bzr branch lp:libisofs/for-libisoburn (to become libisofs-1.4.8 or higher)
git clone
(to become libisofs-1.4.8 or higher)
* Bug fix: iso_read_opts_set_no_rockridge() did not prevent reading of root SUSP
* New API calls el_torito_set_full_load(), el_torito_get_full_load()

libisofs-1.4.6.tar.gz Fri Sep 16 2016
* Bug fix: SIGSEGV by NULL when a data file was larger than ISO level allows.
* Bug fix: Interpretation of 17 digit timestamps was wrong.
* New API calls iso_generate_gpt_guid() and iso_write_opts_set_gpt_guid().
* Made several pseudo-random ids reproducible by overriding volume modification

libisofs-1.4.4.tar.gz Fri Jul 01 2016
* Bug fix: HFS+ production could cause MBR partition of type 0xEE without GPT.
* Bug fix: Protective MBR was not produced if no System Area data are given.
* Bug fix: Protective MBR was not recognized if partition is appended.
* Bug fix: The HFS+ filesystem was not marked in GPT of GRUB2 hybrid layout.
* Bug fix: HFS+ directories could announce more children than they actually
* Bug fix: At image loading time GRUB2 MBR was not recognized if the partition
           table is not the protective one as described by UEFI.
* Bug fix: Oversized text in ISO_SYSAREA_REPORT_DOC_ALPHA.
           Thanks to Etienne Bergeron.
* New pseudo path for El Torito boot images:
* New bit15 with options of iso_write_opts_set_system_area() to enforce
  MBR bootable/active flag.
* New API calls iso_write_opts_set_appended_as_apm(),
* Introduced image size tolerance of 300 kB in order to recognize SUN Disk
  Label that was generated by genisoimage -B "...".
* Added "extern C" to libisofs.h
* Removed option --silent from libtool runs.

libisofs-1.4.2.tar.gz Sat Nov 28 2015
* Bug fix: zisofs compression caused SIGSEGV (by reading) with files larger
           than 524160 KiB.
* Bug fix: iso_node_get_name() of root node returned NULL pointer rather than
           an empty string
* Bug fix: Names read from Joliet tree where stripped of trailing ";1"
* Now sorting the data file content extents by ECMA-119 tree, rather than
  by the red-black tree which shall consolidate files with identical
  source object.
* New API call iso_read_opts_set_ecma119_map().
* New AAIP variable isofs.nt records name truncation parameters.
* Rectified handling of oversized filenames by new API calls:
  iso_image_set_truncate_mode, iso_image_get_truncate_mode,
  iso_truncate_leaf_name, iso_image_set_node_name, iso_image_tree_clone,
  iso_image_add_new_dir, iso_image_add_new_file, iso_image_add_new_special,
  iso_image_add_new_symlink, iso_image_dir_get_node, iso_image_path_to_node
* Result of a Coverity audit: 50+ code changes, but no easy-to-trigger bugs

libisofs-1.4.0.tar.gz Sun May 17 2015
* Bug fix: iso_image_report_system_area() caused SIGSEGV by NULL if no valid
           ISO 9660 image was loeaded. Thanks to OmegaPhil.
* Bug fix: A SIGSEGV could happen when loading a faulty ISO filesystem.
           Debian bug 774152. Thanks to Jakub Wilk.
* Bug fix: Rock Ridge Continuation Area could be produced crossing a block
           boundary. This is heavily disliked by the Linux kernel and spoils
           the representation of directories which contain many symbolic links.
* Bug fix: If iso_write_opts_set_hardlinks() enabled automatic inode numbers,
           then they did not get into effect with nodes were zisofs decoder
           filters got attached during the image load process.
* Bug fix: The header indicator of the last El Torito catalog section header
           was set to 0x90 rather than 0x91 if more than one boot image is in
           that section.
* Bug fix: Only 128 bytes of an emerging GPT header block were zeroized.
* Bug fix: iso_image_report_system_area() did not show GPT partitions of
           size 0.
* Bug fix: A zero sized GPT partition was marked after the last appended
           GPT partition.
* Bug fix: GPT production did not yield proper results with appended sessions
           or with TOC emulation enabled.
* Increased default weight of El Torito boot catalog to 1 billion.
* Improved handling of cylinder alignment if the resulting image size is not
  divisible by 2048. Old behavior was to not align. New is to pad up by a
  few blocks of 512 bytes.
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_appended_as_gpt()
  and marking of appended partitions in GPT if GPT emerges for other reasons.
* New system area type 6 = DEC Alpha SRM boot sector.
  New API calls iso_image_set_alpha_boot(), iso_image_get_alpha_boot().
  Thanks to Helge Deller.
* New API object iso_interval_reader. Enabling flag bits for older API calls
  iso_write_opts_set_prep_img(), iso_write_opts_set_efi_bootp(),
  and iso_write_opts_set_partition_img().

libisofs-1.3.8.tar.gz Sat Jun 28 2014
* Bug fix: Prevent allocation of empty hash tables. Thanks Richard Nolde.
* Bug fix: Prevent allocation of empty directory children lists.
           Thanks Richard Nolde.
* Bug fix: The GUIDs of main GPT and backup GPT differed if more than one
           System Area was written into the ISO image.
* New API calls iso_image_report_el_torito() and iso_image_report_system_area()
* New API call iso_crc32_gpt()

libisofs-1.3.6.tar.gz Tue Mar 04 2014
* Bug fix: Division by zero if HFS+ was combined with TOC emulation for
           overwritable media.
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_joliet_utf16() and ability to read Joliet
  names as UTF-16BE
* New API call iso_conv_name_chars()

libisofs-1.3.4.tar.gz Thu Dec 12 2013
* Giving sort weight 2 as default to El Torito boot images
* Encoding HFS+ names in UTF-16 rather than UCS-2.

libisofs-1.3.2.tar.gz Wed Aug 07 2013
* Bug fix: iso_finish() left an invalid global pointer, which a subsequent 
           call of iso_init() would try to dereference.
* The sort weight of data files loaded from ISO image is now 2 exp 28 to 1
  rather than 2 exp 31 - 1 to - 2 exp 31

libisofs-1.3.0.tar.gz Fri May 17 2013
* Bug fix: GPT header CRC was computed from all 512 bytes rather than from 92.
* Bug fix: Unspecified Expiration Time and Effective Time of ISO volume was
           represented by 0-bytes rather than ASCII '0' digits.
* Bug fix: Reserved and unused fields of APM entries were not zeroed.
* Bug fix: The protective MBR partition for GPT started at block 0 instead of 1.
* New option bits with el_torito_set_isolinux_options() and
  iso_write_opts_set_system_area() to control GRUB2 patching of
  boot image and MBR.
* New API calls iso_image_set_sparc_core() and iso_image_get_sparc_core().

libisofs-1.2.8.tar.gz Mon Mar 18 2013
* Bug fix: Image size prediction altered the pointers to MD5 of data files
           which stem from a previous session.
* Bug fix: Reading damaged Rock Ridge data could cause SIGSEGV by NULL.
* New API call iso_image_get_pvd_times().

libisofs-1.2.6.tar.gz Tue Jan 08 2013
* Bug fix: Appended partitions did not obey cylinder alignment
* Bug fix: Non-zero partition offset zeroized the MBR copies of GPT partition
           table entries
* Bug fix: Isohybrid production without any boot image led to SIGSEGV by NULL
* Bug fix: Prevented a memory fault when reading damaged Rock Ridge information

libisofs-1.2.4.tar.gz Fri Jul 20 2012
* Bug fix: Memory corruption when reading bootable image that was truncated
           before the storage location of the boot catalog
* Bug fix: Symbol iso_fs_global_id was missing in libisofs.ver.
* Bug fix: Volume descriptors of Joliet and ISO 9660:1999 beared non-zero
           Effective Date, involuntarily restricting the early end of
           their lifetime.
* Bug fix: File Structure Version field of ISO 9660:1999 Enhanced Volume
           Descriptor was 1 instead of 2.
* Bug fix: The separator dot of Joliet names was byte swapped on big-endian
* Bug fix: Joliet name comparison was done as signed bytes and thus produced
           a peculiar sorting order.
* Bug fix: Partition cylinder alignment worked only if both, El Torito and
           application provided system area data were present.
* New API function iso_write_opts_set_hfsplus
* New API functions iso_hfsplus_xinfo_func(), iso_hfsplus_xinfo_new(), and
  new struct iso_hfsplus_xinfo_data.
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_hfsp_serial_number()
* New API calls iso_image_hfsplus_bless and iso_image_hfsplus_get_blessed(),
  and new public enum IsoHfsplusBlessings.
* New API calls so_write_opts_set_prep_img(), iso_write_opts_set_efi_bootp()
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_hfsp_block_size()
* New API call iso_tree_resolve_symlink()
* New system area sub type CHRP with iso_write_opts_set_system_area()
* New option bits 2 to 8 for GPT and APM with el_torito_set_isolinux_options()
* New flag bit with iso_node_set_attrs() to protect namespace "isofs"
* New IsoHideNodeFlag value LIBISO_HIDE_ON_HFSPLUS

libisofs-1.2.2.tar.gz Mon Apr 02 2012
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_rr_reloc()
* Bug fix: Directory name mapping to ISO level 1 was too liberal if
  iso_write_opts_set_allow_dir_id_ext() was enabled
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_allow_7bit_ascii()
* Improved standards compliance for ISO level 1 names with partly relaxed

libisofs-1.2.0.tar.gz Sat Jan 28 2012
* Extended influence of iso_write_opts_set_dir_rec_mtime() to Joliet and
  ISO 9660:1999.

libisofs-1.1.6.tar.gz Tue Sep 27 2011
* Bug fix: On Solaris: False out-of-memory errors when writing images.
* Bug fix: On FreeBSD: No ACLs were recorded.
* Bug fix: ACL entries of groups and of user id 0 were not properly recorded
           and cannot be restored.
* Bug fix: On FreeBSD: The function for restoring ACLs and xattr returned
           error, even if no xattr were to be restored.
* New API call iso_local_attr_support()
* Enabled recording and restoring of extattr on FreeBSD.

libisofs-1.1.4.tar.gz Mon Aug 08 2011
* Bug fix: The function for restoring ACLs and xattr returned error on systems
           other than Linux and FreeBSD, even if nothing was to be restored.

libisofs-1.1.2.tar.gz Fri Jul 08 2011
* New API call iso_image_get_bootcat()

libisofs-1.1.0.tar.gz Sat Jun 18 2011
* Bug fix: Padding as of iso_write_opts_set_tail_blocks() was added only
           after cylinder alignment as of iso_write_opts_set_system_area()
           and thus spoiled this alignment.

libisofs-1.0.8.tar.gz Thu May 12 2011
* Bug fix: iso_write_opts_set_system_area() with system area types
           1=MIPS Big Endian and 2=MIPS Little Endian caused SIGSEGV.
* Bug fix: SIGSEGV if the path given by iso_image_add_mips_boot_file()
           does not exist in the image at image production time.
* Bug fix: While loading an ISO image: Several reads to malloc
           memory occured with byte index -1. (Found by Valgrind after
           years of operation without visible problems.)
* Bug fix: Closed a memory leak of 32 kB per loaded ISO image.

libisofs-1.0.6.tar.gz Sat Apr 09 2011
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_joliet_long_names()
* New error codes for oversized file addresses

libisofs-1.0.4.tar.gz Thu Mar 10 2011
* Bug fix: Compilation failed if --disable-zlib was configured
* Bug fix: isohybrid image size was not aligned to cylinder boundary.
* New no_md5 value 2 for API call iso_read_opts_set_no_md5()
* New option bits 8 and 9 with iso_write_opts_set_system_area()

libisofs-1.0.2.tar.gz Tue Feb 23 2011
* Bug fix: iso_write_opts_set_aaip(opts, 1) could cause fatal miscalculation
           of the root directory size. This eventually truncated directory
           tree and spoiled all data file content.
* Bug fix: Volume Descriptor Set Terminator contained non-zero bytes in
           the reserved field (ECMA-119 8.3.4). The bytes stem from the
           previously written Volume Descriptor.
* New API calls iso_tree_clone(), iso_stream_clone.
* New IsoFileSourceIface version 2 with method clone_src().
* New IsoStreamIface version 4 with method clone_stream().
* New public function prototype iso_node_xinfo_cloner.
* New API calls iso_node_xinfo_make_clonable(), iso_node_xinfo_get_cloner().
* New public iso_node_xinfo_cloner instance aaip_xinfo_cloner().
* New API calls iso_node_get_next_xinfo(), iso_node_remove_all_xinfo().
* New API call iso_node_remove_tree().
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_old_empty().

libisofs-1.0.0.tar.gz Mon Jan 17 2011
* Bug fix: ECMA-119 directory names were truncated to 8 characters if
           lowercase characters or full ASCII are allowed.
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_untranslated_name_len()
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_allow_dir_id_ext()
* New API call iso_memory_stream_new(). (Was formely a private call.)

libisofs-0.6.40.tar.gz Fri Dec 10 2010
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_disc_label(), new system area type
  3 = SUN Disk Label for booting SUN SPARC systems.
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_will_cancel() avoids start of write thread
  and is to be used to inquire the future image size.
* New error reply code ISO_DISPLACE_ROLLOVER for external data sources with
  address displacement.

libisofs-0.6.38.tar.gz Sat Oct 23 2010
* New API calls iso_write_opts_attach_jte() and iso_write_opts_detach_jte()
  allow to use libjte for jigdo production.
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_tail_blocks() for tail padding inside
  ISO image.
* New API call iso_image_generator_is_running() to learn when the write thread
  is done.
* New API calls iso_image_add_mips_boot_file(),
  iso_image_get_mips_boot_files(), iso_image_give_up_mips_boot().
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_partition_img() for appending e.g. a small
  empty FAT12 filesystem which may be used on USB stick.

libisofs-0.6.36.tar.gz Wed Sep 15 2010
* New API function iso_write_opts_set_part_offset() controls creation of
  an MBR with a first partiton table entry that bears non-zero start address.
  A second set of volume descriptors and directory tree+tables gets created
  which can be used to mount the image at the partition start.
* Hiding all non-API symbols from the linker by use of --version-script
* Automatic C++ detection in libisofs.h by using macro __cplusplus
* Corrected several memory leaks and potential NULL pointer evaluations
  in case of memory shortage.
* Now with history of release notes in ./ChangeLog file.

libisofs-0.6.34.tar.gz Tue Jun 29 2010
* New API call iso_image_set_boot_catalog_hidden()
* New API call iso_node_get_hidden()
* New IsoHideNodeFlag bit LIBISO_HIDE_BUT_WRITE
* New error code ISO_BOOT_NO_CATALOG
* Opportunity to reduce compile line length by including "config.h"

libisofs-0.6.32.tar.gz Mon May 03 2010
* New API call iso_image_set_boot_catalog_weight()
* New API call iso_image_add_boot_image()
* New API calls el_torito_set_boot_platform_id(), el_torito_set_id_string(),
* New API calls iso_image_get_all_boot_imgs(), el_torito_get_boot_platform_id(), 
  el_torito_get_load_seg(), el_torito_get_load_size(), el_torito_get_bootable(), 
  el_torito_get_id_string(), el_torito_get_selection_crit(),
  el_torito_get_isolinux_options(), el_torito_get_boot_media_type()
* New API call el_torito_seems_boot_info_table()

libisofs-0.6.30.tar.gz Sat Apr 17 2010
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_system_area() acts like mkisofs option -G.
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_pvd_times().
* Now able to produce a bootable System Area from an ISOLINUX mbr/isohdp
  [fp]x*.bin file and an ISOLINUX El Torito bootable image (isolinux.bin).
* Now able to produce the same Joliet names as mkisofs.
* New API calls iso_read_opts_load_system_area() and 
  iso_image_get_system_area() for multi-session handling of MBRs.

libisofs-0.6.28.tar.gz Wed Feb 10 2010
* Bug fix: Random checksum index could sneak in via boot catalog node 
  and cause a SIGSEGV.
* Improved compilability out of the box on FreeBSD.

libisofs-0.6.26.tar.gz Wed Jan 20 2010
* Bug fix: Invalid old checksum tags were preserved with
  iso_write_opts_set_overwrite_buf(), if the new session produced no checksums.
* The checksum buffer for the emerging image gets now marked as invalid if
  image generation is canceled.
* More graceful reaction on filesystems where ACL are not enabled but
  nevertheless requested by the application.
* Adaptions to problems reported by Debian buildd.

libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz Thu Oct 08 2009
* Bug fix: Short Rock Ridge names got stripped of trailing blanks when loaded
  and written again to a follow-up session. Long names could lose inner blanks.
* Bug fix: Avoided to return NULL or single blanks as content of id strings by
  API calls iso_image_get_volset_id() ... iso_image_get_biblio_file_id().
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_scdbackup_tag().

libisofs-0.6.22.tar.gz Tue Aug 25 2009
* New API call iso_write_opts_set_record_md5() for writing MD5 sums.
* New API call iso_read_opts_set_no_md5() for importing MD5 sums.
* New API calls iso_image_get_session_md5() and iso_file_get_md5().
* New API calls iso_md5_start(), iso_md5_compute(), iso_md5_clone(),
  iso_md5_end(), iso_md5_match() for own MD5 computations.
* New API call iso_util_decode_md5_tag() to recognize and parse checksum tags.
* New API call iso_file_make_md5() to equip old file nodes with MD5.
* Improvements with ./configure and its help text.

libisofs-0.6.20.tar.gz Sun May 30 2009
* Optional automatic detection and recording of hard link 
  relations between files.
* Support for restoring hard link relations by the app.

libisofs-0.6.18.tar.gz Fri Apr 17 2009
* Opportunity to set the input charset automatically from an eventual xattr
  "isofs.cs" of the image root node.
* New general filter API to inquire and remove filters.
* Specialized APIs for installing filters which are based on external processes
  or based on zlib.
* New API call to inquire the original source path of a data file in an
  emerging image.

libisofs-0.6.16.tar.gz Wed Mar 11
* Bug fix: The ".." directory record pointed to the same data block as the "."
* Bug fix: The use of iso_write_opts_set_rrip_version_1_10() caused a wrong
  size announcement in the CE entry which points to the ER signature 
  of the image root.
* New API call iso_write_opts_get_data_start() inquires the start address of
  the data section of an emerging ISO image.
* ISO image generation does not absolutely depend on the availability of
  character set "WCHAR_T" with iconv_open(3) any more.

libisofs-0.6.14.tar.gz Sat Feb 28 2009
* New API calls iso_image_set_ignore_aclea(), iso_read_opts_set_no_aaip()
  control import of ACL and xattr.
* New API calls iso_write_opts_set_aaip(), iso_write_opts_set_aaip_susp_1_10()
  control output of ACL and xattr into generated ISO image.
* New API call iso_file_source_get_aa_string(), new function member
  get_aa_string() in IsoFileSource_Iface allow to access opaquely encoded ACL 
  and xattr. New function handle aaip_xinfo_func attaches aa_strings to 
  IsoNode objects.
* New API calls iso_node_get_acl_text(), iso_node_set_acl_text(),
  iso_node_get_perms_wo_acl() allow inquiry and manipulation of ACLs in 
  IsoNode objects.
* New API calls iso_node_get_attrs(), iso_node_set_attrs() allow inquiry and
  manipulation of xattr in IsoNode objects.

libisofs-0.6.12.tar.gz Wed Nov 26 2008
* New API calls iso_set_local_charset() and iso_get_local_charset()
* New API calls iso_write_opts_set_rrip_version_1_10() and
* New API call el_torito_set_isolinux_options() allows to patch ISOLINUX boot
  images and to generate a isohybrid MBR on the fly. Such an MBR makes the ISO
  image bootable from disk-like hardware, e.g. from USB stick. The ISOLINUX 
  boot image has to be of syslinux 3.72 or later to allow MBR generation.
* Old API call el_torito_patch_isolinux_image() is deprecated now.

libisofs-0.6.10.pl01.tar.gz Wed Nov 19 2008
* Bug fix: If images generated by mkisofs were loaded then files of size 0
  could share their size information with files that contain data. Ticket #144.
* Bug fix: ISOLINUX boot images were patched suitable for El Torito but not for
  an eventual MBR added by SYSLINUX script isohybrid.

libisofs 0.6.10  Mon Oct 6 2008:
* Bug fix: Patching of existing ISOLINUX boot images led to a SIGSEGV.
* Bug fix: Adding a new ISOLINUX boot image or patching of an existing one
  caused a read operation although writing had already begun.

libisofs-0.6.8.tar.gz Thu Sep 18 2008
* Support for very large data files in the ISO 9660 image 
  (Level 3, multi-extent)
* Bug fix: it was assumed that isolinux images were always a multiple of 4
* New API call iso_image_update_sizes() to refresh recorded file sizes
  immediately before image generation begins

libisofs-0.6.6.tar.gz Sun Jun 1 2008
* Bug fix: major,minor numbers of device files were not read properly from
  existing images
* Bug fix: iso_tree_path_to_node() returned 1 if a directory path component was
  a non-directory file
* New API call iso_special_get_dev() retrieves major, minor numbers of device

libisofs-0.6.4.tar.gz Sun Apr 27 2008
* Extended information: iso_node_add_xinfo()
* New node iteration: iso_dir_find_children()
* Custom image file content via iso_tree_add_new_file()
* Missing feature added to map a disk file to an arbitrary image file path via
* Obtain image path of a node object via iso_tree_get_node_path()
* Various bugfixes

libisofs- Thu Feb 14 2008
* FIX: missing buffer.h preventing build from succeeding

Libisofs 0.6.2
* Initial release of new generation libisofs
* Completely new API
* Long term commitment to ABI