/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Vreixo Formoso * * This file is part of the libisofs project; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. See COPYING file for details. */ #include "ecma119_tree.h" #include "ecma119.h" #include "node.h" #include "util.h" #include "filesrc.h" #include "messages.h" #include "image.h" #include "stream.h" #include "eltorito.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> static int get_iso_name(Ecma119Image *img, IsoNode *iso, char **name) { int ret, relaxed; char *ascii_name; char *isoname= NULL; if (iso->name == NULL) { /* it is not necessarily an error, it can be the root */ return ISO_SUCCESS; } ret = str2ascii(img->input_charset, iso->name, &ascii_name); if (ret < 0) { iso_msg_submit(img->image->id, ret, 0, "Can't convert %s", iso->name); return ret; } if (img->allow_full_ascii) { relaxed = 2; } else { relaxed = (int)img->allow_lowercase; } if (iso->type == LIBISO_DIR) { if (img->max_37_char_filenames) { isoname = iso_r_dirid(ascii_name, 37, relaxed); } else if (img->iso_level == 1) { if (relaxed) { isoname = iso_r_dirid(ascii_name, 8, relaxed); } else { isoname = iso_1_dirid(ascii_name); } } else { if (relaxed) { isoname = iso_r_dirid(ascii_name, 8, relaxed); } else { isoname = iso_2_dirid(ascii_name); } } } else { if (img->max_37_char_filenames) { isoname = iso_r_fileid(ascii_name, 36, relaxed, img->no_force_dots ? 0 : 1); } else if (img->iso_level == 1) { if (relaxed) { isoname = iso_r_fileid(ascii_name, 11, relaxed, img->no_force_dots ? 0 : 1); } else { isoname = iso_1_fileid(ascii_name); } } else { if (relaxed) { isoname = iso_r_fileid(ascii_name, 30, relaxed, img->no_force_dots ? 0 : 1); } else { isoname = iso_2_fileid(ascii_name); } } } free(ascii_name); if (isoname != NULL) { *name = isoname; return ISO_SUCCESS; } else { /* * only possible if mem error, as check for empty names is done * in public tree */ return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } } static int create_ecma119_node(Ecma119Image *img, IsoNode *iso, Ecma119Node **node) { Ecma119Node *ecma; ecma = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecma119Node)); if (ecma == NULL) { return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } /* take a ref to the IsoNode */ ecma->node = iso; iso_node_ref(iso); /* TODO #00009 : add true support for harlinks and inode numbers */ ecma->nlink = 1; ecma->ino = ++img->ino; *node = ecma; return ISO_SUCCESS; } /** * Create a new ECMA-119 node representing a directory from a iso directory * node. */ static int create_dir(Ecma119Image *img, IsoDir *iso, Ecma119Node **node) { int ret; Ecma119Node **children; struct ecma119_dir_info *dir_info; children = calloc(1, sizeof(void*) * iso->nchildren); if (children == NULL) { return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } dir_info = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ecma119_dir_info)); if (dir_info == NULL) { free(children); return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } ret = create_ecma119_node(img, (IsoNode*)iso, node); if (ret < 0) { free(children); free(dir_info); return ret; } (*node)->type = ECMA119_DIR; (*node)->info.dir = dir_info; (*node)->info.dir->nchildren = 0; (*node)->info.dir->children = children; return ISO_SUCCESS; } /** * Create a new ECMA-119 node representing a regular file from a iso file * node. */ static int create_file(Ecma119Image *img, IsoFile *iso, Ecma119Node **node) { int ret; IsoFileSrc *src; off_t size; size = iso_stream_get_size(iso->stream); if (size > (off_t)0xffffffff) { return iso_msg_submit(img->image->id, ISO_FILE_TOO_BIG, 0, "File \"%s\" can't be added to image because " "is greater than 4GB", iso->node.name); } ret = iso_file_src_create(img, iso, &src); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = create_ecma119_node(img, (IsoNode*)iso, node); if (ret < 0) { /* * the src doesn't need to be freed, it is free together with * the Ecma119Image */ return ret; } (*node)->type = ECMA119_FILE; (*node)->info.file = src; return ret; } /** * Create a new ECMA-119 node representing a regular file from an El-Torito * boot catalog */ static int create_boot_cat(Ecma119Image *img, IsoBoot *iso, Ecma119Node **node) { int ret; IsoFileSrc *src; ret = el_torito_catalog_file_src_create(img, &src); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } ret = create_ecma119_node(img, (IsoNode*)iso, node); if (ret < 0) { /* * the src doesn't need to be freed, it is free together with * the Ecma119Image */ return ret; } (*node)->type = ECMA119_FILE; (*node)->info.file = src; return ret; } /** * Create a new ECMA-119 node representing a symbolic link from a iso symlink * node. */ static int create_symlink(Ecma119Image *img, IsoSymlink *iso, Ecma119Node **node) { int ret; ret = create_ecma119_node(img, (IsoNode*)iso, node); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } (*node)->type = ECMA119_SYMLINK; return ISO_SUCCESS; } /** * Create a new ECMA-119 node representing a special file. */ static int create_special(Ecma119Image *img, IsoSpecial *iso, Ecma119Node **node) { int ret; ret = create_ecma119_node(img, (IsoNode*)iso, node); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } (*node)->type = ECMA119_SPECIAL; return ISO_SUCCESS; } void ecma119_node_free(Ecma119Node *node) { if (node == NULL) { return; } if (node->type == ECMA119_DIR) { int i; for (i = 0; i < node->info.dir->nchildren; i++) { ecma119_node_free(node->info.dir->children[i]); } free(node->info.dir->children); free(node->info.dir); } free(node->iso_name); iso_node_unref(node->node); free(node); } /** * * @return * 1 success, 0 node ignored, < 0 error * */ static int create_tree(Ecma119Image *image, IsoNode *iso, Ecma119Node **tree, int depth, int pathlen) { int ret; Ecma119Node *node; int max_path; char *iso_name= NULL; if (image == NULL || iso == NULL || tree == NULL) { return ISO_NULL_POINTER; } if (iso->hidden & LIBISO_HIDE_ON_RR) { /* file will be ignored */ return 0; } ret = get_iso_name(image, iso, &iso_name); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } max_path = pathlen + 1 + (iso_name ? strlen(iso_name) : 0); if (!image->rockridge) { if ((iso->type == LIBISO_DIR && depth > 8) && !image->allow_deep_paths) { free(iso_name); return iso_msg_submit(image->image->id, ISO_FILE_IMGPATH_WRONG, 0, "File \"%s\" can't be added, because directory depth " "is greater than 8.", iso->name); } else if (max_path > 255 && !image->allow_longer_paths) { free(iso_name); return iso_msg_submit(image->image->id, ISO_FILE_IMGPATH_WRONG, 0, "File \"%s\" can't be added, because path length " "is greater than 255 characters", iso->name); } } switch (iso->type) { case LIBISO_FILE: ret = create_file(image, (IsoFile*)iso, &node); break; case LIBISO_SYMLINK: if (image->rockridge) { ret = create_symlink(image, (IsoSymlink*)iso, &node); } else { /* symlinks are only supported when RR is enabled */ ret = iso_msg_submit(image->image->id, ISO_FILE_IGNORED, 0, "File \"%s\" ignored. Symlinks need RockRidge extensions.", iso->name); } break; case LIBISO_SPECIAL: if (image->rockridge) { ret = create_special(image, (IsoSpecial*)iso, &node); } else { /* symlinks are only supported when RR is enabled */ ret = iso_msg_submit(image->image->id, ISO_FILE_IGNORED, 0, "File \"%s\" ignored. Special files need RockRidge extensions.", iso->name); } break; case LIBISO_BOOT: if (image->eltorito) { ret = create_boot_cat(image, (IsoBoot*)iso, &node); } else { /* log and ignore */ ret = iso_msg_submit(image->image->id, ISO_FILE_IGNORED, 0, "El-Torito catalog found on a image without El-Torito.", iso->name); } break; case LIBISO_DIR: { IsoNode *pos; IsoDir *dir = (IsoDir*)iso; ret = create_dir(image, dir, &node); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } pos = dir->children; while (pos) { int cret; Ecma119Node *child; cret = create_tree(image, pos, &child, depth + 1, max_path); if (cret < 0) { /* error */ ecma119_node_free(node); ret = cret; break; } else if (cret == ISO_SUCCESS) { /* add child to this node */ int nchildren = node->info.dir->nchildren++; node->info.dir->children[nchildren] = child; child->parent = node; } pos = pos->next; } } break; default: /* should never happen */ return ISO_ASSERT_FAILURE; } if (ret <= 0) { free(iso_name); return ret; } node->iso_name = iso_name; *tree = node; return ISO_SUCCESS; } /** * Compare the iso name of two ECMA-119 nodes */ static int cmp_node_name(const void *f1, const void *f2) { Ecma119Node *f = *((Ecma119Node**)f1); Ecma119Node *g = *((Ecma119Node**)f2); return strcmp(f->iso_name, g->iso_name); } /** * Sorts a the children of each directory in the ECMA-119 tree represented * by \p root, acording to the order specified in ECMA-119, section 9.3. */ static void sort_tree(Ecma119Node *root) { size_t i; qsort(root->info.dir->children, root->info.dir->nchildren, sizeof(void*), cmp_node_name); for (i = 0; i < root->info.dir->nchildren; i++) { if (root->info.dir->children[i]->type == ECMA119_DIR) sort_tree(root->info.dir->children[i]); } } /** * Ensures that the ISO name of each children of the given dir is unique, * changing some of them if needed. * It also ensures that resulting filename is always <= than given * max_name_len, including extension. If needed, the extension will be reduced, * but never under 3 characters. */ static int mangle_single_dir(Ecma119Image *img, Ecma119Node *dir, int max_file_len, int max_dir_len) { int ret; int i, nchildren; Ecma119Node **children; IsoHTable *table; int need_sort = 0; nchildren = dir->info.dir->nchildren; children = dir->info.dir->children; /* a hash table will temporary hold the names, for fast searching */ ret = iso_htable_create((nchildren * 100) / 80, iso_str_hash, (compare_function_t)strcmp, &table); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) { char *name = children[i]->iso_name; ret = iso_htable_add(table, name, name); if (ret < 0) { goto mangle_cleanup; } } for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) { char *name, *ext; char full_name[40]; int max; /* computed max len for name, without extension */ int j = i; int digits = 1; /* characters to change per name */ /* first, find all child with same name */ while (j + 1 < nchildren && !cmp_node_name(children + i, children + j + 1)) { ++j; } if (j == i) { /* name is unique */ continue; } /* * A max of 7 characters is good enought, it allows handling up to * 9,999,999 files with same name. We can increment this to * max_name_len, but the int_pow() function must then be modified * to return a bigger integer. */ while (digits < 8) { int ok, k; char *dot; int change = 0; /* number to be written */ /* copy name to buffer */ strcpy(full_name, children[i]->iso_name); /* compute name and extension */ dot = strrchr(full_name, '.'); if (dot != NULL && children[i]->type != ECMA119_DIR) { /* * File (not dir) with extension * Note that we don't need to check for placeholders, as * tree reparent happens later, so no placeholders can be * here at this time. */ int extlen; full_name[dot - full_name] = '\0'; name = full_name; ext = dot + 1; /* * For iso level 1 we force ext len to be 3, as name * can't grow on the extension space */ extlen = (max_file_len == 12) ? 3 : strlen(ext); max = max_file_len - extlen - 1 - digits; if (max <= 0) { /* this can happen if extension is too long */ if (extlen + max > 3) { /* * reduce extension len, to give name an extra char * note that max is negative or 0 */ extlen = extlen + max - 1; ext[extlen] = '\0'; max = max_file_len - extlen - 1 - digits; } else { /* * error, we don't support extensions < 3 * This can't happen with current limit of digits. */ ret = ISO_ERROR; goto mangle_cleanup; } } /* ok, reduce name by digits */ if (name + max < dot) { name[max] = '\0'; } } else { /* Directory, or file without extension */ if (children[i]->type == ECMA119_DIR) { max = max_dir_len - digits; dot = NULL; /* dots have no meaning in dirs */ } else { max = max_file_len - digits; } name = full_name; if (max < strlen(name)) { name[max] = '\0'; } /* let ext be an empty string */ ext = name + strlen(name); } ok = 1; /* change name of each file */ for (k = i; k <= j; ++k) { char tmp[40]; char fmt[16]; if (dot != NULL) { sprintf(fmt, "%%s%%0%dd.%%s", digits); } else { sprintf(fmt, "%%s%%0%dd%%s", digits); } while (1) { sprintf(tmp, fmt, name, change, ext); ++change; if (change > int_pow(10, digits)) { ok = 0; break; } if (!iso_htable_get(table, tmp, NULL)) { /* the name is unique, so it can be used */ break; } } if (ok) { char *new = strdup(tmp); if (new == NULL) { ret = ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; goto mangle_cleanup; } iso_msg_debug(img->image->id, "\"%s\" renamed to \"%s\"", children[k]->iso_name, new); iso_htable_remove_ptr(table, children[k]->iso_name, NULL); free(children[k]->iso_name); children[k]->iso_name = new; iso_htable_add(table, new, new); /* * if we change a name we need to sort again children * at the end */ need_sort = 1; } else { /* we need to increment digits */ break; } } if (ok) { break; } else { ++digits; } } if (digits == 8) { ret = ISO_MANGLE_TOO_MUCH_FILES; goto mangle_cleanup; } i = j; } /* * If needed, sort again the files inside dir */ if (need_sort) { qsort(children, nchildren, sizeof(void*), cmp_node_name); } ret = ISO_SUCCESS; mangle_cleanup : ; iso_htable_destroy(table, NULL); return ret; } static int mangle_dir(Ecma119Image *img, Ecma119Node *dir, int max_file_len, int max_dir_len) { int ret; size_t i; ret = mangle_single_dir(img, dir, max_file_len, max_dir_len); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } /* recurse */ for (i = 0; i < dir->info.dir->nchildren; ++i) { if (dir->info.dir->children[i]->type == ECMA119_DIR) { ret = mangle_dir(img, dir->info.dir->children[i], max_file_len, max_dir_len); if (ret < 0) { /* error */ return ret; } } } return ISO_SUCCESS; } static int mangle_tree(Ecma119Image *img, int recurse) { int max_file, max_dir; if (img->max_37_char_filenames) { max_file = max_dir = 37; } else if (img->iso_level == 1) { max_file = 12; /* 8 + 3 + 1 */ max_dir = 8; } else { max_file = max_dir = 31; } if (recurse) { return mangle_dir(img, img->root, max_file, max_dir); } else { return mangle_single_dir(img, img->root, max_file, max_dir); } } /** * Create a new ECMA-119 node representing a placeholder for a relocated * dir. * * See IEEE P1282, section 4.1.5 for details */ static int create_placeholder(Ecma119Node *parent, Ecma119Node *real, Ecma119Node **node) { Ecma119Node *ret; ret = calloc(1, sizeof(Ecma119Node)); if (ret == NULL) { return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } /* * TODO * If real is a dir, while placeholder is a file, ISO name restricctions * are different, what to do? */ ret->iso_name = strdup(real->iso_name); if (ret->iso_name == NULL) { free(ret); return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } /* take a ref to the IsoNode */ ret->node = real->node; iso_node_ref(real->node); ret->parent = parent; ret->type = ECMA119_PLACEHOLDER; ret->info.real_me = real; ret->ino = real->ino; ret->nlink = real->nlink; *node = ret; return ISO_SUCCESS; } static size_t max_child_name_len(Ecma119Node *dir) { size_t ret = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < dir->info.dir->nchildren; i++) { size_t len = strlen(dir->info.dir->children[i]->iso_name); ret = MAX(ret, len); } return ret; } /** * Relocates a directory, as specified in Rock Ridge Specification * (see IEEE P1282, section 4.1.5). This is needed when the number of levels * on a directory hierarchy exceeds 8, or the length of a path is higher * than 255 characters, as specified in ECMA-119, section */ static int reparent(Ecma119Node *child, Ecma119Node *parent) { int ret; size_t i; Ecma119Node *placeholder; /* replace the child in the original parent with a placeholder */ for (i = 0; i < child->parent->info.dir->nchildren; i++) { if (child->parent->info.dir->children[i] == child) { ret = create_placeholder(child->parent, child, &placeholder); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } child->parent->info.dir->children[i] = placeholder; break; } } /* just for debug, this should never happen... */ if (i == child->parent->info.dir->nchildren) { return ISO_ASSERT_FAILURE; } /* keep track of the real parent */ child->info.dir->real_parent = child->parent; /* add the child to its new parent */ child->parent = parent; parent->info.dir->nchildren++; parent->info.dir->children = realloc(parent->info.dir->children, sizeof(void*) * parent->info.dir->nchildren); parent->info.dir->children[parent->info.dir->nchildren - 1] = child; return ISO_SUCCESS; } /** * Reorder the tree, if necessary, to ensure that * - the depth is at most 8 * - each path length is at most 255 characters * This restriction is imposed by ECMA-119 specification (ECMA-119, * * @param dir * Dir we are currently processing * @param level * Level of the directory in the hierarchy * @param pathlen * Length of the path until dir, including it * @return * 1 success, < 0 error */ static int reorder_tree(Ecma119Image *img, Ecma119Node *dir, int level, int pathlen) { int ret; size_t max_path; max_path = pathlen + 1 + max_child_name_len(dir); if (level > 8 || max_path > 255) { ret = reparent(dir, img->root); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } /* * we are appended to the root's children now, so there is no * need to recurse (the root will hit us again) */ } else { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < dir->info.dir->nchildren; i++) { Ecma119Node *child = dir->info.dir->children[i]; if (child->type == ECMA119_DIR) { int newpathlen = pathlen + 1 + strlen(child->iso_name); ret = reorder_tree(img, child, level + 1, newpathlen); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } } } return ISO_SUCCESS; } int ecma119_tree_create(Ecma119Image *img) { int ret; Ecma119Node *root; ret = create_tree(img, (IsoNode*)img->image->root, &root, 1, 0); if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == 0) { /* unexpected error, root ignored!! This can't happen */ ret = ISO_ASSERT_FAILURE; } return ret; } img->root = root; iso_msg_debug(img->image->id, "Sorting the low level tree..."); sort_tree(root); iso_msg_debug(img->image->id, "Mangling names..."); ret = mangle_tree(img, 1); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } if (img->rockridge && !img->allow_deep_paths) { /* reorder the tree, acording to RRIP, 4.1.5 */ ret = reorder_tree(img, img->root, 1, 0); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } /* * and we need to remangle the root directory, as the function * above could insert new directories into the root. * Note that recurse = 0, as we don't need to recurse. */ ret = mangle_tree(img, 0); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } return ISO_SUCCESS; }