/* xorriso - creates, loads, manipulates and burns ISO 9660 filesystem images. Copyright 2007-2010 Thomas Schmitt, <scdbackup@gmx.net> Provided under GPL version 2 or later. This file contains the implementation of classes FindjoB, ExprnodE, ExprtesT which perform tree searches in libisofs or in POSIX filesystem */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <time.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include "xorriso.h" #include "xorriso_private.h" #include "xorrisoburn.h" /* ----------------------- Exprtest ----------------------- */ int Exprtest_new( struct ExprtesT **ftest, struct FindjoB *boss, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *f; *ftest= f= TSOB_FELD(struct ExprtesT,1); if(f==NULL) return(-1); f->boss= boss; f->invert= 0; f->test_type= -1; f->arg1= NULL; f->arg2= NULL; return(1); } int Exprtest_destroy(struct ExprtesT **ftest, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *f; f= *ftest; if(f==NULL) return(0); if(f->test_type == 1 || f->test_type == 13 || f->test_type == 16) { if(f->arg1 != NULL) free(f->arg1); if(f->arg2 != NULL) { regfree(f->arg2); free(f->arg2); } } else if(f->test_type == 9) { /* arg1 is not an allocated value */; } else { if(f->arg1 != NULL) free(f->arg1); if(f->arg2 != NULL) free(f->arg2); } free((char *) f); *ftest= NULL; return(1); } /* ----------------------- Nttpfnode ----------------------- */ int Exprnode_new(struct ExprnodE **fnode, struct FindjoB *job, struct ExprnodE *up, char *origin, int flag) /* bit0= set invert-property bit1= set use_shortcuts */ { struct ExprnodE *n; int ret,i; *fnode= n= TSOB_FELD(struct ExprnodE,1); if(n == NULL) return(-1); for(i= 0; i < (int) sizeof(n->origin); i++) n->origin[i]= 0; strncpy(n->origin, origin, sizeof(n->origin) - 1); n->up= up; n->invert= (flag & 1); n->assoc= 0; n->use_shortcuts= !!(flag & 2); n->left= NULL; n->left_op= -1; n->right= NULL; n->right_op= -1; n->sub= NULL; n->is_if_then_else= 0; n->true_branch= NULL; n->false_branch= NULL; n->test= NULL; n->own_value= -1; n->composed_value= -1; ret= Exprtest_new(&(n->test), job, 0); if(ret<=0){ Exprnode_destroy(fnode, 0); return(-1); } return(1); } int Exprnode_destroy(struct ExprnodE **fnode, int flag) { if(*fnode == NULL) return(0); Exprnode_destroy(&((*fnode)->right),0); Exprnode_destroy(&((*fnode)->sub),0); Exprnode_destroy(&((*fnode)->true_branch),0); Exprnode_destroy(&((*fnode)->false_branch),0); Exprtest_destroy(&((*fnode)->test),0); free((char *) *fnode); *fnode= NULL; return(1); } int Exprnode_set_is_if(struct ExprnodE *fnode, int value, int flag) { fnode->is_if_then_else= value; return(1); } int Exprnode_is_if(struct ExprnodE *fnode, int flag) { return(fnode->is_if_then_else); } int Exprnode_set_branch(struct ExprnodE *fnode, struct ExprnodE *target, int flag) /* bit0= false_branch (else true_branch) */ { struct ExprnodE **branch; if(flag&1) branch= &(fnode->false_branch); else branch= &(fnode->true_branch); Exprnode_destroy(branch,0); (*branch)= target; return(1); } int Exprnode_get_branch(struct ExprnodE *fnode, struct ExprnodE **branch, int flag) /* bit0= false_branch (else true_branch) */ { if(flag&1) (*branch)= fnode->false_branch; else (*branch)= fnode->true_branch; return(1); } int Exprnode_is_defined(struct ExprnodE *fnode, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *ftest; if(fnode==NULL) return(0); if(fnode->sub!=NULL) return(1); ftest= fnode->test; if(ftest==NULL) return(0); if(ftest->test_type>=0) return(1); return(0); } int Exprnode_own_value(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct ExprnodE *fnode, void *node, char *name, char *path, struct stat *boss_stbuf, struct stat *stbuf, int flag) /* flag: return: (also from Exprtest_match() and Exprnode_tree_value() ) <0 = error 0 = does not match 1 = does match 2 = immediate decision : does not match 3 = immediate decision : does match */ { int ret; if(fnode==NULL) return(1); if(fnode->sub!=NULL) { ret= Exprnode_tree_value(xorriso, fnode->sub, -1, node, name, path, boss_stbuf, stbuf, 0); } else { ret= Exprtest_match(xorriso, fnode->test, node, name, path, boss_stbuf, stbuf, 0); } if(ret<0) return(ret); if(ret>1) return(ret); if(fnode->invert) ret= !ret; return(ret); } int Exprnode_op(int value1, int value2, int op, int flag) { int ret; if(op==0) ret= value1 || value2 ; else ret= value1 && value2 ; return(ret); } int Exprnode_tree_value(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct ExprnodE *fnode, int left_value, void *node, char *name, char *path, struct stat *boss_stbuf, struct stat *stbuf, int flag) /* bit0-7= testmode: 0=head , 1=filename return: (also from Nntpftest_match() and Nntpfnode_own_value() ) <0 = error 0 = does not match 1 = does match 2 = immediate decision : does not match 3 = immediate decision : does match */ { int value= 1,ret; if(fnode==NULL) return(1); if(!Exprnode_is_defined(fnode,0)) return(1); if(fnode->use_shortcuts && fnode->left!=NULL){ fnode->composed_value= left_value; if(fnode->left_op==0) {/* OR */ if(left_value!=0) goto ex; } else { /* AND */ if(left_value==0) goto ex; } } fnode->composed_value= fnode->own_value= Exprnode_own_value(xorriso, fnode, node, name, path, boss_stbuf, stbuf, 0); if(fnode->own_value < 0 || fnode->own_value > 1) return(fnode->own_value); if(fnode->assoc == 0){ /* left associative */ if(fnode->left != NULL && left_value >= 0) fnode->composed_value= Exprnode_op(left_value, fnode->own_value, fnode->left_op, 0); /* compute right value */ /* is the right value relevant ? */ if(fnode->right!=NULL){ if(fnode->use_shortcuts){ if(fnode->right_op==0) {/* OR */ if(fnode->composed_value!=0) goto ex; } else { /* AND */ if(fnode->composed_value==0) goto ex; } } value= Exprnode_tree_value(xorriso, fnode->right,fnode->composed_value, node, name, path, boss_stbuf, stbuf, 0); if(value<0 || value>1) return(value); fnode->composed_value= value; } }else{ /* right associative */ if(fnode->right!=NULL){ /* is the right value relevant ? */ if(fnode->use_shortcuts){ if(fnode->right_op==0) {/* OR */ if(fnode->composed_value!=0) goto ex; } else { /* AND */ if(fnode->composed_value==0) goto ex; } } value= Exprnode_tree_value(xorriso, fnode->right,fnode->own_value, node, name, path, boss_stbuf, stbuf, 0); if(value<0||value>1) return(value); } else value= fnode->own_value; fnode->composed_value= value; if(fnode->left!=NULL && left_value>=0) fnode->composed_value= Exprnode_op(left_value,fnode->composed_value,fnode->left_op,0); } ex: ret= fnode->composed_value; if(fnode->is_if_then_else) { /* The if-condition is evaluated. Now follow the chosen branch */ struct ExprnodE *branch; if(ret>0) branch= fnode->true_branch; else branch= fnode->false_branch; if(branch!=NULL) { ret= Exprnode_tree_value(xorriso, branch, -1, node, name, path, boss_stbuf, stbuf, 0); if(ret<0) return(ret); if(ret>1) return(ret); } fnode->composed_value= ret; } return(fnode->composed_value); } /* --------------------- Findjob -------------------- */ int Findjob_new(struct FindjoB **o, char *start_path, int flag) { struct FindjoB *m; int ret; m= *o= TSOB_FELD(struct FindjoB,1); if(m==NULL) return(-1); m->start_path= NULL; m->test_tree= NULL; m->cursor= NULL; m->invert= 0; m->use_shortcuts= 1; m->action= 0; /* print */ m->prune= 0; m->target= NULL; /* a mere pointer, not managed memory */ m->text_2= NULL; /* a mere pointer, not managed memory */ m->user= 0; m->group= 0; m->type= 0; m->date= 0; m->start_path= strdup(start_path); if(m->start_path==NULL) goto failed; m->found_path= NULL; m->estim_upper_size= 0; m->estim_lower_size= 0; m->subjob= NULL; m->errmsg[0]= 0; m->errn= 0; ret= Exprnode_new(&(m->test_tree), m, NULL, "-find", (m->use_shortcuts)<<1); if(ret<=0) goto failed; m->cursor= m->test_tree; return(1); failed:; Findjob_destroy(o, 0); return(-1); } int Findjob_destroy(struct FindjoB **o, int flag) { struct FindjoB *m; m= *o; if(m==NULL) return(0); if(m->test_tree != NULL) Exprnode_destroy(&(m->test_tree), 0); if(m->start_path != NULL) free(m->start_path); if(m->found_path != NULL) free(m->found_path); free((char *) *o); *o= NULL; return(1); } int Findjob_set_start_path(struct FindjoB *o, char *start_path, int flag) { if(o->start_path!=NULL) free(o->start_path); if(start_path!=NULL) { o->start_path= strdup(start_path); if(o->start_path==NULL) return(-1); } else o->start_path= NULL; return(1); } int Findjob_get_start_path(struct FindjoB *o, char **start_path, int flag) { *start_path= o->start_path; return(1); } int Findjob_cursor_complete( struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; if(job==NULL) return(0); ret= Exprnode_is_defined(job->cursor,0); return(ret); } int Findjob_is_restrictive(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { if(job == NULL) return(0); if(job->test_tree == NULL) return(0); if(!Exprnode_is_defined(job->test_tree, 0)) return(0); return(1); } int Findjob_new_node(struct FindjoB *job, struct ExprnodE **fnode, char *origin, int flag) /* bit0= open new branch bit1= with bit1 : do not register as sub-node of job->cursor */ { int ret; struct ExprnodE *f; ret= Exprnode_new(fnode,job,NULL,origin, job->invert|((job->use_shortcuts)<<1)); if(ret<=0) return(ret); f= *fnode; if(flag&1) { f->up= job->cursor; if(job->cursor!=NULL && !(flag&2)) { if(job->cursor->sub!=NULL) { /* This would become a memory leak */ job->errn= -2; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Program error while parsing -job : sub branch overwrite"); return(0); } else job->cursor->sub= f; } } else { f->up= job->cursor->up; f->left= job->cursor; if(job->cursor!=NULL) job->cursor->right= f; } job->invert= 0; return(1); } /* If an operator is expected : use -and @param flag bit0= prepare for a pseudo-test: if an operator is expected, do nothing and return 2 */ int Findjob_default_and(struct FindjoB *o, int flag) { int ret; if(Findjob_cursor_complete(o, 0)) { if(flag & 1) return(2); ret= Findjob_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); } return(1); } int Findjob_open_bracket(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; struct ExprnodE *fnode; ret= Findjob_default_and(job, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); ret= Findjob_new_node(job, &fnode, "-sub", 1); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); job->cursor= fnode; return(1); } int Findjob_close_bracket(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { if(!Findjob_cursor_complete(job, 0)) { job->errn= -3; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Unary operator or expression expected, closing-bracket found"); return(0); } if(job->cursor->up==NULL){ job->errn= -1; sprintf(job->errmsg, "No bracket open when encountering closing bracket."); return(0); } job->cursor= job->cursor->up; return(1); } int Findjob_not(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(job, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); job->cursor->invert= !job->cursor->invert; return(1); } int Findjob_and(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; struct ExprnodE *fnode; if(!Findjob_cursor_complete(job, 0)) { job->errn= -3; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Unary operator or expression expected, binary operator found"); return(0); } ret= Findjob_new_node(job, &fnode, "-and", 0); if(ret<=0) return(ret); job->cursor->right_op= 1; job->cursor->assoc= 1; /* compute right side first */ fnode->left_op= 1; fnode->assoc= 0; /* compute left side first */ job->cursor= fnode; return(1); } int Findjob_or(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; struct ExprnodE *fnode; if(!Findjob_cursor_complete(job, 0)) { job->errn= -3; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Unary operator or expression expected, binary operator found"); return(0); } ret= Findjob_new_node(job, &fnode, "-or", 0); if(ret<=0) return(ret); job->cursor->right= fnode; job->cursor->right_op= 0; /* if existing : compute left side first */ job->cursor->assoc= (job->cursor->left == NULL); fnode->left= job->cursor; fnode->left_op= 0; fnode->assoc= 0; /* no right side yet : compute left side first */ job->cursor= fnode; return(1); } int Findjob_if(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; struct ExprnodE *fnode; ret= Findjob_default_and(job, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); ret= Findjob_new_node(job, &fnode, "-if", 1); if(ret<=0) return(ret); Exprnode_set_is_if(fnode,1,0); job->cursor= fnode; return(1); } int Findjob_then(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; struct ExprnodE *fnode,*branch= NULL; if(! Findjob_cursor_complete(job,0)) { job->errn= -3; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Unary operator or expression expected, -then-operator found"); return(0); } /* Finding the -if that matches this -then Do not go up one node but look for the leftmost one. If everything is right we are at level of the -if node */ while(job->cursor->left!=NULL) job->cursor= job->cursor->left; Exprnode_get_branch(job->cursor, &branch, 0); if(!Exprnode_is_if(job->cursor, 0) || branch != NULL) { job->errn= -5; sprintf(job->errmsg, "-then-operator found outside its proper range."); return(0); } ret= Findjob_new_node(job, &fnode, "-then", 1|2); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); Exprnode_set_branch(job->cursor, fnode, 0); job->cursor= fnode; return(1); } int Findjob_else(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; struct ExprnodE *fnode, *true_branch, *false_branch; if(! Findjob_cursor_complete(job, 0)) { job->errn= -3; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Unary operator or expression expected, -else-operator found"); return(0); } if(job->cursor->up == NULL) goto improper_range; job->cursor= job->cursor->up; Exprnode_get_branch(job->cursor, &true_branch, 0); Exprnode_get_branch(job->cursor, &false_branch, 1); if(!Exprnode_is_if(job->cursor, 0) || true_branch == NULL || false_branch != NULL) { improper_range:; job->errn= -5; sprintf(job->errmsg, "-else-operator found outside its proper range."); return(0); } ret= Findjob_new_node(job, &fnode, "-else", 1 | 2); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); Exprnode_set_branch(job->cursor, fnode, 1); job->cursor= fnode; return(1); } int Findjob_elseif(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { int ret; struct ExprnodE *true_branch, *false_branch; if(!Findjob_cursor_complete(job, 0)) { job->errn= -3; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Unary operator or expression expected, -elseif-operator found"); return(0); } if(job->cursor->up == NULL) goto improper_range; job->cursor= job->cursor->up; Exprnode_get_branch(job->cursor, &true_branch, 0); Exprnode_get_branch(job->cursor, &false_branch, 1); if(!Exprnode_is_if(job->cursor, 0) || true_branch==NULL || false_branch!=NULL) { improper_range:; job->errn= -5; sprintf(job->errmsg, "-elseif-operator found outside its proper range."); return(0); } job->cursor= job->cursor->up; /* -elseif is equivalent to the three-step sequence : -endif -or -if ( -endif has already been performed by following job->cursor->up ) */ ret= Findjob_or(job, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(0); ret= Findjob_if(job, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(0); return(1); } int Findjob_endif(struct FindjoB *job, int flag) { struct ExprnodE *true_branch; if(!Findjob_cursor_complete(job,0)) { job->errn= -3; sprintf(job->errmsg, "Unary operator or expression expected, -endif found"); return(0); } if(job->cursor->up==NULL) goto improper_range; /* test wether parent node is -if */ job->cursor= job->cursor->up; Exprnode_get_branch(job->cursor, &true_branch, 0); if(!Exprnode_is_if(job->cursor,0) || true_branch == NULL) { improper_range:; job->errn= -5; sprintf(job->errmsg, "-endif-mark found outside its proper range."); return(0); } /* go to grand parent node */ job->cursor= job->cursor->up; return(1); } /* @param flag bit0-1= 0= -name , 1= -wholename , 2= -disk_name */ int Findjob_set_name_expr(struct FindjoB *o, char *name_expr, int flag) { char *regexpr= NULL; regex_t *name_re; struct ExprtesT *t; int ret; regexpr= TSOB_FELD(char, 2*SfileadrL+2); if(regexpr == NULL) {ret= -1; goto ex;} if(strlen(name_expr)>=SfileadrL) {ret= 0; goto ex;}; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; t= o->cursor->test; t->test_type= 1; if ((flag & 3) == 1) t->test_type= 13; else if((flag & 3) == 2) t->test_type= 16; name_re= (regex_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(regex_t)); if(name_re == NULL) {ret= -1; goto ex;}; t->arg1= strdup(name_expr); if(t->arg1 == NULL) { free((char *) name_re); {ret= -1; goto ex;}; } Xorriso__bourne_to_reg(name_expr, regexpr, 0); if(regcomp(name_re, regexpr, 0) != 0) { free((char *) name_re); {ret= 0; goto ex;}; } t->arg2= name_re; ret= 1; ex:; Xorriso_free_meM(regexpr); return(ret); } int Findjob_set_file_type(struct FindjoB *o, char file_type, int flag) { static char known[]= {"bcdpf-lsmeX"}; struct ExprtesT *t; int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); if(file_type != 0) if(strchr(known, file_type) == NULL) return(0); t= o->cursor->test; t->test_type= 2; t->arg1= calloc(1, 1); if(t->arg1 == NULL) return(-1); *((char *) t->arg1)= file_type; return(1); } /* @param value -1= only without property, 1= only with property @param flag bit0= pseudo-test: if no operator is open, do nothing and return 2 */ int Findjob_set_prop_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int test_type, int value, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *t; int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, flag & 1); if(ret <= 0 || ret == 2) return(ret); t= o->cursor->test; t->test_type= test_type; if(value < 0) t->invert= !t->invert; return(1); } /* @param value -1= only undamaged files, 1= only damaged files */ int Findjob_set_damage_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_set_prop_filter(o, 3, value, 0); return(ret); } int Findjob_set_lba_range(struct FindjoB *o, int start_lba, int count, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *t; int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); t= o->cursor->test; t->test_type= 4; t->arg1= calloc(sizeof(int), 1); t->arg2= calloc(sizeof(int), 1); if(t->arg1 == NULL || t->arg2 == NULL) return(-1); *((int *) t->arg1)= start_lba; if(start_lba > 0) *((int *) t->arg2)= start_lba + count - 1; else *((int *) t->arg2)= start_lba - count + 1; return(1); } int Findjob_set_test_hidden(struct FindjoB *o, int mode, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *t; int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); t= o->cursor->test; t->test_type= 17; t->arg1= calloc(sizeof(int), 1); if(t->arg1 == NULL) return(-1); *((int *) t->arg1)= mode; return(1); } /* @param value -1= files without ACL, 1= only files with ACL */ int Findjob_set_acl_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_set_prop_filter(o, 5, value, 0); return(ret); } /* @param value -1= files without xattr, 1= only files with xattr @param flag bit0=-has_any_xattr rather than -has_xattr */ int Findjob_set_xattr_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_set_prop_filter(o, (flag & 1 ? 14 : 6), value, 0); return(ret); } /* @param value -1= files without aaip, 1= only files with aaip */ int Findjob_set_aaip_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_set_prop_filter(o, 7, value, 0); return(ret); } /* @param value -1= files without filter, 1= files with filter */ int Findjob_set_filter_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_set_prop_filter(o, 8, value, 0); return(ret); } int Findjob_set_wanted_node(struct FindjoB *o, void *wanted_node, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *t; int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); t= o->cursor->test; t->test_type= 9; t->arg1= wanted_node; return(1); } int Findjob_set_commit_filter_2(struct FindjoB *o, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); o->cursor->test->test_type= 10; return(1); } int Findjob_set_decision(struct FindjoB *o, char *decision, int flag) { struct ExprtesT *t; int ret; ret= Findjob_default_and(o, 0); if(ret <= 0) return(ret); t= o->cursor->test; t->test_type= 11; t->arg1= strdup(decision); if(t->arg1 == NULL) return(-1); return(1); } /* @param value -1= true, 1= false @param flag bit0= pseudo-test: if no operator is open, do nothing and return 2 */ int Findjob_set_false(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_set_prop_filter(o, 0, value, flag & 1); return(ret); } int Findjob_set_prune(struct FindjoB *o, int flag) { int ret; ret= Findjob_set_prop_filter(o, 12, 0, 0); return(ret); } int Findjob_set_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, char *path, int flag) { if(o->found_path != NULL) free(o->found_path); if(path != NULL) { o->found_path= strdup(path); if(o->found_path == NULL) return(-1); } else o->found_path= NULL; return(1); } int Findjob_get_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, char **path, int flag) { *path= o->found_path; return(1); } int Findjob_get_action(struct FindjoB *o, int flag) { return(o->action); } /* @return <0 error, >=0 see above struct FindjoB.action */ int Findjob_get_action_parms(struct FindjoB *o, char **target, char **text_2, uid_t *user, gid_t *group, mode_t *mode_and, mode_t *mode_or, int *type, time_t *date, struct FindjoB **subjob, int flag) { *target= o->target; *text_2= o->text_2; *user= o->user; *group= o->group; *mode_and= o->mode_and; *mode_or= o->mode_or; *type= o->type; *date= o->date; *subjob= o->subjob; return(o->action); } int Findjob_test_2(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct FindjoB *o, void *node, char *name, char *path, struct stat *boss_stbuf, struct stat *stbuf, int flag) { int ret; ret= Exprnode_tree_value(xorriso, o->test_tree, -1, node, name, path, boss_stbuf, stbuf, 0); if(ret == 3) ret= 1; else if(ret == 2) ret= 0; return(ret); } int Findjob_set_action_target(struct FindjoB *o, int action, char *target, int flag) { o->action= action; o->target= target; return(1); } int Findjob_set_action_type(struct FindjoB *o, int action, int type, int flag) { o->action= action; o->type= type; return(1); } int Findjob_set_action_text_2(struct FindjoB *o, int action, char *target, char* text_2, int flag) { o->action= action; o->target= target; o->text_2= text_2; return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chown(struct FindjoB *o, uid_t user,int flag) { int ret; if(flag&1) { o->action= 0; Findjob_destroy(&(o->subjob), 0); ret= Findjob_new(&(o->subjob), "", 0); if(ret<=0) return(-1); Findjob_set_action_chown(o->subjob, user, 0); o->action= 9; } else { o->action= 4; o->user= user; } return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chgrp(struct FindjoB *o, gid_t group, int flag) { int ret; if(flag&1) { o->action= 0; Findjob_destroy(&(o->subjob), 0); ret= Findjob_new(&(o->subjob), "", 0); if(ret<=0) return(-1); Findjob_set_action_chgrp(o->subjob, group, 0); o->action= 10; } else { o->action= 5; o->group= group; } return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chmod(struct FindjoB *o, mode_t mode_and, mode_t mode_or, int flag) { int ret; if(flag&1) { o->action= 0; Findjob_destroy(&(o->subjob), 0); ret= Findjob_new(&(o->subjob), "", 0); if(ret<=0) return(-1); Findjob_set_action_chmod(o->subjob, mode_and, mode_or, 0); o->action= 11; } else { o->action= 6; o->mode_and= mode_and; o->mode_or= mode_or; } return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_ad(struct FindjoB *o, int type, time_t date, int flag) { int ret; if(flag&1) { o->action= 0; Findjob_destroy(&(o->subjob), 0); ret= Findjob_new(&(o->subjob), "", 0); if(ret<=0) return(-1); Findjob_set_action_ad(o->subjob, type, date, 0); o->action= 12; } else { o->action= 7; o->type= type; o->date= date; } return(1); } int Findjob_set_action_subjob(struct FindjoB *o, int action, struct FindjoB *subjob, int flag) { o->action= action; Findjob_destroy(&(o->subjob), 0); o->subjob= subjob; return(1); } int Findjob_set_action_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, int flag) { o->action= 23; Findjob_set_found_path(o, NULL, 0); return(1); }