/** @author Dana Jansens, Derek Foreman @mainpage Libburn Documentation Index @section intro Introduction Libburn is an open source library suite for reading, mastering and writing optical discs. @section using Using the library @subsection concepts Library concepts There are a few concepts to introduce in order for you to understand how to use Libburn. So, lets start with them:
  1. Read - The process of reading the data on a disc for storage or copying.
  2. Write - The process of writing data onto a disc to create a new disc image or append to an existing one.
  3. Drive - A Drive is a hardware device used to reading and/or writing discs. CD burners and CD-ROMs are examples of Drives.
@subsection working Working with the library Now that you understand the above @ref concepts, you're ready to look at the actual use of the library. In general, using the library to perform a process consists of the following steps:
  1. Initialize the library. (If not already done; a single instance of the library can perform multiple operations simultaneously with multiple drives.)
  2. Scan for available Drives.
  3. Choose and grab a Drive for reading/writing.
  4. Fill in the options for the operation.
  5. Wait for the operation to complete, displaying status along the way if desired.
  6. Release the Drive.
  7. Destroy the library instance. (If you're done working with the library.)
Here's a very simple example of burning an ISO file @include burniso.c */