/* cleanup.c , Copyright 2006 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net> A signal handler which cleans up an application and exits. Provided under GPL license within GPL projects, BSD license elsewise. */ /* cc -g -o cleanup -DCleanup_standalonE cleanup.c */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int); #include "cleanup.h" #ifndef Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H #include "../libburn/os.h" /* see os.h for name of particular os-*.h where this is defined */ static int signal_list[]= { BURN_OS_SIGNAL_MACRO_LIST , -1}; static char *signal_name_list[]= { BURN_OS_SIGNAL_NAME_LIST , "@"}; static int signal_list_count= BURN_OS_SIGNAL_COUNT; static int non_signal_list[]= { BURN_OS_NON_SIGNAL_MACRO_LIST, -1}; static int non_signal_list_count= BURN_OS_NON_SIGNAL_COUNT; #else /* ! Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H */ /* Outdated. Linux only. For backward compatibility with pre-libburn-0.2.3 */ /* Signals to be caught */ static int signal_list[]= { SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGILL, SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGPIPE, SIGALRM, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGXCPU, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, SIGTTOU, SIGBUS, SIGPOLL, SIGPROF, SIGSYS, SIGTRAP, SIGVTALRM, SIGXCPU, SIGXFSZ, -1 }; static char *signal_name_list[]= { "SIGHUP", "SIGINT", "SIGQUIT", "SIGILL", "SIGABRT", "SIGFPE", "SIGSEGV", "SIGPIPE", "SIGALRM", "SIGTERM", "SIGUSR1", "SIGUSR2", "SIGXCPU", "SIGTSTP", "SIGTTIN", "SIGTTOU", "SIGBUS", "SIGPOLL", "SIGPROF", "SIGSYS", "SIGTRAP", "SIGVTALRM", "SIGXCPU", "SIGXFSZ", "@" }; static int signal_list_count= 24; /* Signals not to be caught */ static int non_signal_list[]= { SIGKILL, SIGCHLD, SIGSTOP, SIGURG, SIGWINCH, -1 }; static int non_signal_list_count= 5; #endif /* Cleanup_has_no_libburn_os_H */ /* run time dynamic part */ static char cleanup_msg[4096]= {""}; static int cleanup_exiting= 0; static int cleanup_has_reported= -1234567890; static void *cleanup_app_handle= NULL; static Cleanup_app_handler_T cleanup_app_handler= NULL; static int cleanup_perform_app_handler_first= 0; static int Cleanup_handler_exit(int exit_value, int signum, int flag) { int ret; if(cleanup_msg[0]!=0 && cleanup_has_reported!=signum) { fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",cleanup_msg); cleanup_has_reported= signum; } if(cleanup_perform_app_handler_first) if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) { ret= (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0); if(ret==2 || ret==-2) return(2); } if(cleanup_exiting) { fprintf(stderr,"cleanup: ABORT : repeat by pid=%d, signum=%d\n", getpid(),signum); return(0); } cleanup_exiting= 1; alarm(0); if(!cleanup_perform_app_handler_first) if(cleanup_app_handler!=NULL) { ret= (*cleanup_app_handler)(cleanup_app_handle,signum,0); if(ret==2 || ret==-2) return(2); } exit(exit_value); } static void Cleanup_handler_generic(int signum) { int i; sprintf(cleanup_msg,"UNIX-SIGNAL caught: %d errno= %d",signum,errno); for(i= 0; i<signal_list_count; i++) if(signum==signal_list[i]) { sprintf(cleanup_msg,"UNIX-SIGNAL: %s errno= %d", signal_name_list[i],errno); break; } Cleanup_handler_exit(1,signum,0); } int Cleanup_set_handlers(void *handle, Cleanup_app_handler_T handler, int flag) /* bit0= set to default handlers bit1= set to ignore bit2= set cleanup_perform_app_handler_first bit3= set SIGABRT to handler (makes sense with bits 0 or 1) */ { int i,j,max_sig= -1,min_sig= 0x7fffffff; sighandler_t sig_handler; cleanup_msg[0]= 0; cleanup_app_handle= handle; cleanup_app_handler= handler; /* <<< make cleanup_exiting thread safe to get rid of this */ if(flag&4) cleanup_perform_app_handler_first= 1; if(flag&1) sig_handler= SIG_DFL; else if(flag&2) sig_handler= SIG_IGN; else sig_handler= Cleanup_handler_generic; /* set all signal numbers between the lowest and highest in the list except those in the non-signal list */ for(i= 0; i<signal_list_count; i++) { if(signal_list[i]>max_sig) max_sig= signal_list[i]; if(signal_list[i]<min_sig) min_sig= signal_list[i]; } for(i= min_sig; i<=max_sig; i++) { for(j= 0; j<non_signal_list_count; j++) if(i==non_signal_list[j]) break; if(j>=non_signal_list_count) { if(i==SIGABRT && (flag&8)) signal(i,Cleanup_handler_generic); else signal(i,sig_handler); } } return(1); } #ifdef Cleanup_standalonE struct Demo_apP { char *msg; }; int Demo_app_handler(struct Demo_apP *demoapp, int signum, int flag) { printf("Handling exit of demo application on signal %d. msg=\"%s\"\n", signum,demoapp->msg); return(1); } main() { struct Demo_apP demoapp; demoapp.msg= "Good Bye"; Cleanup_set_handlers(&demoapp,(Cleanup_app_handler_T) Demo_app_handler,0); if(1) { /* change to 0 in order to wait for external signals */ char *cpt= NULL,c; printf("Intentionally provoking SIGSEGV ...\n"); c= *cpt; } else { printf("killme: %d\n",getpid()); sleep(3600); } Cleanup_set_handlers(NULL,NULL,1); exit(0); } #endif /* Cleanup_standalonE */