/* xorriso - creates, loads, manipulates and burns ISO 9660 filesystem images. Copyright 2007-2012 Thomas Schmitt, Provided under GPL version 2 or later. This file contains the implementation of options as mentioned in man page or info file derived from xorriso.texi. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xorriso.h" #include "xorriso_private.h" #include "xorrisoburn.h" /* Options -dev , -indev, -outdev */ /** @param flag bit0= use as indev bit1= use as outdev bit2= do not -reassure bit3= regard overwriteable media as blank bit4= if the drive is a regular disk file: truncate it to the write start address bit5= do not print toc of aquired drive bit6= do not calm down drive after aquiring it @return <=0 error , 1 success, 2 revoked by -reassure */ int Xorriso_option_dev(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *in_adr, int flag) { int ret; char *adr; adr= in_adr; if(strcmp(in_adr, "-")==0) adr= "stdio:/dev/fd/1"; if(strncmp(adr, "stdio:", 6)==0) { if(strlen(adr)==6 || strcmp(adr, "stdio:/")==0 || strcmp(adr, "stdio:.")==0 || strcmp(adr, "stdio:..")==0 || strcmp(adr, "stdio:-")==0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "No suitable path given by device address '%s'", adr); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } } if(Xorriso_change_is_pending(xorriso, 0) && (flag&1)) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "%s: Image changes pending. -commit or -rollback first", (flag&2) ? "-dev" : "-indev"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } if((flag&1) && (xorriso->in_drive_handle != NULL || adr[0]) && !(flag&4)) { ret= Xorriso_reassure(xorriso, (flag&2) ? "-dev" : "-indev", "eventually discard the current image", 0); if(ret<=0) return(2); } if(adr[0]==0) { if((flag&1) && xorriso->in_drive_handle != NULL) { if(xorriso->in_drive_handle == xorriso->out_drive_handle) sprintf(xorriso->info_text,"Giving up -dev "); else sprintf(xorriso->info_text,"Giving up -indev "); Text_shellsafe(xorriso->indev, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); } if((flag&2) && xorriso->out_drive_handle != NULL && xorriso->in_drive_handle != xorriso->out_drive_handle) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text,"Giving up -outdev "); Text_shellsafe(xorriso->outdev, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); } ret= Xorriso_give_up_drive(xorriso, (flag&3)|((flag&32)>>2)); } else ret= Xorriso_aquire_drive(xorriso, adr, NULL, (flag & (3 | 32 | 64)) | (((flag & (8 | 16)) >> 1))); if(ret<=0) return(ret); if(xorriso->in_drive_handle == NULL) xorriso->image_start_mode= 0; /* session setting is invalid by now */ return(1); } /* Option -devices , -device_links */ /* @param flag bit0= perform -device_links rather than -devices @return <=0 error , 1 success, 2 revoked by -reassure */ int Xorriso_option_devices(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int flag) { int ret; if(Xorriso_change_is_pending(xorriso, 0)) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-devices: Image changes pending. -commit or -rollback first"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } ret= Xorriso_reassure(xorriso, "-devices", "eventually discard the current image", 0); if(ret<=0) return(2); xorriso->info_text[0]= 0; if(xorriso->in_drive_handle!=NULL || xorriso->out_drive_handle!=NULL) { if(xorriso->in_drive_handle == xorriso->out_drive_handle) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Gave up -dev "); Text_shellsafe(xorriso->indev, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); }else { if(xorriso->in_drive_handle!=NULL) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Gave up -indev "); Text_shellsafe(xorriso->indev, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); } if(xorriso->out_drive_handle!=NULL) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Gave up -outdev "); Text_shellsafe(xorriso->outdev, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "NOTE", 0); } } Xorriso_give_up_drive(xorriso, 3); } ret= Xorriso_show_devices(xorriso, flag & 1); return(ret); } /* Option -dialog "on"|"single_line"|"off" */ int Xorriso_option_dialog(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, int flag) { if(strcmp(mode, "on") == 0 || strcmp(mode, "multi_line") == 0) xorriso->dialog= 2; else if(strcmp(mode, "single_line") == 0) xorriso->dialog= 2; else if(strcmp(mode, "off") == 0) xorriso->dialog= 0; else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-dialog: unknown mode '%s'", mode); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } return(1); } /* Option -disk_dev_ino "on"|"ino_only"|"off" */ int Xorriso_option_disk_dev_ino(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, int flag) { if(strcmp(mode, "on") == 0) xorriso->do_aaip= (xorriso->do_aaip & ~128) | 16 | 32 | 64; else if(strcmp(mode, "ino_only") == 0) xorriso->do_aaip|= 16 | 32 | 64 | 128; else if(strcmp(mode, "off") == 0) xorriso->do_aaip &= ~(16 | 32 | 64 | 128); else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-disk_dev_ino: unknown mode '%s'", mode); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } return(1); } /* Option -disk_pattern "on"|"ls"|"off" */ int Xorriso_option_disk_pattern(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, int flag) { if(strcmp(mode, "off")==0) xorriso->do_disk_pattern= 0; else if(strcmp(mode, "on")==0) xorriso->do_disk_pattern= 1; else if(strcmp(mode, "ls")==0) xorriso->do_disk_pattern= 2; else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-disk_pattern: unknown mode '%s'", mode); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } return(1); } /* Option -displacement [-]offset */ int Xorriso_option_displacement(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *value, int flag) { double num; int displacement_sign= 1, l; char *cpt; cpt= value; if(value[0] == '-') { displacement_sign= -1; cpt++; } else if(value[0] == '+') cpt++; num= Scanf_io_size(cpt, 0); l= strlen(cpt); if(cpt[l - 1] < '0' || cpt[l - 1] > '9') num/= 2048.0; if(num < 0.0 || num > 4294967295.0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-displacement: too large or too small: '%s'", value); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } if(num == 0) displacement_sign= 0; xorriso->displacement= num; xorriso->displacement_sign= displacement_sign; return(1); } /* Option -drive_class */ int Xorriso_option_drive_class(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *d_class, char *pattern, int flag) { int ret= 1; if(strcmp(d_class, "banned") == 0) { ret= Xorriso_lst_new(&(xorriso->drive_blacklist), pattern, xorriso->drive_blacklist, 1); } else if(strcmp(d_class, "caution") == 0) { ret= Xorriso_lst_new(&(xorriso->drive_greylist), pattern, xorriso->drive_greylist, 1); } else if (strcmp(d_class, "harmless") == 0) { ret= Xorriso_lst_new(&(xorriso->drive_whitelist), pattern, xorriso->drive_whitelist, 1); } else if (strcmp(d_class, "clear_list") == 0) { if(strcmp(pattern, "banned") == 0) Xorriso_lst_destroy_all(&(xorriso->drive_blacklist), 0); else if(strcmp(pattern, "caution") == 0) Xorriso_lst_destroy_all(&(xorriso->drive_greylist), 0); else if(strcmp(pattern, "harmless") == 0) Xorriso_lst_destroy_all(&(xorriso->drive_whitelist), 0); else if(strcmp(pattern, "all") == 0) { Xorriso_lst_destroy_all(&(xorriso->drive_blacklist), 0); Xorriso_lst_destroy_all(&(xorriso->drive_greylist), 0); Xorriso_lst_destroy_all(&(xorriso->drive_whitelist), 0); } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-drive_class clear : unknown class '%s'", pattern); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } ret= 1; } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-drive_class: unknown class '%s'", d_class); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } return(ret); } /* Option -dummy "on"|"off" */ int Xorriso_option_dummy(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, int flag) { xorriso->do_dummy= !!strcmp(mode, "off"); return(1); } /* Option -dvd_obs "default"|"32k"|"64k" */ int Xorriso_option_dvd_obs(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *obs, int flag) { double num; if(strcmp(obs, "default") == 0) num= 0; else num = Scanf_io_size(obs,0); if(num != 0 && num != 32768 && num != 65536) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-dvd_obs : Bad size. Acceptable are 0, 32k, 64k"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } else xorriso->dvd_obs= num; return(1); } /* Option -early_stdio_test */ int Xorriso_option_early_stdio_test(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, int flag) { if(strcmp(mode, "on") == 0) xorriso->early_stdio_test= 2 | 4; else if(strcmp(mode, "off") == 0) xorriso->early_stdio_test= 0; else if(strcmp(mode, "appendable_wo") == 0) xorriso->early_stdio_test= 2 | 4 | 8; else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-early_stdio_test: unknown mode '%s'", mode); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } return(1); } /* Option -eject */ /* @param flag bit0=do not report toc of eventually remaining drives */ int Xorriso_option_eject(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *which, int flag) { int gu_flag= 4, ret; if(strncmp(which,"in",2)==0) gu_flag|= 1; else if(strncmp(which,"out",3)==0) gu_flag|= 2; else gu_flag|= 3; if((gu_flag&1) && Xorriso_change_is_pending(xorriso, 0)) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-eject: Image changes pending. -commit or -rollback first"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } if(flag&1) gu_flag|= 8; ret= Xorriso_give_up_drive(xorriso, gu_flag); return(ret); } /* Options -end , and -rollback_end */ /* @param flag bit0= discard pending changes bit1= do not -reassure @return <=0 error , 1 success, 2 revoked by -reassure */ int Xorriso_option_end(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int flag) { int ret; char *cmd, *which_will; if(flag&1) cmd= "-rollback_end"; else cmd= "-end"; if(Xorriso_change_is_pending(xorriso, 0)) { if((flag & 1) || !Xorriso_change_is_pending(xorriso, 1)) which_will= "end the program discarding image changes"; else which_will= "commit image changes and then end the program"; } else { which_will= "end the program"; } if(!(flag&2)) { ret= Xorriso_reassure(xorriso, cmd, which_will, 0); if(ret<=0) return(2); } if(Xorriso_change_is_pending(xorriso, 0)) { if((flag & 1) || !Xorriso_change_is_pending(xorriso, 1)) { xorriso->volset_change_pending= 0; } else { ret= Xorriso_option_commit(xorriso, 1); xorriso->volset_change_pending= 0; /* no further tries to commit */ if(ret<=0) return(ret); } } ret= Xorriso_give_up_drive(xorriso, 3); if(ret<=0) return(ret); return(1); } /* Option -errfile_log marked|plain path|-|"" */ int Xorriso_option_errfile_log(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, char *path, int flag) { int ret, mode_word; FILE *fp= NULL; if(path[0]==0 || path[0]=='-') { /* ok */; } else { fp= fopen(path, "a"); if(fp==0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-errfile_log: Cannot open file "); Text_shellsafe(path, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } } mode_word= xorriso->errfile_mode; if(strcmp(mode, "marked")==0) mode_word|= 1; else if(strcmp(mode, "plain")==0) mode_word&= ~1; else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-errfile_log: Unknown mode "); Text_shellsafe(mode, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); if(fp != NULL) fclose(fp); return(0); } Xorriso_process_errfile(xorriso, 0, "log end", 0, 1); if(xorriso->errfile_fp!=NULL) fclose(xorriso->errfile_fp); xorriso->errfile_fp= fp; xorriso->errfile_mode= mode_word; ret= Sfile_str(xorriso->errfile_log, path, 0); if(ret>0) ret= Xorriso_process_errfile(xorriso, 0, "log start", 0, 1); if(ret<=0) return(ret); return(1); } /* Option -error_behavior */ int Xorriso_option_error_behavior(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *occasion, char *behavior, int flag) { if(strcmp(occasion, "image_loading")==0) { if(strcmp(behavior, "best_effort")==0) xorriso->img_read_error_mode= 0; else if(strcmp(behavior, "failure")==0 || strcmp(behavior, "FAILURE")==0) xorriso->img_read_error_mode= 1; else if(strcmp(behavior, "fatal")==0 || strcmp(behavior, "FATAL")==0) xorriso->img_read_error_mode= 2; else { unknown_behavior:; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-error_behavior: with '%s': unknown behavior '%s'", occasion, behavior); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } } else if(strcmp(occasion, "file_extraction")==0) { if(strcmp(behavior, "best_effort")==0) xorriso->extract_error_mode= 0; else if(strcmp(behavior, "keep")==0) xorriso->extract_error_mode= 1; else if(strcmp(behavior, "delete")==0) xorriso->extract_error_mode= 2; else goto unknown_behavior; } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-error_behavior: unknown occasion '%s'", occasion); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } return(1); } /* Option -external_filter */ int Xorriso_option_external_filter(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int argc, char **argv, int *idx, int flag) { int ret, start_idx, end_idx; start_idx= *idx; end_idx= Xorriso_end_idx(xorriso, argc, argv, start_idx, 1); (*idx)= end_idx; if(end_idx - start_idx < 3) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-external_filter : Not enough arguments given. Needed: name options path %s", xorriso->list_delimiter); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } ret= Xorriso_external_filter(xorriso, argv[start_idx], argv[start_idx + 1], argv[start_idx + 2], end_idx - start_idx - 3, argv + start_idx + 3, 0); return(ret); } /* Options -extract , -extract_single */ /* @param flag bit0=do not report the restored item bit1=do not reset pacifier, no final pacifier message bit2= do not make lba-sorted node array for hardlink detection bit5= -extract_single: eventually do not insert directory tree */ int Xorriso_option_extract(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *iso_path, char *disk_path, int flag) { int ret, problem_count; char *eff_origin= NULL, *eff_dest= NULL, *ipth, *eopt[1], *edpt[1]; Xorriso_alloc_meM(eff_origin, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(eff_dest, char, SfileadrL); if(xorriso->allow_restore <= 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-extract: image-to-disk copies are not enabled by option -osirrox"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); ret= 0; goto ex; } if(!(flag&2)) Xorriso_pacifier_reset(xorriso, 0); ipth= iso_path; if(ipth[0]==0) ipth= disk_path; if(disk_path[0]==0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-extract: Empty disk_path given"); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 1); ret= 0; goto ex; } ret= Xorriso_normalize_img_path(xorriso, xorriso->wdx, disk_path, eff_dest, 2|4); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= Xorriso_normalize_img_path(xorriso, xorriso->wdi, ipth, eff_origin, 2|8); if(ret<=0) goto ex; eopt[0]= eff_origin; edpt[0]= eff_dest; ret= Xorriso_restore_sorted(xorriso, 1, eopt, edpt, &problem_count, (flag & 32 ? 33 : 0)); if(!(flag&2)) Xorriso_pacifier_callback(xorriso, "files restored",xorriso->pacifier_count, xorriso->pacifier_total, "", 1 | 4 | 8 | 32); if(ret <= 0 || problem_count > 0) goto ex; if(!(flag&1)) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "Extracted from ISO image: %s '%s'='%s'\n", (ret>1 ? "directory" : "file"), eff_origin, eff_dest); Xorriso_info(xorriso,0); } ret= 1; ex:; if(!(flag & (4 | 32))) Xorriso_destroy_node_array(xorriso, 0); Xorriso_free_meM(eff_origin); Xorriso_free_meM(eff_dest); return(ret); } /* Option -extract_cut */ int Xorriso_option_extract_cut(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *iso_rr_path, char *start, char *count, char *disk_path, int flag) { int ret; double num; off_t startbyte, bytecount; num= Scanf_io_size(start, 0); if(num<0 || num > 1.0e18) { /* 10^18 = 10^3 ^ 6 < 2^10 ^ 6 = 2^60 */ sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-extract_cut: startbyte address negative or much too large (%s)", start); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } startbyte= num; num= Scanf_io_size(count, 0); if(num<=0 || num > 1.0e18) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-extract_cut: bytecount zero, negative or much too large (%s)", count); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); return(0); } bytecount= num; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-extract_cut from %s , byte %.f to %.f, and store as %s", iso_rr_path, (double) startbyte, (double) (startbyte+bytecount), disk_path); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "DEBUG", 0); ret= Xorriso_extract_cut(xorriso, iso_rr_path, disk_path, startbyte, bytecount, 0); return(ret); } /* Option -file_size_limit */ int Xorriso_option_file_size_limit(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int argc, char **argv, int *idx, int flag) { int ret, i, end_idx; off_t new_limit= 0; end_idx= Xorriso_end_idx(xorriso, argc, argv, *idx, 1); if(*idx >= end_idx) {ret= 2; goto ex;} if(*idx + 1 == end_idx && strcmp(argv[*idx], "off") == 0) { xorriso->file_size_limit= 0; ret= 1; goto ex; } for(i= *idx; i < end_idx; i++) new_limit+= Scanf_io_size(argv[i], 0); if(new_limit <= 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-file_size_limit: values sum up to %.f", (double) new_limit); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 1); ret= 0; goto ex; } xorriso->file_size_limit= new_limit; ret= 1; ex:; (*idx)= end_idx; if(ret > 0) { if(xorriso->file_size_limit > 0) sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-file_size_limit now at %.f\n", (double) xorriso->file_size_limit); else sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-file_size_limit now off\n"); Xorriso_info(xorriso,0); } return(ret); } /* Option -find alias -findi, and -findx */ /* @param flag bit0= -findx rather than -findi bit1= do not reset pacifier, no final pacifier message do not reset find_compare_result bit2= do not count deleted files with rm and rm_r bit3= use Xorriso_findi_sorted() rather than Xorriso_findi() (this can also be ordered by test -sort_lba) */ int Xorriso_option_find(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int argc, char **argv, int *idx, int flag) { int ret, i, end_idx, type= 0, action, deleter= 0, start_lba, count; int list_extattr_head= 0, bsl_mem; struct FindjoB *job, *first_job= NULL, *new_job; char *start_path, *path= NULL, *cpt, *other_path_start= NULL, *cd_pt; char *access_acl_text= NULL, *default_acl_text= NULL, *list_extattr_mode; struct stat dir_stbuf; uid_t user= 0; gid_t group= 0; time_t date= 0; mode_t mode_or= 0, mode_and= ~1; double mem_lut= 0.0; end_idx= Xorriso_end_idx(xorriso, argc, argv, *idx, 1); Xorriso_alloc_meM(path, char, SfileadrL); Xorriso_alloc_meM(other_path_start, char, SfileadrL); start_path= "."; list_extattr_mode= "e"; if(end_idx > *idx && start_path[0]!=0) start_path= argv[*idx]; ret= Findjob_new(&first_job, start_path, 0); if(ret<=0) { Xorriso_no_findjob(xorriso, "-find[ix]", 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } job= first_job; if(!(flag&2)) xorriso->find_compare_result= 1; for(i= *idx+1; i=end_idx) { not_enough_arguments:; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find[ix]: not enough arguments with test "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } i++; ret= Findjob_set_name_expr(job, argv[i], 0); if(ret<=0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find[ix]: cannot set -name expression "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-wholename")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_arguments; i++; ret= Findjob_set_name_expr(job, argv[i], 1); if(ret<=0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find[ix]: cannot set -wholename expression "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-type")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_arguments; i++; ret= Findjob_set_file_type(job, argv[i][0], 0); if(ret<=0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find[ix]: unknown -type '%c'",argv[i][0]); goto sorry_ex; } } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-damaged")==0) { Findjob_set_damage_filter(job, 1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-undamaged")==0) { Findjob_set_damage_filter(job, -1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-lba_range")==0) { if(i+2>=end_idx) goto not_enough_arguments; i+= 2; sscanf(argv[i-1], "%d", &start_lba); sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &count); Findjob_set_lba_range(job, start_lba, count, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-pending_data")==0) { Findjob_set_commit_filter_2(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_acl")==0) { Findjob_set_acl_filter(job, 1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_no_acl")==0) { Findjob_set_acl_filter(job, -1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_xattr")==0) { Findjob_set_xattr_filter(job, 1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_any_xattr")==0) { Findjob_set_xattr_filter(job, 1, 1); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_no_xattr")==0) { Findjob_set_xattr_filter(job, -1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_aaip")==0) { Findjob_set_aaip_filter(job, 1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_no_aaip")==0) { Findjob_set_aaip_filter(job, -1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_filter")==0) { Findjob_set_filter_filter(job, 1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_no_filter")==0) { Findjob_set_filter_filter(job, -1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-has_md5")==0) { Findjob_set_prop_filter(job, 15, 1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-disk_name")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_arguments; i++; ret= Findjob_set_name_expr(job, argv[i], 2); if(ret<=0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find[ix]: cannot set -disk_name expression "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-hidden")==0) { if(i + 1 >= end_idx) goto not_enough_arguments; i+= 1; type= Xorriso__hide_mode(argv[i], 0); if(type < 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-findi: -hidden : unknown hide state "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } else { ret= Findjob_set_test_hidden(job, type, 0); if(ret <= 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-findi: cannot setup -hidden test"); goto sorry_ex; } } } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-true") == 0) { ret= Findjob_set_false(job, -1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-false") == 0) { ret= Findjob_set_false(job, 1, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-decision") == 0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_arguments; i++; ret= Findjob_set_decision(job, argv[i], 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-prune") == 0) { ret= Findjob_set_prune(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-sub") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "(") == 0) { ret= Findjob_open_bracket(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-subend") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], ")") == 0) { ret= Findjob_close_bracket(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-not") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "!") == 0) { ret= Findjob_not(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-and") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0) { ret= Findjob_and(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-or") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) { ret= Findjob_or(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-if") == 0) { ret= Findjob_if(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-then") == 0) { ret= Findjob_then(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-else") == 0) { ret= Findjob_else(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-elseif") == 0) { ret= Findjob_elseif(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-endif") == 0) { ret= Findjob_endif(job, 0); } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-sort_lba") == 0) { flag|= 8; /* If an operator is open: insert a -true test, else do nothing */ ret= Findjob_set_false(job, -1, 1); if(ret == 2) ret= 1; } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-exec")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) { not_enough_exec_arguments:; sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find[ix]: not enough arguments with -exec "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } i++; cpt= argv[i]; if(*cpt=='-') cpt++; if(strcmp(cpt, "echo")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 0, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "rm")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 1, NULL, 0); deleter= 1; } else if(strcmp(cpt, "rm_r")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 2, NULL, 0); deleter= 1; #ifdef NIX /* >>> not implemented yet */; } else if(strcmp(cpt, "mv")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; Findjob_set_action_target(job, 3, argv[i], 0); #endif } else if(strcmp(cpt, "chown")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "chown_r")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; ret= Xorriso_convert_uidstring(xorriso, argv[i], &user, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= Findjob_set_action_chown(job, user, strlen(cpt)>5); if(ret<=0) { Xorriso_no_findjob(xorriso, "-find -exec chown_r", 0); goto ex; } } else if(strcmp(cpt, "chgrp")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "chgrp_r")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; ret= Xorriso_convert_gidstring(xorriso, argv[i], &group, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= Findjob_set_action_chgrp(job, group, strlen(cpt)>5); if(ret<=0) { Xorriso_no_findjob(xorriso, "-find -exec chgrp_r", 0); goto ex; } } else if(strcmp(cpt, "chmod")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "chmod_r")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; ret= Xorriso_convert_modstring(xorriso, "-find -exec chmod", argv[i], &mode_and, &mode_or, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= Findjob_set_action_chmod(job, mode_and, mode_or, strlen(cpt)>5); if(ret<=0) { Xorriso_no_findjob(xorriso, "-find -exec chmod_r", 0); goto ex; } } else if(strcmp(cpt, "alter_date")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "alter_date_r")==0){ if(i+2>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i+= 2; ret= Xorriso_convert_datestring(xorriso, "-find -exec alter_date", argv[i-1], argv[i], &type, &date, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; ret= Findjob_set_action_ad(job, type, date, strlen(cpt)>10); if(ret<=0) { Xorriso_no_findjob(xorriso, "-find -exec alter_date_r", 0); goto ex; } } else if(strcmp(cpt, "lsdl")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 8, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "find")==0) { ret= Findjob_new(&new_job, "", 0); if(ret<=0) { Xorriso_no_findjob(xorriso, "-find[ix]", 0); {ret= -1; goto ex;} } Findjob_set_action_subjob(job, 13, new_job, 0); job= new_job; } else if(strcmp(cpt, "compare")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "update")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "widen_hardlinks")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "update_merge")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; action= 14; if(strcmp(cpt, "update")==0) action= 17; else if(strcmp(cpt, "widen_hardlinks")==0) action= 32; else if(strcmp(cpt, "update_merge") == 0) { action= 41; /* Enter update_merge mode for node adding */ xorriso->update_flags|= 1; } ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, xorriso->wdx, argv[i], other_path_start, 1|2|4|8); if(ret<=0) goto ex; Findjob_set_action_target(job, action, other_path_start, 0); ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, xorriso->wdi, start_path, path, 1|2|4); if(ret<=0) goto ex; Findjob_set_start_path(job, path, 0); if(!(flag&2)) { Xorriso_pacifier_reset(xorriso, 0); mem_lut= xorriso->last_update_time; } } else if(strcmp(cpt, "in_iso")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "not_in_iso")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "add_missing")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "empty_iso_dir")==0 || strcmp(cpt, "is_full_in_iso")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, xorriso->wdi, argv[i], other_path_start, 1|2|4); if(ret<=0) goto ex; if(strcmp(cpt, "in_iso")==0) action= 15; else if(strcmp(cpt, "add_missing")==0) action= 18; else if(strcmp(cpt, "empty_iso_dir")==0) action= 19; else if(strcmp(cpt, "is_full_in_iso")==0) action= 20; else action= 16; Findjob_set_action_target(job, action, other_path_start, 0); ret= Xorriso_make_abs_adr(xorriso, xorriso->wdx, start_path, path, 1|2|4|8); if(ret<=0) goto ex; Findjob_set_start_path(job, path, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "report_damage")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 21, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "report_lba")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 22, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "getfacl")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 24, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "setfacl")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; ret= Xorriso_normalize_acl_text(xorriso, argv[i], &access_acl_text, &default_acl_text, 0); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; Findjob_set_action_text_2(job, 25, access_acl_text, default_acl_text, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "getfattr")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 26, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "setfattr")==0) { if(i + 2 >= end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i+= 2; /* check input */ ret= Xorriso_path_setfattr(xorriso, NULL, "", argv[i - 1], strlen(argv[i]), argv[i], 1); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; Findjob_set_action_text_2(job, 27, argv[i - 1], argv[i], 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "set_filter")==0) { if(i + 1 >= end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i+= 1; Findjob_set_action_target(job, 28, argv[i], 0); if(!(flag&2)) { Xorriso_pacifier_reset(xorriso, 0); mem_lut= xorriso->last_update_time; } } else if(strcmp(cpt, "show_stream")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 29, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "get_any_xattr")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 33, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "get_md5")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 34, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "check_md5")==0) { if(i + 1 >= end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i+= 1; Findjob_set_action_target(job, 35, argv[i], 0); flag|= 8; if(!(flag&2)) { Xorriso_pacifier_reset(xorriso, 0); mem_lut= xorriso->last_update_time; } if(!(flag & 1)) xorriso->find_check_md5_result= 0; } else if(strcmp(cpt, "make_md5")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 36, NULL, 0); flag|= 8; if(!(flag&2)) { Xorriso_pacifier_reset(xorriso, 0); mem_lut= xorriso->last_update_time; } } else if(strcmp(cpt, "mkisofs_r")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 37, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "sort_weight")==0) { if(i + 1 >= end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i+= 1; sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &type); Findjob_set_action_type(job, 38, type, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "hide")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; type= Xorriso__hide_mode(argv[i], 0); if(type < 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find -exec hide: unknown hide state "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } Findjob_set_action_type(job, 39, type, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "estimate_size")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 40, NULL, 0); } else if(strcmp(cpt, "rm_merge")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 42, NULL, 0); xorriso->update_flags&= ~1; /* End update_merge mode for node adding */ } else if(strcmp(cpt, "clear_merge")==0) { Findjob_set_action_target(job, 43, NULL, 0); xorriso->update_flags&= ~1; /* End update_merge mode for node adding */ } else if(strcmp(cpt, "list_extattr")==0) { if(i+1>=end_idx) goto not_enough_exec_arguments; i++; Findjob_set_action_target(job, 44, argv[i], 0); list_extattr_head= 1; list_extattr_mode= argv[i]; } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find -exec: unknown action "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); goto sorry_ex; } } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-find[ix]: unknown option "); Text_shellsafe(argv[i], xorriso->info_text, 1); sorry_ex:; Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } } if(list_extattr_head) { sprintf(xorriso->result_line, "# Output of xorriso %s action list_extattr\n", (flag & 1) ? "-findx" : "-find"); Xorriso_result(xorriso, 0); strcpy(xorriso->result_line, "cd "); if(start_path[0] == '/') strcat(xorriso->result_line, "/"); else { cd_pt= (flag & 1) ? xorriso->wdx : xorriso->wdi; if(cd_pt[0] == 0) cd_pt= "/"; ret= Xorriso_append_extattr_comp(xorriso, cd_pt, strlen(cd_pt), list_extattr_mode, 0); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; } strcat(xorriso->result_line, "\n"); /* temporarily disable -backslash_codes with result output */ bsl_mem= xorriso->bsl_interpretation; xorriso->bsl_interpretation= 0; Xorriso_result(xorriso, 0); xorriso->bsl_interpretation= bsl_mem; sprintf(xorriso->result_line, "c=\"setextattr\"\n\n"); Xorriso_result(xorriso, 0); } if(flag&1) ret= Xorriso_findx(xorriso, first_job, "", start_path, &dir_stbuf, 0, NULL, 0); else if(flag & 8) { cpt= start_path; ret= Xorriso_findi_sorted(xorriso, first_job, (off_t) 0, 1, &cpt, 0); } else ret= Xorriso_findi(xorriso, first_job, NULL, (off_t) 0, NULL, start_path, &dir_stbuf, 0, (flag&4)>>1); ex:; if(deleter && !(flag&2)) Xorriso_pacifier_callback(xorriso, "iso_rr_paths deleted", xorriso->pacifier_count, 0, "", 1|2); else if(first_job->action == 28 && !(flag&2)) Xorriso_pacifier_callback(xorriso, "file filters processed", xorriso->pacifier_count, 0, "", 1 | 2); else if(mem_lut!=xorriso->last_update_time && mem_lut!=0.0 && !(flag&2)) Xorriso_pacifier_callback(xorriso, "content bytes read", xorriso->pacifier_count, 0, "", 1 | 8 | 32); if(first_job->action == 35 && !(flag & 1)) Xorriso_report_md5_outcome(xorriso, first_job->target, 0); if(first_job->action == 40) { sprintf(xorriso->result_line,"Size lower : %lus\n", (unsigned long) (first_job->estim_lower_size / (off_t) 2048)); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); sprintf(xorriso->result_line,"Size upper : %lus\n", (unsigned long) ((first_job->estim_upper_size / (off_t) 2048) + !!(first_job->estim_upper_size % 2048))); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); } if(access_acl_text != NULL) free(access_acl_text); if(default_acl_text != NULL) free(default_acl_text); Findjob_destroy(&first_job, 0); Xorriso_free_meM(path); Xorriso_free_meM(other_path_start); (*idx)= end_idx; return(ret); } /* Option -follow */ int Xorriso_option_follow(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, int flag) { int was_fl, was_fm, was_fpr, was_fpt, l; double num; char *cpt, *npt; was_fpt= xorriso->do_follow_pattern; was_fpr= xorriso->do_follow_param; was_fl= xorriso->do_follow_links; was_fm= xorriso->do_follow_mount; xorriso->do_follow_pattern= 0; xorriso->do_follow_param= 0; xorriso->do_follow_links= 0; xorriso->do_follow_mount= 0; npt= cpt= mode; for(cpt= mode; npt!=NULL; cpt= npt+1) { npt= strchr(cpt,':'); if(npt==NULL) l= strlen(cpt); else l= npt-cpt; if(l==0) goto unknown_mode; if(strncmp(cpt, "off", l)==0) { xorriso->do_follow_pattern= 0; xorriso->do_follow_param= 0; xorriso->do_follow_links= 0; xorriso->do_follow_mount= 0; } else if(strncmp(cpt, "on", l)==0) { xorriso->do_follow_pattern= 1; xorriso->do_follow_param= 1; xorriso->do_follow_links= 1; xorriso->do_follow_mount= 1; } else if(strncmp(cpt, "default", l)==0) { xorriso->do_follow_pattern= 1; xorriso->do_follow_param= 0; xorriso->do_follow_links= 0; xorriso->do_follow_mount= 1; xorriso->follow_link_limit= 100; } else if(strncmp(cpt, "link", l)==0 || strncmp(cpt,"links", l)==0) { xorriso->do_follow_links= 1; } else if(strncmp(cpt, "mount", l)==0) { xorriso->do_follow_mount= 1; } else if(strncmp(cpt,"param", l)==0) { xorriso->do_follow_param= 1; } else if(strncmp(cpt, "pattern", l)==0) { xorriso->do_follow_pattern= 1; } else if(strncmp(cpt, "limit=", 6)==0) { sscanf(cpt+6, "%lf", &num); if(num<=0 || num>1.0e6) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-follow: Value too %s with '%s'", num<=0 ? "small" : "large", cpt+6); goto sorry_ex; } xorriso->follow_link_limit= num; } else { unknown_mode:; if(linfo_text, "-follow: unknown mode '%s'", cpt); else sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-follow: oversized mode parameter (%d)",l); sorry_ex: Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); xorriso->do_follow_pattern= was_fpt; xorriso->do_follow_param= was_fpr; xorriso->do_follow_links= was_fl; xorriso->do_follow_mount= was_fm; return(0); } } return(1); } /* Option -fs */ int Xorriso_option_fs(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *size, int flag) { double num; num= Scanf_io_size(size, 0); if(num < 64*1024 || num > 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-fs: wrong size %.f (allowed: %.f - %.f)", num, 64.0 * 1024.0, 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "SORRY", 0); return(0); } xorriso->fs= num / 2048.0; if(xorriso->fs * 2048 < num) xorriso->fs++; return(1); } /* Optionis -getfacl alias -getfacli, -getfacl_r alias -getfacl_ri -getfattr alias getfattri */ /* @param flag bit0= recursive -getfacl_r bit1= getfattr rather than getfacl bit3= with bit1: do not ignore eventual non-user attributes */ int Xorriso_option_getfacli(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int argc, char **argv, int *idx, int flag) { int i, ret, was_failure= 0, end_idx, fret; int optc= 0; char **optv= NULL; struct FindjoB *job= NULL; struct stat dir_stbuf; ret= Xorriso_opt_args(xorriso, "-getfacl", argc, argv, *idx, &end_idx, &optc, &optv, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; for(i= 0; i0 && !xorriso->request_to_abort) continue; /* regular bottom of loop */ was_failure= 1; fret= Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1|2); if(fret>=0) continue; ret= 0; goto ex; } ret= 1; ex:; (*idx)= end_idx; Xorriso_opt_args(xorriso, "-getfacl", argc, argv, *idx, &end_idx, &optc, &optv, 256); Findjob_destroy(&job, 0); if(ret<=0) return(ret); return(!was_failure); } /* Option -gid */ int Xorriso_option_gid(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *gid, int flag) { int ret; xorriso->do_global_gid= 0; if(gid[0]==0 || strcmp(gid,"-")==0) return(1); ret= Xorriso_convert_gidstring(xorriso, gid, &(xorriso->global_gid), 0); if(ret>0) xorriso->do_global_gid= 1; return(ret); } /* Option -grow_blindly */ int Xorriso_option_grow_blindly(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *msc2, int flag) { double num; int l; if(msc2[0]==0 || msc2[0]=='-' || strcmp(msc2, "off")==0) { xorriso->grow_blindly_msc2= -1; return(1); } num= Scanf_io_size(msc2, 0); l= strlen(msc2); if(msc2[l-1]<'0' || msc2[l-1]>'9') num/= 2048.0; xorriso->grow_blindly_msc2= num; return(1); } /* Option -hardlinks "on"|"off" */ int Xorriso_option_hardlinks(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *mode, int flag) { int ret; char *what_data= NULL, *what, *what_next; Xorriso_alloc_meM(what_data, char, SfileadrL); if(Sfile_str(what_data, mode, 0)<=0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-hardlinks: mode string is much too long (%d)", (int) strlen(mode)); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } for(what= what_data; what != NULL; what= what_next) { what_next= strchr(what, ':'); if(what_next != NULL) { *what_next= 0; what_next++; } if(strcmp(what, "off") == 0) { Xorriso_finish_hl_update(xorriso, 0); xorriso->ino_behavior|= 1 | 2 | 4; xorriso->ino_behavior&= ~8; } else if(strcmp(what, "on") == 0) { xorriso->ino_behavior&= ~(1 | 2 | 4 | 8); } else if(strcmp(what, "without_update") == 0) { Xorriso_finish_hl_update(xorriso, 0); xorriso->ino_behavior&= ~(1 | 2 | 4); xorriso->ino_behavior|= 8; } else if(strcmp(what, "start_update") == 0) { xorriso->ino_behavior&= ~(1 | 2 | 4 | 8); ret= Xorriso_make_di_array(xorriso, 1); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; } else if(strcmp(what, "end_update") == 0) { Xorriso_finish_hl_update(xorriso, 0); } else if(strcmp(what, "perform_update") == 0) { Xorriso_finish_hl_update(xorriso, 0); } else if(strcmp(what, "start_extract") == 0) { xorriso->ino_behavior&= ~(1 | 2 | 4); ret= Xorriso_make_hln_array(xorriso, 1); if(ret <= 0) goto ex; } else if(strcmp(what, "end_extract") == 0) { Xorriso_destroy_hln_array(xorriso, 0); } else if(strcmp(what, "discard_extract") == 0) { Xorriso_destroy_hln_array(xorriso, 0); } else if(strcmp(what, "normal_extract") == 0) { xorriso->ino_behavior&= ~16; } else if(strcmp(what, "cheap_sorted_extract") == 0) { xorriso->ino_behavior|= 16; } else { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-hardlinks: unknown mode '%s' in '%s'", what, mode); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); {ret= 0; goto ex;} } } /* <<< ts B00613 : This is wrong: it enables new_rr if -hardlinks is off. Documented is that new_rr gets enabled if hardlinks are on. But it never worked that way. A compromise seems to be to disable this totally and to change man xorriso. new_rr still is not recognized by mount on Solaris. if(xorriso->ino_behavior & 2) Xorriso_option_compliance(xorriso, "new_rr", 0); */ ret= 1; ex:; Xorriso_free_meM(what_data); return(ret); } /* Option -help and part of -prog_help */ int Xorriso_option_help(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int flag) { static char text[][80]={ #ifdef Xorriso_no_helP "This binary program does not contain a help text.", "If available, read: man 1 xorriso", #else "This program creates, loads, manipulates and writes ISO 9660 filesystem", "images with Rock Ridge extensions. Write targets can be drives with optical", "media or local filesystem objects.", "", " -x Only in effect if given as program argument:", " Execute commands given as program arguments in a sequence", " that most likely makes some sense. Default is to execute", " program arguments exactly in the sequence as given.", "", "Preparation options:", "Drive addresses are either /dev/... as listed with option -devices or", "disk files, eventually with prefix \"stdio:\" if non-CD-drive in /dev tree.", "E.g. /dev/sr0 , /tmp/pseudo_drive , stdio:/dev/sdc", " -dev address Set input and output drive and load eventual ISO image.", " Set the image expansion method to growing.", " -indev address Set input drive and load eventual ISO image. Use expansion", " methods modifying or blind growing.", " -outdev address", " Set output drive and use modifying or blind growing.", " -drive_class \"harmless\"|\"banned\"|\"risky\"|\"clear_list\" disk_pattern", " Add a drive path pattern to one of the safety lists or make", " those lists empty. Defaulty entry in \"risky\" is \"/dev\".", " -grow_blindly \"off\"|predicted_nwa", " Switch between modifying and blind growing.", " -load \"session\"|\"track\"|\"lba\"|\"sbsector\"|\"volid\"|\"auto\" id", " Load a particular (outdated) ISO image from a -dev or", " -indev which hosts more than one session.", " -displacement [-]block_address", " When loading ISO tree or reading data files compensate a", " displacement versus the start address for which the image", " was prepared.", " -rom_toc_scan \"on\"|\"force\"|\"off\"[:\"emul_on\"|\"emul_off\"]", " Enable scanning for ISO sessions on read-only drives/media", " resp. on overwriteable media with emulated TOC.", " -calm_drive \"in\"|\"out\"|\"all\"|\"on\"|\"off\"", " Reduce drive noise until it gets actually used again.", " -assert_volid pattern severity", " Accept input image only if its volume id matches pattern.", " -charset name Set the character set name to be used for file name", " conversion from and to media.", " -in_charset name", " Like -charset but only for conversion from media.", " -auto_charset \"on\"|\"off\"", " Enable writing and reading of character set name in image.", " -out_charset name", " Like -charset but only for conversion to media.", " -local_charset name", " Override system assumption of the local character set name.", " -hardlinks mode[:mode ...]", " Enable resp. disable recording and restoring of hard links.", " Modes are \"on\", \"off\", \"perform_update\",", " \"without_update\", \"discard_extract\",", " \"cheap_sorted_extract\", \"normal_extract\"", " -acl \"on\"|\"off\"", " Enable resp. disable reading and writing of ACLs.", " -xattr \"on\"|\"off\"", " Enable resp. disable reading and writing of xattr.", " -for_backup", " Shortcut for: -hardlinks on -acl on -xattr on -md5 on", " -disk_dev_ino \"on\"|\"ino_only\"|\"off\"", " Enable resp. disable recording of disk file dev_t and ino_t", " and their use in file comparison.", " -md5 \"on\"|\"all\"|\"off\"", " Enable resp. disable processing of MD5 checksums.", " -scdbackup_tag list_path record_name", " Enable production of scdbackup tag with -md5 on", " -ban_stdio_write", " Allow for writing only the usage of optical drives.", " -early_stdio_test \"on\"|\"appendable_wo\"|\"off\"", " Classify stdio drives by effective access permissions.", " -blank \"fast\"|\"all\"|\"deformat\"|\"deformat_quickest\"", " Blank medium resp. invalidate ISO image on medium.", " -close_damaged \"as_needed\"|\"force\"", " Close track and session of damaged medium.", " -format \"as_needed\"|\"full\"|\"fast\"|\"by_index_#\"|\"by_size_#\"", " Format BD-RE, BD-R, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, DVD+RW.", " -volid volume_id", " Specifies the volume ID text. (32 chars out of [A-Z0-9_])", " -volset_id name", " Specifies the volume set id. (128 chars)", " -publisher name", " Specifies the publisher name. (128 chars)", " -application_id name", " Specifies the application id. (128 chars)", " -system_id name", " Specifies the system id for the System Area. (32 chars)", " -volume_date type timestring", " Specifies volume timestamps. [\"c\",\"m\",\"x\",\"f\",\"uuid\"]", " -copyright_file name", " Specifies the name of the Copyright File. (37 chars)", " -biblio_file name", " Specifies the name of the Bibliographic File. (37 chars)", " -abstract_file name", " Specifies the name of the Abstract File. (37 chars)", " -joliet \"on\"|\"off\"", " Generate Joliet info additional to Rock Ridge info.", " -jigdo \"clear\"|\"template_path\"|\"jigdo_path\"|\"md5_path\"", " |\"min_size\"|\"checksum_iso\"|\"checksum_template\"", " |\"compression\"|\"exclude\"|\"demand_md5\"|\"mapping\"", " |\"checksum_iso\"|\"checksum_template\"", " value", " Clear Jigdo Template Extraction parameter list or add a", " parameter with its value to that list.", " -compliance rule[:rule...]", " Allow more or less harmless deviations from strict standards", " compliance.", " -boot_image \"any\"|\"isolinux\"|\"grub\"", " |\"discard\"|\"keep\"|\"patch\"|\"dir=\"|\"bin_path=\"", " |\"cat_path=\"|\"cat_hidden=on|iso_rr|joliet|off\"", " |\"load_size=\"|\"system_area=\"|\"partition_table=on|off\"", " |\"mips_path=\"|\"mipsel_path=\"|\"mips_discard\"", " |\"sparc_label=\"|\"sparc_discard\"", " |\"show_status\"", " Whether to discard or keep an exiting El Torito boot image.", " ISOLINUX can be made bootable by dir=/ or dir=/isolinux", " or dir=/boot/isolinux. Others, like GRUB, by bin_path=...", " and cat_path=...", " The boot image and its helper files need to be added to the", " ISO image by the usual commands like -map or -add.", " system_area= and partition_table= are for MBR based booting", " from USB stick. The system_area= file needs not to be added.", " mips_path= adds Big Endian MIPS boot files. mipsel_path=", " sets one Little Endian MIPS boot file. sparc_label=", " activates SUN Disk Label. All three are mutually exclusive", " and exclusive to MBR production.", " -append_partition partition_number type_code disk_path", " Append a prepared filesystem image after the end of the", " ISO image. Caution: Will be overwritten by multi-session.", "", " -uid uid User id to be used for the whole multi-session ISO image.", " -gid gid Group id for the same purpose.", "", " -devices Show list of available optical drives and their addresses.", " -device_links Like devices, but showing link paths which are hopefully", " persistent over reboot on modern Linux systems.", "", " -toc Show media specific table of content (sessions).", "", " -mount_cmd drive entity id path", " Print to result channel a command suitable to mount the", " depicted entity (see -load) at the given directory path.", " -mount_opts \"exclusive\"|\"shared\"", " Set options for -mount and -mount_cmd.", " -session_string drive entity id \"linux:\"path|\"freebsd:\"path|form", " Print foreign OS command or custom line.", "", " -list_formats Show media specific list of format descriptors.", "", " -list_speeds Show media specific list of write speed descriptors.", "", " -list_profiles \"in\"|\"out\"|\"all\"", " Show list of media types supported by indev resp. outdev.", " -print_size Print the foreseeable consumption by next -commit.", "", " -tell_media_space", " Print foreseeable available space on output medium", " -pvd_info Print various id strings of the loaded ISO image." "", "Options with variable length path list [...] need the list delimiter text", "as end mark if they are followed by another option. By default this delimiter", "is \"--\". In dialog and with options read from files, the line end serves", "as such a mark. With program arguments this mark can be omitted only with", "the last option in the list of arguments.", "For brevity the list delimiter is referred as \"--\" throughout this text.", "", " -list_delimiter text Set the list delimiter to be used instead of \"--\"", " It has to be a single word, must not be empty, not longer", " than 80 characters, may mot contain quotation marks.", "", "Manipulation options:", "disk_path is a path to an object in the local filesystem tree.", "iso_rr_path is the Rock Ridge name of a file object in the ISO image.", "pathspec is either a disk_path or (if allowed) a pair: iso_rr_path=disk_path", "Options marked by [***] have variable argument length and perform pattern", "expansion if enabled by -iso_rr_pattern resp. -disk_pattern.", "", " -pathspecs \"on\"|\"off\" Allow or disallow pathspecs of form ", " iso_rr_path=disk_path . Only \"off\" allows eventual", " -disk_pattern expansion.", " -add pathspec [...] | disk_path [***]", " Insert the given files or directory trees from", " filesystem into the ISO image. Much like mkisofs.", " -add_plainly \"none\"|\"unknown\"|\"dashed\"|\"any\"", " Whether to add lonely arguments as pathspec resp. disk_path.", " -path_list disk_path", " Like -add but read the pathspecs from file disk_path.", " -quoted_path_list disk_path", " Like -path_list but with line rules as -dialog \"on\".", "", " -map disk_path iso_rr_path", " Insert disk file object at the given iso_rr_path.", " -map_single disk_path iso_rr_path", " Like -map but with directory do not insert its sub tree.", " -map_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_path [***]", " Performs -map with each disk_path.", " -update disk_path iso_rr_path", " Compare both file objects and do what is necessary to make", " iso_rr_path a matching copy of disk_path.", " -update_r disk_path iso_rr_path", " Like -update but affecting all files below directories.", " -update_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_path [***]", " Performs -update_r with each disk_path.", " -cut_out disk_path byte_offset byte_count iso_rr_path", " Map a byte interval of a regular disk file into a regular", " file in the ISO image.", "", " -cpr disk_path [***] iso_rr_path", " Insert the given files or directory trees from filesystem", " into the ISO image, according to the rules of cp -r.", "", " -rm iso_rr_path [***]", " Delete the given files from the ISO image.", " -rm_r iso_rr_path [***]", " Delete the given directory trees from ISO image.", " -mv iso_rr_path [***] iso_rr_path", " Rename the given file objects in the ISO tree to the last", " argument in the list.", " -chown uid iso_rr_path [***]", " Equivalent to chown in the ISO image.", " -chown_r uid iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -chown but affecting all files below directories.", " -chgrp gid iso_rr_path [***]", " Equivalent to chgrp in the ISO image.", " -chgrp_r gid iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -chgrp but affecting all files below directories.", " -chmod mode iso_rr_path [***]", " Equivalent to chmod in the ISO image.", " -chmod_r mode iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -chmod but affecting all files below directories.", " -setfacl acl_text iso_rr_path [***]", " Replace the permissions and eventual ACL of the given files", " in the ISO image by the ACL which is defined by acl_text.", " -setfacl_r acl_text iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -setfacl but affecting all files below directories.", " -setfacl_list disk_path", " Read output of getfacl from file disk_path. Set owner,", " group and ACL of the iso_rr_path given by line \"# file:\".", " -setfattr [-]name value iso_rr_path [***]", " Set xattr pair with the given name to the given value, or", " delete pair if name is prefixed with \"-\" and value is", " an empty text.", " -setfattr_r [-]name value iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -setfattr but affecting all files below directories.", " -setfattr_list disk_path", " Read output of getfattr from file disk_path. Replace the", " xattr of the iso_rr_path given by line \"# file:\".", " -alter_date type timestring iso_rr_path [***]", " Alter the date entries of a file in the ISO image. type is", " one of \"a\", \"m\", \"b\" for:", " access time, modification time, both times.", " -alter_date_r type timestring iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -alter_date but affecting all files below directories.", " -hide on|iso_rr|joliet|off iso_rr_path [***]", " Keep names of files out of directory tree, but store their", " data content in the image.", " -find iso_rr_path [test [op] [test ...]] [-exec action [params]]", " performs an action on files below the given directory in", " the ISO image. Tests:", " -name pattern, -wholename pattern, -disk_name pattern,", " -type b|c|d|p|f|l|s|e, -pending_data, -hidden,", " -lba_range start count, -damaged, -has_acl, -has_xattr,", " -has_aaip, -has_filter, -has_md5, -has_any_xattr,", " -prune, -decision yes|no, -true, -false", " Operators: -not, -or, -and, -sub, (, -subend, ),", " -if, -then, -elseif, -else, -endif", " Action may be one of: echo, chown, chown_r, chgrp, chgrp_r", " chmod, chmod_r, alter_date, alter_date_r, lsdl, compare,", " rm, rm_r, compare, update, report_damage, report_lba,", " getfacl, setfacl, getfattr, setfattr, get_any_xattr,", " list_extattr, get_md5, check_md5, make_md5,", " set_filter, show_stream, mkisofs_r, hide, find.", " params are their arguments except iso_rr_path.", " -mkdir iso_rr_path [...]", " Create empty directories if they do not exist yet.", " -rmdir iso_rr_path [***]", " Delete empty directories.", " -clone iso_rr_path_original iso_rr_path_copy", " Create an ISO copy of an ISO file or ISO directory tree.", " -cp_clone iso_rr_path_original [***] iso_rr_path_dest", " Create ISO to ISO copies according to the rules of cp -r.", "", " -- Default list delimiter marking the end of action argument", " list. It may be changed by option -list_delimiter.", "", " -not_paths disk_path [***]", " Add the given paths to the list of excluded absolute paths.", " -not_leaf pattern", " Add the given pattern to the list of leafname exclusions.", " -not_list disk_path", " Read lines from disk_path and use as -not_paths (with \"/\")", " or as -not_leaf (without \"/\").", " -quoted_not_list disk_path", " Like -not_list but with line rules as -dialog \"on\".", " -not_mgt \"reset\"|\"on\"|\"off\"|\"param_on\"|\"subtree_on\"|\"ignore_on\"", " Control effect of exclusion lists.", " -follow \"on\"|\"pattern:param:link:mount:limit=#\"|\"default\"|\"off\"", " Follow symbolic links and mount points within disk_path.", " -overwrite \"on\"|\"nondir\"|\"off\"", " Allow or disallow to overwrite existing files in ISO image.", " -split_size number[\"k\"|\"m\"]", " Set the threshold for automatic splitting of regular files.", " -reassure \"on\"|\"tree\"|\"off\"", " If \"on\" then ask the user for \"y\" or \"n\" with any", " file before deleting or overwriting it in the ISO image.", "", "Filter options:", "External filter processes may produce synthetic file content by reading the", "original content from stdin and writing to stdout whatever they want.", #ifdef Xorriso_allow_external_filterS " -external_filter name option[:option] program_path [arguments] --", " Define an external filter. Options are: suffix=...: ", " remove_suffix:if_nonempty:if_reduction:if_block_reduction.", " -unregister_filter name", " Undefine an external filter.", " -close_filter_list", " Irrevocably ban -external_filter and -unregister_filter.", #else "Sorry: The use of external filters was not enabled at compile time.", " E.g. by ./configure option --enable-external-filters", #endif /* ! Xorriso_allow_external_filterS */ " -set_filter name iso_rr_path [***]", " Apply a defined filter to the given data files.", " Special name \"--remove-all-filters\" revokes filtering.", " Builtin filters are --gzip , --gunzip, --zisofs .", " -set_filter_r name iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -set_filter but affecting all files below directories.", "", "zisofs is a compression format which is recognized by some Linux kernels.", "xorriso supports it by builtin filter \"--zisofs\" which is to be applied by", "the user, and by \"--zisofs-decode\" which is applied automatically when", "compressed content is detected with a file in the ISO image.", " -zisofs option[:options]", " Set global zisofs parameters:", " level=0|...|9 , block_size=32k|64k|128k , by_magic=on|off", "", "Write-to-media options:", " -rollback Discard the manipulated ISO image and reload it.", "", " -commit Perform the write operation and then perform -dev outdrive.", " Hint: To perform a final write operation with no new -dev", " and no new loading of image, execute option -end.", " -commit_eject \"in\"|\"out\"|\"all\"|\"none\"", " Like -commit but rather eject than load image from outdrive.", " Give up any unejected drive afterwards.", " -close \"on\"|\"off\"", " If \"on\" then mark the written medium as not appendable.", " -padding number[\"k\"|\"m\"]|\"included\"|\"appended\"", " Append extra bytes to image stream. (Default is 300k)", " -dummy \"on\"|\"off\"", " If \"on\" simulate burning. Refuse if medium cannot simulate.", " -speed number[\"k/s\"|\"m/s\"|\"[x]CD\"|\"[x]DVD\"|\"[x]BD\"]", " Set the burn speed. Default is 0 = maximum speed.", " -stream_recording \"on\"|\"off\"", " Try to circumvent slow checkread on DVD-RAM, BD-RE, BD-R.", " -dvd_obs \"default\"|\"32k\"|\"64k\"", " Set number of bytes per DVD/BD write operation.", " -stdio_sync \"on\"|\"off\"|number", " Set number of bytes after which to force output to stdio", " pseudo drives. \"on\" is the same as 16m.", " -fs number[\"k\"|\"m\"]", " Set the size of the fifo buffer. (Default is 4m)", " -eject \"in\"|\"out\"|\"all\"", " Immediately eject the medium in -indev, resp. -outdev,", " resp. both.", "", "Navigation options:", "", " -cd iso_rr_path Change working directory in the ISO image. iso_rr_paths", " which do not begin with '/' will be inserted beginning at", " the path given with -cd. -ls patterns will eventually", " looked up at this path.", " -cdi disk_path Same as -cd disk_path", " -cdx disk_path Change the current working directory in the local", " filesystem. disk_paths which do not begin with '/'", " will be looked up beginning at the path given with -cdx.", " -lsx patterns will eventually be looked up at this path.", " -pwd tells the current working directory in the ISO image.", " -pwdi same as -pwd.", " -pwdx tells the current working directory in the local filesystem.", "", " -iso_rr_pattern \"on\"|\"ls\"|\"off\"", " Enable or disable pattern expansions for ISO image commands", " marked by [***]. \"ls\" restricts it to -ls and -du.", " -disk_pattern \"on\"|\"ls\"|\"off\"", " Enable or disable pattern expansions for local filesystem", " commands marked by [***]. \"ls\" restricts to -ls*x and -du*x.", "", " -ls pattern [***] lists files of the ISO image which match one of the", " given shell parser patterns. (I.e. wildcards '*' '?').", " Directories are listed by their content.", " -lsd pattern [***] like -ls but listing directories as single items.", " -lsl pattern [***] like -ls but also telling some file attributes.", " -lsdl pattern [***] like -lsd but also telling some file attributes.", "", " -lsx pattern [***] lists files of the local filesystem which match one", " of the patterns. Directories are listed by their content.", " -lsdx pattern [***] like -lsx but listing directories as single items.", " -lslx pattern [***] like -lsx but also telling some file attributes.", " -lsdlx pattern [***] like -lsdx but also telling some file attributes.", " -getfacl pattern [***] list eventual ACLs of the given files.", " -getfacl_r pattern [***] like -getfacl but listing whole file trees.", " -getfattr pattern [***] list eventual xattr of the given files.", " -getfxattr_r pattern [***] like -getfxattr but listing whole file trees.", "", " -du pattern [***] recursively lists sizes of files or directories in the", " ISO image which match one of the shell parser patterns.", " -dux pattern [***] recursively lists sizes of files or directories in the", " local filesystem which match one of the shell parser", " patterns.", " -dus pattern [***] like -du but summing up subdirectories without", " listing them explicitely.", " -dusx pattern [***] like -dux but summing up subdirectories without", " listing them explicitely.", "", " -findx disk_path [-name pattern] [-type t] [-exec action [params]]", " Like -find but operating on local filesystem. Most -exec", " actions are defaulted to action echo. Supported actions are:", " in_iso, not_in_iso, is_full_in_iso, add_missing,", " empty_iso_dir", "", " -compare disk_path iso_rr_path", " compare attributes and in case of regular data files the", " content of filesystem object and ISO object.", " -compare_r disk_path iso_rr_path", " Like -compare but affecting all files below directories.", " -compare_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_path [***]", " Performs -compare_r with each disk_path.", "", " -show_stream iso_rr_path [***]", " Show content stream chain of data files in the ISO image.", " -show_stream_r iso_rr_path [***]", " Like -show_stream but affecting all files below directories.", "", "Restore options which copy file objects from ISO image to disk filesystem:", " -osirrox \"on\"|\"device_files\"|\"off\"|\"banned\"", " [:\"concat_split_on\"|\"concat_split_off\"]", " [:\"auto_chmod_on\"|\"auto_chmod_off\"]", " [:\"sort_lba_on\"|\"sort_lba_off\"]", " [:\"strict_acl_on\"|\"strict_acl_off\"]", " By default \"off\" the inverse operation of xorriso from ISO", " image to disk filesystem is disabled. \"on\" allows xorriso", " to create, overwrite, delete files in the disk filesystem.", " \"banned\" is irrevocably \"off\".", " -extract iso_rr_path disk_path", " Copy tree under iso_rr_path onto disk address disk_path.", " This avoids the pitfalls of cp -r addressing rules.", " -extract_l iso_rr_prefix disk_prefix iso_rr_path [***]", " Perform -extract with each iso_rr_path.", " -extract_single iso_rr_path disk_path", " Like -extract but with directory do not restore sub tree.", " -extract_cut iso_rr_path byte_offset byte_count disk_path", " Copy a byte interval from iso_rr_path to disk_path.", " This is governed in part by -check_media_defaults.", " -cpx iso_rr_path [***] disk_path", " Copy leaf file objects from ISO image to disk filesystem.", " -cpax iso_rr_path [***] disk_path", " Like -cpx but trying to restore timestamps and ownership.", " -cp_rx iso_rr_path [***] disk_path", " Copy directory trees from ISO image to disk filesystem.", " -cp_rax iso_rr_path [***] disk_path", " Like -cp_rx but trying to restore timestamps and ownership.", " -paste_in iso_rr_path disk_path byte_offset byte_count", " Copy ISO file content into a byte interval of a disk file.", " -mount drive entity id path", " Like -mount_cmd but actually performing that command if", " not setuid or setgid is active.", "", "Evaluation of readability:", " -check_media [options] --", " Try to read data blocks from the medium and report about the", " outcome. Several options modify the behavior:", " use=indev|outdev , what=track|session ,", " min_lba=blockadr , max_lba=blockadr ,", " abort_file=path , time_limit=seconds , item_limit=number ,", " retry=on|off|default , data_to=filepath ,", " sector_map=filepath , map_with_volid=on|off ,", " patch_lba0=on|off|force|blockadr[:force] ,", " report=blocks|files|blocks_files event=severity ,", " bad_limit=quality , slow_limit=seconds , chunk_size=bytes", " -check_media_defaults [options] --", " Preset options for runs of -check_media and -extract_cut.", "", "Compatibility emulation (argument list may be ended by list delimiter --):", " -as mkisofs [-help|-version|-o|-R|-r|-J|-V|-P|-f|-m|-exclude-list|", " -no-pad|-M|-C|-graft-points|-path-list|pathspecs|-z|", " -no-emul-boot|-b|-c|-boot-info-table|-boot-load-size|-G|...]", " Perform some mkisofs gestures, understand pathspecs as mkisofs", " does. Commit happens outside emulation at usual occasions.", " For a list of options see -as mkisofs -help.", " -read_mkisofsrc", " Read and interpret the .mkisofsrc configuration file.", " -as cdrecord [-help|-v|dev=|speed=|blank=|fs=|-eject|-atip|padsize=|-multi]", " path|-", " Perform some cdrecord gestures, eventually write at most one", " data track to blank, appendable or overwriteable media.", " -pacifier \"xorriso\"|\"cdrecord\"|\"mkisofs\"", " Choose format of UPDATE pacifier during write operations.", "", "General options:", " -help Print this text", " -abort_on severity Set the threshhold for events to abort the program.", " Useful severities: NEVER, ABORT, FATAL, FAILURE, SORRY, WARNING", " -return_with severity exit_value Set the threshhold for events to return", " at program end the given exit_value even if not aborted.", " exit_value may be 0 or 32 to 63.", " -report_about severity Set the threshhold for events to be reported.", " Use -abort_on severities or: HINT, NOTE, UPDATE, DEBUG, ALL", " -signal_handling \"on\"|\"off\"|\"sig_dfl\"|\"sig_ign\"", " Handling of signals. Default \"on\" uses libburn handler.", " -error_behavior \"image_loading\"|\"file_extraction\" behavior", " Behavior \"best_effort\" is most endurant but may produce", " results which are correct only on the first glimpse.", " -dialog \"on\"|\"off\"|\"single_line\"", " After all arguments are processed, enter dialog mode.", " \"single_line\" does not support newline characters within", " open quotation marks and no line continuation by trailing \\.", " -page len width Prompt user after len output lines (0=no prompt).", " width (default 80) can adjust line number computation", " to the output terminal's line width.", #ifdef Xorriso_with_readlinE " -use_stdin Use raw standard input even if libreadline is available", " -use_readline Use libreadline for dialog if available", " -history text Copy text into libreadline history. This command", " itself is not copied to the history list.", #endif /* Xorriso_with_readlinE */ " -backslash_codes \"on\"|\"off\"|", " \"in_double_quotes\"|\"in_quotes\"|\"with_quoted_input\"", " [:\"with_program_arguments\"][:\"encode_output\"]", " Disable or enable interpretation of \\a \\b \\e \\f \\n \\r \\t \\v", " \\\\ \\NNN \\xNN \\cC in input or program arguments.", " -pkt_output \"on\"|\"off\" Direct output to stdout and prefix each line", " by a short header which tells channel id and a mode number.", " Each such output packet is finalized by a newline.", " Channel ids are 'R:' for result lines, 'I:' for notes", " and error messages, 'M:' for -mark texts. Bit 0 of the", " mode number tells whether the newline is also part of the", " packet payload. Example of a info message with newline:", " I:1: enter option text :", " -pkt_output:on is intended for use by frontend programs.", " -logfile channel fileaddress Copy output of a channel to the given file.", " channel may be 'R','I','M' as with -pkt_output or '.'", " for the consolidated -pkt_output stream.", " -mark text If text is not empty it will get put out each time an", " option is completed.", " -temp_mem_limit number[\"k\"|\"m\"]", " Set the maximum size for pattern expansion. (Default is 16m)", " -prog text Use text as this program's name in subsequent messages", " -prog_help text Use text as this program's name and perform -help", " -status mode|filter Report the current settings of persistent options.", " Modes:", " short... print only important or altered options", " long ... print options even if they have default settings", " long_history like long plus -history: lines", " Filters begin with '-' and are compared literally against the", " output lines of -status long_history. A line is put out only", " if its start matches the filter.", " -status_history_max number Maximum number of history lines to be reported", " with -status:long_history", " -options_from_file fileaddress", " Reads lines from the given file and executes them as program", " options.", " -no_rc Only if used as first command line argument this option", " prevents reading and interpretation of startup files.", " -print text", " Print a text to result channel.", " -print_info text", " Print a text to info channel.", " -print_mark text", " Print a text to mark channel.", " -prompt text", " Wait for Enter key resp. for a line of input at stdin.", " -sleep number", " Do nothing during the given number of seconds.", " -errfile_log mode path|channel", " Log disk paths of files involved in problem events.", " -session_log path", " Set path of a file where a log record gets appended after", " each session. Form: timestamp start_lba size volume-id", " -scsi_log \"on\"|\"off\"", " Enable or disable logging of SCSI commands to stderr.", " # any text Is ignored. In dialog mode the input line will be stored in", " the eventual readline history, nevertheless.", " -list_extras code", " Tell whether certain extra features were enabled at compile", " time. Code \"all\" lists all features and a headline. Other", " codes pick a single feature. \"codes\" lists the known codes.", " -list_arg_sorting", " Print the sorting order of xorriso commands with option -x.", " -version Tell program and version number", " -end End program. Commit eventual pending changes.", " -rollback_end", " End program. Discard pending changes.", "", "", "Option -page causes a user prompt after the given number of result lines.", "Empty input resumes output until the next prompt. Other input may be:", " @ suppresses paging until the current action is done", " @@ suppresses further result output but continues the action", " @@@ aborts the current action", " other aborts the current action and executes input as new", " option", "", #endif /* ! Xorriso_no_helP */ "@ENDE_OF_HELPTEXT_(HOPEFULLY_UNIQUELY_SILLY_TEXT)@" }; char *tpt= NULL; int i,pass; Xorriso_restxt(xorriso,"\n"); sprintf(xorriso->result_line,"usage: %s [settings|actions]\n", xorriso->progname); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); Xorriso_restxt(xorriso,"\n"); for(pass=0;pass<1;pass++) { for(i=0;1;i++) { if(pass==0) tpt= text[i]; if(strcmp(tpt,"@ENDE_OF_HELPTEXT_(HOPEFULLY_UNIQUELY_SILLY_TEXT)@")==0) break; sprintf(xorriso->result_line,"%s\n",tpt); Xorriso_result(xorriso,0); if(xorriso->request_to_abort) return(1); } } Xorriso_restxt(xorriso,"\n"); return(1); } /* Option -hide */ int Xorriso_option_hide(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *hide_state, int argc, char **argv, int *idx, int flag) { int i, ret, end_idx, optc= 0, was_failure= 0, fret, hide_mode; char **optv= NULL; ret= Xorriso_opt_args(xorriso, "-hide", argc, argv, *idx, &end_idx, &optc, &optv, 0); if(ret<=0) goto ex; hide_mode= Xorriso__hide_mode(hide_state, 0); if(hide_mode < 0) { sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-hide : unknown hide state "); Text_shellsafe(hide_state, xorriso->info_text, 1); Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0); goto ex; } for(i= 0; i0 && !xorriso->request_to_abort) continue; /* regular bottom of loop */ was_failure= 1; fret= Xorriso_eval_problem_status(xorriso, ret, 1|2); if(fret>=0) continue; ret= 0; goto ex; } ret= 1; ex:; (*idx)= end_idx; Xorriso_opt_args(xorriso, "-hide", argc, argv, *idx, &end_idx, &optc, &optv, 256); if(ret<=0) return(ret); return(!was_failure); } /* Option -history */ int Xorriso_option_history(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *line, int flag) { Xorriso_dialog_input(xorriso,line,strlen(line)+1,2); return(1); }