2011-08-30 17:22:40 +00:00
codesamples renamed to better reflect intentions 2011-07-19 17:16:21 +00:00
inc Reacting on xorriso ifailure in pipe test of releng/auto_isocontent 2011-08-30 17:22:40 +00:00
auto_cxx Made releng/auto_cxx ready for FreeBSD (with bash or "bash" linked to /bin/sh) 2011-08-09 17:25:39 +00:00
auto_isocontent Reacting on xorriso ifailure in pipe test of releng/auto_isocontent 2011-08-30 17:22:40 +00:00
auto_printsize Made releng/auto_printsize ready for FreeBSD ("bash" linked to /bin/sh) 2011-08-09 19:38:16 +00:00
change_shell_to_use Changed a comment 2011-08-14 17:50:18 +00:00
CHECKLIST a better description 2011-08-01 14:50:14 +00:00
jigdo-gen-md5-list Moved jigdo-gen-md5-list of GNU xorriso into libisoburn/releng 2011-08-29 17:27:51 +00:00
jigdo-gen-md5-list.1 Moved jigdo-gen-md5-list of GNU xorriso into libisoburn/releng 2011-08-29 17:27:51 +00:00
manual_burn Option --priv_cmd for releng/manual_burn and releng/manual_devices 2011-08-11 16:47:51 +00:00
manual_devices Option --priv_cmd for releng/manual_burn and releng/manual_devices 2011-08-11 16:47:51 +00:00
manual_isojigdo Using own jigdo-gen-md5-list to avoid restriction to Linux and FreeBSD 2011-08-29 17:43:15 +00:00
README Reacting on xorriso ifailure in pipe test of releng/auto_isocontent 2011-08-30 17:22:40 +00:00
README.old Began to sketch an releng/README file 2011-07-23 19:29:46 +00:00
run_all_auto Avoided use of "let" in releng/run_all_auto in favor of "expr" 2011-08-14 11:19:38 +00:00
template_new Further improvements to releng test template 2011-08-04 11:51:47 +00:00
TODO Some "pro" arguments for the disputed items in releng/TODO 2011-08-19 08:49:09 +00:00

libisoburn/releng. By George Danchev <>
                  and Thomas Schmitt <>

Test suite for xorriso and libburnia libraries.
Copyright (C) 2011 George Danchev, Thomas Schmitt
Provided under GPL version 2 or later.

The impatient tester will build libisoburn according to its README and then do

  cd ./releng
  ./run_all_auto -x ../xorriso/xorriso

More patient testers will first read the following description.

Those who simply lack the interpreter /bin/bash, may do
and then retry.

                            The test suite

Directory ./releng of libisoburn contains a collection of test scripts and
auxiliary data. They exercise some typical use cases of building libisoburn
applications and running the ISO 9660 filesystem manipulation and CD/DVD/BD
burn program xorriso. 

It is assumed that libburn and libisofs are installed, so that libisoburn
can be configured and built. It is not mandatory that libisoburn is already
installed. The tests may use an installed xorriso program as well as a
freshly built one.

The test scripts explicitely demand /bin/bash as interpreter, although they
would run on certain other shells too. If you get an error message like
  ./run_all_auto: not found
then consider to install /bin/bash.
If you decide against that, see below "Alternative Shells".

There are two groups of test scripts:

  auto_*    gets started and watched by script run_all_auto.
            These tests have a moderate resource consumption and do
            not cause mechanical movements of drive trays.

  manual_*  get started by the user if desired.
            Manual tests may create larger sets of temporary files,
            may download test data from the internet, may need
            system privileges beyond the reach of a sandbox user,
            and operate the mechanics of a CD drive.

                       Running automated tests

The test scripts expect to get run while the working directory is
of a libisoburn source tree. E.g.: libisoburn-1.1.4/releng
They create all their temporary files underneath
Some of these files are persistent between tests.
Nevertheless it is safe to empty ./releng/releng_generated_data after
tests are done. The directory itself must be kept.

To run the unobtrusive automatic tests, build libisoburn and xorriso,
go to directory ./releng, and execute

  ./run_all_auto -x ../xorriso/xorriso

or if you want to use an installed xorriso program:

  ./run_all_auto -x $(which xorriso)
  ./run_all_auto -x $(type -p xorriso)

There are several options which work with run_all_auto and any single test.
  -x  absolute or relative path to xorriso binary to be run.
  -k  keep self-generated data.
  -c  cleanup temporary data kept from previous run and exit.
  -f  simulate failure.
  -h  print this help text
  --  end of general options, begin of test specific options.
After option "--", there may be given options which are specific to
particular manually executable test scripts. 

                        Manually executable tests
Currently there are the following tests which should have the attention of
the user or require sysadmin considerations before they are run:

./manual_devices -x ../xorriso/xorriso [-- [--dev device_file_to_use]
                                        [--priv_cmd 'command [arg [arg ...]]']]
  Exercises listing of all accessible optical drives and the examination of
  a one of these drives. The user needs the permission to operate the CD
  drives. This might involve the need for superuser authority.
  The media tray of the examined drive will get loaded if it is not already.
  If no option --dev is given, then the user gets asked which of the listed
  drives to examine more closely.
  If a privilege command and optional arguments are given with --priv_cmd,
  then this command and arguments are used to laynch the xorriso runs.
  Command and arguments must be single words and be submitted alltogether
  as one single argument. On Solaris use: --priv_cmd pfexec

./manual_burn -x ../xorriso/xorriso [-- [--dev device_file_to_use]
                                        [--priv_cmd 'command [arg [arg ...]]']
                                        [--what] [--any_media]]
  Burns the content of the directory given with --what onto re-usable
  Other media types get refused, unless option --any_media is given.
  Data, which are possibly present on the media, get overwritten.
  The result gets check read and compared with the state of the input
  directory. MD5 mismatch causes a test failure. Differences to the directory
  state are reported but still regarded as success.
  If a privilege command and optional arguments are given with --priv_cmd,
  then this command and arguments are used to laynch the xorriso runs.
  Command and arguments must be single words and be submitted alltogether
  as one single argument. On Solaris use: --priv_cmd pfexec

./manual_isojigdo -x ../xorriso/xorriso
  Exercises the production of a bootable Debian GNU/Linux image and its Jigdo
  files. This test downloads a Debian daily image for i386 of about 70 MB,
  extracts its content and composes a new image. Thus it needs about 250 MB
  of disk space in releng/releng_generated_data .
  This test will only work with GNU xorriso or if libjte was installed already
  when libisofs was built. Further it needs the script jigdo-gen-md5-list
  and the program jigit-mkimage. All three are part of package jigit,
  version >= 1.18, available at:
  Currently jigit builds only in GNU environments.

Any auto_* script can be run on its own. Some of them demand option -x.
All general options are accepted.

  Exercises inclusion of xorriso/xorriso.h and libisoburn/libisoburn.h
  in C++ programs and linking of the libraries. It might be necessary
  to set compiler options by shell variable CFLAGS before running the test.
  It might be necessary to hand over the install directory of libburn and
  libisofs in shell variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
  E.g. if on FreeBSD the include headers libisofs.h , libburn.h are not found:
    export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include"
  E.g. on GNU/Hurd, where libburn and libisofs are not found by the linker:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"

./auto_isocontent -x ../xorriso/xorriso
  Tests whether xorriso is able to record and restore two familes of
  hard links.

./auto_printsize -x ../xorriso/xorriso
  Tests how long xorriso needs to compose a medium sized directory tree.
  If programs mkisofs and/or genisomage are availaible, then the same test
  is done with them.


                       What to do with FAIL results

The text output of the automatic tests is recorded in file

Script ./run_all_auto will detect failure of perticular tests and report
lines from the log file which contain problem indicating key words:

If the program messages in log.run_all_auto do not explain the failure,
please contact mailing list .


                          Alternative Shells

If you decided against installing /bin/bash, you may try to use your
current $SHELL by running
which will modify the test scripts named run_all_auto , auto_* ,manual_*.

Known to be suitable are the following shells
  GNU/Linux: /bin/bash
  FreeBSD 8: /bin/sh
  Solaris:   /bin/bash , /bin/i86/ksh93

The script does not choose an interpreter explicitely and is safe to be run
  . ./change_shell_to_use
One may set any interpreter path by runnung a sub shell and changing its
variable SHELL. E.g. by:
  ( SHELL=/bin/my_shell" ; . ./change_shell_to_use )


                          Creating a new test script

If you want to provide an own test, manual or auto, then first invent a name
for it
Then copy file releng/template_new to $test_name .
Edit $test_name and process any line that begins by "# === TEMPLATE:".
Do what the line prescribes and then remove it from the script. You are
not done as long as such a line remains.

Your test must not start if no file
exists, i.e. if the current working direcoty is not ./releng.
If your test creates own files on disk, then it must do this underneath
directory ./releng_generated_data/$test_name (resp. $GEN_DATA_DIR, see below).

In case of failure, issue a line to stdout that begins by the word "FAIL",
followed by " : " and the name of the test (e.g. $SELF, see below).
Make sure that the test script finally returns a non-zero exit value.
This value should be between 1 and 28. Each type of failure should have its
own exit value.
Predefined are:
  31 = Unknown option or unusable argument with known option
  30 = Unexpected state of own directory for self generated files
  29 = Not in ./releng directory or missing essential parts of ./releng

When exiting prematurely, make sure to call function cleanup.

               Variables, general options, helper functions

The code piece inc/ should get executed inline at the
start of a test script.
It initializes the following variables and sets some of them according
to the general options of the test suite:

  SELF              basename $0

  GEN_DATA_DIR      releng_generated_data/${SELF}

  RELENG_XORRISO    Path to xorriso binary. "" or "0" means no xorriso.
                    Default "0". Adjustable by option -x.

  SIMULATE_FAILURE  0=normal operation, 1=test script shall simulate a failure.
                    Default 0. Setable to 1 by option -f.

  CLEANUP           0=do not cleanup temporary data, 1=normal operation
                    Default 1. Setable to 0 by option -k.

  SPECIFIC_HELP     0=normal operation, 1=print help text of script and exit 0
                    Default 0. Setable to 1 by option -h

The code piece inc/ defines the follwoing functions
for use by the single tests:

  print_help        Prints the help text for general options.

  check_for_xorriso [-x]
                    Will exit with value 31 if no path to a xorriso binary
                    was defined by option -x of ./run_all_auto or a single
                    Option -x of check_for_xorriso additionally tests whether
                    the given path leads to an executable program.

  cleanup           Removes the directory tree GEN_DATA_DIR after making
                    some safety checks.

  boldify           Try to set the terminal mode for future output to a more
                    noticable style of writing.
  unboldify         Reset terminal mode to normal style of writing.

                             Specific options

Options which are specific to the test should begin with a double dash.
They may have further arguments.
Implement them in the prepared interpreter loop which begins after line

Specific options shall only be interpreted by tests which get run manually.
If you plan to introduce a specific option, look at the description of
existing tests whether one of them would match your needs. In that case,
please re-use the name of that existing option.