   @author Dana Jansens, Derek Foreman

   @mainpage Libburn Documentation Index

   @section intro Introduction

   Libburn is an open source library suite for reading, mastering and writing
   optical discs.

   @section using Using the library

   @subsection concepts Library concepts

   There are a few concepts to introduce in order for you to understand how to
   use Libburn. So, lets start with them:

   <li> Read - The process of reading the data on a disc for storage or
   <li> Write - The process of writing data onto a disc to create a new
        disc image or append to an existing one.
   <li> Drive - A Drive is a hardware device used to reading and/or writing
        discs. CD burners and CD-ROMs are examples of Drives.

   @subsection working Working with the library

   Now that you understand the above @ref concepts, you're ready to look at the
   actual use of the library.

   In general, using the library to perform a process consists of the following

   <li> Initialize the library. (If not already done; a single instance of
        the library can perform multiple operations simultaneously with
        multiple drives.)
   <li> Scan for available Drives.
   <li> Choose and grab a Drive for reading/writing.
   <li> Fill in the options for the operation.
   <li> Wait for the operation to complete, displaying status along the way
        if desired.
   <li> Release the Drive.
   <li> Destroy the library instance. (If you're done working with the

   Here's a very simple example of burning an ISO file

   @include burniso.c