/* xorriso - creates, loads, manipulates and burns ISO 9660 filesystem images. Copyright 2007-2024 Thomas Schmitt, Provided under GPL version 2 or later. This file contains the implementation of actions on onjects of disk filesystems. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* O_BINARY is needed for Cygwin but undefined elsewhere */ #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #include "xorriso.h" #include "xorriso_private.h" #include "xorrisoburn.h" /* @param flag bit0= simple readlink(): no normalization, no multi-hop bit1= this is potentially a recursion */ int Xorriso_resolve_link(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *link_path, char result_path[SfileadrL], int flag) { ssize_t l; struct stat stbuf; int link_count= 0, ret, show_errno= 0; char *buf= NULL, *dirbuf= NULL, *lpt, *spt; static int link_limit= 100; if(flag & 1) { xorriso->resolve_link_rec_count++; if(xorriso->resolve_link_rec_count > xorriso->resolve_link_rec_limit) { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, link_path, 0, "ERRFILE", 0); sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Too many link recursions before : "); Text_shellsafe(link_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, show_errno, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } } else xorriso->resolve_link_rec_count= 0; Xorriso_alloc_meM(buf, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(dirbuf, char, SfileadrL); if(!(flag&1)) if(stat(link_path, &stbuf)==-1) if(errno==ELOOP) { show_errno= errno; goto too_many_hops; } lpt= link_path; while(1) { l= readlink(lpt, buf, SfileadrL-1); if(l==-1) { handle_error:; Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, link_path, 0, "ERRFILE", 0); sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot obtain link target of : "); Text_shellsafe(link_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "FAILURE",0); handle_abort:; if(strcmp(lpt, link_path)!=0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Problem occurred with intermediate path : "); Text_shellsafe(lpt, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); } {ret= 0; goto ex;} } buf[l]= 0; if(l==0) { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, link_path, 0, "ERRFILE", 0); sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Empty link target with : "); Text_shellsafe(link_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "FAILURE", 0); goto handle_abort; } if(flag&1) { strcpy(result_path, buf); {ret= 1; goto ex;} } /* normalize relative to disk_path */ if(Sfile_str(dirbuf, lpt, 0)<=0) {ret= -1; goto ex;} while(1) { spt= strrchr(dirbuf,'/'); if(spt!=NULL) { *spt= 0; if(*(spt+1)!=0) break; } else break; } ret= Xorriso_normalize_img_path(xorriso, dirbuf, buf, result_path, 2|4); if(ret<=0) { goto ex; } if(lstat(result_path, &stbuf)==-1) { lpt= result_path; goto handle_error; } if(!S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode)) break; lpt= result_path; link_count++; if(link_count>link_limit) { too_many_hops:; Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, link_path, 0, "ERRFILE", 0); sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Too many link hops with : "); Text_shellsafe(link_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, show_errno, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } } ret= 1; ex:; Xorriso_free_meM(buf); Xorriso_free_meM(dirbuf); if(xorriso->resolve_link_rec_count > 0) xorriso->resolve_link_rec_count--; return(ret); } int Xorriso_convert_uidstring(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *uid_string, uid_t *uid, int flag) { double num= 0.0; char text[80]; struct passwd *pwd; sscanf(uid_string, "%lf", &num); sprintf(text,"%.f",num); if(strcmp(text,uid_string)==0) { *uid= num; return(1); } pwd= getpwnam(uid_string); if(pwd==NULL) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-uid: Not a known user: '%s'", uid_string); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } *uid= pwd->pw_uid; return(1); } int Xorriso_convert_gidstring(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *gid_string, gid_t *gid, int flag) { double num= 0.0; char text[80]; struct group *grp; sscanf(gid_string, "%lf", &num); sprintf(text,"%.f",num); if(strcmp(text,gid_string)==0) { *gid= num; return(1); } grp= getgrnam(gid_string); if(grp==NULL) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-gid: Not a known group: '%s'", gid_string); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } *gid= grp->gr_gid; return(1); } int Xorriso_convert_modstring(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *cmd, char *mode, mode_t *mode_and, mode_t *mode_or, int flag) { int who_val= 0; char *mpt, *vpt, *opt; unsigned int num= 0; mode_t mode_val,mask; *mode_and= ~0; *mode_or= 0; if(mode[0]=='0') { *mode_and= 0; sscanf(mode,"%o",&num); *mode_or= num; } else if(strchr(mode,'+')!=NULL || strchr(mode,'-')!=NULL || strchr(mode,'=')!=NULL) { /* [ugoa][+-][rwxst] */; for(mpt= mode; mpt!=NULL; mpt= strchr(mpt, ',')) { if(*mpt==',') mpt++; if(strlen(mpt)<2) goto unrecognizable; who_val= 0; for(vpt= mpt; *vpt!='+' && *vpt!='-' && *vpt!='='; vpt++) { if(*vpt=='u') who_val|= 4; else if(*vpt=='g') who_val|= 2; else if(*vpt=='o') who_val|= 1; else if(*vpt=='a') who_val|= 7; else goto unrecognizable; } opt= vpt; mode_val= 0; for(vpt= opt+1; *vpt!=0 && *vpt!=','; vpt++) { if(*vpt=='r') { if(who_val&4) mode_val|= S_IRUSR; if(who_val&2) mode_val|= S_IRGRP; if(who_val&1) mode_val|= S_IROTH; } else if(*vpt=='w') { if(who_val&4) mode_val|= S_IWUSR; if(who_val&2) mode_val|= S_IWGRP; if(who_val&1) mode_val|= S_IWOTH; } else if(*vpt=='x') { if(who_val&4) mode_val|= S_IXUSR; if(who_val&2) mode_val|= S_IXGRP; if(who_val&1) mode_val|= S_IXOTH; } else if(*vpt=='s') { if(who_val&4) mode_val|= S_ISUID; if(who_val&2) mode_val|= S_ISGID; } else if(*vpt=='t') { if(who_val&1) mode_val|= S_ISVTX; } else goto unrecognizable; } if(*opt=='+') { (*mode_or)|= mode_val; } else if(*opt=='=') { mask= 0; if(who_val&1) mask|= S_IRWXO|S_ISVTX; if(who_val&2) mask|= S_IRWXG|S_ISGID; if(who_val&4) mask|= S_IRWXU|S_ISUID; (*mode_and)&= ~(mask); (*mode_or)= ((*mode_or) & ~mask) | mode_val; } else if(*opt=='-') { (*mode_or)&= ~mode_val; (*mode_and)&= ~mode_val; } } } else { unrecognizable:; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "%s: Unrecognizable or faulty permission mode ", cmd); Text_shellsafe(mode, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= for Xorriso_msgs_submit: use pager bit1= do not issue warnings bit2= warn about dangling link bit3= report sorry if dangling link */ int Xorriso_hop_link(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *link_path, struct LinkiteM **link_stack, struct stat *stbuf, int flag) { int ret; char *severity; struct LinkiteM *litm; if(*link_stack != NULL) { if(Linkitem_get_link_count(*link_stack, 0) >= xorriso->follow_link_limit) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Too many symbolic links in single tree branch at : "); Text_shellsafe(link_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); if(!(flag&2)) Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0,"WARNING",flag&1); return(0); } } ret= stat(link_path, stbuf); if(ret == -1) { if(flag & (4 | 8)) { if(flag & 8) severity= "SORRY"; else severity= "WARNING"; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Non-existing link target with : "); Text_shellsafe(link_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, severity, flag & 1); } return(0); } ret= Linkitem_find(*link_stack, stbuf->st_dev, stbuf->st_ino, &litm, 0); if(ret>0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Detected symbolic link loop around : "); Text_shellsafe(link_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); if(!(flag&2)) Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "WARNING", flag&1); return(0); } ret= Linkitem_new(&litm, link_path, stbuf->st_dev, stbuf->st_ino, *link_stack, 0); if(ret<=0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot add new item to link loop prevention stack"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FATAL", flag&1); return(-1); } *link_stack= litm; return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= do not only sum up sizes but also print subdirs bit1= this is a recursion bit2= do not report result by Xorriso_result() @return <=0 error , 1 ok , 2 could not open directory */ int Xorriso_show_dux_subs(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *abs_path, char *rel_path, off_t *size, off_t boss_mem, struct LinkiteM *link_stack, int flag) { int i, ret, no_sort= 0, filec= 0, l, j, fc, no_dive, is_link; char **filev= NULL, *namept; off_t sub_size, report_size, mem= 0; struct DirseQ *dirseq= NULL; struct stat stbuf; dev_t dir_dev; struct LinkiteM *own_link_stack; char *path= NULL, *show_path= NULL, *name= NULL, *sfe= NULL; own_link_stack= link_stack; namept= name; *size= 0; Xorriso_alloc_meM(sfe, char, 5 * SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(path, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(show_path, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(name, char, SfileadrL); if(lstat(abs_path, &stbuf)==-1) {ret= 2; goto ex;} dir_dev= stbuf.st_dev; if(S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode)) { if(!(xorriso->do_follow_links || (xorriso->do_follow_param && !(flag&2)))) {ret= 2; goto ex;} if(stat(abs_path, &stbuf)==-1) {ret= 2; goto ex;} if(dir_dev != stbuf.st_dev && !(xorriso->do_follow_mount || (xorriso->do_follow_param && !(flag&2)))) {ret= 2; goto ex;} } ret= Dirseq_new(&dirseq, abs_path, 1); if(ret<0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot obtain disk directory iterator"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FATAL", 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } if(ret==0) {ret= 2; goto ex;} while(1) { Linkitem_reset_stack(&own_link_stack, link_stack, 0); ret= Dirseq_next_adr(dirseq,name,0); if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret==0) break; sub_size= 0; strcpy(show_path, rel_path); if(Sfile_add_to_path(show_path, name, 0)<=0) goto much_too_long; strcpy(path, abs_path); if(Sfile_add_to_path(path, name, 0)<=0) { much_too_long:; Xorriso_much_too_long(xorriso, strlen(path)+strlen(name)+1, 2); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } no_dive= 0; ret= lstat(path, &stbuf); if(ret==-1) continue; is_link= S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode); if(is_link && xorriso->do_follow_links) { ret= Xorriso_hop_link(xorriso, path, &own_link_stack, &stbuf, 1); if(ret<0) {ret= -1; goto ex;} if(ret!=1) no_dive= 1; } if(!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) no_dive= 1; if(dir_dev != stbuf.st_dev && !xorriso->do_follow_mount) no_dive= 1; if(!no_dive) { filec++; l= strlen(rel_path)+1; mem+= l; if(l % sizeof(char *)) mem+= sizeof(char *)-(l % sizeof(char *)); if(flag&1) /* diving and counting is done further below */ continue; ret= Xorriso_show_dux_subs(xorriso, path, show_path, &sub_size, boss_mem, own_link_stack,2); if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret==0) continue; } /* sub_size+= stbuf.st_size+strlen(name)+1; */ sub_size+= stbuf.st_size+2048; if(sub_size>0) (*size)+= sub_size; } if(filec<=0 || !(flag&1)) {ret= 1; goto ex;} /* Try to get a sorted list of directory names */ mem+= (filec+1)*sizeof(char *); ret= Xorriso_check_temp_mem_limit(xorriso, mem+boss_mem, 2); if(ret<0) goto ex; Dirseq_rewind(dirseq, 0); if(ret==0) { no_sort_possible:; no_sort= 1; } else { filev= (char **) calloc(filec+1, sizeof(char *)); if(filev==NULL) goto no_sort_possible; else { for(i= 0; ido_follow_links) { ret= stat(path,&stbuf); if(ret==-1) continue; } if(!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) continue; if(dir_dev != stbuf.st_dev && !xorriso->do_follow_mount) continue; if(fc>=filec) { /* Number of files changed (or programming error) */ revoke_sorting:; for(j=0; j1) Sort_argv(filec, filev, 0); } } for(i= 0; (no_sort || irequest_to_abort); i++) { Linkitem_reset_stack(&own_link_stack, link_stack, 0); if(no_sort) { ret= Dirseq_next_adr(dirseq,name,0); if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret==0) break; } else namept= filev[i]; sub_size= 0; strcpy(show_path, rel_path); if(Sfile_add_to_path(show_path, namept, 0)<=0) goto much_too_long; strcpy(path, abs_path); if(Sfile_add_to_path(path, namept, 0)<=0) goto much_too_long; no_dive= 0; ret= lstat(path,&stbuf); if(ret==-1) continue; is_link= S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode); if(is_link && xorriso->do_follow_links) { ret= Xorriso_hop_link(xorriso, path, &own_link_stack, &stbuf, 1); if(ret<0) {ret= -1; goto ex;} if(ret!=1) continue; } if(!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) continue; if(dir_dev == stbuf.st_dev || xorriso->do_follow_mount) { ret= Xorriso_show_dux_subs(xorriso, path, show_path, &sub_size, boss_mem+mem, own_link_stack, 2|(flag&1)); if(ret<0) goto ex; } /* sub_size+= stbuf.st_size+strlen(namept)+1; */ sub_size+= stbuf.st_size+2048; if(sub_size>0) (*size)+= sub_size; report_size= sub_size/1024; if(report_size*1024sh_style_result) sprintf(xorriso->result_line, "%-7.f ",(double) (report_size)); else sprintf(xorriso->result_line, "%7.f ",(double) (report_size)); sprintf(xorriso->result_line+strlen(xorriso->result_line), "%s\n", Xorriso_esc_filepath(xorriso,show_path, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_result(xorriso, 0); } } ret= 1; ex:; Xorriso_free_meM(sfe); Xorriso_free_meM(path); Xorriso_free_meM(show_path); Xorriso_free_meM(name); Linkitem_reset_stack(&own_link_stack, link_stack, 0); Dirseq_destroy(&dirseq, 0); if(filev!=NULL) { for(i=0; i> 2) & 63; if(hidden_state == 1) perms[9]= 'I'; else if(hidden_state == 2) perms[9]= 'J'; else if(hidden_state == 4) perms[9]= 'A'; else if(hidden_state) perms[9]= 'H'; if(flag & 2) { if(hidden_state) perms[9]= tolower(perms[9]); else perms[9]= '+'; } return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= recognize Xorriso_IFBOOT as file type bit1= add '+' to perms bit2-7: hidden_state : bit2= hide in ISO/RR bit3= hide in Joliet bit4= hide in HFS+ */ int Xorriso_format_ls_l(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct stat *stbuf, int flag) { int show_major_minor= 0, high_shift= 0, high_mask= 0; char *rpt, perms[11], mm_text[80]; mode_t st_mode; dev_t dev, major, minor; rpt= xorriso->result_line; rpt[0]= 0; st_mode= stbuf->st_mode; if(S_ISDIR(st_mode)) strcat(rpt, "d"); else if(S_ISREG(st_mode)) { strcat(rpt, "-"); } else if(S_ISLNK(st_mode)) strcat(rpt, "l"); else if(S_ISBLK(st_mode)) { strcat(rpt, "b"); show_major_minor= 1; } else if(S_ISCHR(st_mode)) { strcat(rpt, "c"); show_major_minor= 1; } else if(S_ISFIFO(st_mode)) strcat(rpt, "p"); else if(S_ISSOCK(st_mode)) strcat(rpt, "s"); else if((flag & 1) && (st_mode & S_IFMT) == Xorriso_IFBOOT) strcat(rpt, "e"); else strcat(rpt, "?"); Xorriso__mode_to_perms(st_mode, perms, flag & (2 | 252)); strcat(rpt, perms); sprintf(rpt+strlen(rpt)," %3u ",(unsigned int) stbuf->st_nlink); sprintf(rpt+strlen(rpt), "%-8lu ", (unsigned long) stbuf->st_uid); sprintf(rpt+strlen(rpt), "%-8lu ", (unsigned long) stbuf->st_gid); if(show_major_minor) { dev= stbuf->st_rdev; /* according to /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h : gnu_dev_major(),_minor() >>> but this looks as if it should go to some system dependency >>> in FreeBSD dev_t is 32 bit */ if(sizeof(dev_t) > 4) { high_shift= 32; high_mask= ~0xfff; } major= (((dev >> 8) & 0xfff) | ((unsigned int) (dev >> high_shift) & high_mask)) & 0xffffffff; minor= (((dev & 0xff) | ((unsigned int) (dev >> 12) & ~0xff))) & 0xffffffff; sprintf(mm_text, "%u,%u", (unsigned int) major, (unsigned int) minor); sprintf(rpt+strlen(rpt), "%8s ", mm_text); } else sprintf(rpt+strlen(rpt), "%8.f ", (double) stbuf->st_size); Ftimetxt(stbuf->st_mtime, rpt+strlen(rpt), 0); strcat(rpt, " "); return(1); } struct DirentrY { char *adr; struct DirentrY *next; }; int Xorriso_sorted_dir_x(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *dir_path, int *filec, char ***filev, off_t boss_mem, int flag) { int count= 0, ret; char *name= NULL; struct DirseQ *dirseq= NULL; off_t mem; struct DirentrY *last= NULL, *current= NULL; Xorriso_alloc_meM(name, char, SfileadrL); *filec= 0; *filev= NULL; mem= boss_mem; ret= Dirseq_new(&dirseq, dir_path, 1); if(ret<=0) goto ex; while(1) { /* loop over directory content */ ret= Dirseq_next_adr(dirseq,name,0); if(ret==0) break; if(ret<0) goto ex; mem+= strlen(name)+8+sizeof(struct DirentrY)+sizeof(char *); if(mem>xorriso->temp_mem_limit) {ret= 0; goto ex;} current= (struct DirentrY *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct DirentrY)); if(current==NULL) { Xorriso_no_malloc_memory(xorriso, NULL, 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } current->adr= NULL; current->next= last; last= current; last->adr= strdup(name); if(last->adr==NULL) { Xorriso_no_malloc_memory(xorriso, NULL, 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } count++; } *filec= count; if(count==0) {ret= 1; goto ex;} (*filev)= (char **) calloc(count, sizeof(char *)); if(*filev==NULL) { Xorriso_no_malloc_memory(xorriso, NULL, 0); {ret= -1; goto ex; } } count= 0; for(current= last; current!=NULL; current= last) { last= current->next; (*filev)[count++]= current->adr; free((char *) current); } Sort_argv(*filec, *filev, 0); ret= 1; ex:; for(current= last; current!=NULL; current= last) { last= current->next; free(current->adr); free((char *) current); } Xorriso_free_meM(name); Dirseq_destroy(&dirseq, 0); return(ret); } /* @param flag bit0= long format bit1= do not print count of nodes bit2= du format bit3= print directories as themselves (ls -d) */ int Xorriso_lsx_filev(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *wd, int filec, char **filev, off_t boss_mem, int flag) { int i, ret, was_error= 0, dfilec= 0, pass, passes; char *path= NULL, *acl_text= NULL; char *rpt, *link_target= NULL, **dfilev= NULL; off_t size; struct stat stbuf; Xorriso_alloc_meM(path, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(link_target, char, SfileadrL); rpt= xorriso->result_line; Sort_argv(filec, filev, 0); /* Count valid nodes, warn of invalid ones */ for(i= 0; iinfo_text, "Not found in local filesystem: "); Text_shellsafe(path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "WARNING", 1); was_error++; continue; } } if((flag&8) && !(flag&(2|4))) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text,"Valid local files found: %d\n",filec-was_error); Xorriso_info(xorriso,1); if(filec-was_error<=0) {ret= !was_error; goto ex;} } passes= 1+!(flag&(4|8)); for(pass= 0; passrequest_to_abort); i++) { ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, wd, filev[i], path, 1|2|4); if(ret<=0) continue; ret= lstat(path, &stbuf); if(ret==-1) continue; if(S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode) && (xorriso->do_follow_links || xorriso->do_follow_param)) { ret= stat(path, &stbuf); if(ret==-1) ret= lstat(path, &stbuf); if(ret==-1) continue; } if(S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) && !(flag&(4|8))) { if(pass==0) continue; if(filec>1) { strcpy(xorriso->result_line, "\n"); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); Xorriso_esc_filepath(xorriso,filev[i], xorriso->result_line, 0); strcat(xorriso->result_line, ":\n"); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); } ret= Xorriso_sorted_dir_x(xorriso, path, &dfilec, &dfilev, boss_mem, 0); if(ret<=0) { /* >>> DirseQ loop and single item Xorriso_lsx_filev() */; } else { if(flag&1) { sprintf(xorriso->result_line, "total %d\n", dfilec); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); } Xorriso_lsx_filev(xorriso, path, dfilec, dfilev, boss_mem, (flag&1)|2|8); } if(dfilec>0) Sfile_destroy_argv(&dfilec, &dfilev, 0); continue; } else if(pass>0) continue; link_target[0]= 0; rpt[0]= 0; if((flag&5)==1) { Xorriso_local_getfacl(xorriso, path, &acl_text, 16); ret= Xorriso_format_ls_l(xorriso, &stbuf, (acl_text != NULL) << 1); Xorriso_local_getfacl(xorriso, path, &acl_text, 1 << 15); if(ret<=0) continue; if(S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode)) { ret= Xorriso_resolve_link(xorriso, path, link_target, 1); if(ret<=0) link_target[0]= 0; } } else if(flag&4) { /* -dux or -dusx */ size= stbuf.st_size; if(S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) { ret= Xorriso_show_dux_subs(xorriso, path, filev[i], &size, boss_mem, NULL, flag&1); if(ret<0) {ret= -1; goto ex;} if(ret==0) continue; } if(xorriso->sh_style_result) sprintf(rpt, "%-7.f ",(double) (size/1024)); else sprintf(rpt, "%7.f ",(double) (size/1024)); } if(link_target[0]) { Xorriso_esc_filepath(xorriso,filev[i], xorriso->result_line, 1); strcat(xorriso->result_line, " -> "); Xorriso_esc_filepath(xorriso,link_target, xorriso->result_line, 1 | 2); } else { Xorriso_esc_filepath(xorriso,filev[i], xorriso->result_line, 1); } strcat(xorriso->result_line, "\n"); Xorriso_result(xorriso, 0); } ret= !was_error; ex:; Xorriso_free_meM(path); Xorriso_free_meM(link_target); return(ret); } /* @param flag >>> bit0= remove whole sub tree: rm -r bit1= remove empty directory: rmdir bit2= recursion: do not reassure in mode 2 "tree" bit3= this is for overwriting and not for plain removal bit4= count deleted files in xorriso->pacifier_count bit5= with bit0 only remove directory content, not the directory bit6= permission to call Xorriso_make_accessible() @return <=0 = error 1 = removed leaf file object 2 = removed directory or tree 3 = did not remove on user revocation */ int Xorriso_rmx(struct XorrisO *xorriso, off_t boss_mem, char *path, int flag) { int ret, is_dir= 0, made_accessible= 0; struct stat victim_stbuf; struct DirseQ *dirseq= NULL; char *sfe= NULL, *sub_path= NULL; struct PermiteM *perm_stack_mem; perm_stack_mem= xorriso->perm_stack; /* Avoiding large local memory objects in order to save stack space */ sfe= malloc(5*SfileadrL); sub_path= malloc(2*SfileadrL); if(sfe==NULL || sub_path==NULL) { Xorriso_no_malloc_memory(xorriso, &sfe, 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } if(Xorriso_much_too_long(xorriso, strlen(path), 0)<=0) {ret= 0; goto ex;} ret= lstat(path, &victim_stbuf); if(ret==-1) { if((flag & 64) && errno == EACCES) { ret= Xorriso_make_accessible(xorriso, path, 0); if(ret < 0) goto ex; made_accessible= 1; ret= lstat(path, &victim_stbuf); } if(ret==-1) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot lstat(%s)", Text_shellsafe(path, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } } if(strcmp(path, "/")==0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "May not delete root directory"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } if(S_ISDIR(victim_stbuf.st_mode)) is_dir= 1; if(!is_dir) { if(flag&2) { /* rmdir */ sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "%s in disk filesystem is not a directory", Text_shellsafe(path, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } } else { if(flag&1) { /* rm -r */ #ifdef Osirrox_not_yeT /* >>> */ struct stat *victim_node= NULL; victim_node= &victim_stbuf; if((xorriso->do_reassure==1 && !xorriso->request_not_to_ask) || (flag&32)) { /* Iterate over subordinates and delete them */ mem= boss_mem; ret= Xorriso_findi_iter(xorriso, (IsoDir *) victim_node, &mem, &iter, &node_array, &node_count, &node_idx, &node, 1|2); if(ret<=0) { cannot_create_iter:; Xorriso_cannot_create_iter(xorriso, ret, 0); ret= -1; goto ex; } pl= strlen(path); strcpy(sub_path, path); if(pl==0 || sub_path[pl-1]!='/') { sub_path[pl++]= '/'; sub_path[pl]= 0; } sub_name= sub_path+pl; while(1) { ret= Xorriso_findi_iter(xorriso, (IsoDir *) victim_node, &mem, &iter, &node_array, &node_count, &node_idx, &node, 0); if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret==0 || xorriso->request_to_abort) break; name= (char *) iso_node_get_name(node); if(Xorriso_much_too_long(xorriso, pl+1+strlen(name), 0)<=0) {ret= 0; goto rm_r_problem_handler;} strcpy(sub_name, name); ret= Xorriso_rmi(xorriso, iter, mem, sub_path, (flag&(1|2|8|16))|4); if(ret==3 || ret<=0 || xorriso->request_to_abort) { rm_r_problem_handler:; not_removed= 1; fret= Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1|2); if(fret<0) goto dir_not_removed; } } if(flag&32) {ret= 2; goto ex;} if(not_removed) { dir_not_removed:; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Directory not removed: %s", Text_shellsafe(path, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); if(ret>0) ret= 3; goto ex; } } #else /* Osirrox_not_yeT */ sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-rm_rx is not implemented yet"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; #endif /* !Osirrox_not_yeT */ } else { if(!(flag&2)) { /* not rmdir */ sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "%s in disk filesystem is a directory", Text_shellsafe(path, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } ret= Dirseq_new(&dirseq, path, 1); if(ret>0) { ret= Dirseq_next_adr(dirseq, sfe, 0); if(ret>0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Directory not empty on attempt to delete: %s", Text_shellsafe(path, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } } } } if(xorriso->request_to_abort) {ret= 3; goto ex;} ret= Xorriso_reassure_restore(xorriso, path, (flag&(4|8)) | !!is_dir); if(ret<=0 || ret==3) goto ex; if(is_dir) ret= rmdir(path); else ret= unlink(path); if(ret == -1) { if((flag & 64) && errno == EACCES && !made_accessible) { ret= Xorriso_make_accessible(xorriso, path, 0); if(ret < 0) goto ex; made_accessible= 1; if(is_dir) ret= rmdir(path); else ret= unlink(path); } if(ret == -1) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot delete from disk filesystem %s", Text_shellsafe(path, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "FAILURE", 0); ret= -1; goto ex; } } if(flag&16) xorriso->pacifier_count++; ret= 1+!!is_dir; ex:; if(made_accessible) Permstack_pop(&(xorriso->perm_stack), perm_stack_mem, xorriso, 0); if(sfe!=NULL) free(sfe); if(sub_path!=NULL) free(sub_path); Dirseq_destroy(&dirseq, 0); return(ret); } /* @param flag bit0= recursion */ int Xorriso_findx_action(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct FindjoB *job, char *abs_path, char *show_path, int depth, int flag) { int ret= 0, type, action= 0, dpl= 0, compare_result, uret; uid_t user= 0; gid_t group= 0; time_t date= 0; mode_t mode_or= 0, mode_and= ~1; uint64_t chattr_flags; char *target, *text_2, *wdi_mem= NULL, *disk_prefix, *iso_path= NULL; char *basename; struct FindjoB *subjob; struct stat stbuf; Xorriso_alloc_meM(iso_path, char, SfileadrL); action= Findjob_get_action_parms(job, &target, &text_2, &user, &group, &mode_and, &mode_or, &type, &date, &subjob, &chattr_flags, 0); if(action<0) action= 0; if(action==15 || action==16 || action==18 || action==19 || action==20) { /* in_iso , not_in_iso, add_missing , empty_iso_dir , is_full_in_iso */ Findjob_get_start_path(job, &disk_prefix, 0); if(strncmp(abs_path, disk_prefix, strlen(disk_prefix))!=0) {ret= -1; goto ex;} dpl= strlen(disk_prefix); if(strlen(target)+strlen(abs_path)-dpl >= SfileadrL) {ret= -1; goto ex;} if(abs_path[dpl]=='/') dpl++; ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, target, abs_path+dpl, iso_path, 4); if(ret<=0) {goto ex;} } if(action==15) { /* in_iso */ ret= Xorriso_iso_lstat(xorriso, iso_path, &stbuf, 0); if(ret<0) {ret= 1; goto ex;} Text_shellsafe(show_path, xorriso->result_line, 0); strcat(xorriso->result_line, "\n"); Xorriso_result(xorriso, 0); ret= 1; } else if(action==16) { /* not_in_iso */ ret= Xorriso_compare_2_files(xorriso, abs_path, iso_path, abs_path+dpl, &compare_result, 4); if(retfind_compare_result) xorriso->find_compare_result= ret; if(ret>=0) ret= 1; } else if(action==18) { /* add_missing */ ret= Xorriso_compare_2_files(xorriso, abs_path, iso_path, abs_path+dpl, &compare_result, 4|(1u<<31)); if(retfind_compare_result) xorriso->find_compare_result= ret; if(ret==0) { uret= Xorriso_update_interpreter(xorriso, NULL, NULL, compare_result, abs_path, iso_path, ((flag&1)<<2) | 2); if(uret<=0) ret= 0; } if(ret>=0) ret= 1; } else if(action==19) { /* empty_iso_dir */ ret= Xorriso_iso_lstat(xorriso, iso_path, &stbuf, 0); if(ret<0) {ret= 1; goto ex;} if(!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) {ret= 1; goto ex;} ret= Xorriso_rmi(xorriso, NULL, (off_t) 0, iso_path, 1|32); if(ret>0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Emptied directory "); Text_shellsafe(iso_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "UPDATE", 0); } } else if(action==20) { /* is_full_in_iso */ ret= Xorriso_iso_lstat(xorriso, iso_path, &stbuf, 0); if(ret<0) {ret= 1; goto ex;} if(!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) {ret= 1; goto ex;} wdi_mem= strdup(xorriso->wdi); if(wdi_mem == NULL) { Xorriso_no_malloc_memory(xorriso, NULL, 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } strcpy(xorriso->wdi, iso_path); ret= Xorriso_ls(xorriso, 4|8); strcpy(xorriso->wdi, wdi_mem); if(ret>0) { strcpy(xorriso->result_line, "d "); Text_shellsafe(iso_path, xorriso->result_line, 1); strcat(xorriso->result_line, " (ISO) : non-empty directory (would not match mount point)\n"); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); } {ret= 1; goto ex;} } else if(action == 40) { /* estimate_size */ basename= strrchr(abs_path, '/'); if(basename != NULL) basename++; else basename= abs_path; ret= lstat(abs_path, &stbuf); if(ret != -1) ret= Xorriso_estimate_file_size(xorriso, job, basename, stbuf.st_mode, stbuf.st_size, 0); } else if(action == 44) { /* list_extattr */ ret= Xorriso_list_extattr(xorriso, NULL, abs_path, show_path, target, 2); } else { Xorriso_esc_filepath(xorriso,show_path, xorriso->result_line, 0); strcat(xorriso->result_line, "\n"); Xorriso_result(xorriso, 0); ret= 1; } ex:; if(action==15 || action==16 || action==18 || action==19 || action==20) if(xorriso->no_volset_present) xorriso->request_to_abort= 1; /* Need an image. No use to try again. */ if(wdi_mem != NULL) free(wdi_mem); Xorriso_free_meM(iso_path); return(ret); } /* @param flag bit0=recursion */ int Xorriso_findx(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct FindjoB *job, char *abs_dir_parm, char *dir_path, struct stat *dir_stbuf, int depth, struct LinkiteM *link_stack, int flag) { int ret,is_link, no_dive; struct DirseQ *dirseq= NULL; struct stat stbuf; struct LinkiteM *own_link_stack; char *abs_dir_path, *namept; char *name= NULL, *path= NULL, *sfe= NULL; char *abs_dir_path_data= NULL, *abs_path= NULL; job->depth= depth; if(xorriso->request_to_abort) {ret= 0; goto ex;} Xorriso_alloc_meM(sfe, char, 5*SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(name, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(path, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(abs_dir_path_data, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(abs_path, char, SfileadrL); own_link_stack= link_stack; abs_dir_path= abs_dir_parm; if(abs_dir_path[0]==0) { ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, xorriso->wdx, dir_path, abs_dir_path_data, 1|2|8); if(ret<=0) goto ex; abs_dir_path= abs_dir_path_data; ret= Xorriso_path_is_excluded(xorriso, abs_dir_path, !(flag&1)); if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret>0) {ret= 0; goto ex;} ret= lstat(abs_dir_path, dir_stbuf); if(ret==-1) {ret= 0; goto ex;} if(S_ISLNK(dir_stbuf->st_mode) && (xorriso->do_follow_links || (xorriso->do_follow_param && !(flag&1)))) if(stat(abs_dir_path, &stbuf)!=-1) if(dir_stbuf->st_dev == stbuf.st_dev || (xorriso->do_follow_mount || (xorriso->do_follow_param && !(flag&1)))) memcpy(dir_stbuf, &stbuf, sizeof(struct stat)); namept= strrchr(dir_path, '/'); if(namept==NULL) namept= dir_path; else namept++; ret= Findjob_test_2(xorriso, job, NULL, namept, dir_path, NULL, dir_stbuf, 0); if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret>0) { ret= Xorriso_findx_action(xorriso, job, abs_dir_path, dir_path, depth, flag&1); if(xorriso->request_to_abort) {ret= 0; goto ex;} if(ret<=0) { if(Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1|2)<0) goto ex; } } } if(xorriso->request_to_abort) {ret= 1; goto ex;} if(!S_ISDIR(dir_stbuf->st_mode)) {ret= 2; goto ex;} ret= Dirseq_new(&dirseq, abs_dir_path, 1); if(ret<0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot obtain disk directory iterator"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FATAL", 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } if(ret==0) {ret= 2; goto ex;} job->depth++; while(!xorriso->request_to_abort) { Linkitem_reset_stack(&own_link_stack, link_stack, 0); ret= Dirseq_next_adr(dirseq,name,0); if(ret==0) break; if(ret<0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text,"Failed to obtain next directory entry"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FATAL", 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, abs_dir_path, name, abs_path, 1); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, dir_path, name, path, 4); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= Xorriso_path_is_excluded(xorriso, abs_path, 0); /* (is never param) */ if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret>0) continue; ret= lstat(abs_path, &stbuf); if(ret==-1) continue; no_dive= 0; is_link= S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode); if(is_link && xorriso->do_follow_links) { ret= Xorriso_hop_link(xorriso, abs_path, &own_link_stack, &stbuf, 2); if(ret<0) {ret= -1; goto ex;} if(ret!=1) no_dive= 1; } ret= Findjob_test_2(xorriso, job, NULL, name, path, dir_stbuf, &stbuf, 0); if(ret<0) goto ex; if(ret>0) { ret= Xorriso_findx_action(xorriso, job, abs_path, path, depth, flag&1); if(xorriso->request_to_abort) {ret= 0; goto ex;} if(ret<=0) { if(Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1|2)<0) goto ex; } } if(!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) no_dive= 1; if(dir_stbuf->st_dev != stbuf.st_dev && !xorriso->do_follow_mount) no_dive= 1; if(!no_dive) { ret= Xorriso_findx(xorriso, job, abs_path, path, &stbuf, depth+1, own_link_stack, flag|1); if(ret<0) goto ex; } } ret= 1; ex:; job->depth= depth; Xorriso_free_meM(sfe); Xorriso_free_meM(name); Xorriso_free_meM(path); Xorriso_free_meM(abs_dir_path_data); Xorriso_free_meM(abs_path); Dirseq_destroy(&dirseq, 0); return(ret); } /* @param flag bit0= no hardlink reconstruction bit1= do not set xorriso->node_*_prefixes bit5= -extract_single: eventually do not insert directory tree */ int Xorriso_restore_sorted(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int count, char **src_array, char **tgt_array, int *problem_count, int flag) { int i, ret, with_node_array= 0, hflag= 0, hret; *problem_count= 0; if(!(((xorriso->ino_behavior & 16) && xorriso->do_restore_sort_lba) || (xorriso->ino_behavior & 4) || (flag & 1))) { ret= Xorriso_make_hln_array(xorriso, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; } if(xorriso->do_restore_sort_lba) { /* Count affected nodes */ Xorriso_destroy_node_array(xorriso, 0); for(i= 0; i < count; i++) { if(src_array[i] == NULL || tgt_array[i] == NULL) continue; /* sort_lba : Make directories plus node_array and then run array extractor (with eventual hardlink detection) */ hflag= (1 << 7) | ((!!(flag & 2)) << 9) | (flag & 32); ret= Xorriso_restore(xorriso, src_array[i], tgt_array[i], (off_t) 0, (off_t) 0, hflag); if(ret <= 0) { (*problem_count)++; hret= Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1 | 2); if(hret < 0) goto ex; } with_node_array= 1; } } if(with_node_array) { /* Allocate and fill node array */ if(xorriso->node_counter <= 0) {ret= 2; goto ex;} ret= Xorriso_new_node_array(xorriso, xorriso->temp_mem_limit, 0, !xorriso->do_restore_sort_lba); if(ret<=0) goto ex; for(i= 0; i < count; i++) { if(src_array[i] == NULL || tgt_array[i] == NULL) continue; ret= Xorriso_restore(xorriso, src_array[i], tgt_array[i], (off_t) 0, (off_t) 0, (2 << 7) | (flag & 32)); if(ret <= 0) { (*problem_count)++; hret= Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1 | 2); if(hret < 0) goto ex; } } } /* Perform restore operations */ if(xorriso->do_restore_sort_lba) { ret= Xorriso_restore_node_array(xorriso, 0); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; } else { for(i= 0; i < count; i++) { if(src_array[i] == NULL || tgt_array[i] == NULL) continue; ret= Xorriso_restore(xorriso, src_array[i], tgt_array[i], (off_t) 0, (off_t) 0, flag & 32); if(ret <= 0) { (*problem_count)++; hret= Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1 | 2); if(hret < 0) goto ex; } } } ret= 1; ex:; return(ret); } /* @param flag bit0= path is a directory bit2= recursion: do not reassure in mode 2 "tree" bit3-7= question text mode 0= plain removal 1= replacing file object 2= overwriting of content, keeping file object 3= appending of content, keeping file object */ int Xorriso_reassure_restore(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *path, int flag) { int ret, mode; mode= (flag >> 3) & 31; while((xorriso->do_reassure==1 || (xorriso->do_reassure==2 && !(flag&4))) && !xorriso->request_not_to_ask) { /* ls -ld */ Xorriso_lsx_filev(xorriso, xorriso->wdx, 1, &path, (off_t) 0, 1|2|8); if(flag&1) /* du -s */ Xorriso_lsx_filev(xorriso, xorriso->wdx, 1, &path, (off_t) 0, 2|4); if(mode == 3) sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "File exists. Append content ? n= no, y= yes, x= abort, @= stop asking\n"); else if(mode == 2) sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "File exists. Overwrite content ? n= no, y= yes, x= abort, @= stop asking\n"); else if(mode == 1) sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "File exists. Remove ? n= keep old, y= remove, x= abort, @= stop asking\n"); else sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Remove above file ? n= keep it, y= remove it, x= abort, @= stop asking\n"); Xorriso_info(xorriso, 4); ret= Xorriso_request_confirmation(xorriso, 1|2|4|16); if(ret<=0) goto ex; if(xorriso->request_to_abort) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "File alteration operation aborted by user before file: "); Text_shellsafe(path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); ret= 3; goto ex; } if(ret==3) continue; if(ret==6) /* yes */ break; if(ret==4) { /* yes, do not ask again */ xorriso->request_not_to_ask= 1; break; } if(ret==1) { /* no */ sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Kept in existing state: "); Text_shellsafe(path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); ret= 3; goto ex; } } ret= 1; ex: return(ret); } /* @param flag bit7= return 4 if restore fails from denied permission do not issue error message @return <=0 failure , 1 success , 4 with bit7: permission to create file was denied */ int Xorriso_make_tmp_path(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *orig_path, char *tmp_path, int *fd, int flag) { char *cpt; cpt= strrchr(orig_path, '/'); if(cpt==NULL) tmp_path[0]= 0; else { strncpy(tmp_path, orig_path, cpt+1-orig_path); tmp_path[cpt+1-orig_path]= 0; } strcat(tmp_path, "_tmp_xorriso_restore_XXXXXX"); *fd= mkstemp(tmp_path); if(*fd==-1) { if(errno == EACCES && (flag & 128)) return(4); strcpy(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot create temporary file : "); Text_shellsafe(tmp_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } fchmod(*fd, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= change regardless of xorriso->do_auto_chmod bit1= desired is only rx @return -1=severe error , -2= cannot chmod, 0= nothing to do, 1 = chmoded */ int Xorriso_auto_chmod(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *disk_path, int flag) { int ret, is_link= 0; char *path_pt, *link_target= NULL; mode_t mode, desired= S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR; struct stat stbuf; Xorriso_alloc_meM(link_target, char, SfileadrL); if(!(xorriso->do_auto_chmod || (flag & 1))) {ret= 0; goto ex;} if(flag & 2) desired &= ~S_IWUSR; path_pt= disk_path; ret= lstat(path_pt, &stbuf); if(ret==-1) {ret= 0; goto ex;} if(S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode)) { is_link= 1; ret= stat(path_pt, &stbuf); if(ret==-1) {ret= 0; goto ex;} } if(!S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode)) {ret= 0; goto ex;} if(is_link) { ret= Xorriso_resolve_link(xorriso, path_pt, link_target, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; path_pt= link_target; } if((stbuf.st_mode & desired) == desired) {ret= 0; goto ex;} if(stbuf.st_uid!=geteuid()) {ret= -2; goto ex;} mode= (stbuf.st_mode | desired) & 07777; ret= chmod(path_pt, mode); if(ret==-1) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot change access permissions of disk directory: chmod %o ", (unsigned int) (mode & 07777)); Text_shellsafe(path_pt, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "SORRY", 0); {ret= -2; goto ex;} } ret= Permstack_push(&(xorriso->perm_stack), path_pt, &stbuf, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= 1; ex:; Xorriso_free_meM(link_target); return(ret); } int Xorriso_make_accessible(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *disk_path, int flag) { int done= 0, ret, just_rx= 2; char *npt, *apt, *path, *wpt; Xorriso_alloc_meM(path, char, SfileadrL); apt= disk_path; wpt= path; for(npt= apt; !done; apt= npt + 1) { npt= strchr(apt, '/'); if(npt == NULL) break; if(strchr(npt + 1, '/') == NULL) just_rx= 0; strncpy(wpt, apt, npt + 1 - apt); wpt+= npt + 1 - apt; *wpt= 0; ret= Xorriso_auto_chmod(xorriso, path, just_rx); if(ret == -1) {ret= -1; goto ex;} if(ret == -2) {ret= 0; goto ex;} } ret= 1; ex: Xorriso_free_meM(path); return(ret); } /* @param flag bit0= prefer to find a match after *img_prefixes (but deliver img_prefixes if no other can be found) */ int Xorriso_make_restore_path(struct XorrisO *xorriso, struct Xorriso_lsT **img_prefixes, struct Xorriso_lsT **disk_prefixes, char img_path[SfileadrL], char disk_path[SfileadrL], int flag) { int li; struct Xorriso_lsT *s, *d, *found_s= NULL, *found_d= NULL; char *ipfx, *dpfx; /* Obtain disk_path by replacing start piece of img_path */ d= *disk_prefixes; for(s= *img_prefixes; s != NULL; s= Xorriso_lst_get_next(s, 0), d= Xorriso_lst_get_next(d, 0)) { ipfx= Xorriso_lst_get_text(s, 0); li= strlen(ipfx); dpfx= Xorriso_lst_get_text(d, 0); if(li == 1 && ipfx[0] == '/') { li= 0; if(img_path[0] != '/') continue; } else { if(strncmp(img_path, ipfx, li) != 0) continue; if(img_path[li] != 0 && img_path[li] != '/') continue; } if(strlen(dpfx) + strlen(img_path) - li + 1 >= SfileadrL) return(-1); if(img_path[li]=='/') { if(dpfx[0] == '/' && dpfx[1] == 0) sprintf(disk_path, "/%s", img_path + li + 1); else sprintf(disk_path, "%s/%s", dpfx, img_path + li + 1); } else strcpy(disk_path, dpfx); /* img_path[li] is 0, img_path equals ipfx */ found_s= s; found_d= d; if(s != *img_prefixes || !(flag & 1)) break; } *img_prefixes= found_s; *disk_prefixes= found_d; return(found_s != NULL); } /* @param flag bit0=permission to run Xorriso_make_accessible */ int Xorriso_restore_make_hl(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *old_path, char *new_path, int flag) { int ret; struct PermiteM *perm_stack_mem; ret= link(old_path, new_path); if(ret == 0) return(1); if(errno == EACCES && (flag & 1)) { perm_stack_mem= xorriso->perm_stack; ret= Xorriso_make_accessible(xorriso, new_path, 0); if(ret > 0) { ret= link(old_path, new_path); if(ret == 0) { Permstack_pop(&(xorriso->perm_stack), perm_stack_mem, xorriso, 0); return(1); } } Permstack_pop(&(xorriso->perm_stack), perm_stack_mem, xorriso, 0); } sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Hardlinking failed: "); Text_shellsafe(new_path, xorriso->info_text, 1); strcat(xorriso->info_text, " -> "); Text_shellsafe(old_path, xorriso->info_text, 1 | 2); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "WARNING", 0); return(0); } int Xorriso_afile_fopen(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *filename, char *mode, FILE **ret_fp, int flag) /* bit0= do not print error message on failure bit1= do not open stdin */ { FILE *fp= NULL; *ret_fp= NULL; if(strcmp(filename,"-")==0) { if(mode[0]=='a' || mode[0]=='w' || (mode[0]=='r' && mode[1]=='+') || (mode[0]=='r' && mode[1]=='b' && mode[2]=='+')) fp= stdout; else if(flag & 2) { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "Not allowed as input path: '-'", 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } else { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "Ready for data at standard input", 0, "NOTE", 0); fp= stdin; } } else if(strncmp(filename,"tcp:",4)==0){ Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "TCP/IP service isn't implemented yet.", 0, "FAILURE", 0); } else if(strncmp(filename,"file:",5)==0){ fp= fopen(filename+5,mode); } else { fp= fopen(filename,mode); } if(fp==NULL){ if(!(flag&1)) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Failed to open file '%s' in %s mode", filename, mode); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "FAILURE", 0); } return(0); } *ret_fp= fp; return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= make absolute command paths with known systems bit1= do not allow prefixes with cmd bit2= interpret unprefixed cmd as shell: bit3= do not care for device filetype */ int Xorriso_make_mount_cmd(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *cmd, off_t lba, int track, int session, char *volid, char *devadr, char result[SfileadrL], int flag) { int ret, reg_file= 0, is_safe= 0, sys_code= 0; char *form= NULL, session_text[12], track_text[12], lba_text[24]; char *vars[5][2], *sfe= NULL, *volid_sfe= NULL, *cpt, *sysname; char *cooked_dev= NULL, *eff_dev; struct stat stbuf; Xorriso_alloc_meM(form, char, 6 * SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(sfe, char, 5 * SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(volid_sfe, char, 5 * 80 + 1); Xorriso_alloc_meM(cooked_dev, char, SfileadrL); if(strlen(cmd) > SfileadrL) { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "Argument much too long", 0, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } eff_dev= devadr; ret= stat(devadr, &stbuf); if(ret != -1 && !(flag & 8)) if(S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode)) reg_file= 1; if(strncmp(cmd, "linux:", 6) == 0 && !(flag & 2)) { cpt= cmd + 6; sys_code= 1; } else if(strncmp(cmd, "freebsd:", 8) == 0 && !(flag & 2)) { cpt= cmd + 8; sys_code= 2; } else if(strncmp(cmd, "netbsd:", 7) == 0 && !(flag & 2)) { cpt= cmd + 7; sys_code= 3; } else if(strncmp(cmd, "string:", 7) == 0 && !(flag & 2)) { cpt= cmd + 7; strcpy(form, cpt); } else if(flag & 4) { cpt= cmd; strcpy(form, cpt); } else { cpt= cmd; ret= System_uname(&sysname, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if(ret <= 0) { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "-mount*: Cannot determine current system type", 0, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } else if(strcmp(sysname, "FreeBSD") == 0 || strcmp(sysname, "GNU/kFreeBSD") == 0) { /* "GNU/kFreeBSD" = Debian kfreebsd */ sys_code= 2; } else if(strcmp(sysname, "NetBSD") == 0) { sys_code= 3; } else if(strcmp(sysname, "Linux") == 0) { sys_code= 1; } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-mount*: Unsupported system type %s", Text_shellsafe(sysname, sfe, 0)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } } if(sys_code == 1) { /* GNU/Linux */ sprintf(form, "%smount -t iso9660 -o %snodev,noexec,nosuid,ro,sbsector=%%sbsector%% %%device%% %s", (flag & 1 ? "/bin/" : ""), (reg_file || (xorriso->mount_opts_flag & 1) ? "loop," : ""), Text_shellsafe(cpt, sfe, 0)); is_safe= 1; } else if(sys_code == 2 || sys_code == 3) { /* FreeBSD , NetBSD */ if(reg_file) { /* <<< Considered to create vnode as of J.R. Oldroyd , 20 Nov 2008 but for now refraining from creating that persistent file object strcpy(form, "n=$(mdconfig -a -t vnode -f %device%)"); sprintf(form + strlen(form), " && mount -t cd9660 -o noexec,nosuid -s %%sbsector%% /dev/\"$n\" %s", Text_shellsafe(cmd+8, sfe, 0)); */ Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "Detected regular file as mount device with BSD style command.", 0, "FAILURE", 0); if(sys_code == 2) { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "Command mdconfig -a -t vnode -f can create a device node which uses the file", 0, "HINT", 0); } else { Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, "Command vnconfig -c vndX can create a device node which uses the file", 0, "HINT", 0); } {ret= 0; goto ex;} } else { if(sys_code == 3 && strncmp(devadr, "/dev/rcd", 8) == 0) { sprintf(cooked_dev, "/dev/cd%s", devadr + 8); eff_dev= cooked_dev; } sprintf(form, "%smount_cd9660 -o noexec,nosuid -s %%sbsector%% %%device%% %s", (flag & 1 ? "/sbin/" : ""), Text_shellsafe(cpt, sfe, 0)); } is_safe= 1; } sprintf(session_text, "%d", session); sprintf(track_text, "%d", track); sprintf(lba_text, "%.f", (double) lba); vars[0][0]= "sbsector"; vars[0][1]= lba_text; vars[1][0]= "track"; vars[1][1]= track_text; vars[2][0]= "session"; vars[2][1]= session_text; vars[3][0]= "volid"; vars[3][1]= Text_shellsafe(volid, volid_sfe, 0); vars[4][0]= "device"; vars[4][1]= Text_shellsafe(eff_dev, sfe, 0); ret= Sregex_resolve_var(form, vars, 5, "%", "%", "%", result, SfileadrL, 0); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; ret= 1 + is_safe; ex:; Xorriso_free_meM(cooked_dev); Xorriso_free_meM(volid_sfe); Xorriso_free_meM(sfe); Xorriso_free_meM(form); return(ret); } int Xorriso_append_scdbackup_record(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int flag) { FILE *fp= NULL; char dummy[81], name[81], timestamp[81], size[81], md5[81]; if(xorriso->scdbackup_tag_written[0] == 0) return(1); name[0]= timestamp[0]= size[0]= md5[0]= 0; sscanf(xorriso->scdbackup_tag_written, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s", dummy, dummy, dummy, name, timestamp, size, md5); sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "scdbackup tag written : %s %s %s %s\n", name, timestamp, size, md5); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); if(xorriso->scdbackup_tag_listname[0]) { fp= fopen(xorriso->scdbackup_tag_listname, "a"); if(fp==0) { strcpy(xorriso->info_text, "-scdbackup_tag: Cannot open file "); Text_shellsafe(xorriso->scdbackup_tag_listname, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } fprintf(fp, "%s %s %s %s\n", name, timestamp, size, md5); fclose(fp); } return(1); } /* @param flag bit0= for append rather than overwrite */ int Xorriso_is_concat_target(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *target, int *ftype, int *fd, int flag) { int ret; char *why= ""; *ftype= 0; *fd = -1; if(strcmp(target, "-") == 0) { *fd= 1; *ftype= 8; /* character device */ return(1); } *ftype= Sfile_type(target, 1 | 8 | 16); if(*ftype == -1) return(2); /* not yet existing regular */ if(*ftype & 1024) { *fd= Sfile_get_dev_fd_no(target, 0); *ftype &= ~1024; } if(*ftype & 2048) { why= "fstat(2) returned -1 on file descriptor number."; goto not_usable; } if(*ftype == 3) { if(!xorriso->do_follow_concat) { why= "May not follow symbolic link. No -follow \"...:concat:...\"."; goto not_usable; } *ftype= Sfile_type(target, 1 | 4 | 8); if(*ftype == -1) return(2); /* not yet existing regular */ } if(*ftype == 2) { why= "May not write data into a directory."; goto not_usable; } if(*ftype == 0) { why= "Cannot determine file type."; goto not_usable; } if(*ftype == 7) { /* >>> what to do with UNIX socket ? */; why= "Cannot yet handle socket file as target."; goto not_usable; } if(xorriso->do_overwrite != 1 && xorriso->do_overwrite != 2) { why= "May not alter existing file."; goto not_usable; } ret= Xorriso_reassure_restore(xorriso, target, (2 + (flag & 1)) << 3); if(ret <= 0 || ret == 0) { why= "User revoked alteration of existing file."; goto not_usable; } if(*ftype == 1) return(2); /* existing regular */ if(*ftype == 4 || *ftype == 6 || *ftype == 8) return(1); /* named pipe, block device, character device */ not_usable:; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Unsuitable -concat target: "); Text_shellsafe(target, xorriso->info_text, 1); sprintf(xorriso->info_text + strlen(xorriso->info_text), ". %s", why); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } int Xorriso_concat(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, char *target, int progc, char **progv, int filec, char **filev, int flag) { int ret, i, fd= -1, target_is_regular= 0, fd_opened= 0, ftype, prog_forked= 0; int status; int open_mode= O_WRONLY | O_CREAT; struct stat stbuf; pid_t forked_pid; for(i= 0; i < filec; i++) { ret= Xorriso_iso_lstat(xorriso, filev[i], &stbuf, 4); if(ret == -1) goto ex; if(!S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode)) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-concat: iso_rr_path is not a regular data file: "); Text_shellsafe(filev[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } } if(strcmp(mode, "overwrite") == 0) { ret= Xorriso_is_concat_target(xorriso, target, &ftype, &fd, 0); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; if(ret == 2) { target_is_regular= 1; open_mode |= O_TRUNC; } if(fd == -1) { fd= open(target, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, 0666); fd_opened= 1; } } else if(strcmp(mode, "append") == 0) { ret= Xorriso_is_concat_target(xorriso, target, &ftype, &fd, 1); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; target_is_regular= (ret == 2); if(fd == -1) { fd= open(target, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, 0666); fd_opened= 1; if(fd != -1 && target_is_regular) { ret= lseek(fd, (off_t) 0, SEEK_END); if(ret == -1) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-concat append: Cannot lseek(2) to file end of "); Text_shellsafe(target, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } } } } else if(strcmp(mode, "pipe") == 0) { ret= Xorriso_pipe_open(xorriso, "-concat pipe", progv[0], progc, progv, "", &fd, &forked_pid, 2 | 8); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; fd_opened= 1; prog_forked= 1; } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-concat: Unknown mode "); Text_shellsafe(mode, xorriso->info_text, 1); strcat(xorriso->info_text, ". Known modes: overwrite, append, pipe"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } if(fd == -1) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-concat: Cannot open file handle to "); Text_shellsafe(target, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } for(i= 0; i < filec; i++) { ret= Xorriso_iso_file_to_fd(xorriso, filev[i], fd, 0); if(ret <= 0) { if(i < filec - 1) { ret= Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1 | 2); if(ret < 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-concat: Aborted although %d files stay unprocessed.", filec - i + 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } } } } ret= 1; ex:; if(fd_opened && fd != -1) close(fd); if(prog_forked) Xorriso_wait_child_end(xorriso, forked_pid, &status, 0); return(ret); } /* flag: bit0= *capacity is a desired value. Try SEEK_SET with *capacity bit1= open for writing return: 0= no random access , -1= cannot open path 1= *capacity is valid */ int Xorriso_lseek_capacity(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *path, off_t *capacity, int flag) { int fd; off_t seek_result; if(flag & 2) fd= open(path, O_WRONLY); else fd= open(path, O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Cannot open for determination of random-access capacity: "); Text_shellsafe(path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, errno, "FAILURE", 0); return(-1); } if(flag & 1) { seek_result= lseek(fd, *capacity, SEEK_SET); } else { seek_result= lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); } close(fd); if(seek_result < 0) return(0); *capacity= seek_result; return(1); } /* flag: bit0= *capacity is a desired value. If SEEK_END fails, try SEEK_SET with *capacity bit1= open for writing return: 0= no random access , -1= path does not exist , -2= wrong type -3= cannot open path 1= *capacity is valid */ int Xorriso_determine_capacity(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *path, off_t *capacity, char **reason, int flag) { int ret; off_t src_size, src_seek_size= -1; struct stat stbuf; if(reason != NULL) *reason= "offers no random access"; if(lstat(path, &stbuf) == -1) { *capacity= 0; if(reason != NULL) *reason= "does not exist"; return(-1); } if(S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode)) { src_size= stbuf.st_size; } else if(!(S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(stbuf.st_mode) || S_ISFIFO(stbuf.st_mode) || S_ISSOCK(stbuf.st_mode))) { ret= Xorriso_lseek_capacity(xorriso, path, &src_size, flag & 2); if(ret <= 0 || src_size <= 0) { if(ret == -1 || !(flag & 1)) { *capacity= 0; if(ret == -1) { if(reason != NULL) *reason= "cannot be opened"; return(-3); } return(ret > 0); } if(ret > 0) src_seek_size= 0; src_size= *capacity; ret= Xorriso_lseek_capacity(xorriso, path, &src_size, flag & 3); if(ret <= 0 || src_size < src_seek_size) { if(src_seek_size == 0) { src_size= src_seek_size; } else { *capacity= 0; if(ret == -1) { if(reason != NULL) *reason= "cannot be opened"; return(-3); } return(0); } } } } else { *capacity= 0; if(reason != NULL) *reason= "is of wrong type"; return(-2); } *capacity= src_size; if(reason != NULL) *reason= ""; return(1); }