331 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 Derek Foreman, Ben Jansens
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net>
Provided under GPL version 2 or later.
#include "../config.h"
#include <string.h>
/* ts A61008 */
/* #include <a ssert.h> */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* ts A80914 : This is unneeded. Version info comes from libburn.h.
#include "v ersion.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "libburn.h"
void burn_version(int *major, int *minor, int *micro)
/* ts A80408 : switched from configure.ac versioning to libburn.h versioning */
*major = burn_header_version_major;
*minor = burn_header_version_minor;
*micro = burn_header_version_micro;
struct cd_mid_record {
char *manufacturer;
int m_li;
int s_li;
int f_li;
char *other_brands;
typedef struct cd_mid_record cd_mid_record_t;
/* ts A90902 */
/** API
@param flag Bitfield for control purposes,
bit0= append "(aka %s)",other_brands to reply
char *burn_guess_cd_manufacturer(int m_li, int s_li, int f_li,
int m_lo, int s_lo, int f_lo, int flag)
static cd_mid_record_t mid_list[]= {
{"SKC", 96, 40, 0, ""},
{"Ritek Corp" , 96, 43, 30, ""},
{"TDK / Ritek" , 97, 10, 0, "TRAXDATA"},
{"TDK Corporation" , 97, 15, 0, ""},
{"Ritek Corp" , 97, 15, 10, "7-plus, Aopen, PONY, Power Source, TDK, TRAXDATA, HiCO, PHILIPS, Primdisc, Victor.JVC, OPTI STORAGE, Samsung"},
{"Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation" , 97, 15, 20, ""},
{"Nan-Ya Plastics Corporation" , 97, 15, 30, "Hatron, MMore, Acer, LITEON"},
{"Delphi" , 97, 15, 50, ""},
{"Shenzhen SG&SAST" , 97, 16, 20, ""},
{"Moser Baer India Limited" , 97, 17, 0, "EMTEC, Intenso, YAKUMO, PLATINUM, Silver Circle"},
{"SKY media Manufacturing SA" , 97, 17, 10, ""},
{"Wing" , 97, 18, 10, ""},
{"DDT" , 97, 18, 20, ""},
{"Daxon Technology Inc. / Acer" , 97, 22, 60, "Maxmax, Diamond Data, BenQ, gold, SONY"},
{"Taiyo Yuden Company Limited" , 97, 24, 0, "Maxell, FUJIFILM, SONY"},
{"Sony Corporation" , 97, 24, 10, "LeadData, Imation"},
{"Computer Support Italcard s.r.l" , 97, 24, 20, ""},
{"Unitech Japan Inc." , 97, 24, 30, ""},
{"MPO, France" , 97, 25, 0, "TDK"},
{"Hitachi Maxell Ltd." , 97, 25, 20, ""},
{"Infodisc Technology Co,Ltd." , 97, 25, 30, "MEMOREX, SPEEDA, Lead data"},
{"Xcitec" , 97, 25, 60, ""},
{"Fornet International Pte Ltd" , 97, 26, 0, "COMPUSA, Cdhouse"},
{"Postech Corporation" , 97, 26, 10, "Mr.Platinum"},
{"SKC Co Ltd." , 97, 26, 20, "Infinite"},
{"Fuji Photo Film Co,Ltd." , 97, 26, 40, ""},
{"Lead Data Inc." , 97, 26, 50, "SONY, Gigastorage, MIRAGE"},
{"CMC Magnetics Corporation" , 97, 26, 60, "Daxon, Verbatim, Memorex, Bi-Winner, PLEXTOR, YAMAHA, Melody, Office DEPOT, Philips, eMARK, imation, HyperMedia, Samsung, Shintaro, Techworks"},
{"Ricoh Company Limited" , 97, 27, 0, "Sony, Digital Storage, Csita"},
{"Plasmon Data Systems Ltd" , 97, 27, 10, "Ritek, TDK, EMTEC, ALPHAPET, MANIA"},
{"Princo Corporation" , 97, 27, 20, ""},
{"Pioneer" , 97, 27, 30, ""},
{"Eastman Kodak Company" , 97, 27, 40, ""},
{"Mitsui Chemicals Inc." , 97, 27, 50, "MAM-A, TDK"},
{"Ricoh Company Limited" , 97, 27, 60, "Ritek"},
{"Gigastorage Corporation" , 97, 28, 10, "MaxMax, Nan-Ya"},
{"Multi Media Masters&Machinary SA" , 97, 28, 20, "King, Mmirex"},
{"Ritek Corp" , 97, 31, 0, "TDK"},
{"Grand Advance Technology Sdn. Bhd." , 97, 31, 30, ""},
{"TDK Corporation" , 97, 32, 00, ""},
{"Prodisc Technology Inc." , 97, 32, 10, "Smartbuy, Mitsubishi, Digmaster, LG, Media Market"},
{"Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation" , 97, 34, 20, "YAMAHA, Verbatim"},
{"Mitsui Chemicals Inc." , 97, 48, 50, ""},
{"TDK Corporation" , 97, 49, 0, ""},
{"", 0, 0, 0, ""}
int i, f_li_0;
char buf[1024];
char *result = NULL;
if (m_li == 0 && s_li == 2 && f_li == 0) {
result = strdup("(no manufacturer code)");
return result;
f_li_0 = f_li - (f_li % 10);
for (i = 0; mid_list[i].manufacturer[0]; i++) {
if (m_li == mid_list[i].m_li &&
s_li == mid_list[i].s_li &&
(f_li_0 == mid_list[i].f_li || f_li == mid_list[i].f_li))
if (mid_list[i].manufacturer[0] == 0) {
sprintf(buf, "Unknown CD manufacturer. Please report code '%2.2dm%2.2ds%2.2df/%2.2dm%2.2ds%2.2df', the human readable brand, size, and speed to scdbackup@gmx.net.", m_li, s_li, f_li, m_lo, s_lo, f_lo);
result = strdup(buf);
return result;
/* Compose, allocate and copy result */
if ((flag & 1) && mid_list[i].other_brands[0]) {
sprintf(buf, "%s (aka %s)",
mid_list[i].manufacturer, mid_list[i].other_brands);
result = strdup(buf);
} else
result = strdup(mid_list[i].manufacturer);
return result;
/* ts A90904 */
struct dvd_mid_record {
char *mc1;
int mc1_sig_len;
char *manufacturer;
typedef struct dvd_mid_record dvd_mid_record_t;
/* ts A90904 */
char *burn_guess_manufacturer(int prf,
char *media_code1, char *media_code2, int flag)
int i, l = 0, m_li, s_li, f_li, m_lo, s_lo, f_lo;
char buf[1024];
char *result = NULL, *cpt;
/* Important Note: media_code1 and media_code2 are supposed to be
encoded by burn_util_make_printable_word().
Especially: ' ' -> '_' , {"_%/" unprintables -> %XY)
static dvd_mid_record_t mid_list[]= {
{"AML", 8, "UML"},
{"BeAll", 5, "BeAll Developers, Inc."},
{"CMC", 3, "CMC Magnetics Corporation"},
{"DAXON", 5, "Daxon Technology Inc. / Acer"},
{"Daxon", 5, "Daxon Technology Inc. / Acer"},
{"FUJI", 4, "Fujifilm Holdings Corporation"},
{"INFODISC", 8, "New Star Digital Co., Ltd."},
{"INFOME", 6, "InfoMedia Inc."},
{"ISMMBD", 6, "Info Source Multi Media Ltd."},
{"JVC", 3, "JVC Limited"},
{"KIC01RG", 7, "AMC"},
{"LD", 8, "Lead Data Inc."},
{"LGE", 3, "LG Electronics"},
{"MAM", 8, "Mitsui Advanced Media, Inc. Europe"},
{"MAXELL", 6, "Hitachi Maxell Ltd."},
{"MBI", 3, "Moser Baer India Limited"},
{"MCC", 8, "Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation"},
{"MCI", 8, "Mitsui Chemicals Inc."},
{"MEI", 3, "Panasonic Corporation"},
{"MKM", 3, "Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co."},
{"MMC", 8, "Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co."},
{"MXL", 8, "Hitachi Maxell Ltd."},
{"NANYA", 5, "Nan-Ya Plastics Corporation"},
{"NSD", 8, "NESA International Inc."},
{"OPTODISC", 8, "Optodisc Technology Corporation"},
{"OTCBDR", 8, "Optodisc Technology Corporation"},
{"PHILIP", 8, "Moser Baer India Limited"},
{"PHILIPS", 8, "Philips"},
{"PRINCO", 6, "Princo Corporation"},
{"PRODISC", 7, "Prodisc Technology Inc."},
{"Prodisc", 7, "Prodisc Technology Inc."},
{"PVC", 3, "Pioneer"},
{"RICOHJPN", 8, "Ricoh Company Limited"},
{"RITEK", 5, "Ritek Corp"},
{"SONY", 4, "Sony Corporation"},
{"TDK", 3, "TDK Corporation"},
{"TT", 8, "TDK Corporation"},
{"TY", 8, "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"},
{"TYG", 3, "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"},
{"UME", 3, "UmeDisc Limited"},
{"UTJR001", 7, "Unifino Inc."},
{"VERBAT", 5, "Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co."},
{"YUDEN", 5, "Taiyo Yuden Company Limited"},
{"", 0, ""}
if (media_code2 != NULL &&
(prf == -1 || prf == 0x09 || prf == 0x0A)) {
if (strlen(media_code2) == 9 && media_code1[0] == '9' &&
media_code1[2] == 'm' && media_code1[5] == 's' &&
media_code1[8] == 'f' &&
strchr(media_code1, '%') == NULL) {
sscanf(media_code1, "%dm%ds%df", &m_li, &s_li, &f_li);
sscanf(media_code2, "%dm%ds%df", &m_lo, &s_lo, &f_lo);
if (m_li >= 96 && m_li <= 97 && m_lo > 0) {
result = burn_guess_cd_manufacturer(
m_li, s_li, f_li, m_lo, s_lo, f_lo, 0);
return result;
/* DVD-R do not keep manufacturer id apart from media id.
Some manufacturers use a blank as separator which would now be '_'.
cpt = strchr(media_code1, '_');
if (cpt != NULL && (prf == -1 || prf == 0x11 || prf == 0x13 ||
prf == 0x14 || prf == 0x15))
l = cpt - media_code1;
for (i = 0; mid_list[i].mc1[0]; i++) {
if (strncmp(mid_list[i].mc1, media_code1,
mid_list[i].mc1_sig_len) == 0)
if (l > 0)
if (strncmp(mid_list[i].mc1, media_code1, l) == 0)
if (mid_list[i].mc1[0] == 0) {
sprintf(buf, "Unknown DVD/BD manufacturer. Please report code '%s/%s', the human readable brand, size, and speed to scdbackup@gmx.net.",
media_code1, media_code2);
result = strdup(buf);
return result;
result = strdup(mid_list[i].manufacturer);
return result;
/* ts A90905 */
/* Make *text a single printable word */
/* IMPORTANT: text must be freeable memory !
@param flag bit0=escape '/' too
bit1=(overrides bit0) do not escape " _/"
int burn_util_make_printable_word(char **text, int flag)
int i, esc_add = 0, ret;
char *wpt, *rpt, *new_text = NULL;
if (flag & 2)
flag &= ~1;
for (i = 0; (*text)[i]; i++) {
rpt = (*text) + i;
if (*rpt < 32 || *rpt > 126 || *rpt == 96 ||
((*rpt == '_' || *rpt == '%') && (!(flag & 2))) ||
(*rpt == '/' && (flag & 1)))
esc_add += 2;
if (esc_add) {
new_text = calloc(strlen(*text) + esc_add + 1, 1);
if (new_text == NULL) {
ret = -1;
goto ex;
wpt = new_text;
for (i = 0; (*text)[i]; i++) {
rpt = (*text) + i;
if (*rpt < 32 || *rpt > 126 || *rpt == 96 ||
((*rpt == '_' || *rpt == '%') && (!(flag & 2))) ||
(*rpt == '/' && (flag & 1))) {
sprintf(wpt, "%%%2.2X",
(unsigned int) *((unsigned char *) rpt));
wpt+= 3;
} else
*(wpt++) = *rpt;
*wpt = 0;
*text = new_text;
if (!(flag & 2))
for (i = 0; (*text)[i]; i++)
if ((*text)[i] == ' ')
(*text)[i] = '_';
ret = 1;
return ret;
/* ts B11216 */
/** Read a line from fp and strip LF or CRLF */
char *burn_sfile_fgets(char *line, int maxl, FILE *fp)
int l;
char *ret;
ret = fgets(line, maxl, fp);
if (ret == NULL)
return NULL;
l = strlen(line);
if (l > 0)
if (line[l - 1] == '\r')
line[--l] = 0;
if (l > 0)
if (line[l - 1] == '\n')
line[--l] = 0;
if(l > 0)
if(line[l - 1] == '\r')
line[--l] = 0;
return ret;
char *burn_printify(char *msg)
char *cpt;
for (cpt = msg; *cpt != 0; cpt++)
if (*cpt < 32 || *cpt > 126)
*cpt = '#';
return msg;