/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8; -*- */ #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include "error.h" #include "options.h" #include "transport.h" #include "libburn.h" #include "drive.h" #include "sector.h" #include "crc.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lec.h" #include "toc.h" #include "write.h" /*static unsigned char isrc[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";*/ #define sector_common(X) d->alba++; d->rlba X; static void uncook_subs(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *source) { int i, j, code; memset(dest, 0, 96); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { for (code = 0; code < 8; code++) { if (source[code * 12 + i] & 0x80) dest[j + i * 8] |= (1 << (7 - code)); source[code * 12 + i] <<= 1; } } } } /* 0 means "same as inmode" */ static int get_outmode(struct burn_write_opts *o) { if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO) return 0; else switch (o->block_type) { case BURN_BLOCK_RAW0: return BURN_MODE_RAW; case BURN_BLOCK_RAW16: return BURN_MODE_RAW | BURN_SUBCODE_P16; case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96P: return BURN_MODE_RAW | BURN_SUBCODE_P96; case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R: return BURN_MODE_RAW | BURN_SUBCODE_R96; case BURN_BLOCK_MODE1: return BURN_MODE1; } assert(0); /* return BURN_MODE_UNIMPLEMENTED :) */ } static void get_bytes(struct burn_track *track, int count, unsigned char *data) { int valid, shortage, curr; /* no track pointer means we're just generating 0s */ if (!track) { memset(data, 0, count); return; } /* first we use up any offset */ valid = track->offset - track->offsetcount; if (valid > count) valid = count; if (valid) { track->offsetcount += valid; memset(data, 0, valid); } shortage = count - valid; if (!shortage) return; /* Next we use source data */ curr = valid; if (!track->eos) { valid = track->source->read(track->source, data + curr, count - curr); } else valid = 0; if (valid == -1) { track->eos = 1; valid = 0; } curr += valid; shortage = count - curr; if (!shortage) return; /* Before going to the next track, we run through any tail */ valid = track->tail - track->tailcount; if (valid > count - curr) valid = count - curr; if (valid) { track->tailcount += valid; memset(data + curr, 0, valid); } curr += valid; shortage -= valid; if (!shortage) return; /* If we're still short, and there's a "next" pointer, we pull from that. if that depletes, we'll just fill with 0s. */ if (track->source->next) { struct burn_source *src; printf("pulling from next track\n"); src = track->source->next; valid = src->read(src, data + curr, shortage); if (valid > 0) { shortage -= valid; curr += valid; } } if (!shortage) return; memset(data + curr, 0, shortage); } static unsigned char *get_sector(struct burn_write_opts *opts, int inmode) { struct burn_drive *d = opts->drive; struct buffer *out = d->buffer; int outmode; int seclen; unsigned char *ret; outmode = get_outmode(opts); if (outmode == 0) outmode = inmode; seclen = burn_sector_length(outmode) + burn_subcode_length(outmode); if (out->bytes + (seclen) >= BUFFER_SIZE) { int err; err = d->write(d, d->nwa, out); if (err == BE_CANCELLED) return NULL; d->nwa += out->sectors; out->bytes = 0; out->sectors = 0; } ret = out->data + out->bytes; out->bytes += seclen; out->sectors++; return ret; } /* either inmode == outmode, or outmode == raw. anything else is bad news */ static void convert_data(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_track *track, int inmode, unsigned char *data) { int outlen, inlen; int offset = -1; int outmode; outmode = get_outmode(o); if (outmode == 0) outmode = inmode; outlen = burn_sector_length(outmode); inlen = burn_sector_length(inmode); assert(outlen >= inlen); if ((outmode & BURN_MODE_BITS) == (inmode & BURN_MODE_BITS)) { get_bytes(track, inlen, data); return; } assert(outmode & BURN_MODE_RAW); if (inmode & BURN_MODE1) offset = 16; if (inmode & BURN_MODE_RAW) offset = 0; if (inmode & BURN_AUDIO) offset = 0; assert(offset != -1); get_bytes(track, inlen, data + offset); } static void convert_subs(struct burn_write_opts *o, int inmode, unsigned char *subs, unsigned char *sector) { unsigned char *out; int outmode; outmode = get_outmode(o); if (outmode == 0) outmode = inmode; sector += burn_sector_length(outmode); /* XXX for sao with subs, we'd need something else... */ switch (o->block_type) { case BURN_BLOCK_RAW96R: uncook_subs(sector, subs); break; case BURN_BLOCK_RAW16: memcpy(sector, subs + 12, 12); out = sector + 12; out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; /*XXX find a better way to deal with partially damaged P channels*/ if (subs[2] != 0) out[3] = 0x80; else out[3] = 0; out = sector + 10; out[0] = ~out[0]; out[1] = ~out[1]; break; } } static void subcode_toc(struct burn_drive *d, int mode, unsigned char *data) { unsigned char *q; int track; int crc; int min, sec, frame; track = d->toc_temp / 3; memset(data, 0, 96); q = data + 12; burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &min, &sec, &frame); /*XXX track numbers are BCD a0 - 1st track ctrl a1 - last track ctrl a2 - lout ctrl */ q[0] = (d->toc_entry[track].control << 4) + 1; q[1] = 0; if (d->toc_entry[track].point < 100) q[2] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].point); else q[2] = d->toc_entry[track].point; q[3] = dec_to_bcd(min); q[4] = dec_to_bcd(sec); q[5] = dec_to_bcd(frame); q[6] = 0; q[7] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].pmin); q[8] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].psec); q[9] = dec_to_bcd(d->toc_entry[track].pframe); crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10); q[10] = crc >> 8; q[11] = crc & 0xFF; d->toc_temp++; d->toc_temp %= (d->toc_entries * 3); } int sector_toc(struct burn_write_opts *o, int mode) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned char *data; unsigned char subs[96]; data = get_sector(o, mode); if (!data) return 0; convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); subcode_toc(d, mode, subs); convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); sector_headers(o, data, mode, 1); sector_common(++) return 1; } int sector_pregap(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, int mode) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned char *data; unsigned char subs[96]; data = get_sector(o, mode); if (!data) return 0; convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); subcode_user(o, subs, tno, control, 0, NULL, 1); convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0); sector_common(--) return 1; } int sector_postgap(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, int mode) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned char subs[96]; unsigned char *data; data = get_sector(o, mode); if (!data) return 0; convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); /* use last index in track */ subcode_user(o, subs, tno, control, 1, NULL, 1); convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0); sector_common(++) return 1; } static void subcode_lout(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char control, unsigned char *data) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned char *q; int crc; int rmin, min, rsec, sec, rframe, frame; memset(data, 0, 96); q = data + 12; burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &min, &sec, &frame); burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &rmin, &rsec, &rframe); if (((rmin == 0) && (rsec == 0) && (rframe == 0)) || ((rsec >= 2) && !((rframe / 19) % 2))) memset(data, 0xFF, 12); q[0] = (control << 4) + 1; q[1] = 0xAA; q[2] = 0x01; q[3] = dec_to_bcd(rmin); q[4] = dec_to_bcd(rsec); q[5] = dec_to_bcd(rframe); q[6] = 0; q[7] = dec_to_bcd(min); q[8] = dec_to_bcd(sec); q[9] = dec_to_bcd(frame); crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10); q[10] = crc >> 8; q[11] = crc & 0xFF; } static char char_to_isrc(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 0x11 + (c - 'A'); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return 0x11 + (c - 'a'); assert(0); return 0; } void subcode_user(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char *subcodes, unsigned char tno, unsigned char control, unsigned char indx, struct isrc *isrc, int psub) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned char *p, *q; int crc; int m, s, f, c, qmode; /* 1, 2 or 3 */ memset(subcodes, 0, 96); p = subcodes; if ((tno == 1) && (d->rlba == -150)) memset(p, 0xFF, 12); if (psub) memset(p, 0xFF, 12); q = subcodes + 12; qmode = 1; /* every 1 in 10 we can do something different */ if (d->rlba % 10 == 0) { /* each of these can occur 1 in 100 */ if ((d->rlba / 10) % 10 == 0) { if (o->has_mediacatalog) qmode = 2; } else if ((d->rlba / 10) % 10 == 1) { if (isrc && isrc->has_isrc) qmode = 3; } } assert(qmode == 1 || qmode == 2 || qmode == 3); switch (qmode) { case 1: q[1] = dec_to_bcd(tno); /* track number */ q[2] = dec_to_bcd(indx); /* index XXX read this shit from the track array */ burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &m, &s, &f); q[3] = dec_to_bcd(m); /* rel min */ q[4] = dec_to_bcd(s); /* rel sec */ q[5] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* rel frame */ q[6] = 0; /* zero */ burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f); q[7] = dec_to_bcd(m); /* abs min */ q[8] = dec_to_bcd(s); /* abs sec */ q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */ break; case 2: /* media catalog number */ q[1] = (o->mediacatalog[0] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[1]; q[2] = (o->mediacatalog[2] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[3]; q[3] = (o->mediacatalog[4] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[5]; q[4] = (o->mediacatalog[6] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[7]; q[5] = (o->mediacatalog[8] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[9]; q[6] = (o->mediacatalog[10] << 4) + o->mediacatalog[11]; q[7] = o->mediacatalog[12] << 4; q[8] = 0; burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f); q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */ break; case 3: c = char_to_isrc(isrc->country[0]); /* top 6 bits of [1] is the first country code */ q[1] = c << 2; c = char_to_isrc(isrc->country[1]); /* bottom 2 bits of [1] is part of the second country code */ q[1] += (c >> 4); /* top 4 bits if [2] is the rest of the second country code */ q[2] = c << 4; c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[0]); /* bottom 4 bits of [2] is part of the first owner code */ q[2] += (c >> 2); /* top 2 bits of [3] is the rest of the first owner code */ q[3] = c << 6; c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[1]); /* bottom 6 bits of [3] is the entire second owner code */ q[3] += c; c = char_to_isrc(isrc->owner[2]); /* top 6 bits of [4] are the third owner code */ q[4] = c << 2; /* [5] is the year in 2 BCD numbers */ q[5] = dec_to_bcd(isrc->year % 100); /* [6] is the first 2 digits in the serial */ q[6] = dec_to_bcd(isrc->serial % 100); /* [7] is the next 2 digits in the serial */ q[7] = dec_to_bcd((isrc->serial / 100) % 100); /* the top 4 bits of [8] is the last serial digit, the rest is zeros */ q[8] = dec_to_bcd((isrc->serial / 10000) % 10) << 4; burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &m, &s, &f); q[9] = dec_to_bcd(f); /* abs frame */ break; } q[0] = (control << 4) + qmode; crc = crc_ccitt(q, 10); q[10] = crc >> 8; q[11] = crc & 0xff; } int sector_lout(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char control, int mode) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned char subs[96]; unsigned char *data; data = get_sector(o, mode); if (!data) return 0; convert_data(o, NULL, mode, data); subcode_lout(o, control, subs); convert_subs(o, mode, subs, data); sector_headers(o, data, mode, 0); sector_common(++) return 1; } int sector_data(struct burn_write_opts *o, struct burn_track *t, int psub) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned char subs[96]; unsigned char *data; data = get_sector(o, t->mode); if (!data) return 0; convert_data(o, t, t->mode, data); if (!t->source->read_sub) subcode_user(o, subs, t->entry->point, t->entry->control, 1, &t->isrc, psub); else if (!t->source->read_sub(t->source, subs, 96)) subcode_user(o, subs, t->entry->point, t->entry->control, 1, &t->isrc, psub); convert_subs(o, t->mode, subs, data); sector_headers(o, data, t->mode, 0); sector_common(++) return 1; } int burn_msf_to_lba(int m, int s, int f) { if (m < 90) return (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f - 150; else return (m * 60 + s) * 75 + f - 450150; } void burn_lba_to_msf(int lba, int *m, int *s, int *f) { if (lba >= -150) { *m = (lba + 150) / (60 * 75); *s = (lba + 150 - *m * 60 * 75) / 75; *f = lba + 150 - *m * 60 * 75 - *s * 75; } else { *m = (lba + 450150) / (60 * 75); *s = (lba + 450150 - *m * 60 * 75) / 75; *f = lba + 450150 - *m * 60 * 75 - *s * 75; } } int dec_to_bcd(int d) { int top, bottom; top = d / 10; bottom = d - (top * 10); return (top << 4) + bottom; } void sector_headers(struct burn_write_opts *o, unsigned char *out, int mode, int leadin) { struct burn_drive *d = o->drive; unsigned int crc; int min, sec, frame; int modebyte = -1; if (mode & BURN_AUDIO) /* no headers for "audio" */ return; if (o->write_type == BURN_WRITE_SAO) return; if (mode & BURN_MODE1) modebyte = 1; assert(modebyte == 1); out[0] = 0; memset(out + 1, 0xFF, 10); /* sync */ out[11] = 0; if (leadin) { burn_lba_to_msf(d->rlba, &min, &sec, &frame); out[12] = dec_to_bcd(min) + 0xA0; out[13] = dec_to_bcd(sec); out[14] = dec_to_bcd(frame); out[15] = modebyte; } else { burn_lba_to_msf(d->alba, &min, &sec, &frame); out[12] = dec_to_bcd(min); out[13] = dec_to_bcd(sec); out[14] = dec_to_bcd(frame); out[15] = modebyte; } if (mode & BURN_MODE1) { crc = crc_32(out, 2064); out[2064] = crc & 0xFF; crc >>= 8; out[2065] = crc & 0xFF; crc >>= 8; out[2066] = crc & 0xFF; crc >>= 8; out[2067] = crc & 0xFF; } if (mode & BURN_MODE1) { memset(out + 2068, 0, 8); parity_p(out); parity_q(out); } scramble(out); } #if 0 void process_q(struct burn_drive *d, unsigned char *q) { unsigned char i[5]; int mode; mode = q[0] & 0xF; /* burn_print(12, "mode: %d : ", mode);*/ switch (mode) { case 1: /* burn_print(12, "tno = %d : ", q[1]); burn_print(12, "index = %d\n", q[2]); */ /* q[1] is the track number (starting at 1) q[2] is the index number (starting at 0) */ #warning this is totally bogus if (q[1] - 1 > 99) break; if (q[2] > d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].indices) { burn_print(12, "new index at %d\n", d->alba); d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].index[q[2]] = d->alba; d->toc->track[q[1] - 1].indices++; } break; case 2: /* XXX dont ignore these */ break; case 3: /* burn_print(12, "ISRC data in mode 3 q\n");*/ i[0] = isrc[(q[1] << 2) >> 2]; /* burn_print(12, "0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", q[1], q[2], q[3], q[4], q[5]); burn_print(12, "ISRC - %c%c%c%c%c\n", i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]); */ break; default: assert(0); } } #endif /* this needs more info. subs in the data? control/adr? */ #warning sector_identify needs to be written int sector_identify(unsigned char *data) { scramble(data); /* check mode byte for 1 or 2 test parity to see if it's a valid sector if invalid, return BURN_MODE_AUDIO; else return mode byte (what about mode 2 formless? heh) */ return BURN_MODE1; }