/* libdax_audioxtr Audio track data extraction facility of libdax and libburn. Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Schmitt , provided under GPLv2+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libdax_msgs.h" extern struct libdax_msgs *libdax_messenger; /* Only this single source module is entitled to do this */ #define LIBDAX_AUDIOXTR_H_INTERNAL 1 /* All clients of the extraction facility must do this or include libburn.h */ #define LIBDAX_AUDIOXTR_H_PUBLIC 1 #include "libdax_audioxtr.h" int libdax_audioxtr_new(struct libdax_audioxtr **xtr, char *path, int flag) { int ret= -1; struct libdax_audioxtr *o; o= *xtr= (struct libdax_audioxtr *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct libdax_audioxtr)); if(o==NULL) return(-1); strncpy(o->path,path,LIBDAX_AUDIOXTR_STRLEN-1); o->path[LIBDAX_AUDIOXTR_STRLEN-1]= 0; o->fd= -1; strcpy(o->fmt,"unidentified"); o->fmt_info[0]= 0; o->data_size= 0; o->extract_count= 0; o->num_channels= 0; o->sample_rate= 0; o->bits_per_sample= 0; o->msb_first= 0; o->wav_subchunk2_size= 0; o->au_data_location= 0; o->au_data_size= 0xffffffff; ret= libdax_audioxtr_open(o,0); if(ret<=0) {ret= -2*(ret<0); goto failure;} return(1); failure: libdax_audioxtr_destroy(xtr,0); return(ret); } int libdax_audioxtr_destroy(struct libdax_audioxtr **xtr, int flag) { struct libdax_audioxtr *o; o= *xtr; if(o==NULL) return(0); if(o->fd>=0 && strcmp(o->path,"-")!=0) close(o->fd); free((char *) o); *xtr= NULL; return(1); } static int libdax_audioxtr_open(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag) { int ret; char msg[LIBDAX_AUDIOXTR_STRLEN+80]; if(strcmp(o->path,"-")==0) o->fd= 0; else o->fd= open(o->path, O_RDONLY); if(o->fd<0) { sprintf(msg,"Cannot open audio source file : %s",o->path); libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger,-1,0x00020200, LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY, LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_HIGH, msg, errno, 0); return(-1); } ret= libdax_audioxtr_identify(o,0); if(ret<=0) { sprintf(msg,"Audio source file has unsuitable format : %s",o->path); libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger,-1,0x00020201, LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY, LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_HIGH, msg, 0, 0); return(0); } ret= libdax_audioxtr_init_reading(o,0); if(ret<=0) { sprintf(msg,"Failed to prepare reading of audio data : %s",o->path); libdax_msgs_submit(libdax_messenger,-1,0x00020202, LIBDAX_MSGS_SEV_SORRY, LIBDAX_MSGS_PRIO_HIGH, msg, 0, 0); return(0); } return(1); } static int libdax_audioxtr_identify_wav(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag) { int ret; char buf[45]; /* check wether this is a MS WAVE file .wav */ /* info used: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ */ if(o->fd!=0) { ret= lseek(o->fd,0,SEEK_SET); if(ret==-1) return(0); } ret= read(o->fd, buf, 44); if(ret<44) return(0); buf[44]= 0; /* as stopper for any string operations */ if(strncmp(buf,"RIFF",4)!=0) /* ChunkID */ return(0); if(strncmp(buf+8,"WAVE",4)!=0) /* Format */ return(0); if(strncmp(buf+12,"fmt ",4)!=0) /* Subchunk1ID */ return(0); if(buf[16]!=16 || buf[17]!=0 || buf[18]!=0 || buf[19]!=0) /* Subchunk1Size */ return(0); if(buf[20]!=1 || buf[21]!=0) /* AudioFormat must be 1 (Linear quantization) */ return(0); strcpy(o->fmt,".wav"); o->msb_first= 0; o->num_channels= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *) buf+22,2,0); o->sample_rate= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *) buf+24,4,0); o->bits_per_sample= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+34,2,0); sprintf(o->fmt_info, ".wav , num_channels=%d , sample_rate=%d , bits_per_sample=%d", o->num_channels,o->sample_rate,o->bits_per_sample); o->wav_subchunk2_size= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+40,4,0); o->data_size= o->wav_subchunk2_size; return(1); } static int libdax_audioxtr_identify_au(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag) { int ret,encoding; char buf[24]; /* Check wether this is a Sun Audio, .au file */ /* info used: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ */ if(o->fd!=0) { ret= lseek(o->fd,0,SEEK_SET); if(ret==-1) return(0); } ret= read(o->fd, buf, 24); if(ret<24) return(0); if(strncmp(buf,".snd",4)!=0) return(0); strcpy(o->fmt,".au"); o->msb_first= 1; o->au_data_location= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+4,4,1); o->au_data_size= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+8,4,1); encoding= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+12,4,1); if(encoding==2) o->bits_per_sample= 8; else if(encoding==3) o->bits_per_sample= 16; else if(encoding==4) o->bits_per_sample= 24; else if(encoding==5) o->bits_per_sample= 32; else o->bits_per_sample= -encoding; o->sample_rate= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+16,4,1); o->num_channels= libdax_audioxtr_to_int(o,(unsigned char *)buf+20,4,1); if(o->au_data_size!=0xffffffff) o->data_size= o->au_data_size; else o->data_size= 0; sprintf(o->fmt_info, ".au , num_channels=%d , sample_rate=%d , bits_per_sample=%d", o->num_channels,o->sample_rate,o->bits_per_sample); /* <<< for testing only */; return(1); return(o->bits_per_sample>0); /* Audio format must be linear PCM */ } static int libdax_audioxtr_identify(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag) { int ret; ret= libdax_audioxtr_identify_wav(o, 0); if(ret!=0) return(ret); if(o->fd==0) /* cannot rewind stdin */ return(0); ret= libdax_audioxtr_identify_au(o, 0); if(ret!=0) return(ret); return(0); } /* @param flag bit0=msb_first */ static unsigned libdax_audioxtr_to_int(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, unsigned char *bytes, int len, int flag) { unsigned int ret= 0; int i; if(flag&1) for(i= 0; i=0; i--) ret= ret*256+bytes[i]; return(ret); } static int libdax_audioxtr_init_reading(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int flag) { int ret; /* currently this only works for MS WAVE files .wav and Sun .au*/; if(o->fd==0) /* stdin: hope no read came after libdax_audioxtr_identify() */ return(1); o->extract_count= 0; if(strcmp(o->fmt,".wav")==0) ret= lseek(o->fd,44,SEEK_SET); else if(strcmp(o->fmt,".au")==0) ret= lseek(o->fd,o->au_data_location,SEEK_SET); else ret= -1; if(ret==-1) return(0); return(1); } int libdax_audioxtr_get_id(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, char **fmt, char **fmt_info, int *num_channels, int *sample_rate, int *bits_per_sample, int *msb_first, int flag) { *fmt= o->fmt; *fmt_info= o->fmt_info; *num_channels= o->num_channels; *sample_rate= o->sample_rate; *bits_per_sample= o->bits_per_sample; *msb_first= o->msb_first; return(1); } int libdax_audioxtr_get_size(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, off_t *size, int flag) { *size= o->data_size; return(1); } int libdax_audioxtr_read(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, char buffer[], int buffer_size, int flag) { int ret; if(buffer_size<=0 || o->fd<0) return(-2); if(o->data_size>0 && !(flag&1)) if(buffer_size > o->data_size - o->extract_count) buffer_size= o->data_size - o->extract_count; if(buffer_size<=0) return(0); ret= read(o->fd,buffer,buffer_size); if(ret>0) o->extract_count+= ret; return(ret); } int libdax_audioxtr_detach_fd(struct libdax_audioxtr *o, int *fd, int flag) { if(o->fd<0) return(-1); if(strcmp(o->fmt,".wav")!=0 && strcmp(o->fmt,".au")!=0) return(0); if(flag&1) { *fd= o->fd; } else { *fd= dup(o->fd); if(*fd>=0 && strcmp(o->path,"-")!=0) close(o->fd); } if(*fd>=0) { o->fd= -1; return(1); } return(-1); }