Note: This is about how libburn operates optical drives. Not about how to
      operate libburn. The libburn API is described in libburn/libburn.h

        Overview of class specific or individual media information
             especially manufacturer and exact product type

Inspired by Andy Polyakov's http://fy.chalmers.se/~appro/linux/DVD+RW/tools ,
and by Joerg Schilling's http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/cdrecord.html,
backed by reading mmc5r03c.pdf from http://www.t10.org/ftp/t10/drafts/mmc5/,
ECMA-279 (DVD-R), ECMA-337 (DVD+RW), ECMA-349 (DVD+R),
and by searching the web for media manufacturer IDs (see list of URLs below).

For libburnia-project.org by Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
September 2009


The manufacturers vary the lead-in address in ATIP
    ATIP start of lead in:  -12490 (97:15/35)
Media sizes and nominal speeds often get expressed in the ATIP lead-out
    ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)
(example media labeled "LITEON CD-RW 4x-12x", by "Nan-Ya Plastics Corporation")

This is available only with profile 0x09 (CD-R) and 0x0A (CD-RW).
CD-ROM media (0x08) cannot be inquired by command 43h READ TOC/PMA/ATIP.

6.26 READ TOC/PMA/ATIP Format 4 with MSF bit produces these data as described
in Response Format 0100b: ATIP.
The minute, second, and frame number of lead-in can be read from byte 4 to 6
of the ATIP descriptor. The lead-out bytes are at position 8 to 10. The ATIP
descriptor is preceeded by a four byte header.

I could not find out yet whether (lead-in,lead-out) is mandatorily unique for
each particular media product.

The parameters can be obtained via libburn by :
    burn_drive_get_start_end_lba(d, start_lba, end_lba, 0),
    burn_lba_to_msf(start_lba, &m_li, &s_li, &f_li) and
    burn_lba_to_msf(end_lba, &m_lo, &s_lo, &f_lo)

There seems to be no public and free list of manufacturers and codes.
Nevertheless many people report codes and manufacturer names in the web.
Especially helpful are media compatibility lists by drive manufacturers.

The items from the CD media list below are the foundation of libburn API call
burn_guess_cd_manufacturer() which rounds the lead-in address down to
multiples of 10 frames and then looks them up in its list.

DVD + BD: 

dvd+rw-mediainfo uses MMC-5 6.23, ADh READ DISC STRUCTURE which returns media
type specific information if the drive supports the particular Format Code.

With DVD+ and BD there is a 8 character Manufacturer ID, a 3 character Media
Id and a single character Media Revision.

With DVD-R, ECMA-279 promises a Manufacturer ID of up to 18 characters.
With DVD-RW, ECMA-338 gives up the meaning of the last six-pack.
Both, DVD-RW RITEKW01 and DVD-R RITEKF1 bear unprintable characters there.

With DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM there seem to be no such ids. Format Code 00h: Physical Format Information

Disk Category in bits 4 to 7 of byte 0 gives the "Book Type".
MMC-5 Table 401 gives this list
    0x0  DVD-ROM
    0x1  DVD-RAM
    0x2  DVD-R
    0x3  DVD-RW
    0x4  HD DVD-ROM
    0x5  HD DVD-RAM
    0x6  HD DVD-R
    0x9  DVD+RW
    0xA  DVD+R
    0xD  DVD+RW DL
    0xE  DVD+R DL
Bits 0 to 3 is Part Version "[revision %d]" Format Code FFh: Disc Structure List

Returns a list of 4-byte list entries:
Byte0 gives an available format code.
Byte1,bit6 confirms that it is readable.
Bytes 2 and 3 predict the reply length.


dvd+rw-mediainfo prefers this if available:

 Format code 11h : "ADIP Information"
         printf (" Media ID:              %.8s/%.3s\n",dvd._11+23,dvd._11+31),
 = ECMA-337 (DVD+RW) and ECMA-349 (DVD+R)
   14.4.2  Physical format information in ADIP, Table 3
   byte 19: Disk Manufacturer ID
   byte 27: Media Type ID
   (byte 28: Product revision number)
   MMC-5 , Table 426 shows 4 byte header:
     MSB,LSB of Disc Structure Data Length
     2 bytes reserved

Two of my burners do not perform this operation on DVD+ media and reply
[5 24 00] "Invalid field in cdb":
   'HL-DT-ST'  'BD-RE GGW-H20L'
The other one does it with the same media:
   'TSSTcorp'  'CDDVDW SH-S203B'

This refusal seems not uncommon. dvd+rw-mediainfo later does:

 Format code 00h : "Physical Format Information"
    if (dvd_plus && !plus_mediaid_printed)
        printf (" Media ID:              %.8s/%.3s\n",header+23,header+31);
 = ECMA-337 (DVD+RW) and ECMA-349 (DVD+R)
   14.4.2  Physical format information in ADIP, Table 3
   byte 19: Disk Manufacturer ID
   byte 27: Media Type ID
   (byte 28: Product revision number)
   MMC-5 , Table 400, Table 407
   says for DVD+RW bytes 19 - 255 are a copy of bytes 19 -255 from ADIP
   dvd+rw-mediainfo applies this to DVD+R too


Format code 0Eh "Pre-recorded Information in Lead-in"
      if (!dvd_plus && dvd_0E && dvd._e[4+16]==3 && dvd._e[4+24]==4)
      printf (" Media ID:              %6.6s%-6.6s\n",dvd._e+4+17,dvd._e+4+25);
 = ECMA-279 (DVD-R)
   27.3.7 Field ID3 to Field ID5 RMD Field 0, Table 20 - Copy of Pre-pit Information
   It appears that the reply format of MMC ADh format 0Eh is the data record
   shown in Table 20 of ECMA-279 with offset 22:
   Manufacturer ID at bytes 17 to 22, 25 to 30, 33 to 38.
   Bytes 16, 24, 32 have content 3, 4, 5.
   ECMA-338 (DVD-RW) says the same in: Format1 RMD Field0
   Table 24 - Copy of Pre-pit Information
   Manufacturer ID at bytes 17 to 22, 25 to 30, but not at 33 Format Code 0Eh: Pre-recorded Information in Lead-in
   Table 423 shows 4 byte header:
     MSB,LSB of Disc Structure Data Length
     2 bytes reserved

>>> still to evaluate:
 Format code 0Fh : "Unique Disc Identifier"
 = Format Code 0Fh: Unique Disc Identifier


dvd+rw-mediainfo lists no info about manufacturer or type.
No format code of ADh READ DISC STRUCTURE promises such info for DVD-RAM.

BD-R and BD-RE:

        if (di[4+0]=='D' && di[4+1]=='I')
        printf (" Media ID:              %6.6s/%-3.3s\n",di+4+100,di+4+106);
 = MMC-5 Format Code 00h: Disc Information (DI)
   Table 288 says that Media Type Code (byte 1 of CDB) for BD media is 1.
   Table 446 says that Disc Information is preceeded by 4 bytes of header.
   Table 448 says that bytes 0   to   1 are Disc Information Identifier "DI".
                  that bytes 8   to  10 are Disc Type Identifier
                                            BDO for BD-ROM, BDW for BD-RE,
                                            BDR for BD-R
                  that bytes 100 to 105 are Disc Manufactuer ID
                  that bytes 106 to 108 are Media Type ID
                  that byte  111        is Product Revision Number

Via libburn these manufacturer and media ids can be retrieved by API call
burn_disc_get_media_id() as a single printable word product_id and as two
printable words media_code1, media_code2. The latter can be translated into
a manufacturer company name by API call burn_guess_manufacturer().
(Both calls work for CD, too. burn_get_media_product_id() eventually calls


                          Collection of Media IDs


[Gig] http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/FileList/WebPage/old_system_oddwebpage/media_support_list_r5232a.pdf
[Aopen] http://download.aopen.com.tw/Download.aspx?RecNo=11411&Model=2597&Section=1&DL=yes
[Msi] http://ru.msi.com/products/multimedia/optical/spec/recommend_disc.pdf
[Btc] http://www.btc.com.tw/english/3-2-1MediaSupport_combo5216_cdr.htm
[Mits] http://www.mitsubishielectric.com.au/assets/vis/DD16C48_Media_Compatibility.pdf
[Hij] http://hijacker.rpc1.org/toshiba/SD-R5372V/MediaList_SD-R5372V_TU15.pdf
[Teac] http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdspd.teac.de%2Ffileadmin%2Fredaktion%2Fdownloads%2Ffirmware%2Fmedialist%2Fmedialist_dvw50e_130.pdf&ei=0smfSt-TBNaosgbnm6wZ&rct=j&q=cd+%22manufacturer+id%22+97&usg=AFQjCNH4hSHb7yphONuO_NnaaWLV4g5v9A
[Blu]  http://www.blu-raydisc.info/licensee_info.php 
[Edig] http://www.editgrid.com/user/idrs/DVR112_MediaList_109_20070118_2final.xml

Found by : www.google.com : NAN-YA cmc Princo Ricoh lead-in
Try also : www.google.com : cd "manufacturer id" 97


                              CD Media IDs

The findings from the web have been cross checked with the lists of cdrecord.
But no codes or manufacturer ids have been taken from diskid.c out of

X = not in cdrecord 
D = different in cdrecord 
The exact lettering of manufacturer names may differ from cdrecord.
For any exact comparison use rather the minute,second,frame tuples of the ATIP
lead-in address directly. The vast majority of these tuples begin with 97.
(libburn API call burn_disc_get_media_id() encodes both tuples in its reply
 parameters as e.g. "97m15s35f/79m59s74f" , "97m15s35f", "79m59s74f")

Chosen Name
Lead-in   Lead-out           Name          [source]

96 40 05  79 59 74  -        SKC(90) 24X   [Msi]

"Ritek Corp"
96 43 33  79 59 74  702.83MB TRAXDATA 24X   [Msi]
96 43 33  79 59 74  90 32x "Prodisc Technology Inc." [Gig]
96 43 37  79 59 73  99 48x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
96 43 37  79 59 73  Ritek   [Aopen]
96 43 37  79 59 74  702.83MB PHIL(Ritek) Multi Speed   [Msi]
96 43 37  79 59 74  90 48x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
96 43 37  79 59 74  Ritek   [Aopen]
96 43 37  79 59 74  Ritek  [Btc]

"TDK / Ritek"
97 10 00  79 59 74  702.83MB RiDATA(Ritek) N/A 12X   [Msi]
97 10 00  79 59 74  702.83MB TRAXDATA(Ritek) 10X   [Msi]
97 10 00  79 59 74  702.83MB TRAXDATA(Ritek) N/A 10X   [Msi]
97 10 00  79 59 74  80 12X "TDK Corporation"  [Gig]
97 10 00  79 59 74  TDK(RITEK)   [Aopen]
97 10 01  79 59 74  702.83MB Ritek.Co.  16X   [Msi]
97 10 01  79 59 74  Ritek   [Aopen]
97 10 03  79 59 74  80 32X "RITEK" [Gig]

"TDK Corporation"
97 15 00  79 59 74  702.83MB 52X TDK Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 15 00  79 59 74  TDK  [Btc]
97 15 01  79 59 74  80 24X "TDK Corporation"  [Gig]
97 15 05  79 59 74  80 52X "TDK Corporation"  [Gig]
97 15 05  79 59 74  TDK 52X   [Msi]
97 15 05  79 59 74  TDK   [Aopen]
97 15 05  79 59 74  TDK  [Btc]
97 15 05  91 01 48  800MB TDK 40X 800MB   [Msi]
97 15 05  91 01 48  800MB TDK 40X   [Msi]
97 15 05  91 01 48  90 24X "TDK Corporation"  [Gig]
97 15 05  91 01 48  TDK   [Aopen]

"Ritek Corp"
97 15 12  79 59 73  702.83MB Ritek Co.  52X   [Msi]
97 15 12  79 59 73  80 52x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 15 12  79 59 73  Ritek,80   [Aopen]
97 15 12  79 59 73  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 12  79 59 73  Ritek CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 12  79 59 74  80 24x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 15 12  79 59 74  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 17  24 15 01  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 17  74 45 01  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB 7-plus (Ritek) Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB Aopen (Ritek) Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB PONY (Ritek) Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB PONY(Ritek) Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB Power Source(Ritek) 32X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB Ritek 40X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB Ritek Co.  52X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB TDK (Ritek ) 40X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB TDK(Ritek ) 40X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB TDK(Ritek ) 48X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB TDK(Ritek) 48X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  702.83MB TRAXDATA (Ritek ) 40X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 70  80 52x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 15 17  79 59 70  Aopen CD-R Multi Speed 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  HiCO CD-R Multi Speed 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  PHILIPS CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  PONY CD-R Multi Speed 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  Primdisc CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  RiDATA CD-R 40X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  Ritek   [Aopen]
97 15 17  79 59 70  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 17  79 59 70  Ritek CD-R 40X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  Ritek CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  TDK CD-R 40X 702.82MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  TDK CD-R 40X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  TRAXDATA CD-R 40X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 70  Victor.JVC CD-R 48X 702.82MB  [Mits]
97 15 17  79 59 71  702.82MB PONY(Ritek) Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 71  702.83MB TRAXDATA(Ritek) 24X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 71  80 24x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 15 17  79 59 71  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 17  79 59 72  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 17  79 59 73  702.83MB OPTI STORAGE (Ritek) 40X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 73  702.83MB Ritek 48X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 73  702.83MB Ritek.Co (Trax) 40X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 73  702.83MB Samsung Digit(Ritek) 40X   [Msi]
97 15 17  79 59 73  80 52x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 15 17  79 59 73  Ritek   [Aopen]
97 15 17  79 59 74  Ritek  [Btc]
97 15 18  79 59 74  80 32x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]

"Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"
97 15 21  79 59 74  MCC ("Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation")  [Btc]

"Nan-Ya Plastics Corporation"
97 15 35  79 59 73  702.83MB NANYA 4-12X   [Msi]
97 15 35  79 59 73  80 12X "Nan-Ya"  [Gig]
97 15 35  79 59 73  NanYa   [Aopen]
97 15 35  79 59 74  702.83MB Hatron(NANYA) 4-10X   [Msi]
97 15 35  79 59 74  702.83MB MMore(NANYA) 4-10X   [Msi]
97 15 35  79 59 74  (NanYa)   [Aopen]
97 15 36  79 59 74  80 40x "Nan-Ya plastics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 15 36  79 59 74  NanYa   [Aopen]
97 15 36  79 59 74  NANYA  [Btc]
97 15 37  79 59 73  NANYA  [Btc]
97 15 37  79 59 74  702.83MB NANYA 1-52X   [Msi]
97 15 37  79 59 74  702.83MB NANYA 48X   [Msi]
97 15 37  79 59 74  80 52x "Nan-Ya plastics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 15 37  79 59 74  Acer CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 37  79 59 74  LITEON CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 37  79 59 74  LITEON CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 37  79 59 74  NANYA  [Btc]
97 15 37  79 59 74  NANYA CD-R 1-52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 15 39  79 59 74  80 52x "Nan-Ya plastics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 15 39  79 59 74  NanYa   [Aopen]
97 15 39  79 59 74  NANYA  [Btc]

97 15 57  79 59 73  Delphi   [Aopen]
97 15 57  79 59 74   Delphi  [Btc]

"Shenzhen SG&SAST"
97 16 29  79 59 73  702.83MB SAST(SHENZHEN) Multi  peed    [Msi]
97 16 29  79 59 73  80 52x "Shenzhen SG&SAST  [Gig]
97 16 29  79 59 73  SAST  [Btc]
97 16 29  79 59 73  SAST(ultra   [Aopen]
97 16 29  79 59 74  80 52x "Shenzhen SG&SAST"  [Gig]

"Moser Baer India Limited"
97 17 00            4x "Moser Baer India Limited"  [Gig]
97 17 01  79 59 74  MBI   [Aopen]
97 17 06  79 59 74  702.83MB EMTEC (Moser Bear India) 48X   [Msi]
97 17 06  79 59 74  702.83MB Intenso (Moser Bear India) 1-48X   [Msi]
97 17 06  79 59 74  702.83MB Moser Bear India 52X   [Msi]
97 17 06  79 59 74  702.83MB YAKUMO(Moser Bear India) 52X   [Msi]
97 17 06  79 59 74  80 52x "Moser Baer India Limited"  [Gig]
97 17 06  79 59 74  MBI   [Aopen]
97 17 06  79 59 74  Moser Bear India CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 17 06  79 59 74  PLATINUM CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 17 06  79 59 74  Silver Circle CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]

"SKY media Manufacturing SA"
97 17 16  79 59 74  80 48x "SKY media Manufacturing SA"  [Gig]
97 17 16  79 59 74  SKY   [Aopen]

97 18 17  79 59 74  Wing   [Aopen]

97 18 28  79 59 74  DDT   [Aopen]

"Taroko International Co.Ltd"
97 18 67  79 59 73  80 48x "Taroko International Co.Ltd"  [Gig]
97 18 67  79 59 74  Taroko   [Aopen]
97 18 67  79 59 74  TAROKO  [Btc]

"Daxon Technology Inc. / Acer"
D "Acer Media Technology, Inc."
97 22 60            4x "Daxon Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 22 60  74 41 50  74 12X "Daxon Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 22 60  74 41 50  Acer CD-RW 4X 656.20MB  [Mits]
97 22 60  74 41 50  Acer US-RW 24X 656.20MB  [Mits]
97 22 60  74 41 50  Daxon   [Aopen]
97 22 60  79 59 74  702.83MB Maxmax(Acer) 8-10X   [Msi]
97 22 60  79 59 74  80 24x "Daxon Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 22 60  79 59 74  Acer CD-RW 4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 22 60  79 59 74  Daxon   [Aopen]
97 22 60  79 59 74  Diamond Data HS-RW 4-16X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 22 60  79 59 74  Maxmax HS-RW 8-10X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 22 62  79 59 74  702.83MB Acer 4-16X   [Msi]
97 22 62  79 59 74  702.83MB Acer N/A 4-16X   [Msi]
97 22 62  79 59 74  Acer   [Aopen]
97 22 66  79 59 74  80 52x "Daxon Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 22 66  79 59 74  Acer   [Aopen]
97 22 67  79 59 74  702.83MB Acer 52X   [Msi]
97 22 67  79 59 74  702.83MB BenQ(Acer) 40X   [Msi]
97 22 67  79 59 74  702.83MB BenQ (Acer) 48X   [Msi]
97 22 67  79 59 74  702.83MB Daxon(Acer) 48X   [Msi]
97 22 67  79 59 74  702.83MB gold(Acer) 32X   [Msi]
97 22 67  79 59 74  702.83MB SONY(Acer) 48X   [Msi]
97 22 67  79 59 74  80 52x "Daxon Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 22 67  79 59 74  Acer  [Btc]
97 22 67  79 59 74  Acer CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 22 67  79 59 74  Acer,DAXON   [Aopen]

"Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"
97 24 01  74 43 00  74 16x "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 24 01  74 43 01  656.40MB Maxell(Taiyo Yuden) 32X   [Msi]
97 24 01  74 43 01  656.40MB Taiyo Yuden 32X   [Msi]
97 24 01  74 43 01  74 48x "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 24 01  74 43 01  Taiyo Yuden  [Btc]
97 24 01  74 43 01  TY,tuned   [Aopen]
97 24 01  74 43 02  656.40MB Taiyo Yuden 40-48X   [Msi]
97 24 01  74 43 02  74 52x "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 24 01  74 43 02  FUJIFILM CD-R 48X 656.40MB  [Mits]
97 24 01  74 43 02  Taiyo Yuden  [Btc]
97 24 01  74 43 02  TY   [Aopen]
97 24 01  79 59 72  702.83MB Taiyo Yuden 40-48X   [Msi]
97 24 01  79 59 72  702.83MB Taiyo Yuden 48X   [Msi]
97 24 01  79 59 72  702.83MB Taiyo Yuden Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 24 01  79 59 72  80 52x "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 24 01  79 59 72  Maxell CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 24 01  79 59 72  SONY CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 24 01  79 59 72  Taiyo Yuden  [Btc]
97 24 01  79 59 72  Taiyo Yuden CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 24 01  79 59 72  Taiyo Yuden CD-R Multi Speed 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 24 01  79 59 72  TY   [Aopen]
97 24 01  79 59 73  702.83MB SONY(Taiyo Yuden) 32X   [Msi]
97 24 01  79 59 73  702.83MB Taiyo Yuden 32X   [Msi]
97 24 01  79 59 73  80 48x "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 24 01  79 59 73   Taiyo Yuden  [Btc]
97 24 01  79 59 73  TY,tuned   [Aopen]
97 24 01  79 59 74  702.83MB FUJIFILM(Tayio Yuden) 48X   [Msi]
97 24 01  79 59 74  80 16x "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"  [Gig]

"Sony Corporation"
97 24 11  74 43 00  74 24x "Sony Corporation"  [Gig]
97 24 11  79 59 11  80 24x "Sony Corporation"  [Gig]
97 24 11  79 59 74  Sony   [Aopen]
97 24 11  79 59 74  SONY  [Btc]
97 24 12  74 43 00  74 48x "Sony Corporation"  [Gig]
97 24 12  74 43 00  LeadData,Sony   [Aopen]
97 24 12  79 59 74  80 32x "Sony Corporation"  [Gig]
97 24 12  79 59 74  SONY  [Btc]
97 24 15  74 30 00  Imation   [Aopen]
97 24 15  74 43 00  654.49MB imation(Sony) 4X-10X   [Msi]
97 24 15  79 59 74  702.83MB (SONY) 2-24X   [Msi]
97 24 15  79 59 74  702.83MB SONY(Lead data) 48X   [Msi]
97 24 15  79 59 74  80 48x "Sony Corporation"  [Gig]
97 24 15  79 59 74  Sony   [Aopen]
97 24 16  79 59 74  702.83MB SONY(Lead data) 52X   [Msi]
97 24 16  79 59 74  80 52x "Sony Corporation"  [Gig]
97 24 16  79 59 74  Sony   [Aopen]
97 24 16  79 59 74  SONY  [Btc]

"Computer Support Italcard s.r.l"
97 24 26  79 59 74  80 52x "Computer Support Italcard s.r.l"  [Gig]
97 24 26  79 59 74  Csita   [Aopen]

"Unitech Japan Inc."
97 24 39  79 59 74  80 52x "Unitech Japan Inc."  [Gig]
97 24 39  79 59 74  RA   [Aopen]

"MPO, France" 
97 25 00  79 59 74  TDK CD-R80(25)  [Teac]
97 25 06  74 45 00  74 52x "MPO"  [Gig]
97 25 06  74 45 00  MPO,France   [Aopen]
97 25 06  79 59 74  80 52x "MPO"  [Gig]
97 25 07  79 59 00  MPO,France   [Aopen]

"Hitachi Maxell Ltd."
97 25 22  79 59 74  80 16x "Hitachi Maxell Ltd."  [Gig]
97 25 29  74 30 00  654.49MB Hitachi Maxell Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 25 29  74 30 00  74 52x "Hitachi Maxell Ltd."  [Gig]
97 25 29  74 30 00  MAXELL   [Aopen]
97 25 29  74 30 00  Maxell  [Btc]
97 25 29  79 59 74  702.83MB Hitachi Maxell(Acer OEM) 32X   [Msi]
97 25 29  79 59 74  702.83MB Hitachi Maxell Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 25 29  79 59 74  80 52x "Hitachi Maxell Ltd."  [Gig]
97 25 29  79 59 74  Eigen CD-R Multi Speed 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 25 29  79 59 74  Maxell  [Btc]
97 25 29  79 59 74  MAXWELL   [Aopen]

"Infodisc Technology Co,Ltd."
97 25 30  24 01 05  Infodisk 8cm HS-RW 12X 210.80MB  [Mits]
97 25 30  -  -  -   4x "Infodisc Technology Co,Ltd."  [Gig]
97 25 30  74 44 07  INFODISC   [Aopen]
97 25 30  79 59 72  INFODISC   [Aopen]
97 25 30  79 59 73  MEMOREX   [Aopen]
97 25 30  79 59 74  80 10X "Infodisc Technology Co,Ltd."  [Gig]
97 25 30  79 59 74  Infodisk CD-RW 4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 25 30  79 59 74  MEMOREX(INFODISC)   [Aopen]
97 25 31  79 59 73  80 24x "Infodisc Technology Co,Ltd."  [Gig]
97 25 35  79 59 74  702.83MB Infodisc 52X   [Msi]
97 25 35  79 59 74  702.83MB SPEEDA(Infodisc) 40X   [Msi]
97 25 35  79 59 74  80 48x "Infodisc Technology Co,Ltd."  [Gig]
97 25 35  79 59 74  Lead data  [Btc]

D "Xcitec Inc."
97 25 66  79 59 73  XGITEK   [Aopen]

"Fornet International Pte Ltd"
97 26 00            4x "Fornet International Pte Ltd"  [Gig]
97 26 00  79 59 74  80 12X "Fornet International Pte Ltd"  [Gig]
97 26 00  79 59 74  COMPUSA,Fornet   [Aopen]
97 26 01  74 56 00  74 24x "Fornet International Pte Ltd"  [Gig]
97 26 01  79 59 74  80 12X "Fornet International Pte Ltd"  [Gig]
97 26 06  79 59 74  80 24x "Fornet International Pte Ltd"  [Gig]
97 26 07  79 59 64  90 24x "Fornet International Pte Ltd"  [Gig]
97 26 07  79 59 64  Formet  [Btc]
97 26 07  79 59 71  702.82MB Cdhouse (Fornet International) 52X   [Msi]
97 26 07  79 59 71  80 52x "Fornet International Pte Ltd"  [Gig]
97 26 07  79 59 71  Formet  [Btc]
97 26 07  79 59 71  Fornet   [Aopen]
97 26 07  79 59 74  Fornet   [Aopen]

"Postech Corporation"
97 26 11  22 23 60  Postech  [Btc]
97 26 11  79 59 73  702.83MB Postech 52X   [Msi]
97 26 11  79 59 73  80 52x "Postech Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 11  79 59 73  Postech   [Aopen]
97 26 11  79 59 73  POSTECH   [Aopen]
97 26 11  79 59 73  Postech  [Btc]
97 26 11  79 59 73  Postech CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 11  79 59 74  702.83MB Postech corp Multi Speed    [Msi]
97 26 11  79 59 74  702.83MB Postech N/A 12X   [Msi]
97 26 11  79 59 74  80 12X "Postech Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 11  79 59 74  80 40x "Postech Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 11  79 59 74  Mr.Platinum   [Aopen]
97 26 11  79 59 74  POSTECH   [Aopen]
97 26 11  79 59 74  Postech  [Btc]
97 26 15  79 59 74  80 32x "Postech Corporation"  [Gig]

"SKC Co Ltd."
97 26 21  74 59 73  74 12X "SKC Co Ltd."  [Gig]
97 26 21  74 59 73  SKC74-Korea   [Aopen]
97 26 21  79 59 74  80 12X "SKC Co Ltd."  [Gig]
97 26 21  79 59 74  SKC80-Korea   [Aopen]
97 26 26  79 59 73  702.83MB SKC 48X   [Msi]
97 26 26  79 59 73  80 52x "SKC Co Ltd."  [Gig]
97 26 26  79 59 73  Infinite CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 26  79 59 73  SKC  [Btc]
97 26 26  79 59 73  SKC(Korea)   [Aopen]

"Fuji Photo Film Co,Ltd."
97 26 45  79 59 73  702.83MB FUJI 52X   [Msi]
97 26 45  79 59 73  80 52x "Fuji Photo Film Co,Ltd."  [Gig]
97 26 45  79 59 73  Fujifilm   [Aopen]
97 26 45  79 59 74  80 32x "Fuji Photo Film Co,Ltd."  [Gig]

"Lead Data Inc."
97 26 50            4x "Lead Data Inc."  [Gig]
97 26 50  74 59 74  SONY CD-RW 1-4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 51  79 59 74  702.83MB Lead Data 12X   [Msi]
97 26 51  79 59 74  80 12X "Lead Data Inc."  [Gig]
97 26 51  79 59 74  Leaddata   [Aopen]
97 26 52  79 59 74  80 32x "Lead Data Inc."  [Gig]
97 26 53  79 59 74  702.83MB Lead Data 48X   [Msi]
97 26 53  79 59 74  Gigastorage  [Btc]
97 26 54  79 59 74  702.83MB Lead Data 48X   [Msi]
97 26 54  79 59 74  80 48x "Lead Data Inc."  [Gig]
97 26 54  79 59 74  LeadData   [Aopen]
97 26 54  79 59 74  Lead data  [Btc]
97 26 54  79 59 74  Lead Data CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 56  79 59 74  80 52x "Lead Data Inc."  [Gig]
97 26 56  79 59 74  LeadData   [Aopen]
97 26 56  79 59 74  Lead data  [Btc]
97 26 57  79 59 74  80 52x "Lead Data Inc."  [Gig]
97 26 57  79 59 74  MIRAGE   [Aopen]

"CMC Magnetics Corporation"
97 26 60  74 41 50  74 32x "Daxon Technology Inc." [Gig]
97 26 61  79 59 74  80 32x "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 65  21 59 74  Verbatim 8mm CD-RW 2-4X 193.06MB  [Mits]
97 26 65  24 30 00  215.04MB Memorex(CMC)8cm 4X   [Msi]
97 26 65  24 30 00  Bi-Winner 8cm HS-RW 4-8X 215.04MB  [Mits]
97 26 65  24 30 00  Memorex 8cm CD-RW 4X 215.04MB  [Mits]
97 26 65            4x "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 65  74 12 00  PLEXTOR   [Aopen]
97 26 65  74 59 64  658.89MB CMC 16X   [Msi]
97 26 65  74 59 64  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 65  75 00 00  658.89MB YAMAHA(CMC) 4-10X   [Msi]
97 26 65  75 00 00  658.89MB YAMAHA(CMC) N/A 4-10X   [Msi]
97 26 65  75 00 00  74 12X "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 65  75 00 00  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 65  75 00 00  CMC CD-RW 4X 658.89MB  [Mits]
97 26 65  79 59 64  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 65  79 59 74  702.83MB Melody(CMC) 10X   [Msi]
97 26 65  79 59 74  702.83MB Office DEPOT(CMC) 1-4X   [Msi]
97 26 65  79 59 74  702.83MB Philips(CMC) 4-12X   [Msi]
97 26 65  79 59 74  702.83MB Philips(CMC) N/A 4-12X   [Msi]
97 26 65  79 59 74  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 65  79 59 74  CMC CD-RW 4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 65  79 59 74  Office DEPOT CD-RW 1-4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 66  23 00 00  CMC  [Btc]
97 26 66  23 59 74  CMC  [Btc]
97 26 66  75 00 00  74 40x "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 66  75 00 00  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 66  75 10 00  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 66  75 10 00  CMC  [Btc]
97 26 66  75 10 00  CMC CD-R 52X 660.35MB  [Mits]
97 26 66  79 59 71  702.83MB CMC 52X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 71  702.83MB eMARK(CMC) 48X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 71  702.83MB imation(CMC) 48X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 71  702.83MB imation(CMC) 48X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 71  80 52x "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 66  79 59 71  CMC  [Btc]
97 26 66  79 59 71  CMC CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 66  79 59 71  CMC,MEMOREX   [Aopen]
97 26 66  79 59 73  702.83MB CMC 52X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 73  702.83MB HyperMedia(CMC) 52X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 73  702.83MB imation(CMC) 48X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 73  702.83MB imation(CMC) 48X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 73  702.83MB Melody (CMC) 40X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 73  702.83MB Melody(CMC) 40X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 73  702.83MB Samsung(CMC) 48X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 73  80 52x "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 66  79 59 73  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 66  79 59 73  CMC  [Btc]
97 26 66  79 59 73  CMC CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 66  79 59 73  Imation CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 66  79 59 73  Shintaro CD-R 40X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 66  79 59 73  Techworks CD-R 48X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 26 66  79 59 74  702.83MB Bi-Winner(CMC)99min 40X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 74  702.83MB Bi-Winner(CMC)99min 40X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 74  702.83MB Memorex(CMC) 48X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 74  702.83MB PHILIPS(CMC) 40X   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 74  702.83MB PHILIPS(CMC) Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 26 66  79 59 74  80 16x "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 66  79 59 74  CMC   [Aopen]
97 26 66  79 59 74  CMC  [Btc]
97 26 67  75 00 00  658.89MB CMC 24X   [Msi]
97 26 67  75 00 00  74 24x "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]
97 26 67  75 00 00  CMC US-RW 24X 658.89MB  [Mits]
97 26 67  79 59 64  80 32X "CMC Magnetics Corporation"  [Gig]

"Ricoh Company Limited"
97 27 00            4x "Ricoh Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 27 00  74 12 00  651.86MB RICOH N/A 4-10X   [Msi]
97 27 00  74 12 00  651.86MB Sony(Digital Storage) 4X-10X   [Msi]
97 27 00  74 12 00  651.86MB Sony(Digital Storage) 4X-10X   [Msi]
97 27 00  74 12 00  74 10X "Ricoh Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 27 00  74 12 00  74 24x "Ricoh Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 27 00  74 12 00  RICOH   [Aopen]
97 27 00  74 12 00  Ricoh HS-RW 4X-10X 651.86MB  [Mits]
97 27 00  74 12 00  Sony HS-RW 4X-10X 651.86MB  [Mits]
97 27 00  75 00 00  74 32x "Digital Storage Techology"  [Gig]
97 27 00  79 59 74  702.83MB Laser 48X   [Msi]
97 27 00  79 59 74  80 40x "Digital Storage Techology"  [Gig]
97 27 00  79 59 74  Csita   [Aopen]
97 27 00  79 59 74  RICOH   [Aopen]
97 27 06  79 59 72  Digital Storage CD-R 52X 53.318MB  [Mits]
97 27 06  79 59 72  DST   [Aopen]
97 27 06  79 59 73  702.83MB Digital Storage 32X   [Msi]
97 27 06  79 59 73  702.83MB Digital Storage 52X   [Msi]
97 27 06  79 59 73  DST  [Btc]
97 27 06  79 59 74  80 40x "Digital Storage Techology"  [Gig]
97 27 06  79 59 74  DST   [Aopen]

"Plasmon Data systems Ltd"
97 27 10  21 30 00  188.67MB Plasmon 4-10X   [Msi]
97 27 10  21 30 00  Ritek 8cm HS-RW 4-10X 188.67MB  [Mits]
97 27 10            4x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 27 10  74 41 00  656.10MB TDK(Plasmon) 4X-10X   [Msi]
97 27 10  74 41 00  74 12X "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 27 10  74 41 00  EMTEC CD-RW 1-4X 656.10MB  [Mits]
97 27 10  74 41 00  Ritek   [Aopen]
97 27 10  74 41 00  TDK HS-RW 4-10X 651.86MB  [Mits]
97 27 11  74 41 00  Ritek   [Aopen]
97 27 11  74 41 01  656.10MB Plasmon 16X   [Msi]
97 27 12  74 41 00  656.10MB RiDATA(Plasmon) 24X   [Msi]
97 27 12  74 41 00  656.10MB Riteck co.  24X   [Msi]
97 27 12  74 41 00  74 24x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 27 12  74 41 00  Plasmon US-RW 24X 656.10MB  [Mits]
97 27 18  79 59 74  702.83MB ALPHAPET(Plasmon)() 1-40X   [Msi]
97 27 18  79 59 74  702.83MB MANIA(Plasmon)() 48X   [Msi]
97 27 18  79 59 74  80 52x "Plasmon Data systems Ltd"  [Gig]
97 27 18  79 59 74  Plasmon   [Aopen]
97 27 18  79 59 74  Plasmon  [Btc]
97 27 19  79 59 74  4M   [Aopen]
97 27 19  79 59 74  80 48x "Plasmon Data systems Ltd"  [Gig]

"Princo Corporation"
97 27 21  79 59 74  Princo Co CD-RW 4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 27 28            4x "Princo Corporation"  [Gig]
97 27 28  74 50 01  74 40x "Princo Corporation"  [Gig]
97 27 28  74 50 01  Princo   [Aopen]
97 27 28  79 59 74  702.83MB Princo 2-48X   [Msi]
97 27 28  79 59 74  702.83MB Princo 52X   [Msi]
97 27 28  79 59 74  80 52x "Princo Corporation"  [Gig]
97 27 28  79 59 74  Princo   [Aopen]
97 27 28  79 59 74  Princo  [Btc]
97 27 29  79 59 74  80 12X "Princo Corporation"  [Gig]
97 27 29  79 59 74  Princo   [Aopen]
97 27 29  79 59 74  Princo Co HS-RW 4-12X 702.83MB  [Mits]

97 27 30            PIONEER [Hij]

"Eastman Kodak Company"
97 27 45  74 05 01  74 32x "Eastman Kodak Company"  [Gig]

"Mitsui Chemicals Inc."
97 27 55  74 05 10  74 16x "Mitsui Chemicals Inc."  [Gig]
97 27 56  74 05 11  74 16x "Mitsui Chemicals Inc."  [Gig]
97 27 56  79 59 74  80 24x "Mitsui Chemicals Inc."  [Gig]
97 27 57  79 59 74  80 40x "Mitsui Chemicals Inc."  [Gig]
97 27 57  79 59 74  MITSUI   [Aopen]
97 27 58  74 05 13  MAM-A   [Aopen]
97 27 58  79 59 74  80 52x "Mitsui Chemicals Inc."  [Gig]
97 27 58  79 59 74  Mitsui   [Aopen]
97 27 58  79 59 74  TDK  [Btc]

"Ricoh Company Limited"
97 27 66  74 12 00  RICOH  [Btc]
97 27 66  74 12 02  74 48x "Ricoh Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 27 66  74 12 02  Ricoh   [Aopen]
97 27 66  74 12 03  74 52x "Ricoh Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 27 66  74 12 03  Ritek  [Btc]
97 27 66  74 12 03  Ritek,RS   [Aopen]
97 27 66  79 59 71  702.82MB RICOH 40X   [Msi]
97 27 66  79 59 71  80 48x "Ricoh Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 27 66  79 59 71  RICOH  [Btc]
97 27 66  79 59 71  RICOH CD-R 40X 702.82MB  [Mits]
97 27 66  79 59 71  Ritek,RS   [Aopen]
97 27 66  79 59 72  80 48x "Ricoh Company Limited"  [Gig]
97 27 66  79 59 72  Ricoh   [Aopen]
97 27 66  79 59 74  RICOH  [Btc]

"Gigastorage Corporation"
97 28 12  79 59 72  702.83MB Gigastorage 52X   [Msi]
97 28 12  79 59 72  80 52x "Gigastorage Corporation"  [Gig]
97 28 12  79 59 72  GigaSto   [Aopen]
97 28 12  79 59 74  702.83MB Gigastorage 40X   [Msi]
97 28 12  79 59 74  80 48x "Gigastorage Corporation"  [Gig]
97 28 12  79 59 74  GigaSto, MaxMax   [Aopen]
97 28 12  79 59 74  Gigastorage  [Btc]
97 28 15            4x "Gigastorage Corporation" [Gig]
97 28 15            4x "Nan-Ya" [Gig]
97 28 15  74 12 00  74 10X "Gigastorage Corporation"  [Gig]
97 28 15  74 12 00  CURSOR   [Aopen]
97 28 15  79 59 72  702.83MB Gigastorage 52X   [Msi]
97 28 15  79 59 72  702.83MB MaxMax (Gigastorage) 40X   [Msi]
97 28 15  79 59 72  GigaSto   [Aopen]
97 28 15  79 59 72  Gigastorage  [Btc]
97 28 15  79 59 74  702.83MB Gigastorage 40X   [Msi]
97 28 15  79 59 74  80 48x "Gigastorage Corporation"  [Gig]
97 28 15  79 59 74  80 52x "Gigastorage Corporation"  [Gig]
97 28 15  79 59 74  GigaSto   [Aopen]
97 28 15  79 59 74  Gigastorage  [Btc]
97 28 15  79 59 74  Gigastorage HS-RW 4X-8X 702.83MB  [Mits]

"Multi Media Masters&Machinary SA"
97 28 22  79 59 67  80 24x "Multi Media Masters&Machinary SA"  [Gig]
97 28 22  79 59 67  King   [Aopen]
97 28 22  79 59 67  Multi Media CD-R 48X 702.82MB  [Mits]
97 28 26  79 59 74  702.83MB Mmirex(Multi Media) 24X   [Msi]
97 28 26  79 59 74  80 52x "Multi Media Masters&Machinary SA"  [Gig]
97 28 26  79 59 74  KingPro   [Aopen]

"Ritek Corp"
97 31 01  74 45 00  74 24x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 31 01  74 45 00  Ritek  [Btc]
97 31 01  74 45 01  656.68MB Ritek Co.  40X   [Msi]
97 31 01  74 45 01  656.68MB Ritek Co.  52X   [Msi]
97 31 01  74 45 01  74 52x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 31 01  74 45 01  Ritek,74   [Aopen]
97 31 01  74 45 01  Ritek  [Btc]
97 31 07  21 15 01  Ritek  [Btc]
97 31 07  74 45 00  Ritek  [Btc]
97 31 07  74 45 01  656.69MB Ritek Co.  48X   [Msi]
97 31 07  74 45 01  656.69MB TDK(Ritek) 40X   [Msi]
97 31 07  74 45 01  74 52x "Ritek Corp"  [Gig]
97 31 07  74 45 01  Ritek   [Aopen]
97 31 07  74 45 01  Ritek  [Btc]
97 31 07  74 45 02  Ritek  [Btc]

"Grand Advance Technology Sdn. Bhd."
97 31 35  79 59 74  GAT   [Aopen]

"TDK Corporation"
97 32 00  74 59 00  74 16x "TDK Corporation"  [Gig]
97 32 01  74 59 74  74 24X "TDK Corporation"  [Gig]
97 32 05  74 59 00  74 52X "TDK Corporation"  [Gig]
97 32 05  74 59 00  TDK   [Aopen]

"Prodisc Technology Inc."
97 32 10  79 59 74  702.83MB Prodisc 12X   [Msi]
97 32 10  79 59 74  702.83MB Smartbuy(Prodisc) 8-12X   [Msi]
97 32 10  79 59 74  702.83MB Smartbuy(Prodisc) N/A 8-12X   [Msi]
97 32 10  79 59 74  80 12X "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 10  79 59 74  PRODISC   [Aopen]
97 32 10  79 59 74  Smartbuy HS-RW 8-12X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 32 11  22 00 00  Prodisc CD-RW 1-4X 193.07MB  [Mits]
97 32 11            4x "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 11  79 59 74  Prodisc CD-RW 1X-4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 32 12  79 59 74  80 10X "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 12  79 59 74  PRODISC   [Aopen]
97 32 13  79 59 74  (PRODISC)   [Aopen]
97 32 19  22 00 00  Prodisc  [Btc]
97 32 19  74 30 01  74 52x "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 19  74 30 01  Prodisc   [Aopen]
97 32 19  74 30 01  Prodisc  [Btc]
97 32 19  79 59 71  702.83MB Mitsubishi (Prodisc) 52X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 71  702.83MB Prodise 52X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 71  80 52x "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 19  79 59 71  Prodisc   [Aopen]
97 32 19  79 59 71  Prodisc  [Btc]
97 32 19  79 59 72  654.49MB Prodise 48X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 72  654.49MB Prodise 48X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 72  702.83MB Digmaster(Prodisc) 40X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 72  702.83MB Digmaster(Prodisc) 48X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 72  702.83MB LG(Prodisc) 1-48X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 72  702.83MB Mitsubishi (Prodisc) Multi Speed    [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 72  702.83MB Prodise 48X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 72  80 52x "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 19  79 59 72  Mitsubishi CD-R Multi Speed 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 32 19  79 59 72  Prodisc   [Aopen]
97 32 19  79 59 72  Prodisc  [Btc]
97 32 19  79 59 73  654.49MB Prodisc 40X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 73  702.83MB Media Market(Prodisc) 1-40X   [Msi]
97 32 19  79 59 73  80 48x "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 19  79 59 73  Prodisc   [Aopen]
97 32 19  79 59 73  Prodisc  [Btc]
97 32 19  79 59 74  80 48x "Prodisc Technology Inc."  [Gig]
97 32 19  79 59 74  Prodisc   [Aopen]
97 32 19  79 59 74  Prodisc  [Btc]

"Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"
97 34 21  74 43 00  74 24x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 21  74 43 00  MCC  [Btc]
97 34 21  79 59 74  702.83MB Mitsubishi Multi Speed   [Msi]
97 34 21  79 59 74  MCC  [Btc]
97 34 21  79 59 74  MCC(Metal   [Aopen]
97 34 22            4x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 22  74 43 00  656.40MB Mitsubishi N/A 1-4X   [Msi]
97 34 22  74 43 00  74 32x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 22  74 43 00  MCC  [Btc]
97 34 22  74 43 00  Mitsubishi CD-RW 1-4X 656.40MB  [Mits]
97 34 22  79 59 74  702.83MB Mitsubishi 32X   [Msi]
97 34 22  79 59 74  80 32x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 22  79 59 74  MCC  [Btc]
97 34 22  79 59 74  Mitsubishi CD-RW 1-4X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  74 43 00  656.40MB Mitsubishi 4-10X   [Msi]
97 34 23  74 43 00  74 10X "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 23  74 43 00  MCC   [Aopen]
97 34 23  74 43 00  Mitsubishi HS-RW 4-10X 656.40MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  74 43 00  Mitsubishi HS-RW 4-12X 656.40MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  74 43 00  Verbatim HS-RW 4-12X 656.40MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  74 43 01  656.40MB Mitsubishi 52X   [Msi]
97 34 23  74 43 01  MCC   [Aopen]
97 34 23  74 43 01  MCC  [Btc]
97 34 23  74 43 01  Mitsubishi CD-R 52X 656.40MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  79 59 73  702.83MB Mitsubishi 52X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 73  702.83MB Mitsubishi 52X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 73  702.83MB Mitsubishi   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 73  702.83MB Verbatim(Mitsubishi) 48X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 73  702.83MB Verbatim(Mitsubishi) 48X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 73  702.83MB YAMAHA(Mitsubishi) 48X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 73  MCC   [Aopen]
97 34 23  79 59 73  MCC  [Btc]
97 34 23  79 59 73  Mitsubishi CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  79 59 73  Mitsubishi CD-R 52X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  79 59 74  702.83MB Mitsubishi 40X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 74  702.83MB Verbatim(Mitsubishi) 40X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 74  702.83MB Verbatim(Mitsubishi) N/A 4-10X   [Msi]
97 34 23  79 59 74  80 48x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 23  79 59 74  MCC   [Aopen]
97 34 23  79 59 74  MCC   [Aopen]
97 34 23  79 59 74  MCC  [Btc]
97 34 23  79 59 74  Mitsubishi HS-RW 12X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  79 59 74  Verbatim HS-RW 4-10X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 34 23  79 59 76  80 52x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 24  74 43 00  656.40MB Mitsubishi 24X   [Msi]
97 34 24  74 43 00  74 24x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]
97 34 24  74 43 00  Mitsubishi US-RW 24X 656.40MB  [Mits]
97 34 24  79 59 74  702.83MB Mitsubishi 24X   [Msi]
97 34 24  79 59 74  Mitsubishi US-RW 24X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 34 24  79 59 74  Verbatim US-RW 24X 702.83MB  [Mits]
97 34 25  74 43 00  656.40MB Mitsubishi(standard) 32X   [Msi]
97 34 25  74 43 00  74 32x "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"  [Gig]

"Mitsui Chemicals Inc."
97 48 55  63 04 00  MCI(Mitsui) MTCDR63G  [Teac]
97 48 55  63 04 00  MCI(MITSUI) MTCDR63G  [Edig]

"TDK Corporation"
97 49 00  63 52 00  TDK CD-R63S   [Teac]
97 49 00  63 52 00  TDK CD-R63S   [Edig]


                          DVD and BD Media IDs

AML         003     UME  8X   [Hij]

"BeAll Developers, Inc."
BeAll000    P40     BeAll  4X   [Hij]
BeAll G40001        BeAll  4X   [Hij]

"CMC Magnetics Corporation"
CMC MAG M01         CMC  16X   [Hij]
CMC MAG F01         CMC  4X   [Hij]
CMC MAG R01         CMC  2.5X   [Hij]
CMC MAG W01         CMC  2.5x   [Hij]
CMC MAG. AE1        CMC  8X   [Hij]
CMC MAG. AF1        CMC  4X   [Hij]
CMC MAG. AM1        CMC  12X   [Hij]
CMCW02              CMC  2x   [Hij]
CMC00RG200          CMC  2X   [Hij]
CMCMAG              CMC  12X   [Hij]
CMCMAG      BA2     CMC Magnetics Corporation 1-2X HTL 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
CMCMAG      BA3     CMC Magnetics Corporation 1-4X HTL 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
CMCMAG      BA5     CMC Magnetics Corporation 1-6X HTL 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
CMCMAG      CN2     CMC Magnetics Corporation 1-2X HTL 25GB(12cm)  [Blu]

"Daxon Technology Inc. / Acer"
DAXON 016           DAXON  8X   [Hij]
DAXON       AZ3     DAXON  16X   [Hij]
DAXON       CY3     DAXON  12X   [Hij]
DAXON       D42/52  (user reported DVD+RW)
Daxon       R2X     Daxon Technology Inc.  1-2X HTL 25GB(12cm)  [Blu]
Daxon       R4X     Daxon Technology Inc.  1-4X HTL 25GB(12cm)  [Blu]

"Fujifilm Holdings Corporation"
FUJI                     Fujifilm Corporation [Blu]
FUJIFILM02               FUJIFILM  4X   [Hij]
FUJIFILM03               FUJIFILM  8X   [Hij]
FUJIFILM04               FUJIFILM  12X   [Hij]

"New Star Digital Co., Ltd."
INFODISC    R20     NSD  8X   [Hij]
INFODISC-R20        NSD  8X   [Hij]

"InfoMedia Inc."
INFOME      E20     INFOMEDIA INC.  1-2X   [Blu]
INFOME      R30     INFOMEDIA  16X   [Hij]
INFOME      R20     INFOMEDIA INC.  1-2X   [Blu]
INFOME      R30     INFOMEDIA INC.  1-4X  [Blu]

"Info Source Multi Media Ltd."
ISMMBD      R01     Info Source Multi Media Ltd.  1-4X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
ISMMBD      R02     Info Source Multi Media Ltd.  1-6X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
ISMMBD      RE1     Info Source Multi Media Ltd.  1-2X HTL 12cm  [Blu]

"JVC Limited"
JVC0VictorD7        JVC  4X   [Hij]
JVC1Victord7        JVC  6X   [Hij]
JVC/VictorT7        JVC  1x   [Hij]
JVC_VictorW7        JVC  2x   [Hij]
JVCRE1              Victor Company of Japan, Limited [Blu]

KIC01RG160          AMC  12X   [Hij]

"Lead Data Inc."
LD          M04     LEADDATA  8X   [Hij]
LD          S04     LEADDATA  8X   [Hij]
LEADDATA01          LEADDATA  4X   [Hij]

"LG Electronics"
LGE04               LG  2X   [Hij]
LGEBRA      S04     LG Electronics Inc.  1-4X HTL 12cm (25GB)  [Blu]
LGEBRA      S06     LG Electronics Inc.  1-6X HTL 12cm (25GB)  [Blu]
LGEBRE      S01     LG Electronics, Inc.  1-2X HTL 12cm(25GB)  [Blu]
LGEP16      001     LGE  8X   [Hij]

"Mitsui Advanced Media, Inc. Europe"
MAM         M02     MAM-E  8X   [Hij]

"Hitachi Maxell Ltd."
MAXELL      001     HITACHI MAXELL  4X   [Hij]
MAXELL      002     HITACHI MAXELL  8X   [Hij]
MAXELL      003     HITACHI MAXELL  16X   [Hij]
MAXELL      ES1     Hitachi Maxell, Ltd.  1-2X HTL 12cm and 8cm  [Blu]
MAXELL      RS1     Hitachi Maxell, Ltd.  1-2X HTL 12cm and 8cm  [Blu]

"Moser Baer India Limited"
MBI         E02     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-2X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
MBI         F01     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-2X LTH 25GB  [Blu]
MBI         F02     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-4X LTH 25GB  [Blu]
MBI         R02     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-2X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
MBI         R04     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-4X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
MBI         R06     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-6X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
MBI 01RG20          Moser Bear India  4X   [Hij]
MBI 01RG40          MBI  16X   [Hij]
MBI 03RG30          MBI  8X   [Hij]
MBI 03RG40          MBI  12X   [Hij]
MBIPG101            Moser Bear India  4X   [Hij]
MBIPG101    R04     MBI  8X   [Hij]
MBIPG101    R05     MBI  16X   [Hij]

"Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"
MCC         002     MKM  4X   [Hij]
MCC         003     MKM  8X   [Hij]
MCC 00RG200         MKM  2X   [Hij]
MCC 01RG20          MKM  4X   [Hij]
MCC 01RW11n9        MKM  2x   [Hij]
MCC 01RW4X          MKM  4X   [Hij]
MCC 02RG20          MKM  8X   [Hij]
MCC 03RG20          MKM  16X   [Hij]
MCC         A01     MKM  2.5x   [Hij]

"Mitsui Chemicals Inc."
MCI         G01     Mitsui  2X   [Hij]

"Panasonic Corporation"
MEI         RA1     Panasonic Corporation 1-6X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
MEI         RB1     Panasonic Corporation 1-6X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
MEI         T01     Panasonic Corporation 1-2X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
MEI         T02     Panasonic Corporation 1-4X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
MEI 00V001          MATSUSHITA EI  2X   [Hij]
MEI 00V002          MATSUSHITA EI  4X   [Hij]

"Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co."
MKM         001     MKM  6X   [Hij]
MKM         003     MKM  8X   [Hij]
MKM         A02     MKM  4x   [Hij]
MKM 01RD30          MKM  6X   [Hij]
MKM01RW6X01         MKM  6X   [Hij]

"Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co."
MMC         001     MKM  2.5X   [Hij]

"Hitachi Maxell Ltd."
MXL         RG01    MAXELL  2X   [Hij]
MXL RG02            MAXELL  4X   [Hij]
MXL RG03            MAXELL  8X   [Hij]
MXL RG04            MAXELL  16X   [Hij]

"Nan-Ya Plastics Corporation"
NANYA       ALX     NANYA  8X   [Hij]

"NESA International Inc."
NSDR40              NSD  8X   [Hij]

"Optodisc Technology Corporation"
OPTODISC    F16     OPTODISC  12X   [Hij]
OPTODISC    OP1     OPTODISC  2.5x   [Hij]
OPTODISC    OP1     OPTODISC  2.5X   [Hij]
OPTODISC    OR8     OPTODISC  8X   [Hij]
OPTODISCR004        OPTODISC  4X   [Hij]
OPTODISCR008        OPTODISC  8X   [Hij]
OPTODISC    R01     OPTODISC  16X   [Hij]
OPTODISC    R02     OPTODISC  4X   [Hij]
OPTODISCR016        OPTODISC  8X   [Hij]

"Optodisc Technology Corporation"
OTCBDR      001     Optodisc Technology Corporation 1-4X HTL 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
OTCBDR      002     Optodisc Technology Corporation 1-6X HTL 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
OTCBRE      001     Optodisc Technology Corporation 1-2X HTL 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]

"Moser Baer India Limited"
PHILIP      R02     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-2X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
PHILIP      R04     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-4X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
PHILIP      W02     Moser Baer India Ltd 1-2X HTL 25GB  [Blu]

PHILIPS     C16     PHILIPS  12X   [Hij]
PHILIPS     CD2     CMC (PHILIPS)  2.5X   [Hij]

"Princo Corporation"
PRINCO              PRONCO  4X   [Hij]

"Prodisc Technology Inc."
ProdiscF02          PRODISC  12X   [Hij]
PRODISC     R01     PRODISC  2.5X   [Hij]
Prodisc     R02     PRODISC  4X   [Hij]
Prodisc     R03     PRODISC  8X   [Hij]
Prodisc     R04     PRODISC  16X   [Hij]
Prodisc     R05     PRODISC  16X   [Hij]
ProdiscS03          PRODISC  4X   [Hij]
ProdiscS04          PRODISC  8X   [Hij]
ProdiscS05          PRODISC  16X   [Hij]
PRODISC     W01     PRODISC  2.5x   [Hij]

PVC001001           PIONEER VIDEO  2X   [Hij]
PVCR001002          PIONEER VIDEO  4X   [Hij]
PVCW00D002K9        PVC  2x   [Hij]

"Ricoh Company Limited"
RICOHJPN    D00     RICOH  2.5X   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    D01     RICOH  2.5X   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    R00     RICOHJPN  2.5X   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    R01     RICOH  4X   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    R02     RICOH  12X   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    R03     RICOH  16X   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    W01     RICOH  2.5x   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    W11     RICOH  4x   [Hij]
RICOHJPN    W21     RICOH  8X   [Hij]

"Ritek Corp"
RITEK       001     Ritek  2.5x   [Hij]
RITEK       D01     RITEK  2.5X   [Hij]
RITEK       F16     RITEK  8X   [Hij]
RITEKF1             RITEK  12X   [Hij]
RITEK G03           RITEK  2X   [Hij]
RITEK G04           RITEK  4X   [Hij]
RITEKG05            RITEK  4X   [Hij]
RITEKG06            RITEK  8X   [Hij]
RITEK M02           RITEK  4X   [Hij]
RITEKM16            RITEK  12X   [Hij]
RITEK       R01     RITEK  2.5X   [Hij]
RITEK       R02     RITEK  4X   [Hij]
RITEK       R03     RITEK  8X   [Hij]
RITEK       R04     RITEK  12X   [Hij]
RITEK       R05     RITEK  16X   [Hij]
RITEKW01            RiTEK  2x   [Hij]
RITEKW06            RITEK  6X   [Hij]

"Sony Corporation"
SONY                SONY  2X   [Hij]
SONY        D11     SONY  8X   [Hij]
SONY        D21     SONY  16X   [Hij]
SONY        ED4     Sony Corporation 1-2X HTL 50GB  [Blu]
SONY        ES1     Sony Corporation 1-2X 25GB  [Blu]
SONY        NO1     Sony Corporation 1-2X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
SONY        NS1     Sony Corporation 1-2X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
SONY        NS2     Sony Corporation 1-4X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
SONY        NN1     Sony Corporation 1-2X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
SONY        NN2     Sony Corporation 1-4X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
SONY        NN3     Sony Corporation 1-6X HTL 25GB  [Blu]
SONY04D1            SONY  4X   [Hij]
SONY08D1            SONY  12X   [Hij]
SONY16D1            SONY  16X   [Hij]

"TDK Corporation"
TDK         001     TDK  4X   [Hij]
TDK         002     TDK  8X   [Hij]
TDK         003     TDK  16X   [Hij]
TDKBLD      RBA     TDK Corporation 1-2X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
TDKBLD      RBB     TDK Corporation 1-4X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
TDKBLD      RBD     TDK Corporation 1-6x HTL 12cm (25GB)  [Blu]
TDKBLD      RDA     TDK Corporation 1-2X HTL 8cm  [Blu]
TDKBLD      RFA     TDK Corporation 1-2X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
TDKBLD      RFB     TDK Corporation 1-4X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
TDKBLD      RFD     TDK Corporation 1-6x HTL 12cm (50GB)  [Blu]
TDKBLD      WBA     TDK Corporation 1-2X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
TDKBLD      WDA     TDK Corporation 1-2X HTL 8cm  [Blu]
TDKBLD      Wfa     TDK Corporation 1-2X HTL 12cm  [Blu]
TDK502sakuM3        TDK  2x   [Hij]
TDK601saku          TDK  4X   [Hij]
TDKG02000000        TDK  2X   [Hij]

"TDK Corporation"
TTG01               TDK  4X   [Hij]
TTG02               TDK  8X   [Hij]
TTH01               TDK  8X   [Hij]
TTH02               TDK  12X   [Hij]

"Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"
TYG01               TAIYO YUDEN  4X   [Hij]
TYG02               TAIYO YUDEN  12X   [Hij]
TYG03               TAIYO YUDEN  16X   [Hij]
TYG11               TAIYO YUDEN  DVD-R DL 8x
TYG-BD      Y01     TAIYO YUDEN Co., Ltd.  1-2X LTH   [Blu]
TYG-BD      Y03     TAIYO YUDEN Co., Ltd.   1-4X LTH   [Blu]

"Unifino Inc."
UTJR001001          UNIFINO  4X   [Hij]

"Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co."
VERBAT      IM0     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-2X 25GB (12cm) and 7.8GB (8cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IM1     Mitsubishi kagaku Media, Co., ltd.  1-2X HTL 50GB(12cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMa     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-2X HTL 25GB (12cm) and 7.8GB (8cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMb     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-2X HTL 50GB (12cm) and 15.6GB (8cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMc     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-4X HTL 25GB (12cm) and 7.8GB (8cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMd     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-4X HTL 50GB (12cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMe     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-6X HTL 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMf     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-6X HTL 50GB (12cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMu     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-6X LTH 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMv     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-4X LTH 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]
VERBAT      IMw     Mitsubishi Kagaku Media, Co., Ltd.  1-2X LTH 25GB (12cm)  [Blu]

"Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"
YUDEN000    T01     TAIYO YUDEN  4X   [Hij]
YUDEN000    T02     TAIYO YUDEN  12x   [Hij]
YUDEN000    T03     TAIYO YUDEN  16X   [Hij]