Improved xorriso-tcltk file browser
This commit is contained in:
@ -1025,9 +1025,9 @@ set browse_disk_window_var ""
set browse_iso_window_is_active 0
set browse_iso_window_var ""
# Whether a selection event in the file browser shal trigger a Return in
# the associated text field after setting the selected value.
set browse_select_is_return 1
# Whether to bring the selected browser item directly into the text field
set browse_select_is_setvar 1
# ------ GUI callback procedures ----
@ -2196,9 +2196,18 @@ proc browse_tree_fill_dir {tr parent children} {
# The command to be executed when the user selects a node.
proc browse_tree_select {adr_var_name tr selected} {
global browse_select_is_setvar
if {"$browse_select_is_setvar" == 0} {return ""}
browse_tree_accept "$adr_var_name" 0 "$tr" "$selected"
# The command to be executed when the user double-clicks a node.
proc browse_tree_accept {adr_var_name do_return tr selected} {
global extract_to_adr insert_from_adr burn_write_image_adr isodir_adr
global isomanip_move_target indev_adr outdev_adr
global browse_select_is_return
if {[llength "$selected"] == 0} {
set value ""
@ -2207,35 +2216,91 @@ proc browse_tree_select {adr_var_name tr selected} {
if {"$adr_var_name" == "burn_write_image_adr"} {
set burn_write_image_adr "$value"
if {"$browse_select_is_return" == 1} {burn_write_image}
if {"$do_return" == 1} {burn_write_image}
if {"$adr_var_name" == "extract_to_adr"} {
set extract_to_adr "$value"
if {"$browse_select_is_return" == 1} {extract_to}
if {"$do_return" == 1} {extract_to}
if {"$adr_var_name" == "insert_from_adr"} {
set insert_from_adr "$value"
if {"$browse_select_is_return" == 1} {insert_from}
if {"$do_return" == 1} {insert_from}
if {"$adr_var_name" == "isodir_adr"} {
set isodir_adr "$value"
if {"$browse_select_is_return" == 1} {isodir_return "browse_tree_select"}
if {"$do_return" == 1} {isodir_return "browse_tree_select"}
if {"$adr_var_name" == "isomanip_move_target"} {
set isomanip_move_target "$value"
# No browse_select_is_return because the field is shared between buttons
# No do_return because the field is shared between buttons
if {"$adr_var_name" == "indev_adr"} {
set indev_adr "$value"
if {"$browse_select_is_return" == 1} {indev_return}
if {"$do_return" == 1} {indev_return}
if {"$adr_var_name" == "outdev_adr"} {
set outdev_adr "$value"
if {"$browse_select_is_return" == 1} {outdev_return}
if {"$do_return" == 1} {outdev_return}
# Accept the single selected item of the tree browser
# Called by the \"Accept\" button in the browser window.
proc browse_tree_accept_sel {adr_var_name do_return tr} {
set selected [$tr selection get]
if {[llength "$selected"] != 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select a single tree item clicking the \"Accept\" button."
return ""
browse_tree_accept "$adr_var_name" 1 "$tr" "$selected"
# Move up one directory level of the file browser selection
proc browse_tree_up {adr_var_name tr which_fs} {
global extract_to_adr insert_from_adr burn_write_image_adr isodir_adr
global isomanip_move_target indev_adr outdev_adr
set selected [$tr selection get]
if {[llength "$selected"] != 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select a single tree item clicking the \"Up\" button."
return ""
set adr [file dirname [lindex "$selected" 0]]
eval set mem $$adr_var_name
set $adr_var_name "$adr"
browse_tree_populate "$which_fs"
set $adr_var_name "$mem"
if {"$adr" != "/" && "$adr" != ""} {
$tr selection clear
$tr selection set "$adr"
# Move down one directory level of the file browser selection
proc browse_tree_down {adr_var_name tr which_fs} {
global extract_to_adr insert_from_adr burn_write_image_adr isodir_adr
global isomanip_move_target indev_adr outdev_adr
set selected [$tr selection get]
if {[llength "$selected"] != 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select a single tree item clicking the \"Down\" button."
return ""
set adr [lindex "$selected" 0]
eval set mem $$adr_var_name
set $adr_var_name "$adr"
browse_tree_populate "$which_fs"
set $adr_var_name "$mem"
$tr selection set "$adr"
# The command to be executed when the user closes a directory node.
# It replaces the directory content list by a single dummy item.
@ -2252,7 +2317,6 @@ proc browse_tree_populate {which_fs} {
global browse_iso_window_is_active browse_disk_window_is_active
global extract_to_adr insert_from_adr burn_write_image_adr isodir_adr
global isomanip_move_target indev_adr outdev_adr
global browse_select_is_return
if {"$which_fs" == "isofs"} {
if {"$browse_iso_window_is_active" == 0} {return ""}
@ -2290,6 +2354,14 @@ proc browse_tree_populate {which_fs} {
# The procedure to be run by mouse button 3 in the file browser.
# It has to strip off the surplus parameter added by the Tree widget.
proc browse_tree_help {about_what button_color from_item} {
window_help "$about_what" "$button_color"
# Destroy the hard disk browser pop-up window.
proc destroy_browse_disk {w} {
@ -2353,7 +2425,7 @@ proc browse_iso_refresh {} {
proc browse_tree {adr_var which_fs} {
upvar $adr_var adr
global have_bwidget browse_disk_window_is_active browse_iso_window_is_active
global browse_disk_window_var browse_iso_window_var
global browse_disk_window_var browse_iso_window_var tree_window_lines
set button_color "grey"
@ -2399,12 +2471,22 @@ proc browse_tree {adr_var which_fs} {
# BWidget Tree
frame $w.tree_frame
frame $w.tree_frame_y
Tree $w.tree -width 80 \
Tree $w.tree -width 80 -height "$tree_window_lines" \
-opencmd "$open_dir_cmd $w.tree" \
-closecmd "browse_tree_close_dir $w.tree" \
-selectcommand "browse_tree_select $adr_var" \
-selectfill 1 \
-yscrollcommand "$w.treescroll_y set" \
-xscrollcommand "$w.treescroll_x set"
# ??? why doesn't <Return> work ?
# $w.tree bindText <Return> "browse_tree_accept $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
# At least double-click does work
$w.tree bindText <Double-Button-1> "browse_tree_accept $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
$w.tree bindText <Button-3> {browse_tree_help "Browse tree" grey}
scrollbar $w.treescroll_y -command "$w.tree yview"
scrollbar $w.treescroll_x -orient horizontal -command "$w.tree xview "
pack $w.tree -in $w.tree_frame_y -side left -expand 1 -fill both
@ -2412,19 +2494,29 @@ proc browse_tree {adr_var which_fs} {
pack $w.tree_frame_y $w.treescroll_x -in $w.tree_frame \
-side top -expand 1 -fill both
# >>> Need key bindings for navigation and selection
# >>> Need help bindings
button $w.close -text "Close" -command "$destroy_cmd $w" \
frame $w.button_line
set button_width 10
button $w.accept -text "Accept" -width "$button_width" \
-command "browse_tree_accept_sel $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
bind_help $w.accept "Accept (browse tree)"
button $w.up -text "Up" -width "$button_width" \
-command "browse_tree_up $adr_var $w.tree $which_fs"
bind_help $w.up "Up (browse tree)"
button $w.down -text "Down" -width "$button_width" \
-command "browse_tree_down $adr_var $w.tree $which_fs"
bind_help $w.down "Down (browse tree)"
button $ -text "Help" -width "$button_width" \
-command {window_help "Browse tree" grey}
bind_help $ "Browse tree"
button $w.close -text "Close" -width "$button_width" \
-command "$destroy_cmd $w" \
-background "$button_color"
bind_help $w.close "Close (browse tree)"
pack $w.accept $w.up $w.down $ $w.close \
-in $w.button_line -side left -expand 1 -fill both
# >>> Need "Up" button
pack $w.tree_frame $w.close -side top
pack $w.tree_frame $w.button_line -side top
focus $w.tree
} else {
raise $w
@ -2765,6 +2857,9 @@ set help_window_lines 18
# The distance of the help text from the help window border
set help_window_border_width 0
# The number of items to display in a tree browser window
set tree_window_lines 12
# -------- GUI definition procedures
@ -3351,13 +3446,13 @@ proc init_localfs_aux {} {
.overwrite_disk_files_button \
-in .localfs_aux_frame -side left
if {"$have_bwidget" == 1} {
checkbutton .browse_select_is_return -text "File browser Return" \
checkbutton .browse_select_is_setvar -text "File browser textfield" \
-indicatoron 1 -selectcolor "" \
-relief ridge -borderwidth 2 \
-variable "browse_select_is_return" \
-variable "browse_select_is_setvar" \
-onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
bind_help .browse_select_is_return "File browser Return"
pack .browse_select_is_return -in .localfs_aux_frame -side left
bind_help .browse_select_is_setvar "File browser textfield"
pack .browse_select_is_setvar -in .localfs_aux_frame -side left
button .avail_button -text "Refresh avail:" \
@ -3983,70 +4078,85 @@ underneath \"ISO directory:\".
This copies the selected files or directory trees from the input drive
to the address on hard disk which is given by the text field right of
the button."
if {"$what" == "Browse tree"} {
return "[tell_file_browser_help 0]"
if {"$what" == "Close (browse tree)"} {
return \
"The \"Close\" button in the file browser closes the browser window without
performing other actions."
if {"$what" == "Up (browse tree)"} {
return \
"The \"Up\" button in the file browser brings you to the parent directory
of the currently selected file tree item.
The parent directory will be opened.
All opened directory trees underneath the parent will be closed."
if {"$what" == "Down (browse tree)"} {
return \
"The \"Down\" button in the file browser opens the directory underneath
the currently selected file tree item.
It has the same effect as clicking the \"+\" node of the selected item."
if {"$what" == "Accept (browse tree)"} {
return \
"The \"Accept\" button in the file browser brings the single selected item
from the file browser tree into effect with the associated text field.
It works as if the item had been double clicked."
if {"$what" == "Browse disk (extract)"} {
return \
"The \"/\" button in the \"Extract to disk:\" line pops up a file tree
browser to select a target address in the hard disk filesystem.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Click on an item to bring it into effect with the \"Extract to disk:\"
[tell_file_browser_help 1]"
if {"$what" == "Browse disk (burn image)"} {
return \
"The \"/\" button beneath the \"Burn image file\" field pops up a file
tree browser to select a source address in the hard disk filesystem.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Click on an item to bring it into effect with the \"Burn image file\"
[tell_file_browser_help 1]"
if {"$what" == "Browse disk (insert)"} {
return \
"The \"/\" button beneath the \"Insert from disk\" field pops up a file
tree browser to select a source address in the hard disk filesystem.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Click on an item to bring it into effect with the \"Insert from disk\"
[tell_file_browser_help 1]"
if {"$what" == "Browse disk (indev)"} {
return \
"The \"/\" button in the \"Input drive or image\" line pops up a file tree
browser to select a source address in the hard disk filesystem.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Click on an item to bring it into effect with the \"Input drive or image\"
[tell_file_browser_help 1]"
if {"$what" == "Browse disk (outdev)"} {
return \
"The \"/\" button in the \"Output drive or image\" line pops up a file tree
browser to select a source address in the hard disk filesystem.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Click on an item to bring it into effect with the \"Output drive or image\"
[tell_file_browser_help 1]"
if {"$what" == "Browse ISO (isodir)"} {
return \
"The \"/\" button in the \"ISO directory\" line pops up a file tree
browser to select the current directory in the ISO filesystem model.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Click on an item to bring it into effect with the \"ISO directory\"
[tell_file_browser_help 1]"
if {"$what" == "Browse ISO (move target)"} {
return \
"The \"/\" button in the \"ISO selection:\" line pops up a file tree
browser to select the current directory in the ISO filesystem model.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Click on an item to bring it into the address field for \"Rename to:\"
and \"Make dir\"."
[tell_file_browser_help 1]"
if {"$what" == "Browse disk (dummy)"} {
return \
@ -4134,14 +4244,17 @@ This is DANGEROUS, of course, but comes in handy with restoring of backups.
The frontend program will only detect the most obvious name collisions,
but xorriso will reliably refuse to overwrite files if this is banned."
if {"$what" == "File browser Return"} {
if {"$what" == "File browser textfield"} {
return \
"The \"File browser Return\" switch controls whether a selection click in
the file browser shall also hit the Return key after setting the
selected address into the text input field.
"The \"File browser textfield\" switch controls whether a single click
or cursor movement in the file browser shall bring the selected file
address into the associated text input field.
If the switch is disabled, then the address gets written into the field
but no further action is triggered."
only if double clicked.
In any case, double clicked addresses get treated as if the Return key
had been hit in the text field."
if {"$what" == "Refresh avail:"} {
return \
@ -4282,6 +4395,30 @@ resp. directory creation."
# Tell the general help text of the file browser.
proc tell_file_browser_help {with_separator} {
set sep ""
if {"$with_separator" == 1} {
set sep \
return \
"${sep}The file tree browser presents to you a directory tree and
lets you bring into effect one of the file addresses in that tree.
Click on the \"+\" resp. \"-\" nodes to open resp. close directories.
Double click on an item to bring it into effect with the associated
text field. I.e. double clicking also hits the Return key in that field.
If the \"File browser textfield\" switch is enabled then a single click
or a cursor movement by the arrow keys brings the selected item into
the associated text field, but does not hit the Return key. So you may
edit the name before hitting Return yourself."
# ------- Misc helper procedures -------
@ -1 +1 @@
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2012.12.30.115258"
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2012.12.30.195312"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user