Description of the helper program stic*/bin/cgen

cgen is copyright 2001 to 2007, Thomas Schmitt <>
and provided under BSD license.

  cc -g -o cgen cgen.c ctyp.c smem.c

cgen produces a class stub in C programming language. The data structure of
the class is described by some lines which get read from stdin. The stub will
consist of four files which emerge in the current working directory:
 <classname>.h          public header file of the class
 <classname>.c          automatically generated C code of the class
                        plus a copy of <classname>.c.methods
 <classname>_private.h  private header file of the class
 <classname>.c.methods  safe storage for manually created functions.
                        From here they get copied into the generated stub.
                        If such a file is missing, a dummy gets created.
It will define a struct <ClassnamE> for representing the class data aspects,
construtor <Classname>_new(), destructor <Classname>_destroy(),
getter <Classname>_<element>_get() for each structure element.
Some more functions get added for particular class and element roles.

cgen normally refuses to overwrite existing files because it supposes that
those contain code added by the human programmer. 
Human programmer enhancements may be explanatory comments, class specific
methods, initial element values and other special precautions within the
generated functions.
As long as the modelling phase is going on, one may store such human code
in <classname>.c.methods and may use command line option -overwrite for
modelling development cycles.

At some point of model matureness one may decide to give up cgen and the
.c.method files and to go on only with _private.h , .h and .c files.

Command line options

  -no_stic   prevents usage of stic_dir/s_tools/*.[ch]

  -ansi      generates ANSI C function heads and makes file <classname>.h hold
             only public definitions: an opaque declaration of the class struct
             and a list of function prototypes. The definiton of the class
             struct is then in <classname>_private.h .
  -global_include filename
             sets the name of a file which will contain globally necessary
             declarations. Currently it lists the existence of all class
  -lowercase generate struct <classname> rather than struct <ClassnamE> and
             function names <classname>_func() rather than <Classname>_func() .
  -overwrite allows to overwrite files <classname>_private.h, <classname>.h
             and <classname>.c, but not <classname>.c.methods.

Input line format:

There are two states of input: class level and element level.
Exampes are shown below with class roles and element roles.

Input starts at class level. A class level line may be one of

- Comment. A line which begins with '#' is ignored on class level.

- Empty. A line with no characters is a comment with empty text (i.e. ignored).

- Class. Options which begin with '-' and finally a word in lowercase letters
  which defines the <classname>. The classname leads to a struct ClassnamE
  and some class methods implemented as C functions <Classnname>_<func>().

- End of input. Line "@@@" or EOF at stdin end the program run.

After a class line, input switches to element level where a line may be:

- Comment. A line which after some white space begins with '#' is considered
  a comment. The preceeding white space is ignored and the text after '#' is
  eventuellay trimmed by a single blank at both ends. This text will be part
  of the class struct definition within file <classname_private>.h as a single
  C comment line /* ... */. The sequence of elements and comments is preserved.
  An empty comment text leads to an empty line in <classname_private>.h.

- Empty. A line with no characters is a comment with empty text.

- Element. Options which begin with '-', eventual C keywords "unsigned" or
  "volatile", type or "struct <NamE>", element name. This leads to a struct
  element which is taken into respect in some class methods. Depending on the
  options in this line, some element methods <Classnname>_<func>_<element>()
  may get generated.

- End of class. A single '@' marks the end of the element list and brings
  input back to class level. I.e. next is expected another class name or
  "@@@" or EOF at stdin.

Input semantics:

A class can have one of two roles:

- Standalone class.
  Input example:

- Listable class, which has pointers to peer instances: .prev and .next
  Such classes get a list destructor <Classname>_destroy_all() which destroys
  all members of a list (which is given by any of the list members).
  Such a class should have a pointer *boss as first element in which case
  the constructor will look like
    <Classname>_new(struct <ClassnamE> **o,struct <Some_clasS> *boss,int flag);
  There is a function <Classname>_link() which inserts an instance into a list
  and a function <Classname>_count() which tells the number of list members.
  For pseudo random access there is function <Classname>_by_idx().
  Input example:
    -l my_class

A modifier is defined for classes:

- Bossless. Disables a special boss-subordinate relationship which is created
  if the first element of a class is a struct pointer with the name "boss".
    -l <classname>
    -v struct Some_clasS *boss
  Normally such a parameter *boss becomes part of the constructor method
    <Classname>_new(struct <ClassnamE> **o, struct Some_clasS *boss, int flag);
  This relationship is typical for a listable class and a single class which
  is designed to host instances of that listable class. Therefore one gets a
  warning if a listable class does not begin with a struct pointer *boss.
  But if -b is given, then CgeN ill not include a parameter *boss into the
  constructor. It will rather look normal:
    <Classname>_new(struct <ClassnamE> **o, int flag);
  It will not warn if the first element of a listable class is not struct
  pointer *boss.

Elements have one of the following roles:

- Value. It provides only storage for a C data type (which may be a C pointer
  despite the role name "value"), a getter method <Classname>_<element>_get(),
  and a setter method <Classname>_<element>_set().
  Input examples:
    -v int i
    -v int a[100]
    -v char *cpt
    -v struct xyz x
    -v struct xyz *xpt

- Managed. This has to be a pointer to a struct <XyZ> or to char. It will not
  get attached to an object by the stub's code but its destructor
  <Xyz>_destroy() will be called by <Classname>_destruct(). In case of (char *)
  it is supposed that a non-NULL value has been allocated by malloc().
  Managed (char *) types get a setter function <Classname>_<element>_set()
  which allocates memory and copies the textstring from its parameter.
  Input examples:
    -m struct XyZ *xyzpt
    -m char *textstring

- Chainlink. A pair of prev-next-style pointers to the own class struct.
  Function <Classname>_destruct() will unlink the affected instance and
  put together its link partners.
  Input example (there must always be two consequtive -c lines):
    -c struct My_clasS *up
    -c struct My_clasS *down

- List. A pair of pointers to the struct <XyZ> of a listable class. The first
  one <ls> holds the start of the list, the second one <eol> holds the end.
  The getter function has an additional argument idx:
    <Classname>_get_<ls>(struct <ClassnamE> *o, int idx, struct <XyZ> **pt,
                         int flag)
  idx == 0 is the start of the list, idx=1 the next element, ...
  idx == -1 retrieves the last element of the list.
  For insertion of list items there is provided method <Classname>_new_<ls>().
  The inserted item is reachable via the getter function with idx == -1
  <Classname>_destroy() instance calls <Xyz>_destroy_all(). Note that the end
  pointer is always generated as private element (-p).
  Input example (there must always be a -l and a -v line):
    -l struct XyZ *list_start
    -v struct XyZ *list_end

The availability of getter method <Classname>_get_<element>(), and setter
method <Classname>_set_<element>_set() can be controled by two modifiers:

- Readonly. Only a getter method.
  Input example
    -r -v int broadcasted_status

- Private. Neither getter nor setter method.
  Input example
    -p -v int private_value

- Bossless listable. This marks elements which are listable objects but do not
  expect a boss pointer in their constructor. See above: Listable class and
  the bossless modifier for classes.
  Input example
    -b -l struct XyZ *list
    -v struct XyZ *last_in_list

- Initialization free. The class constructor will not initialize this element.
  This modifier has to be used if neither NULL nor 0 are suitable
  initialization values.

Example run:

  rm  class_x.c  class_x.h  class_y.c  class_y.h
  bin/cgen <<+
-l class_x
-r -v struct Boss_clasS *boss
-v int x
-r -v struct stat stbuf
-m struct Class_Y *y
-m char *text
-c struct Class_X *master
-c struct Class_X *slave
-b -l struct Class_X *provider
-p -v struct Class_X *last_provider
-b -l class_y
-r -v char providername[80]