# *** Set your paths, see below # *** Expected location is $HOME/.libburnia-releng/releng_isojigdo.conf # *** Then a run of 'releng_isojigdo -rc' will pick it up # xorriso executable to be tested RELENG_XORRISO=/path/to/xorriso # Should contain an ISOLINUX setup and some payload files RELENG_DIR=/path/to/input_dir # Gets created resp. overwritten by this test RELENG_IMG=/path/to/out_image # It is part of the ISOLINUX setup in $DIR RELENG_ISOLINUX_BIN=/path/to/input_dir/isolinux.bin # Will be created in the ISO image. Should not exist in $DIR RELENG_BOOT_CAT=/path/to/boot.cat