AC_INIT([libburn], [0.4.4], []) AC_PREREQ([2.50]) dnl AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CANONICAL_TARGET AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([subdir-objects]) dnl Notes by ts A71207 - A80126 : dnl dnl Regrettably the meaning of the various version types was misunderstood dnl before version 0.4.1. dnl dnl In the past MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO versions led to the following SONAME numbers: dnl 0.2.2 = 2 , 0.2.3 = 3 , 0.2.6 = 6 dnl 0.3.0 = 0 , 0.3.2 = 2 , 0.3.4 = 4 . 0.3.6 = 6 , 0.3.8 = 4 dnl 0.4.0 = 0 (also released as SONAME 4) dnl dnl Meanwhile the following schemes are maintained in parallel: dnl dnl BURN_MAJOR_VERSION , BURN_MINOR_VERSION , BURN_MICRO_VERSION dnl are three small non-negative integers which describe the evolution dnl steps of the library. dnl Older applications are able to use younger libraries over dnl quite a long range of such steps. Some day, nevertheless, dnl compatibility might get terminated, after due notice. dnl dnl SONAME ( dnl is a small positive integer which marks a family of compatible dnl evolution steps. Libraries with a particular SONAME allow a binary dnl with the same SONAME to start up. Any further compatibility check is to dnl be done by own runtime means. Especially *_version() calls in the API dnl which return BURN_MAJOR_VERSION, BURN_MINOR_VERSION, BURN_MICRO_VERSION. dnl See below. dnl dnl CURRENT, AGE, REVISION dnl are three integers used by libtool. CURRENT is positive, the others dnl non-negative. The use at runtime is not known yet. But libtool computes dnl at build time SONAME = CURRENT - AGE. dnl So this is a superspace of the SONAME version space. To avoid dnl ill SONAME, the value of CURRENT must be larger than AGE. dnl See also dnl dnl The name of the dynamic library will be$SONAME.$AGE.$REV . dnl In the terminology of this file: dnl CURRENT = LT_CURRENT dnl AGE = LT_AGE dnl REVISION= LT_REVISION dnl dnl Beginning with libburn-0.4.1 a rectified counting was introduced as dnl CURRENT=10, REVISION=1, AGE=6 dnl This rectification declared that version to be binary compatible up dnl from libburn-0.3.4. dnl Real compatibility was given since libburn-0.3.2. dnl Beware of libburn-0.2.6 which had SONAME=6 and is not binary compatible. dnl Applications for libburn-0.2 to libburn-0.3.1 need recompilation but no dnl source code changes. dnl dnl Neatly versioned stable releases meanwhile: dnl 0.4.2 = dnl 0.4.4 = dnl dnl So LT_CURRENT, LT_REVISION and LT_AGE get set directly here. dnl SONAME of the emerging library is LT_CURRENT - LT_AGE. dnl The linker will do no finer checks. Especially no age range check for dnl the application binary. If SONAME matches, then the couple starts. dnl dnl Therefore at run time info is provided by libburn function burn_version(). dnl It returns the major, minor and micro revision of the library. dnl Before using any API feature, a program should check for age. dnl dnl The variables BURN_*_VERSION are mere copies for informing libtool. dnl The true values which get issued and should be compared are macros dnl defined in libburn/libburn.h . dnl dnl Normally one can allow a program to run with a library which passed the dnl linker SONAME test and which is not older than the library it was dnl developed for. Library2 is younger than library1 if: dnl major2>major1 || (major2==major1 && dnl (minor2>minor1 || (minor2==minor1 && micro2 > micro1))) dnl dnl If BURN_*_VERSION changes, be sure to change AC_INIT above to match. dnl dnl As said: Only copies. Original in libburn/libburn.h : burn_header_version_* BURN_MAJOR_VERSION=0 BURN_MINOR_VERSION=4 BURN_MICRO_VERSION=4 BURN_VERSION=$BURN_MAJOR_VERSION.$BURN_MINOR_VERSION.$BURN_MICRO_VERSION AC_SUBST(BURN_MAJOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(BURN_MINOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(BURN_MICRO_VERSION) AC_SUBST(BURN_VERSION) dnl Libtool versioning LT_RELEASE=$BURN_MAJOR_VERSION.$BURN_MINOR_VERSION.$BURN_MICRO_VERSION dnl dnl ts A80127 dnl This is the release version libburn-0.4.4 = dnl ### This is the development version after libburn-0.4.4 = dnl ### LT_CURRENT++, LT_AGE++ has not yet happened. dnl dnl SONAME = 13 - 9 = 4 . Library name = LT_CURRENT=13 LT_REVISION=0 LT_AGE=9 LT_CURRENT_MINUS_AGE=`expr $LT_CURRENT - $LT_AGE` AC_SUBST(LT_RELEASE) AC_SUBST(LT_CURRENT) AC_SUBST(LT_REVISION) AC_SUBST(LT_AGE) AC_SUBST(LT_CURRENT_MINUS_AGE) dnl ts A71207: This is done only not to break any old components BURN_INTERFACE_AGE=$LT_REVISION BURN_BINARY_AGE=`expr $LT_AGE + $BURN_INTERFACE_AGE` AC_SUBST(BURN_INTERFACE_AGE) AC_SUBST(BURN_BINARY_AGE) AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT([/usr/local]) test "$prefix" = "NONE" && prefix=$ac_default_prefix AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AM_PROG_CC_C_O AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_C_BIGENDIAN dnl Large file support AC_SYS_LARGEFILE AC_FUNC_FSEEKO AC_CHECK_FUNC([fseeko]) if test ! $ac_cv_func_fseeko; then AC_ERROR([Libburn requires largefile support.]) fi AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_SUBST(LIBTOOL_DEPS) LIBTOOL="$LIBTOOL --silent" AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_CHECK_HEADERS() THREAD_LIBS=-lpthread AC_SUBST(THREAD_LIBS) TARGET_SHIZZLE AC_SUBST(ARCH) AC_SUBST(LIBBURN_ARCH_LIBS) dnl Add compiler-specific flags dnl See if the user wants aggressive optimizations of the code AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --enable-debug Disable aggressive optimizations [default=yes]], , enable_debug=yes) if test x$enable_debug != xyes; then if test x$GCC = xyes; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fexpensive-optimizations" fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DNDEBUG" else if test x$GCC = xyes; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g -pedantic -Wall" fi CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DDEBUG" fi AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile doc/doxygen.conf version.h libburn-1.pc ]) AC_OUTPUT