/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Vreixo Formoso * * This file is part of the libisofs project; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. See COPYING file for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include "libisofs.h" #include "messages.h" #include "error.h" int iso_message_id = LIBISO_MSGS_ORIGIN_IMAGE_BASE; /** * Threshold for aborting. */ int abort_threshold = LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_FAILURE; #define MAX_MSG_LEN 4096 struct libiso_msgs *libiso_msgr = NULL; int iso_init() { if (libiso_msgr == NULL) { if (libiso_msgs_new(&libiso_msgr, 0) <= 0) return ISO_FATAL_ERROR; } libiso_msgs_set_severities(libiso_msgr, LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_NEVER, LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_FATAL, "libisofs: ", 0); return 1; } void iso_finish() { libiso_msgs_destroy(&libiso_msgr, 0); } int iso_set_abort_severity(char *severity) { int ret, sevno; ret = libiso_msgs__text_to_sev(severity, &sevno, 0); if (ret <= 0) return ISO_WRONG_ARG_VALUE; if (sevno > LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_FAILURE || sevno < LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_NOTE) return ISO_WRONG_ARG_VALUE; ret = abort_threshold; abort_threshold = sevno; return ret; } void iso_msg_debug(int imgid, const char *fmt, ...) { char msg[MAX_MSG_LEN]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(msg, MAX_MSG_LEN, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); libiso_msgs_submit(libiso_msgr, imgid, 0x00000002, LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_DEBUG, LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_ZERO, msg, 0, 0); } const char *iso_error_to_msg(int errcode) { switch(errcode) { case ISO_CANCELED: return "Operation canceled"; case ISO_FATAL_ERROR: return "Unknown or unexpected fatal error"; case ISO_ERROR: return "Unknown or unexpected error"; case ISO_ASSERT_FAILURE: return "Internal programming error. Please report this bug"; case ISO_NULL_POINTER: return "NULL pointer as value for an arg. that doesn't allow NULL"; case ISO_OUT_OF_MEM: return "Memory allocation error"; case ISO_INTERRUPTED: return "Interrupted by a signal"; case ISO_WRONG_ARG_VALUE: return "Invalid parameter value"; case ISO_THREAD_ERROR: return "Can't create a needed thread"; case ISO_WRITE_ERROR: return "Write error"; case ISO_BUF_READ_ERROR: return "Buffer read error"; case ISO_NODE_ALREADY_ADDED: return "Trying to add to a dir a node already added to a dir"; case ISO_NODE_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE: return "Node with same name already exists"; case ISO_NODE_NOT_ADDED_TO_DIR: return "Trying to remove a node that was not added to dir"; case ISO_NODE_DOESNT_EXIST: return "A requested node does not exists"; case ISO_IMAGE_ALREADY_BOOTABLE: return "Try to set the boot image of an already bootable image"; case ISO_BOOT_IMAGE_NOT_VALID: return "Trying to use an invalid file as boot image"; case ISO_FILE_ERROR: return "Error on file operation"; case ISO_FILE_ALREADY_OPENNED: return "Trying to open an already openned file"; case ISO_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED: return "Access to file is not allowed"; case ISO_FILE_BAD_PATH: return "Incorrect path to file"; case ISO_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST: return "The file does not exists in the filesystem"; case ISO_FILE_NOT_OPENNED: return "Trying to read or close a file not openned"; case ISO_FILE_IS_DIR: return "Directory used where no dir is expected"; case ISO_FILE_READ_ERROR: return "Read error"; case ISO_FILE_IS_NOT_DIR: return "Not dir used where a dir is expected"; case ISO_FILE_IS_NOT_SYMLINK: return "Not symlink used where a symlink is expected"; case ISO_FILE_SEEK_ERROR: return "Can't seek to specified location"; case ISO_FILE_IGNORED: return "File not supported in ECMA-119 tree and thus ignored"; case ISO_FILE_TOO_BIG: return "A file is bigger than supported by used standard"; case ISO_FILE_CANT_WRITE: return "File read error during image creations"; case ISO_FILENAME_WRONG_CHARSET: return "Can't convert filename to requested charset"; case ISO_FILE_CANT_ADD: return "File can't be added to the tree"; case ISO_FILE_IMGPATH_WRONG: return "File path break specification constraints and will be ignored"; case ISO_CHARSET_CONV_ERROR: return "Charset conversion error"; case ISO_MANGLE_TOO_MUCH_FILES: return "Too much files to mangle, can't guarantee unique file names"; case ISO_WRONG_PVD: return "Wrong or damaged Primary Volume Descriptor"; case ISO_WRONG_RR: return "Wrong or damaged RR entry"; case ISO_UNSUPPORTED_RR: return "Unsupported RR feature"; case ISO_WRONG_ECMA119: return "Wrong or damaged ECMA-119"; case ISO_UNSUPPORTED_ECMA119: return "Unsupported ECMA-119 feature"; case ISO_WRONG_EL_TORITO: return "Wrong or damaged El-Torito catalog"; case ISO_UNSUPPORTED_EL_TORITO: return "Unsupported El-Torito feature"; case ISO_ISOLINUX_CANT_PATCH: return "Can't patch isolinux boot image"; case ISO_UNSUPPORTED_SUSP: return "Unsupported SUSP feature"; case ISO_WRONG_RR_WARN: return "Error on a RR entry that can be ignored"; case ISO_SUSP_UNHANDLED: return "Error on a RR entry that can be ignored"; case ISO_SUSP_MULTIPLE_ER: return "Multiple ER SUSP entries found"; case ISO_UNSUPPORTED_VD: return "Unsupported volume descriptor found"; case ISO_EL_TORITO_WARN: return "El-Torito related warning"; default: return "Unknown error"; } } int iso_msg_submit(int imgid, int errcode, int causedby, const char *fmt, ...) { char msg[MAX_MSG_LEN]; va_list ap; /* when called with ISO_CANCELED, we don't need to submit any message */ if (errcode == ISO_CANCELED && fmt == NULL) { return ISO_CANCELED; } if (fmt) { va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(msg, MAX_MSG_LEN, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } else { strncpy(msg, iso_error_to_msg(errcode), MAX_MSG_LEN); } libiso_msgs_submit(libiso_msgr, imgid, errcode, ISO_ERR_SEV(errcode), ISO_ERR_PRIO(errcode), msg, 0, 0); if (causedby != 0) { iso_msg_debug(imgid, " > Caused by: %s", iso_error_to_msg(causedby)); if (ISO_ERR_SEV(causedby) == LIBISO_MSGS_SEV_FATAL) { return ISO_CANCELED; } } if (ISO_ERR_SEV(errcode) >= abort_threshold) { return ISO_CANCELED; } else { return 0; } } /** * Control queueing and stderr printing of messages from libisofs. * Severity may be one of "NEVER", "FATAL", "SORRY", "WARNING", "HINT", * "NOTE", "UPDATE", "DEBUG", "ALL". * * @param queue_severity Gives the minimum limit for messages to be queued. * Default: "NEVER". If you queue messages then you * must consume them by iso_msgs_obtain(). * @param print_severity Does the same for messages to be printed directly * to stderr. * @param print_id A text prefix to be printed before the message. * @return >0 for success, <=0 for error */ int iso_set_msgs_severities(char *queue_severity, char *print_severity, char *print_id) { int ret, queue_sevno, print_sevno; ret = libiso_msgs__text_to_sev(queue_severity, &queue_sevno, 0); if (ret <= 0) return 0; ret = libiso_msgs__text_to_sev(print_severity, &print_sevno, 0); if (ret <= 0) return 0; ret = libiso_msgs_set_severities(libiso_msgr, queue_sevno, print_sevno, print_id, 0); if (ret <= 0) return 0; return 1; } /** * Obtain the oldest pending libisofs message from the queue which has at * least the given minimum_severity. This message and any older message of * lower severity will get discarded from the queue and is then lost forever. * * Severity may be one of "NEVER", "FATAL", "SORRY", "WARNING", "HINT", * "NOTE", "UPDATE", "DEBUG", "ALL". To call with minimum_severity "NEVER" * will discard the whole queue. * * @param error_code Will become a unique error code as listed in messages.h * @param msg_text Must provide at least ISO_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN bytes. * @param os_errno Will become the eventual errno related to the message * @param severity Will become the severity related to the message and * should provide at least 80 bytes. * @return 1 if a matching item was found, 0 if not, <0 for severe errors */ int iso_obtain_msgs(char *minimum_severity, int *error_code, int *imgid, char msg_text[], int *os_errno, char severity[]) { int ret, minimum_sevno, sevno, priority; double timestamp; pid_t pid; char *textpt, *sev_name; struct libiso_msgs_item *item= NULL; ret = libiso_msgs__text_to_sev(minimum_severity, &minimum_sevno, 0); if (ret <= 0) return 0; ret = libiso_msgs_obtain(libiso_msgr, &item, minimum_sevno, LIBISO_MSGS_PRIO_ZERO, 0); if (ret <= 0) goto ex; ret = libiso_msgs_item_get_msg(item, error_code, &textpt, os_errno, 0); if (ret <= 0) goto ex; strncpy(msg_text, textpt, ISO_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN-1); if (strlen(textpt) >= ISO_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN) msg_text[ISO_MSGS_MESSAGE_LEN-1] = 0; ret = libiso_msgs_item_get_origin(item, ×tamp, &pid, imgid, 0); if (ret <= 0) goto ex; severity[0]= 0; ret = libiso_msgs_item_get_rank(item, &sevno, &priority, 0); if (ret <= 0) goto ex; ret = libiso_msgs__sev_to_text(sevno, &sev_name, 0); if (ret <= 0) goto ex; strcpy(severity, sev_name); ret = 1; ex: ; libiso_msgs_destroy_item(libiso_msgr, &item, 0); return ret; } /** * Return the messenger object handle used by libisofs. This handle * may be used by related libraries to their own compatible * messenger objects and thus to direct their messages to the libisofs * message queue. See also: libburn, API function burn_set_messenger(). * * @return the handle. Do only use with compatible */ void *iso_get_messenger() { return libiso_msgr; }