'''Libburnia Frequently Asked Questions''' Please post your questions to [http://mailman-mail1.webfaction.com/listinfo/libburn-hackers/ libburn-hackers mailing list]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Content:''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burning: [#diff_cdrskin_xorriso What is the difference between cdrskin and xorriso ?] Imaging: [#edit_files Is there a way to edit files inside the ISO image ?] [#boot_arch For which architectures xorriso is able to create bootable images ?] [#isohybrid How to enable booting from USB stick ?] [#partition_offset What is partition offset feature all about?] [#partition_offset_apple Partition offset bad on Apple ?] Development: [#api_specs Where are the APIs of libburnia libraries described ?] [#gui_advise I want to write a GUI on the top of libburnia libraries. Any pointers or recommendations ?] Miscellaneous: [#example_links Where to see examples ?] [#xorriso_aliases What personalities are supported by xorriso ?] [#xorriso_dialog_mode What is xorriso dialog mode useful for ?] [#version_numbers Why is every second release missing ?] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Burning''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===== What is the difference between cdrskin and xorriso ? ===== #diff_cdrskin_xorriso [wiki:Cdrskin cdrskin] is a dedicated emulator of program cdrecord, based on libburn. It tries to be as similar to cdrecord as is possible under that premise. [wiki:Xorriso xorriso] is an integrated tool which creates, loads, manipulates, and writes ISO 9660 filesystem images with Rock Ridge extensions. It is based on libburn, libisofs, and libisoburn. One of its features is the emulation of the corresponding tasks as done by mkisofs and cdrecord. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Imaging''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===== Is there a way to edit files inside the ISO image ? ===== #edit_files File content cannot be altered. But files may be replaced by new copies from the disk filesystem. The main method of manipulating an existing ISO image is to append a session with a new complete directory tree and the file content of the added or overwritten files. Depending on the media type you get gaps between sessions of up to 20 MB. So better try to do all foreseeable changes by one add-on session. ===== For which architectures xorriso is able to create bootable images ? ===== #boot_arch Currently it supports systems with PC-BIOS via El Torito for booting from CD, DVD, or BD media, and via MBR for booting from memory sticks or hard disks. Further it supports machines with MIPS processor from SGI (Big Endian) and DEC (Little Endian), and SUN SPARC machines. (See [http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Elibburnia-team/libisofs/scdbackup/annotate/head%3A/doc/boot_sectors.txt libisofs/doc/boot_sectors.txt] for technical details.) Machines which support EFI may either boot via El Torito or use the files of the ISO image directly. It is possible to append to the ISO image a writeable FAT12 partition where files for EFI may be stored and changed. ===== How to enable booting from USB stick ? ===== #isohybrid The ISOLINUX boot loader is normally started from CD, DVD or BD media by a PC-BIOS via an El Torito boot record. But if the ISO image resides on an USB stick or another hard-disk-like device, then PC-BIOS ignores El Torito and rather expects a Master Boot Record (MBR). Both boot record types can reside in the same ISO image. Therefore it is possible to create an MBR that starts the boot image file of ISOLINUX which is already target of the El Torito boot record. This kind of MBR is called "isohybrid". ISOLINUX provides a program named isohybrid to patch existing images, but libisofs can create an MBR already when producing the ISO image. See in [http://www.gnu.org/software/xorriso/man_1_xorriso.html manual page of xorriso] option -boot_image with arguments "isolinux" "system_area=", and -as mkisofs option -isohybrid-mbr. See [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record Wikipedia on MBR] for general information about PC-DOS Master Boot Records, and [http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/ISOLINUX ISOLINUX wiki] for special information about ISOLINUX. The wiki example with mkisofs can be performed as well by help of xorriso option -as mkisofs. A similar combination of El Torito and MBR is created by GRUB2 tool grub-mkrescue. See [http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/ homepage of GNU GRUB 2] for general information. ===== What is partition offset feature all about? ===== #partition_offset If an MBR is present, then it contains a partition table with up to four entries. The MBR is located at the very start of the ISO image. By tradition the first partition should begin only after the range of MBR and eventual supporting data blocks. On hard disk one often sees partition 1 starting at byte 63*512. Further it is tradition that the payload filesystem is mountable via one of the partitions. The isohybrid MBR has its only partition start at byte 0. Thus it is mountable but does not obey the tradition to begin only after the MBR. The grub-mkrescue MBR on the other hand has partition 1 start at byte 512, which makes it unmountable. Only the unpartitioned base device can be mounted. (On GNU/Linux e.g. /dev/sdb is the base device whereas /dev/sdb1 is partition 1.) The compromise offered by libisofs is to create a second superblock at address 16*2048 and to let start partition 1 at this address. The second superblock leads to a second directory tree which takes into account the address difference between partition 1 and the base device. So the image gets mountable via both devices and reserves 32 kB for boot manager software where it may manipulate and augment the MBR. (See [http://libburnia-project.org/wiki/PartitionOffset Partition Offset Wiki] for examples.) There are reports of machines which will not boot from USB stick if partition offset is 0. ===== Partition offset bad on Apple ? ===== #partition_offset_apple Apple's "Snow Leopard" operating system refuses to mount Debian CD images with non-zero partition offset. The issue is still under investigation. But for now one has to choose between mountability on Apple "Snow Leopard" or bootability from USB stick on Kontron CG2100 "carrier grade server". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Developing''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===== Where are the APIs of libburnia libraries described ? ===== #api_specs The decisive references are the inclusion headers of the libraries <libburn/libburn.h>, <libisofs/libisofs.h>, <libisoburn/libisoburn.h>, and <libisoburn/xorriso.h>. Current SVN versions of these files: [http://libburnia-project.org/browser/libburn/trunk/libburn/libburn.h libburn/libburn.h] , [http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Elibburnia-team/libisofs/scdbackup/annotate/head%3A/libisofs/libisofs.h libisofs/libisofs.h] , [http://libburnia-project.org/browser/libisoburn/trunk/libisoburn/libisoburn.h libisoburn/libisoburn.h] , [http://libburnia-project.org/browser/libisoburn/trunk/xorriso/xorriso.h libisoburn/xorriso.h] Doxygen generated API descriptions at [http://api.libburnia-project.org api.libburnia-project.org] might be slightly behind the latest developments. ===== I want to write a GUI on the top of libburnia libraries. Any pointers or recommendations ? ===== #gui_advise Most appreciated would be a GUI for xorriso which allows to copy files from a view of the hard disk filesystem to a view of the ISO filesystem, and vice versa. The xorriso implementation is located inside libisoburn. Each option that is described in [http://www.gnu.org/software/xorriso/man_1_xorriso.html man 1 xorriso] can be performed by a corresponding C function that is defined in [http://libburnia-project.org/browser/libisoburn/trunk/xorriso/xorriso.h xorriso.h]. Further there are calls for library startup and shutdown, for problem handling, and for the interpreters of xorriso's command line interface. The xorriso API encapsulates calls to libisofs, libburn, and libisoburn. An alternative to the xorriso C API is xorriso dialog mode. [#xorriso_dialog_mode See below.] The known existing GUIs [http://www.xfce.org/projects/xfburn/ Xfburn], [http://projects.gnome.org/brasero/ Brasero], [http://flburn.sourceforge.net/ FlBurn] rather use libisofs and libburn directly. (Please submit an URI if you want your libburnia GUI application mentioned here.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '''Miscellaneous''' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===== Where to see examples ? ===== #example_links [http://www.gnu.org/software/xorriso/man_1_xorriso.html#EXAMPLES xorriso examples] , [http://scdbackup.sourceforge.net/man_1_cdrskin_devel.html#EXAMPLES cdrskin examples] , [http://libburnia-project.org/browser/libburn/trunk/test/libburner.c libburner.c a minimal but complete burn program] (also illustrated at the end of [http://api.libburnia-project.org/libburn/ libburn API intro]). ===== What personalities are supported by xorriso ? ===== #xorriso_aliases The name by which xorriso is started may trigger certain features which normally would need to be enabled by program options. xorrisofs starts up in mkisofs emulation mode, which otherwise would have to be entered by command -as "mkisofs". xorrecord starts up in cdrecord emulation mode, which is normally entered by command -as "cdrecord". This emulation is only able to write a single data track as new session to blank or appendable media. No audio. No multiple tracks in one session. osirrox allows to copy files from ISO image to disk and to apply option -mount to one or more of the existing ISO sessions. This is normally enabled by option -osirrox "on:o_excl_off". ===== What is xorriso dialog mode useful for ? ===== #xorriso_dialog_mode Dialog mode is initiated if -dialog "on" is among the program arguments. It can be used to inspect and exploit existing ISO 9660 images or to explore xorriso's behavior in order to develop the command sequence for a batch run. Frontend programmers may fork xorriso initiating a xorriso dialog session (-dialog "on" -use_readline "off" -pkt_output "on" -mark "done"), and interact with it from their own program via pipes connected to xorriso's stdin and stdout. This is more efficient than forking xorriso every now and then to perform various commands in order to complete complex tasks like image size prediction. ===== Why is every second release missing ? ===== #version_numbers Releases have an even third version number. Like 0.5.6 or 1.0.4. During development the next higher odd number is used. E.g. 0.5.7 or 1.0.5. The content of release tarballs does not get changed without changing their name. The development tarballs of xorriso and cdrskin may change their content without notice. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site maintainer: Do not edit this wiki directly but rather the SVN version of libisoburn/trunk/doc/faq.wiki. When done, paste it into the wiki editor.