-e 's/<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see www.gnu.org">/<meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, via man -H, via cdrskin\/convert_man_to_html.sh">/'\
-e 's/In general there are two types of tracks: data and audio./\ <BR>In general there are two types of tracks: data and audio./'\
-e 's/<b>Recordable CD Media:<\/b>/\ <BR><b>Recordable CD Media:<\/b>/'\
-e 's/^Alphabetical list of options/\ <BR>Alphabetical list of options/'\
-e 's/and for all others\.<\/td><\/table>/and for all others.<\/td><\/table> <BR><HR><FONT SIZE=-1><CENTER>(HTML generated from '"$manpage"'.1 on '"$(date)"' by '$(basename "$0")' )<\/CENTER><\/FONT>/'\