2007-10-18 19:39:13 +00:00
add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_3_8 Updated cdrskin tarball generators 2007-07-20 18:55:50 +00:00
add_ts_changes_to_libburn_0_3_9 Reflected recent URL changes to 2007-08-11 07:51:04 +00:00 Imported proper cdrskin files 2006-08-18 17:03:41 +00:00
cdrfifo.c New cdrskin option --grow_overwriteable_iso 2007-08-26 20:09:47 +00:00
cdrfifo.h New cdrskin option --grow_overwriteable_iso 2007-08-26 20:09:47 +00:00
cdrskin_eng.html Next cdrskin-0.3.9 cycle 2007-09-19 12:46:53 +00:00
cdrskin_timestamp.h Calmed down hyperactive sleep interval with drive scanning 2007-10-18 19:39:13 +00:00
cdrskin.1 Disallowed emulated drives for superuser, allowed stdio:/dev/null for all 2007-09-27 08:34:26 +00:00
cdrskin.c Corrected 4-byte buffer overflow (which did no detectable harm) 2007-10-15 11:55:34 +00:00
changelog.txt Next cdrskin-0.3.9 cycle 2007-09-27 10:39:37 +00:00
cleanup.c Kept SIGWINCH from spoiling a burn. 2007-01-11 13:31:28 +00:00
cleanup.h Implemented new API function burn_set_signal_handling(), libburner uses it 2006-10-03 16:37:08 +00:00 Made -O2 default if not -g is given 2007-09-26 17:39:35 +00:00 Disallowed emulated drives for superuser, allowed stdio:/dev/null for all 2007-09-27 08:34:26 +00:00
doener_150x200_tr_octx.png Changed logo graphics format from GIF to PNG 2007-06-08 09:59:29 +00:00
doener_150x200_tr.png Changed logo graphics format from GIF to PNG 2007-06-08 09:59:29 +00:00 Prepared for new revision timestamps to mark cdrskin test versions 2006-09-13 09:39:39 +00:00
README Disallowed emulated drives for superuser, allowed stdio:/dev/null for all 2007-09-27 08:34:26 +00:00
wiki_plain.txt Reflected recent URL changes to 2007-08-11 07:51:04 +00:00

cdrskin. By Thomas Schmitt <>
Integrated sub project of but also published via:
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Thomas Schmitt, provided under GPL version 2.

cdrskin is a limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper which allows to use
most of the libburn features from the command line.

Currently it is only supported on Linux with kernels >= 2.4.

By using this software you agree to the disclaimer at the end of this text
"This software is provided as is. There is no warranty implied and ..."

                   Compilation, First Glimpse, Installation

Obtain cdrskin-0.3.9.tar.gz, take it to a directory of your choice and do:

    tar xzf cdrskin-0.3.9.tar.gz
    cd cdrskin-0.3.9

Within that directory execute:

    ./configure --prefix=/usr

This will already produce a cdrskin binary. But it might be necessary to
install libburn in order to use this binary. Installation of libburn is
beyond the scope of cdrskin. For this, see included libburn docs.

In order to surely get a standalone binary, execute


Version identification and help texts available afterwards:
    cdrskin/cdrskin -version
    cdrskin/cdrskin --help
    cdrskin/cdrskin -help
    man cdrskin/cdrskin.1

Install (eventually as superuser) cdrskin to a directory where it can be found:
If cdrskin was already installed by a previous version, or by "make install"
in the course of this installation, then find out where:
    which cdrskin 
Copy your standalone binary to exactly the address which you get as reply 

    cp cdrskin/cdrskin /usr/bin/cdrskin

Check the version timestamps of the globally installed binary
    cdrskin -version

It is not necessary for the standalone cdrskin binary to have libburn
installed, since it incorporates the necessary libburn parts at compile time.
It will not collide with an installed version of libburn either.
But libpthread must be installed on the system and glibc has to match. (See
below for a way to create a statically linked binary.)

To install the man page, you may do: echo $MANPATH and choose one of the
listed directories to copy the man-page under its ./man1 directory. Like:
    cp cdrskin/cdrskin.1 /usr/share/man/man1/cdrskin.1

Note: The content of the cdrskin tarball is essentially the complete libburn
      of the same version number. You may thus perform above steps in a local
      SVN copy of libburn or in a unpacked libburn tarball as well.


The user of cdrskin needs rw-permission for the CD burner device.
A list of rw-accessible drives can be obtained by

    cdrskin --devices

CD devices which offer no rw-permission are invisible to normal users.
The superuser should be able to see any usable drive and then set the
permissions as needed. If this hangs then there is a drive with
unexpected problems (locked, busy, broken, whatever). You might have to
guess the address of your (non-broken) burner by other means, then.
On Linux 2.4 this would be some /dev/sgN and on 2.6. some /dev/srM or /dev/hdX.

The output of  cdrskin --devices  might look like

    0  dev='/dev/sr0'  rwrwr- :  '_NEC'  'DVD_RW ND-4570A'
    1  dev='/dev/sr1'  rwrw-- :  'HL-DT-ST'  'DVDRAM GSA-4082B'

So full and insecure enabling of both for everybody would look like

    chmod a+rw /dev/sr0 /dev/sr1

This is equivalent to the traditional setup chmod a+x,u+s cdrecord.

I strongly discourage to run cdrskin with setuid root or via sudo !
It is not checked for the necessary degree of hacker safety.

Consider to put all authorized users into group "floppy", to chgrp the
device file to that group and to disallow w-access to others.

Helpful with Linux kernel 2.4 is a special SCSI feature:
It is possible to address a scsi(-emulated) drive via associated device files
which are not listed by option --devices but point to the same SCSI addresses
as listed device files. This addressing via e.g. /dev/sr0 or /dev/scd1 is
compatible with generic read programs like dd and with write program growisofs.
For finding /dev/sg1 from /dev/sr0, the program needs rw-access to both files.

                                Usage examples 

For options and recordable media classes see 
    man 1 cdrskin

Get an overview of cdrecord style addresses of available devices
    cdrskin -scanbus 
    cdrskin dev=ATA -scanbus 
    cdrskin --devices

Adresses reported with dev=ATA need prefix "ATA:". Address examples:
    dev=0,1,0  dev=ATA:1,0,0  dev=/dev/sg1  dev=/dev/hdc  dev=/dev/sr0
See also "Drive Addressing" below.

Obtain some info about the drive
    cdrskin dev=0,1,0 -checkdrive 

Obtain some info about the drive and the inserted media
    cdrskin dev=0,1,0 -atip -v

Make used CD-RW or used unformatted DVD-RW writeable again
    cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 blank=fast -eject 

Format DVD-RW to avoid need for blanking before re-use
    cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 blank=format_overwrite

De-format DVD-RW to make it capable of multi-session again
    cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 blank=deformat_sequential

Burn image file  my_image.iso  to media
    cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 speed=12 fs=8m driveropts=burnfree padsize=300k \
            -eject  my_image.iso 

Write multi-session to the same CD , DVD-R[W] or DVD+R
    cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -multi 1.iso
    cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -multi -tao 2.iso
    cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -multi -tao 3.iso
    cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc padsize=300k -tao 4.iso

Get multi-session info for option -C of program mkisofs:
    c_values=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/hdc -msinfo 2>/dev/null)
    mkisofs ... -C "$c_values" ...

Burn a compressed afio archive to media on-the-fly
    find . | afio -oZ - | cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 fs=32m speed=8 -tao \
                                  driveropts=burnfree padsize=300k - 

Burn 6 audio tracks from files with different formats to CD (not to any DVD).
Anything except .wav or .au files has to be converted into raw format first.
See below "Audio CD" for specifications.
    ogg123 -d raw -f /path/to/track1.ogg
    oggdec -R -o /path/to/track2.ogg
    lame --decode -t /path/to/track3.mp3   
    madplay -o /path/to/track4.mp3
    mppdec --raw-le /path/to/track5.mpc

    cdrskin -v dev=0,1,0 blank=fast -eject speed=48 -sao \
           -audio -swab track0[1-5].cd /path/to/track6.wav


Several advanced CD related options of cdrecord are still unsupported.
See output of command
    cdrskin --list_ignored_options
If you have use cases for them, please report your wishes and expectations.

DVD support is restricted to single layer DVD for now. Double layer media
are implemented but untested.
On the other hand, the capability of multi-session and of writing streams
of unpredicted lenght surpass the current DVD capabilities of cdrecord.

                           Inspiration and Standard

cdrskin combines the command line interface standard set by cdrecord with
libburn, which is a control software for optical drives according to standard
MMC-5. For particular CD legacy commands, standards MMC-3 and MMC-1 apply.

For the original meaning of cdrecord options see :
    man cdrecord 
Do not bother Joerg Schilling with any cdrskin problems.
(Be cursed if you install cdrskin as "cdrecord" without clearly forwarding
 this "don't bother Joerg" demand.)

cdrskin does not contain any bytes copied from cdrecord's sources. Many bytes
have been copied from the message output of cdrecord runs, though. I am
thankful to Joerg Schilling for every single one of them.
I have the hope that Joerg feels more flattered than annoyed by cdrskin.

Many thanks to Andy Polyakov for his dvd+rw-tools
which provide me with examples and pointers into MMC specs for DVD writing.

                                 Startup Files

If not --no_rc is the first argument then cdrskin attempts on startup to read
arguments from the following three files:
The files are read in the sequence given above.
Each readable line is treated as one single argument. No extra blanks.
A first character '#' marks a comment, empty lines are ignored.

Example content of a startup file:
# This is the default device

# Some more options

                                  Audio CD

Lorenzo Taylor enabled option -audio in cdrskin (thanks !) and reports neat
results with audio data files which are :
  headerless PCM (i.e. uncompressed)
  44100 Hz sampling rate 
  16 bits per sample
  stereo (2 channels)
  little-endian byte order with option -swab, or big-endian without -swab

Files with name extension .wav get examined wether they are in Microsoft WAVE
format with above parameters and eventually get extracted by cdrskin itself.
In the same way files with name extension .au get examined wether they are
in SUN's audio format. For both formats, track format -audio and eventual
endianness option -swab are enabled automatically.

Any other formats are to be converted to format .wav with above parameters
or to be extracted as raw CD track data by commands like those given above
under "Usage examples". Those raw files need option -audio and in most cases 
option -swab to mark them as little-endian/Intel/LSB-first 16-bit data.
Incorrect endianness setting results in random noise on CD.

I myself am not into audio. So might be the
best address for suggestions, requests and bug reports.

                             DVD+RW and DVD-RAM

DVD+RW and DVD-RAM media get treated as blank media regardless wether they
hold data or not. Options -audio and -multi are not allowed. Only one track
is allowed. -toc does not return information about the media content.
Speed is counted in DVD units (i.e. 1x = 1,385,000 bytes/second). Currently
there is no difference between -sao and -tao. If ever, then -tao will be the
mode which preserves the current behavior.

Program growisofs can append to an ISO filesystem on DVD+RW by additionally
manipulating the first session. Meanwhile cdrskin can do the same.
Option --grow_overwriteable_iso allows -multi (although unneeded), enables
-msinfo and -toc, and makes blank=fast an invalidator for ISO filesystems
on overwriteable media.

Initial session (equivalent to growisofs -Z): 
  mkisofs ... | cdrskin --grow_overwriteable_iso blank=fast ...

Add-on session (equivalent to growisofs -M):
  cparms=$(cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 --grow_overwriteable_iso -msinfo)
  mkisofs -C "$cparms" -M /dev/sr0 ... | \
    cdrskin dev=/dev/sr0 --grow_overwriteable_iso ... -

                               DVD-RW and DVD-R

DVD-RW are usable if formatted to state "Restricted Overwrite" or if in state
"Sequential Recording". DVD-R are always in sequential state.

"Sequential" is the state of unused media and of media previously blanked
or written by cdrecord. dvd+rw-format -blank can also achieve this state.
The according cdrskin option is blank=deformat_sequential .
If "Incremental Streaming" is available, then sequential media are capable
of multi-session like CD-R[W]. (But not capable of -audio recording.)
This means they need option -multi to stay appendable, need to be blanked
to be writeable from start, return useable info with -toc and -msinfo,
eventually perform appending automatically.
Without Incremental Streaming offered by the drive, only write mode DAO is
available with sequential DVD-R[W]. It only works with blank media, allows only
one single track, no -multi, and demands a fixely predicted track size.
(growisofs uses it with DVD-R[W] if option -dvd-compat is given.)
Overwriteable DVD-RW behave much like DVD+RW. "Restricted" refers only to the
granularity of random access and block size which have always to be aligned to
full 32 kB. Sequential DVD-RW are converted into overwriteable DVD-RW by
  cdrskin dev=... -v blank=format_overwrite
(Command  dvd+rw-format -force  can achieve Restricted Overwrite, too.)

Formatting or first use of freshly formatted DVD-RW can produce unusual noises
from the drive and last several minutes. Depending on mutual compatibility of
drive and media, formatting can yield unusable media. It seems that those die
too on blanking by cdrecord, dvd+rw-format or cdrskin. Perils of DVD-RW.

There are three DVD-RW formatting variants with cdrskin currently:

blank=format_overwrite  uses "DVD-RW Quick" formatting (MMC-type 15h)
and writes a first session of 128 MiB. This leads to media which are expandable
and random addressable by cdrskin.

blank=format_overwrite_quickest  uses "DVD-RW Quick" formatting (type 15h) too,
but leaves the media in "intermediate" state. In the first session of writing
one may only write sequentially to such a DVD. After that, it gets random
addressable by cdrskin. DVD-ROM drives might show ill behavior with them.

blank=format_overwrite_full  uses preferrably "Full Format" (type 00h).
This formatting lasts as long as writing a full DVD. It includes writing of
lead-out which is said to be good for DVD ROM compatibility. 

De-formatting options are available to make overwriteable DVD-RW sequential:

blank=deformat_sequential  performs thorough blanking of all states of DVD-RW.
blank=all and blank=fast perform the same thorough blanking, but refuse to do
this with overwriteable DVD-RW, thus preserving their formatting. The specs
allow minimal blanking but the resulting media on my drives offer no 
Incremental Streaming afterwards. So blank=fast will do full blanking. 

blank=deformat_sequential_quickest   is faster but might yield DAO-only media.


From the view of cdrskin they behave much like DVD-R. Each track gets wrapped
into an own session, though.

                              Emulated Drives

cdrskin can use filesystem objects as emulated drives. Regular files or block
devices appear similar to DVD-RAM. Other file types resemble blank DVD-R.
Necessary precondition is option --allow_emulated_drives which is not accepted
if cdrskin took another user identity because of the setuid bit of its access
Addresses of emulated drives begin with prefix "stdio:". E.g.

For safety reasons the superuser is only allowed to use /dev/null as emulated
drive. See man page section FILES for a way to lift that ban.


                        Special compilation variations

You may get a (super fat) statically linked binary by :
    cdrskin/ -static
if your system supports static linking, at all. This will not help with kernels
which do not properly support the necessary low-level interfaces chosen by
your compile-time libraries.

A size reduced but fully functional binary may be produced by 
    cdrskin/ -do_strip

An extra lean binary with reduced capabilities is created by
    cdrskin/ -do_diet -do_strip
It will not read startup files, will abort on option  dev_translation= ,
will not have a fifo buffer, and will not be able to put out help texts or
debugging messages.

                      Project aspects and legal stuff

Important Disclaimer :

This software is provided as is. There is no warranty implied and no
protection against possible damages. You use this on your own risk.
Don't blame me or other authors of libburn if anything goes wrong.

Actually, in case of severe trouble, nearly always the drive and the media
are the cause. Any mistake of the burn program is supposed to be caught
by the drive's firmware and to lead to mere misburns.
The worst mishaps which hit the author implied the need to reboot the
system because of drives gnawing endlessly on ill media. Permanent hardware
damage did not occur in 1.5 years of development.


Interested users are invited to participate in the development of cdrskin.
Contact: or .
We will keep copyright narrow but will of course acknowledge valuable
contributions in a due way.


    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Based on and sub project of:
By Mario Danic <> and Thomas Schmitt <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Mario Danic, Thomas Schmitt is inspired by and in other components still containing
parts of
Libburn. By Derek Foreman <> and
            Ben Jansens <>
Copyright (C) 2002-2006  Derek Foreman and Ben Jansens
See toplevel README for an overview of the current copyright situation in

cdrskin is currently copyright Thomas Schmitt only.
It adopts the following commitment by the toplevel copyright holders:

We, the copyright holders, agree on the interpretation that
dynamical linking of our libraries constitutes "use of" and
not "derivation from" our work in the sense of GPL, provided
those libraries are compiled from our unaltered code.

Thus you may link our libraries dynamically with applications
which are not under GPL. You may distribute our libraries and
application tools in binary form, if you fulfill the usual
condition of GPL to offer a copy of the source code -altered
or unaltered- under GPL.

We ask you politely to use our work in open source spirit
and with the due reference to the entire open source community.

If there should really arise the case where above clarification
does not suffice to fulfill a clear and neat request in open source
spirit that would otherwise be declined for mere formal reasons,
only in that case we will duely consider to issue a special license
covering only that special case.
It is the open source idea of responsible freedom which will be
decisive and you will have to prove that you exhausted all own
means to qualify for GPL.

For now we are firmly committed to maintain one single license: GPL.

signed for cdrskin: Thomas Schmitt