Thomas Schmitt 11f16316b1 Made use of libburn device address translation (/dev/sr0, /dev/cdrom, ...) 2006-11-25 15:43:31 +00:00
Makefile Initial import 2006-08-15 20:37:04 +00:00
dewav.c Enabled automatic extraction of .au 2006-10-24 13:02:20 +00:00
fake_au.c Introduced temporary test program to produce SUN .au files 2006-10-24 14:10:16 +00:00
libburner.c Made use of libburn device address translation (/dev/sr0, /dev/cdrom, ...) 2006-11-25 15:43:31 +00:00
poll.c Initial import 2006-08-15 20:37:04 +00:00
structest.c Initial import 2006-08-15 20:37:04 +00:00
telltoc.c Made use of libburn device address translation (/dev/sr0, /dev/cdrom, ...) 2006-11-25 15:43:31 +00:00