Added SAO CD Cookbook

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Schmitt 2007-01-23 10:35:51 +00:00
parent eaec685927
commit 562b908a76

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Optical Media Rotisserie Recipes as of January 2007
- TAO Multi-Session CD Cookbook (CD-R, CD-RW)
- SAO CD Cookbook (CD-R, CD-RW, pure audio or pure data only)
- Overwriteable DVD Cookbook (DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, DVD-RW)
@ -198,6 +199,194 @@ Untested is wether POINT = B0h and 52h READ TRACK INFORMATION are always in
sync. libburn uses the info provided by 52h READ TRACK INFORMATION.
SAO CD Cookbook
Guided by reading libburn/* from
backed by reading mmc5r03c.pdf from
and by experiments with drives NEC ND-4570A, LG GSA-4082B, LITE-ON LTR48125S
which used in part code from
For by Thomas Schmitt <>
Recognition of media type and state (blank, appendable, finalized) is as
described in the TAO Multi-Session CD Cookbook. See there.
The MMC specs do not give much hint about the combination of SAO and
multi-session. My drives refused not only on a few experiments which i did
in libburn but also failed with cdrecord -sao on an appendable CD.
So for now only blank CD seem to be suitable for SAO writing.
Different from TAO mode, the whole session layout is announced to the drive by
sending a Cue Sheet. This implies that the sizes of the tracks have to be known
in advance, which is a heavy drawback when dealing with track data sources like
stdin, named pipes or sockets.
Nevertheless, SAO seems to be best writing mode for audio purposes, as our
audio expert Lorenzo Taylor found out.
A SAO session in libburn may either consist entirely of audio tracks or
entirely of data tracks. For mixed sessions, only TAO is usable yet.
- Composing a SAO CD Cue Sheet (either audio or data, but not mixed)
- Writing the prepared SAO CD session
- What is known about mixed mode sessions
Composing a Cue Sheet (either audio or data, but not mixed) :
Speed may be set by BBh SET CD SPEED parameter Drive Write Speed. Note that
kbytes/sec means 1000 bytes/sec and not 1024/sec. Rotational control should
be set to 00b. 1x CD speed is 176.4 kbytes/sec. Speed is usually set to the
next lower possible value by the drive. So it is helpful to add a few
kbytes/sec just in case the drive has rounding problems.
(mmc5r03c.pdf 6.37)
The Cue Sheet will get submitted to the drive by 5Dh SEND CUE SHEET.
Each entry of the sheet is of 8 bytes size. Its fields are named
(mmc5r03c.pdf 6.33)
CTL is 40h for data and 00h for audio.
ADR is always 01h.
TNO is the track number (1 to 99).
INDEX is a subaddress within tracks. This recipe uses only INDEX 01h within
DATA FORM is 00h for audio payload , 10h for data. (01h for audio pause is not
used in libburn).
(mmc5r03c.pdf CD-DA Data Form, CD-ROM mode 1 Form)
SCMS is always 00h.
MIN, SEC, FRAME give the MSF address where the described data entity starts.
LBA = frames - 150, 75 frames = 1 sec , 60 sec = 1 min.
This address must increase from entry to entry (or at least stay equal).
The first entry describes the Lead-in. Its content is
(CTL|ADR ,00h,00h,01h,00h,00h,00h,00h)
With the CTL|ADR for the first track: 41h for data, 01h for audio.
The LBA for the first write is negative: -150. This corresponds to MSF address
00h:00h:00h. All addresses are to be given in MSF format.
The first information track on disc is preceded by a pause encoding of 2 sec:
(CTL|ADR,01h,00h, DATA FORM ,00h,00h,00h,00h)
with DATA FORM = 00h for audio and 10h for data. By those 2 seconds the MSF
address increases to 00h:02h:00h = LBA 0.
Each track is represented by an entry
TNO gives the track number. MIN, SEC, FRAME give the MSF address which becomes
the start address of the track. The MSF address is then increased by the size
of the track (to be used with next track or with lead-out).
At the end of the session there is a lead-out entry
marking the end of the last track. (With libburn CTL is as of the last track.)
Writing the prepared session :
As with write mode TAO, speed may be set by BBh SET CD SPEED.
See TAO Multi-Session CD Cookbook.
Nearly as with TAO a Write Parameters mode page 05h has to be composed and
transmitted via 55h MODE SELECT. This page describes the following parameters:
BUFE Buffer Underrun protection 0=off, 1=on
Test Write -dummy mode for writing 0=off, 1=on
Write Type Packet/TAO/SAO/RAW 02h = SAO
Multi-session Wether to keep appendable 00b = finalize
11b = keep appendable
Track Mode Describes frame type 0 (is ignored)
Data Block Type Layout of payload blocks 0 (is ignored)
Audio Pause Length 150 = 2 seconds (ignored ?)
Any other parameters may be set to 0.
Mode page data as of MMC-5 table 644 are preceded by a Mode Parameter Header
as of SPC-3 table 240. This 8-byte header may be filled with zeros.
(mmc5r03c.pdf 7.5.4 The Mode Page, Table 17 CONTROL = Track Mode)
(spc3r23.pdf 6.8 MODE SELECT, 7.4.3 Mode parameter header formats)
The Cue Sheet is submitted to the drive by 5Dh SEND CUE SHEET. Cue Sheet Size
is 8 times the number of entries.
(mmc5r03c.pdf 6.33)
Writing is performed by multiple 2Ah WRITE transactions with the Logical
Block Address counted up from the initial number in sync with the number of
blocks written. I.e the Transfer Length of the previous 2Ah WRITE has to be
added to the Logical Block Address for the next 2Ah WRITE. Only full blocks
can be written.
(mmc5r03c.pdf, 6.44)
Writing begins at LBA -150 which is to be transmitted as 4-byte, Big-endian,
two's-complement. E.g: -150 = FFh FFh FFh 6Ah. This is the natural form found
with about any 32-bit processor, so only the endianness has to be taken into
respect when converting a 32-bit integer into a LBA for command 2Ah WRITE.
At first the mandatory pause preceding the first track has to be written as
150 blocks of the matching sector size: 2048 for data, 2352 for audio.
By this, the LBA increases from -150 to 0.
Next the tracks' payload is sent. For each track exactly the number of blocks
has to be transmitted as is announced in the Cue Sheet by the difference
of the track's own start address and the start address of the next entry in
the Cue Sheet. After each write the LBA for the next write has to be increased
by the number of blocks transmitted. Just like with TAO writing.
There is no separator between the tracks of a pure mode SAO session.
(If the session was mixed mode, there would be extended Pre-gaps and Post-gaps
between data mode tracks and audio mode tracks.)
(libburn sends its own buffer to the drive at the end of each track but does
not sync the drive's chache. It is unclear wether this separation of tracks
on the level of 2Ah WRITE is necessary with a pure mode session. It does not
harm in any case and would probably be unavoidable if audio and data tracks
were mixed.)
When writing of all tracks is done, it is mandatory to force the drive's buffer
to media by 35h SYNCHRONIZE CACHE.
(mmc5r03c.pdf, 6.41)
No further finalization is necessary. (I.e. no 5Bh CLOSE TRACK SESSION.)
What is known about mixed mode sessions :
For now, SAO sessions with a mix of data and audio are not supported in
libburn. Here are the reasons why.
Obviously the code of is incomplete in this aspect.
In mmc5r03c.pdf comparison of table 555 and seems self-contradicting.
(The second Pre-gap in table 555 does not match any of the criteria of Also, there is no Post-gap shown in table 555 although
would prescribe some.)
If a data track follows an audio track then the data track gets a preceding
extended Pre-gap:
with TNO already the number of the data track. The MSF address is to be
increased by 3 seconds. The first second of the extended Pre-gap needs to be
written in the audio track's mode and the other 2 seconds are to be written
in the data track's mode.
(libburn compares DATA FORM rather than burn_track.mode . Wrong ?)
(libburn currently does only 2 seconds and the second part of Pre-gap. There is
an issue with burn_track.pregap1 about this. Seems libburn mistakes the pause
preceding track 1 for a part 2 of an extended Pre-gap.)
If a data track is followed by an audio track then it gets a Post-gap of at
least two seconds.
No example of Post-gap is given for Cue Sheet. Maybe it is to be added to the
track, or maybe it gets an own Cue Sheet entry ... who knows ?
(libburn contains write code for pregap1, pregap2 and postgap. But only
pregap2 ever gets activated. Once hackingly for the first 2 second pause, once
incompletely for a change of DATA FORM.)
Seems nobody ever tested this. Libburnia simply knows no use case where the
correctness of Pre-gap and Post-gap would become evident.
Overwriteable DVD Cookbook