Switched to usage of libjte-2.0.0. New -jigdo parameters "checksum_algorithm", "demand_checksum", "checksum_path". New -as mkisofs options-jigdo-checksum-algorithm, "-checksum-list", "-jigdo-force-checksum".
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ dnl Libtool versioning
dnl Generate libisoburn.so.1.x.y
dnl SONAME will become LT_CURRENT - LT_AGE
dnl ts B91026
dnl ts B91123
dnl ### This is the release version 1.5.2 = libisoburn.so.1.109.0
dnl This is the development version after above stable release
dnl LT_CURRENT++, LT_AGE++ have not happened yet.
dnl ### LT_CURRENT++, LT_AGE++ has happened meanwhile.
dnl ### LT_CURRENT++, LT_AGE++ have not happened yet.
dnl LT_CURRENT++, LT_AGE++ has happened meanwhile.
dnl SONAME = 110 - 109 = 1 . Library name = libisoburn.so.1.109.0
dnl SONAME = 111 - 110 = 1 . Library name = libisoburn.so.1.110.0
@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ AC_SUBST(ZLIB_DEF)
dnl ts B00928
[ --enable-libjte Enable use of libjte by xorriso, default=yes],
[ --enable-libjte Enable use of libjte >= 2.0 by xorriso, default=yes],
, enable_libjte=yes)
if test "x$enable_libjte" = xyes; then
AC_CHECK_HEADER(libjte/libjte.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(jte, libjte_new, , LIBJTE_DEF= ), LIBJTE_DEF= )
AC_CHECK_HEADER(libjte/libjte.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(jte, libjte_set_checksum_algorithm, , LIBJTE_DEF= ), LIBJTE_DEF= )
@ -657,8 +657,10 @@ int Xorriso_genisofs_count_args(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int argc, char **argv,
"-alpha-boot", "-hppa-cmdline", "-hppa-kernel-32", "-hppa-kernel-64",
"-hppa-bootloader", "-hppa-ramdisk", "-mips-boot", "-mipsel-boot",
"-jigdo-jigdo", "-jigdo-template", "-jigdo-min-file-size",
"-jigdo-force-md5", "-jigdo-exclude", "-jigdo-map", "-md5-list",
"-jigdo-force-md5", "-jigdo-force-checksum",
"-md5-list", "-checksum-list",
"-jigdo-exclude", "-jigdo-map",
"-jigdo-template-compress", "-jigdo-checksum-algorithm",
"-checksum_algorithm_iso", "-checksum_algorithm_template",
"--stdio_sync", "--quoted_path_list", "--efi-boot", "--embedded-boot",
"-isohybrid-mbr", "-e", "-partition_offset", "-partition_hd_cyl",
@ -852,11 +854,16 @@ int Xorriso_genisofs_help(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int flag)
" -jigdo-jigdo FILE Produce a jigdo .jigdo file as well as the .iso",
" -jigdo-template FILE Produce a jigdo .template file as well as the .iso",
" -jigdo-min-file-size SIZE Minimum size for a file to be listed in the jigdo file",
" -jigdo-force-md5 PATTERN Pattern(s) where files MUST match an externally-supplied MD5sum",
" -jigdo-force-checksum PTRN Pattern(s) where files MUST match an externally-supplied checksum",
" -jigdo-force-md5 PATTERN Outdated alias of -jigdo-force-checksum",
" -jigdo-exclude PATTERN Pattern(s) to exclude from the jigdo file",
" -jigdo-map PATTERN1=PATTERN2",
" Pattern(s) to map paths (e.g. Debian=/mirror/debian)",
" -md5-list FILE File containing MD5 sums of the files that should be checked",
" -checksum-list FILE File containing checksums of the files that should be checked",
" -md5-list FILE Outdated alias of -checksum-list",
" -jigdo-checksum-algorithm ALGORITHM",
" Choose algorithm for file matching checksums: md5, sha256",
" Expected in the -checksum-list FILE, written into .jigdo file.",
" -jigdo-template-compress ALGORITHM",
" Choose to use gzip or bzip2 compression for template data; default is gzip",
" -checksum_algorithm_iso alg1,alg2,...",
@ -2097,11 +2104,14 @@ not_enough_args:;
strcmp(argpt, "-jigdo-min-file-size") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-jigdo-exclude") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-jigdo-force-md5") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-jigdo-force-checksum") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-jigdo-map") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-jigdo-checksum-algorithm") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-jigdo-template-compress") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-checksum_algorithm_iso") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-checksum_algorithm_template") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-md5-list") == 0) {
strcmp(argpt, "-md5-list") == 0 ||
strcmp(argpt, "-checksum-list") == 0) {
ret= Xorriso_option_jigdo(xorriso, argpt, argv[i], 0);
if(ret <= 0)
@ -765,8 +765,10 @@ int Xorriso_jigdo_interpreter(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *aspect, char *arg,
goto jte_failed;
xorriso->libjte_params_given|= 8;
} else if(strcmp(aspect, "md5_path") == 0 ||
strcmp(aspect, "-md5-list") == 0) {
ret= libjte_set_md5_path(jte, arg);
strcmp(aspect, "-md5-list") == 0 ||
strcmp(aspect, "checksum_path") == 0 ||
strcmp(aspect, "-checksum-list") == 0) {
ret= libjte_set_checksum_path(jte, arg);
if(ret <= 0)
goto jte_failed;
xorriso->libjte_params_given|= 16;
@ -802,8 +804,10 @@ int Xorriso_jigdo_interpreter(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *aspect, char *arg,
goto jte_failed;
xorriso->libjte_params_given|= 512;
} else if(strcmp(aspect, "demand_md5") == 0 ||
strcmp(aspect, "-jigdo-force-md5") == 0) {
ret= libjte_add_md5_demand(jte, arg);
strcmp(aspect, "-jigdo-force-md5") == 0 ||
strcmp(aspect, "demand_checksum") == 0 ||
strcmp(aspect, "-jigdo-force-checksum") == 0) {
ret= libjte_add_checksum_demand(jte, arg);
if(ret <= 0)
goto jte_failed;
xorriso->libjte_params_given|= 1024;
@ -813,6 +817,13 @@ int Xorriso_jigdo_interpreter(struct XorrisO *xorriso, char *aspect, char *arg,
if(ret <= 0)
goto jte_failed;
xorriso->libjte_params_given|= 2048;
} else if(strcmp(aspect, "checksum_algorithm") == 0 ||
strcmp(aspect, "-jigdo-checksum-algorithm") == 0) {
int ck_size;
ret= libjte_set_checksum_algorithm(jte, arg, &ck_size);
if(ret <= 0)
goto jte_failed;
xorriso->libjte_params_given|= 4096;
} else {
sprintf(xorriso->info_text, "-jigdo: unknown aspect '%s'", aspect);
Xorriso_msgs_submit(xorriso, 0, xorriso->info_text, 0, "FAILURE", 0);
@ -1879,6 +1879,7 @@ int Xorriso_option_help(struct XorrisO *xorriso, int flag)
" Opportunity to omit Rock Ridge info. (Do not do it !)",
" -jigdo \"clear\"|\"template_path\"|\"jigdo_path\"|\"md5_path\"",
" |\"min_size\"|\"checksum_iso\"|\"checksum_template\"",
" |\"checksum_path\"|\"demand_checksum\"|\"checksum_algorithm\"",
" |\"compression\"|\"exclude\"|\"demand_md5\"|\"mapping\"",
" |\"checksum_iso\"|\"checksum_template\"",
" value",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
.TH XORRISO 1 "Version 1.5.3, Oct 28, 2019"
.TH XORRISO 1 "Version 1.5.3, Nov 23, 2019"
.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
@ -3772,14 +3772,19 @@ The .template file contains the compressed ISO image with reference tags
instead of the content bytes of the listed files.
Input for this process are the normal arguments for a \fBxorriso\fR session
on a blank \-outdev, and a .md5 file which lists those data files which may be
listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the .template file.
Each designated file is represented in the .md5 file by a single text line:
on a blank \-outdev, and a checksum file which lists those data files which may
be listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the .template file.
Each designated file is represented in the checksum file by a single text line:
MD5 as 32 hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
Checksum as hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
symbolic file address
The file address in an .md5 line has to bear the same basename as the
The kind of checksum is chosen by \-jigdo "checksum_algorithm" with values "md5"
(32 hex digits) or "sha256" (64 hex digits).
It will also be used for the file address lines in the .jigdo file.
The default is "md5".
The file address in a checksum file line has to bear the same basename as the
disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path of
the file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file recognition.
After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into the .jigdo
@ -3801,6 +3806,12 @@ emulation command.
Parameter \fBclear\fR with any value empties the whole list.
No .jigdo and .template file will be produced.
\fBchecksum_algorithm\fR chooses the checksum algorithm which shall be used
for the data file entries in the .jigdo file and is expected in the checksum
file. Permissible are "md5" or "sha256". Default is "md5".
Alias: \-jigdo\-checksum\-algorithm
\fBtemplate_path\fR sets the disk_path for the .template file with the
holed and compressed ISO image copy.
@ -3811,7 +3822,12 @@ and download addresses for filling the holes in .template.
Alias: \-jigdo\-jigdo
\fBmd5_path\fR sets the disk_path where to find the .md5 input file.
\fBchecksum_path\fR sets the disk_path where to find the checksum file with
symbolic file addresses and checksums according to \fBchecksum_algorithm\fR.
Alias: md5_path
Alias: \-checksum\-list
Alias: \-md5\-list
@ -3826,15 +3842,19 @@ stay in .template in any case.
Alias: \-jigdo\-exclude
\fBdemand_md5\fR adds a regular expression pattern which will get compared
with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the .md5
list. A match causes a MISHAP event.
\fBdemand_checksum\fR adds a regular expression pattern which will get
compared with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found
in the checksum list file as of "checksum_path". A match causes a MISHAP event.
Alias: demand_md5
Alias: \-jigdo\-force\-checksum
Alias: \-jigdo\-force\-md5
\fBmapping\fR adds a string pair of the form To=From to the parameter list.
If a data file gets listed in the .jigdo file, then it is referred by the
file address from its line in the .md5 file. This file address gets checked
file address from its line in the checksum file. This file address gets checked
whether it begins with the From string. If so, then this string will be
replaced by the To string and a ':' character, before it goes into the .jigdo
file. The From string should end by a '/' character.
@ -3184,18 +3184,22 @@ symbolic file addresses. The .template file contains the compressed ISO
image with reference tags instead of the content bytes of the listed
Input for this process are the normal arguments for a 'xorriso' session
on a blank -outdev, and a .md5 file which lists those data files which
may be listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the
.template file. Each designated file is represented in the .md5 file by
a single text line:
MD5 as 32 hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2
on a blank -outdev, and a checksum file which lists those data files
which may be listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the
.template file. Each designated file is represented in the checksum
file by a single text line:
Checksum as hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2
blanks, symbolic file address
The file address in an .md5 line has to bear the same basename as the
disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path of the
file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file recognition.
After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into the .jigdo
file. Jigdo restore tools will convert these addresses into really
reachable data source addresses from which they can read.
The kind of checksum is chosen by -jigdo "checksum_algorithm" with
values "md5" (32 hex digits) or "sha256" (64 hex digits). It will also
be used for the file address lines in the .jigdo file. The default is
The file address in a checksum file line has to bear the same basename
as the disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path
of the file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file
recognition. After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into
the .jigdo file. Jigdo restore tools will convert these addresses into
really reachable data source addresses from which they can read.
If the list of jigdo parameters is not empty, then 'xorriso' will refuse
to write to non-blank targets, it will disable multi-session emulation,
and padding will be counted as part of the ISO image.
@ -3207,6 +3211,11 @@ and padding will be counted as part of the ISO image.
they are recognized by the -as mkisofs emulation command.
Parameter *clear* with any value empties the whole list. No .jigdo
and .template file will be produced.
*checksum_algorithm* chooses the checksum algorithm which shall be
used for the data file entries in the .jigdo file and is expected
in the checksum file. Permissible are "md5" or "sha256". Default
is "md5".
Alias: -jigdo-checksum-algorithm
*template_path* sets the disk_path for the .template file with the
holed and compressed ISO image copy.
Alias: -jigdo-template
@ -3214,7 +3223,11 @@ and padding will be counted as part of the ISO image.
checksums and download addresses for filling the holes in
Alias: -jigdo-jigdo
*md5_path* sets the disk_path where to find the .md5 input file.
*checksum_path* sets the disk_path where to find the checksum file
with symbolic file addresses and checksums according to
Alias: md5_path
Alias: -checksum-list
Alias: -md5-list
*min_size* sets the minimum size for a data file to be listed in
the .jigdo file and being a hole in the .template file.
@ -3223,17 +3236,20 @@ and padding will be counted as part of the ISO image.
with the absolute disk_path of any data file. A match causes the
file to stay in .template in any case.
Alias: -jigdo-exclude
*demand_md5* adds a regular expression pattern which will get
*demand_checksum* adds a regular expression pattern which will get
compared with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not
found in the .md5 list. A match causes a MISHAP event.
found in the checksum list file as of "checksum_path". A match
causes a MISHAP event.
Alias: demand_md5
Alias: -jigdo-force-checksum
Alias: -jigdo-force-md5
*mapping* adds a string pair of the form To=From to the parameter
list. If a data file gets listed in the .jigdo file, then it is
referred by the file address from its line in the .md5 file. This
file address gets checked whether it begins with the From string.
If so, then this string will be replaced by the To string and a ':'
character, before it goes into the .jigdo file. The From string
should end by a '/' character.
referred by the file address from its line in the checksum file.
This file address gets checked whether it begins with the From
string. If so, then this string will be replaced by the To string
and a ':' character, before it goes into the .jigdo file. The From
string should end by a '/' character.
Alias: -jigdo-map
*compression* chooses one of "bzip2" or "gzip" for the compression
of the template file. The jigdo file is put out uncompressed.
@ -5408,7 +5424,7 @@ File: xorriso.info, Node: CommandIdx, Next: ConceptIdx, Prev: Legal, Up: Top
* -iso_nowtime fixed "now" time for ISO 9660 objects: Loading.
(line 217)
* -iso_rr_pattern controls pattern expansion: Manip. (line 10)
* -jigdo clears JTE or or adds parameter to JTE: Jigdo. (line 33)
* -jigdo clears JTE or or adds parameter to JTE: Jigdo. (line 37)
* -joliet enables production of Joliet tree: SetWrite. (line 10)
* -launch_frontend starts frontend program at pipes: Frontend.
(line 141)
@ -5703,7 +5719,7 @@ File: xorriso.info, Node: ConceptIdx, Prev: CommandIdx, Up: Top
* Interval reader for system area and partitions: Bootable. (line 32)
* ISO 9660, _definition: Model. (line 6)
* iso_rr_path, _definition: Insert. (line 7)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo: Jigdo. (line 33)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo: Jigdo. (line 37)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, _definition: Jigdo. (line 6)
* LBA, _definition: Drives. (line 17)
* libisofs, fixed "now" time: Loading. (line 217)
@ -5884,39 +5900,39 @@ Node: Writing110455
Node: SetWrite120602
Node: Bootable145360
Node: Jigdo172315
Node: Charset176574
Node: Exception179903
Node: DialogCtl186032
Node: Inquiry188634
Node: Navigate197516
Node: Verify205973
Node: Restore216444
Node: Emulation225121
Node: Scripting235577
Node: Frontend243360
Node: Examples252986
Node: ExDevices254164
Node: ExCreate254825
Node: ExDialog256125
Node: ExGrowing257396
Node: ExModifying258205
Node: ExBootable258715
Node: ExCharset259270
Node: ExPseudo260166
Node: ExCdrecord261093
Node: ExMkisofs261413
Node: ExGrowisofs263310
Node: ExException264463
Node: ExTime264921
Node: ExIncBackup265379
Node: ExRestore269405
Node: ExRecovery270351
Node: Files270923
Node: Environ272257
Node: Seealso273005
Node: Bugreport273722
Node: Legal274313
Node: CommandIdx275325
Node: ConceptIdx292868
Node: Charset177318
Node: Exception180647
Node: DialogCtl186776
Node: Inquiry189378
Node: Navigate198260
Node: Verify206717
Node: Restore217188
Node: Emulation225865
Node: Scripting236321
Node: Frontend244104
Node: Examples253730
Node: ExDevices254908
Node: ExCreate255569
Node: ExDialog256869
Node: ExGrowing258140
Node: ExModifying258949
Node: ExBootable259459
Node: ExCharset260014
Node: ExPseudo260910
Node: ExCdrecord261837
Node: ExMkisofs262157
Node: ExGrowisofs264054
Node: ExException265207
Node: ExTime265665
Node: ExIncBackup266123
Node: ExRestore270149
Node: ExRecovery271095
Node: Files271667
Node: Environ273001
Node: Seealso273749
Node: Bugreport274466
Node: Legal275057
Node: CommandIdx276069
Node: ConceptIdx293612
End Tag Table
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
@c man .\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
@c man .\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
@c man .\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
@c man .TH XORRISO 1 "Version 1.5.3, Oct 28, 2019"
@c man .TH XORRISO 1 "Version 1.5.3, Nov 23, 2019"
@c man .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
@c man .\"
@c man .\" Some roff macros, for reference:
@ -4351,14 +4351,19 @@ The .template file contains the compressed ISO image with reference tags
instead of the content bytes of the listed files.
Input for this process are the normal arguments for a @command{xorriso} session
on a blank -outdev, and a .md5 file which lists those data files which may be
listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the .template file.
Each designated file is represented in the .md5 file by a single text line:
on a blank -outdev, and a checksum file which lists those data files which may
be listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the .template file.
Each designated file is represented in the checksum file by a single text line:
MD5 as 32 hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
Checksum as hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
symbolic file address
The file address in an .md5 line has to bear the same basename as the
The kind of checksum is chosen by -jigdo "checksum_algorithm" with values "md5"
(32 hex digits) or "sha256" (64 hex digits).
It will also be used for the file address lines in the .jigdo file.
The default is "md5".
The file address in a checksum file line has to bear the same basename as the
disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path of
the file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file recognition.
After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into the .jigdo
@ -4384,6 +4389,12 @@ emulation command.
Parameter @strong{clear} with any value empties the whole list.
No .jigdo and .template file will be produced.
@strong{checksum_algorithm} chooses the checksum algorithm which shall be used
for the data file entries in the .jigdo file and is expected in the checksum
file. Permissible are "md5" or "sha256". Default is "md5".
Alias: -jigdo-checksum-algorithm
@strong{template_path} sets the disk_path for the .template file with the
holed and compressed ISO image copy.
@ -4394,7 +4405,12 @@ and download addresses for filling the holes in .template.
Alias: -jigdo-jigdo
@strong{md5_path} sets the disk_path where to find the .md5 input file.
@strong{checksum_path} sets the disk_path where to find the checksum file with
symbolic file addresses and checksums according to @strong{checksum_algorithm}.
Alias: md5_path
Alias: -checksum-list
Alias: -md5-list
@ -4409,15 +4425,19 @@ stay in .template in any case.
Alias: -jigdo-exclude
@strong{demand_md5} adds a regular expression pattern which will get compared
with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the .md5
list. A match causes a MISHAP event.
@strong{demand_checksum} adds a regular expression pattern which will get
compared with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found
in the checksum list file as of "checksum_path". A match causes a MISHAP event.
Alias: demand_md5
Alias: -jigdo-force-checksum
Alias: -jigdo-force-md5
@strong{mapping} adds a string pair of the form To=From to the parameter list.
If a data file gets listed in the .jigdo file, then it is referred by the
file address from its line in the .md5 file. This file address gets checked
file address from its line in the checksum file. This file address gets checked
whether it begins with the From string. If so, then this string will be
replaced by the To string and a ':' character, before it goes into the .jigdo
file. The From string should end by a '/' character.
@ -573,10 +573,11 @@ struct XorrisO { /* the global context of xorriso */
struct Xorriso_lsT *jigdo_params;
struct Xorriso_lsT *jigdo_values;
int libjte_params_given; /* bits: 0= outfile , 1= verbosity , 2= template_path
3= jigdo_path , 4= md5_path , 5= min_size
6= checksum_iso , 7= checksum_template
8= compression , 9= exclude , 10= demand_md5
11= mapping
3= jigdo_path , 4= checksum_path
5= min_size , 6= checksum_iso
7= checksum_template , 8= compression
9= exclude , 10= demand_checksum
11= mapping , 12= checksum_algorithm
/* LBA of boot image after image loading */
@ -1 +1 @@
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2019.11.23.132942"
#define Xorriso_timestamP "2019.11.24.123339"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
.TH XORRISOFS 1 "Version 1.5.3, Oct 28, 2019"
.TH XORRISOFS 1 "Version 1.5.3, Nov 23, 2019"
.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
@ -1529,15 +1529,20 @@ The .template file contains the compressed ISO image with reference tags
instead of the content bytes of the listed files.
Input for this process are the normal arguments for a \fBxorrisofs\fR
with no image loaded, and a .md5 file which lists those data files which may be
session with no image loaded, and a checksum file which lists those
data files which may be
listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the .template file.
Each designated file is represented in the .md5 file by a single text line:
Each designated file is represented in the checksum file by a single text line:
MD5 as 32 hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
Checksum as hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
symbolic file address
The file address in an .md5 line has to bear the same basename as the
The kind of checksum is chosen by \-jigdo "checksum_algorithm" with values "md5"
(32 hex digits) or "sha256" (64 hex digits).
It will also be used for the file address lines in the .jigdo file.
The default is "md5".
The file address in a checksum file line has to bear the same basename as the
disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path of
the file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file recognition.
After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into the .jigdo
@ -1548,6 +1553,10 @@ If the list of jigdo parameters is not empty, then padding will be
counted as part of the ISO image.
\fB\-jigdo-checksum-algorithm\fR "md5"|"sha256"
Set the checksum algorithm which shall be used for the data file entries
in the .jigdo file and is expected in the checksum file. Default is "md5".
\fB\-jigdo-jigdo\fR disk_path
Set the disk_path for the .jigdo file with the checksums
and download addresses for filling the holes in .template.
@ -1563,12 +1572,16 @@ size may be a plain number counting bytes, or a number with appended
letter "k", "m", "g" to count KiB (1024 bytes), MiB (1024 KiB), or
GiB (1024 MiB).
\fB\-jigdo-force-md5\fR disk_path_pattern
\fB\-jigdo-force-checksum\fR disk_path_pattern
adds a regular expression pattern which will get compared
with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the .md5
list. A match causes a MISHAP event, which normally does not abort the
with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the
checksum file.
A match causes a MISHAP event, which normally does not abort the
program run but finally causes a non\-zero exit value of the program.
\fB\-jigdo-force-md5\fR disk_path_pattern
Outdated alias of \-jigdo\-force\-checksum.
\fB\-jigdo-exclude\fR disk_path_pattern
Add a regular expression pattern which will get compared
with the absolute disk_path of any data file. A match causes the file to
@ -1577,13 +1590,17 @@ stay in .template in any case.
\fB\-jigdo-map\fR To=From
Add a string pair of the form To=From to the parameter list.
If a data file gets listed in the .jigdo file, then it is referred by the
file address from its line in the .md5 file. This file address gets checked
file address from its line in the checksum file. This file address gets checked
whether it begins with the From string. If so, then this string will be
replaced by the To string and a ':' character, before it goes into the .jigdo
file. The From string should end by a '/' character.
\fB\-checksum-list\fR disk_path
Set the disk_path where to find the checksum file file with
symbolic file addresses and checksums according to \-jigdo\-checksum\-algorithm.
\fB\-md5-list\fR disk_path
Set the disk_path where to find the .md5 input file.
Outdated alias of \-checksum\-list.
\fB\-jigdo-template-compress\fR "gzip"|"bzip2"
Choose one of "bzip2" or "gzip" for the compression of
@ -1334,21 +1334,29 @@ One may determine the ability for Jigdo by:
.template file contains the compressed ISO image with reference tags
instead of the content bytes of the listed files.
Input for this process are the normal arguments for a 'xorrisofs'
session with no image loaded, and a .md5 file which lists those data
session with no image loaded, and a checksum file which lists those data
files which may be listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced
in the .template file. Each designated file is represented in the .md5
file by a single text line:
MD5 as 32 hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2
in the .template file. Each designated file is represented in the
checksum file by a single text line:
Checksum as hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2
blanks, symbolic file address
The file address in an .md5 line has to bear the same basename as the
disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path of the
file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file recognition.
After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into the .jigdo
file. Jigdo restore tools will convert these addresses into really
reachable data source addresses from which they can read.
The kind of checksum is chosen by -jigdo "checksum_algorithm" with
values "md5" (32 hex digits) or "sha256" (64 hex digits). It will also
be used for the file address lines in the .jigdo file. The default is
The file address in a checksum file line has to bear the same basename
as the disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path
of the file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file
recognition. After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into
the .jigdo file. Jigdo restore tools will convert these addresses into
really reachable data source addresses from which they can read.
If the list of jigdo parameters is not empty, then padding will be
counted as part of the ISO image.
-jigdo-checksum-algorithm "md5"|"sha256"
Set the checksum algorithm which shall be used for the data file
entries in the .jigdo file and is expected in the checksum file.
Default is "md5".
-jigdo-jigdo disk_path
Set the disk_path for the .jigdo file with the checksums and
download addresses for filling the holes in .template.
@ -1360,12 +1368,14 @@ counted as part of the ISO image.
file and being a hole in the .template file. size may be a plain
number counting bytes, or a number with appended letter "k", "m",
"g" to count KiB (1024 bytes), MiB (1024 KiB), or GiB (1024 MiB).
-jigdo-force-md5 disk_path_pattern
-jigdo-force-checksum disk_path_pattern
adds a regular expression pattern which will get compared with the
absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the .md5
list. A match causes a MISHAP event, which normally does not abort
the program run but finally causes a non-zero exit value of the
absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the
checksum file. A match causes a MISHAP event, which normally does
not abort the program run but finally causes a non-zero exit value
of the program.
-jigdo-force-md5 disk_path_pattern
Outdated alias of -jigdo-force-checksum.
-jigdo-exclude disk_path_pattern
Add a regular expression pattern which will get compared with the
absolute disk_path of any data file. A match causes the file to
@ -1373,13 +1383,17 @@ counted as part of the ISO image.
-jigdo-map To=From
Add a string pair of the form To=From to the parameter list. If a
data file gets listed in the .jigdo file, then it is referred by
the file address from its line in the .md5 file. This file address
gets checked whether it begins with the From string. If so, then
this string will be replaced by the To string and a ':' character,
before it goes into the .jigdo file. The From string should end by
a '/' character.
the file address from its line in the checksum file. This file
address gets checked whether it begins with the From string. If
so, then this string will be replaced by the To string and a ':'
character, before it goes into the .jigdo file. The From string
should end by a '/' character.
-checksum-list disk_path
Set the disk_path where to find the checksum file file with
symbolic file addresses and checksums according to
-md5-list disk_path
Set the disk_path where to find the .md5 input file.
Outdated alias of -checksum-list.
-jigdo-template-compress "gzip"|"bzip2"
Choose one of "bzip2" or "gzip" for the compression of the template
file. The jigdo file is put out uncompressed.
@ -2011,9 +2025,10 @@ File: xorrisofs.info, Node: CommandIdx, Next: ConceptIdx, Prev: Legal, Up: T
* -C set load address and write address offset: Loading. (line 25)
* -cdrecord-params set load address and write address offset: Loading.
(line 41)
* -checksum_algorithm_iso choose .jigdo checksums: Jigdo. (line 72)
* -checksum-list set path of input checksum file: Jigdo. (line 77)
* -checksum_algorithm_iso choose .jigdo checksums: Jigdo. (line 86)
* -checksum_algorithm_template choose .template checksums: Jigdo.
(line 78)
(line 92)
* -chrp-boot CHRP partition: SystemArea. (line 267)
* -chrp-boot-part CHRP partition: SystemArea. (line 258)
* -copyright set Copyright File path: ImageId. (line 66)
@ -2089,14 +2104,20 @@ File: xorrisofs.info, Node: CommandIdx, Next: ConceptIdx, Prev: Legal, Up: T
* -iso_mbr_part_type Set type of ISO MBR partition: SystemArea.
(line 127)
* -J enable production of Joliet directory tree: SetExtras. (line 147)
* -jigdo-exclude add exclusion pattern for .md5: Jigdo. (line 55)
* -jigdo-force-md5 add check pattern for .md5: Jigdo. (line 49)
* -jigdo-jigdo set name of .jigdo file: Jigdo. (line 38)
* -jigdo-map add address translation for .jigdo: Jigdo. (line 59)
* -jigdo-min-file-size set minimum extract size: Jigdo. (line 44)
* -jigdo-template set name of .template file: Jigdo. (line 41)
* -jigdo-checksum-algorithm set data file checksum algorithm: Jigdo.
(line 42)
* -jigdo-exclude add exclusion pattern for checksum file: Jigdo.
(line 65)
* -jigdo-force-checksum add check pattern for checksum file: Jigdo.
(line 57)
* -jigdo-force-md5 add check pattern for checksum file: Jigdo.
(line 63)
* -jigdo-jigdo set name of .jigdo file: Jigdo. (line 46)
* -jigdo-map add address translation for .jigdo: Jigdo. (line 69)
* -jigdo-min-file-size set minimum extract size: Jigdo. (line 52)
* -jigdo-template set name of .template file: Jigdo. (line 49)
* -jigdo-template-compress choose compression algorithm: Jigdo.
(line 69)
(line 83)
* -joliet enable production of Joliet directory tree: SetExtras.
(line 151)
* -joliet-long allow longer Joliet names: SetExtras. (line 153)
@ -2107,7 +2128,7 @@ File: xorrisofs.info, Node: CommandIdx, Next: ConceptIdx, Prev: Legal, Up: T
* -M set path for loading existing ISO image: Loading. (line 11)
* -max-iso9660-filenames allow 37 characters in ISO file names: SetCompl.
(line 61)
* -md5-list set path of readable .md5: Jigdo. (line 67)
* -md5-list set path of input checksum file: Jigdo. (line 81)
* -mips-boot MIPS Big Endian boot image: SystemArea. (line 274)
* -mipsel-boot MIPS Little Endian boot image: SystemArea. (line 280)
* -N omit version number in ISO file names: SetCompl. (line 64)
@ -2330,17 +2351,21 @@ File: xorrisofs.info, Node: ConceptIdx, Prev: CommandIdx, Up: Top
* ISO level, specify, -iso-level <1>: SetCompl. (line 8)
* ISO root directory, redirect, -root: SetInsert. (line 55)
* iso_rr_path, _definition: Insert. (line 8)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -checksum_algorithm_iso: Jigdo. (line 72)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -checksum-list: Jigdo. (line 77)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -checksum_algorithm_iso: Jigdo. (line 86)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -checksum_algorithm_template: Jigdo.
(line 78)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-exclude: Jigdo. (line 55)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-force-md5: Jigdo. (line 49)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-jigdo: Jigdo. (line 38)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-map: Jigdo. (line 59)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-min-file-size: Jigdo. (line 44)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-template: Jigdo. (line 41)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-template-compress: Jigdo. (line 69)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -md5-list: Jigdo. (line 67)
(line 92)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-checksum-algorithm: Jigdo.
(line 42)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-exclude: Jigdo. (line 65)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-force-checksum: Jigdo. (line 57)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-force-md5: Jigdo. (line 63)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-jigdo: Jigdo. (line 46)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-map: Jigdo. (line 69)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-min-file-size: Jigdo. (line 52)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-template: Jigdo. (line 49)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-template-compress: Jigdo. (line 83)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, -md5-list: Jigdo. (line 81)
* Jigdo Template Extraction, _definition: Jigdo. (line 6)
* Joliet, allows longer names, -joliet-long: SetExtras. (line 153)
* Joliet, enable, -J, -joliet: SetExtras. (line 147)
@ -2418,21 +2443,21 @@ Node: Bootable38983
Node: SystemArea45269
Node: Charset63501
Node: Jigdo64526
Node: Miscellaneous68803
Node: Examples70448
Node: ExSimple70942
Node: ExGraft71425
Node: ExMkisofs72725
Node: ExGrowisofs74533
Node: ExIncBackup75723
Node: ExIncBckAcc78899
Node: ExBootable80604
Node: Files84786
Node: Environ85881
Node: Seealso86754
Node: Bugreport87405
Node: Legal87998
Node: CommandIdx88895
Node: ConceptIdx104763
Node: Miscellaneous69496
Node: Examples71141
Node: ExSimple71635
Node: ExGraft72118
Node: ExMkisofs73418
Node: ExGrowisofs75226
Node: ExIncBackup76416
Node: ExIncBckAcc79592
Node: ExBootable81297
Node: Files85479
Node: Environ86574
Node: Seealso87447
Node: Bugreport88098
Node: Legal88691
Node: CommandIdx89588
Node: ConceptIdx105940
End Tag Table
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
@c man .\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
@c man .\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
@c man .\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
@c man .TH XORRISOFS 1 "Version 1.5.3, Oct 28, 2019"
@c man .TH XORRISOFS 1 "Version 1.5.3, Nov 23, 2019"
@c man .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage.
@c man .\"
@c man .\" Some roff macros, for reference:
@ -2004,15 +2004,20 @@ The .template file contains the compressed ISO image with reference tags
instead of the content bytes of the listed files.
Input for this process are the normal arguments for a @command{xorrisofs}
with no image loaded, and a .md5 file which lists those data files which may be
session with no image loaded, and a checksum file which lists those
data files which may be
listed in the .jigdo file and externally referenced in the .template file.
Each designated file is represented in the .md5 file by a single text line:
Each designated file is represented in the checksum file by a single text line:
MD5 as 32 hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
Checksum as hex digits, 2 blanks, size as 12 decimal digits or blanks, 2 blanks,
symbolic file address
The file address in an .md5 line has to bear the same basename as the
The kind of checksum is chosen by -jigdo "checksum_algorithm" with values "md5"
(32 hex digits) or "sha256" (64 hex digits).
It will also be used for the file address lines in the .jigdo file.
The default is "md5".
The file address in a checksum file line has to bear the same basename as the
disk_path of the file which it shall match. The directory path of
the file address is decisive for To=From mapping, not for file recognition.
After To=From mapping, the file address gets written into the .jigdo
@ -2025,6 +2030,12 @@ counted as part of the ISO image.
@table @asis
@sp 1
@c man .TP
@item -jigdo-checksum-algorithm "md5"|"sha256"
@kindex -jigdo-checksum-algorithm set data file checksum algorithm
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-checksum-algorithm
Set the checksum algorithm which shall be used for the data file entries
in the .jigdo file and is expected in the checksum file. Default is "md5".
@c man .TP
@item -jigdo-jigdo disk_path
@kindex -jigdo-jigdo set name of .jigdo file
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-jigdo
@ -2046,16 +2057,22 @@ size may be a plain number counting bytes, or a number with appended
letter "k", "m", "g" to count KiB (1024 bytes), MiB (1024 KiB), or
GiB (1024 MiB).
@c man .TP
@item -jigdo-force-md5 disk_path_pattern
@kindex -jigdo-force-md5 add check pattern for .md5
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-force-md5
@item -jigdo-force-checksum disk_path_pattern
@kindex -jigdo-force-checksum add check pattern for checksum file
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-force-checksum
adds a regular expression pattern which will get compared
with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the .md5
list. A match causes a MISHAP event, which normally does not abort the
with the absolute disk_path of any data file that was not found in the
checksum file.
A match causes a MISHAP event, which normally does not abort the
program run but finally causes a non-zero exit value of the program.
@c man .TP
@item -jigdo-force-md5 disk_path_pattern
@kindex -jigdo-force-md5 add check pattern for checksum file
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-force-md5
Outdated alias of -jigdo-force-checksum.
@c man .TP
@item -jigdo-exclude disk_path_pattern
@kindex -jigdo-exclude add exclusion pattern for .md5
@kindex -jigdo-exclude add exclusion pattern for checksum file
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-exclude
Add a regular expression pattern which will get compared
with the absolute disk_path of any data file. A match causes the file to
@ -2066,15 +2083,21 @@ stay in .template in any case.
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -jigdo-map
Add a string pair of the form To=From to the parameter list.
If a data file gets listed in the .jigdo file, then it is referred by the
file address from its line in the .md5 file. This file address gets checked
file address from its line in the checksum file. This file address gets checked
whether it begins with the From string. If so, then this string will be
replaced by the To string and a ':' character, before it goes into the .jigdo
file. The From string should end by a '/' character.
@c man .TP
@item -checksum-list disk_path
@kindex -checksum-list set path of input checksum file
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -checksum-list
Set the disk_path where to find the checksum file file with
symbolic file addresses and checksums according to -jigdo-checksum-algorithm.
@c man .TP
@item -md5-list disk_path
@kindex -md5-list set path of readable .md5
@kindex -md5-list set path of input checksum file
@cindex Jigdo Template Extraction, -md5-list
Set the disk_path where to find the .md5 input file.
Outdated alias of -checksum-list.
@c man .TP
@item -jigdo-template-compress "gzip"|"bzip2"
@kindex -jigdo-template-compress choose compression algorithm
Reference in New Issue
Block a user