Hardened xorriso-tcltk against filenames with newlines

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Schmitt 2013-01-05 22:10:27 +00:00
parent da0bddeced
commit 49ce1dd623
3 changed files with 190 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ Options:
Print this text and exit.
Establishes connection to xorriso via stdin and stdout.
Establish connection to xorriso via stdin and stdout.
E.g. when letting xorriso start this frontend program:
xorriso -launch_frontend $(which xorriso-tcltk) --stdio --
--named_pipes cmd_fifo reply_fifo
Establishes connection to a xorriso process started by:
Establish connection to a xorriso process started by:
xorriso -dialog on <cmd_fifo >reply_fifo
which is then ready for a run of:
xorriso-tcltk --named_pipes cmd_fifo reply_fifo
@ -93,13 +93,18 @@ Options:
Sets the position of the main window.
Chooses that input fields and list boxes get the keyboard
focus only when being clicked by the mouse.
focus only when being clicked by the mouse. (Default)
Chooses that the keyboard focus is where the mouse
pointer is. (Default)
--log_file path
pointer is.
--pipe_log_file path
Set a file address for logging of xorriso commands and
reply messages. The log lines will be appended.
reply messages and enable this logging.
The log lines will be appended. Path "-" means stderr.
--script_log_file path
Set a file address for logging of major xorriso commands
and enable this logging.
The log lines will be appended. Path "-" means stderr.
If neither --stdio nor --named_pipes is given, then this script
will try to locate itself in the filesystem and start a xorriso

View File

@ -120,10 +120,6 @@ set highest_seen_cmd_sev ALL
# State of last read_sieve command
set sieve_ret 0
# Mode for parsing replies with multiple words of arbitrary characters
# 0= single -msg_op parse commands
# 1= -msg_op parse_bulk (less problems with connection latency)
set bulk_parse_mode 1
# How many texts to pass with one parse_bulk command
set bulk_parse_max_chunk 200
# Parse parameters
@ -182,6 +178,9 @@ set debug_logging 0
# The result of the most recent isofs_ls run
set isofs_ls_result ""
# The result of the most recent localfs_ls run
set localfs_ls_result ""
# The communication channel where to log files (if it is not the empty text)
set cmd_log_conn ""
@ -389,11 +388,11 @@ proc scan_info_for_event {line} {
if {[compare_sev $sev $highest_total_sev] >= 0} {
set highest_total_sev $sev
set highest_total_sev_msg [escape_newline $line]
set highest_total_sev_msg [escape_newline $line 0]
if {[compare_sev $sev $highest_cmd_sev] >= 0} {
set highest_cmd_sev $sev
set highest_cmd_sev_msg [escape_newline $line]
set highest_cmd_sev_msg [escape_newline $line 0]
@ -736,6 +735,66 @@ proc isofs_filetype {path} {
# The xorriso commands have the advantage to be always available and to
# need no unescaping.
# On the other hand, shell and tcl lstat are faster with large directories.
set localfs_ls_by_sh 0
set localfs_filetype_by_tcl 0
if {$localfs_ls_by_sh == 0} {
# Parse-by-xorriso handler function for proc localfs_ls
proc localfs_ls_handler {} {
global result_list localfs_ls_result
if {[lindex $result_list 0] == "total"} {return ""}
lappend localfs_ls_result \
"[string range [lindex $result_list 0] 0 0] [lindex $result_list 8]"
# Return the list of files of a hard disk filesystem directory
proc localfs_ls {dir} {
global localfs_ls_result
set localfs_ls_result ""
if {[localfs_filetype $dir] != "d"} {return ""}
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-lslx [make_text_shellsafe $dir]"
handle_result_list localfs_ls_handler "''" "''" 0 0
set_display_msg $disp_en_mem
return $localfs_ls_result
# <<< $localfs_ls_by_sh == 0
if {$localfs_filetype_by_tcl == 0} {
# Tells the file type of an absolute path in the ISO model.
# Indicator characters like with ls -l. Empty text means non existing file.
proc localfs_filetype {path} {
global result_list
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
send_marked_cmd "-lsdlx [make_text_shellsafe $path]"
set_display_msg $disp_en_mem
if {[llength $result_list] < 1} {return ""}
return [string range [lindex $result_list 0] 0 0]
# <<< $localfs_filetype_by_tcl == 0
# Verify that the connected process runs a xorriso program that is modern
# enough. This is done before sending xorriso the setup commands.
@ -800,9 +859,7 @@ proc setup_xorriso {} {
set cmd "$cmd -iso_rr_pattern off"
set cmd "$cmd -disk_pattern off"
set cmd "$cmd -for_backup"
set cmd "$cmd -hardlinks off"
set cmd "$cmd -follow mount:limit=100"
set cmd "$cmd [xorriso_loggable_init_cmds]"
send_marked_cmd $cmd
@ -818,6 +875,7 @@ proc xorriso_loggable_init_cmds {} {
# image manipulations. So for now -hardlinks is set to off.
set cmd "$cmd -hardlinks off"
set cmd "$cmd -backslash_codes on"
set cmd "$cmd -follow mount:limit=100"
return $cmd
@ -856,7 +914,7 @@ proc effectuate_permission_policy {} {
# of e.g. -lsl into single words from which this frontend can pick information.
proc start_bulkparse {prefix separators max_words flag num_lines} {
global bulk_parse_mode bulk_parse_prefix bulk_parse_separators
global bulk_parse_prefix bulk_parse_separators
global bulk_parse_max_words bulk_parse_flag bulk_parse_num_texts
if {$num_lines <= 0} {return ""}
@ -866,11 +924,9 @@ proc start_bulkparse {prefix separators max_words flag num_lines} {
set bulk_parse_max_words $max_words
set bulk_parse_flag $flag
set bulk_parse_num_texts $num_lines
if {$bulk_parse_mode == 1} {
set cmd "-msg_op parse_bulk \"$prefix $separators $max_words $flag $num_lines\""
send_async_cmd $cmd
# Do not wait for mark
set cmd "-msg_op parse_bulk \"$prefix $separators $max_words $flag $num_lines\""
send_async_cmd $cmd
# Do not wait for mark
@ -880,44 +936,18 @@ proc start_bulkparse {prefix separators max_words flag num_lines} {
proc submit_bulkparse {text} {
global cmd_conn reply_conn
global result_list result_count
global bulk_parse_mode bulk_parse_prefix bulk_parse_separators
global bulk_parse_prefix bulk_parse_separators
global bulk_parse_max_words bulk_parse_flag
if {$bulk_parse_mode != 1} {
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
set num_lines [expr [count_newlines $text] + 1]
if {$bulk_parse_mode == 0} {
set cmd "-msg_op parse \"$bulk_parse_prefix $bulk_parse_separators $bulk_parse_max_words $bulk_parse_flag $num_lines\""
send_async_cmd $cmd
} else {
debug_log_puts ">>>>> $num_lines"
puts $cmd_conn $num_lines
debug_log_puts ">>>>> $num_lines"
puts $cmd_conn $num_lines
debug_log_puts ">>>>> $text"
puts $cmd_conn $text
flush $cmd_conn
if {$bulk_parse_mode != 1} {
set loop_limit 2
while {$result_count < $loop_limit} {
set ret [gets $reply_conn line]
if {$ret < 0} { return ""}
debug_log_puts $line
de_pkt_line $line
if {$result_count == 1} {
set parse_ret [lindex $result_list 0]
if {$result_count == 2} {
set num_replies [lindex $result_list 1]
set loop_limit [expr "$num_replies * 2 + 2"]
set_display_msg $disp_en_mem
@ -927,10 +957,6 @@ proc submit_bulkparse {text} {
# Each input line of the parser yields one reply buffer full of parsed words.
proc read_bulkparse {handler_proc num_texts} {
global bulk_parse_mode
if {$bulk_parse_mode != 1} { return ""}
set disp_en_mem [set_display_msg 0]
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_texts} {incr i} {
@ -947,21 +973,47 @@ proc read_parse_reply {} {
global reply_conn
global result_list result_count
set sieve_result_count 0
set payload ""
set num_lines 0
set acc ""
set loop_limit 2
while {$result_count < $loop_limit} {
set ret [gets $reply_conn line]
if {$ret < 0} { return ""}
debug_log_puts $line
de_pkt_line $line
set line [lindex $result_list [expr $result_count-1]]
if {$result_count == 1} {
set parse_ret [lindex $result_list 0]
if {$result_count == 2} {
set num_replies [lindex $result_list 1]
set parse_ret $line
} else { if {$result_count == 2} {
set num_replies $line
# The minimum number of lines
set loop_limit [expr "$num_replies * 2 + 2"]
} else {
if {$num_lines <= 0} {
set num_lines $line
if {$num_lines > 1} {
# Need to read extra lines
incr loop_limit [expr $num_lines-1]
set acc ""
} else {
incr num_lines -1
if {$acc != ""} {
set acc "$acc\n$line"
} else {
set acc $line
if {$num_lines <= 0} {
lappend payload $acc
incr sieve_result_count
set result_list $payload
set result_count $sieve_result_count
@ -976,7 +1028,7 @@ proc read_parse_reply {} {
proc handle_result_list {handler_proc \
prefix separators max_words flag } {
global result_list
global bulk_parse_mode bulk_parse_max_chunk
global bulk_parse_max_chunk
set raw_list $result_list
set raw_line_count [expr [llength $raw_list]]
@ -992,10 +1044,7 @@ proc handle_result_list {handler_proc \
submit_bulkparse $i
incr submit_count
incr submit_in_chunk_count
if {$bulk_parse_mode != 1} {
if {$bulk_parse_mode == 1 && $submit_in_chunk_count == $chunk_size} {
if {$submit_in_chunk_count == $chunk_size} {
read_bulkparse $handler_proc $chunk_size
set todo [expr "$raw_line_count - $submit_count"]
if {$todo <= 0} {
@ -1455,7 +1504,6 @@ proc isodir_return {caller} {
global isodir_is_pwd highest_cmd_sev highest_cmd_sev_msg
global indev_adr outdev_adr eff_indev_adr
global .isolist
global bulk_parse_mode
global bulk_parse_max_chunk
set chunk_size 0
@ -1537,11 +1585,7 @@ proc pick_isodir {} {
return ""
set idx [lindex $selected 0]
if {[lindex $isolist_types $idx] != "d"} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg \
"xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You may only double-click a directory"
return ""
if {[lindex $isolist_types $idx] != "d"} { return "" }
if {$isodir_adr == "/"} {
set isodir_adr ""
@ -2034,7 +2078,7 @@ proc handle_overwriting {target_fs target target_ftype
!= 1} { return "0" }
} else {
if {$target_fs != "isofs"} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : Will not replace directories on hard disk by file of other type"
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : Will not replace directory on hard disk by file of other type\n[make_text_shellsafe $target]"
return "0"
if {$overwrite_dirs == 1} {
@ -2042,7 +2086,7 @@ proc handle_overwriting {target_fs target target_ftype
"Really overwrite $to_fs directory\n\n[make_text_shellsafe $target]\n\nby $from_fs file\n[make_text_shellsafe $source]\n?"] \
!= 1} { return "0" }
} else {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You would have to enable \"Overwrite $overwrite_fs dirs\""
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You would have to enable \"Overwrite $overwrite_fs dirs\" for\n[make_text_shellsafe $target]"
return "0"
@ -2053,7 +2097,7 @@ proc handle_overwriting {target_fs target target_ftype
return "0"
} else {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You would have to enable \"Overwrite $overwrite_fs files\""
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You would have to enable \"Overwrite $overwrite_fs files\" for\n[make_text_shellsafe $target]"
return "0"
@ -2434,6 +2478,10 @@ proc browse_tree_accept {adr_var_name do_return tr selected} {
global isomanip_move_target indev_adr outdev_adr cmd_log_target
global debug_log_file execute_script_adr
if {[llength $selected] > 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You may only select a single file"
return ""
if {[llength $selected] == 0} {
set value ""
} else {
@ -2524,6 +2572,7 @@ proc browse_tree_topic {adr_var_name} {
proc browse_tree_accept_sel {adr_var_name do_return tr} {
set selected [$tr selection get]
if {[llength $selected] != 1} {
xorriso_tcltk_errmsg "xorriso-tcltk : SORRY : You must select a single tree item before clicking the \"Accept\" button."
return ""
@ -2545,6 +2594,14 @@ proc browse_tree_accept_entry {adr_var_name do_return tr} {
# Hand the variable from double click over to browse_tree_accept as list.
# Called by double click in browser tree
proc browse_tree_accept_bindtext {adr_var_name do_return tr item} {
browse_tree_accept $adr_var_name $do_return $tr [list $item]
# Move up one directory level of the file browser selection
proc browse_tree_up {adr_var_name tr which_fs} {
@ -2789,10 +2846,12 @@ proc browse_tree {adr_var which_fs} {
-xscrollcommand "$w.treescroll_x set"
# ??? why doesn't <Return> work ?
# $w.tree bindText <Return> "browse_tree_accept $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
# $w.tree bindText <Return> \
# "browse_tree_accept_bindtext $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
# At least double-click does work
$w.tree bindText <Double-Button-1> "browse_tree_accept $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
$w.tree bindText <Double-Button-1> \
"browse_tree_accept_bindtext $adr_var 1 $w.tree"
$w.tree bindText <Button-3> {browse_tree_help "Browse tree" grey}
@ -2854,11 +2913,11 @@ proc browse_tree {adr_var which_fs} {
pack $w.text_frame -side top -expand 1 -fill both
raise $w
update idletasks
if {$have_bwidget == 1} {
browse_tree_populate $which_fs
focus $w.tree
update idletasks
@ -2882,7 +2941,7 @@ proc display_msg {msg} {
if {[.msglist index end] > $msglist_max_fill} {
.msglist delete 0 0
.msglist insert end [escape_newline $msg]
.msglist insert end [escape_newline $msg 0]
.msglist see [expr "[.msglist index end]-1"]
update idletasks
@ -2911,7 +2970,7 @@ proc set_display_msg {mode} {
proc xorriso_tcltk_errmsg {msg} {
global highest_cmd_sev_msg
set highest_cmd_sev_msg [escape_newline $msg]
set highest_cmd_sev_msg [escape_newline $msg 0]
display_msg $msg
window_ack $msg "grey" "toplevel"
update idletasks
@ -3575,7 +3634,7 @@ proc init_msgbox {} {
bind_help .msglist "message box"
set msglist_running 1
foreach i $pre_msglist {
display_msg [escape_newline $i]
display_msg [escape_newline $i 0]
scrollbar .msgscroll -command ".msglist yview"
pack .msglist -in .msgbox -side left -expand 1 -fill both
@ -5459,9 +5518,14 @@ proc yell_xorriso_tcltk {} {
if {$localfs_filetype_by_tcl == 1} {
# <<< Now via xorriso -lslx
# Tells whether an absolute path leads to a directory on hard disk
proc localfs_filetype {path} {
proc localfs_filetype {path_in} {
set path [unescape_string $path_in]
catch {file lstat $path stbuf}
if {[info exists stbuf] == 1} {
set t [string range $stbuf(type) 0 0]
@ -5474,18 +5538,25 @@ proc localfs_filetype {path} {
# <<< $localfs_filetype_by_tcl == 1
if {$localfs_ls_by_sh == 1} {
# Return the list of files of a hard disk filesystem directory
proc localfs_ls {dir} {
proc localfs_ls {dir_in} {
set dir [unescape_string $dir_in]
set result ""
if {[localfs_filetype $dir] != "d"} {return ""}
set conn [open "|ls {$dir}" r]
set conn [open "|ls -1b [list $dir]" r]
while {1} {
set ret [gets $conn line]
if {$ret == -1} {
# ls -b has the habit to escape blanks, xorriso has not.
set line [string map [list "\\\\" "\\\\" "\\ " " "] $line]
set adr [combine_dir_and_name $dir $line]
set filetype [localfs_filetype $adr]
if {$filetype == ""} {set filetype "?"}
@ -5496,6 +5567,10 @@ proc localfs_ls {dir} {
# <<< $localfs_ls_by_sh == 1
# Log a command (if enabled)
proc log_command {cmd} {
@ -5680,11 +5755,34 @@ proc execute_script {close_window} {
# Convert newline into \n
proc escape_newline {text} {
return [string map [list "\n" "\\n"] $text]
proc escape_newline {text backslash_too} {
if {$backslash_too == 0} {
return [string map [list "\n" "\\n"] $text]
return [string map [list "\n" "\\n" "\\" "\\\\"] $text]
if {$localfs_ls_by_sh == 1 || $localfs_filetype_by_tcl == 1} {
proc unescape_string {text} {
# The Tcl backslash escaping nearly matches the one of xorriso.
# Only code \e is not known to Tcl.
# So protect \\e from being converted, convert \e, and escape $[{" (not }])
set escpd [string map [list "\\\\" "\\\\" "\\e" "\x1b" "\$" "\\\$" \
"\[" "\\\[" "\{" "\\\{" "\"" "\\\""] \
# And now let Tcl unescape it
eval set escpd \"$escpd\"
return $escpd
# <<< $localfs_ls_by_sh == 1 || $localfs_filetype_by_tcl == 1
# -------- start living

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2013.01.05.214951"
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2013.01.05.220937"