */ + struct burn_drive *drive; + + /** For internal use. */ + int refcount; + + /** The method/style of writing to use. */ + enum burn_write_types write_type; + /** format of the data to send to the drive */ + enum burn_block_types block_type; + + /** Number of toc entries. if this is 0, they will be auto generated*/ + int toc_entries; + /** Toc entries for the disc */ + struct burn_toc_entry *toc_entry; + + /** Simulate the write so that the disc is not actually written */ + unsigned int simulate:1; + /** If available, enable a drive feature which prevents buffer + underruns if not enough data is available to keep up with the + drive. */ + unsigned int underrun_proof:1; + /** Perform calibration of the drive's laser before beginning the + write. */ + unsigned int perform_opc:1; + /** A disc can have a media catalog number */ + int has_mediacatalog; + unsigned char mediacatalog[13]; + /** Session format */ + int format; + /* internal use only */ + unsigned char control; + unsigned char multi; +}; + +/** Options for disc reading operations. This should be created with + burn_read_opts_new() and freed with burn_read_opts_free(). */ +struct burn_read_opts +{ + /** Drive the read opts are good for */ + struct burn_drive *drive; + + /** For internal use. */ + int refcount; + + /** Read in raw mode, so that everything in the data tracks on the + disc is read, including headers. Not needed if just reading a + filesystem off a disc, but it should usually be used when making a + disc image or copying a disc. */ + unsigned int raw:1; + /** Report c2 errors. Useful for statistics reporting */ + unsigned int c2errors:1; + /** Read subcodes from audio tracks on the disc */ + unsigned int subcodes_audio:1; + /** Read subcodes from data tracks on the disc */ + unsigned int subcodes_data:1; + /** Have the drive recover errors if possible */ + unsigned int hardware_error_recovery:1; + /** Report errors even when they were recovered from */ + unsigned int report_recovered_errors:1; + /** Read blocks even when there are unrecoverable errors in them */ + unsigned int transfer_damaged_blocks:1; + + /** The number of retries the hardware should make to correct + errors. */ + unsigned char hardware_error_retries; +}; + +#endif /* BURN__OPTIONS_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/read.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/read.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4417ef1d --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/read.c @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "sector.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "transport.h" +#include "message.h" +#include "crc.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "init.h" +#include "lec.h" +#include "toc.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "sg.h" +#include "read.h" +#include "options.h" + +void burn_disc_read(struct burn_drive *d, const struct burn_read_opts *o) +{ +#if 0 + int i, end, maxsects, finish; + int seclen; + int drive_lba; + unsigned short crc; + unsigned char fakesub[96]; + struct buffer page; + int speed; + + assert((o->version & 0xfffff000) == (OPTIONS_VERSION & 0xfffff000)); + + assert(!d->busy); + assert(d->toc->valid); + assert(o->datafd != -1); +/* XXX not sure this is a good idea. copy it? */ +/* XXX also, we have duplicated data now, do we remove the fds from struct +drive, or only store a subset of the _opts structs in drives */ + + /* set the speed on the drive */ + speed = o->speed > 0 ? o->speed : d->mdata->max_read_speed; + d->set_speed(d, speed, 0); + + d->params.retries = o->hardware_error_retries; + d->send_parameters(d, o); + + d->cancel = 0; + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_READING; + d->currsession = 0; +/* drive_lba = 232000; + d->currtrack = 18; +*/ + d->currtrack = 0; + drive_lba = 0; +/* XXX removal of this line obviously breaks * + d->track_end = burn_track_end(d, d->currsession, d->currtrack);*/ + printf("track ends at %d\n", d->track_end); + page.sectors = 0; + page.bytes = 0; + + if (o->subfd != -1) { + memset(fakesub, 0xFF, 12); + memset(fakesub + 12, 0, 84); + fakesub[13] = 1; + fakesub[14] = 1; + fakesub[20] = 2; + fakesub[12] = (d->toc->toc_entry[0].control << 4) + + d->toc->toc_entry[0].adr; + crc = crc_ccitt(fakesub + 12, 10); + fakesub[22] = crc >> 8; + fakesub[23] = crc & 0xFF; + write(o->subfd, fakesub, 96); + } + while (1) { + seclen = burn_sector_length_read(d, o); + + burn_print(12, "received %d blocks\n", page.sectors); + for (i = 0; i < page.sectors; i++) { + burn_packet_process(d, page.data + seclen * i, o); + d->track_end--; + drive_lba++; + } + + if ((d->cancel) || (drive_lba == LAST_SESSION_END(d))) { + burn_print(1, "finished or cancelled\n"); + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; + if (!d->cancel) + d->toc->complete = 1; + return; + } +/* XXX: removal of this line obviously breaks * + end = burn_track_end(d, d->currsession, d->currtrack); */ + + if (drive_lba == end) { + d->currtrack++; + if (d->currtrack > + d->toc->session[d->currsession].lasttrack) { + d->currsession++; + burn_print(12, "session switch to %d\n", + d->currsession); + burn_print(12, "skipping a lead out\n"); + drive_lba = CURRENT_SESSION_START(d); + burn_print(12, "new lba %d\n", drive_lba); +/* XXX more of the same + end = burn_track_end(d, d->currsession, + d->currtrack); +*/ } + burn_print(12, "track switch to %d\n", d->currtrack); + } + + page.sectors = 0; + page.bytes = 0; + + maxsects = BUFFER_SIZE / seclen; + finish = end - drive_lba; + + d->track_end = finish; + + page.sectors = (finish < maxsects) ? finish : maxsects; + printf("reading %d sectors from %d\n", page.sectors, + drive_lba); + d->read_sectors(d, drive_lba, page.sectors, o, &page); + printf("Read %d\n", page.sectors); + } +#endif +} +int burn_sector_length_read(struct burn_drive *d, + const struct burn_read_opts *o) +{ + int dlen = 2352; + int data; + +/*XXX how do we handle this crap now?*/ +/* data = d->toc->track[d->currtrack].toc_entry->control & 4;*/ + data = 1; + if (o->report_recovered_errors) + dlen += 294; + if ((o->subcodes_data) && data) + dlen += 96; + if ((o->subcodes_audio) && !data) + dlen += 96; + return dlen; +} + +static int bitcount(unsigned char *data, int n) +{ + int i, j, count = 0; + unsigned char tem; + + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + tem = data[i]; + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + count += tem & 1; + tem >>= 1; + } + } + return count; +} + +void burn_packet_process(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *data, + const struct burn_read_opts *o) +{ + unsigned char sub[96]; + unsigned short crc; + int ptr = 2352, i, j, code, fb; + int audio = 1; + + if (o->c2errors) { + fb = bitcount(data + ptr, 294); + if (fb) { + burn_print(1, "%d damaged bits\n", + bitcount(data + ptr, 294)); + burn_print(1, "sending error on %s %s\n", + d->idata->vendor, d->idata->product); + /* XXX send a burn_message! burn_message_error(d, + something); */ + } + ptr += 294; + } +/* + if (d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode == BURN_MODE_UNINITIALIZED) { + if ((d->toc->track[d->currtrack].toc_entry->control & 4) == 0) + d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode = BURN_MODE_AUDIO; + else + switch (data[15]) { + case 0: + d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode = BURN_MODE0; + break; + case 1: + d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode = BURN_MODE1; + break; + case 2: + d->toc->track[d->currtrack].mode = + BURN_MODE2_FORMLESS; + break; + } + } +*/ + if ((audio && o->subcodes_audio) + || (!audio && o->subcodes_data)) { + memset(sub, 0, sizeof(sub)); + for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + for (code = 0; code < 8; code++) { + sub[code * 12 + i] <<= 1; + if (data[ptr + j + i * 8] & + (1 << (7 - code))) + sub[code * 12 + i]++; + } + } + } + crc = (*(sub + 22) << 8) + *(sub + 23); + if (crc != crc_ccitt(sub + 12, 10)) { + burn_print(1, "sending error on %s %s\n", + d->idata->vendor, d->idata->product); +/* e = burn_error(); + e->drive = d; +*/ + burn_print(1, "crc mismatch in Q\n"); + } + /* else process_q(d, sub + 12); */ + /* + if (o->subfd != -1) write(o->subfd, sub, 96); */ + } +/* + if ((d->track_end <= 150) + && (drive_lba + 150 < CURRENT_SESSION_END(d)) + && (TOC_ENTRY(d->toc, d->currtrack).control == 4) + && (TOC_ENTRY(d->toc, d->currtrack + 1).control == 0)) { + burn_print(12, "pregap : %d\n", d->track_end); + write(o->binfd, zeros, 2352); + +#warning XXX WHERE ARE MY SUBCODES + } else +*//* write(o->datafd, data, 2352); */ +} + +/* so yeah, when you uncomment these, make them write zeros insted of crap +static void write_empty_sector(int fd) +{ + char sec[2352]; + + burn_print(1, "writing an 'empty' sector\n"); + write(fd, sec, 2352); +} + +static void write_empty_subcode(int fd) +{ + char sub[96]; + + write(fd, sub, 96); +} + +static void flipq(unsigned char *sub) +{ + *(sub + 12 + 10) = ~*(sub + 12 + 10); + *(sub + 12 + 11) = ~*(sub + 12 + 11); +} +*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/read.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/read.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc079583 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/read.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __LIBBURN_READ +#define __LIBBURN_READ + +struct burn_drive; +struct burn_read_opts; + +int burn_sector_length_read(struct burn_drive *d, + const struct burn_read_opts *o); +void burn_packet_process(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *data, + const struct burn_read_opts *o); + +#endif /* __LIBBURN_READ */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sbc.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sbc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dcd64ae0 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sbc.c @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +/* scsi block commands */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "transport.h" +#include "sbc.h" +#include "options.h" + +/* spc command set */ +static char SBC_LOAD[] = { 0x1b, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0 }; +static char SBC_UNLOAD[] = { 0x1b, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0 }; + +void sbc_load(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct command c; + + memcpy(c.opcode, SBC_LOAD, sizeof(SBC_LOAD)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SBC_LOAD); + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + c.page = NULL; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void sbc_eject(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct command c; + + c.page = NULL; + memcpy(c.opcode, SBC_UNLOAD, sizeof(SBC_UNLOAD)); + c.oplen = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SBC_UNLOAD); + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sbc.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sbc.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ca028cf --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sbc.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __SBC +#define __SBC + +struct burn_drive; + +void sbc_load(struct burn_drive *); +void sbc_eject(struct burn_drive *); + +#endif /* __SBC */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sector.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sector.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d7ce17b --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sector.c @@ -0,0 +1,649 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "error.h" +#include "options.h" +#include "transport.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "sector.h" +#include "crc.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "lec.h" +#include "toc.h" +#include "write.h" + +/*static unsigned char isrc[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";*/ + +#define sector_common(X) d->alba++; d->rlba X; + +static void uncook_subs(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *source) +{ + int i, j, code; + + memset(dest, 0, 96); + + for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { + for (code = 0; code < 8; code++) { + if (source[code * 12 + i] & 0x80) + dest[j + i * 8] |= (1 << (7 - code)); + source[code * 12 + i] <<= 1; + } + } + } +} + +/* 0 means "same as inmode" */ +static int get_outmode(struct burn_write_opts *o) +{ + if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO) + return 0; + else + switch (o->block_type) { + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW0: + return BURN_MODE_RAW; + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW16: + return BURN_MODE_RAW | BURN_SUBCODE_P16; + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96P: + return BURN_MODE_RAW | BURN_SUBCODE_P96; + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R: + return BURN_MODE_RAW | BURN_SUBCODE_R96; + case BURN_BLOCK_MODE1: + return BURN_MODE1; + } + assert(0); /* return BURN_MODE_UNIMPLEMENTED :) */ +} + +static void get_bytes(struct burn_track *track, int count, unsigned char *data) +{ + int valid, shortage, curr; + +/* no track pointer means we're just generating 0s */ + if (!track) { + memset(data, 0, count); + return; + } + +/* first we use up any offset */ + valid = track->offset - track->offsetcount; + if (valid > count) + valid = count; + + if (valid) { + track->offsetcount += valid; + memset(data, 0, valid); + } + shortage = count - valid; + + if (!shortage) + return; + +/* Next we use source data */ + curr = valid; + if (!track->eos) { + valid = track->source->read(track->source, data + curr, count - curr); + } else valid = 0; + + if (valid == -1) { + track->eos = 1; + valid = 0; + } + + curr += valid; + shortage = count - curr; + + if (!shortage) + return; + +/* Before going to the next track, we run through any tail */ + + valid = track->tail - track->tailcount; + if (valid > count - curr) + valid = count - curr; + + if (valid) { + track->tailcount += valid; + memset(data + curr, 0, valid); + } + curr += valid; + shortage -= valid; + + if (!shortage) + return; + +/* If we're still short, and there's a "next" pointer, we pull from that. + if that depletes, we'll just fill with 0s. +*/ + if (track->source->next) { + struct burn_source *src; + printf("pulling from next track\n"); + src = track->source->next; + valid = src->read(src, data + curr, shortage); + if (valid > 0) { + shortage -= valid; + curr += valid; + } + } + if (!shortage) + return; + memset(data + curr, 0, shortage); +} +static unsigned char *get_sector(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int inmode) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = opts->drive; + struct buffer *out = d->buffer; + int outmode; + int seclen; + unsigned char *ret; + + outmode = get_outmode(opts); + if (outmode == 0) + outmode = inmode; + + seclen = burn_sector_length(outmode) + burn_subcode_length(outmode); + + if (out->bytes + (seclen) >= BUFFER_SIZE) { + int err; + err = d->write(d, d->nwa, out); + if (err == BE_CANCELLED) + return NULL; + d->nwa += out->sectors; + out->bytes = 0; + out->sectors = 0; + } + + ret = out->data + out->bytes; + out->bytes += seclen; + out->sectors++; + + return ret; +} + +/* either inmode == outmode, or outmode == raw. anything else is bad news */ +static void convert_data(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_track *track, + int inmode, unsigned char *data) +{ + int outlen, inlen; + int offset = -1; + int outmode; + + outmode = get_outmode(o); + if (outmode == 0) + outmode = inmode; + + outlen = burn_sector_length(outmode); + inlen = burn_sector_length(inmode); + assert(outlen >= inlen); + + if ((outmode & BURN_MODE_BITS) == (inmode & BURN_MODE_BITS)) { + get_bytes(track, inlen, data); + return; + } + + assert(outmode & BURN_MODE_RAW); + + if (inmode & BURN_MODE1) + offset = 16; + if (inmode & BURN_MODE_RAW) + offset = 0; + if (inmode & BURN_AUDIO) + offset = 0; + assert(offset != -1); + get_bytes(track, inlen, data + offset); +} +static void convert_subs(struct burn_write_opts *o, int inmode, + unsigned char *subs, unsigned char *sector) +{ + unsigned char *out; + int outmode; + + outmode = get_outmode(o); + if (outmode == 0) + outmode = inmode; + sector += burn_sector_length(outmode); +/* XXX for sao with subs, we'd need something else... */ + + switch (o->block_type) { + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R: + uncook_subs(sector, subs); + break; + + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW16: + memcpy(sector, subs + 12, 12); + out = sector + 12; + out[0] = 0; + out[1] = 0; + out[2] = 0; +/*XXX find a better way to deal with partially damaged P channels*/ + if (subs[2] != 0) + out[3] = 0x80; + else + out[3] = 0; + out = sector + 10; + + out[0] = ~out[0]; + out[1] = ~out[1]; + break; + } +} + +static void subcode_toc(struct burn_drive *d, int mode, unsigned char *data) +{ + unsigned char *q; + int track; + int crc; + int min, sec, frame; + + track = d->toc_temp / 3; + memset(data, 0, 96); + q = data + 12; + + burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &min, &sec, &frame); +/*XXX track numbers are BCD +a0 - 1st track ctrl +a1 - last track ctrl +a2 - lout ctrl +*/ + q[0] = (d->toc_entry[track].control << 4) + 1; + q[1] = 0; + if (d->toc_entry[track].point < 100) + q[2] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].point); + else + q[2] = d->toc_entry[track].point; + q[3] = dec_to_bcd(min); + q[4] = dec_to_bcd(sec); + q[5] = dec_to_bcd(frame); + q[6] = 0; + q[7] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].pmin); + q[8] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].psec); + q[9] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].pframe); + crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10); + q[10] = crc >> 8; + q[11] = crc & 0xFF; + d->toc_temp++; + d->toc_temp %= (d->toc_entries * 3); +} + +int sector_toc(struct burn_write_opts *o, int mode) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned char *data; + unsigned char subs[96]; + + data = get_sector(o, mode); + if (!data) + return 0; + convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); + subcode_toc(d, mode, subs); + convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); + sector_headers(o, data, mode, 1); + sector_common(++) + return 1; +} + +int sector_pregap(struct burn_write_opts *o, + unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, int mode) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned char *data; + unsigned char subs[96]; + + data = get_sector(o, mode); + if (!data) + return 0; + convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); + subcode_user(o, subs, tno, control, 0, NULL, 1); + convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); + sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0); + sector_common(--) + return 1; +} + +int sector_postgap(struct burn_write_opts *o, + unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, int mode) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned char subs[96]; + unsigned char *data; + + data = get_sector(o, mode); + if (!data) + return 0; + convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); +/* use last index in track */ + subcode_user(o, subs, tno, control, 1, NULL, 1); + convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); + sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0); + sector_common(++) + return 1; +} + +static void subcode_lout(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char control, + unsigned char *data) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned char *q; + int crc; + int rmin, min, rsec, sec, rframe, frame; + + memset(data, 0, 96); + q = data + 12; + + burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &min, &sec, &frame); + burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &rmin, &rsec, &rframe); + + if (((rmin == 0) && (rsec == 0) && (rframe == 0)) || + ((rsec >= 2) && !((rframe / 19) % 2))) + memset(data, 0xFF, 12); + q[0] = (control << 4) + 1; + q[1] = 0xAA; + q[2] = 0x01; + q[3] = dec_to_bcd(rmin); + q[4] = dec_to_bcd(rsec); + q[5] = dec_to_bcd(rframe); + q[6] = 0; + q[7] = dec_to_bcd(min); + q[8] = dec_to_bcd(sec); + q[9] = dec_to_bcd(frame); + crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10); + q[10] = crc >> 8; + q[11] = crc & 0xFF; +} + +static char char_to_isrc(char c) +{ + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + return c - '0'; + if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + return 0x11 + (c - 'A'); + if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + return 0x11 + (c - 'a'); + assert(0); + return 0; +} + +void subcode_user(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char *subcodes, + unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, + unsigned char indx, struct isrc *isrc, int psub) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned char *p, *q; + int crc; + int m, s, f, c, qmode; /* 1, 2 or 3 */ + + memset(subcodes, 0, 96); + + p = subcodes; + if ((tno == 1) && (d->rlba == -150)) + memset(p, 0xFF, 12); + + if (psub) + memset(p, 0xFF, 12); + q = subcodes + 12; + + qmode = 1; + /* every 1 in 10 we can do something different */ + if (d->rlba % 10 == 0) { + /* each of these can occur 1 in 100 */ + if ((d->rlba / 10) % 10 == 0) { + if (o->has_mediacatalog) + qmode = 2; + } else if ((d->rlba / 10) % 10 == 1) { + if (isrc && isrc->has_isrc) + qmode = 3; + } + } + + assert(qmode == 1 || qmode == 2 || qmode == 3); + + switch (qmode) { + case 1: + q[1] = dec_to_bcd(tno); /* track number */ + q[2] = dec_to_bcd(indx); /* index XXX read this shit + from the track array */ + burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &m, &s, &f); + q[3] = dec_to_bcd(m); /* rel min */ + q[4] = dec_to_bcd(s); /* rel sec */ + q[5] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* rel frame */ + q[6] = 0; /* zero */ + burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f); + q[7] = dec_to_bcd(m); /* abs min */ + q[8] = dec_to_bcd(s); /* abs sec */ + q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */ + break; + case 2: + /* media catalog number */ + q[1] = (o->mediacatalog[0] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[1]; + q[2] = (o->mediacatalog[2] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[3]; + q[3] = (o->mediacatalog[4] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[5]; + q[4] = (o->mediacatalog[6] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[7]; + q[5] = (o->mediacatalog[8] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[9]; + q[6] = (o->mediacatalog[10] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[11]; + q[7] = o->mediacatalog[12] << 4; + + q[8] = 0; + burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f); + q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */ + break; + case 3: + c = char_to_isrc(isrc->country[0]); + /* top 6 bits of [1] is the first country code */ + q[1] = c << 2; + c = char_to_isrc(isrc->country[1]); + /* bottom 2 bits of [1] is part of the second country code */ + q[1] += (c >> 4); + /* top 4 bits if [2] is the rest of the second country code */ + q[2] = c << 4; + + c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[0]); + /* bottom 4 bits of [2] is part of the first owner code */ + q[2] += (c >> 2); + /* top 2 bits of [3] is the rest of the first owner code */ + q[3] = c << 6; + c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[1]); + /* bottom 6 bits of [3] is the entire second owner code */ + q[3] += c; + c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[2]); + /* top 6 bits of [4] are the third owner code */ + q[4] = c << 2; + + /* [5] is the year in 2 BCD numbers */ + q[5] = dec_to_bcd(isrc->year % 100); + /* [6] is the first 2 digits in the serial */ + q[6] = dec_to_bcd(isrc->serial % 100); + /* [7] is the next 2 digits in the serial */ + q[7] = dec_to_bcd((isrc->serial / 100) % 100); + /* the top 4 bits of [8] is the last serial digit, the rest is + zeros */ + q[8] = dec_to_bcd((isrc->serial / 10000) % 10) << 4; + burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f); + q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */ + break; + } + q[0] = (control << 4) + qmode; + + crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10); + q[10] = crc >> 8; + q[11] = crc & 0xff; +} + +int sector_lout(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char control, int mode) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned char subs[96]; + unsigned char *data; + + data = get_sector(o, mode); + if (!data) + return 0; + convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); + subcode_lout(o, control, subs); + convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); + sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0); + sector_common(++) + return 1; +} + +int sector_data(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_track *t, int psub) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned char subs[96]; + unsigned char *data; + + data = get_sector(o, t->mode); + if (!data) + return 0; + convert_data(o, t, t->mode, data); + + if (!t->source->read_sub) + subcode_user(o, subs, t->entry->point, + t->entry->control, 1, &t->isrc, psub); + else if (!t->source->read_sub(t->source, subs, 96)) + subcode_user(o, subs, t->entry->point, + t->entry->control, 1, &t->isrc, psub); + convert_subs(o, t->mode, subs, data); + + sector_headers(o, data, t->mode, 0); + sector_common(++) + return 1; +} + +int burn_msf_to_lba(int m, int s, int f) +{ + if (m < 90) + return (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f - 150; + else + return (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f - 450150; +} + +void burn_lba_to_msf(int lba, int *m, int *s, int *f) +{ + if (lba >= -150) { + *m = (lba + 150) / (60 * 75); + *s = (lba + 150 - *m * 60 * 75) / 75; + *f = lba + 150 - *m * 60 * 75 - *s * 75; + } else { + *m = (lba + 450150) / (60 * 75); + *s = (lba + 450150 - *m * 60 * 75) / 75; + *f = lba + 450150 - *m * 60 * 75 - *s * 75; + } +} + +int dec_to_bcd(int d) +{ + int top, bottom; + + top = d / 10; + bottom = d - (top * 10); + return (top << 4) + bottom; +} + +void sector_headers(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char *out, + int mode, int leadin) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + unsigned int crc; + int min, sec, frame; + int modebyte = -1; + + if (mode & BURN_AUDIO) /* no headers for "audio" */ + return; + if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO) + return; + if (mode & BURN_MODE1) + modebyte = 1; + + assert(modebyte == 1); + + out[0] = 0; + memset(out + 1, 0xFF, 10); /* sync */ + out[11] = 0; + + if (leadin) { + burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &min, &sec, &frame); + out[12] = dec_to_bcd(min) + 0xA0; + out[13] = dec_to_bcd(sec); + out[14] = dec_to_bcd(frame); + out[15] = modebyte; + } else { + burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &min, &sec, &frame); + out[12] = dec_to_bcd(min); + out[13] = dec_to_bcd(sec); + out[14] = dec_to_bcd(frame); + out[15] = modebyte; + } + if (mode & BURN_MODE1) { + crc = crc_32(out, 2064); + out[2064] = crc & 0xFF; + crc >>= 8; + out[2065] = crc & 0xFF; + crc >>= 8; + out[2066] = crc & 0xFF; + crc >>= 8; + out[2067] = crc & 0xFF; + } + if (mode & BURN_MODE1) { + memset(out + 2068, 0, 8); + parity_p(out); + parity_q(out); + } + scramble(out); +} + +#if 0 +void process_q(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *q) +{ + unsigned char i[5]; + int mode; + + mode = q[0] & 0xF; +/* burn_print(12, "mode: %d : ", mode);*/ + switch (mode) { + case 1: +/* burn_print(12, "tno = %d : ", q[1]); + burn_print(12, "index = %d\n", q[2]); +*/ + /* q[1] is the track number (starting at 1) q[2] is the index + number (starting at 0) */ +#warning this is totally bogus + if (q[1] - 1 > 99) + break; + if (q[2] > d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].indices) { + burn_print(12, "new index at %d\n", d->alba); + d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].index[q[2]] = d->alba; + d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].indices++; + } + break; + case 2: + /* XXX dont ignore these */ + break; + case 3: +/* burn_print(12, "ISRC data in mode 3 q\n");*/ + i[0] = isrc[(q[1] << 2) >> 2]; +/* burn_print(12, "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", q[1], q[2], q[3], q[4], q[5]); + burn_print(12, "ISRC - %c%c%c%c%c\n", i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]); +*/ + break; + default: + assert(0); + } +} +#endif + +/* this needs more info. subs in the data? control/adr? */ +#warning sector_identify needs to be written +int sector_identify(unsigned char *data) +{ + scramble(data); +/* +check mode byte for 1 or 2 +test parity to see if it's a valid sector +if invalid, return BURN_MODE_AUDIO; +else return mode byte (what about mode 2 formless? heh) +*/ + return BURN_MODE1; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sector.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sector.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91b68d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sector.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __SECTOR +#define __SECTOR + +#include "libburn.h" +#include "transport.h" + +struct burn_drive; +struct isrc; + +int dec_to_bcd(int); + +int sector_toc(struct burn_write_opts *, int mode); +int sector_pregap(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char tno, + unsigned char control, int mode); +int sector_postgap(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char tno, + unsigned char control, int mode); +int sector_lout(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char control, int mode); +int sector_data(struct burn_write_opts *, struct burn_track *t, int psub); +void sector_headers(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char *, + int mode, int leadin); +void subcode_user(struct burn_write_opts *, unsigned char *s, + unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, + unsigned char index, struct isrc *isrc, int psub); + +int sector_identify(unsigned char *); + +void process_q(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *q); + +#endif /* __SECTOR */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sg.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sg.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7cfd6e84 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sg.c @@ -0,0 +1,500 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "transport.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "sg.h" +#include "spc.h" +#include "mmc.h" +#include "sbc.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "toc.h" +#include "util.h" + +static void enumerate_common(char *fname); + +/* ts A51221 */ +int burn_drive_is_banned(char *device_address); + +/* ts A60813 : storage objects are in libburn/init.c + wether to use O_EXCL + wether to use O_NOBLOCK with open(2) on devices + wether to take O_EXCL rejection as fatal error */ +extern int burn_sg_open_o_excl; +extern int burn_sg_open_o_nonblock; +extern int burn_sg_open_abort_busy; + + +/* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ +int mmc_function_spy(char * text); + + +static int sgio_test(int fd) +{ + unsigned char test_ops[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; + sg_io_hdr_t s; + + memset(&s, 0, sizeof(sg_io_hdr_t)); + s.interface_id = 'S'; + s.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_NONE; + s.cmd_len = 6; + s.cmdp = test_ops; + s.timeout = 12345; + return ioctl(fd, SG_IO, &s); +} + +void ata_enumerate(void) +{ + struct hd_driveid tm; + int i, fd; + char fname[10]; + + /* ts A60813 */ + int open_mode = O_RDWR; + + /* ts A60813 + O_EXCL with block devices is an unpublished feature + of Linux kernels. Possibly introduced 2002. + It can only be used if libburn stops opening several + file descriptor on the same block device. + See comment in sg_grab() */ + if(burn_sg_open_o_excl) + open_mode |= O_EXCL; + /* ts A60813 + O_NONBLOCK was already hardcoded in ata_ but not in sg_. + There must be some reason for this. So O_NONBLOCK is + default mode for both now. Disable on own risk. */ + if(burn_sg_open_o_nonblock) + open_mode |= O_NONBLOCK; + + for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { + sprintf(fname, "/dev/hd%c", 'a' + i); + /* open O_RDWR so we don't think read only drives are + in some way useful + */ + /* ts A51221 */ + if (burn_drive_is_banned(fname)) + continue; + fd = open(fname, open_mode); + if (fd == -1) { +/* <<< debugging + fprintf(stderr, + "\nlibburn: experimental: fname= %s , errno= %d\n", + fname,errno); +*/ + /* ts A60814 : i see no way to do this more nicely */ + if (errno == EBUSY && burn_sg_open_abort_busy) { + fprintf(stderr, + "\nlibburn: FATAL : Application triggered abort on busy drive '%s'\n", + fname); + /* <<< maybe one should plainly exit here */ + assert("drive busy" == "non fatal"); + } + continue; + } + /* found a drive */ + ioctl(fd, HDIO_GET_IDENTITY, &tm); + + /* not atapi */ + if (!(tm.config & 0x8000) || (tm.config & 0x4000)) { + close(fd); + continue; + } + + /* if SG_IO fails on an atapi device, we should stop trying to + use hd* devices */ + if (sgio_test(fd) == -1) { + close(fd); + return; + } + close(fd); + enumerate_common(fname); + } +} + +void sg_enumerate(void) +{ + struct sg_scsi_id sid; + int i, fd; + char fname[10]; + + /* ts A60813 */ + int open_mode = O_RDWR; + + /* ts A60813 + O_EXCL with block devices is an unpublished feature + of Linux kernels. Possibly introduced 2002. + It can only be used if libburn stops opening several + file descriptor on the same block device. + See comment in sg_grab() */ + if(burn_sg_open_o_excl) + open_mode |= O_EXCL; + /* ts A60813 + O_NONBLOCK was not hardcoded in sg_ but was in ata_. + I myself test mainly sg_ and it seems to be ok with + O_NONBLOCK. So it should stay default mode. */ + if(burn_sg_open_o_nonblock) + open_mode |= O_NONBLOCK; + +/* <<< debugging + fprintf(stderr, + "\nlibburn: experimental: o_excl= %d , o_nonblock= %d, abort_on_busy= %d\n", + burn_sg_open_o_excl,burn_sg_open_o_nonblock,burn_sg_open_abort_busy); + fprintf(stderr, + "libburn: experimental: O_EXCL= %d , O_NONBLOCK= %d\n", + !!(open_mode&O_EXCL),!!(open_mode&O_NONBLOCK)); + +*/ + + for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { + sprintf(fname, "/dev/sg%d", i); + /* open RDWR so we don't accidentally think read only drives + are in some way useful + */ + /* ts A51221 */ + if (burn_drive_is_banned(fname)) + continue; + fd = open(fname, open_mode); + + if (fd == -1) { +/* <<< debugging + fprintf(stderr, + "\n cdrskin: experimental: fname= %s , errno= %d\n", + fname,errno); +*/ + /* ts A60814 : i see no way to do this more nicely */ + if (errno == EBUSY && burn_sg_open_abort_busy) { + fprintf(stderr, + "\nlibburn: FATAL : Application triggered abort on busy drive '%s'\n", + fname); + /* <<< maybe one should plainly exit here */ + assert("drive busy" == "non fatal"); + } + continue; + } + /* found a drive */ + ioctl(fd, SG_GET_SCSI_ID, &sid); + close(fd); + if (sid.scsi_type != TYPE_ROM) + continue; + + enumerate_common(fname); + } +} + +static void enumerate_common(char *fname) +{ + struct burn_drive *t; + struct burn_drive out; + + out.devname = burn_strdup(fname); + out.fd = -1337; + + out.grab = sg_grab; + out.release = sg_release; + out.issue_command = sg_issue_command; + out.getcaps = spc_getcaps; + out.released = 1; + out.status = BURN_DISC_UNREADY; + + out.eject = sbc_eject; + out.load = sbc_load; + out.lock = spc_prevent; + out.unlock = spc_allow; + out.read_disc_info = spc_sense_write_params; + out.get_erase_progress = spc_get_erase_progress; + out.test_unit_ready = spc_test_unit_ready; + out.probe_write_modes = spc_probe_write_modes; + out.read_toc = mmc_read_toc; + out.write = mmc_write; + out.erase = mmc_erase; + out.read_sectors = mmc_read_sectors; + out.perform_opc = mmc_perform_opc; + out.set_speed = mmc_set_speed; + out.send_parameters = spc_select_error_params; + out.send_write_parameters = spc_select_write_params; + out.send_cue_sheet = mmc_send_cue_sheet; + out.sync_cache = mmc_sync_cache; + out.get_nwa = mmc_get_nwa; + out.close_disc = mmc_close_disc; + out.close_session = mmc_close_session; + out.idata = malloc(sizeof(struct scsi_inquiry_data)); + out.idata->valid = 0; + out.mdata = malloc(sizeof(struct scsi_mode_data)); + out.mdata->valid = 0; + memset(&out.params, 0, sizeof(struct params)); + t = burn_drive_register(&out); + +/* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ + mmc_function_spy("enumerate_common : -------- doing grab"); + +/* try to get the drive info */ + if (sg_grab(t)) { + burn_print(2, "getting drive info\n"); + t->getcaps(t); + t->unlock(t); + t->released = 1; + } else { + burn_print(2, "unable to grab new located drive\n"); + } + +/* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ + mmc_function_spy("enumerate_common : ----- would release "); + +} + +/* + we use the sg reference count to decide whether we can use the + drive or not. + if refcount is not one, drive is open somewhere else. + + ts A60813: this test is too late. O_EXCL is the stronger solution. + After all the test was diabled already in icculus.org/burn CVS. +*/ +int sg_grab(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + int fd, count; + + /* ts A60813 */ + int open_mode = O_RDWR; + +/* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ + mmc_function_spy("sg_grab"); + + + /* ts A60813 + O_EXCL with block devices is an unpublished feature + of Linux kernels. Possibly introduced 2002. + It can only be used if libburn stops opening several + file descriptor on the same block device. + See comment below */ + if(burn_sg_open_o_excl) + open_mode |= O_EXCL; + + /* ts A60813 + O_NONBLOCK was hardcoded here. So it should stay default mode. */ + if(burn_sg_open_o_nonblock) + open_mode |= O_NONBLOCK; + + /* ts A60813 + After enumeration the drive fd is probably still open. + -1337 is the initial value of burn_drive.fd and the value after + relase of drive. Unclear why not the official error return + value -1 of open(2) war used. */ + /* ts A60822: was if(d->fd == -1337) { */ + if(! burn_drive_is_open(d)) { + + /* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ + mmc_function_spy("sg_grab ----------- opening"); + + fd = open(d->devname, open_mode); + } else + fd= d->fd; + + assert(fd != -1337); + if (-1 != fd) { + + /* ts A60814: + according to my experiments this test would work now ! */ + +/* er = ioctl(fd, SG_GET_ACCESS_COUNT, &count);*/ + count = 1; + if (1 == count) { + d->fd = fd; + fcntl(fd, F_SETOWN, getpid()); + d->released = 0; + return 1; + } + burn_print(1, "could not acquire drive - already open\n"); + close(fd); + return 0; + } + burn_print(1, "could not acquire drive\n"); + return 0; +} + +/* + non zero return means you still have the drive and it's not + in a state to be released? (is that even possible?) +*/ + +int sg_release(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + /* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ + mmc_function_spy("sg_release"); + + if (d->fd < 1) { + burn_print(1, "release an ungrabbed drive. die\n"); + return 0; + } + + /* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ + mmc_function_spy("sg_release ----------- closing"); + + close(d->fd); + d->fd = -1337; + return 0; +} + +int sg_issue_command(struct burn_drive *d, struct command *c) +{ + int done = 0; + int err; + sg_io_hdr_t s; + + +/* ts A60821 + <<< debug: for tracing calls which might use open drive fds */ + char buf[161]; + sprintf(buf,"sg_issue_command d->fd= %d d->released= %d\n", + d->fd,d->released); + mmc_function_spy(buf); + + + c->error = 0; +/* +this is valid during the mode probe in scan + if (d->fd < 1 || d->released) { + burn_print(1, + "command issued on ungrabbed drive, chaos.\n"); + burn_print(1, "fd = %d, released = %d\n", d->fd, + d->released); + } +*/ + memset(&s, 0, sizeof(sg_io_hdr_t)); + + s.interface_id = 'S'; + + if (c->dir == TO_DRIVE) + s.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_TO_DEV; + else if (c->dir == FROM_DRIVE) + s.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_FROM_DEV; + else if (c->dir == NO_TRANSFER) { + s.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_NONE; + assert(!c->page); + } + s.cmd_len = c->oplen; + s.cmdp = c->opcode; + s.mx_sb_len = 32; + s.sbp = c->sense; + memset(c->sense, 0, sizeof(c->sense)); + s.timeout = 200000; + if (c->page) { + s.dxferp = c->page->data; + if (c->dir == FROM_DRIVE) { + s.dxfer_len = BUFFER_SIZE; +/* touch page so we can use valgrind */ + memset(c->page->data, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); + } else { + assert(c->page->bytes > 0); + s.dxfer_len = c->page->bytes; + } + } else { + s.dxferp = NULL; + s.dxfer_len = 0; + } + s.usr_ptr = c; + + do { + err = ioctl(d->fd, SG_IO, &s); + assert(err != -1); + if (s.sb_len_wr) { + if (!c->retry) { + c->error = 1; + return 1; + } + switch (scsi_error(d, s.sbp, s.sb_len_wr)) { + case RETRY: + done = 0; + break; + case FAIL: + done = 1; + c->error = 1; + break; + } + } else { + done = 1; + } + } while (!done); + return 1; +} + +enum response scsi_error(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *sense, + int senselen) +{ + int key, asc, ascq; + + senselen = senselen; + key = sense[2]; + asc = sense[12]; + ascq = sense[13]; + + burn_print(12, "CONDITION: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x on %s %s\n", + key, asc, ascq, d->idata->vendor, d->idata->product); + + switch (asc) { + case 0: + burn_print(12, "NO ERROR!\n"); + return RETRY; + + case 2: + burn_print(1, "not ready\n"); + return RETRY; + case 4: + burn_print(1, + "logical unit is in the process of becoming ready\n"); + return RETRY; + case 0x20: + if (key == 5) + burn_print(1, "bad opcode\n"); + return FAIL; + case 0x21: + burn_print(1, "invalid address or something\n"); + return FAIL; + case 0x24: + if (key == 5) + burn_print(1, "invalid field in cdb\n"); + else + break; + return FAIL; + case 0x26: + if ( key == 5 ) + burn_print( 1, "invalid field in parameter list\n" ); + return FAIL; + case 0x28: + if (key == 6) + burn_print(1, + "Not ready to ready change, medium may have changed\n"); + else + break; + return RETRY; + case 0x3A: + burn_print(12, "Medium not present in %s %s\n", + d->idata->vendor, d->idata->product); + + d->status = BURN_DISC_EMPTY; + return FAIL; + } + burn_print(1, "unknown failure\n"); + burn_print(1, "key:0x%x, asc:0x%x, ascq:0x%x\n", key, asc, ascq); + return FAIL; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sg.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sg.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f431c5f --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/sg.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __SG +#define __SG + +struct burn_drive; +struct command; + +enum response +{ RETRY, FAIL }; + +void sg_enumerate(void); +void ata_enumerate(void); +int sg_grab(struct burn_drive *); +int sg_release(struct burn_drive *); +int sg_issue_command(struct burn_drive *, struct command *); +enum response scsi_error(struct burn_drive *, unsigned char *, int); + +#endif /* __SG */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/source.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/source.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd0c56b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/source.c @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include "libburn.h" +#include "source.h" +#include "structure.h" + +void burn_source_free(struct burn_source *src) +{ + if (--src->refcount < 1) { + if (src->free_data) + src->free_data(src); + free(src); + } +} + +enum burn_source_status burn_track_set_source(struct burn_track *t, + struct burn_source *s) +{ + if (!s->read) + return BURN_SOURCE_FAILED; + s->refcount++; + t->source = s; + return BURN_SOURCE_OK; +} + +struct burn_source *burn_source_new(void) +{ + struct burn_source *out; + + out = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_source)); + memset(out, 0, sizeof(struct burn_source)); + out->refcount = 1; + return out; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/source.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/source.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0a69aa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/source.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __SOURCE +#define __SOURCE + +struct burn_source *burn_source_new(void); + +#endif /*__SOURCE*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/spc.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/spc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89fd5de6 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/spc.c @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +/* scsi primary commands */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "transport.h" +#include "spc.h" +#include "mmc.h" +#include "sbc.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "options.h" + +/* spc command set */ +static unsigned char SPC_INQUIRY[] = { 0x12, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0 }; + +/*static char SPC_TEST[]={0,0,0,0,0,0};*/ +static unsigned char SPC_PREVENT[] = { 0x1e, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }; +static unsigned char SPC_ALLOW[] = { 0x1e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char SPC_MODE_SENSE[] = { 0x5a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char SPC_MODE_SELECT[] = + { 0x55, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; +static unsigned char SPC_REQUEST_SENSE[] = { 0x03, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0 }; +static unsigned char SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY[] = { 0x00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; + +int spc_test_unit_ready(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct command c; + + c.retry = 0; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY); + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY, sizeof(SPC_TEST_UNIT_READY)); + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + if (c.error) + return (c.sense[2] & 0xF) == 0; + return 1; +} + +void spc_request_sense(struct burn_drive *d, struct buffer *buf) +{ + struct command c; + + c.retry = 0; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_REQUEST_SENSE); + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_REQUEST_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_REQUEST_SENSE)); + c.page = buf; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +int spc_get_erase_progress(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer b; + + spc_request_sense(d, &b); + return (b.data[16] << 8) | b.data[17]; +} + +void spc_inquiry(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct scsi_inquiry_data *id; + struct command c; + + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_INQUIRY, sizeof(SPC_INQUIRY)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_INQUIRY); + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + id = (struct scsi_inquiry_data *)d->idata; + id->vendor[8] = 0; + id->product[16] = 0; + id->revision[4] = 0; + + memcpy(id->vendor, c.page->data + 8, 8); + memcpy(id->product, c.page->data + 16, 16); + memcpy(id->revision, c.page->data + 32, 4); + + id->valid = 1; + return; +} + +void spc_prevent(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct command c; + + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_PREVENT, sizeof(SPC_PREVENT)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_PREVENT); + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void spc_allow(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct command c; + + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_ALLOW, sizeof(SPC_ALLOW)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_ALLOW); + c.page = NULL; + c.dir = NO_TRANSFER; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void spc_sense_caps(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct scsi_mode_data *m; + int size; + unsigned char *page; + struct command c; + + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE); + c.opcode[2] = 0x2A; + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + size = c.page->data[0] * 256 + c.page->data[1]; + m = d->mdata; + page = c.page->data + 8; + + m->buffer_size = page[12] * 256 + page[13]; + m->dvdram_read = page[2] & 32; + m->dvdram_write = page[3] & 32; + m->dvdr_read = page[2] & 16; + m->dvdr_write = page[3] & 16; + m->dvdrom_read = page[2] & 8; + m->simulate = page[3] & 4; + m->cdrw_read = page[2] & 2; + m->cdrw_write = page[3] & 2; + m->cdr_read = page[2] & 1; + m->cdr_write = page[3] & 1; + m->max_read_speed = page[8] * 256 + page[9]; + m->cur_read_speed = page[14] * 256 + page[15]; + m->max_write_speed = page[18] * 256 + page[19]; + m->cur_write_speed = page[20] * 256 + page[21]; + m->c2_pointers = page[5] & 16; + m->valid = 1; + m->underrun_proof = page[4] & 128; +} + +void spc_sense_error_params(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct scsi_mode_data *m; + int size; + unsigned char *page; + struct command c; + + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE); + c.opcode[2] = 0x01; + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + size = c.page->data[0] * 256 + c.page->data[1]; + m = d->mdata; + page = c.page->data + 8; + d->params.retries = page[3]; + m->retry_page_length = page[1]; + m->retry_page_valid = 1; +} + +void spc_select_error_params(struct burn_drive *d, + const struct burn_read_opts *o) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct command c; + + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT); + c.opcode[8] = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->retry_page_length; + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + assert(d->mdata->valid); + memset(c.page->data, 0, 8 + 2 + d->mdata->retry_page_length); + c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->retry_page_length; + c.page->data[8] = 1; + c.page->data[9] = d->mdata->retry_page_length; + if (o->transfer_damaged_blocks) + c.page->data[10] |= 32; + if (o->report_recovered_errors) + c.page->data[10] |= 4; + if (!o->hardware_error_recovery) + c.page->data[10] |= 1; +/*burn_print(1, "error parameter 0x%x\n", c->page->data[10]);*/ + c.page->data[11] = d->params.retries; + c.dir = TO_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void spc_sense_write_params(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct scsi_mode_data *m; + int size; + unsigned char *page; + struct command c; + + assert(d->mdata->cdr_write || d->mdata->cdrw_write || + d->mdata->dvdr_write || d->mdata->dvdram_write); + + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SENSE, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SENSE); + c.opcode[2] = 0x05; + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + c.dir = FROM_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + size = c.page->data[0] * 256 + c.page->data[1]; + m = d->mdata; + page = c.page->data + 8; + burn_print(1, "write page length 0x%x\n", page[1]); + m->write_page_length = page[1]; + m->write_page_valid = 1; + mmc_read_disc_info(d); +} + +void spc_select_write_params(struct burn_drive *d, + const struct burn_write_opts *o) +{ + struct buffer buf; + struct command c; + int bufe, sim; + + assert(o->drive == d); + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT); + c.opcode[8] = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length; + c.page = &buf; + c.page->bytes = 0; + c.page->sectors = 0; + assert(d->mdata->valid); + memset(c.page->data, 0, 8 + 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length); + c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + d->mdata->write_page_length; + c.page->data[8] = 5; + c.page->data[9] = d->mdata->write_page_length; + + burn_print(12, "using write page length %d (valid %d)\n", + d->mdata->write_page_length, d->mdata->write_page_valid); + bufe = o->underrun_proof; + sim = o->simulate; + c.page->data[10] = (bufe << 6) + + (sim << 4) + + o->write_type; + c.page->data[11] = (o->multi << 6) | o->control; + c.page->data[12] = spc_block_type(o->block_type); + c.page->data[22] = 0; + c.page->data[23] = 150; /* audio pause length */ +/*XXX need session format! */ + c.dir = TO_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); +} + +void spc_getcaps(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + spc_inquiry(d); + spc_sense_caps(d); + spc_sense_error_params(d); +} + +/* +only called when a blank is present, so we set type to blank +(on the last pass) + +don't check totally stupid modes (raw/raw0) +some drives say they're ok, and they're not. +*/ + +void spc_probe_write_modes(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct buffer buf; + int try_write_type = 1; + int try_block_type = 0; + int key, asc, ascq; + struct command c; + + while (try_write_type != 4) { + burn_print(9, "trying %d, %d\n", try_write_type, + try_block_type); + memcpy(c.opcode, SPC_MODE_SELECT, sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT)); + c.retry = 1; + c.oplen = sizeof(SPC_MODE_SELECT); + c.opcode[8] = 8 + 2 + 0x32; + c.page = &buf; + + memset(c.page->data, 0, 8 + 2 + 0x32); + c.page->bytes = 8 + 2 + 0x32; + + c.page->data[8] = 5; + c.page->data[9] = 0x32; + c.page->data[10] = try_write_type; + if (try_block_type > 4) + c.page->data[11] = 4; + else + c.page->data[11] = 0; + c.page->data[12] = try_block_type; + c.page->data[23] = 150; + c.dir = TO_DRIVE; + d->issue_command(d, &c); + + key = c.sense[2]; + asc = c.sense[12]; + ascq = c.sense[13]; + + if (key) + burn_print(7, "%d not supported\n", try_block_type); + else { + burn_print(7, "%d:%d SUPPORTED MODE!\n", + try_write_type, try_block_type); + if (try_write_type == 2) /* sao */ + d->block_types[try_write_type] = + BURN_BLOCK_SAO; + else + d->block_types[try_write_type] |= + 1 << try_block_type; + } + switch (try_block_type) { + case 0: + case 1: + case 2: + try_block_type++; + break; + case 3: + try_block_type = 8; + break; + case 8: + case 9: + case 10: + case 11: + case 12: + try_block_type++; + break; + case 13: + try_block_type = 0; + try_write_type++; + break; + default: + return; + } + } +} + +int spc_block_type(enum burn_block_types b) +{ + switch (b) { + case BURN_BLOCK_SAO: + return 0; /* ignored bitz */ + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW0: + return 0; + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW16: + return 1; + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96P: + return 2; + case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R: + return 3; + case BURN_BLOCK_MODE1: + return 8; + case BURN_BLOCK_MODE2R: + return 9; + case BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_PATHETIC: + return 10; + case BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_LAME: + return 11; + case BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_OBSCURE: + return 12; + case BURN_BLOCK_MODE2_OK: + return 13; + } + assert(0); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/spc.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/spc.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2bca4ded --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/spc.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __SPC +#define __SPC + +#include "libburn.h" + +void spc_inquiry(struct burn_drive *); +void spc_prevent(struct burn_drive *); +void spc_allow(struct burn_drive *); +void spc_sense_caps(struct burn_drive *); +void spc_sense_error_params(struct burn_drive *); +void spc_select_error_params(struct burn_drive *, + const struct burn_read_opts *); +void spc_getcaps(struct burn_drive *d); +void spc_sense_write_params(struct burn_drive *); +void spc_select_write_params(struct burn_drive *, + const struct burn_write_opts *); +void spc_probe_write_modes(struct burn_drive *); +void spc_request_sense(struct burn_drive *d, struct buffer *buf); +int spc_block_type(enum burn_block_types b); +int spc_get_erase_progress(struct burn_drive *d); +int spc_test_unit_ready(struct burn_drive *d); + +#endif /*__SPC*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/structure.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/structure.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6719ab2e --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/structure.c @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "libburn.h" +#include "structure.h" +#include "write.h" +#include "debug.h" + +#define RESIZE(TO, NEW, pos) {\ + void *tmp;\ +\ + assert(!(pos > BURN_POS_END));\ + if (pos == BURN_POS_END)\ + pos = TO->NEW##s;\ + if (pos > TO->NEW##s)\ + return 0;\ +\ + tmp = realloc(TO->NEW, sizeof(struct NEW *) * (TO->NEW##s + 1));\ + if (!tmp)\ + return 0;\ + TO->NEW = tmp;\ + memmove(TO->NEW + pos + 1, TO->NEW + pos,\ + sizeof(struct NEW *) * (TO->NEW##s - pos));\ + TO->NEW##s++;\ +} + +struct burn_disc *burn_disc_create(void) +{ + struct burn_disc *d; + d = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_disc)); + memset(d, 0, sizeof(struct burn_disc)); + d->refcnt = 1; + d->sessions = 0; + d->session = NULL; + return d; +} + +void burn_disc_free(struct burn_disc *d) +{ + d->refcnt--; + if (d->refcnt == 0) { + /* dec refs on all elements */ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < d->sessions; i++) + burn_session_free(d->session[i]); + free(d->session); + free(d); + } +} + +struct burn_session *burn_session_create(void) +{ + struct burn_session *s; + s = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_session)); + memset(s, 0, sizeof(struct burn_session)); + s->refcnt = 1; + s->tracks = 0; + s->track = NULL; + s->hidefirst = 0; + return s; +} + +void burn_session_hide_first_track(struct burn_session *s, int onoff) +{ + s->hidefirst = onoff; +} + +void burn_session_free(struct burn_session *s) +{ + s->refcnt--; + if (s->refcnt == 0) { + /* dec refs on all elements */ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++) + burn_track_free(s->track[i]); + free(s->track); + free(s); + } + +} + +int burn_disc_add_session(struct burn_disc *d, struct burn_session *s, + unsigned int pos) +{ + RESIZE(d, session, pos); + d->session[pos] = s; + s->refcnt++; + return 1; +} + +struct burn_track *burn_track_create(void) +{ + struct burn_track *t; + t = malloc(sizeof(struct burn_track)); + memset(t, 0, sizeof(struct burn_track)); + t->refcnt = 1; + t->indices = 0; + t->offset = 0; + t->offsetcount = 0; + t->tail = 0; + t->tailcount = 0; + t->mode = BURN_MODE1; + t->isrc.has_isrc = 0; + t->pad = 1; + t->entry = NULL; + t->source = NULL; + t->postgap = 0; + t->pregap1 = 0; + t->pregap2 = 0; + return t; +} + +void burn_track_free(struct burn_track *t) +{ + t->refcnt--; + if (t->refcnt == 0) { + /* dec refs on all elements */ + if (t->source) + burn_source_free(t->source); + free(t); + } +} + +int burn_session_add_track(struct burn_session *s, struct burn_track *t, + unsigned int pos) +{ + RESIZE(s, track, pos); + s->track[pos] = t; + t->refcnt++; + return 1; +} + +int burn_session_remove_track(struct burn_session *s, struct burn_track *t) +{ + struct burn_track **tmp; + int i, pos = -1; + + assert(s->track != NULL); + + burn_track_free(t); + + /* Find the position */ + for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++) { + if (t == s->track[i]) + pos = i; + } + + if (pos == -1) + return 0; + + /* Is it the last track? */ + if (pos != s->tracks) { + memmove(s->track[pos], s->track[pos + 1], + sizeof(struct burn_track *) * (s->tracks - (pos + 1))); + } + + s->tracks--; + tmp = realloc(s->track, sizeof(struct burn_track *) * s->tracks); + if (!tmp) + return 0; + s->track = tmp; + return 1; +} + +void burn_structure_print_disc(struct burn_disc *d) +{ + int i; + + burn_print(12, "This disc has %d sessions\n", d->sessions); + for (i = 0; i < d->sessions; i++) { + burn_structure_print_session(d->session[i]); + } +} +void burn_structure_print_session(struct burn_session *s) +{ + int i; + + burn_print(12, " Session has %d tracks\n", s->tracks); + for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++) { + burn_structure_print_track(s->track[i]); + } +} +void burn_structure_print_track(struct burn_track *t) +{ + burn_print(12, "(%p) track size %d sectors\n", t, + burn_track_get_sectors(t)); +} + +void burn_track_define_data(struct burn_track *t, int offset, int tail, + int pad, int mode) +{ + t->offset = offset; + t->pad = pad; + t->mode = mode; + t->tail = tail; +} + +void burn_track_set_isrc(struct burn_track *t, char *country, char *owner, + unsigned char year, unsigned int serial) +{ + int i; + + t->isrc.has_isrc = 1; + for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { + assert((country[i] >= '0' || country[i] < '9') && + (country[i] >= 'a' || country[i] < 'z') && + (country[i] >= 'A' || country[i] < 'Z')); + t->isrc.country[i] = country[i]; + } + for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { + assert((owner[i] >= '0' || owner[i] < '9') && + (owner[i] >= 'a' || owner[i] < 'z') && + (owner[i] >= 'A' || owner[i] < 'Z')); + t->isrc.owner[i] = owner[i]; + } + assert(year <= 99); + t->isrc.year = year; + assert(serial <= 99999); + t->isrc.serial = serial; +} + +void burn_track_clear_isrc(struct burn_track *t) +{ + t->isrc.has_isrc = 0; +} + +int burn_track_get_sectors(struct burn_track *t) +{ + int size; + int sectors, seclen; + + seclen = burn_sector_length(t->mode); + size = t->offset + t->source->get_size(t->source) + t->tail; + sectors = size / seclen; + if (size % seclen) + sectors++; + burn_print(1, "%d sectors of %d length\n", sectors, seclen); + return sectors; +} + +int burn_track_get_shortage(struct burn_track *t) +{ + int size; + int seclen; + + seclen = burn_sector_length(t->mode); + size = t->offset + t->source->get_size(t->source) + t->tail; + if (size % seclen) + return seclen - size % seclen; + return 0; +} + +int burn_session_get_sectors(struct burn_session *s) +{ + int sectors = 0, i; + + for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++) + sectors += burn_track_get_sectors(s->track[i]); + return sectors; +} + +int burn_disc_get_sectors(struct burn_disc *d) +{ + int sectors = 0, i; + + for (i = 0; i < d->sessions; i++) + sectors += burn_session_get_sectors(d->session[i]); + return sectors; +} + +void burn_track_get_entry(struct burn_track *t, struct burn_toc_entry *entry) +{ + memcpy(entry, t->entry, sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry)); +} + +void burn_session_get_leadout_entry(struct burn_session *s, + struct burn_toc_entry *entry) +{ + memcpy(entry, s->leadout_entry, sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry)); +} + +struct burn_session **burn_disc_get_sessions(struct burn_disc *d, int *num) +{ + *num = d->sessions; + return d->session; +} + +struct burn_track **burn_session_get_tracks(struct burn_session *s, int *num) +{ + *num = s->tracks; + return s->track; +} + +int burn_track_get_mode(struct burn_track *track) +{ + return track->mode; +} + +int burn_session_get_hidefirst(struct burn_session *session) +{ + return session->hidefirst; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/structure.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/structure.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..61f083f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/structure.h @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +#ifndef BURN__STRUCTURE_H +#define BURN__STRUCTURE_H + +struct isrc +{ + int has_isrc; + char country[2]; /* each must be 0-9, A-Z */ + char owner[3]; /* each must be 0-9, A-Z */ + unsigned char year; /* must be 0-99 */ + unsigned int serial; /* must be 0-99999 */ +}; + +struct burn_track +{ + int refcnt; + struct burn_toc_entry *entry; + unsigned char indices; + /* lba address of the index */ + unsigned int index[99]; + /** number of 0 bytes to write before data */ + int offset; + /** how much offset has been used */ + int offsetcount; + /** Number of zeros to write after data */ + int tail; + /** how much tail has been used */ + int tailcount; + /** 1 means Pad with zeros, 0 means start reading the next track */ + int pad; + /** Data source */ + struct burn_source *source; + /** End of Source flag */ + int eos; + /** The audio/data mode for the entry. Derived from control and + possibly from reading the track's first sector. */ + int mode; + /** The track contains interval one of a pregap */ + int pregap1; + /** The track contains interval two of a pregap */ + int pregap2; + /** The track contains a postgap */ + int postgap; + struct isrc isrc; +}; + +struct burn_session +{ + unsigned char firsttrack; + unsigned char lasttrack; + int hidefirst; + unsigned char start_m; + unsigned char start_s; + unsigned char start_f; + struct burn_toc_entry *leadout_entry; + + int tracks; + struct burn_track **track; + int refcnt; +}; + +struct burn_disc +{ + int sessions; + struct burn_session **session; + int refcnt; +}; + +int burn_track_get_shortage(struct burn_track *t); + +#endif /* BURN__STRUCTURE_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/toc.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/toc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d0d3fd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/toc.c @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "toc.h" +#include "transport.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "sector.h" +#include "options.h" + +#if 0 +static void write_clonecd2(volatile struct toc *toc, int f); + +static void write_clonecd2(volatile struct toc *toc, int f) +{ + int i; + + /* header */ + dprintf(f, "[CloneCD]\r\n"); + dprintf(f, "Version=2\r\n"); + dprintf(f, "\r\n"); + + /* disc data */ + dprintf(f, "[Disc]\r\n"); + + dprintf(f, "TocEntries=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entries); + dprintf(f, "Sessions=%d\r\n", toc->sessions); + dprintf(f, "DataTracksScrambled=%d\r\n", toc->datatracksscrambled); + dprintf(f, "CDTextLength=%d\r\n", toc->cdtextlength); + dprintf(f, "\r\n"); + + /* session data */ + for (i = 0; i < toc->sessions; ++i) { + dprintf(f, "[Session %d]\r\n", i + 1); + + { + int m; + + switch (toc->session[i].track[0]->mode) { + case BURN_MODE_RAW_DATA: + case BURN_MODE_AUDIO: + m = 0; + break; + case BURN_MODE0: + m = 1; + break; + case BURN_MODE1: + case BURN_MODE2_FORMLESS: + case BURN_MODE2_FORM1: + case BURN_MODE2_FORM2: + case BURN_MODE_UNINITIALIZED: + assert(0); /* unhandled! find out ccd's + value for these modes! */ + } + dprintf(f, "PreGapMode=%d\r\n", m); + } + dprintf(f, "\r\n"); + } + + for (i = 0; i < toc->toc_entries; ++i) { + dprintf(f, "[Entry %d]\r\n", i); + + dprintf(f, "Session=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].session); + dprintf(f, "Point=0x%02x\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].point); + dprintf(f, "ADR=0x%02x\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].adr); + dprintf(f, "Control=0x%02x\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].control); + dprintf(f, "TrackNo=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].tno); + dprintf(f, "AMin=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].min); + dprintf(f, "ASec=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].sec); + dprintf(f, "AFrame=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].frame); + dprintf(f, "ALBA=%d\r\n", + burn_msf_to_lba(toc->toc_entry[i].min, + toc->toc_entry[i].sec, + toc->toc_entry[i].frame)); + dprintf(f, "Zero=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].zero); + dprintf(f, "PMin=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].pmin); + dprintf(f, "PSec=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].psec); + dprintf(f, "PFrame=%d\r\n", toc->toc_entry[i].pframe); + dprintf(f, "PLBA=%d\r\n", + burn_msf_to_lba(toc->toc_entry[i].pmin, + toc->toc_entry[i].psec, + toc->toc_entry[i].pframe)); + dprintf(f, "\r\n"); + } +} +#endif + +void toc_find_modes(struct burn_drive *d) +{ + struct burn_read_opts o; + int lba; + int i, j; + struct buffer mem; + struct burn_toc_entry *e; + + assert(d->busy); + + mem.bytes = 0; + mem.sectors = 1; + o.raw = 1; + o.c2errors = 0; + o.subcodes_audio = 1; + o.subcodes_data = 1; + o.hardware_error_recovery = 1; + o.report_recovered_errors = 0; + o.transfer_damaged_blocks = 1; + o.hardware_error_retries = 1; + + for (i = 0; i < d->disc->sessions; i++) + for (j = 0; j < d->disc->session[i]->tracks; j++) { + struct burn_track *t = d->disc->session[i]->track[j]; + + e = t->entry; + if (!e) + lba = 0; + else + lba = burn_msf_to_lba(e->pmin, e->psec, + e->pframe); +/* XXX | in the subcodes if appropriate! */ + if (e && !(e->control & 4)) { + t->mode = BURN_AUDIO; + } else { + mem.sectors = 1; + d->read_sectors(d, lba, mem.sectors, &o, &mem); + t->mode = sector_identify(mem.data); + } + } +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/toc.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/toc.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d804e75 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/toc.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __TOC_H +#define __TOC_H + +struct command; + +#include "libburn.h" +#include "structure.h" + +/* return if a given entry refers to a track position */ +#define TOC_ENTRY_IS_TRACK(drive, entrynum) \ + ((drive)->toc_entry[entrynum].point < 100) + +/* return if a given entry is in audio or data format */ +#define TOC_ENTRY_IS_AUDIO(drive, entrynum) \ + (~(drive)->toc_entry[entrynum].control & 4) + +/* return the point value for a given entry number */ +#define TOC_POINT(drive, entrynum) ((drive)->toc_entry[entrynum].point) + +/* return the track struct for a given entry number */ +#define TOC_TRACK(drive, entrynum) \ + ((drive)->track[TOC_POINT(drive, entrynum) - 1]) + +/* return the lba of a toc entry */ +#define TOC_ENTRY_PLBA(drive, entrynum) \ + burn_msf_to_lba((drive)->toc_entry[(entrynum)].pmin, \ + (drive)->toc_entry[(entrynum)].psec, \ + (drive)->toc_entry[(entrynum)].pframe) + +/* flags for the q subchannel control field */ +#define TOC_CONTROL_AUDIO (0) +#define TOC_CONTROL_DATA (1 << 2) +#define TOC_CONTROL_AUDIO_TWO_CHANNELS (0) +#define TOC_CONTROL_AUDIO_FOUR_CHANNELS (1 << 3) +#define TOC_CONTROL_AUDIO_PRE_EMPHASIS (1 << 0) +#define TOC_CONTROL_DATA_RECORDED_UNINTERRUPTED (0) +#define TOC_CONTROL_DATA_RECORDED_INCREMENT (1 << 0) +#define TOC_CONTROL_COPY_PROHIBITED (0) +#define TOC_CONTROL_COPY_PERMITTED (1 << 1) + +/** read a sector from each track on disc to determine modes + @param d The drive. +*/ +void toc_find_modes(struct burn_drive *d); + +#endif /*__TOC_H*/ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/transport.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/transport.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb71ad80 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/transport.h @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef __TRANSPORT +#define __TRANSPORT + +#include "libburn.h" + +#include +/* sg data structures */ +#include +#include +#include + +/* kludge! glibc headers don't define all the SCSI shit that we use! */ +#ifndef SG_GET_ACCESS_COUNT +# define SG_GET_ACCESS_COUNT 0x2289 +#endif + +#define BUFFER_SIZE 65536 + +enum transfer_direction +{ TO_DRIVE, FROM_DRIVE, NO_TRANSFER }; + +/* end of sg data structures */ + +/* generic 'drive' data structures */ + +struct cue_sheet +{ + int count; + unsigned char *data; +}; + +struct params +{ + int speed; + int retries; +}; + +struct buffer +{ + unsigned char data[BUFFER_SIZE]; + int sectors; + int bytes; +}; + +struct command +{ + unsigned char opcode[16]; + int oplen; + int dir; + unsigned char sense[128]; + int error; + int retry; + struct buffer *page; +}; + +struct scsi_inquiry_data +{ + char vendor[9]; + char product[17]; + char revision[5]; + int valid; +}; + +struct scsi_mode_data +{ + int buffer_size; + int dvdram_read; + int dvdram_write; + int dvdr_read; + int dvdr_write; + int dvdrom_read; + int cdrw_read; + int cdrw_write; + int cdr_read; + int cdr_write; + int simulate; + int max_read_speed; + int max_write_speed; + int cur_read_speed; + int cur_write_speed; + int retry_page_length; + int retry_page_valid; + int write_page_length; + int write_page_valid; + int c2_pointers; + int valid; + int underrun_proof; +}; + + +/** Gets initialized in enumerate_common() and burn_drive_register() */ +struct burn_drive +{ + int host; + int id; + int channel; + int lun; + char *devname; + int fd; + + /* ts A60904 : ticket 62, contribution by elmom */ + /** + Tells the index in scanned burn_drive_info array. + -1 if fallen victim to burn_drive_info_forget() + */ + int global_index; + + pthread_mutex_t access_lock; + + enum burn_disc_status status; + int erasable; + volatile int released; + int nwa; /* next writeable address */ + int alba; /* absolute lba */ + int rlba; /* relative lba in section */ + int start_lba; + int end_lba; + int toc_temp; + struct burn_disc *disc; /* disc structure */ + int block_types[4]; + struct buffer *buffer; + struct burn_progress progress; + + volatile int cancel; + volatile enum burn_drive_status busy; +/* transport functions */ + int (*grab) (struct burn_drive *); + int (*release) (struct burn_drive *); + int (*issue_command) (struct burn_drive *, struct command *); + +/* lower level functions */ + void (*erase) (struct burn_drive *, int); + void (*getcaps) (struct burn_drive *); + int (*write) (struct burn_drive *, int, struct buffer *); + void (*read_toc) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*lock) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*unlock) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*eject) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*load) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*read_disc_info) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*read_sectors) (struct burn_drive *, + int start, + int len, + const struct burn_read_opts *, struct buffer *); + void (*perform_opc) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*set_speed) (struct burn_drive *, int, int); + void (*send_parameters) (struct burn_drive *, + const struct burn_read_opts *); + void (*send_write_parameters) (struct burn_drive *, + const struct burn_write_opts *); + void (*send_cue_sheet) (struct burn_drive *, struct cue_sheet *); + void (*sync_cache) (struct burn_drive *); + int (*get_erase_progress) (struct burn_drive *); + int (*get_nwa) (struct burn_drive *); + void (*close_disc) (struct burn_drive * d, struct burn_write_opts * o); + void (*close_session) (struct burn_drive * d, + struct burn_write_opts * o); + int (*test_unit_ready) (struct burn_drive * d); + void (*probe_write_modes) (struct burn_drive * d); + struct params params; + struct scsi_inquiry_data *idata; + struct scsi_mode_data *mdata; + int toc_entries; + struct burn_toc_entry *toc_entry; +}; + +/* end of generic 'drive' data structures */ + +#endif /* __TRANSPORT */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/util.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/util.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cad28587 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/util.c @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include "../version.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "libburn.h" + +char *burn_strdup(char *s) +{ + char *ret; + int l; + + assert(s); + + l = strlen(s) + 1; + ret = malloc(l); + memcpy(ret, s, l); + + return ret; +} + +char *burn_strndup(char *s, int n) +{ + char *ret; + int l; + + assert(s); + assert(n > 0); + + l = strlen(s); + ret = malloc(l < n ? l : n); + + memcpy(ret, s, l < n - 1 ? l : n - 1); + ret[n - 1] = '\0'; + + return ret; +} + +void burn_version(int *major, int *minor, int *micro) +{ + *major = BURN_MAJOR_VERSION; + *minor = BURN_MINOR_VERSION; + *micro = BURN_MICRO_VERSION; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/util.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/util.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e74895d --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/util.h @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#ifndef __UTIL +#define __UTIL + +char *burn_strdup(char *s); + +char *burn_strndup(char *s, int n); + +#endif diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/write.c b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/write.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9bd88e35 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/write.c @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "error.h" +#include "sector.h" +#include "libburn.h" +#include "drive.h" +#include "transport.h" +#include "message.h" +#include "crc.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "init.h" +#include "lec.h" +#include "toc.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "sg.h" +#include "write.h" +#include "options.h" + +static int type_to_ctrl(int mode) +{ + int ctrl = 0; + + int data = BURN_MODE2 | BURN_MODE1 | BURN_MODE0; + + if (mode & data) { + ctrl |= 4; + } else if (mode & BURN_AUDIO) { + if (mode & BURN_4CH) + ctrl |= 8; + if (mode & BURN_PREEMPHASIS) + ctrl |= 1; + } else + assert(0); + + if (mode & BURN_COPY) + ctrl |= 2; + + return ctrl; +} + +/* only the ctrl nibble is set here (not adr) */ +static void type_to_form(int mode, unsigned char *ctladr, int *form) +{ + *ctladr = type_to_ctrl(mode) << 4; + + if (mode & BURN_AUDIO) + *form = 0; + if (mode & BURN_MODE0) + assert(0); + if (mode & BURN_MODE1) + *form = 0x10; + if (mode & BURN_MODE2) + assert(0); /* XXX someone's gonna want this sometime */ + if (mode & BURN_MODE_RAW) + *form = 0; + if (mode & BURN_SUBCODE_P16) /* must be expanded to R96 */ + *form |= 0x40; + if (mode & BURN_SUBCODE_P96) + *form |= 0xC0; + if (mode & BURN_SUBCODE_R96) + *form |= 0x40; +} + +int burn_write_flush(struct burn_write_opts *o) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + + if (d->buffer->bytes && !d->cancel) { + int err; + err = d->write(d, d->nwa, d->buffer); + if (err == BE_CANCELLED) + return 0; + d->nwa += d->buffer->sectors; + } + d->sync_cache(d); + return 1; +} + + +/* ts A60819: + This is unused since about Feb 2006, icculus.org/burn CVS. + The compiler complains. We shall please our compiler. +*/ +#ifdef Libburn_write_with_function_print_cuE + +static void print_cue(struct cue_sheet *sheet) +{ + int i; + unsigned char *unit; + + printf("\n"); + printf("ctladr|trno|indx|form|scms| msf\n"); + printf("------+----+----+----+----+--------\n"); + for (i = 0; i < sheet->count; i++) { + unit = sheet->data + 8 * i; + printf(" %1X %1X | %02X | %02X | %02X | %02X |", + (unit[0] & 0xf0) >> 4, unit[0] & 0xf, unit[1], unit[2], + unit[3], unit[4]); + printf("%02X:%02X:%02X\n", unit[5], unit[6], unit[7]); + } +} + +#endif /* Libburn_write_with_print_cuE */ + + +static void add_cue(struct cue_sheet *sheet, unsigned char ctladr, + unsigned char tno, unsigned char indx, + unsigned char form, unsigned char scms, int lba) +{ + unsigned char *unit; + unsigned char *ptr; + int m, s, f; + + burn_lba_to_msf(lba, &m, &s, &f); + + sheet->count++; + ptr = realloc(sheet->data, sheet->count * 8); + assert(ptr); + sheet->data = ptr; + unit = sheet->data + (sheet->count - 1) * 8; + unit[0] = ctladr; + unit[1] = tno; + unit[2] = indx; + unit[3] = form; + unit[4] = scms; + unit[5] = m; + unit[6] = s; + unit[7] = f; +} + +struct cue_sheet *burn_create_toc_entries(struct burn_write_opts *o, + struct burn_session *session) +{ + int i, m, s, f, form, pform, runtime = -150; + unsigned char ctladr; + struct burn_drive *d; + struct burn_toc_entry *e; + struct cue_sheet *sheet; + struct burn_track **tar = session->track; + int ntr = session->tracks; + int rem = 0; + + d = o->drive; + + sheet = malloc(sizeof(struct cue_sheet)); + sheet->data = NULL; + sheet->count = 0; + + type_to_form(tar[0]->mode, &ctladr, &form); + add_cue(sheet, ctladr | 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, runtime); + add_cue(sheet, ctladr | 1, 1, 0, form, 0, runtime); + runtime += 150; + + burn_print(1, "toc for %d tracks:\n", ntr); + d->toc_entries = ntr + 3; + assert(d->toc_entry == NULL); + d->toc_entry = malloc(d->toc_entries * sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry)); + e = d->toc_entry; + memset((void *)e, 0, d->toc_entries * sizeof(struct burn_toc_entry)); + e[0].point = 0xA0; + if (tar[0]->mode & BURN_AUDIO) + e[0].control = TOC_CONTROL_AUDIO; + else + e[0].control = TOC_CONTROL_DATA; + e[0].pmin = 1; + e[0].psec = o->format; + e[0].adr = 1; + e[1].point = 0xA1; + e[1].pmin = ntr; + e[1].adr = 1; + if (tar[ntr - 1]->mode & BURN_AUDIO) + e[1].control = TOC_CONTROL_AUDIO; + else + e[1].control = TOC_CONTROL_DATA; + e[2].point = 0xA2; + e[2].control = e[1].control; + e[2].adr = 1; + + tar[0]->pregap2 = 1; + pform = form; + for (i = 0; i < ntr; i++) { + type_to_form(tar[i]->mode, &ctladr, &form); + if (pform != form) { + add_cue(sheet, ctladr | 1, i + 1, 0, form, 0, runtime); + runtime += 150; +/* XXX fix pregap interval 1 for data tracks */ +/* ts A60813 silence righteous compiler warning about C++ style comments + This is possibly not a comment but rather a trace of Derek Foreman + experiments. Thus not to be beautified - but to be preserved rectified. +/ / if (!(form & BURN_AUDIO)) +/ / tar[i]->pregap1 = 1; +*/ + tar[i]->pregap2 = 1; + } +/* XXX HERE IS WHERE WE DO INDICES IN THE CUE SHEET */ +/* XXX and we should make sure the gaps conform to ecma-130... */ + tar[i]->entry = &e[3 + i]; + e[3 + i].point = i + 1; + burn_lba_to_msf(runtime, &m, &s, &f); + e[3 + i].pmin = m; + e[3 + i].psec = s; + e[3 + i].pframe = f; + e[3 + i].adr = 1; + e[3 + i].control = type_to_ctrl(tar[i]->mode); + burn_print(1, "track %d control %d\n", tar[i]->mode, + e[3 + i].control); + add_cue(sheet, ctladr | 1, i + 1, 1, form, 0, runtime); + runtime += burn_track_get_sectors(tar[i]); +/* if we're padding, we'll clear any current shortage. + if we're not, we'll slip toc entries by a sector every time our + shortage is more than a sector +XXX this is untested :) +*/ + if (!tar[i]->pad) { + rem += burn_track_get_shortage(tar[i]); + if (i +1 != ntr) + tar[i]->source->next = tar[i+1]->source; + } else if (rem) { + rem = 0; + runtime++; + } + if (rem > burn_sector_length(tar[i]->mode)) { + rem -= burn_sector_length(tar[i]->mode); + runtime--; + } + pform = form; + } + burn_lba_to_msf(runtime, &m, &s, &f); + e[2].pmin = m; + e[2].psec = s; + e[2].pframe = f; + burn_print(1, "run time is %d (%d:%d:%d)\n", runtime, m, s, f); + for (i = 0; i < d->toc_entries; i++) + burn_print(1, "point %d (%02d:%02d:%02d)\n", + d->toc_entry[i].point, d->toc_entry[i].pmin, + d->toc_entry[i].psec, d->toc_entry[i].pframe); + add_cue(sheet, ctladr | 1, 0xAA, 1, 1, 0, runtime); + return sheet; +} + +int burn_sector_length(int tracktype) +{ + if (tracktype & BURN_AUDIO) + return 2352; + if (tracktype & BURN_MODE_RAW) + return 2352; + if (tracktype & BURN_MODE1) + return 2048; + assert(0); + return 12345; +} + +int burn_subcode_length(int tracktype) +{ + if (tracktype & BURN_SUBCODE_P16) + return 16; + if ((tracktype & BURN_SUBCODE_P96) || (tracktype & BURN_SUBCODE_R96)) + return 96; + return 0; +} + +int burn_write_leadin(struct burn_write_opts *o, + struct burn_session *s, int first) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + int count; + + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_WRITING_LEADIN; + + burn_print(5, first ? " first leadin\n" : " leadin\n"); + + if (first) + count = 0 - d->alba - 150; + else + count = 4500; + + d->progress.start_sector = d->alba; + d->progress.sectors = count; + d->progress.sector = 0; + + while (count != 0) { + if (!sector_toc(o, s->track[0]->mode)) + return 0; + count--; + d->progress.sector++; + } + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_WRITING; + return 1; +} + +int burn_write_leadout(struct burn_write_opts *o, + int first, unsigned char control, int mode) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + int count; + + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_WRITING_LEADOUT; + + d->rlba = -150; + burn_print(5, first ? " first leadout\n" : " leadout\n"); + if (first) + count = 6750; + else + count = 2250; + d->progress.start_sector = d->alba; + d->progress.sectors = count; + d->progress.sector = 0; + + while (count != 0) { + if (!sector_lout(o, control, mode)) + return 0; + count--; + d->progress.sector++; + } + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_WRITING; + return 1; +} + +int burn_write_session(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_session *s) +{ + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + struct burn_track *prev = NULL, *next = NULL; + int i; + + d->rlba = 0; + burn_print(1, " writing a session\n"); + for (i = 0; i < s->tracks; i++) { + if (i > 0) + prev = s->track[i - 1]; + if (i + 1 < s->tracks) + next = s->track[i + 1]; + else + next = NULL; + + if (!burn_write_track(o, s, i)) + return 0; + } + return 1; +} + +int burn_write_track(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_session *s, + int tnum) +{ + struct burn_track *t = s->track[tnum]; + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + int i, tmp = 0; + int sectors; + + d->rlba = -150; + +/* XXX for tao, we don't want the pregaps but still want post? */ + if (o->write_type != BURN_WRITE_TAO) { + if (t->pregap1) + d->rlba += 75; + if (t->pregap2) + d->rlba += 150; + + if (t->pregap1) { + struct burn_track *pt = s->track[tnum - 1]; + + if (tnum == 0) { + printf("first track should not have a pregap1\n"); + pt = t; + } + for (i = 0; i < 75; i++) + if (!sector_pregap(o, t->entry->point, + pt->entry->control, pt->mode)) + return 0; + } + if (t->pregap2) + for (i = 0; i < 150; i++) + if (!sector_pregap(o, t->entry->point, + t->entry->control, t->mode)) + return 0; + } else { + o->control = t->entry->control; + d->send_write_parameters(d, o); + } + +/* user data */ + sectors = burn_track_get_sectors(t); + + /* Update progress */ + d->progress.start_sector = d->nwa; + d->progress.sectors = sectors; + d->progress.sector = 0; + + /* ts A60831: added tnum-line, extended print message on proposal + by bonfire-app@wanadoo.fr in http://libburn.pykix.org/ticket/58 */ + d->progress.track = tnum; + burn_print(12, "track %d is %d sectors long\n", tnum, sectors); + + if (tnum == s->tracks) + tmp = sectors > 150 ? 150 : sectors; + + for (i = 0; i < sectors - tmp; i++) { + if (!sector_data(o, t, 0)) + return 0; + + /* update current progress */ + d->progress.sector++; + } + for (; i < sectors; i++) { + burn_print(1, "last track, leadout prep\n"); + if (!sector_data(o, t, 1)) + return 0; + + /* update progress */ + d->progress.sector++; + } + + if (t->postgap) + for (i = 0; i < 150; i++) + if (!sector_postgap(o, t->entry->point, t->entry->control, + t->mode)) + return 0; + i = t->offset; + if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO) { + if (d->buffer->bytes) { + int err; + err = d->write(d, d->nwa, d->buffer); + if (err == BE_CANCELLED) + return 0; + d->nwa += d->buffer->sectors; + d->buffer->bytes = 0; + d->buffer->sectors = 0; + } + } + if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_TAO) + if (!burn_write_flush(o)) + return 0; + return 1; +} + +void burn_disc_write_sync(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_disc *disc) +{ + struct cue_sheet *sheet; + struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; + struct buffer buf; + struct burn_track *lt; + int first = 1, i; + int res; + + burn_message_clear_queue(); + + burn_print(1, "sync write of %d sessions\n", disc->sessions); + d->buffer = &buf; + memset(d->buffer, 0, sizeof(struct buffer)); + + d->rlba = -150; + + d->toc_temp = 9; + +/* Apparently some drives require this command to be sent, and a few drives +return crap. so we send the command, then ignore the result. +*/ + res = d->get_nwa(d); +/* printf("ignored nwa: %d\n", res);*/ + + d->alba = d->start_lba; + d->nwa = d->alba; + + if (o->write_type != BURN_WRITE_TAO) + d->send_write_parameters(d, o); + + /* init progress before showing the state */ + d->progress.session = 0; + d->progress.sessions = disc->sessions; + d->progress.track = 0; + d->progress.tracks = disc->session[0]->tracks; + /* TODO: handle indices */ + d->progress.index = 0; + d->progress.indices = disc->session[0]->track[0]->indices; + /* TODO: handle multissession discs */ + /* XXX: sectors are only set during write track */ + d->progress.start_sector = 0; + d->progress.sectors = 0; + d->progress.sector = 0; + + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_WRITING; + + for (i = 0; i < disc->sessions; i++) { + /* update progress */ + d->progress.session = i; + d->progress.tracks = disc->session[i]->tracks; + + sheet = burn_create_toc_entries(o, disc->session[i]); +/* print_cue(sheet);*/ + if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO) + d->send_cue_sheet(d, sheet); + free(sheet); + + if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_RAW) { + if (!burn_write_leadin(o, disc->session[i], first)) + goto fail; + } else { + if (first) { + d->nwa = -150; + d->alba = -150; + } else { + d->nwa += 4500; + d->alba += 4500; + } + } + if (!burn_write_session(o, disc->session[i])) + goto fail; + + lt = disc->session[i]->track[disc->session[i]->tracks - 1]; + if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_RAW) { + if (!burn_write_leadout(o, first, lt->entry->control, + lt->mode)) + goto fail; + } else { + if (!burn_write_flush(o)) + goto fail; + d->nwa += first ? 6750 : 2250; + d->alba += first ? 6750 : 2250; + } + if (first) + first = 0; + + /* XXX: currently signs an end of session */ + d->progress.sector = 0; + d->progress.start_sector = 0; + d->progress.sectors = 0; + } + if (o->write_type != BURN_WRITE_SAO) + if (!burn_write_flush(o)) + goto fail; + sleep(1); + + burn_print(1, "done\n"); + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; + +fail: + d->sync_cache(d); + burn_print(1, "done - failed\n"); + d->busy = BURN_DRIVE_IDLE; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libburn/write.h b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/write.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d7eb733f --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libburn/write.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#ifndef BURN__WRITE_H +#define BURN__WRITE_H + +struct cue_sheet; +struct burn_session; +struct burn_write_opts; +struct burn_disc; + +struct cue_sheet *burn_create_toc_entries(struct burn_write_opts *o, + struct burn_session *session); +int burn_sector_length(int trackmode); +int burn_subcode_length(int trackmode); +void burn_disc_write_sync(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_disc *disc); +int burn_write_leadin(struct burn_write_opts *o, + struct burn_session *s, int first); +int burn_write_leadout(struct burn_write_opts *o, + int first, unsigned char control, int mode); +int burn_write_session(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_session *s); +int burn_write_track(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_session *s, + int tnum); +int burn_write_flush(struct burn_write_opts *o); + +#endif /* BURN__WRITE_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs-1.pc.in b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs-1.pc.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32f3070a --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs-1.pc.in @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +prefix=@prefix@ +exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@ +libdir=@libdir@ +includedir=@includedir@ + +Name: libisofs +Description: ISO9660 filesystem creation library +Version: @VERSION@ +Requires: +Libs: -L${libdir} -lisofs +Cflags: -I${includedir}/libburn diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/Makefile b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/Makefile new file mode 100755 index 00000000..062350dd --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +all clean: + $(MAKE) -C .. -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@ + +.PHONY: all clean diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/Makefile.am b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/Makefile.am new file mode 100755 index 00000000..e2f197ee --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig +libincludedir=$(includedir)/libburn + +##bin_PROGRAMS = test + +lib_LTLIBRARIES = libisofs.la + +libisofs_la_SOURCES = \ + tree.h \ + tree.c \ + volume.h \ + volume.c \ + util.h \ + util.c \ + ecma119.c \ + ecma119.h \ + ecma119_tree.c \ + ecma119_tree.h \ + susp.h \ + susp.c \ + rockridge.h \ + rockridge.c \ + joliet.c \ + joliet.h + +libinclude_HEADERS = libisofs.h + +##test_SOURCES = test.c +##test_LDADD = libisofs.la + +##noinst_PROGRAMS = test +##test_SOURCES = test.c +##test_LDADD = $(libisofs_la_OBJECTS) + +##INCLUDES = -I../burn/libburn + +## ========================================================================= ## +indent_files = $(libisofs_la_SOURCES) + +indent: $(indent_files) + indent -bad -bap -nbbb -nbbo -nbc -bli0 -br -bls \ + -cdw -ce -cli0 -ncs -nbfda -i8 -l79 -lc79 \ + -lp -saf -sai -nprs -npsl -saw -sob -ss -ut \ + -sbi0 -nsc -ts8 -npcs -ncdb -fca \ + $^ + +.PHONY: indent + +## ========================================================================= ## diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119.c new file mode 100755 index 00000000..5a2b2fc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119.c @@ -0,0 +1,692 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "ecma119.h" +#include "ecma119_tree.h" +#include "susp.h" +#include "rockridge.h" +#include "joliet.h" +#include "volume.h" +#include "tree.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "libisofs.h" +#include "libburn/libburn.h" + +/* burn-source compatible stuff */ +static int +bs_read(struct burn_source *bs, unsigned char *buf, int size); +static off_t +bs_get_size(struct burn_source *bs); +static void +bs_free_data(struct burn_source *bs); + +typedef void (*write_fn)(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); + +/* return true if the given state is only required for Joliet volumes */ +static int +is_joliet_state(enum ecma119_write_state); + +static void +next_state(struct ecma119_write_target *t); + +/* write t->state_data to the buf, one block at a time */ +static void +write_data_chunk(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); + +/* writing functions. All these functions assume the buf is large enough */ +static void +write_pri_vol_desc(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); +static void +write_vol_desc_terminator(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); +static void +write_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, int l_type, uint8_t *buf); +static void +write_l_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); +static void +write_m_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); +static void +write_one_dir_record(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir, + int file_id, + uint8_t *buf); +static void +write_one_dir(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir, + uint8_t *buf); +static void +write_dirs(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); + +/* wrapper functions for writing */ +static void wr_system_area(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); +static void wr_pri_vol_desc(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); +static void wr_vol_desc_term(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); +static void wr_l_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); +static void wr_m_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); +static void wr_dir_records(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); +static void wr_files(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*); + +static const write_fn writers[] = +{ + NULL, + wr_system_area, + wr_pri_vol_desc, + joliet_wr_sup_vol_desc, + wr_vol_desc_term, + wr_l_path_table, + wr_m_path_table, + joliet_wr_l_path_table, + joliet_wr_m_path_table, + wr_dir_records, + joliet_wr_dir_records, + wr_files +}; + +/* When a writer is created, we + * 1) create an ecma119 tree + * 2) add SUSP fields (if necessary) + * 3) calculate the size and position of all nodes in the tree + * 4) finalize SUSP fields (if necessary) + */ + +static void +add_susp_fields_rec(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + size_t i; + + if (!node->iso_self) + return; + + rrip_add_PX(t, node); + rrip_add_NM(t, node); + rrip_add_TF(t, node); + if (node->iso_self->attrib.st_rdev) + rrip_add_PN(t, node); + if (S_ISLNK(node->iso_self->attrib.st_mode)) + rrip_add_SL(t, node); + if (node->type == ECMA119_FILE && node->file.real_me) + rrip_add_CL(t, node); + if (node->type == ECMA119_DIR + && node->dir.real_parent != node->parent) { + rrip_add_RE(t, node); + rrip_add_PL(t, node); + } + susp_add_CE(t, node); + + if (node->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + for (i = 0; i < node->dir.nchildren; i++) { + add_susp_fields_rec(t, node->dir.children[i]); + } + } +} + +static void +add_susp_fields(struct ecma119_write_target *t) +{ + susp_add_SP(t, t->root); + rrip_add_ER(t, t->root); + add_susp_fields_rec(t, t->root); +} + +/** + * Fill out the dir.len and dir.CE_len fields for each + * ecma119_tree_node that is a directory. Also calculate the total number of + * directories and the number of files for which we need to write out data. + * (dirlist_len and filelist_len) + */ +static void +calc_dir_size(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + size_t i; + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + t->dirlist_len++; + dir->dir.len = 34 + dir->dir.self_susp.non_CE_len + + 34 + dir->dir.parent_susp.non_CE_len; + dir->dir.CE_len = dir->dir.self_susp.CE_len + + dir->dir.parent_susp.CE_len; + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[i]; + + dir->dir.len += ch->dirent_len + ch->susp.non_CE_len; + dir->dir.CE_len += ch->susp.CE_len; + } + t->total_dir_size += round_up(dir->dir.len + dir->dir.CE_len, + t->block_size); + + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[i]; + struct iso_tree_node *iso = ch->iso_self; + if (ch->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + calc_dir_size(t, ch); + } else if (iso && iso->attrib.st_size + && iso->loc.type == LIBISO_FILESYS + && iso->loc.path) { + t->filelist_len++; + } + } +} + +/** + * Fill out the block field in each ecma119_tree_node that is a directory and + * fill out t->dirlist. + */ +static void +calc_dir_pos(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + size_t i; + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + /* we don't need to set iso_self->block since each tree writes + * its own directories */ + dir->block = t->curblock; + t->curblock += div_up(dir->dir.len + dir->dir.CE_len, t->block_size); + t->dirlist[t->curfile++] = dir; + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[i]; + if (ch->type == ECMA119_DIR) + calc_dir_pos(t, ch); + } + + /* reset curfile when we're finished */ + if (!dir->parent) { + t->curfile = 0; + } +} + +/** + * Fill out the block field for each ecma119_tree_node that is a file and fill + * out t->filelist. + */ +static void +calc_file_pos(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + size_t i; + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[i]; + if (ch->type == ECMA119_FILE && ch->iso_self) { + struct iso_tree_node *iso = ch->iso_self; + off_t size = iso->attrib.st_size; + + iso->block = ch->block = t->curblock; + t->curblock += div_up(size, t->block_size); + if (size && iso->loc.type == LIBISO_FILESYS + && iso->loc.path) + t->filelist[t->curfile++] = ch; + } + } + + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[i]; + if (ch->type == ECMA119_DIR) + calc_file_pos(t, ch); + } + + /* reset curfile when we're finished */ + if (!dir->parent) { + t->curfile = 0; + } +} + +struct ecma119_write_target* +ecma119_target_new(struct iso_volset *volset, + int volnum, + int level, + int flags) +{ + struct ecma119_write_target *t = + calloc(1, sizeof(struct ecma119_write_target)); + size_t i, j, cur; + struct iso_tree_node *iso_root = volset->volume[volnum]->root; + + volset->refcount++; + t->root = ecma119_tree_create(t, iso_root); + t->joliet = (flags & ECMA119_JOLIET) ? 1 : 0; + if (t->joliet) + t->joliet_root = joliet_tree_create(t, iso_root); + t->volset = volset; + t->volnum = volnum; + t->now = time(NULL); + + t->rockridge = (flags & ECMA119_ROCKRIDGE) ? 1 : 0; + t->iso_level = level; + t->block_size = 2048; + + if (t->rockridge) + add_susp_fields(t); + calc_dir_size(t, t->root); + if (t->joliet) { + joliet_calc_dir_size(t, t->joliet_root); + t->pathlist_joliet = calloc(1, sizeof(void*) * t->dirlist_len); + t->dirlist_joliet = calloc(1, sizeof(void*) * t->dirlist_len); + } + + t->dirlist = calloc(1, sizeof(void*) * t->dirlist_len); + t->pathlist = calloc(1, sizeof(void*) * t->dirlist_len); + t->filelist = calloc(1, sizeof(void*) * t->filelist_len); + + /* fill out the pathlist */ + t->pathlist[0] = t->root; + t->path_table_size = 10; /* root directory record */ + cur = 1; + for (i = 0; i < t->dirlist_len; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir = t->pathlist[i]; + for (j = 0; j < dir->dir.nchildren; j++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[j]; + if (ch->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + size_t len = 8 + strlen(ch->name); + t->pathlist[cur++] = ch; + t->path_table_size += len + len % 2; + } + } + } + + t->curblock = 16 /* system area */ + + 1 /* volume desc */ + + 1; /* volume desc terminator */ + + if (t->joliet) /* supplementary vol desc */ + t->curblock += div_up (2048, t->block_size); + + t->l_path_table_pos = t->curblock; + t->curblock += div_up(t->path_table_size, t->block_size); + t->m_path_table_pos = t->curblock; + t->curblock += div_up(t->path_table_size, t->block_size); + if (t->joliet) { + joliet_prepare_path_tables(t); + t->l_path_table_pos_joliet = t->curblock; + t->curblock += div_up(t->path_table_size_joliet, t->block_size); + t->m_path_table_pos_joliet = t->curblock; + t->curblock += div_up(t->path_table_size_joliet, t->block_size); + } + + calc_dir_pos(t, t->root); + if (t->joliet) + joliet_calc_dir_pos(t, t->joliet_root); + calc_file_pos(t, t->root); + + if (t->rockridge) { + susp_finalize(t, t->root); + rrip_finalize(t, t->root); + } + + t->total_size = t->curblock * t->block_size; + t->vol_space_size = t->curblock; + + /* prepare for writing */ + t->curblock = 0; + t->state = ECMA119_WRITE_SYSTEM_AREA; + + return t; +} + +static int +is_joliet_state(enum ecma119_write_state state) +{ + return state == ECMA119_WRITE_SUP_VOL_DESC_JOLIET + || state == ECMA119_WRITE_L_PATH_TABLE_JOLIET + || state == ECMA119_WRITE_M_PATH_TABLE_JOLIET + || state == ECMA119_WRITE_DIR_RECORDS_JOLIET; +} + +static void +next_state(struct ecma119_write_target *t) +{ + t->state++; + while (!t->joliet && is_joliet_state(t->state)) + t->state++; + + printf ("now in state %d, curblock=%d\n", (int)t->state, (int)t->curblock); +} + +static void +wr_system_area(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + memset(buf, 0, t->block_size); + if (t->curblock == 15) { + next_state(t); + } +} +static void +wr_pri_vol_desc(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, write_pri_vol_desc, 2048, buf); +} + +static void +wr_vol_desc_term(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, write_vol_desc_terminator, 2048, buf); +} + +static void +wr_l_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, write_l_path_table, t->path_table_size, buf); +} + +static void +wr_m_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, write_m_path_table, t->path_table_size, buf); +} + +static void +wr_dir_records(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, write_dirs, t->total_dir_size, buf); +} + +static void +wr_files(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + struct state_files *f_st = &t->state_files; + size_t nread; + struct ecma119_tree_node *f = t->filelist[f_st->file]; + const char *path = f->iso_self->loc.path; + + if (!f_st->fd) { + f_st->data_len = f->iso_self->attrib.st_size; + f_st->fd = fopen(path, "r"); + if (!f_st->fd) + err(1, "couldn't open %s for reading", path); + assert(t->curblock == f->block); + } + + nread = fread(buf, 1, t->block_size, f_st->fd); + f_st->pos += t->block_size; + if (nread < 0) + warn("problem reading from %s", path); + else if (nread != t->block_size && f_st->pos < f_st->data_len) + warnx("incomplete read from %s", path); + if (f_st->pos >= f_st->data_len) { + fclose(f_st->fd); + f_st->fd = 0; + f_st->pos = 0; + f_st->file++; + if (f_st->file >= t->filelist_len) + next_state(t); + } +} + +static void +write_pri_vol_desc(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + struct ecma119_pri_vol_desc *vol = (struct ecma119_pri_vol_desc*)buf; + struct iso_volume *volume = t->volset->volume[t->volnum]; + char *vol_id = wcstoascii(volume->volume_id); + char *pub_id = wcstoascii(volume->publisher_id); + char *data_id = wcstoascii(volume->data_preparer_id); + char *volset_id = wcstoascii(t->volset->volset_id); + + vol->vol_desc_type[0] = 1; + memcpy(vol->std_identifier, "CD001", 5); + vol->vol_desc_version[0] = 1; + memcpy(vol->system_id, "SYSID", 5); + if (vol_id) + strncpy((char*)vol->volume_id, vol_id, 32); + iso_bb(vol->vol_space_size, t->vol_space_size, 4); + iso_bb(vol->vol_set_size, t->volset->volset_size, 2); + iso_bb(vol->vol_seq_number, t->volnum + 1, 2); + iso_bb(vol->block_size, t->block_size, 2); + iso_bb(vol->path_table_size, t->path_table_size, 4); + iso_lsb(vol->l_path_table_pos, t->l_path_table_pos, 4); + iso_msb(vol->m_path_table_pos, t->m_path_table_pos, 4); + + write_one_dir_record(t, t->root, 3, vol->root_dir_record); + + strncpy((char*)vol->vol_set_id, volset_id, 128); + strncpy((char*)vol->publisher_id, pub_id, 128); + strncpy((char*)vol->data_prep_id, data_id, 128); + strncpy((char*)vol->application_id, "APPID", 128); + + iso_datetime_17(vol->vol_creation_time, t->now); + iso_datetime_17(vol->vol_modification_time, t->now); + iso_datetime_17(vol->vol_effective_time, t->now); + vol->file_structure_version[0] = 1; + + free(vol_id); + free(volset_id); + free(pub_id); + free(data_id); +} + +static void +write_vol_desc_terminator(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + struct ecma119_vol_desc_terminator *vol = + (struct ecma119_vol_desc_terminator*) buf; + + vol->vol_desc_type[0] = 255; + memcpy(vol->std_identifier, "CD001", 5); + vol->vol_desc_version[0] = 1; +} + +static void +write_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, int l_type, uint8_t *buf) +{ + void (*write_int)(uint8_t*, uint32_t, int) = l_type ? iso_lsb + : iso_msb; + size_t i; + struct ecma119_path_table_record *rec; + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir; + int parent = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < t->dirlist_len; i++) { + dir = t->pathlist[i]; + while ((i) && t->pathlist[parent] != dir->parent) + parent++; + assert(parent < i || i == 0); + + rec = (struct ecma119_path_table_record*) buf; + rec->len_di[0] = dir->parent ? (uint8_t) strlen(dir->name) : 1; + rec->len_xa[0] = 0; + write_int(rec->block, dir->block, 4); + write_int(rec->parent, parent + 1, 2); + if (dir->parent) + memcpy(rec->dir_id, dir->name, rec->len_di[0]); + buf += 8 + rec->len_di[0] + (rec->len_di[0] % 2); + } +} + +static void +write_l_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + write_path_table(t, 1, buf); +} + +static void +write_m_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + write_path_table(t, 0, buf); +} + +/* if file_id is >= 0, we use it instead of the filename. As a magic number, + * file_id == 3 means that we are writing the root directory record (in order + * to distinguish it from the "." entry in the root directory) */ +static void +write_one_dir_record(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *node, + int file_id, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + uint8_t len_dr = (file_id >= 0) ? 34 : node->dirent_len; + uint8_t len_fi = (file_id >= 0) ? 1 : strlen(node->name); + uint8_t f_id = (uint8_t) ((file_id == 3) ? 0 : file_id); + uint8_t *name = (file_id >= 0) ? &f_id : (uint8_t*)node->name; + uint32_t len = (node->type == ECMA119_DIR) ? node->dir.len + : node->file.real_me ? 0 : node->iso_self->attrib.st_size; + struct ecma119_dir_record *rec = (struct ecma119_dir_record*)buf; + + /* we don't write out susp fields for the root node */ + if (t->rockridge) { + if (file_id == 0) { + susp_write(t, &node->dir.self_susp, &buf[len_dr]); + len_dr += node->dir.self_susp.non_CE_len; + } else if (file_id == 1) { + susp_write(t, &node->dir.parent_susp, &buf[len_dr]); + len_dr += node->dir.parent_susp.non_CE_len; + } else if (file_id < 0) { + susp_write(t, &node->susp, &buf[len_dr]); + len_dr += node->susp.non_CE_len; + } + } + if (file_id == 1 && node->parent) + node = node->parent; + + rec->len_dr[0] = len_dr; + iso_bb(rec->block, node->block, 4); + iso_bb(rec->length, len, 4); + iso_datetime_7(rec->recording_time, t->now); + rec->flags[0] = (node->type == ECMA119_DIR) ? 2 : 0; + iso_bb(rec->vol_seq_number, t->volnum + 1, 2); + rec->len_fi[0] = len_fi; + memcpy(rec->file_id, name, len_fi); +} + +static void +write_one_dir(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + size_t i; + uint8_t *orig_buf = buf; + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + /* write the "." and ".." entries first */ + write_one_dir_record(t, dir, 0, buf); + buf += ((struct ecma119_dir_record*) buf)->len_dr[0]; + + write_one_dir_record(t, dir, 1, buf); + buf += ((struct ecma119_dir_record*) buf)->len_dr[0]; + + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + write_one_dir_record(t, dir->dir.children[i], -1, buf); + buf += ((struct ecma119_dir_record*) buf)->len_dr[0]; + } + + /* write the susp continuation areas */ + if (t->rockridge) { + susp_write_CE(t, &dir->dir.self_susp, buf); + buf += dir->dir.self_susp.CE_len; + susp_write_CE(t, &dir->dir.parent_susp, buf); + buf += dir->dir.parent_susp.CE_len; + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + susp_write_CE(t, &dir->dir.children[i]->susp, buf); + buf += dir->dir.children[i]->susp.CE_len; + } + } + assert (buf - orig_buf == dir->dir.len + dir->dir.CE_len); +} + +static void +write_dirs(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + size_t i; + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir; + for (i = 0; i < t->dirlist_len; i++) { + dir = t->dirlist[i]; + write_one_dir(t, dir, buf); + buf += round_up(dir->dir.len + dir->dir.CE_len, t->block_size); + } +} + +void +ecma119_start_chunking(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + write_fn writer, + off_t data_size, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + if (data_size != t->state_data_size) { + data_size = round_up(data_size, t->block_size); + t->state_data = realloc(t->state_data, data_size); + t->state_data_size = data_size; + } + memset(t->state_data, 0, t->state_data_size); + t->state_data_off = 0; + t->state_data_valid = 1; + writer(t, t->state_data); + write_data_chunk(t, buf); +} + +static void +write_data_chunk(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + memcpy(buf, t->state_data + t->state_data_off, t->block_size); + t->state_data_off += t->block_size; + if (t->state_data_off >= t->state_data_size) { + assert (t->state_data_off <= t->state_data_size); + t->state_data_valid = 0; + next_state(t); + } +} + +static int +bs_read(struct burn_source *bs, unsigned char *buf, int size) +{ + struct ecma119_write_target *t = (struct ecma119_write_target*)bs->data; + if (size != t->block_size) { + warnx("you must read data in block-sized chunks (%d bytes)", + (int)t->block_size); + return 0; + } else if (t->curblock >= t->vol_space_size) { + return 0; + } + if (t->state_data_valid) + write_data_chunk(t, buf); + else + writers[t->state](t, buf); + t->curblock++; + return size; +} + +static off_t +bs_get_size(struct burn_source *bs) +{ + struct ecma119_write_target *t = (struct ecma119_write_target*)bs->data; + return t->total_size; +} + +static void +bs_free_data(struct burn_source *bs) +{ + struct ecma119_write_target *t = (struct ecma119_write_target*)bs->data; + ecma119_tree_free(t->root); + free(t->dirlist); + free(t->pathlist); + free(t->dirlist_joliet); + free(t->pathlist_joliet); + free(t->filelist); + free(t->state_data); + if (t->state_files.fd) + fclose(t->state_files.fd); +} + +struct burn_source *iso_source_new_ecma119(struct iso_volset *volset, + int volnum, + int level, + int flags) +{ + struct burn_source *ret = calloc(1, sizeof(struct burn_source)); + ret->refcount = 1; + ret->read = bs_read; + ret->get_size = bs_get_size; + ret->free_data = bs_free_data; + ret->data = ecma119_target_new(volset, volnum, level, flags); + return ret; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119.h new file mode 100755 index 00000000..79505509 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119.h @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * \file ecma119.h + * + * Structures and definitions used for writing an emca119 (ISO9660) compatible + * volume. + */ + +#ifndef LIBISO_ECMA119_H +#define LIBISO_ECMA119_H + +#include +#include +#include /* for FILE */ +#include +#include "susp.h" + +struct ecma119_tree_node; +struct joliet_tree_node; + +/** + * The possible states that the ecma119 writer can be in. + */ +enum ecma119_write_state +{ + ECMA119_WRITE_BEFORE, + + ECMA119_WRITE_SYSTEM_AREA, + ECMA119_WRITE_PRI_VOL_DESC, + ECMA119_WRITE_SUP_VOL_DESC_JOLIET, + ECMA119_WRITE_VOL_DESC_TERMINATOR, + ECMA119_WRITE_L_PATH_TABLE, + ECMA119_WRITE_M_PATH_TABLE, + ECMA119_WRITE_L_PATH_TABLE_JOLIET, + ECMA119_WRITE_M_PATH_TABLE_JOLIET, + ECMA119_WRITE_DIR_RECORDS, + ECMA119_WRITE_DIR_RECORDS_JOLIET, + ECMA119_WRITE_FILES, + + ECMA119_WRITE_DONE +}; + +/** + * Data describing the state of the ecma119 writer. Everything here should be + * considered private! + */ +struct ecma119_write_target +{ + struct ecma119_tree_node *root; + struct joliet_tree_node *joliet_root; + struct iso_volset *volset; + int volnum; + + time_t now; /**< Time at which writing began. */ + off_t total_size; /**< Total size of the output. This only + * includes the current volume. */ + uint32_t vol_space_size; + + unsigned int rockridge:1; + unsigned int joliet:1; + unsigned int iso_level:2; + + int curblock; + uint16_t block_size; + uint32_t path_table_size; + uint32_t path_table_size_joliet; + uint32_t l_path_table_pos; + uint32_t m_path_table_pos; + uint32_t l_path_table_pos_joliet; + uint32_t m_path_table_pos_joliet; + uint32_t total_dir_size; + uint32_t total_dir_size_joliet; + + struct ecma119_tree_node **dirlist; + /**< A pre-order list of directories + * (this is the order in which we write + * out directory records). + */ + struct ecma119_tree_node **pathlist; + /**< A breadth-first list of + * directories. This is used for + * writing out the path tables. + */ + size_t dirlist_len; /**< The length of the previous 2 lists. + */ + + struct ecma119_tree_node **filelist; + /**< A pre-order list of files with + * non-NULL paths and non-zero sizes. + */ + size_t filelist_len; /* Length of the previous list. */ + + int curfile; /**< Used as a helper field for writing + out filelist and dirlist */ + + /* Joliet versions of the above lists. Since Joliet doesn't require + * directory relocation, the order of these lists might be different + * from the lists above (but they will be the same length). + */ + struct joliet_tree_node **dirlist_joliet; + struct joliet_tree_node **pathlist_joliet; + + enum ecma119_write_state state; /* The current state of the writer. */ + + /* Most writers work by + * 1) making sure state_data is big enough for their data + * 2) writing _all_ their data into state_data + * 3) relying on write_data_chunk to write the data block + * by block. + */ + uint8_t *state_data; + off_t state_data_size; + off_t state_data_off; + int state_data_valid; + + /* for writing out files */ + struct state_files { + off_t pos; /* The number of bytes we have written + * so far in the current file. + */ + off_t data_len;/* The number of bytes in the currently + * open file. + */ + FILE *fd; /* The currently open file. */ + int file; /* The index in filelist that we are + * currently writing (or about to write). */ + } state_files; +}; + +/** + * Create a new ecma119_write_target from the given volume number of the + * given volume set. + * + * \pre \p volnum is less than \p volset-\>volset_size. + * \post For each node in the tree, writer_data has been allocated. + * \post The directory heirarchy has been reorganised to be ecma119-compatible. + */ +struct ecma119_write_target *ecma119_target_new(struct iso_volset *volset, + int volnum, + int level, + int flags); + +#define BP(a,b) [(b) - (a) + 1] + +struct ecma119_pri_vol_desc +{ + uint8_t vol_desc_type BP(1, 1); + uint8_t std_identifier BP(2, 6); + uint8_t vol_desc_version BP(7, 7); + uint8_t unused1 BP(8, 8); + uint8_t system_id BP(9, 40); + uint8_t volume_id BP(41, 72); + uint8_t unused2 BP(73, 80); + uint8_t vol_space_size BP(81, 88); + uint8_t unused3 BP(89, 120); + uint8_t vol_set_size BP(121, 124); + uint8_t vol_seq_number BP(125, 128); + uint8_t block_size BP(129, 132); + uint8_t path_table_size BP(133, 140); + uint8_t l_path_table_pos BP(141, 144); + uint8_t opt_l_path_table_pos BP(145, 148); + uint8_t m_path_table_pos BP(149, 152); + uint8_t opt_m_path_table_pos BP(153, 156); + uint8_t root_dir_record BP(157, 190); + uint8_t vol_set_id BP(191, 318); + uint8_t publisher_id BP(319, 446); + uint8_t data_prep_id BP(447, 574); + uint8_t application_id BP(575, 702); + uint8_t copyright_file_id BP(703, 739); + uint8_t abstract_file_id BP(740, 776); + uint8_t bibliographic_file_id BP(777, 813); + uint8_t vol_creation_time BP(814, 830); + uint8_t vol_modification_time BP(831, 847); + uint8_t vol_expiration_time BP(848, 864); + uint8_t vol_effective_time BP(865, 881); + uint8_t file_structure_version BP(882, 882); + uint8_t reserved1 BP(883, 883); + uint8_t app_use BP(884, 1395); + uint8_t reserved2 BP(1396, 2048); +}; + +struct ecma119_sup_vol_desc +{ + uint8_t vol_desc_type BP(1, 1); + uint8_t std_identifier BP(2, 6); + uint8_t vol_desc_version BP(7, 7); + uint8_t vol_flags BP(8, 8); + uint8_t system_id BP(9, 40); + uint8_t volume_id BP(41, 72); + uint8_t unused2 BP(73, 80); + uint8_t vol_space_size BP(81, 88); + uint8_t esc_sequences BP(89, 120); + uint8_t vol_set_size BP(121, 124); + uint8_t vol_seq_number BP(125, 128); + uint8_t block_size BP(129, 132); + uint8_t path_table_size BP(133, 140); + uint8_t l_path_table_pos BP(141, 144); + uint8_t opt_l_path_table_pos BP(145, 148); + uint8_t m_path_table_pos BP(149, 152); + uint8_t opt_m_path_table_pos BP(153, 156); + uint8_t root_dir_record BP(157, 190); + uint8_t vol_set_id BP(191, 318); + uint8_t publisher_id BP(319, 446); + uint8_t data_prep_id BP(447, 574); + uint8_t application_id BP(575, 702); + uint8_t copyright_file_id BP(703, 739); + uint8_t abstract_file_id BP(740, 776); + uint8_t bibliographic_file_id BP(777, 813); + uint8_t vol_creation_time BP(814, 830); + uint8_t vol_modification_time BP(831, 847); + uint8_t vol_expiration_time BP(848, 864); + uint8_t vol_effective_time BP(865, 881); + uint8_t file_structure_version BP(882, 882); + uint8_t reserved1 BP(883, 883); + uint8_t app_use BP(884, 1395); + uint8_t reserved2 BP(1396, 2048); +}; + +struct ecma119_vol_desc_terminator +{ + uint8_t vol_desc_type BP(1, 1); + uint8_t std_identifier BP(2, 6); + uint8_t vol_desc_version BP(7, 7); + uint8_t reserved BP(8, 2048); +}; + +struct ecma119_dir_record +{ + uint8_t len_dr BP(1, 1); + uint8_t len_xa BP(2, 2); + uint8_t block BP(3, 10); + uint8_t length BP(11, 18); + uint8_t recording_time BP(19, 25); + uint8_t flags BP(26, 26); + uint8_t file_unit_size BP(27, 27); + uint8_t interleave_gap_size BP(28, 28); + uint8_t vol_seq_number BP(29, 32); + uint8_t len_fi BP(33, 33); + uint8_t file_id BP(34, 34); /* 34 to 33+len_fi */ + /* padding field (if len_fi is even) */ + /* system use (len_dr - len_su + 1 to len_dr) */ +}; + +struct ecma119_path_table_record +{ + uint8_t len_di BP(1, 1); + uint8_t len_xa BP(2, 2); + uint8_t block BP(3, 6); + uint8_t parent BP(7, 8); + uint8_t dir_id BP(9, 9); /* 9 to 8+len_di */ + /* padding field (if len_di is odd) */ +}; + +/** + * A utility function for writers that want to write their data all at once + * rather than block-by-block. This creates a buffer of size \p size, passes + * it to the given writer, then hands out block-sized chunks. + */ +void +ecma119_start_chunking(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + void (*)(struct ecma119_write_target*, uint8_t*), + off_t size, + uint8_t *buf); + +#endif /* LIBISO_ECMA119_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119_tree.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119_tree.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0cbd387a --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119_tree.c @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "ecma119.h" +#include "ecma119_tree.h" +#include "tree.h" +#include "util.h" + +static size_t calc_dirent_len(struct ecma119_tree_node *n) +{ + int ret = n->name ? strlen(n->name) + 33 : 34; + if (ret % 2) ret++; + return ret; +} + +static struct ecma119_tree_node* +create_dir(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *parent, + struct iso_tree_node *iso) +{ + struct ecma119_tree_node *ret; + + assert(t && (!parent || parent->type == ECMA119_DIR) + && iso && S_ISDIR(iso->attrib.st_mode)); + + ret = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ecma119_tree_node)); + ret->name = iso->name ? ((t->iso_level == 1) ? iso_1_dirid(iso->name) + : iso_2_dirid(iso->name)) + : NULL; + ret->dirent_len = calc_dirent_len(ret); + ret->iso_self = iso; + ret->target = t; + ret->type = ECMA119_DIR; + ret->parent = ret->dir.real_parent = parent; + ret->dir.depth = parent ? parent->dir.depth + 1 : 1; + ret->dir.nchildren = iso->nchildren; + ret->dir.children = calloc(1, sizeof(void*) * iso->nchildren); + return ret; +} + +static struct ecma119_tree_node* +create_file(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *parent, + struct iso_tree_node *iso) +{ + struct ecma119_tree_node *ret; + + assert(t && iso && parent && parent->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + ret = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ecma119_tree_node)); + ret->name = iso->name ? ((t->iso_level == 1) ? iso_1_fileid(iso->name) + : iso_2_fileid(iso->name)) + : NULL; + ret->dirent_len = calc_dirent_len(ret); + ret->parent = parent; + ret->iso_self = iso; + ret->target = t; + ret->type = ECMA119_FILE; + return ret; +} + +static struct ecma119_tree_node* +create_tree(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *parent, + struct iso_tree_node *iso) +{ + struct ecma119_tree_node *ret; + size_t i; + + assert(t && iso); + + ret = (S_ISDIR(iso->attrib.st_mode) ? create_dir : create_file) + (t, parent, iso); + for (i = 0; i < iso->nchildren; i++) { + ret->dir.children[i] = create_tree(t, ret, iso->children[i]); + } + return ret; +} + +void +ecma119_tree_free(struct ecma119_tree_node *root) +{ + size_t i; + + if (root->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + for (i=0; i < root->dir.nchildren; i++) { + ecma119_tree_free(root->dir.children[i]); + } + free(root->dir.children); + } + free(root->name); + free(root); +} + +static size_t +max_child_name_len(struct ecma119_tree_node *root) +{ + size_t ret = 0, i; + + assert(root->type == ECMA119_DIR); + for (i=0; i < root->dir.nchildren; i++) { + size_t len = strlen(root->dir.children[i]->name); + ret = MAX(ret, len); + } + return ret; +} + +static void +reparent(struct ecma119_tree_node *child, + struct ecma119_tree_node *parent) +{ + int found = 0; + size_t i; + struct ecma119_tree_node *placeholder; + + assert(child && parent && parent->type == ECMA119_DIR && child->parent); + + /* replace the child in the original parent with a placeholder */ + for (i=0; i < child->parent->dir.nchildren; i++) { + if (child->parent->dir.children[i] == child) { + placeholder = create_file(child->target, + child->parent, + child->iso_self); + placeholder->file.real_me = child; + child->parent->dir.children[i] = placeholder; + found = 1; + break; + } + } + assert(found); + + /* add the child to its new parent */ + child->parent = parent; + parent->dir.nchildren++; + parent->dir.children = realloc( parent->dir.children, + sizeof(void*) * parent->dir.nchildren ); + parent->dir.children[parent->dir.nchildren-1] = child; +} + +/** + * Reorder the tree, if necessary, to ensure that + * - the depth is at most 8 + * - each path length is at most 255 characters + */ +static void +reorder_tree(struct ecma119_tree_node *root, + struct ecma119_tree_node *cur) +{ + size_t max_path; + + assert(root && cur && cur->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + cur->dir.depth = cur->parent ? cur->parent->dir.depth + 1 : 1; + cur->dir.path_len = cur->parent ? cur->parent->dir.path_len + + strlen(cur->name) : 0; + max_path = cur->dir.path_len + cur->dir.depth + max_child_name_len(cur); + + if (cur->dir.depth > 8 || max_path > 255) { + reparent(cur, root); + /* we are appended to the root's children now, so there is no + * need to recurse (the root will hit us again) */ + } else { + size_t i; + + for (i=0; i < cur->dir.nchildren; i++) { + if (cur->dir.children[i]->type == ECMA119_DIR) + reorder_tree(root, cur->dir.children[i]); + } + } +} + +static int +cmp_node(const void *f1, const void *f2) +{ + struct ecma119_tree_node *f = *((struct ecma119_tree_node**)f1); + struct ecma119_tree_node *g = *((struct ecma119_tree_node**)f2); + return strcmp(f->name, g->name); +} + +static void +sort_tree(struct ecma119_tree_node *root) +{ + size_t i; + + assert(root && root->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + qsort(root->dir.children, root->dir.nchildren, sizeof(void*), cmp_node); + for (i=0; i < root->dir.nchildren; i++) { + if (root->dir.children[i]->type == ECMA119_DIR) + sort_tree(root->dir.children[i]); + } +} + +/** + * Change num_change characters of the given filename in order to ensure the + * name is unique. If the name is short enough (depending on the ISO level), + * we can append the characters instead of changing them. + * + * \p seq_num is the index of this file in the sequence of identical filenames. + * + * For example, seq_num=3, num_change=2, name="HELLOTHERE.TXT" changes name to + * "HELLOTHE03.TXT" + */ +static void +mangle_name(char **name, int num_change, int level, int seq_num) +{ + char *dot = strrchr(*name, '.'); + char *semi = strrchr(*name, ';'); + size_t len = strlen(*name); + char base[len+1], ext[len+1]; + char fmt[12]; + size_t baselen, extlen; + + if (num_change >= len) { + return; + } + strncpy(base, *name, len+1); + if (dot) { + base[dot - *name] = '\0'; + strncpy(ext, dot+1, len+1); + if (semi) { + ext[semi - dot - 1] = '\0'; + } + } else { + base[len-2] = '\0'; + ext[0] = '\0'; + } + baselen = strlen(base); + extlen = strlen(ext); + if (level == 1 && baselen + num_change > 8) { + base[8 - num_change] = '\0'; + } else if (level != 1 && baselen + extlen + num_change > 30) { + base[30 - extlen - num_change] = '\0'; + } + + sprintf(fmt, "%%s%%0%1dd.%%s;1", num_change); + *name = realloc(*name, baselen + extlen + num_change + 4); + sprintf(*name, fmt, base, seq_num, ext); +} + +static void +mangle_all(struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + size_t i, j, k; + struct ecma119_dir_info d = dir->dir; + size_t n_change; + int changed; + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + do { + changed = 0; + for (i=0; i < d.nchildren; i++) { + /* find the number of consecutive equal names */ + j = 1; + while ( i+j < d.nchildren && + !strcmp(d.children[i]->name, + d.children[i+j]->name) ) + j++; + if (j == 1) continue; + + /* mangle the names */ + changed = 1; + n_change = j / 10 + 1; + for (k=0; k < j; k++) { + mangle_name(&(d.children[i+k]->name), + n_change, + dir->target->iso_level, + k); + d.children[i+k]->dirent_len = + calc_dirent_len(d.children[i+k]); + } + + /* skip ahead by the number of mangled names */ + i += j - 1; + } + } while (changed); + + for (i=0; i < d.nchildren; i++) { + if (d.children[i]->type == ECMA119_DIR) + mangle_all(d.children[i]); + } +} + +struct ecma119_tree_node* +ecma119_tree_create(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct iso_tree_node *iso_root) +{ + t->root = create_tree(t, NULL, iso_root); + reorder_tree(t->root, t->root); + sort_tree(t->root); + mangle_all(t->root); + return t->root; +} + +void +ecma119_tree_print(struct ecma119_tree_node *root, int spaces) +{ + size_t i; + char sp[spaces+1]; + + memset(sp, ' ', spaces); + sp[spaces] = '\0'; + + printf("%s%s\n", sp, root->name); + if (root->type == ECMA119_DIR) + for (i=0; i < root->dir.nchildren; i++) + ecma119_tree_print(root->dir.children[i], spaces+2); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119_tree.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119_tree.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d6023b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/ecma119_tree.h @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * \file ecma119_tree.h + * + * Declarations for creating, modifying and printing filesystem trees that + * are compatible with ecma119. + */ + +#ifndef LIBISO_ECMA119_TREE_H +#define LIBISO_ECMA119_TREE_H + +struct ecma119_write_target; + +enum { + ECMA119_FILE, + ECMA119_DIR +}; + +struct ecma119_dir_info { + struct susp_info self_susp; /**< susp entries for "." */ + struct susp_info parent_susp; /**< susp entries for ".." */ + + size_t len; /**< sum of the lengths of children's + * Directory Records (including SU) */ + size_t CE_len; /**< sum of the lengths of children's + * SUSP CE areas */ + + int depth; + size_t path_len; /**< The length of a path up to, and + * including, this directory. This + * cannot exceed 255. */ + size_t nchildren; + struct ecma119_tree_node **children; + + struct ecma119_tree_node *real_parent; + /**< The parent before relocation */ +}; + +struct ecma119_file_info +{ + struct ecma119_tree_node *real_me; + /**< If this is non-NULL, the file is + * a placeholder for a relocated + * directory and this field points to + * that relocated directory. + */ +}; + +/** + * A node for a tree containing all the information necessary for writing + * an ISO9660 volume. + */ +struct ecma119_tree_node +{ + char *name; /**< in ASCII, conforming to the + * current ISO level. */ + size_t dirent_len; /**< Length of the directory record, + * not including SU. */ + size_t block; + + struct ecma119_tree_node *parent; + struct iso_tree_node *iso_self; + struct ecma119_write_target *target; + + struct susp_info susp; + + int type; /**< file or directory */ + /* union {*/ + struct ecma119_dir_info dir; + struct ecma119_file_info file; + /* };*/ +}; + +/** + * Create a new ecma119_tree that corresponds to the tree represented by + * \p iso_root. + */ +struct ecma119_tree_node* +ecma119_tree_create(struct ecma119_write_target *target, + struct iso_tree_node *iso_root); + +/** + * Free an ecma119 tree. + */ +void +ecma119_tree_free(struct ecma119_tree_node *root); + +/** + * Print an ecma119 tree. + */ +void +ecma119_tree_print(struct ecma119_tree_node *root, int spaces); + +#endif /* LIBISO_ECMA119_TREE_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/exclude.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/exclude.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..48e7fa21 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/exclude.c @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +#include "hash.h" +#include "exclude.h" + +static struct iso_hash_node *table[HASH_NODES]={0,}; +static int num=0; + +void +iso_exclude_add_path(const char *path) +{ + if (!path) + return; + + num += iso_hash_insert(table, path); +} + +void +iso_exclude_remove_path(const char *path) +{ + if (!num || !path) + return; + + num -= iso_hash_remove(table, path); +} + +void +iso_exclude_empty(void) +{ + if (!num) + return; + + iso_hash_empty(table); + num=0; +} + +int +iso_exclude_lookup(const char *path) +{ + if (!num || !path) + return 0; + + return iso_hash_lookup(table, path); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/exclude.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/exclude.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..319c4189 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/exclude.h @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#ifndef ISO_EXCLUDE_H +#define ISO_EXCLUDE_H + +/** + * Add a path to ignore when adding a directory recursively. + * + * \param path The path, on the local filesystem, of the file. + */ +int +iso_exclude_lookup(const char *path); + +#endif /* ISO_EXCLUDE */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/hash.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/hash.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1976efa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/hash.c @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +#include +#include + +#include "hash.h" + +static unsigned int +iso_hash_path(const char *path) +{ + unsigned int hash_num=0; + const char *c; + + c=path; + while(*c) + hash_num = (hash_num << 15) + (hash_num << 3) + (hash_num >> 3) + *c++; + + return hash_num % HASH_NODES; +} + +int +iso_hash_lookup(struct iso_hash_node **table, const char *path) +{ + struct iso_hash_node *node; + unsigned int hash_num; + + hash_num = iso_hash_path(path); + + node=table[hash_num]; + + if (!node) + return 0; + + if (!strcmp(path, node->path)) + return 1; + + while (node->next) { + node=node->next; + + if (!strcmp(path, node->path)) + return 1; + } + + return 0; + } + +static struct iso_hash_node* +iso_hash_node_new (const char *path) +{ + struct iso_hash_node *node; + + /*create an element to be inserted in the hash table */ + node=malloc(sizeof(struct iso_hash_node)); + node->path=strdup(path); + node->next=NULL; + + return node; +} + +int +iso_hash_insert(struct iso_hash_node **table, const char *path) +{ + struct iso_hash_node *node; + unsigned int hash_num; + + /* find the hash number */ + hash_num = iso_hash_path(path); + + /* insert it */ + node = table[hash_num]; + + /* unfortunately, we can't safely consider that a path + * won't be twice in the hash table so make sure it + * doesn't already exists */ + if (!node) { + table[hash_num]=iso_hash_node_new(path); + return 1; + } + + /* if it's already in, we don't do anything */ + if (!strcmp(path, node->path)) + return 0; + + while (node->next) { + node = node->next; + + /* if it's already in, we don't do anything */ + if (!strcmp (path, node->path)) + return 0; + } + + node->next = iso_hash_node_new(path); + return 1; +} + +static void +iso_hash_node_free(struct iso_hash_node *node) +{ + free(node->path); + free(node); +} + +int +iso_hash_remove(struct iso_hash_node **table, const char *path) +{ + unsigned int hash_num; + struct iso_hash_node *node; + + hash_num = iso_hash_path(path); + + node=table[hash_num]; + if (!node) + return 0; + + if (!strcmp(path, node->path)) { + table[hash_num]=node->next; + iso_hash_node_free(node); + return 1; + } + + while (node->next) { + struct iso_hash_node *prev; + + prev = node; + node = node->next; + + if (!strcmp (path, node->path)) { + prev->next=node->next; + iso_hash_node_free(node); + return 1; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +void +iso_hash_empty(struct iso_hash_node **table) +{ + int i; + + for (i=0; i < HASH_NODES; i++) { + struct iso_hash_node *node; + + node=table[i]; + if (!node) + continue; + + table[i]=NULL; + + do { + struct iso_hash_node *next; + + next=node->next; + iso_hash_node_free(node); + node=next; + } while (node); + } +} + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/hash.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/hash.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d691c78 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/hash.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#ifndef ISO_HASH_H +#define ISO_HASH_H + +struct iso_hash_node { + struct iso_hash_node *next; + char *path; +}; + +#define HASH_NODES 128 + +/** + * Searches in the hash table if the path exists. + * + * \param table The hash table. + * \param path The path of the file to look for. + * + * \return 1 if the path exists in the hash table, 0 otherwise. + */ +int iso_hash_lookup(struct iso_hash_node **table, const char *path); + +/** + * Insert a new path in the hash table. + * + * \param table The hash table. + * \param path The path of a file to add to the hash table. + * + * \return 1 if the file wasn't already in the hash table, 0 otherwise. + */ +int iso_hash_insert(struct iso_hash_node **table, const char *path); + +/** + * Remove a path from the hash table. + * + * \param table The hash table. + * \param path The path of a file to remove from the hash table. + * + * \return 1 if the file was found and removed, 0 otherwise. + */ +int iso_hash_remove(struct iso_hash_node **table, const char *path); + +/** + * Empty the hash table. + */ +void iso_hash_empty(struct iso_hash_node **table); + +#endif /* ISO_HASH_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/joliet.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/joliet.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82ec0ff3 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/joliet.c @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +#include "joliet.h" +#include "ecma119.h" +#include "ecma119_tree.h" +#include "tree.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "volume.h" + +#include +#include + +static struct joliet_tree_node* +create_node(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct joliet_tree_node *parent, + struct iso_tree_node *iso) +{ + struct joliet_tree_node *ret = + calloc(1, sizeof(struct joliet_tree_node)); + + ret->name = iso_j_id(iso->name); + ret->dirent_len = 34 + (ret->name ? ucslen(ret->name) * 2 : 0); + ret->len = iso->attrib.st_size; /* for dirs, we'll change this */ + ret->block = iso->block; /* only actually for files, not dirs */ + ret->parent = parent; + ret->iso_self = iso; + ret->target = t; + ret->nchildren = iso->nchildren; + if (ret->nchildren) + ret->children = calloc(sizeof(void*), ret->nchildren); + return ret; +} + +static struct joliet_tree_node* +create_tree(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct joliet_tree_node *parent, + struct iso_tree_node *iso_root) +{ + struct joliet_tree_node *root = create_node(t, parent, iso_root); + size_t i; + + for (i = 0; i < root->nchildren; i++) { + struct iso_tree_node *iso_ch = iso_root->children[i]; + if (ISO_ISDIR(iso_ch)) + root->children[i] = create_tree(t, root, iso_ch); + else + root->children[i] = create_node(t, root, iso_ch); + } + return root; +} + +static int +cmp_node(const void *f1, const void *f2) +{ + struct joliet_tree_node *f = *((struct joliet_tree_node**)f1); + struct joliet_tree_node *g = *((struct joliet_tree_node**)f2); + return ucscmp(f->name, g->name); +} + +static void +sort_tree(struct joliet_tree_node *root) +{ + size_t i; + + assert(root && ISO_ISDIR(root->iso_self)); + + qsort(root->children, root->nchildren, sizeof(void*), cmp_node); + for (i = 0; i < root->nchildren; i++) + if (ISO_ISDIR(root->children[i]->iso_self)) + sort_tree(root->children[i]); +} + +void +joliet_prepare_path_tables(struct ecma119_write_target *t) +{ + size_t cur, i, j; + + t->pathlist_joliet[0] = t->joliet_root; + t->path_table_size_joliet = 10; /* root directory record */ + cur = 1; + + for (i = 0; i < t->dirlist_len; i++) { + struct joliet_tree_node *dir = t->pathlist_joliet[i]; + for (j = 0; j < dir->nchildren; j++) { + struct joliet_tree_node *ch = dir->children[j]; + if (ISO_ISDIR(ch->iso_self)) { + size_t len = 8 + ucslen(ch->name)*2; + t->pathlist_joliet[cur++] = ch; + t->path_table_size_joliet += len; + } + } + } +} + +/** + * Calculate the size of each directory. + */ +void +joliet_calc_dir_size(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct joliet_tree_node *root) +{ + size_t i; + struct joliet_tree_node *ch; + + assert(root && ISO_ISDIR(root->iso_self)); + + root->len = 68; /* for "." and ".." entries */ + for (i = 0; i < root->nchildren; i++) { + ch = root->children[i]; + root->len += ch->dirent_len; + if (ISO_ISDIR(ch->iso_self)) + joliet_calc_dir_size(t, ch); + } + t->total_dir_size_joliet += round_up (root->len, t->block_size); +} + +/** + * Calculate the position of each directory. Also fill out t->dirlist_joliet. + */ +void +joliet_calc_dir_pos(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct joliet_tree_node *root) +{ + size_t i; + struct joliet_tree_node *ch; + + assert(root && ISO_ISDIR(root->iso_self)); + + root->block = t->curblock; + t->curblock += div_up(root->len, t->block_size); + t->dirlist_joliet[t->curfile++] = root; + for (i = 0; i < root->nchildren; i++) { + ch = root->children[i]; + if (ISO_ISDIR(ch->iso_self)) + joliet_calc_dir_pos(t, ch); + } + + /* reset curfile when we're finished */ + if (!root->parent) + t->curfile = 0; +} + +struct joliet_tree_node* +joliet_tree_create(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct iso_tree_node *iso_root) +{ + struct joliet_tree_node *root = create_tree(t, NULL, iso_root); + + sort_tree(root); + return root; +} + +/* ugh. this is mostly C&P */ +static void +write_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + int l_type, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + void (*write_int)(uint8_t*, uint32_t, int) = l_type ? + iso_lsb : iso_msb; + + size_t i; + struct ecma119_path_table_record *rec; + struct joliet_tree_node *dir; + int parent = 0; + + assert (t->joliet); + + for (i = 0; i < t->dirlist_len; i++) { + dir = t->pathlist_joliet[i]; + while ((i) && t->pathlist_joliet[parent] != dir->parent) + parent++; + assert(parent < i || i == 0); + + rec = (struct ecma119_path_table_record*) buf; + rec->len_di[0] = dir->parent ? + (uint8_t) ucslen(dir->name) * 2 : 1; + rec->len_xa[0] = 0; + write_int(rec->block, dir->block, 4); + write_int(rec->parent, parent + 1, 2); + if (dir->parent) + memcpy(rec->dir_id, dir->name, rec->len_di[0]); + buf += 8 + rec->len_di[0] + (rec->len_di[0] % 2); + } + +} + +/* if file_id is >= 0, we use it instead of the filename. As a magic number, + * file_id == 3 means that we are writing the root directory record (in order + * to distinguish it from the "." entry in the root directory) */ +static void +write_one_dir_record(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct joliet_tree_node *node, + int file_id, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + uint8_t len_dr = (file_id >= 0) ? 34 : node->dirent_len; + uint8_t len_fi = (file_id >= 0) ? 1 : ucslen(node->name) * 2; + uint8_t f_id = (uint8_t) ((file_id == 3) ? 0 : file_id); + uint8_t *name = (file_id >= 0) ? &f_id : (uint8_t*)node->name; + struct ecma119_dir_record *rec = (struct ecma119_dir_record*)buf; + + if (file_id == 1 && node->parent) + node = node->parent; + + rec->len_dr[0] = len_dr; + iso_bb(rec->block, node->block, 4); + iso_bb(rec->length, node->len, 4); + iso_datetime_7(rec->recording_time, t->now); + rec->flags[0] = ISO_ISDIR(node->iso_self) ? 2 : 0; + iso_bb(rec->vol_seq_number, t->volnum + 1, 2); + rec->len_fi[0] = len_fi; + memcpy(rec->file_id, name, len_fi); +} + +static void +write_l_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + write_path_table (t, 1, buf); +} + +static void +write_m_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + write_path_table (t, 0, buf); +} + +static void +write_sup_vol_desc(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + struct ecma119_sup_vol_desc *vol = (struct ecma119_sup_vol_desc*)buf; + struct iso_volume *volume = t->volset->volume[t->volnum]; + uint16_t *vol_id = wcstoucs(volume->volume_id); + uint16_t *pub_id = wcstoucs(volume->publisher_id); + uint16_t *data_id = wcstoucs(volume->data_preparer_id); + uint16_t *volset_id = wcstoucs(t->volset->volset_id); + int vol_id_len = MIN(32, ucslen(vol_id) * 2); + int pub_id_len = MIN(128, ucslen(pub_id) * 2); + int data_id_len = MIN(128, ucslen(data_id) * 2); + int volset_id_len = MIN(128, ucslen(volset_id) * 2); + + vol->vol_desc_type[0] = 2; + memcpy(vol->std_identifier, "CD001", 5); + vol->vol_desc_version[0] = 1; + memcpy(vol->system_id, "SYSID", 5); + if (vol_id) + memcpy(vol->volume_id, vol_id, vol_id_len); + memcpy(vol->esc_sequences, "%/E", 3); + iso_bb(vol->vol_space_size, t->vol_space_size, 4); + iso_bb(vol->vol_set_size, t->volset->volset_size, 2); + iso_bb(vol->vol_seq_number, t->volnum + 1, 2); + iso_bb(vol->block_size, t->block_size, 2); + iso_bb(vol->path_table_size, t->path_table_size_joliet, 4); + iso_lsb(vol->l_path_table_pos, t->l_path_table_pos_joliet, 4); + iso_msb(vol->m_path_table_pos, t->m_path_table_pos_joliet, 4); + + write_one_dir_record(t, t->joliet_root, 3, vol->root_dir_record); + + memcpy(vol->vol_set_id, volset_id, volset_id_len); + memcpy(vol->publisher_id, pub_id, pub_id_len); + memcpy(vol->data_prep_id, data_id, data_id_len); + /*memcpy(vol->application_id, "APPID", app_id_len);*/ + + iso_datetime_17(vol->vol_creation_time, t->now); + iso_datetime_17(vol->vol_modification_time, t->now); + iso_datetime_17(vol->vol_effective_time, t->now); + vol->file_structure_version[0] = 1; + + free(vol_id); + free(volset_id); + free(pub_id); + free(data_id); + +} + +static void +write_one_dir(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct joliet_tree_node *dir, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + size_t i; + uint8_t *orig_buf = buf; + + assert(ISO_ISDIR (dir->iso_self)); + /* write the "." and ".." entries first */ + write_one_dir_record(t, dir, 0, buf); + buf += ((struct ecma119_dir_record*) buf)->len_dr[0]; + + write_one_dir_record(t, dir, 1, buf); + buf += ((struct ecma119_dir_record*) buf)->len_dr[0]; + + for (i = 0; i < dir->nchildren; i++) { + write_one_dir_record(t, dir->children[i], -1, buf); + buf += ((struct ecma119_dir_record*) buf)->len_dr[0]; + } + + assert (buf - orig_buf == dir->len); +} + +static void +write_dirs(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf) +{ + size_t i; + struct joliet_tree_node *dir; + + assert (t->curblock == t->dirlist_joliet[0]->block); + for (i = 0; i < t->dirlist_len; i++) { + dir = t->dirlist_joliet[i]; + write_one_dir(t, dir, buf); + buf += round_up(dir->len, t->block_size); + } +} + +void +joliet_wr_sup_vol_desc(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, + write_sup_vol_desc, + 2048, + buf); +} + +void +joliet_wr_l_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, + write_l_path_table, + t->path_table_size_joliet, + buf); +} + +void +joliet_wr_m_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, + write_m_path_table, + t->path_table_size_joliet, + buf); +} + +void +joliet_wr_dir_records(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + uint8_t *buf) +{ + ecma119_start_chunking(t, + write_dirs, + t->total_dir_size_joliet, + buf); +} + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/joliet.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/joliet.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1975293e --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/joliet.h @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * \file joliet.h + * + * Declare the filesystems trees that are Joliet-compatible and the public + * functions for tying them into an ecma119 volume. + */ + +#ifndef LIBISO_JOLIET_H +#define LIBISO_JOLIET_H + +#include +#include + +struct ecma119_write_target; +struct iso_tree_node; + +struct joliet_tree_node +{ + uint16_t *name; /**< In UCS-2BE. */ + size_t dirent_len; + size_t len; + size_t block; + + struct joliet_tree_node *parent; + struct iso_tree_node *iso_self; + struct ecma119_write_target *target; + + struct joliet_tree_node **children; + size_t nchildren; +}; + +/** + * Create a new joliet_tree that corresponds to the tree represented by + * \p iso_root. + */ +struct joliet_tree_node* +joliet_tree_create(struct ecma119_write_target *target, + struct iso_tree_node *iso_root); + +/** + * Calculate the size of each directory in the joliet heirarchy. + */ +void +joliet_calc_dir_size(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct joliet_tree_node*); + +/** + * Calculate the position of each directory in the joliet heirarchy. + */ +void +joliet_calc_dir_pos(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct joliet_tree_node*); + +/** + * Calculate the size of the joliet path table and fill in the list of + * directories. + */ +void +joliet_prepare_path_tables(struct ecma119_write_target *t); + +void +joliet_tree_free(struct joliet_tree_node *root); + +void +joliet_wr_sup_vol_desc(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); + +void +joliet_wr_l_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); + +void +joliet_wr_m_path_table(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); + +void +joliet_wr_dir_records(struct ecma119_write_target *t, uint8_t *buf); + +#endif /* LIBISO_JOLIET_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/libisofs.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/libisofs.h new file mode 100755 index 00000000..0d29cad1 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/libisofs.h @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * Create an ISO-9660 data volume with Rock Ridge and Joliet extensions. + * Usage is easy: + * - Create a new volume. + * - Add files and directories. + * - Write the volume to a file or create a burn source for use with Libburn. + */ + +#ifndef LIBISO_LIBISOFS_H +#define LIBISO_LIBISOFS_H + +/* #include */ +struct burn_source; + +/** + * Data volume. + * @see volume.h for details. + */ +struct iso_volume; + +/** + * A set of data volumes. + * @see volume.h for details. + */ +struct iso_volset; + +/** + * A node in the filesystem tree. + * \see tree.h + */ +struct iso_tree_node; + +enum ecma119_extension_flag { + ECMA119_ROCKRIDGE = (1<<0), + ECMA119_JOLIET = (1<<1) +}; + +/** + * Create a new volume. + * The parameters can be set to NULL if you wish to set them later. + */ +struct iso_volume *iso_volume_new(const char *volume_id, + const char *publisher_id, + const char *data_preparer_id); + +struct iso_volume *iso_volume_new_with_root(const char *volume_id, + const char *publisher_id, + const char *data_preparer_id, + struct iso_tree_node *root); + +/** + * Free a volume. + */ +void iso_volume_free(struct iso_volume *volume); + +/** + * Free a set of data volumes. + */ +void iso_volset_free(struct iso_volset *volume); + +/** + * Get the root directory for a volume. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_volume_get_root(const struct iso_volume *volume); + +/** + * Fill in the volume identifier for a volume. + */ +void iso_volume_set_volume_id(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *volume_id); + +/** + * Fill in the publisher for a volume. + */ +void iso_volume_set_publisher_id(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *publisher_id); + +/** + * Fill in the data preparer for a volume. + */ +void iso_volume_set_data_preparer_id(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *data_preparer_id); + +/** + * Locate a node by its path on disc. + * + * \param volume The volume to search in. + * \param path The path, in the image, of the file. + * + * \return The node found or NULL. + * + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_volume_path_to_node(struct iso_volume *volume, const char *path); + +/** + * Add a file or a directory (recursively) to a volume by specifying its path on the volume. + * + * \param volume The volume to add the file to. + * \param disc_path The path on the disc at which to add the disc. + * \param path The path, on the local filesystem, of the file. + * + * \return The node for the file or NULL if the parent doesn't exists on the disc. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_volume_add_path(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *disc_path, + const char *path); + +/** + * Creates a new, empty directory on the volume. + * + * \param volume The volume to add the directory to. + * \param disc_path The path on the volume at which to add the directory. + * + * \return A pointer to the newly created directory. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_volume_add_new_dir(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *disc_path); + +/** + * Create a new Volume Set consisting of only one volume. + * @param volume The first and only volume for the volset to contain. + * @param volset_id The Volume Set ID. + * @return A new iso_volset. + */ +struct iso_volset *iso_volset_new(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *volset_id); + +/** + * Add a file to a directory. + * + * \param path The path, on the local filesystem, of the file. + * + * \pre \p parent is NULL or is a directory. + * \pre \p path is non-NULL and is a valid path to a non-directory on the local + * filesystem. + * \return An iso_tree_node whose path is \p path and whose parent is \p parent. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_add_node(struct iso_tree_node *parent, + const char *path); + +/** + * Recursively add an existing directory to the tree. + * Warning: when using this, you'll lose pointers to files or subdirectories. + * If you want to have pointers to all files and directories, + * use iso_tree_add_file and iso_tree_add_dir. + * + * \param path The path, on the local filesystem, of the directory to add. + * + * \pre \p parent is NULL or is a directory. + * \pre \p path is non-NULL and is a valid path to a directory on the local + * filesystem. + * \return a pointer to the newly created directory. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_radd_dir(struct iso_tree_node *parent, + const char *path); + + +/** + * Add the path of a file or directory to ignore when adding a directory recursively. + * + * \param path The path, on the local filesystem, of the file. + */ +void iso_exclude_add_path(const char *path); + +/** + * Remove a path that was set to be ignored when adding a directory recusively. + * + * \param path The path, on the local filesystem, of the file. + */ +void iso_exclude_remove_path(const char *path); + +/** + * Remove all paths that were set to be ignored when adding a directory recusively. + */ +void iso_exclude_empty(void); + +/** + * Creates a new, empty directory on the volume. + * + * \pre \p parent is NULL or is a directory. + * \pre \p name is unique among the children and files belonging to \p parent. + * Also, it doesn't contain '/' characters. + * + * \post \p parent contains a child directory whose name is \p name and whose + * POSIX attributes are the same as \p parent's. + * \return a pointer to the newly created directory. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_add_new_dir(struct iso_tree_node *parent, + const char *name); + +/** + * Set the name of a file (using the current locale). + */ +void iso_tree_node_set_name(struct iso_tree_node *file, const char *name); + +/** + * Recursively print a directory to stdout. + * \param spaces The initial number of spaces on the left. Set to 0 if you + * supply a root directory. + */ +void iso_tree_print(const struct iso_tree_node *root, int spaces); + +/** Create a burn_source which can be used as a data source for a track + * + * The volume set used to create the libburn_source can _not_ be modified + * until the libburn_source is freed. + * + * \param volumeset The volume set from which you want to write + * \param volnum The volume in the set which you want to write (usually 0) + * \param level ISO level to write at. + * \param flags Which extensions to support. + * + * \pre \p volumeset is non-NULL + * \pre \p volnum is less than \p volset->volset_size. + * \return A burn_source to be used for the data source for a track + */ +struct burn_source* iso_source_new_ecma119 (struct iso_volset *volumeset, + int volnum, + int level, + int flags); + +#endif /* LIBISO_LIBISOFS_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/rockridge.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/rockridge.c new file mode 100755 index 00000000..3662ac65 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/rockridge.c @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +#include "rockridge.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "ecma119.h" +#include "ecma119_tree.h" +#include "tree.h" +#include "susp.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* create a PX field from the permissions on the current node. */ +uint8_t *rrip_make_PX(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + uint8_t *PX = malloc(44); + + PX[0] = 'P'; + PX[1] = 'X'; + PX[2] = 44; + PX[3] = 1; + iso_bb(&PX[4], node->iso_self->attrib.st_mode, 4); + iso_bb(&PX[12], node->iso_self->attrib.st_nlink, 4); + iso_bb(&PX[20], node->iso_self->attrib.st_uid, 4); + iso_bb(&PX[28], node->iso_self->attrib.st_gid, 4); + iso_bb(&PX[36], node->iso_self->attrib.st_ino, 4); + return PX; +} + +/** See IEEE 1282 4.1.1 */ +void rrip_add_PX(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + susp_append(t, &node->susp, rrip_make_PX(t, node)); + if (node->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + susp_append(t, &node->dir.self_susp, rrip_make_PX(t, node)); + susp_append(t, &node->dir.parent_susp, rrip_make_PX(t, node)); + } +} + +void rrip_add_PN(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + uint8_t *PN = malloc(20); + + PN[0] = 'P'; + PN[1] = 'N'; + PN[2] = 20; + PN[3] = 1; + iso_bb(&PN[4], node->iso_self->attrib.st_dev >> 32, 4); + iso_bb(&PN[12], node->iso_self->attrib.st_dev & 0xffffffff, 4); + susp_append(t, &node->susp, PN); +} + +static void rrip_SL_append_comp(int *n, uint8_t ***comps, + char *s, int size, char fl) +{ + uint8_t *comp = malloc(size + 2); + + (*n)++; + comp[0] = fl; + comp[1] = size; + *comps = realloc(*comps, (*n) * sizeof(void*)); + (*comps)[(*n) - 1] = comp; + + if (size) { + memcpy(&comp[2], s, size); + } +} + +static void rrip_SL_add_component(char *prev, char *cur, int *n_comp, + uint8_t ***comps) +{ + int size = cur - prev; + + if (size == 0) { + rrip_SL_append_comp(n_comp, comps, prev, 0, 1 << 3); + return; + } + + if (size == 1 && prev[0] == '.') { + rrip_SL_append_comp(n_comp, comps, prev, 0, 1 << 1); + return; + } + if (size == 2 && !strncmp(prev, "..", 2)) { + rrip_SL_append_comp(n_comp, comps, prev, 0, 1 << 2); + return; + } + + /* we can't make a component any bigger than 250 (is this really a + problem)? because then it won't fit inside the SL field */ + while (size > 248) { + size -= 248; + rrip_SL_append_comp(n_comp, comps, prev, 248, 1 << 0); + } + + rrip_SL_append_comp(n_comp, comps, prev, size, 0); +} + +void rrip_add_SL(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + int ret, pathsize = 0; + char *path = NULL, *cur, *prev; + int i, j; + + uint8_t **comp = NULL; + int n_comp = 0; + int total_comp_len = 0; + int written = 0, pos; + + uint8_t *SL; + + do { + pathsize += 128; + path = realloc(path, pathsize); + /* FIXME: what if the file is not on the local fs? */ + ret = readlink(node->iso_self->loc.path, path, pathsize); + } while (ret == pathsize); + if (ret == -1) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error: couldn't read symlink: %s\n", + strerror(errno)); + return; + } + path[ret] = '\0'; + + prev = path; + for (cur = strchr(path, '/'); cur && *cur; cur = strchr(cur, '/')) { + rrip_SL_add_component(prev, cur, &n_comp, &comp); + cur++; + prev = cur; + } + + /* if there was no trailing '/', we need to add the last component. */ + if (prev == path || prev != &path[ret - 1]) { + rrip_SL_add_component(prev, &path[ret], &n_comp, &comp); + } + + for (i = 0; i < n_comp; i++) { + total_comp_len += comp[i][1] + 2; + if (total_comp_len > 250) { + total_comp_len -= comp[i][1] + 2; + SL = malloc(total_comp_len + 5); + SL[0] = 'S'; + SL[1] = 'L'; + SL[2] = total_comp_len + 5; + SL[3] = 1; + SL[4] = 1; /* CONTINUE */ + pos = 5; + for (j = written; j < i; j++) { + memcpy(&SL[pos], comp[j], comp[j][2]); + pos += comp[j][2]; + } + susp_append(t, &node->susp, SL); + written = i - 1; + total_comp_len = comp[i][1]; + } + } + SL = malloc(total_comp_len + 5); + SL[0] = 'S'; + SL[1] = 'L'; + SL[2] = total_comp_len + 5; + SL[3] = 1; + SL[4] = 0; + pos = 5; + + for (j = written; j < n_comp; j++) { + memcpy(&SL[pos], comp[j], comp[j][1] + 2); + pos += comp[j][1] + 2; + } + susp_append(t, &node->susp, SL); + + free(path); + /* free the components */ + for (i = 0; i < n_comp; i++) { + free(comp[i]); + } + free(comp); +} + +static void rrip_add_NM_single(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct susp_info *susp, + char *name, int size, int flags) +{ + uint8_t *NM = malloc(size + 5); + + NM[0] = 'N'; + NM[1] = 'M'; + NM[2] = size + 5; + NM[3] = 1; + NM[4] = flags; + if (size) { + memcpy(&NM[5], name, size); + } + susp_append(t, susp, NM); +} + +void +rrip_add_NM(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + char *name = iso_p_fileid(node->iso_self->name); + int len = name ? strlen(name) : 0; + char *pos = name; + + if (!len) + return; + + if (node->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + rrip_add_NM_single(t, &node->dir.self_susp, pos, 0, 1 << 1); + rrip_add_NM_single(t, &node->dir.parent_susp, pos, 0, 1 << 2); + } + + while (len > 250) { + rrip_add_NM_single(t, &node->susp, pos, 250, 1); + len -= 250; + pos += 250; + } + rrip_add_NM_single(t, &node->susp, pos, len, 0); +} + +void rrip_add_CL(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + uint8_t *CL = calloc(1, 12); + + CL[0] = 'C'; + CL[1] = 'L'; + CL[2] = 12; + CL[3] = 1; + susp_append(t, &node->susp, CL); +} + +void +rrip_add_PL(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + uint8_t *PL = calloc(1, 12); + + PL[0] = 'P'; + PL[1] = 'L'; + PL[2] = 12; + PL[3] = 1; + susp_append(t, &node->dir.parent_susp, PL); +} + +void +rrip_add_RE(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + uint8_t *RE = malloc(4); + + RE[0] = 'R'; + RE[1] = 'E'; + RE[2] = 4; + RE[3] = 1; + susp_append(t, &node->susp, RE); +} + +void +rrip_add_TF(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + uint8_t *TF = malloc(5 + 3 * 7); + + TF[0] = 'T'; + TF[1] = 'F'; + TF[2] = 5 + 3 * 7; + TF[3] = 1; + TF[4] = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 7); + iso_datetime_7(&TF[5], node->iso_self->attrib.st_mtime); + iso_datetime_7(&TF[12], node->iso_self->attrib.st_atime); + iso_datetime_7(&TF[19], node->iso_self->attrib.st_ctime); + susp_append(t, &node->susp, TF); +} + +void +rrip_finalize(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + int i; + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + if (dir->parent != dir->dir.real_parent) { + uint8_t *PL = susp_find(&dir->dir.parent_susp, "PL"); + + assert(PL); + iso_bb(&PL[4], dir->dir.real_parent->block, 4); + } + + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[i]; + + if (ch->type == ECMA119_FILE && ch->file.real_me) { + uint8_t *CL = susp_find(&ch->susp, "CL"); + + assert(CL); + iso_bb(&CL[4], ch->file.real_me->block, 4); + } else if (ch->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + rrip_finalize(t, ch); + } + } +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/rockridge.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/rockridge.h new file mode 100755 index 00000000..7909a0ce --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/rockridge.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** Functions and structures used for Rock Ridge support. */ + +#ifndef ISO_ROCKRIDGE_H +#define ISO_ROCKRIDGE_H + +struct ecma119_write_target; +struct ecma119_tree_node; + +void rrip_add_PX(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); +void rrip_add_PN(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); +void rrip_add_SL(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); +void rrip_add_NM(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); +void rrip_add_CL(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); +void rrip_add_RE(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); +void rrip_add_TF(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); + +/* This is special because it doesn't modify the susp fields of the directory + * that gets passed to it; it modifies the susp fields of the ".." entry in + * that directory. */ +void rrip_add_PL(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); + +void rrip_finalize(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); + +#endif /* ISO_ROCKRIDGE_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/susp.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/susp.c new file mode 100755 index 00000000..0d2d6c5b --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/susp.c @@ -0,0 +1,280 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +#include "susp.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "ecma119.h" +#include "ecma119_tree.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +void susp_insert(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct susp_info *susp, + uint8_t *data, + int pos) +{ + int i; + + if (pos < 0) { + pos = susp->n_susp_fields; + } + + assert(pos <= susp->n_susp_fields); + susp->n_susp_fields++; + susp->susp_fields = realloc(susp->susp_fields, + sizeof(void*) * susp->n_susp_fields); + + for (i = susp->n_susp_fields-1; i > pos; i--) { + susp->susp_fields[i] = susp->susp_fields[i - 1]; + } + susp->susp_fields[pos] = data; +} + +void susp_append(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct susp_info *susp, + uint8_t *data) +{ + susp_insert(t, susp, data, susp->n_susp_fields); +} + +uint8_t *susp_find(struct susp_info *susp, const char *name) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < susp->n_susp_fields; i++) { + if (!strncmp((char *)susp->susp_fields[i], name, 2)) { + return susp->susp_fields[i]; + } + } + return NULL; +} + +/** Utility function for susp_add_CE because susp_add_CE needs to act 3 times + * on directories (for the "." and ".." entries. + * + * \param len The amount of space available for the System Use area. + */ +#define CE_LEN 28 +static unsigned char *susp_add_single_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct susp_info *susp, + int len) +{ + int susp_length = 0, tmp_len; + int i; + unsigned char *CE; + + for (i = 0; i < susp->n_susp_fields; i++) { + susp_length += susp->susp_fields[i][2]; + } + if (susp_length <= len) { + /* no need for a CE field */ + susp->non_CE_len = susp_length; + susp->n_fields_fit = susp->n_susp_fields; + return NULL; + } + + tmp_len = susp_length; + for (i = susp->n_susp_fields - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + tmp_len -= susp->susp_fields[i][2]; + if (tmp_len + CE_LEN <= len) { + susp->non_CE_len = tmp_len + CE_LEN; + susp->CE_len = susp_length - tmp_len; + + /* i+1 because we have to count the CE field */ + susp->n_fields_fit = i + 1; + + CE = calloc(1, CE_LEN); + /* we don't fill in the BLOCK LOCATION or OFFSET + fields yet. */ + CE[0] = 'C'; + CE[1] = 'E'; + CE[2] = (char)CE_LEN; + CE[3] = (char)1; + iso_bb(&CE[20], susp_length - tmp_len, 4); + + return CE; + } + } + assert(0); + return NULL; +} + +static void +try_add_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct susp_info *susp, + size_t dirent_len) +{ + uint8_t *CE = susp_add_single_CE(t, susp, 255 - dirent_len); + if (CE) + susp_insert(t, susp, CE, susp->n_fields_fit - 1); +} + +/** See IEEE P1281 Draft Version 1.12/5.2. Because this function depends on the + * length of the other SUSP fields, it should always be calculated last. */ +void +susp_add_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *node) +{ + try_add_CE(t, &node->susp, node->dirent_len); + if (node->type == ECMA119_DIR) { + try_add_CE(t, &node->dir.self_susp, 34); + try_add_CE(t, &node->dir.parent_susp, 34); + } +} + +/** See IEEE P1281 Draft Version 1.12/5.3 */ +void +susp_add_SP(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + unsigned char *SP = malloc(7); + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + SP[0] = 'S'; + SP[1] = 'P'; + SP[2] = (char)7; + SP[3] = (char)1; + SP[4] = 0xbe; + SP[5] = 0xef; + SP[6] = 0; + susp_append(t, &dir->dir.self_susp, SP); +} + +#if 0 +/** See IEEE P1281 Draft Version 1.12/5.4 */ +static void susp_add_ST(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct iso_tree_node *node) +{ + unsigned char *ST = malloc(4); + + ST[0] = 'S'; + ST[1] = 'T'; + ST[2] = (char)4; + ST[3] = (char)1; + susp_append(t, node, ST); +} +#endif + +/** See IEEE P1281 Draft Version 1.12/5.5 FIXME: this is rockridge */ +void +rrip_add_ER(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + unsigned char *ER = malloc(182); + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + ER[0] = 'E'; + ER[1] = 'R'; + ER[2] = 182; + ER[3] = 1; + ER[4] = 9; + ER[5] = 72; + ER[6] = 93; + ER[7] = 1; + memcpy(&ER[8], "IEEE_1282", 9); + memcpy(&ER[17], "THE IEEE 1282 PROTOCOL PROVIDES SUPPORT FOR POSIX " + "FILE SYSTEM SEMANTICS.", 72); + memcpy(&ER[89], "PLEASE CONTACT THE IEEE STANDARDS DEPARTMENT, " + "PISCATAWAY, NJ, USA FOR THE 1282 SPECIFICATION.", 93); + susp_append(t, &dir->dir.self_susp, ER); +} + +/* calculate the location of the CE areas. Since CE areas don't need to be + * aligned to a block boundary, we contatenate all CE areas from a single + * directory and dump them immediately after all the directory records. + * + * Requires that the following be known: + * - position of the current directory (dir->block) + * - length of the current directory (dir->dir.len) + * - sum of the children's CE lengths (dir->dir.CE_len) + */ +static void +susp_fin_1_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct susp_info *susp, + size_t block, + size_t *offset) +{ + uint8_t *CE = susp->susp_fields[susp->n_fields_fit - 1]; + + if (!susp->CE_len) { + return; + } + iso_bb(&CE[4], block + (*offset) / t->block_size, 4); + iso_bb(&CE[12], (*offset) % t->block_size, 4); + *offset += susp->CE_len; +} + +static void susp_fin_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + int i; + size_t CE_offset = dir->dir.len; + + assert(dir->type == ECMA119_DIR); + + susp_fin_1_CE(t, &dir->dir.self_susp, dir->block, &CE_offset); + susp_fin_1_CE(t, &dir->dir.parent_susp, dir->block, &CE_offset); + + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + struct ecma119_tree_node *ch = dir->dir.children[i]; + susp_fin_1_CE(t, &ch->susp, dir->block, &CE_offset); + } + assert(CE_offset == dir->dir.len + dir->dir.CE_len); +} + +void +susp_finalize(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct ecma119_tree_node *dir) +{ + int i; + + assert(dir->type = ECMA119_DIR); + + if (dir->dir.depth != 1) { + susp_fin_CE(t, dir); + } + + for (i = 0; i < dir->dir.nchildren; i++) { + if (dir->dir.children[i]->type == ECMA119_DIR) + susp_finalize(t, dir->dir.children[i]); + } +} + +void susp_write(struct ecma119_write_target *t, + struct susp_info *susp, + unsigned char *buf) +{ + int i; + int pos = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < susp->n_fields_fit; i++) { + memcpy(&buf[pos], susp->susp_fields[i], + susp->susp_fields[i][2]); + pos += susp->susp_fields[i][2]; + } +} + +void susp_write_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *t, struct susp_info *susp, + unsigned char *buf) +{ + int i; + int pos = 0; + + for (i = susp->n_fields_fit; i < susp->n_susp_fields; i++) { + memcpy(&buf[pos], susp->susp_fields[i], + susp->susp_fields[i][2]); + pos += susp->susp_fields[i][2]; + } +} + +void susp_free_fields(struct susp_info *susp) +{ + int i; + + for (i=0; in_susp_fields; i++) { + free(susp->susp_fields[i]); + } + if (susp->susp_fields) { + free(susp->susp_fields); + } + memset(susp, 0, sizeof(struct susp_info)); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/susp.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/susp.h new file mode 100755 index 00000000..31dd2cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/susp.h @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** Functions and structures used for SUSP (IEEE 1281). + */ + +#ifndef __ISO_SUSP +#define __ISO_SUSP + +#include + +/* SUSP is only present in standard ecma119 */ +struct ecma119_write_target; +struct ecma119_tree_node; + +/** This contains the information that needs to go in the SUSP area of a file. + */ +struct susp_info +{ + int n_susp_fields; /**< Number of SUSP fields */ + uint8_t **susp_fields; /**< Data for each SUSP field */ + + /* the next 3 relate to CE and are filled out by susp_add_CE. */ + int n_fields_fit; /**< How many of the above SUSP fields fit + * within this node's dirent. */ + int non_CE_len; /**< Length of the part of the SUSP area that + * fits in the dirent. */ + int CE_len; /**< Length of the part of the SUSP area that + * will go in a CE area. */ +}; + +void susp_add_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); + +/* these next 2 are special because they don't modify the susp fields of the + * directory; they modify the susp fields of the + * "." entry in the directory. */ +void susp_add_SP(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); +void rrip_add_ER(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); + +/** Once all the directories and files are laid out, recurse through the tree + * and finalize all SUSP CE entries. */ +void susp_finalize(struct ecma119_write_target *, struct ecma119_tree_node *); + +void susp_append(struct ecma119_write_target *, + struct susp_info *, + uint8_t *); +void susp_insert(struct ecma119_write_target *, + struct susp_info *, + uint8_t *, + int pos); +uint8_t *susp_find(struct susp_info *, + const char *); + +void susp_write(struct ecma119_write_target *, + struct susp_info *, + uint8_t *); +void susp_write_CE(struct ecma119_write_target *, + struct susp_info *, + uint8_t *); + +void susp_free_fields(struct susp_info *); + +#endif /* __ISO_SUSP */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/tree.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/tree.c new file mode 100755 index 00000000..08a1bbf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/tree.c @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * \file tree.c + * + * Implement filesystem trees. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "tree.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "volume.h" +#include "exclude.h" + +static void +set_default_stat(struct stat *s) +{ + time_t now = time(NULL); + + memset(s, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); + s->st_mode = 0777 | S_IFREG; + s->st_atime = s->st_mtime = s->st_ctime = now; +} + +static struct stat +get_attrib(const struct iso_tree_node *node) +{ + struct stat st; + + if (node) { + return node->attrib; + } + set_default_stat(&st); + return st; +} + +static void +append_node(struct iso_tree_node *parent, + struct iso_tree_node *child) +{ + assert((!parent || S_ISDIR(parent->attrib.st_mode)) && child); + if (!parent) + return; + + parent->nchildren++; + parent->children = + realloc(parent->children, parent->nchildren * sizeof(void*)); + parent->children[parent->nchildren-1] = child; +} + +struct iso_tree_node* +iso_tree_new_root(struct iso_volume *vol) +{ + assert(vol); + + if (vol->root) { + iso_tree_free(vol->root); + } + + vol->root = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iso_tree_node)); + vol->root->volume = vol; + set_default_stat(&vol->root->attrib); + vol->root->attrib.st_mode = S_IFDIR | 0777; + vol->root->loc.type = LIBISO_NONE; + return vol->root; +} + +struct iso_tree_node* +iso_tree_add_new_file(struct iso_tree_node *parent, const char *name) +{ + struct iso_tree_node *f = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iso_tree_node)); + + assert((!parent || S_ISDIR(parent->attrib.st_mode)) && name); + + f->volume = parent ? parent->volume : NULL; + f->parent = parent; + f->name = parent ? towcs(name) : NULL; + f->attrib = get_attrib(parent); + f->attrib.st_mode = 0777 | S_IFREG; + f->loc.type = LIBISO_NONE; + append_node(parent, f); + return f; +} + +struct iso_tree_node* +iso_tree_add_new_dir(struct iso_tree_node *parent, const char *name) +{ + struct iso_tree_node *d = iso_tree_add_new_file(parent, name); + + assert((!parent || S_ISDIR(parent->attrib.st_mode)) && name); + + d->attrib.st_mode = (d->attrib.st_mode & ~S_IFMT) | S_IFDIR; + return d; +} + +struct iso_tree_node* +iso_tree_add_node(struct iso_tree_node *parent, const char *path) +{ + char *p; + struct stat st; + struct iso_tree_node *ret; + + assert((!parent || S_ISDIR(parent->attrib.st_mode)) && path); + + if (lstat(path, &st) == -1) + return NULL; + + p = strdup(path); /* because basename() might modify its arg */ + + /* it doesn't matter if we add a file or directory since we modify + * attrib anyway. */ + ret = iso_tree_add_new_file(parent, basename(p)); + ret->attrib = st; + ret->loc.type = LIBISO_FILESYS; + ret->loc.path = strdup(path); + free(p); + + return ret; +} + +struct iso_tree_node* +iso_tree_radd_dir (struct iso_tree_node *parent, const char *path) +{ + struct iso_tree_node *new; + DIR *dir; + struct dirent *ent; + + assert((!parent || S_ISDIR(parent->attrib.st_mode)) && path); + + new = iso_tree_add_node(parent, path); + if (!new || !S_ISDIR(new->attrib.st_mode)) { + return new; + } + + dir = opendir(path); + if (!dir) { + warn("couldn't open directory %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); + return new; + } + + while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { + char child[strlen(ent->d_name) + strlen(path) + 2]; + + if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0 || + strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0) + continue; + + sprintf(child, "%s/%s", path, ent->d_name); + + /* see if this child is excluded. */ + if (iso_exclude_lookup(child)) + continue; + + iso_tree_radd_dir(new, child); + } + closedir(dir); + + return new; +} + +void +iso_tree_free(struct iso_tree_node *root) +{ + size_t i; + + for (i=0; i < root->nchildren; i++) { + iso_tree_free(root->children[i]); + } + free(root->name); + free(root->children); + free(root); +} + +void +iso_tree_print(const struct iso_tree_node *root, int spaces) +{ + size_t i; + char sp[spaces+1]; + + memset(sp, ' ', spaces); + sp[spaces] = '\0'; + + printf("%s%ls\n", sp, root->name); + for (i=0; i < root->nchildren; i++) { + iso_tree_print(root->children[i], spaces+2); + } +} + +void +iso_tree_print_verbose(const struct iso_tree_node *root, + print_dir_callback dir, + print_file_callback file, + void *callback_data, + int spaces) +{ + size_t i; + + (S_ISDIR(root->attrib.st_mode) ? dir : file) + (root, callback_data, spaces); + for (i=0; i < root->nchildren; i++) { + iso_tree_print_verbose(root->children[i], dir, + file, callback_data, spaces+2); + } +} + +void +iso_tree_node_set_name(struct iso_tree_node *file, const char *name) +{ + free(file->name); + file->name = towcs(name); +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/tree.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/tree.h new file mode 100755 index 00000000..db215f86 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/tree.h @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * \file tree.h + * + * Declare the structure of a libisofs filesystem tree. The files in this + * tree can come from either the local filesystem or from another .iso image + * (for multisession). + * + * This tree preserves as much information as it can about the files; names + * are stored in wchar_t and we preserve POSIX attributes. This tree does + * *not* include information that is necessary for writing out, for example, + * an ISO level 1 tree. That information will go in a different tree because + * the structure is sufficiently different. + */ + +#ifndef LIBISO_TREE_H +#define LIBISO_TREE_H + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "libisofs.h" + +enum file_location { + LIBISO_FILESYS, + LIBISO_PREVSESSION, + LIBISO_NONE /**< for files/dirs that were added with + * iso_tree_add_new_XXX. */ +}; + +/** + * This tells us where to read the data from a file. Either we read from the + * local filesystem or we just point to the block on a previous session. + */ +struct iso_file_location +{ + enum file_location type; + /* union {*/ + char *path; /* in the current locale */ + uint32_t block; + /* };*/ +}; + +/** + * A node in the filesystem tree. + */ +struct iso_tree_node +{ + struct iso_volume *volume; + struct iso_tree_node *parent; + wchar_t *name; + struct stat attrib; /**< The POSIX attributes of this node as + * documented in "man 2 stat". */ + struct iso_file_location loc; + /**< Only used for regular files and symbolic + * links (ie. files for which we might have to + * copy data). */ + + size_t nchildren; /**< The number of children of this + * directory (if this is a directory). */ + struct iso_tree_node **children; + + size_t block; /**< The block at which this file will + * reside on disk. We store this here as + * well as in the various mangled trees + * because many different trees might point + * to the same file and they need to share the + * block location. */ +}; + +/** + * Create a new root directory for a volume. + * + * \param vol The volume for which to create a new root directory. + * + * \pre \p vol is non-NULL. + * \post \p vol has a non-NULL, empty root directory with permissions 777. + * \return \p vol's new non-NULL, empty root directory. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_new_root(struct iso_volume *vol); + +/** + * Create a new, empty, file. + * + * \param parent The parent directory of the new file. If this is null, create + * and return a new file node without adding it to any tree. + * \param name The name of the new file, encoded in the current locale. + * \pre \p name is non-NULL and it does not match any other file or directory + * name in \p parent. + * \post \p parent (if non-NULL) contains a file with the following properties: + * - the file's name is \p name (converted to wchar_t) + * - the file's POSIX permissions are the same as \p parent's + * - the file is a regular file + * - the file is empty + * + * \return \p parent's newly created file. + */ +struct iso_tree_node *iso_tree_add_new_file(struct iso_tree_node *parent, + const char *name); + +/** + * Recursively free a directory. + * + * \param root The root of the directory heirarchy to free. + * + * \pre \p root is non-NULL. + */ +void iso_tree_free(struct iso_tree_node *root); + +/** + * A function that prints verbose information about a directory. + * + * \param dir The directory about which to print information. + * \param data Unspecified function-dependent data. + * \param spaces The number of spaces to prepend to the output. + * + * \see iso_tree_print_verbose + */ +typedef void (*print_dir_callback) (const struct iso_tree_node *dir, + void *data, + int spaces); +/** + * A function that prints verbose information about a file. + * + * \param dir The file about which to print information. + * \param data Unspecified function-dependent data. + * \param spaces The number of spaces to prepend to the output. + * + * \see iso_tree_print_verbose + */ +typedef void (*print_file_callback) (const struct iso_tree_node *file, + void *data, + int spaces); + +/** + * Recursively print a directory heirarchy. For each node in the directory + * heirarchy, call a callback function to print information more verbosely. + * + * \param root The root of the directory heirarchy to print. + * \param dir The callback function to call for each directory in the tree. + * \param file The callback function to call for each file in the tree. + * \param callback_data The data to pass to the callback functions. + * \param spaces The number of spaces to prepend to the output. + * + * \pre \p root is not NULL. + * \pre Neither of the callback functions modifies the directory heirarchy. + */ +void iso_tree_print_verbose(const struct iso_tree_node *root, + print_dir_callback dir, + print_file_callback file, + void *callback_data, + int spaces); + +#define ISO_ISDIR(n) S_ISDIR(n->attrib.st_mode) + +#endif /* LIBISO_TREE_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/util.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/util.c new file mode 100755 index 00000000..44bb928b --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/util.c @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set noet ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * Utility functions for the Libisofs library. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "util.h" + +int div_up(int n, int div) +{ + return (n + div - 1) / div; +} + +int round_up(int n, int mul) +{ + return div_up(n, mul) * mul; +} + +wchar_t *towcs(const char *str) +{ + size_t len = strlen(str); + wchar_t *ret = malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (len + 1)); + mbstate_t ps; + size_t n; + + memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps)); + n = mbsrtowcs(ret, &str, len, &ps); + ret[len] = '\0'; + + if (n != len) { + free(ret); + return NULL; + } + return ret; +} + +char *wcstoascii(const wchar_t *wsrc) +{ + if (!wsrc) + return NULL; + + iconv_t conv = iconv_open("ASCII", "WCHAR_T"); + size_t outbytes = wcslen(wsrc); + size_t inbytes = outbytes * sizeof(wchar_t); + char src_[inbytes + sizeof(wchar_t)]; + char *src = src_; + char *ret_, *ret; + size_t n; + + if (conv == (iconv_t)-1) + return NULL; + + memcpy(src, wsrc, inbytes + sizeof(wchar_t)); + ret = malloc(outbytes+1); + ret[outbytes] = '\0'; + ret_ = ret; + + n = iconv(conv, &src, &inbytes, &ret, &outbytes); + if (n == -1) { + free(ret_); + return NULL; + } + return ret_; +} + +/* FIXME: C&P */ +uint16_t *wcstoucs(const wchar_t *wsrc) +{ + if (!wsrc) + return calloc(2, 1); /* empty UCS string */ + + iconv_t conv = iconv_open("UCS-2BE", "WCHAR_T"); + size_t outbytes = wcslen(wsrc) * 2; + size_t inbytes = outbytes * sizeof(wchar_t) / 2; + char src_[inbytes + sizeof(wchar_t)]; + char *src = src_; + char *ret_, *ret; + size_t n; + + if (conv == (iconv_t)-1) + return calloc(2, 1); + + memcpy(src, wsrc, inbytes + sizeof(wchar_t)); + ret = malloc(outbytes + sizeof(wchar_t)); + ret[outbytes] = 0; + ret[outbytes+1] = 0; + ret_ = ret; + + n = iconv(conv, &src, &inbytes, &ret, &outbytes); + if (n == -1) { + perror ("error in iconv conversion"); + free(ret_); + return calloc(2, 1); + } + return (uint16_t*)ret_; +} + +static int valid_d_char(char c) +{ + return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '_'); +} + +static int valid_a_char(char c) +{ + return (c >= ' ' && c <= '"') || (c >= '%' && c <= '?') + || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + || (c == '_'); +} + +static int valid_j_char(uint16_t c) +{ + return !(c < (uint16_t)' ' || c == (uint16_t)'*' || c == (uint16_t)'/' + || c == (uint16_t)':' || c == (uint16_t)';' + || c == (uint16_t)'?' || c == (uint16_t)'\\'); +} + +/* FIXME: where are these documented? */ +static int valid_p_char(char c) +{ + return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + || (c == '.') || (c == '_') || (c == '-'); +} + +static char *iso_dirid(const wchar_t *src, int size) +{ + char *ret = wcstoascii(src); + size_t len, i; + + if (!ret) + return NULL; + + len = strlen(ret); + if (len > size) { + ret[size] = '\0'; + len = size; + } + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + char c = toupper(ret[i]); + ret[i] = valid_d_char(c) ? c : '_'; + } + + return ret; +} + +char *iso_1_dirid(const wchar_t *src) +{ + return iso_dirid(src, 8); +} + +char *iso_2_dirid(const wchar_t *src) +{ + return iso_dirid(src, 31); +} + +char *iso_1_fileid(const wchar_t *wsrc) +{ + char *src = wcstoascii(wsrc); + char *dest; + char *dot; /* Position of the last dot in the + filename, will be used to calculate + lname and lext. */ + int lname, lext, pos, i; + + if (!src) + return NULL; + + dest = malloc(15); /* 15 = 8 (name) + 1 (.) + 3 (ext) + 2 + (;1) + 1 (\0) */ + dot = strrchr(src, '.'); + + lext = dot ? strlen(dot + 1) : 0; + lname = strlen(src) - lext - (dot ? 1 : 0); + + /* If we can't build a filename, return NULL. */ + if (lname == 0 && lext == 0) { + free(src); + free(dest); + return NULL; + } + + pos = 0; + /* Convert up to 8 characters of the filename. */ + for (i = 0; i < lname && i < 8; i++) { + char c = toupper(src[i]); + + dest[pos++] = valid_d_char(c) ? c : '_'; + } + /* This dot is mandatory, even if there is no extension. */ + dest[pos++] = '.'; + /* Convert up to 3 characters of the extension, if any. */ + for (i = 0; i < lext && i < 3; i++) { + char c = toupper(src[lname + 1 + i]); + + dest[pos++] = valid_d_char(c) ? c : '_'; + } + /* File versions are mandatory, even if they aren't used. */ + dest[pos++] = ';'; + dest[pos++] = '1'; + dest[pos] = '\0'; + dest = (char *)realloc(dest, pos + 1); + + free(src); + return dest; +} + +char *iso_2_fileid(const wchar_t *wsrc) +{ + char *src = wcstoascii(wsrc); + char *dest; + char *dot; + int lname, lext, lnname, lnext, pos, i; + + if (!src) + return NULL; + + dest = malloc(34); /* 34 = 30 (name + ext) + 1 (.) + 2 + (;1) + 1 (\0) */ + dot = strrchr(src, '.'); + + /* Since the maximum length can be divided freely over the name and + extension, we need to calculate their new lengths (lnname and + lnext). If the original filename is too long, we start by trimming + the extension, but keep a minimum extension length of 3. */ + if (dot == NULL || dot == src || *(dot + 1) == '\0') { + lname = strlen(src); + lnname = (lname > 30) ? 30 : lname; + lext = lnext = 0; + } else { + lext = strlen(dot + 1); + lname = strlen(src) - lext - 1; + lnext = (strlen(src) > 31 && lext > 3) + ? (lname < 27 ? 30 - lname : 3) : lext; + lnname = (strlen(src) > 31) ? 30 - lnext : lname; + } + + if (lnname == 0 && lnext == 0) { + free(src); + free(dest); + return NULL; + } + + pos = 0; + /* Convert up to lnname characters of the filename. */ + for (i = 0; i < lnname; i++) { + char c = toupper(src[i]); + + dest[pos++] = valid_d_char(c) ? c : '_'; + } + dest[pos++] = '.'; + /* Convert up to lnext characters of the extension, if any. */ + for (i = 0; i < lnext; i++) { + char c = toupper(src[lname + 1 + i]); + + dest[pos++] = valid_d_char(c) ? c : '_'; + } + dest[pos++] = ';'; + dest[pos++] = '1'; + dest[pos] = '\0'; + dest = (char *)realloc(dest, pos + 1); + + free(src); + return dest; +} + +char * +iso_p_fileid(const wchar_t *src) +{ + char *ret = wcstoascii(src); + size_t i, len; + + if (!ret) + return NULL; + len = strlen(ret); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (!valid_p_char(ret[i])) { + ret[i] = (uint16_t)'_'; + } + } + return ret; +} + +uint16_t * +iso_j_id(const wchar_t *src) +{ + uint16_t *j_str = wcstoucs(src); + size_t len = ucslen(j_str); + size_t n; + + if (len > 128) { + j_str[128] = '\0'; + len = 128; + } + + for (n = 0; n < len; n++) + if (!valid_j_char(j_str[n])) + j_str[n] = '_'; + return j_str; +} + +void iso_lsb(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t num, int bytes) +{ + int i; + + assert(bytes <= 4); + + for (i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) + buf[i] = (num >> (8 * i)) & 0xff; +} + +void iso_msb(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t num, int bytes) +{ + int i; + + assert(bytes <= 4); + + for (i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) + buf[bytes - 1 - i] = (num >> (8 * i)) & 0xff; +} + +void iso_bb(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t num, int bytes) +{ + iso_lsb(buf, num, bytes); + iso_msb(buf+bytes, num, bytes); +} + + +void iso_datetime_7(unsigned char *buf, time_t t) +{ + static int tzsetup = 0; + static int tzoffset; + struct tm tm; + + if (!tzsetup) { + tzset(); + + tzoffset = -timezone / 60 / 15; + if (tzoffset < -48) + tzoffset += 101; + + tzsetup = 1; + } + + localtime_r(&t, &tm); + + buf[0] = tm.tm_year; + buf[1] = tm.tm_mon + 1; + buf[2] = tm.tm_mday; + buf[3] = tm.tm_hour; + buf[4] = tm.tm_min; + buf[5] = tm.tm_sec; + buf[6] = tzoffset; +} + +time_t iso_datetime_read_7(const uint8_t *buf) +{ + struct tm tm; + + tm.tm_year = buf[0]; + tm.tm_mon = buf[1] + 1; + tm.tm_mday = buf[2]; + tm.tm_hour = buf[3]; + tm.tm_min = buf[4]; + tm.tm_sec = buf[5]; + + return mktime(&tm) - buf[6] * 60 * 60; +} + +void iso_datetime_17(unsigned char *buf, time_t t) +{ + static int tzsetup = 0; + static int tzoffset; + struct tm tm; + + if (t == (time_t) - 1) { + /* unspecified time */ + memset(buf, '0', 16); + buf[16] = 0; + } else { + if (!tzsetup) { + tzset(); + + tzoffset = -timezone / 60 / 15; + if (tzoffset < -48) + tzoffset += 101; + + tzsetup = 1; + } + + localtime_r(&t, &tm); + + sprintf((char*)&buf[0], "%04d", tm.tm_year + 1900); + sprintf((char*)&buf[4], "%02d", tm.tm_mon + 1); + sprintf((char*)&buf[6], "%02d", tm.tm_mday); + sprintf((char*)&buf[8], "%02d", tm.tm_hour); + sprintf((char*)&buf[10], "%02d", tm.tm_min); + sprintf((char*)&buf[12], "%02d", MIN(59, tm.tm_sec)); + memcpy(&buf[14], "00", 2); + buf[16] = tzoffset; + } +} + +time_t iso_datetime_read_17(const uint8_t *buf) +{ + struct tm tm; + + sscanf((char*)&buf[0], "%4d", &tm.tm_year); + sscanf((char*)&buf[4], "%2d", &tm.tm_mon); + sscanf((char*)&buf[6], "%2d", &tm.tm_mday); + sscanf((char*)&buf[8], "%2d", &tm.tm_hour); + sscanf((char*)&buf[10], "%2d", &tm.tm_min); + sscanf((char*)&buf[12], "%2d", &tm.tm_sec); + tm.tm_year -= 1900; + tm.tm_mon -= 1; + + return mktime(&tm) - buf[16] * 60 * 60; +} + +size_t ucslen(const uint16_t *str) +{ + int i; + + for (i=0; str[i]; i++) + ; + return i; +} + +/** + * Although each character is 2 bytes, we actually compare byte-by-byte + * (thats what the spec says). + */ +int ucscmp(const uint16_t *s1, const uint16_t *s2) +{ + const char *s = (const char*)s1; + const char *t = (const char*)s2; + size_t len1 = ucslen(s1); + size_t len2 = ucslen(s2); + size_t i, len = MIN(len1, len2) * 2; + + for (i=0; i < len; i++) { + if (s[i] < t[i]) { + return -1; + } else if (s[i] > t[i]) { + return 1; + } + } + + if (len1 < len2) + return -1; + else if (len1 > len2) + return 1; + return 0; +} + +uint32_t iso_read_lsb(const uint8_t *buf, int bytes) +{ + int i; + uint32_t ret = 0; + + for (i=0; i +#include +#include + +#ifndef MAX +# define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) +#endif + +#ifndef MIN +# define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) +#endif + +extern inline int div_up(int n, int div) +{ + return (n + div - 1) / div; +} + +extern inline int round_up(int n, int mul) +{ + return div_up(n, mul) * mul; +} + +wchar_t *towcs(const char *); +char *wcstoascii(const wchar_t *); +uint16_t *wcstoucs(const wchar_t*); + +/** + * Create a level 1 directory identifier. + */ +char *iso_1_dirid(const wchar_t *src); + +/** + * Create a level 2 directory identifier. + */ +char *iso_2_dirid(const wchar_t *src); + +/** + * Create a level 1 file identifier that consists of a name, extension and + * version number. The resulting string will have a file name of maximum + * length 8, followed by a separator (.), an optional extension of maximum + * length 3, followed by a separator (;) and a version number (digit 1). + * @return NULL if the original name and extension both are of length 0. + */ +char *iso_1_fileid(const wchar_t *src); + +/** + * Create a level 2 file identifier that consists of a name, extension and + * version number. The combined file name and extension length will not exceed + * 30, the name and extension will be separated (.), and the extension will be + * followed by a separator (;) and a version number (digit 1). + * @return NULL if the original name and extension both are of length 0. + */ +char *iso_2_fileid(const wchar_t *src); + +/** + * Create a Joliet file or directory identifier that consists of a name, + * extension and version number. The combined name and extension length will + * not exceed 128 bytes, the name and extension will be separated (.), + * and the extension will be followed by a separator (;) and a version number + * (digit 1). All characters consist of 2 bytes and the resulting string is + * NULL-terminated by a 2-byte NULL. Requires the locale to be set correctly. + * + * @param size will be set to the size (in bytes) of the identifier. + * @return NULL if the original name and extension both are of length 0 or the conversion from the current codeset to UCS-2BE is not available. + */ +uint16_t *iso_j_id(const wchar_t *src); + +/** + * FIXME: what are the requirements for these next two? Is this for RR? + * + * Create a POSIX portable file name that consists of a name and extension. + * The resulting file name will not exceed 250 characters. + * @return NULL if the original name and extension both are of length 0. + */ +char *iso_p_fileid(const wchar_t *src); + +/** + * Create a POSIX portable directory name. + * The resulting directory name will not exceed 250 characters. + * @return NULL if the original name is of length 0. + */ +char *iso_p_dirid(const wchar_t *src); + +void iso_lsb(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t num, int bytes); +void iso_msb(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t num, int bytes); +void iso_bb(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t num, int bytes); + +uint32_t iso_read_lsb(const uint8_t *buf, int bytes); +uint32_t iso_read_msb(const uint8_t *buf, int bytes); +uint32_t iso_read_bb(const uint8_t *buf, int bytes); + +/** Records the date/time into a 7 byte buffer (9.1.5) */ +void iso_datetime_7(uint8_t *buf, time_t t); + +/** Records the date/time into a 17 byte buffer ( */ +void iso_datetime_17(uint8_t *buf, time_t t); + +time_t iso_datetime_read_7(const uint8_t *buf); +time_t iso_datetime_read_17(const uint8_t *buf); + +/** + * Like strlen, but for Joliet strings. + */ +size_t ucslen(const uint16_t *str); + +/** + * Like strcmp, but for Joliet strings. + */ +int ucscmp(const uint16_t *s1, const uint16_t *s2); + +#endif /* LIBISO_UTIL_H */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/volume.c b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/volume.c new file mode 100755 index 00000000..4ed756bf --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/volume.c @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noet : */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "libisofs.h" +#include "tree.h" +#include "util.h" +#include "volume.h" + +struct iso_volset* +iso_volset_new(struct iso_volume *vol, const char *id) +{ + struct iso_volset *volset = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iso_volset)); + + volset->volset_size = 1; + volset->refcount = 1; + volset->volume = malloc(sizeof(void *)); + volset->volume[0] = vol; + volset->volset_id = towcs(id); + + vol->refcount++; + return volset; +} + +void +iso_volset_free(struct iso_volset *volset) +{ + if (--volset->refcount < 1) { + int i; + for (i = 0; i < volset->volset_size; i++) { + iso_volume_free(volset->volume[i]); + } + free(volset->volume); + free(volset->volset_id); + } +} + +struct iso_volume* +iso_volume_new(const char *volume_id, + const char *publisher_id, + const char *data_preparer_id) +{ + return iso_volume_new_with_root(volume_id, + publisher_id, + data_preparer_id, + NULL); +} + +struct iso_volume* +iso_volume_new_with_root(const char *volume_id, + const char *publisher_id, + const char *data_preparer_id, + struct iso_tree_node *root) +{ + struct iso_volume *volume; + + volume = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iso_volume)); + volume->refcount = 1; + + volume->root = root ? root : iso_tree_new_root(volume); + + if (volume_id != NULL) + volume->volume_id = towcs(volume_id); + if (publisher_id != NULL) + volume->publisher_id = towcs(publisher_id); + if (data_preparer_id != NULL) + volume->data_preparer_id = towcs(data_preparer_id); + return volume; +} + +void +iso_volume_free(struct iso_volume *volume) +{ + /* Only free if no references are in use. */ + if (--volume->refcount < 1) { + iso_tree_free(volume->root); + + free(volume->volume_id); + free(volume->publisher_id); + free(volume->data_preparer_id); + + free(volume); + } +} + +struct iso_tree_node * +iso_volume_get_root(const struct iso_volume *volume) +{ + return volume->root; +} + +struct iso_tree_node * +iso_tree_volume_path_to_node(struct iso_volume *volume, const char *path) +{ + struct iso_tree_node *node; + char *ptr, *brk_info, *component; + + /* get the first child at the root of the volume + * that is "/" */ + node=iso_volume_get_root(volume); + if (!strcmp (path, "/")) + return node; + + if (!node->nchildren) + return NULL; + + /* the name of the nodes is in wide characters so first convert path + * into wide characters. */ + ptr = strdup(path); + + /* get the first component of the path */ + component=strtok_r(ptr, "/", &brk_info); + while (component) { + size_t max; + size_t i; + + /* search among all the children of this directory if this path component exists */ + max=node->nchildren; + for (i=0; i < max; i++) { + if (!strcmp(component, node->children[i]->name)) { + node=node->children[i]; + break; + } + } + + /* see if a node could be found */ + if (i==max) { + node=NULL; + break; + } + + component=strtok_r(NULL, "/", &brk_info); + } + + free(ptr); + return node; +} + +struct iso_tree_node * +iso_tree_volume_add_path(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *disc_path, + const char *path) +{ + char *tmp; + struct iso_tree_node *node; + struct iso_tree_node *parent_node; + + tmp=strdup(disc_path); + parent_node = iso_tree_volume_path_to_node(volume, dirname(tmp)); + free(tmp); + + if (!parent_node) + return NULL; + + node = iso_tree_radd_dir(parent_node, path); + if (!node) + return NULL; + + tmp=strdup(disc_path); + iso_tree_node_set_name(node, basename(tmp)); + free(tmp); + + return node; +} + +struct iso_tree_node * +iso_tree_volume_add_new_dir(struct iso_volume *volume, + const char *disc_path) +{ + char *tmp; + struct iso_tree_node *node; + struct iso_tree_node *parent_node; + + tmp=strdup(disc_path); + parent_node = iso_tree_volume_path_to_node(volume, dirname(tmp)); + free(tmp); + + if (!parent_node) + return NULL; + + tmp=strdup(disc_path); + node = iso_tree_add_new_dir(parent_node, basename(tmp)); + free(tmp); + + return node; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/volume.h b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/volume.h new file mode 100755 index 00000000..d310df6b --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/libisofs/volume.h @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set noet sts=8 ts=8 sw=8 : */ + +/** + * Extra declarations for use with the iso_volume structure. + */ + +#ifndef LIBISO_VOLUME_H +#define LIBISO_VOLUME_H + +#include "libisofs.h" + +/** + * Data volume. + */ +struct iso_volume +{ + int refcount; /**< Number of used references to this + volume. */ + + struct iso_tree_node *root; /**< Root of the directory tree for the + volume. */ + + wchar_t *volume_id; /**< Volume identifier. */ + wchar_t *publisher_id; /**< Volume publisher. */ + wchar_t *data_preparer_id; /**< Volume data preparer. */ +}; + +/** + * A set of data volumes. + */ +struct iso_volset +{ + int refcount; + + struct iso_volume **volume; /**< The volumes belonging to this + volume set. */ + int volset_size; /**< The number of volumes in this + volume set. */ + + wchar_t *volset_id; /**< The id of this volume set, encoded + in the current locale. */ +}; + +#endif /* __ISO_VOLUME */ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/Makefile b/branches/0.2.2/test/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..062350dd --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +all clean: + $(MAKE) -C .. -$(MAKEFLAGS) $@ + +.PHONY: all clean diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/burn.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/burn.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a46866d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/burn.c @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +int main() +{ + return 0; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/iso.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/iso.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d20c631c --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/iso.c @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +/* vim: set ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noet : */ + +#define _GNU_SOURCE + +#include "libisofs.h" +#include "libburn/libburn.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define SECSIZE 2048 + +const char * const optstring = "JRL:h"; +extern char *optarg; +extern int optind; + +void usage() +{ + printf("test [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY OUTPUT\n"); +} + +void help() +{ + printf( +"Options:\n" +" -J Add Joliet support\n" +" -R Add Rock Ridge support\n" +" -L Set the ISO level (1 or 2)\n" +" -h Print this message\n" +); +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + struct iso_volset *volset; + struct iso_volume *volume; + struct iso_tree_node *root; + struct burn_source *src; + unsigned char buf[2048]; + FILE *fd; + int c; + int level=1, flags=0; + + while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) != -1) { + switch(c) { + case 'h': + usage(); + help(); + exit(0); + break; + case 'J': + flags |= ECMA119_JOLIET; + break; + case 'R': + flags |= ECMA119_ROCKRIDGE; + break; + case 'L': + level = atoi(optarg); + break; + case '?': + usage(); + exit(1); + break; + } + } + + if (argc < 2) { + printf ("must pass directory to build iso from\n"); + usage(); + return 1; + } + if (argc < 3) { + printf ("must supply output file\n"); + usage(); + return 1; + } + fd = fopen(argv[optind+1], "w"); + if (!fd) { + err(1, "error opening output file"); + } + + root = iso_tree_radd_dir(NULL, argv[optind]); + if (!root) { + err(1, "error opening input directory"); + } + volume = iso_volume_new_with_root( "VOLID", "PUBID", "PREPID", root ); + volset = iso_volset_new( volume, "VOLSETID" ); + + src = iso_source_new_ecma119(volset, 0, level, flags); + + while (src->read(src, buf, 2048) == 2048) { + fwrite(buf, 1, 2048, fd); + } + fclose(fd); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/iso.py b/branches/0.2.2/test/iso.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..61da5fd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/iso.py @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +import struct +import tree +import sys + +voldesc_fmt = "B" "5s" "B" "2041x" + +# all these fields are common between the pri and sec voldescs +privoldesc_fmt = "B" "5s" "B" "x" "32s" "32s" "8x" "8s" "32x" "4s" "4s" "4s" "8s" "4s4s" "4s4s" "34s" "128s" \ + "128s" "128s" "128s" "37s" "37s" "37s" "17s" "17s" "17s" "17s" "B" "x" "512s" "653x" + +# the fields unique to the sec_vol_desc +secvoldesc_fmt = "x" "5x" "x" "B" "32x" "32x" "8x" "8x" "32s" "4x" "4x" "4x" "8x" "4x4x" "4x4x" "34x" "128x" \ + "128x" "128x" "128x" "37x" "37x" "37x" "17x" "17x" "17x" "17x" "x" "x" "512x" "653x" + +dirrecord_fmt = "B" "B" "8s" "8s" "7s" "B" "B" "B" "4s" "B" # + file identifier, padding field and SU area + +pathrecord_fmt = "B" "B" "4s" "2s" # + directory identifier and padding field + +def read_bb(str, le, be): + val1, = struct.unpack(le, str) + val2, = struct.unpack(be, str) + if val1 != val2: + print "val1=%d, val2=%d" % (val1, val2) + raise AssertionError, "values are not equal in dual byte-order field" + return val1 + +def read_bb4(str): + return read_bb(str, "4xI") + +def read_bb2(str): + return read_bb(str, "2xH") + +def read_lsb4(str): + return struct.unpack("I", str)[0] + +def read_msb2(str): + return struct.unpack(">H", str)[0] + +class VolDesc(object): + def __init__(self, data): + print "fmt len=%d, data len=%d" % ( struct.calcsize(voldesc_fmt), len(data) ) + self.vol_desc_type, self.standard_id, self.vol_desc_version = struct.unpack(voldesc_fmt, data) + +class PriVolDesc(VolDesc): + def __init__(self, data): + self.vol_desc_type, \ + self.standard_id, \ + self.vol_desc_version, \ + self.system_id, \ + self.volume_id, \ + self.vol_space_size, \ + self.vol_set_size, \ + self.vol_seq_num, \ + self.block_size, \ + self.path_table_size, \ + self.l_table_pos, \ + self.l_table2_pos, \ + self.m_table_pos, \ + self.m_table2_pos, \ + self.root_record, \ + self.volset_id, \ + self.publisher_id, \ + self.preparer_id, \ + self.application_id, \ + self.copyright_file, \ + self.abstract_file, \ + self.bibliographic_file, \ + self.creation_timestamp, \ + self.modification_timestamp, \ + self.expiration_timestamp, \ + self.effective_timestamp, \ + self.file_struct_version, \ + self.application_use = struct.unpack(privoldesc_fmt, data) + + # take care of reading the integer types + self.vol_space_size = read_bb4(self.vol_space_size) + self.vol_set_size = read_bb2(self.vol_set_size) + self.vol_seq_num = read_bb2(self.vol_seq_num) + self.block_size = read_bb2(self.block_size) + self.path_table_size = read_bb4(self.path_table_size) + self.l_table_pos = read_lsb4(self.l_table_pos) + self.l_table2_pos = read_lsb4(self.l_table2_pos) + self.m_table_pos = read_msb4(self.m_table_pos) + self.m_table2_pos = read_msb4(self.m_table2_pos) + + # parse the root directory record + self.root_record = DirRecord(self.root_record) + + def readPathTables(self, file): + file.seek( self.block_size * self.l_table_pos ) + self.l_table = PathTable( file.read(self.path_table_size), 0 ) + file.seek( self.block_size * self.m_table_pos ) + self.m_table = PathTable( file.read(self.path_table_size), 1 ) + + if self.l_table2_pos: + file.seek( self.block_size * self.l_table2_pos ) + self.l_table2 = PathTable( file.read(self.path_table_size), 0 ) + else: + self.l_table2 = None + + if self.m_table2_pos: + file.seek( self.block_size * self.m_table2_pos ) + self.m_table2 = PathTable( file.read(self.path_table_size), 1 ) + else: + self.m_table2 = None + + def toTree(self, isofile): + ret = tree.Tree(isofile=isofile.name) + ret.root = self.root_record.toTreeNode(parent=None, isofile=isofile) + return ret + +class SecVolDesc(PriVolDesc): + def __init__(self, data): + super(SecVolDesc,self).__init__(data) + self.flags, self.escape_sequences = struct.unpack(secvoldesc_fmt, data) + +# return a single volume descriptor of the appropriate type +def readVolDesc(data): + desc = VolDesc(data) + if desc.standard_id != "CD001": + print "Unexpected standard_id " +desc.standard_id + return None + if desc.vol_desc_type == 1: + return PriVolDesc(data) + elif desc.vol_desc_type == 2: + return SecVolDesc(data) + elif desc.vol_desc_type == 3: + print "I don't know about partitions yet!" + return None + elif desc.vol_desc_type == 255: + return desc + else: + print "Unknown volume descriptor type %d" % (desc.vol_desc_type,) + return None + +def readVolDescSet(file): + ret = [ readVolDesc(file.read(2048)) ] + while ret[-1].vol_desc_type != 255: + ret.append( readVolDesc(file.read(2048)) ) + + for vol in ret: + if vol.vol_desc_type == 1 or vol.vol_desc_type == 2: + vol.readPathTables(file) + + return ret + +class DirRecord: + def __init__(self, data): + self.len_dr, \ + self.len_xa, \ + self.block, \ + self.len_data, \ + self.timestamp, \ + self.flags, \ + self.unit_size, \ + self.gap_size, \ + self.vol_seq_number, \ + self.len_fi = struct.unpack(dirrecord_fmt, data[:33]) + self.children = [] + + if self.len_dr > len(data): + raise AssertionError, "Error: not enough data to read in DirRecord()" + elif self.len_dr < 34: + raise AssertionError, "Error: directory record too short" + + fmt = str(self.len_fi) + "s" + if self.len_fi % 2 == 0: + fmt += "1x" + len_su = self.len_dr - (33 + self.len_fi + 1 - (self.len_fi % 2)) + fmt += str(len_su) + "s" + + if len(data) >= self.len_dr: + self.file_id, self.su = struct.unpack(fmt, data[33 : self.len_dr]) + else: + print "Error: couldn't read file_id: not enough data" + self.file_id = "BLANK" + self.su = "" + + # convert to integers + self.block = read_bb4(self.block) + self.len_data = read_bb4(self.len_data) + self.vol_seq_number = read_bb2(self.vol_seq_number) + + def toTreeNode(self, parent, isofile, path=""): + ret = tree.TreeNode(parent=parent, isofile=isofile.name) + if len(path) > 0: + path += "/" + path += self.file_id + ret.path = path + + if self.flags & 2: # we are a directory, recurse + isofile.seek( 2048 * self.block ) + data = isofile.read( self.len_data ) + pos = 0 + while pos < self.len_data: + try: + child = DirRecord( data[pos:] ) + pos += child.len_dr + if child.len_fi == 1 and (child.file_id == "\x00" or child.file_id == "\x01"): + continue + print "read child named " +child.file_id + self.children.append( child ) + ret.children.append( child.toTreeNode(ret, isofile, path) ) + except AssertionError: + print "Couldn't read child of directory %s, position is %d, len is %d" % \ + (path, pos, self.len_data) + raise + + return ret + +class PathTableRecord: + def __init__(self, data, readint2, readint4): + self.len_di, self.len_xa, self.block, self.parent_number = struct.unpack(pathrecord_fmt, data[:8]) + + if len(data) < self.len_di + 8: + raise AssertionError, "Error: not enough data to read path table record" + + fmt = str(self.len_di) + "s" + self.dir_id, = struct.unpack(fmt, data[8:8+self.len_di]) + + self.block = readint4(self.block) + self.parent_number = readint2(self.parent_number) + +class PathTable: + def __init__(self, data, m_type): + if m_type: + readint2 = read_msb2 + readint4 = read_msb4 + else: + readint2 = read_lsb2 + readint4 = read_lsb4 + pos = 0 + self.records = [] + while pos < len(data): + try: + self.records.append( PathTableRecord(data[pos:], readint2, readint4) ) + print "Read path record %d: dir_id %s, block %d, parent_number %d" %\ + (len(self.records), self.records[-1].dir_id, self.records[-1].block, self.records[-1].parent_number) + pos += self.records[-1].len_di + 8 + pos += pos % 2 + except AssertionError: + print "Last successfully read path table record had dir_id %s, block %d, parent_number %d" % \ + (self.records[-1].dir_id, self.records[-1].block, self.records[-1].parent_number) + print "Error was near offset %x" % (pos,) + raise + + def findRecord(self, dir_id, block, parent_number): + number=1 + for record in self.records: + if record.dir_id == dir_id and record.block == block and record.parent_number == parent_number: + return number, record + number += 1 + + return None, None + + # check this path table for consistency against the actual directory heirarchy + def crossCheckDirRecords(self, root, parent_number=1): + number, rec = self.findRecord(root.file_id, root.block, parent_number) + + if not rec: + print "Error: directory record parent_number %d, dir_id %s, block %d doesn't match a path table record" % \ + (parent_number, root.file_id, root.block) + parent = self.records[parent_number] + print "Parent has parent_number %d, dir_id %s, block %d" % (parent.parent_number, parent.dir_id, parent.block) + return 0 + + for child in root.children: + if child.flags & 2: + self.crossCheckDirRecords(child, number) + + +if len(sys.argv) != 2: + print "Please enter the name of the .iso file to open" + sys.exit(1) + +f = file(sys.argv[1]) +f.seek(2048 * 16) # system area +volumes = readVolDescSet(f) +vol = volumes[0] +t = vol.toTree(f) +vol.l_table.crossCheckDirRecords(vol.root_record) +vol.m_table.crossCheckDirRecords(vol.root_record) + +vol = volumes[1] +try: + t = vol.toTree(f) + vol.l_table.crossCheckDirRecords(vol.root_record) + vol.m_table.crossCheckDirRecords(vol.root_record) +except AttributeError: + pass diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/libburner.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/libburner.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85b81f5f --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/libburner.c @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ + +/* test/libburner.c , API illustration of burning a single data track to CD */ +/* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Thomas Schmitt */ +/* Provided under GPL, see also "License and copyright aspects" at file end */ + + +/** Overview + + libburner is a minimal demo application for the library libburn as provided + on http://libburn.pykix.org . It can list the available devices, can + blank a CD-RW and can burn to CD-R or CD-RW. + It's main purpose, nevertheless, is to show you how to use libburn and also + to serve the libburn team as reference application. libburner.c does indeed + define the standard way how above three gestures can be implemented and + stay upward compatible for a good while. + + Before you can do anything, you have to initialize libburn by + burn_initialize() + as it is done in main() at the end of this file. Then you aquire a + drive in an appropriate way conforming to the API. The two main + approaches are shown here in application functions: + libburner_aquire_by_adr() demonstrates usage as of cdrecord traditions + libburner_aquire_by_driveno() demonstrates a scan-and-choose approach + With that aquired drive you can blank a CD-RW + libburner_blank_disc() + Between blanking and burning one eventually has to reload the drive status + libburner_regrab() + With the aquired drive you can burn to CD-R or blank CD-RW + libburner_payload() + When everything is done, main() releases the drive and shuts down libburn: + burn_drive_release(); + burn_finish() + +*/ + +/* We shall prepare for times when more than 2 GB of data are to be handled. + This gives POSIX-ly 64 bit off_t */ +#ifndef _LARGEFILE_SOURCE +#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 +#endif +#ifndef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS +#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 +#endif + +/** See this for the decisive API specs . libburn.h is The Original */ +#include + +/* libburn is intended for Linux systems with kernel 2.4 or 2.6 for now */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +/** For simplicity i use global variables to represent the drives. + Drives are systemwide global, so we do not give away much of good style. +*/ + +/** This list will hold the drives known to libburn. This might be all CD + drives of the system and thus might impose severe impact on the system. +*/ +static struct burn_drive_info *drive_list; + +/** If you start a long lasting operation with drive_count > 1 then you are + not friendly to the users of other drives on those systems. Beware. */ +static unsigned int drive_count; + +/** This variable indicates wether the drive is grabbed and must be + finally released */ +static int drive_is_grabbed = 0; + + +/** Here you may enable simulated burn by default. This does not apply to + blanking. Anyway, some CD recorders obey the request to simulate, some do + not. Explicit options are: --burn_for_real and --try_to_simulate +*/ +static int simulate_burn = 0; + + +/* Some in-advance definitions to allow a more comprehensive ordering + of the functions and their explanations in here */ +int libburner_aquire_by_adr(char *drive_adr); +int libburner_aquire_by_driveno(int *drive_no); + + +/* ------------------------------- API gestures ---------------------------- */ + +/** You need to aquire a drive before burning. The API offers this as one + compact call and alternatively as application controllable gestures of + whitelisting, scanning for drives and finally grabbing one of them. + + If you have a persistent address of the drive, then the compact call is + to prefer because it only touches one drive. On modern Linux kernels, + there should be no fatal disturbance of ongoing burns of other libburn + instances with any of our approaches. We use open(O_EXCL) by default. + On /dev/hdX it should cooperate with growisofs and some cdrecord variants. + On /dev/sgN versus /dev/scdM expect it not to respect other programs. +*/ +int libburner_aquire_drive(char *drive_adr, int *driveno) +{ + int ret; + + if(drive_adr != NULL && drive_adr[0] != 0) + ret = libburner_aquire_by_adr(drive_adr); + else + ret = libburner_aquire_by_driveno(driveno); + return ret; +} + + +/** If the persistent drive address is known, then this approach is much + more un-obtrusive to the systemwide livestock of drives. Only the + given drive device will be opened during this procedure. +*/ +int libburner_aquire_by_adr(char *drive_adr) +{ + int ret; + + printf("Aquiring drive '%s' ...\n",drive_adr); + ret = burn_drive_scan_and_grab(&drive_list,drive_adr,1); + if (ret <= 0) { + fprintf(stderr,"FAILURE with persistent drive address '%s'\n", + drive_adr); + if (strncmp(drive_adr,"/dev/sg",7) != 0 && + strncmp(drive_adr,"/dev/hd",7) != 0) + fprintf(stderr,"\nHINT: Consider addresses like '/dev/hdc' or '/dev/sg0'\n"); + } else { + printf("Done\n"); + drive_is_grabbed = 1; + } + return ret; +} + + +/** This method demonstrates how to use libburn without knowing a persistent + drive address in advance. It has to make sure that after assessing the list + of available drives, all unwanted drives get closed again. As long as they + are open, no other libburn instance can see them. This is an intended + locking feature. The application is responsible for giving up the locks + by either burn_drive_release() (only after burn_drive_grab() !), + burn_drive_info_forget(), burn_drive_info_free(), or burn_finish(). + @param driveno the index number in libburn's drive list. This will get + set to 0 on success and will then be the drive index to + use in the further dourse of processing. + @return 1 success , <= 0 failure +*/ +int libburner_aquire_by_driveno(int *driveno) +{ + char adr[BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN]; + int ret, i; + + printf("Beginning to scan for devices ...\n"); + while (!burn_drive_scan(&drive_list, &drive_count)) + usleep(1002); + if (drive_count <= 0 && *driveno >= 0) { + printf("FAILED (no drives found)\n"); + return 0; + } + printf("Done\n"); + + /* + Interactive programs may choose the drive number at this moment. + + drive[0] to drive[drive_count-1] are struct burn_drive_info + as defined in libburn/libburn.h . This structure is part of API + and thus will strive for future compatibility on source level. + Have a look at the info offered. + Caution: do not take .location for drive address. Always use + burn_drive_get_adr() or you might become incompatible + in future. + Note: bugs with struct burn_drive_info - if any - will not be + easy to fix. Please report them but also strive for + workarounds on application level. + */ + printf("\nOverview of accessible drives (%d found) :\n", + drive_count); + printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); + for (i = 0; i < drive_count; i++) { + if (burn_drive_get_adr(&(drive_list[i]), adr) <=0) + strcpy(adr, "-get_adr_failed-"); + printf("%d --drive '%s' : '%s' '%s'\n", + i,adr,drive_list[i].vendor,drive_list[i].product); + } + printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); + + + /* + On multi-drive systems save yourself from sysadmins' revenge. + + Be aware that you hold reserved all available drives at this point. + So either make your choice quick enough not to annoy other system + users, or set free the drives for a while. + + The tested way of setting free all drives is to shutdown the library + and to restart when the choice has been made. The list of selectable + drives should also hold persistent drive addresses as obtained + above by burn_drive_get_adr(). By such an address one may use + burn_drive_scan_and_grab() to finally aquire exactly one drive. + + A not yet tested shortcut should be to call burn_drive_info_free() + and to call either burn_drive_scan() or burn_drive_scan_and_grab() + before accessing any drives again. + + In both cases you have to be aware that the desired drive might get + aquired in the meantime by another user resp. libburn process. + */ + + /* We already made our choice via command line. (default is 0) + So we just have to keep our desired drive and drop all others. + No other libburn instance will have a chance to steal our drive. + */ + if (*driveno < 0) { + printf("Pseudo-drive \"-\" given : bus scanning done.\n"); + return 2; /* the program will end after this */ + } + if (drive_count <= *driveno) { + fprintf(stderr, + "Found only %d drives. Number %d not available.\n", + drive_count, *driveno); + return 0; /* the program will end after this */ + } + + /* Drop all drives which we do not want to use */ + for (i = 0; i < drive_count; i++) { + if (i == *driveno) /* the one drive we want to keep */ + continue; + ret = burn_drive_info_forget(&(drive_list[i]),0); + if (ret != 1) + fprintf(stderr, "Cannot drop drive %d. Please report \"ret=%d\" to libburn-hackers@pykix.org\n", + i, ret); + else + printf("Dropped unwanted drive %d\n",i); + } + /* Make the one we want ready for blanking or burning */ + ret= burn_drive_grab(drive_list[*driveno].drive, 1); + if (ret != 1) + return 0; + drive_is_grabbed = 1; + return 1; +} + + +/** Makes a previously used CD-RW ready for thorough re-usal. + + To our knowledge it is hardly possible to abort an ongoing blank operation + because after start it is entirely handled by the drive. + So expect a blank run to survive the end of the blanking process and be + patient for the usual timespan of a normal blank run. Only after that + time has surely elapsed, only then you should start any rescue attempts + with the drive. If necessary at all. +*/ +int libburner_blank_disc(struct burn_drive *drive, int blank_fast) +{ + enum burn_disc_status disc_state; + struct burn_progress progress; + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL)) + usleep(1001); + + while ((disc_state = burn_disc_get_status(drive)) == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(1001); + printf( + "Drive media status: %d (see libburn/libburn.h BURN_DISC_*)\n", + disc_state); + if (disc_state == BURN_DISC_BLANK) { + fprintf(stderr, + "IDLE: Blank CD media detected. Will leave it untouched\n"); + return 2; + } else if (disc_state == BURN_DISC_FULL || + disc_state == BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE) { + ; /* this is what libburn is willing to blank */ + } else if (disc_state == BURN_DISC_EMPTY) { + fprintf(stderr,"FATAL: No media detected in drive\n"); + return 0; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, + "FATAL: Cannot recognize drive and media state\n"); + return 0; + } + if(!burn_disc_erasable(drive)) { + fprintf(stderr, + "FATAL : Media is not of erasable type\n"); + return 0; + } + printf( + "Beginning to %s-blank CD media.\n", (blank_fast?"fast":"full")); + printf( + "Expect some garbage sector numbers and some zeros at first.\n"); + burn_disc_erase(drive, blank_fast); + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, &progress)) { + printf("Blanking sector %d\n", progress.sector); + sleep(1); + } + printf("Done\n"); + return 1; +} + + +/** This gesture is necessary to get the drive info after blanking. + It opens a small gap for losing the drive to another libburn instance. + We will work on closing this gap. +*/ +int libburner_regrab(struct burn_drive *drive) { + int ret; + + printf("Releasing and regrabbing drive ...\n"); + if (drive_is_grabbed) + burn_drive_release(drive, 0); + drive_is_grabbed = 0; + ret = burn_drive_grab(drive, 0); + if (ret != 0) { + drive_is_grabbed = 1; + printf("Done\n"); + } else + printf("FAILED\n"); + return !!ret; +} + + +/** Brings the preformatted image (ISO 9660, afio, ext2, whatever) onto media. + + To make sure your image is fully readable on any Linux machine, this + function adds 300 kB of padding to the track. + + Without a signal handler it is quite dangerous to abort the process + while this function is active. See cdrskin/cdrskin.c and its usage + of cdrskin/cleanup.[ch] for an example of application provided + abort handling. It must cope with 2 of 3 threads reporting for + being handled. + + Without signal handler have ready a command line + cdrecord dev=... -reset + with a dev= previously inquired by cdrecord [dev=ATA] -scanbus + in order to get your drive out of shock state after raw abort. + Thanks to Joerg Schilling for helping out unquestioned. :) + + In general, libburn is less prone to system problems than cdrecord, + i believe. But cdrecord had long years of time to complete itself. + We are still practicing. Help us with that. :)) +*/ +int libburner_payload(struct burn_drive *drive, const char *source_adr, + off_t size) +{ + struct burn_source *data_src; + struct burn_disc *target_disc; + struct burn_session *session; + struct burn_write_opts *burn_options; + enum burn_disc_status disc_state; + struct burn_track *track; + struct burn_progress progress; + time_t start_time; + int last_sector = 0; + + target_disc = burn_disc_create(); + session = burn_session_create(); + burn_disc_add_session(target_disc, session, BURN_POS_END); + track = burn_track_create(); + + /* a padding of 300 kB is helpful to avoid the read-ahead bug */ + burn_track_define_data(track, 0, 300*1024, 1, BURN_MODE1); + + if (source_adr[0] == '-' && source_adr[1] == 0) { + data_src = burn_fd_source_new(0, -1, size); + printf("Note: using standard input as source with %.f bytes\n", + (double) size); + } else + data_src = burn_file_source_new(source_adr, NULL); + if (data_src == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, + "FATAL: Could not open data source '%s'.\n",source_adr); + if(errno!=0) + fprintf(stderr,"(Most recent system error: %s )\n", + strerror(errno)); + return 0; + } + + if (burn_track_set_source(track, data_src) != BURN_SOURCE_OK) { + printf("FATAL: Cannot attach source object to track object\n"); + return 0; + } + burn_session_add_track(session, track, BURN_POS_END); + burn_source_free(data_src); + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL)) + usleep(1001); + + /* Evaluate drive and media */ + while ((disc_state = burn_disc_get_status(drive)) == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(1001); + if (disc_state != BURN_DISC_BLANK) { + if (disc_state == BURN_DISC_FULL || + disc_state == BURN_DISC_APPENDABLE) { + fprintf(stderr, + "FATAL: Media with data detected. Need blank media.\n"); + if (burn_disc_erasable(drive)) + fprintf(stderr, "HINT: Try --blank_fast\n\n"); + } else if (disc_state == BURN_DISC_EMPTY) + fprintf(stderr,"FATAL: No media detected in drive\n"); + else + fprintf(stderr, + "FATAL: Cannot recognize drive and media state\n"); + return 0; + } + + burn_options = burn_write_opts_new(drive); + burn_write_opts_set_perform_opc(burn_options, 0); + +#ifdef Libburner_raw_mode_which_i_do_not_likE + /* This yields higher CD capacity but hampers my IDE controller + with burning on one drive and reading on another simultaneously. + My burner does not obey the order --try_to_simulate in this mode. + */ + burn_write_opts_set_write_type(burn_options, + BURN_WRITE_RAW, BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R); +#else + + /* This is by what cdrskin competes with cdrecord -sao which + i understand is the mode preferrably advised by Joerg Schilling */ + burn_write_opts_set_write_type(burn_options, + BURN_WRITE_SAO, BURN_BLOCK_SAO); + +#endif + if(simulate_burn) + printf("\n*** Will TRY to SIMULATE burning ***\n\n"); + burn_write_opts_set_simulate(burn_options, simulate_burn); + burn_structure_print_disc(target_disc); + burn_drive_set_speed(drive, 0, 0); + burn_write_opts_set_underrun_proof(burn_options, 1); + + printf("Burning starts. With e.g. 4x media expect up to a minute of zero progress.\n"); + start_time = time(0); + burn_disc_write(burn_options, target_disc); + + burn_write_opts_free(burn_options); + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL) == BURN_DRIVE_SPAWNING) + usleep(1002); + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, &progress)) { + if( progress.sectors <= 0 || progress.sector == last_sector) + printf( + "Thank you for being patient since %d seconds.\n", + (int) (time(0) - start_time)); + else + printf("Burning sector %d of %d\n", + progress.sector, progress.sectors); + last_sector = progress.sector; + sleep(1); + } + printf("\n"); + burn_track_free(track); + burn_session_free(session); + burn_disc_free(target_disc); + if(simulate_burn) + printf("\n*** Did TRY to SIMULATE burning ***\n\n"); + return 0; +} + + +/** Converts command line arguments into a few program parameters. + drive_adr[] must provide at least BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN bytes. + source_adr[] must provide at least 4096 bytes. +*/ +int libburner_setup(int argc, char **argv, char drive_adr[], int *driveno, + int *do_blank, char source_adr[], off_t *size) +{ + int i, insuffient_parameters = 0; + int print_help = 0; + + drive_adr[0] = 0; + *driveno = 0; + *do_blank = 0; + source_adr[0] = 0; + *size = 650*1024*1024; + + for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { + if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--blank_fast")) { + *do_blank = 1; + + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--blank_full")) { + *do_blank = 2; + + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--burn_for_real")) { + simulate_burn = 0; + + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--drive")) { + ++i; + if (i >= argc) { + fprintf(stderr,"--drive requires an argument\n"); + return 1; + } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-") == 0) { + drive_adr[0] = 0; + *driveno = -1; + } else if (isdigit(argv[i][0])) { + drive_adr[0] = 0; + *driveno = atoi(argv[i]); + } else { + if(strlen(argv[i]) >= BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN) { + fprintf(stderr,"--drive address too long (max. %d)\n", + BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN-1); + return 2; + } + strcpy(drive_adr, argv[i]); + } + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--stdin_size")) { + ++i; + if (i >= argc) { + fprintf(stderr,"--stdin_size requires an argument\n"); + return 3; + } else + *size = atoi(argv[i]); + if (*size < 600*1024) /* seems to be minimum readable track size */ + *size = 600*1024; + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--try_to_simulate")) { + simulate_burn = 1; + + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose")) { + ++i; + if (i >= argc) { + fprintf(stderr,"--verbose requires an argument\n"); + return 4; + } else + burn_set_verbosity(atoi(argv[i])); + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { + print_help = 1; + + } else { + if(strlen(argv[i]) >= 4096) { + fprintf(stderr, "Source address too long (max. %d)\n", 4096-1); + return 5; + } + strcpy(source_adr, argv[i]); + } + } + insuffient_parameters = 1; + if (*driveno < 0) + insuffient_parameters = 0; + if (source_adr[0] != 0) + insuffient_parameters = 0; + if (*do_blank) + insuffient_parameters = 0; + if (print_help || insuffient_parameters ) { + printf("Usage: %s\n", argv[0]); + printf(" [--drive
||\"-\"]\n"); + printf(" [--verbose ] [--blank_fast|--blank_full]\n"); + printf(" [--burn_for_real|--try_to_simulate] [--stdin_size ]\n"); + printf(" [|\"-\"]\n"); + printf("Examples\n"); + printf("A bus scan (needs rw-permissions to see a drive):\n"); + printf(" %s --drive -\n",argv[0]); + printf("Burn a file to drive chosen by number:\n"); + printf(" %s --drive 0 --burn_for_real my_image_file\n", + argv[0]); + printf("Burn a file to drive chosen by persistent address:\n"); + printf(" %s --drive /dev/hdc --burn_for_real my_image_file\n", argv[0]); + printf("Blank a used CD-RW (is combinable with burning in one run):\n"); + printf(" %s --drive 0 --blank_fast\n",argv[0]); + printf("Burn a compressed afio archive on-the-fly, pad up to 700 MB:\n"); + printf(" ( cd my_directory ; find . -print | afio -oZ - ) | \\\n"); + printf(" %s --drive /dev/hdc --burn_for_real --stdin_size 734003200 -\n", argv[0]); + printf("To be read from *not mounted* CD via:\n"); + printf(" afio -tvZ /dev/hdc\n"); + printf("Program tar would need a clean EOF which our padded CD cannot deliver.\n"); + if (insuffient_parameters) + return 6; + } + return 0; +} + + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int driveno, ret, do_blank; + char source_adr[4096], drive_adr[BURN_DRIVE_ADR_LEN]; + off_t stdin_size; + + ret = libburner_setup(argc, argv, drive_adr, &driveno, &do_blank, + source_adr, &stdin_size); + if (ret) + exit(ret); + + printf("Initializing library ...\n"); + if (burn_initialize()) + printf("Done\n"); + else { + printf("FAILED\n"); + fprintf(stderr,"\nFATAL: Failed to initialize libburn.\n"); + exit(33); + } + + /** Note: driveno might change its value in this call */ + ret = libburner_aquire_drive(drive_adr, &driveno); + if (ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr,"\nFATAL: Failed to aquire drive.\n"); + { ret = 34; goto finish_libburn; } + } + if (ret == 2) + { ret = 0; goto release_drive; } + if (do_blank) { + ret = libburner_blank_disc(drive_list[driveno].drive, + do_blank == 1); + if (ret<=0) + { ret = 36; goto release_drive; } + if (ret != 2 && source_adr[0] != 0) + ret = libburner_regrab(drive_list[driveno].drive); + if (ret<=0) { + fprintf(stderr, + "FATAL: Cannot release and grab again drive after blanking\n"); + { ret = 37; goto finish_libburn; } + } + } + if (source_adr[0] != 0) { + ret = libburner_payload(drive_list[driveno].drive, source_adr, + stdin_size); + if (ret<=0) + { ret = 38; goto release_drive; } + } + ret = 0; +release_drive:; + if (drive_is_grabbed) + burn_drive_release(drive_list[driveno].drive, 0); + +finish_libburn:; + /* This app does not bother to know about exact scan state. + Better to accept a memory leak here. We are done anyway. */ + /* burn_drive_info_free(drive_list); */ + + burn_finish(); + return ret; +} + + +/* License and copyright aspects: + +This all is provided under GPL. +Read. Try. Think. Play. Write yourself some code. Be free of my copyright. + +Be also invited to study the code of cdrskin/cdrskin.c et al. + + +Clarification in my name and in the name of Mario Danic, copyright holder +on toplevel of libburn. To be fully in effect after the remaining other +copyrighted code has been replaced by ours and by copyright-free contributions +of our friends: + +We, the copyright holders, agree on the interpretation that +dynamical linking of our libraries constitutes "use of" and +not "derivation from" our work in the sense of GPL, provided +those libraries are compiled from our unaltered code. + +Thus you may link our libraries dynamically with applications +which are not under GPL. You may distribute our libraries and +application tools in binary form, if you fulfill the usual +condition of GPL to offer a copy of the source code -altered +or unaltered- under GPL. + +We ask you politely to use our work in open source spirit +and with the due reference to the entire open source community. + +If there should really arise the case where above clarification +does not suffice to fulfill a clear and neat request in open source +spirit that would otherwise be declined for mere formal reasons, +only in that case we will duely consider to issue a special license +covering only that special case. +It is the open source idea of responsible freedom which will be +decisive and you will have to prove that you exhausted all own +means to qualify for GPL. + +For now we are firmly committed to maintain one single license: GPL. + +History: +libburner is a compilation of my own contributions to test/burniso.c and +fresh code which replaced the remaining parts under copyright of +Derek Foreman. +My respect and my thanks to Derek for providing me a start back in 2005. + +*/ + diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/master.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/master.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c0acb43 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/master.c @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static struct burn_drive_info *drives; +static unsigned int n_drives; + +void burn_files(struct burn_drive *drive, struct burn_disc *disc) +{ + struct burn_write_opts *o; + enum burn_disc_status s; + + if (!burn_drive_grab(drive, 1)) { + printf("Unable to open the drive!\n"); + return; + } + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL)) + usleep(1000); + + while ((s = burn_disc_get_status(drive)) == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(1000); + + if (s != BURN_DISC_BLANK) { + burn_drive_release(drive, 0); + printf("Please insert blank media in the drive\n"); + return; + } + o = burn_write_opts_new(drive); + burn_drive_set_speed(drive, 0, 2816); + burn_write_opts_set_perform_opc(o, 0); + burn_write_opts_set_write_type(o, BURN_WRITE_TAO, BURN_BLOCK_MODE1); + burn_write_opts_set_simulate(o, 1); +/* want failure on seggy while debugging :) */ + burn_write_opts_set_underrun_proof(o, 0); + burn_structure_print_disc(disc); + burn_disc_write(o, disc); + burn_write_opts_free(o); + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL)) { + sleep(1); + } + printf("\n"); + burn_drive_release(drive, 0); + burn_disc_free(disc); +} + +void parse_args(int argc, char **argv, int *drive, struct burn_disc **disc) +{ + int i, tmode = BURN_AUDIO; + int help = 1; + struct burn_session *session; + struct burn_track *tr; + struct burn_source *src; + + *disc = burn_disc_create(); + session = burn_session_create(); + burn_disc_add_session(*disc, session, BURN_POS_END); + for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { + if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--drive")) { + ++i; + if (i >= argc) + printf("--drive requires an argument\n"); + else + *drive = atoi(argv[i]); + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--audio")) { + tmode = BURN_AUDIO; + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--data")) { + tmode = BURN_MODE1; + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose")) { + ++i; + if (i >= argc) + printf("--verbose requires an argument\n"); + else + burn_set_verbosity(atoi(argv[i])); + } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { + help = 1; /* who cares */ + } else { + help = 0; + printf("%s is a track\n", argv[i]); + + tr = burn_track_create(); + src = burn_file_source_new(argv[i], NULL); + burn_track_set_source(tr, src); + burn_source_free(src); + burn_track_define_data(tr, 0, 0, 1, tmode); + burn_session_add_track(session, tr, BURN_POS_END); + } + } + if (help) { + printf("Usage: %s [--drive ] [--verbose ] files\n", + argv[0]); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); + } +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int drive = 0; + struct burn_disc *disc; + + parse_args(argc, argv, &drive, &disc); + printf("Initializing library..."); + if (burn_initialize()) + printf("Success\n"); + else { + printf("Failed\n"); + return 1; + } + + printf("Scanning for devices..."); + while (!burn_drive_scan(&drives, &n_drives)) ; + printf("Done\n"); + + burn_files(drives[drive].drive, disc); + burn_drive_info_free(drives); + burn_finish(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/poll.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/poll.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd22f158 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/poll.c @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include "libburn/libburn.h" +#include "libburn/toc.h" +#include "libburn/mmc.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static struct burn_drive_info *drives; +static unsigned int n_drives; +int NEXT; + +static void catch_int () +{ + NEXT = 1; +} + +static void poll_drive(int d) +{ + enum burn_disc_status s; + + fprintf(stderr, "polling disc in %s - %s:\n", + drives[d].vendor, drives[d].product); + + if (!burn_drive_grab(drives[d].drive, 1)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open the drive!\n"); + return; + } + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drives[d].drive, NULL)) + usleep(1000); + + while ((s = burn_disc_get_status(drives[d].drive)) + == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(1000); + + while (NEXT == 0) { + sleep(2); + mmc_get_event(drives[d].drive); + } + burn_drive_release(drives[d].drive, 0); +} + +int main() +{ + int i; + struct sigaction newact; + struct sigaction oldact; + fprintf(stderr, "Initializing library..."); + if (burn_initialize()) + fprintf(stderr, "Success\n"); + else { + printf("Failed\n"); + return 1; + } + + fprintf(stderr, "Scanning for devices..."); + while (!burn_drive_scan(&drives, &n_drives)) ; + fprintf(stderr, "Done\n"); + if (!drives) { + printf("No burner found\n"); + return 1; + } + + newact.sa_handler = catch_int; + sigaction(SIGINT, &newact, &oldact); + for (i = 0; i < n_drives; i++) { + NEXT=0; + poll_drive(i); + } + sigaction(SIGINT, &oldact, NULL); + burn_drive_info_free(drives); + burn_finish(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/rip.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/rip.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0606cf49 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/rip.c @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* THIS IS NOT A PROPER EXAMPLE */ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +static struct burn_drive_info *drives; +static unsigned int n_drives; + +#warning this example is totally fried +int main() +{ +#if 0 + struct burn_drive *drive; + struct burn_read_opts o; + + burn_initialize(); + o.datafd = + open("/xp/burn/blah.data", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, + S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); + o.subfd = + open("/xp/burn/blah.sub", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, + S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); + o.raw = 1; + o.c2errors = 0; + o.subcodes_audio = 1; + o.subcodes_data = 1; + o.hardware_error_recovery = 1; + o.report_recovered_errors = 0; + o.transfer_damaged_blocks = 1; + o.hardware_error_retries = 1; + + printf("Scanning for devices..."); + while (!burn_drive_scan(&drives, &n_drives)) ; + printf("Done\n"); + drive = drives[0].drive; + burn_drive_set_speed(drive, 0, 0); + + if (!burn_drive_grab(drive, 1)) { + printf("Unable to open the drive!\n"); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drive, NULL)) + usleep(1000); + + burn_disc_read(drive, &o); +#endif + return EXIT_SUCCESS; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/structest.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/structest.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..defa274e --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/structest.c @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int i; + const char *path; + struct burn_track *track; + struct burn_disc *disc; + struct burn_session *session; + struct burn_source *src; + + disc = burn_disc_create(); + session = burn_session_create(); + burn_disc_add_session(disc, session, BURN_POS_END); + + /* Define a source for all of the tracks */ + path = strdup("/etc/hosts"); + src = burn_file_source_new(path, NULL); + + /* Add ten tracks to a session */ + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { + track = burn_track_create(); + burn_session_add_track(session, track, 0); + if (burn_track_set_source(track, src) != BURN_SOURCE_OK) { + printf("problem with the source\n"); + return 0; + } + } + + /* Add ten tracks to a session */ + for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { + track = burn_track_create(); + burn_session_add_track(session, track, 0); + if (burn_track_set_source(track, src) != BURN_SOURCE_OK) { + printf("problem with the source\n"); + return 0; + } + } + + /* Delete a session */ + burn_session_remove_track(session, track); + + burn_structure_print_disc(disc); + return EXIT_SUCCESS; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/toc.c b/branches/0.2.2/test/toc.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ec7bcfd --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/toc.c @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static struct burn_drive_info *drives; +static unsigned int n_drives; + +static void show_tocs() +{ + struct burn_session **sessions; + struct burn_track **tracks; + struct burn_disc *disc; + int nses, ntracks, hidefirst; + unsigned int i, j, k; + struct burn_toc_entry e; + enum burn_disc_status s; + + for (i = 0; i < n_drives; ++i) { + fprintf(stderr, "TOC for disc in %s - %s:\n", + drives[i].vendor, drives[i].product); + + if (!burn_drive_grab(drives[i].drive, 1)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open the drive!\n"); + continue; + } + + while (burn_drive_get_status(drives[i].drive, NULL)) + usleep(1000); + + while ((s = burn_disc_get_status(drives[i].drive)) + == BURN_DISC_UNREADY) + usleep(1000); + if (s != BURN_DISC_FULL) { + burn_drive_release(drives[i].drive, 0); + fprintf(stderr, "No disc found!\n"); + continue; + } + + disc = burn_drive_get_disc(drives[i].drive); + + sessions = burn_disc_get_sessions(disc, &nses); + for (k = 0; k < nses; ++k) { + tracks = burn_session_get_tracks(sessions[k], + &ntracks); + hidefirst = burn_session_get_hidefirst(sessions[k]); + if (hidefirst) + fprintf(stderr, + "track: GAP (%2d) lba: %9d (%9d) %02d:%02d:%02d adr: X control: X mode: %d\n", + k + 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, + burn_track_get_mode(tracks[0])); + + for (j = !!hidefirst; j < ntracks; ++j) { + burn_track_get_entry(tracks[j], &e); + fprintf(stderr, + "track: %3d (%2d) lba: %9d (%9d) %02d:%02d:%02d " + "adr: %d control: %d mode: %d\n", + e.point, e.session, + burn_msf_to_lba(e.pmin, e.psec, + e.pframe), + burn_msf_to_lba(e.pmin, e.psec, + e.pframe) * 4, + e.pmin, e.psec, e.pframe, e.adr, + e.control, + burn_track_get_mode(tracks[j])); + } + burn_session_get_leadout_entry(sessions[k], &e); + fprintf(stderr, + "track:lout (%2d) lba: %9d (%9d) %02d:%02d:%02d " + "adr: %d control: %d mode: %d\n", + k + 1, burn_msf_to_lba(e.pmin, e.psec, + e.pframe), + burn_msf_to_lba(e.pmin, e.psec, + e.pframe) * 4, e.pmin, + e.psec, e.pframe, e.adr, e.control, -1); + } + burn_disc_free(disc); + burn_drive_release(drives[i].drive, 0); + } +} + +int main() +{ + fprintf(stderr, "Initializing library..."); + if (burn_initialize()) + fprintf(stderr, "Success\n"); + else { + printf("Failed\n"); + return 1; + } + + fprintf(stderr, "Scanning for devices..."); + while (!burn_drive_scan(&drives, &n_drives)) ; + fprintf(stderr, "Done\n"); + + show_tocs(); + burn_drive_info_free(drives); + burn_finish(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/tree.py b/branches/0.2.2/test/tree.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7be3d80 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/test/tree.py @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +# a module to help with handling of filenames, directory trees, etc. + +import os +import os.path +import stat + +def pathsubtract(a, b): + index = a.find(b) + if index == -1: + return None + res = a[ (index + len(b)): ] + + if res.find("/") == 0: + res = res[1:] + return res + +# same as C strcmp() +def strcmp(a, b): + if a < b: + return -1 + if a > b: + return 1 + return 0 + +class TreeNode: + + # path is the location of the file/directory. It is either a full path or + # a path relative to $PWD + def __init__(self, parent, path=".", root=".", isofile=None): + if isofile: + self.root = os.path.abspath(isofile) + self.path = "" + else: + fullpath = os.path.abspath( path ) + fullroot = os.path.abspath( root ) + self.root = fullroot + self.path = pathsubtract( fullpath, fullroot ) + self.parent = parent + self.children = [] + + if self.path == None: + raise NameError, "Invalid paths %s and %s" % (fullpath, fullroot) + + # if this is a directory, add its children recursively + def addchildren(self): + if not stat.S_ISDIR( os.lstat(self.root + "/" + self.path).st_mode ): + return + + children = os.listdir( self.root + "/" + self.path ) + for child in children: + if self.path: + child = self.path + "/" + child + self.children.append( TreeNode(self, child, self.root) ) + for child in self.children: + child.addchildren() + + def printAll(self, spaces=0): + print " "*spaces + self.root + "/" + self.path + for child in self.children: + child.printAll(spaces + 2) + + def isValidISO1(self): + pass + +class Tree: + def __init__(self, root=None, isofile=None): + if isofile: + self.root = TreeNode(parent=None, isofile=isofile) + else: + self.root = TreeNode(parent=None, path=root, root=root) + self.root.addchildren() + + def isValidISO1(self): + return root.isValidISO1(); + +#t = Tree(root=".") +#t.root.printAll() diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/test/tree.pyc b/branches/0.2.2/test/tree.pyc new file mode 100644 index 00000000..efc06d94 Binary files /dev/null and b/branches/0.2.2/test/tree.pyc differ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/version.h.in b/branches/0.2.2/version.h.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13ada991 --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/version.h.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#define BURN_MAJOR_VERSION @BURN_MAJOR_VERSION@ +#define BURN_MINOR_VERSION @BURN_MINOR_VERSION@ +#define BURN_MICRO_VERSION @BURN_MICRO_VERSION@ diff --git a/branches/0.2.2/zzz_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE b/branches/0.2.2/zzz_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8756c93d --- /dev/null +++ b/branches/0.2.2/zzz_CAUTION_RELEASE_CANDIDATE @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Note: this is a libburn-0.2.2 release candidate +