/* xorriso - creates, loads, manipulates and burns ISO 9660 filesystem images. Copyright 2007-2010 Thomas Schmitt, Provided under GPL version 2 or later. This file contains declarations of classes: - SplitparT which represents byte intervals of data files. - DirseQ which crawls along a directory's content list. - ExclusionS which manages the list of excluded file paths and leaf patterns. - Xorriso_lsT which provides a generic double-linked list. - LinkiteM, PermiteM which temporarily record relations and states. */ #ifndef Xorriso_pvt_auxobj_includeD #define Xorriso_pvt_auxobj_includeD yes struct SplitparT; int Splitparts_new(struct SplitparT **o, int count, int flag); int Splitparts_destroy(struct SplitparT **o, int count, int flag); int Splitparts_set(struct SplitparT *o, int idx, char *name, int partno, int total_parts, off_t offset, off_t bytes, off_t total_bytes, int flag); int Splitparts_get(struct SplitparT *o, int idx, char **name, int *partno, int *total_parts, off_t *offset, off_t *bytes, off_t *total_bytes, int flag); int Splitpart__parse(char *name, int *partno, int *total_parts, off_t *offset, off_t *bytes, off_t *total_bytes, int flag); int Splitpart__is_part_path(char *path, int flag); int Splitpart__compose(char *adr, int partno, int total_parts, off_t offset, off_t bytes, off_t total_bytes, int flag); int Splitpart__read_next_num(char *base_pt, char **next_pt, off_t *num, int flag); int Splitparts_sort(struct SplitparT *o, int count, int flag); struct DirseQ; int Dirseq_new(struct DirseQ **o, char *adr, int flag); int Dirseq_destroy(struct DirseQ **o, int flag); int Dirseq_next_adr(struct DirseQ *o, char reply[SfileadrL], int flag); int Dirseq_rewind(struct DirseQ *o, int flag); struct Xorriso_lsT { char *text; struct Xorriso_lsT *prev,*next; }; /** Create a new list item with arbitrary byte content. @param lstring The newly created object or NULL on failure @param data An array of bytes to be copied into the new object @param data_len Number of bytes to be copied @param link Xorriso_lsT object to which the new object shall be linked @param flag Bitfield for control purposes bit0= insert before link rather than after it bit1= do not copy data (e.g. because *data is invalid) bit2= attach data directly by pointer rather than by copying @return <=0 error, 1 ok */ int Xorriso_lst_new_binary(struct Xorriso_lsT **lstring, char *data, int data_len, struct Xorriso_lsT *link, int flag); /** Create a new list item with a 0-terminated text as content. @param lstring The newly created object or NULL on failure @param text A 0-terminated array of bytes @param link Xorriso_lsT object to which the new object shall be linked @param flag see Xorriso_lst_new_binary @return <=0 error, 1 ok */ int Xorriso_lst_new(struct Xorriso_lsT **lstring, char *text, struct Xorriso_lsT *link, int flag); /** Create a new list item at the end of a given list. @param entry Contains as input a pointer to a pointer to any existing list item. As output this list item pointer may be changed to the address of the new list item: if ((*entry == 0) || (flag & 1)) @param data An array of bytes to be copied into the new object @param data_len Number of bytes to be copied @param flag Bitfield for control purposes bit0= Return new object address in *entry bit1= do not copy data (e.g. because *data is invalid) bit2= attach data directly by pointer rather than by copying @return <=0 error, 1 ok */ int Xorriso_lst_append_binary(struct Xorriso_lsT **entry, char *data, int data_len, int flag); /** Destroy a single list item and connect its eventual list neighbors. @param lstring pointer to the pointer to be freed and set to NULL @param flag unused yet, submit 0 @return 0= *lstring was already NULL, 1= ok */ int Xorriso_lst_destroy(struct Xorriso_lsT **lstring, int flag); struct Xorriso_lsT *Xorriso_lst_get_next(struct Xorriso_lsT *entry, int flag); struct Xorriso_lsT *Xorriso_lst_get_prev(struct Xorriso_lsT *entry, int flag); char *Xorriso_lst_get_text(struct Xorriso_lsT *entry, int flag); int Xorriso_lst_detach_text(struct Xorriso_lsT *entry, int flag); int Xorriso_lst_get_last(struct Xorriso_lsT *entry, struct Xorriso_lsT **last, int flag); int Xorriso_lst_concat(struct Xorriso_lsT *first, struct Xorriso_lsT *second, int flag); int Exclusions_new(struct ExclusionS **o, int flag); int Exclusions_destroy(struct ExclusionS **o, int flag); int Exclusions_get_descrs(struct ExclusionS *o, struct Xorriso_lsT **not_paths_descr, struct Xorriso_lsT **not_leafs_descr, int flag); /* @param flag bit0= whole subtree is banned with -not_paths @return 0=no match , 1=not_paths , 2=not_leafs, <0=error */ int Exclusions_match(struct ExclusionS *o, char *abs_path, int flag); int Exclusions_add_not_leafs(struct ExclusionS *o, char *not_leafs_descr, regex_t *re, int flag); int Exclusions_add_not_paths(struct ExclusionS *o, int descrc, char **descrs, int pathc, char **paths, int flag); struct LinkiteM; /* Trace of hops during symbolic link resolution */ int Linkitem_new(struct LinkiteM **o, char *link_path, dev_t target_dev, ino_t target_ino, struct LinkiteM *next, int flag); int Linkitem_destroy(struct LinkiteM **o, int flag); int Linkitem_reset_stack(struct LinkiteM **o, struct LinkiteM *to, int flag); int Linkitem_find(struct LinkiteM *stack, dev_t target_dev, ino_t target_ino, struct LinkiteM **result, int flag); int Linkitem_get_link_count(struct LinkiteM *item, int flag); struct PermiteM; /* Stack of temporarily altered access permissions */ int Permstack_push(struct PermiteM **o, char *disk_path, struct stat *stbuf, int flag); int Permstack_pop(struct PermiteM **o, struct PermiteM *stopper, struct XorrisO *xorriso, int flag); /* Look for stack item with disk_path @param chattr_flag bit0= when popping: set chattr bit 'i' bit1= when popping: only set chattr bits bit2= when popping: set chattr bit 'a' @return 0= nothing found, 1= *stbuf and *chattr_flags are valid */ int Permstack_peek(struct PermiteM **o, struct PermiteM *stopper, struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *disk_path, struct stat **stbuf, int *chattr_flags, int flag); #endif /* ! Xorriso_pvt_auxobj_includeD */