Release Engineering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * SOFTWARE TO TEST Use latest libburnia libraries code base from svn and bzr (see README for aditional and autodetected library dependencies) Alternatively, use latest all-in-one development tarball from: * SETUP THE TEST ENVIRONMENT + Not all TESTs are scripts (e.g. cppcheck, valgrind) + Copy all SCRIPT.conf.template to $HOME/.libburnia-releng/SCRIPT.conf + Read the configuration files and set up accordingly to your needs * DELIVERING A NEW TEST SCRIPT + Start a new test script over the top of template_new_releng + All filenames start with releng_ prefix + Self generated data are to be stored in ./releng_generated_data/scriptname/ directory + Test data generation options -rc [-keep] + Test data removal options -cleanup + Well documented configuration file SCRIPT.conf.template + Throw FAIL string to stdout if any failure is detected + Return exit code 0 on success, non-zero on failure + Use different exit codes for any failure (range 1-31) * RUNNING TESTS + All tests have to be run from the releng/ directory, within libisoburn source tree. Ther is a 'master' script called run_all_releng, which runs all scripts prefixed with releng_*.