/* cc -g -c isoburn.c */ /* Class core of libisoburn. Copyright 2007 Vreixo Formoso Lopes and Thomas Schmitt */ /* ( derived from stub generated by CgeN on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 12:04:36 GMT ) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../libisofs/libisofs.h" #include "../libburn/libburn.h" #include "isoburn.h" /* -------------------------- isoburn ----------------------- */ /* The global list of isoburn objects. Usually there is only one. >>> we are not ready for multiple control threads yet. See >>> mutex . Multiple burns under one control thread should work. */ struct isoburn *isoburn_list_start= NULL; int isoburn_new(struct isoburn **objpt, int flag) { struct isoburn *o; int i; int isoburn_new_rwopts(struct isoburn *o); *objpt= o= (struct isoburn *) malloc(sizeof(struct isoburn)); if(o==NULL) return(-1); o->drive= NULL; o->emulation_mode= 0; o->min_start_byte= 0; o->nwa= 0; #ifdef NIX o->stdio_path= NULL; o->stdio_fd= -1; #endif /* NIX */ o->target_ropts= NULL; o->new_wopts= NULL; for(i=0;i<65536;i++) o->target_iso_head[i]= 0; o->target_volset= NULL; o->prev= NULL; o->next= NULL; if(isoburn_new_rwopts(o)<=0) goto failed; isoburn_link(o, isoburn_list_start, 1); return(1); failed:; isoburn_destroy(objpt,0); return(-1); } int isoburn_destroy(struct isoburn **objpt, int flag) { struct isoburn *o; int isoburn_free_rwopts(struct isoburn *o); o= *objpt; if(o==NULL) return(0); /* >>> mutex */ if(o==isoburn_list_start) isoburn_list_start= o->next; if(o->prev!=NULL) o->prev->next= o->next; if(o->next!=NULL) o->next->prev= o->prev; /* >>> end mutex */ #ifdef NIX if(o->stdio_path!=NULL) free((char *) o->stdio_path); if(o->stdio_fd!=-1) close(o->stdio_fd); #endif if(o->drive!=NULL) burn_drive_release(o->drive, 0); isoburn_free_rwopts(o); if(o->target_volset!=NULL) iso_volset_free(o->target_volset); free((char *) o); *objpt= NULL; return(1); } int isoburn_destroy_all(struct isoburn **objpt, int flag) { struct isoburn *o,*n; o= *objpt; if(o==NULL) return(0); for(;o->prev!=NULL;o= o->prev); for(;o!=NULL;o= n) { n= o->next; isoburn_destroy(&o,0); } *objpt= NULL; return(1); } int isoburn_get_emulation_mode(struct isoburn *o, int *pt, int flag) { *pt= o->emulation_mode; return(1); } int isoburn_get_target_volset(struct isoburn *o, struct iso_volset **pt, int flag) { *pt= o->target_volset; return(1); } int isoburn_get_prev(struct isoburn *o, struct isoburn **pt, int flag) { *pt= o->prev; return(1); } int isoburn_get_next(struct isoburn *o, struct isoburn **pt, int flag) { *pt= o->next; return(1); } int isoburn_link(struct isoburn *o, struct isoburn *link, int flag) /* bit0= insert as link->prev rather than as link->next */ { /* >>> mutex */ if(isoburn_list_start==NULL || (isoburn_list_start==link && (flag&1))) isoburn_list_start= o; if(o->prev!=NULL) o->prev->next= o->next; if(o->next!=NULL) o->next->prev= o->prev; o->prev= o->next= NULL; if(link==NULL) return(1); if(flag&1) { o->next= link; o->prev= link->prev; if(o->prev!=NULL) o->prev->next= o; link->prev= o; } else { o->prev= link; o->next= link->next; if(o->next!=NULL) o->next->prev= o; link->next= o; } /* >>> end mutex */ return(1); } int isoburn_count(struct isoburn *o, int flag) /* flag: bit1= count from start of list */ { int counter= 0; if(flag&2) for(;o->prev!=NULL;o= o->prev); for(;o!=NULL;o= o->next) counter++; return(counter); } int isoburn_by_idx(struct isoburn *o, int idx, struct isoburn **pt, int flag) /* flag: bit0= fetch first (idx<0) or last (idx>0) item in list bit1= address from start of list */ { int i,abs_idx; struct isoburn *npt; if(flag&2) for(;o->prev!=NULL;o= o->prev); abs_idx= (idx>0?idx:-idx); *pt= o; for(i= 0;(i0) npt= o->next; else npt= o->prev; if(npt==NULL && (flag&1)) break; *pt= npt; } return(*pt!=NULL); } int isoburn_find_by_drive(struct isoburn **pt, struct burn_drive *d, int flag) { struct isoburn *o; *pt= NULL; for(o= isoburn_list_start;o->prev!=NULL;o= o->prev) if(o->drive==d) { *pt= o; return(1); } return(0); }