3224 lines
90 KiB
Executable File

# xorriso-tcltk
# Copyright (C) 2012, Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>, libburnia project.
# Provided under GNU GPL version 2 or later.
# This is mainly a proof of concept for xorriso serving under a frontend.
# It exercises several fundamental gestures of communication:
# - connecting via two named pipes
# - sending commands
# - receiving replies
# - inquiring the xorriso message sieve
# - using the xorriso parsing service
# Note that any other language than Tcl/Tk could be used, if it only can
# do i/o via standard input and standard output or via named pipes.
# Further it has to perform integer arithmetics and string manipulations.
# And, well, a graphical widget set would be nice.
set own_version "1.2.5"
proc print_usage {argv0} {
puts stderr "Usage:"
puts stderr " $argv0 \[options\]"
puts stderr "Options:"
puts stderr " All options must be given with two dashes (\"--option\") in"
puts stderr " order to distinguish them from any options of the Tcl shell."
puts stderr " --help"
puts stderr " Print this text and exit."
puts stderr " --stdio"
puts stderr " Establishes connection to xorriso via stdin and stdout."
puts stderr " E.g. when letting xorriso start this frontend program:"
puts stderr " xorriso -launch_frontend \$(which xorriso-tcltk) --stdio --"
puts stderr " --named_pipes cmd_fifo reply_fifo"
puts stderr " Establishes connection to a xorriso process started by:"
puts stderr " xorriso -dialog on <cmd_fifo >reply_fifo"
puts stderr " which is then ready for a run of:"
puts stderr " xorriso-tcltk --named_pipes cmd_fifo reply_fifo"
puts stderr " It is important that the parent of xorriso and of this"
puts stderr " tcl/tk frontend opens the named pipe for commands before"
puts stderr " it opens the named pipe for replies. This avoids deadlock."
puts stderr " --geometry {+|-}X{+|-}Y"
puts stderr " Sets the position of the main window."
puts stderr " --click_to_focus"
puts stderr " Chooses that input fields and list boxes get the keyboard"
puts stderr " focus only when being clicked by the mouse."
puts stderr " --auto_focus"
puts stderr " Chooses that the keyboard focus is where the mouse"
puts stderr " pointer is. (Default)"
puts stderr " --log_file path"
puts stderr " Set a file address for logging of xorriso commands and"
puts stderr " reply messages. The log lines will be appended."
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "Either --stdio or --named_pipes must be given for a program run."
puts stderr ""
# ------------------------------- the frontend ----------------------------
# Starts xorriso, connects to it, sends commands, receives replies,
# prepares replies for GUI
# Connection to xorriso
set cmd_conn ""
set reply_conn ""
# The addresses of the named pipes, if such are used (see option -named_pipe)
set cmd_pipe_adr ""
set reply_pipe_adr ""
# The command to send (resp. the command most recently sent)
set cmdline ""
# Wether to clear the cmdline after sending
set cmdline_clear true
# Command counter
set cmd_sent 0
# Current -mark synchronization text
set mark_count 0
# Results of most recent await_all_replies
set info_list ""
set info_count 0
set emerging_info ""
set result_list ""
set result_count 0
set emerging_result ""
# Highest severities encountered in total and with most recent command
set highest_total_sev ALL
set highest_total_sev_msg ""
set highest_cmd_sev ALL
set highest_cmd_sev_msg ""
# This one registers like highest_cmd_sev with threshold ALL
set highest_seen_cmd_sev ALL
# State of last read_sieve command
set sieve_ret 0
# Mode for parsing replies with multiple words of arbitrary characters
# 0= single -msg_op parse commands
# 1= -msg_op parse_bulk (less problems with connection latency)
set bulk_parse_mode 1
# How many texts to pass with one parse_bulk command
set bulk_parse_max_chunk 200
# Parse parameters
set bulk_parse_prefix ""
set bulk_parse_separators ""
set bulk_parse_max_words ""
set bulk_parse_flag ""
# The announced number of texts to parse
set bulk_parse_num_texts ""
# Whether to complain on stderr about broken pipes.
# This may be expected when xorriso is being shut down by this frontend.
set expect_broken_pipes "0"
# Local copies of xorriso state
# Addresses of drives (or image files)
set outdev_adr ""
set indev_adr ""
# Whether the medium is blank, appendable, closed, missing
set indev_medium_status "missing"
set outdev_medium_status "missing"
# What kind of medium is presented by the drive
set indev_profile ""
set outdev_profile ""
# List of known drive addresses
set devlist ""
# Intermediate storage for messages until the GUI is up with .msglist box
set pre_msglist ""
# Whether overwriting of files in ISO and on disk is allowed
set overwrite_files 1
# If overwrite_files is 1 : Wether overwriting of ISO directories is allowed
set overwrite_dirs 0
# The file where to log commands and replies for debugging purposes
set log_file ""
set log_conn stderr
# Whether to log all commands and replies to the log_file
set logging 0
# xorriso specific constants
# List of severities (gets later overridden by -msg_op list_sev -)
set xorriso_severity_list {
set scan_event_threshold HINT
# --------- Communication between frontend and xorriso ----------
# Open the connection to a pair of named pipes. Program option -named_pipes
proc init_frontend_named_pipes {cmd_pipe reply_pipe} {
global cmd_conn
global reply_conn
set cmd_conn [open "$cmd_pipe" w]
set reply_conn [open "$reply_pipe" r]
# Note: disencouraged flags would be necessary for opening idle fifo
# set reply_conn [open "$reply_pipe" {RDONLY NONBLOCK}]
# Send a command line to the xorriso process. Do not wait for reply.
proc send_async_cmd {cmd} {
global cmd_sent cmd_conn logging log_conn
display_busy 1
log_puts " =============================================================="
log_puts " $cmd"
display_msg "======> $cmd"
incr cmd_sent
puts $cmd_conn "$cmd"
flush $cmd_conn
# Send a command line and a -mark command to xorriso. Wait until the
# mark message confirms that all command output has been received.
proc send_marked_cmd {cmd} {
global cmd_conn mark_count
send_async_cmd "$cmd"
incr mark_count
set mark_cmd "-mark $mark_count"
log_puts " $mark_cmd"
puts $cmd_conn "$mark_cmd"
flush $cmd_conn
# Wait for the currently pending mark message to arrive.
# Buffer all received result lines and info messages.
proc await_all_replies {} {
global reply_conn mark_count result_count result_list
global info_count info_list expect_broken_pipes
global .busy_text
while {1} {
set ret [gets "$reply_conn" line]
if {"$ret" < 0} {
if {"$expect_broken_pipes" != 1} {
puts stderr "EOF at reply pipe"
log_puts "$line"
if {[string range "$line" 0 0] == "M"} {
if {[string range "$line" 5 end] == "$mark_count"} {
# <<<
# puts stderr "sync mark"
} else {
# outdated mark message
de_pkt_line "$line"
display_busy 0
# <<< debug
# for {set i 0} {$i < $info_count} {incr i} {
# set line [lindex "$info_list" $i]
# puts stderr "info $i : $line"
# }
# for {set i 0} {$i < $result_count} {incr i} {
# set line [lindex "$result_list" $i]
# puts stderr "result $i : $line"
# }
# Decode -pkt_output format to complete lines and buffer them.
proc de_pkt_line {line} {
global info_list
global info_count
global emerging_info
global result_list
global result_count
global emerging_result
# Distinguish R and I
set ch [string range "$line" 0 0]
set payload [string range "$line" 5 end]
if {"$ch" == "R"} {
set emerging_result "$emerging_result$payload"
} else { if {"$ch" == "I"} {
set emerging_info "$emerging_info$payload"
} else {
return ""
# if line end : add to list
if {[string range "$line" 2 2] == "1"} {
if {"$ch" == "R"} {
lappend result_list "$emerging_result"
incr result_count
display_msg "$emerging_result"
# <<<
# puts stderr "result: $emerging_result"
set emerging_result ""
} else {
lappend info_list "$emerging_info"
incr info_count
display_msg "$emerging_info"
scan_info_for_event "$emerging_info"
# <<<
# puts stderr "info: $emerging_info"
set emerging_info ""
# Search in the decoded info messages for the most severe event reports.
proc scan_info_for_event {line} {
global highest_total_sev highest_total_sev_msg
global highest_cmd_sev highest_cmd_sev_msg highest_seen_cmd_sev
global scan_event_threshold
global display_msg_enabled
# check for word : CAPS : text ...
set ret [regexp {[a-z][a-z]*[ ]*: [A-Z][A-Z]* :} "$line"]
if {"$ret" != 1} {return ""}
# retrieve severity
set pos [string first ":" "$line"]
set sev [string range "$line" [expr $pos+2] end]
set pos [string first ":" "$sev"]
set sev [string range "$sev" 0 [expr $pos-2]];
if {[compare_sev "$sev" "$highest_seen_cmd_sev"] > 0} {
set highest_seen_cmd_sev "$sev"
if {[compare_sev "$sev" "$scan_event_threshold"] < 0} {return ""}
if {"$display_msg_enabled" == 0} {
set display_msg_enabled 1
display_msg "$line"
set display_msg_enabled 0
if {[compare_sev "$sev" "$highest_total_sev"] >= 0} {
set highest_total_sev "$sev"
set highest_total_sev_msg "$line"
if {[compare_sev "$sev" "$highest_cmd_sev"] >= 0} {
set highest_cmd_sev "$sev"
set highest_cmd_sev_msg "$line"
# Unpack the output format of -msg_op read_sieve into a result_list
# of strings which each hold one parsed word.
proc de_sieve {} {
global result_list
global sieve_ret
set sieve_ret [lindex "$result_list" 0]
set sieve_result_count [lindex "$result_list" 1]
set payload ""
set sieve_result_count 0
for {set i 2} {$i < [llength "$result_list"]} {incr i} {
set line ""
set num_lines [lindex "$result_list" $i]
# <<<
# puts stderr "de_sieve : num_lines = $num_lines"
for {set j 0} {$j < "$num_lines"} {incr j} {
incr i
set line "$line[lindex "$result_list" $i]"
if {$j < "$num_lines" - 1} {
set line "$line\n"
} else {
lappend payload "$line"
incr sieve_result_count
set result_list "$payload"
set result_count "$sieve_result_count"
# Alternative to proc await_all_replies. It waits for a line at one of the
# three channels and displays all lines which it receives before that line.
# Used before this frontend had the opportunity to set up xorriso by commands
# like -pkt_output "on".
proc wait_for_msg {prefix channel} {
global reply_conn
if {"$channel" == "M"} {
set channel_prefix "M:0: "
} else {
set channel_prefix "$channel:1: "
set prefix_l [string length "$prefix"]
while {1} {
# >>> Have a timeout
set ret [gets "$reply_conn" line]
if {"$ret" < 0} {
log_puts "$line"
if {[string length "$line"] < "$prefix_l"} {
display_msg "$line"
if {[string range "$line" 0 [expr "$prefix_l - 1"]] == "$prefix"} {
return [string range "$line" "$prefix_l" end]
if {[string length "$line"] >= [expr "$prefix_l + 5"]} {
if {[string range "$line" 0 4] == "$channel_prefix"} {
if {[string range "$line" 5 [expr "$prefix_l + 4"]] == "$prefix"} {
return [string range "$line" [expr "$prefix_l + 5"] end]
display_msg "$line"
# Reset the buffer for result lines and info messages.
proc clear_reply_lists {} {
global info_list
global info_count
global emerging_info
global result_list
global result_count
global emerging_result
set info_list ""
set info_count 0
set emerging_info ""
set result_list ""
set result_count 0
set emerging_result ""
# Reset the register of the most severe event for command sequences.
# Typically this is done before executing the commands of a procedure
# that is triggered by the user interface.
proc reset_highest_cmd_sev {} {
global highest_cmd_sev highest_cmd_sev_msg highest_seen_cmd_sev
set highest_cmd_sev ALL
set highest_cmd_sev_msg ""
set highest_seen_cmd_sev ALL
# Clear the recordings of the xorriso message sieve.
proc clear_sieve {} {
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-msg_op clear_sieve -"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
# Obtain a recorded item from the xorriso message sieve.
proc read_sieve {name} {
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-msg_op read_sieve '$name'"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
# ------- Inquiring xorriso status -------
# Get more information about drive that was inquired by recent -toc_of.
proc obtain_drive_info {dev} {
global result_list
global sieve_ret
global indev_medium_status outdev_medium_status
global indev_profile outdev_profile
set line ""
if {"$dev" == "in"} {
set indev_medium_status "missing"
set indev_profile ""
} else {
set outdev_medium_status "missing"
set outdev_profile ""
read_sieve "Media status :"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
set reply [lindex "$result_list" 0]
foreach i {blank appendable closed} {
if {[string first "$i" "$reply"] != -1} {
set line "$i "
if {"$dev" == "in"} {
set indev_medium_status "$i"
} else {
set outdev_medium_status "$i"
read_sieve "Media current:"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
set profile [lindex "$result_list" 0]
if {"$profile" == "is not recognizable"} {
set profile "no recognizable medium"
set line "$line$profile"
return "$line"
} else {
set line "$line$profile, "
if {"$dev" == "in"} {
set indev_profile "$profile"
} else {
set outdev_profile "$profile"
read_sieve "Media summary:"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
set line "$line[lindex "$result_list" 0] sessions, "
if {"$dev" == "in"} {
set line "$line[lindex "$result_list" 2] used"
} else {
set line "$line[lindex "$result_list" 3] free"
return "$line"
# Inquire whether changes of the ISO image are pending.
proc changes_are_pending {} {
global result_count result_list
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-changes_pending show_status"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
if {"$result_count" >= 1} {
if {[lindex "$result_list" 0] == "-changes_pending no"} {
return "0"
return "1"
return ""
# Inquire the file type of an address in the xorriso ISO image tree.
# This is a precondition for writing the session. Vice versa pending changes
# block a change of the input drive or the program end.
proc get_iso_filetype {adr} {
global result_list result_count scan_event_threshold
set scan_event_mem "$scan_event_threshold"
set scan_event_threshold "SORRY"
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-lsdl [make_text_shellsafe "$adr"] --"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
set scan_event_threshold "$scan_event_mem"
if {"$result_count" <= 0} {
return ""
return [string range [lindex "$result_list" 0] 0 0]
# Inquire whether an ISO image model has been created inside xorriso.
# This is a precondition for inserting files into the ISO tree model.
proc assert_iso_image {with_msg} {
global highest_seen_cmd_sev scan_event_threshold
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
set highest_seen_cmd_sev ""
set set_mem "$scan_event_threshold"
set scan_event_threshold "FATAL"
send_marked_cmd "-lsd / --"
set scan_event_threshold "$set_mem"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
if {[compare_sev "$highest_seen_cmd_sev" "FAILURE"] >= 0} {
if {"$with_msg" == 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you need to create or load an ISO image by selecting a drive or an image file"
return "0"
return "1"
# Obtain the list of possible event severity names, sorted in ascending order
proc inquire_severity_list {} {
global xorriso_severity_list
global result_list
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-msg_op list_sev -"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
if {[lindex "$result_list" 0] != ""} {
set xorriso_severity_list [split [lindex "$result_list" 0] " "]
# Parse-by-xorriso handler function for proc inquire_dev
proc set_inquired_dev {} {
global result_list indev_adr outdev_adr
if {[llength "$result_list"] < 2} {return ""}
set what [lindex "$result_list" 0]
if {"$what" == "-dev" || "$what" == "-indev"} {
set indev_adr [lindex "$result_list" 1]
if {"$what" == "-dev" || "$what" == "-outdev"} {
set outdev_adr [lindex "$result_list" 1]
# Inquire -indev and -outdev from xorriso and install in indev_adr
# and outdev_adr. Usually called when the user messed up the text fields.
# (This could be done by -toc_of like in proc refresh_indev. But here
# i demonstrate the use of command -status and parsing its result by
# help of xorriso.)
proc inquire_dev {} {
global result_list
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-status -dev"
handle_result_list set_inquired_dev "''" "''" 2 0
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
update idletasks
return ""
# Verify that the connected process runs a xorriso program that is modern
# enough. This is done before sending xorriso the setup commands.
proc check_xorriso_version {} {
global sieve_ret result_list pre_msglist xorriso_version
global reply_conn
set min_version "1.2.5"
set version "0.0.0 (= unknown)"
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
# In order to see the pre-frontend messages of xorriso
# set an individual -mark and use send_async_cmd
set mark_text "xorriso-tcltk-version-check-[clock seconds]"
send_async_cmd "-mark [make_text_shellsafe "$mark_text"]"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
wait_for_msg "$mark_text" "M"
set_display_msg 0
send_async_cmd "-version"
set xorriso_version [wait_for_msg "xorriso version : " "R"]
if {"$xorriso_version" < "$min_version"} {
puts stderr "xorriso-tcltk: xorriso-$xorriso_version is too old."
puts stderr "xorriso-tcltk: Need at least version $min_version"
window_ack \
"xorriso-$xorriso_version is too old. Need at least version $min_version" \
"red" "embedded"
central_exit 2
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
# Commands which bring the connected xorriso process into the state that
# is expected by this frontend.
proc setup_xorriso {} {
set cmd ""
# Invalidate possible -mark 1
set cmd "$cmd -mark 0"
# Make replies digestible for await_all_replies
set cmd "$cmd -pkt_output on"
# Report version early
set cmd "$cmd -version"
# This frontend relies heavily on the message sieve
set cmd "$cmd -msg_op start_sieve -"
# -reassure questions from xorriso would not be properly handled by
# this frontend
set cmd "$cmd -reassure off"
set cmd "$cmd -for_backup"
# There is a performance problem in xorriso with -hardlinks on and
# image manipulations. So for now -hardlinks is set to off.
set cmd "$cmd -hardlinks off"
set cmd "$cmd -abort_on NEVER"
set cmd "$cmd -report_about UPDATE"
set cmd "$cmd -osirrox on"
set cmd "$cmd -iso_rr_pattern off"
set cmd "$cmd -disk_pattern off"
send_marked_cmd "$cmd"
# ------ Parsing by help of xorriso ------
# Parsing by xorriso takes from the frontend the burden to understand
# and implement the quoting rules of xorriso input and output.
# Lines which are supposed to consist of several words get sent to
# xorriso command -msg_op. The result lines of this command encode
# the words unambigously in one or more text lines.
# This is supposed to be safe for even the weirdest file names.
# Only NUL characters cannot be part of names.
# If enabled: Start a bulk parser job by which xorriso shall split the output
# of e.g. -lsl into single words from which this frontend can pick information.
proc start_bulkparse {prefix separators max_words flag num_lines} {
global bulk_parse_mode bulk_parse_prefix bulk_parse_separators
global bulk_parse_max_words bulk_parse_flag bulk_parse_num_texts
if {"$num_lines" <= 0} {return ""}
set bulk_parse_prefix "$prefix"
set bulk_parse_separators "$separators"
set bulk_parse_max_words "$max_words"
set bulk_parse_flag "$flag"
set bulk_parse_num_texts "$num_lines"
if {"$bulk_parse_mode" == 1} {
set cmd "-msg_op parse_bulk \"$prefix $separators $max_words $flag $num_lines\""
# <<<
# puts stderr "start_bulkparse : $cmd"
send_async_cmd "$cmd"
# Do not wait for mark
# Submit a new input line to the xorriso parser. If no bulk parser job was
# started then submit a single line parser command.
proc submit_bulkparse {text} {
global cmd_conn reply_conn
global result_list result_count
global bulk_parse_mode bulk_parse_prefix bulk_parse_separators
global bulk_parse_max_words bulk_parse_flag
if {"$bulk_parse_mode" != 1} {
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
set num_lines [expr [count_newlines "$text"] + 1]
if {"$bulk_parse_mode" == 0} {
set cmd "-msg_op parse \"$bulk_parse_prefix $bulk_parse_separators $bulk_parse_max_words $bulk_parse_flag $num_lines\""
# <<<
# puts stderr "submit_bulkparse: cmd = $cmd"
send_async_cmd "$cmd"
} else {
log_puts ">>>>> $num_lines"
puts $cmd_conn "$num_lines"
log_puts ">>>>> $text"
puts $cmd_conn "$text"
flush $cmd_conn
# <<<
# puts stderr "submit_bulkparse: text sent"
if {"$bulk_parse_mode" != 1} {
set loop_limit 2
while {"$result_count" < "$loop_limit"} {
set ret [gets "$reply_conn" line]
if {"$ret" < 0} { return ""}
log_puts "$line"
de_pkt_line "$line"
if {"$result_count" == 1} {
set parse_ret [lindex "$result_list" 0]
if {"$result_count" == 2} {
set num_replies [lindex "$result_list" 1]
set loop_limit [expr "$num_replies * 2 + 2"]
# <<<
# puts stderr "submit_bulkparse: loop_limit = $loop_limit"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
# If a bulk parsing job was started, then read the expected number of
# replies into the result buffer and call handler_proc to inspect them.
# Each input line of the parser yields one reply buffer full of parsed words.
proc read_bulkparse {handler_proc num_texts} {
global bulk_parse_mode
if {"$bulk_parse_mode" != 1} { return ""}
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
# <<<
# puts stderr "read_bulkparse : handler_proc = $handler_proc , num_texts = $num_texts"
for {set i 0} {"$i" < "$num_texts"} {incr i} {
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
# Read and decode the xorriso parser reply for one input line.
proc read_parse_reply {} {
global reply_conn
global result_list result_count
set loop_limit 2
while {"$result_count" < "$loop_limit"} {
set ret [gets "$reply_conn" line]
if {"$ret" < 0} { return ""}
log_puts "$line"
de_pkt_line "$line"
if {"$result_count" == 1} {
set parse_ret [lindex "$result_list" 0]
if {"$result_count" == 2} {
set num_replies [lindex "$result_list" 1]
set loop_limit [expr "$num_replies * 2 + 2"]
# <<<
# puts stderr "submit_bulkparse: loop_limit = $loop_limit"
# Let xorriso parse the lines in the result buffer and call handler_proc
# with the parse result of each line.
# This is used to split the result lines of -lsl into words from which
# handler proc isolist_parse_handler picks the info which it displays
# in .stbox isolist .
# Note that iall parameters must be xorriso words. E.g. empty prefix or
# separator have to be submitted as tcl string "''" rather than "".
proc handle_result_list {handler_proc \
prefix separators max_words flag } {
global result_list
global bulk_parse_mode bulk_parse_max_chunk
set raw_list "$result_list"
set raw_line_count [expr [llength "$raw_list"]]
if {"$raw_line_count" > "$bulk_parse_max_chunk"} {
set chunk_size "$bulk_parse_max_chunk"
} else {
set chunk_size "$raw_line_count"
start_bulkparse "$prefix" "$separators" "$max_words" "$flag" "$chunk_size"
# <<<
# puts stderr "isodir_return : chunk_size = $chunk_size"
set submit_count 0
set submit_in_chunk_count 0
foreach i "$raw_list" {
# <<<
# puts stderr "isodir_return : submit_bulkparse $i"
submit_bulkparse "$i"
incr submit_count
incr submit_in_chunk_count
if {"$bulk_parse_mode" != 1} {
if {"$bulk_parse_mode" == 1 && "$submit_in_chunk_count" == "$chunk_size"} {
# <<<
# puts stderr "isodir_return : submit_in_chunk_count = $submit_in_chunk_count"
read_bulkparse "$handler_proc" "$chunk_size"
set todo [expr "$raw_line_count" - "$submit_count"]
if {"$todo" <= 0} {
if {"$todo" > "$bulk_parse_max_chunk"} {
set chunk_size "$bulk_parse_max_chunk"
} else {
set chunk_size "$todo"
start_bulkparse "$prefix" "$separators" "$max_words" "$flag" \
# <<<
# puts stderr "isodir_return : further chunk_size = $chunk_size"
set submit_in_chunk_count 0
display_busy 0
# ------------------------------- the GUI ----------------------------
# ------ State variables ------
# Whether to display messages in .msglist
set display_msg_enabled 1
# Whether a device list is already displayed
set devices_scanned 0
# Currently displayed ISO directory
set isodir_adr ""
set isodir_is_pwd 0
# The plain names and types matching listbox .isolist
set isolist_names ""
set isolist_types ""
# The name which to select after isodir_return
set isodir_return_name ""
# The address where to move selected ISO files
set isomanip_move_target ""
# Memorized isolist selection
set memorized_isolist_selection ""
# Image file address for .burn_write_image
set burn_write_image_adr ""
# Whether to close medium after writing
set burn_write_close 0
# Whether to force CD TAO, DVD-R Inremental, DVD+R/BD-R open ended track
set burn_write_tao 0
# Whether to engage Defect Management on formatted BD media
set burn_write_defect_mgt 0
# Answer of yes/no window
set answer_of_yesno ""
# The local filesystem address to be mapped into isodir_adr
set insert_from_adr ""
# Whether to insert with leafname of insert_from_adr underneath isodir_adr
# (else: -map $insert_from_adr $isodir_adr)
set insert_underneath 1
# Whether to insert at or under the selected .isolist item
# rather than isodir_adr
set insert_at_selected 0
# The local filesystem address to which to extract from isodir_adr
set extract_to_adr ""
# Whether to insert with leafname of insert_from_adr underneath isodir_adr
# (else: -map $insert_from_adr $isodir_adr)
set extract_underneath 1
# Whether to insert at or under the selected .isolist item
set extract_from_selected 0
# Whether to temporarily enforce rwx permissions for target directories on disk
set extract_auto_chmod 0
# Whether the display label .busy_text is already usable
set busy_text_exists 0
# Whether to demand a click before focus goes to entry or listbox
set click_to_focus "0"
# Whether .ack_window resp. .yesno_window is already displayed
# (>>> Better would be to block user interaction until they are gone)
set ack_window_is_active 0
set yesno_window_is_active 0
# ------ GUI callback procedures ----
# Called when the Return key is hit in commandline.
proc cmdline_return {} {
global cmdline cmdline_clear
global .cmdline .cmdline_text .cmdline_entry
global highest_cmd_sev
global highest_cmd_sev_msg
send_marked_cmd "$cmdline"
set cmdline ""
# To force display of GUI changes now and not some time later
update idletasks
# Called when the input drive address shall be brought into effect with
# xorriso.
proc indev_return {} {
global indev_adr
global .indev_entry
global .outdev_entry
if {[assert_no_changes] == 0} {
return "0"
send_marked_cmd "-indev [make_text_shellsafe $indev_adr]"
set indev_mem_adr "$indev_adr"
.indev_entry icursor 0
return "1"
# Called when the "Eject" button for the input drive is hit.
proc eject_indev {} {
if {[assert_no_changes] == 0} {return ""}
send_marked_cmd "-eject indev"
# Called when the output drive address shall be brought into effect with
# xorriso.
proc outdev_return {} {
global outdev_adr indev_adr
global .outdev_entry
send_marked_cmd "-outdev [make_text_shellsafe $outdev_adr]"
set outdev_mem_adr "$outdev_adr"
.outdev_entry icursor 0
return "1"
# Called when the "Eject" button for the output drive is hit.
proc eject_outdev {} {
global outdev_adr indev_adr
if {"$outdev_adr" == "$indev_adr"} {
if {[assert_no_changes] == 0} {return ""}
send_marked_cmd "-eject outdev"
# Called when both drive addresses shall be brought into effect with xorriso.
proc dev_return {} {
global outdev_adr indev_adr
global .outdev_entry .indev_entry
if {"$outdev_adr" != "$indev_adr"} {
if {[indev_return] == 0} {return "0"}
} else {
if {[assert_no_changes] == 0} {
return "0"
send_marked_cmd "-dev [make_text_shellsafe $outdev_adr]"
.outdev_entry icursor 0
.indev_entry icursor 0
# Obtain and display the input drive status.
# Called after the input drive address may have changed.
proc refresh_indev {} {
global result_list
global indev_adr
global sieve_ret
global .indev_summary
.indev_summary configure -text ""
set indev_adr ""
update idletasks
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-toc_of in:short"
read_sieve "Drive current:"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
set cmd [lindex "$result_list" 0]
if {"$cmd" == "-indev" || "$cmd" == "-dev"} {
set indev_adr [lindex "$result_list" 1]
set line [obtain_drive_info in]
.indev_summary configure -text "$line"
.avail_label configure -text ""
update idletasks
isodir_return "refresh_indev"
# Obtain and display the output drive status.
# Called after the output drive address may have changed.
proc refresh_outdev {} {
global result_list
global outdev_adr
global sieve_ret
.outdev_summary configure -text ""
set outdev_adr ""
update idletasks
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-toc_of out:short"
read_sieve "Drive current:"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
set cmd [lindex "$result_list" 0]
if {"$cmd" == "-outdev" || "$cmd" == "-dev"} {
set outdev_adr [lindex "$result_list" 1]
set line [obtain_drive_info out]
.outdev_summary configure -text "$line"
.avail_label configure -text ""
update idletasks
# Scan the system for optical drives with rw permission
# Called when the "Scan for drives button" is hit.
proc scan_for_drives {} {
global .drivelist
global sieve_ret result_list devlist devices_scanned indev_adr outdev_adr
if {[assert_no_changes] == 0} {return ""}
if {"$indev_adr" != "" || "$outdev_adr" != ""} {
if {[window_yesno \
"Really give up aquired drives for scanning a new drive list ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
set max_idx [.drivelist index end]
.drivelist delete 0 [expr "$max_idx-1"]
set devlist ""
send_marked_cmd "-devices"
set max_idx 0
while {1} {
read_sieve "? -dev"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
.drivelist insert end "[lindex "$result_list" 0] : [lindex "$result_list" 2] [lindex "$result_list" 3]"
lappend devlist [lindex "$result_list" 0]
} else {
while {1} {
read_sieve "?? -dev"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
.drivelist insert end "[lindex "$result_list" 0] : [lindex "$result_list" 2] [lindex "$result_list" 3]"
lappend devlist [lindex "$result_list" 0]
} else {
set devices_scanned 1
update idletasks
# Command -devices drops all aquired drives
# Refresh the display after some xorriso may have changed the status
# Called by the "Refresh state" display button and others.
proc refresh_state {} {
# Reset the recorded Worst problem message.
# Called when the "Clear" button is hit.
proc clear_total_errmsg {} {
global highest_total_sev
global highest_total_sev_msg
set highest_total_sev ALL
set highest_total_sev_msg ""
update idletasks
# Called when the "Pick input drive button" is hit.
proc pick_indev {} {
pick_drive indev
# Called when the "Pick output drive button" is hit.
proc pick_outdev {} {
pick_drive outdev
# Called when the "Pick drive for both roles" button is hit.
# or when an item in the scanned drive list is double-clicked.
proc pick_dev {} {
pick_drive dev
# Perform the actual work of pick_dev, pick_indev, and pick_outdev
proc pick_drive {role} {
global .drivelist
global devlist
global highest_cmd_sev_msg outdev_adr indev_adr devices_scanned
set selected [.drivelist curselection]
if {[llength "$selected"] != 1} {
set must_scan ""
if {"$devices_scanned" == 0} { set must_scan " scan and"}
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you must$must_scan select a single drive"
return ""
set drive_idx [lindex "$selected" 0]
if {"$role" == "dev"} {
set outdev_adr [lindex "$devlist" "$drive_idx"]
set indev_adr [lindex "$devlist" "$drive_idx"]
if {"$role" == "outdev"} {
set outdev_adr [lindex "$devlist" "$drive_idx"]
if {"$role" == "indev"} {
set indev_adr [lindex "$devlist" "$drive_idx"]
.drivelist selection clear 0 end
# Called when the "Give up drives" button is hit.
proc give_up_dev {} {
global outdev_adr indev_adr
if {[assert_no_changes] == 0} {return ""}
set outdev_adr ""
set indev_adr ""
# Obtain and display the content of the current ISO directory.
# Called when the Return key is hit in the .isodir_entry text field
# and by many others which change variable isodir_adr or the
# content of the directory in xorriso's tree model.
proc isodir_return {caller} {
global isodir_adr result_list isolist_names isolist_types isodir_return_name
global isodir_is_pwd highest_cmd_sev highest_cmd_sev_msg
global indev_adr outdev_adr
global .isolist
global bulk_parse_mode
global bulk_parse_max_chunk
set chunk_size 0
set max_idx [.isolist index end]
.isolist delete 0 [expr "$max_idx-1"]
update idletasks
set isolist_names ""
set isolist_types ""
if {"$indev_adr" == "" && "$outdev_adr" == ""} {
if {[changes_are_pending] == "0"} {return ""}
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
set highest_cmd_sev_mem "$highest_cmd_sev"
set highest_cmd_sev_msg_mem "$highest_cmd_sev_msg"
send_marked_cmd "-cd [make_text_shellsafe "$isodir_adr"]"
if {[compare_sev "$highest_cmd_sev" "WARNING"] < 0} {
send_marked_cmd "-lsl --"
set isodir_is_pwd 1
} else {
send_marked_cmd "-lsl [make_text_shellsafe "$isodir_adr"] --"
set isodir_is_pwd 0
handle_result_list isolist_parse_handler "''" "''" 0 0
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
set highest_cmd_sev "$highest_cmd_sev_mem"
set highest_cmd_sev_msg "$highest_cmd_sev_msg_mem"
if {"$isodir_return_name" != ""} {
set idx [lsearch -exact "$isolist_names" "$isodir_return_name"]
if {"$idx" != -1} {
.isolist see "$idx"
.isolist selection set "$idx"
set isodir_return_name ""
update idletasks
# The handler procedure that is submitted to proc handle_result_list
# and will be called for every parsed line.
# It records file names and types in separate lists and displays them
# in the .isolist box.
proc isolist_parse_handler {} {
global result_list isolist_names isolist_types
global .isolist
if {[lindex "$result_list" 0] == "total"} {return ""}
set name [lindex "$result_list" 8]
set ftype [string range [lindex "$result_list" 0] 0 0]
lappend isolist_names "$name"
lappend isolist_types "$ftype"
.isolist insert end "$ftype $name"
# Make current the ISO directory that was selected from the .isolist box.
# Called when an item in the .isolist box is double-clicked.
proc pick_isodir {} {
global isolist_names isolist_types isodir_adr isodir_return_name
global .isolist
set selected [.isolist curselection]
if {[llength "$selected"] != 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you must select a single directory"
return ""
set idx [lindex "$selected" 0]
# <<<
# puts stderr "pick_isodir: lindex \$isolist_types $idx = [lindex $isolist_types "$idx"]"
if {[lindex "$isolist_types" "$idx"] != "d"} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You may only double-click a directory"
return ""
if {"$isodir_adr" == "/"} {
set isodir_adr ""
set isodir_adr "$isodir_adr/[lindex $isolist_names "$idx"]"
set isodir_return_name ""
isodir_return "pick_isodir"
# Make current the parent directory of the current ISO directory.
# Called when the "Up" button is hit.
proc isodir_up {} {
global isodir_adr isodir_return_name
set isodir_return_name ""
set idx [string last "/" "$isodir_adr"]
set l [string length "$isodir_adr"]
if {"$idx" == -1} {
set isodir_return_name "$isodir_adr"
set isodir_adr "/"
} else {
if {"$idx" > 0} {
if {"$idx" < [expr "$l" - 1]} {
set isodir_return_name \
[string range "$isodir_adr" [expr "$idx" + 1] end]
set isodir_adr [string range "$isodir_adr" 0 [expr "$idx" - 1]]
} else {
if {"$l" > 1} {
set isodir_return_name [string range "$isodir_adr" 1 end]
set isodir_adr "/"
isodir_return "isodir_up"
# Rename resp. move the files which are selected in the .isolist box.
# The target is defined by the .isomanip_move_target text field.
# Called when the "Rename to:" button is hit.
proc isomanip_mv {} {
global .isolist
global isomanip_move_target isolist_names isodir_is_pwd isodir_adr
global isodir_return_name
if {"$isomanip_move_target" == ""} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you must enter a target address"
return ""
set selected [.isolist curselection]
set num_selected [llength "$selected"]
if {"$num_selected" < 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you must select one or more ISO files"
return ""
set target "$isomanip_move_target"
if {"$isodir_is_pwd" == 0 && [string range "$target" 0 0] != "/"} {
set target [combine_dir_and_name "$isodir_adr" "$target"]
set target_ftype [get_iso_filetype "$target"]
# If more than one selected : target must be directory
if {"$num_selected" > 1} {
if {"$target_ftype" != "d" && "$target_ftype" != ""} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : If multiple files are selected then the target must be a directory"
return ""
if {"$target_ftype" == ""} {
set isomanip_move_target_mem "$isomanip_move_target"
set isomanip_move_target "$target"
set isomanip_move_target "$isomanip_move_target_mem"
foreach i "$selected" {
set name [lindex "$isolist_names" "$i"]
if {"$isodir_is_pwd" == 0} {
# <<<
# puts stderr "isomanip_mv : isodir_is_pwd = $isodir_is_pwd"
set name [combine_dir_and_name "$isodir_adr" "$name"]
# Ask for confirmation if overwriting is about to happen
if {"$target_ftype" == "d"} {
set eff_target [combine_dir_and_name "$target" "$name"]
set eff_target_ftype [get_iso_filetype "$eff_target"]
if {[handle_iso_overwriting \
"$eff_target" "$eff_target_ftype" 0 "" ""] == "0"} {
return ""
} else {
if {[handle_iso_overwriting \
"$target" "$target_ftype" 0 "" ""] == "0"} {
return ""
send_marked_cmd "-mv [make_text_shellsafe "$name"] [make_text_shellsafe "$target"] --"
if {[llength "$selected"] == 1} {
set isodir_return_name [path_touches_isodir "$target"]
isodir_return "isomanip_mv"
# Create an empty ISO directory with address given by variable
# isomanip_move_target.
# Called when the "Make directory" button is hit or by other functions.
proc isomanip_mkdir {} {
global isomanip_move_target isodir_adr isodir_return_name
if {"$isomanip_move_target" == ""} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you must enter a target address"
return ""
if {[string range "$isomanip_move_target" 0 0] == "/"} {
set abs_adr "$isomanip_move_target"
} else {
set abs_adr [combine_dir_and_name "$isodir_adr" "$isomanip_move_target"]
send_marked_cmd "-mkdir [make_text_shellsafe "$abs_adr"] --"
# Refresh only if new dir in isodir_adr
# or if a parent directory of new dir is created in isodir_adr
set touch_name [path_touches_isodir "$abs_adr"]
if {"$touch_name" != ""} {
if {[llength [.isolist curselection]] != 0} {
set selection_memorized 1
} else {
set isodir_return_name "$touch_name"
set selection_memorized 0
isodir_return "isomanip_mkdir"
if {"$selection_memorized" != 0} {
# Remove a file or directory tree from the ISO image.
# Called when the "Delete" button is hit.
proc isomanip_rm_r {} {
global .isolist
global isomanip_move_target isolist_names isodir_is_pwd isodir_adr
set selected [.isolist curselection]
if {[llength "$selected"] < 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you must select one or more ISO files"
return ""
if {[window_yesno "Really delete the selected files from ISO image ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
foreach i "$selected" {
set name [lindex "$isolist_names" "$i"]
if {"$isodir_is_pwd" == 0} {
set name [combine_dir_and_name "$isodir_adr" "$name"]
send_marked_cmd "-rm_r [make_text_shellsafe "$name"] --"
isodir_return "isomanip_rm_r"
# Perform a blanking run on the output drive.
# Called when the "Blank" button is hit.
proc burn_blank {} {
global outdev_adr outdev_profile
if {[assert_outdev blanking] <= 0} {return ""}
set victim "medium in"
if {[string first "stdio" "$outdev_profile"] == 0} {
set victim "image file"
if {[window_yesno \
"Really blank the $victim [make_text_shellsafe "$outdev_adr"] ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
send_marked_cmd "-blank as_needed"
# Perform a formatting run on the output drive.
# Called when the "Format" button is hit.
proc burn_format {} {
global outdev_adr outdev_profile
if {[assert_outdev formatting] <= 0} {return ""}
if {[string first "stdio" "$outdev_profile"] == 0} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : Image files cannot be formatted"
return ""
if {[window_yesno "Really format the medium in $outdev_adr ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
send_marked_cmd "-format as_needed"
# Write pending changes in the xorriso ISO model as session to the output
# drive. This will be an add-on session if the drive is output and input drive
# and if its medium is not blank.
# Else it will be a new independent ISO image.
proc burn_commit {} {
global outdev_adr result_list result_count outdev_medium_status
global burn_write_close burn_write_tao burn_write_defect_mgt
global indev_adr outdev_adr
if {[assert_outdev "writing ISO session"] <= 0} {return ""}
if {"$outdev_adr" == "$indev_adr"} {
if {"$outdev_medium_status" != "blank" && \
"$outdev_medium_status" != "appendable"} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : Medium in output drive is neither blank nor appendable"
return ""
} else {
if {"$outdev_medium_status" != "blank"} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : Medium in output drive is not blank"
return ""
if {[changes_are_pending] == "0"} {
window_ack "No changes are pending. Will not write ISO session." \
"grey" "toplevel"
return ""
if {"$outdev_adr" == "$indev_adr"} {
if {[window_yesno "Really write ISO changes as session to $outdev_adr ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
} else {
if {[window_yesno "Really write new ISO filesystem to $outdev_adr ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
set cmd ""
set cmd "$cmd -close"
if {"$burn_write_close" == 1} {
set cmd "$cmd on"
} else {
set cmd "$cmd off"
set cmd "$cmd -write_type"
if {"$burn_write_tao" == 1} {
set cmd "$cmd tao"
} else {
set cmd "$cmd auto"
set cmd "$cmd -stream_recording"
if {"$burn_write_defect_mgt" == 1} {
set cmd "$cmd off"
} else {
set cmd "$cmd data"
set cmd "$cmd -commit"
send_marked_cmd "$cmd"
# Verify the MD5 checksums of the data files in the tree underneath the
# current ISO directory.
# Called when the "Verify" in the "ISO directory:" line is hit.
proc isodir_verify {} {
global isodir_adr
send_marked_cmd "-check_md5_r sorry [make_text_shellsafe "$isodir_adr"] --"
# >>> select mismatching files or directories with mismatching files
# Verify the MD5 checksums of the data files orch are selected or which
# sit in the trees underneath the selected items in the isolist box.
# Called when the "Verify" in the "ISO selection:" line is hit.
proc isomanip_verify {} {
global .isolist
global isomanip_move_target isolist_names isodir_is_pwd isodir_adr
set selected [.isolist curselection]
if {[llength "$selected"] < 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : First you must select one or more ISO files"
return ""
foreach i "$selected" {
set name [combine_dir_and_name "$isodir_adr" \
[lindex "$isolist_names" "$i"]]
send_marked_cmd "-check_md5_r sorry [make_text_shellsafe "$name"] --"
# >>> select mismatching files or directories with mismatching files
# Slow down the spinning of the aquired optical drives.
# Called when button "Calm drives" is hit.
proc calm_drives {} {
send_marked_cmd "-calm_drive all"
# Burn a data file from disk as session to the output drive.
# Called when the "Burn image file:" button is hit.
proc burn_write_image {} {
global burn_write_image_adr burn_write_close outdev_adr outdev_medium_status
global outdev_profile burn_write_tao burn_write_defect_mgt
if {[assert_outdev "writing an image file"] <= 0} {return ""}
if {"$burn_write_image_adr" == ""} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You have to set an image file address in the local filesystem first"
return ""
if {"$outdev_medium_status" != "blank" && \
"$outdev_medium_status" != "appendable"} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : Medium in output drive is neither blank nor appendable"
return ""
if {[file readable "$burn_write_image_adr"] == 0 || \
[file isfile "$burn_write_image_adr"] == 0 ||
[file exists "$burn_write_image_adr"] == 0} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : Image file '$burn_write_image_adr' is not a readable data file"
return ""
if {[window_yesno "Really write '$burn_write_image_adr' as image to $outdev_adr ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
set cmd "-as cdrecord -v"
if {[regexp "^CD" "$outdev_profile"] == 1 && \
"$outdev_medium_status" == "appendable"} {
set cmd "$cmd padsize=150s"
set cmd "$cmd dev=[make_text_shellsafe "$outdev_adr"]"
set cmd "$cmd [make_text_shellsafe "$burn_write_image_adr"]"
if {"$burn_write_tao" == 1} {
set cmd "$cmd -tao"
if {"$burn_write_close" != 1} {
set cmd "$cmd -multi"
if {"$burn_write_defect_mgt" == 1} {
set cmd "$cmd stream_recording=off"
} else {
set cmd "$cmd stream_recording=32s"
send_marked_cmd "$cmd"
# Discard all image modifications and reload ISO image model from input drive.
# Called when the "Rollback" button is hit.
proc iso_rollback {} {
if {[window_yesno \
"Really discard all pending changes and reload from input drive ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
send_marked_cmd "-rollback"
.avail_label configure -text ""
isodir_return "iso_rollback"
# Inquire an accurate prediction of free space after writing a session with
# the pending changes of the ISO image.
# Called when button "Refresh avail:" is hit.
proc refresh_avail {} {
global result_list highest_cmd_sev
global sieve_ret
if {[assert_outdev "refreshing available space count"] <= 0} {return ""}
set line "n.a."
send_marked_cmd "-tell_media_space"
if {[compare_sev "$highest_cmd_sev" "FAILURE"] < 0} {
set ac ""
read_sieve "After commit :"
if {"$sieve_ret" > 0} {
set ac [lindex "$result_list" 0]
set ac [string range "$ac" 0 [expr [string length "$ac"] - 2]]
set line "[format "%7dm" [expr "$ac / 512"]]"
.avail_label configure -text "$line"
# Warn and prompt the user for confirmation if there is the risk to overwrite
# existing files in the ISO image model.
# Called from several procedures which change the ISO tree.
proc handle_iso_overwriting {target target_ftype from_is_dir
selected_adr selected_ftype} {
global overwrite_dirs
# >>> Nicer would be:
# >>> Check if any file will get overwritten. Not only the direct target.
# >>> Then silently allow directories to be merged
if {"$target_ftype" != ""} {
if {"$target_ftype" == "d"} {
if {"$from_is_dir" == 1} {
if {[window_yesno \
"'$target'\n\nReally merge with existing ISO directory ?"] \
!= 1} { return "0" }
} else {
if {"$overwrite_dirs" == 1} {
if {[window_yesno \
"'$target'\n\nReally overwrite existing ISO directory ?"] \
!= 1} { return "0" }
} else {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You would have to enable \"Overwriting of ISO directories\""
return "0"
} else {
if {[window_yesno "'$target'\n\nReally overwrite existing ISO file ?"] \
!= 1} { return "0" }
if {"$selected_adr" != "$target" && "$selected_adr" != "" && \
"$selected_ftype" != "d" && "$selected_ftype" != ""} {
if {[window_yesno \
"'$selected_adr'\n\nReally replace existing ISO file by a directory ?"] \
!= 1} { return "0" }
return "1"
# Insert a file or directory tree into the ISO model tree and schedule it
# for being copied when "Write ISO session" is hit.
# Called when button "Insert from disk:" is hit.
proc insert_from {} {
global insert_from_adr isodir_adr isolist_names isodir_return_name
global insert_at_selected insert_underneath overwrite_dirs
if {[assert_iso_image 1] == 0} {return ""}
if {"$insert_from_adr" == ""} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You have to set a source address in the local filesystem first"
return ""
set selected_ftype ""
set selected_adr ""
if {"$insert_at_selected" == 1} {
set selected [.isolist curselection]
if {[llength "$selected"] != 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select exactly one ISO file as insertion target"
return ""
set target "[lindex "$isolist_names" [lindex "$selected" 0]]"
set selected_ftype [get_iso_filetype "$target"]
set selected_adr "$target"
} else {
set target "$isodir_adr"
set from_is_dir [file isdirectory "$insert_from_adr"]
set name [file tail "$insert_from_adr"]
if {"$insert_underneath" == 1 || "$from_is_dir" == 0} {
set target [combine_dir_and_name "$target" "$name"]
set target_ftype [get_iso_filetype "$target"]
if {[handle_iso_overwriting "$target" "$target_ftype" "$from_is_dir" \
"$selected_adr" "$selected_ftype"] == "0"} {
return ""
set preserve_selection 0
if {"$insert_underneath" + "$insert_at_selected" == 1} {
set isodir_return_name "$name"
} else {
set preserve_selection 1
send_marked_cmd "-map [make_text_shellsafe "$insert_from_adr"] [make_text_shellsafe "$target"]"
if {"$preserve_selection" == 1} {
isodir_return "insert_from"
if {"$preserve_selection" == 1} {
# Copy a file out of the ISO image model to the local disk filesystem.
# The meta data stem from the ISO model tree. The content data are usually
# read from the input drive.
# Called when button "Extract to disk:" is hit.
proc extract_to {} {
global extract_to_adr extract_from_selected extract_underneath
global extract_auto_chmod
global isodir_adr isolist_names
if {[assert_iso_image 1] == 0} {return ""}
if {"$extract_to_adr" == ""} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You have to set a target address in the local filesystem first"
return ""
set sources ""
set selected_ftype ""
set selected_adr ""
if {"$extract_from_selected" == 1} {
set selected [.isolist curselection]
if {[llength "$selected"] < 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select at least one ISO file as extraction source"
return ""
foreach i "$selected" {
set path [combine_dir_and_name "$isodir_adr" \
[lindex "$isolist_names" "$i"]]
lappend sources "$path"
} else {
set sources [list "$isodir_adr"]
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
if {"$extract_auto_chmod" == 1} {
send_marked_cmd "-osirrox on:sort_lba_on:auto_chmod_on"
} else {
send_marked_cmd "-osirrox on:sort_lba_off:auto_chmod_off"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
foreach i "$sources" {
if {"$extract_underneath" == 1} {
set name [file tail "$i"]
set target [combine_dir_and_name "$extract_to_adr" "$name"]
} else {
if {[llength "$sources"] != 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select exactly one ISO file as extraction source"
return ""
set target "$extract_to_adr"
if {"$i" == ""} {
set i "/"
send_marked_cmd "-extract [make_text_shellsafe "$i"] [make_text_shellsafe "$target"]"
# Send the currently chosen -overwrite settings of the checkbuttons
# "Overwrite files" and "Overwrite ISO dirs".
# Called before operations which could overwrite files in ISO model
# or in local disk filesystem.
# I.e. any -overwrite command sent via the "Command:" text field will not
# be able to override the checkbuttons.
proc enforce_overwrite_settings {} {
global overwrite_files overwrite_dirs
if {"$overwrite_files" == 0} {
set mode "off"
} else {
if {"$overwrite_dirs" == 0} {
set mode "nondir"
} else {
set mode "on"
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-overwrite $mode"
set_display_msg "$disp_en_mem"
# Send xorriso an appropriate end command and wait for the pipes to break.
# Called when button "End" is hit.
proc end_xorriso {} {
global expect_broken_pipes
if {[window_yesno "Really end this program and its xorriso backend ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
if {[changes_are_pending] == 1} {
if {[window_yesno \
"Changes of the ISO image are pending.\nReally discard them ?"] \
!= 1} { return "" }
set expect_broken_pipes "1"
send_marked_cmd "-rollback_end"
} else {
set expect_broken_pipes "1"
send_marked_cmd "-end"
central_exit 0
# Check whether an output drive is aquired. Propose refusal if not.
# Called by procedures which are about to use the output drive.
proc assert_outdev {purpose} {
global outdev_adr
if {"$outdev_adr" == ""} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must choose an output drive before $purpose"
return "0"
return "1"
# Check whether changes to the ISO model are pending. If so, propose refusal.
# Called by procedures which are about to discard the ISO model.
proc assert_no_changes {} {
if {[changes_are_pending] == 1} {
window_ack "ISO image changes are pending. You have to do \"Write ISO session\" or \"Rollback\"." "grey" "toplevel"
return "0"
return "1"
# ------ GUI display procedures ----
# Display a message of xorriso or of this frontend in the .msglist box
proc display_msg {msg} {
global .msglist
global msglist_max_fill msglist_running pre_msglist display_msg_enabled
if {"$display_msg_enabled" == 0} {return ""}
if {"$msg" == "============================" || \
"$msg" == "==============================================================" || \
"$msg" == "enter option and arguments :"} {return ""}
if {"$msglist_running" == 0} {
lappend pre_msglist "$msg"
} else {
if {[.msglist index end] > "$msglist_max_fill"} {
.msglist delete 0 0
.msglist insert end "$msg"
.msglist see [expr "[.msglist index end]-1"]
update idletasks
# Set whether messages submitted to proc display_message shall really show up
# This is used by callback procedures to hide auxilliary commands and lengthy
# reply messages from the user display.
proc set_display_msg {mode} {
global display_msg_enabled
set old "$display_msg_enabled"
if {"$mode" == "0"} {
set display_msg_enabled 0
} else {
set display_msg_enabled "1"
return "$old"
# Display a frontend error message in the .msglist box and by a pop-up window.
# >>> It would be nice to be able to wait for user confirmation.
proc xorriso_tcltk_errmsg {msg} {
global highest_cmd_sev_msg
set highest_cmd_sev_msg "$msg"
display_msg "$msg"
window_ack "$msg" "grey" "toplevel"
update idletasks
# Memorize the current selection in the .isolist box.
proc memorize_isolist_selection {} {
global memorized_isolist_selection isolist_names
global .isolist
set memorized_isolist_selection ""
set selected [.isolist curselection]
foreach i "$selected" {
lappend memorized_isolist_selection [lindex $isolist_names "$i"]
# Restore the memorized selection in the .isolist box as far as the
# names have survived in the meantime.
proc restore_isolist_selection {} {
global memorized_isolist_selection isolist_names
global .isolist
.isolist selection clear 0 end
foreach i "$memorized_isolist_selection" {
set idx [lsearch -exact "$isolist_names" "$i"]
if {"$idx" > -1} {
.isolist selection set "$idx" "$idx"
set memorized_isolist_selection ""
# Receive the answer of the yes/no window and destroy it.
proc destroy_yesno {w answer} {
global yesno_window_is_active answer_of_yesno
if {"$w" != ""} {
destroy "$w"
set yesno_window_is_active 0
set answer_of_yesno "$answer"
# Pop-up a window which asks for yes or no. Return 1 if answer is yes.
proc window_yesno {question} {
global answer_of_yesno yesno_window_is_active
set w {.yesno_window}
if {"$yesno_window_is_active" == 1} {
raise $w
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You still need to answer an older yes/no question"
return "0"
set yesno_window_is_active 1
set answer_of_yesno ""
toplevel $w -borderwidth 20 -class Dialog
wm title $w "xorriso-tcltk yes/no"
# wm geometry $w -0+0
label $w.question -text "$question"
button $w.yes -text "yes" -command "destroy_yesno $w 1" \
-borderwidth 10 -padx 20 -pady 20 -relief ridge
button $w.no -text "no" -command "destroy_yesno $w 0" \
-borderwidth 10 -padx 20 -pady 20 -relief ridge
pack $w.yes $w.question $w.no -side left -expand 1 -fill both
update idletasks
tkwait variable answer_of_yesno
return "$answer_of_yesno"
# Destroy the notification pop-up window.
proc destroy_ack {w} {
global ack_window_is_active
if {"$w" != ""} {
destroy "$w"
set ack_window_is_active 0
# Pop-up a window which notifies of a problem and asks for a button click.
proc window_ack {question button_color where} {
global answer_of_yesno ack_window_is_active
set re_use_widgets 0
if {"$where" == "embedded"} {
set w ""
set destroy_cmd ""
} else {
set w {.ack_window}
if {"$ack_window_is_active" == 0} {
toplevel $w -borderwidth 20 -class Dialog
wm title $w "xorriso-tcltk acknowledge"
set ack_window_is_active 1
} else {
set re_use_widgets 1
# wm geometry $w +0+0
set destroy_cmd "destroy_ack $w"
if {"$re_use_widgets" == 1} {
$w.question configure -text "$question"
raise $w
} else {
label $w.question -text "$question"
button $w.ok -text "Continue" -command "$destroy_cmd" \
-background "$button_color"
pack $w.question -side top -expand 1 -fill both
pack $w.ok -side top
# >>> How to block any event but the "Continue" button ?
# Display the busy/ready state of xorriso.
# Called with 1 by sender of commands and with 0 by receivers of replies .
proc display_busy {state} {
global busy_text_exists
global .busy_text
if {"$busy_text_exists" == 0} {return ""}
if {"$state" == 0} {
.busy_text configure -text "ready"
.busy_text configure -background "#D0D0D0"
} else {
.busy_text configure -text "busy"
.busy_text configure -background "#808080"
update idletasks
# ------ Building GUI components ------
# ------ GUI layout parameters ------
# The default position of the main window
set main_window_geometry ""
# How to mark the borders of the main grouping frames
set main_framerelief ridge
set main_borderwidth 4
# How to mark the borders of the second level grouping frames
set borderwidth 1
# Number of lines in msglist display
set msglist_lines 8
set msglist_max_fill 1000
set msglist_running 0
# Number of lines in drivelist display
set drivelist_lines 2
# Number of lines in ISO directory content display
set isolist_lines 8
# Whether the message box shall export its selection to the whole X display
set export_msg_selection true
# Wether the item lists shall export their selection
set export_selection false
# -------- GUI definition procedures
# Overall definition of the GUI
proc init_gui {} {
global .input .cmdline_entry .msgbox .errmsg .dev .drivebox
global .isobox .localfs
global main_framerelief main_borderwidth
# Main grouping frames
frame .connection_block \
-relief "$main_framerelief" -borderwidth "$main_borderwidth"
frame .drive_block \
-relief "$main_framerelief" -borderwidth "$main_borderwidth"
frame .iso_block \
-relief "$main_framerelief" -borderwidth "$main_borderwidth"
pack .input .msgbox .errmsg -in .connection_block \
-side top -expand 1 -fill both
pack .drivebox .dev .burn -in .drive_block \
-side top -expand 1 -fill both
pack .localfs .isobox .isomanip -in .iso_block \
-side top -expand 1 -fill both
pack .connection_block .drive_block .iso_block \
-side top -expand 1 -fill both
focus .cmdline_entry
# The xorriso headline with End button, xorriso version, busy/ready indicator,
# command line, and "Refresh state display" button.
proc init_input {} {
global borderwidth busy_text_exists xorriso_version logging
global .input .input_line1 .xorriso_version .busy .busy_text
global .refresh_state .end_button .cmdline .log_pipes_switch
frame .input -borderwidth $borderwidth
frame .input_line1 -borderwidth 0
pack .input_line1 -in .input \
-side top -anchor w -expand 1 -fill both
button .end_button -text "End" -command "end_xorriso"
if {[string length "$xorriso_version"] > 10} {
set xorriso_version [string range "$xorriso_version" 0 9]
label .xorriso_version -text "xorriso-$xorriso_version"
frame .busy -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .busy_text -width 5 -text "busy"
set busy_text_exists 1
pack .busy_text -in .busy
button .refresh_state -text "Refresh state display" \
-command "refresh_state"
checkbutton .log_pipes_switch -text "Log pipes" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable logging \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
pack .end_button .xorriso_version .busy -in .input_line1 -side left
pack .cmdline \
-in .input_line1 -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .refresh_state .log_pipes_switch -in .input_line1 -side left
# The combination of "Command:" label and command line
proc init_cmdline {} {
global cmdline borderwidth
global .cmdline .cmdline_text .cmdline_entry
frame .cmdline -borderwidth 0
label .cmdline_text -width 10 -text "Command:"
entry .cmdline_entry -width 60 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable cmdline
bind_entry_keys .cmdline_entry {cmdline_return}
# >>> is there a chance to get a history on an entry ?
pack .cmdline_text -in .cmdline -side left
pack .cmdline_entry -in .cmdline -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# The listbox where to display commands and reply messages unless this is
# disabled for auxiliary commands which shall not clutter the display.
proc init_msgbox {} {
global borderwidth
global msglist_lines export_msg_selection msglist_running pre_msglist
global .msgbox .msglist .msgscroll
frame .msgbox -borderwidth $borderwidth
listbox .msglist -height $msglist_lines -selectmode extended \
-yscrollcommand ".msgscroll set" \
-exportselection $export_msg_selection
bind_listbox_keys ".msglist" "$msglist_lines"
set msglist_running 1
foreach i "$pre_msglist" {
# <<<
# puts stderr "init_msgbox : pre_msglist : $i"
display_msg "$i"
scrollbar .msgscroll -command ".msglist yview"
pack .msglist -in .msgbox -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .msgscroll -in .msgbox -side right -fill y
set pre_msglist ""
# Two display lines for most severe event messages. One gets reset with
# each important command. The other one stays until the user clears it.
proc init_errmsg {} {
global borderwidth
global .errmsg .total_errmsg .cmd_errmsg
frame .errmsg -borderwidth $borderwidth
pack .cmd_errmsg .total_errmsg -in .errmsg \
-side top -anchor w -expand 1 -fill both
# The most severe message display which gets reset automatically.
proc init_cmd_errmsg {} {
global borderwidth
global .cmd_errmsg .cmd_errmsg_label .cmd_errmsg_msg
frame .cmd_errmsg -borderwidth "$borderwidth"
label .cmd_errmsg_label -width 14 -text "Recent problem:"
entry .cmd_errmsg_msg -width 80 -relief raised -bd 1 \
-textvariable highest_cmd_sev_msg
# (no keys, no focus)
pack .cmd_errmsg_label -in .cmd_errmsg -side left
pack .cmd_errmsg_msg -in .cmd_errmsg -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# The persistent most severe message display that is to be reset by the user.
proc init_total_errmsg {} {
global borderwidth
global .total_errmsg .total_errmsg_label .total_errmsg_msg
global .total_errmsg_clear
frame .total_errmsg -borderwidth "$borderwidth"
label .total_errmsg_label -text "Worst problem:" -width 14
button .total_errmsg_clear -text "Clear" \
-width 5 \
-command "clear_total_errmsg"
entry .total_errmsg_msg -width 80 -relief raised -bd 1 \
-textvariable highest_total_sev_msg
# (no keys, no focus)
pack .total_errmsg_label -in .total_errmsg -side left
pack .total_errmsg_msg -in .total_errmsg -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .total_errmsg_clear -in .total_errmsg -side left
# The list of drives which were found by scanning, the Scan button, and
# buttons for picking a drive from the list, for giving them up, for
# calming them down, and for reloading the ISO image from the input drive.
proc init_drivebox {} {
global borderwidth drivelist_lines export_selection
global .drivebox .drivelistbox .drivelist .drivescroll .drive_scan
global .drive_picker .drive_scan .drive_pick_in .drive_pick_out
global .drive_pick_both .drive_drop_both .drive_calm .iso_rollback_button
frame .drivebox -borderwidth $borderwidth
frame .drivelistbox -borderwidth $borderwidth
listbox .drivelist -height $drivelist_lines -selectmode extended \
-yscrollcommand ".drivescroll set" \
-exportselection $export_selection
bind_listbox_keys ".drivelist" "$drivelist_lines"
scrollbar .drivescroll -command ".drivelist yview"
pack .drivelist -in .drivelistbox -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .drivescroll -in .drivelistbox -side right -fill y
frame .drive_picker -borderwidth $borderwidth
button .drive_scan -text "Scan for drives" \
-command "scan_for_drives"
button .drive_pick_in -text "Pick input drive" \
-command "pick_indev"
button .drive_pick_out -text "Pick output drive" \
-command "pick_outdev"
button .drive_pick_both -text "Pick drive for both roles" \
-command "pick_dev"
button .drive_drop_both -text "Give up drives" \
-command "give_up_dev"
button .drive_calm -text "Calm drives" \
-command "calm_drives"
button .iso_rollback_button -text "Rollback" -command {iso_rollback}
pack .drive_scan \
.drive_pick_in .drive_pick_out .drive_pick_both \
.drive_drop_both .drive_calm .iso_rollback_button \
-in .drive_picker -side left -expand 1 -fill none
pack .drive_picker -in .drivebox \
-side top -expand 1 -fill none
pack .drivelistbox -in .drivebox \
-side top -expand 1 -fill both
bind .drivelist <Double-Button-1> {
# The text fields for setting and display of the current input and output
# drives. With Eject button and a short text description of the medium status.
proc init_dev {} {
global borderwidth
global .dev .indev .outdev
frame .dev -borderwidth $borderwidth
pack .indev .outdev -in .dev \
-side top -anchor w -expand 1 -fill both
# Set and display the current input drive.
proc init_indev {} {
global borderwidth indev_adr
global .indev .indev_eject .indev_label .indev_entry .indev_summary
frame .indev -borderwidth $borderwidth
button .indev_eject -text "Eject" -command {eject_indev}
label .indev_label -width 22 -text "Input drive or image "
entry .indev_entry -width 40 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable indev_adr
bind_entry_keys .indev_entry {indev_return}
label .indev_summary -width 65 -text "" -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
pack .indev_eject .indev_label .indev_entry .indev_summary \
-in .indev -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# Set and display the current output drive.
proc init_outdev {} {
global .outdev .outdev_eject .outdev_label .outdev_entry .outdev_summary
global borderwidth outdev_adr
frame .outdev -borderwidth $borderwidth
button .outdev_eject -text "Eject" -command {eject_outdev}
label .outdev_label -width 22 -text "Output drive or image"
entry .outdev_entry -width 40 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable outdev_adr
bind_entry_keys .outdev_entry {outdev_return}
label .outdev_summary -width 65 -text "" -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
pack .outdev_eject .outdev_label .outdev_entry .outdev_summary \
-in .outdev -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# The button panel for blanking, formatting, and writing to the output drive.
proc init_burn {} {
global borderwidth burn_write_image_adr burn_write_close burn_write_tao
global burn_write_defect_mgt
global .burn .burn_blank_button .burn_format_button .burn_commit_button
global .burn_write_image .burn_write_image_entry .burn_write_close
global .burn_write_tao .burn_write_defect_mgt
frame .burn -borderwidth $borderwidth
button .burn_blank_button -text "Blank" \
-command {burn_blank}
button .burn_format_button -text "Format" \
-command {burn_format}
button .burn_commit_button -text "Write ISO session" \
-command {burn_commit}
button .burn_write_image -text "Burn image file:" \
-command {burn_write_image}
entry .burn_write_image_entry -width 40 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable burn_write_image_adr
bind_entry_keys .burn_write_image_entry {burn_write_image}
checkbutton .burn_write_close -text "Close" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable burn_write_close \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
checkbutton .burn_write_tao -text "TAO" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable burn_write_tao \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
checkbutton .burn_write_defect_mgt -text "Defect Mgt" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable burn_write_defect_mgt \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
pack .burn_blank_button .burn_format_button \
.burn_commit_button .burn_write_close .burn_write_tao \
.burn_write_defect_mgt \
.burn_write_image .burn_write_image_entry \
-in .burn -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# Set and display the current ISO directory and its content.
proc init_isobox {} {
global borderwidth isolist_lines export_selection
global .isobox .isodir .isolist .isodir_entry .isodir_up .isodir_up2
global .isodir_label .isodir_verify .isolistbox .isoscroll_y .isoscroll_x
frame .isobox -borderwidth $borderwidth
frame .isodir -borderwidth 0
label .isodir_label -text "ISO directory:" \
-width 14
entry .isodir_entry -width 60 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable isodir_adr
bind_entry_keys .isodir_entry {isodir_return "isodir_entry"}
button .isodir_verify -text "Verify" -command {isodir_verify}
button .isodir_up -text "Up" -command {isodir_up}
button .isodir_up2 -text "Up" -command {isodir_up}
pack .isodir_label .isodir_up \
-in .isodir -side left
pack .isodir_entry \
-in .isodir -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .isodir_up2 .isodir_verify \
-in .isodir -side left
frame .isolistbox -borderwidth 0
listbox .isolist -height $isolist_lines -selectmode extended \
-yscrollcommand ".isoscroll_y set" \
-xscrollcommand ".isoscroll_x set" \
-exportselection $export_selection
bind_listbox_keys ".isolist" "$isolist_lines"
scrollbar .isoscroll_y -command ".isolist yview"
scrollbar .isoscroll_x -orient horizontal -command ".isolist xview"
pack .isolist -in .isolistbox -side left -expand 1 -fill both
bind .isolist <Double-Button-1> { pick_isodir }
pack .isoscroll_y -in .isolistbox -side right -fill y
pack .isodir .isolistbox .isoscroll_x \
-in .isobox -side top -expand 1 -fill both
# The ISO-internal manipulation buttons for the ISO directory or its content.
# Plus a text field where to set an ISO path as target for renaming or
# directory making.
proc init_isomanip {} {
global borderwidth isomanip_move_target
global .isomanip .isomanip_move .isomanip_prefix .isomanip_verify_button
global .isomanip_move_target .isomanip_rm_r_button .isomanip_move_button
global .isomanip_mkdir_button .isomanip_move_target
frame .isomanip -borderwidth $borderwidth
frame .isomanip_move -borderwidth 0
label .isomanip_prefix -text "ISO selection:"
button .isomanip_verify_button -width 8 -text "Verify" \
-command {isomanip_verify}
button .isomanip_rm_r_button -width 8 -text "Delete" \
-command {isomanip_rm_r}
button .isomanip_move_button -text "Rename to:" \
-command {isomanip_mv}
button .isomanip_mkdir_button -width 8 -text "Make dir" \
-command {isomanip_mkdir}
entry .isomanip_move_target -width 60 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable isomanip_move_target
# bind_entry_keys .isomanip_move_target {isomanip_mv}
bind_entry_keys .isomanip_move_target ""
pack .isomanip_prefix .isomanip_verify_button .isomanip_rm_r_button \
.isomanip_move_button .isomanip_move_target .isomanip_mkdir_button \
-in .isomanip_move -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .isomanip_move \
-in .isomanip -side top -expand 1 -fill both
# The means for interaction of ISO image and local filesystem.
proc init_localfs {} {
global borderwidth
global .localfs .extract_frame .localfs_aux_frame .insert_frame
frame .localfs -borderwidth $borderwidth
pack .extract_frame .localfs_aux_frame .insert_frame \
-in .localfs -side top -expand 1 -fill both
# The means for extracting files from ISO image to disk
proc init_extract {} {
global borderwidth extract_to_adr extract_from_selected extract_underneath
global .extract_button .extract_frame .extract_entry .extract_from_selected
global .extract_underneath
# >>> should be some file browser instead of a button-entry pair
frame .extract_frame -borderwidth 0
button .extract_button -text "Extract to disk:" \
-width 17 \
-command {extract_to}
entry .extract_entry -width 40 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable "extract_to_adr"
bind_entry_keys .extract_entry {extract_to}
checkbutton .extract_underneath -text "Underneath" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable extract_underneath \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
checkbutton .extract_from_selected -text "Selected" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable extract_from_selected \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
pack .extract_button -in .extract_frame -side left
pack .extract_entry \
-in .extract_frame -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .extract_from_selected .extract_underneath \
-in .extract_frame -side right
# Some controls which apply to insertion, extraction, or both.
proc init_localfs_aux {} {
global borderwidth
global .localfs_aux_frame
global .overwrite_files_button .overwrite_dir_button .extract_auto_chmod
global .avail_label .avail_label_frame .avail_button
frame .localfs_aux_frame -borderwidth 0
checkbutton .overwrite_files_button -text "Overwrite files" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable overwrite_files \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
checkbutton .overwrite_dir_button -text "Overwrite ISO dirs" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable overwrite_dirs \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
checkbutton .extract_auto_chmod -text "Enforce disk dir write access" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable extract_auto_chmod \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
pack .overwrite_files_button .overwrite_dir_button .extract_auto_chmod \
-in .localfs_aux_frame -side left
button .avail_button -text "Refresh avail:" \
-command {refresh_avail}
frame .avail_label_frame -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
label .avail_label -width 10 -text ""
pack .avail_label -in .avail_label_frame
pack .avail_label_frame .avail_button -in .localfs_aux_frame -side right
# The means for inserting files from disk into the ISO image
proc init_insert {} {
global borderwidth insert_from_adr insert_at_selected insert_underneath
global .insert_button .insert_from_frame .insert_entry .insert_at_selected
global .insert_underneath .insert_frame
# >>> should be some file browser instead of a button-entry pair
frame .insert_frame -borderwidth 0
frame .insert_from_frame -borderwidth 0
button .insert_button -text "Insert from disk:" \
-width 17 \
-command {insert_from}
entry .insert_entry -width 40 -relief sunken -bd 1 \
-textvariable "insert_from_adr"
bind_entry_keys .insert_entry {insert_from}
checkbutton .insert_underneath -text "Underneath" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable insert_underneath \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
checkbutton .insert_at_selected -text "Selected" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable insert_at_selected \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
pack .insert_button -in .insert_from_frame -side left
pack .insert_entry \
-in .insert_from_frame -side left -expand 1 -fill both
pack .insert_at_selected .insert_underneath \
-in .insert_from_frame -side right
pack .insert_from_frame -in .insert_frame -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# Set common behavior of listboxes in respect to focus and navigation keys.
proc bind_listbox_keys {box height} {
global click_to_focus
if {"$click_to_focus" == 1} {
bind $box <1> "focus \"$box\""
bind $box <2> "focus \"$box\""
bind $box <3> "focus \"$box\""
} else {
bind $box <Enter> "focus \"$box\""
# No underlining
$box configure -activestyle none
# Need to evaluate all $box and $height at bind-time. Thus "-quotes.
bind $box <Any-KeyPress> "
# <<<
# puts stderr \"bind_updown_keys: K = '%K'\"
if {\"%K\" == \"Up\"} {
$box yview scroll \"-1\" units
if {\"%K\" == \"Down\"} {
$box yview scroll 1 units
if {\"%K\" == \"Prior\"} {
$box yview scroll -[expr \"$height\" - 1] units
if {\"%K\" == \"Next\"} {
$box yview scroll [expr \"$height\" - 1] units
if {\"%K\" == \"Home\"} {
$box yview 0
if {\"%K\" == \"End\"} {
$box yview end
# Prevent other bindings from being performed
# Set common behavior of entries in respect to focus and Return key.
proc bind_entry_keys {entry return_cmd} {
global click_to_focus
if {"$click_to_focus" != 1} {
bind $entry <Enter> "focus \"$entry\""
if {"$return_cmd" != ""} {
bind $entry <Return> "$return_cmd"
# ------- Misc helper procedures -------
# Equip a text with quotation marks so that xorriso will consider it as
# a single word.
proc make_text_shellsafe {text} {
set result "'"
set rest "$text"
while {[string length "$rest"]} {
set idx [string first "'" "$rest"]
if {"$idx" == -1} {
set result "$result$rest"
} else {
if {"$idx" > 0} {
set result "$result[string range "$rest" 0 [expr "$idx" - 1]]"
set result "$result'\"'\"'"
if {"$idx" == [expr [string length "$rest"] - 1]} {
set rest [string range "$rest" [expr "$idx" + 1] end]
set result "$result'"
# Count the number of newline chracters in text.
proc count_newlines {text} {
set rest "$text"
set count 0
while {[string length "$rest"]} {
set idx [string first "\n" "$rest"]
if {"$idx" == -1} {
} else {
set count [expr "$count" + 1]
if {"$idx" == [expr [string length "$rest"] - 1]} {
set rest [string range "$rest" [expr "$idx" + 1] end]
# Append name to dir so that the result is a path to name under dir.
proc combine_dir_and_name {dir name} {
set has_slash 0
if {"$name" == ""} {
return "$dir"
if {[string range "$name" 0 0] == "/"} {
incr has_slash
if {[string last "/" "$dir"] == [expr [string length "$dir"] - 1] &&
"$dir" != ""} {
incr has_slash 1
if {"$has_slash" == 2} {
return "$dir[string range $name" 1 end]"
if {"$has_slash" == 1} {
return "$dir$name"
return "$dir/$name"
# Force the content of variable isodir_adr to be an absolute address
proc normalize_isodir_adr {} {
global isodir_adr
if {"$isodir_adr" == ""} {
set isodir_adr "/"
if {[string range "$isodir_adr" 0 0] != "/"} {
set isodir_adr "/$isodir_adr"
# Inspect path whether one of its components is in isodir_adr
proc path_touches_isodir {path} {
global isodir_adr
# <<<
# puts stderr "path_touches_isodir : '$path'"
set cmp_start 0
if {"$isodir_adr" == "/"} {
set cmp_start 1
if {[string range "$path" 0 0] != "/"} {
if {[string first "/" "$path"] == -1} {
return "$path"
} else {
return [file dirname "$path"]
set l [expr {[string length "$isodir_adr"] - $cmp_start}]
if {[string length "$path"] < [expr {$l + 2}]} {
# <<<
# puts stderr "path_touches_isodir : shorter than [expr {$l + 2}]"
return ""
if {$l > 0} {
if {[string range "$path" $cmp_start [expr {$l - 1}]] != \
[string range "$isodir_adr" $cmp_start end]} {
# <<<
# puts stderr "path_touches_isodir : start does not match"
return ""
if {[string range "$path" "$l" "$l"] != "/"} {
# <<<
# puts stderr "path_touches_isodir : start not followed by /"
return ""
set subpath [string range "$path" [expr {$l + 1}] end]
set slash [string first "/" "$subpath"]
if {"$slash" == -1} {
return "$subpath"
if {"$slash" == 0} {
# <<<
# puts stderr "path_touches_isodir : subpath begins by / : '$subpath'"
return ""
return [string range "$subpath" 0 [expr {$slash - 1}]]
# Compare two severity names by help of the severity list that was obtained
# from xorriso via proc inquire_severity_list.
proc compare_sev {sev1 sev2} {
global xorriso_severity_list
set idx1 [lsearch -exact "$xorriso_severity_list" "$sev1"]
set idx2 [lsearch -exact "$xorriso_severity_list" "$sev2"]
if {$idx1 < $idx2} {return -1}
if {$idx1 > $idx2} {return 1}
return 0
# Write a text to the pipe log
proc log_puts {text} {
global logging log_conn
if {"$logging" == 1} {
puts $log_conn "$text"
# End program and return the given exit value.
proc central_exit {value} {
exit $value
# -------- start living
proc setup_by_args {argv0 argv} {
global cmd_pipe_adr reply_pipe_adr main_window_geometry click_to_focus
global log_file log_conn logging
global cmd_conn reply_conn
global geometry stdout stdin
# wish normally eats the -geometry option and puts the result into $geometry
catch {set main_window_geometry "$geometry"}
set connection_defined 0
set loop_limit [llength "$argv"]
for {set i 0} {"$i" < "$loop_limit"} {incr i} {
set ok "0"
set opt [lrange "$argv" "$i" "$i"]
if {"$opt" == "--help"} {
set ok "1"
print_usage "$argv0"
central_exit 0
if {"$opt" == "--stdio"} {
set ok "1"
set connection_defined 1
if {"$opt" == "--named_pipes"} {
set ok "1"
incr i
set cmd_pipe_adr [lrange "$argv" "$i" "$i"]
incr i
set reply_pipe_adr [lrange "$argv" "$i" "$i"]
if {"$cmd_pipe_adr" != "" && "$reply_pipe_adr" != "" &&
"$cmd_pipe_adr" != "-" && "$reply_pipe_adr" != "-"} {
init_frontend_named_pipes "$cmd_pipe_adr" "$reply_pipe_adr"
set connection_defined 1
if {"$opt" == "--geometry" || "$opt" == "-geometry"} {
set ok "1"
# Just in case -geometry does not get eaten by wish
incr i
set main_window_geometry [lrange "$argv" "$i" "$i"]
if {"$opt" == "--click_to_focus"} {
set ok "1"
set click_to_focus "1"
if {"$opt" == "--auto_focus"} {
set ok "1"
set click_to_focus "0"
if {"$opt" == "--log_file"} {
set ok "1"
incr i
set log_file [lrange "$argv" "$i" "$i"]
if {"$log_file" == "" || "$log_file" == "-"} {
set log_conn stderr
} else {
set log_conn ""
catch {set log_conn [open "$log_file" a]}
if {"$log_conn" == ""} {
puts stderr "$argv0 : Cannot open -log_file '$log_file' for writing"
central_exit 2
set logging "1"
if {"$ok" == 0} {
puts stderr "$argv0 : Unknown option '$opt'"
print_usage "$argv0"
central_exit 1
if {"$connection_defined" == 0} {
puts stderr "$argv0 : Either --stdio or --named_pipes must be given for a program run.\n"
print_usage "$argv0"
central_exit 1
if {"$cmd_pipe_adr" == "" || "$reply_pipe_adr" == "" ||
"$cmd_pipe_adr" == "-" || "$reply_pipe_adr" == "-"} {
set cmd_conn stdout
set reply_conn stdin
if {"$main_window_geometry" != ""} {
wm geometry . "$main_window_geometry"
puts stderr "xorriso-tcltk $own_version : Proof of concept for GUI frontends\n"
setup_by_args "$argv0" "$argv"
display_busy 0