 * Copyright (c) 2007 Vreixo Formoso
 * This file is part of the libisofs project; you can redistribute it and/or 
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as 
 * published by the Free Software Foundation. See COPYING file for details.

#include "filesrc.h"
#include "node.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "writer.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "image.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>

int iso_file_src_cmp(const void *n1, const void *n2)
    const IsoFileSrc *f1, *f2;
    unsigned int fs_id1, fs_id2;
    dev_t dev_id1, dev_id2;
    ino_t ino_id1, ino_id2;

    f1 = (const IsoFileSrc *)n1;
    f2 = (const IsoFileSrc *)n2;

    iso_stream_get_id(f1->stream, &fs_id1, &dev_id1, &ino_id1);
    iso_stream_get_id(f2->stream, &fs_id2, &dev_id2, &ino_id2);

    if (fs_id1 < fs_id2) {
        return -1;
    } else if (fs_id1 > fs_id2) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        /* files belong to the same fs */
        if (dev_id1 > dev_id2) {
            return -1;
        } else if (dev_id1 < dev_id2) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            /* files belong to same device in same fs */
            return (ino_id1 < ino_id2) ? -1 : (ino_id1 > ino_id2) ? 1 : 0;

int iso_file_src_create(Ecma119Image *img, IsoFile *file, IsoFileSrc **src)
    int ret;
    IsoFileSrc *fsrc;
    unsigned int fs_id;
    dev_t dev_id;
    ino_t ino_id;

    if (img == NULL || file == NULL || src == NULL) {
        return ISO_NULL_POINTER;

    iso_stream_get_id(file->stream, &fs_id, &dev_id, &ino_id);

    fsrc = malloc(sizeof(IsoFileSrc));
    if (fsrc == NULL) {
        return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM;

    /* fill key and other atts */
    fsrc->prev_img = file->msblock ? 1 : 0;
    fsrc->block = file->msblock;
    fsrc->sort_weight = file->sort_weight;
    fsrc->stream = file->stream;

    /* insert the filesrc in the tree */
    ret = iso_rbtree_insert(img->files, fsrc, (void**)src);
    if (ret <= 0) {
        return ret;
    return ISO_SUCCESS;

 * Add a given IsoFileSrc to the given image target.
 * The IsoFileSrc will be cached in a tree to prevent the same file for 
 * being written several times to image. If you call again this function
 * with a node that refers to the same source file, the previously
 * created one will be returned.
 * @param img
 *      The image where this file is to be written
 * @param new
 *      The IsoFileSrc to add
 * @param src
 *      Will be filled with a pointer to the IsoFileSrc really present in
 *      the tree. It could be different than new if the same file already
 *      exists in the tree. 
 * @return
 *      1 on success, 0 if file already exists on tree, < 0 error
int iso_file_src_add(Ecma119Image *img, IsoFileSrc *new, IsoFileSrc **src)
    int ret;

    if (img == NULL || new == NULL || src == NULL) {
        return ISO_NULL_POINTER;
    /* insert the filesrc in the tree */
    ret = iso_rbtree_insert(img->files, new, (void**)src);
    return ret;

void iso_file_src_free(void *node)

off_t iso_file_src_get_size(IsoFileSrc *file)
    return iso_stream_get_size(file->stream);

static int cmp_by_weight(const void *f1, const void *f2)
    IsoFileSrc *f = *((IsoFileSrc**)f1);
    IsoFileSrc *g = *((IsoFileSrc**)f2);
    /* higher weighted first */
    return g->sort_weight - f->sort_weight;

int is_ms_file(void *arg)
    IsoFileSrc *f = (IsoFileSrc *)arg;
    return f->prev_img ? 0 : 1;

int filesrc_writer_compute_data_blocks(IsoImageWriter *writer)
    size_t i, size;
    Ecma119Image *t;
    IsoFileSrc **filelist;
    int (*inc_item)(void *);

    if (writer == NULL) {
        return ISO_ASSERT_FAILURE;

    t = writer->target;

    /* on appendable images, ms files shouldn't be included */
    if (t->appendable) {
        inc_item = is_ms_file;
    } else {
        inc_item = NULL;
    /* store the filesrcs in a array */
    filelist = (IsoFileSrc**)iso_rbtree_to_array(t->files, inc_item, &size);
    if (filelist == NULL) {
        return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM;

    /* sort files by weight, if needed */
    if (t->sort_files) {
        qsort(filelist, size, sizeof(void*), cmp_by_weight);

    /* fill block value */
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        IsoFileSrc *file = filelist[i];
        file->block = t->curblock;
        t->curblock += DIV_UP(iso_file_src_get_size(file), BLOCK_SIZE);

    /* the list is only needed by this writer, store locally */
    writer->data = filelist;
    return ISO_SUCCESS;

int filesrc_writer_write_vol_desc(IsoImageWriter *writer)
    /* nothing needed */
    return ISO_SUCCESS;

/* open a file, i.e., its Stream */
static inline
int filesrc_open(IsoFileSrc *file)
    return iso_stream_open(file->stream);

static inline
int filesrc_close(IsoFileSrc *file)
    return iso_stream_close(file->stream);

 * @return
 *     1 ok, 0 EOF, < 0 error
int filesrc_read(IsoFileSrc *file, char *buf, size_t count)
    size_t bytes = 0;

    /* loop to ensure the full buffer is filled */
    do {
        ssize_t result;
        result = iso_stream_read(file->stream, buf + bytes, count - bytes);
        if (result < 0) {
            /* fill buffer with 0s and return */
            memset(buf + bytes, 0, count - bytes);
            return result;
        if (result == 0)
        bytes += result;
    } while (bytes < count);

    if (bytes < count) {
        /* eof */
        memset(buf + bytes, 0, count - bytes);
        return 0;
    } else {
        return 1;

int filesrc_writer_write_data(IsoImageWriter *writer)
    int res;
    size_t i, b;
    Ecma119Image *t;
    IsoFileSrc *file;
    IsoFileSrc **filelist;
    char name[PATH_MAX];
    char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE];

    if (writer == NULL) {
        return ISO_ASSERT_FAILURE;

    t = writer->target;
    filelist = writer->data;

    iso_msg_debug(t->image->id, "Writing Files...");

    i = 0;
    while ((file = filelist[i++]) != NULL) {

         * TODO WARNING
         * when we allow files greater than 4GB, current DIV_UP implementation
         * can overflow!!
        uint32_t nblocks = DIV_UP(iso_file_src_get_size(file), BLOCK_SIZE);

        res = filesrc_open(file);
        iso_stream_get_file_name(file->stream, name);
        if (res < 0) {
             * UPS, very ugly error, the best we can do is just to write
             * 0's to image
            iso_report_errfile(name, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, 0, 0);
            res = iso_msg_submit(t->image->id, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, res, 
                      "File \"%s\" can't be opened. Filling with 0s.", name);
            if (res < 0) {
                return res; /* aborted due to error severity */
            memset(buffer, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
            for (b = 0; b < nblocks; ++b) {
                res = iso_write(t, buffer, BLOCK_SIZE);
                if (res < 0) {
                    /* ko, writer error, we need to go out! */
                    return res;
        } else if (res > 1) {
            iso_report_errfile(name, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, 0, 0);
            res = iso_msg_submit(t->image->id, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, 0, 
                      "Size of file \"%s\" has changed. It will be %s", name,
                      (res == 2 ? "truncated" : "padded with 0's"));
            if (res < 0) {
                return res; /* aborted due to error severity */
        else {
            iso_msg_debug(t->image->id, "Writing file %s", name);

        /* write file contents to image */
        for (b = 0; b < nblocks; ++b) {
            int wres;
            res = filesrc_read(file, buffer, BLOCK_SIZE);
            if (res < 0) {
                /* read error */
            wres = iso_write(t, buffer, BLOCK_SIZE);
            if (wres < 0) {
                /* ko, writer error, we need to go out! */
                return wres;


        if (b < nblocks) {
            /* premature end of file, due to error or eof */
            iso_report_errfile(name, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, 0, 0);
            if (res < 0) {
                /* error */
                res = iso_msg_submit(t->image->id, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, res,
                               "Read error in file %s.", name);
            } else {
                /* eof */
                res = iso_msg_submit(t->image->id, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, 0,
                              "Premature end of file %s.", name);

            if (res < 0) {
                return res; /* aborted due error severity */
            /* fill with 0s */
            iso_msg_submit(t->image->id, ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE, 0,
                           "Filling with 0");
            memset(buffer, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
            while (b++ < nblocks) {
                res = iso_write(t, buffer, BLOCK_SIZE);
                if (res < 0) {
                    /* ko, writer error, we need to go out! */
                    return res;

    return ISO_SUCCESS;

int filesrc_writer_free_data(IsoImageWriter *writer)
    /* free the list of files (contents are free together with the tree) */
    return ISO_SUCCESS;

int iso_file_src_writer_create(Ecma119Image *target)
    IsoImageWriter *writer;

    writer = malloc(sizeof(IsoImageWriter));
    if (writer == NULL) {
        return ISO_ASSERT_FAILURE;

    writer->compute_data_blocks = filesrc_writer_compute_data_blocks;
    writer->write_vol_desc = filesrc_writer_write_vol_desc;
    writer->write_data = filesrc_writer_write_data;
    writer->free_data = filesrc_writer_free_data;
    writer->data = NULL;
    writer->target = target;

    /* add this writer to image */
    target->writers[target->nwriters++] = writer;

    return ISO_SUCCESS;