# configure.ac stems from xorriso/configure_ac.txt and leads to ./configure # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2025 Thomas Schmitt # Provided under GPL version 2 or later. AC_INIT([xorriso], [1.5.7], [http://libburnia-project.org]) AC_PREREQ([2.50]) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CANONICAL_TARGET LIBBURNIA_SET_FLAGS AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([subdir-objects]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([./]) dnl Let autoheader produce config.h.in and let configure produce config.h dnl This saves about 500 characters of compile message per source file. AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_standalonE], [Define to prepare sources for statically linked xorriso]) AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_standalonE], []) BURN_MAJOR_VERSION=1 BURN_MINOR_VERSION=5 BURN_MICRO_VERSION=7 AC_SUBST(BURN_MAJOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(BURN_MINOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(BURN_MICRO_VERSION) LIBISOFS_MAJOR_VERSION=1 LIBISOFS_MINOR_VERSION=5 LIBISOFS_MICRO_VERSION=7 AC_SUBST(LIBISOFS_MAJOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(LIBISOFS_MINOR_VERSION) AC_SUBST(LIBISOFS_MICRO_VERSION) dnl The API version codes are defined in libisoburn/libisoburn.h dnl #define isoburn_header_version_* AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT([/usr/local]) test "$prefix" = "NONE" && prefix=$ac_default_prefix dnl ts B90405 : Disabled on advise of Ross Burton dnl AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AM_PROG_CC_C_O AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_C_BIGENDIAN dnl Large file support AC_SYS_LARGEFILE AC_FUNC_FSEEKO AC_CHECK_FUNC([fseeko]) if test ! $ac_cv_func_fseeko; then AC_ERROR([Libburn requires largefile support.]) fi AH_TEMPLATE([ICONV_CONST], [Whether to apply const qualifier to iconv inbuf]) if test x$XORRISO_OLD_ICONV_CONFIGURE = x then dnl ts B00410 : To detect the need for -liconv and const argument of iconv() LIBBURNIA_CHECK_ICONV dnl ts B00411 : To abort configuration if iconv() still cannot be compiled LIBBURNIA_ASSERT_ICONV else dnl Outdated: produces double -liconv and warnings about parameter mismatch dnl If iconv(3) is in an extra libiconv, then it gets added to variable LIBS. dnl If not, then no -liconv will be added. AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv, iconv, , ) dnl GNU iconv has no function iconv() but libiconv() and a macro iconv() AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv, libiconv, , ) fi AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_SUBST(LIBTOOL_DEPS) dnl LIBTOOL="$LIBTOOL --silent" AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_CHECK_HEADERS() AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct tm.tm_gmtoff], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TM_GMTOFF, 1, [Define this if tm structure includes a tm_gmtoff entry.])], , [#include ]) dnl Check if non standard timegm() function is available AC_CHECK_DECL([timegm], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TIMEGM, 1, [Define this if timegm function is available])], , [#include ]) dnl Whether timezone is an integer variable AH_TEMPLATE([Libburnia_timezonE], [Either timezone or 0]) LIBBURNIA_TRY_TIMEZONE if test x$LIBBURNIA_TIMEZONE = xtimezone then AC_DEFINE([Libburnia_timezonE], [timezone]) else AC_DEFINE([Libburnia_timezonE], [0]) fi dnl Check if non standard eaccess() function is available AC_CHECK_DECL([eaccess], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EACCESS, 1, [Define this if eaccess function is available])], , [#include ]) THREAD_LIBS=-lpthread AC_SUBST(THREAD_LIBS) TARGET_SHIZZLE AC_SUBST(ARCH) AC_SUBST(LIBBURNIA_PKGCONFDIR) AC_SUBST(LIBBURN_ARCH_LIBS) dnl Check the preconditions for using statvfs() in sg-dummy dnl (sg-linux and sg-freebsd use statvfs() unconditionally) AH_TEMPLATE([Libburn_os_has_statvfS], [Define to use statvfs() with libburn stdio]) STATVFS_DEF=-DLibburn_os_has_statvfS AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/statvfs.h, X=, STATVFS_DEF=) AC_CHECK_FUNC([statvfs], X=, STATVFS_DEF=) if test x$STATVFS_DEF = x-DLibburn_os_has_statvfS then AC_DEFINE([Libburn_os_has_statvfS], []) fi dnl xorriso-dd-target is addicted to the Linux kernel and util-linux lsblk if uname -s | grep '^Linux' >/dev/null then XORRISO_DD_TARGET=xorriso-dd-target/xorriso-dd-target XORRISO_DD_TARGET_MAN=xorriso-dd-target/xorriso-dd-target.1 XORRISO_DD_TARGET_TEXI=xorriso-dd-target/xorriso-dd-target.texi echo "enabled installation of xorriso-dd-target/xorriso-dd-target" else XORRISO_DD_TARGET= XORRISO_DD_TARGET_MAN= XORRISO_DD_TARGET_TEXI= echo "disabled installation of xorriso-dd-target/xorriso-dd-target" fi AC_SUBST(XORRISO_DD_TARGET) AC_SUBST(XORRISO_DD_TARGET_MAN) AC_SUBST(XORRISO_DD_TARGET_TEXI) dnl Add compiler-specific flags dnl See if the user wants aggressive optimizations of the code AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --enable-debug Disable aggressive optimizations [default=yes]], , enable_debug=yes) if test x$enable_debug != xyes; then if test x$GCC = xyes; then CFLAGS="-O3 $CFLAGS" CFLAGS="-fexpensive-optimizations $CFLAGS" fi CFLAGS="-DNDEBUG $CFLAGS" else if test x$GCC = xyes; then CFLAGS="-g -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-char-subscripts -Wno-strict-aliasing $CFLAGS" fi CFLAGS="-DDEBUG $CFLAGS" fi dnl Determine target directory for libisoburn-*.pc dnl Important: Must be performed _after_ TARGET_SHIZZLE dnl LIBBURNIA_SET_PKGCONFIG AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_with_readlinE], [Define to use libreadline]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(libreadline, [ --enable-libreadline Enable use of libreadline by xorriso, default=yes], , enable_libreadline=yes) if test x$enable_libreadline = xyes; then dnl Check whether there is readline-devel and readline-runtime. dnl If not, erase this macro which would enable use of readline(),add_history() READLINE_DEF="-DXorriso_with_readlinE" if test x$XORRISO_OLD_READLINE_CONFIGURE = x then dnl ts B00411 : To disable readline if not all needed functions are present LIBBURNIA_ASSERT_READLINE else dnl The empty yes case obviously causes -lreadline to be linked AC_CHECK_HEADER(readline/readline.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(readline, readline, , READLINE_DEF= ), READLINE_DEF= ) dnl The X= in the yes case prevents that -lreadline gets linked twice AC_CHECK_HEADER(readline/history.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(readline, add_history, X= , READLINE_DEF= ), READLINE_DEF= ) fi else READLINE_DEF= echo "disabled libreadline" fi if test x$READLINE_DEF = x; then AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_with_editlinE], [Define to use libedit if not libreadline]) if test x$enable_libreadline = xyes; then libedit_deflt=yes else libedit_deflt=no fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(libedit, [ --enable-libedit Enable use of libedit by xorriso if not libreadline, default= setting of --enable-libreadline], , enable_libedit=$libedit_deflt) if test x$enable_libedit = xyes; then READLINE_DEF="-DXorriso_with_editlinE" LIBBURNIA_ASSERT_EDITLINE else READLINE_DEF= echo "disabled libedit" fi fi if test x$READLINE_DEF = x-DXorriso_with_readlinE then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_with_readlinE], []) elif test x$READLINE_DEF = x-DXorriso_with_editlinE then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_with_editlinE], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_aaip_acL], [Define to use ACL capabilities]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(libacl, [ --enable-libacl Enable use of ACL functions by libisofs, default=yes], , enable_libacl=yes) LIBACL_DEF= has_acl_h_but_no_func=0 if test x$LIBBURNIA_SUPP_ACL = xlibacl then if test x$enable_libacl = xyes; then dnl Check whether there is libacl-devel and libacl-runtime. dnl If not, erase this macro which would enable use of acl_to_text and others LIBACL_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_aaip_acL" dnl The empty yes case obviously causes -lacl to be linked AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/acl.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(acl, acl_to_text, , has_acl_h_but_no_libacl=1 ), LIBACL_DEF= ) if test "$has_acl_h_but_no_libacl" = 1 then AC_CHECK_LIB(c, acl_to_text, X= , LIBACL_DEF= ) fi fi fi if test x$LIBACL_DEF = x-DLibisofs_with_aaip_acL then AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_aaip_acL], []) if test x$has_acl_h_but_no_libacl = x1 then echo "enabled local processing of ACL" else echo "enabled libacl, local processing of ACL" fi else echo "disabled local processing of ACL" fi AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_aaip_xattR], [Define to use Linux xattr capabilities]) AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_sys_xattR], [Define to include Linux sys/xattr.h instead of attr/xattr.h]) AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_freebsd_extattR], [Define to use FreeBSD extattr capabilities]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(xattr, [ --enable-xattr Enable use of extended file attributes by libisofs, default=yes], , enable_xattr=yes) AC_ARG_ENABLE(xattr-h-pref-attr, [ --enable-xattr-h-pref-attr Prefer include file attr/xattr.h over sys/xattr.h, default=no], , enable_xattr_h_pref_attr=no) XATTR_DEF= if test x"$LIBBURNIA_SUPP_FATTR" = xxattr then if test "x$enable_xattr" = xyes; then dnl Check whether there is the header for Linux xattr. dnl If not, erase this macro which would enable use of listxattr and others XATTR_A_DEF= XATTR_S_DEF= if test x"$enable_xattr_h_pref_attr" = xyes then echo "prefering include file attr/xattr.h over sys/attr.h" XATTR_A_DEF=1 AC_CHECK_HEADER(attr/xattr.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(c, listxattr, X= , XATTR_A_DEF= ), XATTR_A_DEF= ) if test x"$XATTR_A_DEF" = x1 then XATTR_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_aaip_xattR" else XATTR_S_DEF=1 AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/xattr.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(c, listxattr, X= , XATTR_S_DEF= ), XATTR_S_DEF= ) if test x"$XATTR_S_DEF" = x1 then XATTR_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_aaip_xattR" AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_sys_xattR], []) fi fi else XATTR_S_DEF=1 AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/xattr.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(c, listxattr, X= , XATTR_S_DEF= ), XATTR_S_DEF= ) if test x"$XATTR_S_DEF" = x1 then XATTR_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_aaip_xattR" AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_sys_xattR], []) else XATTR_A_DEF=1 AC_CHECK_HEADER(attr/xattr.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(c, listxattr, X= , XATTR_A_DEF= ), XATTR_A_DEF= ) if test x"$XATTR_A_DEF" = x1 then XATTR_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_aaip_xattR" fi fi fi if test x"$XATTR_S_DEF" = x1 then echo "decided to include file sys/attr.h" elif test x"$XATTR_A_DEF" = x1 then echo "decided to include file attr/xattr.h" fi fi elif test x"$LIBBURNIA_SUPP_FATTR" = xextattr then if test "x$enable_xattr" = xyes; then XATTR_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_freebsd_extattR" AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/extattr.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(c, extattr_list_file, X=, XATTR_DEF= ), XATTR_DEF= ) fi fi if test x$XATTR_DEF = x-DLibisofs_with_aaip_xattR then AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_aaip_xattR], []) echo "enabled xattr, local processing of extended file attributes Linux style" elif test x$XATTR_DEF = x-DLibisofs_with_freebsd_extattR then AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_freebsd_extattR], []) echo "enabled extattr, local processing of extended file attributes FreeBSD style" else echo "disabled local processing of extended file attributes" fi dnl ts C40722 AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_aaip_lfa_flagS], [Define to use Linux chattr capabilities]) LFA_DEF= AC_ARG_ENABLE(lfa-flags, [ --enable-lfa-flags Enable processing of Linux chattr(1) flags, default=yes], , enable_lfa_flags=yes) if test x"$enable_lfa_flags" = xyes; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(linux/fs.h, LFA_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_aaip_lfa_flagS", LFA_DEF=) fi if test x"$LFA_DEF" = x-DLibisofs_with_aaip_lfa_flagS then AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_aaip_lfa_flagS], []) echo "enabled Linux chattr(1) flags" else echo "disabled Linux chattr(1) flags" fi dnl ts C41009 AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_aaip_projiD], [Define to use XFS-style project id capabilities]) PROJID_DEF= AC_ARG_ENABLE(projid, [ --enable-projid Enable processing of XFS-style project id, default=yes], , enable_projid=yes) if test x"$enable_projid" = xyes; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(linux/fs.h, PROJID_DEF="-DLibisofs_with_aaip_projiD", PROJID_DEF=) fi if test x"$PROJID_DEF" = x; then echo "disabled XFS-style project id" else AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_aaip_projiD], []) echo "enabled XFS-style project id" fi AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_zliB], [Define to use compression via zlib]) AH_TEMPLATE([LIBJTE_WITH_ZLIB], [Allow libjte to use zlib]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(zlib, [ --enable-zlib Enable use of zlib by libisofs, default=yes], , enable_zlib=yes) if test x$enable_zlib = xyes; then dnl Check whether there is the header for zlib. dnl If not, erase this macro which would enable use of compress2() and others. dnl Linking fails on SuSE 9.0 because zlib has compress2() but lacks dnl compressBound(). So compressBound is the more modern thing to test. dnl The empty parameter after "compressBound" causes -lz. ZLIB_DEF=yes AC_CHECK_HEADER(zlib.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(z, compressBound, , ZLIB_DEF= ), ZLIB_DEF= ) else echo "disabled use of zlib" ZLIB_DEF= fi if test x$ZLIB_DEF = xyes then AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_zliB], []) AC_DEFINE([LIBJTE_WITH_ZLIB], []) fi # There are Linuxes with no public generic SCSI interface LIBBURNIA_CHECK_LINUX_SCSI # libjte source is included in GNU xorriso. Enable it if zlib is enabled. AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_with_libjtE], [Define to use Jigdo Template Extraction via libjte]) AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_with_libjtE], [Define to use Jigdo Template Extraction via libjte]) if test x$ZLIB_DEF = xyes then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_with_libjtE], []) AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_with_libjtE], []) LIBJTE_DEF=yes echo "enabled built-in libjte" else LIBJTE_DEF= echo "disabled libjte because zlib not enabled or not available" fi dnl ts C50224 AH_TEMPLATE([Libisofs_dir_rec_size_checK], [Define to enable detailed check of directory size prediction]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(dir-rec-size-check, [ --enable-dir-rec-size-check Detailed check of directory size prediction, default=no], , dir_rec_size_check=no) if test x$enable_dir_rec_size_check = xyes; then DIR_REC_SIZE_CHECK="-DLibisofs_dir_rec_size_checK" echo "enabled detailed check of directory size prediction" else DIR_REC_SIZE_CHECK= echo "disabled detailed check of directory size prediction" fi if test x$DIR_REC_SIZE_CHECK = x-DLibisofs_dir_rec_size_checK then AC_DEFINE([Libisofs_dir_rec_size_checK], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([THREADED_CHECKSUMS], [Define to use multi-threading in built-in libjte]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(jtethreads, [ --enable-jtethreads Enable multi-threading in libjte, default=yes], , enable_jtethreads=yes) if test x$LIBJTE_DEF = xyes then if test "x$enable_jtethreads" = xyes; then mem_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $THREAD_LIBS" AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pthread_cancel()]) AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], [pthread_cancel((pthread_t) NULL);], [], [enable_jtethreads=no]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_jtethreads]) LDFLAGS="$mem_LDFLAGS" fi if test "x$enable_jtethreads" = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([THREADED_CHECKSUMS], []) echo "enabled multi-threading in libjte" else echo "disabled multi-threading in libjte" fi fi AH_TEMPLATE([LIBJTE_WITH_LIBBZ2], [Define to use libbz2 by built-in libjte]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(libbz2, [ --enable-libbz2 Enable use of libbz2 by libjte, default=yes], , enable_libbz2=yes) if test "x$enable_libbz2" = xyes -a x$LIBJTE_DEF = xyes ; then dnl Check whether there is the header for libbz2. BZIP2_DEF=yes AC_CHECK_HEADER(bzlib.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(bz2, BZ2_bzCompressInit, , BZIP2_DEF= ), BZIP2_DEF= ) else BZIP2_DEF= fi if test x$BZIP2_DEF = xyes then AC_DEFINE([LIBJTE_WITH_LIBBZ2], []) BZIP2_DEF="-DLIBJTE_WITH_LIBBZ2" fi case $host_os in cygwin*|mingw*) default_libcdio=yes ;; *) default_libcdio=no ;; esac AH_TEMPLATE([Libburn_use_libcdiO], [Define to use libcdio as system adapter]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(libcdio, [ --enable-libcdio Enable use of libcdio as system adapter, default=no (except on MSWindows)], , enable_libcdio=$default_libcdio) if test x$enable_libcdio = xyes; then dnl Check whether there is libcdio-devel and libcdio-runtime. dnl If not, erase this macro LIBCDIO_DEF="-DLibburn_use_libcdiO" dnl The empty yes case obviously causes -lcdio to be linked AC_CHECK_HEADER(cdio/cdio.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(cdio, mmc_last_cmd_sense, , LIBCDIO_DEF= ), LIBCDIO_DEF= ) else LIBCDIO_DEF= fi if test x$LIBCDIO_DEF = x then if test x$enable_libcdio = xyes then echo "WARNING: could not enable use of libcdio as system adapter" fi else if echo " $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS " | grep ' -static ' >/dev/null then echo "WARNING : found option -static in CFLAGS or LDFLAGS" echo "WARNING : libcdio API conflicts with inner symbols of xorriso" echo "WARNING : use of libcdio as system adapter disabled" LIBCDIO_DEF= else echo "enabled use of libcdio as system adapter" fi fi if test x$LIBCDIO_DEF = x-DLibburn_use_libcdiO then AC_DEFINE([Libburn_use_libcdiO], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_allow_external_filterS], [Define to allow xorriso to start external filter processes]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(external-filters, [ --enable-external-filters Enable use of external filter programs by xorriso, default=yes], , enable_external_filters=yes) if test x"$enable_external_filters" = xyes; then EXTF_DEF="-DXorriso_allow_external_filterS" echo "enabled xorriso external filter programs" else EXTF_DEF= echo "disabled xorriso external filter programs" fi if test x$EXTF_DEF = x-DXorriso_allow_external_filterS then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_allow_external_filterS], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_allow_extf_suiD], [Define to allow external filters to xorriso when running under setuid]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(external-filters-setuid, [ --enable-external-filters-setuid Enable xorriso external filter programs under setuid, default=no], , enable_external_filters_setuid=no) if test x$enable_external_filters_setuid = xyes; then EXTF_SUID_DEF="-DXorriso_allow_extf_suiD" echo "enabled xorriso external filter programs under setuid" else EXTF_SUID_DEF= echo "disabled xorriso external filter programs under setuid" fi if test x$EXTF_SUID_DEF = x-DXorriso_allow_extf_suiD then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_allow_extf_suiD], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_allow_launch_frontenD], [Define to allow xorriso command -launch_frontend]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(launch-frontend, [ --enable-launch-frontend Enable start of piped frontend program by xorriso, default=yes], , enable_launch_frontend=yes) if test x"$enable_launch_frontend" = xyes; then LFRONT_DEF="-DXorriso_allow_launch_frontenD" echo "enabled xorriso command -launch_frontend" else LFRONT_DEF= echo "disabled xorriso command -launch_frontend" fi if test x$LFRONT_DEF = x-DXorriso_allow_launch_frontenD then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_allow_launch_frontenD], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_allow_extf_suiD], [Define to allow xorriso command -launch_frontend when running under setuid]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(launch-frontend-setuid, [ --enable-launch-frontend-setuid Enable start of piped frontend program under setuid, default=no], , enable_launch_frontend_setuid=no) if test x$enable_launch_frontend_setuid = xyes; then LFRONT_SUID_DEF="-DXorriso_allow_extf_suiD" echo "enabled xorriso command -launch_frontend under setuid" else LFRONT_SUID_DEF= echo "disabled xorriso command -launch_frontend under setuid" fi if test x$LFRONT_SUID_DEF = x-DXorriso_allow_extf_suiD then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_allow_extf_suiD], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([Xorriso_dvd_obs_default_64K], [Define to make 64 KB default size for DVD writing]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(dvd-obs-64k, [ --enable-dvd-obs-64k 64 KB default size for DVD writing, default=no], , enable_dvd_obs=no) if test x$enable_dvd_obs_64k = xyes; then XORRISO_DVD_OBS_64K="-DXorriso_dvd_obs_default_64K" echo "enabled xorriso write size default 64 KB on DVD" else XORRISO_DVD_OBS_64K= echo "disabled xorriso write size default 64 KB on DVD" fi if test x$XORRISO_DVD_OBS_64K = x-DXorriso_dvd_obs_default_64K then AC_DEFINE([Xorriso_dvd_obs_default_64K], []) fi AH_TEMPLATE([Libburn_read_o_direcT], [Define to use O_DIRECT with -as cdrskin]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(track-src-odirect, [ --enable-track-src-odirect Enable use of O_DIRECT with -as cdrskin, default=no], , enable_track_src_odirect=no) if test x$enable_track_src_odirect = xyes; then LIBBURN_O_DIRECT_DEF="-DLibburn_read_o_direcT" echo "enabled use of O_DIRECT with input of -as cdrskin" else LIBBURN_O_DIRECT_DEF= echo "disabled use of O_DIRECT with input of -as cdrskin" fi if test x$LIBBURN_O_DIRECT_DEF = x-DLibburn_read_o_direcT then AC_DEFINE([Libburn_read_o_direcT], []) fi # Check for system dependent mandatory libraries (LIBBURN_ARCH_LIBS) LIBBURNIA_CHECK_ARCH_LIBS(mandatory) # ------- Visible mark in configure : Start of library check # Check for proper library versions if this is desired. # (It fails too often on too many systems.) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pkg-check-modules, [ --enable-pkg-check-modules Enable pkg-config check for libburn and libisofs , default=no], , enable_pkg_check_modules=no) if test x$enable_pkg_check_modules = xyes; then dnl If PKG_CHECK_MODULES is to be used after this if-block, dnl then it might be necessary to perform PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG before the block. if test x$LIBCDIO_DEF = x; then dummy=dummy else LIBCDIO_REQUIRED=0.83 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBCDIO, libcdio >= $LIBCDIO_REQUIRED) fi else if test x$LIBCDIO_DEF = x; then dummy=dummy else echo "checking for LIBCDIO... skipped, no --enable-pkg-check-modules" fi fi # ------- Visible mark in configure : End of library check AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile version.h ]) AC_OUTPUT # xorriso.pc