/* os.h Operating system specific libburn definitions and declarations. The macros defined here are used by libburn modules in order to avoid own system dependent case distinctions. Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Schmitt , provided under GPLv2+ */ #ifndef BURN_OS_H_INCLUDED #define BURN_OS_H_INCLUDED 1 /* Operating system case distinction */ #ifdef Libburn_use_libcdiO /* -------------------------- X/Open with GNU libcdio ---------------------- */ #include "os-libcdio.h" #else #ifdef __FreeBSD__ /* ----------------------------- FreeBSD with CAM -------------------------- */ #include "os-freebsd.h" #else #ifdef __FreeBSD_kernel__ /* ----------------------- FreeBSD with CAM under Debian ------------------- */ #include "os-freebsd.h" #else #ifdef __linux /* ------- Linux kernels 2.4 and 2.6 with GNU/Linux SCSI Generic (sg) ------ */ #include "os-linux.h" #else /* --------- Any other system. With dummy MMC transport sg-dummy.c --------- */ #include "os-dummy.h" #endif /* ! __linux */ #endif /* ! __FreeBSD__kernel__ */ #endif /* ! __FreeBSD__ */ #endif /* ! Libburn_use_libcdiO */ #endif /* ! BURN_OS_H_INCLUDED */