/* xorriso - creates, loads, manipulates and burns ISO 9660 filesystem images. Copyright 2007-2024 Thomas Schmitt, Provided under GPL version 2 or later. This file contains declarations of classes FindjoB, ExprnodE, ExprtesT which perform tree searches in libisofs or in POSIX filesystem. */ #ifndef Xorriso_pvt_findjob_includeD #define Xorriso_pvt_findjob_includeD yes #define Xorriso_findjob_on_expR yes #ifdef Xorriso_findjob_on_expR /* A single Testnode. */ struct ExprtesT { struct FindjoB *boss; int invert; /* 0=normal 1=invert result */ /* 0= -false (with invert : -true) 1= -name char *arg1 (regex_t in *arg2) 2= -type char *arg1 3= -damaged 4= -lba_range off_t *arg1 off_t *arg2 5= -has_acl 6= -has_xattr 7= -has_aaip 8= -has_filter 9= -wanted_node IsoNode *arg1 (for internal use, arg1 not allocated) 10= -pending_data 11= -decision char *arg1 ("yes", "no") 12= -prune 13= -wholename char *arg1 (regex_t in *arg2) 14= -has_any_xattr 15= -has_md5 16= -disk_name char *arg1 (regex_t in *arg2) 17= -hidden int *arg1 (bit0=iso_rr, bit1=joliet) 18= -has_hfs_crtp char *creator char *type 19= -has_hfs_bless int bless_index 20= -disk_path char *arg1 21= -bad_outname int namespace 22= -use_pattern char *arg1 ("on" [or "ls"], "off") 23= -or_use_pattern char *arg1 ("on" [or "ls"], "off") 24= -name_limit_blocker int *arg1 25= -maxdepth int *arg1 26= -mindepth int *arg1 27= -size off_t *arg1 int *arg2 (0=test for equal, -1=smaller, 1=larger, -2=smaller_or_equal , 2=larger_or_equal) 28= -has_lfa_flags uint64_t *arg1 (Linux file attribute flag bits) 29= -has_some_lfa_flags_of uint64_t *arg1 */ int test_type; void *arg1; void *arg2; }; /* A computational node. A tree of these nodes forms the expression. Sequences of AND/OR operations form branches, brackets spawn new branches, NOT inverts node's test resp. subtree result. */ struct ExprnodE { struct ExprnodE *up; char origin[8]; /* Operators */ int invert; /* 0=normal 1=invert own result (subtree or test, but not op) */ int assoc; /* 0= left : compute own value, combine with left value, compute right value, combine with current value 1= right: compute own value, compute right value, combine own and right, combine with left value */ int use_shortcuts; /* 0= evaluate all tests of -and and -or, 1= evaluate only until the combined result is known */ struct ExprnodE *left; int left_op; /* 0=OR , 1=AND */ struct ExprnodE *right; int right_op; /* see left_op */ /* Brackets : a pointer to the first node in a subchain */ struct ExprnodE *sub; int is_if_then_else; struct ExprnodE *true_branch; struct ExprnodE *false_branch; /* elementary test : if sub!=NULL , test is ignored */ struct ExprtesT *test; /* Result */ int own_value; int composed_value; }; struct FindjoB { char *start_path; struct ExprnodE *test_tree; struct ExprnodE *cursor; int invert; /* 0=normal 1=set invert-property for next new test node */ int use_shortcuts; /* 0= echo 1= rm (also rmdir) 2= rm_r >>> 3= mv target 4= chown user 5= chgrp group 6= chmod mode_and mode_or 7= alter_date type date 8= lsdl 9= chown_r user 10= chgrp_r group 11= chmod_r mode_and mode_or 12= alter_date_r type date 13= find 14= compare disk_equivalent_of_start_path 15= in_iso iso_rr_equivalent_of_start_path 16= not_in_iso iso_rr_equiv 17= update disk_equiv 18= add_missing iso_rr_equiv 19= empty_iso_dir iso_rr_equiv 20= is_full_in_iso iso_rr_equiv 21= report_damage 22= report_lba 23= internal: memorize path of last matching node in found_path 24= getfacl 25= setfacl access_acl default_acl 26= getfattr 27= setfattr name value 28= set_filter name 29= show_stream 30= internal: count by xorriso->node_counter 31= internal: register in xorriso->node_array 32= internal: widen_hardlinks disk_equiv: update nodes marked in di_do_widen 33= get_any_xattr 34= get_md5 35= check_md5 36= make_md5 37= mkisofs_r 38= sort_weight number 39= hide on|iso_rr|joliet|off 40= estimate_size 41= update_merge disk_equiv 42= rm_merge 43= clear_merge 44= list_extattr 45= set_hfs_crtp creator type 46= get_hfs_crtp 47= set_hfs_bless blessing 48= get_hfs_bless 49= internal: update creator, type, and blessings from persistent isofs.* 50= print_outname namespace 51= report_sections 52= show_stream_id 53= internal: show_hfs_cmd , controlled by xorriso->show_hfs_cmd* 54= internal: truncate_names 55= internal: unique_trunc_test length test for not uniquely truncatable names, result delivered in XorrisO.find_unique_trunc_result 56= like 54 but tolerating existing truncated names 57= like 55 but tolerating existing truncated names 58= internal: last_data_file_block 59= set_to_mtime 60= lsattrd 61= chattr mode 62= internal: like 27 "setfattr name value" but with permission for all name spaces including "isofs." */ int action; int prune; int use_pattern; /* action specific parameters */ char *target; char *text_2; uid_t user; gid_t group; mode_t mode_and, mode_or; int type; /* see Xorriso_set_time flag, also used as weight and truncate_length */ time_t date; char *found_path; off_t estim_upper_size; off_t estim_lower_size; struct FindjoB *subjob; uint32_t last_data_file_block; uint64_t lfa_flags; /* Errors */ char errmsg[4096]; int errn; /* >0 = UNIX errno -1 = close_bracket: no bracket open -2 = binary operator or closing bracket expected -3 = unexpected binary operator or closing bracket -4 = unsupported command -5 = -then -elseif -else -endif without -if or at wrong place */ /* Counts the test matches */ unsigned long match_count; /* Current depth of tree walking. Relative to start path. */ int depth; }; int Exprnode_destroy(struct ExprnodE **fnode, int flag); int Exprnode_tree_value(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct ExprnodE *fnode, int left_value, void *node, char *name, char *path, struct stat *boss_stbuf, struct stat *stbuf, int flag); int Findjob_new(struct FindjoB **o, char *start_path, int flag); int Findjob_destroy(struct FindjoB **o, int flag); int Findjob_set_start_path(struct FindjoB *o, char *start_path, int flag); int Findjob_get_start_path(struct FindjoB *o, char **start_path, int flag); int Findjob_set_commit_filter_2(struct FindjoB *o, int flag); int Findjob_set_num_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int test_type, int num1, int num2, int flag); int Findjob_set_size_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int test_type, off_t num1, int num2, int flag); int Findjob_set_off_t_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int test_type, off_t num1, off_t num2, int flag); int Findjob_set_lba_range(struct FindjoB *o, off_t start_lba, off_t count, int flag); int Findjob_set_wanted_node(struct FindjoB *o, void *wanted_node, int flag); /* @param value -1= only undamaged files, 1= only damaged files */ int Findjob_set_damage_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag); int Findjob_set_test_hidden(struct FindjoB *o, int mode, int flag); int Findjob_set_crtp_filter(struct FindjoB *o, char *creator, char *hfs_type, int flag); int Findjob_set_bless_filter(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct FindjoB *o, char *blessing, int flag); int Findjob_set_arg1(struct FindjoB *o, int test_type, char *arg1, int flag); int Findjob_set_uint64_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int test_type, uint64_t value, int flag); int Findjob_open_bracket(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_close_bracket(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_not(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_and(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_or(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_if(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_then(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_else(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_elseif(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_endif(struct FindjoB *job, int flag); int Findjob_test_2(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct FindjoB *o, void *node, char *name, char *path, struct stat *boss_stbuf, struct stat *stbuf, int flag); int Findjob_set_action_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, int flag); int Findjob_set_action_chattr(struct FindjoB *o, int action, uint64_t lfa_flags, int operator, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_target(struct FindjoB *o, int action, char *target, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_ad(struct FindjoB *o, int type, time_t date, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chgrp(struct FindjoB *o, gid_t group, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chmod(struct FindjoB *o, mode_t mode_and, mode_t mode_or, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chown(struct FindjoB *o, uid_t user,int flag); /* @param flag bit0= -wholename rather than -name */ int Findjob_set_name_expr(struct FindjoB *o, char *name_expr, int flag); int Findjob_set_file_type(struct FindjoB *o, char file_type, int flag); /* @param value -1= files without ACL, 1= only files with ACL */ int Findjob_set_acl_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag); /* @param value -1= files without xattr, 1= only files with xattr @param flag bit0=-has_any_xattr rather than -has_xattr */ int Findjob_set_xattr_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag); /* @param value -1= files without aaip, 1= only files with aaip */ int Findjob_set_aaip_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag); /* @param value -1= files without filter, 1= files with filter */ int Findjob_set_filter_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag); /* @param value -1= only without property, 1= only with property @param flag bit0= pseudo-test: if no operator is open, do nothing and return 2 */ int Findjob_set_prop_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int test_type, int value, int flag); /* @param value -1= true, 1= false @param flag bit0= pseudo-test: if no operator is open, do nothing and return 2 */ int Findjob_set_false(struct FindjoB *o, int value, int flag); int Findjob_set_prune(struct FindjoB *o, int flag); int Findjob_set_action_subjob(struct FindjoB *o, int action, struct FindjoB *subjob, int flag); int Findjob_set_action_text_2(struct FindjoB *o, int action, char *target, char* text_2, int flag); int Findjob_set_action_type(struct FindjoB *o, int action, int type, int flag); int Findjob_get_action(struct FindjoB *o, int flag); int Findjob_get_action_parms(struct FindjoB *o, char **target, char **text_2, uid_t *user, gid_t *group, mode_t *mode_and, mode_t *mode_or, int *type, time_t *date, struct FindjoB **subjob, uint64_t *lfa_flags, int flag); int Findjob_set_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, char *path, int flag); int Findjob_get_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, char **path, int flag); int Findjob_get_last_data_file_block(struct FindjoB *o, uint32_t *lba, int flag); #else /* Xorriso_findjob_on_expR */ struct FindjoB; int Findjob_new(struct FindjoB **o, char *start_path, int flag); int Findjob_destroy(struct FindjoB **job, int flag); /* @return 0=no match , 1=match , <0 = error */ int Findjob_test(struct FindjoB *job, char *name, struct stat *boss_stbuf, struct stat *stbuf, int depth, int flag); /* @return <0 error, >=0 see xorriso.c struct FindjoB.action */ int Findjob_get_action(struct FindjoB *o, int flag); /* @return <0 error, >=0 see xorriso.c struct FindjoB.action */ int Findjob_get_action_parms(struct FindjoB *o, char **target, char **text_2, uid_t *user, gid_t *group, mode_t *mode_and, mode_t *mode_or, int *type, time_t *date, struct FindjoB **subjob, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_target(struct FindjoB *o, int action, char *target, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chgrp(struct FindjoB *o, gid_t group, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_chmod(struct FindjoB *o, mode_t mode_and, mode_t mode_or, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= recursive */ int Findjob_set_action_ad(struct FindjoB *o, int type, time_t date, int flag); int Findjob_set_start_path(struct FindjoB *o, char *start_path, int flag); int Findjob_set_action_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, int flag); int Findjob_get_start_path(struct FindjoB *o, char **start_path, int flag); int Findjob_set_lba_range(struct FindjoB *o, int start_lba, int count, int flag); int Findjob_get_lba_damage_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int *start_lba, int *end_lba, int *damage_filter, int flag); int Findjob_get_commit_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int *commit_filter, int flag); int Findjob_get_acl_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int *acl_filter, int flag); int Findjob_get_xattr_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int *xattr_filter, int flag); int Findjob_get_aaip_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int *aaip_filter, int flag); int Findjob_get_filter_filter(struct FindjoB *o, int *value, int flag); int Findjob_set_wanted_node(struct FindjoB *o, void *wanted_node, int flag); int Findjob_get_wanted_node(struct FindjoB *o, void **wanted_node, int flag); int Findjob_set_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, char *path, int flag); int Findjob_get_found_path(struct FindjoB *o, char **path, int flag); int Findjob_get_last_data_file_block(struct FindjoB *o, uint32_t *lba, int flag); #endif /* ! Xorriso_findjob_on_expR */ #endif /* ! Xorriso_pvt_findjob_includeD */