/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Vreixo Formoso * Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas Schmitt * * This file is part of the libisofs project; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * or later as published by the Free Software Foundation. * See COPYING file for details. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../config.h" #endif #include "libisofs.h" #include "image.h" #include "node.h" #include "messages.h" #include "eltorito.h" #include #include #include /** * Create a new image, empty. * * The image will be owned by you and should be unref() when no more needed. * * @param name * Name of the image. This will be used as volset_id and volume_id. * @param image * Location where the image pointer will be stored. * @return * 1 success, < 0 error */ int iso_image_new(const char *name, IsoImage **image) { int res, i; IsoImage *img; if (image == NULL) { return ISO_NULL_POINTER; } img = calloc(1, sizeof(IsoImage)); if (img == NULL) { return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } /* local filesystem will be used by default */ res = iso_local_filesystem_new(&(img->fs)); if (res < 0) { free(img); return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } /* use basic builder as default */ res = iso_node_basic_builder_new(&(img->builder)); if (res < 0) { iso_filesystem_unref(img->fs); free(img); return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } /* fill image fields */ res = iso_node_new_root(&img->root); if (res < 0) { iso_node_builder_unref(img->builder); iso_filesystem_unref(img->fs); free(img); return res; } img->refcount = 1; img->id = iso_message_id++; if (name != NULL) { img->volset_id = strdup(name); img->volume_id = strdup(name); } img->system_area_data = NULL; img->system_area_options = 0; img->num_mips_boot_files = 0; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) img->mips_boot_file_paths[i] = NULL; img->builder_ignore_acl = 1; img->builder_ignore_ea = 1; img->inode_counter = 0; img->used_inodes = NULL; img->used_inodes_start = 0; img->checksum_start_lba = 0; img->checksum_end_lba = 0; img->checksum_idx_count = 0; img->checksum_array = NULL; img->generator_is_running = 0; *image = img; return ISO_SUCCESS; } /** * Increments the reference counting of the given image. */ void iso_image_ref(IsoImage *image) { ++image->refcount; } /** * Decrements the reference counting of the given image. * If it reaches 0, the image is free, together with its tree nodes (whether * their refcount reach 0 too, of course). */ void iso_image_unref(IsoImage *image) { if (--image->refcount == 0) { int nexcl; /* we need to free the image */ if (image->user_data_free != NULL) { /* free attached data */ image->user_data_free(image->user_data); } for (nexcl = 0; nexcl < image->nexcludes; ++nexcl) { free(image->excludes[nexcl]); } free(image->excludes); iso_node_unref((IsoNode*)image->root); iso_node_builder_unref(image->builder); iso_filesystem_unref(image->fs); el_torito_boot_catalog_free(image->bootcat); iso_image_give_up_mips_boot(image, 0); free(image->volset_id); free(image->volume_id); free(image->publisher_id); free(image->data_preparer_id); free(image->system_id); free(image->application_id); free(image->copyright_file_id); free(image->abstract_file_id); free(image->biblio_file_id); if (image->used_inodes != NULL) free(image->used_inodes); iso_image_free_checksums(image, 0); free(image); } } int iso_image_free_checksums(IsoImage *image, int flag) { image->checksum_start_lba = 0; image->checksum_end_lba = 0; image->checksum_idx_count = 0; if (image->checksum_array != NULL) free(image->checksum_array); image->checksum_array = NULL; return 1; } /** * Attach user defined data to the image. Use this if your application needs * to store addition info together with the IsoImage. If the image already * has data attached, the old data will be freed. * * @param data * Pointer to application defined data that will be attached to the * image. You can pass NULL to remove any already attached data. * @param give_up * Function that will be called when the image does not need the data * any more. It receives the data pointer as an argumente, and eventually * causes data to be free. It can be NULL if you don't need it. */ int iso_image_attach_data(IsoImage *image, void *data, void (*give_up)(void*)) { if (image == NULL) { return ISO_NULL_POINTER; } if (image->user_data != NULL) { /* free previously attached data */ if (image->user_data_free != NULL) { image->user_data_free(image->user_data); } image->user_data = NULL; image->user_data_free = NULL; } if (data != NULL) { image->user_data = data; image->user_data_free = give_up; } return ISO_SUCCESS; } /** * The the data previously attached with iso_image_attach_data() */ void *iso_image_get_attached_data(IsoImage *image) { return image->user_data; } IsoDir *iso_image_get_root(const IsoImage *image) { return image->root; } void iso_image_set_volset_id(IsoImage *image, const char *volset_id) { free(image->volset_id); image->volset_id = strdup(volset_id); } const char *iso_image_get_volset_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->volset_id == NULL) return ""; return image->volset_id; } void iso_image_set_volume_id(IsoImage *image, const char *volume_id) { free(image->volume_id); image->volume_id = strdup(volume_id); } const char *iso_image_get_volume_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->volume_id == NULL) return ""; return image->volume_id; } void iso_image_set_publisher_id(IsoImage *image, const char *publisher_id) { free(image->publisher_id); image->publisher_id = strdup(publisher_id); } const char *iso_image_get_publisher_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->publisher_id == NULL) return ""; return image->publisher_id; } void iso_image_set_data_preparer_id(IsoImage *image, const char *data_preparer_id) { free(image->data_preparer_id); image->data_preparer_id = strdup(data_preparer_id); } const char *iso_image_get_data_preparer_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->data_preparer_id == NULL) return ""; return image->data_preparer_id; } void iso_image_set_system_id(IsoImage *image, const char *system_id) { free(image->system_id); image->system_id = strdup(system_id); } const char *iso_image_get_system_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->system_id == NULL) return ""; return image->system_id; } void iso_image_set_application_id(IsoImage *image, const char *application_id) { free(image->application_id); image->application_id = strdup(application_id); } const char *iso_image_get_application_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->application_id == NULL) return ""; return image->application_id; } void iso_image_set_copyright_file_id(IsoImage *image, const char *copyright_file_id) { free(image->copyright_file_id); image->copyright_file_id = strdup(copyright_file_id); } const char *iso_image_get_copyright_file_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->copyright_file_id == NULL) return ""; return image->copyright_file_id; } void iso_image_set_abstract_file_id(IsoImage *image, const char *abstract_file_id) { free(image->abstract_file_id); image->abstract_file_id = strdup(abstract_file_id); } const char *iso_image_get_abstract_file_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->abstract_file_id == NULL) return ""; return image->abstract_file_id; } void iso_image_set_biblio_file_id(IsoImage *image, const char *biblio_file_id) { free(image->biblio_file_id); image->biblio_file_id = strdup(biblio_file_id); } const char *iso_image_get_biblio_file_id(const IsoImage *image) { if (image->biblio_file_id == NULL) return ""; return image->biblio_file_id; } int iso_image_get_msg_id(IsoImage *image) { return image->id; } int iso_image_get_system_area(IsoImage *img, char system_area_data[32768], int *options, int flag) { *options = img->system_area_options; if (img->system_area_data == NULL) return 0; memcpy(system_area_data, img->system_area_data, 32768); return 1; } static int dir_update_size(IsoImage *image, IsoDir *dir) { IsoNode *pos; pos = dir->children; while (pos) { int ret = 1; if (pos->type == LIBISO_FILE) { ret = iso_stream_update_size(ISO_FILE(pos)->stream); } else if (pos->type == LIBISO_DIR) { /* recurse */ ret = dir_update_size(image, ISO_DIR(pos)); } if (ret < 0) { ret = iso_msg_submit(image->id, ret, 0, NULL); if (ret < 0) { return ret; /* cancel due error threshold */ } } pos = pos->next; } return ISO_SUCCESS; } int iso_image_update_sizes(IsoImage *image) { if (image == NULL) { return ISO_NULL_POINTER; } return dir_update_size(image, image->root); } void iso_image_set_ignore_aclea(IsoImage *image, int what) { image->builder_ignore_acl = (what & 1); image->builder_ignore_ea = !!(what & 2); } static int img_register_ino(IsoImage *image, IsoNode *node, int flag) { int ret; ino_t ino; unsigned int fs_id; dev_t dev_id; ret = iso_node_get_id(node, &fs_id, &dev_id, &ino, 1); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (ret > 0 && ino >= image->used_inodes_start && ino <= image->used_inodes_start + (ISO_USED_INODE_RANGE - 1)) { /* without -1 : rollover hazard on 32 bit */ image->used_inodes[(ino - image->used_inodes_start) / 8] |= (1 << (ino % 8)); } return 1; } /* Collect the bitmap of used inode numbers in the range of _ImageFsData.used_inodes_start + ISO_USED_INODE_RANGE @param flag bit0= recursion is active */ int img_collect_inos(IsoImage *image, IsoDir *dir, int flag) { int ret, register_dir = 1; IsoDirIter *iter = NULL; IsoNode *node; IsoDir *subdir; if (dir == NULL) dir = image->root; if (image->used_inodes == NULL) { image->used_inodes = calloc(ISO_USED_INODE_RANGE / 8, 1); if (image->used_inodes == NULL) return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; } else if(!(flag & 1)) { memset(image->used_inodes, 0, ISO_USED_INODE_RANGE / 8); } else { register_dir = 0; } if (register_dir) { node = (IsoNode *) dir; ret = img_register_ino(image, node, 0); if (ret < 0) return ret; } ret = iso_dir_get_children(dir, &iter); if (ret < 0) return ret; while (iso_dir_iter_next(iter, &node) == 1 ) { ret = img_register_ino(image, node, 0); if (ret < 0) goto ex; if (iso_node_get_type(node) == LIBISO_DIR) { subdir = (IsoDir *) node; ret = img_collect_inos(image, subdir, flag | 1); if (ret < 0) goto ex; } } ret = 1; ex:; if (iter != NULL) iso_dir_iter_free(iter); return ret; } /** * A global counter for inode numbers for the ISO image filesystem. * On image import it gets maxed by the eventual inode numbers from PX * entries. Up to the first 32 bit rollover it simply increments the counter. * After the first rollover it uses a look ahead bitmap which gets filled * by a full tree traversal. It covers the next inode numbers to come * (somewhere between 1 and ISO_USED_INODE_RANGE which is quite many) * and advances when being exhausted. * @param image The image where the number shall be used * @param flag bit0= reset count (Caution: image must get new inos then) * @return * Since ino_t 0 is used as default and considered self-unique, * the value 0 should only be returned in case of error. */ ino_t img_give_ino_number(IsoImage *image, int flag) { int ret; ino_t new_ino, ino_idx; static uint64_t limit = 0xffffffff; if (flag & 1) { image->inode_counter = 0; if (image->used_inodes != NULL) free(image->used_inodes); image->used_inodes = NULL; image->used_inodes_start = 0; } new_ino = image->inode_counter + 1; if (image->used_inodes == NULL) { if (new_ino > 0 && new_ino <= limit) { image->inode_counter = new_ino; return image->inode_counter; } } /* Look for free number in used territory */ while (1) { if (new_ino <= 0 || new_ino > limit || new_ino >= image->used_inodes_start + ISO_USED_INODE_RANGE ) { /* Collect a bitmap of used inode numbers ahead */ image->used_inodes_start += ISO_USED_INODE_RANGE; if (image->used_inodes_start > 0xffffffff || image->used_inodes_start <= 0) image->used_inodes_start = 0; ret = img_collect_inos(image, NULL, 0); if (ret < 0) goto return_result; /* >>> need error return value */ new_ino = image->used_inodes_start + !image->used_inodes_start; } ino_idx = (new_ino - image->used_inodes_start) / 8; if (!(image->used_inodes[ino_idx] & (1 << (new_ino % 8)))) { image->used_inodes[ino_idx] |= (1 << (new_ino % 8)); break; } new_ino++; } return_result:; image->inode_counter = new_ino; return image->inode_counter; } /* @param flag bit0= overwrite any ino, else only ino == 0 bit1= install inode with non-data, non-directory files bit2= install inode with directories */ static int img_update_ino(IsoImage *image, IsoNode *node, int flag) { int ret; ino_t ino; unsigned int fs_id; dev_t dev_id; ret = iso_node_get_id(node, &fs_id, &dev_id, &ino, 1); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (ret == 0) ino = 0; if (((flag & 1) || ino == 0) && (iso_node_get_type(node) == LIBISO_FILE || (flag & (2 | 4))) && ((flag & 4) || iso_node_get_type(node) != LIBISO_DIR)) { ret = iso_node_set_unique_id(node, image, 0); if (ret < 0) return ret; } return 1; } /* @param flag bit0= overwrite any ino, else only ino == 0 bit1= install inode with non-data, non-directory files bit2= install inode with directories bit3= with bit2: install inode on parameter dir */ int img_make_inos(IsoImage *image, IsoDir *dir, int flag) { int ret; IsoDirIter *iter = NULL; IsoNode *node; IsoDir *subdir; if (flag & 8) { node = (IsoNode *) dir; ret = img_update_ino(image, node, flag & 7); if (ret < 0) goto ex; } ret = iso_dir_get_children(dir, &iter); if (ret < 0) return ret; while (iso_dir_iter_next(iter, &node) == 1) { ret = img_update_ino(image, node, flag & 7); if (ret < 0) goto ex; if (iso_node_get_type(node) == LIBISO_DIR) { subdir = (IsoDir *) node; ret = img_make_inos(image, subdir, flag & ~8); if (ret < 0) goto ex; } } ret = 1; ex:; if (iter != NULL) iso_dir_iter_free(iter); return ret; } /* API */ int iso_image_get_session_md5(IsoImage *image, uint32_t *start_lba, uint32_t *end_lba, char md5[16], int flag) { if (image->checksum_array == NULL || image->checksum_idx_count < 1) return 0; *start_lba = image->checksum_start_lba; *end_lba = image->checksum_end_lba; memcpy(md5, image->checksum_array, 16); return ISO_SUCCESS; } int iso_image_set_checksums(IsoImage *image, char *checksum_array, uint32_t start_lba, uint32_t end_lba, uint32_t idx_count, int flag) { iso_image_free_checksums(image, 0); image->checksum_array = checksum_array; image->checksum_start_lba = start_lba; image->checksum_end_lba = end_lba; image->checksum_idx_count = idx_count; return 1; } int iso_image_generator_is_running(IsoImage *image) { return image->generator_is_running; } /* API */ int iso_image_add_mips_boot_file(IsoImage *image, char *path, int flag) { if (image->num_mips_boot_files >= 15) return ISO_BOOT_TOO_MANY_MIPS; image->mips_boot_file_paths[image->num_mips_boot_files] = strdup(path); if (image->mips_boot_file_paths[image->num_mips_boot_files] == NULL) return ISO_OUT_OF_MEM; image->num_mips_boot_files++; return ISO_SUCCESS; } /* API */ int iso_image_get_mips_boot_files(IsoImage *image, char *paths[15], int flag) { int i; for (i = 0; i < image->num_mips_boot_files; i++) paths[i] = image->mips_boot_file_paths[i]; for (; i < 15; i++) paths[i] = NULL; return image->num_mips_boot_files; } /* API */ int iso_image_give_up_mips_boot(IsoImage *image, int flag) { int i; for (i = 0; i < image->num_mips_boot_files; i++) if (image->mips_boot_file_paths[i] != NULL) { free(image->mips_boot_file_paths[i]); image->mips_boot_file_paths[i] = NULL; } image->num_mips_boot_files = 0; return ISO_SUCCESS; }