 * Copyright (c) 2007 Vreixo Formoso
 * This file is part of the libisofs project; you can redistribute it and/or 
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as 
 * published by the Free Software Foundation. See COPYING file for details.

 * Synchronized ring buffer, works with a writer thread and a read thread.
 * TODO #00010 : optimize ring buffer
 *  - write/read at the end of buffer requires a second mutex_lock, even if
 *    there's enought space/data at the beginning
 *  - pre-buffer for writes < BLOCK_SIZE

#include "buffer.h"
#include "libburn/libburn.h"
#include "ecma119.h"

#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifndef MIN
#   define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

struct iso_ring_buffer
    uint8_t *buf;
     * Max number of bytes in buffer
    size_t cap;

     * Number of bytes available.
    size_t size;

    /* position for reading and writing, offset from buf */
    size_t rpos;
    size_t wpos;

     * flags to report if read or writer threads ends execution
     * 0 not finished, 1 finished ok, 2 finish with error 
    unsigned int rend :2; 
    unsigned int wend :2;

    /* just for statistical purposes */
    unsigned int times_full;
    unsigned int times_empty;

    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    pthread_cond_t empty;
    pthread_cond_t full;

 * Create a new buffer.
 * The created buffer should be freed with iso_ring_buffer_free()
 * @param size
 *     Number of blocks in buffer. You should supply a number >= 32, otherwise
 *     size will be ignored and 32 will be used by default, which leads to a
 *     64 KiB buffer.
 * @return
 *     1 success, < 0 error
int iso_ring_buffer_new(size_t size, IsoRingBuffer **rbuf)
    IsoRingBuffer *buffer;

    if (rbuf == NULL) {
        return ISO_NULL_POINTER;

    buffer = malloc(sizeof(IsoRingBuffer));
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM;
    buffer->cap = (size > 32 ? size : 32) * BLOCK_SIZE;
    buffer->buf = malloc(buffer->cap);
    if (buffer->buf == NULL) {
        return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM;
    buffer->size = 0;
    buffer->wpos = 0;
    buffer->rpos = 0;

    buffer->times_full = 0;
    buffer->times_empty = 0;

    buffer->rend = buffer->wend = 0;

    /* init mutex and waiting queues */
    pthread_mutex_init(&buffer->mutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&buffer->empty, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&buffer->full, NULL);

    *rbuf = buffer;
    return ISO_SUCCESS;

void iso_ring_buffer_free(IsoRingBuffer *buf)
    if (buf == NULL) {

 * Write count bytes into buffer. It blocks until all bytes where written or
 * reader close the buffer.
 * @param buf
 *      the buffer
 * @param data
 *      pointer to a memory region of at least coun bytes, from which data
 *      will be read.
 * @param
 *      Number of bytes to write
 * @return
 *      1 succes, 0 read finished, < 0 error
int iso_ring_buffer_write(IsoRingBuffer *buf, uint8_t *data, size_t count)
    size_t len;
    int bytes_write = 0;

    if (buf == NULL || data == NULL) {
        return ISO_NULL_POINTER;

    while (bytes_write < count) {


        while (buf->size == buf->cap) {

             * Note. There's only a writer, so we have no race conditions.
             * Thus, the while(buf->size == buf->cap) is used here
             * only to propertly detect the reader has been cancelled

            if (buf->rend) {
                /* the read procces has been finished */
                return 0;
            /* wait until space available */
            pthread_cond_wait(&buf->full, &buf->mutex);

        len = MIN(count - bytes_write, buf->cap - buf->size);
        if (buf->wpos + len > buf->cap) {
            len = buf->cap - buf->wpos;
        memcpy(buf->buf + buf->wpos, data + bytes_write, len);
        buf->wpos = (buf->wpos + len) % (buf->cap);
        bytes_write += len;
        buf->size += len;

        /* wake up reader */
    return ISO_SUCCESS;

 * Read count bytes from the buffer into dest. It blocks until the desired
 * bytes has been read. If the writer finishes before outputting enought
 * bytes, 0 (EOF) is returned, the number of bytes already read remains
 * unknown.
 * @return
 *      1 success, 0 EOF, < 0 error
int iso_ring_buffer_read(IsoRingBuffer *buf, uint8_t *dest, size_t count)
    size_t len;
    int bytes_read = 0;

    if (buf == NULL || dest == NULL) {
        return ISO_NULL_POINTER;

    while (bytes_read < count) {

        while (buf->size == 0) {
             * Note. There's only a reader, so we have no race conditions.
             * Thus, the while(buf->size == 0) is used here just to ensure
             * a reader detects the EOF propertly if the writer has been
             * canceled while the reader was waiting

            if (buf->wend) {
                /* the writer procces has been finished */
                return 0; /* EOF */
            /* wait until data available */
            pthread_cond_wait(&buf->empty, &buf->mutex);

        len = MIN(count - bytes_read, buf->size);
        if (buf->rpos + len > buf->cap) {
            len = buf->cap - buf->rpos;
        memcpy(dest + bytes_read, buf->buf + buf->rpos, len);
        buf->rpos = (buf->rpos + len) % (buf->cap);
        bytes_read += len;
        buf->size -= len;

        /* wake up the writer */
    return ISO_SUCCESS;

void iso_ring_buffer_writer_close(IsoRingBuffer *buf, int error)
    buf->wend = error ? 2 : 1;

    /* ensure no reader is waiting */

void iso_ring_buffer_reader_close(IsoRingBuffer *buf, int error)
    if (buf->rend) {
        /* reader already closed */

    buf->rend = error ? 2 : 1;

    /* ensure no writer is waiting */

 * Get the times the buffer was full.
unsigned int iso_ring_buffer_get_times_full(IsoRingBuffer *buf)
    return buf->times_full;

 * Get the times the buffer was empty.
unsigned int iso_ring_buffer_get_times_empty(IsoRingBuffer *buf)
    return buf->times_empty;

 * Get the status of the buffer used by a burn_source.
 * @param b
 *      A burn_source previously obtained with 
 *      iso_image_create_burn_source().
 * @param size
 *      Will be filled with the total size of the buffer, in bytes
 * @param free_bytes
 *      Will be filled with the bytes currently available in buffer
 * @return
 *      < 0 error, > 0 state:
 *           1="active"    : input and consumption are active
 *           2="ending"    : input has ended without error
 *           3="failing"   : input had error and ended,
 *           5="abandoned" : consumption has ended prematurely
 *           6="ended"     : consumption has ended without input error
 *           7="aborted"   : consumption has ended after input error
int iso_ring_buffer_get_status(struct burn_source *b, size_t *size, 
                               size_t *free_bytes)
    int ret;
    IsoRingBuffer *buf;
    if (b == NULL) {
        return ISO_NULL_POINTER;
    buf = ((Ecma119Image*)(b->data))->buffer;
    /* get mutex */
    if (size) {
        *size = buf->cap;
    if (free_bytes) {
        *free_bytes = buf->cap - buf->size;

    ret = (buf->rend ? 4 : 0) + (buf->wend + 1);
    return ret;