#!/bin/sh # # convert_man_to_html.sh - ts A80118 # # Generates a HTML version of man page xorriso.1 # # To be executed in the libisoburn toplevel directory (eg. ./libisoburn-0.1.0) # # set -x man_dir=$(pwd)"/xorriso" export MANPATH="$man_dir" manpage="xorriso" raw_html=$(pwd)/"xorriso/raw_man_1_xorriso.html" htmlpage=$(pwd)/"xorriso/man_1_xorriso.html" if test -r "$man_dir"/"$manpage".1 then dummy=dummy else echo "Cannot find readable man page source $1" >&2 exit 1 fi if test -e "$man_dir"/man1 then dummy=dummy else ln -s . "$man_dir"/man1 fi if test "$1" = "-work_as_filter" then # set -x sed \ -e 's/<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see www.gnu.org">/<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, via man -H, via xorriso\/convert_man_to_html.sh">/' \ -e 's/<meta name="Content-Style" content="text\/css">/<meta name="Content-Style" content="text\/css"><META NAME="description" CONTENT="man page of xorriso"><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="man xorriso, manual, xorriso, CD, CD-RW, CD-R, burning, cdrecord, compatible"><META NAME="robots" CONTENT="follow">/' \ -e 's/<title>XORRISO<\/title>/<title>man 1 xorriso<\/title>/' \ -e 's/<h1 align=center>XORRISO<\/h1>/<h1 align=center>man 1 xorriso<\/h1>/' \ -e 's/<body>/<body BGCOLOR="#F5DEB3" TEXT=#000000 LINK=#0000A0 VLINK=#800000>/' \ -e 's/<b>Overview of features:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Overview of features:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/<b>General information paragraphs:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>General information paragraphs:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/have a look at section EXAMPLES/have a look at section <A HREF="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES<\/A>/' \ -e 's/<b>Session model:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Session model:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/<b>Media types and states:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Media types and states:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/<b>Creating, Growing, Modifying:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Creating, Growing, Modifying:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/<b>Libburn drives:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Libburn drives:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/^-dev /\ \ -dev /' \ -e 's/^-devices /\ \ -devices /' \ -e 's/<b>Rock Ridge, POSIX, X\/Open:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Rock Ridge, POSIX, X\/Open:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/<b>Command processing:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Command processing:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/<b>Dialog, Readline, Result pager:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Dialog, Readline, Result pager:<\/b>/' \ -e 's/<b>Aquiring source and target drive:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Aquiring source and target drive:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/<b>Data manipulations:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Data manipulations:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/^<p><b>−iso_rr_pattern/<p>\ <BR><b>\−iso_rr_pattern/' \ -e 's/EXAMPLES):<br>/<A HREF="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES<\/A>):<br>/' \ -e 's/<b>Writing the result:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Writing the result:<\/b><BR>/' \ -e 's/^-find \/ /\ \ -find \/ /' \ -e 's/<b>Settings for data insertion:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Settings for data insertion:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/^$<\/b> ln -s/\ \ $<\/b> ln -s/' \ -e 's/<b>Settings for result writing:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Settings for result writing:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/^706k = 706kB/\ \ 706k = 706kB/' \ -e 's/^5540k = 5540kB/\ \ 5540k = 5540kB/' \ -e 's/<b>Exception processing:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Exception processing:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/<b>Dialog mode control:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Dialog mode control:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/<b>Drive and media related inquiry actions:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Drive and media related inquiry actions:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/<b>Navigation in ISO image/\ <BR><b>Navigation in ISO image/' \ -e 's/^filesystem:<\/b>/filesystem:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/<b>Command compatibility emulations:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Command compatibility emulations:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/^<p><b>−as</<p>\ <BR><b>\−as</' \ -e 's/<b>Scripting, dialog and/\ <BR><b>Scripting, dialog and/' \ -e 's/^features:<\/b>/features:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/<b>Support for frontend/\ <BR><b>Support for frontend/' \ -e 's/^listening at stdout:<\/b>/listening at stdout:<\/b><BR>\ <BR>/' \ -e 's/xorriso -outdev \/dev\/sr2 \\ -blank fast \\ -pathspecs on/xorriso -outdev \/dev\/sr2 -blank fast -pathspecs on/' \ -e 's/\\ -add \\ \/sounds=\/home\/me\/sounds \\ \/pictures \\ -- \\ -rm_r \\/ -add \/sounds=\/home\/me\/sounds \/pictures -- -rm_r /' \ -e 's/\/sounds\/indecent \\ \’\/pictures\/\*private\*\’ \\/\/sounds\/indecent \’\/pictures\/*private*\’ /' \ -e 's/\/pictures\/confidential \\ -- \\ -add \\/\/pictures\/confidential -- -add/' \ -e 's/xorriso -dev \/dev\/sr2 \\ -rm_r \/sounds -- \\ -mv \\/xorriso -dev \/dev\/sr2 -rm_r \/sounds -- -mv /' \ -e 's/\/pictures\/confidential \\ \/pictures\/restricted \\ -- \\ -chmod/\/pictures\/confidential \/pictures\/restricted -- -chmod/' \ -e 's/go-rwx \/pictures\/restricted -- \\ -pathsspecs on \\ -add \\/go-rwx \/pictures\/restricted -- -pathsspecs on -add /' \ -e 's/\/sounds=\/home\/me\/prepared_for_dvd\/sounds_dummy /\/sounds=\/home\/me\/prepared_for_dvd\/sounds_dummy/' \ -e 's/\/movies=\/home\/me\/prepared_for_dvd\/movies \\ -- \\ -commit/\/movies=\/home\/me\/prepared_for_dvd\/movies -- -commit/' \ -e 's/xorriso -indev \/dev\/sr2 \\ -rm_r \/sounds -- \\/xorriso -indev \/dev\/sr2 -rm_r \/sounds -- /' \ -e 's/-outdev \/dev\/sr0 -blank fast \\ -commit -eject all/-outdev \/dev\/sr0 -blank fast -commit -eject all/' \ -e 's/See section FILES/See section <A HREF="#FILES">FILES<\/A>/' \ -e 's/See section EXAMPLES/See section <A HREF="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES<\/A>/' \ -e 's/<\/body>/<BR><HR><FONT SIZE=-1><CENTER>(HTML generated from '"$manpage"'.1 on '"$(date)"' by '$(basename "$0")' )<\/CENTER><\/FONT><\/body>/' \ <"$2" >"$htmlpage" set +x chmod u+rw,go+r,go-w "$htmlpage" echo "Emerged file:" ls -lL "$htmlpage" else export BROWSER='cp "%s" '"$raw_html" man -H "$manpage" "$0" -work_as_filter "$raw_html" rm "$raw_html" rm "$man_dir"/man1 fi