pkgconfigdir=$(libdir)/pkgconfig libincludedir=$(includedir)/libisoburn lib_LTLIBRARIES = src/ ## ========================================================================= ## # Build libraries src_libisoburn_la_LDFLAGS = \ -version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE) src_libisoburn_la_SOURCES = \ src/burn_wrap.c \ src/data_source.c \ src/isoburn.c \ src/isoburn.h \ src/isofs_wrap.c \ src/libisoburn.h \ version.h ## libburn/sg-@ARCH@.c \ libinclude_HEADERS = \ src/libisoburn.h ## ========================================================================= ## ## Build test applications noinst_PROGRAMS = # ts A80110 : I am too lazy for now to apply the ng patch to test.c . # noinst_PROGRAMS = # test/test # test_test_CPPFLAGS = -Ilibisofs -Ilibburn -Ilibisoburn # test_test_LDADD = $(src_libisoburn_la_OBJECTS) $(THREAD_LIBS) -lburn -lisofs # test_test_SOURCES = test/test.c bin_PROGRAMS = ## ========================================================================= ## ## Build documentation (You need Doxygen for this to work) webhost = webpath = / docdir = $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) doc: doc/html doc/html: doc/doxygen.conf if [ -f ./doc/doc.lock ]; then \ $(RM) -r doc/html; \ doxygen doc/doxygen.conf; \ fi doc-upload: doc/html scp -r $